Working Solutions - Opportunity Finance Network


Working Solutions - Opportunity Finance Network
Opportunity Finance Network Member Profile
Working Solutions
Percentage of financing provided to <2 year
old businesses: 47%
Working Solutions’ mission is to provide San Francisco Bay Area entrepreneurs with the access to
capital and resources they need to start or grow a successful business. We prioritize serving lowincome businesses and women and minority business owners, and are dedicated to strengthening
the local economy, creating jobs, and building strong communities. Since our founding in 1998,
we have served the 9 Bay Area counties with our microlending and technical assistance program,
combining up to 5 years of intensive business coaching, advising, and mentoring for each of our
borrower businesses in addition to a $5,000 to $50,000 microloan. We are the only microlender
in the Bay Area to use this unique approach.
Repayment rate: 96%
Success Story: Koji Kanematsu, Onigilly, San Francisco, CA
Jobs created and retained by client
businesses: 1,100
When Koji Kanematsu emigrated to the United States from Japan, he could not find a place to
buy his favorite Japanese snack—onigiri. Thinking that there might be a market in the Bay Area
for the healthy sushi-like snack, Koji opened a food cart. His offerings became so popular that
he opened a small brick and mortar location in San Francisco’s Financial District. Because of the
newness of his business, Koji was not eligible for bank financing to help remodel the rundown
storefront. Seeking an alternative, he came to Working Solutions in 2013. He was approved for a
$50,000 loan from Working Solutions and received assistance creating projections through the
business consulting program.
Financial and Social Impact
Small businesses and microenterprise
financing provided: $8 million
n n n n Total non-equity financing leveraged due to
financing: $9 million
n Within a year of receiving the loan, Onigilly’s revenue had expanded 400% and Koji opened
a second location. In fact, his business grew so quickly that he became eligible to receive
conventional financing; in April of 2014 he paid off his microloan and Working Solutions helped
connect him to a bank, where he received a much larger loan to continue his expansion
440 Pacific Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94133
P: 415.655.5473
We Believe In Opportunity.
For All.