2006 - World Affairs Council of Greater Houston


2006 - World Affairs Council of Greater Houston
2006 Annual Report
World Affairs Council of Houston
Board of Directors 2006-2007
Matthew Pilon
Simmons & Company International
Board of Directors
Mark Abendshein
ABOCO Investments LLC
Bruce A. Johnson
Chevron Global Gas
Philip K. Asherman
William H. Knull, III
Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP
Peter A. Barbara
McGriff, Seibels & Williams of Texas Inc.
Reza Ladjverdian
Real Estate Development
John Bowman
Fulbright & Jaworski LLP
Christine LaFollette
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP
John Bretz
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation
Edward Lowe
GE Energy
Boyd G. Carano
Vinson & Elkins LLP
Beth Madison
Madison Benefits Group Inc.
Galen Cobb
Ewell E. Murphy, Jr.
Baker Botts LLP (ret.)
James D’Agostino, Jr.
Encore Bank
Albert Myres
Shell Oil Company
Sean Daichman
BTEC Turbines LP
Arthur W. Peabody, Jr.
Peabody Enterprises
James D. Dannenbaum
Dannenbaum Engineering Corporation
Andrew C. Schirrmeister, III
Schirrmeister Diaz-Arrastia Brem LLP
George A. DeMontrond, III
DeMontrond Automotive Group Inc.
Jennifer M. Smith
Baker Botts LLP
Deya A. Elyas
Aramco Services Company
Lance Van Anglen
Shell EP Americas
John P. Enloe
Duke Energy International
Astrid Van Dyke
Vanco Energy
Bill White
Mayor of Houston
James Fonteno
Port of Houston Authority
Eugene H. Vaughan
Vaughan Nelson Investment Management LP
Board Governance
Shara Fryer
William H. Weiland
Winstead Sechrest & Minick PC
Randy Hansen
Schlumberger Technology Center
Ben H. Welmaker, Jr.
Thompson & Knight LLP
Kenneth Harder
Dunbar, Harder & Benson LLP
Timothy T. West
Devon Energy Corporation
T. Alan Harris
Sutherland, Asbill & Brennan LLP
Edieth Y. Wu
Texas Southern University
Richard L. Horstman
Marathon Oil Company
Linda Wuest
World Affairs Council
Richard L. Burleson
Burleson Cooke LLP
Vice President
Phil DeLozier
EnerVest Management Partner
John R. Kelly
ExxonMobil Corporation
Lee E. Harmon
FMC Technologies Inc.
Advisory Directors
David W. Leebron
Rice University
Charles Miller
Meridian National Inc.
Robert Mosbacher, Sr.
Mosbacher Energy
Chase Untermeyer
United States Ambassador to Qatar
Lynn N. Hughes
United States District Court Judge
Robert Smith III
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Robert Clarke
Bracewell & Giuliani LLP
Alan R. Crain, Jr.
Baker Hughes Incorporated
Board Diplomats
In Remembrance
Lloyd M. Bentsen, Jr., 1921–2006
Robert Blades
JPMorgan Chase Bank
The directors of the World Affairs Council acknowledge the Council’s debt to Lloyd Bentsen.
Charles C. Foster
Tindall & Foster PC
us, this life-long service included his helping to establish this Council. Many here in his home
Anthony Lentini, Jr.
Apache Corporation
learn about—if not recall—his volunteering as a bomber pilot in the European theater, his being
Frank Michel
Office of the Mayor, City of Houston
ership in Houston before returning to Washington in 1971 as senator. A statesman and beloved
page World Affairs Council
His death in the spring of 2006 ended his service to his fellow man—world-wide. Important to
town recall his work as a United States Senator and Secretary of the Treasury, but we should
County Judge of Hidalgo County, his three terms as a member of Congress, and his business leadson of Texas, Lloyd Bentsen is remembered with fond and deep appreciation.
Our mission is to promote America’s understanding of the world—
the people, politics, economics and cultures—and to enhance the
ability of our citizens to participate in the world community.
Message From Our Chairman
he World Affairs Council of Houston enjoyed substantial growth in size and influence during 2006. Our individual
membership base rose 25 percent, and currently exceeds 5,500 people. We now have over 90 corporate members,
as well as 800 people in our Young Professionals group. Our Education Outreach program reaches 120 local schools,
encompassing hundreds of middle and high school teachers and students. The Council has continued to strengthen its
position as the preeminent forum for Houstonians interested in international affairs.
We have two broad missions: to educate our citizens and to provide Houstonians a voice in shaping U.S.
international relations. Our mission to educate is led by our luncheon and evening speaker programs. These events are
vibrant and well attended because we focus on the issues that are most important to our members. In 2006, these issues
included the war in Iraq, the Middle East peace process, the rise of China and India, Russia’s new role in the world,
nuclear proliferation issues with North Korea and Iran, and many others.
We are able to generate such a strong program calendar primarily through the hard work and dedication of our
executive staff. The Council has also become a magnet for visiting officials seeking a large, educated audience. We have
been complimented numerous times on the quality of our audience participation.
The other pillar of our education effort is the Council’s Education Outreach program, which focuses on educating
our middle and high school students. Houston’s program has become a model for other councils around the nation.
Among other activities, we create teaching plans, offer teacher seminars, and bring speakers to schools. We also
provide students with access to world leaders, connecting
the students to events in a tangible, lasting way. In 2006,
students met in small groups with General Colin Powell and
Secretary of State James A. Baker III, among others.
As the Council has grown in size and prestige, so
has Houston’s influence in international affairs. During
our luncheon and evening programs, members have the
opportunity to raise questions and concerns to a range of
influential policymakers. At Council Cabinet meetings and
corporate briefings, small groups of community leaders
meet with our visiting speakers to discuss issues on a more
informal basis. Our students also play an important part in
informing influential visitors, offering a view of what is on
the minds of Houstonians.
Our growth and success would not be possible without
the generous financial support and time commitment from
General Colin Powell, Matt Pilon
numerous individuals and organizations. I would like to
thank our board of directors, advisory board, and executive
staff, as well as the corporations and foundations that provide financial support, and the many volunteers who donate
their time and talents. I would also like to recognize the significant financial commitments we received during 2006
from Marathon Oil Corporation. Their leadership is making a meaningful impact.
I look forward to another year of growth as we expand our efforts to bring together citizens, students, government
officials and world leaders in a discussion of the issues that connect and concern us all.
Matt Pilon
2006 Annual Report
page Programs
At over 100 events in 2006, including lectures, briefings, discussion groups, dinners and exhibits, World Affairs
Council members learned about global events and the issues that define our age. They heard directly from world
leaders, policy makers, journalists, authors, and analysts. They sought answers, questioned the experts, and
engaged in a dialog that is the core of our civil society. The World Affairs Council fosters this dialog—between
citizens and leaders, between Houston and the rest of the world—and in doing so offers our community a better
understanding of the issues and an opportunity to participate more effectively in our interconnected world.
Putin’s Russia: Ambitions and Constraints
Fiona Hill
The Brookings Institution
January 12
Reporting the Middle East: A Panel Discussion of Journalists
Yaron Deckel, Israel Broadcasting Authority
Salameh Nematt, Al-Hayat International Arab Daily
Robert Jordan, Former United States Ambassador to Saudi Arabia
January 17
Co-sponsored with the Bilateral US/Arab Chamber of Commerce
China Today and the Challenge of Change
Paul Solman
CNBC Correspondent
January 24
My Year in Iraq: The Struggle to Build a Future of Hope
Paul Bremer
Presidential Envoy to Iraq, 2003-2004
January 26
Feeling the Heat: European and US Views on Climate Change
Steven Hayward, American Enterprise Institute
Christian Turner, First Secretary for Energy
and Environment British Embassy
Johan Lembke, Director, European Union
Center for Excellence Texas A&M
February 1
Dirty Money and its Consequences for the Global Economy
Raymond Baker
Center for International Peace
February 2
The United States and Saudi Arabia:
Partners in Prosperity and Security
Prince Turki Al-Faisal
Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to the United States
February 7
Debate, Democracy, and Development: Lessons
from India and Cultural Pluralism
Amartya Sen
Nobel Laureate in Economics
February 8
A Portrait of Cuba
Christopher Baker
Travel writer and photographer
February 15
The Long War of the 21st Century And How We Must Fight It
James Woolsey
Former Director Central Intelligence Agency
March 1
Greece Today: Business and Cultural Connections to Houston
Alexandros P. Mallias
Ambassador of Greece to the United States
March 7
The Community Counts: Citizen Diplomacy
and America’s Image in the World
Kenton Keith, Former United States Ambassador to Qatar
Charles Ray, Former United States Ambassador to Cambodia
March 9
Co-sponsored with Sister Cities of Houston
Nuclear Iran and the West: Intentions and Options
Charles D. Ferguson
Council on Foreign Relations
March 16
page World Affairs Council
Building a Better World: Creating Public and
Private Partnerships for Global Development
William D. Ruckelshaus
Former EPA Administrator
March 23-24
American Presidents—Jones Award Luncheon
Robert Gates
President Texas A & M
March 29
Three Cups of Tea: One Man’s Fight against Terrorism
and to Build Nations, One School at a Time
Greg Mortenson
Central Asia Institute
April 4
Bolivia and the Gathering Storm
Eudoro Galindo Anze
Former Bolivian Ambassador to Japan
April 6
Gassing Up: Meeting U.S. Natural Gas Needs through LNG Import
John Hofmeister
President, Shell Oil Company
April 11
The Case for Goliath—Mandelbaum in
Conversation with Alan Crain
Michael Mandelbaum
Johns Hopkins University
April 19
Pandemic Flu: Are We Prepared?
Andrew Price-Smith
Colorado College
April 20
Revolution in Orange: The Origins of
Ukraine’s Democratic Breakthrough
Anders Aslund
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
April 27
More Than Humanitarianism: A Strategic
U.S. Approach toward Africa
Princeton Lyman
Council on Foreign Relations
May 3
Mexican Presidential Elections: Lopez Obrador
George Grayson
College of William and Mary
May 4
Emerging Democracies Delegation from the UN
UN Delegates from Albania, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan,
Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Poland, Georgia, Belarus
May 8
Eternal Iran
Patrick Clawson
Washington Institute for Near East Policy
May 9
The Middle East Today
Marc Grossman
Former United States Ambassador to Turkey
May 15
Open Target: Where America is Vulnerable to Attack
Clark Kent Ervin
The Aspen Institute
May 15
Ignacio Arcaya
Former Ambassador of Venezuela to the United States
May 18
America and Spain: Parners in Security,
Development, and Diplomacy
Eduardo Aguirre
United States Ambassador to Spain
May 22
What Way Forward For Israel and Palestine?
David Makovsky
Washington Institute for Near East Policy
June 15
2006 Annual Report
page The Road to Peace: The Future of Palestine Under Hamas
Afif Safieh
Palestinian Liberation Organization
June 29
North Korea from a South Korean Perspective
Hyun-Wook Jung
Wonkwang University (Korea)
July 27
The Point of No Return: Iran’s Path to Democracy
Mohsen Sazegara
Center for International and Area Studies
August 24
Israel’s Search for Security and a Lasting Peace
Daniel Ayalon
Ambassador of Israel to the United States
September 12
“There are many ways to stay abreast of developments in today’s
world, surely one of the most important and effective is the direct
contact and dialog between public servants and the civic, business,
and cultural leaders that are members of the World Affairs Council.
In an era of global independence, the Council plays an indispensable
role in assuring that we have an informed citizenry who can make
judgments and take stands on these matters—matters that affect all
—Ambassador John Negroponte
Director of National Intelligence
Between Hamas and Hezbollah: Issues and
Challenges for Israel and the United States
Rami Khouri
Editor, Lebanon Daily Star
October 11
Winning the War, Winning the Peace: Defining
Priorities for America in the Middle East
Dennis Ross
Washington Institute for Near East Policy
September 13
An Unexpected Public Life: Its Adventures and Lessons
James A Baker, III
61st Secretary of State
October 17
Diplomacy: Persuasion, Trust, and Values
General Colin Powell
65th Secretary of State
September 20
Party of God: Inside Hezbollah
David Lewis
October 23
A Conversation with Michael Deaver
Michael Deaver
Former White House Deputy Chief of Staff
September 25
War, Conflict, and the Global Balance of Power
Max Boot
Council on Foreign Relations
October 30
Iraq: The Ambassador’s Perspective
H.E. Samir Shakir Mahmood Sumaida’ie
Ambassador of Iraq to the United States
October 9
Sponsored by the Bilateral US/Arab Chamber of Commerce
Co-sponsored by the World Affairs Council of
Houston and the Houston Forum
Iraq and Back: Inside the War to Win Peace
Kim Olsen
Colonel U.S. Air Force (ret.)
November 7
The Palestinian Struggle for Statehood
Rashid Khalidi
The Middle East Institute, Columbia University
November 9
World Quest
International Trivia Contest
November 13
What’s Next for Israel?
Yossi Olmert
The Israel Project
November 30
The Looming Towers: Al Qaeda and the Road to 9/11
Lawrence Wright
Author and Screenwriter
December 7
page World Affairs Council
Special Events
James A. Baker, III
An Unexpected Public Life: It’s Lessons and Adventures
The respect Houston has for James A. Baker, III, was reflected in
our October 17th luncheon audience of over 1,000. This event
generated more attention in the news media than any other in
the Council’s history. The Council is grateful for the dedication,
productivity, and integrity of this American leader and world
Latin Outlook Programs
Houston has numerous significant connections to Latin America
from geography and culture to business and family. Often
developments in this hemisphere are submerged in the rush of
events in Europe and Asia. The Council recognizes the need
to strengthen our understanding of Latin America. To help
Houston have a source of consistent, thoughtful information on
Latin America, the Council has initiated Latin Outlook, a series
of programs. Programs are announced to both our members and
beyond. All Houstonians with Hispanic interests are encouraged
to participate.
“I am delighted that the Council has chosen to offer more programs
on Latin American topics and to reach out to our community. It’s
only through this kind of dialog that we can grow in understanding
and bridge differences. Our futures are entwined; we must advance
together as partners.”
—Arlene Graham
Energy Outlook for Latin America
Luis Guisti
Center for Strategic and International Studies
September 6
Brazil: Democracy, Political Parties & Globalization
Fernando HENRIQUE Cardoso
Former President of Brazil
September 15
Cuba after Castro
Andy Gomez
Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies
October 19
Governance and Corruption in Latin America: Myths and Realities
Daniel Kaufmann
Global Programs World Bank Institute
November 6
Toward a Society Under Law: Citizens and
Their Police in Latin America
Joseph Tulchin
Woodrow Wilson Center
November 28
2006 Annual Report
page Council Cabinet
The Council Cabinet is comprised of individuals and corporations who have shown a commitment to the health
and growth of the Council through their support. Cabinet members enjoy private dinners and receptions with
distinguished international guests, each limited in size to allow maximum interaction and discussion. Council
Cabinet membership is open to individuals who support the Council with unrestricted contributions of $1,000
or more.
Reporting the Middle East: A Panel Discussion of Journalists
Yaron Deckel
Salameh Nematt
Ambassador Robert Jordan
January 17 Dinner
Co-sponsored with the Bilateral US/Arab Chamber of Commerce
Feeling the Heat: European and U.S. Views on Climate Change
Steven Hayward
Christian Turner
Johan Lembke
February 1 Reception hosted by Pat Moran
Nuclear Iran and the West: Intentions and Options
Charles D. Ferguson
Council on Foreign Relations
March 16 Dinner
Revolution in Orange: The Origins of
Ukraine’s Democratic Breakthrough
Anders Aslund
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
April 27 Dinner
Eternal Iran
Patrick Clawson
Washington Institute for Near East Policy
May 9 Dinner
Open Target: Where America is Vulnerable to Attach
Clark KENT Ervin
The Aspen Institute
May 15 Dinner
What Way Forward Now for Israel and Palestine?
David Makovsky
Washington Institute Project on the Middle East Peace Process
June 15 Dinner
The Road to Peace: The Future of Palestine Under Hamas
Ambassador Afif Safieh
Palestinian Liberation Organization
June 29 Dinner
Portrait of Saudi Arabia: An Insider’s View of Modern Saudi Arabia
David J. Dunford
Former Ambassador to Oman & Saudi Arabia
July 8 Dinner
Winning the War, Winning the Peace:
Defining Priorities for America in the Middle East
Ambassador Dennis Ross
Washington Institute for Near East Policy
September 13 Reception hosted by Charles and Beth Miller
page World Affairs Council
Between Hamas and Hezbollah: Issues and
Challenges for Lebanon and the United States
Rami Khouri
Editor, Lebanon Daily Star
October 11 Reception hosted by Dr. Dina Al-Souya and Tony Chase
War, Conflict, and the Global Balance of Power
Max Boot
Council on Foreign Relations
October 30 Dinner
What is Next for Israel?
Dr. Yossi Olmert
The Israeli Project
November 30 Reception hosted by Don and Sue Sue Aron
Reflections on Israeli Leadership
Eran Lerman
Executive Director, American Jewish Committee
December 6 Reception hosted by Zahava Haenosh
Corporate Programs
Corporate membership in the Council is an important tool for executive and mangers working in a competitive
global environment. Through small, off-the-record briefings, corporate members gain immediate access to
experts and decision makers, while bringing Houston’s voice into international policy discussions. Hosting
briefings at your company brings business exposure and new client relationships.
Building Public-Private Partnerships for Global Development
William D. Ruckelshaus
Initiative for Global Development; Former EPA Administrator
March 24
Nigeria: Headed for Civil War?
Olayiwola Abegunrin
Professor of International Relations, Howard University
August 31 Hosted by Shell EP
Gassing Up: Meeting U.S. Natural Gas Needs through LNG Imports
John Hofmeister
President, Shell Oil Company
April 11
International Trade:
The Road to Global Economic Growth
Anthony Carroll
Vice President, Manchester Trade Ltd.
October 10 Hosted by Winstead, Sechrest & Minick, LLP
“I have been attending your public events as well as business
briefings and am very impressed with the quality, openness, and
range of speakers your group brings, to share ideas and opinions
about important issues in today’s world. Diversity is important to
us at Shell and I am glad to see that your programs reflect diversity
of opinion.”
—Mark Richter
Analyst, Shell Information Technology
The Canadian Energy Edge: Abundant Resources Close to Home
The Honorable Bill Dooks, Minister of Energy,
Province of Nova Scotia
The Honorable Jean Michel Roy, Consul General of Canada
With representatives of the Canadian Provinces of Alberta,
British Columbia, Newfoundland, and Labrador
May 2 Hosted by Bracewell & Giuliani, LLP
Hamas, Iran, and Elections in Israel
Ambassador of Israel to the United Nations
October 23 Hosted by Simmons & Company International
Governance and Corruption: Myths and Realities
Daniel Kaufmann
Director, Global Programs, World Bank Institute
November 6 Hosted by Baker Hughes
Nuclear Proliferation: The Diplomacy of Containment
Munir Akram
Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations
December 1 Hosted by Simmons & Company International
Major Geopolitical Changes in the Middle East Today
Marc Grossman
Former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
May 15 Hosted by Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer and Feld, LLP
A Private Briefing on Venezuela
Ignacio Arcaya
Former Venezuelan Ambassador to the United States
May 18
The Mexican Presidential Elections and the
Candidacy of Felipe Calderón
Arturo Sarukhan Casamitjana
International affairs advisor to Felipe Calderón
May 22 Hosted by Bracewell & Giuliani, LLP
Iran and the Revolution: A Dissident’s Perspective
Mohsen Sazegara
Washington Institute for Near East Policy
August 24
2006 Annual Report
page Development Programs
Each year, the Council offers important programs that both fullfill our mission as well as raise the funding
necessary to keep the organization strong and vibrant. Support for these special events allows us to keep
membership dues low and makes participation in Council activitites open to the widest possible audience.
We are particularly grateful this year to Marathon Oil Corporation, whose $50,000 per year, three year
committment, has established a premier fall speaker series.
Marathon Oil Corporation
Speaker Series
General Colin L. Powell spoke to Council members
in September as the first in Marthon Oil Corporation’s
distinguished speaker series. He not only spoke to a capacity
audience of 1,300, but he also spent an additional hour with 30
high school students at an event that we call Conversations with
History. Thanks to the support of Marathon Oil Corporation,
BP America and other major sponsors, the program raised
additional funding for the Council’s educational outreach
to schools. It also generated substantial recognition in the
community and increased membership. The Council wishes
to thank Richard Horstman, Micheal Trevino and Clarance
Cazalot, Jr. for their generous support of the Council’s mission
though this program series. We also thank the many Houston
companies who attended the event and joined the Council as a
The Jones Award
In the spring of 2006, the Houston community came together
to honor Mr. Joe B. Foster, one of the most respected gentlemen
in the energy industry. Retiring from Newfield Exploration
Company, Mr. Foster was recognized for his support of
education and his work in our community. Speaker Robert
Gates spoke at the event, telling about the many United States
Presidents he had worked with in his career. The success of the
Jones Award is a tribute to the respect and affection felt for Mr.
Foster. It’s also a tribute to the companies and individuals who
demonstrate their commitment to our region, to our students
and to international understanding through their support. The
Council thanks Richard Burleson, Burleson & Cook, as event
chairman and all the Houston companies and individuals who
attended the luncheon.
Jesse H. & Mary Gibbs Jones
International Citizen of the Year 2006
Joe B. Foster
Newfield Exploration Company
Robert Gates
Former Director CIA
page 10
World Affairs Council
International Travel
There are many paths to understanding our world but few are as
rewarding or entertaining as international travel. The Council’s travel
series offers trips that are unique, affordable, and have substantial
educational value. Guided by experienced locals, Council trips take
you off the beaten track for up-close interaction with foreign cultures.
We also work within the academic calendar when possible and offer
trip scholarships to select teachers thanks to the help of our generous
corporate partners. The Council wishes to thank GE Corporation for
their grant of $5,000 for teacher travel scholarships.
Travel 2006
Exciting Tunisia and Malta
Turkey at a Crossroads
Inside Washington D.C.
Discover Russia Southern China
Discover Peru
Mystery of Morocco Mystery of Morocco
February 13-23
March 10-20
April 19-22
May 24-31
September 6-18
October 9 -19
November 1-11
December 9-19
“Traveling to Morocco with the Council gave me a deeper and more personal understanding of the issues and challenges faced by the region. Hotels
were great, the guide was helpful, and the sights and sounds of Morocco were amazing. But it’s the people on the trip that I’ll remember most, both the
Moroccans and the Council members. No other group includes so many pleasant, interesting fellow travelers.
—Dr. Frank Yelin
WorldQuest is our popular international trivia
contest. It is a fun, fast-paced game that tests your
knowledge of international events, geography,
economics, and politics. This years game also
included a message from the international space
station by astronaut and former game participant
Michael Lopez-Alegria.
Special thanks to our:
First place
Missing Links
Second place
Secretary Generalists
Game hosts
Shara Fryer
Phil DeLozier
PowerPoint Master
Lance Van Anglen
Third place
University of St. Thomas
Court of Last Resort
Malcolm and Kate Hawk
Best dressed team
Corporate Sponsors
Deloitte & Touche
Via Quest Financial
Baker Hughes, Inc.
Best team name
Geopolitical Shift Happens
2006 Annual Report
page 11
Young Professionals
The Young Professionals Group program series is designed to promote greater international awareness
among our young professional members. Programs are held each month and include film screenings, dinner
discussions, receptions, wine tastings, and international travel. They bring together Houston’s young leaders
and international newsmakers for discussions of foreign policy, international business, and cultural issues. It
is a great way to learn more about the world while meeting others who share your interests and concerns. All
Council members under the age of forty are welcome to activate young professionals membership and attend
Feeling the Heat: European and U.S. Views on Climate Change
Steven Hayward, American Enterprise Institute
Christian Turner, First Secretary for Energy
and Environment British Embassy
Johan Lembke, Director, European Union
Center for Excellence Texas A&M
February 1 Reception hosted by Pat Moran
Dirty Money and its Consequences for the Global Economy
Raymond Baker
Center for International Peace
February 2
A Portrait of Cuba
Christopher Baker
Travel writer and photographer
February 15
Jordan Today: Business and Cultural Connections to the U.S.
Karim Kawar
Ambassador of Jordan to the Un ited States
February 23 Table sponsored by the Bilateral
US/Arab Chamber of Commerce
Land Reform: Lessons from Zimbabwe
Craig Richardson
Associate Professor, Salem College
February 28
Conflict and Hopes for Peace in Africa
Laura Engelbrecht
Consultant, United States Department of State
March 8
“Young Professionals Group membership provides a platform for
intellectual discussion among Houston’s young business leaders on
issues of global importance. I am always impressed by the extensive
professional and personal backgrounds of YPG members, many of
whom provide first-hand insight into the subjects highlighted at
the Council.”
—Jennifer Cutaia
Baker Hughes
Tsotsi—A Film about South Africa
March 14 Film showing
St Patrick’s Day Happy Hour
Harp Pub
March 16
One Man’s Mission to Fight Terrorism and
Build Nation… One School at a Time
Greg Mortenson
Founder, Central Asia Institute
April 4
Bolivia and the Gathering Storm
Eudoro Galindo Anze
Former Bolivian Ambassador to Japan
April 6 Table at Council program
Gassing Up: Meeting U.S. Natural Gas Needs through LNG Imports
John Hofmeister
President, Shell Oil Company
April 11 Table at Council program
Mahaleo—A Film about Madagascar
Rice Media Center
April 29 Film showing co-sponsored with Vanco Energy
page 12
World Affairs Council
“I believe that it is very beneficial for my professional and personal
growth to be involved in the YPG. I want to associate with peers who
care about the world we live in and about the world that will be our
responsibility to safeguard for our next generation. The diversity of
views and experiences, backgrounds and schooling merges into one
continuous human dialogue when we are able to share and learn
—Arthur Kaplun
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Between Hamas and Hezbollah: Issues and
Challenges for Lebanon and the United States
Rami Khouri
Editor-At-Large, Lebanon Daily Star
October 11 Reception hosted by Dr. Dina AlSowayel and Mr. Tony Chase
Cuba After Fidel
Andy Gomez
Senior Fellow, Institute for Cuban and CubanAmerican Studies at the University of Miami
October 19
Celebrations of the World: Mexico
Jose-Pablo Fernando
Mexican Institute of Greater Houston
May 4
In Search of Hezbollah
David Lewis
October 23 Reception hosted by Dr. Rebecca Matejowsky
Debt, AIDS, Trade, Africa
Global Activist
May 6 A presentation by the World Affairs Council of Dallas/Ft. Worth
Celebration of Japan—A Saki Tasting
Jonathan Dizon
Republic Beverage
October 25
VietnamThrough a Woman’s Eyes
Wendy Duong
Professor, University of Denver
June 1
The Palestinian Struggle for Statehood
Rashid Khalidi
Director, the Middle East Institute at Columbia University
November 9
The Role of the IMF in the Developing World
Patrick Cirillo
Deputy Chief of Operations, International Monetary Fund
June 27
Holiday Reception: Celebrations from Around the World
November 28
Humanitarian Crisis in Darfur
Fady Joudah
Physician, Doctors without Borders
August 23
The Looming Tower: Al Qaeda and the Road to 9/11
Lawrence Wright
December 7 Reception hosted by Dr. and Mrs. Rob Parrish
A complimentary individual membership to the Council may be available if
you are an employee of a corporate sponsor. Contact ypg@wachouston.org.
Inside Iran: The Nature of the Regime
Mohsen Sazegara
Professor, Center for International and Area Studies at Yale University
August 24 Reception hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Mat Esfahani
Nigeria: Headed for Civil War?
Olayiwola Abegunrin
Professor, Howard University
August 31
Global Issues Networking Hour
September 6 Co-sponsored with French Chamber of Commerce
Diplomacy: Persuasion, Trust, and Values
General Colin Powell
65th Secretary of State
September 20 Table at Council program
Over a Barrel: A Discussion of Peak Oil and Energy Security
Tom Mast
September 29
2006 Annual Report
page 13
The Council’s education outreach helps students and teachers connect with international issues beyond
traditional classroom curricula. Through over 75 events each year, we provide professional development for
educators and unparalleled opportunities for students to interact with global leaders. Our goal is to help young
people learn how international events affect their lives, their communities, and their country.
Young Leaders’ Forum - A speaker series for global-
Noon Briefings - An opportunity for small school groups to
minded students and educators; provides a forum for the
discussion of international issues that puts students in direct
touch with world leaders. Speakers have included Madeleine
Albright, Former Secretary of State; Daniel Yergin, Author of
Commanding Heights; and Corazon Aquino, Former President
of the Phillippines.
attend informative, luncheon briefings. Speakers have included
Robert Rubin, former Secretary of the Treasury; Cokie Roberts,
journalist; and William Cohen, former Secretary of Defense.
“Thank you for all you do to inform our youth and create an avenue
for them to grow in knowledge and understanding of world issues
that impact all our lives.”
—Archie Buchman
Teacher, Lutheran South Academy
Conversations with History - A small group of student
leaders meet and interview people of historical renown.
Speakers have included Mary Robinson, former President
of Ireland; General Colin Powell; and Lech Walesa, former
President of Poland.
Global Energy Initiative - The Independent Petroleum
Association of America has given us the resources to deepen
and enrich progams on global energy. Events have included
an all day teacher workshop, Energy in Crisis; in-services at
local school districts and state social studies conferences; and
emphasis on energy geopolitics in all programs.
Speaker to School Series - Bringing experts into Houston
area colleges and universities; this forum can facilitate a large
event or classroom setting. Speakers included Ed Peck, former
U.S. Ambassador to Iraq; Maura Harty, U.S. Department of
State; and H.E. Bader Omar Al-Dafa, Qatari Ambassador to the
International Economics Series - A forum to discuss
issues emerging from the progressive integration of economies
and societies. Speakers have included Hernando de Soto,
Institute for Liberty and Democracy; Amartya Sen, Nobel Prize
winning economist; and John Stossel, ABC News.
“...Attending lectures by diplomats, scholars, and global leaders has
had a tremendous impact on our students.”
—Joyce Miller-Alper
Teacher, School of Choice, Spring Branch ISD
Educators’ Forum - A monthly seminar for teachers on
select international topics, guided by experts from leading
research centers and universities. Lesson plans and reference
materials are furnished with each event. Gifted and talented
credit hours have been approved in advance by the Texas
Association for the Gifted and Talented.
Foreign Language Lunches - Lunches are held in the
language of the day, over a theme meal, with a speaker, and
lively student entertainment. They are an opportunity to
recognize and applaud students who work for proficiency in a
second language. Language lunches are held in Spanish, French,
German, Italian, Russian, Chinese and Arabic.
Academic WorldQuest - A fun, fast-paced, quiz on
international facts; putting world affairs knowledge to the test.
Student teams from across Houston compete, and the winning
team is sent, all expenses paid, to Washington, D.C., to compete
nationally. Houston teams have won the National competition
for two years; Kinkaid School in 2003 and Stratford & Bellaire
in 2004.
page 14
World Affairs Council
General Colin Powell with area students.
Global Ambassadors Program - This initiative brings
university students to 6th-12th grade classrooms to speak about
their study abroad experiences. The goal of the program is to
expand middle school and high school student’s knowledge of
world cultures through a first person presentation.
International Travel - An opportunity for teacher fellows
to travel overseas for in-depth study, complete with pre- and
post-trip briefings. Since 2005, teacher fellows have traveled, all
expenses paid, to China, Vietnam & Cambodia, Turkey, Russia,
and India.
Global Issues in Depth - This full-day professional
Economist and Nobel Laureate, Amartya Sen,
with University of St. Thomas students.
World Cultures Summit - A forum to bring the
international community alive for 6th-grade World
Cultures students. The event is exciting and full of learning
opportunities. The 6th graders receive a scavenger hunt
“Passport” and are tasked with traveling “Around the World in
80 minutes.” To complete the scavenger hunt, students visit
with the various presenters at their exhibit booths and receive
stamps for their passports.
development opportunity for teachers focuses on current global
issues. Past workshops include: Energy in Crisis, India on the
Modern World Stage, and The “Axis of Evil” Five years later:
Inside Iran, Iraq, and North Korea.
Global Issues Summer Institute - Teachers gain a deeper
understanding of contemporary global issues at this annual
July event, held at the University of St. Thomas. Sessions bring
leading experts and master teachers together to cover the
most compelling issues of the day. This week-long institute
also provides an opportunity for teachers to share classroom
experiences and teaching techniques.
International Extravaganza - Held during International
Education Week, this celebrates Houston’s commitment
to international education. The carnival theme has two
components: The World Bazaar, where students exhibit their
Portraits of a country they choose, and International Alley,
where Houston-based international organizations and studyabroad offices exhibit their opportunities. The event also has
a speaker.
DeBakey High School’s, Haley Clark, was honored as the World Affairs
Council’s 2006 International Educator of the Year.
2006 Annual Report
page 15
2006 Highlights
Professional Development for Teachers
Young Leaders’ Forums
Putting Politics on the Ground: The Modern
State System in Geographical Perspective
Alec Murphy
University of Oregon
China on the Rise
Paul Solman
Economic Correspondent for the News Hour with Jim Lehrer
The Role of the International Monetary Fund
in Supporting Low-income Countries
Patrick Cirillo
International Monetary Fund
Nigeria: Headed for Civil War?
Olayiwola Abegunrin
Howard University
Cuba after Castro
Andy Gomez
University of Miami
Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11
Lawrence Wright
New Yorker Magazine
Portrait of Saudi Arabia
Ambassador David Dunford, University of Arizona
Mike Ameen, Retired, President Mobil Middle East
Conversations with History
Paul Bremer, Former U.S. Administrator in Iraq
General Colin Powell, 65th Secretary of State
Michael Deaver, Former White House Deputy Chief of Staff
Winning the War, Winning the Peace:
Defining Priorities for America in the Middle East
Dennis Ross
Washington Institute for Near East Policy
“Thank you for offering these professional development opportunities
for Houston teachers. The sessions are always informative, relevant,
and so applicable for our classorom use.”
—Rita McMahon
Teacher, Dulles H.S., Fort Bend ISD
Party of God: Inside Hezbollah
David Lewis
Correspondent, FRONTLINE/World
International Economics Series
Understanding India
Amartya Sen
Nobel Laureate in Economics
Aid & Trade: The Doha Agreement
ANThony Carroll
Manchester Trade Ltd.
International Travel Institute
Inspiring Lives
Sharone Tobias has had a life long interest in international relations.
She attends Bellaire High School, a magnet school for foreign
languages that offers an International Baccalaureate program.
“One of my teachers first encouraged me to attend the programs
by the World Affairs Council. I was so impressed by the speakers.
Through the Educational Outreach program, I have met Colin Powell,
Ted Turner, Dennis Ross, and Robert Gallucci, the dean of Georgetown
University’s Walsh School of Foreign Service.”
Sharone also lived in Australia and Israel with her family, and last
year was an exchange student to Taiwan, where she studied Mandarin
Chinese. She hopes to study International Relations in college and
have a career in government.
“The speakers I heard at Council events and the people I met
through the Council have inspired me to learn more about world
events. I am considering a career in the Foreign Service. It’s clear to me
that we can accomplish a lot diplomatically, and I want to be a part of
that effort. I want to do what I can to build a better world.”
page 16
World Affairs Council
Robert Gallucci with Sharone Tobias.
2006 Support
The need for international awareness, and for the World Affairs Council, has never been greater. But
membership dues alone provide only a portion of the funding needed to maintain quality programs. The
Council’s ability to provide the depth and breadth of offerings depends on the generosity of Houston’s
philanthropic community. We thank the following individuals, foundations and corporations for their support.
Corporate Membership
Aramco Services Company
Devon Energy Corporation
Anadarko Petroleum
Baker Hughes Incorporated
Bank Of Montreal
BP America, Inc.
Bracewell & Giuliani LLP
Chevron Global Gas
Continental Airlines
Deloitte & Touche, LLP
Duke Energy
Eagle Global Advisors LLC
EOG Resources
ExxonMobil Corporation
FMC Technologies, Inc.
Fulbright & Jaworski LLP
GE Energy USA, LLC
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Halliburton Energy Services
Kellogg, Brown & Root LLC
Marathon Oil Company
Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP
Moran Resources
Schirrmeister Diaz-Arrastia Brem LLP
Schlumberger Technology Center
Shell Oil Company
Simmons & Company Intl.
Thompson & Knight LLP
Vanco Energy Company
Vinson & Elkins LLP
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP
Apache Corp.
Baker Botts LLP
Compass Bank Wealth Management Group
Dannenbaum Engineering Corporation
Encore Bank
Flotek Industries Inc.
Houston Chronicle
Locke Liddell & Sapp LLP
Memorial Hermann Hospital
Morgan Stanley
Smith International
Total E&P USA Inc.
WEDGE Group Inc.
AMEGY Bank of Texas
Andrews & Kurth LLP
Arena Energy
Aries Resources LLC
BJ Services
BTEC Turbines LP
Burleson Cooke LLP
Canexus U.S.
CenterPoint Energy
Chinamerica Holdings LLC
Chroma Exploration & Production Inc.
DeMontrond Automotive Group Inc.
Diamond “L” Inc.
El Paso Corporation
Enventure Global Technology
Haynes & Boone, LLP
Heyltex Corporation
ICF Consulting Group Inc.
Image Resources Group
John S. Herold Inc.
JPMorgan Chase Bank
Kerr-McGee Corporation
Key Energy Services Inc.
King & Spalding LLP
Laminar Direct Capital
Madison Benefits Group
McDermott International Inc.
McGriff, Seibels & Williams of TX Inc.
Nations Petroleum USA Inc.
Newfield Exploration Company
Nexen Petroleum USA Inc.
NGP Capital Resources Company
Noble Corporation
Port of Houston Authority
Sendero Resources
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
Squire, Sanders & Dempsey LLP
The Houston Exploration Company
Tindall & Foster
Willbros USA, Inc.
Winstead Sechrest & Minick PC
Individual Membership
Over $1,000
Mr. Arnold Grossman & Ms. Sylvia
A. Pacholder-Grossman
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Glanville
The Honorable Lynn N. Hughes
Mr. Arthur W. Peabody Jr.
Mr. Bruce Siberts
Council Cabinet $1,000
Mr. Kenneth W. Baldwin
Ms. Kim M. Bates
Mr. & Mrs. George Boss
Mr. & Mrs. James Brady
Mr. Earl P. Burke, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence P. Chapman
Mr. Kevin L. Colbert
Mr. Alan M. Craft
Mr. Jeremy S. Davis
Ms. Nancy Lagow Dumas
Mr. Ryan Erwin
Mr. & Dr. Martin J. Fein
Mr. Joe B. Foster
Mr. Gordon Fowkes
Mr. Robert L. Gerry III
Mr. Stephen A. Ghiglieri
Mr. Kenneth Harder
Ms. Zahava Haenosh
Mr. Joseph A. Hafner, Jr.
Mr. Stephen E. Handel
Mr. Robert T. Handy
Mr. William H. Higgins
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew B.E. Hughes
Mr. Michael D. Jeansonne
Mr. Robert A. Jensen
Mr. Reza Ladjevardian
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Lanier
Mr. Irwin L. Levowitz
Mr. Alan N. Livingston
Mr. James B. Luippold
Dr. Kerstin B. Menander-Huber
Ms. Ginger Menown
2006 Annual Report
page 17
Mr. Lucian L. Morrison
Mr. Ewell E. Murphy, Jr.
Dr. Maureen O’Driscoll-Levy
Dr. Rob Parrish
Mr. Jason M. Ryan
Mr. Kevin C. Sinclair
Mr. Jim Teall
Mr. Tor Vatne
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene
H. Vaughan
Mr. & Mrs. William N. Wally
The Honorable Richard
B. Wilkens
Mr. Earle F. Wescott &
Ms. Sharon Curran-Wescott
Donor $500
Mr. John Bookout, Jr.
Mr. Lewis Chandler
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Dickerson
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Dixon
Mr. & Mrs. Hessni Malla &
Ms. Kathy Douglass
Mr. Charles W. Duncan, Jr.
Mr. Devin Edwards
General Andrew N. Farley
Ms. Shara Fryer
Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Hawk
Ms. Meredith Miniat
Mr. James K. Schooler
Mr. Terry L Thoem
Mr. Tyler D. Todd
Donor $250
Dr. Joel Abramowitz
Mr. & Mrs. Terrance Abrams
Mr. Samer Al-Azem
Mr. John Ambler
Mr. Hernan A. Arizmendi
& Ms. Maricel Blum
Mr. Gilbert Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Anu Bala
Ms. Julia P. Barrett
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Braun
Mr. William L. Braun
Mr. C. Robert Bunch &
Ms. Lilia Khakimova
Mr. James V. Carroll III
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Cavnar
Mr. Duane Chisholm
Mr. & Mrs. Leland Cleland
page 18
World Affairs Council
Mr. Stephen Comey &
Ms. Susan Patterson
Mr. Charles Coussons
Mr. & Mrs. John Crane
Dr. Warren Cross & Ms. Elise
Mr. Henry A. Davidson
Mr. Platt W. Davis
Mr. Denis DeBakey & Ms. Lavonne Cox
Dr. & Mrs. Benoit de Crombrugghe
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Deily
Dr. & Mrs. Alex Dell
Ms. Mona Draper
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Edwards
Mr. Robert B. Egan
Mr. & Mrs. M.G. Esfahani
Mr. Nathanael Essissima
Dr. & Mrs. William Edwin Fann
Ms. Miranda Lee Ferrell
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Files
Mr. Chase D. Fonteno
Dr. Michelle Foss
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Fry, Jr.
Mr. Lawrence Gochioco
Drs. Jon Gogola & Gloria Gogola
Mr. Vijay Goradia
Mr. Frederick T. Greene
Mr. Mike Grimes
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Groppe
Mr. Guillermo Guariguata
Mr. & Mrs. Gutkowski
Mr. Robert Hart
Mr. George Helland & Ms. Antonia Day
Mr. Gilbert A. Herrera
Mr. Scott Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hinds
Mr. John Huff
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Hunter
Mr. S. Anwer Hussain
Mr. Jon David Ivey
Dr. Imtihan Jawdat
Ms. Linda Joekel
Mr. Steve Jordan
Mr. Salim R. Kassam
Mr. Timothy F. Kelly
Mr. Rob Kerr
Mr. & Mrs. Chopin Kiang
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Kidd
Mr. & Mrs. Bret Kimmel
Ms. Marian A. Knox
Mr. David Kreml
Ms. Janet Kruse
Ms. Linda Lapointe
Mr. Ryan Lambert
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Leff
Ms. Joan Schnitzer Levy
Mr. Kenneth K. M. Liao
Mr. James Timothy Linehan
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Logan
Mr. E.W. Long, Jr.
Mr. Eric Lund
Mr. Robert L. Maby, Jr.
Ms. Amanda K. Martin
Dr. Rebecca T. Matejowsky
Mr. Jason Mauk &
Ms. Jenny Engl
Mr. Keith R. McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. Reid McInvale
Ms. Mary Ann McKenzie-Goode
Mr. John M. McLaughlin
Mr. Thomas McQueary
Mr. John T. Mills
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce K. Misamore
Ms. Ellen C. Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Moreland
Mr. Benton Musslewhite
Mr. Gray H. Muzzy
Mr. & Mrs. John Myung
Mr. Roy W. Nichol
Mr. David Nollsch
Ms. Marge O’Connor
Mr. Gwynne E. Old & Ms.
Carolyn Carter Thompson
Mr. Jonathan P. Osha
Mr. Keith Parker
Mr. Jeff Peanick
Dr. & Mrs. Gurney F. Pearsall
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Person
Mr. & Mrs. Allen G. Pike
Mr. Jose Soares Pina
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Price
Mr. Gary Randazzo
Ms. Dianne Reece
Mr. E. George Reynolds, Jr.
Mr. Jonathan Rhoads
Mr. & Mrs. Allyn W. Risley
Ms. Twyla Robinson
Ms. Kelly Rushing
Ms. Rosemary Rust
Dr. Alex Schilt
Ms. Esther Schulman
Mr. Ray R. Seeqmiller
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shultz
Mr. Hank Sinclair
Mr. Rand Sluder
Mr. Leon Smith
Mr. José Soares De Pina
Ms. Kay Stepler & Ms. Carol Bargerhuff
Mr. Peter Taaffe
Mr. Jay Tchamanzar
Ms. Patricia D. Tilton
Mr. James Timothy
Mr. Mark B. Toubin
Mr. Dimitrios Valsamis Ms. Sue Trammell Whitfield
Ms. Miranda Wainberg
Mr. J.R. Walsh
Mr. Peter E. Weidler
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Welch
Ms. Diana Westover
Mr. & Mrs. James K. Wicklund
Mr. Karl Williams
Ms. Laurie B. Williams
Mr. Ron Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Wilson
Ms. Barbara Winthrop Rose
Ms. Edieth Y. Wu
Mr. E.D. Wulfe
Mr. Kenneth Yellowe
Mr. Yousuf Zakaria
Dr. Dana Ziskrout
Supporting $125
Mr. and Mrs. James Adler
Ms. Durga Agrawal
Mr. Joseph Agris
Ms. Rene Malagon Alegria
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred L. Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Anderson
Ms. Judith F.B. Anderson
Messrs. Everett L. Anschutz
& Robertson Anschutz
Mr. Cecil H. Arnim III & Ms.
Katrina Von Hedemann-Arnim
Christopher Ashby
Ms. Katherine H. Austin
Mr. Jack L. Baber
Mr. Dick Baile
Mr. M. Barton Baker
Mr. Scott Barber
Dr. Gerald Sussman & Ms. Karen Bard
Mr. Marion E. Barnes
Mr. & Mrs. Luis Barrera
Ms. Beverly Barrett
Ms. Doris Bedrossian Bobb
Ms. Kitty Borah
Mr. & Mrs. Earle A. Bielitz
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Blythe
Rev. & Mrs. Jack Boelens
Ms. Issy Boim
Mr. & Mrs. Andres Bolivar
Mr. & Mrs. George Bond
Ms. Meg Boulware
Mr. John J. Brennan
Dr. & Mrs. James Bromberg
Mr. & Mrs. George Brundrett, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Buck
Ms. Blanche J. Burkhalter
Ms. Pamela Butler
Mr. John T. Cabaniss
Dr. & Mrs. Coleman Caplovitz
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Carrell
Mr. & Mrs. Miguel Castano
Ms. Jody Castille
Dr. Max Castillo
Mr. John T. Cater
Drs. David A. Cech
Mr. Rajesh Chelapurath
Mr. Brad Childers
Ms. Virginia A. Clark
Mr. Paul Clemenceau
Mr. Robert Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Comstock
Ms. Marianne Cooley
Mr. Robert Cooms
Mr. J. Patrick Cooney
Mr. & Mrs. C. Mitchell Cox
Mr. Kenneth S. Culotta
Mr. William J. Cunningham
Mr. & Mrs. Roland Dahlin, Jr.
Mr. Joseph D. Davenport
Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Davis
Mr. Robert W. Dechon
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Delflache
Mr. Martin Detloff
Mr. Stan Doctor
Mr. Shawn Doctor
Mr. Casey Doherty
Ms. Chantal Duke
Mr. James A. Dunn
Mr. John Eads
Mr. Jeff Edens
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Egan
Mr. & Mrs. Ehi Ekoh
Ms. Sheri Elam
Mr. David S. Elder
Mr. Stephen D. Elison
Dr. Ted Estess
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Evans
Mr. Mauricio Fabre
Mr. Harold M. Falik
Mr. Ali R. Fazel
Mr. Steve J. Finkelman
Mr. & Mrs. Blaine
Mr. & Mrs. Alan
Mr. Hugh A.
Fitzsimons, Jr.
Dr. Robert Flanders
Mr. William Flygare
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Fulton
Mr. Bill Galanis
Mr. Ren Ganner
Mr. & Mrs. Al Garcia
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Garcia
Mr. Emmanuel Gbehi
Mr. Michael George
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Getten
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Getz
Mr. & Mrs. Lance Gillibard
Ms. Amy Goldstein
Mr. Herbert Goodman
Mr. & Mrs. Martyn E. Goossen
Mr. Thomas H. Grace
Mr. Normand Grenier
Mr. & Mrs. William Grieves
Mr. and Mrs. David Grizzle
Mr. Jenard Gross
2006 Annual Report
page 19
Mr. Thad Grundy, Jr.
Ms. Brigitte Hallier
Mr. & Mrs. Hamid Hamadanian
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Hamel
Ms. Jacqueline Hamilton
Mr. Keith Hamm & Ms. Maggie Mottesheard
Ms. Sherry Harber
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Harponski
Ms. Jean Henderson
Ms. Ann Herbage
Mr. Douglas Heskamp
Mr. Edwin J. Hess
Ms. Jolie Hess
Dr. Richard M. Hirshberg
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Hoffer
Mr. R. W. Holford
Mr. T. Daniel Hollaway
Ms. Susan Hollier
Mr. & Mrs. Sharam Honari
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. Hopwood
Mr. Curtis Huff & Ms. Lori Gallagher
Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick Hughes
Ms. Bet Hunter
Mr. Kenneth Hurr
Mr. M. R. Isak
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kaufman
Ms. Tetyana Keeble
Ms. Virginia W. Kelsey
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Kern
Mr. William D. Kimbrell
Mr. & Mrs. David King
Ms. Karin Knapp
Ms. Maria Koegel
Mr. Martin Koslin
Ms. Karen Kovach Webb
Mr. Dan Kubitza
Ms. Ginger Kyle
Mr. Christopher Lalka
Mr. & Mrs. Rob Lease
Mr. Dan B. Leverett
Ms. Marcia Levetown
Ms. Sandy Levin
Mr. John H. Lindsey
Mr. W. Teb Lokey
Ms. Daria Lopez-Alegria
Mr. George H. Lugrin, IV
Mr. John C. MacFarlane &
Ms. Leslie Flynne
Mr. Gregory H. Maddox &
Ms. Sheryl A. McCurdy
Mr. Timothy B. Maher
Mr. Marcus Malonson
Dr. James Marbach
Mr. David Marold
Ms. Layne Mason
Mr. & Mrs. William
Mr. Sid McClendon IV
Ms. Marion McCollam
Mr. Anthony McGaffey
Mr. Gerry McGreevy
Mr. Malcom F. McNeill
Mr. Paul Messina
Mr. Farouk
Ambassador Munir Akram, ambassador of Pakistan to the
A. Mian
United Nations at a corporate briefings on nuclear proliferation.
Ms. Yvonne Milewski
& Mr. Kevin Dooley
Mr. Ravi Jaisinghani
Mr. Christopher Miller
Mr. Antonio Jenkins-Lara
Mr. Robert Mitchell
Mr. W.A. Jentsch, Jr.
Mr. Rodney Mitchell
Dr. Tom Johns
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mithoff
Mr. & Mrs. John Paul Johnson
Mr. James T. Moore
Mr. Sylvester P. “Chip” Johnson IV
Ms. Natalia Moreno
General & Mrs. Lincoln Jones III
Dr. & Mrs. Basil M. Moukarim
Mr. Lenin Juarez
Mr. & Mrs. H.B. Murray
Mr. & Mrs. David Kaiser
Ms. Jane Muse
Mr. Nitin Kapadia
Mr. & Mrs. J.N. Nail III
page 20
World Affairs Council
Mr. John N. Neighbors
Mr. David NG
Ms. Constance Niehaus
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Nyquist
Ms. April O’Connell
Mr. Thomas T. O’Donohoe
Mr. Sakis J. Onisiphorou
Mr. Francisco Padua
Mr. Douglas A. Paisley III
Mr. John R. Parten
Mr. Fred W. Patrick
Mr. E. Joe Pedigo
Mr. Delayne M. Petitt
Mr. Paul Poullard
Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Rappole
Mr. & Mrs. James Raymond
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Reitman
Ms. Georgina Repal
Dr. Anthony Reso
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Reynolds
Ms. Patricia Rice
Ms. Martha M. Richardson-Pagel
Mr. Sean Riddick
Ms. Gay Roane
Mr. Daniel R. Robinson
Mr. Charles L. Roff
Dr. & Mrs. Morris Rosenthal
Ms. Marion M. Rosenwald
Mr. William J. Rovere, Jr.
Mr. William P. Rowe, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rudkin
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Ruwe, Jr.
Mr. Robert J. Samples
Mr. Manuel Sanchez-Alvarez
Ms. Catherine Santamaria
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Santamaria
Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Sawaya
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Schatzman
Mr. & Mrs. Don Schlossberg
Mr. Wolfgang Schmidt & Ms.
Angelika Schmidt-Lang
Mr. Corey Seel
Mr. George Segersbol
Mr. Gardere Wynne Sewell
Ms. Anita Shaffer
Mr. Richard Shapiro
Mr. & Mrs. Trey Shepherd
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shoemaker
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold M. Singer
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Skelton, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Louis H. Skidmore, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Slack
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Smith
Mr. Jeremy Smith
Mr. & Mrs. J. Randy Smith
Mr. William Smith Mr. Edward Spoulding
Mr. Sundaram Srinivasan
Mr. & Mrs. George Stark
Mr. Christopher Steinbach
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Stephens
Mr. Myron F. Steves
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stobaugh
Mr. Donald Stohm
Mr. Mark Ducros Stouse
Mr. James M. Stryker &
Ms. Joy Stevens
Ms. Grace M. Stuart
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Sulser
Ms. Paula Sutton
Mr. Antonio M. Szabo
Mr. Mitchell S. Taylor
Mr. Victor Tereschenko
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Tew
Dr. Segun Thomas
Dr. & Mrs. Peter Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Leon Thomsen
Mr. Arden W. Thornton
Mr. Joe Ting
Mr. Robert E. Toker
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Tomlinson
Mr & Mrs. David Toomim
Mr. Henry E. Vail, Jr.
Mr. Dimitrios Valsamis
Ms. Mimi Vance
Mr. Kurt VanWormer & Ms. Kenya Burrell
Mr. Randy E. Velarde
Mr. Fernando Viveiros
Mr. Lampros Vrinios &
Ms. Mary Pritchard
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Waas
Mr. & Mrs. Don Wagner
Mr. Dan Wainberg
Mr. & Mrs. Cameron Wallace
Ms. Mary Welch
The Honorable Henry Wells
Mr. J. M. Weltzien &
Dr. Joan Weltzien
Mr. Jim West
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Whyte
Mr. Bill Wilcock
Mr. Jason Wiley
Ms. Marilyn Wilhelm
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Wilkerson
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Williams
Ms. Isabel Wilson
Mr. Peter Wolfhagen
Ms. Simone Woodage
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Woodbury
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Workin
Mr. & Mrs. David Worthington
Ms. Linda Wuest
Dr. & Mrs. Frank Yelin
Ms. Barbara S. Young
Mr. Ike Zach
Mr. & Mrs. Shaukat Zakaria
Mr. Rick Zimmerman
Program Support
Thanks to the leadership of Marathon
Oil Corporation, 2006 brought greater
programs sponsorship, with more
company participation, than any year
in the past. The substantial benefits to
the Council include strong program
attendance, increased membership and
a higher profile in the community.
Marathon Oil Corporation
Speaker Series
BP Americas
Rowan Companies
Moran Resources
Baker Hughes Incorporated
Cameron International Corp.
Chevron Global Gas
EOG Resources
FMC Technologies
Fulbright & Jaworski, LLP
Global Santa Fe Corporation
Halliburton Energy Services
Herucles Offshore
Houston Chronicle
Noble Corporation
Schirrmeister, Diaz-Arrastia Brem, LLP
Schlumberger Technology Center
Soctia Capital
Shell Oil Company
Simmons & Company International
Transmeridian Exploration Inc.
Anadarko Petroleum
Baker Botts
Deloitte & Touche
Duke Energy
Dunbar, Harder & Benson
Enventure Global Technology
ExxonMobil Corporation
Goldman, Sachs & Co,
Madison Benefits Group
McGriff, Seibels & Williams of TX
Methodist Hospital International Services
Natexis Banques Populaires
Parker Drilling
Seismic Exchange Inc.
Vanco Energy Co.
Vaughan Nelson Investment Mtg
Action Gypsum Supply
Diamond “L” Inc
Gardere Wynne Sewell, LLP
Gulf Winds International
Landamerican Commonwealth Title
McCray Money Management
Morgan Stanley
North Harris Community College
Royal Bank of Scotland
Schipul-The Web Marketing Company
Society Generale Houston Branch
Annual Benefit -The Jones Award
Proceeds from the annual Jones Award benefit
help assure the health and growth of the
Council. We thank the following companies
and individuals for their support this year.
Newfield Exploration Company
Baker Hughes
BJ Services Company
BP America Inc.
2006 Annual Report
page 21
Chroma Exploration & Production
Capital Resources Company
Laminar Direct Capital
Duke Energy
El Paso Corporation
EOG Resources
FMC Technologies
Fulbright & Jaworski
Houston Chronicle
Houston Exploration Company
Madison Benefits
Marathon Oil Company
McDermott International
Noble Corporation
Port of Houston Authority
Schirrrmeister, Diaz
Simmons & Company International
Vanco Energy Company
Akin Gump Straus Hauer & Feld
Amegy Bank of Texas
Arena Energy
Bracewell & Guiliani
Burleson Cooke
Centerpoint Energy
Dannenbaum Engineering Corp.
Devon Energy
Dunbar, Harder & Benson, LLP
Encore Bank
John S. Herold, Inc.
JPMorgan Chase Bank
King & Spalding, LLP
Locke Liddell & Sapp LLP
Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw, LLP
McGriff, Seibels & Williams
Nexen Petroleum USA Inc.
Smith International
Vinson & Elkins
WEDGE Group Incorporated
Charles Duncan, Jr. Lynn N. & Olive Hughes Art Peabody, Jr. Vaughan Nelson Investment Mgt
Linda Wuest
page 22
World Affairs Council
Gifts and Grants to Education
The World Affairs Council of Houston’s
Education Outreach Program was made
possible in 2006 through the generous
contributions of the following companies,
foundations, and individuals.
Houston Endowment
Independent Petroleum Association of
Exxon Mobil
Halliburton Energy Services
Baker Hughes Foundation
Cain Foundation
Conoco Philips
Fred & Mabel R. Parks Foundation
The Powell Foundation
The Simmons Foundation
BP Americas
GE Energy
The Huffington Foundation
The Albert & Ethel Herzstein Foundation
Mr. Jeremy Davis
Aramco Services Company
FMC Technologies
Ms. Esther Shulman
The Strake Foundation
Student tables at James A. Baker
program donated by:
Deya Elyas, Aramco Services
Lynn N. & Olive Hughes
John Bowman, Fulbright & Jaworski
Beth Madison, Madison Benefits
Randy Hansen, Schlumberger
Richard Horstman, Marathon Oil Corporation
James D’Agostino, Encore Bank
Christine LaFolette, Akin, Gump,
Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP
Andrew Schirrmeister, Schirrmeister,
Diaz-Arrastia Brem LLP
Shara Fryer
Pete and Jackie Barbara
Bruce Johnson, Chevron
Robert Clarke, Bracewell & Giuliani
Friends of the Council 2006
Alan Livingston, Zahava Haenosh and Sandi Seltzer-Bryant
he World Affairs Council of
Houston could not have grown
without the personal involvement
and dedication of many of its members.
They recommend speakers, help at
events or at our office, and promote
membership to their friends and
associates in the Houston community. We
are grateful for their efforts and consider
them friends and partners in our
educational mission. This year, we recognized three such members, Alan Livingston,
Sandi Seltzer-Bryant, and Zahava Haenosh as the 2006 Friends of the Council. These
three individuals have enthusiastic attended events and recommended Council
membership to their friends. Our thanks to Alan, Sandi and Zahava and to all of those
whose extra support helps the Council flourish.
Revenue and Expenses
Suport and Revenue
Membership and Individual Contributions
Annual Benefit
Corporate Membership
Grants and contributions to Education
Program Income
Interest and divident
In kind contributions
Total Support and Revenue
Membership and individual
Membership and individual
Corporate membership
Grants and contributions to
Grants and contributions to
Program income
Interest and divident
Interest and divident
In-kind contributions
In-kind contributions
Annual benefit expense
Educational Outreach
Member Services
Rent, phone, web
Administration and Management
Total Expenses
benefit expense
Annual benefit
Member Services
Rent, phone, web
Rent, phone, web
“The World Affairs Council is where it’s happening. This
is where Houstonians come to learn about international
—Michael Trevino
Marathon Oil Corporation
Community Impact
Council Programs
Individual members
Corporate partners
Program attendance
School Programs
Number of schools served
Student attendance
Teacher seminar attendance
2006 Annual Report
page 23
Through diversified programming, the Council presents
all sides of current global issues, furthers understanding of
international relations and foreign policy, and contributes
to national and international policy debates. The result is a
better-educated citizenry and the advancement of Houston’s
status as an important international center.
World Affairs Council of Houston
Box 920905
Houston, Texas 77292-0905
Voice 713-522-7811
Fax 713-522-7812