Pray for... - Sacred Heart of Jesus, Spearman
Pray for... - Sacred Heart of Jesus, Spearman
Liturgical Ministry Schedule Our Gratitude for God’s Blessing February 01, 2015 Loose Envelopes Children Total February 15 $ 970.00 $ 1347.00 $ 118.00 $ 2435.00 ALTAR SERVERS 06-Fishburn Jaschua & Anna 13-Flores Eduardo 20-Flores Daniel & Alicia Ginny Grotegut Mike Ralston Barbara Stavlo Frances Ortega Linda Venneman CANTORS — Amber & Nikki CHILDREN’S LITURGY — Brandea Allen Domingo @ 11:30 Domingo Gruver @ 1:30pm LECTORES Jenny Hernández Gustavo Lopez Sujeila García Lizbeth Trejo MIN. EUCH. Gaby Ruiz Mica Ortiz Sandra Carbajal Zerapia Trejo Tomasa Cruz Lola Hernández CORO Familia Camacho Cristo Redentor COLECTA MONAGUILLOS Lupe Trejo Monse Mendoza Javier Mendoza Kaytlen Galaviz Odalys Rosendo Nicholas Carbajal ACOMODADORES Eulises Mendoza Roy Almanza Febrero 15 Rosario @11:00am Maribel Mendoza Guadalupe Lora Cristina Cruz Axel Acosta José Lopez Ricky Altamirano Jesús y Adriana Terrazas Rosario @1:00pm Familias puesto para limpiar la Iglesia en GRUVER Feb. Feb. Feb. 06-Tarango José & Ana 13-Terrazas Juan & Brenda 20– Terrazas Jesús & Adriana Martin Ochoa Jr., Jovita Ochoa, Don Koss, Rosa Rojas, Petra Lozano, Elva Sullivan, Jesus Castillo, Carla Willimon, Rey Garza, Wardell Volden, Eduardo Tornil, Gabriella Quezada, Violet Ortiz, Robert Cantu Jr., Domingo Ponce, Laretta Cook, John Lopez, Ciria Vela, Joe Avila Juliana Carmona, Edwin Altamirano, Juan Martinez, Albert Avila, Rose Lopez, Eli Vela, Johnny & Viola Garcia, Shyann McKnight, Roy Diaz, Marisol Hernandez Cruz, Javier Borunda, Juana Diaz, Maribel Moreno, Teresa Federico, Monse Gonzalez, Sasha Ortega. Please let us know of anyone that needs to be added or removed from the list. We would also like to know how they are doing. You may call the office at 659-2166. Pray for... quinto Domingo de tiempo ordinario 02/08/2015 202 E. Hwy 15 ~ PO BOX 238 Gruver, TX 79040 Linda Weller MIN.EXTR ORD.HC February 15 Avisos: *Todas las candidatas para Quinceaneras necesitan venir a la oficina para arreglar papeles y hablar con el Padre, necesitan servir a la Parroquia como en Monaguillos, Lectores o Coro. Feb. Feb. Feb. - Isaac Martínez Luke Davis Calendario de los Ministros Juntas y Fechas Importantes! Feb. 18 -Miercoles de Ceniza Feb. 18– Segunda Colecta– La Iglesia de Europa del Este Junio 06– Sacramento de Confirmas en Spearman. Families Scheduled to Clean the Church SPEARMAN Sunday @ 9:00am Lynna Renner LECTORS Meetings and Important Dates! Feb. 18– Ash Wednesday Feb.18- Second Collection– The Church in Eastern Europe Feb. 21- Women’s Guild Retreat in St. Thomas in Amarillo June 06-Sacrament of Confirmation in Spearman. Saturday @ 5:30pm Servidores Misa de los Martes y Domingos Menos telenovelas y más oración con el Evangelio, pide el Papa Fr ancisco VATICANO, 03 Feb. 15 / 09:47 am (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- Comunión a Febrero 08 Febrero 15 Contemplar el Evangelio para llegar a la verdadera esperanza, fijando la los mirada en Jesús “y no tanto en la telenovela”, expresó este martes el Enfermos Herlinda Hernández Rita Vásquez Papa Francisco durante la Misa matutina en la Casa Santa Marta. Los Domingos “Esto que yo he hecho, con este Evangelio, es propio de la oración de Febrero 10 Febrero 17 Martes @ contemplación: tomar el Evangelio, leerlo e imaginar la escena, imagi7:00pm narnos qué sucede y hablar con Jesús, como me salga del corazón. Y con esto hacemos crecer la esperanza, porque tenemos fija, mantenemos Yolanda Bonilla Gustavo Lopez Lector fija la mirada de Jesús. Hagan esta oración de contemplación”, dijo. “'¡Pero tengo tanto que hacer!'. 'Pero hazlo en tu casa, 15 minutos, toma el Evangelio, un pequeño pasaje, imagina qué ha sucedido y habla con Sandra Carbajal Gaby Ruiz Ministro de Jesús de ello. Así tu mirada estará fija en Jesús y no tanto en la telenoEucaristía vela, por ejemplo”. Así, “tu oído estará fijo en las palabras de Jesús y no tanto en los comentarios del vecino, de la vecina...”. Y “la oración de contemplación nos ayuda en la esperanza. Vivir de la sustancia del Evangelio. ¡Orar siempre!”, dijo el Papa. Francisco durante su homilía invitó a “rezar las oraciones, rezar el rosario, hablar con el Señor, pero también hacer esta oración de contemplación para tener nuestra mirada fija en Jesús”. Porque de esta oración “viene la esperanza” y de esta manera “nuestra vida cristiana se mueve en ese marco, entre la memoria y la esperanza”. “Memoria de todo el camino pasado, memoria de tantas gracias recibidas del Señor. Y esperanza, mirando al Señor, que es el único que puede darme la esperanza. Y para mirar al Señor, para conocer al Señor, tomemos el Evangelio y hagamos esta oración de contemplación. Hoy, por ejemplo, busquen 10 minutos o 15, no más, lean el Evangelio, imaginen y digan algo a Jesús. No hace falta más. Y así su conocimiento de Jesús será más grande y su esperanza crecerá. No lo olviden, teniendo fija la mirada en Jesús. Y para esto es la oración de contemplación”. Para el Papa el núcleo de la esperanza es “fijar los ojos en Jesús”. La Epístola a los Hebreros de la Liturgia de la Palabra de este día sirvió al Pontífice para realizar la homilía y hacer el comentario que le llevó a aconsejar a los fieles que mediten el Evangelio Para leer mas: El Grupo de Jóvenes de High School Estarán vendiendo Burritos Febrero 08 de 10:00am.-11:30am. Burritos $3.00 Burrito y bebida $4.00 Todos los fondos serán para un Retiro de Jóvenes en Abril. Women’s Guild tendrá su venta de pancakes y sausage el Domingo 22 de Febrero después de la Misa de Ingles. $3.00 Plato de niños $5.00 Plato de adultos Favor de venir y apoyar y convivir. Miércoles de Ceniza~ Febrero 18, 2015 6:30am.- en Gruver (Ingles) 7:00pm.– en Gruver (Español) 7:00pm.– en Spearman ( Ingles) 8:30pm—en Spearman (Español) Humanity cannot exist without farmers, says Pope Vatican City, Jan 31, 2015 / 12:00 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis told farmers on Saturday that in a world marked by wastefulness and extreme climate change, they have the important vocation of caring for the earth and providing for all of humanity. “Care for the earth, making alliance with it, in order that it may continue to be, as God wants, the source of life for the entire human family,” the Pope said. The Holy Father's remarks were made in the Clementine Hall of the Papal Palace during a Jan. 31 audience with members of Italy’s National Federation of Farmers, who celebrate their 70th anniversary of their foundation this year. The word cultivate, Pope Francis said in prepared remarks, “calls to mind the care which the farmer has for his land because it gives fruit, and this is shared." The Holy Father said that without farming, there is no humanity, and without good food, there is no life for “the men and women of every continent.” He went on to describe farming as a true vocation which merits deserves to be recognized and valued, and warned against measures which penalize this “valuable activity” and dissuade new generations from taking an interest in this profession. The Pope did note, however, that statistics indicate a growth in the number of students enrolling in agricultural studies. Pope Francis went on to speak of two “critical areas” of reflection with regard to the farming profession: first, that of poverty and hunger which is still of interest to “a vast part of humanity.” Noting how the Second Vatican Council “recalled the universal destination of the goods of the earth” (cfr Cost. past. Gaudium et spes, 69), Pope Francis said, “in reality the dominant economic system excludes much of their correct use.” “The absolutizing of market rules, a throwaway culture” and food wastefulness of “unacceptable proportions, together with other factors, cause misery and suffering for many families,” he said. In order to consider the second “critical area” of reflection on the farming profession, the Pope continued, it is important to remember “man's call, not only to till the earth, but also to care for it.” (Gen. 2:15). “Every farmer knows well how it becomes more difficult to till the land at a time of accelerated climate change”. Pope Francis stressed the importance of acting swiftly to care for creation, calling on nations to collaborate with one another in this goal. He then then invited those present in the audience to “rediscover love for the earth as 'mother' – as Saint Francis would say – from which we have taken and to which we are called to constantly return.” Before bestowing his blessing on the participants, Pope Francis concluded by asking those present to pray for him. Ash Wednsdsay ~ February 18, 2015 6:30am.— Gruver (English) 7:00pm.—in Gruver (Spanish) 7:00pm.—in Spearman ( English) 8:30pm—in Spearman ( Spanish) 8th Annual Women’s Guild Retreat Saturday, February 21, 2015 8:15— 1:00 p.m. Cost $25.00 (Includes coffee/ donuts and catered lunch) Registration Deadline– Mon. Feb. 16 Women’s Guild is having a pancake and sausage breakfast on Sunday February 22nd after English Mass. $3.00 for kids plate $5.00 for adult plate Please come and share in some fellowship. Faith Formation Basic Course: Sacraments of Initiation Father Gregory Invites all CCD Teachers to Attend one of this Courses. *Saturday, February 7, 2015, 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM Location: St. Vincent de Paul Church, Pampa *Saturday, February 14, 2015, 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM Location: Sts. Peter and Paul Church, Dumas High School Youth Group Will be having a Burrito Sale this February 08, 2015 In the Parish Hall 10:00am.– 11:30am. Burritos -$3.00 Burrito and drink $4.00 All funds are to go towards our youth rally expenses coming up in April. 901 Roland ~ PO BOX 127 Spearman, TX 79081 02/08/2015 Fifth Sunday In Ordinary Time Office :(806) 659-2166 Fax : (806) 644-2166 Rectory: (806) 644-0132 Fr. Gregory Bunyan Tues/Mart: 2:00 — 5:00 P.M. Wed/Mier, Thurs/Juev, & Fri/Vie: 10-5pm Secretary-Cindy Lopez Mon/Lun., Wed./Mier. Fri./Vie. 10:00am-3:00pm Pastoral Council/Resp. Richard Wagner Finance Council/Resp. Phillip Renner Bookkepper/Resp. Wanda Wagner/Sylvia Borunda DRE-Olivia Mendoza RCIA– Davin Winger Youth Minister/Resp. Patricia Hernandez, Brenda Terrazas Charismatic Renewal/Resp. Maria Gonzalez Eucharist Ministers/Resp. Dwayne Thompson, Rita Vasquez, Anita Marquez Lectors/Resp. Rosemary Parks, Yaneth Valles, Tomasa Perez. Altar Servers/Resp. Buster McLain, Griselda Lopez Choir/Resp. Diane McLain Usher/Resp. Javier Mendoza/Juan Aguilar KOC/Resp. Jascha Fishburn Guadalupanas/Resp. Margarita Lopez Women’s Guild/Resp. Ana Fishburn Why Catholic?/Resp. Rebecca Rodriguez/Linda Weller Mass Schedule English Español Saturday/Sab. …… 5:30P.M. Sunday/Dom. …… 9:00A.M. ….11:30A.M. (Spearman) …...……...………1:30P.M. (Gruver) Tuesday /Mart. ………………….7:00P.M. (Spearman) Wednesday ……..6:30A.M. (Gruver) Friday/Vier. ……………………6:30A.M. (Gruver) Adoration/ Adoración Ultimo Viernes del Mes 7:00-8:00P.M. (Gruver) Thursdays/Jueves 7:00-8:00P.M.(Spearman) Confessions ~~ Confesiones Spearman ~ Saturdays/Sábados 4:30P.M.— 5:20P.M. Gruver ~ Domingos 2:40P.M. — 3:30P.M. CHRISTIAN FAITH FORMATION DOCTRINA DE CATECISMO PRE-K — HIGH SCHOOL SUNDAYS/DOMINGOS 10:15—11:15A.M. YOUTH GROUP GRUPO DE JOVENES Wed./Mier. @ 7:00P.M. in Gruver Wed./Mier. @ 7:00P.M. in Spearman RCIA: Interested in Catholic Faith? Contact ORACION CARISMATICA CHARISMATIC PRAYER 7:00P.M. Miércoles en Salón Parroquial de Spearman– Español. 7:00P.M. Wednesday in Parish Hall in Spearman in Spanish. ROSARY/ROSARIO Wednesday in Gruver @7:00am English/Ingles Domingo Spearman @ 11:00am Spanish/Español Domingo Gruver @ 1:00pm Spanish/Español Viernes en Gruver @ 7:00am Spanish/Español
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