The countdown to happinesSi
The countdown to happinesSi
The Voice SSIEJ The countdown to happinesSi IS AGE A FACTOR? E LLE risingstars AHEAD OF THE C YE They are VISIONARIES, makers, connoisseurs and INNOVATORS. And their talents are made far greater by their EXCEPTIONAL abilities. These women own the future PhotographerJOY DATTA Make-up & Ha ir SUNITA BRACE Deputy Art Director RESHMA RAJIWDEKAR Senior Stylist DIWAK D'SOUZA SOHAALI KHAN actress Watch the scene in Rang De Basanti (200 6) where Sonia breaks d own up on hearing of her fianc e's death on television and you will see tha t Soha Ali Kha n's genes are perfectly in place. She can act. She doesn 't do it very often but th en she ad mits she plan s nothing, least of all her caree r. Yet of the coun tless young actors who might have been righ t for th e part, she was picked to be playJ amila Sinai in Deep a Meh ta's mu ch talked abo ut reel rendition of M idnight 's Children. As the pr otagonist's youn ger sister and most famo us songstr ess in all of West Pakistan , Soha has 25 minutes of scree n time in which to make her mark . Th e singing was almos t her undoing, she'll admit. "While we used a playback singe r for the main bits, all 86 EL LE JAN UA RY 2013 th e hummin g and in termi tte n t singing had to be done by me. So th ere is this br eakfast scene where I ente r singing a dit ty and my dad (played by Ronit Roy) tells me how beauti fully I sing. But in reality I know it was a disaster." Ask her if she hopes th at M idnight 's Children will open up in ternational avenues for her and she gently rem inds you that she has done a British film with her mother, veteran act ress Sha rm ila Tagore, titled Life Goes On (2010). "I th ink in English. I thi nk that I can morph in to various looks. I am not limited . And every actor d reams of a wider audience . So, why not? But I am not avidly scou ting because I don't rea lly plan anything . Heck, I don 't kn ow what I am doin g next week," she says. And going by her roster, it 's eviden t she will expe rime n t. She has to her credit a variety of films includ ing two Ben gali ones not to mention her forays in to television , th e latest being What Not To Wear Ind ia. Her forthcoming releases include the ( ~ am not LIMITED. Every actor dreams qf a wider audience-'-' sequel to Tigman shu Dhuli a's Saheb, Biwi Aur Gangster (2011) and an offbeat film called Chaarfu tiya Chhokare. In th e latter, sh e pl ays a Manhattan-based girl who comes to a village in India to set up a school only to find ou t th at the kids th ere are all traine d assassins. "Whe n peopl e ask me who the her o of the film is, I say th ere isn o hero. Th ere'sjust me and these kids." Clothes Courtesy Emporia Armani, Mumbai. In quiries , (0 2 2) 40043377 . Tar un Tahiliani, New Delhi. Inquiries , (0 2 2) 22870895. Jewellery Courtesy Ish ar ya , Mu mbai. Inquiries . (022) 26489 161 She Thi s is dabbl ed in th e Ford foun wo Thou gh , I have stuck ar lon gest. I like actin g. It h possibilities". Speaking of rei n tion , she says, "Pr oducti on is so me thing I have th ou gh t abo u t. I like the idea of creating con ten t. I have things to say and it would .be nice to tell stories the way I would like them to be see n and heard ." She reveals she is restless and bored easily. And it's the thri ll of adven ture that gets her going. "I like to believe that I can do an vth ing I want. My mother is of the op inion that one sho uld take up a vocation or a skill and perfect it. But I like to be J ack of all trad es. Ultimately the goal is to be hap py. And to not take ~ yourself too serio usly." SUKANYA VENKATRAGHAVAN IS A JOURNALIST, SCREEN WRITER AND NOVELIST • • ELLE nstngstars school p rovides on par fac ilities to 200 stude nts u nt il Grade 5 (plans are in th e offing for- classes up to Grad e 12) , 15 teac hers and a consta nt stream of volunteers fro m across th e world . Reachin g the school in Breswana, up in the mo untains of Doda, her father's ancestral village , from the nearest city takes 12 to 14 hours. A few hours on h o rse back takes you in to the mountains and after a co uple of hours of walking uphill mos tly, you reach Sabb ah's village. It's just a small glim pse into th e corn er of th e world that occupies h er m ind space. Ch angi ng tracks has been surprisingly easy. Ask her and she says, "It's literally like going to a so ul-spa eve ry da y. Cleansed inside-out. I have learn t to appreciate everyth ing much more, seeing what I have always ha d an d what the y never did . I have learnt to complain less beca use they never do." SHARON FERNANDES ARPITA AGARWAL & SAJEDA BATRA entrepreneurs It's easy to mistake what Arpita Agarwa l, 34, and Sajeda Batra , 36, do as just the whimsy of well-he eled homemakers. As found ers of Beetroot, Mumbai's largest book and to y lib rary, th eir days are sp ent surrounded by expensive playthings and novelties they 've curated from around th e world . It 's only as the co nversation unfo lds, that you glim pse th e tenacity, th e sheer em otio nal investment and really, the profoun d love, that drives thi s venture. 102 Situated in the basement of a white, officious-loo king building in south Mu mb ai, Beetroot feels like a discovery. Bright walls are lined fro m ceiling to floor with colou rful book spines. Beady-eyed , velveteen whales, bears and wood land cre atures peek out from in between them and an entire expanse of wall is dedi cated to carefu lly wrapped play sets . Mu te yellow lights lend the libra ry a fuzzy, intimate quality; in one corne r, bath ed in shafts of natural light, a low tab le an d tiny chairs look as if they 're awaiting a pretend tea party. "'Beetroot' con notes an im pres sion that stays with you - like th e crims on the vegetable leaves on your fingers," says Arpita, whose four-year old son first made the ob servation when they were looki ng to name their ( (M otherhood has been our greatest QUALIFICATION) -' idea III 2009 . "Your chi ldhood influe nces never leave you," Sajeda ad ds . "I read Edith Nesbit's The Railway Children when I was so little an d the magic has stayed with me always. We want to make sure ch ild re n have that ch ance to draw from the best." How did the y go about handpick ing th e library's staggering 4,000 book, 2,000 -toy inventory? In consu ltatio n with solemn , bespecta cle d ch ild academicians, minutely deconstructing the educational heft of each item , sur ely? There is sticky grinning. "Noth ing of the sort. It's all been instin ctive," says Arpita . "Motherhood ha s been our greatest qualification for this job." Th ey've don e the leg work , though . Combing the country's book stores, atten ding in ternational toy fairs , studying every poss ib le permutation and combination of cognitive skill a toy could un lock, and then drawing up compreh ens ive instru ction cards for th e optimum use of each . Examine the scope of this little ent erprise and you' ll see that only a parent could portend other paren ts' needs and close th at gap . "Chi ldr en are insatiable th ese days. Feeding their relentless curiosity can become a task. We have parents in he re, week after week, saying 'Do you have more?" says Sajeda. Besides, the accessib le h iring price po ints are a leveller - "every child can get to experience th ese world-standard products regardless of their economic bac kground." And on weekdays, from 10:30 am to 11:30 pm, Beetroot, along with its fou n ders, belon gs to the neighbourhood's street kids. Beetroot is a pr ecocio us ch ild as any and keeps th e women on the ir toes . Since they went digital last year, their member count has dou bled to 160. T his year, they plan to take their delivery services pan Mumbai an d within the next five years , to all major metros. Their inven tory, meanw hile, keeps ge tting revamped every quarter and they will soon dabble in games for th e PlayStat ion an d th e Wii. "We've got to keep checking with our kids too ," laugh s Sajeda. "Wh ile we're busy collecting th e classics, my twin boys go, 'Mom, wh at abo ut Captain Underpants? !'" • CHERYL-ANN COUTO PHOTOGRAPHER JOY DATTA MAKE·UP & HAIR SUNITA BRACE DEPUTY AR T DIRECTOR RESHMA RA JIWDEKAR; SENIOR STYLIST DIV YAK D'SOUZA LOCATION COUR TE SY WATERSTONES HOTEL, SAHAR, OF F INTERNATI ONAL AIRPO RT APPROACH ROAD, ANDHE RI (E) , MUMBAI 59 . INQUIRIES, (022) 40906 6 3 3