Needle ft Kit & anvas o on Autumn - Winter 2014 Supplement Key to symbols used/ Symboles clés/ Symbollista/ Legende zu symbolen/ Legenda dei simboli/ Símbolos utilizados/ Símbolos utilizados/ Symbolliste/ Symbolliste/ Symbolikartta/ Sleutel tot de gebruikte symbolen/ Jelmagyarázat/ Opis symboli/ Vysvětlivky k použití symbolů/ Vysvetlivky k použitiu symbolov/ Legendă/ Легенда за използваните символи/ Kullanılan sembollerin açıklamaları/ Επεξήγηση Cross stitch/ Points de croix/ Korsstygn/ Kreuzstich/ Punto croce/ Punto de cruz/ Ponto de cruz/ Korssting/ Ristipisto/ Kruissteek/ Вышивание крестиком/ Keresztszem/ Ścieg krzyżykowy/ Křížkový steh/ Krížikový steh/ Punct de cruciuliță/ Кръстат бод/ Kanaviçe/ Σταυροβελονιά Freestyle/ Points variés/ Ritat/ Freie Stickerei/ Freestyle/ Ricamo tradizionale/ Bordado/ Bordado livre/ Vrij Borduren/ Tegnet/ Påtegnet/ Vapaakirjonta/ Творческая вышивка/ Szabadrajzú hímzés/ Styl dowolny/ Volný styl/ Voľný štýl/ Broderie liberă/ Свободен стил/ Serbest nakış/ Βυζαντινή βελονιά Tapestry/ Longstitch/ Tapisserie/ Points lancés/ Tapisseri/ Långstygn/ Tapisserie/ Langstich/ Ricamo su Punto piatto/ canovaccio/ Plattstitch/ Tapicería/ Punto Largo/ Tapeçaria/ Ponto longo/ Tapestry/ Langsting/ Tapestry/ Pitkäpisto/ Villakirjontalanka/ Platsteek/ Tapisserie/ Длинный стежок/ Гобелено-/ Hosszúöltés / вая вышивка / Ścieg długi/ Gobelinöltés/ Dlouhý steh/ Gobelin/ Punct de Gobelín/ umplutură/ Gobelín/ Дълъг бод/ Tapiserie/ Uzun Atmalı/ Бродерия върху Ακτιελ щампа/ Yünlü Muline/ Κέντημα πάνωσε στάμπα , Counts/ Nombres de points au cm/ Antal trådar/ Anzahl Fäden bzw. stiche pro cm./ Fori/ Puntos/ Pontos/ Antal tråde/ Antall tråder/ Luku/ Aantal steken/ Плотность ткани/ Öltéssűrűség/ Hustota látky/ Oczka / Dírek na 2,54 cm/ dierok na 2,54 cm/ Număr de fire/ Каунт/ Sayılık/ Αρίθμηση νημάτων Printed canvas/ Colour/ Canevas imprimé/ Couleur/ Målad stramalj/ Färg/ Bedruckter Stramin/ Farbe/ Canovacci stampati/ Colore/ Cañamazo impreso/ Color/ Tela impressa/ Cor/ Trykt stramaj/ Farve/ Malt stramei/ Farge/ Painettu kanavakangas/ Väri Kleur/ Bedrukt stramien/ Цвет Szín/ Канва с Kolor Barva/ нанесённым Farba Culoare/ на ткань рисунком/ Цвят/ Gobelinek/ Renk/ Kanwa z nadrukiem/ Χρώμα Předtištěná kanava/ Predtlačený gobelín/ Goblen pictat/ Щампирани гоблени/ Baskılı Kanvas/ Εκτυπωμένοσ καμβάσ Latch Hook/ Points noués/ Ryanål/ Knüpfen/ Punto smirne/ Alfombras/ Esmirna/ Ryenål/ Läppäkoukku/ Knoophaak/ Крючок Для Ковроткачества/ Subaöltés/ Przyrząd do tkania dywanów/ Háček na tapiko/ Háčik na tapiko/ Croșetă cu închizător, pentru goblen/ Фъкане/ Dilli tığ/ Χειροποίητα χαλάκια και μαξιλάρια Crafts Kits/ Kits créatifs/ Crafts kits/ Handarbeitspackungen/ Crafts kits/ Kits Manualidades/ Kits de lavores/ Crafts kits/Crafts kits/ Käsityöpakkaukset/ handwerkpakketten/ Набор для рукоделия/ Összeállítható kreatív készletek/ Zestaw do samodzielnego wykonania zabawki/ Crafts soupravy na vyšívání/ Crafts súpravy na vyšívanie/ kituri textile/ Hobi Setleri/ Комплекти за ръкоделие/ Σύνολα εργόχειρου Crochet/ Crochet/ Virkning/ Häkeln/ Uncinetto/ Ganchillo/ Crochet/ Häkling/ Hekling/ Virkkaaminen/ Haken/ вязание крючком/ Horgolás/ Szydełkowanie/ Háčkování/ Háčkovanie/ Croseta/ Кроше/ Dantel/ Βελονάκι Knitting/ Tricot/ Stickning/ Stricken/ Maglia/ Tricot/ Tricot/ Strikning/ Strikking/ Neulominen/ Breien/ Ручное вязание/ Kötés / Dzierganie/ Pletení/ Pletenie/ Fire de tricotat/ Плетене/ El örgüsü/ Πλέξιμο/ Fabric/ Toile/ Väv/ Stoff/ Tessuto/ Tela/ Tecido/ Væv/ Vev/ Kangas/ Stof/ Ткань/ Hímzővászon/ Tkanina/ Látka/ Látka/ Pânză/ Основа за бродерия/ Kumaş/ Ϋφασμα κεντήματοσ , Skill level/ Niveau de difficulté/ skicklighetsnivå/ Schwierigkeitsgrad/ Difficoltà/ Nivel de dificultad/ Nivel de dificuldade/ færdighedsnivå/ ferdighetsnivå/ Vaikeusaste/ vaardigheidsniveau/ Уровень навыков:/ Nehézségi fokozat/ Poziom Umiejętności/ Úroveň náročnosti/ Úroveň náročnosti/ Grad de dificultate/ Ниво на трудност/ Zorluk Düzeyi/ Επίπεδο δυσκολίασ New design/ Nouveau dessin/ Ny design/ Neues design/ New design/ Nuevo diseño/ Novo design/ Nyt design/ Nytt design/ Uusi malli/ nieuwe tekening/ Новый дизайн/ Új kép/ Nowy wzór/ nový design/ nový dizajn/ Model nou/ Нов дизайн/ Yeni model/ Καινούργιο σχέδιο Includes beads/ Includes metallic thread/ Alphabet for personalising/ Perles inclues/ Fil métallique inclus/ Alphabet pour inkl. pärlor/ Metaltråd inkluderet/ personnalisation/ Enthält perlen/ Enthält metallgarn/ Alfabet ingår/ include perline/ Include filo metallico/ Alphabet für Abalorios incluidos/ Incluye hilo metálico/ Personalisierung/ inclui contas/ Inclui fios metálicos/ Alfabeto para personalizar/ inkl. perler/ Metalltråd ingår/ Alfabeto para personalizaçăo/ inkl. perler/ Metalltråd medfølger/ Alfabet inkluderet/ Sisältää helmiä/ Sisältää metallilankaa/ Alfabet medfølger/ incusief parels/ inclusief metaalgaren/ Aakkoset personointiin/ включает бисер/ В состав входит Alfabet om te personaliseren/ Gyöngyöket tartalmaz/ металлизированная нить/ Алфавит для Zawiera koraliki/ Fémszálas fonalat индивидуализации/ obsahuje korálky/ tartalmaz/ Betminták nevek hímzéséhez/ obsahuje koráliky/ Zawiera nici Alfabet do personalizacji/ cu mărgele/ metalizowane/ Abeceda/Abeceda/ Включва мъниста/ Obsahuje metalickou přízi/ Alfabet pentru Boncuk içerir/ Obsahuje metalickú priadzu/ personalizări/ Περιλαμβάνει χάντρεσ Conține ață metalică/ Азбука за Включва метализиран персонализиране/ конец/ Kişiselleştirme için Alfabe/ Simli iplik içerir/ Αλφάβητο για προσωποποίηση Περιέχει μεταλλικό νήμα GB FR SE DE IT ES PT DK NO FI Aida 100% Cotton Aida 100% Coton Aida 100% Bomull Aida 100% Baumwolle Aida 100% Cotone Aida 100% Algodón Quadrilé 100% Algodão Aida 100% Bomuld Aida 100% Bomull Aida 100% Puuvilla 100% Linen 100% Lin 100% Linne 100% Leinen 100% Lino 100% Lino 100% Linho 100% Hør 100% Lin 100% Pellava ½ Linen 50% Cotton 50% Linen ½ Lin 50% Coton 50% Lin ½ Linne 50% Bomull 50% Linne Flockenbast 50% Baumwolle 50% Leinen ½ Lino 50% Cotone 50% Lino ½ Lino 50% Algodón 50% Lino ½ Linho 50% Algodão 50% Linho ½ Hør 50% Bomuld 50% Hør ½ Lin 50% Bomull 50% Lin ½ Pellava 50% Puuvilla 50% Pellava Canvas 100% Cotton Canevas 100% Coton Stramalj 100% Bomull Stramin 100% Baumwolle Canovaccio 100% Cotone Cañamazo 100% Algodón Tela 100% Algodão Stramaj 100% Bomuld Stramei 100% Bomull Kanavatyöt 100% Puuvilla NL RUS HU PL CZ SK RO BG TR GR Aida 100% Puuvilla Aida 100% Хлопок Aida 100% Pamut Aida 100% Bawełna Aida 100% Bavlna Aida 100% Bavlna Pânză “Aida” 100% Bumbac Аида 100% Памук Etamin kumaşı %100 Pamuk Aida 100% Βαμβάκι 100% Linnen 100% Лён 100% Len 100% Len 100% Len 100% Ľan 100% In 100% Лен %100 Keten 100% Λινό ½ Linnen 50% Puuvilla 50% Linnen ½ Лён 50% Хлопок 50% Лён ½ Len 50% Pamut 50% Len Len 50% Bawełna 50% Len ½ Len 50% Bavlna 50% Len ½ Ľan 50% Bavlna 50% Ľan ½ in 50% Bumbac 50% In ½ Лен 50% Памук 50% Лен ½ Keten %50 Pamuk %50 Keten ½ Λινό 50% Βαμβάκι 50% Λινό Stramien 100% Puuvilla Канва 100% Хлопок Kanavák 100% Pamut Kanwa 100% Bawełna Kanava 100% Bavlna Kanava 100% Bavlna Goblen 100% Bumbac Страмин 100% Памук Kanvas %100 Pamuk Καμβάσ 100% Βαμβάκι 2 Well Autumn/Winter is approaching, one of my favorite times of year actually, as there always seems to be more time to sew and paint in the winter. I am thrilled to be working with Anchor Living and LOVE how they have interpreted my new fabric collection ‘Merry Go Round’ into these four gorgeous kits! Contents Sommaire 4 Anchor maia Collection Counted Cross Stitch Kits Kits de Broderie en Points Comptés My art and designs are all about creating lovely things that hopefully will inspire you by giving you different ideas of things to make, that are a bit unusual, but that you can use everyday. I love the quality of the kits and Anchor Living’s wonderful attention to detail. So I hope you enjoy making them as much as I enjoyed painting the original designs. Happy Stitching! 5-8 So here is Coats Autumn/Winter Collection of Needlecraft Kit and Canvas from Anchor and Royal Paris. There are lots of inspirational and innovative ideas for you to try. A new 3D illusion design, several cool iStyle projects as well as cute soft toys to make. 11-15 Anchor Craft Kit 16-19 Anchor iStyle So I hope you enjoy this season collection and look forward to seeing what arrives in Spring. 20-24 Anchor Living Warm wishes Nel 26-34 Canvases Canevas Eh bien, l’Automne/Hiver approchent à grands pas... l’un de mes moments préféré de l’année, car on a l’impression d’avoir plus de temps pour coudre et peindre. Je suis très heureuse d’avoir travaillé avec Anchor Living et j’adore voir comment ma nouvelle collection ‘Merry Go Round’ a été mise en scène dans ces 4 magnifiques kits! 9 Timmy Time Kits 10 Anchor 1st Kit 35 Index Mon art et mes dessins sont tous basés sur la création de belles choses qui je l’espère vous apporteront l’inspiration, en vous donnant des idées différentes de réalisations, inhabituelles, mais que vous pouvez utiliser au quotidien. J’adore la qualité des kits Anchor Living et l’attention particulière portée aux détails. J’espère donc que vous apprécierez autant de les travailler que le plaisir que j’ai eu moi-même à peindre. Voici donc la collection Automne/Hiver de Kits et canevas Anchor & Royal Paris. Vous y trouverez de nombreuses idées innovantes qui ne manqueront pas de vous inspirer et vous inciteront à essayer, notamment un nouveau modèle 3D, plusieurs projets iStyle et des petits jouets. J’espère que vous apprécierez vraiment cette nouvelle collection, avant de voir ce que nous réservera le printemps. Amicalement, Nel 3 Counted Cross Stit� Kits Canevas Kits de Broderie en Points Comptés Canvases COLLECTION 5678000-01232 3D Butterfly Designed by Melanie Watkins-Patel H Aida illusion 282 4 7.2 18 Skill Level W 45 x 60cm 17 1/2 x 231/2 ” Stranded Mouline Counted Cross Stit� Kits Kits de Broderie en Points Comptés PCE764 Arabian Horse Designed by Amanda Jane Butler H Aida 6.4 16 Skill Level W 19.5x16.5cm 7 1/2 x 61/2” Stranded Mouline PCE0816 Highlands Landscape Designed by Amanda Jane Butler H Aida 6.4 16 Skill Level W 32 x 14cm 121/2 x 51/2 ” Stranded Mouline 5 Counted Cross Stit� Kits Kits de Broderie en Points Comptés PCE0813 French City Scene PCE0814 Amsterdam Street Scene PCE0815 St. Peter’s Basilica Designed by Melanie Watkins-Patel H Aida 6.4 16 6 Skill Level W 32 x 14cm 121/2 x 51/2 ” Stranded Mouline Counted Cross Stit� Kits Kits de Broderie en Points Comptés PCE765 Rainbow Flotilla PCE766 Rainbow Beach Huts PCE767 Rainbow Deckchairs © 2014 Peter Adderley Licensed by MGL H Aida 6.4 16 Skill Level W 30 x 20cm 113/4 x 73/4 ” Stranded Mouline 7 Counted Cross Stit� Kits Kits de Broderie en Points Comptés A_!a Celebration Kits kits de celebrations PCE769 Retirement PCE768 Graduation PCE770 Valentines PCE771 Wedding Designed by Amy Pierce H Aida 6.4 16 8 Skill Level W 11 x 8cm 41/4 x 3” Stranded Mouline TIMMY TIME KITS © and TM Aardman Animations Ltd 2014 All rights reserved. TMT0017 Timmy’s Play Mat H Aida 5.4 14 TMT0018 Yabba Skill Level W 118 x 90cm 46 1/4 x 351/4 ” Stranded Mouline TMT0019 Paxton H Aida 5.4 14 Skill Level W 15 x 15cm 5 3/4 x 53/4 ” Stranded Mouline Export sales on condition of prior agreement. Ventre à l’exportation sous réserve d’accord préalable. 9 Anchor 1st Kits 3690000-10019 Bee 3690000-10020 Crown H Aida 3 8 3690000-20019 Robot Stranded Mouline 3690000-20020 Orca Whale H Canvas 4 10 Tapisserie Wool-Laine 3690000-30020 Skull with Moustache H Canvas 4.8 12 Skill Level W 10 x 10cm 3 3/4 x 33/4 ” 3690000-30019 Ice Cream Cone 10 Skill Level W 10 x 10cm 3 3/4 x 33/4 ” Skill Level W 10 x 10cm 3 3/4 x 33/4 ” Tapisserie Wool-Laine Finger Puppets Marionnettes de doigts RDK52 Princess Finger Puppet RDK53 Knight Finger Puppet Designed by Amanda Jane Butler H W 9 x 4cm 3½ x 1½˝ Designed by Amanda Jane Butler H Skill Level W 11 x 7cm 4¼ x 2¾˝ C raft Kit RDK54 Dragon Finger Puppet Designed by Amanda Jane Butler H Skill Level W 10 x 10cm 3¾ x 3¾˝ Skill Level Each kit contains felt, needle, Anchor thread, easy to follow instructions and templates. Feutrine, aiguille, Anchor fil, explications faciles à suivre et schéma inclus. Soft Toys Jouets RDK62B Cake Party Set Designed by Sheree Dean H W 7 x 7cm (4) 2¾ x 2¾” (4) Skill Level RDK62A Tea Party Set Designed by Sheree Dean H W 16 x 4.5cm (4) 6¼ x 1¾” (4) Skill Level Each kit contains felt, stuffing, needle, Anchor thread, easy to follow instructions and templates. Feutrine, aiguille, Anchor fil, explications faciles à suivre et schéma inclus. 11 Soft Toys Jouets C raft Kit RDK60 Turtle Designed by Sheree Dean H W 10 x 27cm 3¾ x 10½˝ Skill Level RDK61 Caterpillar Designed by Sheree Dean H W 9 x 24cm 3½ x 9¼˝ Kits contain fabric, felt, stuffing, needle, Anchor thread, easy to follow instructions and templates. Toile, feutrine, aiguille, Anchor fil, explications faciles à suivre et schéma inclus. 12 Skill Level Decorations Decorations kA Accrocher!k Hang it! C raft Kit RDK55 Christmas Tags (Set of 5) Designed by Melanie Watkins-Patel H Aida 5.4 14 Skill Level W 6 x 6cm 2 x 2” Stranded Mouline 13 Cards Cartes postales C raft Kit RDK56 Mother’s Day RDK58 Mother’s Day - I Love Mum H Aida 6.4 16 Skill Level W 21 x 14.8cm 81/4 x 53/4” Stranded Mouline H Cotton Fabric Skill Level W 21 x 14.8cm 81/4 x 53/4 ” Stranded Mouline Each kit contains 1 x A5 printed card 21 x 14.8cm (8¼ x 3¾) and 1 x C5 envelope 229 x 162mm (9 x 6¼”) 1 x A5 carte imprimée 21 x 14.8cm (8¼ x 3¾) et 1 x C5 enveloppe 229 x 162mm (9 x 6¼”) 14 Cards Cartes postales C raft Kit RDK59 Christening - Baby Sleeping RDK57 Christening H Aida 6.4 16 Skill Level W 21 x 14.8cm 81/4 x 53/4” Stranded Mouline H Cotton Fabric Skill Level W 21 x 14.8cm 81/4 x 53/4 ” Stranded Mouline Each kit contains 1 x A5 printed card 21 x 14.8cm (8¼ x 3¾) and 1 x C5 envelope 229 x 162mm (9 x 6¼”) 1 x A5 carte imprimée 21 x 14.8cm (8¼ x 3¾) et 1 x C5 enveloppe 229 x 162mm (9 x 6¼”) 15 iStyle 4 iPad 2, 3 & le with the 3 & 4 ib at p m o C l’ipad 2, patible avec Com RDK65 Embroidery iPad Cover Designed by Amanda Jane Butler H Silicone 4.4 Cover 11 16 Skill Level W 20 x 14.5cm 7 3/4 x 5 1/2” Stranded Mouline All 6 Designs shown are available, choose your favourite 2 to stitch Les 6 modèles sont disponibles ; Brodez les 2 que vous préférez RDK64 Embroidery Phone Cases Designed by Amy Pierce H Silicone 4.4 Case x2 11 Skill Level W 12.5 x 6cm 4¾ x 2¼˝ Stranded Mouline Compatible with the iPh one 5 Compatible avec l’iphone 5 17 iStyle RDK63 Phone Holder Designed by Amanda Jane Butler H 4.8 Canvas 12 18 Skill Level W 14 x 9cm 5½ x 3½ ” Soft Cotton Retors Mat All 6 Designs shown are available, choose your favourite 2 to stitch Les 6 modèles sont disponibles ; Brodez les 2 que vous préférez RDK67 Embroidery Bag Tags Designed by Melanie Watkins-Patel H Silicone 6.0 Tag x2 15 Skill Level W 9 x 6cm 3½ x 2¼” Stranded Mouline 19 Anchor Living Kits Wear it ! A Porter ! ALR78 Crochet Belt ALR79 Crochet Shawl Designed by Eva Herr H 20 Skill Level W 17 x 62cm 6½ x 24¼” Designed by Eva Herr Artiste Metallic H W 177 x 39cm 69½ x 15¼” Artiste Metallic Skill Level Anchor Living Kits ALR81 Paisley Crochet Cushion Designed by Eva Herr H Skill Level W 40 x 40cm 153/4 x 153/4 ” Creativa Fino 21 Anchor Living Kits Nel Whatmore © NW 2014 ART FOR LIVING ALR86 Merry Go Round Tablet Holder H 4.8 Canvas 12 Skill Level W 27 x 21cm 10½ x 8¼” Tapisserie Wool-Laine ALR85 Merry Go Round Phone Holder H 4.8 Canvas 12 Skill Level W 14 x 9cm 5½ x 3½ ” Tapisserie Wool-Laine ALR82 Merry Go Round Cushion H 4.8 Canvas 12 22 Skill Level W 30 x 40cm 11 3/4 x 153/4” ALR83 Merry Go Round Doorstop Tapisserie Wool-Laine H 4.8 Canvas 12 Skill Level W 23 x 21 x 10cm 9 x 8¼ x 3¾” Tapisserie Wool-Laine ART FOR LIVING Anchor Living Kits Nel Whatmore © NW 2014 ART FOR LIVING ALR84 Crochet Bolster H 24 Skill Level W Lifestyle 18 x 46cm Fabric 7 x 18” Freccia Canevas Canvases 9880132-00219 Les Loups 9880141-00173 Chiot dans un Panier 9880132-00218 Le Léopard des Neiges 9880141-00172 Chaton dans un Panier Designed by Stéphanie Serot H Canvas 10 W 30 x 22cm 11¾ x 8½ Skill Level Planche de 2 / Sheet of 2 9880132-00231 Les loups en hiver Designed by Noël Roméro H Canvas 10 26 W 37 x 47.5cm 14½ x 18½ Skill Level Canevas Canvases 9880133-00124 Les Lilium 9880133-00125 Les Iris Designed by Stéphanie Serot H Canvas 10 W 19 x 49cm 7¼ x 19¼ Skill Level Planche de 2 / Sheet of 2 9880132-00229 Pétanque Designed by Stéphanie Serot H Canvas 10 9880132-00230 Filles de Plage W 37 x 47.5cm 14½ x 18½ Skill Level Designed by Noël Roméro 27 Canevas Canvases 9880142-00553 Sainte Jeanne d’Arc Designed by Noël Roméro 9880142-00549 La Capture du Guillaume Tell de Malte © 2014 Rob Johnson Licensed By MGL H Canvas 10 28 W 37 x 47.5cm 14½ x 18½ Skill Level Canevas Canvases 9880132-00225 Danseuse du Ventre 9880132-00226 La Danseuse de Bollyhood Designed by Noël Roméro H Canvas 10 W 47.5 x 37cm 18½ x 14½ Skill Level 29 Canevas Canvases 9880132-00221 Saint Nicolas © Kunstanstalten May AG 2014 H Canvas 10 30 W 47.5 x 37cm 18½ x 14½ Skill Level Canevas Canvases 9880132-00223 Ecce Homo © Kunstanstalten May AG 2014 9880132-00224 Le Baptême du Christ © 2014 Greg Olsen Licensed By MGL H Canvas 10 W 37 x 47.5cm 14½ x 18½ Skill Level 31 Canevas Canvases 9880142-00550 La Crèche de Noël Designed by Noël Roméro 9880142-00551 Amours de Petits Chiens © - Krisco 2014 H Canvas 10 32 W 37 x 47.5cm 14½ x 18½ Skill Level Canevas Canvases 9880101-00014 Zoe 9880101-00015 Rae 9880101-00016 Sarah 9880101-00017 Joe 9880101-00018 Roberta 9880101-00019 Megan H Canvas 4 10 W 15 x 15cm 53/4 x 53/4” Skill Level Planche de 2 / Sheet of 2 33 TIMMY TIME CANEVAS © and TM Aardman Animations Ltd 2014 All rights reserved. 9880107-00169 Timmy Randonnés 9880107-00168 Timmy L’ école 9880107-00170 Timmy et Mittens H Canvas 10 W 18 x 24cm 7 x 9¼˝ Skill Level Planche de 4 / Sheet of 4 34 Ventre à l’exportation sous réserve d’accord préalable. Export sales on condition of prior agreement. Index 3690000-10019 Bee 10 ALR85 Merry Go Round Phone Holder 22 3690000-10020 Crown 10 ALR86 Merry Go Round Tablet Holder 22 3690000-20019 Robot 10 PCE764 Arabian Horse 5 3690000-20020 Orca Whale 10 PCE765 Rainbow Flotilla 7 3690000-30019 Ice Cream Cone 10 PCE766 Rainbow Beach Huts 7 3690000-30020 Skull with Moustache 10 PCE767 Rainbow Deckchairs 7 5678000-01232 3D Butterfly 4 PCE768 Graduation 8 9880101-00014 Zoe 33 PCE769 Retirement 8 9880101-00015 Rae 33 PCE770 Valentines 8 9880101-00016 Sarah 33 PCE771 Wedding 8 9880101-00017 Joe 33 PCE0813 French City Scene 6 9880101-00018 Roberta 33 PCE0814 Amsterdam Street Scene 6 9880101-00019 Megan 33 PCE0815 St. Peter’s Basilica 6 9880107-00168 Timmy L’école 34 PCE0816 Highlands Landscape 9880107-00169 Timmy Randonnés 34 RDK52 Princess Finger Puppet 11 9880107-00170 Timmy et Mittens 34 RDK53 Knight Finger Puppet 11 9880132-00218 Le Léopard des Neiges 26 RDK54 Dragon Finger Puppet 11 9880132-00219 Les Loups 26 RDK55 Christmas Tags 13 9880132-00221 Saint Nicolas 30 RDK56 Mother’s Day 14 9880132-00223 Ecce Homo 31 RDK57 Christening 15 9880132-00224 Le Baptême du Christ 31 RDK58 Mother’s Day - I Love Mum 14 9880132-00225 Danseuse du Ventre 29 RDK59 Christening - Baby Sleeping 15 9880132-00226 La Danseuse de Bollyhood 29 RDK60 Turtle 12 9880132-00229 Pétanque 27 RDK61 Caterpillar 12 9880132-00230 Filles de Plage 27 RDK62A Tea Party Set 11 9880132-00231 Les loups en hiver 26 RDK62B Cake Party Set 11 9880133-00124 Les Lilium 27 RDK63 Phone Holder 18 9880133-00125 Les Iris 27 RDK64 Emroidery Phone Cases 17 9880141-00172 Chaton dans un Panier 26 RDK65 Emroidery iPad Cover 16 9880141-00173 Chiot dans un Panier 26 RDK67 Emroidery Bag Tags 19 5 9880142-00549 La Capture du Guillaume Tell de Malte 28 TMT0017 Timmy’s Play Mat 9 9880142-00550 La Crèche de Noël 32 TMT0018 Yabba 9 9880142-00551 Amours de Petits Chiens 32 TMT0019 Paxton 9 9880142-00553 Sainte Jeanne d’Arc 28 ALR78 Crochet Belt 20 ALR79 Crochet Shawl 20 ALR81 Paisley Crochet Cushion 21 ALR82 Merry Go Round Cushion 22 ALR83 Merry Go Round Doorstop 22 ALR84 Crochet Bolster 24 35 AUSTRIA Coats Harlander Ges. m.b. Autokaderstraße 29, BT2, 1. OG a-1210 Wien T: 00800 26 27 28 00 F: +49 (76 44) 18 02-1 33 E: BELGIUM / LUXEMBOURG / NETHERLANDS Coats B.V (Nederland) Coats N.V. (België, Belgique) c/o Coats GmbH Kaiserstraße 1 D-79341 Kenzingen T: Nederland +31 (800) 0 22 66 48 T: België, Belgique +32 (800) 7 78 92 T: Luxemborg +49 7644 8 02-2 22 F: +49 (76 44) 8 02-1 33 E: BULGARIA / GREECE / CYPRUS / SERBIA / MONTENEGRO / MACEDONIA /BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA / ALBANIA Coats Bulgaria EOOD 7 Bulgaria T: +359 2 976 77 41-45 F: +359 2 976 77 20 E: of CY: BG: GR: CANADA Westminster Fibers Canada 10 Roybridge Gate, Suite 200 Vaughan, ON L4H 3M8 T: 800-263-2354 F: 866-444-1250 CZECH REPUBLIC Coats Czecho s.r.o. Staré M sto 246, PS 569 32 T: (420) 461616633 F: (420) 461542544 E: ESTONIA Coats Eesti AS, Ampri tee 9/4, P.k Haabneeme, EE-74001 Viimsi Vald Harjumaa T: +372 6 306 250 F: +372 6 306 260 FINLAND Coats Opti Crafts Oy Huhtimontie 6 FIN-04220 Kerava T: + 358 9 274 871 F: + 358 9 242 6186 E: FRANCE Coats France Division Arts du Fil c/o Coats GmbH Kaiserstraße 1 D-79341 Kenzingen T: 0810 06 00 02 F: 0810 06 00 03 HUNGARY / SLOVENIA / CROATIA / NORTH SERBIA Coats Crafts Hungary Ltd, H-7500 Nagyatád, Gyár utca 21. Hungary T: (36) 82 504393 F: (36) 82 504394 ITALY Coats Cucirini S.r.l. Viale Sarca, 223 20126 Milano, Italy T: 0039 02636151 LATVIA Coats Latvija SIA, Mukusalas iela 41b,LV-1004 Riga T: +37167625031 F: +37167892758 POLAND Coats Polska Sp. z o.o. ul.Kacze cowa 16 , Polska T: +48 42 25 40 400 F: +48 42 25 40 424 E: GERMANY Coats GmbH Kaiserstraße 1 79341 Kenzingen Deutschland T: +49 (0) 7644 - 802 222 F: +49 (0) 7644 - 802 300 E: PORTUGAL Coats & Clark S.A., Quinta de Cravel, 4430 968 V.N. Gaia T: 223 770 700 F: 223 770 157 ROMANIA Str. Al. Borneanu, nr. 2, et.2, sector 6, RO-060758, Bucure ti T: (40) 213175503/00 F: (40) 213175506 E: RUSSIA / LITHUANIA Coats Lietuva UAB A. Juozapavi iaus g. 6/2, Vilnius LT – 09310, Lithuania T: +370 5 273 09 71 F: +370 5 272 30 57 E: SLOVAKIA Coats s.r.o., Mileticova 21, 821 08 Bratislava, Slovakia. T: (421) 263532314 F: (421) 263537714 E: SPAIN Coats Fabra Avenida Meridiana, 350 Planta nº 13, Puerta D 08030 - Barcelona T: +34 93 290 8400 F: +34 93 290 8409 E: SWITZERLAND Coats Stroppel AG Stroppelstrasse 20 CH-5417 Untersiggenthal Schweiz T: 00800 26 27 28 00 F: +49 76 44 8 02-1 33 E: TURKEY Coats Crafts Tekstil San. ve Tic. A . . 34810 Beykoz - stanbul T: 0216-425 88 10 F: 0216-425 88 24 UK Coats Crafts UK Gr West Yorkshire, HD9 2DX, England. T: 44 (0)1484 681881 F: 44 (0)1484 687920 E: E: USA Westminster Fibers 8 Shelter Drive Greer, South Carolina 29650 T: 800-445-9276 F 864-879-9432 £1.00 €1.50 Art.No. 9882007-00614 © J.& P. Coats Ltd 2014
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