- BOHEMIANS v. CORK ATHLETIC , SATURDAY, lOth JANUARY, 1953 t386 PRICE ~D. \be \le\\et boo\ tot \le\\et J\61 Hallidays sports footwear is made from the stoutest leathers available but because of their remarkable action-free construction they are light and supple in wear and require only a minimum of ' breaking in.' That's why most players specify Hallidays. Available from shoe stores and sports outfitten SPORTS . BOOTS JOHN HALLIDAY & SON LIMITED , DUNDALK An cumAnn pe1te b61teimeAc$ t;eo 'B OHEMIAN FOOTBALL CLUB, LTD. (Incorporated) S E A S 0 N 1952-53 TELEPHONE: DUBLIN 41083 Founded 1890 1934 lncorpot~ted Pt·esident: T. BOLGER Vice-Presidents: A. J. GALLAGHER, M. J. KENNY, F .C.R.A., R. MacDONNELL, J. M. QUIGLEY Management Committee: D. B. CARROLL, J . E. DINAN, M. HENNESSY, F . HOWARD, A. J . KETTLE, W .LEONARD, J.J. McCARTHY, J. McKEON, E. J. O'MAHONY, J. J. WHITE Hon. Secretary: Asst. Hon. Secretary: Hon. Treasurer: L. RAPPLE W. B. BATT J . J . McNAMEE Registered Offices and Gt;ounds: DALYMOUNT PARK, DUBLIN. Club Colours: Red and Black Shirt, White Knicks. Vol. 15. No. 7. SATURDAY, lOth JANUARY, 1953 Price 3d. WE'VE GOT TO GET MOVING! The seasonal greeting, pass ing back and forth a week or two ago, has had rather a hollow ring as far as we ore concerned. To date it has not been a happy new year in these par ts , what with losing out in ;the Leinster Cup replay, going under to Shels last Saturday, and having more players on the in jured li st than at any time this season. However, don't go away think ing that we are completely sunken in lugubrious thoughts for such is not t he case; despite one thing and another, and eve n the two together, we fee l that we are now du e a smi le from Dame Fortune and that, that fickle lady may do so to-day . Our League rating is in urgent need of improvement and let us hope that later this afternoon we ca n congratul.ate our players on taking the first steps in this current yea r to get us away fr om the berth we now occupy . After two games we bid farewe ll to hopes of hold ing the Le inster Senior Cup for 1952/ 53 and despite every effort mad e we re forced to give in to our old Milltown ri va ls. Our lads made a g reat fight and even if the trophy was no t to be theirs a goodl y share of the honours of the tussle goes to them . To Shamrock Rovers we exte nd our congratu lati ons on their victory and also on the sporti n9 manner in which they played on both our meet ings . Both teams may l_ook back on these deciding games with the thought that they played hard and fair and in so doing reflected credit on the clubs to whicl] they bel ong . In the top flights of the League table the strugg le knits closer and a terrific fini sh seems assured . Team . of the moment is, undoubtedly, Evergreen United, for they have come right fr om behind to stake their claim for consi deration and with victories over Qundal k, Drumco ndra and St . Patric k's in successive weeks passports may well go places before the tourney run s its course . And if Evergree n can s h~ k e off the dol drums so can we. ~ _ _ I. Football y<lt If it i! we've got everything you need from a stud r a goalpost. For many years we hove been pro viding an unrivailed 5ervice for sportsmen c every kind--our range is wide, our goOds or good, our prices are ri ght. IF OQTBA LIL game? WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE DANCE EVERY SATU RDAY ST. PETER'S HALL 8-12 Dancing DAN LENNON'S BAND ADMISSION .... OTE THE NUMBER / ON 2/6 YOUR PRO~RAMME A FREE DRAW will take place at the interval for 1hree prizes of £1, 10/-, and ~/-. The winning numbers will be displayed on a N.otice Board sent around the ground. Note the number on the front d this programme-it may win you a cash prize ! • SA LEAGU E COMPETITION in If you have one of the lucky numbers, just call to the pavilion after the game, produce your proyramme, o.!1d claim your prize. BOI-i EMI ANS J Red and Black Sh irts White Knicks Goal 1. S. CUNNINGHAM 2. P. MOLLOY Right B 3. M. FINGLAS Left Be 4. A. HUTCHINSO N Right t 5. M. LENNON 6. J. BERRIGAN 7. J. DUNNE Outside 8. S. DORAN Inside R 9. M. PATTON 10. J. QUEEN 11. D. CROSS Centre Left j i~. 1 Centre Fo Inside I Outside Referee : J. WEBSTER MOON BOHEMIJ • VISIT THE MUN ICH LAGER ;, The Famous Spatenb rau Lager is superbly se rved on draugh t in Dorans Cocktail Loung e, Marl bo rough St., Dublin 0 >f e ,TU RDAY, 10th JANUARY, 1952 dorans(~~~ ~~ ~~ COCKTAIL LOUNGE COR K ATH;t <:)'f:t .t,"[ fO il ('ji/J The brightest in town . . . Green Shirts, White Knioks BARRY 1. ack NOON AN (P.) 2. - - - -- -----THE------- - - - lck COUGHLAN 3. CAPITOL la If McCARTHY 4. -la If O'CALLAGHAN 5. GeTTER 6. COl.LINS 7. BRODERICK 8. O'LEARY 9. 191f f714t..fJI'IIir ight rward Cllot..fl/li.~ ~ Left On the Screen: Charles Dickens' great comedy Hghl .eft - - - ----THEATRE------ 11 On the Stage: 11 Linesmen ' : E. J. RYDER, M. BYRNE 11 with the greatest comedy cast ever .'.4AI:814!Y 10. NOONAN (D.) 11. PICKWICK PAPERS RED RIDI~G HOOD 11 The Pantomime that is short in nothing but length with rEY'S ~N BAR LOUNGE Phyllis Power Sean Mooney Cecil Nosh Jchnny Keyes Frank Doherty and the Captol Orchestra a.nd Capitol Girls WHEN DINING OUT, VISIT THE CAPITOL RESTAURANT OR OAK LOUNGE For Lunch eons, Tea s and Suppers Open Daily From Noon T o 11.30 Prizewinners in the Free Draw in connecti on with ·the v. St. Pa t ric k's Athl etic match were as foll ows : £ 1- No. 1148 ; 10/ -- No. 16 29 ; 5 / - No . 1628. To-da y' s winning nu mbers wi ll be a nn ounced over the 'spea kers du ring interval . Listen for them . Goal sco rers to date a re J . Dunne , 8 ; D. Cross, 4; M. McKeon, P. W illiams, A. Hutchinson, 3 ea ch; S. Doran, M. Patton, B. O'Kell y, 2 ea ch; M. Fos ter and J . Stratton 1 each. Our goal a verage could do with a "shot in th e arm " and so me add it ions to t he t otal would be most wel come. Look ing ba ck ove r last sea son 's records I no tic e that in earl y f' eb rua ry whe n Joe Dunne's tota l was a t the figur e it shows now I sug ges ted to our centre - fo rwa rd t hat he bri ng hi s tall y up to doub le fi gures. I neve r did f ind out whe t he r he read my pe ntl e advice but th e fa ct remai ns t ha t he fo ll owed up wit h a brace a gainst . . . Cork At hl etic . T he Mem bers' Snoo ker Ha nd ica p ended recent ly and th e wi nn er was R. O' Doherty. The other finali st wa s M . J enning s and a ve ry good co ntest res ul te d before the vic tor at last came ou t on top. The compe ti t ion, ge nerall y, wa s a most successful affa ir a nd prov ided mu ch enjoyment d uring its course for bot h p layers a nd spec tators a like. The Playe rs' Handi ca p is now a t the semi - fina l stage: J oe Dunne v. Paddy Mulligan an d Terry Du nne v. "Snowey" McDonne ll bei ng t he pai rings. * On seve ral occa sions I have writ te n in this column on that "charging th e goa lk eepe r" o rob lem, for it is a subj ec t on which , I th in k, there is a ce rtain amount of co tton- woo ll y t hinkin g (but not by me, of course !). My contenti on is that whi le th e rul es say yo u may charge th e ' keeper fai rl y th en an y forw ard is full y entitl ed t o do that; and if nobody wants it tha t way then alt er t ne rule t o free the· goal ie of this occupati onal risk a nd be done wit h it. Ima gine my chagrin when my pet "hobby-horse" app ea red out of t he fog on St . Stephen' s Day a r;1 d threw me right into th e middl e of th e next week (Wednesday at 2 . 15 p.m. t o be exact) I mean, of course , t hat goa l ou r boys had di sall owed when Shamrock's ' keepe r wa s topp led ba ck ove r th e line by what, almos t eve rybody agreed, wa s a legi timate shoul de r charg e. I ra te t he cancell ing of that score a mista ke in the int erp retati on of t he rul es of th e game, but apart fr om th is item I mu st say that I co nsidered th e refer ee handled th e match exce ll ent ly. Than ks be t o goodness we a re starting to get back to the later starts. This 2 .30 start has been a nuisance and has caused many t o mi ss matches they would otherwise have been abl e t o attend . From next week-end on we gain an other 15 minutes t o to - day's like advan ce and that half-hour will make a big diffe rence to hurrying fans . From 1st February lengthening aftern oons bring us a· 3 . 15 kick- off and shortly after that we ~m ve at the ideal 3 .30 start which is we lcomed by eve rybody who l1ke dmner to be a little d iges ted before he sets out for hi s fa vourite vantage-point. ' ti on of being For about a half-d ozen ma tches we were in the happy posi able tO f1 e ld on un chang ed t eam but th ese da ys our ill-luck gremlin· has caught up w1th us and m the lost coupl e of matches injuries hove brought about defecti ons gal ore. Progress repo rts on th ese players ore os follows: Matt McKeo n- News fr om here is not os se ri ous os at fir st believed. The leg was not broke n but in stead th ere wa s a bone di splace ment . Matt left hospital on Thursday lost. Shoy Cunninghom- mi ssed lost week's match owing to a groin injury but returns to the team to -day . Berti e Higgins- Still unfit ow ing to a nkl e injur y. Molochi Doron:--Pio ys aga in thi s aftern oon afte r sitting out a coupl e of games (mc ludmg the Lemster Cup repla y). Hi s abse nce wa s due to a fa cial injury. * W e hod t hree playe rs ma k ing League of lrel.o nd deb uts lost against Shelbourn e- G. Penny (goal ), P. Molloy (right-full) and (right-half) . All three come through the ord eal extr eme ly we ll serve congratulati on. Geo rge Penny got the maj or oppo rtunity show hi s wo rth and too k it, literally, with both hands. * * * * * * :;, :;: Saturday J . Moore and deto really * Our ground sma n is now " breaking-in " th e new motor mower-roller recently purchased by the c lu b and it is co nfide ntl y expec ted that before. long th e playing pitch will begin to look be t ter than ever-and stay that way. Previous ly the job of mowing an d ro lling was a long and tedi ous one and it was not always possible to hove it done just at th e exact tim e we wonted . Now it con be done in half the tim e and eve n more importan t still , os oft e n os it is considered necessary. Deportment of why-don' t-1- keep-m y-mouth-shut. In our lost progro:nme I gave a lengthy spiel on the matter of goa ls, more goals and more goals in eve ry mat ch. St . Potri ck's Athl eti c thereupon went out and sco red seven against us. The ques ti on wo rrying me now is did the vi sitors read the programme and take me too se ri ously or did th ey just hove their own ideas all ready for execution? And talking about gool s- 1, for one , solute our centre -half for hi s littl e sorti e down-fi e ld lost Saturday . Sure th e plan misfired and put us out of jo int, but with a bit of luck it might ho ve worked to our advantage and th en th e critical ones would natter about a "daring move whi ch caught op ponents wrong-foo ted ." For years eve ry spectator has bee n comp lain ing that th e " stopper" centre -half has to ken all the best out of soccer with hi s pure ly destructi ve ploy and now wh en so mebody tries to open things up we hear nothing but " get back to th e penaltyar ea and don' t lea ve it. " I agr ee that if on up-field advance is mode the oth er defende rs should pos ition th emse lves to cover the gap, and for one rea so n or an other that didn ' t happen in thi s instan ce, but apart fr om that I want to soy that, possibl y, a littl e less " safety" and a littl e more "adve nture" might be the best thing that ever happ ened. * * * * Ar t ic le in the " Sunday Press" recentl y by Fear Ciuin making a ca se for "the Ban" was very well answer ed by " Young Iri shman" in last Sunday's iss ue 1t was a rei ief to find both sides of the coin presented in a temoe rate mann er, even if one was aga in vexed by the suggesti on that people like yo u and me ore unpatri otic . PRIVATE HIRE CARS DAY AND NIGHT PHONE: 42517 Special terms tor Funerals, Weddings and Tours . .1. WADDEM 26 'NORFOLK RD., PHIBSBOROUGH Everyone To-day tries to BE ECONOMICAL :- VALUE FOR MONEY is -the _- Goal IF YOU SHOP - AT ... ) - _ McBIRNEY's-· . .. - ' - . . . - :Y:oy_'ll -reach that Goal Easier! _. - - Yo~'ll firid everything for . yourself . . . . your farnil~ · : . -. and your home ·a t much lower prices at McBirney's than anywhere else : .. A visit to the store will rep•ay · · you. . Large and .varied stocks of Goods, -guara~te~d to please, in all Departments. Whatever you -need ... · resolve to get it · at Mc:Birney's. Ireland's largest -Drapers and House -Furnishers. McBIRNEY AND CO., _LTD. O'CONNELL BRIDGE, DUBLIN Frederick Press, Dublin .