MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com
MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com
MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com .'' ,t' I fflENE-urPANED I RAINHENJ&N@E I ) TuNE-UP OPERATIONS Ignition Timing BREAKER POINT IGNITION I. Remove the kiCkStarter. Unscrew the four allen bolts u,hit.h secure the left side el\gtue cast., and take off the case` - 2. Remo\.a the spark Plug and, in its Test llgm properly COnO.clod with I dl.I gauge ln pl.c® In th. .p.rk plug hot. clockwise to dccrcasc. the g:lp. thtJ. COrrl`CL igllitiOn tinting for i.ACh Ill.I. place' illStall tl ditll gi"lgC. 3. Rot^(a tnt, m\gTletO flywheel until one or thc. windows is at twelvt, o'clork alld lht, oth|.I is at ten o'clock. i. Tu"\ th(I flyw,tlcel slightly in either dircctiorl "ntil piston Top Dead Centc.r is indici`tl.a b`. the dial g:\ugl', lh dial gMlgr iS flOt l\VuilublL. a thil`` china. Ht.ftT lt) uC.C.l""I.ill\ying l\). l]{.fore rel.ht`cking tha timillg} en C.hurt. "re th"I the flywheel nut has been tor(I"a,(I ") th-orrect value (75 ft lbs). Nott? th:Lt l")St lll\XJt.I.\ firt. 3.0-3.25mtn I)TL)(.I. Thl* ill)[}lit` to moLlt.Is \+.ith co"-I. tiolt:Ll 5. br``aL\..I (:()I"ll.ct.I lit)lllt tc-st I FEMSATRONIC. igllltiullS. light or IGNITION 1`OntiI\tlit.I I"Lt.r \`.itll u S(`ll` COlll:"LILT(I I)I)`+.l`r -lrCC` nof|-ln|,tplhc ot)ject (sLIC`t\ :lS ll prllCin owl I. f\``fllove th+. spark. plug. I() thl. i#nllio" lx)itlts c.il.c.uit. ()a.. h`u<l ls be ih`ertl`d tnt() the I)lug I"tll' to filld thl. highest I)iston posititm. Sl.rl\)a a.l"rk ("I 2. Hunlo`,a. the left lidC' t'ngim` CaS¬`. a("m``c,tl.cI Jt} th.. bbc.I- wi". A(}lng l'"T\ tt`. p.n..il evl." ".lth th`` tot) thrl.nd ofthl. 3. I.|t :I lliul mug¢ llltO the Sperk Plug IIOI¢, \«ld I"hte thL. ctlginC "ntil the? Thl` I)lh(.r i} xro."ldl.a tp tht` ""i"l. J. Spark plug hull`...\llothl.I "lTk ""lSt lX` st\o\`,tl ill thl. AC.a(""l»l1)i"& ill"ttr(lti()ll soribe\I ;\ho\,I. tnt. l'Ll.St I.a-.`lrollClillg tO th(`.`h..I,.(ril.l\l julICti`)I` I")I tO thl. P()ll`tS. {)A l'",t.-.`lu.I.A ""xl(.ls, lhl. tirol-I lt..Ill mllst l"Ill Ll" l`xp`)st.{l end I)I thl` grl`l`ll \`,ire. ilx:LillSt the (.ntZint. Ci`S.. AH BTDC mm Lobilo lco cc 3.00.3,25 200 cc ";:;.: :;:(. Mercurio l` on 'rhl` t`olltillLIit+ ut thl` tl`St l^)i"I. 'l\ot"t`. ligrll l25 cc 3.00 175 cc 3.00-3,25 tht. lx` lI).v`.hl.I.I "r.` lhilt it is "rrectly [rositionod. Zero + ,i`h.. rot"I hire a pi" hole in it. The. 2""n I)in should tx. i-L`rted i» lhi3 hall. clock".lie. 'l-ho I")im` >llouI(I lx.gt" to iutd th|. rotor turT-I it` a CIOCk`\.i+L` dirce. open (pud th.. tt\t llgllt "ill gl) a"I) ".hl`ll ii(.it ifitil! iilc pm ,Ills"a "ith. a"d ",ill slip " mlo, th\, hol|. ul lhC. len-hand dirm.r Of the i):*clI I..`t i:lt. I)rt}[".t LliStullC`` ltl`f(lr(. th(. LILllX.I cull..I.h. I)ill will be uppTOXi. dlc`ltc(I by. thl. diill ""Iic.\tur or L}). tnt. Ill.ltt'l` Ill tht. ''9 o`clcek.I I-itiolt. "ndo"d s"llw.(i !i"(. i" tht` pencil. 7. Nt\l"m. th.. pui"I |.ilp with the. :lp. '-.. \.\'lth th"otor aligt".{l ub dl-s(`ribed` thti di"I g"t:.` shoLlld hat.a indiC.atCd a I)ropriute fl.¢h.I I:"l#l.. Poillt g;lp for ull models should bc l1.I)l5iII. tt)lilt pliloll lllO`.t`n.l`nt Or 3.0-3,25tTLTtl6. Yr :IdjLIStmellt iS naC`OSSary, remO\,a thc. rotor ".ilh lh. special toad and loosen th|. lllrae Screws \\.hiC`h SCtLlre the statOr Campela l75 cc I}i`t("I buck a"A forth Sl.`.l.rat lifneS tO On- lht. I.lllHC |luhiS prim. >llt"lltt tt)p tll`Lld a"lt" 'l.I"` "llll. Will Lx. "I- Metfalla I:;: (;. "JAu*C. thou.i ;I IT-imum rl.ildi"X. The I">tt" i"LO". "I tttPdL`ad center Rock thc. I,ht`., 7 Rt.plilce the mtor, but not the rotor i``lt. h?o`,a lhl. 2lnm I)!n ill POSitiOn. Matador "'; 200 cc .) s. ncjt.ltf, tl|tL. rotor ilIld StutOr until 3.co.3.25 th..y are ill the. corrcat timing position, u` indictltt?cl b). tht` dial g:llLge (3.Ord.25Ilun Sherpa S BTl)a). l25 cc l75 cc 200 cc 9. H`.mo`le the. rotor a.Lrt'`fully,I aSSur. :3 ::2 ills th.lt thc, stator don.s not mo`.a, al|d : !ightc.Il th.I StalOr St`r-.S Sceural},. LIT Ref)lnel. thl` rotor alld rotor nut. TT Scrambler 250 cc 3.85.4.lO Motaeross Scrambler i,i ;I 250 cc 8. lr `\djuslmt.Ill iS nl.a"<"ry' rt.lt`O`.a 3.854.10 I Matador 3.85-4. lO Pursang MH IV 250 cc Spark Plugs the. ll).``.hI.I.I mlt ulld Ptlll Oll` tllC. Hv`` h|.t.I w.ith thl..iln.ci"I nullac.() tool \o l'3=.I)lr+ i;I)::` 250 'cc Tightl.n the nut, ilnd reeheck thl. timimg us describ|.A Ctlacklog the pOlnt gop (or Tool \'o I I-32-ttlr+ for t.l`gtncs \`.itll tht. I.lrHt. k\prr Shalt). 9, |\) il(ill"I tht) timlllg| h)OSl.n tile The corrocl gnp for all modc.ls is 0.020 ill. Hc.I.oln"1t.llded Plugs I'or indi\idual mo`lcls ilre xt`.Oil in th.. I-OllO``.ills Ch.`rt \otc, th:lt thf. bc.st hetlt range for each tllrt.`. sl`rl-.v\.a oll the.`t.\tOr disc imd rOl\tt|` lT\OtOrC.yCltl l"}. \.:lr), uC.a.Ording tO hO\\ the tliic. l-It)(`k\\.i*t` tlt illC`re`l+t-. Or C`O|ltlt|.r. tht. Ill:ldhim. iS used. .I-rH r__ MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com i; -.iE a -. O MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com 146 _I 6. Press up on the slider and unscrew the stanchion plug from the damper rod 250 cc 250 cc 250 cc 10.30 10-30 loo cc 80 '30 125cc 80 30 80 30 EI Tigre :: : ol 100 cc 80 20 l25 cc I50 20 175 cc 150 20 200 cc I50 20 200 cc Sherpa S 5.speed disassembly. R:for to the I.a+assist. see. lion for reassembly procgdur(?S. 1966rf7 Lobito 1. Remove the slotted dri\ill Plug near the bottom of each fork leg. 2. Work the forks up and down to ex- STEERING HEAD.:i. To check steering head bearing ¢ofro; lion, put the bike on its center stand'ot I60 360 cc ii,,; mc.nt should be snlooth, light. and hck from any binding. check for play;in th; bearings by grasping the bottom, bf tbp fork legs and trying to rock ltheri ba'-: and forth in line with the motorcycle play can be removed by tighteulnj! thr steering head main nut. I,'gb,en nomor. thanl "ecessaly lo remove play:.]I_dkerl. ing movement remailrs unSdtiSfaCIOny aftL.r adjustment, the bearings dyOul!br Bandido Scrambler pel the oil from the legs.. 3. Remove the handlebars and unscrew the two stanchion plugs. . 4. Add 70ccofSAE 20W or 30Woil to each fork leg. 5. I.loosen the fork tube Clamp bolts On the lower triple clamp. Screw the stanchion plugs into the tubes and torque them to Soft lbs. Tap the top and bottom of each side of the lower triple clamp with a mallet to relieve any strain. 6. Torque the clamp balls to l5 ft lbs. two adjusting screws dt e:lch sNI\g afin etld in aTl equal amount until the train has about t4-% in. fro.eplay. Retighten the ilxle nut and check the play again. !r:a:I:?ug!l?t%iirinud::Srs:i:ee:i!'hgaemfOvrlekOls.li#£o!ir 250 cc satisfactorily. l2. Reassemble in the reveI>3 Order Of (f total mo+.ement exceeds nbr,.t I;in'.I the c.hatn mlst be readjusted. lJOOSen the rear axle nut and I `:"it, 160 175 cc Refill eat,h slic1.er with 85cc cfSAE To chl.ck ch(`in nd)`lStDtht, ,.,t!'',thJ bikcL On its stand and move the ,.,,lifeul ilnd down at the midway point or Campera 5.speed 20W or BOW oil. Work the d:lmper rod up and down until the oil has been sucked into the cylinder and the unit is working I 160 Lobito 5-speed oil. ( 10-30 Matador Mk ll, Mk Ill using pliers, and push the spring down and away from the carrier locknut, Put a wrench on.he locknut and remove the tarrier with pliers 9. Remove the fork springs and carriers from the slider legs (Campera). 10. Tum the glider legs upside down and pump the damper rod to exp3l the ll 160 Motocross Pursang (sherpa S). Unscrew the spring carric`r, 20 replaced. 360 cc 160) 20 b`lshing 20 by cracked welds. I 30 or40optional ENenNE A " 30 or 50 optional Service Checks and ITRAN§MOS§l I. Remove the wheels periodically ,1nd Each Leg check the shoes :lnd drums for excc`ssivcl CC wear or glazing. Remove any surface 70 Lobito Trail 100 cc 70 -20 I 85 20 Campera 3. The rear brake is adjusted by turning the adjusting nut on the brake cam actuating lever.. pedal free-pk`y should be 20** 85 30-50 comes on when the brakes begin to bite. 125cc. 85 20.50 Always maintain.clutch lever free-play l75 cc 88: Matador 200 cc about I in. If the mac.hine is equipped with lights, make sure that the stoplight switch is adjusted so that the stoplight CLUTCH Sherpa S 4-speed 200 cc i 1,a. Plastic RI penetration. 2. The front brake c,im bc ildjusted at either end of the brake cable. Adjust the cable so that actuation occurs after about 85 175 cc slide. Ball)a Car I in. of free-play is tat(en up. Mercurio l75cc Engine Removal: I. unscrew the plastic cap rr':# top of the carburetor and pull 6ht tlg down llcilr th,a rivets Or Show Signs Of Oil 20* I . FOUR SPEED MODELS ,, BRAKES glaze with emer). cloth or fine sandpaper and replace the linings if they are 'worn loo cc periodically. / Thor,`. swing arm must not be bent or 85 250 cc Lobito "K" side.play should be absolutely no play MetraIIa auantily SA| # .., The swing a,,n should be cheOk#f; ^diuslmanls Model . 1" SWING ARM..,.,:,j\ EI Montadero roRK ljEC CAPACITIES + FINAL DRIVE-CH- l":l TT Pursang (Campsra). 7. Remove the slide,.a from the fork tubes. 8. Hold the fork spring in a vise T|.` i i;I:-i? Bultaco loo:550j- a..huretor wit.# Nuts C.rburetor stfurlng points 2. Unscrew the fuel line banjo.` screw and rc.move the banjo, I"el_filter. and washer. tJnscrew the retai"in! qOS and removp the Carburetor. // ,. 3. Unscrew the gearbox ant: case filler plugs. Using a l9 mm remove th-a dr_ainplug|rom the I,- [tofii-¢ it::aPdd:iubOs!;TeanEd;I.Y:I,2,hT,e3nAg.'aTbhle:as:ice:laa? :i: the pri-rychaincase, catching lefTLl a suitable container. I 'rf ( MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com f| -+- £ap' ` *. i. `!J/,I.. -\l ` "+I I -- I / I/ MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com Bultaco 147 6. Turn Bultaco tool l32-Ol5 (or Tool No, l1-32-Ol5 for engines with the large taper shaft) completely into the flywheel center. «Jse a small amount of grease on the end of the crankshaft and make sure that the center bolt is screwed all the way out so that the tool seats fully.) Tighten the center bolt until the flywheel pulls free of the crankshaft. Remove the woo. druff key from the crankshaft. carburetor Htllding Nut CI.enk seal cover bolts Gearbox r\ller plug, Prtmary Drtve I,tller Plug Gearbox ¢on) ehd prim.ry c.se (right) filI®r plugs 8. Remove the six bolts which hold the crankshaft seal cover and remove the cover and gasket. 9. Bend back the tabs of the lockwasher which holds the countershoft nut and again, holding the rear brake on, unscrew the nut. 10. OIl early models unscrew the three countersunk screws which retain the countershaft seal holder and remove the holder, gasket, and spacer. On mid-1964 =d,:at,eerl=nag,:'dcsi,nt:ed:ri,regu:=hp±:sro: case. These later series engines use a larger countershaft ball-bearing.assem. bly which has the same pert number as the main bearings. If this bearing operates roughly or is wom, it should be re. placed after the crankcases have been " cranhase dmln plug i':i,:;RL::a:ev:ft,thheefokj:kit,ae'nt *:serwh=! split. "?-decure the left side engine case. I,5:' Engage First gear in the transmis- " ston end, while a helper holds the rear I brck6 on, unscrew the nut which secures the fl')"/heel to the crankshaft. A magnet carl be used to remove the two flat wash. ers'and one lockwasher from the end of the`Crankshaft. Pulling the fl]nl/hcol with the sp'eciel tool Removlng the countorst]Ift nut Klck<.\.rip.,el iaver and case securing bolts remove the screv" 7.. Mark the original position of the stator disc in relation to the engine case, as sl'uwn (for convenience ,when rea§sembling the engine). Pull the wires from the connector block, and unslcrew the three screws and remove the stator disc assembly. Pull out all electrical wires lea_ding to : "##::i ;hueshf#h.=tfn#wa.Tl#ndic.be the frame through their rubber grommet. MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com I + Z\ I .'|1t `ut -J --I MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com 160 Bultaco lO. Early engines have a short clutch rod and a'clutch mushroom with loose ball bearings b'etween the clutch rod and l6. After adjustment. is complete, safety wire the clutch spring IlutS using I mm diameter stainless steel wire. Pull tube into the gearbox filler hole. ReiIIStall the filler plug with tits rubber gasket. 23. Check the drainplug for tight!1C`S pressure plate. On this type, first install the wire through the hole in each fa, the mushroom. Then align the stud holes in the pressure plate- with the studs on taking citre not to tighten or loosen the nut in the proc,ass. When the wire is threaded through all the nuts, twist the ends together. and pour 250cc of SAE low or 20W oil into the primary drive case through the the inner c,lutc.h hub and install the prcssurc, plate. ll. Latc,I model engines have a long clutch rod and a pressure plate withaball bearing thrust cover. Remove the thrust cover, pack the bearing with high tem- l7. Collt the Crankcase Side Of the Primar), case gaskc.t lightly with grease and perature grease, and reinstall the cover. allen bolts. Flit the plc.ssure pkltc.. on thc` c.lutc,h as- l8. Loosen thc, clutc.h lever adjustcr knob :lt the handlc,bilr. Remove the slot- sembly, taking c.are not to let the thrust cover fall off imd the bc.arings fall out bc,fore the thrust cover contacts the plac.a it on the c.rankc.age. Install the pri- mary case and secure it with the seven c.lutch rod. ted c,lutch :ldjustment cover cap from the magneto side case and loosen the locknut. Screw in the slotted clutch rod ad- l2. The latest engines have the pressure plate thrust cover retained by a snap-ring. Squirt a fewdrops of lO weight oil into the thrust c.over cup. Aligm the tabs and slots and tr), fitting thl. pressure justment sc.row untll the c,lutch lever ha.s about 4 mm l'rce-plo),. Check to see if you can still pull the clutch lc.vcr all the way to the grip. If not, loosen the setscrew on the cilbll.-clamping nipple. Move the nip- plllte to the clutch ilssembly. It has bc.en fitted properly if' the iiiner clutch hub ple back toward the end of the cable i|nd studs are c.entered in their holes in the pressure plate. If not, remo\,c. the pressure phltc,, rotate it clot.kwise until the next set of tabs andslots are :lliglled, and instnll it Again. If the s(uds :\rc, still not rect adjustm;nL I:ght.zl the Clutch rod adjusting scre\\. lot.knllt ilnd replace the sloth.(I cot,er c.ap ln thl. ImlgnetO Cover. fully Into posltlon ()ll the C.Lutch :lv`eml)l\ fr"l\ Its c.h"n])"lp lll[)I)lt., thi` ChltC.h rO(I IIIStllll Lhc, sl)rmgc,llps()n thl. "Ill" CAUTION:.Vet,er I,se A IT`in any a,ISine I.,i[h neoprene clutch plates, "s the fluid will deteriorate the neoprem.. 24. Install a spark plug of the correct heat range, tightening it sufficientl). to compress the gasket. Do not overtighten. Fit the high tension lead onto the plug. FIVE SPEED MODELS Disassembly and repair of five-speed Bultaco engines is similar to the basic four-speed engine. The, major differencc>` are; I. The five-speed engine does not a.mploy cylinder base nuts; instead, the a) l- inder is spigoted to the cases and held Ill retighten the, sc.tsc,raw. Adjust the, clutc,h plac.a by the four head nuts on through rod sc.rev. imide the I-gneto cot,er ag:tin studs. and check for full tr.l\.c.I at thc, clutc.h 2. The drive side crankshaft hut h:l` lever. Whcm \.oll h.l\.a ()btilincd the cortwo main bearings butted againsti=1lC.I c.enterc.d in the holes, rl.pei`t the procc`s until ),o\l a.ln push the prc.i`llr(` phte l3 filler hole. \\'h(.n|`vl.r \.o\l relllO\(. :I (.hltCh Cable A(lJ\lttm|.lit I)rot.|.dim. mutt I)(. fOllO\\t.(I. other. The engine sprocket fly\`.heel I shaped differently and th6 inm.I i\n( outer chltch hubs are larger and strongcl 3. The shift forks arc o[)Crated b). shirt drum instead of A c.:lm phlte i 'rhc. gl.ArS i)nd Slidillg dOg'» ;LIL. :\T c.lutch hllb `tlldS Pr()tr"(llI1= th-lgh thl` I:lngl.(I {llfrorentl\. on thc` l"llmhaft <tI1( pro"llre pht(`. thcu rlt the cllltch sl)rintzs co"ntl.rshLf.I, bLlt- their Opt."lion ii th :\l1(I s.lml..ls m lhc follr-spred engine. nuts. Tlghtl`n (..lch tl"I lmtil the spring bottom`, thl.n loo-I t`:I(.h n"I follr Bc,c.¢|u_\c' ()i the silnilariti|.s in LhL. I_|t\. full turm (,thrf,t. tllrm (m the 250 Sc.I:lm- i"I(I lL"-SPC't`d (`nginl.!' this "`Cti(m \\ I trier). (lt`{1l Onl\. \+'ith the i.uhatiOnS ill l4 Pllll in thc.(.llltc.h lt.I.t.I on tllc` h:m- th. li\` >lx.ltd engmC. Use this s(.ction in c{"\i", dlc.b.lr :\n(1 tllrIl th(1 mgmt` I".(`r \\ith thl. Ilo" With l_("I-i[)t.l.(I th(` prec.{.ding, -i(.c.ti(m l- TllOdeh I:c[l,::.I',rrt,i.',I,,:'r:I;'l'.,'l'!'¥('l:::;,rl,i',i,"rr(.I,I.l',tl:,':I(: Clutch cable clamp nipple ls not I):lr:lllc,I with tht. (lrl\(. I)I.\tl.. it \\.ill wobbl|. \\hill, I()I;\tl]lg l5 Whlll. thl. cllltcll l` \t:lt.i("1:lr\. ())) l9, ll1`t,lll Crate the el"len lcl\|-I s(`\.t.I:ll tim|.+ \`hllt. dt.I watching the pro""r|. pl.ltt. ()n¢ `i(lc. of Rl.I)I.I(,l. the plate might I)a I)u`h(,(I -I I',lrthcr than the othc.r sid(I. If ". lc.\l.I tI". I)rt`sure plate by slightl). ti*htcl"Ill; tlll. i"I(I 2(I li\. lht. (..ll-lJ\lrt`tur ()n thl- Ll" fl".I slldt. " l'nt. COMPONENTS lh.. rt.TIT "uu\tH\[ ll.u\L:(. W.tth lt\ I)I;]CLr.I ()" the h"1``. :""I :lhg" tht. Pint. Wlth iS -"nt I" Ill(. (.).I-hr \\|"lt. hol(lmg the i)`t"" ing until the phte is dr:Ld.let.(.I \+.lth thl. lht` c\lin(Il`r. lil"llr onrc` not to c,I"`- fric.lion plates \\,hc`n thl. c,l\ItCh le".I l` thr.:ld "I tht. L)I,I-, \t.lrt (.),lm(I". tl". rmg-"\lt thr(-l`. use :I "Ilo pi[1- wT(.nCh tO tlX,htl.n thl. rlt`g-tlut S(.Curt.Iy. Il"tall tl" I)olts.lt tl". r{.ilr mo\"1titlg ll.lngt.. Do not l'orc|. thl. n.'1r mOllnting llil,ngt. into phet. `gail"I tnt. I-ckt`t or ).ol-"n the-Ilk (`i: (I"""ting lh-\lmder. I"stlT^d' bl`nd tl" ll.Lnge O-nlLrgt` Ill.for to the ''r.IlgillC' Ramr)\.ill'' st.c.ll( on four `pce(I modl-l` I. RelllO\.t. the rurl)|Ir|.tor. Dhltn tl pri""r'`. all".."rd the gc.'lrbO.\. 2 R;moyc the kickst.\rt lu.c-"ud u I+cre\\. thc` :`llcn bolts l`rom the I-gr`l` CitS(I. I?. UIISCreW tht` magneto fly.``hel.I n :lnd rc.mo`,a thl. H).I+.he|.I. 1. \lilrL thl. I-gnato bilcking ph the holes i() thlt th{. bolts cJln bC, tight- an(I rt.mo\,|- it. P\tll b:lc.k th|` \\ir|`< ,li ens(I \"lhotlt I)utt"1g il Strain On the CX- I)\lll the. wirt>s :.nd I"lil the wlrl. c"\m h:lust \\st{`m. tor-i ap:\rt. 2l. On rat.lng machm<`s, `.lfot\.\\.irc' tllc1.Xh:Lust ""g-nllt tO the rr:"ne :low"22 5. Rc.mo`,a the se.Ill cot.t.r art(I ll\ a k|,I. 6. Bc`nri lxlck th|` lockti|b mld \ln`(.I. tllh{`_ Safety wire in place in the clutch mlts REMOVINGTIIE. + MAGNETO SIDE. --_ I"I. I() it"I,Ill tht. l"h."`t i),>t"", ;\IIL'n cl(Itch spring mlts nearest thc, hiih si(lc. of the. plate. Rep_6at tnt. tes`tillg :-I :ldJ\"l- pulled to the hilndlel)ur grlp Engine `Removal th(. (.\lin- C..lrblITt.I()I. Chec.k the. gc`ilrb()I drainpl\Ig I'ol tli:htI"```.md POUT.500c.c. of SAP 90 gc,Jr tht` co\lr\lt.rsh:ll't nut, 7. Rc,mo+.{. the exh:l|1St S\,Stem MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com i 'l[ '® I. MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com 182 Bultaelbeap ( thr3o8igThhlrheeadou[tehrecai:en:lropb::k[ehae`a!,i BultaCO 19. Turn the stilnChiOn tube uPSidC. lo. coat the inner surfaces of the steering damper stops with light oil or liquid detergent so they will slide down the stanchion tubes easily. Lay the stops ~ dow.n and the valyl. ttlbe assembly Will fall out. lf the dumper cylinder support sticks in the bottom of thc, tube' screw the 181 and the handlebars near the front end of allen bolt back into the bo(tom of the tube a few turns and tap it with a ham- the bike. ll. Insert a stanchion tube from the bottom of the bottom bracket. Fit a rub- mer to frecl. the support. ber stop Ilo the top of the tube and work ¢fio:!omReoTloh`:sttdhnechsino:ip-I:bneg. f'()m the it down in the tube. 21. Insert a Squall.A Off broomstick I into the top of the sianchio" tube and - I I / + push out the rcI"\ining damper COmPOnents. 22. Remove the rubber dllSt glmrd al`d the smp ring froln the top of thc. slider leg. pry ou"hc-il sl.als w.ith a blunt I. `' lnstemng the steering head bearing reces screwdrivc`r, (aki": care not to g(tugl` the soft walls of the shder leg. INSPECTION 1. Mcasllre the. lc.ngth of the fork springs. If the). arc, lc.`s thaII l7 ll /l6 in Long, or Arc, uneqllal I" It.ngth, ___,__------- ---`-Inserting a stanchion tube they should b|. rcplac|.a. 2. If volt l"\.c, follnd thilt the spri:TgS l2. Fit :I hz|ndlebar to the stanchion were b;ttoming regularl)., -kt. tlp two tut;e. sc:1Hhe tube in the top bracket by bumping the,bottom of the tube lightly \+,ith a rubber mlllet. Install the other tube ln the same manner. l3. Tighten the stanchion tube Clamp bolts on the top brilcket enough to hold the tube in place while the damper com- I ln. spacers and flt them bel\`.eon the top of each spring illlCl the bottom Of the. stanchion plllg. 3. If the distrib\ltor ri]\g st)rlng \\.ll>hcr on the valve tube has brokcm or lost its tension, replace it. 4, Examine the threads or th. all.h bolt and the threads in the bottom of the. fork leg where the allen bolts screw ill. If wom) replace the bolt and the `al`.a tube. 5. Each time the forks are dlsasscm_ bled, the follow,ing components should be replaced: a. Oil seals (4); b. O-ring (2); a. Dust guard (2); d. Oil drain plug washer (2); e. Stanchion plug o-ring (2); f. 30mm intemal snap.ring (2); g. l6mm external snap-ring (2); h Rubber damper cy,Iinder support w`J`hcr (2). 6. ri_I ) compensate for normal wear, the follr \g components I)la(.I ,. should be re. I-\IICe a year: i)istributor ring assembly (2); I-)amper piston (2); \_alve washer (2); I I Valve support cylinder (2). REASSEMBLY Tl")roughly clean all steering head :i a"nper coL¥nents before reassem- _ 2. h"tall the upper_ nnd lower outer shteeae::nI;,Pvc.ear,¥eLra,cnessjfartehle" a::ir:ng I Piece of pipe with an outside diameter :l!s!,ht:y :::l£rgthh=a:?e:nhs:cdke d.ira,:neI:: make sure that the races are going in straight. --- - - i ---- ---.--- --lh_stamng the I,ocking collar ) 3. IllStall the inn|.r rLICe Of the lot+.er stc.erlng bearing on the steering shaft, ".ith the smaller end up' using a Suitably sizedrpipe. Before dnving the race into position, fit the b-'6ttom dust cover to the shaft `with the dished edge facing up and the three drain holds facing the Tear Of the bottom brilcket. 4. Grease the ilmer rat.es of both bearings with wheel bearing grc,ase. 5, Insert thesteering shaft in the stccr- ponents are installed. l4. Fit the damping piston on the end of the valve tube away from the flange. The recessed end of the piston should face away from the flange. Butt the piston against the flange on the valve tube. ing head from the bottom. 6. Sc,rew the lot,king collar onto the steering shaft and tighten it until the in. her race of the upper bpearing is forced into its outer rat.e. When the collar has been tightened enough, you will need to give the bottom bracket a gentle push to rotate it from lock to lock. Ifyou feel any roughness or binding while movir ,3 the bracket, there is probably dirt in the bearings and they will have to be removed and cleaned. 7. After adjusting the lot.king collar, rap the top of the steering shaft with a hammer (protecting it with a pl-ece of wood). If the effort required to move the bottom bracket from side to side remains the same as it was before, the bearings are fully seated and properly adjusted. If the bottom bracket has loosened, readjust the locking collar again. 8. Install the top bracket on the steering shaft. 9. Screw the top nut on the steering shaft down finger-tight. Installing the damping components I,5. Spread the 16mm snap ring just enough so that it can be slid along the valve tube into its groove next to the piston. l6. Put the valve tube r6tainingspring on the valv'e tube and butt the spring against the piston. l7. Put the distributor ring assembly on the valve tube with the spring washer facing away from the valve tube retaining spring. Butt the distributor ring assembly against the spring. l8. Put the valve spacer on the valve tube. Butt the spacer against the spring washer. l9. Put the valve support cylinder on the valve tube so that the washer fits into the counterbored end of the cylinder. Assemble the other valve tube assembly in the same manner. I-E rm MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com i MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com GfflA§§n§ I I FRONT FORKS AND STEERING 1?65-66 25Occ Scrambler DISASSEMBLY 1. IJOOSen the Clamp bolt On the front brake cable nipple and remove the nipple from the cable. Remove the brake cable and the spring from the brake arm on the front wheel. Remove the cable a outer bearing races remain from trye forks. Unscrew the drain plug 12. Unscrew the steering head bearing from each of the fork legs and pump the locking collar. oil out. l3. Hit the top of the steering sl,-nit 2. Prop up the bike so that the front with a hammer, using a piece of wood to wheel is off the ground and remove the two bolts that mount the brake anchor protect the shaft. This will free the upper a steering bearing from the shaft and the strap to the right fork leg. bottom bracket will fall off. . i,.. 3. Unscrew the front axle nut and then l4. Lift the inner race of the upper loosen the two axle clamp nuts. Withsteering head bearing out of the top of draw the axle and remove the wheel. ire ste-ei'iag head. 4. Take off the two fender mounting |5. Ifit is necessary to remove the hotclamps from the slider legs. Slide the tom steering bearing} clamp the bottom front fender down the forks to remove it. bracket upside down in a vise and ham5.Using a 28mm socket, rotate each mer alternately on the two protruding stanc.hion plug five turns to loosen it. 6. On early models with steel top and bracl(ets, loosen the two clamp 7i,bottom bolts on each bracket. 7. On late nlodels with a forged alloy top bracket, loosen the four clamp bolts on eat.h bracket. 8. Loosen the stanchion tubes in th6 \ )Ius,i :oupbbberracieatll:r hu.:::rgtheeac:1uP:ugbo:::fin: against the top brat.ket. Remove thb plugs from the stanchion tubes. 9. Remove the top bracket mounting nut on top of the bracket. IJOOSen the steering shaft clamp bolt on the top bracket. Remove the top brat.ket by tap- ping it upward With a rubber mallet. lO. Loosen the handlebar I.1Our,till;; bolts and pull each stanchion tube down- "j;li ward out of the top bracket far enough so that the handlebar can be rc.moved. ll. Tap eat,h stanchion tube downward through the steering damper stop. When the tubeis free ofthe stopit can be removed. portions oftheaust shield with-a hamme: and drift. l6. If you wish to remove the out I races of the steering bearings' insert Ftemoving the allen bolt from the bottom of the fork leg :,S drift from the opposite end of the steerl ing head and drive them out squarely. Take care in this-; if,'th6y come out at an a`ngle you can disto.rl the ste:ring head. l7. To remove the stanchion from its slider leg} unscrew the allen from the bottom of the slider leg. ;lidcr and stalrohiOn Can then be Pulled apart. NClrFE.. Sometimes the c.omponents ln_ side the leg will rotate with the allen bolt, and il will not loosen. If this bc' a.HIS, Perform the fO!1cwing. a. Drilla I/a in, holeintothedamper cylinder support inside the slider leg through the oil drain hole, taking care not to chew up the hole threads. b. Pack some grease on the end ofa thin drift and insert the drift into the drain plug hole to remove the inetal emoving the snap+ing from the bottom oI a stanchion tube chips. Repeat this as many times as is necessary to remove all the chips. a. Insert the drift again and use it to hold the dainper components in plac'e while you unscrew the allen bolt. l8. Remove the fork spring through the top of the stanchion tube. .i The front forks and steering head disassembled Removing the stanchion tube Jr !! / ]G3-t)G }5c> Scr_Nt3< Cywh3enm I:,,a,E- :I ap4Fct,tlo~ cstrtirfF>. / // / /r.¢Z-G;Z TLQap I Cstycrfujs3 r\ _I ff=Ic soriwi` sPr,fy8¬, A[[ orfu§ _ "J- rfe:_-i- . -II,try _ _.\1_ L. I Ql( Ofa -2 Frap _I r7 tg? ul+: ;a 3= =?- iE-il t#*1 I £i:i fvi;i/ I "_ifa : ''\) MIMS Machinery Movers mimsriggers.com <9- "J: ! :i_=i- ;i ng;: i-T> / :. I if EanE ll;JF± Eiiii I ij? (i.` EE _ rxpl I+ -p:- ,. ':- .`.-I-` pe*4h fi i:.:i:i-; :,:_::i '+-``` I pit + I"Iidl .fr ll I- ;;-.. .'l:::;,- - f' [¬L=:#: | gT i:i i`,i 't `Spi®;g a ir 1 rf¢ ra fu \`,ife+ ~ ii=E ® ` a \i\ i, i\ iREIm .: