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Full PDF Newsletter
Stairway Ministries - October 2015 Newsletter
"Even the wilderness and the desert will be glad in those
days. The wasteland will rejoice and blossom with the rose."
Is. 35:1
About Face Time
Dear Stairway family,
We were so incredibly blessed and spoiled, to be able to celebrate the
Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem this year. We've been in the land
many, many times before, but never during the feasts. And while we
were there celebrating the feast of harvest with the Jewish community
the Lord spoke to me that not only have we entered into the greatest
end-time harvest, but this is the beginning of a turnaround & turnover
I saw people doing counter marches (a maneuver done by a
marching band). He said, this is the beginning of a u-turn and an
about face starting this month. And the about face is all about His face
and in particular his eyes and what He's seeing. I saw people
rethinking old thought patterns and old ways of seeing things. We are
beginning to take on His eyes. And those that feel like they've been in
the wilderness are coming out. The very word wilderness means "the
place of speaking". God has been speaking and people are going to
begin to take hold of what He's saying, which will in turn affect the way
the church sees. And now you will begin to feel the ship shift and
take to the sees. The books are being opened as the Spirit of
understanding began to pour out last year as God promised me. (See
my word for the beginning of the Jewish New Year last year).
For the Lord will not allow His bride to stay in the wilderness for the
preparations for her coming out party are upon us. She's coming out of
hiding! The demarcation line has been drawn and God the Father is
healing her and bringing her up and out. She's coming up out of her
wilderness wandering of not knowing what to do or where to go for
God has taught us how to lean on His breast and to hear His heart.
And in this next season those who have come out leaning and
listening will make it. But we can no longer pretend that we're leaning
and listening if we're not. The day of the pretender is ending. For those
who come out of hiding and are only pretending to lean and listen will
have a very difficult time.
For God is bringing things up in our heart of hearts. He's pushing it up
and out and we will not be able to hide it. When you least want or
expect it he will bring it up! For His desire is to see His family dwelling
together in peace and harmony. So He's about to clean up some old
stuff, stinky stuff that has been pushed back hoping it would go away.
For He's in the business of making all things new. And some of the old
stuff has to go and has do with our reconciliation with others. We have
seen many good signs of reconciliation and it has been prophesied
over and over, but there are many that move in unbelief and feel that
there's just no way. But God is a good God and the things are
impossible with man are possible with God. He's in the business of
redemption. And He will be the instigator and when we see and hear
the signs that He is setting things in motion we need to run and offer
ourselves as willing participants in His miracle. For He's working
behind the scenes with His hidden left hand of unseen power.
And as we look out at the beautiful leaves of the nations that are
beginning to bud in some countries, while in other places are taking on
their beautiful autumn colors, may they remind you of the beautiful
healing that he plans to do in and through you as He brings things
back around in your heart. For He's getting us ready for the great
harvest that is to come and is already upon us. And He will have His
way with His bride making us pure & spotless. For He loves us too
much to leave us shrouded in the dark shadows of the past. Instead
He's making us radiant and glorious as He begins His process of
going deep into the hidden places of our hearts to clean it out & make
us even more whole by kissing us with the revelation of His love.
And from out of those who allow His voice to affect the way that they
see, God will raise up deliverers! 1 John 3:2 "For we know that when
Christ appears (when we look at His face) we shall be like Him, for we
shall see Him as He is!" It all depends on what you see... so what is it
you're seeing? This is an about face time. Are you seeing His face.
Or...are you seeing the enemy in the land? Song of Solomon 7:12, "Let
us arise and run to the vineyards of your people and see if the budding
vines of love are now in full bloom. We will discover if their passion is
awakened. There I will display my love to you".
The ship is about to turn around on the sees! The eyes of those who
see as He sees. Which is it? Giants or grasshoppers, bones or an
army? We're about to have a revival of love! And it all start's with
Face Time!!!! And then,"Even the wilderness and the desert will be
glad in those days. The wasteland will rejoice and blossom with the
rose." Is. 35:1
Get ready for things to turn as we see His face and hear His voice, for
the vines will begin to blossom with His unconditional love!
Another great weekend! Every place we go people
are being wrecked by the message of "The Song of
Songs"! We had four entire sessions of God's
liquid love being poured out on his beautiful bride
that gathered in Charlotte at the Christian Life
Church this last weekend. The people were
involved, engaged, stumped, speechless & blown
away. You can ask anyone attending and I know
that they would tell you very same thing. The pastor got up at the end of the Saturday
afternoon session and was absolutely speechless! Thank you Lord!
On Sunday morning the anointing carried right on through. And to top it off our family
who lives in Charlotte joined us for the service. Brian had me come up to share a few
words & afterwards when I sat down my beautiful little granddaughter said to me,
"Good job Grandma!" Made my day!
Brian's message was on repentance which following right along with the holiday,
Roshshana. His message focus was on our need to love one another as we have
been loved. It perfectly capped off the weekend! Such a great message! Brian & I are
still amazed at how the Lord moved!
We had a great time with the Lilley's & their
awesome church body, Assembly of God/House of
Prayer in Waterbury, CT this weekend! The whole
weekend was fabulous! Brian shared a lot of
secrets with Song of Songs intermingled. It was
wonderful! Saturday Brian spoke to the church
leaders. His message was on Miracles &
Mysteries. Many of the secrets he shared came
from his time translating The Passion Translation. He shared a lot of what was new
revelation for most of the folks. It was an awesome time of getting to know them he
said. I was able to slip away to spend time with our granddaughter & two greatgranddaughters. They just happen to live in Waterbury.
Sunday morning was so much fun! Assembly has such vibrant worship and Pastor
James leads each session with a breaker prayer anointing that it creates an
atmosphere for God to breakout.
Brian and I started out with a prophecy over Pastors James and Verna's son, Isaiah.
(The night before we arrived in CT we each had independent dreams about him. So
amazing! God is so good!) Then Brian shared a message called "The Awakeners Are
Arising", challenging each & everyone to rise up & take their place. He had a great
response from the congregation! Just watch and see what God is about to do in this
congregation! They're awesome! Afterwards we went to see the new Youth Facility.
God is really using Assembly House of Prayer to touch their city! Thank you Lord!
We were greeted in Orlando by a huge rainbow
over the city. How awesome is our God! Because
it was rush hour we went straight from the plane to
the church. Praise God, we arrived just in time to
get up & share.
I started out by sharing the word the Lord gave me
for last month (see our Stairway letter), then Brian
got up and introduced the Song of Songs. Half of
the crowd were Facebook friends and the other
half were new to us. It was fun to be cheered on by
the one's who had already heard the teaching and
then to watch the reaction of those who were totally
blind-sided because they had never been in one of our Passion & Fire Conferences
before. It was stellar! Holy Spirit really loves the message of the Song of Songs!
Then Saturday was more fun as wave after wave of love washed over everyone and
Brian took us on many Holy Spirit inspired rabbit trails into some really neat stuff he's
found while studying. I never tire of the SOS's message and the different ways the
Holy Spirit leads for each particular group. As we usually do when we teach Song of
Songs we ended with the impartation of the seal of fire over each person. It was too
marvelous for words!
Sunday morning we ministered at their worship service. I shared some prophetic
words and Brian challenged us all to rise up and take our place as Awakeners and
Transformers. I've heard him teach this at various times, in various ways, but I have to
tell you I was totally wrecked this time. God really moved through the place.
We're arrived home full to overflowing with joy from our time in Israel. We love all the
new friends that we made; from the beautiful
Chinese church, the wonderful Armenian Christian
taxi drivers and the group that traveled with the
MOW Israel tour group lead by Danny Steyne &
Pastors Weston & Karen Brooks during the Feast
of Tabernacles Celebrations in Jerusalem.
We took so many lovely pictures of the people
worshiping and praising God. The joy and intensity of the conference was off the
charts. Some of the people there had actually put down their whole life's savings in
order to attend.
The theme was the end time glory. All the meetings were tremendous and the hunger
of the people was contagious! They had some excellent speakers; Ric Ridings, Cindy
Jacobs, David Herzog, Dan Juster, Sadu Selvaraj, Jill Shannon & of course Brian & I
spoke as well. Everyone had overlapping prophetic words, scriptures and teachings
throughout. It was amazing!
Brian spoke twice the first two days we were there and he also had the last session.
He allowed me the privilege of taking the first half of the last session to share the
prophetic dreams God has given me for them. Afterwards they gave a shout offering
to the Lord that lasted several minutes. They didn't want to stop. Then Brian borrowed
a trumpet from someone in the crowd and blew it several times fulfilling a dream he
had the night before. Then we all broke up in groups & prayed for Israel and closed
the with a short teaching on the glory. Finally we laid hands and prayed for each
person. The people were so precious as they thanked us over & over, loving on us as
they went out the door. What an honor to sow into the church of China!
From Jerusalem we traveled to Tiberius where we met up with Danny Steyne, leader
of MOW and Pastor Weston & Karen Brooks of River of Life in Tolland and the team.
How wonderful to spend our last two days here in the land with our old & new friends
traveling the land! It was such a joy to see God manifest to them in new and
wonderful ways at each and every sight that we visited. Thank you Lord for ministering
to and through us this trip!
Thank you dear ones for your prayers!
1-4: Jerusalem (ministering to 1,500 Chinese)
14-23: Israel HIM Revival Tour, www.harvestim.org
23-24: New London, CT, Awake New England, Engaging Heaven,
30- Nov 1: Franklin, TN, Grace Center, www.gracecenter.us
1: Franklin, TN, Grace Center, www.gracecenter.us
6: Ridgefield, CT, Upper Room, www.facebook.com/The-UpperRoom
7: West Haven, CT, Gateway Christian Fellowship
8: Wallingford, CT, Ignite Church, www.ignitechurchct.org
15: Pasadena, CA, HRock Church www.hrock.com/
16: Pasadena, CA, Southern CA School of the Supernatural,
27: Byron Bay, Australia, New Earth Tribe, www.newearthtribe.com
11: Our 44th Wedding Anniversary
25: Christmas
Our newest endeavor is already out of the gate and gathering momentum, the TPT
Bible School! Our first school was held in Pasadena, CA and covered the book of
Ephesians. It was excellent! This was the first of many to be taught in different cities
and even in Australia. Our new website for the school is tptbibleschool.com.
Click Here
Tentative TPT Bible School Schedule
Jan. 14-16 Philippians- Pasadena, CA, William Carey Campus
May 12-14 Romans- Albany, OR
June 9-11
TBD - Brisbane, Au, River of Life
June 13-15 Colossians - Brisbane, Au, Glory City Church
June 16-19 Galatians - Sydney, Au, Jubilee Church
Sept 15-17 1 & 2 Timothy
Jan 2016
Ephesians- Calgary,CA
We have a great team of volunteers, with a professional camera crew. Our plans are to
teach through all 66 books of the Bible and eventually to have an online school. This is
huge & may require some adjustments to our schedule, so please be praying as we
work out all the details.
Mark is finally out! Whoohoo! And Brian is almost done with translating 1
Corinthians and then I will get busy on the first edit before sending it to the
publishers for more edits. It's moving right along! Also pray for me as I finish
"Miracles in the Wilderness". I'm over half-way done, but because of Israel I
had to lay it aside for awhile! It's due into the publishers by the end of this
month and we're leaving for Israel again in a week.
We've set a goal of completing the entire New Testament with Psalms,
Proverbs and the Song of Songs by 2017 and the whole Bible in 2022. You
can pick up your copies of The Passion Translation from our web site,
stairwayministries.org. Please let all your friends know about it! And if you're
one of our Aussie friends you can purchase all the books from Koorong and
amazon.au and our Canadians friends can purchase them at amazon.ca.
A special thank you to all of our Passion Translation Partners for your monthly
contribution! Thank you, thank you everyone for your donations, your
incredible prayers and for following us daily on our websites. You have no idea
how much we appreciate each and every sacrifice of love that comes from
you! It's difficult to tell you all individually because of the schedule that we
keep, but we are so very grateful!
If you're a partner we'll automatically send you each new book as it comes out
as our gift to you! You can also donate to our travels overseas where we
affect the nations! This year we've ministered in Canada, Israel and Australia
twice and still have one more trip to Israel and Australia again before we finish
off the year. We appreciate all the ways that you stand with us to get the job
You can become one of our Partner's by making a monthly donation of $30,
$50, $100 or you can make a onetime tax-deductible gift by credit card on our
Stairway Ministries web site at
www.stairwayministries.org or through our PayPal account (click the link below
for easy access). Or you can mail your offering to Stairway Ministries, 2141 N.
Glen Wood Ct., Wichita, KS, 67230. If you have any questions feel free to
email or call me at candicesimmons@msn.com, 203-687-0804.
Finally please pray for our family. We have 5 living parents
near us and they're all in their 80s. Pray for their health. Also
remember our 3 children, 6 grandchildren and 2 great
grandchildren. We're all spread out these days in KS, NC, FL,
NY and CT. All that affects them affects us.Thanks so much!
We love you!
Yours for revival,
Candice Simmons
Stairway Ministries
(203) 687-0804 | stairwayministries.org | candicesimmons@msn.com |