December 2007 email - Tarago Community Website


December 2007 email - Tarago Community Website
The Tarago Times is a non-profit community service, published monthly by the Tarago Sporting
Association Inc, by a team of volunteers. It has a circulation of 500 copies distributed throughout
Tarago, Lake Bathurst, Mayfield, Boro, Taylor’s Creek and surrounding districts.
You can help reduce printing and delivery costs by having your copy posted
for only $12 per year or emailed free of charge (details page 2).
Local swimmers win medals at the AIS
Locals Holli e Wells and Dale McDonald swam well t o both ear n
medals at the Amat eur Swim meet held on 11t h November 2007
at the Austr alian Instit ute of Spor t in Canberr a. Dale was
awar ded a Silver medal for swim in the 50m backstr oke and
Hollie r eceived her Br onze medal for swim in 50m fr eesty le. Both
gir ls ar e member s of the Goulbur n Swim team and tr ain r egular ly
at the Goulbur n pool.
Pi c: L to R Holli e, Eli za & Dale members of th e Gou lbu rn Swim Team
Come one come all to
the 50th Anniversary
Tarago Show
on Saturday
26th January 2008
Don’t miss the TSAI
Sunday, 9th December
at the rec area starts
Some Important Information on
Total Fire Ban requirements
Dur ing a total Fir e Ban, no fir e may be lit i n the open. This inc ludes inciner ator s and bar becues
which bur n solid fuel, e.g. wood or char coal. On Days of Total Fir e Ban welding, gr inding,
solder ing (with f lame) and gas cutti ng in the open air ar e pr ohibited by The Rur al Fir e Act in
most cases. The use of mac hiner y such as tr actor s, slasher s or even chainsaws should be
postponed if possible, as the r isk of star ting fir es is extr emely high. If the wor k is essential
follow the gener al r ules out lined for the Bush Fir e Danger Season and use extr eme c ar e. Motor ised machines
dr iven or used in any gr ass, cr op or stubble must be fitted with saf ety guar ds so constr ucted as to pr event any
heat ed ar eas fr om coming into contact wit h combustib le matter . Avoid dr iving vehicles int o long dr y gr ass. Take
car e when disposing of matches and cigar ette butts.
Veolia is a proud sponsor of
The Tarago Times
Woodlawn Bioreactor Community
Feedback Line: 1800 241 750
Closing date for next issue:
Tuesday, January 20
Contributions & Advertising
Artic les: Yo ur co ntri buti o ns are mo s t w e lco me .
Where possible please put your story onto a disk
(floppy or CD) (your disk will be returned to you)
or email to or post C/629 Cullulla Road, Tarago 2580 (ph. 4849 4481).
Advertisements: Ads in Word, JPEG or PDF should
be emailed to or posted
to Anne Sturgiss, 173 Willandra Lane, Tarago 2580.
Pay ment: All advertisements need be paid in
advance. Cheques should be made payable to
Tarago Sporting Assoc. Inc. C/- 173 Willandra Lane,
Tarago NSW 2580 (ph: 4849 4605).
Unpaid ads will be cancelled after one month.
Delivery /Enquiries: To have the Times posted or
emailed to you contact Anne Sturgiss on 4849 4605
or email
6 mths 1 year
⅛ page (back page 6x9cm) $8
⅛ page (inside 6x9cm)
¼ page (9cm x 13cm)
½ page (13cm x 18.5cm) $19
or (9 x 26.5cm vert.)
Full Page (18.5 x 26.5cm) $36
Pre-printed insert
Special positions: Requests for special positioning
will have a 15% loading on the normal cost, which
will be confirmed at time of booking.
A Production Charge may apply for ads which
require design work, typesetting, scans, etc.
CLASSIFIEDS ARE FREE, limit 3 lines per entry
We will accept ads for sale, swap, wanted,
agistment, etc. Advertising for professional
services will only be accepted as a paid
advertisement (see ad charges above).
COPY RIGHT: The T arago Ti mes is publ ished and authorised by the T ar ago
Sporting Associ ation Inc. Whi lst every care has been t aken in the production
of the News , the editors take no responsibility for an y in accur acies , errors
or omissions. The responsibility for advertise ments co mpl ying with the
Trade Practices Act l ies with the person, comp an y or agen cy sub mitting
such for publi cation . Original materi al appe aring in this newsletter is
copyright . It may be reproduced in p art or in whole for the bene fit of the
communit y provided th at the source of the materi al is fully acknowledged .
The Tarago
Is printed by
Page 2
Uni t 13, Ce ntr e Cour t Bui ldi ng
1 Pirie Str ee t, Fys hwi ck ACT 2609
Ph: (02) 6280 0457 Fax: (02) 6280 0458
Emai l: orders@ lcdi
Tarago Times December 2007
Local Wedding with Local Touch
Police News
G,Day all.
The pr evious mont h has been fair ly quiet. With the
war mer weather and extr a daylight about ther e has
been an incr ease in a number of unr egister ed tr ail
bikes using local r oads. The fine for using an unr egister ed vehicle on a r oad is quite expensive and if you
do not hav e the appr opr iate class of licenc e for r iding
a motor bike ther e is anot her ticket for that.
On the subject of vehic les and r oads I would ur ge people to t ake notice of t he speed limit signs withi n the
village. On t he Bungendor e Road the speed limit dr ops
fr om 60klm/h to 50 klm/h just befor e the r ailway
cr ossing. Dr iver s may think they know the r oad, but
the limits ar e ther e for a r eason. This section of r oad
connects the wester n side of the vi llage with t he shops
etc and agai n with t he extr a daylight and war mer
weat her ther e will be an incr ease in the number of
childr en using t his section of r oad. I am awar e that
most peop le do the r ight thing but ther e ar e some who
ar e not, nor mally out of towner s. I also ur ge dr iver s to
slow down in the school zone for obvious r easons.
Lastly fir e season is her e and a per mit is r equir ed for
the lighting of any fir es. These ar e avai lab le fr om
your local fir e captain whose phone number is in each
issue of the Times on t he Community Notic e boar d.
Congr atulations t o Daniel Tar linton and Belinda
Ander son who exchanged wedding vows befor e a celebr ant, family and fr iends in the attr active Pylar a
Homestead gar dens on Nov ember 17. Daniel is the son
of for mer locals, Liz Ikin, nee McAlister who gr ew up in
the Tar ago ar ea and Andr ew Tar linton whose fami ly at
one time r an the Woodlawn Mine canteen and the
Tar ago cor ner stor e. Belinda gr ew up in the S outher n
Highlands and is well known as a fir st r ate polo-cr osse
player having p layed at stat e and national level. Another loc al touc h was Belinda’s stunning wedding dr ess
made by for mer Pylar a stationhand’s wife, Rhonda
Gar ner also well known for her many costumes and
stage sets i n the days of the Tar ago Player s. Daniel
and Beli nda wer e attended by Jodi Fogar ty, Amanda
Young, Leanne McCoy, Natasha Blekinsopp,
Justin Dar mody,
Br uce Ikin,
Matthew Stur giss
and Sam Tay lor .
Pic: The happy
couple signing
th e register
Constab le Ger ar d HESPE.
Tar ago Police.
Sun Power
Design and Installation of Renewable Energy Systems
• Solar
• Wind
Water Pumping
• Water Pumping
Solar Tracking
• Solar
Tracking Systems
Grid Connect
or Stand
• Grid
or Stand Alone
advantage of the latest government rebates !!!
• Up to $8000 (for systems of 1000 Watts)
• 50% of total cost where the residence is more than 1Km from grid or if
the cost of mains power is more than $30,000
Also supplying: Batteries, Inverters, Regulators and Battery Chargers.
Phone 4849 4225 or e-mail:
---------BCSE Accredited--------Tarago Times December 2007
Page 3
Tarago Sporting Association
Sport—Bringing our
Community Together
Chr istmas is just ar ound the cor ner , I can’t believe
that the year has gone so fast. 2008 looks to be an
exciting year for the TSAI with the pur chase of t he
community bar beque tr ailer and many pr ojects that
ar e on the list. We wi ll be submitting r equests for
funding for the walking tr ack and exer cise equipment
pr oject to complete t he r ecr eation gr ound, helping to
get the C ommunity/Healt h Centr e pr oject up and r unning (see my r epor t on the CRACC meeti ng in t his issue). Tr ee r eplacement and maintenanc e of the monument p lus leveling of the cr icket gr ound ar e all in t he
planning stages. And it is all t hanks to you, our volunteer s and the community of Tar ago and visitor s who
gener ously suppor t us with the Fr iday Night Raffles.
The Chr istmas Ham and Tur key r affles wi ll hav e commenc ed by the time y ou r ead this issue with t he fir st
r affle on November 30th. As nor mal ther e will be no
TSAI Fr iday Night r affle in the br eak between Chr istmas and New Year . Don’t for get to join us at the TSAI
Community Chr istmas Par ty on Sunday 9th December
star ting at 4.00pm. Santa wi ll be ar r iving on his sleigh
with pr esents for all the kids and the whole community
is invited. Please br ing along a salad or a sweet to
shar e and any alc ohol y ou wish to dr ink plus c hange for
the Ham and Tur key r affles. The TSAI wi ll be pr oviding
the bbq meat, br ead and soft dr inks.
Tarago Real Estate
For Real Estate to Sell or Buy in our area
Judy Alcock
0439 603 234
Office open Thursday - Monday
4 Wallace Street, Tarago
Tarago Motorcycles
Now dealing in 4x4 Cattleman ATV
Road registered
200cc Road / Trail
250cc Road bike
From $3250 + on road cost
Each year we honour member s of the TSAI for their
community effor ts and this year I am happy to announce t hat we hav e 4 r ecipients of the annual awar d
cer tificates. The TSAI could not sur vive without t he
suppor t of the whole community and we have c ompiled
a r ole of honour in this issue.
The Tar ago Times team gets a well ear ned br eak over
the Chr istmas season with t his being a December /
Januar y combined issue. A ll that is left for me to say
is to wish you and your families a v er y merr y Chr istmas
and pr osper ous and fulfi lling New Year .
Gillian Shepher d, TSAI Secr etar y
Announcing the Tarago Website
Visit for
information on what’s happening in
the Tarago community.
Congratulations to the Tarago &
District Progress Association (TDPAI)
the owners of the site for providing
a valuable service to the Tarago
Community. For more information
visit the site or contact TDPAI.
Page 4
250cc Handy Farm Cart
* Water cooled * Shaft drive
* Tipping body * Optional winch
$6,600 incl.
Tarago Service Centre
Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm
Weekends 9am to 4pm (Mechanic not avail)
Hot Food - Gas - Ice - Batteries
Registration Inspections while you wait
Tyre Sales & Service
Community Post Office
Phone 4849 4421
Tarago Times December 2007
Taylor’s Creek Landcare
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Gr aham Fifield fr om Gr eening A ustr alia has car ried out
r esear ch into Acacia (wattle) r evegetation. The r esults
ar e in an ar ticle tit led “Watt les, Wether s and Weight
While it is known that sheep benefit fr om the shade
and shelt er of native r evegetation and wi ll feed on
acacia foliage (r eferr ed to as acacia br owse), what
wasn’t known was whether this seasonal for aging
would pr oduce healt hier , fatter sheep. Thr ee separ ate
field tr ials wer e set up in Binalong, Boor owa and
Ginninder r a.
The r esear ch conc luded that the f or age fr om local acacia species is palat able, sought after and not toxic to
Mer ino sheep. The sheep wer e less v ulner able to int er nal par asites and, in the opinion of the land manager s
concer ned, the sheep consuming supplement ar y acacia
br owse wi ll display
gr eater pr oduction
compar ed to those
consuming poor quality pastur e alone.
The paper concluded
that this r esear ch
“….adds to the gr owing pool of evidenc e
that r ehabilitating t he
land benefits both t he
envir onment and pr oductivity”.
For mor e infor mation,
emai l Gr aham at
Gr aham_Fifield@hot mai or contact Gr eening Austr alia on 6253 3035.
Acknowledgement: Ann Darbyshire, Gunning News
2 sizes available
1.8kg $30.00
900g $15.00
Order s placed and paid for by the 11t h December will
be availab le f or pick up 21st Dec ember fr om the
ser vice centr e, alter nate deliver y may be possible.
Cakes can b e mai led for an additional $9.50 per cake
and if or der ed for a gift will inc lude a gift tag.
Please advise when or der ing.
We meet on the first Thursday of the month.
We take it in turns to hold the meeting at our
homes, and we each bring a plate to share for lunch. We
start at 12.00ish, and usually go for about 1½ to 2 hours.
We choose books every couple of months, with everyone
putting in suggestions and then arriving at a list.
As Chr istmas is fast appr oaching, I wish ever yone muc h
happiness for the season and a wonder ful y ear ahead in
car ing for the land in 2008.
Joan Limon
A tr aining r efr esher , wor king bee, meeting and
barbecue was held on Satur day 27th October at the
Fir e Shed on Tay lor s Cr eek Road. Many r esidents took
the oppor tunity to catch up with each other and
thor oughly enjoyed a ver itable f east. The pesky f lies
disappear ed with the setting sun and a most p leasant
eveni ng followed. It was the per fect way for those of
us who do not actually fight t he fir es, to show our
suppor t for those few who volunt eer their own time
and skills, and at times put their lives on the line, for
the benefit of all r esidents who live in t he Tay lor s
Cr eek ar ea.
Tarago Times December 2007
Page 5
CWA NEWS – Tarago Branch
Southern Tablelands
Hospitality Services
Experienced Barman,
Wine and Food Waiter
Dinner Parties
Cocktail Parties
Birthday Functions, etc.
Noel Sylvester
Reasonable Hourly Rates
Phone: 4844 5407
M em ber of t he
Australian Bart enders Guild
C at ering I nst it ut e of Aust ralia
R. S. A. Acc redit ed - C ert ific at e N o. 4129
Page 6
of the Country Women’s Association
November has been anot her busy mont h for member s.
The highlight of our activities was getting i n touc h with
our cr eative selves as Jane Cr ick suppor tively led us
thr ough the pr ocess of hand maki ng (as opposed to using a wheel) pots at her Moonshi ll Potter y Studio just
up the Lumley Road fr om the village. What a splendid
view of Tar ago and the valley ther e is fr om up ther e
and what f un it was to p lay with t he c lay. All pots cr eated wer e unique and special t o eac h member and it
will be fun to r eceive t he fir ed r esults at our Chr istmas
Par ty to be held at Lavender ’s on December 12. Lunch
will be at 12.30 and ther e wi ll be thr ee levels of menus
to choose fr om - one, two or thr ee cour ses.
By the time you r ead this we wi ll also have enjoy ed a
bus tr ip to the Cherr y Festival at Young and called in to
the mustar d far m at Wallendbeen on the way home – a
long day of sightseeing, fr iendship and laught er – what
better way to stay young at hear t. Ther e ar e of cour se
mor e ser ious matter s to deal with as well and a par t of
these we ar e delight ed this year to be sponsor ing a
$250 educ ational gr ant for one of the y ear 6 pupils at
Tar ago Public School. This wi ll be pr esented at t he
end of year concer t and annual pr ize giving on Thur sday December 13. This is the fir st of what is to be an
annual gr ant to our local school.
Once again T ar ago CWA is r unning the Pavili on Exhibits
at the Tar ago Show and gr ound wor k is now being put
in as we pr epar e for the 50th Show t o be held on Satur day Januar y 26. For all inter ested exhibitor s we will be
holding a f lower arr anging seminar after our Januar y
16 meeting at about 1pm. For fur ther details r ing
Clar ice on 48494473 or Ruth on 48494543.
As 2007 dr aws to a c lose we ar e alr eady getting excited
about 2008 as member s star t to think about our Countr y of Study which is Mexico, our Pr imar y Pr oduct to
lear n about, Bush Tucker (I wonder what we have locally) and our Native Flor a and Fauna t o study, Bottle
Br ush and Bats. So again you can appr eciate CWA is far
fr om being “all tea and scones”. We have so many
inter esting things t o exp lor e and to shar e with our local community and do r emember , our door is always
open and you ar e welc ome t o join us, be it occasionally
or r egular ly.
Ther e ar e many levels at which you can be an active
Countr y Women’s Associati on member .
If handicr afts ar e what inter est you, we have
somet hing for you;
if you would r ather cook, we also have something for you; if you want to contr ibute to the
welfar e, education and suppor t of other women
and chi ldr en in less for tunate cir cumstanc es, we
have somet hing for you;
if you ar e passionate about agr icult ur al and envir onmental issues, we hav e somethi ng for you;
if cultur al pur suits ar e mor e your style, we have
somet hing for you;
Tarago Times December 2007
if you ar e looking for car ing fr iends who ar e
ther e for you in your time of need, we c er tainly
have somet hing for you
and if you ar e inter ested in the bigger pictur e
and ar e keen t o help make a differ ence in t he
ar eas that make for a better society, a better
countr y and a better wor ld, then we have something for you.
So, when you may be consider ing joining a c lub or
gr oup as par t of your New Year r eflections why not put
CWA top of your list of possibilities. It is affordable; it
is as local as you want it to be or it can be exper ienced
at a r egional, state and national lev el; it is multifacetted; it has inter national links; it guar antees dir ect
aid to those who need it both in and out of Austr alia; it
has the ear of gover nment at all lev els; it has br oad
suppor t and r espect and it r emains a gr ass r oots or ganisation that cannot ever be far r emoved fr om its member ship. Once again we ext end a war m welcome to
our local c ommunity member s to attend Patchwor k &
Cr aft days on Mondays fr om 9.30am. If you wish, dr op
into our next meeting on Wednesday, Dec ember 12.
Tar ago member s wish you all a safe and happy Chr istmas with y our lov ed ones and we hope that 2008 is going to be your best year yet and r emember , we would
lov e you t o spend some time with us dur ing the coming
year .
Anne St ur giss, Publicity Officer .
A Community Announcement
To the Par ents/Guar dians of our Local Community
Our names ar e Mar k and Nicole Ryan and we hav e
been Hoteli er s of The Loaded Dog Hotel, Tar ago since
May 2005. Nicole and I ar e pr oposing that ALL the
young men and women of our communiti es hav e the
oppor tunity to complet e their Responsible Ser vice of
Alcohol (RSA) and Responsible Conduct of Gambli ng
(RCG) as they tur n 18 year s of age.
We will meet t he c ost to the individuals initially.
V eolia, Tony Favell has agr eed to r eimbur se us annually on the cost of these cour ses.
It helps the young men and women of our community gai n an under standing of what is expected of in Licensed V enues (Hotels, C lubs,
Restaur ants etc) in r egar ds to behaviour and
the law.
They wi ll gain a qualification, which is a r equir ement if wishing to wor k in the hospitality
industr y, whether it is her e at The Loaded Dog
or at another venue.
Thanks to all who took the time to r ead this ar ticle.
Please feel fr ee to contact Nic ole or myself at the
hotel—48494499 for mor e infor mation.
Regar ds
Mar k and Nicole Ryan
The Loaded Dog Hot el, Tar ago
Eat, drink & be merry this Christmas at
Lake Bathurst
Join us for Christmas Day Lunch
With Turkey & Ham carved by Rolf,
Seafood, Salads, Desserts, Christmas Pudding
$30.00 per head
Book Now 4849 4775
No BYO Please
Tarago Times December 2007
Page 7
TSAI Role of Honour 2007
The TSAI would like to acknowledge t he v aluab le
contr ibutions of the following people in our
community without whom we would not be able to
oper ate.
Hoteliers: Nico le and M ark R y an
Ph : (0 2 ) 4 8 4 9 4 4 9 9 Fax : (0 2 ) 4 8 4 9 46 0 3
W allace Str eet, T arag o
New Years Eve
@ The Dog...
You’re invited
to see in 2008
at the New
Years Eve Party
@ The Dog
Rob Wilson
Free entry
Bistro open
6.00—8.30 pm
All Welcome
Lou Alaimo
Judy & Carl Alcock, Tarago Service Centre
John & Julie Arbalis
Claric e & Howard Beileiter
Evan & Mandy Borman
Bob Brown
Chris & Geoff Burns
Peter & Caroline Campbell
Rod & Ruth Corrigan
Toni Costantini
Nina Dillon
Kevin Gardener
George Gundry
Helena & Peter Hook
Robert & Dianne Howarth
Keith Hunter
Bev & Mic helle Keatley
Max & Joan Limon
Bob & Sue Mc Donald
Sue Maas
Geoff, V icki & Emma Molloy
David Palmer
Martin & Jeanette Payne
Ian Quill & staff at the Tarago Primary School
Mark, Paula, Jeremy & Joshua Quinlan
Maryanne & Scott Ronayne
Mark & Nic ole Ry an, the Loaded Dog Hotel
Neil & Dorothy Shepherd
Anne & Denzil Sturgiss
Tarago Landc are Group
Ken V assel
Ken, Leanne & Hollie Wells
Rob W illson
All the raffle ticket buy ing regulars at the
Loaded Dog Hotel on a Friday night
And of cour se to my fellow member s on the st aunch
team of four , Mar k Quinlan, Ken V assel and Anne
Stur giss I give my special thanks for your continued
har d wor k along wit h Car oline Campbell whom without ther e would not be a Tar ago Times.
Gillian Shepher d, Secr etar y TSAI
Fr om all of us at the Tar ago Spor ting Association Inc
YEAR AND 2008.
Page 8
Tarago Times December 2007
These ar e (allegedly) genuine c lips fr om letter s sent t o
the Counci l Housi ng Depar tment in London.
My bush is r eally ov er gr own r ound the fr ont and
my back passage has fungus gr owing on it.
He's got this huge tool t hat vibr ates the whole
house and I just can't take it anymor e.
It's the dog mess t hat I find har d to swallow.
I want some r epair s done to my cooker as it has
backfir ed and bur nt my knob off.
I wish to complai n that my father hur t his ankle
ver y badly when he put his foot in t he hole in his
back passage.
And their 18-year -old son is conti nually banging
his balls against my fence.
I wish to r epor t that the tiles ar e missing fr om
the outside toi let r oof. I think it was bad wi nd
the ot her night that blew them off.
My lavator y seat is cr acked, wher e do I stand?
Will y ou p lease send someone to mend the gar den path. My wife tr ipped and fell on it yest er day and now she is pr egnant.
I r equest per mission to r emove my dr awer s in
the kitchen.
50% of the wall ar e damp, 50% hav e cr umbling
plaster and 50% ar e just plai n filt hy.
I am still having pr oblems with smoke i n my
dr awer s.
The toi let is b locked and we c annot bath t he
childr en until it is c lear ed.
Will y ou p lease send a man to look at my water it is a funny colour and not fit to dr ink.
Our lavator y seat is br oken in half and is now i n
thr ee pieces.
The man next door has a lar ge er ection in t he
back gar den, which is unsightly and danger ous.
Our kitchen floor is damp. We have two chi ldr en
and would like a thir d so please send someone
r ound to do somet hing about it.
I am a single woman living i n a downstair s flat
and would you please do something about t he
noise made by the man on top of me ev er y night.
Please send a man with t he r ight tool to finish
the job and satisfy my wife.
I have had the C ler k of Wor ks down on the f loor
six times but still I have no satisfaction.
This is to let you know that our lavator y seat is
br oke and we can't get BBC2.
Tarago Times December 2007
Hoteliers: Nico le and M ark R y an
Ph : (0 2 ) 4 8 4 9 4 4 9 9 Fax : (0 2 ) 4 8 4 9 46 0 3
W allace Str eet, T arag o
Live @ The Dog...
Saturday, December 15
oo n...
New Years E ve
Free E ntertainment
Dog Favourite
Saturday, February 16
Friday Nights
*Children under 15 years only. Must be seated and
accompanied by an adult at all times.
TSA Friday N ight Raffles
Fruit & Veg, Meat Tray, Grog, Fuel
Seafood Sunday
from 6pm
Friday — Saturday — Sunday
Open for Lunch 12.00 — 2.00 pm
and Dinner 6.00 — 8.30 pm
Bookings required Monday—Thursday
Page 9
Concreting and
Stencil Slabs Coloured
Textured Footings
Driveways Paths
0431 414 520
ABN: 99 770 699 313
Hi ever yone I would like t o thank all the
people who or der ed toy’s thr ough the c atalogues it
was ver y successful and the pr eschool wi ll b e able to
or der lots of new thi ngs because of t he voucher s we
r eceive as commission fr om the separ ate companies
involved without your suppor t I don’t know how we
would get along so thankyou you all ver y much.
Wow it’s near ly the end of the y ear again Chr is and I
don’t know wher e the year has gone. The chi ldr en wi ll
be star ting their Chr istmas cr afts next week and the
r oom shall be tr ansfor med once agai n with lots of tinsel and the dreaded glitter .
We had some lovely school photos done outside under
the oak tr ee and it was lovely in t he shade. At the
moment we hav e some extr a chi ldr en visiting us and
when our number ’s ar e 26 childr en it gets ver y busy .
At the Windellama field day Kar inna Ugov set up a t ent
to pr omote the pr eschool it looked gr eat and a lot of
people have c omment ed on how lovely it looked so a
big thankyou t o Kar inna and all t he mum’s that lent a
hand well done.
That’s all for now so take car e, Helena.
Anytime and Anywhere
PHONE: 4844 6294
Page 10
Tarago Times December 2007
September to May. A maximum of eight guests at one
time. Educational / Cor por ate Retr eats fr om Monday
to Thur sday and Weekend Retr eats fr om Fr iday to Sunday.
Inside Your Local Council
Keeping y ou in touch w ith the latest from
Goulburn Mulw aree Counc il.
Heritage Grants
Seven pr oper ties will r eceive funding thr ough Counci l’s
2007/2008 Her itage Gr ants pr ogr am. The objective of
the pr ogr am is to encour age as much positive wor k on
her itage pr oper ties as possible by pr oviding some ‘kickstar t’ funding. Gr ants ar e pr ovided thr ough the Local
Her itage Fund, which inc ludes $7500 each fr om Council
and the NSW Her itage Office. Pr ojects eligible f or
funding inc lude exter nal r epair s, maintenance and the
r einstatement of missing featur es on her itage pr oper ties. Pr efer ence is given to pr oper ties listed in Council’s her itage studies or within Her itage Conser vation
Ar eas.
Regional Art Gallery Director
Followi ng consider able community r esponse G oulbur n
Mulwar ee Counci l wi ll adver tise the vacant position of
Ar t Galler y Dir ector as soon as possib le. The position
will have r esponsibility for Ar t Galler y oper ations and
Counci l wi ll now r etur n the museums function to t he
Par ks and Recr eation por tfolio in Engineer ing.
W ater Supply Status Report
As at 31 October 2007, usab le water stor age in Goulbur n was at 59.7%, inc luding:
40.7% at Pejar Dam
88.5% at Sooley Dam.
The daily aver age consumption for October was 6.7ML
in Goulbur n, which was below the allowable tar get for
Level 3 r estr ictions of 7.8ML. Aver age daily water consumption in Mar ulan was 238.4kl. In October just
15.3mm of r ain was r ecor ded at Goulbur n Water Tr eatment P lant. The total st or age loss for the month was
Council Contributes to Rural Fire Fighting Fund
Counci l wi ll c ontr ibute an esti mated $146,240 t o the
Goulbur n Mulwar ee Rur al Fir e Fighting Fund in
2008/2009. This r epr esents 13.3% of the fund’s estimated total expenditur e for the next financial year .
If you wish to c omment on or fur ther discuss these or
any other issues please c all me on 02 48494605 or
emai l me at dastur gi@goulbur or post to 173
Willandr a Lane, Tar ago. 2580.
I would like to take this oppor tunity to wish all Tar ago
and district r esidents and r atepayer s a safe and happy
Chr istmas and all t he v er y best for the coming y ear .
Cr Den zil Sturgiss
Cr Maureen Eddy has been appointed to the Greater
Southern Area Health Service Advisory Committee.
She is to be Counci l’s r epr esentative on t his committee.
Council Investments Performing W ell
Counci l’s invest ment por tfolio has achiev ed an av er age
inter est r ate r etur n of 7.61% for the fir st four months
of 2007/2008. This is 0.60% above the industr y benchmar k of 7.01%.
Ian Scheuner Appointed to Advisory Committee
Mr Ian Scheuner has been appoint ed to Counci l’s Economic Development and Tour ism advisor y committee.
The Goulbur n Distr ict Tour ism Association nomi nated
Mr Scheuner for the committee.
Development Statistics
Dur ing October, Council r eceived 58 Development Applications t o the value of $11.29 mi llion. The number
of applications is six mor e than r eceived for the same
per iod last year and the value is $8.6 mi llion higher
than in Oct ober 2006.
These i ncluded:
45 r esidential applications v alued at $5.81 mi llion and
13 commer cial developments valued at $5.48 mi llion
wer e r eceived. 26 of the applicati ons wer e for new
Ecotourism Facility
Conditional Development Consent has been gr anted for
an Ecot our ism facility at 1480 Towr ang Road, Gr eenwich Par k. The Development Application involv es:
Constr uction of a confer ence c entr e, thr ee onebedr oom cabins and a st or age shed. Oper ation fr om
Tarago Times December 2007
Ser vices
Pregnancy Testing Sheep
increase lamb survival
reduce ewe loss
utilise feed
Bindi Nicholson
Phone/Fax: (02) 4842 2619
Page 11
PHONE: (02) 4821 3655
(02) 4821 8852
149-159 Sloane Street, Goulburn, NSW 2580
Gilmour Station Pty Ltd T /A
A.C.N. 001 792 632
ABN 37 440 572 739
Animal Health
Stock feeds
Gilmour Station Pty Ltd T /A
A.C.N. 001 792 632 ABN 37 440 572 739
PHONE: (02) 4842 2650
(02) 4842 2630
Your One Stop Produce, Hardware & Building Shop
Shop 11-12 (Old Wool Store)
148-159 Sloane St
Goulburn NSW 2580
Phone: (02) 4822 5552
Fax: (02) 4822 5554
Gilmour Station Pty Ltd
ACN 001 792 632 ABN 37 440 572 739
Tap Ware
Bathroom Accessories
Laundry Accessories
Hot Water Systems
Page 12
Tarago Times December 2007
Local Hospitality News
from Noel Sylvester Wine and Food waiter
This is the last hospitality new for the year and as
ther e is a lot on in the 3 venues that we have i n our
own backyar d, I r ecommend that you book now so y ou
don’t miss out as I am sur e that t hey will fi ll fast.
W hat’s on and coming up in December 2007?
Lavender’s Restaurant, Lake Bathurst ph 48494475
Fir st of all if you hav e no yet booked for the Chr istmas
Day lar ge buffet lunch at $30 per head do so now as
bookings wi ll c lose soon.
The summer a-la-car te menu is now on and Rolf has
pulled some sur pr ises out of the hat and one of these is
the Lake Bathur st Rabbit Fillet in it’s own mar inated
sauce ser ved with vegetab les or salad. Yum, tr y it next
time you dine at Lav ender ’s. The Sunday Lunch is ev er
so popular with the 3 menus, the Summer a-la-car te,
the tea r oom menu and of cour se the Pizza menu.
Food and wi ne matching is available to compliment
your meal with a suggested wine by your wine waiter
for the ultimate dining p leasur e and why not finish off
the wit h Cr epe Suzette, an ent er taining desser t which
is cooked at your table.
The Loaded Dog Hotel phone 48494499
I wish to congr atulate Mar k and Nicole Ryan for their
two community initiatives. One is t he imp lement ation
of the community yout h pr ogr amme to put those
tur ning 18 year s thr ough the Responsible S er vice of
Alcohol cour se (see ar ticle t his issue) and the other is
the Chr istmas Par ty for the childr en in our community
on 2nd December 2007. For mor e details on the y out h
pr ogr am contact Mar k and Nicole at the Dog. The
Childr en’s Chr istmas par ty star ts at 3pm and will be
lots of fun wit h face painti ng and balloons and of
cour se Santa C laus. Bookings ar e essential so r egister
your child’s name and age at the Dog at onc e.
Also at the Dog on Satur day 15th Dec ember is Luke
O’Shea. Entr y is fr ee and this wi ll be a fantastic night.
I have seen Luke O’Shea a number of times and he is
ver y good so come along and kick up your heels.
The new menu boar d at the Dog is up and r unning an
looks gr eat along with t he Seafood Sunday menu.
Remember to book for this ever so popular event so
Mar k and Nicole can cat er for the number s and ensur e
you ar e don’t miss out on y our favour ite seafood.
For mor e infor mation contact Mar k and Nicole at the
Gilmour Inn, Lake Bathurst phone 48494327
Gilmour Inn is open Wednesday to Sunday with dinner
Thur sday to Satur day and for Sunday lunch.
The big news fr om Gilmour Inn is that they hav e
secur ed Wayne Ryder and his band for New Year s Eve.
Contact Chr is and Ree for mor e infor mation and also
for bookings. Don’t leave it to t he last minut e to book
as this wi ll be a fantastic way t o see the New Year in.
So you see that you don’t need to tr avel far for
enter tainment or meet for lunc h or dinner or for
Chr istmas lunch. Please suppor t our thr ee excellent
loc al v enues and tell or take your fr iends when t hey
visit our ar ea.
W ine of the month
This mont h’s featur ed wine is Har dy’s RR Regional
Reser ve Caber net Sauvignon - a
r ich, gener ous wine with dar k berry
and vani lla oak flavour s which
linger on the finish ideal, with
steak and pizza.
If you need any help or infor mation
on ar r anging a function y ou can
phone me on 48445407. Ther e is a 10% discount this
mont h only when you book me for a pr ivate function.
Unti l next time stay safe and watch out for those
r andom br eath testing units that r oam our ar ea over
the holiday per iod.
Tarago Pre-School
Christmas Party
20th Dcember 2007
starts 11.00am
Tarago Times December 2007
Willow Glen Rd
4849 4481
Pet er & Ca roline Ca mpbell
Open Friday, Saturday, Sunday or phone any time
Garden maintenance
Design & Construction
629 Cullulla Rd
Nir vall ey
H omestead
Nur sery
le y
Advanced trees Native and exotic shrubs
Windbreak and hedging plants Tube stock
Farm trees Unusual trees and plants Special orders
Sandy Pt Rd
L um
Oallen Ford Rd
Cullulla Rd
We are a cool climate specialist nursery, locally
owned and run. All stock is grown locally and
acclimatised to local conditions.
Braidwood Rd
Great Plants
Great Prices
Page 13
D & J Rigoli
PO Box 806,
Goulburn 2580
4519 Oallen Ford Rd
Bungonia 2580
Robert C Everingham
Building Designer & Draftsman
ABN 43002820238
Interior Lining
Small Renovations
Shed to Home Conversions
Pergolas ~ Verandahs
Painting ~ Tiling ~ Paving
Ne w Homes, Alte rations & Additions
Duple x, Villa, Townhouse De velopments
Rural, Comme rcial, Industrial Buildings
Free Q uotes - Competitive Rates - Prompt Service
Energy Eff icient (SEDA), Eng Dwgs: Mech, Struct, H VAC
4844 4321
0417 682 022
4844 4323
0419 492 799
4844 5393 Fax: 4844 5163
ww w.djrigolihandy m anservic e s.c
Terry’s Plumbing Services
Lic. 66856c
0429 445 337 or 4844 5337
24 hours / 7 days
All Types of Plumbing work including:
New Houses and Extensions
LP and Natural Gasfitting
Roofing and Guttering
Drainage and Septic Installations
Rainwater Harvesting
Hot Water Heater Replacement and repairs
Blocked Drains, Leaking Taps
Page 14
Tarago Times December 2007
Healthy by Choice
A monthly column by Julie Arbalis
Your Health Your Decision
Hi! Juli e her e. O.K. O.K. I hear d ever y one. So, what
happened to all t he Es? Her ewith p lease find
Echinac ea, Egg P lant, Ey e Br ight, Elecampane and
ever y other ‘E’ I missed last month.
Echinacea. Nor th Amer ican Indians hav e used this
plant for snakebite and other poisonous bites and
stings, for toothache and for any swollen glands
(Mumps etc.) The smoke was said to cur e headache.
Dr ied r oots have been used as an antibiotic, antiseptic
and as a sweat pr oducer . Moder n her balists use it to
boost the immune syst em, thus assisting in t he
pr evention of colds and flu, and for easing aller gic
r eactions. Ongoing r esear ch is tr ying to deter mine if
Echinac ea is also an anti-inflammator y.
Egg Plant. (also known as Auber gine) Technically a
fr uit, but most often used as a v egetab le, eggplant has
a bad r eputation for being bitter . When you want to
use one, eit her to make Moussaka, stuffed papoutsia or
diced vegetable bake, slic e or dice the vegetable (or in
the case of papoutsia hollow out t he c entr e for use
with the minc e/r ice mixtur e), lay it on a lar ge platter
and spr inkle liber ally with salt. Cov er and leave for 20
minutes, then r inse under r unning wat er and pat dr y
with paper towel. All bitter ness wi ll now be gone.
The stem or calix of the egg p lant makes an i nfusion
that can mellow the effects of alc ohol i n the
bloodstr eam and, if simmer ed in 2 cups of water for 20
minutes, can stop a smoker ’s cough. Egg p lant, along
with onions, apples and yoghur t and sever al other
foods can help lower blood cholest er ol lev els and helps
stop fatty build up ar ound the hear t. Powder ed and
added to a salt /kelp mixtur e, egg plant can be used as
a tooth powder and to alleviate pyor r hea (gum disease)
and can also stop bleeding ulc er s. (Recipes available @
10c a photoc opy.)
Elecampane wi ne has been used
since Gr eek and Roman times as a digestive aid. It was
the mai n her bal ingr edient in a Mediaeval wi ne called
‘Portio Paulina’ or ‘Dr ink of Paul’ used for digestive
str ess. An 1890 r ecipe said to cur e asthma consisted
of elecampane, eucalyptus leaves, liquor ice r oot,
powder ed capsicum and coltsfoot, all boiled up
together . Extr acts fr om the plant ar e sti ll used today
for r espir ator y complaints.
Elecampane’s common names inc lude hor seheal and
scabwor t and wer e and still ar e used for sor es and
r ashes on hor ses and sheep.
Ongoing r esear ch suggests a possibility of it being
antiseptic or antibiotic.
Eye Bright. As the name suggests, tea made fr om the
flower s of this plant can be used for any and all ey e
sor eness, conjunctivitis, styes, etc. Nicholas C ulpeper
on lear ning of its pr oper ties claimed that “if it’s use
Tarago Times December 2007
become gener al, it would half spoil t he spectac le
maker ’s tr ade”. Hildegar d von Bingen, a 12 th centur y
natur alist fir st intr oduced it to medical scienc e and its
r eputation for heali ng ey e pr oblems has held steady
r ight thr ough to moder n times.
Evening Primrose. Besides its use in menopausal
medications, Evening Pr imr ose oil is under going ver y
extensiv e medical tr ials to det er mine whether or not it
has ot her medical uses (despite 2000 year s of empirical
evidence). These studies inc lude the oi l to r elieve
atopic eczema (aller gy r elated), asthma, migr aines,
post-vir al fatigue, pr e-menstr ual sy ndr ome, diabetic
neur opathy and its anti-clotti ng agents as a pr eventive
against thr ombosis leading t o hear t disease.
Ther e ar e mor e E’s to come but aft er that litt le lot, I
think I’ll allow us a br eather and continue next mont h
with Elder berr y, (Wine - maybe), English Br oom, Er got,
Eur opean A lder and mor e.
Please feel fr ee to call on 4849 4448 or visit the far m if
you like. Have a v er y pleasant f estive season.
Till next ti me Juli e
LAKE GEORGE – Gone Again!
After wr iting in ear ly July for the A ugust Tar ago Times about how gr eat it was to see Lake
Geor ge r eappear , it is now sad to r epor t that
all t hat wonder ful water was gone by mid October . With next-to-no r ain this Spr ing and constant str ong winds, all the wat er evapor ated
and the Lake is now c ompletely empty. It is
now a “Gr een Lake” as t he water has been r eplaced by gr ass enabli ng some gr azing of stock
for those with Lake leases. Looks like another
fir e season ahead without our valuable fir ebr eak to the west.
Stor y by Joan Limon
The Alternative
Therapy Centre
Traditional Folk Medicine
Australian Bush Flower Essences
Hands on Healing l Reflexology
Tarot & Reg. Card Reading
Juli e Ar ba li s
Ph: 02 4849 4448
M: 0428 164 572
201 Covan Creek Road
Lake Bathurst NSW 2580
Page 15
ABN 43 419 374 203
John & Julie Arbalis
David Welsh
Phone 0409 901 332
Bathroom Walls & Floors
Waterproofing done as well
Free Quotes
No job too small
All types of
Building Constructions
Concrete Stencilling
Concrete & Mini-Mix Supplier
20k gallon concrete water tanks
Ph: 02 4849 4448
Mob: 0409 330 914
or 0428 164 572
201 Covan Creek Road, Lake Bathurst 2580
Large and Small bales of hay
Suppliers of feed for Horses, Cattle, Sheep,
Alpacas, Goats, Dogs, Cats, Birds.
51-52 Knox Street, Goulburn 02 4822 3111
Page 16
Tarago Times December 2007
Tarago Show Society
Unfor tunately, some disappointing news t his month.
Due to t he r isks involved with equine inf luenza we
have decided to cancel the hor se section of the 2008
Show. But the Show must go on.
The Committee has been discussing a few ideas to fill
the gap. Some of the main ones being consider ed ar e:
blindfolded dr iving over an obstacle cour se, four wheel
dr ive exhibition, mobile phone thr owing competition,
camel r ides, fishing tackle c asting competition, var ious
types of r acing events, sheep dog tr ials and dog fly ball
demonstr ation to name a few.
The mai n issues for us to consider ar e that the sometimes exc essive heat in Januar y limits t he type of
physical activities we can r un and we need to have activities that do not r equir e a lot of over heads – infr astr uctur e, or ganizer s or volunt eer s. If ther e ar e any
volunt eer s out ther e to help us r un some of these new
events or if you have any ideas please cont act the
Committee ASAP. We will tr y to make a final decisi on
at the next Show meeti ng on t he fir st Monday in December .
Rest assur ed that the Show wi ll continue to have p lenty
of affor dable attr actions to enter tain the whole fami ly.
Loss of the hor se ev ents is r egr ettable but it isn’t the
end. The Tug of War will have RFS t eams and pub
teams competing against each ot her and wi ll mov e
onto t he ov al. Any one int er ested in competing for the
Loaded Dog tr ophy contact Mar k at the Dog. Remember
the shear ing competition is a State tit le and should
attr act at least 50 of the State’s best shear er s.
The Show Society C ommittee would like to wish ever yone a mer r y Xmas and have a well ear ned r est over the
festive season. We look for war d to seeing you all at
the 50 t h Anniv er sar y Tar ago Show on Austr alia Day on
26th Januar y 2008.
Keith Hunter
Pr esident
Phone: 48494256; Email: kr tbhunter @ozemai
Report on Community Meeting
On 20th November 2007, r epr esentatives fr om the
Capital Region Ar ea Consultative Committee
Ian Coi llet and Liz V eicht met with a small but enthusiastic gr oup fr om Tar ago and Nerr iga to discuss the possibility of a r egional par tner ship pr ogr am pr oject in
our ar ea. The idea of a Community C entr e in Tar ago
was discussed and t her e ar e plans t o star t the pr ocess
under way with c ommunity meetings i n ear ly 2008. An
exper ienced pr oject manager in our community has
offer ed to assist with his ski lls which is exciting especially as he has had exper ience in t he design and constr uction of two simi lar centr es.
The ot her pr oject that may enter into a community
par tner ship is the walking tr ack on t he Rec Ar ea and
ther e ar e plans to meet with CRACC shor tly on this.
Look out for mor e infor mation in the next issue of t he
Gillian Shepher d
Hopefully, with a little mor e r ain, the pavili on exhibits
will be bigger and better than ev er and as well as t he
nor mal side show alley and local and tr ade exhibits we
have a new magician, Majur a – by his own admission
the best in C anber r a, and the r eptile display both fr ee.
The P & C ar e also or ganizing a bigger and better Kiddies Kor ner. We also need some qui et hand r ear ed animals for our patting paddock. (Sorr y no hor ses, ponies
or donkeys). If you have any that you could br ing along
for the childr en to enjoy please let myself or Leanne
Wells know ASAP. Even some small caged animals ( eg
guinea pigs etc) that peop le could watc h and enjoy
would be good.
On the wor king bee side, many t hanks to those people
who helped with r emoving the pine tr ees, a big job
well done. I am sti ll hopef ul t hat we wi ll have mains
power befor e the Show. Wor k is pr ogr essing well in t he
pavilion and ar ound the shear ing stands with the aim of
completing all major wor ks befor e Xmas. The Tuesday
mor ning wor king bees ar e attr acting about 6 to 8 people (mai nly c ommitt ee) and r esults ar e now becomi ng
appar ent such that we shouldn’t have any last mi nute
r ush dur ing Show week. Many thanks t o all involv ed but
don’t stop yet as, thanks to a gener ous donor , we hav e
about 60 c ubic metr es of decomposed gr anite to
spr ead soon. Make sur e that you ar e pr epar ing your
pavilion entr ies and encour age the young ones t o enter
in the junior sections. The schedule is avai lab le at t he
Ser vice Station and a number of other out lets inc luding
the Tar ago website: www.tar ago.or
Tarago Times December 2007
Page 17
Tarago & District
Pony Club
With the Equine Inf luenza outbr eak contr ol guideli nes
ther e ar e still no p lans in t he immediate fut ur e for
mounted r ally days. However the 2008 season wi ll
star t in Febr uar y as usual with unmounted r ally days.
This is a chanc e for member s to complete t he Hor semaster ship section of their Pony Club D c er tificate as
we would like to see as many of our member s obtain
this qualification in 2008. To be eligib le t o sit for the
D Cer tificate exam, childr en need to have r eached a
minimum of 7 year s of age, to have attend ed at least 3
r ally days and to hav e lear ned about element ar y
gr ooming, feeding and gener al car e of a hor se as well
as basic r iding. Ther e is no wr itten paper for this certificate.
For the fir st r ally days we wi ll be cover ing the unmounted par ts of the cer tificate r equir ements and
keeping a log book of these subjects. Once ther e is
anyone int er ested in sitting the exam we wi ll book this
into Zone 27 for an exam date once t he mounted r allies have r ecommenced.
In addition to the pr actical par ts of the D cer tificate,
our unmount ed r ally days wi ll i nvolve a lot of fun
events and games aimed at impr oving our member s
knowledge base on the r ules and r equir ements for Pony Club while sti ll having fun. The TDPC wi ll be awar ding the
annual tr ophies at the TSAI Chr istmas
Par ty on Sunday 9th Dec ember star ting
at 4.00pm so all member s ar e r equir ed
to be pr esent to r eceive their awar d.
As Chr istmas appr oaches please c onsider a Tacky
Chr istmas this year to help the saddler y and feed mer chants who hav e been gr eatly affected by the Equine
Influenza Outbr eak with a huge downtur n in tr ade
since the end of August. The QLD Per for mance and
Pleasur e Hor se Industr y r eleased this bulleti n r ecent ly
and Mar k Fr eemant le fr om Pastur e and Stable S er vices
took up the challenge with a bonus gift cer tificate offer .
‘Hor se lov er s ar e ur ged to ‘get tacky’ this year and do
their Chr istmas shopping at saddler ies, pr oduce and
tack stor es as the i ndustr y buckles under the str ain of
Equine Inf luenza. Ret ail sales wer e down 65%-90% in
Queensland and New S out h Wales saddler ies; with V ictor ia also exper iencing a 50% downtur n in sales as
hor se shows, r alli es, competitions, tr ail r ides, riding
lessons and pony c lub muster s wer e cancelled indefinitely.
Queensland Per for mance & Pleasur e Hor se Industr y
gr oup spokesman Gr aeme Aitken said the A ugust 25
lock down of the Stat e’s hor ses had a dir ect flow on
affect on the amount of disposable i ncome hor se owner s had to spend in all the zones.
Page 18
So instead of r ushing int o the multi-national super
shopping centr es, visit your local saddler y and select
fr om a r ange of gifts and labels—inc luding RM Williams,
Dr iza-bone and Akubr a and no matter how litt le y ou
spend, all pur chases will help until EI is over .’
Mar k Fr eemant le—Pastur e and Stab le Ser vices has
taken up the c hallenge with his emai l to all hor se owner s. ‘I totally suppor t this ventur e and would encour age ev er yone to help out our hor sey folks fr om other
hor sey folks. So to help suppor t our Equine Industr y
including r etail out lets, pr oduce stor es, clothing stor es, saddler ies, tack and feed stor es et
al…I am offer ing four (4) Gift V oucher s fr om
the local equine stor e that you suppor ted.
How it wor ks!
Just spend $50 or mor e at your local equi ne industr y
out let and emai l me at mar kfr with:
your contact detai ls and dollar amount spent
Your local equi ne out let c ontact det ails wher e
you made t he pur chase
No need for r eceipt number s etc—honesty pr evails wit hin our equine community.
What can I win?
Fir st Prize is a $300 Gift voucher to that same
equine out let of the or iginal pur chase.
Second Pr ize is a $100 Gift voucher as above
Thir d Pr ize is a $50 Gift voucher as above
Four th Pr ize is also a $50 Gift voucher as above.
Emai ls must be r eceived by midnight Sunday 16t h December 2007 to be enter ed into the dr aw. Enter as
many times as you wish with ever y $50 or mor e purchase. Winner s ar e chose at r andom so p lease pass
this ont o fr iends who don’t have a c omputer and emai l
their entr ies for them.’
For full detai ls on the c ompetition conditions p lease
send me an emai l gi llian.shepher d@hor
Her e’s a Hor se and Pony Tr eat r ecipe for you to tr y
over the Chr istmas Holidays. You will need:
2 cups shr edded carr ots
1 shr edded apple
1/3 cup molasses
1 cup br an
1/2 cup br own sugar
1/2 cup wat er
1/2 cup flour
1/4 cup dr y oatmeal
1. Mix all ingr edients together . You
should have a doughy consistency. If not, add mor e
br an or flour .
2. Place dough in muffin tins. Spr inkle wit h br own
sugar .
3. Bake at 200°C (400°F). for about 30 mi nutes or until
4. Allow to cool comp let ely bef or e ser ving.
Have a gr eat Chr istmas br eak with lots of fun, safe
r iding in the holidays and I look for war d to seeing you
at Pony C lub in 2008.
Gillian Shepher d TDPC Guest Instr uctor
Tarago Times December 2007
Diagnosis?.........Grass Seed!
One of the things t hat oft en amaze vet er inar y staff is
the wide r ange of pr oblems whic h the humble gr ass
seed can cause i n our pets. The var iety of symptoms
shown by the animal var ies depending on the locati on
of the pesky seed! Take this list of pr esenting signs
and the possib le gr ass seed r elat ed cause:
Sudden onset of head shaking—seed in ear canal
Sore, swollen eye—seed caught under an eyelid
Limping or lameness—seed in paw
Sudden onset of sneezing– seed up nose
Hind limb paralysis—seed migr ating into lower spinal
tr act
Wound discharging pus—seed in deeper tissues
Frequent coughing– seed embedded in back of thr oat
Vaginal discharge—seed embedded in vulva
Bad breath—seeds packed in pockets behind teeth
Lethargy and generalised pain—multiple seeds in tissues under fr ont and back legs, whic h can be har d to
spot in long hair ed br eeds
All of these pr esentati ons have been seen at our sur ger y in the last two year s, some of them many times.
Over winter we have a br ief r espite fr om the onslaught
of gr ass seeds, but fr om now unti l Aut umn we see a
steady str eam of dogs and sometimes c ats with a gr ass
seed r elat ed illness.
Gr ass seeds have the ability to migr ate within t he body
once t hey penetr ate the skin. V eter inarians ar e often
able t o follow t he tr ail of pus to find the seed, but
sometimes it is nec essar y to inject r adiogr aphic contr ast mater ial into a seed tr act and take a ser ies of xr ays to deter mine wher e it has c ome t o r est.
Ther e a number of things that owner s can do to help
pr event some of the common gr ass seed r elated injur ies. A shor t clip in a long c oated dog at t he beginning
of spring is a gr eat star t. If a shor t back and sides is
not goi ng to suit y our dog, then consider getting a poodle c lip on t he feet. Gr ass seeds in paws most often
cause a lump between the t oes and shor t hair on the
feet can help you fi nd seeds befor e they penetr ate the
skin. A shor t clip in a long hair ed cat can also help
aver t pr oblems associat ed with mats and bui ld up of
or ganic mater ial in the coat.
When you r etur n fr om a walk it’s a gr eat idea to spend
60 seconds r unning ov er your dog and checking for
gr ass seeds. Focus on t he c ommon pr oblem spots–
feet, ear s, eyes and under the belly. Spending time
gr ooming your dog or cat will also help you t o spot
pr oblems, hopefully befor e they ar e ser ious enough to
r equir e a tr ip to see us.
pr esenting your pet to a vet if you suspect an eye pr oblem. Eye inj ur ies can r esult i n the loss of an ey e in
just a few days, and the application of a topical loc al
anaest hetic can make inv estigating ey e pr oblems much
easier and mor e comfor table for the pet.
Gr ass seeds in ear canals ar e one of the gr eat constants
in summer and spring. They usually c ause a sudden
onset of head shaking, r ubbing the ear on t he gr ound
or holding the head at an angle. If not dealt wit h in a
day or two they often cause an ear infection which c an
take days or weeks t o r esolv e. In the past hair y ear
canals wer e consider ed to be a pr edisposing factor for
ear infections, so many dogs spent time getti ng their
ear canals plucked.
V eterinar y thinking on this issue has changed in r ecent
year s and now it is not r outinely r ecommended to
pluck ear canals. Hair y ear canals
pr esent a good barr ier to gr ass
seeds, pr ovided they ar e checked
r egular ly. A small number of dogs
ar e r epeat offender s when it
comes to getting gr ass seeds int o
their ear canals, we see them
multiple times ever y summer .
Some of these dogs c an be acc ustomed to wear ing a bandanna that
cover s the ear canal opening!
If you br ing your dog or cat to the
sur ger y to investigate a gr ass seed, the tr eatment wi ll
depend lar gely on wher e the seed is located. Gener al
anaest hetics and post oper ation antibiotics ar e commonly r equir ed. A shor t hair cut and a 60 second check
after a walk is a muc h cheaper alter native!
An article by Perrin Vale reproduced from th e
Bungen dore Veterin ary Surgery e-new s visit
No job too big or small
Contract or hourly rate
Contact Martin Walsh
Or 48451915 ah
If you r etur n fr om a walk, or your dog or cat comes in
fr om the yar d with swollen sor e eye, then get someone
to help you hold them whi le attempt to op en the ey e
lids. Sometimes gr ass seeds can be spott ed and r emoved fair ly easi ly, but you should not delay in
Tarago Times December 2007
Page 19
Sm all S c ho ols ar e Gr eat!
The end of the sc hool y ear is appr oaching fast and we
have a lot to fit in this mont h.
Wishing ever yone a Mer r y Chr istmas, a gr eat New Year
and safe fun holidays.
Our Giving Tree
It’s time again to t hink about those chi ldr en less
for tunate than our own.
It is a tr adition of the sc hool t o accept donati ons of
Chr istmas pr esents for childr en between t he ages of 5
& 12. The pr esents should cost no mor e than $10, can
be pur chased for a boy or a gir l, needs to be wr apped
and have a car d or note saying whether it is for a boy
or gir l and the age. If you can help, it would be gr eatly
appr eciated.
Ian Qui ll
Pr incipal
Some photos from the Killalea excursion
Pic righ t:
Wh at are th ey doing?
Th ey are swinging
th rough the treetops
….. quite seriously!
End of Year Presentation Concert
The date is Thur sday 13th December star ting at 1.00 pm
in the COLA. All welc ome.
Excursion to Taronga Park Zoo
The exc ur sion to the Zoo wi ll be on Fr iday 21st December which is also the last day of school—a gr rrrrr eat
way to end the sc hool year .
Cans For Kids
This Student Repr esentative C ouncil i nitiative is sti ll
ver y much alive & kicking, so p lease collect your aluminium cans & dr op them off to school!
Pic left:
‘you put your righ t
foot in —you put
your righ t foot out!’
Equine Influenza—Please remain vigilant especially throughout the holiday period
Biosecur ity, zoning and vaccination wi ll be key t ools in
er adicating EI and getting the lives of peop le i n the
hor se sector s back to nor mal. Her e ar e some basic
guideli nes for all hor se owner s to follow i n this cr itical
holiday per iod to assist in the er adication of Equi ne
Influenza. This is an exc er pt fr om the NSW Dept of
Pr imar y Industr ies Infor mation Sheet for Hor se Owner s
and can be downloaded fr om the website luenza. I ur ge you to
keep checki ng this website for the latest i nfor mation.
Protecting your horse
Do not use other hor se owner ’s floats or tr ailer s
Make sur e any feed or bedding pur chased comes
fr om clean sour ces
Make sur e feed is tr anspor ted in vehicles which
have not had contact with ot her hor ses and hav e
been thor oughly c leaned wit h deter gent or disinfectant.
If possible, move hor ses to paddocks away fr om
boundar y fences or r oads or anywher e they might
come int o contact with other hor ses or hor se
pr oducts.
Par k your vehicle away fr om stables, hor se paddocks and the main t hor oughfar e of hor ses.
If visiting a hor se pr oper ty, leave dogs or other
pets at home.
Page 20
Visitors and horse industry w orkers
Ensur e any visitor s to your pr oper ty have taken
all necessar y decontamination measur es and
keep them away fr om your hor ses if possible.
V eterinar ians, hor se dentists, farrier s and other
hor se industr y wor ker s need to comply wit h
str ingent bio-secur ity r equir ements and you
should feel c onfident t hey have effectively decontami nated themselves and their equipment
befor e you allow t hem t o wor k on your hor se.
You wi ll need to pr ovide them wit h a means t o
safely dispose of their contami nated c leaning
clot hs and f luids.
Transporting your horse
It is vital that all hor se movements ar e r ecor ded
in the Tr avelli ng Stock r egister as this will assist
in the c ontr ol and er adication str ategy by knowing whic h hor ses wer e in a cer tain ar ea on a c er tain date if ther e is an outbr eak in the ar ea.
Even if you ar e leaving your pr oper ty for a shor t
tr ail r ide, please complete t he per mit and always car r y it with you.
Failur e to comp ly with t he r egulations car r ies a sever e
penalties inc luding a maxi mum fine of $44,000 per offence and up to 12 mont hs impr isonment. Police will
not toler ate ignor ance or excuses when dealing wit h
br eaches.
So please stay aler t, contr ol the outbr eak and help the
Austr alian hor se industr y to get back in the saddle.
Gillian Shepher d, concer ned hor se owner
Tarago Times December 2007
ANDY DIVALL: 0427 298 200
Plant Allocation: PETER CROKER: 0428 298 201
Truck Allocation: TROY COOK: 0428 298 200
OFFICE: 02 4829 8200 • FAX: 02 4829 8257 • AH: 02 4829 8209
Decorative Gravels & Pebbles
Garden Mulches
Garden Soils
Pavers & Blocks
Rocks / Retaining Walls
Tarago Times December 2007
Page 21
Page 22
Tarago Times December 2007
An Australian Poem
author unknown
The sun w as hot already - it w as only 8 o'clock
The cocky took off in his Ute, to go and check his stock.
He drov e around the paddocks checking w ethers, ewes and
The float v alv es in the w ater troughs, the w indmills on the
He stopped and turned a windmill on to fill a water tank
And saw a ewe down in the dam, a few yards from the bank.
"Ty pical bloody sheep," he thought, "they 'v e got no common
"They won't go through a gatew ay but they 'll jump a bloody
The ew e w as stuck dow n in the mud, he knew without a doubt
She'd stay there 'til she carked it if he didn't get her out.
But w hen he reached the water's edge, the startled ew e broke
And in her haste to get aw ay, began a sw im ming spree.
He reckoned once her fleece was w et, the w eight w ould drag
her dow n
If he didn't rescue her, the stupid sod w ould drow n.
Her sty le w as unim pressiv e, her surviv al chances slim
He saw no other option; he w ould hav e to take a sw im .
He peeled his shirt and singlet off, his trousers, boots and
And as he couldn't stand w et clothes, he als o shed his jocks.
He jumped into the w ater and aw ay that cocky swam
He caught up w ith her, somewhere near the middle of the dam
The ew e w as quite evasiv e; she kept giv ing him the slip
He tried to grab her sodden fleece but couldn't get a grip.
At last he got her to the bank and stopped to catch his breath
She show ed him little gratitude for sav ing her from death.
She took off like a Bondi tram around the other side
He sw ore nex t time he caught that ew e he'd hang her bloody
Then round and round the dam they ran, although he felt quite
He still thought he could run her down, she must be nearly
The local stock rep came along, to pay a call that day.
He knew this bloke w as on his ow n, his wife had gone away
He didn't really think he'd get fresh scones for morning tea
But nor w as he prepared for w hat he w as about to see.
He rubbed his eyes in dis belief at w hat came into view
For running down the catchment came this frantic-looking
ew e.
And on her heels in hot pursuit and w earing not a stitch
The farmer yelling wildly "Come back
here, y ou lousy bitch!"
The stock rep didn't hang around; he
took off in his car
The cocky's reputation has been damaged near and far
So bear in mind the Work Safe rule
w hen nex t you check your flocks
Spot the hazard, assess the risk, and alw ays w ear y our jocks!
Tarago Times December 2007
Cabinet Maker
Wood Turner
Now trading as
in Custom Built
Laundry Units
Built in Wardrobes
Solid Timber Furniture
Entertainment Units
Vanities, and all
Repairs & Restoration
Also specialising in
Treated Pine Lattice
M ade to M easure
Phone 4823 6044
Fax 4823 6055
113-115 Chantry Street
Page 23
What’s on @ your Library
Superhero Summer Reading
The Goulbur n Libr ar y is once again par ticipating in the
Austr alia w ide Read Around Oz – Super her oes Read
Summer Reading pr ogr amme for young peop le 5 year
and over . To participate is fr ee, all that is needed is a
Goulbur n Libr ar y car d and to r ead a minimum of 5
books that have been bor r owed fr om the libr ar y.
Reading wi ll commenc e on Fr iday 14 December and
finish Monday 21 Januar y 2008. To par ticipate young
people need to come to t he libr ar y fr om Fr iday 14
December onwar ds, r egister at the loans desk and pick
up a special r eading c lub bag, whic h holds the
impor tant r eading log.
Dur ing Januar y the libr ar y will also be holding some
school holiday wor kshops inc luding a visit by Shayne t he
Magic Jester. Stay tuned for mor e details.
Christmas & New Year @ your Library
Opening h ours
21 December 2007 – Open 10am – 12 pm
22 December 2007 – 1 Januar y 2008 inc lusiv e – Closed
2 Januar y 2008 – Open 10am – 6pm
Please do not r etur n items to the libr ar y dur ing the
closed per iod.
The Secret To
Seeing a Doctor
The Same
Day You’re sick.
Dr Joanna Senior
is now taking
Call Goldsmith Street Surgery and see
Dr Joanna Senior or Dr Ruth Edwards.
We guarantee you an appointment with
a doctor on the same day you’re sick.
Call Mon to Fri by 10am on 4821 7445.
Escape the heat … Summer Sizzlers On line History @
Your Library
Ever y Thur sday dur ing Januar y, Goulbur n Br anch Libr ar y will hold a ser ies of fr ee, 1-hour intr oductor y
tr aining sessions in t he use and application of our family and loc al histor y website links, subscr iption databases, indexes and CD-ROM r esour ces. Lear n how to
effectively sear ch Ancestr, the Int er net Histor y
Resour ces database, the Sydney Mor ning Her ald newspaper ar chive. Find out about the Libr ar y’s own online
r esour ces, including indexes to the Goulb ur n Post
newspaper and the STRL phot ogr aph collecti on. Pick
up some tips on how to sear ch the Libr ar y’s expanding
selection of CD-ROM r esour ces that ar e also accessib le
in the Regional Histor y Room.
If you would like t o escape t he summer heat, why not
come in and join us? Cool down in t he Libr ary’s air conditioned comfor t. The fir st of our fr ee Summer
Sizzler sessions wi ll be held on T hur sday 3 Jan at
10.30am, when we wi ll inv estigate Anc estr Subsequent sessions wi ll inc lude:
Thur s 10 Jan at 10.30am – STRL Onli ne S ubscr iption
Thur s 17 Jan at 10.30am – CD-ROM r esour ces in the
Regional Histor y Room
Thur s 24 Jan at 10.30am – Online local histor y
collections i ndexes
Thur s 31 Jan at 10.30am – Anc estr r evisited
Come to j ust one session only, or join us for all five!
And at the end of eac h sessi on, why not bor r ow a book,
DV D or magazine to take home and enjoy at your leisur e?
Places ar e limited, so booki ngs ar e essential. Contact
the Libr ar y in per son or by phone on 4823-4435, or by
emai l to str l@goulbur to ensur e your
place for the Summer Sizzlers On line History sessions
in the Regional Histor y Room of Goulbur n Br anch Libr ar y.
For mor e infor mation contact the Goulbur n Libr ar y, on
4823 4435.
The Goulbur n Libr ar y is open Monday to Fr iday
10:00am – 6:00pm, Satur day 10:00am – 1:00pm and
Sunday 2:00pm – 5:00pm.
Need a Plumber... Call
Lic . No. 194029C
Drainer Gas Fitt er
Roof Plumber LP Gas
Phone 0428
Page 24
223 677
Tarago Times December 2007
New Works by Greg Fergusson
1-22 December 2007
Goulbur n ar tists Gr eg Fer gusson was a joint winner of the
2006 Goulbur n Ar t Awar d; this exhibtion is his pr ize. His
winni ng wor k was an ar tist book that the judges
descr ibed as an ener getic expr ession of human
outpour ing. His new wor k evolv es fr om the past year 's
exper iences.
Focus on the Gallery's
1 December 2007 - 19 January 2008
This exhibition foc uses on the Galler y's collection,
incor por ating paintings, textiles, wor ks on paper ,
photogr aphy and sculptur e.
Civic Centr e, Cnr Bour ke & Chur ch Sts, Goulbur n
Ph: (02) 4823 4443
Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, Sat & public holidays 1-4pm
or by appointment Admission fr ee.
Alpaca wether s for sale. All colour s, gr eat for pets or
stock minder s. Two 3yr olds, two 2 1/2 yr olds, two 9
mth olds. Phone V icki 4849 4282
Gener ator , twin cyl Deutz 10kva, 3200hr s. Can see
wor king. $4200 ono 0414918019.
LPG Fridge Consul 220 G as only fr idge/fr eezer, near
new 18 months old. $1600 0414918019.
12v/240v I nver ter . 12v 1000w inver tor $300
12v Flur o Lights (2) 240v Flur o Lights. Conver ted to
12v $30 each. 0414918019.
Old EV ERHOT slow combustion stov e for sale $500. Some r epair s needed to fir ebox, would make
good outdoor BBQ. Contact Anne 48494605
Our Feathered Friends
works in oil acrylics and watercolours
by Ekaterina Mortensen
Until 22nd December 2008
her 3rd solo exhibition at the Goulburn Club
19 Market Street, Goulburn
2nd Annual Spirit of Christmas Fair
Christmas Tree Decorating Competition
Exhibition of decorated trees
Saturday 8 & Sunday 9 December 2007
St Saviour's Hall, Bourke Street, Goulburn
See beautifully decorated Christmas trees,
and much more...
For more info contact:Nerida Cullen on (02) 4822 6986
Proceeds to benefit the Children's W ard at Goulburn
Base Hospital, Legacy and Goulburn & District
Education Foundation
Goulburn Community
Christmas Carols
Saturday, 22nd December 2007
Belmore Park
5pm to 10.30pm
Tarago Times December 2007
Whir lpool Aut omatic Fr ont Loading Washing Machine.
5.5kg capacity, 4 pr ogr ams, 3 water levels, var iable
temp contr ols. Exc ellent condition, litt le use, or iginal
books. $300 obo.
Br eville Baker s Oven Br ead Maker. Model BB290
Unwant ed gift. $150 obo.
Honda Postie Bike. CT90. Good or iginal condition.
Original handbook, new batter y. Unr egister ed. $695
For details on t he above items phone 4844 5518
Goats, boer cr oss bucks, 12 to 18 months, well br ed,
quiet, $70, contact K eith 4849 4256.
Terr y the Terr ific Terr ier is 8 year s old, desexed and
fully house tr ained. He is a ver y fr iendly litt le fellow
who gets on well with our other (female) dog.
Unfor tunately he is not keen on tr avelling and so we
ar e looki ng for a new home for him. Terr y will c hase
the r abbits if he is allowed to, so a secur e house
paddock is advisable. We ar e 5 minutes out of Tar ago,
so please r ing if you would like to c ome and meet
Terr y. Lou and Mar ie Alaimo 4849 4222.
Dog at cnr Cullulla & Sandy Point Rds, x silkie. Ring
and leave message at Ner r iga Hotel.
Volun teers are n ot paid.
Not because they are worth less,
but because they are priceless!
Page 25
Local Young Endeavour Scholarship
The TSA plans to est ablish an annual sc holar ship fund
to enc our age local 16 -23 year olds to apply for futur e
youth cr ew ber ths on a Young Endeavour voyage.
Youth cr ews exper ience 11 days at sea, living and sai ling with 23 other young peop le fr om all ov er Austr alia,
lear ning to sai l a tall ship. This adventur e inspir es
teamwor k, communication, leader ship and a sense of
community r esponsibility. The exper ience is suppor ted
by the Royal Austr alian Navy Staff Cr ew on Young Endeavour .
Sailing exper ience is not r equir ed but the yout h cr ew
will lear n to sai l Young Endeavour , a 44 metr e squar er igged tall ship that has a 30 metr e mast to set and fur l
sails. The yout h cr ew also lear ns to navigat e the ship,
keep watc h and take the helm. Applicants ar e select ed by ballot. A voyage c osts $1650 with financial
and tr avel assistance avai lable to suitab le applicants.
The TSA plans to suppor t one successful loc al applicant
to the level of $1650 per annum.
Ar e you inter ested? Do you t hink this is a good idea? If
not, what do you suggest as a youth
leader ship exper ience instead?
Please feedback to TSA secr etar y,
Gill Shepher d or pr esident, Mar k
Sport—Bringing our
Community Together
2 – 6 year olds
Tuesday, Wednesday
& Thursday
9.30am to 3.30pm
Permanent, Casual and Half days
Change facilities for 2 year olds
For enquiries or an
information pack
PHONE 4849 4427
Page 26
Cookery Corner
With the Chr istmas season just ar ound the
cor ner these two r ecipes ar e quick, easy to make,
delicious and healthy t oo!
Boxing Day Turkey Soup
Prep time 10mins, Cooking time 25mins, Serves 4
1.2 litr es tur key or chicken stock
50g long gr ain r ice
50g mushr ooms, ver y thinly slic ed
100g cooked tur key meat, chopped
2 Tablespoons c hopped par sley
Bring the stock t o the boi l in a lar ge pan, add the
r ice and cook for a fur ther 2-3 minutes, until almost tender .
Add the sliced mushr ooms and the t ur key meat
and cook for a fur ther 2-3 minutes. Adjust the
seasoning to t aste.
Ladle i nto soup bowls, spr inkle the chopped par sley over and ser ve.
Nutrients per serving:
Calor ies 83, Car bohydr ate 11g (of which sugar s 0g), Pr otein 8g, Fat 1g (of which satur ated fat 0g), Fibr e 0g.
Use mi ni pasta shapes or small macar oni, (pastina pr e
br ood) instead of r ice. For a str onger flavour , use
soaked, dr ied ceps in place of fr esh mushr ooms. Cook
accor ding to times given on the packet.
Filo Mincemeat Parcels
Prep time 30mins, Cooking time 15mins, makes 20
4 tablespoons sunf lower oil
40 sheets filo pastr y (19 x 15cm)
450g minc emeat
Iced sugar for dusting
Heat t he ov en t o 200C (400F)and light ly oil t wo
baking sheets. Keep all but the filo pastr y you
ar e using cover ed with c ling fi lm.
Lay a piece of filo on a boar d, br ush light ly wit h
oil, then add another sheet. Br ush again wit h oi l,
the place a lar ge teaspoonf ul of minc emeat in the
middle. Scr unch the pastr y together to enc lose
the mi ncemeat. Plac e on the baking sheet and
r epeat with the r emaini ng pastr y and mincemeat.
Bake for about 12-15 minutes unti l cr isp and
br owned. Tr ansfer to a wir e r ack to cool. Dust
with icing sugar and ser ve with ice cr eam or natur al yoghur t.
Nutrients per serving:
Calor ies 111, Car bohydr ate 20g (of which sugar s 15g),
Pr otein 1g, Fat 3.5g (of which sat ur ated fat 1g), Fibr e
Tarago Times December 2007
Soccer Practice
Lake Geor ge Day V IEW Club meets on 3r d Tuesday of
ever y month at 11.30 for 12 midday.
Bungendor e Evening V IEW Club meets on 1st Monday of
ever y month at 6.45pm for 7.15pm.
Goulbur n Day V IEW Club meets on 1st Thur sday of ever y
mont h at 11.30am for 12 midday.
Goulbur n Evening V IEW Club meets 2nd Tuesday of
ever y month at 6.30pm for 7pm.
For mor e infor mation or contact details for any of these
clubs please call Sue Maas on 4849 4407 or 0418 275 402.
All are welcome to join in, so come a long,
improve and/or keep those skills up in the off
season and keep healthy and fit and have some
For enquiries call J. Arbalis 4849 4448.
Fun & Fitness
TSAI Friday Night Raffle Roster
First Sunday of the month—
December 2 – 10.30am at Tarago Rec Area.
TENNIS — The cour ts ar e available to use any time
Denzi l Stur giss/Rob Willson
Ken V assel / Howar d Beileiter
Peter Hook / Kevin Gar dner
No r affles
Call Chris or Geoff Burns on 4849 4330 if you can’t make it.
fr ee of charge for TSAI member s and $2 per per son for
non-member s. For mor e infor mation phone Gill Shepherd
on 4849 4221. A social gr oup has star ted up on Thur sday
evenings, at 6.30pm all ar e welcome, BYO BBQ and
dr inks.
WALKING GROUP — Wednesday mor nings at
9.30. We start at the r ecr eation gr ound, so come along
and join in, it’s most enjoyable! Contact Sue Maas for
mor e info on 4849 4407.
Tarago Community Christmas C arols
Combined Catholic and Anglican
Christmas Carols will be held at
St Andrew’s Anglican Church on
Thursday 20th December at 6.00pm.
Every MONDAY starting 9.30am at the CWA Rooms.
All welcome, BYO lunch. Contact Bev on 4849 4549.
Highlands Stockfeed
All welcome to join in the
Christmas Spirit in our
223 Brisbane Grove Road, Goulburn
Ph o ne 0428 223 677
Anniversaries - Get Well Wishes
New Neighbours - Special birthdays
Suppliers of
All Stoc kf eed s, G rain s and Ha y
Race Ho rse and Gre yhoun d Supplie s
Saddle ry and Anim al Ca re Need s
Seed s fo r Cro p s and Pa sture s
We’r e happy to print congr atulati ons, welcome or get
well wishes — j ust let us know.
PO Box 2 61 Go ul bur n NS W 25 80
Highlands Aerial Photography
Suburban & Rural Property Photos
Soil M apping
Aerial Surveys
Medium Format Photography or Digital
For friendly service, ring ROGER McMAHON for details
4849 4282
Tarago Times December 2007
0409 045 511
Page 27
Tarago Times
Local Services Directory
Lake Bathurst Rabbits
A B N 99 6 13 46 0 30 4
OVER 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE — ABN 40 690 474 628
J. & J. Arbalis
Rabbit Abattoir & Processors
20 1 C ov an C reek R o ad
Lak e B at hu rst NSW 2 58 0
Ph 0 2 48 49 4 44 8
or 04 2 8 1 64 5 72
Home Renovations
Pergolas & Decks
Built-in Robes
Windows, Doors, Locks
Nick Hamers - 0413 056 369
Tarago Office
4 Wallace Street, Tarago NSW 2580
Ph: 0409 391 211 Fax: +61(2)8323 4231
Office hours 9am to 4pm Tuesdays & Fridays
Please phone for an out of hours appointment
Suzanne McDonald, Solicitor
36A Ellendon St NSW 2621 Erindale Chambers ACT 2903
Ph: (02) 6238 0192
Ph: (02) 6231 4700
ABN 43 419 374 203
Building Constructions
Concrete Stencilling
Concrete & Mini-Mix Supplier
20k gallon concrete water tanks
201 Covan Creek R oad
Lake Bathurst 2580
Just LAW
John & Julie Arbalis
December 2007
Ph: 02 4849 4448
Mob: 0409 330 914
or 0428 164 572
Raine & Horne
110 Auburn Street, Goulburn
Thérèse Culmone
Available Fridays from 10.00am & 2.00pm
C/- Braidwood Natural Foods
Phone/Fax: 4842 1920
Mobile: 0439 422 012
LICENCE No. 13038
Pensioner Discount
Now Supplying Water Tanks & Pumps
24 Hours, 7 Days - N o Job T oo S m all
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13 Montague Street Goulburn 2580
Morris Owen ~ Tim McGr ath ~ Alison How arth
Tarago Times December 2007