a descriptive analysis of learning motivation taken from laskar
a descriptive analysis of learning motivation taken from laskar
A DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF LEARNING MOTIVATION TAKEN FROM LASKAR PELANGI NOVEL GRADUATING PAPER Submitted to the Board of Examiner In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Sarjana Degree of Islamic Educational Studies (S.Pd.I) In the English Department of Educational Faculty By: Nur Muthmainnah NIM. 113 06 048 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL FACULTY STATE ISLAMIC STUDIES INSTITUTE (STAIN) SALATIGA 2010 MINISTRY OF RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS STATE ISLAMIC STUDIES INSTITUTE (STAIN) SALATIGA Jl. Stadion 03 Telp. (0298) 323706. Fax. 323433. Salatiga 50721 Website: www.stainsalatiga.ac.id Email: administrasi@stainsalatiga.ac.id STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION A DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF LEARNING MOTIVATION TAKEN FROM LASKAR PELANGI NOVEL Nur Muthmainnah NIM. 113 06 048 Has been brought to the board of examiners in Ramadhan 21, 1431/ August 31, 2010, and hereby considered to completely fulfill the requirement of Sarjana Degree in the English Department of Educational Faculty (S.Pd.I) in the English and Educational Department. Salatiga, Ramadhan 21, 1431 August 31, 2010 Board Examiners Head, Secretary, Dr. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag NIP.19580827 198303 1 002 Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd NIP. 19670112 199203 1 005 1st Examiner, 2nd Examiner, Dr. H. Sa’adi, M.Ag Norwanto, M.Hum NIP.19630420 199203 1 003 NIP. 19751015 200212 1 006 Attentive Counselor Dra. Hj. Woro Retnaningsih, M.Pd NIP. 19681017 199303 2 002 MINISTRY OF RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS STATE ISLAMIC STUDIES INSTITUTE (STAIN) SALATIGA Jl. Stadion 03 Telp. (0298) 323706. Fax. 323433. Salatiga 50721 Website: www.stainsalatiga.ac.id Email: administrasi@stainsalatiga.ac.id DECLARATION In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful Hereby the writer fully declares that this graduating paper is composed by the writer herself and it does not contain materials written or having been published by other people and that from other references. The writer is capable of accounting for this graduating paper. If in the future this graduating paper can be proved of containing other’s ideas or in fact the writer imitates the other’s graduating paper. The declaration is made by the writer and the writer hopes that the declaration can be understood. Salatiga, August 6, 2010 Researcher Nur Muthmainnah NIM. 113 06 048 MINISTRY OF RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS STATE ISLAMIC STUDIES INSTITUTE (STAIN) SALATIGA Jl. Stadion 03 Telp. (0298) 323706. Fax. 323433. Salatiga 50721 Website: www.stainsalatiga.ac.id Email: administrasi@stainsalatiga.ac.id Dra. Hj.Woro Retnaningsih M.Pd The Lecturer of Educational Faculty State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR’S NOTE Salatiga, August 6, 2010 Case : Nur Muthmainnah’s Graduating Dear Paper The Head of State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga Assalamu’alaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh After reading and correcting Nur Muthmainnah’s graduating paper entitled “A DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF LEARNING MOTIVATION TAKEN FROM LASKAR PELANGI NOVEL”I have decided and would like to propose that if it could be accepted by Educational Faculty. I hope it would be examined as soon as possible. Wassalamu’alaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh Consultant, Dra. Hj. Woro Retnaningsih, M.Pd NIP. 19681017 199303 2 002 MOTTO Keep smiling and the world will smile with you من جد وجد v DEDICATION This graduating paper is whole heatedly dedicated to: • My God Allah SWT who always blesses me. • My beloved parents, my father Wasito and my mother Siti Fathimah for their praying, support motivation and everything so I can finish my study. • My lovely elder brothers Jahid and Rosyid who always help me in everything, “keep spirit boys!”. • My dear, Yusuf Arif thanks for your helps, support, motivation, love, and attention to me in everything I have done. I hope we will meet in bless meeting that promised (amin). • All of my friends who have fulfilled my beautiful life. • All people who have helped and contributed in finishing this graduating paper. vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Assalamu’alaikum Waramatullahi Wabarakatuh Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin, firstly the writer said as praise and thanks to Allah SWT with His blessing, finally this graduating paper can be completed. However, this success would not be achieved without support, guidance, advice, help and encouragement, from individuals and institution. Therefore, the writer would like to express special gratitude to: 1. Mr. Dr. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag as the head of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) of Salatiga. 2. Mr. Suwardi, M.Pd as the head of Education Faculty. 3. Mrs. Maslihatul Umami, M.Ag the head of English Department thanks for the guidance and kindness. 4. Mrs.Dra. Hj.Woro Retnaningsih, M.Pd as the consultant who gives me support, motivation, guidance, and useful advices. 5. All of the lectures of English Department (Mr. Sa’adi, Mr. Ruwandi, Mr. Hammam, Mr.Hanung, Mr. Ari, Mr. Norwanto, Mr. Fay, Mr. Sumarjono, Mr. Ghofar, Ms. Noor Malihah) who have given the knowledge and experiences patiently. 6. My parents who always supports, motivate, and pray for me thus make my dream come true. 7. For Mr. Fay, Yuli, mbak Izul, Hukma, mas Sami and everybody who have lent me their books thus I can finish this graduating paper. vii 8. For”Enam Sekawan” (Arif, Hug-me, You-lee, Ila, Aloel,,) be spirit to reach our dreams. 9. For my mates Penyu, Mulat, Makmun, Inthoek... thanks for being my nice friends, sisters, and brothers. 10. For all of ex- Yashinta ( mbak. Shofa, mbak. Ina, mbak. Andink, mbak Iin, mbak Dini,mbak Inun, mbak Susi, mbak Jajuk, mbak Ulphe, Ain, Ela, Ani, Ugik, Siba, Lia) thanks for being my new family, we will not be separated with the distance. 11. For my new boarding members (Eva, Ela, Viroh, Umi, Ika) thanks for welcoming me to be new member. 12. For all of UPB staff (Mr. Miftah, Mr. Ali, Mr. Lutfi, Mrs. Atina, Mrs. Endang....) thanks for all of cooperation. 13. CEC members..... Thank you so much and don’t give up improving English! 14. All TBI ’06, especially class B thanks for being nice friends and keep our cohesiveness. 15. All of my friends and institutions who fulfill my beautiful life. Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Salatiga, August 6, 2010 The Writer viii A DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF LEARNING MOTIVATION TAKEN FROM LASKAR PELANGI NOVEL By: Nur Muthmainnah Abstract This paper informs us some motifs that motivate someone learning something taken from Laskar Pelangi novel. There are four research problems proposed of Laskar Pelangi novel; what are the literary elements of Laskar Pelangi novel; what are the motivations in learning presented in the novel of Laskar Pelangi; what are the reason of Andrea Hirata took the motivation of learning in Laskar Pelangi novel; what are the implications of Laskar Pelangi novel toward its readers. This research uses descriptive research in analyzing, collecting the data. After analyzing the novel Laskar Pelangi the writer draws some conclusions as follows: the novel uses some figurative language to express some expressions and describe something; its main character is Ikal. Laskar Pelangi tells us some motifs of learning. The motivations which are pointed out are to enrich knowledge, to reach dream, to win a competition, and so on. The reason Andrea Hirata took learning motivation as the theme of Laskar Pelangi novel are to break Melayunese stereotype, to motivate all learner to be motivated in learning, and so on. The implication of Laskar Pelangi story toward its reader are Laskar Pelangi story motivates reader to study abroad, Laskar Pelangi teaches reader to admire the life. Key words: learning motivation, Laskar Pelangi, literary elements ix TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE…………………………………………………………………............... STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION ………………………………………… DECLARATION………………………………………………………………. ATTENTIVE CONSELOR NOTES ………………………………………….. MOTTO ……………………………………………………………………….. DEDICATION ………………………………………………………………… ACKNOWLEDGMENT ……………………………………………………… ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………………… TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………………………………………………… CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………… A. Background of the Study …………………………………………….. B. Statement of the Problem ……………………………………………. C. Objective of the Study ………………………………………………. D. Benefit Of The Study………………………………………………… E. Definition of the Key Terms ………………………………………… F. Review of Previous Researches ……………………………………… G. Research Methodology and Procedure ……………………………… H. Paper Outline ………………………………………………………… CHAPTER II. CERTAIN ELEMENT OF THE NOVEL LASKAR PELANGI A. Biography of the Author …………………………………………….. B. The Synopsis of Laskar Pelangi Novel……………………………… C. The Social Setting of Author………………………………………… CHAPTER III. REVIEW RELATED LITERATURE………………………… A. Definition of Motivation ………..…………………………………… x B. Definition of Learning……………..………………………………… C. the Importance of Motivation in learning …………………………… D. The Influence of Literature to Motivate Learning …………………... CHAPTER IV. RESEARCH FINDING AND DISCUSSION………………… A. Literary Elements of Laskar Pelangi Novel ………………………… B. Learning Motivation of Laskar Pelangi Novel……………………… C. The Reason Why Andrea Hirata Took Spirit of Learning as Theme of Laskar Pelangi Novel …………………………………………….. D.The Implication of Laskar pelangi Story Toward Its Readers………. CHAPTER V. CLOSURE …………………………………………………..... A. Conclusion …………………………………………………………....... B. Suggestion …………………………………………………………....... BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………………………………………. Curriculum vitae Daftar SKK i ii iii iv v vi vii ix x 1 1 5 5 6 6 8 10 14 16 16 19 22 26 26 28 30 32 34 34 66 74 76 78 78 80 82 xi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study Human has mind to think what he wants to do or create something. That is a thing which can differentiate between human and animals. Creating something new in life, a man has to learn in order to reach his goal. For instance, a child wants to be a professional bicycle rider, so he learns how to ride it more and more until he can ride bicycle well. Thus by learning something someone can reach his goal from aim of learning itself. Learning is not limited in some fields of study; we can learn everything from our life. According to Slameto (1991:2) learning is a process of exertion which is done by human being to reach the change of new behavior totally, as the result of human experiences in interacting with environment. The changing of behavior itself is not limited in the character of human but also in all parts of human life. From the definition above, it is not mentioned that learning must take place in formal area, thus learning can be conducted everywhere formally and informally. We can learn from everything around us, because getting knowledge is not bounded with the explanation from teacher in a class, everything can be taken as source when we learn something. For 1 2 example, a child learns how to respect each other. He does not get it from his teacher’s explanation but he finds it from imitating how his family behaves. In the past time, a student in Indonesia had to take up forty kilometers by riding bicycle to go to school every morning without complaining anymore. He did it because he had an ambition, by studying he could reach his dream. He did not really care about obstacles that he faced. Everyone has a certain aim when he learns something that is called as motivation. Mc Donald in Sardiman (1994:73) asserts motivation is a changing of energy in human’s body which is signed by the appearance of “feeling” and beaten with the reaction of its goal. Someone has willing when he decides to learn something, or influenced by something that makes him wants to learn something. Student now and student in the past time has differences, student in the present time gets less motivation than in the past time whereas now is easier than before, and more facilitated. Thus, student in the present time must be motivated to study. As learning, motivation comes from any side. Sardiman (1994: 89) stated that motivation is divided into two parts, extrinsic and intrinsic. Intrinsic motivation is a motif which is active or functions without any stimulation from outside, because in someone body there is an encouragement which forces him to do something. Extrinsic motivation is a motif which is active and functions when there is stimulation from outside. Someone who is motivated by himself to learn something is called as intrinsic motivation. When there is something or someone else which encourages him to learn is called as extrinsic motivation. 3 Dealing with motivation, everybody has different motif to do learning. Everything can be a reason from someone to learn something that motivates him to learn on and on. Even, because of a girl whom a man loves, can motivate a man to do or learn. Motivation can also be found from any sources. From paying attention to his environment, someone can be motivated, such as, Andrea Hirata, an author of Laskar Pelangi novel; he could reach his dream studying in France because of his friend motivations, Lintang. His environment also encourages him to write Laskar Pelangi novel that describe his environment and his struggle to study. Everything can be a motivation to do something. Even a book can be a motivation for its reader. Book that can motivate is not only non fiction book but also by fiction book sometimes more attracting someone to be motivated with. For instance, novel or short story can motivate someone, that sometimes its story taken from the experiences of the author that is interesting to be read. Writing a novel is sometimes influenced by environment around the author thus make such an inspiration to someone to do something. By understanding novel, we can find a process or value and the changing of social environment (Yusuf, 1976: 3). A novel which can inspire someone to be better is Laskar Pelangi, which is written by Andrea Hirata. This novel talks about the struggle of ten children called as Laskar Pelangi to get knowledge in Muhammadiyah Elementary School the worst school in their village. They faced many obstacles to reach their ambitions, from the distance from their house to their school was 4 so far, many hindrances on the way to school such as big crocodile that spoiled their trip, or very limited school facilities, those do not hamper them not to give up learning and reaching their ambition. This novel is proven to be a motivation for some of its readers to be better. Nico, a student from Bandung, who is drug user directly realize and wants to stop using it and begin finishing his graduating paper which is unfinished for many years (Karni, 2008:2). His willing is motivated after he read Laskar Pelangi novel. He told that he was shy with Bu Mus a teacher in this novel because of her struggle, and Lintang a student of her who is the poor one but he still has spirit to go to school. Novel can motivate someone to do something. Moreover Laskar Pelangi, which has power to encourage someone to realize that there is still the worth condition from us, but Laskar Pelangi members condition did not hamper Laskar Pelangi student to fight their spirit reaching their ambition. Because of its great power which comes from this novel to motivate someone to learn, the writer interested in conducting a research entitled “A DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF LEARNING MOTIVATION TAKEN FROM LASKAR PELANGI NOVEL”. This paper is conducted to analyze how Laskar Pelangi novel can motivate its reader to be motivated from its story, because the writer is a teacher will be thus this novel is especially expected can be a motivation for student to be spirit in learning. 5 B. Statement of the Problem The novel of laskar pelangi is one of phenomenal novels in Indonesia. Its story tells about the spirit of Laskar Pelangi children in fighting their life in order to be still study to reach their dream. In this paper, the problems that will be discussed are as follows; 1. What are the literary elements of the novel of Laskar Pelangi? 2. What are the motivations in learning presented in the novel of Laskar Pelangi? 3. What are the reasons of Andrea Hirata took the motivation of learning in novel of Laskar Pelangi? 4. What is the influence of laskar pelangi novel toward its readers? C. Objective of the Study Based on statement of the problem above, the objective of the study are as follows: 1. To find out the story that aims at analyzing the literary elements of the novel Laskar Pelangi. 2. To find out the reason why Andrea Hirata took the motivation of learning in the novel of Laskar Pelangi. 6 3. To analyze the motivation of learning presented in the novel of Laskar Pelangi. 4. To find out the influence of laskar pelangi novel toward its reader. D. Benefit of the Study The benefits that the writer would like to achieve are divided into two parts theoretically and practically as follows: 1. Theoretically The result of this study is expected to be beneficial to the literature field of studying and can contribute in motivating learner in learning. 2. Practically The writer hopes that the result of this study can be used to: a. Develop literary study, particularly the students of Sates Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga, and especially can be used by next researcher to observe similar research. b. Enlarge knowledge how to motivate student in learning. c. Remind reader to the importance of learning and learning motivation. E. Definition of the Key Terms To avoid mistakes of the little consideration, the writer wants to clarify the meaning of the title at a glance. It consists of four main terms which are necessary to be explained. They are as follow: 7 1. Descriptive Descriptive is giving description of something (Hornby, 1987:495) 2. Analysis Study of something by examining its part (Manser, 2004: 13) 3. Motivation Based on Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, motivation is eagerness and willingness to do something without needing to be told or forced to do it (Longman team, 2003:1071). According to Mc Donald, in Sardiman (1994:73) motivation is the change of energy within someone’s body which is signed by the emergence of feeling that is beaten with conception toward its purpose. 4. Learning Taken from Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, learning is that gain knowledge of or skill in by study, practice of being taught (Hornby, 1987:481). Gage said that learning can be defined with a process where an organism has changed their behavior because of their experiences (Dahar, 1989: 11). 5. Novel 8 Novel is story in prose, long enough to fill one or more volumes about either imaginary or historically people (Longman Team 2003:1309). 6. Laskar Pelangi Laskar Pelangi is the first novel of Laskar Pelangi tetra-logy which is written by Andrea Hirata. It was published firstly in 2005 by Bentang Pustaka Press. This novel contains 534 pages. This novel tells about a heroic story of ten children called as Laskar Pelangi who came from poor family. Although, their school were in bad condition and there were no facilities, but they were still spirit to study. Their school was only facilitated with an unclosed cupboard, chairs and tables which in bad condition, and old blackboard. With all of their limitations they never give up and always keep fight their spirit in learning. By their spirit that they had, Laskar Pelangi could compete with other children who were richer in some competition which was held by district government and they won it that made their school to be known with others. F. Review of Previous Researches In this part the writer wants to present the researches that have close relation to the description of motivation of learning taken from novel of Laskar Pelangi which is written by Andrea Hirata. The first researcher is Ninik Arifah. She was an English Department student of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga. The title of her research is “A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY OF MORAL VALUES IN QUEEN’S 9 SONG”. In her research, she found that moral values are divided into three categories namely self character building, human relation and religion values. To present the moral values, the composer uses explicit and implicit meaning (Arifah, 2007:43). Implicit meaning is presented in figurative language and listener imagination. The implication of moral education of the song can be used as medium of the moral education to make the students enjoy learning moral. Second researcher is Indri Astuti with her graduating paper entitled “AN ANALYSIS OF MORAL VALUES OF HABIBURRAHMAN EL SHYROZHY’S AYAT-AYAT CINTA”. She tries to analyze the cultural background of the novel and its correlation with moral values. She also tries to find out the fundamental moral values of the novel as how they are presented in the novel. She concludes that the passages of Az Zuhruf, verse 67 of the Quran, as the cultural background of the novel is very important (Astuti, 2007: 55). It is about the love ethical code and the way to live others. Creative power, respects each other, social interest, the struggle of facing life, and consistently are the fundamental moral values of novel. The third research is “EDUCATIONAL VALUES OF THE NOVEL EVEN AFTER ALL THIS TIME” written by Siti Zulaikhoh. She analyzed the educational value in the novel Even After All This Time. The educational values which found in the novel are that life is struggle, patient is beautiful, and parents are children idol, and so on (Zulaikhoh, 2008:60). She also analyzed 1 0 that the importance of parent role in educating their children. Parents should give top priority to religion teaching as children’s guidance life. The fourth research is by Widiastuti with the title “THE MORAL VALUES IN NOVEL KETIKA CINTA BERTASBIH”. From this novel, she found that, novel not only contains about literature and love only but also concludes all part of life from politic until ethics. She also found that teaching moral values is not only from the class or some meeting but also by our attitude to other people, and by our writing result. Thus, by novel the writer could deliver moral values from the novel (Widiastuti, 2008: 45). The last research is “THE ROLE OF TEACHER IN LASKAR PELANGI NOVEL OF ANDREA HIRATA” which is written by Isna Rahmawati, a student of English department of STAIN Salatiga. In her research, Isna found that teachers have many roles in teaching their students. Teachers not only teach the material which provided but also make their students more skillful. There are six roles which described Laskar Pelangi novel that are; teacher is as educational team, teacher as facilitator, teacher as a behavior manager, teacher as guidance, and teacher as motivator (Rahmawati, 2009: 49). G. Research Methodology and Procedure In conducting this research, the writer takes certain procedures and she would like to explain in six parts as follow: 1. Type of Research 11 This type of research includes descriptive analysis research. This type of research is conducted by describing facts then followed by analysis. 2. Object of Research The research object of this study is not only the main character of this novel but also all of other nine children as the actors in Laskar Pelangi. This novel was written by Andrea Hirata that published by Bentang Pustaka Press Yogyakarta. It contains 534 pages. This novel has become best seller since it has been published. Laskar Pelangi novel has different story from other novels. Andrea Hirata take learning spirit as its theme that makes this novel can interact millions of readers to read. This novel tells about the spirit of ten children from Belitung called Laskar Pelangi to fight their spirit to study in Muhammadiyah School. 3. Data Source Data are found from the novel itself. Those can be utterances, words, sentence, textually or contextually which are taken from Laskar pelangi novel which contain about motivation. 4. Research Paradigm 12 In this research, the writer does some sequences: To make clearer, here are some explanations of research paradigm: a. The writer reads Laskar pelangi novel. The writer chooses Laskar Pelangi novel to be the only source and to be the first step on this research. b. The writer knows the author (Andrea Hirata) from his bibliography and reading some sources related to the author and the novel such as books, journal, or from internet. c. The writer reads some information which is taken from many sources related to the topic that is motivation of learning. d. The writer analyzes novel and some sources. That is the last step to get a conclusion. 13 5. Technique of Data Collection In this research, the writer uses documentation as technique of data collection. The data collection is taken from library by looking for data from any media. In this case, the writer reads the novel and analyzes the plot of story. The writer also looks for other information which is relevant with the problem. The following steps are taken to do research: a. Reading novel repeatedly b. Taking important note from the novel of Laskar Pelangi as the data source c. Writing down the important data d. Browsing some sources in the internet which is not found in other sources about Laskar Pelangi and learning motivation. e. Arranging data into several parts based on classification of its discussion. f. Concluding based on the data analyzed. 6. Data Analysis The technique of data analysis in this study is descriptive and the interpretation of the text is content analysis. It means the writer tries to 14 describe some facts then analyzes novel to know the content of novel (Ratna, 2007: 8). In conducting analysis, the writer uses the steps with a little adjustment to the problem statement. The procedures are: a. Describing synopsis of novel. b. Extracting the reason from Andrea Hirata exposes the motivation of learning as the theme of the novel. c. Extracting the motivation of learning from the story. d. Extracting the implication of learning motivation in the novel toward its reader. e. Concluding based on data analysis. f. Possibly this paper result can give a recommendation how to motivate student to be spirit in learning. H. Paper Outlines As guidance for either writer in writing the paper or reader and whole content of the paper, the writer needs to set up paper outlines as follow: Chapter I is introduction, it contains background of the study, statement of problem, objective of study, benefit of the study, benefit of key terms, review of related researches, literature review, research methodology, and paper outlines. 15 Chapter II presents the biography of the author and synopsis of the novel, and social setting of author. Chapter III presents review of related literature. It contains the definition of motivation, the definition of learning, the importance of motivation in learning, and the influence of literature to motivate learning. Chapter IV presents research finding and discussion. It consist of literary elements of the novel, learning motivation of Laskar Pelangi novel, the reason of Andrea Hirata took motivation of learning as the theme of the novel, and the influence of Laskar Pelangi story toward its reader. Chapter V is closure. It presents conclusion and suggestion. The last part is bibliography and appendix CHAPTER II CERTAIN ELEMENT OF THE NOVEL LASKAR PELANGI A. Biography of the Author Andrea Hirata Seman Said Harun is Andrea Hirata’s full name. He was born in Belitong 24th of October 1978 (Rahmawati, 2009:8). He is the fourth child of N.A. Masturah (mother) and Seman Said Harun (father). His childhood was spent in Belitong. He came from poor family like another Melayunese who only become labor in lead mine factory or become poor fisherman. He began his study in Muhammadiyah elementary school that is located in his village. This school was the only school which Andrea’s father was able finance him to study, because this school did not impose school fee, all parents whose children study in only pay it by giving something that they had sincerely. His high school also continued in Muhammadiyah School, the same location, teacher and friends. After he graduated from Muhammadiyah School, Andrea left his hometown and went to Jakarta to continue his study. In Jakarta, Andrea took economic education in Indonesia University. After he graduated from Indonesia University, He got scholarship to continue his master degree in Europe. He took Master of Science major in two 16 17 universities, in Universite de Paris, Sorbonne, France and Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom (www.wikipedia.com). He got an award from his thesis about economic telecommunication from both universities. He graduated from those universities with predicate cum laude. His thesis is adapted into Indonesian now, and become the first economic telecommunication is written in Indonesian language. His classmate, Lintang had motivated him to study in France. Actually, studying in France was Lintang’s ambition, because he had to drop out from school so he could not study in France, thus, he wanted to deliver his friend’s ambition that had not realized yet. Andrea’s first book is scientific book entitled “The Science of Business”. This book is written in 2003. He said that this book was written as the responsibility to Sorbonne and Sheffield University that had given him scholarship (www.sastrabelitong.com). The second book is Laskar Pelangi. It was firstly published in 2005 by Bentang Press and became best seller book in 2006-2007. It is literary book that only in a week it had been reprinted out. This novel is about his childhood memoir. This novel became a tetra-logy that continued with three other novels that also telling about his experiences during his life until he could succeed. Three other novels are Sang Pemimpi, Edensor and Maryamah Karpov. Those novels are also published by Bentang press. Sang Pemimpi as the second tetra-logy of Laskar Pelangi was published firstly on July 2006, while Edensor as the continuation of Sang Pemimpi novel was firstly published on May 2007, and Maryamah Karpov the last novel of Laskar Pelangi tetra-logy was firstly published on November 2008. 18 Laskar pelangi has changed Andrea’s life to be famous. He was invited by many institutions or organizations to be a speaker in many seminars related to Laskar Pelangi novel. This novel has motivated many people to do better. Thus this novel makes many institutions invite him to discuss about Laskar Pelangi. Once in a seminar in Sumbawa, he was paid 50 millions rupiah to be speaker in it (Karni, 2008:199). It is the most expensive fee for the literary speaker that he had ever got. It was the result of his struggle that he did. Andrea Hirata really likes writing. It began from Laskar Pelangi novel. Word by word comes into his mind unstopped, until he got insomnia because of thinking about his continuation of novel. Even though his field of study is economic, he really likes studying about science especially physics, chemistry, biology and astronomy. And his literary work is only as one of his hobbies. Andrea more characterized himself as academician and backpacker than as a literalist. Although he has got everything that he wanted, but he still has an ambition to live in Kye Gompa, the highest village in the world (Hirata, 2008: cover). Up to now, Andrea Hirata has not got married yet. He has not thought yet about when he wanted to marry. Some infotainments reported him that he had got married with a woman many years ago secretly, but it is denied by him. Now he is living in Bandung and working in the central office of PT Telkom (Hirata, 2008: cover). 19 B. The Synopsis Of Laskar Pelangi Novel The story of this novel was begun at the same time when Muhammadiyah School opened new student registration. This school was very tearful; there were no parents who wanted to register their children to study there. It was caused by its condition of school; there were no school facilities that this school owned except old tables and chairs, unclosed cupboard, and an ugly blackboard. Its classrooms were far from the condition that was expected. Actually that school building was used to be livestock. A woman, namely Bu Muslimah was worried about this school future. If this school did not get more than ten new students, this school would be closed. Bu Muslimah and head master were more worried when the time struck eleven past five and there were only nine students who had gathered. Finally, Mr. Harfan as head master gave his speech to the new students that this school would not accept new student because it did not fulfill the requirement. Suddenly, a thin tall man came to this school with his mother; he saved this school from its closing. This man namely Harun, actually he was an autism man, because extra ordinary school was far from his village, thus his mother brought him to study in Muhammadiyah School. This school only has ten students, it only has two teachers, they are N.A Muslimah Hafsari Hammid binti K.A Abdullah Hamid and K.A Harfan Efendy Noor bin K.A Fadillah Zein Noor who snared as the head master. Bu Muslimah is the only class teacher who taught all subjects. Sometimes Mr. 20 Harfan changed her to teach those students. They really appreciated with the story that often told by Mr.Harfan. They raised their hand when he asked them about story told. The ten students were very spirit in studying, even though they had limitation in the school facilities, it did not hamper them to be enthusiastic in learning. Those ten children are Ikal ( Andre Hirata), Lintang ( Lintang Samudra Basara bin Syahbani Maulana Basara), Sahara (N.A. Sahara Aulia Fadillah binti K.A. Muslim Ramdhani Fadillah), Mahar (Mahar Ahlan bin Jumadi Ahlan bin Zubair bin Awam), A Kiong (Chau Chin Kiong or Muhammad Jundullah Gufron Nur Zaman), Syahdan (Syahdan Noor Aziz bin Syahari Noor Aziz), Kucai (Mukharam Kucai Khairani). Borek (Samson), Trapani (Trapani Ihsan Jamari bin Zainuddin Ilham Jamari), Harun (Harun Ardhli Ramadhan bin Syamsul Hazana Ramadhan). Even there was a student, who took on forty kilometers to go to school, and sometimes his trip was annoyed with a crocodile which block on the street, and he had to wait for few hours until it went from it. Those ten children had different characters and behaviors. Their ambitions were also different. Ikal was one of student who really liked literature, he liked listening to Rhoma Irama songs. The second was Lintang, he was the cleverest student in the class, he was very active in the class, and really liked studying math. Sahara was the only girl in Laskar Pelangi, she was bull headed girl, but she was very loyal to her religion. Mahar was a handsome 21 boy, he had talent and interested in art that inspired his friends creating something new. A Kiong was the only Chinese boy in Laskar Pelangi, he was the loyal follower of Mahar since they were in the first grade of elementary school. Syahdan was a fisherman child, he did not have special character, and thus he was often forgotten by his friends when there was an agenda. Kucai was the leader of class, he suffered far sighted that makes him could not see vertically, it was caused by he was less of nutrition when he was child. Borek was a boy who really keeps his machismo, and he was big muscle maniac. Trapani was a handsome boy who loved her mother very much, everything that he did must be accompanied by his mother. The last was Harun an autism boy, who entered school when he was fifteen years old. Although, they had different characters, they were still compact. Their compact had yield a pride from their teachers and makes their school was not looked down by other schools again. It was proven when Laskar Pelangi students joined Independence Day carnival which was held and bore down their rival, PN (Perusahaan Negara) Timah School. Bu muslimah was more proud of them when Lintang the genius student and Ikal could win a quiz and bore not only their rivals but also Drs Zulfikar a math teacher in PN Timah School. One of their similarities was that they were like seeing rainbow after falling rain. That habit had inspired Bu Mus naming them with Laskar Pelangi. Besides Laskar Pelangi members had ambition that motivate them to study hard, Bu Muslimah always gave them motivation that there is a will there 22 is a way. Bu Muslimah did not only give them scientific knowledge, but also religious knowledge. She taught them how to respect parents, how to behave, and how to devote their God. Even though Bu Mus has a tender heart in teaching her student, she could be angry when there was a student who did something wrong, especially about religious ethic, for instance when Mahar and some of friends did something wrong that was approaching syirik, she was very angry with them. Her anger was purposed only that her students did not break Islamic law. This novel also told about the condition of Ikal’s village where his village was very rich of tin that could make his family and others live prosperously, but it did not happen. Ikal’s family and other villagers worked as labor and fisherman, and those jobs could not cover their needs. It could happen because all lead mines were authorized by foreign corporation. A love story about Ikal, when he fell in love at the first sight with a Chinese girl was also told in this novel. He met firstly in an old shop when he was asked by Bu Mus to buy a box of chalk. He felt in love with A Ling, AKiong cousin. He was very spirit when he was asked by Bu Mus to buy chalk. From that moment he could meet with A Ling, and sent her a letter. Sometimes, he asked his friend A Kiong to give his letter to A Ling. Until he got first dating with A Ling in China Temple she prayed there. C. The Social Setting of Author 23 Environment sometimes influences someone creating something. It also happens to Andrea Hirata when he wrote Laskar Pelangi novel. It was the memoir of Andrea Hirata when he was child. It tells about how his friends and he struggles to study in Muhammadiyah School without complaining. This novel is also told about how powerful Bu Muslimah gave students spirit to study, not only science but also Islamic knowledge. She never complained about the condition, although she had never been paid for the salary. She only got some daily needs from student’s parent as the change of school fee. The struggle of Bu Muslimah who never complained teaching in Muhammadiyah School was the first thing inspires him writing it. When he was child, Andrea had promised to him that someday he would write about Bu Muslimah (www.sastraindonesia.com). Andrea Hirata’s childhood was spent in his village in Belitong. Like other villager, Andrea’s family was poor. His father worked as the labor in tin mining. All villagers live in poor condition, although they were living in the biggest tin sources. It caused by, the tin was authorized by foreign corporation thus the native only worked as the labor. After Andrea graduated from Muhammadiyah School, he went to Jakarta to continue his study to Indonesia University, and worked as part time job to pay his school fee. Finally, he got scholarship to study in France and England to continue his master degree. Andrea liked literature since he was child; it was known his hobby 24 that is writing poem. Andrea began to write a book in 2003 entitled “The Science of Business”. It is a scientific book. He wrote it as the responsibility for Sorbonne and Sheffield University which had given him scholarship. Then in 2005, he began writing write Laskar Pelangi novel. His willing to write about his hero Bu Muslimah came into his mind when he became a volunteer from Telkom Corporation to help tsunami victims in Aceh. When he was sitting in front of Cut Nyak Dien’s house that was un damaged by tsunami, he taught how powerful Cut Nyak Dien at that time against colonizer, and suddenly he remembered his hero Bu Muslimah (Karni,2008:17). Since that, Andrea he wrote about his memoir. Besides Andrea Hirata wanted to fulfill his promise when he was child, by writing his memoir Andrea wanted to motivate the reader, student especially in order to be spirit in studying. He was sad about the condition of the student in his country. He wanted to show how his friend and he struggle to study with all of limitation that they had. Until some of them could continue to university although they only had willing without thinking how they pay their school fee, and finally God had guided them the way (Karni, 2008:182). By showing Laskar Pelangi struggle Andrea expected the readers who have better condition than Laskar Pelangi students, to be more spirit that Laskar Pelangi students. The spirit story of Laskar Pelangi students to study was the power that makes this book to be best seller. The stereotype that Melayunese is the lazy man is also one of 25 the reasons that makes Andrea Hirata wrote this novel. He would like to show that not all of Melayunese is lazy man. He said that only some of Melayunese who had that character, and some could not conclude that all of Melayunese had lazy character (Karni, 2008:153). From the description above, the writer can conclude that Andrea Hirata social background comes from low class society, who was marginal society in their environment. His struggle to live has taught him to scrape along bad condition. He wrote his life experiences in his novel that expected motivates others. CHAPTER III REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Definition of Motivation Talking about motivation, it cannot be separated from human activity. Motivation theory firstly derived from human activities in daily, especially hunger. Hunger was taken as the paradigm for all other motivation states theoretically and practically unwise and unsound. It can be seen upon closer analysis that the hunger drive is more special case of motivation than a general one (Maslow, 1954:63). Related to hunger humans need to eat when they feel hungry, so as humans do something to recover their needs. There was a research that humans never feel satisfied with what they have got to fulfill their needs. As one of human characteristic, humans cannot be satisfied with what they got. Proper respect has never been paid by the constructors of motivations theories to either of these facts: first that the human being is never satisfied except in a relative or one step along the path fashion, and second, that wants seem to arrange them selves in some sort of hierarchy of prepotency (Maslow, 1954: 70). By the fact above many theorist of motivation researched what the motive that influences someone to do more and more. 27 What is motivation actually, something that makes someone does good thing even bad thing or just for fulfilling his or her individual needs. According to Mc. Donald in Sardiman (1994:73) said that, motivation is the 26 changing of energy in the individual body which was signed by the appearance of feeling that was beaten to the response of the purpose. From the definition that was suggested by Mc Donald motivation contains three important elements, they are; first: motivation is begun with the changing of energy in someone’s body, when there is a motivation in someone, there was a changing in the system of “neurophysiologic” which is in the human body, this changing makes someone to be more spirit in doing something, second: motivation is signed by effective encouragement, that motivation is relevant with spiritual problems, affection, and emotion which determine someone’s action, third: motivation is signed by the reaction to reach the purpose, a motivated man will make reaction which direct him to the effort of reaching the purpose (Soemanto,1997:204). From the description above it can be imagined how motivation react in the human body. Motivation acts as the impeller in someone body to do something. Besides Mc Donald’s opinion about motivation, there are four other theorists quoted from Soemanto (1997). First, James O. Whittaker said that motivation is the condition which activates or encourages the creator to behave to reach goal which was made by motivation itself. Second, it is different from Whittaker’s definition about motivation that is more general, Thorndike define motivation in the learning related to “trial and error” that learning is begun 28 with some motives which encourage someone to be active, and something makes someone to be motivated in learning, that is so called as motivation. Third, based on Guthrie’s definition about motivation in learning, motivation only makes a variation in the learner response, and when it is related to learning result, learning is not the instrument in the learning. Fourth, Clifford T. Morgan defines motivation in general, he said that motivation relates to three things which are the elements of motivation, they are; motivating states, motivated behavior, and goals or ends of such behavior. From all of definitions of motivation above, there is similar thing that can be taken from those is that motivation encourages someone to do something. Base on motivation source, motivation can be divided into two kinds, they are: intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is a motif which active and functions without any stimulation (Sardiman 1994: 89). Extrinsic motivation is a motif which active and functions with stimulation from outside of body (Sardiman 1994: 90) B. Definition of Learning Sometimes we are confused about distinguishing between learn and study. Some people interpret those two words have the same meaning, but actually those words have some differences in meaning. Base on Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English learning has four definitions. First, learn is to gain knowledge of a subject or skill, by experience, by studying it, or by being taught. Second, learn is to find out information or news by hearing it from someone else or reading it. Third learn is to get to know something 29 so well that you can easily remember it. Fourth, learn is change your behavior or gradually understand a situation and start behaving in the way that you should do (Longman team, 2003: 1071). While study base on Longman advance dictionary is a piece of work that is done to find out more about particular subject or problem and usually includes a written report (Longman advanced American Dictionary). Thus, base on some definition between learn and study, it can be concluded that learn has larger meaning than study. Learn is not limited with location, situation, or subject. Study sometime is used for formal learning only such as in school or other institution. Some people define learning as an activity to get knowledge. Learn is not limited only getting knowledge in a community or classes. Learn is unlimited. Everything can be learned and everything can also be a teacher which teaches learner. There was evidence from our novelist that is Andrea Hirata, he was taught by his environment to be spirit in learning and to be strong to face every problem in his life. Andrea Hirata was inspired by his experiences when he was child and lived in poor condition to write his best seller novels Laskar Pelangi Tetra-logy. Thus Andrea had learned from his environment to be a strong man and spirit in learning. Many definitions about learning have been defined by many theorists. First, Cronbach in Sardiman (1994:22) defined learning is shown by a change in behavior as a result of experience. Second, James O. Whittaker in Soemanto (2006: 104) learning may be defined as the process by which behavior originates or is altered through training or experience. Third, Geoch 30 in Sardiman (1994:22) defined learning is a change in performance as a result of practice. Fourth, Howard L. Kingsley in Soemanto (2006: 104) said learning is the process by which behavior (in the broader sense) is originated or changed through practice or training. Fifth, Gage in Dahar (1989:11) said learning can be defined as a process where an organism changes its behavior as a consequence of knowledge. Slameto (1991:2) defined learning as an effort process which is done by an individual to get new behavior changing entirely, as the sequence of individual experience in the environment interaction. From those definitions, it can be concluded that learning is a process of behavior changing or performance as the result of experience with the series of activity, such as reading, observing, listening, imitating, and so on. Learning is a basic process from human life development. By learning, humans do some qualitative individual changes so that their behavior can be developed. All human activities and life achievement is the result of learning itself. Human can discover something important for human life by learning something. Isaac Newton discovered a gravitation law from learning falling apple incident. He observed an apple when it fell into the grown, until he could conclude a gravitation law that something will fall into the ground because earth pull energy. Human only can do a job or work because he has learned something, so he can do something. C. The Importance of Motivation in Learning Motivation has important role in learning. Motivation is the first concept in many learning theories. Motivation is always related 31 to encouragement, attention, anxiousness, and reinforcement, for example a student must be well motivated by a teacher in order that they want to pay attention to the lesson, on the contrary worry can decrease his motivation in learning, and thus his motivation must be reinforced. Motivation is an essential condition of learning. Learning goals will be optimal when motivation is given. The more proper motivation is given the more optimal learning goal which will be obtained. Related to learning, motivation is not only the medium to reach the goal but there are three other functions which are related to learning. Based on Sardiman (1994:85) the function of motivation in learning are; first, motivation as the driving force from every activity which will be done, second, motivation determines what activity which will be done to reach the goal, third, select the activities which one must be done and avoided to reach the goal. The important thing of motivation functions as the encouragement of effort and achievement attainment. Motivation is divided into some categories based on some point of views. In learning, it is often related to extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation is some motives which are active and function because there is stimulation from outside of individual (Sardiman, 1994:90). While intrinsic motivation is active and functioned in an individual body without stimulation, because in an individual body there is an encouragement to do something (Sardiman, 1994:89). A learner can get motivation intrinsically or extrinsically. Ikal is motivated by his friend Lintang to study hard and continue 32 his study to France that is extrinsic motivation. Otherwise, Lintang was motivated to study hard because he had big ambition to study to France and became a scientist. Sometimes extrinsic motivation is more influential to do something. Weiner indicated that behaviorism theory disposed focused on the extrinsic motivation while cognitive theory meeting intrinsic motivation. D. The Influence of Literature to Motivate Learning Etymologically, literature is also meant as a device to educate. Moreover, it is related to the message and content, that almost of literary works is ethical medium (Ratna, 2005:446). This tendency is clearly related to old literature. For old people, literary work is as same as law, mores, tradition, even doctrine. Understanding literary work is the same as understanding suggestion and advice, recommendation and prohibition, a truth which must be followed, or wickedness that must be avoided and so on. Literature has taught people to do the right. So many kinds of literary works can be enjoyed by other people from novel, poem, drama, and so on. Literalists inserted a certain message to his literary work to give an advice or prohibit something to literary lover. Thus, sometimes we see a novel reader can change his character after reading a novel. Literary work not only educates its lover, but also can motivate its lover. Motivation itself can be taken from any sources. As mentioned before that motivation is divided into two kinds based on its sources extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is a motivation which comes from inside of individual itself. Extrinsic motivation is a motivation which comes 33 from outside of individual, such as environmental condition, family, and so on. Literature can be concluded into extrinsic motivation. It motivates individual through its literary works which is inserted some messages in. One of literary works which can motivate is novel. A novel author wrote a story which can increase reader motivation to do something. A novel which was inspires thousands of its reader is Laskar Pelangi. A novel which written by Andrea Hirata has been made its reader to be motivated, especially in learning. Laskar Pelangi novel which told about the struggle of ten students in small village located in Belitong Island has made thousands of its readers motivated. Many stories about its readers who were motivated by this novel are reported in some website and written in a book namely “Laskar Pelangi the Phenomenon”. Because of the inspiration which has motivated its readers, Andrea Hirata as its author has been invited by many institution and organizations to share more about Laskar Pelangi novel in a seminar. CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDING AND DISCUSSION Firstly, in this chapter, the writer discusses the literary elements of the Laskar Pelangi novel. Then, she also presents the motivation of learning which is presented in this novel. The next discussion on this chapter is the reason of Andrea Hirata took motivation of learning as the theme of this novel. The last discussion on this chapter she presents the influence of this novel toward its reader. Thus, it is important to analyze the literary elements for understanding the meaning of a literary work as a whole. A. Literary Elements of Laskar Pelangi Novel The literary elements of Laskar Pelangi novel are as follow: 1. Character and Characterization Character and characterization are the part of intrinsic element of a novel. Every novel must have character which has important role in creating the story. Sudjiman said that character is an individual who gets involved and acts in some events occurred in the novel. The character in novel is not only one; there are many characters which support main character. There are two major characters which occur in a story, they are protagonist and antagonist. The important character who often appears in the story namely protagonist (Budianta, 2002:86). Antagonist is the rival character who 34 35 counterbalances protagonist. To support the story of a novel, it needs minor character. Because of its scope, a novel will be expected to present one or a few characters in considerable depth, as well as a large array of minor characters in outline (Little, 1970:101). Based on Longman Advance Dictionary characterization is the way in which the qualities of a real person or thing are described (longman Advanced American Digital Dictionary). In the novel, there are two ways in describing a character. There are two methods in describing the character in the novel, those are descriptive and dramatic. Character may be presented mainly through description and discussion, or in a more dramatic manner, by the author’s simply reporting the character’s speech and action. It can be concluded that descriptive method is the method that character is described by the author through speech or action that are written in the novel. The dramatic probably calls for the greater use of imagination on the part of the reader (Little, 1970:89). In the dramatic method, we form our opinions of the characters from what they do and say, from what other characters think of them. In Laskar Pelangi novel, the author uses both of them. The following example will show us that the author characterizes Drs Zulfikar as a teacher who is fond of looking down on others using dramatic method. “Atau barangkali anak-anak SMP Muhammadiyah ini atau dewan juri bisa menguraikan pendekatan optic Descartes untuk menjelaskan fenomena warna?”(Hirata, 2008:377). (Or maybe these Muhammadiyah students or the juries can parse about Descartes optic approach to explain color phenomenon?” 36 The next is the example of descriptive method that used by the author to characterize the character. It is shown in describing Drs. Zulfikar as an arrogant teacher. “Pria ini adalah seorang fresh graduate yang sombong, ia memperlihatkan karakter manusia yang sok pintar yang baru tahu dunia. Bicaranya di awang-awang dengan gaya seperti Pak Habibie. Ia mengutip buku asing di sana sini tak keruan, menggunakan istilah-istilah aneh karena ingin mengesankan dirinya luar biasa” (Hirata, 2008: 376). (This man was an arrogant fresh graduate. He appeared his wiseacre character like a man who just already known about this world. His speaking was on the sky like Mr. Habibie style. He adopted so many strange books improperly, and using so many strange terminology to make all people interested in him) As explained before, that characters are divided into two kinds, major character and minor character. Every story needs those characters to support each other because each character cannot stand by itself. As Stanton said, most stories contain a central character, which is relevant to every event in the story; usually the events cause some change either in him, or in our attitude toward him (Stanton, 1965: 17). Major character has a big influence in the flow of story, it is the main character who role in that story. Thus, the whole story is generally about him or her, whereas, minor character as the complement in a story makes a story more colorful and interesting. As other novels, Laskar Pelangi novel also has them. So, the following, the writer would like to roll out the characters and the characterization which are written in the novel. 37 a. Major character The major character in this novel is Ikal, the character of I in this novel. His full name was Aqil Baraaq Badrudin. He was called Ikal by his friends because his hair was curly or ikal in Indonesian. He was one of Muhammadiyah students. As other students in Muhammadiyah School, he came from poor family. His father was labor in PN Timah in his district, Gantung. He was like student generally. He had dream and planning for his future. He was calm and introvert boy. His ambition was being a badminton player or an author. “…. Aku paling piawai bermain bulu tangkis dan aku punya minat yang sangat besar dalam bidang tulis menulis” (Hirata, 2008: 339). (…. I am most expert in playing badminton and I have big interest in writing) When he was in junior high school, he fell in love with a girl at the first sight, namely A Ling. His life became colorful when he knew what the meaning of love actually. Left by his first love did not make him be buried and broken heart. A book entitled “Seandainya Mereka Bisa Bicara” written by Herriot which was given by A Ling before he left him had made him risen up. This book was about a vet experiences in a beautiful place namely Edensor, and this story had made him to be spirit again. “Sebaliknya, karena Edensor aku segera merasa pulih jiwa dan raga. Edensor memberiku alternatif guna memecah penghalang mental agar tak stress berkepanjangan karena terus-terusan terpaku pada perasaan patah hati” (Hirata, 2008: 335). 38 (In other hand, because of Edensor I could fell my soul and body recovered immediately. Edensor gave me alternative to break my mental barrier to not be stress on and on, which caused by broken heart). Ikal was a clever student, although he always becomes number two. He was good at some subjects such as Civics, Islamic History, Fikih, Moral Education, and Indonesian. Thus Bu Mus called him to represent his school to accompany Lintang joined science competition (lomba cerdas cermat). “Aku agak baik pada bidang-bidang kewarganegaraan, tarikh Islam, Fiqih dan budi pekerti, dan sedikit bahasa Indonesia” (Hirata, 2008: 367). (I am good at some subjects such as; Civics, Islamic History, Fiqih, and Moral Education, and little about Indonesian) Besides that, Ikal was in solidarity with his friends and docile. Because of his docile he was appointed by his friend Mahar to be a secretary in his group namely Secieteit de Limpai. He was also a hard worker. He was a mail sorter in a post office in Bogor. Although, sorting mails is a job that he hated very much, he still did it sincerely. He had to wake up early, and began sorting the mails and gave it to the receivers. He did it to defray his daily needs and pay his school fee. b. Minor Character After analyzing the novel, the writer found many minor characters in it, which are as follow: 39 1) Bu Muslimah She is one of Muhammadiyah School teacher. Her full name is N.A. Muslimah Hafsari Hamid binti K.A Abdul Hamid. She only graduated from Women Skill School (Sekolah Kepandaian Putri). She continued her father’s ambition as a founder of Muhammadiyah School in Belitong. She voluntarily taught in Muhammadiyah School, although she was in economic problem. It caused by, this school cannot pay its teacher. They were only paid with fifteen kilograms of rice every month. It is far from expected. Thus, Bu Muslimah had a part time job to fulfill her needs, which is sewing dress. She was the only teacher who taught Laskar Pelangi students for six years along their elementary grade. Bu Mus was a smart teacher. She taught all subjects from Islamic subjects, Math, Sciences, Linguistic, and so on. She had amazing view for the future although she was living in a small village which was far from modernization. She was creative and competent in teaching. She also gave her students many skills, such as embroidering, planting some flowers and so on. She not only taught science but also moral. Moreover she arranged by herself a moral syllabus. “Beliau menyusun sendiri silabus pelajaran budi pekerti dan megajarkan kepada kami sejak dini pandangan-pandangan dasar moral, demokrasi, hukum, keadilan, dan hak-hak asasi jauh hari sebelum orang-orang sekarang meributkan soal 40 materialisme versus pembangunan pendidikan” (Hirata, 2008: 30). spiritual dalam (She arranged by herself moral subject syllabus and taught it to us from early about basic thinking of moral, democratic, laws, justice, rights far before all people worry about materialism versus spiritual building in education). She was skilled in teaching and giving advice to her students. She always impressed upon her students to dig up their moral value and did what Allah orders to us, such as praying, fasting, doing well to other people, and respecting elder people. “”Shalatlah tepat waktu, biar dapat pahala lebih banyak,” demikian Bu Mus selalu menasehati kami” (Hirata, 2008: 31). (”Pray on time, in order to you get more reward,” said Bu Mus advised us) Bu Muslimah always advised Laskar Pelangi students to accept their condition even it was very bad. She always said that, although they were in bad condition, they had to be always fighting spirit and studying hard. She really wanted to make her students smart and did not forget his value and culture. 2) Mr. Harfan Mr. Harfan’s full name is K.A. Harfan Efendy Noor bin K.A Fadillah Zein Noor. He was the head master of Muhammadiyah School. He was kind teacher and every students like him. As other teachers in Muhammadiyah School he was very unpretentious. He looked like never care about himself. He only thinks how 41 Muhammadiyah School can be alive. As a cleric (kyai) he had mustache and beard. “Pak Harfan, seperti halnya sekolah ini, tak susah digambarkan. Kumisnya tebal, cabangnya tersambung pada jenggot lebat berwarna kecokelatan yang kusam dan beruban. Singkat kata, wajahnya mirip Tom Hanks…” (Hirata, 2008: 20). (Mr. Harfan is as same as this school, not too difficult to be described. His mustache is thick, its branch tacked on his thick brown beard which was dull and grown with grey hair. Simply, he was looked like Tom Hanks…) Mr. Harfan was able to tell a story to the students well. They were interested in the story told. They were very active in asking something about the story when Mr. Harfan had finished telling the story. His gesture when telling story had made the students penetrate the massages from the story. 3) Lintang Lintang Samudra Basara bin Syahbani Maulana Basara is his full name. He was a desk with Ikal. He was a genius student that Bu Mus ever had. He was a step forward than his friends. When his friends were still confused with summation, and used many sticks to account the number, he only taught in seconds, and then answered it directly, without counting. “Sementara Lintang, tidak memegang sebatang lidi pun, tidak berpikir dengan cara orang kebanyakan, hanya memejamkan matanya sebentar, tak lebih dari 5 detik ia bersorak. “590!””(Hirata, 2008: 106-107). 42 (While Lintang, did not hold even a stick of rib like other students, he only closed his eyes a while, not until 5 seconds, then he cheered. “590”). As other students who came from poor family, so did Lintang. His father was a fisherman, and his income depended on the weather and ship owner. Thus, Lintang’s family was far from sufficiency. His father had to work for his family by himself that there are fourteen members in his family. So that, Lintang’s father was only able to send him to Muhammadiyah school which the cheapest school in his regency. His father really wanted his son to have better future than him. Since the beginning he entered the school, he had indicated his big willing in learning. He was fond of all subjects including arts, although his mark was not too good. “Sejak hari perkenalan dulu aku sudah terkagum-kagum pada Lintang. Anak pengumpul kerang ini pintar sekali. Matanya menyala-nyala memancarkan intelegensi, keingintahuan meguasai dirinya seperti orang kesurupan. Jarinya tak pernah berhenti mengacung tanda ia bisa menjawab. Kalau melipat dia paling cepat, kalau membaca paling hebat. Ketika kami masih gagap menjumlahkan angka- angka genap ia sudah terampil mengalikan angkaangka genap” (Hirata, 2008: 106). (Since the first day, I had been amazed to him. This shells gatherer boy was very clever. His eyes was glowing spouting his intelligence, his inquisitive feeling had dominated himself. His finger had never stopped raised as sign that he could answer the question. When origami subject, he was the quickest, when reading he was the fastest. When we were confused with even number summation, he had mastered even number multiplication) Everybody loved him. He was very kind and friendly. Although he was the cleverest student in his class, he was never 43 arrogant. He always helped his friends when they were in trouble. Because of his cleverness, Bu Mus pointed him to be the delegation of his school in science competition. His spirit had inspired every student in Muhammadiyah School. He always motivated all students to reach their dreams. Unfortunately, his fate must be changed, and his ambition must be buried in the deepest of his heart. When he was third year of junior high school, he had to leave the school. His father was dead, and he had to work to replace his father’s responsibility. 4) Mahar Mahar Ahlan bin Jumadi Ahlan bin Zubair bin Awam was ikal’s classmate. His friends called him Mahar. He was one of Laskar Pelangi members. He was handsome and attractive. He had good talent in art. Mahar always got good mark in art subject. In Muhammadiyah School, his talent in art began to be known by all people. It began when Mahar was asked by Bu Muslimah to sing a song as the entertainment after studying. Unfortunately, he sang beautifully, and all students were stunned with his beautiful voice. He had known how to comprehend a song well, when his friends only knew how to perform his voice. “ Seketika kami tersentak dalam pesona, itulah lagu tenesse waltz yang sangat terkenal karya Anne Muray, dan lagu itu dibawakan Mahar dengan teknik menyanyi seindah Petti 44 Page yang melambungkan lagu lama itu. Ritme ukulele mengiringi vibrasi sempurna suaranya disertai sebuah penghayatan yang luar biasa sehingga ia tampak demikian menderita karena kehilangan seorang kekasih (Hirata, 2008: 137). (Pronto, we were jerk at his enchantment that was tenesse waltz, a famous song written by Anne Muray, and that song was sung by Mahar with singing technical which was as beautiful as Petti Page, the singer of that song. Ukulele rhythm followed perfect vibration and accompanied with his extraordinary comprehends in music thus he looked like a very broken heart because of his girl friend) All people began admitting his creativity and Muhammadiyah School when he had big role in preparing Independence Day carnival. His creativity was amazing. He arranged a modified African dance for this carnival. He designed it by him self and were helped by all parts of Muhammadiyah School. Unfortunately, his idea brought Muhammadiyah School to be the winner of the carnival. It could break the myth that villager school could not win in carnival competition. “Aku kagum kepada Mahar, ia berhasil memompa kepercayaan diri kami dan dengan kepercayaan diri ternyata siapapun dapat membuat prestasi yang mencengangkan. Hal itu dibuktikan oleh sekolah muhammadiyah yang mampu mematahkan mitos bahwa sekolah kampung tidak mungkin menang dalam melawan sekolah PN dalam karnaval (Hirata, 2008: 246)). (I was proud of Mahar, he was successfully building our confidence and in fact, by confidence everybody could reach achievement. This was proven by Muhammadiyah School which could break the myth that village school was impossible to bear down PN school in the carnival) 45 In other hand, Mahar also had bad character. He was much interacted with myth, all things about charlatanism, shamanism, and invisible thing and so on. Because of his new habit, he got angry from his teacher Bu Muslimah. His mark became worse because he was lazy to study, and only concern to his new habit. One day, his existence in school was threatened, because of his bad mark. Bu Mus threatened him that he might not be joined in the final exam if he still had bad marks in all of subjects. Then, Mahar had an idea to solve his problem. He went to Tuk Bayan Tula, a supernatural shaman, Mahar asked him to change his bad marks to be good without studying. As usual, He was given by Tuk Bayan Tula a letter, and it only might be opened if he had arrived home. Unpredictably, his journey to Tuk Bayan Tula house was vain. Because in his letter, Tuk Bayan Tula only wrote “INILAH PESAN TUK-BAYAN-TULA UNTUK KALIAN BERDUA, KALAU INGIN LULUS UJIAN: BUKA BUKU, BELAJAR!!” (Hirata, 2008: 424). 5) A Kiong Chau Chin Kiong or Muhammad Jundullah Gufron Nur Zaman was one of Laskar Pelangi members. He was called as kiong. He was A Ling cousin, Ikal’s girl friend. He was the only student who was not Muslim in Muhammadiyah School. He was a real Confucius follower. His father was perforce bringing his son to Muhammadiyah 46 School which basically Islamic school because his father was only able to bring A Kiong to Muhammadiyah School which did not pay any fee. Besides that, A Kiong had uninteresting face which probably every school will reject him. He looked like Frankenstein. “Mukanya lebar dan berbentuk kotak, rambutnya serupa landak, matanya tertarik ke atas seperti sebilah pedang dan ia hampir tidak punya alis, seluruh giginya tonggos dan hanya tinggal setengah akibat digerogoti phyrite dan markacite dari air minum. Guru manapun yang melihat wajahnya akan tertekan jiwanya, membayangkan betapa susahnya menjejalkan ilmu ke dalam kepala alumuniumnya itu (Hirata, 2008: 68). (His face was large and square, his hair was look like a porcupine, his eyes was driven the up as like a poniard, and he merely did not have eyebrow, all his teeth were bucktoothed and only remain a half which was caused by his teeth was gnawed by phyrite and markacite from water. Every teacher who looked him would be suppressed his soul, imagining how difficult transferring knowledge to his aluminum head) He was very naïf and did not care about. Although his face was horror but he was very kind. He was a good helper except to a girl namely, Sahara. In his hatred to Sahara, he had love inside of his heart. And finally, Sahara became his wife and lives happily. 6) Syahdan Syahdan Noor Aziz bin Syahari Noor Aziz was his full name. He was a desk with A Kiong. As other students of Muhammadiyah 47 School, he came from poor family. His father was a fisherman and worked in a copra warehouse. After going back from school, usually Syahdan helped his family worked as boat caulking labor to fulfill his family needs. While his mother worked as rubber grinder. He taught that copra warehouse and school was the same, because he did not have sense of fashion. 7) Kucai Mukharam Kucai Khairani was one of Laskar Pelangi members. He was smeared all over with all subjects. He looked like a clever student, paying attention to all of subjects, but in fact he did not know anything. When he was child, he was less of nutrition and causes a problem in his sight. He got myopia, thus his sight could not focus on the object, his sight veered up to 20 degrees from the object. His physical limitation did not make him feel inferior. He had many different personalities from other students. “ kucai adalah orang paling optimis yang pernah aku jumpai. Kekuragannya secara fisik tidak sedikitpun membuatnya minder. Sebaliknya, ia memiliki kepribadian populis, oportunis, bermulut besar, banyak teori, dan sok tahu” (Hirata, 2008: 69). (kucai was an optimistic boy whom I ever met. His physical limitation did not make him feeling inferior. On the contrary, he had populist, opportunist, much talking, full of theories, and pedantically personality) 48 All of Kucai’s personality supported him to be a politician, as his ambition. His skill was derived from his father who became a rice divider in Tin Company. He also became the leader of class for many years. He also had many networks in everything, such as where the place to sell the rice from tin company, where the place to buy night market ticket with only half price, and so on. 8) Sahara N.A. Sahara Aulia Fadillah binti K.A. Muslim Ramdhani Fadillah was the only girl in Laskar Pelangi, before Flo joining Laskar Pelangi. She was beautiful as a grey cheeked green. “Dia ramping, berjilbab, dan sedikit lebih beruntung” (Hirata, 2008:75). (She was slender, wearing veil, and little luckier) Sahara’s father was a taikong, the head of ditch leader in Tin Company. Her prominent characters were full of attention and stubborn girl. She was very temperamental but she was a clever girl. Contrary with A Kiong, she was very skeptic, difficult to be convinced, and very difficult make her impressed in. her character which was very stick out that she was very honest, and did not want to lie for all reasons. She hated A Kiong very much, but she had good mind to an autism boy, namely Harun. 9) Trapani 49 Trapani Ihsan Jamari bin Zainuddin Ilham Jamari was the handsomest boy in the class. His name, Trapani was taken from a name of city seashore in Sicilia. He was a tidy and charming man. He sat in the corner seat. He became the mascot of class, because of his handsome. He was very close to his mother; he could not live without his mother. Until one day he had to be taken to mental hospital because his possessive feeling toward his mother made him crazy. His father was a vessel boat operator in phone office in tin company. He was a young man whom every girl would fall in love with him at the first sight. “Trapani agak pendiam, otaknya lumayan, dan selalu menduduki peringkat ke tiga. Aku sering cemburu karena aku sering kebanjiran salam dari sepupu-sepupuku untuk disampaikan kepada laki-laki muda flamboyan ini (Hirata, 2008: 75). (Trapani was rather calm, his mind was fair, he always in the third grade. I was often jealous because my cousin often gave their greeting to this flamboyance young man) 10) Harun Harun Ardhli Ramadhan bin Syamsul Hazana Ramadhan was his full name. He was an autism student. He had saved Muhammadiyah School from the closure. He was the last student who registered in the day school entrance. His hobby was chewing Javanese tamarind candy. He was a kind student and always tidy in wearing. Bu Muslimah had never burdened him with all tasks because of his limitation. 50 “Harun adalah seorang pria santun, pendiam, dan murah senyum. Ia juga merupakan teman yang menyenangkan. Model rambutnya seperti Chairil Anwar dan pakaianya selalu rapi” (Hirata, 2008: 77). (Harun was a well mannered, calm, and full of smile boy. He also was grafity friend. His hair style was look like Chairil Anwar’s hair and his drees always tidy). 11) Borek Previously he was like student in common; he did not have something special in his life. Until one day, he found oil can with a picture of a macho man whose big body and solid muscles, after that, he was inspired by that picture and begin to be obsessed with big and solid body. Everyday, he thought about how to make his body bigger. Because his hard rehearsal was successfully and make his body bigger, everybody nicknamed him with Samson. 12) A Ling A ling was a girl whom Ikal loved very much. She was a beautiful Chinese. She was the daughter of Sinar Harapan shop owner. She was A Kiong’s cousin. Ikal fell in love to her at the first sight at Sinar Harapan shop, when he was asked by Bu Muslimah to buy chalks. In that slovenly shop, Ikal had found his true love which became his motivation to be more spirit in studying. Firstly, he was 51 wonder stricken with his beautiful hand. She was very beautiful look like an artist from Malaysia, Michel Yeoh. “Ia memiliki struktur wajah lonjong dengan air muka yang sangat menawan. Hidungnya kecil dan bangir. Garis wajahnya tirus dengan tatapan mata kharismatik menyejukkan sekaligus menguatkan hati, seperti tatapan wanita-wanita yang telah menjadi ibu suri. Jika menerima nasihat dari wanita semacam itu, semangat manapun akan berkobar” (Hirata, 2008: 210). (She had oval face and good looking. She had small and pointed nose. Her face line was haggard with charismatic gaze eyes which cooling and steel a heart, look like women who had become queen mother. If a man got an advice from such those women, his spirit would be flamed up) “Seperti kebanyakan ras Mongoloid, tulang pipinya tidak menonjol, tapi bidang wajahnya, bangun bahunya, jenjang lehernya, potongan rambutnya, dan jatuh dagunya yang elegan menciptakan keseluruhan kesan dirinya benar-benar mirip Michelle Yeoh, bintang film Malaysia yang cantik itu” (Hirata, 2008: 211). (As the most of Mongoloid races, her cheekbone was not too looked, but her face shape, her body shape, her scaffold neck, her hair style, and her elegant falling chin create an impression that she was merely look like Michelle Yeoh, a beautiful artist from Malaysia). Falling in love to a Chinese girl had made a change in Ikal’s life. A girl, whose nail curved, had made Ikal flied to the sky. On the contrary, A Ling also hurt him, when she had to accompany her aunt living in Jakarta. Unfortunately, her discord with Ikal had made him more spirit, because of a book which she gave to. 13) Flo Floriana was a student of PN School. She was tom boy and 52 she wanted to be a man. Flo was a daughter of a dredging boats head master. She liked to play kick boxing and barbell lifting She was interested in something that challenge her bravery. She finally moved to Muhammadiyah School, because she wanted to join Mahar, who often did many thing which out of our mind. Moreover she was found by Mahar when she got lost in a forest. 14) Friska Mrs. Friska was the head master of PN School. She was an old lady. She was very proud of her school. She always looked down to other schools. “Ia adalah seorang wanita keras yang terpelajar, progresif, ambisius, dan sering habis-habisan menghina skolah kampung. Gerak geriknya diatur sedemikian rupa sebagai penegasan kelas sosialnya. Di dekatnya siapapun akan merasa terintimidasi” (Hirata, 2008: 60). (She was a strong intellectual woman, ambitious, and often looked down village school all hollow. Her manners were arranged as beautiful as possible to show his social status. Nearing her, everybody would feel intimidated). 15) Tuk Bayan Tula Tuk Bayan Tula was a famous supernatural shaman. All villagers would ask him for help when they got trouble, especially about mystic. He had helped them when Flo got lost in a forest. Mahar was really proud of him. He taught that Tuk Bayan Tula was his mystical teacher. Thus, when Mahar got trouble in his marks, he went 53 to Lanun Island to see him. But unfortunately, Tuk Bayan Tula did not help him anymore except commanding him to study hard if he wanted to get good mark. His performance was really scaring those who saw him. “Beliau adalah seorang yang sungguh-sungguh mencitrakan dirinya sebagai orang sakti berilmu setinggi langit. Kain hitam melilit-lilit tubuhnya, parang panjangnya masih sama dengan cerita utusan dulu, rambut, kumis, dan jenggotnya lebat tidak terurus, berwarna putih bercampur cokelat. Tulang pipinya sangat keras mengisyaratkan ia mampu melakukan kekejaman yang tak terbayangkan dan alisnya mencerminkan ia tak takut pada apapun bahkan pada tuhan. Namun, yang paling menonjol adalah matanya yang berkilat-kilat seperti mata burung, seluruhnya berwarna hitam” (Hirata, 2008: 416). (His performance really indicated that he was a supernatural shaman with high bookish. Black cloth enlaced his body, his tall chopping knife was still same with last delegation story, hair, mustache, and his heavy beard which never be taken care, where white brownie. His cheekbone was really strong indicated that he was able to do unimagined violence thing and his eyebrow reflected that he did not scare to everything, even to God. However, the most sticking out of his body was his shiny eyes which look like a bird eyes, and all of his eyes was black). 16) Bodenga Bodenga was a man who helped Lintang when he got trouble while travelling to school. He had helped him to move a crocodile which blocked the street. He was a son of crocodile tamer. His father was died after he gave his body to crocodile to be eaten up. Bodenga looked like a mad man, his dress was strange, and he was a free man. 54 When there was a crocodile appearance, Bodenga would come to save villagers from it. He was a strange man. “Wajahnya carut marut, berusia empat puluh tahun. Ia menyelimuti dirinya dengan dahan-dahan kelapa dan tidur melingkar seperti pohon nifah selama dua hari dua malam. Jika lapar ia terjun ke sumur tua di kantor polisi lama, menyelam, menagkap belut, yang terperangkap di bawah sana dan langsung memakannya ketika masih di dalam air” (Hirata, 2008:91). (His face was full of scratches, and forty years old. He covered his body with coconut limbs and slept rounding as like palm tree for two days whole. When he felt hungry he jumped to an old well at old police office, dived and catching eel which trapped in it, and he directly ate it while he still in the water). 17) Drs. Zulfikar Drs. Zulfikar was a physics teacher in PN School. He was on debate with Lintang in quiz contest. He was very arrogant. As Mrs. Friska, he always looked down on village school. “Pria ini adalah seorang fresh graduate yang sombong, ia memperlihatkan karakter manusia yang sok pintar yang baru tahu dunia. Bicaranya di awang-awang dengan gaya seperti Pak Habibie. Ia mengutip buku asing di sana sini tak keruan, menggunakan istilah-istilah aneh karena ingin mengesankan dirinya luar biasa”(Hirata, 2008: 376). (This man was an arrogant fresh graduate. He appeared his wiseacre character as like a man who just already known about this world. His speaking was on the sky as like Mr. Habibie style. He adopted so many strange books improperly, and using so many strange terminology to make all people interested to him). 18) A Miauw A Miauw is the owner of Sinar Harapan Shop. He was look like an arrogant man, but he was very honest. 55 “Ia memang pria congkak dengan intonasi bicara yang tak enak didengar, wajahnya juga seperti orang yang selalu ingin memerintah, kata-katanya tidak bersahabat, dan badanya bau tengik bawang putih, tapi ia dalah seorang kong hu chu yang taat dan dalam berniaga ia jujur tak ada bandingnya” (Hirata, 2008: 202). (He was an arrogant man with his speaking which did not nice to be heard, his face was look like a man who want to command, his word was unfriendly, his body smell was not nice like a garlic, on the contrary he was a loyal Confucius and when he did trading he was the most honest). 2. Setting The important thing needed in composing a story is setting. Setting was the time and place where the story occurred. Stanton (1965: 18) said that the setting of a story is the environment of its events, the immediate world in which they occur. Usually, the description of setting was clearly viewed in the story, as if the reader lives in that place and feels what was in the story. A novel will present us with a clear picture of its time, and lead us to feel that we know its setting as if we have lived in it ourselves (Little, 1970: 101). a. Setting of Place In Laskar Pelangi novel, there are many setting which can be found. But generally, the setting of places was in Belitong. Here, the writer would like to describe some setting which occurred in this novel explicitly. 1) Muhammadiyah School 56 Muhammadiyah School is a school where Laskar Pelangi studied in. This school is far from perfection. It looks like a copra ware house. Bu Muslimah and his uncle fight for its existence; in order to it not to be closed. It is not difficult to describe this school. It looks like other condition of the schools in our country. Muhammadiyah School building actually cannot be called as school building because of its bad condition. “Kami memiliki enam kelas kecil-kecil, pagi untuk SD Muhammadiyah dan sore untuk SMP Muhammadiyah. Maka kami, sepuluh siswa baru ini bercokol selama Sembilan tahun di sekolah yang sama dan kelas-kelas yang sama, bahkan susunan kawan sebangku pun tak berubah selama Sembilan tahun SD dan SMP itu” (Hirata, 2008: 17). (We had six small classes, in the morning it used for Muhammadiyah Elementary School and used for Muhammadiyah Junior School in the afternoon. Thus, we were ten new students would be staying in the same school and same class, even the arrangement of seat were not changed for nine years, for our elementary and junior grade). “Kami kekurangan guru dan sebagian besar siswa SD Muhammadiyah ke sekolah memakai sandal. Kami bahkan tak punya seragam. Kami juga tak punya kotak P3K” (Hirata, 2008: 18). (We were lack of teacher and almost of Muhammadiyah students wore slipper going to school. Even we did not have uniform. We also did not have first aid box) “Sekolah kami tidak dijaga karena tidak ada benda berharga yang layak dicuri. Satu-satunya benda yang menandakan bangunan adalah sebatang tiang bendera dari bambu kuning dan sebuah papan tulis hijau yang tergantung miring di dekat lonceng. Lonceng kami adalah besi bulat berlubanglubang bekas tungku. Di papan tulis itu terpampang gambar matahari dengan garis-garis sinar berwarna putih. Di tengahnya tertulis:SD MD: Sekolah Dasar Muhammadiyah” (Hirata, 2008: 18). 57 (Our school was not guarded, because nothing valuable to be stolen by. The only thing which signed that it was a school was a flagpole made of yellow bamboo and a green board which obliquity hanged on beside a bell. Our bell was made of round iron with holes in it trace of fire place. On the green board was put up a picture of sun with white ray lines. In the middle was written: SD MD Sekolah Dasar Muhammadiyah) “Jika dilihat jauh sekolah kami seolah akan tumpah karena tiang-tiang dari kayu yang tua sudah tak tegak menahan atap sirap yang berat. Maka sekolah kami sangat mirip dengan gudang kopra. Konstruksi bangunan yang menyalahi prinsip arsitektur ini menyebabkan tak ada daun pintu dan jendela yang bisa dikunci karena sudah tidak simetris dengan rangka kusennya” (Hirata, 2008: 19). (If Muhammadiyah School was looked from far away, it will be look like the school would be spilled, because the wooden old poles had not uprightly held heavy shingle roof. Our school was look like a copra ware house. Building constructions which disapprove architecture principles cause there were no doors and windows which can be locked because it had not been symmetrical with its frame) 2) PN (perusahaan Negara) School PN School was the opposite of Muhammadiyah School. This school was full of accommodation. It is only reach men who are able to bring their children to study in. Most of its students came from the officials of tin company children. One of its students was Floriana. 3) Sinar Harapan Shop Sinar Harapan shop was a notions shop. It sold all stuffs people need, from foods, until chalks. The owner of this shop was A Miauw a Chinese A Ling’s father. This place was the only shop which sold chalks, thus Muhammadiyah student had to take on long distance to East Belitong if they wanted to buy chalks. The conditions of this 58 place were very bad and stinky. On the other hand, in this bad place, Ikal found his first love in. “Toko Sinar Harapan, pemasok kapur satu-satunya di Belitong Timur, amat jauh letaknya. Sesampainya di sana- di sebuah toko yang sesak di kawasan kumuh pasar ikan yang becek- jika perut tidak kuat, siapapun akan muntah karena lobak asin, tauco, kanji, kerupuk udang, ikan teri, asam jawa, air tahu, terasi, kembang kol, pedak cumi, jengkol, dan kacang merah yang ditelantarkan di dalam baskom-baskom karatan di depan toko” (Hirata, 2008: 195). (Sinar Harapan Shop was the only chalk supplier in east belitong, which was far away. Arriving there, in a crowded shop located in dirty fish market – if our stomach was not strong we would vomit because the smell of salty radish, tauco, corn hour, shrimp crispy, tiny sea fish, Javanese tamarind, tofu water, terasi, cauliflower, squid flour, phithecolobium, red nut, which put in washbasin that in front of the shop). 4) Felicia Tree Felicia tree was a tree which grew in front of Muhammadiyah School. It was the place where Muhammadiyah students gathered when break time. This tree was the place where they could see rainbow, when it appeared. They also used this place for doing a meeting or just talking something with other friends. 5) Selumar Mountain Selumar Mountain was a mountain located in East Belitong. This place was the destination of Laskar Pelangi member for filling out their weekend. They went to Selumar Mountain in the early morning. From the left shoulder of mountain, it could be looked the view of inhabitant’s houses. 59 “Gunung Selumar tidak terlalu tinggi tapi puncaknya merupakan tempat tertinggi di Belitong Timur. Jika memasuki kampung kami dari arah utara maka harus melewati bahu kiri gunung ini. Dari kejauhan, gunung ini tampak seperti perahu yang terbalik, kukuh, biru, dan samarsamar. Di sepanjang tanjakan dan turunan menyusuri bahu kiri Gunung Selumar berderet-deret rumah-rumah penduduk Selinsing dan Selumar” (Hirata, 2008: 285). (Selumar Mountain was not too high, but the peak of the mountain was the highest place in East Belitong. if meddling in our village from north side we had to pass by left shoulder if this mountain. From far away, this mountain was look like an up side down boat, sturdy, blue, and hazy. Along ascent and descent path going along the edge of Selumar Mountain left shoulder there were inhabitant’s houses of Selinsing and Selumar in line). Selumar Mountain was also the place where Flo lost in. everybody was confused by her lost in Selumar Mountain, because this place was dangerous. Someone who got lost in this mountain will be difficult to be found because of its unique contour of its forest. “Kontur gunung ini sangat unik. jika berada di dalam hutannya banyak sekali komposisi pohon dan permukaan tanah yang tampak sama. Maka jika melewati jalur itu seolah seseorang merasa berada di tempat yang telah ia kenal, padahal tanpa disadari langkahnya semakin menjauh tersasar ke dalam rimba” (Hirata, 2008: 310). (This mountain contour was very unique. If we were in its forest, there were many trees compositions and ground surface which looked similar. Thus, when we passed that path someone as if he or she would feel in a known place, however unrealized we walked further lost in the forest). 6) Fish Market Fish market was the place where Societeite de Limpai gathered for holding a meeting. 60 7) Lanun Island Lanun Island was an island where Tuk Bayan Tula lived. It was very horrifying and strange. The only Tuk lived there. “Tuk Bayan Tula tinggal di sebuah gua yang gelap, di jantung Pulau Lanun. Pulau itu berbelok menyimpang dari jalur nelayan, jadi tak seorang pun akan ke sana. Perahuperahu perompak yang telah beliau bakar berserakan di tepi pantai. Tak ada siapa-siapa di pulai itu kecuali beliau sendiri dan tak terlihar ada tanaman kebun atau sumur air tawar…..” (Hirata, 2008: 316). (Tuk Bayan Tula lived in a dark cave, in the center of Lanun Island. That island deviated from fisherman trip, so nobody would go there. Boats raiders which had been burned by him were wretched in the shore side. Nobody there except him and no garden or fresh water well…..). 8) Punai Anchorage Beach Punai beach was a beach where Muhammadiyah students went for picnic. They needed for sixty kilo meters riding bicycle. Visiting this beach was the cheapest picnic for them. 9) National School Yard National school yard was the place where A Ling and Ikal went after meeting in China Temple. They got on merry go round (komidi putar) in that yard. 10) China temple China temple was the place where a ling and ikal getting first 61 date. 11) Tanjong Pandan Tanjong pandan was the place where lintang and friends joined quiz contest. 12) Zaal Batu Zaal Batu is a name of crazy hospital. In this hospital, Trapani and his mother were nursed. It was quite and seizing. “Ruangan itu luas, tak berjendela dan dindingnya polos tinggi berwarna putih. Tak ada lukisan dan jambangan bunga. Begitu sepi, tak ada satupun suara. Penerangan hanya dari sebuah bohlam dengan kap rendah sehingga plafon menjadi gelap. Ruangan ini suram, penuh nuansa kepedihan dan kaputusasaan. Dalam sorot lampu tak tampak perabot apapun kecuali sebuah bangku panjang kecil nun jauh di sudut ruangan” (Hirata, 2008: 450). (That room was large, there was no window and its walls were high and white. There were no pictures and flower vase. It was too quite, there were no voices. The lighting only came from a light bulb with low shade, so it caused dark on plafond. This room was hazy, full of poignancy and desperation nuance). 13) Post Office The post office was located in Bogor. It was the only setting which located outside of Belitong. Here, Ikal had been working after he graduated from his school. b. The Setting of Time The story occurred in the 20th century. In 1980’s Belitung was the biggest town which produced tin in this country. From that information, we know that the time of the novel approximately 1980’s up to 1990’s 3. Plot Besides characters and setting, the important part in a novel is plot. It is one of intrinsic element of literature. Plot is a series of events which intertwined accurately and form a plot that actuate the flow of story through complication into climax and resolution (Budianta, 2002: 86). According to Stanton plot of story is story that contains sequence of event but every event connected by causal relationship, one event cause or caused to the other events (Stanton, 1965: 14). Plot is often designed with a narrative structure, storyline or story arc that includes exposition, conflict, rising action and climax, followed by a falling action and resolution. Exposition is the beginning of the plot concerned with introducing characters and setting. These elements may be largely presented at the beginning of the story, or occur as a sort of incidental description throughout. Rising Action is the central part of a story during which various problems arise, leading up to the climax. Conflict is the "problem" in a story which triggers the action. The climax is the high point of the story, where a culmination of events creates the peak of the conflict. The climax usually features the most 62 conflict and struggle, and usually reveals any secrets or missing points in the story. The falling action is the part of a story following the climax. This part of the story shows the result of the climax, and its effects on the characters, setting, and proceeding events, thus it serves as the conclusion of the story (www.wikipedia.com). In Laskar Pelangi novel, it can be easily understood the plot of story. Andrea Hirata, as the author of this novel likes to describe the settings and characters clearly. Thus, the reader can understand from the plot of story simply. The plots of story of this novel are as follow: The exposition of story is shown at the beginning of story. Andrea Hirata described clearly all characters which played role in the story. The main setting was also described in the beginning. He explained all characters of Laskar Pelangi members, Muhammadiyah School teacher, and other minor characters. The story was begun with an event when Laskar Pelangi members first time entered school. It also told, the habit and behavior which some characters have. The author also described the description of their condition, such as the comparison between villagers’ condition and rich men condition that have some clear differences among them. The story has become raising when PN School, an elite school which always looked down on Muhammadiyah School. Although Laskar Pelangi student were looked down, they never give up, and still spirit. At 63 that time, Muhammadiyah Student were led by Mahar would like to show their capability in Independence Day carnival and bear down PN School. Finally they won it, just because their fighting spirit. One more event to show that Muhammadiyah School students cannot be underestimated is that they joined quiz show. Climax of Laskar Pelangi story is when quiz show. Lintang, Ikal, and Sahara had made them embraced. The only Muhammadiyah School students answered all questions correctly. They did not give a change to their rivals to answer. Until last question the only them answer all questions correctly. Unfortunately, a teacher of PN School protested to the jury that their question was incorrect. Then, it became debate between that teacher and Lintang. Finally, Lintang and friends won that debate. Everybody cheered for their victory. Falling action occurred when Muhammadiyah students had won quiz contest. All people had become admitting Muhammadiyah School, as a school which cannot be underestimated. Nevertheless, the hero of this school had to cease from school because of his condition which impossible to Lintang to finish his junior school. The resolution of this story happened when it was twelve years after graduating from Muhammadiyah School. It told about their successful life in reaching their ambition, including Ikal who wanted to study abroad, continuing Lintang’s ambition which cannot be created. 64 4. Point of View Point of view is way and or opinion used by author as medium to present figures, action, setting and some events that make a story in fiction work to reader (www.dekisoegi.ohlog.com). Thus, point of view is the way an author tell the story, whether as a first person (as the subject), as a second person (you or they), or as the third person (story observer). In Laskar Pelangi novel, the author uses “I” to indicate that the author as the first person in the point of view. 5. Style Stanton (1965: 30) said that, style in literature is the author’s manner of using language. Even if there are two authors who wrote a story which have some similarities in plot, setting, characters but they will be different from their style in telling a story. Andrea Hirata as an author of Laskar Pelangi novel has unique style. He often uses some figurative languages in telling the story. “Dalam hatiku, jika aku berani macam-macam pastilah jemarinya secepat patukan bangau menusuk kedua bola mataku dengan gerakan kuntau yang tak terlihat” (Hirata, 2008: 204). (I told in my heart, if I was brave to do something it must be her fingers as quick as a beak of white egret sticking my eyes using kung fu moving) He also tells the description of story clearly and very detail, 65 such as when Telling about Muhammadiayah School, which he tell very detail from class room, the condition of school even its location. He also cites some scientific terms which make this novel is not just common novel. 6. Theme Theme is something that used as the basic story, or something that become main problem in a story. In Laskar Pelangi novel, the theme of this novel is the spirit to learn. B. Learning Motivation of Laskar Pelangi Novel In this subchapter, the writer presents some sentences, utterances from Laskar Pelangi novel which indicate about learning motivation, something to motivate someone in learning, or the motive of someone wants to learn textually or contextually. As explained in the previous chapter that motivation divided into extrinsic and intrinsic, thus learning motivation of Laskar Pelangi novel also presented into extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. 1. Intrinsic Motivation a. To Change the Destiny It was the motivation that Lintang’s father had when he wanted to bring his son to school. He wanted a changing in his family; he wanted his son not to be a poor fisherman like him. Lintang’s father had a willing that his son had better future and life than him. 66 “Agaknya selama turun temurun keluarga laki-laki cemara angin itu tak mampu tereangkat dari endemik kemiskinan komunitas Melayu yang menjadi nelayan. Tahun ini beliau menginginkan perubahan dan ia memutuskan anak laki-laki tertuanya, Lintang, tak akan menjadi seperti dirinya (Hirata, 2008: 11). (It seemed that from generation to generation that windy casuarinas man’s family was not able to change their destiny from poverty endemic of Melayunese community as a fisherman. This year, he wanted a changing and he decided his big son, Lintang would not be like him). b. To Enrich Knowledge It was truly the aim of someone learning something. He wants to enrich his knowledge that he had. All obstacles will not hamper him, when he has big willing to enrich his knowledge. It looks like what Lintang did. He was crazy of studying. He was never absent from school, even a big crocodile had blocked his trip, but he still wanted to go to school to get more knowledge. “Tapi lebih dari setengah perjalanan sudah, aku tak’kan kembali pulang gara-gara buaya bodoh ini. Tak ada kata bolos dalam kamusku, dan hari ini ada tarikh islam, mata pelajaran yang menarik. Ingin kudebatkan kisah ayat-ayat suci yang memastikan kemenangan Byzantium tujuh tahun sebelum kejadian…..” (Hirata, 2008: 88). (I had more than half trip, I would not go back just because of stupid crocodile. There was no absent word in my dictionary. And today there was Islamic history subject, an interesting subject. I wanted to debate about the story in the Qur’an verses which had assured the victory of Byzantium seven years before that incident…..). c. To Reach Dream Everybody has dream and ambition in life. Every person maybe 67 has different ambition, for example a child has an ambition to be a politician, scientist, or even being a success business man. The inspiration of an ambition can be taken from any sources, probably from film, his environment, or maybe his skill. He studies hard to reach his dream. Previously, Ikal had an ambition to be a professional badminton player and a writer. Thus he trained his skill in playing badminton until he became a skilled badminton player, although finally, he had to change his ambition because of his destiny did not bring him to be a famous badminton player. “…..Aku mulai menginventarisasi bidang minat, bakat, dan kemampuanku. Dan aku tak pernah ragu akan jawabannya yaitu: aku paling piawai bermain bulu tangkis dan aku punya minat sangat besar dalam bidang tulis menulis” (Hirata, 2008: 339). (….. I began to inventories my skill and capability. And I never doubt about my answers that I was skilled in playing badminton and I had big willing in writing). d. To Please Parents Being successful in learning is something that makes parents proud of their child. So as Lintang, he had big willing to make his parent happy and proud of him, thus he had to study hard and to be a good student. “Lintang menatap mata ayahnya dalam-dalam, rasa ngilu menyelinap dalam hatinya yang masih belia, rasa ngilu yang mengkikrarkan nazar aku harus jadi manusia pintar,…..” (Hirata, 2008: 96). (Lintang looked at his father’s eyes deeply, a pain slithered68 in his heart that still young, and that pain that made him declaring a promise to his father that he had to be a smart boy). e. To Get Scholarship It is what we want up to now, studying hard and getting scholarship. Every student wishes to get a scholarship, whether it for studying abroad or for school fee. After so many years, Ikal had never studied he began studying hard to get scholarship studying abroad. He studied all the time without compromising. Everywhere and every time he studied, just because of getting scholarship. “”Aku harus mendapatkan beasiswa itu!” demikian kataku dalam hati setiap berada di depan kaca” (Hirata, 2008: 460). (” I had to get that scholarship!” that what I said in my heart everyday when I was in front of mirror). 2. Extrinsic Motivation a. To Create a Creation Everybody is proud when his learning results something. When we have done our painting, we will feel satisfied, even when our painting is the most beautiful from others and got an appreciation although it just a condemnation. Laskar pelangi students always compete to get the best creation in art subject. They wanted to be like Mahar who always had sparkling idea to create something new in every art subject. b. To Win a Competition Getting a prize or winning something is other motive that 70 someone wants to study hard. He will be very satisfied when they had won that competition. So as, Laskar Pelangi students, they were very spirit in exercising for Independence Day carnival, they would like to bear down their rival PN School students. It was because of Mahar, who had inflated their spirit to show their best performance and win the competition whatever other people said about them. “Tapi kami tak gentar. Situasi moril kami sedang tinggi. Melihat kepemimpinan, kepiawaian, dan gaya Mahar kepercayaan diri kami meletup-letup” (Hirata, 2008: 229). (But we did not give up. Our moral situation was in high position. Seeing Mahar’s leadership, his skill, and his style had pumped up our confidence). c. To be a Confident Man To be a confident man is sometimes a problem for some people. They sometimes feel not confident although only introducing his name in front of the class. They are very nervous facing many people in an occasion. Omitting this character was not too difficult, more exercises speaking in front of many people and little bit motivation to calm down our nervous are probably the keys of solving it. It happened when A Kiong was asked Bu Muslimah to introduce him self in front of the class, he only was silent and smile to Bu Muslimah. Thus his father motivated him to speak up. “Ayolah anakku, kuatkan hatimu, sekali saja! Jangan bikin malu orang Hokian!” ( Hirata, 2008: 26). 71 (Come on my son; strengthen your heart, for once! Don’t embrace Hokianese). d. To be a Good Moslem Being a good Moslem is an expectation of every Moslem. But, to be a good Moslem is not easy. They have to know what the criterions of a good Moslem are. Through learning about Islam and doing it, is expected that a Moslem can be a good Moslem. So as Muhammadiyah School had vision to make its student to be a good Moslem and expert in science. Bu Muslimah always reminded them to make Quran and Hadits as a guidance of their life in order that they can live happily. “Hiduplah hanya dari ajaran Al-Quran, Hadits, dan sunnatullah, itulah pokok-pokok tuntunan Muhammadiyah. Insya Allah nanti setelah besar engkau akan dilimpahi rezeki yang halal dan pendamping hidup yang sakinah” (Hirata, 2008: 350). (Live only from Quran, Hadits, and sunnatullah percepts, those all the main guidance of Muhammadiyah. God willing, you would be lucky and get right soul mate in your future). e. To be a Hard Worker Learning has changed someone’s character to be a hard worker and fighting spirit. They want to get his aim thus he had to work hard to create their aim. Learning on and on intuitively has made them to be a hard worker. It also happened to Laskar Pelangi members; they had to work hard to exercise a dance for carnival. 72 “Setelah itu, setiap sore di bawah pohon filicium, kami bekerja keras berhari-hari melatih tarian aneh dari negeri yang jauh” (Hirata, 2008:227). (After that, every afternoon under Felicia tree, we worked hard for many days exercising a strange dance from far away country). f. To be a Good Leader Leading an organization is not easy for some people who are not experienced of. Besides leadership character which has grown up in someone self, being a leadership also can be learned through leadership training or seminar. In Muhamadiyah School, Bu Mus had implanted to her students to be a good leader. She motivated her students to be a good leader Like Prophet Muhammad and his followers. “Kata-kata itu mengajarkan arti penting memegang amanah sebagai pemimpin dan Al Quran mengingatkan bahwa kepemimpinan seseorang akan dipertanggungjawabkan nanti di akhirat…..” (Hirata, 2008:71). (Those words taught us how important holding a mandate as a leader and Quran reminded us that someone’s leadership would be responsible in the hereafter…..). g. To Love Other Living Thing We can love plants, animals, and other God creatures. We knew that if we learn how important they are for our life. Thus, Bu Muslimah also taught her students to love and keep other living thing around us. She taught her students to plant some flowers and kept them. It is one way for Bu Muslimah taught them to love other living thing. They planted them, watered everyday and cleared the flowers from weeds. 73 ““Ini adalah bagian dari pendidikan!”pesan Bu Mus serius” (Hirata, 2008: 192). (”This was a part of education!” Bu Mus advised seriously). h. To be a Discipline Man Being a discipline man is one of the effects of learning. Moreover in a school, a student has to obey the rule of school, such as coming on time, doing homework, wearing uniform and so on. Bu Muslimah as a teacher of Laskar Pelangi students emphasizes a disciplinary to her students. She was intolerant with her students who were not discipline. Thus, she always taught her student to be a discipline student. “Bukan Karena karyamu tidak bermutu, tapi dalam bekerja apapun kita harus memiliki disiplin.” (Hirata, 2008: 190). (It was not because of your creation that was not qualified, but in working we had to own a disciplinary). i. To be Closer with Idol Everybody has an idol, whether they are an artist, their family, their senior, their friends, or even their prophet. They can do anything for their idol. It looked like Floriana who really revered Mahar because of his strange capability, especially in mystic. She acquiesced leaving her elite school and moved to Muhammadiyah School just because of Mahar. “Tapi ada alasan lain yang tak banyak orang tahu, dan ini agak berbahaya, yaitu ia tergila-gila pada Mahar” (Hirata, 2008: 358). (But there was another reason that many people did not know, and it was rather dangerous, that she nut about Mahar). 74 j. To be Motivated With a Girl Whom a Man Loves Sometimes, having a boy friend or girl friend has plus or minus. Some students said that having a girl friend or boy friend can be a motivation for studying. In other hand, there are some evidences indicate that having a boyfriend or girlfriend can make them lazy in studying, they only have fun, and forget to study. On the contrary, Ikal had broken the opinion that having girl friend cause laziness in studying. He was motivated very much with A Ling, a girl whom he loved very much. “Aku melihat ke belakang, membuat evaluasi kemajuan hidupku, dan bersyukur telah mengenal A Ling” (Hirata, 2008: 336). (I looked at behind, making an evaluation of my life progress, and be grateful I had known A Ling). C. The Reason Why Andrea Hirata Took Spirit of Learning as Theme of Laskar Pelangi Novel In this sub chapter, the writer would like to expose the reason Andrea Hirata wrote this novel, and spirit of learning as its theme. Here are some reasons which are taken from Laskar Pelangi the Phenomenon book. 1. To Break Melayunese stereotype There is a stereotype cohering Melayunese that they are lazy men. It is probably because Malaysia government policy gave special protection and peculiarity for Melayunese. Thus, up to now, they feel that they are more special than other and do not need to work hard. When he was interviewed by Nasrul Azwar a reporter from Bangka Belitung Tabloid about this stereotype he introspected himself and investigated people around him, then he said “Less or more this stereotype is true” (Karni, 2008: 153). But not all of Melayunese are lazy. Laziness that result backwardness and 75 poorness in Belitong which inspire Andrea and his friends struggle and convinced that learning is the most effective instrument to escape backwardness (Karni, 2008: 158). 2. To Motivate All Students to be Always Fighting Spirit By writing his memoir when he was child, Andrea Hirata expects he can motivate all students to fight their spirit in learning, and reach their ambition whatever their condition. Andrea told that the important thing is a strong character formation, in order to be optimistic to improve an expectation and dream (Karni, 2008: 197). “Now, all educational values derived from Laskar Pelangi story will be spread through “Laskar Pelangi in action” (Karni, 2008: 197). 3. To be a Good Idol in Education One of strength of Laskar Pelangi novel is that there are some figures that have role to awaken reader spirit in learning, such as Lintang who was never absent although so many obstacles hampered him. Andrea hopes that figures such a Lintang or Bu Muslimah who never beefed about their condition can be an idol in education. Karni (2008: 117) said that one 76 of contributive values of Laskar Pelangi novel is its qualification to appear a role model among the country which merely loss a guidance figure. D. The Influence of Laskar Pelangi Story Toward Its Readers It was really amazing only for three years, Laskar Pelangi novel has been reprinted for twenty six times. A wonderful story that makes this novel becomes best seller. This powerful novel has inspired and motivated the readers to realize how important learning, and resuscitate to be spirit in learning. Below are some opinions of Laskar Pelangi novel reader about the effect that they feel after they read it. 1. Andy F Noya a presenter of Kick Andy Show, in the cover of Laskar Pelangi novel he commented that this novel was really awakening. He said “Anyone who read it would be motivated and feel guilty if he was not grateful about his life” (Hirata, 2008: cover). 2. Nico a university student in Bandung has felt the power of Laskar Pelangi story. Previously, he was a drug abuser. His parents have acceded asking him to rehab from using drug. But he stubbornly rejected it. After reading it, he realized and wanted to be rehab. After that, he also wanted to finish his graduating paper. Nico in Karni (2008: 2) said that “ I was shy to the struggle of the teacher figure in that novel, and I was shy to Lintang, a poor child who had to stop his school because his father was died and less of money” 3. Laskar Pelangi novel also has become motivation to a teacher in Cirebon, namely Maisaroh. She is an honorary teacher in Pamijah State Elementary School in Cirebon. Now she does not really care about her salary, how much she gets. After reading Laskar Pelangi novel, she is more spirit motivating her students, who almost of them are rattan plait labor children. 77 Maisaroh’s spirit is inspired by Bu Muslimah dedication, whose her salary and facility are far more apprehensive, but she can fight her students’s spirit, until one of them had got master degree from Europe (Karni, 2008: 3). 4. Kurnia a staff in state Surakarta University has an experience about Laskar Pelangi. He has become more spirit to continue his study to abroad. The story of Laskar Pelangi has realized him about his family and his life. After knowing Mr. Harfan, who always reminded Laskar Pelangi student to do not forget to pray, He was grateful that his father had ever sent him to Assalam Islamic Boarding School, which made him knowing about Islam. He said that “Thanks Lintang, you are my inspiration. Thanks for all Laskar Pelangi members for your entire struggle that I will not forget; I will not waste all facilities around me (www.kurnia.staff.uns.ac.id). 5. Romi Satrio Wahono a lecture in UDINUS Semarang, he told that the story of Laskar Pelangi has become whiplash for him in facing the life. He was very guilty that there are many students who did not lucky like him, whereas Laskar Pelangi students were more suitable enjoying all facilities that he had. He realized that he had done so many faults to his family, his students, and all people. An utterance from Mr. Harfan, the head master of Muhammadiyah School in Gantong, Belitong also has become my important whiplash and motivation in my struggle “Live by giving more and don’t receive much more” (www.romisatriowahono.net). CHAPTER V CLOSURE A. Conclusion After analyzing the novel “Laskar Pelangi” the writer is able to conclude as follow: 1. The literary elements of the novel consist of: a. Character and characterization: Character is divided into two kinds that are major character and minor character. The major character in Laskar Pelangi novel is Ikal. While the minor character in this novel are Bu Muslimah, Mr. Harfan, Lintang, Mahar, A Kiong, Trapani, Kucai, Sahara, Syahdan, Harun, Borek, A Ling, Tuk Bayan Tula, Bodenga, Floriana, A Miauw, Mrs. Friska, Mr. Zulfikar. b. Setting The setting of time in this novel is about 1970’s. While generally all setting are located in Belitong. Those are Muhammadiyah School, PN (perusahaan Negara) Timah School, Sinar Harapan Shop, Felicia Tree, Selumar Mountain, Fish Market, Lanun Island, Punai Anchorage Beach, National School yard, China Temple, Tanjong Pandan, Zaal Batu, and 79 Post Office. c. Plot 78 The plot of this novel consists of exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution. d. Point of view In this novel, the author uses first person or “I” as point of view. e. Style This novel is written simply and easily to be understood by the reader. The author also used some figurative languages to describe something. f. Theme The theme of Laskar Pelangi novel is the spirit to learn. B. The motivation in learning presented in Laskar Pelangi novel 1. Extrinsic motivation a. To Change the Destiny b. To Enrich Knowledge c. To Reach Dream d. To Please Parents e. To Get Scholarship 2. Intrinsic Motivation a. To Create a Creation b. To Win a Competition 80 c. To be a Confident Man d. To be a Good Moslem e. To be a Hard Worker f. To be a Good Leader g. To Love Other Living Thing h. To be a Discipline Man i. To be Closer with Idol j. To be Motivated With a Girl Whom a Man Loves C. The reason of Andrea Hirata took spirit of learning as theme of Laskar Pelangi novel a. To break Melayunese stereotype b. To motivate all students to be always fighting spirit c. To be a good idol in education D. The influence of Laskar Pelangi story toward its reader a. Andy F Noya said that Laskar Pelangi Story motivated him in his life. b. Laskar Pelangi story has influenced a university student to rehab from abusing drug. c. Laskar Pelangi story has taught teacher to teach sincerely. d. Laskar Pelangi story has motivated someone to study abroad. e. Laskar Pelangi story has influenced someone to realize his faults. E. Suggestion To close this paper, the writer would like to give some suggestion as follow: 81 1. For the reader, reading literature is not usually bad custom because we must spend much time without doing something as people said. On the contrary, it reminds us to use our time effectively and encourage us to keep on working by useful thing. It also helps us identify ourselves in building self-personality. So, make reading as an enjoyable activity by selecting quality of book that entertaining, motivating, enriching knowledge, and realizing about our existence as the creature of God. 2. 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Unpublished Thesis, STAIN Salatiga. 84 CURRICULUM VITAE Name Date of Birth Address E-mail/ Phone Number Education : Nur Muthmainnah : Sragen, March 12, 1988 : Garit, Rt. 06/ 03 Sambirejo, Sambirejo, Sragen 57293 : itsenough88@yahoo.com/ +6285647365833 : - TK Bustanul Athfal Sambirejo Sragen, graduated 1994 - SDN I Sambirejo Sragen, graduated 2000 - MTs Sambirejo Sragen, graduated 2003 - MAKN Surakarta, graduated 2006 MINISTRY OF RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS STATE ISLAMIC STUDIES INSTITUTE (STAIN) SALATIGA Jl. Stadion 03 Telp. (0298) 323706. Fax. 323433. Salatiga 50721 Website: www.stainsalatiga.ac.id Email: administrasi@stainsalatiga.ac.id DAFTAR SKK Nama : Nur Muthmainnah NIM : 113 06 048 Wali studi : Ari Setiawan, S.Pd, M.M Jur/ : Tarbiyah/ TBI Progdi NO 1 Jenis Kegiatan OPSPEK 2006 Friendship Pelaksanaan Keterangan 26-29 Agustus Peserta 2006 Tour 17 September 2006 2 English 3 (EFT) CEC STAIN Salatiga Pelatihan Dakwah 16- 17 September Peserta Mahasiswa (PDM) VI LDK 4 Peserta 2006 16th Anniversary of LPM 26 September 2006 Peserta Nilai 5 Dinamika tahun 2006 Movie Appreciation 6 Breaking the Fast Pesantren Kilat dan I’tikaf 17-19 and 6 Oktober 2006 Ponpes Annida Salatiga Peserta Oktober Peserta 2006 7 8 CEC 2007-2008 2007-2008 Pengurus Darul Arqam Dasar (DAD) 31 Maret- 1 April Peserta 9 IMM 2007 Seminar Nasional Politik 5 April 2007 Peserta dan Pendidikan oleh BEM, 10 11 HMJ, KOPMA FATAWA Speech Contest CEC 17 April 2007 Bedah Buku Zero to Hero 28 April 2007 Audience Peserta 12 13 oleh LDK Training Organisasi II LDK 19-20 Mei 200 Sarasehan Menggapai 14 Juni 2007 Panitia Peserta Sukses Bersama: Kuliah Dulu atau Kerja? KSEI 14 STAIN Salatiga Bilateral Camp 15 Salatiga mahasiswa Jepang September 2007 Group Work Camp IIWC 31 Agustus- 8 Peserta STAIN 31 bersama NICE Jepang 16 Breaking the Fast Agustus- 7 Peserta September 2007 and 25 September 2007 Panitia Bioskop Ramadhan CEC 17 STAIN Salatiga English Friendship (EFT) CEC Tour 11 Nopember 2007 panitia 18 Homestay (a month living Nopember 2007 with American Family) 19 Program UPB CEC 2008-2009 20 Pelantikan Pimpinan Daerah 3 Pebruari 2008 21 2008-2009 Pemuda Muhammadiyah Salatiga Seminar “Method of 31 Mei 2008 Language Teaching” in State Islamic Pengurus Panitia Panitia Studies 22 Institute by CEC TOEFL Prediction Test 23 Seminar Stadium Peserta 4 Juli 2008 internasional: 11 Agustus 2008 General Peserta Peserta World Heritage Volunteer Project 24 by IIWC and DE JAVATO Pesantren Liburan Anak 7 September 2008 panitia Sekolah (PLAS) IMM & 25 LAZIM Salatiga TOEFL Prediction Test 26 Movie 27 Breaking the Fast CEC English Clinic Program 6 Nopember 2008- Trainer 28 (EC) MAN I Salatiga 9 April 2009 Scholarship Expo 2009 11 April 2009 Appreciation 19 September 2008 Peserta and 22 September 2008 Peserta STAIN Salatiga & UPB STAIN Salatiga Panitia 29 Bedah Buku: Metode Studi 26 Mei 2009 peserta Islam, UPT Perpustakaan 30 STAIN Salatiga TOEFL ITP Test 19 Oktober 2009 Peserta 31 TOELF Prediction Test 24 Oktober 2009 Peserta 32 Asisten dosen UPB STAIN 2007-2010 Asisten 33 Salatiga Tim Sosialisasi STAIN 29 Jauari 2010 Petugas 34 Salatiga 2010 Lomba Cerpen Milad VIII 16 April 2010 Peserta 35 Th.2010 LDK Seminar Peserta regional 20 April 2010 “Peningkatan Bahasa Internasional untuk Menguatkan Pendidikan 36 Nasional” CEC Bedah buku “Jalan Cinta 24 April 2010 Peserta 37 Para Pejuang” LDK Staf pengajar Bahasa Juli 2010- sekarang Guru Inggris 38 Sragen Seminar MTs Sambirejo Regional dan 1 Agustus 2010 Workshop Biro Konsultasi TAZKIA Jumlah Peserta