2011 Kimochi Summer Newsletter
2011 Kimochi Summer Newsletter
SUMMER 2011 CELEBRATING 4 0 Y E A R S O F S E RV I C E On May 14th, Kimochi celebrated its 40th Anniversary with a “Nightastic!” gala at the Hotel Nikko, San Francisco. The event honored Sandy Ouye Mori, retired Development Director, and Steve Nakajo, Executive Director, the founding organizers and guiding lights of the organization. our elderly to live with dignity and independence. Over 500 guests were in attendance at the sold out event – they came from all over California and as far away as Hawaii. Guests represented a myriad of friends and corporate and community supporters, including former staffers, board members and volunteers. Through the generosity of attendees, sponsors and donors, the organization exceeded the event’s fundraising goal, the proceeds of which will directly benefit Kimochi programs and services. Visionary Sponsors were Pacific Gas & Electric and Ben and Mary Ishisaki. Chairman’s Sponsors included AT&T, California Pacific Medical and Union Bank Foundation. A recognition of the donors and volunteers is included in this newsletter and we humbly and graciously thank you all. In that spirit of kimochi, we celebrated Kimochi’s 40 years of service to Bay Area seniors. It is a huge accomplishment for a non-profit, community service organization to exist for 40 years and continue to serve under its original mission: to provide culturally sensitive programs and services that allow “Nightastic!” was a reunion of friends; happy energy filled the room. June-ko Nakagawa and Benh Nakajo presided as Mistress and Master of Ceremonies. The entertainment featured a masterful performance of jazz music by internationally acclaimed vocalist, Ayako Hosokawa, (continued on page 2) 1 (continued from page 1) CELEBRATING 40 YEARS OF SERVICE and keyboardist, Shota Osabe, (both long-time Kimochi supporters) accompanied by the Shota Osabe Quartet featuring famed Bay Area saxophonist Bob Kenmotsu plus Bill Belasco and Chuck Bennett. Rick Quan of KGO TV hosted a boisterous, fund-raising live auction. commitment to the future and how Kimochi is working to evolve services as senior needs change and become more complex, as families become more geographically dispersed. As Steve and Sandy both expressed that night on behalf of the organization, the work is still ahead. As the baby boomer generation ages, the organization is challenged to evolve programs and services as government funding grows more unreliable. Despite challenges, Kimochi remains committed to serving new generations of seniors. The presentation to Steve and Sandy was highlighted with a video honoring the work of the organization and profiles of Sandy and Steve. It stilled the crowd and brought laughter and more than a few emotional tears. We gratefully thank Rick Quan Productions for delivering this heart-felt video. It is housed on the Kimochi website (www.kimochi-inc.org) for those who could not attend the event or would like to view it again. Kimochi board and staff greatly appreciate all of your support and your ongoing partnership. We thank you again for celebrating our 40th with us and for your Kimochi spirit. While the evening was about celebrating 40 years of accomplishment, it also equally recognized the organization’s Nightastic! photos courtesy of: Grace Fujimoto, Max Nihei & Rita Takahashi MORE NIGHTASTIC! To view a video tribute to Kimochi made for the 40th Anniversary Nightastic! Gala and to see a slide show of the event log on to the Kimochi website at www.kimochi-inc.org. 2 A MESSAGE FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR The Kimochi 40th Anniversary celebration was a fantastic evening. The event was a huge success and will be remembered for a long time. provide support and services for seniors into the future. As we planned the 40th anniversary celebration I was able to reconnect Sandy Mori and I were humbled and with many people, and I was gratified extremely appreciative to be honored that to hear of their continued support for night. When we first started Kimochi back Kimochi’s programs and services and in 1971 – with other Sansei activists who, their desire to be there for us even as they likewise, were caught up in the excitement age. Particularly with the aging of my and commitment to the 60s and 70s Asian generation, the “baby boomers,” the need Sandy Ouye Mori, Development Director (retired) with American Movement – a night like that for support for seniors will be greater than Steve Nakajo MSW, Executive Director would have been hard to imagine. We ever. But I am encouraged by the dialogue struggled to gather support for what was then, a simple idea – to and commitment that already exist to build services sensitive to provide support and services for our cherished Issei seniors. It the needs of our generation. Additionally, we are even expanding truly touches my heart to see how far we have come, but I am also our outreach to friends and seniors in areas neighboring San excited to see where we are going. Francisco by working with the Japanese American Community Center in San Mateo to begin to provide services for family Over the last 40 years, Kimochi has always worked to evolve its caregivers. services as senior needs have changed and grown more complex, and as families have become more geographically dispersed. As always it is the “kimochi” of our supporters, volunteers, staff, Despite these changes, Kimochi has remained committed to the and community that has made it possible for the work Kimochi core principle of providing the culturally sensitive programs began 40 years ago to continue to thrive today. We look forward and services that enable our elderly to live with dignity and to working with all of you for continued growth as a vital service independence, and I am confident that it will guide us as we to our community. 事 務 局 長 よりの メッセ ー ジ 気持会創立40周年の祝賀会は素晴らしい催しでした。 この大成功裏 なサービスを提供続けるという最も重大な課題は、今もって我々の信念 に終わった催しは長く思い出として心に残ることでしょう。 の中心であり、今後将来もそのことが引き継がれるであろうことを、私は サンディー森さんと私はこの様な特別な催しで表彰されたことに対し 強く確信する次第です。 て、 とても光栄に思います。気持会を立ち上げた1971年当時を振り この40周年を準備・企画する過程で私は多くの人達と再会を果たすこ 返ってみると、 とができました。私は彼等自身が年を取っていく中で、今後も引き続き 60・70年代のアジア系民族自立運動を担ってきた我々三世活動家に とって、 あのような素晴らしい夜を迎えられることができたということは、 本当に感慨深いものがあります。 当時の日系一世のシニアの人達に少し でも助けになればと、単純に軽い気持で始めたものが、 ここまで大きく 発展するとは誰が想像できたでしょうか。私達がここまで達成できたこ とに感銘するとともに、今現在も又引き続き行なわれている様々なサー 気持会への強いサポートの意志を表明してくれたことを、 とても光栄に 思います。特に私達、 いわゆる戦後「ベイビーブーマー」の世代にとって、 当会のようなサービスの重要性はますます増していくことでしょうし、 ど の様にその課題を実現・強化していくのかという対話は、すでに我々の 中で始まっているのです。 その証として、当会ではサービスをサンフラン シスコにだけとどまるのではなく、すでにお隣のサンマテオの日系コミュ ニティーセンターと協力して、 日系家族の介護者へのサービスが始まっ ビスに対して、 とても誇りに思います。 ているということが挙げられるでしょう。 この40年の間に、シニアのニーズが変化してさらに多様化している現 在、 それに応えるべく気持会のサービスも多様化し、又日系の家族も一 つのコミュニティーにとどまるのではなく、広い社会・地域に分散化して いきました。 この様な社会背景の変化にも関わらず、シニアに対して、 日 本文化に基づいた気持会の独立と誇りを持った生活を送れるべく様々 3 気持会が40年の間、様々なサービスを引き続き提供出来たのは、 ひと えに当会のサポーター、 ボランティア、職員、 そして日系コミュニティーの 「気持」の賜物であると、強く信じます。今後もこのコミュニティーのた めに更なる発展を願い、 ご挨拶に代えたいと思います。 Kimochi Thanks the Sponsors of the 40th Anniversary Celebration VISIONARY CHAIRMAN’S SPONSOR DI RECTOR’S SPONSOR Japantown Merchant’s Association Plaza Insurance Sales, Inc. Kikkoman Edison International Kiyo Hirose Family BENEFACTOR Fujitsu Management Services of America, Inc. Gary & Lisa Mizono Kintetsu Enterprises Co. of America Safeway, Inc. COMMUNITY SPONSOR 3D Investments Roy & Joanne Ikeda and Paul & Emi Uritani National Japanese American Historical Society (NJAHS) Ellen Kiyomizu & Gregory Chew Tats Ogawa, DDS James J. Boyle Company Jan Masaoka & Paul Rosenstiel Scott & Sandy Nakamura Helen & Kenneth Sato Asian Firefighters Association/S.F. Firefighters Local 798 Japanese Community Youth Council Steve Matsuura Benkyodo Co. Rhonda Hirata Borel Private Bank & Trust Company Jerrold Hiura First Bank Hamano & Associates Hotel Nikko San Francisco Spinner Mortgage Richard Szeto Hiroshi Tokubo Dr. Himeo Tsumori SUPPORTER Steven G. Doi Books First Insurance of Hawaii In Memory of Hiroshi Fukuda JTB International Robert & Marisa Mizono Frank & Veronica Morino Family On Lok Lifeways Kenneth & Yoshiko Ho Michiko Horio & Janet Ninomiya Shoji Horikoshi Mark Moriguchi, CPA Market Garage, Inc., Complete Automotive Repairs In Memory of Wallace & Katherine Nunotani, and Pamela Nunotani Darlene Cheng Masamori, Allstate Insurance Company 4 Pacific Asian American Women Bay Area Coalition Pine Methodist Church Rodney M. Takemoto Theodore T. Uyemoto, DDS Uoki K. Sakai Co. Peter & Ayako Yee Robert Yoshioka Become a Member of the Legacy Society These members of the Legacy Society have shown their commitment to Kimochi’s mission by naming Kimochi as a beneficiary in their estate plans. • Sean & Pam Donahoe • Shinichi Kawakami • Tashiko Shimizu • Rhonda Hirata • Janice Mirikitani • Anonymous • Kinji Imada • Hisako Serizawa Palazzolo You can become a member of Kimochi’s Legacy Society today by informing us that you have made a planned gift. A planned gift can be as simple as naming Kimochi as a beneficiary of your will or trust. There are also many ways that you can make a planned gift to Kimochi and receive a lifetime income and tax-benefits in return, such as naming Kimochi as the beneficiary of a charitable gift annuity or charitable trust. Members of Kimochi’s Legacy Society receive: A planned gift to Kimochi does more than recognize the importance of Kimochi’s mission today. A gift in your estate also supports Kimochi’s vision for the future needs of seniors in our community. • Recognition in Kimochi’s administration building with other members of the Legacy Society • An invitation to an annual Legacy Society event • Periodic updates from Kimochi’s Executive Director • Priority notification and registration to future estate planning seminars. • Recognition in our newsletter If you would like more information on how to make a planned gift to Kimochi, or have already done so, please contact Anna Sawamura at (415) 931-2294 or asawamura@kimochi-inc.org. Charitable Gift Annuities: Fixed Payments for Life Kimochi and the Silicon Valley Community Foundation are pleased to offer a new way for you to receive dependable income for life while supporting our charitable missions. Charitable gift annuities are simple to set up and provide you and/or your loved ones with income for their lifetimes. Afterward, your gift will go to support our charitable missions. Why are gift annuities so appealing? A gift annuity is a simple contract between you and the community foundation. In exchange for your contribution of $25,000 or more, the community foundation agrees to make fixed payments for life to one or two beneficiaries. The amount paid is based on the age of the beneficiary(s). To find out what rate you may qualify for, you can find up-to-date annuity rates at www.acga-web.org. • You may be able to increase your cash flow, especially if you donate low-yielding assets • Your payments are fixed and not affected by market turbulence • Your payments are secure, backed by all of Silicon Valley Community Foundation’s unencumbered assets • You may qualify for a tax-deductable donation • A portion of the payments you receive will be tax-free • If you give long-term appreciated assets, there may be capital gains tax advantages • You can provide the security of fixed payments to yourself or to a loved one, such as a parent, sibling, or child Charitable gift annuities are available in exchange for either cash or publicly traded securities. If you would like more information, and/or would like to find out how a gift annuity would work for you, please contact Anna Sawamura at (415) 931-2294 or asawamura@kimochi-inc.org. 5 Program Snapshots Clarendon School Visits Kimochi Home The kindergarten class from the Clarendon Japanese Bilingual Bicultural Program visited the Kimochi Home to celebrate Children’s Day. The students made origami crafts and sang songs in Japanese and English with the residents. Ms. Sumako Morimoto is the teacher of the class, and her mother, Suzuko, is a resident at the home. Music and Dance at the Kimochi Home Kimochi Home residents have enjoyed several performances in the past few months. Yoshiko Fujimoto, odori sensei of the Kimochi Senior Center, led her class in a special odori dance set to celebrate Oshogatsu. In April, celebrated Japanese enka singer, Goro Kanou, entertained residents while in town for Cherry Blossom Festival. “I’m happy to return to my roots,” said Kanou, who was well-known as a singer in Japantown clubs before making his name in Japan. Toshimi “Tommy” Okamoto made another of his periodic visits to the Home from Japan to play harmonica music for the seniors. Okamoto said he was performing at seniors centers in various U.S. locales as his way of thanking Americans for helping Japan with earthquake relief. Goro Kanou, Japanese enka star. If your group or club is interested in an activity at the Kimochi Home, contact Linda Ishii, Kimochi Home coordinator at (415) 922-9972 or lishii@kimochi-inc.org. Toshimi “Tommy” Okamoto. 6 Club Nikkei on the Go! Club Nikkei had another adventurous spring. In February the group enjoyed shows at the Veterans Memorial Theater, “101 Years of Broadway” and “Sleeping Beauty.” Shopping trips to Monterey Market, Berkeley Bowl, and Tokyo Fish Market in the East Bay and the Westfield Valley Fair Mall in Santa Clara were the focus in March. The group took in the “Strike Up the Band” show at the Eureka Theater in S.F. and dinner at the Garden Club in April. In May, the Tony Bennett concert at the San Francisco Davies Symphony Hall was the highlight. Shopping at the Monterey Market. At High Tea in the Palace Hotel. Take a break at the Berkeley Bowl. Kimochi Arts & Crafts and Ceramics Club Nikkei Calendar August 2011 September 2011 8/4 Marin Farmers’ Market – San Rafael 9/1 “Picasso” Exhibit – De Young Museum – San Francisco 8/18 Dinner – “Park Chow” – San Francisco 9/7 “Billy Elliot” – Orpheum Theater – San Francisco 9/14 Dinner – “Delancey Street” – San Francisco 9/25-26 Senior Center’s – Kimochi Reno Trip Space is limited and priority is given to Club Nikkei members. For more information about future outings and to learn how you can become a Club Nikkei member contact Pam Hong at (415) 931-2294 or phong@kimochi-inc.org Upcoming Fundraisers 8/13-14 Teri-burgers & Kimochi Arts & Crafts and Ceramics at the 38th Annual Nihonmachi Street Fair – San Francisco Japantown 9/16 30th Annual Kimochi Golf Tournament at Richmond Country Club 10/22 Sansei Live! By The Bay at the Carnelian – San Francisco 12/10 Silver Bells Arts & Crafts Faire – Event Center at St Mary’s Cathedral 7 For more information on how you can support an upcoming Kimochi fundraiser contact Wes Nihei at (415) 931-2294 or wnihei@kimochi-inc.org. Visit the Kimochi website at www.kimochi-inc.org, too! Why I Support Kimochi Q & A with Paul Chin, Kimochi Board President Paul Chin joined the Kimochi Board in 2007. He was born in Pocatello, Idaho, and moved in 1955 to San Francisco where he attended Spring Valley Elementary School, Marina Junior High School, Galileo High School, and San Francisco State College with a major in Biology. He completed military service with the 347th General Hospital unit. In 1974, Paul started a career with the San Francisco Fire Department. He was promoted up the ranks and retired after 33 years of service as an Assistant Deputy Chief/Fire Marshal. with the community. The activity could be an art class, shopping excursion, the lunch program, or even a trip for a meal at a restaurant. Whatever the activity, seniors need to feel that they are still active members of society. Paul Chin, Kimochi Board President As a Chinese American and the chairman of the Kimochi Board, what are your thoughts about the changing needs and population that Kimochi can serve in San Francisco and the Bay Area? Kimochi should continue to partner with other senior service and Asian American agencies to speak for senior issues with a united voice. Kimochi already serves a diverse population that includes Chinese Americans, Korean Americans, and many other people who live in the Japantown area and throughout San Francisco. But I believe that as a collective of organizations we can better address issues such as limited funding, more involvement from our community youth, better preplanning for senior housing, and general care for the ever increasing senior population. How did you become involved with Kimochi? During my time with the Fire Department, I had the opportunity to work with many community service groups. I became acquainted with Kimochi through Steve Nakajo and through the participation of the Asian Firefighters Association at the Cherry Blossom Festival. After I retired, Steve asked me to consider a position on the Board of Directors for Kimochi. What is your role with the Kimochi Board, and what do you consider your most important responsibilities as a Kimochi board member? As a board member, I feel one of my responsibilities is to maintain the quality of Kimochi’s programs and services not only for Japanese Americans in the Japantown area but also, in the ever changing times and demographics of our city, to continue to extend our services to all groups and ethnicities. Obviously you feel Kimochi programs and services are important. Why? I feel that all of the Kimochi programs give seniors the ability to maintain their independence and dignity as they age and that is the greatest gift we can give our aging population. Is there any particular program or service in which you have a particular interest? What are the challenges facing Kimochi as a service organization? The biggest challenges facing Kimochi are decreasing funding and increasing need. Kimochi does a commendable job with limited funding, but as a non-profit agency serving a growing community we always need to focus on building our fundraising efforts. What will be your goal as Board Chairman? The Kimochi Board is there to lend support and guidance to the organization, but the driving mechanism is the staff and its director. We have very diverse talents and abilities on the Board and that should be utilized fully to work with the staff to maintain the goals of Kimochi. My interest is with the daily Kimochi programs in general. They all involve activities that give seniors the chance to interact KIMOCHI INC. 2011 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Paul Chin, Chairperson Shoji Horikoshi Eric Kobuchi Benh Nakajo Hiroshi Shimizu, Vice Chairperson Roy H. Ikeda Bonnie Manning Thomas T. Ogawa, D.D.S. Mary Ishisaki, Secretary Lowell Kimura Gary S. Mizono, M.D. Paul Uritani Jane Yura, Treasurer Ellen Kiyomizu Mark Moriguchi Michael Yamaguchi 8 San Mateo Family Caregiver Support Services With support from the San Mateo Aging and Adult Services Department and the San Mateo Japanese American Community Center (SMJACC), Kimochi, Inc. is providing outreach, education, referral, and counseling services to family caregivers residing in the City and County of San Mateo. So far, the group has developed a series of presentations which were offered at the SMJACC for families caring for spouses, parents, and friends. To date, the following topics have been covered: Anna Sawamura, Program Director, and Shawne O’Connell, Program Planning Specialist, along with members of the San Mateo Japanese American community are spearheading the project. • Caregiving: Where to Begin? • Medi-Cal and Medicare 101 • Home Safety The focus at this time is to assist and support family caregivers who are providing care for their parents and spouses at home. The program’s goal is to keep seniors as independent as possible at home and to prevent the need for institutionalization. • Medi-Cal and Medicare for Caregivers A series of caregiver support presentations are being offered at the SMJACC. Each of the presentations is attended by 6-12 caregivers and future caregivers. The focus of program outreach is to attract more people to the meetings and to also develop ways to make the information available to anyone who needs it. • Health Care Reform Additionally, Kimochi is now a member of the San Mateo Family Caregiver Collaborative. The group is comprised of agencies funded by San Mateo Aging and Adult Services to provide various levels of caregiver support and services. Contacts and referrals are possible through networking opportunities resulting from participation in this group. Kimochi serves as an advocate for the Japanese community and has educated the group on their unique needs. This is resulting in the upcoming publication of a Japanese version of the Caregiver Resources brochure, which is currently distributed to senior centers, hospitals, and medical offices. • Disaster Preparedness • Preventing Senior Fraud • How to Begin the Caregiving Conversation • Nutrition Facts for the Holidays • Why Asking for Help Is So Difficult: The Caregiving Journey • Long Term Care Insurance and Reverse Mortgages For more information on Kimochi’s work in San Mateo, please contact Anna Sawamura, Program Director at (415) 931-2294 or by email at Asawamura@kimochi-inc.org. 9 PRACTICING THE ART OF VOLUNTEERING Carrie Tsai, Kimochi Lounge Volunteer If you’ve ever visited the Kimochi Lounge during its Saturday Arts & Crafts classes, or enjoyed a Teriburger, or attended a Kimochi event, you’ve probably met Carrie Tsai. Carrie has been a Kimochi volunteer for six years and is easily recognized for her vibrant energy and warm smile. Carrie is originally from Maui, Hawaii and is a graphic designer who now resides in San Mateo. She has been a Kimochi volunteer for six years. the classes to making origami cards, Christmas ornaments, boxes, flowers, and even decorative eggs. How did you become involved with Kimochi? The classes take place on designated Saturdays from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. I usually coordinate with the program director in advance when I am able to hold a class. What is your personal favorite art or craft? My personal favorite craft is painting. It’s very relaxing, and I can easily spend hours focusing on what I am trying to paint. It’s a nice escape. When do the Arts & Crafts classes at the Lounge take place? I was working at Macy’s when I met Emily Hsieh Kuniyoshi who was in charge of coordinating corporate volunteers for Kimochi. I thought it would be fun to help out in the teri-burger booth at the Cherry Blossom Festival. Six years, later I remain an active volunteer for many of Kimochi’s fund-raiser events and have even recruited my husband and friends to join me. Obviously you feel Kimochi programs and services are important. Why? How did you become the Arts & Crafts teacher at the Kimochi Lounge? I have always been interested in the Arts, and I love creating things. A couple of years ago I proposed a class idea to Anna Sawamura, Program Director, and Steve Ishii, Operations Director, to teach the seniors how to make money origami. They liked the idea so I held my first class. It was so much fun working with the seniors and very satisfying to teach them something they could enjoy and create on their own. It was also fun for me to create something without using a computer since I work on one for my job. Since then, I’ve expanded Having volunteered for the meals program, taken a tour of the Kimochi home, attended Kimochi’s volunteer orientation for all the different services areas in addition to volunteering at the Kimochi Lounge, I can say first hand that these services are valuable. When I become a senior, I hope Kimochi is around for me! I have to add an additional plug for the meals program because it’s top notch food cooked by a Japanese chef that is nutritious and extremely affordable for the seniors. What can people do to support Kimochi’s programs and services? Volunteer! People can also make a donation and spread the word about Kimochi to help support the organization. VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION PARTY Kimochi loves its volunteers! This year the Volunteer Appreciation Party took place on February 5 at the Tong Palace Restaurant in San Francisco. A sumptuous Chinese banquet was served as 100 Kimochi volunteers from all programs, services, and events packed the dining area. Executive Director Steve Nakajo expressed heartfelt thanks to all the volunteers for their hard work in support of Kimochi programs and services. Much thanks to Ben and Mary Ishisaki who graciously sponsored this get-together and who, of course, have been long-time, generous donors and Kimochi volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering at Kimochi, contact Sakura Suzuki at (415) 931-2294 or ssuzuki@kimochi-inc.org. 10 Kimochi Loves Our Volunteers The continuing support of the volunteers at all programs, services, and events is vital to Kimochi’s efforts, we are grateful for their dedication. Kimochi Volunteers from November 1, 2010 to May 31, 2011. Carlos Aguas Keiko Akashi Kathy Aoki Meiko Arai Alice Arikawa Asian American Recovery Services, Inc. Asian Firefighters Association Adam Baluk Wyndolyn Barnes Dave Bernardo Tim Bragassa Mitzi Brain Sumiyo Brennan Joyce Brown Lauren Burkhart Fumiko Butler Jay Calman Christine Camarillo Maki Carlson Angie Chan Charlene Chee Cindy Chen Jessica Chen Katherine Chen Chris Cheng Brandon Chew Marilyn Chew Cindy Chin Paul Chin Vicki Chiu Felix Chung Michael Clarke Sue Daijo Alan Dair Jack Dairiki Jeanne Dea Alexa De Leon Kayin DeSandies David DiDomizio Brian Dorgan Jason Dorn Pamela Dyck Melissa Edgar Rich Eijima Masayuki Endo Ted Fang Fire Academy City College Joe Florendo Steven Flores Leonard Fong Steven Fong Tami Fong Dan Freytes Yoshiko Fujimoto Howard Fukuda Mutsuko Fukuda Kazuko Fukumoto Sachiko Fukumoto Gary Gee Tom Geltz Kiki Goforth Atsuko Gramlich Mitzi Hada Ken Hanada Amy Hanamoto Kenzo Handa Nancy Handa Kaitlyn Handelman Jane Hara Heather Harada Margaret Harada Ryan Harada Kristen Hare Pat Hattori Nikki Hikari Beverly Hoh Brianna Hom Dylan Hong Grace Horikiri Shoji Horikoshi Michiko Horio Tom Hoshiyama Donna Howell Hsuan Yu Huang Shigeko Ichikawa Kay Ihara John Ikeda Roy H. Ikeda Shizuko Ikeda Mary Ikenaga Art Ikuma Kay Ikuma Dave Ishida Brian Ishii Lauren Ishii Katsura Ishikawa Naoko Ishikawa Mary Ishisaki Yuri Ito Naomi Jabami Armeka Jackson Diana Jang Cyndy Jew Bob Jones Richard Jue Diane Jung Atsuko Jurenes Chiz Kakiuchi Akie Karahashi Aaron Katekaru Daniel Kato Teruko Kauhi Kiki Kawabata Tom Kawakami Mary Kawano Robert Kawano Yuriko Keenan Marie Kerr April Kim Koutaro Kimotsuki Lowell Kimura Ricky Kitagawa Akiko Kitamura Aaron Kitashima Ellen Kiyomizu Stella Kiyota Masami Kobayashi Eric Kobuchi Jane Kow & Associates Kyle Kuniyoshi Joanne KwanHull Keaton KwanHull Wes Laliva Staycee Lee Allen Leong Brandon Leong Dave Leong Haley Leong Millie Leong Yvonne Leong Levi Strauss & Co. Lloyd Lew Tina Liang Raymond Liu Jared Loey Nat Loh Yoshiko Lohuis Bryan Louie Dianna Louis Stephanie Louis Mike Lowman Art Luna Roger Ly Nathan Ma Tom Machida Sol MacIan Yoshiko Magdamo Bob Mametsuka Drew Mametsuka Bonnie Manning Rosa Mar Keiko Martinez DJ Martinez Darlene Masamori Jim Masamori Michiko Masuda Susan Matsuda Kaede Matsumoto Sachiko Matsumoto Tom Mayehara Christelle Medino Brian Miguel Michelle Minter Janice Mitsuda Toshio Mitsuda Yuki Mitsuda Gary S. Mizono Marisa Mizono Kristen Monrean Mits Mori Sandy Mori Alice Moriguchi Mark Moriguchi Tom Morimoto Gail Morin Pierre Morin Shizue Mortensen Evan Motoshige Lisa Moy Tsutaye Murakami Keiko Murase Tameem Nabiyar Sumiko Nagai John Nagano Kaz Naganuma Aaron Nakahara, CPA Benh Nakajo Wayne Nakayama Yasuko Naiki Miki Naito Ella Nakabe June-ko Nakagawa Winslow Nakagawa Coleen Nakamura Yaeko Naritomo Fumi Nihei Judi Nihei Lynn Nihei Max Nihei Naoko Nobuoka Thai Nguyen Tony Nguyen John Noguchi Shawne O’Connell Haru Oda Thomas T. Ogawa June Ohara 11 George Ohwa Lois Ohwa Yoko Okamoto Tets Okano Kay Onishi Keith Onishi Ken Onishi Marie Onitsuka Ryo Ono Isis Orellana Louise Osada Willie Osada Misao Otsuki Kyle Oura Mike Ozorio Angela Pang Kimiko Paul Kim Pham Rick Quan Cara Rand Clara Rena Sean Rogan Davida Safer Etsuko Sakimura Marco Samson Joel Sato Stephanie Sato Lorraine Sawicki Bryce Sawin Ann Segerstrom Atsuko Sells Takeko Seto Randy Shigio Hiroshi Shimizu Kim Shinjo Terue Shinohara Jeanette Shisako Sterling Staudenmaier Andrew Sumi Misako Sumida Sue Sumida Toshiko Takahashi Susan Takamoto Hiroaki Takano Fumiko Takashi Kentaro Takeda Helen Takeshita Cherry Tam Wendy Tam Akiko Tamura Kiyomi Tanaka Shigeko Tanaka Vi Tanaka Michi Tashiro Noriko Terada Blake Teragawa Sr. Theresa Teshima Silvie Thang Karah To Kayo Tokiwa Tokiko Tom Phong Tran Carrie Tsai David Tsai Anthony Tsang Sasid Tsanthaiwo Hideko Tsuchiya Tobin Tsuji Etsuko Tsukano Masa Tsuneyama David Turner Mitsuko Umemoto Florentino Unbungen Lorenzon Unbungen Zack Untalan Paul Uritani Matt Vail Toyako Valdez John Valenton Jeff Walker Jane Watanabe Susie Willemsz-Geeroms Gemma Wong Gil Wong Leland Wong Mary Wong Natasha Wong Rich Wong Tamiko Wong Thomas Wong Suzanne Yamada Masu Yamaguchi Michael Yamaguchi Peko Yamaguchi Peter Yamamoto Pat Yamamura Ron Yamato Roy Yamato Moses Yasukochi Jason Yasumoto Ayako Yee Peter Yee Peter Yeh Ritsuko Yip Lisa Yokota Joy Yokoyama Glory Yoshizaki Hwa Soon Yun Jane Yura DONATIONS IN HONOR OF AND IN MEMORY OF Kimochi, Inc. thanks the following donors (monetary and in-kind) for their generous contributions between November 1, 2010 and May 31, 2011. Names in bold identify those who have been honored, or honored in memory, with a donation gift to Kimochi. IN HONOR OF Chieko Cleaver Uta Hirota Caryl Ito Jack & Jun Dairiki Ruth Posey Saburo & Joyce Kami Kimochi, Inc. Richard & Grace Kono Tokiko Ushijima Nancy Hoo Hugo Lai Ann Francisco Pam Donahoe Carmen B. Mendieta Jeff & Sandy Mori Doreen Sing Samuel Chang Matsuyo Iiyama M. Kobayashi Diana Jang W. Chin Willi & Minako Beusch Beatrice S. Nakahata Paul Larson Linda Eng Jim & Pat Gerleman Laraine Koyanagi Kimochi, Inc. Tom Kawakami Pauline Tomita Hiroko Ono Regan Young Grace Masuda Minoru Ikeda Yukino Kozaki Ellen Kiyomizu Kay Nomura Willi & Minako Beusch Scott & Sandy Nakamura Darrell Leong J. June Ohara George Ikenaga Arlene Kumamoto Jeff & Sandy Mori Duane Ong Mary Ikenaga Emyko Sakakura Harvey & Gay Kaplan Misao Otsuki Keiji Kanegawa Chiharu Kumano Riyo Kunisawa Christina Yam Sadler Kazue Kanegawa Jimmie H. Takeuchi Steve Nakajo George & Amy Teragawa Zana Stafford Kee Joon Lee Riyo Kunisawa Kaye Whitney Ruth Stapleton Edna Lee Patricia Kay Wada Frank Emi Harry Katsuyama Jan Manning Hiroko Ono Daro Inouye Ina K Cho Bonnie Manning Pat Orr Mitsuko Fukushima Jack & Jun Dairiki Fred Y. Matsumoto Helen Sui Yoshitomi Fukushima Michiko Horio Donald & Kay Ito Bruce Bernhard Yas Furuya Nob & Aya Murakami Carolyn Mitsuda Grant Tomioka Arlene Filippi Yuriko Willcox Toshio Mitsuda Richard Eijima Ann Francisco Thomas Yasukochi Aileen Mizokami Tomomi Tsuchitani Alyce Furuya Ida Kawaguchi Ronald Morimoto Chiyeko Tsuchitani Karen Gok Masaru Kawaguchi Kazumi Mori Kazue K. Ihara James Kawanishi Warren & June Eijima IN MEMORY OF Ben & Mary Ishisaki Ben & Mary Ishisaki Ben & Mary Ishisaki Roy Abbey Ladies Auxiliary Nisei Post 9879 Kazuko Kawanishi Lowell Kimura Ayako & Peter Yee Bob Muramoto Hisako Kimura Steve & Etsie Nakajo Masako Asaoka Richard Muramoto Keija Kimura Nellie Noguchi Marie & Grace Asaoka George & Keiko Nakata Jin Kinoshita Marshall M. & Misako Sumida Sumi Brown Nellie Noguchi Kay Nomura C. L. Yee Anthon Brown Walter & Harumi Serata William Kiyasu, M.D. Ken Morino Anthony Brown Hideko Takeshita Pat Ishizaki Frances Morino Andrew Nozaka Mitzie Tarver Florence Itano Chiyoko Nagase Enrique Sermeno Yae Tondo William & Kikue Kiyasu Gene T. Nagase Juanita Smith Himeo Tsumori Elsie Nakamura Yoshiko Nakabe Clinton Chan Takeo Utsumi Yaeko Noda Shigeru Nakabe Ben & Mary Ishisaki Masako Hattori Thomas Yasukochi Louis & Janet H. Tomimatsu Pan Yu Chen Yukiko Hattori Shozo Kiyomizu Shiro & Agnes Nakahata Fen-Fen Chen Rose Higa Anita Fong Beatrice S. Nakahata Alan & Lorri Shiu Jeffrey & Anna Higaki Michikazu Nakai Grace Horikiri Ellen Nakai 12 IN MEMORY OF (continued) Sachiko Nakanishi Kyoko Okuma Jeanne Koga Nobukazu Takahashi Marian Asami Shioko K. Seab Ard Kozono Julie Takahashi Pat & Chris Asami Tokiko Ushijima Leslie Lan Ryuji Tsuchitani Stephanie Chang Arthur Ono Bette Landis Chiyeko Tsuchitani Jim & Elaine Hironaka Esurance Terrence Lee Tsudaka Family Tosh & Stacey Mitsuda Don & May Iwahashi Greg & Linda Nakamura Lowell Kimura Kathy Reyes Gene Uratsu Mikiye Nakanishi Larry & Edelmin Kitagawa Flora Shiu Frank & Edith Tanaka Sumiko & Merry C. Nishimura Darien G. Louie Vilen Snong-Yan Helen Utsumi Thelma Ong Gladys Martinelli Lisa Tsukamoto Mickie Ochi Wyman Pang Tokie Nerio Emily Yeung Yuri Wada Nadene Russell Ryan Roda Connie Suzuki Kathy Reyes Robert & Alicia Sakai Regan Young Roy H. Ikeda Chiyoko Yano Margie M. & Eddie S. Shiozaki Dave Sakai Steve & Etsie Nakajo Yoshio Ishizue Minoru Narahara Alan & Lorri Shiu Harry Suzuki Seibo & Adelina Serata Ronald Morimoto Rose Sueoka Ben & Mary Ishisaki Sachiko Tajima George Noda Alan & Lorri Shiu Glenn Miyamoto Glenn Yamashita Yaeko Noda Kaya Sugiyama Lorraine Suzuki Don Yamate Takara Noda Judith Conrad Hiroshi Suzuki Joseph Yatabe Tom & Marilyn Swartz Edlenn Fok Henry Suzuki Alan & Lorri Shiu Yoneo Futatsuki Ray Suzuki Yoneo Yoshimura Ben & Mary Ishisaki Ted & Jennifer Yamagishi Agnes Yoshimura Teresa M. Ono Tashiko Tsudaka Jun Iwamoto THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS Kimochi, Inc. thanks the following donors (monetary and in-kind) for their generous contributions between November 1, 2010 and May 31, 2011. Hisashi & Aki Abe Asia Plumbing, Inc. Damian Caldwell Crane Pest Control Jean & Kaz Abey Asian Firefighters Association of SF California Pacific Medical Center Joseph Daneshgar Tami Adachi AT&T Kathleen Chang Yoshimi Davis Agilent Technologies AT&T California Paula Chang Edmund G. & Jane Q. Dea Hatsuro Aizawa AT&T Employee Giving Kelly Chau David DiDomizio Keiko Akashi Matt & Vicky Avery Imei Chen March & Teru Dobashi Minoru & Ruby Akiyoshi Pat Bailey Kevin Chin Steven Doi All Laundry Inc. Haruyo Balistreri Paul & Cynthia Chin Kiyoko K. Dorsey Peter & Kathleen Almazol Bank of America W. Chin Grace Dote Aloha Pediatric Dentistry Alice Suet Yee Barkley Chong Choi Charles Drucker American Realty & Construction Elaine Beatson Phil & Sarah Choy Ebay Foundation Tanya Anderson Toshiko Beeman Christ United Presbyterian Church Edison International Teruko Anderson Benkyodo Co. Angela Chu - Matsuno Fannie Mae Foundation Marci Ando David Bernardo Gwen Chung Howard W. & Kathryn Doi Ferrier Kathy Aoki Chiyo Blackson City National Bank Monica Fields Yoshihiro Aoyama Borel Private Bank & Trust Co. Committee of Atomic Bomb Survivors First Bank Edward Arikawa Thomas & Karen Boyden Community Health Charities First Insurance of Hawaii Tom & Akiko Arikawa Mitzi Brain Raymond Connors First National Bank Hiroko Arima Willie L. Brown Natalia Covacha Marjorie I. Fletcher 13 THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS Anita Fong Noboru Hanyu Hotel Nikko San Francisco Atsuko Jurenes Carol Fong Peter Harada K. Jean Howard Justgive Edson Fong Mike & Marina Hardeman Stephen & Donna Howell Hisashi & Aki Kagami Melinda Yee Franklin Miho Harumi Chidori Hoy Michael S. Kagehiro Laurence R. Fujii Jane Hashimoto Kiyoshi W. Ichiyasu Ron & Mimi Kagehiro Paul & Joan Fujii Pat Hattori Walter & Rose Ichiyasu Eveyree Sharon Kain Elaine Y. Fujikawa Richard Hattori Alice S. Iiyama Kaiser Permanente Community Giving George and Linda Fujimoto Shigeo & Sumie Hayashi Brian Ikeda Ken Kaji Hanako Fujimoto Joanne Hayes-White Mike & Vivian Ikeda Michiyo Kajima Karolyn Fujimoto Cline & Sachi Hayward Roy H. & Joanne Ikeda Mitsuko & Shizue Kajita Lisa Fujimoto Dean Hedani Shizuko Ikeda Aiko Kajiyama Seiko Fujimoto Jenny Hee Frank & Kiyoko Ikenaga Chizuko Kakuichi Yoshiko Fujimoto Ann Y. Higaki Janet Ikenaga Melody Kamada Tom & Sharon P. Fujimura Jeffrey & Anna Higaki Shino Imao Michael Kamimoto David Fujita Shigeru & Sumiko Higaki Don Inaba Joji Kanda Yasuko Fujita Toshiko Higaki Sandra Inaba Kazue Kanegawa Fujitsu Management Services of America, Inc. Daryl Higashi John Ino Chieko Kaneki Jitsuo & Sakaye Higashi Shirley Inokuchi Joyce & Lillian Kaneshiro Adelyn Fukuda Highway 12 Winery Ryu Inoue Young Un Kang Nobusuke & Fumi Fukuda Dean Hirabayashi Alice Inouye Sumi and Ron Kanzaki Yasuko Fukuda, M.D. Steve Hirabayashi Daro Inouye Harvey & Gay Kaplan Helena Fukui Kazuo Hirai Mitch & Ann Inouye Miki Kasai Bill Fukumitsu Teru Hirano Alfred & Y. Katherine Inouye- Chu Hiroshi & Sadako Kashiwagi Yoshitomi Fukushima Toshiki Hirasawa Dardie Ishida Jim Kashiwagi Kiku Funabiki Delphine Hirasuna David Ishida Yuka Kataoka Abbott Fund Rhonda Hirata Mary Ishida Arlene Kato Lucky Fung Mary Hiromoto Yo & Ginny Ishida Brent Kato G&G Produce Yo Hironaka Hatsumi Ishii Stella Kato Patrick T. Gardner Don Hirose Mas & Sets Ishikawa Teruko Kauhi GE United Way Campaign Don & Tina Hirose Ben & Mary Ishisaki Yukari Kawaguchi Sun Gedrocz Kiyo Hirose Family Takako Ishizaki Robert & Joan Kawakone Gail Horita Gee Gary & Kathleen Hiroshima Caryl Ito Mary Kawano Kiki Goforth Wayne & Chris Hiroshima Don & May Iwahashi Robert & Mary Kawano Terri Guh Yoshikazu Hirota Celia Y. Iwama Fujiko Kawasetsu Gordon Gyotoku Jerrold Hiura Coreen Mikio Iwamoto Yoko M. Kawata Kristine Hachiya Ron & Cynthia Hiura Jun Iwamoto Susumu Kawazoye Mitzi Hada Marian Hiyama Yoshiko Iwanaga Miyako Kazama Tanako Hagiwara HKIT Architects Sachie Iwate Mark Kearny Gordon & Amy Hamachi Kenneth & Yoshiko Ho Frank & Jane M. Iyama Kyoko Keenan Jane & Rev. Jay Hamada & Shinseki Sue Tsugiko Holdaway JACL - S.F. Chapter Yuriko Keenan Hajime & Judy Hamaguchi Jung & Yoshiko Hong James J. Boyle & Co. Lawrence & Karen Nunotani Kern Robert E. Hamaguchi Pamela Hong Japanese Community Youth Council Kikkoman International Inc. Tak Hamai Sumi Honnami Japantown Arts Nancy S. Kikuchi Hamano and Associates Kent S. Hori Japantown Merchant’s Association of SF Karen Kimura Charles Hamer Shoji Horikoshi JCCCNC Lowell Kimura Amy Hanamoto Michiko Horio Patricia K. Jeong Kintetsu Enterprises Co. of America Ayako Hanaoka Rosie & Elaine Horita Marie Jobling Helen E. Kishimoto John & Geri Handa Arlene Hoshi JTB International Inc. Teiko Kitagawa Nancy Handa Satoru & Carolyn Hosoda Sally & Richard Jue Aiko Kitano Sharon Handa-Flipse Ayako Hosokawa David Jung Yoshiko Kitawaki 14 THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS Ellen & Greg Kiyomizu & Chew Sachi Lubushkin John Mizono Diane Nakano Mikiye Kiyota Kuei-Chu Lu-Lin Chiyoko Mizutani Robert M. & Yukiko Nakano Stella Kiyota Franklin & Yoko Lum Tina More Henry S. Nakao K. K. Koba Thomas T. Machida Arrice Mori Jean Nakashima JoAnn Kodama Macy’s West G.I.F.T. Campaign Sandy Mori Peter & Lynne Nakaso Toshihito Kodama Seigo Maeda Alice Moriguchi Bobby & Evelyn Nakata Hisako Koga Frank Mah Eddie Moriguchi Akira Nakatani Kokoro Assisted Living Scott Y. Mamiya Mark Moriguchi Penny Nakatsu Carol Komatsuka Bonnie Manning Hiroshi Morimoto Wayne & Cindy Nakayama Mariko Kometani Louise Mao Mieko Morimoto Mike Nakazono Raymond Konagai Ruth Mark Barbara Morino Tom Nara Collette Kondo Market Garage, Inc. Frank & Veronica Morino Richard & Grace Kono Jilma A. Marshall Frances Morioka National Japanese American Historical Society Ilena Kovalcik Olympia Martyn Thomas & Karen Morioka Misuye & Stanley Natsume Tad & Irene Kozuki Greg Marutani Kay S. Morioki Tokie Nerio KPMG’S Community Involvement Program Charles & Miyuki Masada Alan S. Morishita Network for Good Gary Masada Leroy Morishita George Neyama Chika Kujiraoka Darlene Cheng Masamori Susie Motoyama Cynthia Ng Yoshiko & Toshi Kume Jan & Paul Masaoka & Rosenstiel Don & Lillian Munakata Kin Cheong Ng Riyo Kunisawa Mary Masuno Satoru Munekawa Nancy Ng Noriko Kuwabara Helen M. Matoi Tsutaye Murakami Sally Sachie Ng May Kwan Alan Matsuda John & Susan S. Muranishi Jeannine C. Niehaus Julia Kwock Glenn & Betty Matsui Emily M. Murase Nihonmachi Little Friends Hwa O. Kwon Jayne M. Matsui Fred & Leslie Yee Murata Nikkei & Retirement Cristina Labit Alfred & Atsuko Matsuki Haruko Nagaishi Nikkei Lions Club of SF Thelma Lai-Chang Kiyo Matsuki Florence S. Nagamoto Elaine Ninokata Yasuko Landa Alice Matsumoto Julia Tomiko Nagamoto Janet Ninomiya Mary Law George Matsumoto Ayako Nagano Nippon Travel Agency Edna Lee Sachiko Matsumoto Chiyeko Nagareda Patricia Nishida Hisako S. Lee Robert Matsumura Kay Yasuko Nagata Ron Hiraga & Gayle Nishikawa Linjong Lee Jeffery Matsuoka Emiko Naito David Nishimoto Mary Lee Wayne Matsuoka Jane Naito Cindy Nishimura Miyoko Lee Isao Steve Matsuura Kuni Naito Kyo Nishimura Olson Lee Michael A. McCorkle Harry T. Nakabe Yaeko Noda Patricia Lee Reiko McCrory Leona & Winslow Nakagawa John T. Noguchi Tzu-Chen Lee Mary Anne McGuire-Hickey Kiyomi Nakahigashi Nellie Noguchi Lee, Wong, & Leong, Inc. Ria McIntosh Ellen Nakai Gary G. & Hiromi Nomura Dyanna Lee-Louie Sturdy McKee Hiroshi Nakai Harry T. & Anna Nomura Levi Strauss & Co. Sonia Melara Jason Nakai Kay Nomura Levi Strauss Foundation METTA FUND Nancy K. Nakai Masasue Nonaka Local Independent Charities of America Minami Tamaki LLP Stephen Nakajima Sachiko Norbury Darlene & Bill Lock Hisako Minobe Benh Nakajo Russell Obana Paul Yung Loh Janice & Rev. Cecil Mirikitani & Williams Helen Nakajo Keiko Obata Yoshiko Lohuis Steve & Etsie Nakajo Alice Ochi Laura Lombardi Janice Mitsuda Kaz Nakamoto Edward T. Ochi London Breed Shigeko Miura Coleen Nakamura Somao Ochi Peter P. Lou Ko Miyamoto Lawrence H. Nakamura Edward & Lois Oda Gerald Louie Sumiko Miyata Scott & Sandy Nakamura Brian Ogawa Jodie Louie Bob & Marisa Mizono Stuart K. Nakanishi Harusue & Yoshiye Ogawa Gregory Low Gary & Lisa Mizono Connie Nakano Thomas T. Ogawa, D.D.S. 15 THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS J. June Ohara PG&E Corporation Shioko K. Seab Paul J. Tabacco Kazumatsu Ohno PG&E Foundation Richard Sefcovic Kayoko Tachibana Kim Oka Pine United Methodist Church Sam & Yuki Seiki Michiyo Tada Yoshihiro Oka Plaza Insurance Sales, Inc. Kikuyo Sekino Yasuko Tada Mary Okada Adrienne Pon Walter & Harumi Serata Aileen Taguchi Allen Okamoto Jason & Patti Ponggasam & Variboa John & Pamela Shannon Norman & Merline Taira Thomas H. Okamoto Kristin Pope Moira Shek Tom & Aiko Takahara Barbara Okamura Portland Grant Yoshiko Shelton Alice Takahashi Sue Okamura Ruth Posey Tim Sherburne Kazuji Takahashi Tets Okano Keiko Quan Alice Shibata Rita Takahashi Thomas Okazaki Amy Rassen Fumio Shibata Donald & Sandra Takakura Fred Okuma Helen Ripple Randy & Linda Shigio Susan Takamoto Judy Y. Olive Karen Sadural Hsueh Shima Rui Takashima Harold Omatsu Safeway, Inc. Ruth Shimada Irene Takasuka Kiyoko Omi Fumiko Saito Hiko Shimamoto Randolph Takasuka Steven & Linda Sekino Omori Ryo Saito Karen Shimamoto Julie Takata Daniel. W. & Diane M. Omori-Hom Yasuko Sakaguchi Alice Shimazu Rodney M. Takemoto On Lok Senior Health Services Irene Sakai Hiroshi Shimizu Atsuko D. Takeshita Claire & Robert Ong Robert Sakai Ken Shin Sumako Helen Takeshita Thelma Ong Robert G. Sakai Masaru Shintako Jimmie H. Takeuchi Ken & Kay Onishi Russell Sakamoto Yone Shintaku Laura Takeuchi Chiyeko Ono Tsuneko Sakamoto Margie M. & Eddie S. Shiozaki Minoru & Akiko Takeuchi Hiroko Ono Yasuko Sakamoto Alaina Shiu Victor Ono & Jennifer Tambara Asa Y. Ormond Joe & Takaye Sako Keith Sievers Betty M. Tanaka Wayne & Sally Osaki Kimiko T. Sakuma Richard Sintchak Frank & Edith Tanaka Bernard A. Osher Susan Sakuma Jenny Smetana Hideo & Judith Tanaka Aiko Oshita Giichi Sakurai Dan & Jan Smith Marilyn & Roger Tanaka Mike Oshite San Francisco Firefighters Local 798 Robert L. Smith Shigeko Tanaka Jerry & Eleanor Osumi San Francisco Nisei Fishing Club Kathleen Smookler Violet Tanaka Dean Osumi, D.D.S. Elsie Sano Jesse Soriano Yoshifumi Tanaka S. John Ota Aline Sar Southern California Edison Patricia Tang Robbie & Sets Otaguro Linda Saruwatari Ono Spinner Mortgage Gary & Mayumi Tanimura Satoru Otoshi Cynthia Sasaki Jay & Diane Stewart George & Amy Teragawa Otoshi Plumbing David & Cindi H. Sasaki Pablo Stewart Silvie Thang Helen Otow George Sasaki Shiro & Annie Suenaga The Allstate Foundation Midori Otsuki Haruko Sue Sasaki Karlyn Sugai The Clorox Company Foundation Misao Otsuki Irvin K. Sasaki Tom & June Sugihara Yung Ting Kimihiro Outa Tomiko Sasaki Larry Sugimoto Donna Tojo Grace M. Ouye Dennis & Susie Sato Norma Sugiyama Hiro Tokubo Roger Oyama Helen & Kenneth Sato Shigeki J. Sugiyama Marilyn Suzu Tokunaga Waka Ozawa Noriko Sato Ted Sujishi Joanne Tolosa PAAWBAC Sam Sato Sumo Fish Design Co. Clayton Tominaga Lawrence & Marjorie Pacheco Yone & Daisy Satoda Sundance Cinemas Kabuki Grant T. Tomioka Pacific Gas and Electric Company Midori Satow Marumi Suyeyasu Kirk & Lyn Tomioka Sulu Palega Ellen Sawamura June Suzuki Taeko Tomonaga Kimiko Pastoral Hans Schilling Kayo Suzuki Rosalyn Tonai Camille Pating Schools of the Sacred Heart Lorraine Suzuki Elaine & Steve Tong Leo Payongayong Barbara Schultheis Seiji & Nancy Suzuki Michael Toriumi, D.P.M. People Making A Difference Campaign Schwab Charitable Fund Yoshiko Suzuki Jamie Totsubo Naomi Peterkin Delphia Scully Michael Taam Mitsuko Toyama 16 THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS Alicia Toyooka Keith & Pam Uyeda Jimmy Wong Jane Yamato Charlie Toyooka Ken T. & Darlene T. Uyeda Jonathan Wong Ron Yamato Hideko Tsuchiya Sachiye Uyemoto Penny Wong Derrick & Cindy Yamawaki Mar Tashiko Tsudaka Ted Uyemoto Ken & Nancy Yokoyama Woo Moses & Hatsy Yasukochi Gaye Tsudama Rod Valdapenas Leslie H. Woolsey Thomas Yasukochi Joanne Tsujisaka Eugene & Toshiko Van Dyk Hideko Wu Ayako & Peter Yee John & Marjorie Tsukamoto Richard Vertz Irene Wu Donna Yee Himeo Tsumori Nicholas & Grace Wada Kenneth & Amy Wu & Takemoto Grace Yen Atsuhiko Tsunoda Richard Wada Kimiko Yaginuma Scott Yokoi Emi Tsutsumi Wendy Wakayama Shuji Yamada Lisa Yokota David Turner Lloyd & Marion Wake Raymond Yamagishi Joy Yokoyama Mary S. Twomey Tsuruko Washington Ted & Jennifer Yamagishi Namiko Yokoyama Yukie Uchiyama Jane Watanabe Masu Yamaguchi Toku Yokoyama Gloria E. Uejima Aileen Watanabe, M.D. Michael J. Yamaguchi Norman & Katherine Yoshida John Umekubo WCPI, LLC Wayne & Anna Yamaguchi Satoshi Yoshida Union Bank Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign Michele Yamaguma Kathy Yoshihara Union Bank Foundation Satoshi & Kayoko Yamakawa Doug Yoshimura United Airlines Wells Fargo Wholesale Loan Service Betty Jo & Douglas Yamamoto Donald & Gail Yoshioka United Way, Inc. David Werdegar Karen Yamamoto Robert & Susan Yoshioka Susan Urabe Gustav Williges Takeo Yamamoto Glory N. Yoshizaki Masaji G. & Hiroko Uratsu Elaine Wing Tsuyoshi & Joyce M. Yamamoto Grace Yoshizaki Paul & Emi Uritani Anna Wong Masaru & Helen Yamasaki Edmund Young Akiko Ushijima Barbara Jean Wong Rachael Yamashiro Tami M. Young Tokiko Ushijima James H. Wong Hisako Yamashita Hideko Zidek Keith Uyeda Jane Hara Wong Paul & Gerry Yamashita The Event Center at St Mary’s Cathedral 1111 Gough Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 17 KIMOCHI, INC. SERVICE DIRECTORY Kimochi, Inc.: Continuing Generations of Caring Our mission is to provide a continuum of culturally sensitive programs and services to all seniors and their families, to preserve their dignity and independence, with a focus on the Japanese American and Japanese speaking community. Kimochi, Inc. 1715 Buchanan, San Francisco, CA 94115 • Administration: (415) 931-2294 • Social Services: (415) 931-2275 • Fax: (415) 931-2299 The administration building location is the site of the former Nichi Bei Bussan. keep seniors at home and independent for as long as possible. This is a fee-for-service program. The program also provides Family Caregiver Support Services. This service is helpful for spouses, siblings, and children who are actively involved in caring for a senior and provides them with counseling services, family caregiver support groups, assistance with hiring caregivers to help the family, and 24 hour respite care placements. We also offer family caregiver training in both Japanese and English to help families develop the skills necessary to perform caregiving activities. Kimochi is a member of the Transitional Care Network and collaborates with San Francisco Senior Center and other agencies in the partnership to coordinate Homecoming Services for seniors. The program targets isolated seniors who are being discharged from acute care hospitals who could benefit from more community based care and support as they transition home. Administration Kimochi’s administration building is owned and operated by the agency and houses our administrative staff. Counseling rooms and the Henri and Tomoye Takahashi Board/Conference Room are available on-site for use. Social Services Program Kimochi’s Social Services program offers a variety of support services for seniors, their families, and friends. Social workers and case managers are on staff to provide Japanese and Korean language translation, information and referral, naturalization assistance, counseling, assistance with insurance and government benefits, seminars and workshops on aging, as well as advocacy for the elderly. Support groups to address topics on aging are also available. Social workers also help seniors and families in locating, hiring, and retaining providers to help with personal care and household chores. Case management services are also an important part of this program to help clients and families identify additional resources to Club Nikkei Club Nikkei is a membership based program for seniors in our community designed to outreach and attract healthy, independent seniors who are interested in joining a group for exciting overnight trips, dinners, and activities. Staff plans quarterly calendars and all transportation for excursions is provided by our transportation program. Home Safety Service Kimochi offers a home safety program for senior homeowners and renters in San Francisco. Staff conducts home safety assessments and helps seniors identify potential and existing safety issues that could compromise their ability to live safely and comfortably at home. Staff can assist and provide smoke detectors, stair strips, and other items free of charge. We have also compiled a referral list of contractors, electricians, and plumbers who can help seniors maintain and repair their homes. Kimochi Lounge 1581 Webster Street #202, San Francisco, CA 94115 • Tel: (415) 563-5626 • Fax: (415) 931-2299 The Kimochi Lounge is open Monday through Saturday for seniors to come to the lounge to catch up on community news and socialize. The Lounge also houses a book and video library where seniors can check out materials for free. A senior information and resource section is also available to provide important health, safety, nutrition, and caregiving resources for seniors and their families. 18 Kimochi Senior Center 1840 Sutter Street, #101, San Francisco, CA 94115 • Tel: (415) 931-2287 • Fax: (415) 931-2299 (Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California – JCCCNC) Nutrition A nutritious well-balanced Japanese style hot lunch is provided 5 days a week. Any senior 60 years of age or older is welcome. A five week menu is produced by staff, and our nutritionist ensures each meal is healthy, nutritionally well-balanced and adequately proportioned for seniors. An average of 300 meals are served daily. Home Delivery Program Individuals who are physically unable to travel to the nutrition site due to a disability, illness, or recent hospital discharge, can receive hot meals at their homes. Approximately 120 lunches are delivered to homebound seniors living in Japantown, the Western Addition, Sunset, and Richmond districts of San Francisco. Senior Center In addition to enjoying lunch at the nutrition program, seniors are encouraged to participate in activities at the center. Staff and volunteers plan and offer a variety of activities on a monthly basis. We have morning exercise classes, a ceramics class, group singing classes, Hawaiian dance, odori, bingo, arts and crafts, Qi Gong, day trips, and overnight trips. Transportation The transportation program offers seniors the opportunity to use safe and reliable door-to-door van services which help them maintain a connection with their community and friends. Group rides are provided to and from seniors’ homes to the nutrition site, Kimochi Home and Japantown. Cemetery trips, senior center trips, grocery trips and medical trips are also provided. Kimochi Home - Home of Healthy Attitudes 1531 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 • Tel: (415) 922-9972 • Fax: (415) 922-6821 Adult Social Day Care Program (License # 380504138) Our program is licensed by the State of California to provide seniors with a schedule of social and recreational activities. Staff trained in programming and providing services to seniors requiring social, emotional and physical support develop a monthly activity calendar which includes daily exercise, lunch, singing, bingo, video viewing, trips, and special cultural and intergenerational activities. Seniors are safe, active and entertained while families receive respite from caregiving responsibilities. Residential/Respite Care (License # 380504099) The residential program is licensed by the State of California to provide 24 hour care to ambulatory seniors. It has the capacity to house up to 20 seniors in either single or shared rooms. They receive supervised, non-medical care and assistance with activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, and taking medications Regular assessments are conducted by staff to determine each senior’s personal care and daily living needs. Respite care is 24 hour care for seniors in need of short term placements. Temporary stays are available for seniors needing a place after a hospital discharge, when family is out of town or in need of respite, and for seniors interested in potential long term placement as a resident. Please visit our website at www.kimochi-inc.org for more information about our various programs and services. If you would like to be on our mailing list, please contact Kimochi at (415) 931-2294 or kimochikai@kimochi-inc.org. 19 NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID SAN FRANCISCO, CA PERMIT NO. 2764 1715 Buchanan Street • San Francisco, CA 94115 Mark Your Calendar - October 22! This year’s Sansei Live! has its sights set on a new venue and a new agenda. Kimochi, Inc.’s “Sansei Live! By The Bay” annual fundraiser will be held Saturday, October 22, 2011. This year’s fundraiser will be an especially exciting event taking place at a new venue, Carnelian By The Bay at San Francisco’s Ferry Plaza, with two stages of entertainment including Jest Jammin,’ and ScoJourners -- and an anticipated guest list of 400 attendees. The evening will include a raffle and silent auction. Event co-chairs, Tamiko Wong and Eric Kobuchi, look forward to your joining the music and fun. So mark your calendars and tell your friends…it’s time to party and support Kimochi! If you’d like more information about Sansei Live, contact Wes Nihei at (415) 931-2294 or wnihei@kimochi-inc.org. ©2011 Kimochi, Inc. All rights reserved. • Designed and Produced by NDD Creative 20
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