An Introduction to IMAGER 3.8 - Modis Land Surface Reflectance
An Introduction to IMAGER 3.8 - Modis Land Surface Reflectance
An Introduction to IMAGER 3.8 MODIS LAND SURFACE REFLECTANCE SCIENCE COMPUTING FACILITY 1 An Introduction to IMAGER 3.8 Introduction IMAGER is a program for visualizing MODIS surface reflectance products. It reads data in the HDF format (SDS), and displays the data as either grayscale or RGB images. When IMAGER is run, the File search window is opened allowing the user to select a file to display. Upon the selection of a file, three new windows are displayed: ¾ Image window ¾ Report window ¾ Scaler window. MODIS LAND SURFACE REFLECTANCE SCIENCE COMPUTING FACILITY 2 An Introduction to IMAGER 3.8 Hardware and software requirements Pentium III 600 MHz processor or greater At least 512 MB RAM memory 200 MB of free hard disk plus space for data UNIX System IMAGER is available at : The imagery to perform the exercises of this manual are included in the Sample_Data folder as part of the downloading package. For more information about the IMAGER functionality and installation, go to the README.txt file which is also included in the downloading package. Comments / suggestions are welcome to: MODIS LAND SURFACE REFLECTANCE SCIENCE COMPUTING FACILITY 3 An Introduction to IMAGER 3.8 Exercise 1.- Opening and reading a MODIS Scientific Data Set (SDS) By the use of the Report window, IMAGER not only displays automatically a standardized image, but also provides full information at pixel basis about the surface reflectances and derived information. Go to the Sample data in the File search window and left-click to select and then right-click the data set: MOD09GA.A2000339.h11v05.005.2006339052644.hdf. A true color full display showing the coast between the Chesapeake Bay, North and South Carolina is loaded by default and visualized in the Image window. Notice that the Report window is now displaying all the information available and encompassed in the HDF file, at a pixel basis. The first column displays the Row/Columns, bands, masks, Latitude/Longitude, and other MODIS related features; the second column the quantitative and/or qualitative values associated to these features. The feature and its value can be read as a line. Place the mouse over the Image window and left-click over different land areas. See the values displayed in the Report window, notice that reflectance values are provided for all of the available bands in the data set. Also qualitative derived information as those related to aerosols, cloud amount, land/water condition, ice/snow occurrence etc, is provided. Left-click over different color sea water pixels and observe the information displayed on the land/water flag line. Now left-click over the continental cloud mass located toward the left upper corner of the Image window, observe the higher reflectance values of these cloudy areas compared to the free cloud land areas. MODIS LAND SURFACE REFLECTANCE SCIENCE COMPUTING FACILITY 4 An Introduction to IMAGER 3.8 Go to the area A (Figure 1), and click across the feature, notice that the information in the Report window at the MOD35 snow/ice, cloud state and internal cloud algorithm flag lines, in the Report window; states the occurrence of snow rather than clouds in some pixels. If available in the data set, IMAGER can display a layer associated to any of the derived information for example, in this data set the information related to land/water, cloud and aerosol features can also be displayed in the Image window. Place the mouse over the Report window and left-click over the cirrus detected line to select this feature, look the result at the Image window. In the Report window, Left-click in the aerosol quantity line to display this layer. Go to the Image window, and click across the aerosol quantity image trying to define the three main value/features related to the aerosol quantity and their associated grey tonalities. Look at the Scaler window, the values found at the low scaling value and high scaling value boxes. These values, 1 and 3 respectively, represent the extreme values to be found in this layer. A vertical grey tonalities scale is also displayed in this window. Make active the Image window and then press n to advance over the next layer: land/water flag. Notice that values at the Scaler window are enhanced to 7 classes. Generally black & white / grey tones imagery do not provide enough differentiation on spatial features particularly at MODIS resolution level. IMAGER enhances the visual distinction of those features through a colormapping option. With the land/water flag layer displayed in the Image window (active), press o to toggle rainbow color mapping. Notice the change MODIS LAND SURFACE REFLECTANCE SCIENCE COMPUTING FACILITY 5 An Introduction to IMAGER 3.8 from grey tonalities to a seven color classes scale in the vertical scale at the Scaler window. Click across the Image window and define the main spatial features and their associated color class. Pressing o return the display to the grey tonalities option. With the Image window active press p to go back to the previous layer. Either you can go back to the true color full scene displayed at the beginning by pressing r. Place the mouse over the Image window and press SHIFT+E to finish the exercise and go back to the File search window. Figure 1. True color display of the Chesapeake Bay – South Carolina region. Box A shows the distinctiveness of snow pixels compared to the surrounding cloud pixels. MODIS LAND SURFACE REFLECTANCE SCIENCE COMPUTING FACILITY 6 An Introduction to IMAGER 3.8 Exercise 2.- Displaying a RGB composite Since individual bands are used to identify different features on the ground, a color composite made from the combination of these bands becomes a useful tool to facilitate the visual interpretation of a scene. Every color composite is specifically customized based in: The knowledge of the reflectance response, band availability and the ground feature to emphasize. Table 1 describes the key uses of the first seven MODIS bands and related channels. Table 1. MODIS first seven bands main features. Source: BAND CHANNEL RANGE nm REFLECTED Blue Green Red NIR MIR SWI FIR 459 – 479 545 – 564 620 – 670 841 – 876 1230 – 1250 1628 – 1652 2105 - 2155 MODIS ACTUAL BAND B3 B4 B1 B2 B5 B6 B7 KEY USE Soil / Vegetation differences Green Vegetation Vegetation chlorophyll Cloud amount, Vegetation Leaf/canopy differences Snow/clouds differences Cloud/land properties Given that the human eye perceives all colors as a combination of red, green, and blue; in satellite imagery, the visualization practice commonly uses the RGB (Red, Green , Blue) addictive model to reproduce all other colors; in that way a Color Composite 143 (CC143) means that bands 1, 4, and 3 are assigned to the Red, Green and Blue channels respectively; and can be used to reconstruct true color imagery of Earth - as a person would see it. In the File search window left-click to select and then right-click the data set: MODO9CMG.A2000338.005.2006332091104.hdf, a natural color composite (CC143) of the entire world is loaded (Figure 2). Place the mouse over the Report window. Build the false color composite CC214 by placing the mouse over Band 2 and pressing SHIFT+R, this assigns MODIS Band 2 to the red channel. Mouse-over Band 1 and pressing SHIFT+G assigns it to the green channel and finally mouse-over Band 4 pressing SHIFT+B to put this band into the blue channel. MODIS LAND SURFACE REFLECTANCE SCIENCE COMPUTING FACILITY 7 An Introduction to IMAGER 3.8 Place the mouse over the Image window and press u to visualize the CC214 (Figure 3), click on a red area (highly vegetated) and look the pixel values the Report window. Click on a brown pixel (scarcely vegetated) and compare its pixel values with the previous point. Still with the mouse on the Image window, press r to go back to the CC143. Press u to display again the CC214; compare the views. To generate another RGB display, it is necessary to un-set the previous composite by making active the Image window and pressing SHIFT+U Given the key use described in Table 1, try to build another color composite and compare it to the CC143 by pressing r on the Image window. Place the mouse over the Image window and press SHIFT+E to go back to the File search window and finish the exercise. Figure 2. World wide CC143. Figure 3. World wide CC214 MODIS LAND SURFACE REFLECTANCE SCIENCE COMPUTING FACILITY 8 An Introduction to IMAGER 3.8 Exercise 3.- Differentiation and detail, the stretching and zooming The Ahaggar Mountains, is a Sahara’s highland region located in southern Algeria. The region is largely a volcanic rocky desert with a highest peak at 3,003 meter (9,852 ft) about sea level at Mount Tahat. The Ahaggar Mountains are a major location for biodiversity and host relict species. In the File search window right-click to select and then left-click at the data set: MOD09GHK.A2006351.h18v06.004.2006353163945.hdf, a false natural composite (CC143) is displayed illustrating the Ahaggar Mountains region. The scene is mostly dominated by the high reflectance coming from the sandy dunes (light yellowish brown), only the rock outcrops in the mountains shows a darker brown feature, which is probably given because of the different soil texture, shadows and even soil moisture water content. Go to the Image window and choose an area where the two main colortextures of the image meet sharply (Figure 4). Press the middle mouse button and draw a box encompassing the required area. A zoom in of the area is displayed. If the zoomed area is not the required one, right-click to zoom out and try again. Zoom in the scene at the Image window several times to read in the Report window the different color-texture reflectance values at a pixel level. Zoom out the scene to return to the original size MODIS LAND SURFACE REFLECTANCE SCIENCE COMPUTING FACILITY 9 An Introduction to IMAGER 3.8 Figure 4. Rocks and dunes at the Ahaggar Mountains region. Upper right image is the zoom in of the red box area from the left image. (Note: IMAGER’s zooming capabilities do not generate a second window, this caption is only for illustrative purposes). Reflectances are absolute values which can be displayed at different scale and distribution, allowing the visualization of certain spatial features, before smoothed by a default displaying. Through the Scaler window, IMAGER provides a helpful interface to display the data set under different type of stretching. These stretching can be of logarithmic and/or linear nature, and used to enhance the reflective response from polar, desert and standard surfaces. Keep the full display of the file MOD09GHK.A2006351.h18v06.004.2006353163945.hdf (Ahaggar Mountains region) in the default CC143. Go to the Scaler window and read the low and high scaling values in which the default image is stretched. Notice the linear character of the default stretch. Select the log, polar box. IMAGER stretches the visualization to reflectance values from 8.3 to 9.3 (8300 to 9300), then only features with the highest reflectance (clouds) are visualized (Figure 5 #1). MODIS LAND SURFACE REFLECTANCE SCIENCE COMPUTING FACILITY 10 An Introduction to IMAGER 3.8 Go to the Image window and click across the scene and read the pixel values displayed at the Report window. Go to the Scaler window again and Click on the Reset box to go back to the standard display. To have a look on how the remaining stretches work, go to the Scaler window to display them (Figure 5). After comparing the results answer the question: Which can be the best visualization for the Ahaggar Mountains region ?. Figure 5. Different types of stretch on the Ahaggar Mountains region CC143 scene: log, polar (1); log, standard (2); log, desert (3); linear polar (4); linear standard (5); linear desert (6). MODIS LAND SURFACE REFLECTANCE SCIENCE COMPUTING FACILITY 11 An Introduction to IMAGER 3.8 Finally, IMAGER allows users to set the stretch scale. Suppose that you want to know what features in the landscape have the highest reflectance. Go to the Scaler window, left-click inside the low scaling value box and type 7.6, and then press enter. Click into the high scale value and type 8.0, and then press enter. Since these values are referred to a logarithm scale, you have to select the Click here for log box. Then click OK. The CC143 is stretched to the entered values and it is displayed in a pseudo color scale where a darker tone represents relative lower reflectances values than those pixels with lighter tones (Figure 6). Click in the reset box to display the standard CC143 End the exercise by clicking over the Image window and pressing SHIFT+E to exit to the File search window. Figure 6. Manual stretch (7.6 to 8) applied to the Ahaggar Mountains region scene. In this scene a dry and bright sand has a higher reflectance hence a lighter tone, instead of the darker tone representing the lower reflectance values from shadows and rock structures. MODIS LAND SURFACE REFLECTANCE SCIENCE COMPUTING FACILITY 12 An Introduction to IMAGER 3.8 Exercise 4.- Displaying a second image window Even in the middle of the Sahara desert and with MODIS 500 m resolution imagery, IMAGER can distinguish reflectance differences associated to soil water content. In the File search window left-click to select and then right-click the data set: MOD09GA.A2006351.h18v06.004.2006353163945.hdf, which belongs to the Ahaggar Mountains region. Make the false color composition CC723 Zoom into the area illustrated in Figure 7. With the image window active press r to display the CC143. Press u to go back to the CC723. Compare the displays. Right-click to zoom out. The CC723 (Figure 7), shows a better discerning between soils in the displayed area. Band 7 (FIR) is useful to define land properties hence its input into the red channel. The input of the Band 2 (NIR) in the green channel and Band 3 in the blue channel produce bluish and greenish tonalities that probably are representing soil moisture and an incipient vegetation cover respectively. IMAGER allows also the comparison of color composite and/or bands of the same set through a second window display. Make active the Report window and right-click on Band 1. A second Image window is displayed over the first one, move it to another position on the screen. Back in the Report window, right-click on Band 7 so it can be displayed in the already second Image window. Make active the first Image window and zoom into the area illustrated in Figure 7. Try several zoom levels (Figure 8) and compare the displays by clicking across them and reading the Report window. MODIS LAND SURFACE REFLECTANCE SCIENCE COMPUTING FACILITY 13 An Introduction to IMAGER 3.8 Right-click to zoom out over any of the Image windows. Right-click the necessary times to go back to the scene full display. Make active the second Image window and press SHIFT+E to close it and finish the exercise. Note: You can change the display of the second window by right-click in the Report window desired layer, but only when the main Image window is NOT zoomed. Figure 7. A MODIS CC723 as visualized in IMAGER could be representing incipient vegetation cover (greenish tone) and soil moisture (bluish tones) even in the middle of the Sahara. MODIS LAND SURFACE REFLECTANCE SCIENCE COMPUTING FACILITY 14 An Introduction to IMAGER 3.8 Figure 8. An illustrative example on a MODIS CC723 (left) and Band 7 and corresponding areas (red boxes) zoomed twice. (Note: IMAGER does not display simultaneous screens when zooming). MODIS LAND SURFACE REFLECTANCE SCIENCE COMPUTING FACILITY 15 An Introduction to IMAGER 3.8 Exercise 5.- Opening and reading an AVHRR Scientific Data Set (SDS) The Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data is also available in scientific data set (SDS) format, then it is also suitable to be displayed using IMAGER . Go to the Sample_data in the File search window and left-click to select and then right-click the data set: AVH09C1.A1995192.N14.001.2006326174026.HDF. A full display showing the entire planet is loaded and visualized in the Image window. Notice that the Report window is now displaying all the information available in the HDF file, at pixel basis. The information available in this AVHRR file encompasses three bands that survey surface reflectance and another three ones with information on the land/cloud/sea brightness temperatures expressed in Kelvin degrees (K°). The composite displayed CC123 is based in a combination of Visible (red), Near infrared (green) and Middle infrared (Blue); Table 2 describe the six channels featuring the AVHRR. Table 2. AVHRR / 3 six bands main features. BAND CHANNEL Visible NIR MIR AVHRR CHANNEL NUMBER 1 2 3A RANGE nm REFLECTED 580 – 680 725 – 1000 1580 – 1640 MIR 3B 3550 – 3930 TIR 4 10300 – 11300 5 1 .09Km Daily 11500 – 12500 TIR Pixel size Temporal KEY USE Daytime cloud and surface mapping Land-water boundaries Snow and ice detection Night cloud mapping, sea surface temperature Night cloud mapping, sea surface temperature Sea surface temperature AVHRR data provide opportunities for studying and monitoring vegetation conditions through its reflective bands as well as the retrieving of various MODIS LAND SURFACE REFLECTANCE SCIENCE COMPUTING FACILITY 16 An Introduction to IMAGER 3.8 geophysical parameters such as sea surface and cloud temperatures and energy budget data by the processing of the thermal bands. Zoom in the CC123 around the Gulf of Mexico area as depicted in Figure 9, since the NIR band is in the green channel, vegetated surfaces tend to appear green, while surfaces with much less or without vegetational cover tend to appear yellowish. Figure 9. AVHRR CC123 showing surface reflectance and area to be zoomed in red box (Note: IMAGER does not display simultaneous screens when zooming). Click across the zoomed area and notice the information displayed in the Report window, compare the temperatures found at the yellowish continental areas to those found at the also yellowish top of the clouds. MODIS LAND SURFACE REFLECTANCE SCIENCE COMPUTING FACILITY 17 An Introduction to IMAGER 3.8 This AVHRR imagery was acquired in 1995 during July, when the rising of temperatures in the Caribbean Sea facilitates the formation of cloud systems with high vertical development as the cumulonimbus, which are associated with heavy precipitation and thunderstorms. High reflective surfaces as dense cloud systems can be depicted in an AVHRR CC123 as rounded yellowish shapes. For a better display of temperatures, a brightness temperature band can be open. Brightness temperatures are provided in °K values Right-click on the Image window to zoom out. In the Report window, right-click in the Brightness Temperature 3.75 microns band to display a second Image window (Figure 10). Compare both displays. Figure 10. AVHRR Brightness Temperatures 3.75 microns in Degree K. IMAGER shows individual bands in a grey scale, where values are arranged from lower (dark tone) to higher (light tone), then the top of any high altitude clouds in a AVHRR thermal band would tend to be depicted in a dark tone, given the vertical atmospheric gradient, the top of those clouds will show also the lowest temperature. MODIS LAND SURFACE REFLECTANCE SCIENCE COMPUTING FACILITY 18 An Introduction to IMAGER 3.8 The variability of the temperature recorded at the Brightness Temperature 3.75 microns band, could be depicted in a more identifiable way by the use of a color scale (Figure 11). Make active the second Image window and press o to toggle a color mapping Look at the Scaler Window and describe how the color scale is used to define the lower and higher temperature values. Figure 11. AVHRR Brightness Temperatures 3.75 microns in Degree K, displayed in a rainbow color mapping scale. MODIS LAND SURFACE REFLECTANCE SCIENCE COMPUTING FACILITY 19 An Introduction to IMAGER 3.8 Probably a major problem in the displaying of large amount of data as those encompassing world-wide imagery is the slow processing, then you can use arguments in the command line to facilitate the displaying of data and even to locate spatial features of known coordinates. Press SHIFT+E to close the display windows and to exit the program Back in the system Command Line write the following argument: imager -f AVH09C1.A1995192.N14.001.2006326174026.hdf -S The argument S allows the subsampling or rescaling of the imagery reducing the quantity of data required to display a scene, then all the processing particularly the zooming becomes easier. Another use of the arguments is helpful illustrated when a special location or geographical feature with known geographical coordinates must be located from such small scale imagery as those from MODIS and AVHRR systems. Suppose that you want to know where in the AVHRR scene Washington DC is located. .Back to the system Command Line by pressing SHIFT+E to close the Image window. Write in the Command Line the following argument: imager -f AVH09C1.A1995192.N14.001.2006326174026.hdf -l 39 -77 Zooming the area around Washington DC as illustrated in Figure 12 Press SHIFT+E to close it and finish the exercise. The argument has a form: –l <lat> <lon>, where 39 and -77 are the current latitude and longitude for DC. The requested point is then displayed at the center of a 3 x 3 pixels window, as illustrated in Figure 12. More information about the use of arguments in IMAGER can be found in the README file. Further AVHRR data sets are available at: Conventions naming for AVHRR products is described at: MODIS LAND SURFACE REFLECTANCE SCIENCE COMPUTING FACILITY 20 An Introduction to IMAGER 3.8 Figure 12. AVHRR CC123 showing the location of Washington DC. The red box is the 3 x 3 window containing the requested coordinates at the central pixels (Note: IMAGER does not display simultaneous screens when zooming). MODIS LAND SURFACE REFLECTANCE SCIENCE COMPUTING FACILITY 21 An Introduction to IMAGER 3.8 GLOSSARY AVHRR Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer, is a broad-band, 4- or 5-channel scanning radiometer, sensing in the visible, near-infrared, and thermal infrared portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is carried aboard the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration`s (NOAA) Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellite series. SDS Scientific Data Set, it is a group of data structures used to store and describe multidimensional arrays of scientific data. HDF A standard Hierarchical Data Format archive from EOS Data Information System (EOSDIS) products. UNIX Computer (servers, desktop, laptops) operating system which can be installed with a graphical user interface (GUI) similar to Microsoft Windows to provide a more friendly environment. MODIS MODIS (or Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) is a key instrument aboard the Terra (EOS AM) and Aqua (EOS PM) satellites. Terra's orbit around the Earth is timed so that it passes from north to south across the equator in the morning, while Aqua passes south to north over the equator in the afternoon. Terra MODIS and Aqua MODIS are viewing the entire Earth's surface every 1 to 2 days, acquiring data in 36 spectral bands. Internal snow algorithm Output of the snow algorithm which uses a grouped criteria technique to detect snow as well as the MODIS cloud mask product to mask clouds. Snow detection relies primarily on the normalized difference snow index (NDSI) with the NDSI = (band 4 – band 6)/(band4 + band 6). BRDF The Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) specifies the behavior of surface scattering as a function of illumination and view angles at a particular wavelength. MODIS LAND SURFACE REFLECTANCE SCIENCE COMPUTING FACILITY 22 An Introduction to IMAGER 3.8 Internal fire algorithm flag Contextual algorithm that exploits the strong emission of mid-infrared radiation from fires examining each pixel of the MODIS swath, and ultimately assigns to each one of the following classes: missing data, cloud, water, non-fire, fire, or unknown Internal cloud algorithm flag Output of the cloud mask algorithm indicating the certainty of cloud or clear sky for each pixel. The cloud algorithm uses fourteen of the 36 MODIS bands in 18 cloud spectral tests following processing paths that vary with surface type, geographic location and ancillary data input. Cirrus Clouds composed of ice crystals and are characterized by thin, wisplike strands, often so extensive that they are virtually indistinguishable from one another, forming a veil or sheet called "cirrostratus". Aerosol quantity Amount of airborne solid particles or liquid droplets suspended in the atmosphere and classified in the MODIS SDS as a nominal scale: Climatology used for atmospheric correction, Low, Intermediate and High. Land / water flag A land–water mask at 1–km resolution of ocean shorelines and large lake coastlines, derived from the MODIS Nadir BRDF–Adjusted Reflectance (NBAR) and Land Cover products, is an update to the EOS DEM land–water mask currently used for MODIS processing. Sensor zenith The angle between the local zenith and the line of sight to the satellite. Sensor azimuth This is the direction of the Terra and/or Aqua satellites measured clockwise around the observer's horizon from north. Solar Zenith The angle between the local zenith and the Solar inclination. Solar Azimuth This is the direction of the Solar radiation measured clockwise around the observer's horizon from north. Zenith At a given point is the local vertical direction pointing away from direction of the force of gravity at that location. MODIS LAND SURFACE REFLECTANCE SCIENCE COMPUTING FACILITY 23