Urban Water Forum - California Municipal Utilities Association


Urban Water Forum - California Municipal Utilities Association
Joint CUWA/CMUA Urban Water Forum
621 Capitol Mall, 18th Floor (Conference Room at Offices of Downey Brand)
October 26, 2012 - 9am to 1pm
RSVP via email, Contact@CMUA.org
Meeting Objectives
To provide a small, interactive venue for senior managers to discuss common urban water
challenges/issues and potential strategies/solutions.
To enhance relationships for future collaboration and coordination among CMUA and CUWA.
9:00 – 9:15
Introductions, Welcome and Overview
Michael Carlin, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission and David Wright, Riverside Public Utilities District
9:15 – 10:30
The Future of Water Financing in California
Moderator – Alex Coate, East Bay Municipal Utility District
Panel Members and Areas of Discussion
Cindy Paulson, CUWA Executive Director - CUWA’s Reliable Water Financing Policy Principles and a Beneficiary Pays Approach
Ron Davis, Burbank Water and Power –Keeping it Local: Lessons Learned from the POU Public Goods Charge and Funding the Electric Sector
John Rossi, Western Municipal Water District - Funding Big Projects Potential Group Discussion Questions
How can we best advance the beneficiary pays concept in the water sector, especially for large, multi-
beneficiary projects? Are there other financing approaches that could or should be considered?
How has the POU Public Goods Charge worked in the electric sector? Are there transferrable lessons for the water sector?
What kind of actions and projects are best identified as “public benefits”?
Given the public’s apparent loss of appetite for water bond initiatives, what are some other viable approaches to financing public benefits?
How can CMUA and CUWA jointly inform/influence the ongoing finance dialogue? What would be our key messages?
10:30 – 10:45
10:45 – 12:00
Leveraging the Water-Energy Nexus
Moderator – Phyllis Currie, Pasadena Water and Power
Panel Members and Areas of Discussion
Ron Nichols, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power - Water-Energy Nexus Overview
Todd Rydstrom, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission - Cap and Trade General Auction Revenues for the Water Sector and Local Governments
Walt Wadlow, Alameda County Water District – Climate Change Adaptation Issues
Potential Group Discussion Questions
Given the large number of stakeholders at the table for spending the Cap & Trade auction revenue, how can our organizations best influence the use of this funding source to reduce energy use in the water sector while reducing GHGs?
How can the two organizations collaborate on CARB’s Water-Energy Team of the Climate Action Team (WET-CAT) recommendations for 2013?
What are the opportunities for the water and energy sector to collaborate on climate change adaptation strategies and planning efforts (California Water Plan and the Integrated Energy Policy Report (IPER) and others)?
12:00 – 12:15 Closing Comments/Next Steps
Michael Carlin, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission and David Wright, Riverside Public Utilities District
12:15 – 1:00
Lunch and General Discussion
* Continental breakfast and lunch provided.