Financial Results 2009 - Presentation
Financial Results 2009 - Presentation
2009 Financial Reporting Financial Report Media Conference from 15 April 2010 Martin Kall and Sandro Macciacchini, Tamedia AG 1 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Annual Report 2009: Overview Martin Kall Chief Executive Officer 2 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Strong Drop in Revenues and Earnings During 2009 Financial Year in MCHF EBIT margin* 2008 2009 -14% 1.000 900 800 890 2008 15.0% 6.7% 2009 766 700 600 500 400 -45% -61% 300 168 200 134 92 100 -56% 106 52 47 0 Revenues EBITDA EBIT Net income *The respective figures refer to the continued operations 3 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Decrease Mirrors Prolonged Financial Crisis… Change of real GDP in per cent Consumer climate index (index points) 6% 30 4% 15 0 2% -15 0% -2% -30 01.08 07.08 01.09 07.09 01.10 -45 01.07 07.07 -4% 01.08 07.08 01.09 07.09 01.10 Unemployment rate in per cent of labour force Private consummation change in per cent 4.5% 4% 4.0% 3% 3.5% 2% 3.0% 1% 2.5% 0% -1% 01.07 2.0% 01.07 07.07 01.08 07.08 01.09 07.09 01.10 4 07.07 01.08 07.08 01.09 07.09 Source: Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft SECO Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 …Resulting in Significantly Lower Advertising Investments Jan - Dec 2008/2009, net advertising revenues in print acc. to typology of Swiss Press Types 2009 2008 Changes +/- MA MCHF MA MCHF MA MCHF in % in % 889 56.0 1,133 56.8 -244 -21.6% -0.8 51 3.2 52 2.6 -1 -1.2% 0.6 150 9.4 212 10.7 -62 -29.4% -1.2 50 3.2 72 3.6 -22 -30.1% -0.4 Newspapers 1,140 71.9 1,469 73.7 -329 -22.4% -1.8 Mass media 187 11.8 234 11.7 -47 -20.0% 0.1 Special interest press 198 12.5 217 10.9 -19 -8.8% 1.6 Expert press 61 3.9 73 3.7 -12 -16.6% 0.2 Magazines 446 28.1 524 26.3 -78 -14.9% 1.8 Total print 1,586 100 1,993 100 -407 -20.4% 0.0 Daily press Regional weekly press Sunday press Finance and economy* * not identical to publication «Finanz und Wirtschaft» Source Advertiser statistics Swiss Press/VSW Verband Schweizerischer Werbegesellschaften (Assoc. of Swiss Advertising Firms) 5 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Model: Previous Economic Cycles Showed Similarly Severe Drops Development of job advertisings during economic cycles, change rel. to previous year (in per cent) P Index job advertisings 40% VSW job advertisings in daily press 1 Tamedia job advertisings BZ job advertisings Prognosis 20% 0% 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 -20% -35 -40% -60% 6 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 The Economic Cycle Explains 90 Per cent of Drop in Revenues Acc. advertising revenues compared to previous cycle Job ads compared to previous cycle -12% Unemployment rate 2002 = 2.5% 2009 = 3.7% -35% +1% 100 Total advertising revenues compared to previous cycles -2% 100 100 88 -16% 89 -27% 84 82 65 48 Revenues Previous Actual 2008 economic revenues (=100) cylce 2009 Revenues Previous Actual 2008 economic revenues (=100) cycle 2009 Revenues Previous Actual 2008 economic revenues (=100) cycle 2009 Source: Controlling Tamedia 7 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Tamedia Developed Alongside Market Average in 2009 Revenues according to type of earning Advertising sales development according to media segments Newspapers 0% -10% Print revenue Other revenue Other publisher 5% activity 2% 4% -20% -30% -22,4% -22,0% 0% Copy sales 25% Magazines -10% 65% -20% Advertising revenue -14,9% -15,8% -30% 0% -10% No figures available E-Media -8,7% -20% -30% Market Tamedia Source: Advertiser Statistics: Swiss Press; Tamedia Finances 8 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Cost Savings Totalling 90 MCHF in All Areas 1 Tages-Anzeiger 2 • Cost adjustments to lower profits • Launch of new concept in Sept. 2009 6 20 minutes • Merging of 20 minutes and Le matin bleu • Largest daily newspaper in Romandie by readers Der Bund • Continuation n cooperation with TagesAnzeiger • Creation of business foundation 7 News • Discontinuation News Basel and News Berne in summer 2009 • Discontinuation News Zurich in fall 2009 3 Solothurner 4 Early delivery Tagblatt • Discontinuation of Solothurner Tagblatt in September 2009 8 Espace Media • Completion of integration of Espace Media • Effective implementation of synergy potentials •Transfer of early delivery to Schweizer Post •Weko agrees to transaction in Sept. 2009 9 5 Classifieds • Cooperation in online categories and development of classified online organisation Additional measures • Cost reductions at 20 Minuten, SonntagsZeitung and other titles • Company-wide reduction of vacation and overtime credits • Consequent reduction of marketing costs in all areas * Without additional cost savings at Presse Publicité SR S.A. 9 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Saving Savings Prove Effective; Investments in Online Media Cost development according to business division 2009 rel. to 2008 in MCHF 900 2008 2009 -7% 800 722 700 600 674 -7% 543 Investments in new online services 507 500 400 -26% 300 227 -8% 200 90 100 +6% 83 81 167 86 0 Newspapers Magazines E-Media 10 Services Tamedia Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Newspapers Division: Losses at Regional Newspapers Newspapers 2009 MCHF Revenues EBIT EBIT margin 2005 2006 2007 * 2008 * 2009 2008/09 447 475 551 637 521 - 18% 72 85 97 89 11 - 88% 16% 18% 18% 14% 2% - General topics • Consolidation of over-saturated Swiss commuter newspaper market with discontinuation of Cash daily, .ch, Le matin bleu and News • Regional daily newspapers lose additional share in sales and market share Tamedia • 20 Minuten with decrease in revenues and earnings, continued high result level • First positive advertising market feedback for 20 minutes • Subscribed daily newspapers by Tamedia write significant losses for 2009; cost reduction measures will only show full effect during ongoing year • New concepts for Bund and Tages-Anzeiger and their cooperation start being accepted by readership; 2010 once again difficult year for regional newspapers 11 * Respective data 2008 and 2009 without areas discontinued in 2009 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 20 Minuten with Unique Market Position in Two Language Regions 20 Minuten media network in German- and Frenchspeaking Switzerland 20 Minuten media network 20 Minuten media networkGerman‐speaking German‐speakingSwitzerland Switzerland 20 Minuten media network 20 Minuten media networkFrench‐sp. Switzerland French‐sp. Switzerland 12 20 Minuten media network • Commuter papers reach 1.9 million readers every day • Leading online portal with 2.0 million users per month • Monopoly-like position in morning • Strongest Swiss media brand • Only Swiss daily newspaper in two language regions from one source Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Switzerland Remains Leader in Commuter Newspaper Market Number of copies of daily commuter newspapers per 100 inhabitants over 14 years in Europe (comparison) in copies 18 17 16 15 14 14 13 12 10 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 6 5 4 2 0 Current circul. (thsd.) 14+ (thsd.) D-CH W-CH SWE DK NL ITA ESP CZ FRA FIN UK 861 210 1.000 584 1.200 3.950 2.343 586 2.718 220 2.144 4.251 1.377 6.901 4.511 13.428 47.913 34.497 8.736 48.910 4.000 47.265 13 Source: Metro, 20 Minutes, University of Amsterdam, Verlag 20 Minuten Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Subscribed Newspapers with Great Structural Challenges Advertising sales of print media 1988 rel. to 2008, in MCHF* Market share of print media as part of total advertising market 1988 rel. to 2008, in per cent -29% Readership numbers of daily papers w/o assoc 1988 rel. to 2010, readership in million -16% -24% 78% 3.388 2.015 1.702 59% 2.406 1988 2008 Source: Stiftung Werbestatistik Schweiz; *adjusted for inflation 1988 rel. to 2008 on basis of Federal Consumer Price Index 1988 2008 Source: Werbestatistik der Stiftung Werbestatistik Schweiz 1988 and 2008; 14 1988 2008 Source: Wemf AG 1988 and 2010; all newspapers published in 1988 that were not part of umbrella assoc. in 1988 and 2010 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Fragmented Media Spaces North-East Switzerland and Zurich Coverage of respectively leading regional daily newspapers in economic areas Basler Zeitung Schaffhauser Nachrichten 65.3% 35.6% 44 Mittelland Zeitung 50.6% 43 41 St. Galler Tagblatt Tages-Anzeiger 32 14 Quotidien Jurassien Mittelland Zeitung 50.0% 54.6% 24 Neue Luzerner Zeitung 44.0% 13 54.0% 26 31.2% L,Express F.d,Avis Coverage below 35 per cent Thurgauer Zeitung 31 37.8% Coverage below 40 per cent 42 33 27 57.5% Bieler Tagblatt 41.7% Südostschweiz 21 34 35.6% Neue Luzerner Zeitung Berner Zeitung 59.7% 53.0% 28 Südostschweiz 67.2% 25 Neue Luzerner Zeitung 78.3% 15 Berner Zeitung 24 heures 44.0% 12 La Liberté 29 63.5% 50.1% 22 Südostschweiz 62.1% Walliser Bote Tribune de Genève 75.2% 40.6% 51 23 11 Corriere del Ticino 46.6% 16 Nouvelliste 67.1% Source: MACH Basic 2009‐2 15 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Exchange Between NZZ and Tamedia Enhances Future Perspectives Zürcher Unterländer Regional daily newspaper Circulation: 21,597 Thurgauer Zeitung Regional daily newspaper Circulation: 33,784 Zürcher Oberländer Regional daily newspaper Circulation: 36,607 Zürichsee-Zeitung Regional daily newspaper Circulation: 41,957 Source: Wemf MACH Basic 16 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Participation Exchange Lifts Coverage on a Competitive Level Coverage of respectively leading regional daily newspapers in economic areas Schaffhauser Nachrichten 65.3% 42 44 Mittelland Zeitung 50.6% Basler Zeitung 31 37.8% 32 Quotidien Jurassien Mittelland Zeitung 50.0% 54.6% St. Galler Tagblatt Tages-Anzeiger/ Der Landbote/ Zürcher Landzeitungen 44.0% 13 48.0% 27 57.5% 33 Bieler Tagblatt 41.7% Südostschweiz 21 34 54.0% 26 24 Neue Luzerner Zeitung L‘Express F.d‘Avis 53.0% 43 41 14 Thurgauer Zeitung/ St. Galler Tagblatt 35.6% Neue Luzerner Zeitung Berner Zeitung 59.7% 53.0% 28 Südostschweiz 67.2% 25 Neue Luzerner Zeitung 78.3% 15 Berner Zeitung 24 heures 44.0% 12 La Liberté 29 63.5% 50.1% 22 Südostschweiz 62.1% Walliser Bote Tribune de Genève 75.2% 40.6% 51 23 11 Corriere del Ticino 46.6% 16 Nouvelliste 67.1% Source: MACH Basic 2009-2 17 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Concentration and Strengthening of Regional Media Companies Sold participations on regional and local newspapers 2009 and 2010 Anzeiger von Kerzers Local newspaper Circulation: 1‘450 Thurgauer Zeitung Regional daily newspaper Circulation: 33‘784 Der Murtenbieter Local newspaper Cirulation: 4‘250 Le Nouvelliste Regional daily newspaper Circulation: 42‘300 18 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Tages-Anzeiger: More Contacts Despite News Discontinuation Readers and users in Economic Area 43 Contacts of Tages-Anzeiger media in Economic Area 43 (Canton of Zurich) +3% 74,000 Exclusive users 641 563 103,000 Double users 125 582 73 177 126 490 390 405 2008 2009 302,000 Exclusive readers 2001 News Tages-Anzeiger Source: MA Strategy Basic 2009/2001 19 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Newspapers Reach More People Today than Five Years Ago Coverage 2004 to 2009 of total population German-speaking Switzerland, in per cent* -2% ‐8% 92% +1% -10% +54% 90 % 74% 68% 75% 67% 81% 80% 26% Radio TV Daily newspapers w/o commuter papers Daily newspapers with commuter papers 40% 2007‐1 Internet Coverage 2004 to 2009 14- to 29-year old German Swiss persons, in per cent* -7% 2009 -18% -13% 85% 2004 +5% +65% 79% 76% 65% 58% 79% 53% 51% 41% 25% 2007‐1 Radio TV Daily newspapers w/o commuter papers Daily newspapers with commuter papers Internet Source: Radiocontrol, Telecontrol, MACH Basic 2004–2009-2, NET-Metrix Profile 2007-1–2009-2; Coverage Radio and TV (Listeners and Watchers per day), readersr (LpA) and users (Unique User per week) 2004 to 2009 in German-speaking Switzerland in per cent; NET-Metrix Profile published only after 2007-1; The share of websites not yet rperesented in NET-Metrix profiles 2007-1 (Rtsi, Bluewin News It,, News, TIO News,, only has slight effect on net coverage of publication Profiles 2009-2 ; * Internet reach per week, all other media per day 20 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Magazines Division: Stable Revenue Stream Magazines 2009 Revenues EBIT EBIT margin 2005 2006 2007 * 2008 * 2009 2008/09 88 84 94 102 95 - 7.2% 7 13 15 11 12 + 3.3% 8% 16% 16% 11% 12% - General topics • The slump in advertising revenue affects magazines almost as much as newspapers • Strong competition from adjacent markets causes strong competitive pressure Tamedia • Reorganisation of Fachmedien Mobil as reaction to economic and auto crisis; sale of motor cycle titles Moto Sport Schweiz and Moto Sport Suisse • Successful focussing of Fachmedien Agrar on main title Schweizer Bauer • People magazine 20 Minuten Friday, launched at the end of 2008, exceeds all expectations • Annabelle resists economic crisis with stable revenues • Weekend supplement Das Magazin maintains result at attractive level • Positive result expectations at Schweizer Familie; title confirms high expectations * Respective values 2008 and 2009 without areas discontinued in 2009 21 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Focussing on Schweizer Bauer and Automobil Revue Fachmedien Agrar: Schweizer Bauer Fachmedien Mobil: Automobil Revue Sale Reduction 22 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 20 Minuten Friday Exceeds Readership and Sales Expectations Readership 20 Minuten Friday according to age groups (in thousands) 450 422 400 50 350 120 300 253 250 200 150 100 50 0 14-34 35-54 55++ total Source: MACH Basic 2010-1 23 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 E-Media Division: Growth of Online Activities E-Media 2009 MCHF 2005 2006 2007 * 2008 * 2009 2008/09 Revenues 53 52 62 85 93 + 9% EBIT -3 2 2 1 -1 - 203% - 6% 4% 3% 2% -2% - EBIT margin General topics • Significance of online advertising expenses increases at continued low level • Strong market positions of large foreign providers on Swiss market Tamedia • Radio and TV activities with decreasing sales in difficult environment • Online sales increase thanks to growth of existing media, and acquisitions • News platforms 20 Minuten and Newsnetz continue growth in user market • Tamedia gradually develops online portfolio with participations in,, and invests in news portals and the extension of • Development of a joint category organisation Classified Online with Edipresse • Goodwill-Impairment at * Respective values 2008 and 2009 without areas discontinued in 2009 24 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Tamedia Strengthened Online Positions Over Last Two Years Leading websites in Switzerland in December 2007, unique clients in thousands* 4′000 3′922 3′000 2′404 2′000 1′504 1′459 1′398 1′342 1′217 1′000 1′024 855 430 0 Bluewin Blick Online Edipresse NZZ Online moneyhouse Local Leading websites in Switzerland in December 2009, unique clients in thousands* +0% 4′000 +17% +552%* 2′810 2′802 +62% +43% +42% 2′090 1′979 +23% +23% +65% +13% 1′656 1′493 1′407 1′157 moneyhouse 3′925 3′000 2′442 2′000 1′000 0 Bluewin Local Blick Online Edipresse NZZ Online Source: NET-Metrix-Audit December 2007/2009; *Since October 2008 the address directories and are no longer recorded under, but under; *only websites active in both measurement periods 25 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Online Participations with 100 MCHF Revenues in 2009 Already 1 News 2 Classifieds 3 Services 20 Minuten Online As wellweitere as further news sowie platforms Nachrichtenplattformen As well as further category platforms As well as further service platforms 26 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Online Participations Already Employ 400 Persons Number of employees at online media during 2009 (consolidated), in full-time posts Number of employees at online media and participations during 2009, in full-time posts 400 400 350 350 300 300 247 250 390 83 250 156 40 200 150 200 140 67 150 150 100 100 50 50 0 0 Editorials Classified Services Total Editorials Classified Services Total and editorial-like areas and editorial-like areas * Tamedia, incl. participations, excl. Edipresse, Basis: December 2009; Source: Personnel statistics Tamedia, company data * Tamedia, incl. participations acc. to respective degree, excl. Edipresse, Basis: December 2009; Source: Personnel statistics Tamedia, company data 27 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Edipresse: Merger Will Further Strengthen Online Field Leading websites in Switzerland in 2009, unique clients in thousands 4′000 3′925 3′744 3′500 3′003 3′000 2′810 2′802 2′442 2′500 2′146 2′090 2′000 1′979 1′892 1′656 1′500 1′000 500 0 Bluewin Micro- searsoft Source: NET-Metrix-Audit December 2009 20- Newsnetz Blick minuOnline 28 Scout24* Edipresse * Scout24 without other Ringier websites Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Joint Market Place Organisation with Edipresse Starting 2010 Job network Edipresse and Tamedia 1 UCs: 253,791* Car ads + 2 + and in UCs: 409,000 Real estate network Edipresse and Tamedia 1 UCs: 951,000 + 2** UCs: ~1,000,000* Partner ads + 1 alle-real in in UCs: 441,742* Source: NET Metrix Audit; *own reporting; **Participation 29 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Online Media More Profitable than Media Everage Share of online media in total 2009 Tamedia revenues EBITDA share of online media in total 2009 Tamedia result 9% 15% 30 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Extension of Online Services as Strategic Core Task Strong position with great range • With its participations in online companies generating some 100 MCHF in revenues and employing 400 persons, Tamedia disposes of a strong online portfolio • The news, market place, and service platform participations of Tamedia reach more people than all other media networks in Switzerland • Today already, online activities make a significant contribution to revenues and are marked by above-average profitability Further expansion of online portfolio • Over the coming years, Tamedia will strengthen its online portfolio in the traditional core areas of news and market places • Targeted investments in new services and young start-up companies constituting an investment focus over the coming years will contribute to Tamedia’s intended portfolio extension • In the year 2012, online services should already contribute 25 per cent of the Tamedia result at the EBITDA level 31 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Tamedia Media Are Represented with Leading iApps Search: mostdownloaded application during days after introduction directory weather schedule TV application: Upon launch, one of the five apps with most revenues news weather TV cinema Newsnetz apps: first news apps with breaking news function Newsnetz TV news leading real estate app with 50,000 entries real estate search 32 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Mobile Use: iPhone-Users More Faithful Than Other Web Users Web access during times of day Visits per web and iPhone user Article per web and iPhone user Factor 4.6 24 2 4 6 8 Factor 0.5 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 iPhone access during times of day 24 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Web 33 Mobile Web Mobile Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Potential: Online Still with Low Range at Daily Basis Number of unique users 20 Minuten Online during Feb 2010 per month, week, and day Readers 1.9 million daily (CH) Unique users per week Unique users per day 56% 85% 1′124 496 Unique users per month Unique users per week NET‐Metrix Profile 2009‐2 CH 165 Users Unique users per day 0.17 million daily (CH) 34 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Online Media with Continued Great Growth Potential Monthly users of commuter newspapers 20 Minuten and in 2009 Monthly users of Tages-Anzeigers and in 2009 4′153 1′095 -39% -73% 666 1′124 Source: MACH Basic 2009-2/ Heatmap April-Juni 2009 35 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Services Division: Maintained high Profitability Level Services 2009 MCHF 2005 2006 2007 * 2008 * 2009 2008/09 215 208 205 285 225 - 21.3% EBIT 20 18 19 32 31 - 4.5% EBIT margin 9% 9% 9% 11% 14% - Revenues General topics • Economic crisis and consolidation of commuter newspaper market lead to significant decrease of print volumes and large excess capacities Tamedia • Decreasing volumes of printing facilities due to consolidation in commuter newspaper market; print reduction 20 Minuten and discontinuation of News • New newspaper concepts Der Bund and Tages-Anzeiger lead to excess capacities in print area: capacity adjustment in two steps 2009 and 2010 • Transfer of early delivery organisation to Schweizerische Post completed • Service division successfully maintains high profitability level: revenues and earnings are almost exclusively generated with internal newspaper clients * Respective values 2008 and 2009 without areas discontinued in 2009 36 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 The Print Volumes in Tamedia Printing Facilities Drop Massively Number of printed newspaper copies in 2008, in millions 70 Number of printed newspaper copies in 2009, in millions - 23% 70 - 22% 65 60 60 50 50 50 41 40 40 - 24% 32 30 30 24 20 20 10 10 0 0 Print centre Bern Print centre Zürich Total 19 Print centre Bern Print centre Zürich Total Source: Controlling Druckzentren Tamedia 37 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 7 Per cent EBIT Margin Above Long-term Average Tamedia EBIT margin development since 1990 Comparison 2002 with 2009 25% 20% 15% 10% 7% 5% 3% 0% -5% -7% -10% 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 38 2002 2004 2006 2008 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Dependence on Job Advertisings Reduced Since 2002 Tamedia EBIT margin development w/o job advertisings* since 1990 (ext. observation) 15% 10% 4% 5% 1% 0% -5% -8% -10% Comparison 2002 with 2009 -15% 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Tamedia Stellen-Anzeiger+Alpha Tamedia ohne without Stellen-Anzeiger + Alpha 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Tamedia ohne without all job ads Tamedia sämtliche Stellenanzeigen** * Tamedia has deducted the EBIT product result from Tamedia EBITDA until 1995. For the years 1990-1994 the EBIT has been calculated using an average page profit and an 80 per cent margin; Facts/Basilisk/HPP/Huber/Benteli Hallwag treated as discontinued areas ** Job advertisings contain: Stellen-Anzeiger, Alpha, BZ/Bund, Thurgauer Zeitung and 20 Minuten (average page profit: 80% Marge until 07/70 % Margin since 08) 39 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Tamedia Expects Continued Decrease in Advertising Sales in 2010 Prognosis for traditional ads 2010 Prognosis for job sales development 2010 -10% -40% 100 Prognosis for total advertising sales 2010 -14% 2008=100 100 100 90 86 60 2009 sales Last economic cycle 2010 2009 sales Last economic cycle 2010 40 2009 sales Last economic cycle 2010 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Two First Months Do Not Show Change in Trend Change in net advertising expenses compared to respective month of previous year (in per cent) -2% -5% -13% -17% -18% -17% -21% -16% -21% -23% -26% -26% -29% -28% Jan 09 Feb 09 Mar 09 Apr 09 May 09 Jun 09 Jul 09 Aug 09 Sep 09 Oct 09 Nov 09 Dec 10 Jan 10 Feb 10 41 Source: Advertiser statistics of Swiss Press 2010 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Edipresse and Tamedia: Three-step Merger Until 2013 The key milestones until 2013 3 March 2009 Communication Information and then submission to Competition Commission Until fall 2009 WEKO inspection Inspection by federal Competition Commission; Election of Pierre Lamunière in Tamedia Board of Directors 17 Sept. 1994 2nd quarter 2009 2010 Agreement through WEKO Competition Commission approves First step Tamedia buys 49.9 per cent in Edipresse 42 1nd quarter 2004 2011 Second step Tamedia buys an additional 0.2 per cent in Edipresse 1st quarter 2013 Third step Tamedia buys the remaining 49.9 per cent in Edipresse; Groupe Edipresse participates in Tamedia Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Outlook: Adverts Environment Difficult; Fusion with Edipresse Economic challenges • Tamedia expects that advertisement revenues will continue to decrease in accordance with the general economic climate, thus causing decreasing revenues in the core business with newspaper and magazine Structural challenges • The search for saving potentials in all company divisions with an emphasis on newspapers and magazines must be continued in view of the expected decrease in revenues for the next year • Restructuring of the printing facility in Zurich during the month of March 2010 as a consequence of decreased use caused by the new Tages-Anzeiger concept • New concept of free sheet Berner Bär toward summer 2010 and reduction down to weekly issue Growth perspectives • The focus of the year 2010 is placed on the merger with Edipresse Schweiz and the strengthening of regional newspapers • The further internal development of online services through targeted participations will also be among the core tasks 43 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 2009 Financial Year: Financial Report Sandro Macciacchini Chief Financial Officer 44 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Preliminary Remarks on 2009 Financial Year (1/2) Changes in consolidation cycle • Acquisition of 75 per cent of Räber Information Management GmbH ( per 1 November 2009 (full consolidation). • Founding of 20 Minutes Romandie per 25 September 2009 as joint venture with Presse Publication SR SA. Tamedia holds 50 per cent of shares (quota consolidation). • On 1 December, Tamedia has acquired the 25 per cent participation in the NP News Print AG (News) previously owned by Basler Zeitung Medien. It now owns 100 per cent. • Companies Huber PrintPack AG, Piazza AG, and Verlags-AG Sonntags Zeitung merged, retroactively per 1 January 2009, in order to simplify the group structure. 45 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Preliminiary Remarks on 2009 Financial Year (2/2) Discontinued areas/ assets for sale • The early delivery activities have been transferred to Schweizerische Post as per 1 November 2009. Tamedia sold its 50 per cent participations in the Zuvo Zustell- und Vertriebsorganisation AG and the Bevo AG as well as its 100 per cent participation in the Espace Media Vertriebs AG. • The commuter newspaper News has been discontinued as per 4 December 2009. • The motorcycle magazines Moto Sport Schweiz and Moto Sport Suisse were sold as per 1 November 2009. • For the previous year, the activities of Benteli Hallwag are contained under the discontinued activities. • Two properties for sale have been newly regrouped into the assets for sale. 46 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Operating Revenues Decrease by 14 Per Cent – Effects in Other Operating Revenues Esp. Due to Sale of Properties -13.9% in MCHF -14.4% 890.1 900 811.6 766.0 800 694.9 700 600 500 400 300 -29.2% 200 100 45.5 +17.5% 32.2 33.1 38.9 0 Media revenues 2008 Printing revenues 2009 Other operating revenues Operating revenues The figures refer to the respectively continued areas 47 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Operating Expenses Decrease by 7 Per Cent - Restructuring Costs Impact Personnel Expenses in MCHF ‐6.6% 800 722.0 674.4 700 600 500 400 ‐1% ‐14% ‐6.7% 288.6 285.8 300 217.5 200 215.8 201.4 187.1 100 0 Costs of material and services 2008 Personnel expenses Other operating expenses Operating expenses 2009 The figures refer to the respectively continued areas 48 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Depreciation and Amortisation Increases by 16 Per Cent Mainly Due to Impairment on the Goodwill of Tilllate in MCHF +15.9% 50 45 40.0 40 +1.5% 34.5 35 30 26.6 27.0 25 +65.8% 20 12.6 15 7.6 10 +33.3% 5 0.3 0.4 0 D&A of fixed auf Abschreibungen Sachanlagen assets 2008 D&A of intangible Abschreibungen auf imm.assets Anlagen Other Abschreibungen D&A and value Abschreibungen Total D&Agesamt Übrige & Wertberichtigungen adjustments 2009 The figures refer to the respectively continued areas 49 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Capex of 12.1 MCHF Below Multi-year Average Investments in capital equipment (Capex) in MCHF 60 51.0 50 40.1 40 30 ø MCHF 26.4 33.8 32.9 29.1 27.3 22.8 22.3 20 12.1 11.0 8.0 10 0 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 50 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Net Income Drops by 56 Per Cent − Effects in Financial Income Due to Sale of Group Companies in MCHF -60.4% 180 -61.4% 153.8 160 140 -58.5% -55.9% 133.6 124.5 120 105.8 100 80 60.9 60 51.7 51.6 46.7 40 20 0 EBIT Income before taxes 2008 Net income for 2009 continued operations 51 Net income Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Cash Flow from Operating Activities Cut Into Half in MCHF 200 Status of cash and cash equivalents -49.9% 31.12.2009 150 135.7 +38.9% +98.2% 100 MCHF 113.6 68.0 50 25.3 1.1 1.3 0 -50 -43.9 -62.8 -100 -71.9 -150 -200 Cash flow from operating activities Cash flow from investing activities 2008 Cash flow from financing activities Change in cash and cash equivalents 2009 52 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Newspapers with Low Margin – E-Media With Negative EBIT Revenues in MCHF Operating income (EBIT) in MCHF EBIT margin * After intersegment elimination 766.0 521.1 224.9 14.7% 2.1% 11.0 -1.2% 12.2% 94.6 6.7% 93.0 11.5 33.1 51.6 Services Services Tamedia gesamt Tamedia total * * -1.1 Newspapers Zeitungen Zeitschriften Magazines E-Medien E-Media 53 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Operating Revenues per Employee Sank to CHF 317,000 CHF Operating revenues per employee Number of employees in CHF thousands in FTE 450 2'700 2'500 400 2'300 350 2'100 300 1'900 250 1'700 1'500 200 2002 2003 2004 Revenues per capita 2005 2006 54 2007 2008 Change in employees 2009 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Equity Ratio Once Again Increases to 71 Per cent in MCHF 1200 1000 270.6 269.1 303.7 285.8 65.6 800 65.5 600 400 841.8 828.1 68% 200 70.8% 747.5 810.9 0 2008-12 Invested assets 2008-12 Liquid assets 2009-12 Equity capital 55 2009-12 Long-term outside capital Short-term outs Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010 Share Price 2009: Share of Tamedia Improving Remarkably Market trend SPI, SPI sector media and Tamedia 30 December 2008 until 13 April 2010 180 170 160 150 140 130 +71% 120 110 SPI SPI Media Tamedia 100 90 80 70 60 30.12.2008 = 100 50 01.09 02.09 03.09 04.09 05.09 06.09 07.09 08.09 09.09 10.09 11.09 12.09 01.10 02.10 03.10 04.10 05.10 56 Financial Reporting 2009, 15 April 2010
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