2013 dates and prices
2013 dates and prices
2013 dates and prices Booking Information Dates and Prices for 2013 Heli-Ski Trips Adamants Bobbie Burns Bugaboos Cariboos Galena Gothics CMH K2 McBride Monashees Revelstoke Valemount Booking Information Dates and Prices for 2013 Private Weeks McBride Nomads Valemount Monashees Revelstoke REVISED March 13, 2013 Información del Viaje CMH proporciona la experiencia más completa y Metros de esquí garantizados Reembolsos espectacular del mundo que un heli-esquiador/ El precio de su viaje incluye los metros de esquí vertical que se indican más abajo. Dos puntualizaciones: CMH calcula los metros de esquí o snowboard reales, no se tienen en cuenta los metros realizados durante los vuelos del helicóptero. Los metros de esquí que superen los garantizados se cobran a razón de 110 $ canadienses por cada 1.000 metros (3.280 pies). CMH cuenta con la política de reembolsos más generosa en el mundo del Heli-Skiing. En caso de no alcanzar los metros de esquí garantizados, le reintegraremos 115 $ canadienses por cada 1.000 metros de esquí no realizados (3.280 pies). Sólo se tiene derecho al reembolso en caso de avería mecánica o mal tiempo que impida volar. snowboarder puede encontrar Todos los precios incluyen: • Entre 13,110 y 43.570 metros de esquí/ snowboard verticales garantizados. • Todas las comidas, meriendas, tentempiés ybebidas no alcohólicas. • Alojamiento en el lodge y el uso de los servicios del mismo (sauna, jacuzzi, etc.) • Traslado con acompañante (excepto en CMH K2). • Guías certificados por ACMG (Association of Canadian Mountain Guides) y/o IFMGA (International Federation of Mountain Guides Association) y reconocidos por HeliCat Canada. • Utilización de esquís especialmente diseñados para el Heli-Skiing. También se facilitan bastones. Los snowboarders y ski tourers deben traer su equipo. • Aprendizaje y manejo de los transmisores para avalanchas. Tasas no incluidas en los precios indicados. El traslado para el regreso anticipado no está incluido en el precio del viaje, su coste deberá ser abonado antes de abandonar el lodge y es de 210 $ canadienses por persona desde Gothics, Monashees o Revelstoke, y de 260 $ canadienses por persona desde Cariboos o Galena. CMH Heli-Skiing A ningún heli-esquiador/snowboarder se le cargarán metros extra a menos que los realice efectivamente, así se elimina la presión que pueda sentir para seguir esquiando con su grupo. Existe un crédito adicional –aplicable a gastos extras en el lodge o a futuros viajes de Heli-Skiing o Heli-Hiking- si por las razones antes mencionadas usted esquía menos de: Viajes Viajes Metros Pie Reembolso Metros Pies de 10 días 27,570 90,500 $1,000 de 10 días 43,570 142,860 de 8 días 22,290 73,100 $1,000 de 8 días 34,860 114,400 de 7 días 19,500 64,000 $1,000 de 7 días 30,500 100,000 de 5 díass 13,750 45,000 $715 de 5 díass 21,780 71,000 de 4 díass 11,000 36,000 $570 de 4 díass 17,500 57,000 de 3 díass 8,250 27,000 $430 de 3 díass 13,110 43,000 Los viajes de 7 días de Introducción a la Nieve Polvo y Masters de la Nieve Polvo incluyen 30.500 metros, de los cuales 21.500 están garantizados, mientras que los de 5 días incluyen 21.780 metros, 15.250 de ellos garantizados. Este crédito no es convertible en dinero efectivo ni transferible; sólo el esquiador afectado lo puede utilizar como pago de otro viaje dentro de los dos años siguientes. Pasado este plazo, el crédito expirará y no será reembolsado. Se acumula en su cuenta únicamente si mantiene en la misma el importe correspondiente al reembolso de los metros no esquiados, es decir, que si solicita el reintegro en efectivo del importe de los metros no esquiados, pierde el crédito adicional que CMH le otorgaría. Información general El código del viaje que aparece debajo de “Nº Trip” está formado por el año, área y número de semana. Por ejemplo: 2012-CA03 significa: año 2012, en Cariboos, 3ª semana de la temporada. Otros códigos detrás del número de semana quieren decir lo siguiente: Semana Familiar Estas semanas han sido pensadas para que los padres puedan practicar el Heli-Skiing con sus hijos. Podrán esquiar juntos, pero cuando éstos se cansen y regresen al lodge, los padres pueden seguir esquiando el resto de la jornada. Si su hijo tiene menos de 12 años pero usted considera que puede hacer Heli-Skiing, llámenos y trataremos el asunto. Los precios para niños no otorgan créditos por nuevo cliente ni por organizador de grupo. Ski Touring con helicóptero Los viajes de Ski Touring, para grupos de hasta 10 esquiadores, se pueden contratar durante toda la temporada en la mayoría de nuestros lodges. Llámenos para consultar disponibilidad. Aparte de esto, usted sólo pagará los metros que decida esquiar –tanto o tan poco como quiera o las condiciones permitan-. Por ello estos viajes no tienen un mínimo de metros de esquí garantizados, y los metros esquiados tendrán un coste de 155 $/1.000 metros. Importante: en general hay ocasiones para regresar al lodge a lo largo de la jornada, no obstante, no podemos ofrecer la opción de volver después de cada bajada, ya que ello perjudicaría seriamente a los esquiadores que deseen continuar. Powder 101 - The Intro El Powder 101 es un grupo formado por 10 esquiadores, pensado para facilitar la transición de esquiadores con nivel medio y buena condición física al esquí en nieve profunda, superando las dificultades iniciales que plantea. No es un programa para principiantes, sino para quienes se adentran por primera vez en esta modalidad o para los que prefieren esquiar con 2 guías. Habrá grupos durante toda la temporada en distintas áreas. Powder 101 - Girls’ School ¡Unete al equipo de K2 y serás de los primeros en probar los esquís de la marca para 2013/14! La recompensa a tu esfuerzo es un par de esquís una vez desarrollados en el otoño de 2013 It’s been our experience that when it comes to supporting and encouraging one another, a tight group of female adventurers is living, skiing proof that sisterhood is powerful. An ideal environment for learning is exactly what you’ll find when you sign up for this women-only version of Powder 101 Next Generation Powder 203 - Big Trees Este programa está abierto a cualquier esquiador/snowboarder, pero si quiere que alguien cuya edad esté comprendida entre los 12 y 25 años le acompañe, pagará el 50% de la plaza y tendrá la mitad de los metros garantizados. Los padres que vengan con hijos de 12 a 19 años (mayoría de edad legal en la Columbia Británica) tienen que esquiar con ellos. Los precios para niños no otorgan créditos por nuevo cliente ni por organizador de grupo. With this program, conducted amidst the world’s finest oldgrowth-forest skiing terrain, you’ll get hands-on instruction of a set of skills from line selection to turning technique that will have you slaying trees like Paul Bunyan K2 Demo Days Nostalgia Week Una tradición en CMH. Se trata de un viaje para esquiadores de cualquier nivel, en el cual el objetivo es compartir historias, risas, algunas bromas y, por supuesto, un esquí incomparable. Los anfitriones de este programa son los directores de lodge y guías más veteranos. Pay As You Play n otras palabras, se trata de que pague únicamente por los E metros que esquíe realmente. El programa tiene un coste inicial que cubre el alojamiento, las comidas y los servicios generales. Powder 401 – Steep Shots A freeride program designed for advanced skiers who want to maximize their use of terrain, from steeps, to big open lines to glades, with the ability to trampoline from one snow mushroom to the next. If you want to learn how to get the most dynamic and fun skiing out of each run, this is the course for you. Powder 405 - Freeride Camp This trip is designed to get you onto exciting and interesting terrain features where you can let those dogs run! Embracing this new way of skiing, the guiding team at CMH Revelstoke will introduce you to techniques and tips that will allow you to capitalize on ski technology and increase your ability to safely move through terrain in unique, creative, and exciting new ways. Helmets are mandatory on this trip, Powder 505 - The Steeps El objetivo de este programa es esquiar cada día en las zonas que planteen un mayor desafío al nivel de los participantes. Como siempre, nuestro primer objetivo será la seguridad, a partir de ahí buscaremos las bajadas que permitan desplegar todas tus habilidades como esquiador, en compañía de guías muy experimentados en este tipo de terrenos. El grupo estará compuesto por 9 esquiadores/riders que se dividirán en dos grupos, con 3 guías y un helicóptero Bell 407 de 6 plazas. Los metros que se esquíen por encima de los garantizados costarán 125 $/1.000 metros. Es obligatorio el uso de casco; se facilita una mochila ABS sin cargo. Powder 707 - The Masters Está enfocado a maximizar el disfrute en cada bajada, primando la calidad sobre la cantidad de metros esquiados. El grupo se configura con 10 esquiadores y 2 guías, existiendo la posibilidad de realizarlo en diferentes áreas y fechas durante la temporada. Pensado para esquiadores veteranos o con menos preocupación por hacer metros y ganas de llevar un ritmo más relajado. Ski Fusion Este programa combina 4 días de Heli-Skiing con 3 de Ski Touring y está compuesto por 10 esquiadores y 2 guías, quienes analizarán diariamente el tiempo y el estado de la nieve para decidir si se hace touring o heli-skiing. 17.500 metros verticales garantizados (57.000 pies). Programa CMH Grupo Mini Los Grupos Mini implican rotaciones rápidas y bajadas más exigentes. Son viajes compuestos por 30 esquiadores, divididos en 3 grupos de 5, con 2 helicópteros en Adamants, 10 esquiadores (2 grupos de 5 con un helicóptero) en Monashees y 15 esquiadores (3 grupos de 5 con un helicóptero) en CMH K2. Coste de los metros adicionales: 135$/1.000 metros. Reembolso de metros no esquiados: 135$/1.000 metros. Women’s Heli-Skiing With all due respect to our friends with the XY chromosome, it is probably not a bad idea to forego the male presence while ripping powder. The overriding mission of this trip is awesome skiing and lots of fun. CMH Heli-Skiing Información general Resumen de los viajes especiales Semanas Familiares Powder 101 - Girls’ School Bugaboo Lodge 20 - 27 / diciembre Cariboo Lodge29 ⁄ diciembre - 5 / enero Gothics Lodge 22 - 27 / diciembre Monashee Lodge27 ⁄ diciembre - 1 / enero Bugaboo Lodge Gothics Lodge Revelstoke Helicopter Assisted Ski Touring Monashee Lodge Cariboo Lodge 26 / enero - 2 / febrero Bugaboo Lodge 20 - 27 ⁄ abril 27 ⁄ abril - 4 / mayo Powder 401 – Steep Shots 1 - 5 / enero 9 - 13 ⁄ abril 14 - 28 ⁄ marzo Powder 203 – Big Trees 16 - 23 / febrero CMH K2 Rotor Lodge 3 - 7 / enero 18 - 23 / febrero K2 Demo Days CMH K2 Rotor Lodge CMH K2 Rotor Lodge CMH K2 Rotor Lodge 4 - 7 ⁄ marzo 7 - 10 ⁄ marzo 10 - 13 ⁄ marzo Powder 405 – Freeride camp Revelstoke 23 - 28 ⁄ marzo Powder 505 - The Steeps Next Generation Week Galena Lodge 30 ⁄ marzo – 6 ⁄ abril 30 ⁄ marzo – 3 ⁄ abril Gothics Lodge 23 - 30 ⁄ marzo Nostalgia Week Bugaboo Lodge 6 - 13 ⁄ abril Pay As You Play Gothics Lodge 4 - 9 ⁄ abril 9 - 13 ⁄ abril Powder 101 - The Intro Bugaboo Lodge10 - 15 / enero 2 - 9 / febrero 9 - 16 ⁄ marzo 20 - 23 ⁄ abril 23 - 27 ⁄ abril Cariboo Lodge 22 - 29 / diciembre 23 / febrero - 2 / marzo 23 - 30 ⁄ marzo 30 ⁄ marzo – 6 ⁄ abril Revelstoke 14 - 18 / febrero 9 - 14 ⁄ marzo Cariboo Lodge 13 - 20 ⁄ abril 20 - 27 ⁄ abril Powder 707 - The Masters Bugaboo Lodge27 ⁄ diciembre - 1 / enero 1 - 5 / enero 16 - 23 ⁄ marzo 6 - 13 ⁄ abril Cariboo Lodge 9 - 16 / febrero Ski Fusion Bugaboo Lodge 13 - 20 ⁄ abril 20 - 27 ⁄ abril Galena Lodge 30 ⁄ marzo – 6 ⁄ abril Small Group Program Adamant Lodge Toda la temporada CMH K2 Rotor Lodge 21 / enero – 4 ⁄ marzo Monashee Lodge 15 - 27 / diciembre 23 / febrero – 23 ⁄ marzo CMH Heli-Skiing DATES & PRICES ADAMANTS Travel 350 kilometres west of Banff and you’ll inicio no semana viajes especiales Dec. 22 –Dec. 29 2013-AX01 Jan. 05 –Jan. 12 Jan. 12 – Jan. 19 the Selkirks, where we do all our Adamants-based Heli-Skiing. find Adamant Lodge situated at the confluence of four major alpine valleys. It’s named for the surrounding diamond-hard peaks, a sub-range of The Selkirks are famed for long glaciers, deep valleys, and rugged vistas. Classic tree skiing and huge, open glacier terrain await Adamants skiers. The challenging access to these mountains ensures duración doble indiv. Small Group 7-days $8,750 $9,520 2013-AX03 Small Group 7-days $9,870 $10,640 2013-AX04 Small Group 7-days $10,970 $11,740 Jan. 19 – Jan. 26 2013-AX05 Small Group 7-days $11,970 $12,740 Jan. 26– Feb. 02 2013-AX06 Small Group 7-days $11,970 $12,740 Feb. 02–Feb. 09 2013-AX07 Small Group 7-days $12,630 $13,400 Feb. 09 – Feb. 16 2013-AX08 Small Group 7-days $12,630 $13,400 Feb. 16– Feb. 23 2013-AX09 Small Group 7-days $12,630 $13,400 Feb. 23–Mar. 02 2013-AX10 Small Group 7-days $12,630 $13,400 Mar. 02 – Mar. 09 2013-AX11 Small Group 7-days $12,630 $13,400 that our abundant terrain remains untouched by Mar. 09–Mar. 16 2013-AX12 Small Group 7-days $12,630 $13,400 all but CMH guides and guests. Mar. 16 – Mar. 2 2013-AX13 Small Group 7-days $12,630 $13,400 Mar. 23– Mar. 30 2013-AX14 Small Group 7-days $11,970 $12,740 from Calgary to Golden and then helicopter from Mar. 30– Apr. 02 Mar. 30 – Apr. 06 2013-AX154 2013-AX15 Small Group Small Group 4-days 7-days $6,120 $10,710 $6,560 $11,480 Golden to the lodge (weather pending). Apr. 02 – Apr. 06 2013-AX153 Small Group 3-days/4-nights $4,590 $4,920 Apr. 06 – Apr. 13 2013-AX16 Small Group 7-days $9,750 $10,520 Apr. 13 – Apr. 20 2013-AX17 Small Group 7-days $8,750 $9,520 Transportation to the Adamants is by motorcoach observaciones especiales En Adamants toda la temporada se desarrollarán programas con Grupos Mini (o Small Group). Guests in the Adamants will ski the afternoon on the first day of their trip and will depart the morning of the last day. Ski touring trips can be booked all season on an exclusive basis for groups of 4 or 10 guests. CMH Heli-Skiing Dates & Prices Adamants DATES & PRICES bobbie burns Bobbie Burns offers some of the finest Heli-Skiing anywhere, with access to both the Purcell and Selkirk Mountains. The area hosts a rich selection of runs, both in the trees and in high, glaciated inicio no semana viajes especiales duración doble indiv. Dec. 29–Jan. 05 2013-BB02 7-days $8,495 $9,265 Jan. 05–Jan. 12 2013-BB03 7-days $8,795 $9,565 $10,565 terrain. Skiing here is fast and challenging, suitable Jan. 12 – Jan. 19 2013-BB04 7-days $9,795 Jan. 12 – Jan. 17 2013-BB045 5-days $6,995 $7,545 only for physically fit, well-experienced skiers who Jan. 19 – Jan. 26 2013-BB05 7-days $10,775 $11,545 enjoy a faster pace. Jan. 26– Feb. 02 2013-BB06 7-days $11,760 $12,530 Feb. 02–Feb. 09 2013-BB07 7-days $12,630 $13,400 Our 33 guests are divided into a maximum of Feb. 09 – Feb. 16 2013-BB08 7-days $12,630 $13,400 3 groups of 11 skiers each, allowing us to fly further Feb. 16– Feb. 23 2013-BB09 7-days $12,630 $13,400 afield for more time on the slopes. The area’s Feb. 23–Mar. 02 2013-BB10 7-days $12,630 $13,400 valleys enfold several micro-climates, allowing us Mar. 02–Mar. 09 2013-BB11 7-days $12,630 $13,400 Mar. 09–Mar. 16 2013-BB12 7-days $12,630 $13,400 Mar. 16 – Mar. 23 2013-BB13 7-days $12,630 $13,400 Mar. 23– Mar. 30 2013-BB14 7-days $11,760 $12,530 Mar. 30–Apr. 06 2013-BB15 7-days $9,985 $10,755 Apr. 06–Apr. 13 2013-BB16 7-days $8,385 $9,155 Apr. 13 – Apr. 20 2013-BB17 7-days $7,210 $7,980 to find good skiing in virtually all conditions. observaciones especiales Bobbie Burns es un area indicada solo para esquiadores y snowboarders con muy buena preparación física, experiencia en nieve polvo y que les gusta un ritmo alto de esquí. Si es su primer viaje con CMH, los esquiadores o snowboarders que quieran ir a Bobbie Burns deben tener gran nivel técnico, experiencia, excelente preparación física y capacidad para mantener un ritmo alto de esquí durante toda la semana. Guests in the Bobbie Burns will ski the afternoon on the first day of their trip and will depart the morning of the last day. Bobbie Burns Dates & Prices CMH Heli-Skiing DATES & PRICES Bugaboos Historic significance and modern comforts come inicio no semana viajes especiales duración doble indiv. together in the Bugaboos. Under Hans Gmoser, CMH began Heli-Ski operations there in 1965, and it remains our most established area. Characterized by mighty granite spires, the Dec. 20– Dec. 27 2013-BU01 Powder 101: Intro 7-days $7,025 $7,795 Dec. 20– Dec. 27 2013-BU01 Family Trip 7-days $7,025 $7,795 5-days $5,670 $6,220 Powder 707: Masters 5-days $5,670 $6,220 Dec. 27 – Jan. 01 2013-BU025 Dec. 27 – Jan. 01 2013-BU025 Bugaboo Mountains offer immense variety in Jan. 01 – Jan. 05 2013-BU024 4-days $4,590 $5,030 terrain, with plentiful ski runs both above and Jan. 01 – Jan. 05 2013-BU024 Powder 101: Girl’s School 4-days $4,590 $5,030 Jan. 01 – Jan. 05 2013-BU024 Powder 707: Masters 4-days $4,590 $5,030 $6,710 below tree line. Despite the draw of these worldrenowned mountains, Bugaboo Lodge remains the sole base for skiing among these majestic peaks and glaciers . Jan. 05 – Jan. 10 2013-BU035 5-days $6,160 Jan. 10 – Jan. 15 2013-BU045 5-days $6,660 $7,210 Jan. 10 – Jan. 15 2013-BU045 5-days $6,660 $7,210 Powder 101: Intro Jan. 15 – Jan. 19 2013-BU044 4-days $6,320 $6,760 Jan. 19 – Jan. 26 2013-BU05 7-days $9,890 $10,660 Jan. 26 – Feb. 02 2013-BU06 7-days $10,975 $11,745 Feb. 02 – Feb. 09 2013-BU07 7-days $11,525 $12,295 Feb. 02 – Feb. 09 2013-BU07 Feb. 09– Feb. 16 2013-BU08 Powder 101: Intro 7-days $11,525 $12,295 7-days $11,525 $12,295 Feb. 16 – Feb. 23 2013-BU09 7-days $11,525 $12,295 Feb. 23 – Mar. 02 2013-BU10 7-days $11,525 $12,295 Mar. 02 – Mar. 09 2013-BU11 7-days $11,525 $12,295 continued CMH Heli-Skiing Dates & Prices Bugaboos DATES & PRICES Bugaboos continued inicio no semana Mar. 09 – Mar. 16 2013-BU12 Mar. 09 – Mar. 16 2013-BU12 Mar. 16 – Mar. 23 2013-BU13 Mar. 16 – Mar. 23 2013-BU13 Mar. 23 – Mar. 30 2013-BU14 viajes especiales duración doble indiv. 7-days $11,525 $12,295 Powder 101: Intro Powder 707: Masters 7-days $11,525 $12,295 7-days $11,525 $12,295 7-days $11,525 $12,295 7-days $9,935 $10,705 $9,570 Mar. 30 – Apr. 06 2013-BU15 7-days $8,800 Apr. 06 – Apr. 13 2013-BU16 Nostalgia Week 7-days $7,905 $8,675 Apr. 06 – Apr. 13 2013-BU16 Powder 707: Masters 7-days $7,905 $8,675 Apr. 13 – Apr. 20 2013-BU17 7-days $7,150 $7,920 Apr. 20 – Apr. 23 2013-BU184 4-days $3,963 $4,403 4-days $3,963 $4,403 7-days $6,935 $7,705 Apr. 20 – Apr. 23 2013-BU184 Apr. 20 – Apr. 27 2013-BU18 Apr. 20 – Apr. 27 2013-BU18 Ski Fusion 7-days $5,345 $6,115 Apr. 20 – Apr. 27 2013-BU18 Ski Touring 7-days $4,240 $5,010 Apr. 23 – Apr. 27 2013-BU183 Apr. 23 – Apr. 27 2013-BU183 Apr. 27 – May 04 2013-BU19 Apr. 27 – May 04 2013-BU19 Powder 101: Intro Powder 101: Intro 3-days/4-nights $2,972 $3,302 3-days/4-nights $2,972 $3,302 Ski Touring 7-days $6,935 $7,705 7-days $4,240 $5,010 observaciones especiales Los clientes esquiarán el día de llegada por la tarde y regresarán en la mañana del último día. Semana Familiar - 20 - 27 / diciembre Chicos 12 – 17 años: $3,513 Metros Garantizados: 15,250 metres (50,000 feet) Non-Skier “Nanny” Rate $1,345 A partir del 13 de abril, en Bugaboos habrá únicamente 3 grupos de Heli-skiing. Bugaboos Dates & Prices CMH Heli-Skiing DATES & PRICES Cariboos Cariboo Lodge is the finest mountain lodge in inicio no semana Dec. 22–Dec. 29 2013-CA01 Dec. 22–Dec. 29 2013-CA01 Powder 101: Intro obvious drop-offs and pickups for the helicopter Dec. 29 – Jan. 05 2013-CA02 Family Trip Jan. 05 – Jan. 12 2013-CA03 offer our guests access to a wide range of runs. Jan. 12 – Jan. 19 2013-CA04 Consistently high levels of snowfall in the North Jan. 12 – Jan. 19 2013-CA04 Thompson Valley ensure the Cariboos enjoy prime Jan. 19 – Jan. 26 2013-CA05 Heli-Skiing conditions until very late in the season. Jan. 26– Feb. 02 2013-CA06 Jan. 26– Feb. 02 2013-CA06 the Cariboo Range. The Cariboo Mountains beg to be skied, offering both extensive alpine runs and phenomenal tree skiing. The numerous safe and viajes especiales Bondholder/Millon Footer Week Ski Touring duración doble indiv. 7-days $6,815 $7,585 7-days $6,815 $7,585 7-days $7,620 $8,390 7-days $8,405 $9,175 7-days $7,345 $8,115 7-days $8,840 $9,610 7-days $9,680 $10,450 7-days $10,740 $11,510 7-days $4,030 $4,800 Feb. 02–Feb. 09 2013-CA07 7-days $11,315 $12,085 Feb. 09 – Feb. 16 2013-CA08 7-days $11,315 $12,085 Feb. 09 – Feb. 16 2013-CA08 7-days $11,315 $12,085 Feb. 16– Feb. 23 2013-CA09 7-days $11,315 $12,085 Feb. 23–Mar. 02 2013-CA10 Feb. 23–Mar. 02 2013-CA10 Mar. 02–Mar. 09 Mar. 09–Mar. 16 Powder 707: Masters 7-days $11,315 $12,085 7-days $11,315 $12,085 2013-CA11 7-days $11,315 $12,085 2013-CA12 7-days $11,315 $12,085 Powder 101: Intro continued CMH Heli-Skiing Dates & Prices Cariboos DATES & PRICES Cariboos continued inicio no semana viajes especiales duración doble indiv. Mar. 16 – Mar. 23 2013-CA13 7-days $11,315 $12,085 Mar. 23–Mar. 30 2013-CA14 7-days $9,680 $10,450 7-days $9,680 $10,450 7-days $8,500 $9,270 7-days $8,500 $9,270 7-days $8,310 $9,080 Mar. 23–Mar. 30 2013-CA14 Mar. 30–Apr. 06 2013-CA15 Mar. 30–Apr. 06 2013-CA15 Apr. 06 – Apr. 13 2013-CA16 Apr. 13 – Apr. 20 2013-CA17 Apr. 13 – Apr. 20 2013-CA17 Apr. 20–Apr. 27 2013-CA18 Apr. 20–Apr. 27 2013-CA18 Powder 101: Intro Powder 101: Intro Powder 505: Steeps Powder 505: Steeps 7-days $6,940 $7,710 7-days $10,500 $11,270 7-days $6,725 $7,495 7-days $10,290 $11,060 observaciones especiales Semana Familiar - 29 / diciembre - 5 / enero Chicos 12 – 17 años: $3,810 Metros Garantizados: 15,250 metres (50,000 feet) Non-Skier “Nanny” Rate $1,345 January 26 - February 02, Cariboos is limited to 3 Heli-Skiing groups. A partir del 13 de abril, en Cariboos habrá únicamente 3 grupos de Heli-skiing. Cariboos Dates & Prices CMH Heli-Skiing DATES & PRICES Galena Galena is best known for ultra-deep powder and varied, challenging tree skiing. All our Galena skiing inicio no semana viajes especiales duración doble indiv. Dec. 22 – Dec. 29 2013-GL01 7-days $6,815 $7,585 is done in the Badshot Range of the Selkirks, offering Dec. 29 –Jan. 05 2013-GL02 7-days $7,675 $8,445 abundant snow and rugged beauty. Jan. 05–Jan. 12 2013-GL03 7-days $8,950 $9,720 Jan. 12 – Jan. 19 2013-GL04 7-days $10,370 $11,140 The lodge’s modular architecture is trimmed Jan. 19 – Jan. 26 2013-GL05 7-days $11,315 $12,085 in logs and painted an earth brown. Simple but Jan. 26– Feb. 02 2013-GL06 7-days $11,315 $12,085 comfortable bedrooms at the ground level attach to Feb. 02–Feb. 09 2013-GL07 7-days $11,315 $12,085 a three-storey living area and kitchen. Three major Feb. 09 – Feb. 16 2013-GL08 7-days $11,315 $12,085 valleys converge close to the lodge, providing Feb. 16– Feb. 23 2013-GL09 7-days $11,315 $12,085 Feb. 23–Mar. 02 2013-GL10 7-days $11,315 $12,085 Mar. 02–Mar. 09 2013-GL11 7-days $11,315 $12,085 Mar. 09–Mar. 16 2013-GL12 7-days $10,580 $11,350 access to skiable areas in most types of weather. Mar. 16 – Mar. 23 2013-GL13 Mar. 16 – Mar. 23 2013-GL13 Mar. 23–Mar. 30 2013-GL14 Mar. 30–Apr. 03 2013-GL154 Next Generation Mar. 30–Apr. 06 2013-GL15 Ski Fusion Mar. 30–Apr. 06 2013-GL15 Next Generation Bondholder/Million Footer Week 7-days $7,345 $8,115 7-days $9,795 $10,565 7-days $8,900 $9,670 4-days $4,694 $5,134 7-days $5,450 $6,220 7-days $8,215 $8,985 observaciones especiales Galena es un area indicada sólo para esquiadores y snowboarders con muy buena preparación física y experiencia en nieve polvo Si es su primer viaje con CMH, los esquiadores o snowboarders que quieran ir a Galena deben tener gran nivel técnico, experiencia, excelente preparación física y capacidad para esquiar en bosque por pendientes muy pronunciadas. Next Generation - 30 ⁄ marzo – 3 ⁄ abri Chicos 12 – 25 años: $2,347 Metros Garantizados: 8,750 metres (28,500 feet) January 12 - 19, Galena is limited to 3 Heli-Skiing groups. CMH Heli-Skiing Dates & Prices Galena Next Generation - 30 ⁄ marzo – 6 ⁄ abri Chicos 12 – 25 años: $4,108 Metros Garantizados: 15,250 metres (50,000 feet) DATES & PRICES Gothics As one of CMH’s larger areas, Gothic skiers enjoy a rich selection of runs, with excellent tree skiing and spectacular alpine runs and open glaciers. Several microclimates give skiers numerous options no matter the weather, avalanche stability or snow conditions. Our core of experienced guides and pilots strive to make each day as fun and safe as possible. At the end of a big day of skiing the fun carries over to the lodge where you can socialize with your new ski friends and our amazing staff. A week in the Gothics always makes for a memorable holiday experience; just ask one of our many loyal Gothic Guests, they’ll be happy to tell you! inicio no semana viajes especiales duración doble indiv. Dec. 03 –Dec. 08 2013-GO005 5-days $4,550 $5,100 Dec. 08 –Dec. 15 2013-GO00 7-days $6,295 $7,205 5-days $4,550 $5,100 5-days $4,765 $5,315 Dec. 15 – Dec. 20 2013-GO00F Dec. 22 –Dec. 27 2013-GO015 Family Trip Dec. 27– Jan. 01 2013-GO025 5-days $5,215 $5,765 Jan. 01 – Jan. 05 2013-GO024 4-days $4,050 $4,490 Jan. 05–Jan. 12 2013-GO03 7-days $7,725 $8,495 Jan. 12 – Jan. 19 2013-GO04 7-days $8,395 $9,165 Jan. 26– Jan. 30 2013-GO064 4-days $6,140 $6,580 Jan. 26– Feb. 02 2013-GO06 7-days $10,020 $10,790 Feb. 02–Feb. 09 2013-GO07 7-days $10,745 $11,515 Feb. 02 –Feb. 07 2013-GO075 5-days $7,675 $8,225 Feb. 09 – Feb. 13 2013-GO084 4-days $6,140 $6,580 $11,515 Feb. 09 – Feb. 16 2013-GO08 7-days $10,745 Feb. 16– Feb. 23 2013-GO09 7-days $10,745 $11,515 Feb. 23– Feb. 28 2013-GO105 5-days $7,775 $8,325 Feb. 28– Mar. 04 2013-GO114 4-days $6,245 $6,685 Mar. 04–Mar. 09 2013-GO115 5-days $7,775 $8,325 continued Gothics Dates & Prices CMH Heli-Skiing DATES & PRICES GOTHICS continued inicio no semana viajes especiales duración doble indiv. Mar. 09–Mar. 13 2013-GO124 4-days $6,245 $6,685 Mar. 09–Mar. 16 2013-GO12 7-days $10,745 $11,515 7-days $10,245 $11,015 7-days $9,195 $9,965 Mar. 16 – Mar. 23 2013-GO13 Mar. 23– Mar. 30 2013-GO14 Mar. 30–Apr. 04 2013-GO155 5-days $5,855 $6,405 Apr. 04–Apr. 09 2013-GO165 5-days $5,390 $5,940 Apr. 04–Apr. 09 2013-GO165 Apr. 09–Apr. 13 2013-GO164 Apr. 09–Apr. 13 2013-GO164 Pay As You Play Apr. 09–Apr. 13 2013-GO164 Powder 101: Girls’ School Next Generation Pay As You Play 5-days $2,185 $2,735 4-days $4,325 $4,765 4-days $1,765 $2,205 4-days $4,325 $4,765 observaciones especiales Gothics es un area indicada solo para esquiadores y snowboarders con muy buena preparación física, experiencia en nieve polvo y que les gusta un ritmo alto de esquí. El programa admite a 33 clientes, divididos en 3 grupos. Si es su primer viaje con CMH, los esquiadores o snowboarders que quieran ir a Gothics deben tener buen nivel técnico, excelente preparación física y ganas de mantener un ritmo alto de esquí durante toda la semana. Semana Familiar - 22 - 27 / diciembre Chicos 12 – 17 años: $2,383 Metros Garantizados: 10,890 metres (35,000 feet) Non-Skier “Nanny” Rate $960 Next Generation - 23 - 30 ⁄ marzo Chicos 12 – 17 años: $4,598 Metros Garantizados: 15,250 metres (50,000 feet) Gothics Dates & Prices CMH Heli-Skiing DATES & PRICES CMH K2 With two mountain ranges and endless valleys of perfectly spaced trees and open bowls, CMH K2 is CMH Small Groups inicio no semana viajes especiales duración doble indiv. Jan. 26– Jan. 31 2013-KX065 Small Group 5-days $7,550 $8,100 Jan. 31 – Feb. 04 Feb. 04 – Feb. 09 2013-KX064 Small Group 4-days $6,305 $6,745 2013-KX075 Small Group 5-days $7,550 $8,100 CMH K2 offers flexible trip dates and convenient Feb. 09 – Feb. 14 2013-KX085 Small Group 5-days $7,550 $8,100 travel options, ideal for strong skiers. Our guides Feb. 14– Feb. 18 2013-KX084 Small Group 4-days $6,305 $6,745 are experts at choosing terrain, and while we Feb. 18– Feb. 23 2013-KX095 Small Group 5-days $7,550 $8,100 Feb. 23–Feb. 28 2013-KX105 Small Group 5-days $7,550 $8,100 Feb. 28–Mar. 04 2013-KX104 Small Group 4-days $6,305 $6,745 a skier’s paradise. We are blessed with abundant snowfall and have so much terrain, we never run out of fresh slopes to ride. usually stay out all day, taking a break is always an option. Guests stay in the CMH K2 Rotor Lodge in downtown Nakusp, on the shores of Arrow Lake, south of Revelstoke. The lodge is owned and operated by CMH. We access our ski areas from several staging points, using vans to transport guests to the helicopters. Hard-core skiers and riders should consider our Small Group Heli-Skiing program. CMH Heli-Skiing Dates & Prices CMH K2 Small Groups observaciones especiales Programa Grupo Mini de CMH K2 Este programa es para esquiadores y snowboarders de nivel y muy buena preparación física. El programa admite a 15 clientes, divididos en 3 grupos. Traslados no incluidos en el precio del viaje, podemos organizarlos con un coste adicional (consulte los detalles). CMH K2 Skier/Boarder will receive a free pair of K2 Skis/snowboard. DATES & PRICES CMH K2 continued CMH K2 Short Trips CMH K2 Short Trips offers flexible trip dates and convenient travel options, ideal for strong skiers who are heli-skiing for the first time or for those with limited time off. inicio no semana viajes especiales duración doble indiv. $4,575 Jan. 03–Jan. 07 2013-KO034 K2 Athlete Collin Collins 4-days $4,135 Jan. 03–Jan. 07 2013-KO034 Powder 401: Steep Shots 4-days $4,135 $4,575 Jan. 12 – Jan. 17 2013-KO045 K2 Athletes Reggie & Zach Crist 5-days $5,380 $5,930 4-days $4,645 $5,085 5-days $5,735 $6,285 Jan. 17 – Jan. 21 2013-KO054 Jan. 21 – Jan. 26 2013-KO055 Jan. 31 – Feb. 04 2013-KO064 Feb. 04 – Feb. 09 2013-KO075 Feb. 09 – Feb. 14 Feb. 14– Feb. 18 K2 Athlete Kim Reichhelm 4-days $4,880 $5,320 5-days $6,040 $6,590 2013-KO085 5-days $6,040 $6,590 2013-KO084 4-days $4,880 $5,320 K2 Athlete Pep Fujas Feb. 18– Feb. 23 2013-KO095 K2 Athlete Andy Mahre 5-days $6,040 $6,590 Feb. 18– Feb. 23 2013-KO095 Powder 401: Steep Shots 5-days $6,040 $6,590 Feb. 23 – Feb. 28 2013-KO105 5-days $6,040 $6,590 Feb. 28–Mar. 04 2013-KO104 4-days $4,880 $5,320 Mar. 04 – Mar. 07 2013-KO113 K2 Demo 3-days $3,880 $4,210 Mar. 07–Mar. 10 2013-KO123 K2 Demo 3-days $3,880 $4,210 Mar. 10 – Mar. 13 2013-KO133 K2 Demo 3-days $3,880 $4,210 observaciones especiales CMH K2 Short Trips Los precios están basados en la utilización de un helicóptero Bell 212 y un máximo de 30 esquiadores (3 grupos de 10). Traslados no incluidos en el precio del viaje, podemos organizarlos con un coste adicional (consulte los detalles). CMH K2 Skier/Boarder will receive a free pair of K2 Skis/snowboard. CMH K2 Short Trips Dates & Prices CMH Heli-Skiing DATES & PRICES Mcbride Accommodations in McBride are at the North Country Lodge, where CMH leases a private facility complete with a private dining room, a dates week # skier ability length single metre guarantee Mar. 02–Mar. 09 2013-MB11 Relaxed pace 7-days $16,570 40,000 metres* comfortable lounge with wood-burning fireplace, a massage room, and whirlpool. Special Notes McBride prices are based on the use of one Bell 212 with a capacity of 10 guests (1 group of 10 skiers). Transportation to McBride is by chartered bus from Prince George to McBride. Guests *Skiing beyond the guarantee will be charged at $115/100 metres (3,280 feet) and vertical guarantee refund $120/100 metres (3,280 feet). are asked to fly direct to Prince George, BC McBride offers private trips for up to 10 skiers throughout the season. via Vancouver, BC. Upon arrival at the Prince George Airport, a shuttle driver will meet you and shuttle you to the Signature Sandman in Prince George where you will overnight before being driven to McBride Lodge in the morning. McBride Dates & Prices CMH Heli-Skiing DATES & PRICES Monashees The mature and naturally well-spaced forests lining the Monashee range are responsible for its inicio no semana viajes especiales duración doble indiv. $7,640 Dec. 15 – Dec. 20 2013-MX005 Small Group 5-days $7,090 Dec. 27 – Jan. 01 2013-MO015 Family Trip 5-days $6,575 $7,125 on earth, the Monashees is also admired for its Dec. 29 –Jan. 05 2013-MO02 7-days $9,205 $9,975 Jan. 01 – Jan. 05 2013-MO024 4-days $5,260 $5,700 long, consistently steep-pitched runs. Jan. 05–Jan. 12 2013-MO03 7-days $9,205 $9,975 Jan. 12 – Jan. 19 2013-MO04 7-days $10,105 $10,875 Jan. 19 – Jan. 26 2013-MO05 7-days $10,775 $11,545 Jan. 26– Feb. 02 2013-MO06 7-days $10,775 $11,545 Feb. 02 –Feb. 09 2013-MO07 7-days $10,775 $11,545 Feb. 09 – Feb. 16 2013-MO08 7-days $10,775 $11,545 Feb. 16– Feb. 23 2013-MO09 7-days $10,775 $11,545 Feb. 16– Feb. 23 2013-MO09 7-days $10,775 $11,545 reputation among CMH guests as a tree skiers’ paradise. Along with some of the best tree skiing The Monashees offers perhaps the most challenging skiing of any of our areas, and is suitable only for experienced skiers who normally ski in the fastest group in other CMH areas. Powder 203: Big Trees continued CMH Heli-Skiing Dates & Prices Monashees DATES & PRICES Monashees continued inicio no semana viajes especiales Feb. 23–Mar. 02 2013-MO10 Feb. 23–Mar. 02 2013-MX10 Mar. 02 –Mar. 09 2013-MO11 Mar. 02–Mar. 09 2013-MX11 Mar. 09–Mar. 16 2013-MO12 Mar. 09–Mar. 16 2013-MX12 Small Group Mar. 16 – Mar. 23 2013-MX13 Small Group Small Group Small Group doble indiv. 7-days $11,315 $12,085 7-days $12,945 $13,715 7-days $11,180 $11,950 7-days $12,945 $13,715 7-days $10,285 $11,055 7-days $12,455 $13,225 7-days $11,550 $12,320 duración observaciones especiales Monashees es un area indicada sólo para esquiadores y snowboarders con muy buena preparación física y experiencia en nieve polvo. Si es su primer viaje con CMH, los esquiadores o snowboarders que quieran ir a Monashees deben tener gran nivel técnico, experiencia, excelente preparación física y capacidad para esquiar en bosque por pendientes muy pronunciadas. Family Trip - 27 / diciembre - 01 /enero: Children Aged 12 – 17 $3,290 Vertical Guarantee 10,890 metres (35,000 feet) Non-Skier “Nanny” Rate $960 15 - 27 / diciembre: la capacidad será de 15 esquiadores/snowboarders (1 helicóptero, cada uno con 3 grupos de 5), así como un grupo privado con un Bell 407. 29 / diciembre - 12 /enero: habrá 3 grupos de 11 esquiadores/snowboarders con un Bell 212 y un grupo privado con un Bell 407. 23 / febrero - 16 ⁄marzo: en Monashees habrá 3 grupos de 11 esquiadores/riders con un Bell 212 y 2 grupos de 5 con un Bell 407. 16 ⁄marzo - 23 ⁄marzo: Monashees offers 5 groups of 5 skiers/riders (capacity is 25 skiers/riders) in two Bell 407s. Monashees Dates & Prices CMH Heli-Skiing DATES & PRICES Revelstoke With access to both the Monashees and the Selkirks, Revelstoke is defined by deep snow, big, open alpine and glacier terrain, and tree skiing equal to the best of any other CMH area. Its great size and quick accessibility by vans and helicopters allow us to find good skiing even in inclement weather. Revelstoke differs from other CMH lodges in that accommodations are at the Regent Hotel, set in one of British Columbia’s hottest new winter destinations. In 2008, the newly expanded inicio no semana viajes especiales duración doble indiv. Dec. 06 – Dec. 11 2013-RE005 5-days $4,470 $5,020 Dec. 11 – Dec. 15 2013-RE004 4-days $3,625 $4,065 Dec. 15– Dec. 20 2013-RE015 5-days $4,470 $5,020 Dec. 29 –Jan. 03 2013-RE025 5-days $5,020 $5,570 Jan. 03– Jan. 07 2013-RE034 4-days $4,050 $4,490 Jan. 07– Jan. 12 2013-RE035 5-days $5,020 $5,570 Jan. 12 – Jan. 19 2013-RE04 7-days $7,325 $8,095 Jan. 19 – Jan. 26 2013-RE05 7-days $7,805 $8,575 $6,470 Jan. 26– Jan. 31 2013-RE065 5-days $5,920 Jan. 31 – Feb. 04 2013-RE064 4-days $4,755 $5,195 Feb. 04 – Feb. 09 2013-RE075 5-days $6,080 $6,630 Revelstoke Mountain Resort opened – this once Feb. 09 – Feb. 14 2013-RE085 5-days $6,080 $6,630 small-town ski area is now a world-class mountain Feb. 14– Feb. 18 2013-RE084 4-days $4,890 $5,330 resort, boasting over 5,500 vertical feet of skiing Feb. 14– Feb. 18 2013-RE084 4-days $4,890 $5,330 and an historical annual snowfall of 40 – 60 feet (that’s 1200 – 1800 cm). CMH guests are guaranteed skiing, even on those rare days when the helicopter cannot fly. Revelstoke Dates & Prices CMH Heli-Skiing Powder 101: Intro continued DATES & PRICES REVELSTOKE continued inicio no semana viajes especiales duración doble indiv. Feb. 18– Feb. 23 2013-RE095 5-days $6,080 $6,630 Feb. 23–Mar. 02 2013-RE10 7-days $8,460 $9,230 Mar. 02–Mar. 09 2013-RE11 7-days $8,460 $9,230 Mar. 09–Mar. 14 2013-RE125 5-days $6,080 $6,630 Mar. 09–Mar. 14 2013-RE125 5-days $6,080 $6,630 Mar. 14 – Mar. 18 2013-RE124 4-days $4,265 $4,705 Mar. 14 – Mar. 18 2013-RE124 4-days $4,265 $4,705 Mar. 18 – Mar. 23 2013-RE135 5-days $5,490 $6,040 Mar. 23–Mar. 28 2013-RE145 5-days $5,020 $5,570 Mar. 23–Mar. 28 2013-RE145 5-days $5,020 $5,570 Mar. 28–Apr. 01 2013-RE144 4-days $4,010 $4,450 Apr. 01 – Apr. 06 2013-RE155 5-days $5,020 $5,570 Powder 101: Intro Powder 101: Girl’s School Powder 405: Freeride Camp observaciones especiales Revelstoke propose également toute la saison des séjours privés de 7 jours avec un dénivelé skié illimité pour un maximum de 4 skieurs. Du 6 au 20 déc. Revelstoke est limité à 3 groupes et une capacité de 33 héliskieurs/snowboardeurs. Du 18 au 23 fev., Revelstoke est limité à 3 groupes et une capacité de 33 héliskieurs/snowboardeurs. Revelstoke Dates & Prices CMH Heli-Skiing Cómo hacer su reserva A continuación le indicamos lo que debe hacer para reservar su viaje de Heli-Skiing o Heli-Boarding. Si tiene preguntas o dudas, llámenos y le ayudaremos a resolverlas. 1. Elija su viaje, más dos o tres alternativas. Con ayuda del cuadernillo de precios o de nuestra página web, seleccione el área y fecha que le interesan, así como dos o tres opciones más. Puede también consultar la disponibilidad de plazas en la web, para saber en qué viajes hay todavía plazas libres. Tenga en cuenta que algunas áreas (Adamants, Bobbie Burns, Galena, Gothics y Monashees) son sólo para esquiadores experimentados. 2. Póngase en contacto con nosotros para solicitar su plaza. Si pide plazas para un grupo, facilítenos los nombres y datos de contacto de cada uno de ellos. 3. Envíe el depósito correspondiente para garantizar su reserva: 1.200 $ canadienses para viajes de 7 ó más días 700 $ canadienses para viajes de duración inferior a 7 días Este depósito es no-reembolsable, pero sería transferible en las siguientes condiciones: • Si cambia su reserva dentro de la misma temporada. • Si usted encuentra un sustituto para su plaza (cambio de nombre). Lista de espera: para ocupar plaza en lista de espera también se exige la entrega del depósito, si bien tendrá usted derecho a su reembolso si no podemos confirmar su solicitud o si la cancela usted mismo antes de ser confirmada la plaza. Una vez confirmada ésta, el depósito se convierte en no-reembolsable. CMH Heli-Skiing 4. Le enviaremos el impreso de solicitud de reserva y el Descargo de Responsabilidad de CMH –Waiver-, para que nos lo devuelva relleno y firmado como paso previo a la confirmación definitiva de su plaza. Lea detenidamente el contenido antes de firmar. 5. Haga el pago final 90 días antes del inicio de su viaje. Le enviaremos una nota recordatoria del importe pendiente dos semanas antes. Recuerde que 90 días antes de la fecha del viaje, el importe del viaje es no-reembolsable. En caso de cancelación, puede transferir la cantidad a una nueva reserva dentro del mismo año natural (para Heli-Skiing o Heli-Hiking) o ser reemplazado por otro cliente aportado por usted. Le recomendamos la contratación de un seguro de cancelación. Si realizó el pago con tarjeta de crédito, consulte con la entidad emisora de la misma las coberturas que le ofrece. Las formas de pago aceptadas son: • efectivo • tarjeta de crédito Visa o MasterCard • transferencia bancaria en $ canadienses a favor de CMH, a la siguiente cuenta: Financial Institution Code: 002 Transit: 03020 Beneficiary Bank Address: Scotiabank - Vancouver Business Support Centre P.O. Box 48700 595 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V7X 1V6 Swift: NOSCCATT Beneficiary Account Name: Canadian Mountain Holidays Inc. Beneficiary Account No: 030201213717 (12 dígitos, sin espacios) Las transferencias realizadas por clientes desde los Estados Unidos deben utilizar el código Swift al igual que cualquier transferencia internacional. Indique en las observaciones su nombre y la referencia asignada (los gastos bancarios son por su cuenta). Recuerde que todos los precios indicados en el Manual y en el cuadernillo de Fechas y Precios están en dólares canadienses y sujetos a posibles cambios, y no incluyen las tasas (HST). No se olvide de indicarnos en el momento de los pagos si desea suscribir el seguro de cancelación de viaje. Tenga en cuenta que Si va a realizar los pagos con tarjeta de crédito, puede: Cuando usted reserva una plaza para hacer Heli- Ski con CMH, debe entregar un depósito a cuenta no reembolsable, al igual que el pago final. Si usted cancela su reserva, pierde los importes satisfechos como gastos de anulación. La cantidad retenida por tal concepto sólo es recuperable si usted realiza otro viaje de Heli-Ski o de Hiking dentro del mismo año natural. Si el nuevo viaje es más económico que el que reservó inicialmente, le quedaría la diferencia como crédito para otro viaje a realizar también dentro del año natural, de lo contrario CMH retendría ese dinero como gastos de anulación. • enviarnos una autorización de cargo por el importe final en el momento de pagar el depósito, para el día que corresponda (90 días antes del inicio del viaje). • enviarnos una autorización para dividir el pago final en cantidades mensuales, que debe ser completado 90 días antes del inicio del viaje. Descuento por pronto pagot CMH aplicará los siguientes descuentos a quienes realicen el pago total de su semana por adelantado: • 240 días antes del inicio del viaje: 1% • 360 días antes del inicio del viaje: 2% Información General Año natural de enero a diciembre, incluido el verano Temporada de Heli-Skiing de diciembre a primeros de mayo. Si usted cambia su reserva para un viaje de precio superior al inicialmente contratado, se aplicarían las cantidades ya abonadas al nuevo viaje y sólo tendría que pagar la diferencia pendiente. También puede transferir su crédito a una nueva reserva de otra persona, siempre que nos lo comunique por escrito en el momento en que ésta se produzca. No se aplicará a reservas ya existentes. En ningún caso los importes satisfechos por usted se pueden utilizar como pago de metros extra, compras en la tienda, bar, masajes o depósito para viajes en temporadas futuras, ni serán devueltos por CMH. Booking Information ¿ Quiere simplificar los trámites del pago final? Temporada de Heli-Hiking de julio a septiembre. Nueva reserva implica la confirmación de una plaza que no tiene nada que ver con una reserva previamente confirmada en la misma temporada. CMH Heli-Skiing 2013 private weeks The Ultimate Ski Experience If Heli-Skiing is the ultimate ski experience, Private Weeks are very likely the ultimate way to enjoy that experience. Private groups have exclusive use of a helicopter and two guides and tremendous flexibility in setting their own pace and choosing the amount of skiing they want to do. When CMH first offered Private Weeks, we had no idea how popular they would become. But the chance to enjoy the world’s greatest skiing (and snowboarding) in privacy and with maximum versatility has proven a huge winner. We accommodate private groups of four to ten skiers throughout the season at McBride, Nomads, Valemount, Monashees and Revelstoke. private weeks CMH Heli-Skiing private weeks McBride McBride, CMH’s largest area, is located in the vast and wild northern Cariboos. Its rugged, steep terrain, huge glaciated plateaus, and mature, wellspaced forests offer a magnificent range of skiing opportunities. Impressive views of the Cariboos’ spiky Premier Range and the Rockies’ monarch, Mount Robson, dominate the area. Transportation to McBride is by chartered bus from Prince George to McBride. Guests are asked to fly direct to Prince George, BC via Vancouver, BC. We ask that you arrive in Prince George on the Friday evening prior to the Saturday start of your CMH trip. Upon arrival at the Prince George Airport, a shuttle driver will meet you and shuttle you to the Signature Sandman swhere you will overnight before being driven to McBride Lodge in the morning. Driving time from Prince George to McBride averages 2 hours and 30 minutes. With only one private group of up to 10 skiers, McBride offers much mobility and the flexibility to find the snow and terrain best suited to the group’s abilities and desires and the pace at which they want to ski. All 7-day trips include 40,000 vertical metres (131,000 vertical feet) of skiing guaranteed. Additional skiing is charged according to the number of skiers in the booked group*. Accommodations in McBride are at the North Country Lodge, where CMH leases a private facility complete with a private dining room, a comfortable lounge with wood-burning fireplace, a massage room, and whirlpool. All our rooms and amenities are in an enclosed structure exclusive to CMH guests. The North Country Lodge is located just off Highway #16 adjacent to the village of McBride. 10 Skiers 9 Skiers 8 Skiers 7 Skiers 6 Skiers 5 Skiers 4 Skiers 3 Skiers 2 Skiers 1 Skier $115/1,000 metres per person $115/1,000 metres per person $115/1,000 metres per person $131/1,000 metres per person $153/1,000 metres per person $184/1,000 metres per person $230/1,000 metres per person $307/1,000 metres per person $460/1,000 metres per person $920/1,000 metres per person * Minimum numbers of paying skiers will be required to fly depending upon the group size. If a group would like an unlimited footage price please call us for more information. Prices are in Canadian dollars and are subject to change. Taxes are not included. CMH Heli-Skiing private weeks McBride McBride Private Weeks Pricing December 15 – January 12 10 Skiers 9 Skiers 8 Skiers 7 Skiers 6 Skiers 5 Skiers 4 Skiers $154,400 $143,650 $132,900 $122,150 $111,400 $100,650 $89,900 January 12 – March 30 10 Skiers 9 Skiers 8 Skiers 7 Skiers 6 Skiers 5 Skiers 4 Skiers $165,675 $154,140 $142,605 $131,070 $119,535 $108,000 $96,465 March 30 – April 27 10 Skiers 9 Skiers 8 Skiers 7 Skiers 6 Skiers 5 Skiers 4 Skiers $154,400 $143,650 $132,900 $122,150 $111,400 $100,650 $89,900 * Shorter customized trips are available on request, please call for pricing. private weeks NOMADS Only CMH Heli-Skiing can offer private trips that span both the Selkirk and Monashee ranges, skis through three to six separate CMH Heli-Skiing areas and travels through seldom skied terrain. With exclusive use of the Nomads helicopter, you will experience freedom, exploration, exhilaration, fun and the original spirit of Heli-Skiing with experienced local guides from each area. Nomads North offers unlimited flexibility in terms of trip length and skiing terrain. Your group (maximum of 4) joins the other guests at the Gothics lodge, but you head for the hills in your own private helicopter and two guides. Here’s the nomad part: you roam freely through the Gothics area and beyond, to access the adjoining Monashee and Adamant terrain. This vast expanse of mountains, encompassing three of our already sizeable operating areas, provides endless choices and even the possibility of runs never skied before! Transportation to Gothics is by private transfer from Kelowna. Transportation by helicopter may also be arranged at an additional cost, the cost is $10,761.00 + taxes. Nomads South is the same style of program, but based at Halcyon Hot Springs Resort between Revelstoke and Nakusp. From very comfortable accommodations in private lakeside chalets, and with great dining and a beautiful spa, your private group finds the best snow by roaming the spectacular runs of our Galena, CMH K2 and Revelstoke areas. Nomads South operates with a Bell 212 (with up to 9 people). Transportation to Halcyon Hot Springs is by helicopter from Kelowna. Nomads private weeks CMH Heli-Skiing In the event that a Bell 407 is not available for the trip, CMH will substitute a 212 at no extra charge Nomads Private Weeks Pricing Additional skiing is charged according to the number of skiers in the booked group*. Nomads North Bell 212 40,000 guaranteed metres (131,000 vertical feet) 7-Day Trips: 4 Skiers or Less 9 Skiers $115/1,000 metres per person December – February 02 $63,000 8 Skiers $115/1,000 metres per person February 02 – March 30 $68,000 7 Skiers $131/1,000 metres per person March 30 – April 06 $63,000 6 Skiers $153/1,000 metres per person 5 Skiers $184/1,000 metres per person Nomads South 4 Skiers $230/1,000 metres per person 7-Day Trips: 9 Skiers 3 Skiers $307/1,000 metres per person 40,000 guaranteed metres (131,000 vertical feet) 2 Skiers $460/1,000 metres per person December – January 26 $179,660 1 Skier $920/1,000 metres per person January 26 – March 30 $183,253 7-Day Trips: 9 - 5 Skiers Bell 407 4 Skiers $155/1,000 metres per person 3 Skiers $155/1,000 metres per person 2 Skiers $232/1,000 metres per person 1 Skier $465/1,000 metres per person March 30 – April 06 $179,660 7-Day Trips: 4 Skiers or Less March 30 – April 06 $89,350 *Shorter customized trips are available on request. * Minimum numbers of paying skiers will be required to fly depending upon the group size. If a group would like an unlimited footage price please call us for more information. Prices are in Canadian dollars and are subject to change. Taxes are not included. Please call for pricing private weeks valemount Valemount is nestled in the sublime valley from which it takes its name, just outside the little town of Valemount. We designed Valemount specifically for private groups of up to 10. Its beautiful design, fine amenities, and secluded location – away from We ski in the vast Cariboos, enjoying the range’s wide variety of terrain, from long, steep, exhilarating tree runs to wide-open glaciers. The lodge’s private groups enjoy the use of their own helicopter and two guides, allowing for a high degree of flexibility. Since our Valemount guides are highly experienced instructors, Valemount is ideal for Heli-Skiing oldtimers and first-time deep snow skiers alike. town but easily accessible by road – make it one of CMH’s most coveted places. Additional flying hours over the weekly guarantee will be charged at $5,305/hour. Prices are in Canadian dollars and are subject to change. Taxes are not included. private weeks Valemount December 22 – 27 Flying Hours Guarantee 10 Skiers or Less 10 Hours $151,500 December 29 – April 13 Weather permitting, transportation from Calgary is by private chartered plane. If the weather is poor we fly to an alternate location or use ground transportation. Valemount is located 520 kilometres northwest of Calgary and flight time averages 75 minutes. Valemount prices are based on a guaranteed number of flying hours. The hours we include for each week are based on the historical averages flown for those weeks. You can ski as much as you want within these hours and you will not be charged for the amount you ski. CMH Heli-Skiing Valemount Private Weeks Pricing Flying Hours Guarantee 10 Skiers or Less 14 Hours $208,020 April 13 – April 20 Flying Hours Guarantee 10 Skiers or Less 13 Hours $198,250 April 20 – May 04 Flying Hours Guarantee 10 Skiers 9 Skiers 8 Skiers 7 Skiers 6 Skiers 5 Skiers or Less 12 Hours $189,150 $184,545 $179,960 $175,350 $170,760 $166,175 private weeks monashees The Monashees is considered by many to be the most challenging skiing of any of our areas. It is suitable only for experienced CMH Heli-Skiers who normally ski in the fastest group in other CMH areas. Between 60 and 90 percent of Monashees skiing is in a mature, naturally well-spaced forest. Along with some of the best tree skiing on earth, the Monashees is also admired for its long, consistently steep-pitched runs. Private groups with a maximum of 4 skiers, their own private Bell 407 helicopter, and two guides are offered throughout the entire season at the Monashee Lodge. These groups operate independently from the regular program. Monashee Lodge is located on the shore of Revelstoke Lake, north of Mica Creek. Featuring all the CMH amenities complete with dining room, living room, fireplace, drying room, ski shop, indoor climbing wall, rooftop whirlpool and sauna. Transportation to the Monashees is by charter bus from Calgary. Mica Creek is 560 kilometres west of Calgary and travelling time averages 7 hours. Transportation by private chartered plane may also be arranged at an additional cost, please contact our navigation department for information. All 7-day trips include 40,000 vertical metres (131,000 vertical feet) of skiing guaranteed. Additional skiing is charged according to the number of skiers in the booked group*. 4 Skiers 3 Skiers 2 Skiers 1 Skier $155/1,000 metres per person $155/1,000 metres per person $232/1,000 metres per person $465/1,000 metres per person *Minimum numbers of paying skiers will be required to fly depending upon the group size. If a group would like an unlimited footage price please call us for more information. Prices are in Canadian dollars and are subject to change. Taxes are not included. Monashees private weeks CMH Heli-Skiing Monashees Private Weeks Pricing December 29 – February 23 4 Skiers or Less $79,080 private weeks Revelstoke With access to both the Monashees and the Selkirks, Revelstoke is defined by deep snow, big, open alpine and glacier terrain, and tree skiing equal to the best of any other CMH area. Its great size and quick accessibility by vans and helicopters allow us to find good skiing even in inclement weather. Private groups with a maximum of four skiers are also accommodated throughout the season at Revelstoke. These groups operate independently from our regular program, with their own private helicopter and two guides. Revelstoke is one of British Columbia’s oldest towns, and its history and charm are well preserved. We stay at the Regent Inn, in Revelstoke’s historic centre. The Regent is a family-owned and operated hotel highly regarded for its excellent cuisine, fine accommodations, and friendly staff (and, just across the street, you’ll find a handy health club). You have the opportunity to dine at your leisure, with a few friends, or as part of a larger group. With a full complement of facilities, plus the attractions of a quaint town, Revelstoke offers a well-rounded Heli-Ski vacation. Transportation to Revelstoke is by charter bus from Calgary. The Town of Revelstoke is 425 kilometres west of Calgary and travelling time averages 5 hours. All 7-day trips include 40,000 vertical metres (131,000 vertical feet) of skiing guaranteed. Additional skiing is charged according to the number of skiers in the booked group*. 4 Skiers 3 Skiers 2 Skiers 1 Skier $155/1,000 metres per person $155/1,000 metres per person $232/1,000 metres per person $465/1,000 metres per person *Minimum numbers of paying skiers will be required to fly depending upon the group size. Prices are in Canadian dollars and are subject to change. Taxes are not included. If a group would like an unlimited footage price please call us for more information. CMH Heli-Skiing private weeks Revelstoke Revelstoke Private Weeks Pricing December 29 – January 03 5-Day Trip: 4 Skiers or Less $41,280 28,550 guaranteed metres January 03 – 07 4-Day Trip:4 Skiers or Less $33,020 22,950 guaranteed metres January 07 – 12 5-Day Trip: 4 Skiers or Less $41,280 28,550 guaranteed metres January 12 – April 06 4 Skiers or Less $59,900 April 06 – April 13 4 Skiers 3 Skiers 2 Skiers 1 Skier $56,650 $54,150 $51,650 $49,150 DEPOSIT & CANCELLATION Information CMH Heli-Skiing is the world’s most comprehensive and spectacular wilderness skiing experience available to Heli-Skiers and Snowboarders worldwide. 1. The deposit for McBride, Nomads South (9 guests) and Valemount is $50,000.00 and for Monashees, Nomads North, Nomads South (4 guests) and Revelstoke is $15,000.00. All deposits are fully non-refundable without exception. 2. Deposits are transferable to another private week, if available, within the same season only. They cannot be transferred to another season, bookings in other areas for non-private weeks or to another private group booking as a credit to the final payment. 3. Final payments are non-refundable and are due 10 weeks prior to the trip. The deposit and cancellation policy for private group weeks is different from other CMH areas due to the following: • We must make significant commitments to our suppliers in order to operate a trip and we have a very limited number of weeks available for private groups. McBride, Nomads, Monashee and Revelstoke refund policy Each 7 day private group is guaranteed 40,000 vertical metres (131,000 vertical feet) of skiing. With two or more groups the guarantee is 30,500 vertical metres (100,000 vertical feet). For shorter trips the guarantee is pro-rated by the number of days. If the group skis less than the guaranteed metres because of poor weather or mechanical breakdown, refunds will be given to each individual in the group on the basis of $120 per 1,000 vertical metres of skiing when using a Bell 212 and $160 per 1,000 vertical metres when using a Bell 407. If for reasons of poor weather or mechanical breakdown, the group cannot fly and does not reach 30,000 vertical metres (22,000 metres with two or more groups) a further credit of $1,000.00 will be given to each person in the group. The credit has no cash value but may be used for any booking with CMH during the next two seasons. Valemount refund policy Valemount Lodge’s guarantee is based on flying hours (see the Valemount page in the booklet). If the group flies less than the guaranteed hours because of poor weather or mechanical breakdown, refunds will be given to the group on the basis of $5,520 per flying hour. There is no refund if the guarantee is not reached because a skier chooses not to ski or is physically unable due to lack of fitness or ability. There is no refund if the guarantee is not reached because a skier chooses not to ski or is physically unable due to lack of fitness or ability. • We must ask for a significant commitment from those wishing to book a private week since we will have turned away others wanting the same week. private weeks CMH Heli-Skiing CMH Heli-Skiing 1-800-661-0252 CMH Heli-Skiing PO Box 1660 1-800-661-0252 Tel: (403) 762-7100 PO Box 1660 Banff, Alberta, Tel: (403) 762-7100 info@cmhinc.com Banff, T1L 1J6Alberta, Canada info@cmhinc.com www.cmhski.com T1L 1J6 Canada www.cmhski.com