The Spurgeon Manor Times


The Spurgeon Manor Times
Spurgeon Manor
Caring with Respect and Dignity in a Loving Christian Community
S p u r g e on M a n o r , Da l l a s C e n t e r IA
A Walk on the Wild Side at the Zoo
August 2014
Administrator’s Update
Maureen Cahill
We are very pleased to announce that Spurgeon
Manor has received the Silver National Quality Award.
We are the fourth Iowa facility to receive this recognition and the only facility in Iowa to receive it this year.
The National Quality Award Program is centered on
the core values and criteria of the Baldrige Performance
Excellence Program. The program assists providers of
We enjoyed a trip to the long term and post-acute care services in achieving
Blank Park Zoo in Des their performance excellence goals.
Moines last month. We had This is one of three distinct awards possible through
a full bus load of folks who the National Quality Award Program, presented by
were excited to get outside the American Health Care Association and the Naand see some animals. Our tional Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL). Fathanks to the many volun- cilities can be awarded a Bronze, Silver, and Gold
Award, which must be achieved in that order. We
teers who helped make this earned the Bronze level award in 2010.
outing a fun and successful
As a recipient of the Silver—Achievement in Quality
Award, we have demonstrated systematic advancements in quality, plans for continual improvement, and
sustainable organizational goals. We can now move
towards developing approaches and achieving performance levels that meet the criteria for the Gold
As Ed McMahon, Ph.D, Chair of the AHCA/NCAL
said, “Spurgeon Manor has achieved a significant milestone on its quality journey by successfully applying the
rigorous standards of this program. I commend
New Music! Rick Ennis on euphonium and Bill Spurgeon Manor for this achievement.”
Buttermore on Tuba make up the group Second We are proud to have attained the Silver Quality
Chair Brass. The duo is from Ames; and they enjoy Award, and we are thankful for the staff, residents,
playing a variety of familiar, upbeat, Dixie, Ameri- families, and community members who have helped us
with their input, actions, and hard work.
cana, polka, waltz, and classical music.
Resident Spotlight: Maynard Dirks
Our Resident Spotlight this month is a “true country boy”
- self-described as honest, average, and fun-loving. Maynard Dirks was born March 30, 1935, in Laurel, Nebraska.
He lived there all of his life until he moved to Spurgeon
Manor in February of this year. He enjoys watching westerns and John Wayne movies, and staff report that he
wears his cowboy boots all of the time.
Maynard’s fondest childhood memories are of his family
life on the farm and riding horses. He had three brothers
and four sisters, and he was raised in the Lutheran faith,
recalling one minister in particular that was very funny.
His first job, of course, was working on the farm. He was
Maynard enjoys Father’s Day with his wife and daughter by his side.
also a crane operator; and later in his professional life, he
drove a mail truck. A friend of his introduced him to a woman named Cathy who became his wife on August 10,
1956. They recall from their wedding day that it was raining very hard! After honeymooning in Spirit Lake, they
went on to raise quite a family: six children, nine grandchildren, and nine great-grandchildren. Maynard loves to
tease his kids and grandkids. He also bought the kids a moped and a go cart, and he taught them all how to drive
the riding lawn mower.
Some fond memories include Maynard’s surprise 70th birthday party thrown by his family. He and Cathy also enjoyed traveling together and especially enjoyed an Alaskan cruise.
Maynard says the best thing about Spurgeon Manor is the food; and his family laughingly says, “He eats anything!” and
that he’s never been picky. We are glad to have Maynard here at the Manor with us!
Thanks to Our CNA’s
National CNA Week was held in mid June, and 21 of the
41 certified nursing assistants employed at Spurgeon
Manor were able to attend a chocolate ice cream social
in their honor. Each CNA introduced themselves, told
how many years they had worked as an aide, and said
how long they had been a part of our Spurgeon Manor
Family. Everyone in attendance was able to add special
toppings to their ice cream at the afternoon celebration.
Our thanks to the CNA’s at Spurgeon Manor for the
care that they give our residents every day!
The newsletter is available electronically! If you would
prefer to receive this newsletter via email, please contact our Business Office Manager, Merle Anne, at
992-3735 or
Take Me Out to the Ball Game!
Our third annual visit to Principle
Park Stadium to watch the Iowa
Cubs play was a great way to get
some fresh air and watch some baseball! Thanks to the volunteers who
helped make this outing possible!
Love is the most important thing in the world;
but baseball is pretty good, too.
~Yogi Berra
Activity Update
by Michelle Hamilton, A.D.
July 11th was National Student Intern & Student Volunteer Appreciation Day, and I am pleased to feature a few of our student
volunteers within the Activity Department. These young people
are a wonderful addition to our Spurgeon Manor Family, and we
continue to thank them for sharing their time with our residents!
Logan Buck is returning for the second summer. He will be a junior at
DC-G Schools in the fall and is looking
forward to playing football. Logan’s
future plans include hopes to get accepted to the Naval Academy and
then explore some field of engineering
in the military. He says the best part
of volunteering is hearing the stories
and history from the residents. Michael Hein was a DC-G Middle school partner in the “Adopt a
Grandparent” program all of last year; and he joined us for the
summer to help, especially with community van outings. He will
be entering 8th grade in the fall, hopes to get a job working on
cars in the future, and says the best part of being a volunteer is
visiting the residents.
Abby Allen has come on board to
tackle some activity department projects including reviewing our magazine donations and sorting cards, as
well as doing more 1:1 visits with the
residents. She says the best part is
definitely meeting all the people. She
will be a 7th grader at Waukee this fall
and hopes to become a veterinarian
in the future.
Shelby Minnmann has become a
faithful volunteer on Wednesdays for
the summer, helping to lead morning
exercise groups. She will enter Simpson College as a freshman this fall majoring in English with a minor in
French. Shelby says listening to residents and hearing their special life stories is the best part of volunteering.
Andrea and Natasha “Tasha” Fondren are new volunteers
who have enjoyed seeing happiness spread by residents with
smiling faces while they attend activities together. Andrea will
be a senior this fall at East and hopes to be a veterinarian. Tasha
will enter her junior year at East and
hopes to be a teacher.
Sarah and Elisabeth Northway
have been volunteering when their
schedules allow for over a year. They
have helped with parties and special
theme days, BINGO, and 1:1 visiting.
Check us out on Facebook! Do
you want to keep up to date with
our happenings at the Manor?
“Like” our Facebook page to see updated pictures of
residents, staff, and activities!
Intergenerational activities enrich our community,
and we are always glad to have kids visit the Manor. The
kids from Kids Korner came recently for a Teddy Bear
Picnic. They also joined us for a presentation by the
Iowa State Insect Zoo.
Happiness is not something in your hands. It’s something
you carry in your heart. Give it away generously and it will
return to you a thousand fold.
Thanks to Our Recent Volunteers!
Anonymous Friends
Abby Allen
Alex Evans
Angie Warren
Anthony Ramirez
Arlene Swendsen
Bev Foughty
Brenda Anderson
Bruce & Mryna Minger
Carol Reese
Chelsea Trammell
Cindy Carpenter
Connie McClure
Dan Keller
Danny Wagner
Dave Kerkove
David Braak
Debbie Belcher
Dena McGlothin
Dorothy Cushing’s Family
Dorothy Howard
Eleanor Myers
Eric Rose
Eric Sayonkon
Helen Hughlette
Howard Thielen
Irene Kramer
Irma Bohrofen
Jan Lydon
Janice Lemke’s Family
Jeanette Bodermann
Jennifer & Ila Heins with
Yeller, River, & Lucy Heins
Jim Toncar
John Augspurger
Jonathan Minger
Julie & Sasha Messerli
Karen Lupardus
Karen Smith
Kate Sheets
Kathi Berry
Kids Korner
Kim Myers
Lacey, Tori, Alyssa, and
William Baker
LaVonne Nelson
Linda & Everett Williams
Lois Brannick
Lois Mills
Lois Royer & Friends
Louise Kipping
Mainstreet Strummers
Marita Wile
Marjorie Vannatta
Mark DeFord
Marvin Flory
Mary Eby
Mary Stocks
Merle Anne Steensen
Michael Hein
Orley Brown
Our Team Leaders
Panther Creek Church of
the Brethren Women’s
Pat Brown
Pat Girton
Pat Horner Brown
Ray Chartier
Rhenshae, Andrea, and
Natasha Fondren
Ron Chartier
Sam Wise
Samantha Jackson
Sandra Trent
Shawna Mills
Shelby Minnmann
Taylor & Sweetie
Teena & Norah Case (and
Emery & Ruby, too)
The Living Praise Quartet
The Howard Bauman
The Sylvia Burke Family
Urbandale Senior Singers
Wanette Smiley
Wendy, Grace & Abigail
Wilma York
Every attempt has been made to include all volunteer names from the past month;
see Michelle with questions.
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Spurgeon Manor Update
Since our last newsletter, we have
said goodbye to our dear friends
Ruby Benz, Darlene Messamer, Elden Torstensen, Dorothy Cushing,
and Janice Lemke. They will be
We have recently welcomed Beverly “Jean” Erickson, Rose Thielen,
Lois Harless, Dorothy and Jake Eby,
Carol Hackney, and Ronald “Ron”
Onnen. We are pleased to have
you with us!
Best wishes to Dean Kleckner at
his new facility closer to family.
Catherine Thayer, Helen Bush, and
Lowell Smith have discharged from
our rehabilitative care. We wish
you the best back at home!
The Spurgeon Manor Times
1204 Linden Street
Dallas Center, IA 50063
Department Heads
Maureen Cahill, Administrator
Cheryl Wolfe, Director of Nursing
Lynette Krambeer-Morney, Social Services
Michelle Hamilton, Activity Director
Nancy Savage, Dietary Supervisor
Merle Anne Steensen, Business Office Manager
Dan Wagner, Maintenance Supervisor
Dena Goepferich, Environmental Services
Board of Directors
Judy Barrett
Chloe Bennett Bircher
Shane Boston
Nancy Davis
Cynthia Eby
Roger Emmert
Alex MacConnell
Susan Mack Overla
Ben Rouse
Harley Wise
2014 issue 8