BCC Parent Handbook 2015 - Brindabella Christian College
BCC Parent Handbook 2015 - Brindabella Christian College
BRINDABELLA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE BRINDABELLA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE PARENT HANDBOOK LYNEHAM Updated Jan 2015 | Due for Review January 2016 BRINDABELLA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE PARENT HANDBOOK LYNEHAM 2015 CONTENTS Page ORGANISATION OF THE COLLEGE 2015 , LYNEHAM 2 Absence from College Academic Expectations Assemblies Commendation Assemblies College Hours College Uniform Communication with Staff Community Care Detentions Driving to School Early Learning Centres Emergency and Health Permission Forms End of Year Routines Fee Accounts First Aid Hats Health Information Homework Instrumental Music Lessons Lateness to College Leaving College Grounds Locker Policy Lost Property Mobile Phone Policy Money Newsletters Notes and Forms Outdoor Education Years 3 - 12 Out Of School Hours Care Parent Participation / PIP Program Parent-Teacher Interviews Photographs Play Time Supervision Policy Documents Reports on Students’ Progress Rules and Expectations Staff and Senior Personnel Students with Severe Food Allergies Students’ Excursions Term Dates The College P & F Association Use of the Car Park Variation of Programs of Study Visiting Classrooms – By Appointment Work Experience Year 11 & 12 Senior College Programme 8 8 8 9 10 12 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 21 21 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 1 BRINDABELLA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE PARENT HANDBOOK LYNEHAM 2015 ORGANISATION OF THE SCHOOL 2015 EXECUTIVE STAFF Acting Executive Principal Acting Head of Campus, Lyneham Head of Senior School Acting Head of Middle School Head of Junior School Early Learning Centre Director Director of Learning Resources Business Manager Director of Innovation and Design Thinking Mrs Melanie Spencer Mrs Susan Jones Mr Nathan Campbell Mrs Rebecca Lubilanji Ms Wendy Thompson Mrs Katrina Robb Mrs Rachel Richards Mrs Rachael Axford Mrs Lora Bance NON TEACHING STAFF Executive Assistant Front Reception Student Reception Marketing/Student Reception Marketing/Alumni Enrolments Property Manager Counsellor Chaplaincy Defence Liaison Officer Mrs Cherie Hately Mrs Leanne Sheard Mrs Michelle Marks Mrs Anita Stephens Mrs Nicole Nijskens Mrs Wendy Shelton Mr Stephen Joyce Mrs Linda Perkins Mrs Katie Godfrey and Mrs Jessica Roberts Mrs Kate Wainwright EARLY LEARNING CENTRE Director Assistant Director/Educational Leader/PK Teacher PK Teacher: PK Assistants: P3 Room Leader: P3 Assistants: Additional Staff: Kitchen Staff: Mrs Katrina Robb Mrs Sarah Barrett Ms Charnel Slater Ms Daniela Lisacek and Miss Angel Chung Mr Kieran Hungerford Mr Patrick Lubilanji, Linda Gyamfi Awuah and Qiu Min Nguyen Ms Asher Adu,Mr Christopher Hilly Mrs Wendy Newman-Gerwen and Ms Asher Adu 2 BRINDABELLA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE PARENT HANDBOOK LYNEHAM 2015 PROGRAM MANAGERS Additional Programs Mrs Sunday Ciastkowski Tech Sherpas Mrs Lora Bance Curriculum Integration Careers Performing Arts Manager Physical Education/Sport Manager Mr Ben Archer Mrs Rachel Richards Mrs Jessica Roberts Mr Nathan Campbell JUNIOR SCHOOL PASTORAL STAFF & CORE SUBJECTS Year KS KP 1J 1M 2N 2R 3 4 Teachers Assistants Mrs Gayle Smith Mrs Hayley de Bruin Mrs Rebecca Jeffreys Ms Tina Mitchell Mrs Jennifer Neish Mrs Monique Rowson Ms Wendy Thompson, Mrs Catherine Beckett & Miss Linda Gall Mrs Sunday Ciastkowski, Mrs Catherine Dawe & Mrs Marelize Engelbrecht Mrs Michelle Taylor & Mr Ralph Whitten Please note the following core subjects in Years K to 4 are taught by Pastoral teaching staff: Biblical Living, English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities & Social Science and Introduction to Technology. Chinese (Mandarin) Kindergarten Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Mrs Sarah Lim Mrs Sarah Lim Mrs Sarah Lim Mrs Sarah Lim & Mrs May Liu Mrs Sarah Lim & Mrs May Liu Music Kindergarten Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Mrs Debbie Wells Mrs Debbie Wells Mrs Debbie Wells Mrs Jess Roberts Mrs Debbie Wells Physical Education Kindergarten Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Mrs Gayle Smith & Mrs Hayley de Bruin Mrs Chris Harch Mrs Monique Rowson & Mr Terry Baskeville Ms Wendy Thompson & Mrs Chris Harch Mr Terry Baskerville & Mrs Chris Harch Library Kindergarten Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Mrs Sharon Bowers Mrs Rachel Richards & Mrs Sharon Bowers Mrs Sharon Bowers Mrs Rachel Richards & Mrs Sharon Bowers Mrs Rachel Richards & Mrs Sharon Bowers 3 BRINDABELLA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE PARENT HANDBOOK LYNEHAM 2015 MIDDLE SCHOOL PASTORAL STAFF Year 5 6 7D 7B 7W 8S 8W 8VDN Mrs Rebecca Larsen & Mrs Meagan Clear Mrs Rebecca Lubilanji, Mrs Alice Shellard & Mrs Kelly Reeves Mrs Cecelia Davey Mr Greg Baines Mrs Gemma White Mr Ken Seach Mr Colin White Mrs Patricia Van Den Nieuwenhuijzen Please note the following core subjects in Years 5 and 6 are taught by the Pastoral teacher: Biblical Living, English, Mathematics, Science and Humanities & Social Science. Year 7 and 8 students are taught Biblical Living by the Pastoral teacher. English Year 7 Year 8 Mathematics Year 7 Year 8 Science Year 7 Mrs Anne Spence & Greg Baines Mrs Catherine Dawe & Mrs Anne Spence Mrs Cecelia Davey, Mrs Elizabeth Rademaker & Mr Angus Wijnberg Mrs Patricia Van Den Nieuwenhuijzen & Mr Angus Wijnberg Year 8 Mr Ken Seach, Mrs Cecelia Davey & Mr Angus Wijnberg Mrs Cecelia Davey & Mrs Felicity McLure Chinese (Mandarin) Year 5 - 8 Mrs May Liu Design Technology Year 5 Year 6 Mr Terry Baskerville Mr Terry Baskerville Food Technology & Textiles Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Mrs Elizabeth Rademaker Mrs Elizabeth Rademaker Mrs Lora Bance Mrs Lora Bance Music Year 5 (NOVA Band) Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Mrs Gemma White & Mrs Jessica Roberts Mrs Alice Shellard & Mrs Debbie Wells Mrs Gemma White Mrs Gemma White Visual Arts Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Mrs Rebecca Larsen & Mrs Meagan Clear Mrs Alice Shellard & Mrs Kelly Reeves Mr Colin White 4 BRINDABELLA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE PARENT HANDBOOK LYNEHAM Year 8 Physical Education Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 2015 Mr Colin White Mrs Chris Harch & Mrs Meagan Clear Mrs Chris Harch & Mrs Donne Cloete Mrs Donne Cloete (girls) & Mrs Chris Harch (boys) Mrs Chris Harch (girls) & Mrs Donne Cloete (boys) SENIOR SCHOOL CONNECT STAFF Mrs Anne Spence Mr Ben Archer Mr Terry Baskerville Mr Angus Wijnberg Mrs Felicity McLure & Mrs Elizabeth Rademaker Mrs Donne Cloete Mrs Renee Adams Mrs Christine Harch Mrs Jeanette Clayton Biblical Living Year 9 Year 10 English Year 9 Year 10 Mathematics Year 9 Year 10 Science Year 9 Year 10 Humanities & Social Science Year 9 Year 10 Mrs Donne Cloete Mr Ben Archer Mr Terry Baskerville Mrs Jeanette Clayton Mrs Jeanette Clayton Mr Greg Baines Mr Greg Baines Mrs Anne Spence Mrs Elizabeth Rademaker Mr Angus Wijnberg Ms Patricia Van Den Nieuwenhuijzen Mrs Elizabeth Rademaker Mrs Cecelia Davey Mrs Felicity McLure Mr Ken Seach Mrs Felicity McLure Mrs Jeanette Clayton Mr Ben Archer Mrs Renee Adams Mrs Jeanette Clayton 5 BRINDABELLA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE PARENT HANDBOOK LYNEHAM Careers Year 9 Mrs Rachel Richards Year 10 Mrs Rachel Richards 2015 Year 9 & 10 Elective Subjects Chinese (Mandarin) Mrs May Liu Food & Textiles Technology Mrs Lora Bance Food Technology Mrs Lora Bance Design Technology Mr Terry Baskerville Design & Graphics Mr Terry Baskerville Media Studies Mrs Renee Adams Informatics & Entrepreneurship Mr Nathan Campbell Digital Photography Mrs Renee Adams Dance Mrs Meagan Clear Drama Mrs Anne Spence Music Mrs Gemma White Physical Education Year 9 Year 10 Mrs Donne Cloete & Mrs Chris Harch Mrs Donne Cloete & Mrs Chris Harch Year 11 & 12 Religious Studies (T & A) English (T) Mathematics (T & A) Science (T) Chemistry Biology Physics History (T) Psychology (T) Legal Studies (T & A) Think Tank & Year 11 Research Skills Media Studies (T) Exercise Science (T & A) Mr Nathan Campbell (Line 3) Mr Ben Archer (Line 1) Mrs Susan Jones (Line 2) Mrs Melanie Spencer (Line 2) Mrs Anne Spence (Line 3) Mrs Jeanette Clayton (Line 1) Mrs Patricia Van Den Nieuwenhuijzen (Line 1&2) Mrs Felicity McClure (Line 3) Mrs Cecelia Davey Mrs Cecelia Davey Mrs Felicity McLure Mrs Jeanette Clayton Mrs Rebecca Larsen Mr Ben Archer Mrs Rachel Richards & Mrs Susan Jones Mrs Renee Adams Mrs Donne Cloete 6 BRINDABELLA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE PARENT HANDBOOK LYNEHAM Digital Photography (T) Visual Arts (T) Music (T) Outdoor Education (T) Hospitality (T) 2015 Mr Colin White Mr Colin White Mrs Gemma White Mrs Donne Cloete Mrs Jennifer Neish LIBRARY Library Assistants Miss Ann Ross, Mrs Sharon Bowers Mrs Jennie Gibbs, Mr Duncan Sargeant OUT OF HOURS SCHOOLCARE O.O.S.H Director: O.O.S.H Room Leader O.O.S.H Assistants: Mrs Suzanne Janse van Rensburg Ms Talitha Wilson Mr Toby Blake, Ms Emily Thorpe Mr Joshua Colbourne Mrs Sue Blake COLLEGE BOARD Chair Members Mr Jon Hunt-Sharman, Mr David Whittem Mr Stephen Brissenden, Mrs Joan Armitage, Mr Peter Crimmins, Mr Greg Zwajgenberg 7 BRINDABELLA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE PARENT HANDBOOK LYNEHAM 2015 Absence from College OCCASIONAL, SHORT TERM. If known beforehand, a written note by the parent/guardian to the Pastoral Teacher is requested. Otherwise a telephone call to the College's (Lyneham) student absence number on 6248 7940 is required by 9.30am. A hard copy of a written, signed note is to be given to the student’s Pastoral teacher on return to the College. LONG TERM - Permission should be sought in writing from the Executive Principal for a student to be absent on leave for an extended trip (e.g. overseas) Educational materials may be made available with sufficient notification. YEAR 11 & 12 – Absences of more than two days due to illness require a medical certificate for students in Years 11 and 12. In accordance with Board of Senior Secondary Studies policy, (Section 4.3.8) students in Years 11 and 12 are required to attend and participate in 90% or more of the scheduled learning time for each subject unless there is due cause for an absence and adequate documentary evidence is provided. For further details please refer to the Years 11 and 12 handbook. Academic Expectations Students are expected to complete all set work on time and to the best of their ability. If work cannot be completed by the set date, due to medical reasons or extenuating circumstances, parents should send a note of explanation (including a medical certificate where appropriate). Students are responsible for catching up on work missed due to absence. Penalties are applied at the rate of 5 percent per day for work submitted late without explanation. Assemblies Junior School Assemblies are held every Friday at 2.30pm in the Leadership Learning Centre during which student work displays and Christian worship and prayer occurs. Parents are invited to attend this assembly, which concludes at 3.10pm. Middle School Assemblies are held every Wednesday in the Leadership Learning Centre on a fortnightly timetable. Week 1 assemblies are held at 10.35am-10.55am as part of Pastoral classes where the focus is on notices and awards. Week 2 assemblies are held at 9.45am and may include Christian Worship, class presentations, guest speakers, focus around class values and prayer. Parents are welcome to attend these assemblies. Senior School Assemblies are held on Tuesdays in the Leadership Learning Centre. In these assemblies addresses are made to the student body, students make presentations, community information is shared, guest speakers may attend and Christian worship and prayer occurs. Week 1 assemblies are held at 10.35am-10.55am as part of Pastoral classes where the focus is on notices and awards. Week 2 assemblies are held at 9.45am and may include Christian Worship, class presentations, guest speakers, focus around class values and prayer. Parents are welcome t o attend these assemblies. 8 BRINDABELLA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE PARENT HANDBOOK LYNEHAM 2015 From time to time changes to assemblies are made to accommodate visiting guests or other timetabled events. Other assemblies for special occasions (e.g. celebration assemblies, Captains’ Inductions, Induction of Sports House Captains, Easter and Remembrance Day etc) are held at appropriate times. Please check the newsletter, website, facebook or phone app for event notifications. Celebration Assemblies Junior, Middle and Senior Schools’ Celebration Assemblies are held as follows: Term 1 - Mid Semester Showcase Assemblies. Term 2 - Celebration of Effort and Achievement. Term 3 - Mid Semester Showcase Assemblies. Term 4 - Presentation Night. 9 BRINDABELLA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE PARENT HANDBOOK LYNEHAM 2015 College Hours LYNEHAM CAMPUS ELC 8:00am – 6:00pm K - 10 Classes commence: 8:55am Lunch 1: 10:55am – 11:25am Lunch 2: 1:05pm - 1:35pm Day concludes: 3:15pm YEARS 11 & 12 Mon, Thurs, Fri Classes commence: 9:35am * Lunch 1: 10:55am – 11:15am Lunch 2: 1:15pm - 1:40pm Afternoon Tea: 3:25pm – 3:35pm Day concludes: 4:35pm *Wednesday classes as per K – 10 times. *Tuesday classes as set out on the following page. During Semester 1 students in Year 11 must be at the College by 9.30am each day. Once on the College grounds they must remain on the College grounds until normal finishing time or until 4.35 if they have Period 7. Greater flexibility around arrival and departure for Years 11 and 12 students may occur on application for ‘flexi-time’ at the beginning of Semester 2 in Year 11 and throughout the year for year 12. Year 12 students are expected to arrive at the College 15 mins prior to their first class or for the Connect period (whichever is first). 10 BRINDABELLA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE PARENT HANDBOOK LYNEHAM 2015 PERIOD TIMES FOR 2015 Lyneham Campus Years K-8 Monday to Friday Years 9 -10 Monday - Friday Year 11 Wednesday Years 11 & 12 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Years 11 & 12 Tuesday Week 1 Years 11 & 12 Tuesday Week 2 Period 1 Year 11 & 12 to arrive 15 mins before period 2 8:55-9:45am 9:35 – 10:35 9:45 – 10:35 Assembly 10:35 – 10:55 10:35-10:55 10:55 – 11:15 10:55 –11:15 11:15 –12:15 11:15 –12:15 12:15 – 1:15 12:15 – 1:15 1:15 – 1:40 1:15 – 1:40 1:40 – 2:25 1:40 – 2:25 2:25 – 3:25 2:25 – 3:25 Afternoon Afternoon Period 1 (50 mins) 8:55 – 9:45 50 Minutes Period 2 (50 mins) Pastoral time 9:45 – 10:35 10:35 –10:55 (20 mins) Lunch 1 10:55 – 11:25 (50 mins) Lunch 2 (30 mins) Period 5 (50 mins) Period 6 (50 mins) Pastoral time Lunch 1 (20 mins) 11:25 – 12:15 (50 mins) Period 4 (60 mins) (20 mins) (30 Mins) Period 3 Period 2 Period 3 (60 mins) 12:15 – 1:05 1:05 – 1:35 1:35 – 2:25 2:25 – 3:15 Period 4 (60 mins) Lunch 2 (25 mins) Period 5 (45 mins) Period 6 (60 mins) Afternoon Tea (10 mins) Period 7 (60 mins) Tea 3:25 – 3:35 3:35 – 4:35 Tea 3:25 – 3:35 3:35 – 4:35 11 BRINDABELLA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE PARENT HANDBOOK LYNEHAM 2015 College Uniform At Brindabella, as part of our mission, we believe one of the ways to instill in students a sense of discipline and pride in themselves and our College community is to enforce correct wearing of our College uniform. It also removes teenage peer pressure for ‘brand’ names and the high cost associated with supplying this type of clothing. Uniforms are supplied by: MACDONALDS CHILDRENS WEAR The Jamison Centre Macquarie Ph: 02 6251 2660 SAVVY School Wear The G at Gungahlin Ph: 02 6255 6439 Unit 8/83 Lysaght Street Mitchell Ph: 6162 1032 The College P & F Association co-ordinates the sale of second hand uniforms (Brindabella Boutique). Opening hours for 2015 are posted on the door of the front office. Please note as we rely on parent volunteers, these times are subject to change at short notice. If you are making a special trip please check with the office. Any other special opening hours will be communicated to the College community via the weekly newsletter. Students are expected to wear the correct uniform at all times, including whilst travelling to and from the College. Parents should ensure that their children wear full College uniform as specified in the uniform list included in this handbook and for K-4 in the College Organiser. If any item of uniform cannot be worn on a particular day, an explanatory note must be sent to the class teacher or pastoral teacher. All students are to wear the formal uniform on excursions unless otherwise notified. Senior students wearing incorrect uniform may be excluded from class until the correct uniform is brought to school by a parent. Casual Clothes Days Occasionally students are granted permission to wear casual clothes usually the last day of some terms as communicated. Where this permission is granted, the following guidelines must be adhered to: • • • • • • All clothing should be modest and appropriate for sun safety. Shirts should cover shoulders (no ‘spaghetti straps’, muscles shirts or singlets). Boys’ and girls’ shorts should be mid-thigh to knee length (no short shorts). Skirts should be at or on the knee. Hats should be worn. Offensive logos should not be worn. 12 BRINDABELLA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE PARENT HANDBOOK LYNEHAM 2015 IMPORTANT NOTES • • • • • • • • • • • • • The only items of jewellery permitted are watches, plain metal studs or sleepers (not patterned, not coloured) in ears and one, plain flat finger ring. No nose studs or facial piercings are permitted, including no clear studs. Joggers are for PE only. Skate shoes and canvas shoes are not permitted. Makeup is not a part of the uniform for students up to Year 10. In Years 11 and 12 girls may wear discreet (foundation and mascara only) make-up that does not draw attention to the face. No coloured nail polish is permitted, with the exception of clear polish. Kindergarten to Year 10, hair is to be neat and tidy and all long hair tied back fully off the face. Year 11 and 12 students need to tie hair back for Science and practical classes. No skivvies or coloured T-shirts are to be worn under school shirts. A singlet o r p l a i n w h i t e T - s h i r t under the shirt and jumper is encouraged for warmth during winter. Length of skirts - knee length. Shoes must be black leather lace-ups of a suitably sturdy style with properly formed arch and heel, no large or high heels (max height 3cm.) Junior School Students with fine motor difficulty may wear Velcro upon application to the Head of Department. Sports shoes should be predominantly white. College navy parkas may not be worn in classrooms. College long trousers and shorts must be the designated College brand. (Available from MacDonalds Childrens Wear and SAVVY School Wear.) Senior School students need to bring their blazer to school each day. During Terms 2 and 3 Senior School blazers are to be worn to and from school. General guidelines can also be found in the front of the College student organiser for students in Years K-4, in the Middle School and Senior School handbook and on the College Website for students in Years K-12. JUNIOR GIRLS UNIFORM SUMMER College dress - blue check Short white socks College hat -navy broad brim or navy bucket style hat embroidered with College emblem Black, leather lace up shoes (no more than 3cm heel) – see important notes WINTER College pinafore OR navy 'Scags' pants White long sleeved shirt Navy tie with College emblem Navy tights or long, plain navy socks Red woollen v-neck jumper embroidered with College emblem (Optional - College navy parka with College emblem) College hat -embroidered navy broad brim or navy bucket style hat with College emblem (Optional outdoor wear - plain navy beanie, navy scarf, navy gloves - Terms 2 & 3 only) Black, leather lace up shoes 13 BRINDABELLA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE PARENT HANDBOOK LYNEHAM 2015 JUNIOR BOYS' UNIFORM – Lyneham SUMMER College navy shorts White short-sleeved shirt Black leather lace up shoes – see important notes Long navy socks with College red/white stripe College hat - embroidered navy broad brim or navy bucket style hat with College emblem WINTER College navy 'Scags' trousers White long sleeved shirt Navy tie with College logo Black, leather lace up shoes – see important notes Long navy socks Red woollen v-neck jumper embroidered with College emblem (Optional - College navy parka with emblem) College hat -navy broad brim or navy bucket style hat embroidered with College emblem (Optional - navy beanie -Terms 2 & 3 only, navy scarf) BOYS' & GIRLS' JUNIOR SPORTS UNIFORM – Lyneham College navy basketball shorts Red, white and blue polo shirt with embroidered College emblem Short white socks Cross trainers or running shoes with a thick sole, predominantly white Navy, red and white College tracksuit with embroidered College emblem College hat - embroidered navy broad brim or navy bucket style hat with College emblem MIDDLE SCHOOL GIRLS' UNIFORM SUMMER College red tartan skirt College white short sleeve blouse with navy trim and emblem Black leather lace up shoes (less than 3cm heel) Short white socks College hat – embroidered navy broad brim or navy bucket style hat with College emblem WINTER College red tartan skirt or College long navy 'Scags' pants White long sleeve blouse Navy tie with College logo Red woollen jumper with embroidered College emblem Navy tights or long plain navy socks Black leather lace up shoes (less than 3cm heel) College hat - embroidered navy broad brim or navy bucket style hat with College emblem Optional navy beanie/navy gloves/navy scarf - Terms 2 & 3 only Optional - College navy parka with emblem 14 BRINDABELLA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE PARENT HANDBOOK LYNEHAM 2015 MIDDLE SCHOOL BOYS' UNIFORM SUMMER College navy shorts or navy 'Scags' trousers College Chambray short sleeved shirt with College emblem Black leather lace up shoes Short navy socks may be worn with trousers Long navy socks with red/white stripe are to be worn with shorts College hat -navy broad brim or navy bucket style hat embroidered with College emblem WINTER College navy 'Scags' trousers College Chambray shirt with College emblem Navy tie with College emblem Navy socks Black leather lace up shoes Red woollen jumper with embroidered College emblem (Optional - College navy parka with emblem) College hat - embroidered navy broad brim or navy bucket style hat with College emblem (Optional navy beanie/navy gloves/navy scarf - Terms 2 & 3 only) BOYS' & GIRLS' MIDDLE SCHOOL SPORTS UNIFORM Navy, red and white polo shirt with embroidered College emblem College navy basketball shorts Short white socks Cross trainers or running shoes with a thick sole, predominantly white Navy, red and white College tracksuit with embroidered College emblem College hat - embroidered navy broad brim or navy bucket style hat with College emblem SENIOR SCHOOL GIRLS' UNIFORM SUMMER College red tartan skirt College white short sleeve blouse with red trim and emblem College navy long, ‘Scags’ pants Black, leather lace up shoes (less than 3cm heel) Short white socks College hat - embroidered navy broad brim or Senior College bucket hat with red trim College blazer must be brought to school each day as it may be required for special events College blazer is always to be the outermost garment for warmth WINTER College red tartan skirt or College navy long 'Scags' pants White fitted long sleeve blouse Red tartan tie Navy v-neck woollen jumper with embroidered College emblem Navy tights or long plain navy socks Black, leather lace up shoes (less than 3cm heel) College blazer to be worn College hat Yr 9/10- Senior College bucket hat with red trim (Optional plain navy beanie/navy gloves/navy scarf for Terms 2 & 3 only) 15 BRINDABELLA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE PARENT HANDBOOK LYNEHAM 2015 SENIOR SCHOOL BOYS' UNIFORM SUMMER College navy shorts or navy trousers Oxford white short sleeved shirt with College emblem Red tartan tie College blazer must be brought to school each day as it may be required for a special event Black leather lace up shoes College long socks with red/white stripe (with shorts), short socks may be worn with trousers College hat Yr 9/10 - embroidered navy broad brim or Senior College bucket hat with red trim WINTER College navy trousers Oxford white long sleeved shirt with College emblem Long navy socks Red tartan tie Black, leather lace up shoes Plain navy woollen v-neck jumper embroidered with College emblem College blazer to be worn. College hat Yr 9/10 – embroidered navy broad brim or Senior College bucket hat with red trim Optional plain navy beanie/navy gloves/navy scarf – (Terms 2 & 3 only) Yr 11 & 12 – Winter Scarf & Vest optional BOYS' & GIRLS' SENIOR SCHOOL SPORTS UNIFORM Navy, red and white polo shirt with embroidered College emblem College navy basketball shorts Short white socks Cross trainers or running shoes with a thick sole, predominantly white Navy, red and white College tracksuit with embroidered College emblem College hat - embroidered navy broad brim or Senior College bucket hat with red trim Yr 11 & 12 – Winter Scarf & Vest optional 16 BRINDABELLA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE PARENT HANDBOOK LYNEHAM 2015 Communication with Staff Parents are encouraged to keep in contact with staff and this may be done in a variety of ways. Parents are asked to telephone the office, write a note in the student organiser (K-4) or write a letter to request an appointment time with a teacher. Parents may also contact their child’s teacher via email on junior@bcc.act.edu.au, middle@bcc.act.edu.au, senior@bcc.act.edu.au or sport@bcc.act.edu.au. Please mark the email to the specific staff member in the subject box e.g. ATTN: Mr Seach. Staff members will respond in a timely manner. For urgent matters please also make phone contact. Parent - teacher interviews are conducted twice per year in afternoons and evenings, details of which are published in the Newsletter. Community Care The College emphasises this as a practical outworking of the Christian Gospel. All students undertake community care as part of Biblical Living courses. Senior students are also required to undertake out-of-school-hours community care. Each year, one or two major projects are organised to raise money on a larger scale (e.g. ‘40 Hour Famine’) Non-uniform days may be held once a term within the College to raise money for designated charities. One Middle School student is rostered on each day as the ‘roll runner’ to assist in the Student Reception, to deliver messages and undertake administrative duties as directed. Year 10 and Year 12 students participate in an annual service retreat. Detentions Class infringements, minor infractions, homework not done, etc. may all result in students being detained to do extra work or complete work set. Junior, Middle and Senior school homework detentions operate during lunchtime. Serious offences may result in students being detained after school, in which case, parents will be telephoned and suitable arrangements made. In more serious cases, the Executive Principal, Head of Campus or Deputy Head of Campus may arrange for students to be detained on Saturday mornings. Driving to School Students in Years 11 and 12 who hold a valid ACT (or equivalent) driver’s licence may drive to school. These students must agree to abide by all State and Territory laws regarding driving and adhere to speed limits within the College car park. For further details please refer to the Year 11 and 12 handbook. Students are not permitted to park in the St Ninian’s car park. 17 BRINDABELLA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE PARENT HANDBOOK LYNEHAM 2015 Early Learning Centres The College has two Early Learning Centres (ELC). Both the Lyneham and Charnwood campuses operate under the direction of Mrs Katrina Robb. The curriculum, “Emergent Curriculum”, is inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach. This simply means that our stimulating and innovative play based curriculum builds upon the children’s interests. The Lyneham ELC accepts children from ages 3 to 6 and the maximum number of children attending per session is 20 with two staff members in each PK (Pre-kinder 4 y/o) and P3 (Playschool 3 y/o) class, in accordance with licensing requirements. Please refer to the Charnwood Parent Handbook for details about the Charnwood ELC. Emergency and Health Permission Forms These are filled in by parents shortly after enrolment through the front office and are processed to an electronic database. They are sent home once per year for checking and updating. It is essential that any change to students’ status re health is notified as soon as possible to the front office. It is also imperative that we have up to date contact information at all times. All children with diagnosed asthma need to supply a copy of their asthma plan as supplied by their doctor. Students with allergies and/or anaphylaxis are also required to have an emergency management plan. NB. It is important for parents to notify any changes of address, employment, phone numbers, mobiles, fax numbers etc to the school office immediately. End of Year Routines These vary according to the nature and size of classes and opportunities which occur. Regular functions are Year 4, Year 8 , Year 10 and Year 12 graduation services, the Year 12 Service Retreat, Year 12 Farewell Carnival, Presentation Night, and the traditional end of year student excursion where parents are asked to pay or contribute to the associated costs. Full details are notified in the newsletter and through notices sent home ahead of time. End of year reports are available for collection at the Presentation Evening. Fee Accounts Fee accounts are posted at the beginning of each year or in the first week of a new enrolment and statements of account are sent out monthly. Fees are due by the second Friday of each term. Arrangements can be made through the Business Manager, Mrs Rachael Axford, for instalment and direct debit payment plans. A late fee will be charged for outstanding fees. Parents who have difficulty with particular fees should approach the Business Manager. Insufficient notice for the withdrawal of a student will incur a term’s fees in lieu of notice. Please refer to ‘College Fees’ on our website for further details. 18 BRINDABELLA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE PARENT HANDBOOK LYNEHAM 2015 First Aid The student office staff who are all trained in first aid are the first point of contact for first aid treatment. All staff undergo basic first aid training, upgrading each year. If a student suffers an accident or injury in the yard, the teacher on duty will refer the student to the student reception for appropriate assessment and treatment. If hospitalisation or further medical attention is needed, parents are telephoned and advice taken. If the situation is an emergency, staff will arrange for the student to be transported to hospital by ambulance. Hats The College has a strict hat policy as we are a ‘Sun Smart School’, which operates all year round. Students may wear either a broad brim College hat or a bucket hat with College logo on (Senior bucket hat has a red trim). A plain navy blue ‘beanie’ may be worn in Terms 2 and 3. A College hat must be worn at all times when students are outside classrooms (unless the student is simply moving from classroom to classroom) in the months January-May & AugustDecember. Physical Education staff have discretion to allow students to remove hats while playing sport. UV levels start to drop away in Canberra between late May and early August. To maintain healthy Vitamin D levels school hats and sunscreen will not be required during the College day in the months of June & July only. Health Information See ‘Emergency Health and Permission Forms’. For an intensive field exercise or outdoor education program, particular information may be sought occasionally to supplement staff knowledge. Homework In the early years of Junior School, homework is a time to encourage students to practise reading with parents, mathematics and to learn simple spelling words. As children move through Years K-4, the homework tasks will include learning of spelling words and sound patterns, revising classwork, preparing for future lessons as well as the encouragement of a regular reading habit. Overall, the main aim of homework in the Junior years is to encourage the students to develop good study and organisation skills. The school places importance on homework as a vital adjunct to classroom teaching. The completion of regular homework tasks is seen as a way in which students might achieve better results because work covered in class is revised and clarified. It is important that parents ensure its effectiveness with each student by supporting the homework program. Practical experience suggests that those who have developed good homework skills have achieved higher academic results. Good homework habits also assist in the development of a more disciplined attitude in later life. 19 BRINDABELLA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE PARENT HANDBOOK LYNEHAM 2015 Flipped Learning: Some classes may operate in a ‘flipped learning’ environment. Simply, this is a learning program where homework is preparation for the next day’s class time and class time is spent on mastery of concepts with significant input from a teacher. An example of flipped learning might occur where a teacher assigns students to view or read information at home which they will apply to their learning the next day. Students vary in their capabilities and needs, but the following is a rough guide to how much homework should be done each week: • • • • • • • • • • • Kindergarten: Year 1-2 students: Year 3 students: Year 4 students: Year 5 students: Year 6 students: Year 7 students: Year 8 students: Year 9 students: Year 10 students: Year 11-12 students: 10 minutes per night each week night 15 minutes per night each week night 20 minutes per night each week night 25 minutes per night each week night 30 minutes per night each week night 40 minutes per night each week night 60 minutes per night each week night 80 minutes per night each week night 100 minutes per night each week night 120 minutes per night each week night Up to 3 hours per night each week night There will be times during the peak periods of any semester when greater homework time is required (e.g. as term tests and final assignments draw near). However, if students are consistently doing more than the recommended hours the teachers should be contacted to ascertain the reasons for this. Similarly, if students are not doing the minimum suggested it is possible that they are not fulfilling their obligations, and the relevant staff should be notified. Each student in Kindergarten – Year 4 receives a diary ('student organiser') at the beginning of the year and students in Year 5 – 12 use digital organisers such as Outlook. These are used in the following ways:• • • • • At the conclusion of every lesson the student records the homework set, and its due date, the subject teacher checking that this has been done. If the homework is not completed, the subject teacher records this in the organizer (K-4) for the benefit of the parents. Parents of older students will be contacted. Homework may have to be completed during the lunch hour. Parents may use the organiser to communicate with staff (K-4). Different subjects will require different homework practices Maths and LOTE (Language other than English) may require homework every night following a lesson to allow consistent progress. Practical subjects may not require homework every night, but time may have to be allocated by students when a project is due. It is important for homework in practical subjects such as Food Technology that the student has all essential equipment for each lesson. Parents may assist with homework in a variety of ways by: • • Providing an agreeable environment in terms of space, facilities and atmosphere; Taking an active interest in what is being attempted, and whether it is completed satisfactorily; 20 BRINDABELLA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE PARENT HANDBOOK LYNEHAM • • 2015 Assisting with problems, without actually doing the homework; Monitoring the organiser and taking note of potential problem areas (K-4). Irrespective of the subject, students need to develop the habit of writing accurately in their digital calendars and organisers in class and from one lesson to the next. If students are absent for any reason, it is their responsibility to catch up on the classwork and homework for each subject. If necessary they will need to check with individual class teachers. If students are unable to complete homework they must bring a note from a parent explaining the circumstances. Assignments must be prepared and handed in on time, as marks will be deducted for late submissions. Up to 50% of the total marks allocated may be deducted following the due date at the rate of 5% per day. Assignments must be completed, however late that may be, and will be appropriately assessed. Assignments are set to allow long term planning, but such assignments require immediate attention, and extensions may not be granted without proper reason and procedure. Years 11 & 12 In accordance with Board of Senior School Studies Policy (Section 4.3.10) the penalty for late submission is 5% of possible marks per calendar day late, including weekends and public holidays, until a national zero is reached. If an item is more than 7 days late, it receives a national zero. Instrumental Music Lessons Lessons are offered for an additional fee in the following instruments: Violin, Cello, Guitar, Trumpet, Trombone, Saxophone, Clarinet, Flute, Drums, Piano and Voice. Instrumental teachers’ phone numbers are available from the front office. Guidelines are issued to parents and a contract is entered into between the parent and the peripatetic teacher. If an instrument is to be hired from the College, a fee and deposit are required. Please contact the Director of Performing Arts, Mrs Jessica Roberts. Lateness to College Students arriving late to College should have a letter of explanation from parents. Until 9.05am, (up to 9.40am Years 11 & 12) students should go directly to their first lesson, but may be required to make up lost time during lunch. After 9.05am, (after 9.40am Years 11 & 12) students must obtain a late slip from the student reception. Students in Years K - 8 should take this to their class teacher; students in Years 9 12 should take it to the Head of Senior School. Students will not be admitted to the first lesson if they do not have a valid reason for lateness. They will be required to make up missed times during lunchtimes or after school. From Semester 2 of Year 11 and throughout Year 12 students must arrive at school 15 minutes prior to their first lesson or Pastoral (whichever occurs first) and they may sign out at the end of their last timetabled class of the day. 21 BRINDABELLA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE PARENT HANDBOOK LYNEHAM 2015 Leaving College Grounds Students from Kindergarten to Year 10 are not permitted to leave the College grounds between 8.55am and 3.15pm unless accompanied by a parent or on official College business (accompanied by staff) and for which a permission note has been obtained. Students remaining at school after 3.15pm for co-curricular activities are not permitted to leave the College grounds until the completion of the activity. During Semester 1 Year 11 students must remain on the College grounds during normal school hours. Leaving College during the day. Students should have a note written by parents. Parents should sign out their student from the student reception and the duty runner will then collect the student from their class. Students who return later in the day should also sign in at the office. Locker Policy Lockers are available for the use of some Middle School and all Senior School students. Lockers are the property of BCC. The College will provide a combination lock to secure each locker. Access rights to lockers remain with the College and with individual students. A master key will be kept at the front office. School bags must be left in lockers during the day and may not be taken into the classrooms. Lockers may only be accessed at break times. If a student leaves their lock unlocked and the lock goes missing the student is responsible for a replacement lock. Lost Property If an item is found it should be brought to the student reception. Lost property, which is named, will be returned to the owner as soon as possible. Un-named lost property is retained until the end of the current term and then forwarded to an appropriate charity. PLEASE NAME ALL ITEMS OF CLOTHING/LUNCH BOXES/DRINK BOTTLES. Mobile Phone Policy In order to ensure effective focus and deliberation on the teaching, instruction and social interaction at Brindabella Christian College, it is believed that this is best served without the use of distractions such as mobile phones. The following policy has been developed to enhance the learning environment and support the Student Welfare Policy at the College. Bringing mobile phones to school is discouraged in K-Year 8. However, because we recognise some families use these to communicate whilst their child is using public transport, students who must bring a phone should keep it off and securely stored in their bag in the classroom throughout the school day. Students in Years 9-12 should have their phones off and out of sight. Should phones be seen or heard they will be confiscated. Students in Years 9-12 may use their phones for educational purposes but only after seeking permission from a member of staff. Phones are not to be used on the playground or in classrooms for social purposes. Students and parents wishing to contact each other MUST do so through student reception so that lines 22 BRINDABELLA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE PARENT HANDBOOK LYNEHAM 2015 of communication remain clear. The College does not take any responsibility for any mobile phones brought to school. Money On the rare occasions that money is needed e.g. for a non-uniform day, students should keep it on their person, not in bags or bag-bays. If it is a payment for fees or anything else substantial it should be lodged at the front office at the beginning of the day. The College cannot accept responsibility for money which is retained in student bags and wallets. Money and other valuables may be passed in to the front office at any time for safekeeping. Newsletters These are available fortnightly commencing the first week of each term and are loaded on our website by Thursday (www.bcc.act.edu.au). Other information of interest to parents is circulated on the phone app, Facebook and circulated through email. Notes and Forms Every year we request that each family complete the information update form. This will also include a section to sign for general excursions. The College will notify parents as fully and as often as possible of special programs and excursions off College premises. Signed permission for major, extended excursions will be sought. Copies of permission notes are posted on the College website www.bcc.act.edu.au Outdoor Education Years 3-12 Camps for Years 3 to 12 are held in the first term and are a compulsory part of the curriculum. Camp fees are added to the fee statement. Out Of School Hours Care The College operates an after school care program from 3:15pm to 6:00pm. Enrolment forms are available from the s c hool we b s it e. A holiday care program is also run in the April, July and September/October holidays. During the Christmas holidays a program is run for two weeks immediately after school finishes in December and two weeks before school commences in January. The holiday program operates from 8:30am till 5:00pm Monday to Friday. 23 BRINDABELLA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE PARENT HANDBOOK LYNEHAM 2015 Parent Participation The College is always keen to encourage parent helpers through our 'Valued Volunteer Program' as well as assistance in classrooms e.g. reading program. • Parent Involvement Program The Parent Involvement Program (PIP) provides an opportunity for parents to make a significant contribution to the running of the College either through voluntary work or separate financial contribution. This voluntary work is a wonderful way for parents to be a part of their children's education and the BCC community. Parents have the option of either performing a minimum of 12 hours of voluntary work, or paying the levy - set at $330 for 2015. The types of work are wide and varied and can cover both the classroom, student related activities and/or the College's physical infrastructure (such as working bees, maintenance and the like). Any assistance will be counted. Parents are encouraged to discuss any concerns and alternatives with the Business Manager at the College. Administration of PIP will be as simple as possible, and based on an honour system. Forms can be collected from the Administration Office. Forms may also be downloaded from our BCC website www.bcc.act.edu.au Child protection screening will be required for all voluntary work where parents are involved with children. Forms for this are available from the Administration Office. Parent-Teacher Interviews See 'COMMUNICATION WITH STAFF.' Photographs A team of professional photographers takes College photos for class groups and individuals in first semester. Sporting team photographs are taken in second semester. Students are expected to wear full uniform for the photo sitting and the appropriate sport uniform for the sport photos. A schedule of times for photographs is published in advance. The photographs are sold on a pre-paid basis and parents are asked to send money to school in envelopes for payment to the photographers on the day. Full details are issued through the newsletter ahead of time. PlayTime Supervision BEFORE SCHOOL - A staff member is officially on duty from 8.25am. Staff cannot accept responsibility for students in the school grounds before that time. LUNCH 1 -10.55am to 11.25am Five staff members are on duty, supervising the quadrangle, basketball court, oval and Senior Building. LUNCH 2 - 1.05pm to 1.35pm Five staff members are on duty, supervising the quadrangle, basketball court, oval and Senior Building. 24 BRINDABELLA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE PARENT HANDBOOK LYNEHAM 2015 AFTER SCHOOL - From 3.15pm Staff members supervise the car park, the quadrangle and the front of College where buses collect children. These staff are on duty until 3.35pm or until the last bus has departed. Students are not permitted to remain in the playground after school. The oval and basketball court and ALL playground equipment are not available to students before and after school. On wet days, the oval is closed and students advised. The staff member normally on duty in this area moves into the quadrangle to assist with supervision. Policy Documents Policy documents are available on request from the Office. Reports on Students’ Progress A full written report of progress in each Key Learning Area is sent to parents at the conclusion of each semester. At the end of first and third terms (mid semester), brief reports are issued to Middle School students and Senior School students giving a general indicator of progress. These comment on achievement and attitude. The purpose of these reports is to provide information so that parents may meaningfully discuss progress with staff during parent/teacher interviews. Throughout the year students produce portfolios, participate in learning journey’s (Kindergarten) and conduct three – way student/teacher conferencing (Year 5/6). Rules and Expectations These are made clear to students by staff at the beginning of each year. A comprehensive list of these rules and regulations is printed in the front of the student organiser and published on the College website. Focus in the College will be directed towards: R.O.C.K.: Please reinforce these values with your children at home. RESPECT OBEDIENCE CONFIDENCE and KINDNESS Staff Senior Personnel The first point of contact is the class Connect teacher. If any parent wishes to discuss more specific matters of importance they should contact the Head of Department, prior to contacting the Deputy Head of Campus, Head of Campus or Executive Principal (unless the situation is of a critical nature) Acting Executive Principal Mrs Melanie Spencer Acting Head of Campus, Lyneham Mrs Susan Jones Head of Senior School Mr Nathan Campbell Acting Head of Middle School Mrs Rebecca Lubilanji Head of Junior School Mrs Wendy Thompson 25 BRINDABELLA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE PARENT HANDBOOK LYNEHAM 2015 All staff have responsibility for certain areas of the school program. Advice on the best person to contact can be given by the Front Office Reception. Students with Severe Food Allergies We have several students with severe life threatening allergies to peanuts and all food derivatives thereof. All nut products are therefore prohibited at the College. The children concerned have life threatening allergies and staff have been trained to supply emergency medical assistance should an accident occur. We wish to maintain a nut free zone in the College and we hope all parents will do their utmost to assist us to make these students’ education as trouble free as possible. Students’ Excursions Staff plan these at various times for all students in the College focusing on a particular aspect of the educational program. As far as possible, these are signaled in the calendar, which is published as part of the newsletter and on the website and phone app. A letter setting out details of the excursion is sent home. All excursions (other than for the Outdoor Education Program and Senior School retreats) that form part of the educational program are included in school fees and will not be charged separately. Term Dates Following are the term dates for the Year 2015: - Lyneham Orientation Days - Tuesday January 27 Wednesday January 28 Term 1 Thursday January 29 - Friday April 10 Term 2 Monday April 27 - Friday June 26 Term 3 Monday July 20 - Friday September 25 Term 4 Monday October 12 - Friday December 4 The College P & F Association The Brindabella Christian College Parents and Friends Association is a non-profit organisation of parents, staff and friends of the College who have a genuine interest in the aims of the College and are prepared to support the College practically, prayerfully and financially. A copy of the Association’s Constitution and contact list of Association Executive members is available from the Front Office upon request. 26 BRINDABELLA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE PARENT HANDBOOK LYNEHAM 2015 Use of the Car Park Parents are welcome to use the College car park for delivery and pick up of children and are urged to take the utmost caution in entering and leaving the car park. • An absolute speed limit of 10 km/h applies at all times. • No right turn is permitted from the car park during the times of 8.30-9.30am and 3.00 - 4.00pm. • Please pick up and set down children in the designated Kiss and Drop areas only (at the northern end of the carpark as you enter from Brigalow Street). Please do not stop in places which clearly prevent the smooth flow of traffic. • Please note there is NO PARKING allowed on St. Ninian’s Church grounds or verges on Brigalow Street. • Senior student parking is permitted in the car park. The car park is particularly busy from 3pm to 3.25pm each afternoon. Staff and parents are asked to report any incidents of unsafe driving to the Principal. Variation of Programs of Study Programs of study are set to comply with the ACT Every Chance to Learn Curriculum Framework for ACT Schools, the Australian Curriculum Preschool to Year 10 and the Board of Senior School Studies Year 11 and 12. Any parental request for variation to a student’s program of study should be directed in writing to the Principal supported with appropriate certification e.g. a medical certificate. Visiting Classrooms - By Appointment Parents are welcome to visit classrooms to see programs of instruction, but it is expected that prior arrangements should be made with the classroom teacher or Head of Department. Teaching programs can often be disrupted by arrival and departure of visitors, and children sometimes are particularly distracted if their own parents come in without notice. Parents who wish to assist with the instructional program in the classroom are asked to make an appointment with the Head of Department as previously listed, who will be happy to discuss how this could best be done. Work Experience All Year 10 students are encouraged to undertake one week of work experience during the mid-year break. This is carefully organised and planned so that the necessary documentation is completed. Participation in this program forms part of the Year 10 Biblical Living assessment. Students who do not undertake work experience will complete an additional research assignment task. Year 11 & 12 Senior College Programme Refer to Senior College Handbook available from the Head of Senior School, the front office or on the College website. 27 BRINDABELLA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE PARENT HANDBOOK LYNEHAM 2015 Thank you for reading this booklet. If you have suggestions as to other items which could be included for parents’ benefit, please speak or write to: Mrs Melanie Spencer Acting Executive Principal Brindabella Christian College 136 Brigalow Street, Lyneham PO Box 5103, Lyneham ACT 2602 Email: bcc@bcc.act.edu.au Phone: 02 6247 4644 Fax: 02 6247 0287 28