Meet Grundy County`s boys and girls of fall Inside Today`s Grundy


Meet Grundy County`s boys and girls of fall Inside Today`s Grundy
Meet Grundy County’s
boys and girls of fall
Inside Today’s Grundy Register
The Grundy Register
Serving Grundy County since 1928
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Volume 89 – Number 35
Grundy County receives
welcome news from FEMA
Two damaged bridges north of Wellsburg to be repaired
The Grundy Register
GRUNDY CENTER — Grundy County received welcome news for its
efforts to recover from flash flooding in the northern part of the county earlier
this year, as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) last week
added the county to its most recent major disaster declaration for the area.
County Engineer Gary Mauer said the declaration is important because
it allows the county to apply for funds that will help it repair infrastructure
damaged in June 24 floods that hit the South Beaver Creek area extremely
hard. Bridges on both G Avenue and H Avenue between 140th and 150th
Streets have been closed since the storm and are slated for replacement,
though Mauer said it could be next year before that happens.
The FEMA declaration allows Grundy County to apply for repair funding.
Approved projects receive 75 percent funding from the federal government
and 10 percent funding from the state, with the county required to pick up the
remaining 15 percent.
The flooding, which also caused extensive damage to a bridge on Highway
T-19 north of Wellsburg, left approximately $1.1 million in damage to
infrastructure. The T-19 bridge has already been repaired and was reopened
earlier this month.
Grundy County was left out of the initial disaster declaration for the storm
due to a snafu in getting the required application paperwork to FEMA. Last
week Grundy and Audubon Counties were added to the declaration, which
now encompasses 12 Iowa counties, including Butler and Benton Counties.
The declaration is the second for Grundy County this year. Earlier a
declaration was issued for storms that raked the entire county and much of
Iowa in late May and early June. That storm left more than $900,000 in
infrastructure damage. One bridge, on H Avenue between 320th and 330th
Streets (just west of Conrad) remains closed due to damage from that storm.
Mauer said the County still has approximately 2,500 cubic yards of corn
stalks left in ditches from the storms that it needs to remove, mostly in the
southwest part of the county. Once removed, the stalks can either be spread
over fields at a rate of one ton per acre or taken to a landfill. Mauer said the
Hardin County landfill is able to accept the debris.
The engineer added that it is not essential that the stalks be removed, as
they deteriorate over time. He reported no complaints about the stalks and
said it would be at least mid-fall before his crews would have time to get to
Supervisors also approved law enforcement contracts between the County
Sheriff’s Department and eight local municipalities. The contracts stipulate
the number of officers living in each community as well as a minimum
number of service hours per month.
Contracts range from Reinbeck’s $109,736 agreement that requires two
officers to live in town and 250 or more hours of service per month to the
$2,438 agreements with Beaman, Holland, Morrison and Stout that have no
officers required to live in town and no minimum hours of service. Contracts
with Conrad and Dike call for one officer living in the community and 150
minimum service hours while the contract with Wellsburg calls for one
officer living in town and a minimum of 85 service hours.
Grundy Center does not have a formal law enforcement agreement with
the county, as it has its own police department.
Sheriff Rick Penning said the contracts are normally approved earlier in
the year than this, but were delayed because of negotiations with at least
one community. He said the City of Dike had asked for a “hold harmless”
agreement in its contract, potentially removing the city from liability in the
case of a lawsuit in which both it and the sheriff’s department were named.
Penning said his department held firm not to include this provision and that
the city signed the agreement as it has been written in past years.
Supervisors approved a request from the Grundy Center Chamber of
Commerce to use the County Courthouse grounds for Thursday’s Taste of
Grundy Center, though not without discussion about whether alcohol would
be sold at the event. Supervisors said they were OK if alcohol was provided
in free sample sizes, but would not be in favor of allowing alcohol sales on
the grounds.
• Presented a 25-year service award to county maintenance employee Jerry
• Received the 2013 Annual Report from Shiloh Township;
• Authorized Chairman Ross to sign an engagement letter with the office
of State Auditor;
• Authorized Chairman Ross to sign a letter of allowance for a military
property tax exemption.
What’s Happening
Thursday, Aug. 29
Grundy Center Farmer’s Market
Courthouse Square
4:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Taste of Grundy Center
Courthouse Square • 5:30 p.m.
Grundy Center, Iowa
Monday, Sept. 2
Labor Day
Government Offices Closed
Grundy Register office closed
Tuesday, Sept. 3
Grundy County Supervisors
Secondary Roads Office • 9 a.m.
Grundy Center City Council
City Hall • 6:30 p.m.
$1.00 Newsstand Price
National program puts focus on Holland farm
The Grundy Register
HOLLAND — Farmers are forever searching for the formula to
pull more corn or beans out of their
fields at harvest time. For a Holland
farmer, that search has made him
part of a national program searching
for the magical 300 bushel per acre
The Mosaic Company brought
its Road to Higher Yields Farm Tour
to Holland last Friday, where local
farmer Dale Launstein opened his
operation to media. The farm is one
of six being visited in 10 days by
Mosaic as part of its Pursuit of 300
"I think this is a good chance to
educate and to get people to understand what we're trying to do and
how we're trying to do it," Launstein
said. "We don't have the 1950s look
of agriculture anymore with the barn
and a few cows, a few pigs, a few
chickens. We're in the new face of
agriculture — 21st century farming,
modern agriculture. It gives me a
chance to tell our story and allow
you guys to see what we're doing
and why."
Mosaic spokesperson Mara Ryan
said the Road to Higher Yields tour
culminates a year-long cycle that
began at last year's Farm Progress
Show. She said the tour is opening a
window to each of the farms located
in six Midwest states.
"We're trying to catalog differences and similarities and share
those on our Web site so people can
better understand what the (Pursuit
of 300) program is about," she said.
A key component of the program
is placing each operator with an
agronomist whom they can bounce
ideas off of. Launstein began working with Dr. Kyle Freeman last fall
and said the relationship his proven
to be mutually beneficial.
"We actually grow a lot of waxy
corn and he didn't know a lot about
Dale Launstein talks to reporters about practices in a field near Holland as part of the Mosaic Company’s
Road to Higher Yields Farm Tour. (John Jensen/The Grundy Register photo)
that so he let us do what we normally
do," Launstein said. "He wanted to
get a baseline of what we do. He was
The Launstein farm is also unique
in that it is a heavily corn-on-corn
operation as opposed to the traditional corn-soybean rotation.
"In recent years corn-on-corn
has become more popular just from
an economic standpoint," Freeman
said. "Doing economics, even taking
a little bit of a hit on the second-year
corn was still a better proposition on
their operation than it was to grow
He added that many farmers are
shifting to a rotation that might have
two years of corn followed by a single year of soybeans.
"The beans are still in the rotation, but trying to get more years of
corn in," he said.
One of the things Freeman convinced Launstein to do this year that
he hasn't done in the past is use starter fertilizer.
"We went to that and he talked
about seeding and different recommendations to get more uniform
planting," Launstein said. "We
See LAUNSTEIN page 2
Murra, Knaack say timing right for school expansion
Part one of a two-part series. As
Grundy Center Community School
District voters prepare to go to the
polls Sept. 10 and decide whether
or not to pass a bond issue that
will allow the District to add on to
both its Elementary and Secondary
buildings, many questions have been
raised. This week’s story explores the
Grundy Center Community School
District’s proposed construction
project at a basic level and how it
is likely to affect taxpayers. It also
explores what kind of questions have
been asked of School Board members
and administrators. Part two of the
series, which will be printed in next
week’s paper, explores the project in
greater depth including why there is
a need for additional space in the
district, what will be done with the
Upper Elementary building and,
finally, what the District will do if the
bond issue fails.
The Grundy Register
Center Community School District
voters will go to the polls Sept. 10
to decide the fate of a $7.663 million
project that would add space at
both the Elementary and Secondary
An addition to the west side of
the Elementary building would
add classroom space for preschool,
before- and after-school programs
as well as specials such as AEA and
Talented and Gifted. The Secondary
building would see expansion on
both the south and west sides, with
an additional gymnasium, new band
room and fine arts storage and a new
plaza area outside Spartan Stadium.
The need for expansion comes
as the district faces increasing
enrollment. Each class level
currently at the elementary school
has expanded from two to three
sections on the past four years,
with class sizes as much as 20
students larger at the elementary
than those currently in the high
school. Superintendent Cassi Murra
said there is no indication that the
increased enrollment will stop any
time soon.
The district is also in a strong
position financially, according to
Murra, making this a good time for
the project.
“We have done several wonderful
projects over the last 10 years,” she
said. “They have done a fantastic
job of maintaining and improving
what we currently have. Some of
the things we have been spending
money on we have wrapped up.”
Murra said the District receives
slightly less than $1 million per year
in Physical Plant and Equipment
Levy (PPEL) and statewide sales
tax funds. That money can be used
for facilities, maintenance and
equipment needs, all of which the
District has addressed in recent
“We usually reserve 30 percent
for our emergency fund, then we go
ahead and figure out how to spend
the rest of that whether it’s on new
busses, buying computers, replacing
carpet …,” she said. “All of those
maintenance projects that really
are just an upkeep to our current
facilities are really wrapping up and
we just don’t see a need (for major
projects) in even the next 10 years,
and so the funding from PPEL and
sales tax will be able to help fund the
new construction projects.”
Though the project could possibly
be completed without purchasing
voter-authorized bonds, that is not
a direction Murra said the district is
comfortable going.
“If you commit all of the funding
streams that you’re expecting and an
emergency comes up, or a disaster,
or the state comes up with a new
mandate, you can run yourself too
tight and then you can’t make the
decisions for new programming that
you want to make,” she said.
A perfect example of that came up
five years ago in Parkersburg when
Aplington-Parkersburg High School
was destroyed by a tornado. In
order to rebuild its school, A-P was
forced to either use PPEL and sales
The Grundy Register, P.O. Box 245, Grundy Center, IA 50638
Phone: (319) 824-6958 • Fax: (319) 824-6288 • E-mail:,,
Submission Deadline for Advertising and Editorial — 10 a.m. Monday
tax funds and begin reconstruction
immediately or wait at least months
for voters to approve a bond issue.
It chose to use funds on hand for its
The School Board will decide
annually how much, if any, property
tax would be used to make payments
on the bonds. The maximum tax
a home valued at $100,000 would
currently see is $131 per year, a
number Murra said is more likely to
drop over time than go up.
“According to our financial
planners, that this is maximum
because over the 20-year time
valuations tend to rise and more
houses are built in the area,” she
said. “You spread the cost of the loan
over more individuals and property,
so each person’s amount generally
goes down over time. So we’re very
comfortable and our financial people
are very comfortable saying this is
the maximum amount.”
Murra added that the $131 tax per
$100,000 valuation is a “worst case
“(The bond issue) is permission
to implement a property tax to pay
for this project if the Board chooses
to do that,” she said. “If the School
Board wanted to pay the entire loan
with property taxes and someone
had a house that was assessed at
See BOND ISSUE page 2
Grundy NEWS Register
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Braley stresses small town roots in Grundy Center campaign stop
Daily high and low temperature readings and precipitation amounts at
the National Weather Service Station in Grundy Center for the 24-hour
period ending at 8 a.m. on the following dates:
August 21
August 22
August 23
August 24
August 25
August 26
August 27
August Accumulation
Bond issue
From page 1
$100,000 value, the maximum they
would pay in a year is $131 — that’s
really the message we’re trying
to get people to understand is that
‘here’s the maximum in a worst-case
Another thing to remember,
Knaack said, is that the rollback
on residential property makes only
a certain percentage of it taxable.
And the tax would be based on a
property’s assessed value, not its
market value. That can be a huge
difference, particularly in the case of
agricultural land which might have
a current market value many times
higher than its assessed value.
Knaack said the goal is to keep
the burden on tax payers as low as
possible, though she was not ready
to say there would be no tax increase
if voters pass the bond issue.
“I hesitate to say that because
people sometimes only hear certain
From page 1
ended up getting a lot better."
His hope for the program is to see
some immediate yield improvement.
"It looks good," he said. "What
I'm hoping is we gain 10-20 bushels
over what we've done historically.
This field's been running 225. If
I can get 235 out of this portion (I
would be happy)."
things,” she said.
Murra, Knaack and other School
Board members and administrators
have been hosting forums to explain
the proposed project. Knaack said
she has been surprised how few
questions she has received.
“It’s interesting that I have had
to encourage them as far as ‘What
questions do you have?’” she said.
“As Board members we’re seeking
that input. That’s why we invited
the community to assist with the
planning process in determining
what our needs are. If people have
questions, if they have feedback, if
they have comments, we want to
know that.”
Murra said, aside from the
financial questions, other questions
she has received have revolved
around need as well as enrollment
projections and the future of the
Upper Elementary building.
Launstein said he has never been
afraid to be progressive in his operation. Several years ago he purchased
his own tile plow and began putting
his own tile in rather than hiring
somebody to do it. He and his agronomist, Nick Griffieon, also regularly
take classes to see what they can
learn that will make the operation
more productive.
Mid-America Publishing
GRUNDY CENTER — Congressman Bruce Braley (D-Waterloo) may have made his name as a
trial lawyer in Waterloo, but his upbringing in the small town of Brooklyn, Iowa, played a central role during his campaign speech at Johnny
Ray’s in Grundy Center on Aug. 20.
The four-term representative of
Iowa’s first congressional district is
the presumptive Democratic nominee to run for the U.S. Senate seat
of Tom Harkin (D-Cumming), who
will step down after nearly 30 years
as a senator. A host of lesser-known
Republicans are vying for the nomination to face Braley in the 2014
general election.
“I got my first job delivering papers for the Des Moines Tribune in
third grade, and I’ve been working
ever since,” he told the small crowd
of about 15 supporters. “You name
it, I’ve probably done it.”
Without the social safety net,
which has factored prominently into
recent debt ceiling debates, Braley
said his family might not have been
able to survive. His mother had been
staying at home to raise Braley and
his three siblings when his father fell
30 feet from a grain elevator and was
seriously injured. His mother then
returned to school and got a fouryear teaching degree, and even at 83
years old she still serves as a substitute teacher in the BGM School
Braley said the opportunities that
he has been granted have influenced
his policy priorities that focus on
strengthening and growing the middle class. He currently serves as the
chairman of the House Populist Caucus, a group of 27 representatives
that is “devoted to economic issues
of interest to the middle class, from
the promotion of fair trade to the creation of well-paying jobs.”
The controversial Citizens United
ruling of 2010, which allowed for
the creation of Super PACs that can
spend unlimited amounts of money
without disclosing their donors, has
created a political environment that
makes early campaigning essential
to a candidate’s chance of winning.
Braley said the Koch Brothers, the
libertarian billionaire siblings who
spent millions during the 2012 election cycle, have already launched
ads against him.
“It’s easy to see why they
wouldn’t want somebody like me
serving in the United States Senate,”
he said. “They oppose the farm bill,
they oppose renewable energy and
how it has transformed Iowa’s economy and they oppose eliminating
things like pre-existing conditions
that allow the parents of my two year
old nephew with liver cancer to continue to look for new jobs without
having to worry about how they’re
going to pay for it.”
The latter part of Braley’s quote
was a reference to the 2010 Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act,
better known as “Obamacare.” The
Republican Senate candidates in the
race have teed off on Braley’s support for the controversial bill that has
yet to be fully implemented, but he
remains confident that it will have a
positive effect on Iowans.
The congressman said that many
of the criticisms of the law are based
on misperceptions and that some of
the small business owners who have
complained about having to cover
more workers don’t even meet the
50 employee threshold that requires
businesses to provide health insurance. President Obama recently delayed the employer mandate until
2015, a move that provided ammunition to Republican critics of the bill
who were already suspicious of how
it could work.
Braley added that the current
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• Dr. Ryan Arnevik
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push for a government shutdown
if Obamacare is not defunded in
the upcoming budget negotiations
would have “devastating” effects if
it were to materialize.
“Before the Affordable Care Act
was passed, most people in Iowa had
very limited options on health care
because 90 percent of the marketplace was controlled by two companies (Wellmark and United Health
Care),” he said in an interview.
Although Republicans and Democrats have already made claims
about the costs and quality of care as
a result of Obamacare, the ultimate
outcomes are not yet known because
the health care exchanges and Medicaid expansion have not been fully
Despite Grundy County’s conservative voting history (Mitt Romney
won 61 percent of the vote here in
2012), Braley believes his message
can resonate with constituents in rural communities.
“I’m not afraid to go to rural Iowa
and talk about what I’ve done, including my work on the farm bill to
get it passed and to continue to create opportunities for people in these
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communities,” he said.
The House and the Senate have
still not agreed on a final version of
the massive farm bill, which in the
past has included agriculture subsidies and funding for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), better known as food
stamps. Braley remained optimistic
that the two sides would be able
to forge a deal when they return to
Washington after Labor Day.
Braley took questions from the
public after his speech, but he was
initially reluctant to answer a question regarding foreign aid to Egypt,
where violence has raged in the
aftermath of Mohammed Morsi’s
forced departure from office.
After some prodding, he said that
he would most likely vote to temporarily freeze aid but would not go as
far as to support a permanent withdrawal of those funds. He noted that
while foreign aid is almost always
brought up in debt reduction discussions, it makes up less than one percent of the U.S.’s annual budget.
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Bruce Braley addresses supporters at Johnny Rays on August 20.
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Ford Certified 2012 Fusion SEL, 100K mile
warranty, 33 MPG, Heated leather, Sony Sound,
Moonroof, rear camera, 19,200 miles, $21,750
1.9% APR financing
Grundy NEWS Register
Sandra D. Heerkes
Sandra D. Heerkes, 69, of Dike, passed away on August 17, 2013, at the
Covenant Medical Center in Waterloo due to injuries sustained in a motor
vehicle accident. A funeral service was held on August 27 at the Dike United
Methodist Church in Dike. Visitationwas held August 26 at the church. Burial was held privately at the Elmwood Cemetery in Dike. Online condolences
may be made at
Sandy was born on April 15, 1944, in Buffalo Center, the daughter of
Howard and Ora (Anderson) Hofbauer. She graduated from the Ventura High
School with the class of 1962. On August 3, 1963, Sandy was united in marriage to Vernon Heerkes in Ventura. The couple welcomed four children and
raised their family in the Dike Area.
She was a member of the Dike United Methodist Church and was very
active in the church and served on several of the church committees. She also
enjoyed getting together with her Thursday morning coffee group. Sandy
liked puzzles, Scrabble, reading and cooking and baking with her grandchildren. Sandy and Vernon were blessed with being able to celebrate their 50th
wedding anniversary on August 3 of this year. What brought Sandy the most
joy in her life was her family and especially her grandchildren. They were
her number one priority and they will forever love and miss her.
Sandy is survived by her husband of 50 years Vernon of Dike; children
Chris (Rhonda) Heerkes of Dike, Mike (Karen) Heerkes of Dike, Rob (fiancée Sara Joslin) Heerkes of Dike and Bethany (Russ) Larson of Reinbeck;
grandchildren Krue Heerkes of Dike, Karson (Kyle) Roose of Allison, Bailey and Noah Heerkes of LaPorte City and Hannah and Olivia Heerkes of
Dike; great-granddaughter, Macy Roose of Allison; sister Mary (Bill) Brown
of Wellsburg.
Lillian “Polly” Price
Lillian “Polly” Price, 97, of Waterloo, formerly of Grundy Center, died at
Friendship Village Retirement Center on August 20, 2013, of natural causes.
Memorial services were held Thursday at the
Friendship Village Chapel in Waterloo with inurnment in Rose Hill Cemetery. Arrangements by
Locke Funeral Home.
Memorials may be made to Salvation Army,
NE Iowa Food Bank, MAP International 4700
Glynco Parkway, Brunswick, GA 31525, or
Friendship Village Auxiliary. Condolences may
be left at
She was born August 30, 1915, on the Sam
Mooty farm outside Morrison, the daughter of
Robert E. and Clara L. Paddock Kaufman.
Polly married Maurice Eugene Foster January 2, 1943, in Ames. He died
on April 8, 1946. She then married John "LeRoy" Price August 21, 1948, in
Grundy Center. He died November 4, 1993.
She graduated from Grundy Center High School in 1933, attended Iowa
State University and received a BA in Home Economics from Iowa State
Teachers College in 1949. Polly taught country school in rural Grundy counties for six years. In 1955 she worked for the Clarke County Extension Office
as a Home Economist. Later she transferred to the Grundy County Extension
Office and served several counties. She retired from the Grundy County Ext.
Office in 1976.
After moving to Friendship Village in 2003, she became a member of the
Scottish Heritage Club.
Polly is survived by her daughter, Maurine (Jerry) Huang of Carmichael,
California; stepson, Don (Helen) Price of Eldora; foster daughter, Linda
(Larry) Coffman of Seaford, Del.; brother, Arthur (Marjorie) Kaufman of
Waukesha, Wis.; grandchildren, Doug (Denise) Price, Carol (Walter) Spurling, David (Frieda) Price, Evan Price, Lynn (Dustin) Farnum, Mark Huang,
and Dorothy Huang; 14 great-grandchildren; seven great-great-grandchildren; two nieces and five nephews.
Dennis Craig
Dennis Craig passed away August 23, 2013, at his home in Carlisle. Funeral services will be held at 10 am., Wednesday, August 28, at Peterson
Funeral Home in Carlisle with burial to follow in
the Middle River Cemetery. Visitation was held
August 27 at Peterson Funeral Home. Online
condolences may be made at
Dennis was born on February 22, 1949, to
John and Bernice Plaehn Craig in Waterloo. Denny moved to the Carlisle area 40 years ago where
he and Lynn raised their three children. Prior to
moving to Carlisle, he worked for Massey Ferguson. He has worked for Bartholomew Farms for
the past 40 years. Denny was the true American
farmer and absolutely loved his job, he was up before the break of dawn
every day ready to take on the new day and get to work. It was a very rare
moment to not see Denny fixing something. He was absolutely amazing at
what he did and could truly fix anything, he was always so kind to always
help others any chance he could get. He passed his love of farming onto
both of his boys where they will continue in his legacy. In his free time he
loved, hunting, hot air ballooning with his family, watching old John Wayne
movies and playing with his grandkids whom he loved dearly. Denny was
a big baby – he weighed almost 11 ½ pound at birth! As a child Denny was
his father’s shadow on the farm. Farming was his love from day one. Denny
didn’t really like chocolate and his mom always had to make a cherry cake
for his birthday.
Growing up in high school Denny loved playing football and driving cars.
He enjoyed working on and attending stock car races. Among his classmates
Denny was nicknamed “Buwana” which means big and strong. Denny had
big hands and had one of the largest class rings ever.
Dennis is survived by his wife, Lynn of Carlisle; sons, Bill of Carlisle
and Brad (Amy) of Carlisle; daughter, Michelle Craig of Carlisle; mothe,r
Bernice Craig of Dike; sister, Jean (Jim )Loger of Dike; grandchildre,n Ariel,
Madison, Ashlynn, Colton and Chase.
Dennis was preceded in death by his father, John; and a brother, Bob.
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help you through this difficult time in your life.
First Presbyterian Church • 801 8th St • Grundy Center
Mike Campbell, facilitator • 319-240-7639
1st & 3rd Mondays of each month @ 7 p.m.
*No meeting on Labor Day-9/2
*Next GC meeting session
September 16
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Grundy Register Bulletin Board ...
Brief placement is available only to events that fall within The Grundy Register readership area, which includes all of Grundy County, Aplington and Parkersburg. Any
cost to participate will not be printed within the briefs, nor will any mention of menu items. Bulletin Board placement is available to non-profit groups or for major community events.
Briefs must be received by 9 a.m. Tuesday for placement in that week’s paper.
Assessor test
dates set
Statewide examinations for the
positions of deputy assessor and assessor have been scheduled for October. The examination for deputy
assessor will be held Saturday, Oct.
12 while the examination for assessor will be held Saturday, Oct.
19. Both exams will be held in the
fourth-floor conference room at the
Hoover State Office Building in Des
Under Iowa law, a person wishing to become eligible for appointment as an assessor or deputy assessor must successfully complete an
examination and be certified by the
Director of the Department of Revenue. Local officials can appoint only
those persons certified by the Director of Revenue.
Applications for the examinations may be obtained from city and
county assessors, county auditors or
from the Department of Revenue,
Property Tax Division.
The examinations are given approximately every six months.
Fredsville Church
to present ‘Once
Upon a Parable’
CEDAR FALLS — Come hear
the word of God through music,
dance and drama as Fredsville
Church presents the musical “Once
Upon A Parable.”
More than 20 people will present several famous parables in an
entertaining and uplifting style that
is great for all ages. Performances
will be held during special worship
services on Sept. 8 at 9:30 a.m. and
7:00 p.m. in the Fredsville Church
sanctuary. The offering collected at
the evening service will go to the
Dike food bank. The service will be
approximately 70 minutes long.
Fredsville Church is located
between Dike and Cedar Falls at
32756 150th Street. The church is
online at www.fredsvillelutheran.
org. For more information call 319989-2065 or e-mail: fredsville@
Taste of Grundy
KIC group to kick Center set
off at American
for Aug. 29
CENTER — Music,
Lutheran Church food,GRUNDY
fun and the Farmer’s Market
GRUNDY CENTER — American Lutheran Church in Grundy
Center will kick off its Kids in Christ
(K.I.C.) group Wednesday, Sept.
4 beginning at 5 p.m. with soccer,
volleyball, badminton and basketball games. Usual meeting nights
are Wednesdays from 5:30 to 7 p.m.
Evenings include a meal, worship
and classes. The group is open to
students in preschool through 12th
This year’s mission project is
mosquito nets to prevent malaria.
are part of the second Taste of Grundy Center event in downtown Grundy Center, set for Thursday, Aug.
29. The Grundy Center Chamber of
Commerce is sponsoring Taste of
Grundy Center to welcome community members back to a new school
year with a business expo, food tasting fair and live entertainment on the
Live music by the Dennis Wayne
Gang begins at 5:30 p.m., with local restaurants and caterers set up to
give members of the public a ‘taste’
Absentee ballots available for
September 10 school elections
All voters in the AGWSR,
BCLUW, Dike-New Hartford, and
Grundy Center School Districts
must request their absentee ballots
through the Grundy County Election
Office, even if they live outside of
Grundy County.
To vote early by absentee ballot in person, voters may stop at the
Grundy County Auditor’s Office on
the 2nd floor of the Courthouse during normal business hours Monday
through Friday (8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.).
The deadline to vote by absentee
ballot at the Auditor’s Office is September 10 at 11 a.m. With appropriate identification, Grundy County eligible electors who are not currently
registered to vote may register at the
same time they are casting an absentee ballot in person.
To vote early by mail, absentee
ballot request forms are available on
the Grundy County website, www., under the heading
“Where do I ….?” Click on “Vote
Absentee” to download an applica-
tion form to request an absentee ballot. The completed forms should be
mailed to the Grundy County Auditor, 706 G Ave., Grundy Center, IA
50638-1496. The last day to request
an absentee ballot by mail is September 6.
Voted absentee ballots returned
by hand may be delivered to the
Grundy County Auditor’s Office at
the Courthouse until 8 p.m. on September 10. Absentee ballots may not
be turned in at the polling place except to be surrendered and voided, in
which case the voter would then vote
at the polls.
Absentee ballots returned by mail
must be postmarked by September 9
and received before 8 a.m. on September 13.
Polls will be open at noon and
close at 8 p.m. on Election Day, September 10.
If you have any questions, contact the Grundy County Auditor’s
Office at 319-824-3122.
To view obituaries online visit:
Please see print edition for full obituaries
Plan now To aTTend
The 77Th annual
Thursday, sePTeMber 5
7:25 P.M.
aT The grundy CenTer
CoMMuniTy CenTer
Grundy County
of their products. The Chamber of
Commerce will also be introducing
new school district faculty members,
introducing its board of directors
and officers as part of the Chamber
annual meeting, and announcing the
winner of the downtown planter box
design competition, held throughout
the spring and summer months.
All events are free and open to the
Grundy Area
Cardiac Support
Group to meet
County Memorial Hospital (GCMH)
will host the Grundy Area Cardiac
Support Group on Monday, Sept. 9
from 5 to 6:30 p.m. in the Education
Room. Please use Entrance No. 33
on the west side of the hospital.
Kristi Barnett, GCMH Social
Worker, will present and answer
questions on the “Better Choices
Better Health Program,” a skill
building workshop for people with
one or more chronic health conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, or arthritis.
The Grundy Area Cardiac Support Group will meet quarterly on
the first Monday of the month.
For more information or to RSVP,
please contact Brandy Tripp, RN,
BSN, Cardiac & Pulmonary Rehabilitation Coordinator, at (319) 8245097.
Local Sheriff’s
Department to
participate in
upcoming sTEP
Grundy County Sheriff’s Office
will participate in a project with the
Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau
(GTSB) which is promoting traffic
safety in Grundy County.
Sheriff’s deputies conducted a
seatbelt survey this past week and a
seatbelt usage rate of 94 percent was
recorded for front seat occupants.
The weeks of Aug. 26 through
Sept. 8 will be the Iowa ‘Special Traffic Enforcement Program’
(sTEP). Grundy County officers will
be looking specifically for seat belt
and child restraint violations, along
with excessive speed, stop sign violations and alcohol/drug usage.
The Sheriff noted the above period includes the Labor Day Holiday
weekend, which is the last major
summer holiday and therefore he
urges everyone to drive with care.
The sTEP (special Traffic Enforcement Programs) are funded by
a grant from the Governor’s Traffic
Safety Bureau.
underway for
City-Wide Sale
Grundy Community Preschool and
Childcare Center is currently organizing a two-day city-wide garage
sale to be held on Sept. 20 and and
21. Please call the Center at 319825-3565 by Sept. 11 to register. Registration fees will cover advertising handouts, fliers, yard signs,
posters and press releases in numerous area newspapers. Registered
garage sales will also be included
on the sale map. Each sale will be
allowed a brief listing of items, sale
hours, sale hosts and street address.
Each sale will also be assigned a
number which will be promoted on
the yard signs.
Grundy Family YMCA Notes
The YMCA will provide an Open
Gym on all
Development Early
fifth- through
students from 1 to 3:15 p.m. Fifth
through 12th-grade students will
be able to use the high school gym
for basketball and other games until 3:15, providing students with a
space to be active with their friends
and have fun on early dismissal
days. The gym will be supervised
by YMCA staff and volunteers. This
program is free.
YMCA Fall Session 1 programs
begin the week of Sept. 9. View our
complete program guide at www. under the Grundy Center tab. Call 825-6210 with
New YMCA Sunday Fitness Center Hours (starting Sept. 1) — 2:00
- 6:00 p.m.
Register your children now for
Before and After School Care at the
Grundy FamilyYMCA. Care is offered Monday-Friday 6:30 to 8 a.m.
(Before Care) and 3 to 6 p.m. (After Care) This program is designed
to keep children safe, help working
families, and improve academic
achievement. School’s breakfast
can be purchased in the mornings
and snacks will included for after
school. Scholarships are available. 4
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Memory Lane
Grundy OPINION Register
Letters to
the editor
A look back through
The Grundy Register
•Compiled by Lisa Kanagy•
10 Years Ago This Week - 2003
•West Nile Virus detected in
several birds collected in Dike.
•Grundy Family YMCA
kicks off it’s first membership
drive. The ‘Y’ Creed-’Strong
Kids • Strong Families • Strong
•A local 7th grader is the winner
of the IA. State Education Assoc.
with her ‘Draw-Matic’ decal
•Jerry Sharp received a 15
year service award from Grundy
County Secondary Roads Dept.
•A letter of news is printed
about serviceman Derick Haman’s
time while he is in Iraq, reported
by Charles Haman.
•Center Theater-Freaky Friday
25 Years Ago This Week - 1988
•’Save the Theater’ fund drive
goes over the top of their goal
by ~$2,300. Thanks to all the
volunteers and contributors. Now
go see a movie @ Center Theater!
•Farm Bureau of Grundy
County picks its first woman
president, Betty Juchems
•The four new teachers for
Grundy Center schools are Rick
Schupbach, Doran Johnson, Joan
Breckler and Dennis Dirks
• R e v. Wa y n e D e Yo u n g ,
missionary to the troubled island
nation of Haiti, will present a
slide show about his work there
at the Second Christian Reformed
Church in Wellsburg on Sept. 1
•Iowa fans can now show True
Colors..on their license plates
around the first of the year.
•Labor Day motorists to find
higher gas prices compared to last
year, with reg. $1.00 & in 1987
reg. being 94¢
•It is stated that the Grundy
Center and Reinbeck rivalry’s first
game was played in 1920 with
Reinbeck Rams winning 12-0 and
in 1987 Spartans beat the Rebels
Theater’The Adventures of Pippi
50 Years Ago This Week - 1963
•Big Red, the Brahma Bull, that
has roamed freely across Grundy
and Hardin counties for 20 days,
was finally captured on Tuesday
morning. It took three tranquilizertipped darts to subdue the 1,700#
•Dutch Elm disease, the
dreaded killer of stately shade
trees, has been detected for the
first time in Grundy Center
•Dike Watermelon Days that
were held last Saturday was
enjoyed by those who attended,
although it was damp and chilly.
The train rides were a hit with the
•Gov. Harold Hughes will
attend the IA. Mechanical Corn
Picking Contest in Grundy Center
on Tuesday, October 15
•Center Theater-’To Kill A
Mockingbird’ with Gregory Peck
•Pork & Beans 6 cans for $1.00
75 Years Ago This Week - 1938
•All of Grundy’s unpaved
streets will be resurfaced this fall.
There are about 30 blocks that
were graveled about five years ago
•Several Grundy 4-H boys won
at the Iowa State Fair with their
pigs and calves
•Dike school opens Monday
with enrollment of 244
• F r i d a y w a s t h e 6 4 th
anniversary of L.B. DeSeelhorst
initiation in the Odd Fellows
Lodge at Grundy Center. He has
been an active member at this
same lodge since August 22, 1874,
the longest of any Odd Fellows
•60 are enrolled in the Grundy
Golf Tournament
•Theater feature-’The
Adventures of Tom Sawyer’
•Graham Crackers 2# box 19¢
Submission deadline
for news and
is 10 a.m. Mondays
Beyond Pink
thanks Dike bank
for its support
From The
Cheap Seats
One of the interesting parts of this business I’ve been involved in throughout
my adult life is the ebb and flow of work. Every business has its busier times and
its slower times, but that seems truly magnified in the news business. January
is slow, February hectic, March slower,
April hectic, May very hectic, etc. And
it is a huge relief when one of those
times is in the rear view mirror.
By now you have most likely seen
that this week’s paper features our
Prep Preview: Fall Sports edition. Of
all the sections we do throughout the
year, including our recently-released
fair edition, the two sports previews
are the sections that take me away from
the regular routine more than anything
else. And the fact that the fall sports
preview falls immediately after our
fair section (and somewhat during it)
makes August about as pedal-to-theBy JOHN JENSEN
metal as it comes. The work is fun — I
enjoy going out to meet the coaches and
kids — but it does take me away from my regular stuff here a lot more than
anything else I do.
Several years ago, while still working as a full time sports editor, I began
to deem my semiannual week or so that I take preseason photos my Fall Tour
and Winter Tour. It’s a fun way to describe what I’m doing and was particularly
relevant when we covered nearly a dozen schools in Oelwein — getting to
everyone in that short a period while also getting the regular office work done
was a major challenge. Here it’s a different kind of challenge in that we don’t
cover as many schools, but part of what we do involves coordinating among
four different newspapers.
One thing you may notice about the sports preview is that there are a few
schools we don’t normally cover in there. This is a joint section along with our
sister papers in Allison, Clarksville and Conrad. Adding BCLUW is a natural
match to our usual Grundy Center-based schools (GC, AGWSR, Dike-New
Hartford and Gladbrook-Reinbeck), though the addition of Clarksville and
North Butler might seem a little out of place. In truth, those schools aren’t
all that far away and are similar sized to the ones in our area, so I’m a little
surprised that our local schools don’t play them more in non-conference play.
It’s always been my hope to add Aplington-Parkersburg to the mix and fill
the gap between the Butler schools and Grundy schools, and there’s always a
chance that will happen.
Being that this is a jointly-produced section, part of the challenge of
producing it is getting everybody on the same page of the playbook. My
biggest role is in coordinating and assembling the section with pieces supplied
by the various properties, though I also do a little writing. All told four different
people write stories for the section and three different people take photos. One
name you’ll see in the sports sections that you might not be as familiar with
is Kristi Nixon, our sports editor in Hampton who also does sports for the
Allison-based Butler County Tribune-Journal and the Clarksville Star. Kristi is
one of only a couple of full time Mid-America Publishing who does sports full
time and, like me, has a background as a daily newspaper sports writer. I truly
feel blessed in Grundy Center that we have a talented and dedicated part time
person in Patti Rust, whom I am comfortable sending to literally any event.
Something to note in the North Iowa Cedar League this year is a new
league member. Waterloo Columbus Catholic becomes the eighth member of
the NICL’s East Division this year, replacing NU High (which closed a year
and one-half ago). Columbus comes in as the second-largest school in the
NICL, but truly had no other place to go after becoming one of the smallest
schools in the WaMaC, its home for as long as I can remember. Columbus will
be competitive in the league in a lot of sports and certainly fits the league’s
geographic profile. Its best sports are tennis and soccer, both of which it has
won several state championships in. It will also be competitive in boys’ golf,
volleyball, basketball and baseball.
This is the first of two straight years of change in the NICL. South Tama
will leave the league next year and all indications are that it will be replaced
by Sumner-Fredericksburg, which is currently one of the two largest schools
The Grundy Register
Phone: (319) 824-6958 Fax: (319) 824-6288
To contact publisher or submit an ad:
To submit a news story:
To submit an obituary:
To submit an advertisement:
Official Paper of Grundy Center and Grundy County. Published weekly,
every Thursday, by The Grundy Register (601 G Ave., PO Box 245, Grundy
Center, IA 50638-0245). Periodical postage paid in Grundy Center, Iowa. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: The Grundy Register, 601 G Avenue, PO
Box 245, Grundy Center, IA 50638-0245
(USPS 230-920) MEMBER
in the Upper Iowa Conference. S-F, too, will be a great addition to the league,
replacing a South Tama school that I never felt fit well because of its size. South
Tama is returning to the WaMaC, a conference it left less than 10 years ago. S-F
is in the far eastern half of the conference, and the league has yet to determine
which East Division school will move into South Tama’s spot in the West.
High school football schedules are nearly identical to last year’s because
this is the second year of the two-year district cycle. Most teams play the same
teams in the same order they played last year, except if you hosted somebody
last year you play them at home this year and vice-versa. Two exceptions to
that rule involve Grundy Center and BCLUW. Instead of being off the third
week of the season, the Spartans play at South Hardin this year. Also, BCLUW
played a Week Zero game against East Marshall last week instead of being off.
Both those changes are because South Hardin didn’t play varsity football last
year. GC wasn’t able to schedule a replacement game and had a pair of bye
weeks instead of its usual one, while BCLUW met East Marshall a different
week last year because both teams had a scheduled bye due to South Hardin
having dropped its program.
• • •
I don’t like heat. I never have, probably never will and have a hard time
understanding why anyone would. On the other hand, I have a bit of a hard time
understanding how cowardly we have become toward heat.
Take a look at the national weather map, preferably one that shows watches
and warnings like the one at Notice something? The only places
that are warning us about the heat are in the upper Midwest. Now look at the
weather in … say … St. Louis. There’s no excessive heat warning there, so it
must be cooler, right? Wrong! It’s supposed to be 96 degrees there today and
only (I say only … insert laugh track here) 91 here. So what’s the difference?
We’re wimps!
All kidding aside, the only thing worse than heat in the middle of the summer
is heat at the end of the summer. Just when we were supposed to be through this
stuff and cooling down, Mother Nature reminds us that the calendar doesn’t
turn to fall until Sept. 22.
• • •
The Grundy Register is in the process of launching a new Web site and
with it a number of new online features. The site was a long time coming and
something we’ve been talking about for a few years. The new site has a much
more modern look and is something I look forward to working with.
I must admit that I’ve been more than a little resistant to online journalism
over the years. Newspapers slit their own throats when Websites first started
popping up by offering everything in the paper free of charge. So instead
of selling our product and directing our readers to our advertisers, we were
actually directing you away from them. And once people stopped subscribing
there was no getting them back.
As much as my stance on newspaper Web sites hasn’t changed, I do realize
that there is a place for online reporting as a supplement to the print product.
One thing I plan to start working on is adding regular video coverage to our site.
At least once per week, beginning within the next few weeks, certain stories
will show up with a note in the paper directing you to the Web site for video
from the event. We’ll also be stepping up our Facebook and Twitter presence,
neither of which I have done a good job of keeping up with.
What you won’t find, however, is the entire paper in a free online format,
nor will you see complete stories there. What’s there will supplement what is in
the newspaper.
We’ll be writing more about the site in coming weeks. To see the new site,
Do you want a letter published?
The Grundy Register accepts letters and guest editorials to consider for publication. We encourage you to follow our few guidelines regarding them.
1. Letters should express an opinion or solicit a call to action.
2. Letters should be less than 500 words.
3. Letters are subject to editing for length, content, fact and libel.
4. Letters that are attacking in nature of individuals or the practices of private
businesses likely will not be printed.
5. Writers will be limited to no more than one letter in any given calendar month.
6. Except in rare circumstances, an expression of thanks is an advertisement and
not a letter to the editor.
7. The Register likely will only publish letters by Grundy County residents or
Grundy Register subscribers, or letters of interest to Grundy Register readers.
8. Sign and date your letter, and include a telephone number for reference.
Send letters to or to
PO Box 245, Grundy Center, IA 50638
Unsigned editorials are the views of The Grundy Register. All other columns and
letters published do not necessarily reflect the views of The Grundy Register.
On behalf of the Beyond Pink
TEAM( BPT) , I would like to thank
the State Bank and Trust Company
(SBTC) for designating the BPT as a
recipient of their recent "Cookin' for
a Cause" event and the Dike community for their support of this event. A
total of $1186 was raised (including a
match from SBTC), which will assist
Cedar Valley breast cancer survivors
going through treatment, financial
assistance for insurance deductibles,
medications, housing assistance in
the form of transportation , rent /
mortgage payments and utilities.
The Beyond Pink TEAM , a nonprofit organization of entirely volunteers, has been in the community for
25 years and goes beyond "pink" trinkets. BPT provides support through
three different support groups, educates survivors and the community
about the latest updates in breast cancer research, provides financial assistance to breast cancer survivors going through treatments and advocates
for research to end breast cancer by
For many years BPT members
have attended the National Breast
Cancer Coalition (NBCC) in Washington DC , followed by Lobby Day.
We have a great relationship with both
Iowa Senators and all four Representatives. The NBCC goal is to now
shift the conversation from awareness and screening to prevention and
saving lives - Ending Breast Cancer
by 2020. For ways you can join these
efforts and learn more about the Beyond Pink TEAM , please visit our
website at .
Thank you all for making a difference in the lives of others.
Jacque Bakker
BPT member and
breast cancer survivor
Voters need more
information on
bond issue
The votes in the Grundy Center
School District deserve more information prior to the September 10 vote on
the bond referendum. Two items:
1. What was the original dollar
amount that was voted on for the current elementary facility, versus the final total expenditure after the project
was completed?
2. A specific, complete and honest
answer needs to be provided as to why
the former lower elementary building
was demolished and the much inferior upper elementary building was
allowed to remain when the current
elementary school was built.
The long-term voters of this district have good memories. None of
what happened in the past is the fault
of superintendent Cassi Murra, or of
many others involved in the current
endeavor, but the poor decisions and
short-sightedness of the last go around
must not be repeated. It simply will
not be tolerated by already financially
strapped voters. However, using the
almost unheard of tactic of full and
open honesty, along with an explanation of what went on that led to the
construction of the current elementary
school, will likely be seen as a favorable effort.
Voters also need to know if there is
any premeditated connection between
this and the tactics being used by the
County Assessor's Office; attempting
to enter private homes in an obvious
effort to claim increases in property
values so taxes can be raised.
There is no question that parents
with current or future students would
like to see at least some of the proposed facility improvements, but they
are not the only residents in this district. Anyone with their eyes open can
see the industrial decline in Grundy
Center, the decline in retail business
downtown, the paring down to a single
new car dealership when there used to
be four, and the significant downward
trend in farm commodity prices. A
bond referendum at this time will need
to make overwhelming good sense.
Jack Cherry
Yearly Subscription Rate..............................................$45
ADVERTISING RATES (10 a.m. Monday deadline)
Display ads, per column inch minimum: .................................$7.10
Classified line ads and cards of thanks minimum: .................$6.00
Classified display ads, per column inch minimum: .................$7.10
Service charge for blind ads per week: ..................................$5.25
Publisher: Clinton A. Poock, Editor: John Jensen
Register Staff: Lisa Bakker, Lisa Kanagy,
Diane Paige, Patti Rust.
Member Iowa Newspaper Association
Scan the QR code to
go to visit our website on
your smartphone! Download a QR reader at www. or
search your app store for
“QR reader.”
Grundy SOCIAL EVENTS Register
Calendar of events
Grundy Community
August 29
August 30
To celebrate 55th anniversary
Meinard and Bonnie Koop will
celebrate their 55th wedding anniversary Sunday, September 1 with
an Open House from 4 to 8 p.m. at
the United Methodist Church event
facility in New Hartford.
The honored couple were married
June, 20, 1958 at the Congregational
Church in Parkersburg. The couple
are retired from farming. They have
three children, Lori Koop Dorman
(Joel) of Pella, and Lisa Schmitz
(Greg) and Steve Koop (Angie) of
New Hartford. There are twelve
grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
The couple celebrated their anniversary with a trip to England, Ireland, France, Monaco and Germany.
Nutrition site menu
To celebrate
60th anniversary
Bill and Sandra Sloan will mark
their 60th wedding anniversary on
August 30, 2013. A trip is planned
for a later celebration.
Friday, August 30 — Sausage,
Sweet Potato Tots, Sauerkraut Salad,
Hot Dog Bun, Strawberry Shortcake, Mustard
Tuesday, September 3 — Honey
Mustard Chicken, Mixed Beans,
Spinach, Multi Grain Bread/Margarine, Fresh Fruit
Wednesday, September 4 —
Hamburger Steak with Gravy,
Whipped Potatoes, Brussels Sprouts,
Multi Grain Bread/Margarine, Fresh
Thursday, September 5 — Herbed Pork Loin, Sweet Potato Casserole, Capri Vegetables, Wheat
Bread/Margarine, Tropical Fruit
Each meal includes milk. All
meals must be ordered by 9 a.m.
the day before receiving a meal. For
more information, to reserve a place
or order a meal, call the Grundy Center Senior Center at (319) 824-3843.
News from Ivester
To celebrate
90th birthday
Francis Babinat will be celebrating his 90th birthday on
September 2nd. To help him
celebrate the occation, cards
may be sent to Francis at 201
East J Ave., Grundy Center,
Schippers to
celebrate 70 years
John J. and Trena Schipper will
celebrate their 70th anniversary on
September 3, 2013. They have one
son, Irwin Schipper, three grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. A
card shower is being planned. Cards
can be mailed to 511 Parriott St., Aplington, IA 50604.
September 2
7:30-10:30 a.m.
Wednesday, August 28
All are invited to meet at Ivester
Church Fellowship Hall at 6:30 p.m.
on Wednesday. Guest Leader will be
Pastor Mark Flory-Steury from Illinois to discuss our ideas for the work
of the church in the future.
Camp Pine Lake
The Church of the Brethren
Camp, Camp Pine Lake, invites the
general public to enjoy a Music Fest
from 1 - 8 p.m. on Saturday, August
31. Several groups will share music,
as well as guest musician, singersongwriter Garrison Doles. Food
will be available. Other highlights
include children's crafts, storytelling,
a musical petting zoo for children, a
silent auction, square-dancing, and
pie. The event is free. Any freewill
donations will benefit the Camp Pine
Lake scholarship fund.
Sunday, September 1
There will be no services held
at the Ivester Church on September
1. We will meet at Camp Pine Lake
for services beginning at 10:20 a.m.
No potluck will be held, but food
is available at the camp at noon on
Sunday. All ages camp will conclude
on the morning of September 2.
Cabins are available.
~ Open to the Public ~
Adults - $7 ~
Kids 10 & Under - $5
• Grundy Comm. Center – Walking, 7 a.m. - 4 p.m., Wilts
Congregate Meals, 11:30 a.m., Legion Room
• Grundy Comm. Center – Walking, 7 a.m. - 4 p.m.,Wilts
Exercise, 9 a.m., Legion Room
Congregate Meals, 11:30 a.m, Legion Room
September 2
• Grundy Comm. Center – Closed for Labor Day
September 3
• Grundy Comm. Center – Walking, 7 a.m. - 4 p.m., Wilts
Congregate Meals, 11:30 a.m., Legion Room
September 4
• Grundy Comm. Center – No Walking
Exercise, 9 a.m., Legion Room
Congregate Meals, 11:30 a.m. Legion Room
Amvets, Legion Room
September 5
• Grundy Comm. Center – Walking, 7 a.m. - 12 noon, Wilts
Congregate Meals, 11:30 a.m., Legion Room
REC Annual Meeting, 7 p.m., Wilts Room
is now taking applications for the 2013 Grant Awards
Applications must be filed with the undersigned no
later than September 13, 2013.
For Application forms, please contact:
Heronimus, Schmidt & Allen
630 G Avenue, P.O. Box 365
Grundy Center, IA 50638
From The Kitchen of Tim Frisch
Tim’s Cajun Rice Bake has always been popular whether he
brought it to a pot luck, card club or any get-together over the past
ten years.
“I always bring a few copies of the recipe with me,” he said.
“I know someone will ask me for it.”
He got the recipe from a friend he works with who is from
Louisiana. While he says the prep work of cutting the vegetables
is time-consuming, the end product looks great and is well worth
the effort.
Cajun Rice
2 lbs. Italian sausage (I prefer hot)
1 cup celery
1 cup onion
1 each yellow, green and red pepper
2 Clove garlic
2 can Campbell’s golden cream of mushroom soup
2 can Campbell’s cream of chicken soup
2 cup uncooked rice (not minute rice)
Salt and pepper to taste
(Optional items I have added)
Canned mushrooms
2 cans of Rotel
Peel and eat shrimp stirred into dish
with 15 minutes baking time left
Dice the vegetables and then
brown the sausage in a large frying
pan. Drain grease from sausage and
add the vegetables and garlic to the
sausage and sauté.
Add soups, rice and mix well
Pour into an sprayed or oiled baking
dish, cover with foil and bake at 350
for 1 hour.
I use an oversized baking dish as
this amount will exceed a standard
9-by-13-inch pan.
Center Theatre’s Reel-to-Reel
At the Center Theatre on Friday,
August 30 at 7 p.m. will be the action/comedy/sequel Red 2, starring
Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman and
Catherine Zeta-Jones. This movie is
rated PG-13 for language and violence, running approximately 120
minutes in length. At 7:30 will be
the adventure/adaptation The Wolverine, starring Hugh Jackman and
Jessica Biel. This movie is rated
PG-13 for violence, running approximately 120 minutes in length.
In Red 2, the high-octane actioncomedy sequel to the worldwide
sleeper hit, retired black-ops CIA
agent Frank Moses (Bruce Willis)
reunites his unlikely team of elite
operatives for a global quest to track
down a missing portable nuclear device. To succeed, they’ll need to survive an army of relentless assassins,
ruthless terrorists and power-crazed
government officials, all eager to get
their hands on the next-generation
weapon. The mission takes Frank
and his motley crew to Paris, London and Moscow. Outgunned and
outmanned, they have only their
cunning wits, their old-school skills,
and each other to rely on as they try
to save the world - and stay alive in
the process.
Based on the celebrated comic
book series, The Wolverine is an epic
action-adventure that takes Wolverine (Hugh Jackman), the most iconic
character of the X-Men universe, to
modern-day Japan. Out of his depth
in an unknown world, he will face a
host of unexpected and deadly opponents in a life-or-death battle that
will leave him forever changed. Vulnerable for the first time and pushed
to his physical and emotional limits,
he confronts not only lethal samurai steel but also his inner struggle
against his own immortality.
For the most up-to-date movie
information, please check out our
new website at If you are interested in
gift certificates to the Center Theatre, they may be purchased at GNB
bank locations during the day or at
the Center Theatre during evening
business hours.
Grundy County REC to hold
annual meeting September 5
The 77th Annual Meeting of the
members of the Grundy County
Rural Electric Cooperative will be
held at the Grundy Center Community Center in Grundy Center at 7:25
p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 5 to take action upon the following matters.
1. The reports of officers, directors and committees.
2. The election of three directors of the Cooperative for a term of
three years each.
3. All other business which may
legally come before the meeting or
any adjournment or adjournment
In connection with the election of
directors scheduled for this meeting,
the following members were nominated for directors by the Committee on Nominations appointed by the
Board of Directors of the Cooperative pursuant to the Articles of Incorporation.
Distrist 1: *Kevin Pruisner, Kendall Tjpekes. District 5: Ben Espenscheid. District 7: *Jason Paper.
*Denotes Incumbents.
There were no nominations by
You are urged to attend the meeting, hear the reports of the officers,
vote for directors and transact such
other business as may come before
the meeting.
Jeralyn’s School of Dance
Thursday, August
State Fair Blue Ribbon
Zac Osgood is pictured with the planter he showed at the Iowa State
Fair last week. Osgood's planter received a blue ribbon at the Fair.
(Courtesy photo)
Branstad, Reynolds
announce local
county chairs
Gov. Branstad and Lt. Gov. Reynolds’ campaign committee – the
Governor Branstad Committee – has
announced the initial organization
of its county chairs across the state.
The organization includes co-chairs
in every county.
Grundy County chairs include:
Amanda Andersen, Brian Andersen, Lisa Andersen, Marcia Dudden,
Roger Dudden, Jan Launstein, Ray
Launstein and Tom Shafer.
A name was misspelled in the
Grundy Center Class of 1953 reunion picture printed in the Aug.
22 Grundy Register. Janice Henry
Trepp's name was spelled incorrectly. The Register apologizes for this
29 5-7 p.m.
Masonic Lodge • 118 Broad St •Reinbeck
For More
To retire from
Viking Pump
Kay Ash is saying goodbye from
Viking Pump after 39 years. Help
him celebrate his retirement on September 21 from 2 - 6 p.m. at the Beaver Meadows Golf & Country Club,
32078 Highway 14 in Parkersburg.
Football Season Is Here
Registration & Dance Wear / Shoe Day
• Tap
• Ballet • Jazz •
• Pointe • Tumbling • Ballroom •
Adult Dance •
1501 12th Street
Grundy Center
Sara Lee Yoder Charitable Trust
Put your event in the Grundy Center Community Calendar!
319-824-6958 •
All-You-CAn-EAt Pancakes! Plus serving Scrambled Eggs,
Sausage, Bacon, Fruit, Milk, OJ, Coffee
The Trust Advisory Committee of the
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Manly Drug
For all your Tailgating
Supplies, Snacks,
Napkins, Plates, Trays,
Cups, Grilling Supplies
& Drink Mixes
621 G Avenue • Grundy Center • (319) 824-5446
Now Playing At Your
Area Theatres
Gladbrook, IA ~ 888-473-3456
Starting Friday
August 30
The Wolverine - 3d
Center Theatre
Starting, Friday
August 30
7:00 -
Red 2
d Ove
Rated PG-13, 120 minutes
7:30 The Wolverine
Rated PG-13, 120 minutes
Rated PG-13
NO Matinees this weekend
7:30 p.m. Fri. thru Wed.
1:30 p.m. Sunday
Adults $3; Kids & Srs. $1
2-1/2 to
Adult Beginner thru
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Volume 89 – Number 35
Wellsburg Herald
The Grundy Register
GCMH open house to feature
free health, safety information
peek inside a Lifeflight Helicopter and ambulance. Safely dispose
of your expired medications at the
Drug Take Back booth. Take advantage of free child safety seat inspections. Enjoy refreshments, balloons, and face painting, all at the
Thursday, Sept. 5 Community Open
House sponsored by Grundy County
Memorial Hospital (GCMH) and
UnityPoint Clinic – Grundy Center
Family Medicine.
New hospital CEO Brian Kellar
and UnityPoint Clinic providers Dr.
Ryan Arnevik, Becky Frisch PA-C,
and Mike Knutsen, PA-C, will be
greeting the public while a variety
of health resources are on display in
the hospital and clinic parking lot,
beginning at 4:30 until 7 p.m.
• Free Blood Pressure checks
• HeartAware risk assessment information
• Build a Better Breakfast, from
the hospital’s registered dietitians
• Safe Sitter, new certified Babysitting course
• Up-to-date Vaccination guidelines
deadline is:
10 a.m. Monday!
(319) 824-6958
scHmidt &
Office at
507 3rd St., Wellsburg
• Drug Take Back – expired and
unused prescription and over-thecounter medication may be brought
to the Open House for safe disposal,
supervised by a hospital pharmacist
• Car Safety Seat Inspections,
sponsored by Tri County Head
Start’s Certified Child Passenger
Safety Technicians (at Entrance #1)
• Information on important health
• Through My Grandma’s Eyes –
activity to acquaint youngsters with
the physical aspects of aging
• free Face Painting, by Make It
Up Face Painting
• Balloons, refreshments, and
The public is invited to the Community Open House event, which
will be held in the south side parking
lot of GCMH and UnityPoint Clinic
– Grundy Center Family Medicine,
201 East J Avenue in Grundy Center.
For more information, visit the
hospital’s website, or contact Keely
Harken, Community Outreach Manager.
Florence Nederhoff
to celebrate 90th
Florence Nederhoff of Wellsburg
will be celebrating her 90th birthday
on September 5, 2013.
AGWSR school
Friday, Aug. 30: 2 p.m., Holiday
Dismissal; 7 p.m., FB at Ackley
Tuesday, Sept. 3: 4:30 p.m., CC
at Mason City; 5:30 p.m., HS VB
at Grundy Center; 6 p.m., JV FB at
Thursday, Sept. 4: 5 p.m., FR FB
at State Center; 6 p.m., HS VB at
AGWSR school
lunch menu
(Breakfast includes milk & juice)
Fri., Aug. 30: Cereal & Toast
Mon., Sept. 2: No School
Tues., Sept. 3: Breakfast Program
Wed., Sept. 4 Pancakes & Sausage
Thurs., Sept. 5: Omelet & Toast
(Lunch includes salad bar &
Fri., Aug. 30: Beefburger, Broccoli, Orange Smiles
Mon., Sept. 2: No School
Tues., Sept. 3: Popcorn Chicken,
Mashed Potatoes, Bread & Butter,
Wed., Sept. 4:Spaghetti w/Meat
Cheese Sauce, Garlic Bread, Coleslaw, Pineapple
Thurs., Sept. 5: Hot Dog, Potatoes, Fresh Fruit, Rice Krispie Bar
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Specializing in spraying your • House •
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• Will live trap & remove any
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Jeff Werkman
My house is FREE of bugs,
spiders, beetles & rodents
yours should be, too!
9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday
Toll-Free to Grundy Center
Office 1-877-824-6951
Church Worship Services
Grundy Center
American Lutheran Church
Luther Thoresen Pastor
8:45 a.m. Worship Service
Bethany Presbyterian Church
Tom & Jean Bower, Pastors
10:00 a.m. Worship Service
First Baptist Church
9:15 a.m., Sunday School
10:30 a.m. Morning Worship Service
6:30 p.m. Evening Service
First Presbyterian Church
Rev. Mike Campbell, Pastor
Rev. Sheryl Campbell, Parish Associate
9:00 a.m. Worship Service
United Methodist Church
Phil Dicks, Pastor
9 a.m. Worship Service
10:15 a.m. Adult Study at AP
10:15 a.m. Pastor led Bible Study in FH
Orchard Hill Church (Center Theatre)
9:45 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Worship Service
Orchard Hill - Lincoln Center
Jesse Henkle, Host Pastor
9:00 a.m. Morning Worship
10:30 a.m. Sunday School
Colfax Center Presbyterian
Eric Duble, Interim Pastor
9:30 a.m. Morning Worship
10:45 Sunday School
Pleasant Valley Reformed Church
Rev. Rick Vollema
9 a.m. Worship Service
10:30 a.m. Discussion Group
East Friesland Presbyterian
Lynn Arends, Supply Pastor
9:15 a.m. Sunday School
10:30 a.m. Morning Worship
Faith Presbyterian Church
9:00 a.m. Morning Worship
10:30 a.m. Sunday School
First Christian Reformed
Thomas Vos, Pastor
9:30 a.m. Morning Worship
10:30 a.m. Sunday School
7:00 p.m. Evening Worship
Pleasant Valley United Methodist
Dot Geersema, Pastor
8:45 a.m. Morning Worship
Reformed Church
9:30 a.m. Morning Worship
10:45 Sunday School
6:30 p.m. Evening Bible Study
St. John Lutheran Church
9:00 a.m. Morning Worship
9:45 Sunday School & Bible Class
St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran
8:15 Sunday School
9:30 a.m. Worship Service
St. Peter’s Country Church
Rev. Michael McLane, Pastor
8 a.m. Morning Worship
United Reformed Church
Matthew Nuiver, Pastor
9:30 a.m. Morning Worship
10:45 Sunday School
7 p.m. Evening Worship
Steamboat Rock Baptist Church
Harrison Lippert, Pastor
Bryce Roskens, Associate Pastor
8:45 a.m. Traditional Service
10 a.m. Sunday School
11 a.m. Contemporary Service
United Methodist Church
Dan Ridnouer, Pastor
9 a.m. Sunday School
10:15 a.m. Worship Service
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
Mark Decker, Pastor
9 a.m. Worship
10:15 a.m. Sunday School
Fredsville Lutheran Church
Rev. Lisa Dietrich, Pastor
8:15 a.m. Adult Sunday School
9:30 a.m. Traditional Worship
10:30 a.m. Sunday School
Liberty Baptist Church (GARBC)
Dennis Sanders, Pastor
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:45 a.m. Morning Worship
6 p.m. Evening Praise Service
United Methodist Church
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:45 a.m. Morning Worship
Alice Church of God
James Snare, Pastor
9:15 a.m. Sunday School
10:30 a.m. Worship Service
First Presbyterian Church
Kerry Carson, Pastor
8:45 a.m. Sunday School
11 a.m. Fellowship
United Methodist Church
Jennifer Daniel, Pastor
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:45 a.m. Worship
area CHurCHes
Holy Family Catholic Parish
Rev. David Kucera
Mass: 5:30 p.m., Sat. - Parkersburg
9:30 a.m., Sunday - Reinbeck
Salem Church of Lincoln
Rev. Barb Muhs, Pastor
9:25 a.m. Sunday School
10:30 a.m. Worship Service
Bethel Reformed Church
9 a.m. Worship Service
10 a.m. Sunday School
Ivester Church of the Brethren
Co-Pastors Katie & Parker Thompson
9:30 a.m. Christian Education
10:30 a.m. Worship Service
Noon potluck
Reformed Church of Stout
David VanderLeest, Pastor 319-346-1487
9:30 a.m. Morning Worship
10:30 a.m. Fellowship Time
10:45 Sunday School
Rainsbarger Daze Special Event
The Steamboat Rock Historical
Society will be transporting everyone back to an event in Steamboat’s
history during this year’s Rainsbarger Daze Celebration on Saturday
August 31. Join us as we relive the
February 16, 1931, robbery of the
Farmers Savings Bank which is now
our museum!
“Shortly after 3 p.m. on that day
in history, Kenneth Eldred of Iowa
Falls entered the bank. Whipping
out a revolver, he ordered Cashier
Elda Christians and his assistant
Jim Holmes to “stick ‘em up!” The
two immediately complied.” Join
the Steamboat Rock Historical Society on Saturday August 31, during
Rainsbarger Daze at 11:00 am and
1:00 pm as Dennis Holmes, grandson of Jim Holmes recounts the robbery as it happened in 1931.
The story is exciting and yet
funny as the would be robbers were
soon caught when their car could not
make it up the steep hills near Hardin City. The robbers were arrested
and brought to justice.
After Dennis finishes his story
telling some local antique car enthusiasts will re-enact the robbery in
slap-stick fashion including a Keystone Cops car chase down Market
This is an event you won’t want
to miss, and will be fun for young
and old alike as you learn some of
our local history and have a laugh or
two along the way.
In addition to these programs our
museum will be open from 9:00 to
4:00, with special activities for everyone. Gerd Rochlitzer will be on
hand to take pictures with his antique tintype camera and put them
on wanted posters in commemoration of Rainsbarger Daze or the 1931
bank robbery. He will be printing the
posters on an antique press. These
working antiques are very interesting to see in operation. Be sure and
plan to spend part of your day at the
Steamboat Rock Historical Society!
Ghost Town Bus Tour III
On September 14, our Historical
Society will present the third Hardin County Ghost Town Bus Tour.
This year we are very fortunate to be
partnering with the Ackley Heritage
Center in presenting the tour.
The begins with a short locally
produced video presentation that
gives an overview of the history that
will be presented on the three hour
tour. After viewing the video, riders will board tour buses to visit the
actual location of four ghost towns
within the county. At each location
those on the tour leave the bus where
actors and storytellers dressed in
period costumes portray individuals from history and tell of events
that happened to them or took place
in their town. Riders then return to
the bus and travel to the next town.
Along the way bus tour guides will
point out items such as old railroad
beds, private cemeteries and other
landmarks that are woven into the
Our bus tour will tell a story that
connects four Hardin County ghost
towns, Hazel Green, Abbott, Bunjerville (Cleves) and Robertson. With
the exception of Hazel Green, these
were all towns spawned by the railroad stretching across Hardin County. Within the story of these towns
lies a greater story of the first East
Friesland, German settlers to come
to Iowa in 1853. German immigrants
were the second largest immigrant
group (behind the British Isles) to
settle in Iowa. Immigrants from Germany settled in every Iowa county.
No other immigrant group was that
widely spread across the state. By
1920 half of all Iowa farmers were
of German descent.
By the end of the 1860s and the
beginning or the 1870s the Ostfriesen Colony that started in 1853-54,
began to blossom. They expanded
south, east and north in such great
numbers that they extended in the
south to Beaman, in the north far past
Bristow, a distance of 40 miles; and
in an easterly direction from Hardin
City to New Hartford, likewise a
distance of 40 miles. Consequently
these Colonies formed the largest
East Friesen Settlement in America.
Our tour will conclude at the Ackley Heritage Center’s Prairie Settlement where our travelers can spend
time on their own enjoying the many
displays in the carefully preserved
1800s home, band, carriage house,
country school and beautiful prairie
gardens. This is a special treasure
that will make our tour particularly
Here riders will also be given an
opportunity to visit with historians
and researchers including representatives from the Ostfriesen Genealogical Society of America, and
Dennis Holmes, railroad enthusiast
with broad knowledge of the Iowa
Central Railroad and the M&St.L
railway. These people will answer
questions and tell of ongoing research.
The Steamboat Rock Pride and
Betterment will be serving a pancake, scrambled egg and sausage
breakfast at the Cougar Sports Bar,
on the morning of the tour beginning
at 7:00 am until they run out of food.
They will be accepting donations to
cover costs and raise funds for their
ongoing projects that serve Steamboat Rock.
Busses leave every 30 minutes
from the Steamboat Rock Historical Society. Tickets and reservations
need be purchased in advance. Tickets are now on sale for the September 14th Hardin County Ghost Town
Bus Tour at Green Belt Bank and
Trust, Hardin County Savings Bank,
Ackley State Bank, and Peoples
Savings Bank as well as the Steamboat Rock Library, Steamboat Rock
Historical Society and the Ackley
Heritage Center.
To contact us or for more information about the this special tour,
please visit our website: www.
Swords into Plowshares & Guns into Guitars
Pedro Reyes is a Mexican artist who turns
guns into musical instruments, making everything from guitars to flutes out of confiscated
weapons. Since it is virtually impossible to
legally purchase a firearm in Mexico, almost
all of Mexico’s illegal weapons have come
from “straw buyers” in the United States
which are then smuggled into Mexico. Reyes
puts the gun violence in Mexico into context by comparing it with the United States,
noting that while the mass shootings which
happen roughly once a month in the United
States are a tragedy, they are a daily occurrence in Mexico. Indeed, at the height of
the “drug wars” which continue to afflict
Mexico, Ciudad Juarez (a city of roughly 1.3
million people) was averaging about 10 gun
deaths per day. Reyes came to prominence
for a project in 2008 in which he melted
down over 1500 guns and made shovels from
them, which were then used to plant trees.
Perhaps the upshot of his work, and his art,
is that we should be investing more ininstruments of agriculture and music and less in
instruments of death.
- Christopher Simon
“They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears
into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against
nation, nor will they train for war anymore.”
Isaiah 2:4
Space for this series of religious messages for all faiths is provided by The Grundy
Register and these community-minded business and professional people:
Grundy Center
R.S. Bacon Veneer Company
Engelkes-Abels Funeral Home & Monument Co.
GNB Bank
Grundy Center Municipal Light & Power Dept.
Grundy County Rural Electric Cooperative
The Grundy Register
Heartland Cooperative
Richelieu Foods Inc.
Rouse Motor Co.
Doyen-Abels Funeral Home & Monument Co.
The Wellsburg Herald
Beninga Sanitation
Dike Funeral Chapel & Monument Co.
The Dike Register
Ubben Building Supplies, Inc.
The Grundy Register
Diane Paige, Correspondent
Phone: (319) 989-2163
Dike Register
Grundy Center, D-NH academic
decathletes kick off season with dinner
and parents from the Grundy Center and Dike New Hartford school
districts kicked off the 2013-2014
Academic Decathlon year with a
potluck last Thursday. Nearly 100
people attended and enjoyed plenty
of good food, listened to an informative and entertaining guest speaker
and witnessed the unveiling of this
year’s Academic Decathlon t- shirt.
The meal started at 6:30. After
eating and socializing, attendees listened to a presentation by Dr. Daniel Walther, chair of the history department at Wartburg College. This
year’s decathlon topic is World War
I, so Dr. Walther’s presentation was
entitled, “The Great War and Why
It Still Matters Today.” Among the
subjects touched on were the Armenian Genocide, parallels between
World War I and the current U.S.
involvement in the Middle East, and
the importance of studying history.
Dr. Walther walked among the audience during his lecture, frequently
asking questions.
After the presentation, the audi-
ence got a look at this year’s Academic Decathlon t-shirt. In keeping
with this year’s theme, the shirt features the team mascot in a WWI vintage gas mask and infantry helmet.
The mascot drawing was done by
DNH junior decathlete Nikki Weissenfluh. The t-shirt layout and additional artwork were provided by GC
alumnus Nathan Schleuder (2001), a
graphic artist currently living in Lafayette, Ind.
For the second consecutive year,
Grundy Center and Dike-New Hartford will be sharing the Academic
Decathlon program. Participants
will study art, economics, literature,
mathematics, music, science and social science in addition to preparing
a speech, sitting for an interview and
writing an essay based on this year’s
topic. The decathletes are coached
by GCCS librarian Don Osterhaus.
This year he will be assisted by Renee Gingery a high school language
arts teacher at Dike-New Hartford.
Decathletes are hoping to earn a
seventeenth consecutive berth at the
state competition in March, and a
Dr. Daniel Walther, chair of the
history department at Wartburg
College, speaks to Grundy Center
and Dike-New Hartford Academic
Decathlon students about "The
Great War and Why It Still Matters Today." World War I (also
known as The Great War) is the
topic for this year's Academic Decathlon. (John Jensen/The Grundy Register photo).
shot at a state championship. Congratulations and good luck to this
year’s decathletes.
The Scheels Bowshoot - New Location but same great time
Grundy County
Conservation Director
There was a new location for this
year’s bowshoot. The Black Hawk
Creek Wildlife Area north of Morrison was the place. But everything
else that makes the bowshoot a success was the same. The same great
shooters of all shapes, sizes, sexes,
and ages showed up to test their archery skills on August 17 and 18.
What were the days like? Near PERFECT! They started off cool and this
year mosquito free!
If you’ve been involved in planning events – especially outdoor
events, then you know that you
worry about the weather. You worry
about publicity. You worry about
turnout. You worry.
Add to that the worry that comes
with changing locations for that
event. And the headaches that had
occurred with the scramble to have
everything ready after the spring
flooding that wrecked havoc with
the course. A course that had been
laid out only last fall.
Well, all the worry paid off. I
don’t know if it actually paid off but
it ended in a super event with the
course, location, and event receiving multiple compliments. The day
started early for Conservation Board
staff. The registration area needed to
be ready for the shooters that would
be arriving for the 7:30 AM registration. Only they began to arrive shortly after 7a.m.
As I said, there were shooters
of all shapes and sizes. That’s one
of the things that I like about the
event. You can participate and enjoy
the shoot whether you are sporting
thousands of dollars of equipment or
the $50 bow you bought from your
uncle years ago.
The course included shots in prairie and woodland conditions. The
targets were many and varied. From
the comments, the archers enjoyed
Shooters of all ages enjoyed the Scheels 3D Bowshoot on Aug 17 & 18
near Morrison. Photo courtesy Kevin Williams
themselves and found the course
challenging and more importantly
fun. Out of a total 400 points, the results were:
Men’s Open
1st 390, Jason Geodken, Oelwein, ($50 Scheels gift card)
2nd 376, Dan Yoder, Webster
3rd 373, Kody Nielsen, Earlham
Men’s Bowhunter
1st 371, Al Snyder, Elk Run,
($50 Scheels gift card)
2nd 367, Matt Welsh, Redfield
3rd 364, Michael Smith, Newton
Men’s Traditional
1st 319, Don Stangeland, Stanhope, $50 Scheels gift card)
2nd 247, Tom Murphy, Marshalltown
3rd 238, Dayne Watson, Reinbeck
1st 382, Amber Ralston, Oelwein, ($50 Scheels gift card)
2nd 345, Sara Weissenfluh,
3rd 314, Christine Farley, Reinbeck
1st 360, Zach Snyder,
Run, ($25 Scheels gift card)
2nd 360, Kevin Rewoldt, Reinbeck,
3rd 257, Braeden Farmer, Cedar Falls,IA
Orange Dot Challenge
Winner - Darren Gerdts, Marshalltown
A more complete list of winners
can be found by going to Scheels representatives were present to demo bows and
answer questions. And Scheels generously provided the prizes for each
of the categories and the orange dot
challenge. They also funded several
new targets for this year’s event.
Don’t let another year go by. If
you haven’t yet attended this event,
plan to be at next year’s event.
Thursday, August 29
5 pm Cross country at marshalltown
No school PK -4 grade
12-7 Dike and NH PT conferences
Friday, August 30
7 pm Football in Grundy Center
Saturday, August 31
9 am VB 9-10 grade tourn in Dike
Sunday, September 1
Local church services
Monday, September 2
No school
Labor Day
Tuesday, September 3
6 pm JV football at Grundy Center
MAP Testing begins
6 pm JH meet the players night
Wednesday, September 4
DCBA Meeting
September 9
Couple Married in
Cedar Falls
Larry Gregory and Jean Jasper, both of Cedar Falls, IA. Were
married on July 19, 2013, 6p.m. at
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church,
Waterloo, IA. Officiating: Father
Tom McDermott and Bishop Steve
Ullestad. Parents: Edward and Leta
Holtz, Leta is deceased. Clifford
and Evelyn Gregory, both deceased.
Walking bride down the aisle: Seth
Wolkenhauer, grandson of bride,
of Lincoln, NE. and Sean Hauge,
grandson of bride, of Plymouth, MN.
Personal Attendant: Rachel Snider,
granddaughter of bride, of Fishers,
IN. Flower girls: Lauren Snider,
granddaughter of bride, of Fishers, IN. and Nicole Hauge, granddaughter of bride, of Plymouth,
MN. Readers: Maren Kelly, granddaughter of groom, of East Peoria,
IL., Kayla Dowell, granddaughter
of groom, of Cedar Falls, IA., Hannah Wolkenhauer, granddaughter
of bride, of Lincoln, NE. Ushers:
Connor Kelly, grandson of groom,
of East Peoria, IL., Mitchell Dowell,
grandson of groom, of Cedar Falls,
IA. Bride’s employment-Retired
from Cedar Falls Utilities, Cedar
Fall, IA. Groom’s employment-Larry Gregory Insurance Agency, Cedar
Falls, IA. Home address: 219 Cordoba Ave., Cedar Falls, IA.
1) Treasurer’s Report
2) Watermelon Days 2013
a. Inflatables(7 this year)
b. Belt Sander Races
c. Kids Tractor Pull
d. Stage Entertainment
i. Is this something we want to continue?
e. Fireworks
i. Do we want to do in 2014?
ii. If yes, how do we want to raise
iii. Date/location this year and
3) Watermelon Days 2014
a. Date
b. Location(Downtown, School,
City Park)
c. Thorp Inflatables(Yes or No)
d. Need to see if any groups want
to add events
i. Ideas:(Dunk Tank, Wii tournament, ??)
4)mHoliday Razzle Dazzle Event
a. Date/Time
b. Horse and Carriage
c. Christmas Tree
d. Street Closures
e. Vendors
f. Postcard(Printing, Design, Postage)
g. Santa
h. Any activities to add
5) Sandwich Day-April 6, 2013
a. Select Date(Spring 2014?-Need
to reserve city hall)
b. Need to let city know for putting
on city bills
6) Senior Awards Night in May
a. Pass to booster club or keep with
our 7 awards
7) Other business
8) Next Meeting Date:
Dike native
named Teacher
of the Year
Gene Fischer, a former Dike resident and Dike High School graduate
of 1970, was recently awarded the
Golden Apple award for York, Neb.
public schools.
Fischer received his undergraduate degree in early childhood education from UNI and master's degree
in special education at Kearney College (now University of Nebraska
Kearney). He has started his 35th
year of teaching special education
in the York public schools. He had
previously worked at Waterloo Head
The Golden Apple award is given
at the beginning of the school term
to the District's teacher of the year.
Fischer is a resident of Fairmont,
Neb., where he is active in the community and a public address announcer for area athletic events. He
also writes an op-ed column for the
York News-Times. Gene is married
to Kathy Boyes and step-father to
three and grandfather to five.
Buy It!
Sell It!
Trade It!
Advertise in
The Grundy Register
Only $7.10 an inch
or $6 minimum for
line or thank you ads
(319) 824-6958
Educating OUR Community
Building the Workforce
 More than 467 graduates from Grundy County
schools have earned a college degree from
Hawkeye since 2007.
 Employers hiring Hawkeye graduates and/or
utilizing an employee training program:
• Delta Industries
• Peterson Contractors, Inc.
• Grundy County
• Sinclair Elevator
• Grundy County Memorial
• U.S. Grain Storage
Systems Inc.
• Lincoln Savings Bank
College Credit Courses
Improving OUR Community
Western Outreach Center Opened in 2010
 One location serving four school districts:
WHEN: FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 2013 - 7:00PM
• Aplington-Parkersburg Schools
• Dike-New Hartford Community Schools
• Gladbrook-Reinbeck Community Schools
• Grundy Center Community Schools
High-Demand Training
 Last spring, more than 139 students took a
college-level course at Hawkeye’s Western
Outreach Center, saving families more than
$105,000 in college tuition.
 Providing high-demand training programs:
- Computer-Numerical Control (CNC)
Serving Grundy County . . .
Volume 89 – Number 29
Dates for Dike
Thursday, August 29: Sandy
Hemmen, Doris Saathoff
Friday, August 30: Karl Dietl,
Amy Campbell, Michelle Reinicke
Saturday, August 31: Dale Danielsen, Sara Nielsen
Monday, September 2: Karen
Heerkes, Doris Roberts
Tuesday, September 3: Miki
Zmolek, Joan Lotts, Sarah Amling,
Breen Greer
Wednesday, September 4: Pat
Cannegieter, Billie Weber Dall
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Helping Businesses Expand
Grundy Center
3 col = 6.375 x 8
Thursday, August 29, 2013
After a walk through tour of the Dike Facilities,
the Dike-New Hartford Board of Education met
on August 19, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Board
Room with Lizer presiding and members Dieken, Hinde, Koop, and Nielsen. Also present
were administrators Hunt, Martinek, and Textor.
Visitors present at the meeting included Lori
Hoffmann, Don McCallum, and Suzanne Perez.
Minutes of the July 11, 2013 work session and
the July 15, 2013 regular meeting were approved as written on motion of Nielsen and second of Hinde. Vote all aye.
The Agenda was approved as amended on motion of Dieken and second of Koop. Vote all
Lori Hoffmann addressed the Board regarding
the possibility of busing students that live in Fox
Ridge Second Addition. The Board asked Hunt
to gather more information for the September
meeting. No action was taken.
Hinde left the meeting at 7:15 to attend the DLE
Parent/Student meeting. Martinek also left to
attend the DLE meeting.
The board reviewed the report of Principal
Laube. No other reports were presented.
Policies in Section 210.7R – 222 and all of Series 300 were approved for the first reading on
motion of Koop and second of Nielsen. Vote
all aye.
On motion of Nielsen and second of Dieken, the
second reading of the Digital Learning Environment Handbook was approved. Vote all aye.
After discussion and input from Athletic Director
Parker, Dike-New Hartford approved that Sumner-Fredericksburg be admitted to the NICL
Conference effective for the 2014-15 school
year on motion of Dieken and second of Koop.
Vote all aye.
On motion of Nielsen and second of Dieken,
the District Developed Service Delivery Plan for
Special Education was approved. Vote all aye.
Hunt reviewed with the board class size numbers for the first day of school 2013-14 as compared to the October 2012 count day with no
action taken.
Hinde returned to the meeting at 8:50.
The resignations of Angie Longhorn as Elementary Associate, Cindy Gronowski as Ala Carte
Server and Mary Wymore as Dishwasher were
approved on motion of Koop and second of
Hinde. Vote all aye.
On motion of Nielsen and second of Dieken
the following contracts were approved: Cindy
Gronowski – Part-Time Cook Asst., Tabitha
Johnson – Teacher Associate, Tammy Woods –
Teacher Associate, Erica Gronowski – Teacher
Associate, Kathy Johnson – Teacher Associate, Michael Weichers – Technology Associate,
Mary Wymore – Asst. Cook, William Carithers
– Part-Time Custodian, and Michelle Smith –
Dishwasher. Also, Ashley Beninga – Head JH
Volleyball Coach, Ashtyn Dove – Head JH Volleyball Coach, Brian Grooms – Asst. JH Football Coach, Amy Seitz – Head Speech Coach,
Karla Koch – Asst. Speech Coach and to add
a half-time Asst. HS Football Cheerleading
Coach. Vote all aye.
Laube now present at 9:05.
The lane change of Amy Seitz from BA to
BA+12 was approved on motion of Nielsen and
second of Koop. Vote all aye.
The Professional Development stipend of $100
per day for teachers to attend training on August 16 was approved on motion of Hinde and
second of Dieken. Vote all aye.
It was the consensus of the board not to paint
the Dike handball courts at this time.
The preschool fencing bid of Iowa Fence Masters for $6,300 was approved on motion of
Dieken and second of Nielsen. Vote all aye.
Hunt reviewed possible plans for a Safe Room
in Dike. On motion of Koop and second of
Nielsen, it was approved to continue with the
Safe Room grant process by pursuing the hazard mitigation grant through Grundy County.
Vote all aye.
Hunt is in the process of trying to find someone
to inspect the current HS football light poles.
A permanent easement for the City of New
Hartford to continue installing berms around
the east side of New Hartford was approved on
motion of Nielsen and second of Koop. Vote
all aye.
The bills of the General, Activity and Nutrition
funds were approved on motion of Nielsen and
second of Koop. Vote all aye.
On motion of Koop and second of Nielsen, the
financial reports of the General, Activity and Nutrition funds were approved. Vote all aye.
Lizer volunteered to be Dike-New Hartford’s
delegate at the November IASB Convention. It
was decided to send a team to the ISFIS Fall
Workshop on October 17. Hunt will work on
setting up a work session with board members
and administrators in late September or early
Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.
Following the regular meeting the Dike-New
Hartford Board of Education met at 10:15 p.m.
for a work session with Lizer presiding and
members Dieken, Hinde, Koop and Nielsen.
Also present was administrator Hunt. The
purpose of the work session was to review the
Culture and Climate survey tool which will be
administered to staff members in the next few
Being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:25 p.m.
Dike-New Hartford CSD
August 2013 Bill Listing
Vendor Name Vendor Description Amount
General Fund
Aflac. Insurance......................................334.31
Allen Glass Co., Inc., Bldg Repairs........272.23
Alliant Energy, Utilities..............................92.01
Arnold Motor Supply, Repair Parts, Supplies....
Beninga Sanitation, Garbage Removal..120.00
Black Hawk Sprinklers, Bldg Maintenance........
Black Hills Energy, Natural Gas..............223.80
Broten, Jeanette, Refund School Fees....70.00
Butler County Solid Waste, Landfill Charges.....
Ccs Presentation Systems, Computer Equip....
Cedar Falls Community Schools, Special Ed
Central Iowa Distributing, Inc, Cleaning/Maint.
Century Link, Telephone Charges..........687.55
City Of Dike, Utilities............................5,889.22
City Of New Hartford, Utilities.................290.16
Colwell Ford, Bill, Repair Parts.................41.07
Curve, The, Gasoline, Supplies..............228.49
Derby Tech Cipa Filter, Inc., Software Maint.....
Dierks Tree Transplant, Inc., Gr0unds Maint.....
Direct Appliance, Home Ec Appliances.............
Ecowater Financial Services, Water Conditioner..............................................................23.00
Farmers Cooperative Co., Supplies....2,471.56
Gladbrook-Reinbeck Community, Special Ed
Heetland, Carol, Supplies.......................208.79
Hilliard, Jon, Bus Physical........................60.00
Houchen Bindery, Book Binding...............83.00
Houghton Mifflin, Supplies...................1,477.26
Hunt, Larry, Mileage...............................219.96
Iowa Communications Network, Internet, Long
Iowa Division Of Labor Services, Inspection.....
Iowa School Employee, Insurance......4,423.69
James, Juree, Software..........................375.00
John Deere Financial, Repair Services..774.65
Johnstone Supply, Plbg/Htg Supplies.....584.72
Knudsen, David, Supplies......................180.00
Konken Electric, Inc., Electrical Repairs............
Kwik Star Stores, Gasoline/Supplies.................
Lowery Mcdonnell Company, Maint Supplies....
Mastercard Corporate Clients, Supplies............
Medical Enterprises, Inc., Testing Kits......20.00
Medical Products Laboratory, Health Supplies..
Meier-Figi, Michelle, Regist Fee...............25.00
Grundy FOR THE RECORD Register
September 10, 2013
Notice is hereby given to the qualified voters
of the Dike-New Hartford Community School
District in the Counties of Grundy, Black Hawk,
and Butler, State of Iowa, that an election will
be held on Tuesday, September 10, 2013. The
purpose is to elect one member for the District 1
position, one member for the District 3 position,
and one member for the At Large position, each
for a four-year term, on the Board of Directors
of the Dike-New Hartford School District; and to
elect one member for the District No. 3 position
on the Board of Directors of the Merged Area
Education VII for a four-year term.
Notice is further given to the qualified electors of the Merged Area Education VII that there
will be a Public Measure Question (Question H)
(see full text of the question on the sample ballot included with this notice).
The polls will be open from 12:00 noon to 8:00
p.m. for all polling sites.
Following is a list of polling sites for the aforementioned school:
Precinct No. 8 – Dike Public Library:
All voters in the Dike-New Hartford
School District living in Grundy County, and rural residents of the Dike-New
Hartford School District living in Black Hawk and
Cedar Falls Townships in Black Hawk County.
Precinct No. 9 – New Hartford Community Center: All voters in the DikeNew Hartford School District living in
Butler County and in Union Township
in Black Hawk County.
Grundy County residents who are not registered to vote are reminded of the need to do so
in order to participate in this election. Residents
may register in the office of the County Auditor
in person, obtain a registration form online at, or may request that a
registration form be mailed to them. With appropriate identification, an eligible elector may
also register to vote on Election Day in the precinct where the person lives.
Any voter who is physically unable to enter a
polling place has the right to vote in the voter’s
vehicle. For further information, please contact
the County Auditor’s office at 319-824-3122.
I hereby certify that this is a correct copy of the
1st Rotation of the official ballot to be voted at
the Dike-New Hartford School Election on September 10, 2013.
Rhonda R. Deters, Grundy County Auditor &
Commissioner of Elections
Menken, Merlin, Travel Expense............113.14
Mid American Energy, Electricity/Natural Gas...
Mid-America Publishing Co, Publications..........
Mid-American Research Chemical, Cleaning/
Grounds Supplies...................................985.00
Mid-Iowa School Improvement, Software..........
Minnesota Chem. Co., The, Repair Service......
Nasco, Instructional Supplies...................20.27
Nelson & Hagy, Plbg/Htg Parts...............448.09
Oltrogge, Cpa, Keith, Audit Fee...........2,000.00
Ottsen Oil, Lubricants..........................1,704.54
Pakala, Lynn Or Gayl, Refund School Fees......
Palma’s Deli, Supplies............................396.00
Paper Corporation, The, Supplies.......7,866.30
Pearson Education, Supplies..............1,578.04
Perkins Plumbing & Heating, Jay, Plbg & Htg
Pipe Pro Inc., Plbg/Htg Repairs..............164.00
Premier School Agendas, Supplies.....1,076.59
Purchase Power, Postage...................1,019.99
R&D Industries, Inc., Equip Repair.........135.00
Rand Worldwide Subsidiary, Software..............
Sadler Power Train Inc., Repair Parts...............
Scholastic News, Publications................820.60
School Specialty Inc., Supplies..............148.75
Schumacher Elevator Co., Inc, Elevator Maintenance......................................................339.82
Schwickerath, Brett, Mileage....................23.40
Sharpline, Scoreboard Repair................306.00
Sherwin-Williams Co., Supplies..........2,396.08
Struxture Architects, Architect Services..905.34
Superior Welding Supply, Supplies........651.75
Swisher & Cohrt, Legal Services............598.08
Timberline Billing Service, Medicaid Claims......
Todd’s Repair, Repair Service..................20.00
Ubben Building Supplies, Supplies.....1,046.83
United Healthcare Plan, Insurance....56,618.89
Van Meter Company, The, Electrical Supplies..
Warren, Gerald, Supplies.........................47.83
Waverly-Shell Rock Schools, Special Ed Tuition.........................................................199.98
Wbc Mechanical, Inc., Boiler Parts/Service.......
Weber Paper Company, Paper Products..........
Weichers, Michael, Mileage......................35.10
Weissenfluh, Rob/Karla, Travel Expense..........
Fund Total:.....................................144,481.09
Management Fund
Emc Insurance Companies, Work Comp-Hunt,
Iowa Workforce Development, Unemployment
Tobias Insurance Agency, District Insurance.....
United Healthcare Plan, Insurance.........932.78
Fund Total:.....................................125,800.48
Capital Projects
Konken Electric, Inc., Electrical Repairs............
Fund Total:.......................................12,505.27
Physical Plan & Equip Levy
D & W Floor Covering, Floor Covering..6,800.00
Lynch Roofing & Siding, Inc., Roof Repairs......
Moore, Greg, Roof Repairs.................1,050.00
Perkins Plumbing & Heating, Jay, Plbg & Htg
Plk Design, Preschool Playgrounds..................
Ubben Building Supplies, Supplies........804.59
Witham Factory Outlets, 2014 F350 Pickup......
Fund Total:.......................................63,315.09
Debt Service Fund
Apple Financial Services, Computer Lease......
De Lage Landen, Copier Lease..........1,551.45
Fund Total:.......................................161,340.76
Checking Account Total:..................507,442.69
The Stout City Council met in regularly scheduled session on Monday August 12, 2013 at
7:00 p.m. in City Hall.
Mayor Jim Folkerts called the meeting to order
at 7:00 p.m.
ROLL CALL-Present: Rich, Ross, Rogers and
Folkerts, also present C. Hauser and Daran
Absent: None
Guests: Jeff Henley, Sheriff B.J. Jorgensen,
Virgil Cordes, Kenny DeVries, William Rogers,
Velma Cordes, Deanne Ross, Florence Freese
and Patti Freese
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Rich moved for
approval of the current agenda, seconded by
Ross. Ayes: 3. Motion carried.
CONSENT AGENDA: Bill list added: None. Rich
moved to approve minutes dated July 8, 2013
and July bill list in the amount of $8198.74, seconded by Ross. Ayes: 3. Motion carried.
New Business-not necessarily in order of discussion
A. Virgil Cordes was present with a concern
from minutes of July meeting. His name was
mentioned in the last paragraph of line A.
Should have read “F. Freese asked to remove
her name. Clerk allowed her to remove her
own name from the petition.” Mayor said that
any other discussion pertaining to this subject
was between Mr. Cordes and Ms. Freese and
was not going to be discussed at this meeting.
Mayor Folkerts made apology for the mention
of his name. Rich moved to change sentence
in July minutes, seconded by Rogers. Ayes: 3.
Motion carried.
B. Velma Cordes-(1)asked for a new box to be
installed at bulk water area that is enclosed so
that papers won’t get wet when it rains. Folkerts said he would take care of that. (2)She
also asked about abbreviations used on bill list
and questioned charge for tires on city truck.
All questions were answered. (3)What can
be burnt? She and neighbors have witnessed
toxic materials being burned on a number of
occasions. Folkerts stated that ONLY PAPER,
LEAVES and STICKS are allowed to be burned
within Stout City Limits. If any resident witnesses anything else being burnt they should
contact the Grundy County Sheriff. The violator
will receive a 1st violation notice in writing, if a
2nd visit is necessary a citation will be issued
per City Ordinance which includes a fine of up
to $100. (4)Would like to know if it’s legal for
a person who signed a petition to remove their
name after petition has been handed in? Patti
Freese (Dike City Clerk) was present and asked
about this subject. She didn’t think there was a
problem with removing a name, especially if the
petition had not been accepted by the council.
C. Kevin Ingold-special permit to extend retaining wall and look at privacy fence height. Permit
initially issued was for retaining wall to extend
from the sidewalk back on property. Ingold
thought he had the ok to extend it beyond sidewalk that was removed out to the road. Folkerts
said there must have been a miscommunication. Both agreed. The step created by the retaining wall creates a hazard. Ingold stated that
the wall was put there to keep the ground from
washing due to the difference in in the grade
from his yard to his neighbors. S. Rogers asked
if her yard was leveled out to grade the step
may still be there. Folkerts commented that he
believed if this step was taken it should match
up. S. Rogers said that what Ingold had done
thus far looked nice but wondered if they had
a legal obligation to build up their property to
grade. Legally that change does not have to be
made, however, it would help. Folkerts agreed
that there are many other hazardous sidewalk
issues in town that should also be addressed.
Ross asked what would need to be done to
make this work? W. Rogers asked if they were
to pull out their sidewalk and grade their yard
back to level. Would that be ok? PERFECT. S.
Rogers and W. Rogers have agreed to remove
their sidewalk and grade to level. A special
permit will need to be posted to allow all residents within 600’ of property to make comment
if desired. Ingold plans to finish retaining wall
on both sides of property and pave driveway to
help keep water from filling his yard when rain
drains from neighbors into his yard which creates a little pond in his front yard and across
his driveway. Ross moved to approve posting
of special permit, seconded by Rich. Ayes: 3.
Motion carried. K. Ingold also inquired about
his privacy fence. He wanted to change it to
make it 6’ all the way. Folkerts said the original permit issue was for 3’ from the sidewalk to
the house and 6’ from the corner of the house
to the garage and that would remain. No other
changes would be accepted by council. Also
asked about a mailbox with light to be placed
at end of driveway. Folkerts said that he would
ck into that the following day and prefer to have
a recommendation before giving permission to
D. Annual Conference to be held in Dubuque
Sept. 25-27 Grand River Center. All council may
attend and clerk is asking for permission to attend for the first time. Rich moved to approve
clerk’s attendance, seconded by Rogers. Ayes:
3. Motion carried.
E. Grundy County Sheriff Agreement for FY14
beginning July 2014 until June 2015 for $2438.
Rogers moved to approve contract, seconded
by Rich. Ayes: 3. Motion carried.
F. Letter from Grundy County Assessor notifying council that a letter was published in regards to door to door inspections of all properties in Grundy County beginning July 30, 2013.
Letter received will be posted with minutes.
G. Letter from Grundy County Development Alliance asking for support. Annual membership
fee is $627.20 which is calculated at $2.80 per
capita of 224. Ross moved to table request,
seconded by Ross. Ayes: 3. Motion carried.
Other Business:
A. J. Henley will be posting a Public Notice per
new regulations: 1st Tuesday of each month
during regular fire meetings a remote system
test of siren will take place between 7-8pm
B. Can burn pile still be added to? Yes, and pile
will be burned as part of fire training at Oct. fire
meeting. Please no big logs.
C. Kenny DeVries was present to let council
know that he and Lavern Weber would be donating their time and equipment to help the city
fill holes and take care of alleys as long as rock
is provided. They will do this at NO COST to the
city. Velma Cordes commented that no bartering should be taking place, and Kenny said it
wouldn’t be barter but free. He also commented
that he got word that some expected him to pay
a $6 bill for use of bulk water last year and was
going to pay it tonight. Folkerts said NO, he had
done work for the city and did not need to repay
the $6.
Upcoming Events: None
Clerk Report July 2013-None from clerk. Water Superintendent mentioned a letter received
from DNR about a violation for non-compliance
for influent limit excedence for wastewater. Klingenborg will call CIWA because it is for sewer
NOT water.
Rich moved for adjournment, seconded by
Rogers. Meeting adjourned at 8:13 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Celane Hauser, City Clerk
Jim Folkerts, Mayor
The Wellsburg City Council met in regular session August 5, 2013 with Mayor Van Hauen presiding and all Council Members present.
Van Heiden moved to approve the July 1st
regular minutes and the July 15th special minutes. Nedehoff seconded the motion. All ayes,
Werkman moved to approve the Treasurer’s
Report for July. Nederhoff seconded the motion. All ayes, carried.
.Eilderts moved to approve the following bills for
payment. Van Heiden seconded the motion.
All ayes, carried.
Alliant Energy, gas and electric utility............... ......................................................... $5,168.58
Blythe Sanitation, 312 June pickups.. 3,820.16
EFTPS, fed/fica taxes...................... $2,250.30 Grundy County Sheriff, contract....... $3,128.09
Henning Danielle, swim suit.................. $47.94 IPERS, Pension.................................. $981.90
John Deere Financial, supplies ............ $37.53 Kayla Nazario, suit, supplies mileage.. $305.92
Peoples Savings Bank, truck payoff.$25,630.81 Peoples Savings Bank, Ind. Park.$151,725.22
Peoples Savings Bank, Riekena. $422,032.92
Peoples Savings Bank, Washington St............ ....................................................... $30,136.67
Peoples Savings Bank, water payoff................ ..................................................... $146,908.78
Pepsi-Cola, concessions........................ $4.00
Rewerts Matthew, swim suit.................. $39.95 Sam's Club, concessions and supplies.$253.50
Wellsburg Post Office, utility bill stamps........... ............................................................ $178.00
Windstream, phone service................. $419.59
A-Kleen, rugs, towels mops................ $153.55 B & B Auto Parts, mower battery........... $49.74
Terry Babcock, repair swimming pool.. $110.65 Bankers Trust, initial fee...................... $250.00
Blink Electric Motors, motor repair...... $987.48 Blythe Sanitation, garbage pickup......... $40.00
Central Iowa Water, June water usage............. ......................................................... $7,539.00
Current Electric, re-install motor at pool...........
Ellsworth Municipal Hospital, supplies.. $17.66 Emergency Medical Products, supplies.$175.06
Grundy Register, minutes...................... $68.49 Hometown PC, advertising.................. $108.00
How'-Gan Electric, sewer lift station alarm....... ............................................................ $475.00
NRCOG, dues and safety program.. $1,325.22
Iowa One Call, locates............................ $9.00
Iowa Radiant, light bulbs & ups charges.......... ............................................................ $159.55
Treasurer ISU, fire training.................... $50.00 Matt Parrott & Sons, checks............... $232.07
Paul Nieman Construction, road rock.... $74.15 N E Iowa Inspections, pool inspection.$283.50
Office Depot, printer ink......................... $64.43 Pool Tech, chemicals.......................... $262.40
Sam's Club, concessions................... $290.89 Snittjer Grain, gasohol and diesel...... $916.39
Spahn And Rose, tent stakes/re-rod..... $16.70 T & T Computers, fix & tune up computer........ ............................................................ $210.00
Westrum, 2013 leak survey................. $800.00
A-Kleen, rug......................................... $11.50 Baker and Taylor, books....................... $92.32
Beaman Library, books......................... $53.91 Card Services, dvds............................ $133.87
Country Living, magazine..................... $23.51 Country Woman, magazine.................. $16.98
DC Entertainment, magazine renewal... $33.99 Edward F Eiberger, book...................... $23.98
Ingram Library Services, books........... $463.22
.July receipts by fund as follows: General Fund,
6062.37; Road Use Tax Fund, 5995.51; Capital
Projects Fund, ; Water Fund, 14852.29; Sewer
Fund, 10027.21; Garbage Fund, 3366.98; Library Fund, 294.45; Debt Service, 785999.93;
Special Fund, 3998.88 and TIF Fund, 8.33.
.Eilderts moved to approve a building permit for
David Kremer. Buseman seconded the motion.
All ayes, carried.
Eilderts moved to approve Resolution 8-2013 a
resolution altering the number of Library Trustees and Changing Terms and placing such on
the November election ballot. Buseman seconded the motion. Roll call of votes. All ayes,
Eilderts moved to approve liquor license for the
Wellsburg Tap. Werkman seconded the motion. All ayes, carried.
.Eilderts moved to adjourn. Buseman seconded
the motion. All ayes, carried.
Wendy Lage, City Clerk
Public notice is hereby given, that by virtue of
a writ of execution (or Fieri Facias), dated July
26th, 2013, issued out of the United States District Court, for the Northern District of Iowa, on
a judgment rendered in said Court, on the 16th
day of July, 2013, in favor of the United States
of America and against:
Max B. Lindner, deceased;
all unknown claimants; all persons claiming any
right, title, or interest in the subject real property, including, but not limited to, all unknown
heirs, spouses, executors, administrators, devisees, trustees, legatees, successors, creditors,
assignees, grantees and beneficiaries of the
all of the unknown guardians, conservators,
and trustees of such of the minors or others in
any way under legal disability relating to the deceased defendant that may claim an interest in
the subject property; and
all unknown parties in possession;
I have, on this 8th day of August, 2013, levied
upon the following described real estate, situated in the County of Grundy and State of Iowa, to
wit:Lots four (4), five (5), six (6), seven (7), eight
(8) and the south 15 feet of lot nine (9) in block
three (3) of the Bower’s addition to the town of
Reinbeck, Iowa; and all that part of the west half
of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter (W ½ NW 1/4 SE 1/4)of section twenty-eight
(28), township eighty-seven (87) north, range
fifteen (15), west of the 5th p.m., excepting
there from that part contained in Mart’s addition
to the town of Reinbeck, Iowa; and excepting
that part contained in Bower’s addition to the
town of Reinbeck, Iowa; and excepting a tract
commencingat the northwest corner of lot ten
(10) in block three (3) of said Bower’s addition,
running thence west 60 feet along the south
line of Spruce Street extended; thence south 90
feet; thence east 60 feet to the west line of lot
(9) of block three (3) of said Bower’s addition;
thence north 90 feet to the point of beginning
(this tract is merely an extension of west street
to allow for entrance to the Methodist Church
parking lot which is composed of lot ten (10)
and the north 45 feet of lot nine (9) in block
three (3) of said Bower’s addition to the town of
Reinbeck, Iowa.
I will, accordingly, offer said real estate for sale,
at public auction to the highest and best bidder,
for cash or certified check, on the 12th day of
September 2013, at 11:00 o'clock a.m., at the
Grundy County Courthouse, 706 G Avenue,
Grundy Center, Iowa, 50638.
Said sale shall be subject to any unpaid real
property taxes or special assessments.
Dated, this 29th day of July, 2013.
United States Marshal
Plaintiff's Attorney
Assistant United States Attorney
111 Seventh Ave SE, Box 1
Cedar Rapids, IA 52401
Triple B L T Swine plans to submit a Notice of
Intent to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources to be covered under the NPDES General Permit Number 2 “Storm Water Discharge
Associated with Industrial Activity for Construction Activities”.
The storm water discharge will be from swine
building located in NW 1/4 Sec 32 Colfax T-88
R-17 Grundy.
Storm water will be discharged from one point
source(s) and will be discharged to the following streams: to unnamed tributary.
Comments may be submitted to the Storm Water Discharge Coordinator, Iowa Department
Of Natural Resources, Environmental Protection Division, 502 E 9th Street, Des Moines,
IA 50319-0034. The public may review the Notice of Intent from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday
through Friday, at the above address after it has
been received by the department.
Notice is hereby given that application has been
received by Grundy County for a new confined
animal feeding operation. This confined animal feeding operation will be located at 21915
Grundy Road, Hudson, IA in Grant Township.
Owner of the feeding operation is Degener/Juhl
Farm Partnership LLP. The maximum number
of animals confined will be 1,800 head and will
be a swine finishing operation. Any questions,
comments or to review the application please
contact the Grundy County Sanitarian at 319824-1212 ext 2 or at the office located at the
Grundy County Courthouse 706 G Ave Grundy
Center, IA. Dated this 26 day of August 2013.
A regular session of the Grundy Center City
Council was called to order at 6:30 p.m. on
Tuesday August 13, 2013, in the Council Chambers by Mayor Van Wert. Present: Buhrow,
Hamann, Miller, and Stefl. Absent: One seat
Buhrow moved and Stefl seconded approval of
the agenda. Motion carried four ayes.
Miller moved and Buhrow seconded approval
of the consent agenda consisting of: approval
of the minutes of the regular session held July
8, 2013; approval of the liquor license for the
Crystal Bowl; approval of the native wine permit
for Shabby Shack; and approval of the bills paid
and to be paid list as follows:
City Employees, health ins reimbursements....
A Kleen, floor mats................................113.60
Admin. – Petty Cash, miscellaneous.......20.83
Advanced Systems, copier maintenance (2)....
AFLAC, insurance premium..................161.46
AgSource Labs, sample testing.............696.38
Alliant Energy, electric bill (2)................227.01
American Reality, TIF Rebate.............9,403.48
Animal Rescue League – Marshalltown, kennel
AXA/Equitable Financial, deferred comp (3)....
Dan Bangasser, cell phone.....................39.95
Barco Municipal Products, traffic cones.201.44
Benefit Resources of Iowa, consulting fees.....
Bill Cowell Ford, vehicle maintenance...541.86
Black Hills Energy, natural gas (2)......2,994.81
Blackhawk County Health, pool inspection......
Blacktop Servicesm cold mix..............1,723.88
BMC Aggregates, fill sand.....................433.61
Kim Boren, contract janitorial................400.00
Casey’s General Store, motor fuel.....2,857.46
Central Iowa Distributing, janitorial supplies.....
Central Iowa Water, usage...............27,843.00
Cummins Central Power, preventative maintenance.....................................................808.08
Dearborn National Life, insurance premiums...
Diamond Vogel Paint, sprayer and paint..........
EcoLab – Pest, pest control....................63.00
EMS Billing Services, monthly fees....2,663.03
Failor Hurley Construction, building maintenance..................................................4,632.00
Family Foods.concession supplies, motor fuel
Gall’s Inc., uniform expense..................133.45
Gateway Hotel, training expense..........650.94
GNB Insurance, annual audit adjustments.......
Grundy Center Communications, phone bill.....
Grundy Center Utilities, monthly utilities bill.....
Grundy County memorial Hospital, testing fees
Grundy County Recorder, recording fees..62.00
Heartland Co-op, motor fuel...............1,428.53
I.U.P.A.T., union dues............................204.00
Injectsom LLC, equipment rent..........1,900.00
Iowa Child Support Recovery, child support.....
Iowa Dept of Natural Resources, water supply
Iowa League of Cities, annual dues...1,242.00
INRCOG, comprehensive plan fees, annual
J & E Specialty Meats, concession supplies....
Jesco, parts...........................................154.20
John Deere Financial (Norby’s), miscellaneous
Keystone Labs, sample testing.............123.00
Lavelle Kunzman, earnest money.........200.00
Richard Lamfers, dumpster refund..........12.25
Manatt’s, concrete..............................2,802.15
Manly Drug Store, medical supplies..........8.73
Martin Brothers, concession supplies....206.30
MasterCard, training expense, parts.....369.06
McMartin Tire, vehicle maintenance......212.28
Mid American Publishing Co., publishing.........
MSC – Dollar General, supplies..............40.45
NAPA, parts (2)......................................145.55
Office Express, supplies........................230.66
Office of Vehicle Services, inspection fees.......
Pepsi, concession supplies................1,652.60
Phelps Implement, parts........................667.86
Pool Tech Midwest, chemicals............2,802.00
Postmaster – Grundy Center, stamps...138.00
Precision Lawn Care, mowing............1,125.14
Precision Lawn Care, mowing contracts..........
RC Systems, radio repairs....................147.34
REC – Grundy County, electric services..123.44
Allison Ruth, dumpster refund.................12.25
Safety Meeting Outlines, training..........102.00
Sam’s Club, concession supplies.......1,830.82
Kristi Sawyer, training............................172.26
Schendel Pest Control, pest control........40.00
Scotty’s Sanitation, monthly fees......15,491.67
Jim Severence, TIF Rebate................3,387.69
Alberta Sharp, refund............................515.00
Spahn & Rose Lumber, materials..........197.50
Spangenburg Inc., building maintenance.44.50
Ron Swanson, dumpster refund................6.70
Swimming Pool Supply Co, supplies.....125.90
Tac 10 Inc, maintenance agreement.....762.00
Teledyne Isco, parts..............................272.44
Tender Lawn Care, mowing contract..1,666.67
Tender Lawn Care, mowing...................387.50
Town & Country Wholesale, concession supplies....................................................1,383.13
True Value, supplies................................70.12
US Cellular, cell phones..........................90.01
Water Solutions Unlimited, chemicals.2,090.00
Wellmark, insurance premium..........19,117.44
Whink Services Inc., building maintenance......
Windstream, phone line...........................14.60
EFTPS, federal payroll taxes............27,039.20
IPERS, June contributions.................9,755.12
State of Iowa –Treasurer, income tax withholding.......................................................2,385.00
Treasurer – State of Iowasales, tax with holding.......................................................4,728.00
Amanda Aswegen, dumpster refund.........6.25
Dan Bangasser, cell phone.....................39.95
Benefit Resources of Iowa, consulting fees.....
Kim Boren, contract janitorial................400.00
Twila Bryant, dumpster refund.................17.45
EMS Billing Services, monthly fees....3,525.93
Gall’s, uniform expense.........................326.89
GNB Insurance, policy update.................61.00
Grundy Center Communications, phone bill.....
Grundy Center Utilities, monthly utilities bill.....
Grundy County Engineer, vehicle maintenance
Terry Haren, dumpster refund.................17.45
Heartland Co-op, motor fuel..................590.80
I.U.P.A.T., union dues............................210.20
Mid American Publishing Co, publishing..261.58
McMartin Tire, vehicle maintenance......703.90
Office Express, supplies..........................90.04
Physicians Claims Co, billing fees...........49.43
Precision Lawn Care, mowing contracts..........
RC Systems, radio repairs....................644.78
REC – Grundy County, electric services.118.76
Rouse Motor, vehicle maintenance.......534.51
Sam’s Club, concession supplies.......1,007.80
T & T Computers, services......................60.00
Tender Lawn Care, mowing contract..1,666.67
Utility Equipment Co., couplings.........2,115.00
Cory Winkelpleck, dumpster refund..........6.25
Chamber of Commerce, annual dues...320.00
Grundy county Development Alliance, annual
Motion carried four ayes.
No one present wished to speak during the public forum.
Buhrow moved and Miller seconded approving
the extension of the health insurance plan offered by Wellmark. The City Clerk explained
that Wellmark had offered extending the current
plan and premiums until December 2014 and
that most are taking it. It gives us cost certainty
for an additional eight months. Motion carried
Grundy FOR THE RECORD Register
Thursday, August 29, 2013
four ayes.
Miller moved and Hamann seconded adoption
of Resolution 2013-20, a resolution authorizing
the purchase of the property at 705 1st Street.
This resolution authorizes the purchase of the
Kunzman property which was substantially
damaged by fire earlier in the year. Purchase
price is seven thousand dollars. Motion carried
four ayes.
Stefl moved and Miller seconded adoption of
Resolution 2013-21, a resolution requesting
the assistance of the staff of the Iowa Northland
Regional Council of Governments (INRCOG).
INRCOG will be assisting in the writing of an
ordinance to protect the airport from encroachment by tall structures. We are using grant
funds to pay for most of the necessary work
on the ordinance and it will be presented in the
coming months. Motion carried four ayes.
The finance committee reported on the initial
steps they have taken to put in place a general obligation bond to pay for the downtown
street lighting project. They have reviewed the
impact to the taxes and options to mitigate this
as much as possible. The Clerk reported on a
meeting on Friday with the City Finance Committee for the state. At the request of the City of
Grundy Center, they will review how to handle
the new taxes and fees associated with healthcare reform.
The safety committee reviewed department
matters with the Council.
The Public Works Director updated the Council
on the status of the various summer projects
and the status of our report to FEMA seeking
reimbursement for expenses from the heavy
rains this spring. He is still waiting to hear from
Fox Engineering on their proposal for studies
of the water, sewer and storm sewer systems
in the city.
At 6:47 p.m. Buhrow moved and Miller seconded adjournment of the meeting. Motion carried
four ayes
Rex Van Wert, Mayor
Attest: Richard A. Riesberg, City Clerk
AUGUST 15, 2013
The Board of Trustees met in regular session
on Thursday, August 15, 2013 with all members
present. The Claims were reviewed with Harry
Dole making the motion, seconded by Mindy
Whitehill to pay all claims, ayes all, carried.
Manager Carson reported on the following: The
engines ran last week for a construction project cut-over and for our annual certification with
NIMECA, Air tanks for the plant, Reworking of
lines for the School Project, and Corn Belt/Neal
#4. Manager Carson presented the 2013-2014
Budget. Motion by Mindy Whitehill, seconded
by Harry Dole to Transfer $35,640.92 to the
City’s General Fund, ayes all, carried. Motion
by Harry Dole, seconded by Mindy Whitehill to
have Manager Carson sign the Audit Engagement Letter from Keith Oltrogge, CPA to conduct the Audit ending June 30, 2013, ayes all,
carried. Employee Reviews were discussed
with Harry Dole making the motion, seconded
by Mindy Whitehill to approve an increase of
2.75% across the board, retroactive to July 1,
2013, ayes all, carried.
Ken Mutch reviewed the highlights of the NCTC
Independent Show he attended in San Diego.
Motion by Harry Dole, seconded by Mindy
Whitehill to adjourn, ayes all, carried.
Complete Integrat........................... $26,981.24
Exline................................................ 59,596.38
AXA Equitable....................................... 265.00
Rhonda Cole......................................... 141.92
Greg Cory................................................ 49.40
Doug Curren............................................ 89.81
Dearborn National................................... 67.50
Mike Nemmers........................................ 81.75
Pitney Bowes...................................... 1,167.00
Wellmark BC/BS............................... 17,452.56
City of GC......................................... 79,655.88
GCMU Comm Fund.......................... 64,132.89
Randy Thompson.................................... 81.92
Semi-Monthly P/R............................ 15,400.82
Semi-Monthly P/R............................ 15,648.78
A-Kleen.................................................. 309.25
Advanced Systems.................................. 70.14
Arnold Motor Supply.............................. 148.72
Black Hills Energy................................... 37.49
Can-Do National Tape........................... 125.91
City of GC.............................................. 500.00
Rhonda Cole......................................... 162.23
Elec Supp of M’Town............................. 198.62
Family Foods........................................... 30.66
Fletcher-Reinhardt............................ 13,535.78
GCMU.................................................... 231.83
GNB Bank............................................... 51.70
GNB Insurance...................................... 197.00
Hall’s Safety Equip.................................. 23.10
Heartland Coop..................................... 659.29
H,S & A Law Office................................ 150.00
John Deere Financial.............................. 52.08
John Deere Financial.............................. 51.50
Manly Drug................................................ 5.56
Master Card............................................. 13.04
McMaster-Carr....................................... 127.51
Mid-America Publish............................. 199.80
Monkey Town......................................... 318.19
NAPA Auto Parts........................................ 4.69
Office-Petty Cash.................................... 17.12
Pitney Bowes...................................... 1,000.00
Rays Hydraulic Rd Serv........................ 196.37
Shermco............................................. 5,954.55
Darrel Shuey......................................... 320.80
Spahn & Rose......................................... 32.01
Spangenburg Inc................................... 120.00
Stuart Irby Co..................................... 1,918.17
T&R Electric........................................ 1,085.00
Terry Durin Co.................................... 9,865.92
True Value............................................. 265.06
Van Wert Inc.......................................... 394.97
Van Hauen Truck................................ 4,254.64
City of GC......................................... 35,640.92
Lashay Brubaker.................................. $ 21.58
GCMU(Brubaker Acct)........................... 103.42
GCMU(Sieh Acct).................................. 125.00
GCMU(Mason Acct)................................. 53.29
Samantha Mason.................................... 71.71
BBC America........................................ $ 75.48
Tower Dist (WGN).................................. 219.99
Tower Dist (WGN).................................. 220.95
Rita Forker............................................... 13.78
GCMU O&M Fund................................. 917.00
Brenda Harrenstein................................... 5.83
Kay Nielsen............................................. 11.44
Paul Smit................................................... 5.09
GCMU O&M Fund............................ 10,168.09
GLDS..................................................... 648.00
Big 10................................................. 1,314.92
Discovery Comm................................... 140.12
Fox Sports Net................................... 2,907.64
GCMU O&M Fund.............................. 2,083.33
HUB TV Network..................................... 35.03
NCTC................................................ 25,374.50
OWN........................................................ 72.32
Router12 Networks............................. 2,990.00
Rovi Guides........................................... 479.22
Showtime............................................... 301.20
Tower Dist (WGN).................................. 222.39
Windstream........................................... 458.52
BBC America........................................... 76.84
Black Hills Energy................................. 217.21
Consortia............................................... 800.00
CFU.................................................... 4,977.50
CFU....................................................... 267.50
DF Countryman..................................... 365.71
Farnsworth Electronics.......................... 141.26
GCMU.................................................... 190.84
GCMU.................................................... 791.56
GNB Bank............................................... 28.60
Heartland Coop..................................... 125.78
INS........................................................ 116.06
IUB........................................................ 256.00
Long Lines........................................ 17,304.09
Ken Mutch.......................................... 3,381.04
NCTC..................................................... 353.39
NeoTek Enterprises............................... 192.60
Tulsat..................................................... 796.15
True Value............................................... 20.30
Tulsat-Nebraska................................. 4,329.61
Windstream............................................. 83.46
Jeff Carson, Secretary
Mary Harken, Treasurer
September 10, 2013
Notice is hereby given to the qualified voters of
the Grundy Center Community School District
in the Counties of Grundy and Tama, State of
Iowa, that an election will be held on Tuesday,
September 10, 2013. The purpose is to elect
three members, each for a four-year term, and
one member to fill an unexpired term ending in
September 2015, to the Board of Directors of
the Grundy Center School District and to consider Public Measure Question C for the issuance of General Obligation Bonds in an amount
not to exceed $7,875,000.00 (see full text of the
question on the sample ballot included with this
Notice is further given to the qualified electors of the Merged Area Education VII that the
purpose of this election is to elect one member
for the District No. 3 position on the Board of
Directors of the Merged Area Education VII for a
four-year term and to consider Public Measure
Question H (see full text of the question on the
sample ballot included with this notice).
The polls will be open from 12:00 noon to 8:00
Following is the polling site for the aforementioned school:
Precinct No. 10 – Grundy Center
Community Center: All voters in the
Grundy Center School District living in
Grundy and Tama Counties.
Grundy County residents who are not registered to vote are reminded of the need to do so
in order to participate in this election. Residents
may register in the office of the County Auditor
in person, obtain a registration form online at, or may request that a
registration form be mailed to them. With appropriate identification, an eligible elector may
also register to vote on Election Day in the precinct where the person lives.
Any voter who is physically unable to enter a
polling place has the right to vote in the voter’s
vehicle. For further information, please contact
the County Auditor’s office at 319-824-3122.
I hereby certify that this is a correct copy of the
official ballot to be voted at the Grundy Center
School Election on September 10, 2013.
Rhonda R. Deters, Grundy County Auditor &
Commissioner of Elections
Notice that an Abandoned Vehicle
Has Been Found on Personal Property
To: All known and Unknown owners, claimants, and
persons who own rights or title to the following vehicle. Notice: The following vehicle/property has been
declared abandoned:
Red 1960 Ford Grain Truck
Iowa License: SK1732
You are hereby informed you have the right to reclaim
this vehicle within ten (10) days after the effective date of
Publishing this notice upon payment of all towing, preservation, storage, and notice charges, if any, resulting from
placing this vehicle in custody.
Payment must be made prior to the release of the vehicle. Payment must be cash, money order or cashier’s
check. Arrangements to claim this vehicle shall be
made with Deputy Zach Tripp, of the Grundy County
Sheriff’s Office, 705 8th St., Grundy Center, IA 50638,
Your failure to exercise your right to reclaim the vehicle
within the time provided shall be deemed a waiver of all
your rights, title, claim and interest in this vehicle and
failure to reclaim is deemed consent to the sale of this
vehicle at a public auction or disposal of the vehicle to
a demolisher.
You, or any duly authorized agent thereof, may object
to the legality of an impoundment and request a hearing
after an impoundment prior to the expiration of the ten
(10) day reclaiming period, unless an opportunity for such
hearing was given prior to the impoundment. No person
shall be entitled to more than one hearing on each impoundment.
You may by written request, delivered to this office prior to
the expiration of the ten (10) day reclaiming period, obtain
an additional seven (7) day period during which the vehicle may be reclaimed.
Dated this 12th Day of August, 2013 in Grundy Center, IA
By: Zach Tripp, Deputy of Grundy County Sheriff Office
As per the code of Iowa Chapter 321.91 Para.2. “Any
person who abandons a vehicle shall be guilty of a simple
misdemeanor and subject to a fine not to exceed $500.00
and/or 30 days in jail.
Notice is hereby given that the City Council of
Grundy Center, Iowa by Quit Claim Deed intends to release the following easement:
The East Twenty (20) feet of the Fractional
Northwest Quarter of the Fractional Northwest
Quarter (Frl NW ¼ Frl NW ¼ ) lying North of the
original Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad, located in Section Seven (7), Township
Eighty-seven (87) North, Range Sixteen (16),
West of the 5th P.M.
To Robert H. Nuis, as Trustee of the Robert
H. Nuis Revocable Trust UAD 1-4-2008 in exchange for an easement to the following property:
A Twenty (20) feet wide easement located in
the Fractional Northwest Quarter (Frl NW ¼ )
of Section Seven (7), Township Eighty-seven
(87) North, Range Sixteen (16), West of the 5th
P.M., Grundy County , Iowa, the centerline of
which is more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at the Northwest Corner of
said Section 7; thence North 88º01’42” East,
1215.5 feet along the north line of said Fractional Northwest Quarter to the point of beginning; thence South 00º22’03” West, 115.2
feet; thence South 00º16’17” East, 269.8
feet; thence South 01º52’50” East, 156.6 feet;
thence South 67º01’35” East, 66.2 feet; thence
South 61º07’34” East, 132.7 feet more or less
to a point on a south line of Tract 1 (as described in County Recorder’s Book 2008, page
0308), with the boundary lines of said easement
being extended and trimmed as necessary to
meet each other, to meet said south line of Tract
1 and to meet said north line of said Fractional
Northwest Quarter.
Notice is further given that a public hearing on
the proposed disposition of easement has been
set for the 3rd day of September 2013 at 6:30
o’clock p.m. at the City Council Chambers in the
City of Grundy Center, Iowa, at which time all
persons having objections to the proposed sale
may appear and make known their objections.
Richard A. Riesberg, City Clerk
Legals are
your right to know!
C. J. LaTendresse, M.D.
1506 G Ave., Grundy Center
Office HOurs:
8:00-12:00 Mon.-sat.
1:00-5:00 Mon.-fri.
call for appointment:
After Hours 824-6059
If no answer, call paging
service 1-319-291-8904
Blue Cross/Blue Shield Physician
Grundy NEWS Register
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Grundy County District Court
Grundy County Magistrate Court
Jose Luis Avalos Covarrubias,
Marshalltown, Driving while license
denied, suspended, canceled or
revoked, $397.50;
Erin Vanessa Drumm, Conrad,
Driving while license suspended,
canceled or revoked, $397.50;
Marshalltown, Driving while license
suspended, canceled or revoked,
Gerald Don Tupper, Jr., Beaman,
Violation of County conservation
regulation, $195;
Gerald Don Tupper, Jr., Beaman,
Failure to maintain control, $200;
Parkersburg, Driving while license
suspended, canceled or revoked,
Lia Pe, Waterloo, Operation on
approach of emergency vehicles,
Steve Ray Millward, Boone, Open
Container (Driver over 21), $330;
Precious Laroyce Minnie Coleman,
Waterloo, Speeding over 55 zone
(More than 20 over), $303;
Rex Clayton Reed, Waterloo,
Speeding over 55 zone (6-10 over),
Rebecka Ann Connor, Eldora,
Speeding 55 and under zone (6-10
over), $141;
Cody Lynn Sanders, Solon,
Speeding over 55 zone (11-15 over),
Javier Gutierrez-Medina, Dark
Window/Windshield, $161.25;
Kendra Katherine Murray, North
Liberty, Speeding over 55 zone (610 over), $141;
Jonathan Shan Williams, Baldwin,
Mo., Speeding over 55 zone (11-15
over), $222;
Sarah Perales, Marshalltown,
Speeding 55 and under zone (6-10
over), $141;
Jesse Ray Gardiner, Grundy
Center, Violation financial liability
(accident related), $735;
Jesse Ray Gardiner, Grundy Center,
Operation without registration,
Jesse Ray Gardiner, Grundy
Center, Failure to obey stop sign and
yield right of way, $195;
Saskia Elizabeth Hill, Louisville,
Ky., Speeding over 55 zone (6-10
over), $141;
Thomas Tuan
Rockville, Mo., Speeding over 55
zone (6-10 over), $141;
Lalaina Mampionona, Waterloo,
Failure to display registration plate,
Abdikadir Ali Liban, Burnsville,
Minn., Maximum hours of service
violation, $161.25;
Anna Marie Martin, Marshalltown,
Speeding over 55 zone (11-15 over),
Rhonda Lynn Snitker, Waukon,
Violation financial liability coverage,
Dean Alan Robinson, Des Moines,
Speeding over 55 zone (11-15 over),
Waterloo, Speeding over 55 zone
(16-20 over), $242.25;
Andre Christian Paulson, Ankeny,
Speeding over 55 zone (16-20 over),
Lacey Ray Bailey, Ackley,
Speeding over 55 zone (6-10 over),
registration card, $87;
Thomas Neal Wheatley, Lincoln,
Failure to use headlamps when
required, $128.25;
Thomas Neal Wheatley, Lincoln,
No valid driver’s license, $472.50;
Amber Joy Floren, Cedar Rapids,
Speeding over 55 zone (6-10 over),
Lindsey Mary Meggers, Marion,
Speeding over 55 zone (6-10 over),
Rhonda Jolene Samo, Holland,
Speeding over 55 zone (6-10 over),
Jacksonville, N.C., Speeding over
55 zone (6-10 over), $114;
Lori Rae Gaston, Castle Rock,
Colo., Speeding 55 and under zone
(1-5 over), $87;
Aubrey Lynn Clark, Grundy
Center, Speeding 55 and under zone
(1-5 over), $87;
Teresa M. Helinski, Cedar Falls,
Speeding 55 and under zone (6-10
over), $114;
Jacob Ash George, Madison, Wis.,
Speeding over 55 zone (More than
20 over), $249;
Melani L. Piscitelli, Marshalltown,
Speeding over 55 zone (6-10 over),
Steven James Kaping, New
Hartford, Speeding 55 and under
zone (6-10 over), $148.50;
Marshalltown, Speeding 55 and
under zone (6-10 over), $148.50;
Macue C. Averill, Conrad, Failure
to maintain safety belts, $132.50;
Jordan Eugene Barnes, Des
Moines, Speeding 55 and under zone
(6-10 over), $119;
Marshalltown, Speeding 55 and
under zone (6-10 over), $119;
Amy Sue Corse, Union, Speeding
55 and under zone (6-10 over), $114;
Timothy C. Crawford, Carol
Stream, Ill, Speeding 55 and under
zone (11-15 over), $168;
Naomi J. Gigniliat, Birmingham,
Ala., Speeding over 55 zone (11-15
over), $168;
Karin Anne Moore, Davenport,
Speeding over 55 zone (1-5 over),
Taryn Lee Schmidt, Waterloo,
Speeding over 55 zone (11-15 over),
Angelica Faith Negron, Sioux
City, Violation financial liability
coverage, $566.25;
Angelica Faith Negron, Sioux
City, Speeding over 55 zone (More
than 20 over), $282.75;
Morgan Rachel Carizey, Carbon
Cliff, Ill., Speeding over 55 zone
(16-20 over), $186.50;
Lana Margaret Izer, Popejoy,
Iowa, Speeding over 55 zone (6-10
over), $148.50;
Derek Robert Kienzle, Toledo,
Speeding 55 and under zone (16-20
over), $186.50;
Stephanie Ann Ianni, Gibsonton,
Fla., Speeding over 55 zone (11-15
over), $173;
Toleda, Speeding 55 and under zone
(16-20 over), $186.50;
Marshalltown, Speeding 55 and
under zone (6-10 over), $148.50;
Ryan Edwin Strohbehn, Reinbeck,
Failure to maintain safety belts,
Roberta Lynne Tjaden, Wellsburg,
Speeding over 55 zone (6-10 over),
Edward Allen Mills, Boxholm, IA,
Maximum hours of service violation,
Parkersburg, Speeding 55 and under
zone (11-15 over), $173;
Juan P. Barrios Carrero, Iowa
Falls, Speeding over 55 zone (16-20
over), $187;
Traleisha N. Goodson, Cedar Falls,
Speeding 55 and under zone (16-20
over), $186.50;
Nicole M. Soto Pampinella, Iowa
Falls, Permitting unauthorized
person to drive, $335;
Casey Ray Madison, Green
Mountain, Speeding 55 and under
zone (6-10 over), $119;
Adam Robinson McCormick,
Glenwood, Ark., Failure to maintain
safety belts, $132.50;
Waterloo, Speeding over 55 zone (610 over), $114;
Mark Daniel Snitker, Waukon,
Speeding over 55 zone (16-20 over),
Jeremiah Joshua Jones, Hubbard,
Failure to maintain safety belts,
Jason L. Krull, Wellsburg,
Speeding 55 and under zone (6-10
over), $119;
Jacob Brice Murphy, Steamboat
Rock, Speeding 55 and under zone
(6-10 over), $119;
Montana Kimberly Lechnen,
Conrad, Possession/purchase of
alcohol by person 18, 19 or 20 (first
offense), $335;
David John Timmerman, Cedar
Rapids, Speeding over 55 zone (610 over), $114;
Scott Andrew Leigh, Fort Dodge,
Speeding over 55 zone (11-15 over),
Shari Jo. Redies, Boone, Unsafe
approach to certain stationary
vehicle, $195;
Christopher Lee Knight, Des
Moines, Speeding over 55 zone (610 over), $114;
Christopher Lee Knight, Des
Moines, No valid driver’s license,
Jacob Ray Berhends, Evansdale,
Speeding over 55 zone (More than
20 over), $222;
Dallas Cane Forrester, Grundy
Center, No valid driver’s license,
Eric Robert Hannah, Clutier,
Speeding 55 and under zone (6-10
over), $119;
Daniel D. Miller, Overland Park,
Kan., Speeding 55 and under zone
(11-15 over), $173;
Jeffery J. Pikna, Grundy Center,
Speeding 55 and under zone (More
than 20 over), $314.75;
Kirk Douglas Rice, Iowa Falls,
Speeding 55 and under zone (6-10
over), $119;
Richard Steven Harris, Comstock
Park, Mich., Speeding 55 and under
zone (6-10 over), $119;
Alex Lee Johnson, Aplington,
Speeding 55 and under zone (6-10
over), $119;
Vincent Gerard Marten, Holtville,
Calif, Speeding 55 and under zone
(6-10 over), $119;
Deann A. Meyer, Waverly,
Speeding over 55 zone (More than
20 over), $227;
Nandanovkk Nukala Parvathi,
Peoria, Ill., Speeding over 55 zone
(6-10 over), $119;
Gregory C. Cutler, Fond Du Lac,
Wis., Maximum hours of service
violation, $127.50;
David Livingston Slabaugh, Stout,
Speeding 55 and under zone (6-10
over), $114;
Nicholas J. Goumas, Wadsworth,
Ohio, Speeding over 55 zone (6-10
over), $114;
Trent Allen Duniven, Waterloo,
Speeding over 55 zone (6-10 over);
Michael Eugene Umland, Slater,
Failure to comply with safety
regulations, $127.50;
Riley Mark Cooper, Pella,
Speeding 55 and under zone (6-10
over), $119;
Erica Rai Goodknight, Eldora,
Speeding 55 and under zone (6-10
over), $119;
Connie V. Jones, Fitchburg, Wis.,
Speeding 55 and under zone (6-10
over), $119.40;
Jon Andrew Mielak, Grinnell,
Speeding 55 and under zone (6-10
over), $119;
Christopher Lee Volkers, Iowa
City, Speeding 55 and under zone
(6-10 over), $119;
Holly Noel Bousselot, Dubuque,
Speeding over 55 zone (6-10 over),
Austin Leon Nederhoff, Wellsburg,
Speeding 55 and under zone (11-15
over), $173;
Keene William Petersen, Dike,
Speeding 55 and under zone (6-10
over), $119;
Jodie Marie Higgason, Eldora,
Speeding 55 and under zone (6-10
over), $119;
Amber D. Muller, Parkersburg,
Speeding 55 and under zone (6-10
over), $119;
Kathryn Elizabeth Starbuck, West
Des Moines, Speeding over 55 zone
(6-10 over), $114;
Sumner, Speeding over 55 zone (1620 over), $181.50;
Olivia Joy Duetmeyer, Anamosa,
Speeding over 55 zone (6-10 over),
Dean L. Schwartz, Lincoln, Neb.,
Speeding over 55 zone (6-10 over),
Michaela Quinn Allison, Eldora,
Speeding over 55 zone (6-10 over),
Duane Richard Sniffin, Cedar
Falls, Speeding 55 and under zone
(6-10 over), $114;
Jim Paul Saaathoff, Dike, Failure
to maintain safety belts, $127.50;
Todd H. Fehrer, Racine, Wis.,
Speeding over 55 zone (6-10 over),
Alex Lee Johnson, Aplington,
Improper use of auxiliary driving
lights, $105.50;
Christopher Paul Henely, Grundy
Center, Speeding 55 and under zone
(6-10 over), $120;
Alex Claire Doolaard, Steamboat
Rock, Speeding 55 and under zone
(6-10 over), $119;
Kim Raynelle Foth, Cedar Falls,
Speeding 55 and under zone (11-15
over), $173;
Jay Alan Koenen, Newton,
Speeding 55 and under zone (6-10
over), $119;
Patricia Michelle Moore, Des
Moines, Speeding 55 and under zone
(6-10 over), $114;
Marshalltown, Speeding 55 and
under zone (11-15 over), $173;
Rusty Lynn Vaughn, Warrenburg,
Mo., Speeding over 55 zone (6-10
over), $119;
Alan Patrick Ferrie, Cresco,
Maximum gross weight violation,
Daniel Lee Shaner, Cedar Falls,
Speeding 55 and under zone (6-10
over), $114;
Jeffrey Jon Ditsche, Cottage
Grove, Minn., Speeding over 55
zone (6-10 over), $119;
Marshalltown, Speeding, $141;
Marshalltown, Failure to obey stop
sign, $262.50;
Chung Van Chan, Waterloo,
Speeding, $114;
Brian David Swartz, Marshalltown,
Speeding, $114.
Mark Ingebritson Painting
Radiator Repair
Interior Commercial & Residential
Seal Coat Roofs
Local References - Quality Work
Hardwood Floor Refinishing
S & S Auto Repair
Austinville, Iowa
Cody Benjamin Meyer, 22, Grundy Center. Count I, Possession of
precursor with intent to manufacture
methamphetamine, Five years prison
(suspended, credit for time served),
$750 fine (suspended), $262.50 surcharge (suspended), $125 LEI surcharge, $10 DARE surcharge; Count
II, Possession of a controlled substance with intent to manufacture or
deliver synthetic cannabinoids, Two
years prison (suspended, credit for
time served), $625 fine (suspended), $218.75 surcharge (suspended),
$125 LEI surcharge, $10 DARE
surcharge; Count IV, Possession of
a controlled substance, marijuana
(second offense), Two years prison
(suspended, credit for time served),
$500 fine (suspended), $175 surcharge (suspended), $125 LEI surcharge, $10 DARE surcharge; Count
V, Prohibited acts, Two years prison
(suspended, credit for time served),
$625 fine (suspended), $218.75 surcharge (suspended), $125 LEI surcharge, $10 DARE surcharge. Must
pay court-appointed attorney fees
of $1,550 or amount submitted by
attorney (lesser of two). Must serve
Laurie Nicole Williams, 33, Cedar Falls, Possession of controlled
substance; Informal probation, $325
fine, Pay court costs.
Matthew Watson, 33, Cedar Rapids. Public intoxication (third offense), Six days jail (credit for time
served), Informal probation, $625
fine (suspended), $218.75 surcharge
(suspended), Must submit to substance abuse evaluation.
Steven Ray Millward, 49, Boone.
Operating while intoxicated (second
offense), 30 days jail (All but seven
days suspended, credit for time
served), 1-2 years formal probation, $1,875 fine, $656.25 surcharge,
$116.50 court costs, $10 DARE surcharge, Must submit to substance
abuse evaluation, Must complete
course for drinking drivers, Driver’s
license revoked.
Demitrius Patrell Stanberry, 33,
Cedar Falls. Assault domestic abuse,
Two year prison (Suspended, credit
for time served), $625 fine (suspended), $218.75 surcharge (suspended),
$121.06 court costs plus accruing
costs, Must complete batterers education program.
Jose Luis Avalos-Covarrubias, 23,
Marshalltown. Count I, Interference
with official acts, $100 fine, $35 surcharge, $112.15 court costs; Count
II, Driving while driver’s license suspended, $250 fine, $87.50 surcharge,
$60 court costs.
John Wesley Pratt, 24, Allison.
Interference with official acts, $100
fine, $35 surcharge, $60 court costs.
Thomas Allen Knapp, 23, Cedar
Rapids. Disorderly conduct, $100
fine, $35 surcharge, $60 court costs.
Ginger Dales, age NA, Aplington.
Theft in the fifth degree, $65 fine,
$22.75 surcharge, $60 court costs,
$125 LEI surcharge, $110.71 victim
Friend of the School
Grundy Center's Terry Haren was honored at halftime of Grundy Center's football game Friday as a Friend of the School. The Iowa High
School Athletic Association award was presented by Athletic Director
Rollie Ackerman (left). (John Jensen/The Grundy Register photo)
Chain gang honored
Three retired members of the Grundy Center High School football chain
gang were presented Certificates of Appreciation for their long-time
work running the down-and-distance markers at both Grundy Center High School and Middle School events. Sid Harberts (center) and
Wayne Wrage (right) are pictured with GCHS Athletic Director Rollie
Ackerman. Also honored but not present for the presentation was Curt
Ramundt. (John Jensen/The Grundy Register photo)
Konken Electric, Inc.
Since 1973
Farm, Residential, Commercial
Grundy Center
Cyclone TV will now be available on Family Cable Channel 165.
Cyclone TV HD will now be available on
HD Family Cable Channel 798.
Grundy CEntEr 319-824-3150
dIKE 319-989-2155
rEInbECK 319-788-3150
Cooper Tires • Custom Exhaust • Interstate Batteries • Alignment • Air Condition
Engine • Transmission • Tune-up • Fuel Injection • Cooling System • Brakes • Electronics
Voss Repair
Small Engine, Auto and Truck Repair
Authorized Dealer
for Ariens,
Requires a digital-ready TV, a Mediacom digital receiver or a Mediacom digital adapter.
Calvin Voss, Owner
15125 N Ave., Holland, IA 50642 — Hwy 14 - Fern
Farmer’s Feed & Supply
Universal Automotive
See us for automobile repairs and oil changes.
We have new & used tires and do
on-farm tire repair.
405 Grundy Avenue, Reinbeck
319-788-6335 or 319-788-2000
We’re the big blue building on the north side of Hwy 175.
Grundy CLASSIFIEDS Register
Of Grundy Center looking for
Full Time Service
Clerk Essential Duties: Fields internal and external customer inquiries
Grundy Care Center
at the New Hartford Community Center
in New Hartford, Iowa
Thursday, September 26, at 10:00 AM
For Property Details, Contact:
Robert Regenwether, AFM/ Agent
Hudson, Iowa
(319) 988-3585 or (319) 240-5310
605 D AVENUE • $69,500
4 BR with beautiful hardwood trim,
flooring & crown molding. Walk-up
attic. Deck, shade trees & 2-car garage.
Real Estate Sales • Auctions • Farm and Ranch Management
Appraisal • Insurance • Consultation • Oil and Gas Management
Lake Management • National Hunting Leases
SATURDAY, AUGUST 31, 2013 • 8:30 A.M.
Selling For: Gary Stoehr, Sr. Estate (Grundy Center, IA) and Gene Dubberke Estate (Hubbard, IA) and many consignments from neighbors and friends
Held at Grundy County Fairgrounds - Grundy Center, Iowa - SE Edge of town
Best way to fairgrounds: go to east side of town on Hwy 175,
go South on 1st Street (REC corner), 6 blocks to sale site.
508 H AVENUE • $95,000
3 BR, 1 BA. Oak floors on main.
Basement has laundry & ½ bath. Rear
deck. 3-car garage with storage loft.
906 13TH STREET • $215,000
4 BR, 2 1/2 BA home. Cypress woodwork. Fireplace & bamboo flooring.
Rear patio w/ greenhouse & 2nd garage.
See more listings:
Phone 319-825-3633
603 7th Street
Mike Cooper — 319-269-3391
Tiffany Carson — 712-210-3545
Brent Wilson — 319-939-9268
Roger Engelkes — 319-269-3434
Becky Dirks — 319-239-7599
Phil Johnson — 319-404-5561
Dan Olson — 319-290-4305
Tree stumps removed. Small machine, will not track yards. Also
large machine for large stumps. Jerry Zehr, Conrad, IA •641-366-2241
House for Rent: 1205 9th St,
GC. 2 BR, stove, fridge, washer & dryer furnished Fenced-in
backyard. No pets, no smoking.
$425 + deposit. References required. Email inquiries to:
FARM ITEMS FROM ESTATES: 23 tractors • 3 skid steers • 2 trucks •
livestock equipment • wagons & tillage
TRACTORS: IH 5088; IH 1086, AC-CA w/belly mower; IH 1066, Oliver, mod. 77; IH 560
SKID STEER AND TRAILER: 1818 Case skid steer
VEHICLES: 1955 Lincoln, 2 door, project car; 1971 Chrysler Newport; 1995 Chevy 1/2 ton,
2 WD
FORKLIFT: Yale forklift, 6000# cap., older.
TILLAGE AND MISC.:7’X14’ wood Heider barge w/Westendorf gear, good.
TRACTORS: ‘91 JD 4555, 2 WD; JD 4010, gas; JD 2010, gas, utility; ‘47 JD A; JD H; IH 300
TA gas, parade ready; ‘54 IH Super MTA; IH 450, gas; IH H; ‘51 IH M; IH 756, gas; AC 7040;
AC 7000; AC 185, diesel; AC 185 crop hustler; AC D17, gas, series IV; AC WD
SKID STEER: 2548 Erickson; 1816 Case skid steer w/B/S engine, 43” bucket & 34” manure
bucket, runs & drives but f. RH axle brg. is out
VEHICLES: 2000 Buick LaSabre, custom, 4 door, cloth, 3800 series II (V6), 120,000 miles,
runs & drives very good
JD 318; Grasshopper 1622 ZTR; Yamaha 350-4 wheeler, 4X4; Yamaha 80cc dirt bike
LIVESTOCK & HAYING: Powder River catch and squeeze chute; Foremost auto catch head
gate w/chute; Scranton portable corral; 20’ H&S bale wagon; M&W 8 wheel rake; Vermeer
605 Super J round baler; 851 New Holland, auto wrap; 990 IH mow conditioner; Hesston
1014x2, hyd.swing, cut conditioner; 9’ NI cut conditioner; Hog confinement loading chute for
TRAILERS: 2000 Haulmark, enclosed trailer; 17’ car/utility trailer, tandem
PICKUP SNOW BLADE: 8’6” fisher EZ V snow plow, off ‘02 Ford
red; Buffalo scout guidance system.
TRUCKS: ‘74 - 1810 Intl cab over, tandem axles, 20’x7-1/2’ Knapheid grain box; ‘74 1600
loader star, gas, tandem, 18’x7-1/2’ Parkhurst box.
TOOLS; GENERATORS! Auctioneer’s Notes: Will be much, much more coming in daily. Lunch
and port-a-potty on grounds. For complete sale bill and many pictures,
go to:
JR AUCTION • 641-640-5582
Summer’s almost over, but House Selling and Buying aren’t!
Check out all our listings at
land 3 or 4 BR, stove & refrigerator
furnished. $500 rent & $500 security
Make an appointment to come see us TODAY!
deposit. NO pets. References required.
SCHUCK REALTY, CO. - Joyce Harrenstein-Broker/Owner
Call 319-464-0229
CALL LORI TODAY AT 319-415-9980
FOR RENT: 203 Main St., Hol-
FOR SALE: Cute Shih-Tzu
puppies, 7 weeks, non-shed, vet
checked, shots. $350. 319-824-5524
Grundy Center.
For Sale: 2-Wheel light duty
trailer for sale. Great condition.
$275. Call 319-939-6530 and
leave a message.
Notice: To the person who took
my Trail Camera, I pray that you
enjoy it as much as I have. If your
conscience starts to bother you, my
number is on the camera. Call to
make arrangements for its return.
Current Electric
“Upgrade your wiring
to Current standards”
Clay Township, Grundy County, IA
148.79 taxable acres, more or less
Average CSR 96.05 (estimated)
The Darwin and Marjorie Vint Family offers for sale the following described
real estate situated in Grundy County, Iowa, to-wit:
Bruce Berghuis
Farm, Home, Commercial
is now accepting applications for
F/T 2nd Shift
Part Time
Part Time 2nd Shift
Come join our quality, caring team!
Grundy Care Center
102 East J Ave.
Grundy Center, IA 50638
Needed: Housekeeper urgently
needed for a 77yr old woman. Light
household chores and general help
required. Paid $550weekly. Send resumes to
Help Wanted: Part time US Cellular sales associate. Must be computer literate and good with people.
Send resume to Van Wert, Inc. PO
Box 141, Grundy Center, IA 50638.
Help Wanted: The Grundy Family
YMCA is accepting resumes for a
Youth Programs Director. Seeking
an energetic, organized leader to develop, administer and grow youth
sports and childcare programs.
Please view the complete job description at www.blackhawkymca.
org. Position offers a complete benefits package with health insurance
and paid retirement after eligibility
requirements are met. Submit cover letter, resume and 3 references to Resumes
accepted until September 6th, 2013
OPENING FOR: Sexual Assault
Outreach Advocate at the Crisis Intervention Service to serve Grundy
& Hardin counties. This individual
will travel throughout the 2 county
area to provide crisis services & advocacy to adult & child victims of
domestic violence. Send cover letter
and resume to: Crisis Intervention
Service, P.O. Box 656, Mason City,
Iowa 50402 or email to
The top bidders will be notified and invited to attend a private auction to be held
October 2, 2012, at 1:30 P.M. a the law office of Heronimus, Schmidt & Allen, 630
G Avenue, Grundy Center, Iowa, 50638.
This is a cash sale with closing to take place on December 11, 2013. Ten percent
(10%) of the purchase price will be due on the date of sale.
Sellers reserve the right to reject any all bids. Any announcements on the date of
sale will take precedence over any prior advertisements.
For other information concerning the farm, interested bidders should obtain a
copy of the bidder’s information sheet from teh law office of Heronimus, Schmidt
& Allen, 630 G Avenue, Grundy Center, Iowa 50638, Telephone: 319-824-6951 &
Fax: 319-824-6953; E-mail:
to the Service Department •Opens work orders as directed by the Service
Manager and maintains control until closed and invoiced •Maintains filing and records •Updates customer profiles •Maintains accessories and
supplies •Prepares various reports •Process warranty claims including the
computation of charges, submission, and follow-up •Timely processing
of invoices including customer and vendor•Willing to assist with other
departments• Skills and Qualifications: Basic knowledge of accounting
practices and office procedures •Ability to use Microsoft Office primarily
Excel, Outlook, and Word •General understanding of mechanical/technical terms is preferred •High School Diploma or GED equivalent •Willing
to work flexible hours, especially during peak seasons •Benefits include:
Health, Dental, & Vision Insurance, 401k, Vacation, and Holiday Pay
•Stop in or Send resume to: Phelps Implement, 1502 G Avenue, Grundy
Center, IA 50638
Registered Nurse: Grundy County Memorial Hospital, a partner of
Allen Hospital, is seeking an energetic, positive, hardworking RN
to work in our Inpatient Department. This position will work a day/
night 12 hour shift rotation as well as holiday rotation and occasional weekends. Qualifications include: graduate of an approved
Registered Nursing program; Bachelor’s Degree preferred and
strong critical thinking, decision making and organizational skills.
We offer a dynamic benefits package that includes: health, dental,
vision, disability, life, 401k, paid time off and more! For additional
information on this opportunity, or to apply online, visit You may also apply by sending a cover letter
and resume to, or send to the hospital.
We are located at 201 East J Ave, Grundy Center, IA 50638. For
assistance, please contact Human Resources at 319-824-4145. EOE
Help Wanted: Waterloo Courier needs independent contractor to deliver
newspapers in Grundy Center. Weekday afternoons & Sunday mornings.
Making between $600-$650/4 weeks. NO Collecting. Great earnings for
little time. Contact Beth Lay 319-291-1518.
Presbyterian Village in Ackley is looking for a Part-Time Activities
Assistant approximately 26 hours a week. Flexibility required with
some weekends and evenings. Applicants must be enthusiastic,
caring and self-starter. Main responsibilities will be assisting and
planning meaningful activities at the Village and community. Some
computer knowledge preferred. Must have or willing to acquire
Chauffer’s License for work purposes.
Send your application to
502 Butler St., Ackley, IA 50601
Help Wanted: Town & Country
Golf Club in Grundy Center, IA
is seeking applicants to manage
the clubhouse for the 2014 season.
Previous management experience
preferred. If interested please send
a resume to: T & C Golf Club, PO
Box 96, Grundy Center, IA 50638
Help Wanted: Arlington Place is
seeking a Universal Worker to join
our caring team providing assistance to our residents in our homelike, comfortable assisted living
community. This position will start
as part time and extend into fulltime with benefits that include
health, dental and vision insurance,
401K, vacation and holiday pay. For
further information please call Cathi
at 319-824-5674 or 319-415-6114
or stop in for an application at 95 D
Ave., Grundy Center.
Parkview Manor
1009 3rd Street
Reinbeck, IA 50669
Friendly, small town nursing home
offering competitive wages and benefits
Positions available:
Qualified Full Time CNA
Part Time Nurse
Shop at Trinkets & Togs Thrift
Store for Back-to-School Bargains Open: Mon-Tues-Wed-FriSat 10am-5 pm
Thur. -10am-7 pm. 1609 G Ave •
Grundy Center •319.825.8030
• 3 BR Ranch house
21816 210th, Holland. Call Byron
North 319-215-6119
The Northeast Quarter of Section 22, township 86 North, Range 17, West
of the 5th P.M., Grundy County, Iowa, EXCEPT Parcel 160-B located in
the North west Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section as shown
in Book 73-G, Page 456, of the Grundy County Recorder’s Office.
The Sellers will accept sealed bids which must be received by 5:00 P.M., September 26, 2013. The sealed bid must contain the name, adress and telephone number
of the bidder, and the amount of the bid per acre. The sale price will be the highest
acceptable bid at the auction.
80± Acres • Butler County, Iowa
1004 6TH STREET • $98,500
4 BR with huge closets. Original woodwork & leaded glass window. DR with
hardwood floor. Porch & rear deck.
Walk-up attic. Multi-car garages.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
1513 Cantebury Circle
Grundy Center
*3 Bedroom ranch *
*Many updates*
For more details call licensed real estate agent
Dave Brown at 319-640-5737
advertising which is deceptive, fraudulent or which might otherwise violate the law or accepted standards of taste. However, this
publication does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of any advertisement, nor the quality of the goods or services advertised.
Readers are cautioned to thoroughly investigate all claims made in
any advertisements, and to use good judgment and reasonable care,
particularly when dealing with persons unknown to you who ask for
money in advance of delivery of the goods or services advertised.
Reinbeck Production Plant is taking applications for the following jobs:
Fall-Harvest positions start in early September and will continue for approximately 6-7 weeks. Harvest jobs are 7 days per week with some early
and late shifts available. After harvest, positions can convert to conditioning or warehousing jobs that have days off through the winter. Attention
to detail, excellent attendance, good physical agility, and ability to follow
safety policies required. Applicants must be at least 18 years old.
Work starts in early September and will continue for approximately 6
weeks. Weekday and weekend shifts available. Air conditioned and clean
work area. Sorters can sit or stand to perform the job. Applicants must be
at least 16 years old.
For more information and to apply, call or visit our office at:
DuPont - Pioneer
110 East Highway 175, Reinbeck, IA
319-788-6411 or (1-800-325-6530)
Employment may be contingent on successful completion of a
pre-employment drug screen.
Grundy SPORTS Register
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Rebels come up short in 13-17 opener against Denver
Sports Correspondent
DENVER – A scoreless first half
coupled with a few miscues at inopportune times left the GladbrookReinbeck football team just short of
a week zero win last Friday night,
as the Rebels dropped their season
opener at Denver 13-17.
“Penalties on big plays and turnovers at key moments were too much
to overcome against a team as good
as Denver,” Gladbrook-Reinbeck
head coach John Olson said. “We
look to improve on the fundamentals
that caused these things this week.” Denver put up the first points
of the game in the second quarter
on a 39-yard field goal by Braydon
Neuendorf. The Cyclones followed
that with a scoring drive that ended
in a 7-yard touchdown run by Isaac
Barrett. The run was capped off by a
Neuendorf PAT to make it 0-10 Cyclones at the half way mark.
The Gladbrook-Reinbeck offense came alive in the second half,
sparked by a third quarter drive that
culminated in a 2-yard touchdown
run by Chase Clark. Wyatt Swanson made good on the kick attempt
for the Rebel point after to bring the
score to 7-10.
Denver answered in the fourth
period with a 15-yard scoring run by
Neuendorf. Neuendorf’s kick was
good for the extra point, making it
7-17 Cyclones.
As the final moments clicked off
the regulation clock, the Rebels were
unwilling to relent. With less than
a minute to go, G-R quarterback
Camden Kickbush connected with
Phil Zimmerman for a huge 57-yard
touchdown pass. A blocked kick and
a few seconds later, time ran out on
the Rebel comeback and the Cyclones escaped with the 17-13 win.
“We played hard and wore Denver down in the third quarter, but just
couldn't overcome the timely turnovers,” Olson said. “Defensively
we broke down a couple times and
allowed Denver to convert when we
had them back up in their own end.”
Chase Clark led the Rebels
ground attack, rushing for 137 yards
in 23 carries. Kickbush completed
8-of-19 passes for 134 yards.
The Rebels will regroup for their
home opener against Hudson this
Friday night, August 30, in Gladbrook.
0 0 7 6 --13
Denver 0 10 0 7 --17
Scoring Summary
Second quarter
Denver – Braydon Neuendorf 39
field goal; 0-3.
Denver – Isaac Barret 7 run
(Neuendorf kick); 0-10
Third quarter
Gladbrook-Reinbeck – Chase
Clark 2 run (Wyatt Swanson kick);
Fourth quarter
Denver – Neuendorf 15 run
(Neuendorf kick); 7-17
Gladbrook-Reinbeck – Phil Zimmerman 57 pass from Camden Kickbush (kick blocked); 13-17
Members of the 2013 Gladbrook-Reinbeck High School cross country team include, front row (left to right):
Meg Edler, Max Schweppe, Kelsey Schwartz and Alex Schweppe. Back row (l-r): Coach Andy McQuillen,
Amber Berendes, Tyler Bovy, Megan Oelschlager and Nicole Adair. Not pictured is Hannah Martin. (John
Jensen/The Grundy Register photo)
Rebel harriers aim for strong, healthy season
Junior High girls attend volleyball camp
Fifty-four girls attended the Grundy Center junior high volleyball camp earlier this month. Girls in fourth, fifth, sixth,
seventh and eighth worked on basic skills. The team is looking forward to an exciting season. Its first home game
will be Sept. 23. (Courtesy photo)
Grundy Center Football League, YSF to play in UNI-Dome
The first Grundy Center Football
League (GCFL) game of the 2013
season will be played at the UNI
Dome this year on Tuesday, Sept.
3 at 6:30 p.m. The Grundy Center
Football League is made of local
third- and fourth-grade boys and
girls. The focus is to allow players to
learn football in a fun safe and organized environment, with an emphasis on fundamentals and a passion
for the game. After the third- and
fourth-grade players are done, the
Grundy Center Youth Sports Foun-
dation (YSF) football players will
hold their Maroon and White game.
The Grundy Center YSF is made of
fifth- and sixth-grade football players. The YSF game will start at 7:30
p.m. and last one hour. Admission is
free for all.
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The Grundy Register
REINBECK — With his first
year heading up both the boys’
and girls’ cross country programs
at Gladbrook-Reinbeck under his
belt, Andy McQuillen is hoping his
runners can stay healthy and strong
during the 2013 season.
“This will be a group that will
have to sort things out as the season goes along,” the former state
championship coach said. “We were
riddled with injuries for most of last
season. In fact, we never had our
complete lineup together.”
As with many small schools
participating in multiple sports, the
1. Grundy National Bank . . . 144.5
2. Grundy Co. REC . . . . . . . 143.5
3. GNB Insurance Agency. . . 134.5
3. Pour Boys . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134.5
5. Grundy Real Estate . . . . . . 132.0
6. NuCara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111.0
6. Phelps Implement. . . . . . . . 111.0
8. GLOWF’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94.5
Week #7
(Aug. 7 )
Closest #4: Jesse Huisman
Closest #6: Gary Schroeder
Long Drive #3: Rod Holke-Farnam
Long Putt #9: Dan Bangasser
Closest in 2 #5: Paul Eberline
Low Gross: 35- Jason Kirkpatrick
2nd Low Gross: 38- Jeff Carson
Low Net: 31- Todd Rohler
2nd Low Net: 32- Gary Schroder
Team Winner: 24.5- Grundy Co.
Second Team Winner: 23 Pour Boys
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Grundy Center
numbers game can be a challenge
for the Rebels’ cross country
program. But despite low numbers,
McQuillen likes the cohesiveness
and work ethic of this year’s team. “We are stronger than a year ago
in the mental and physical aspects of
running,” he said. “We would love
to see more numbers involved in the
sport, but we have to play the cards
we are dealt and move on. I really
like our work ethic and mentality
going into the season.”
Six of the seven runners on the
Rebel girls’ team are returning letter
winners. McQuillen expects junior
Nicole Adair and sophomore Megan
Oelschlager to lead the team this
“Nicole has been solid throughout high school, but she was sidelines a good chunk of last year with
a knee injury,” he said. “Megan has
the ability to be a strong competitor,
but she was injured for the most of
the season last year as well.” Adair was the Rebels’ top finisher in last year’s North Iowa Cedar
League and state qualifying meets.
Tyler Bovy is the lone returning
letter winner for the boys’ team and
is also the only high school boy
running for Gladbrook-Reinbeck
this season. He placed 35th at the
conference meet and 37th at the state
qualifier. After dual sporting in cross
country and football last year, Bovy
will focus on cross country in 2013.
“Tyler had some strong per-
formances last year,” McQuillen
said. “He has run most of the summer and has the ability to compete
in the upper echelon in most meets.
He is coming off a state qualifying
appearance in the 3200 meter run in
track, so he knows what it takes to
compete on the big stage this year.”
The goals for the girls’ team
include staying healthy and hungry,
and competing in the upper half of
the conference. McQuillen believes
Bovy is capable of being an all-
No. School
2012 Record
1 Dike-New Hartford
2 Western Christian4
3 Council Bluffs St. Albert
5 South Central Calhoun3
7 Eddyville-Blakesburg
10 Grundy Center
11 Boyden-Hull
12 Lake Mills
13 Ridge View
14 Waest Branch
15 North Butler
Cross Country
Head Coach — Andy McQuillen.
2012 Conference Meet Finish —
12th place (girls) in North Iowa Cedar
League. (Boys had incomplete team.
2012 District Finish — 12th place
(girls). Boys had incomplete team.
Top Returnees — Girls: Nicole
Adair, Meg Edler, Hannah Martin,
Kelsey Schwartz, Cydney Rose, Emily
Johnson. Boys: Tyler Bovy.
2013 Schedule
at South Hardin
Sept. 5
Sept. 10
Sept. 14
Sept. 21
Sept. 26
Oct. 1
Oct. 5
Oct. 8
Oct. 15
Oct. 19
at Grinnell
at Benton Community
at Grundy Center
at Jesup
at South Hardin
at Dike-New Hartford
at Union
NICL at Reinbeck
Class 2A preseason volleyball rankings
The Season has Arrived!
Bringing You LIVE Coverage from the games
8/23 KLMJ
8/23 KQCR
Midland, Wyoming @ Clarksville
AGWSR @ Grundy Center
8/30 KLMJ
8/30 KQCR
North Butler @ Central Springs
9/6 KLMJ
9/6 KQCR
Hampton-Dumont @ IF-A
Aplington-Parkersburg @ Union LPC
9/13 KLMJ
9/13 KQCR
Clarion-Goldfield @ S.C. Calhoun
Dike-New Hartford @ South Hamilton
9/20 KLMJ
9/20 KQCR
Hampton-Dumont @ Waterloo Columbus
Aplington-Parkersburg @ West Fork
9/27 KLMJ
9/27 KQCR
West Fork @ South Hamilton
Clarksville @ Tripoli
10/4 KLMJ
10/4 KQCR
Hampton-Dumont @ Osage
Aplington-Parkersburg @ South Hamilton 6:15/7:00
10/11 KLMJ Belmond-Klemme @ AGWSR
10/11 KQCR Aplington-Parkersburg @ Eagle Grove
10/18 KLMJ Hampton-Dumont @ Waukon
10/18 KQCR West Fork @ Dike-New Hartford
10/25 KLMJ Hudson @ West Fork
10/25 KQCR Aplington-Parkersburg @ Dike-New Hartford 6:00/7:00
104.9 FM
Coaches Corner
The Grundy Register
broke open a close game with three
second-quarter touchdowns on its
way to a 36-13 opening-night victory over Grundy Center at Spartan
The Cougars (1-0) built a 29-7
halftime lead on their way to their
third victory over the Spartans in the
teams’ last four meetings.
The cleanly-played game saw no
turnovers and just one penalty longer than five yards. AGWSR did not
have a penalty until its final drive
on the night when it had many of its
reserves on the field. Each team had
one bad snap, and the Cougars survived a fumble into the Spartan secondary on their first scoring drive.
Both teams came out running the
football. Grundy Center was effective at times with off-tackle sweeps
while working from a new pistolbased offense. Spartan halfbacks
Bryce Moats and Nick Mauer combined for 140 rushing yards on just
17 carries, with most of their success
coming on inside sweeps.
“We’ve got some kids that can
make plays,” Grundy Center coach
Brent Thoren said. “We just have to
make sure we’re doing our job up
GC quarterback Brock Rohler
completed 7-of-17 passes for 59
yards, barely missing on a couple
of other opportunities. The junior
showed a strong arm on deep balls
and an ability to find open receivers
“They were right there, we left
a lot of plays on the field,” Thoren
said. “And give their defense credit,
they were coming after us pretty
hard. Our passing game kind of got
going a little bit, but it was kind of
As expected, AGWSR came out
with a power running game featuring several backs. No fewer than
four Cougar runners had 10 carries or more, including quarterback
Cody Williams who effectively
worked the option game. Williams,
who won a three-way battle for the
starting quarterback spot, completed
3-of-8 passes for 44 yards and ran
for 80 yards on 14 carries. Fullback
Clay Meinders paced the Cougars
with 125 yards on the ground while
Grundy SPORTS Register
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Cougars run past Spartans
halfbacks Clay Bohner and Levi
Stockdale finished with 53 and 41
yards, respectively.
“You know we’re going to run the
rock,” Cougar coach Skip Eckhardt
said. “We have faith in our offensive
line to get it done. A lot of them have
been playing 30-some games.
“They’ve been working in the
weight room since that first year
when we got pounded by everybody
— St. Ansgar, Dike — that’s why
we’re physical. They get after it,” he
While Eckhardt was pleased with
his team’s lack of penalties and turnovers, he was upset that the Cougars
did not force any turnovers.
“Very sad,” he said. “We plan to
get three turnovers a game. We had
opportunities for probably three or
four, but we have to work on tackling, we have to work on turnovers,
we just have to work on sharpening
things up.”
FIRST WITH a 67-yard scoring
drive capped by a 32-yard Nick
Mauer touchdown run and Brock
Rohler extra-point kick. AGWSR
countered with a 16-play, 68-yard
drive that tied the score and seemed
to take the wind out of the Spartans’
sails. The back-breaking play came
on fourth down from the Spartan 28
when Williams tracked down a snap
over his head and completed a 10yard pass to Clay Bohner that kept
the drive alive. Six plays later Levi
Stockdale on a one-yard run and
Austin Heitland’s point-after kick
tied the score.
“They got a lucky break with the
ball snapped over his head — that
was a big change of pace there because we had them stopped,” Thoren
said. “Then they just started to lean
on us with their offensive line —
they have a really good offensive
The game was evenly-played except for the second quarter, where
AGWSR outscored GC 29-0 and
outgained it 169-0. The Spartans
did not pick up a first down in the
quarter and saw four of their nine
plays go for either zero or negative
yardage. The Cougars took their
first lead of the night when fullback
Clay Meinders burst past the line
of scrimmage on a quick hitter and
sprinted through the Spartan secondary 31 yards to the end zone. Stockdale capped a 71-yard drive with his
second touchdown of the night five
minutes later, and Williams threw a
25-yard scoring pass to Heitland less
than two minutes before halftime.
Grundy Center made things interesting in the third quarter, forcing
AGWSR to punt for the first time
all night and then answering with
a quick three-play, 52-yard drive
capped by Mauer’s second long
scoring run of the night. GC forced
a second straight AGWSR punt and
then drove inside the 25 before a bad
snap pushed them back and eventually forced them to turn the ball over
on downs.
“We made a couple of adjustments at halftime and our kids got
acclimated with the game itself,”
Thoren said. “We’ve got a lot of new
faces out there that don’t have a lot
of varsity experience. They got their
feet wet in the first half and now
things were slowing down a little
and they were making some plays.”
By that time AGWSR’s size and
the humid opening night began
to take a toll on the Spartans, who
had several players come out due
to minor injuries and cramping issues. The most serious injury was
to senior lineman Brady Hook, who
suffered an apparent knee sprain but
was able to stand on the sideline. His
status for this week’s game against
Dike-New Hartford is unknown.
“We kept fighting, I was very
proud of the kids,” Thoren said.
“We just don’t have a lot of depth
and when we had guys starting to do
down there’s just not a lot of guys to
fill back up in there.”
The Cougars essentially clinched
the victory with an 18-play, 78-yard
scoring drive that featured just two
plays longer than five yards and consumed nearly eight minutes. Williams went the final two yards for
the score.
AGWSR opens its home season
Friday against BCLUW while Grundy Center plays its second straight
home game against Dike-New Hartford.
AGWSR7 22 0 7 – 36
7 06 0 –13
Scoring Summary
First quarter
GC – Nick Mauer 32 run (Brock
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Grundy Center senior Nick Mauer runs through a tackle attempt by AGWSR senior Carson Lutterman with
senior Trevor Bakker in pursuit. (John Jensen/The Grundy Register photo)
Rohler kick); 7-0
AGWSR – Levi Stockdale 1 run
(Austin Heitland kick); 7-7
Second Quarter
AGWSR – Clay Meinders 31 run
(Heitland kick); 14-7
AGWSR – Levi Stockdale 1 run
(Stockdale run); 22-7
AGWSR – Heitland 25 pass from
Cody Williams (Heitland kick); 29-7
Third quarter
GC – Mauer 23 run (Kick failed);
Fourth quarter
AGWSR – Williams 2 run (Heitland
kick); 36-13
Team Totals
First downs
Pass yards
3-9-0 7-17-0
Total offense
Fumbles-lost 2-01-0
Penalties-Yards 1-59-46
Rushing – AGWSR: Clay Meinders
21-125, 1 TD; Cody Williams 14-80, 1
TD; Clay Bohner 11-53; Levi Stockdale
15-41, 2 TDs; Darrick Kyle-Murphy
3-13; Evan Janssen 2-10. Grundy Center: Bryce Moats 9-74; Nick Mauer
8-66; Jordan Clapp 4-17; Brock Rohler
3-(minus 16).
Passing – AGWSR: Williams 3-of8 for 44 yards, 1 TD; Brandon Johnson
0-of-1. Grundy Center: Rohler 7-of-17
for 59 yards.
Receiving – AGWSR: Austin Heitland 1-25, 1 TD; Bohner 1-10; Stockdale
1-9. Grundy Center: Clapp 2-21; Lane
Bangasser 2-17; Austin Burroughs 1-18;
Moats 1-4; Jarrett Stoner 1-(minus 1).
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