A Message from the Director


A Message from the Director
Spring 2014
Serving the family and friends of Trinity Services, Inc.
A Message from the Director
In Brief
New spaces, new experiences 3
Trinity’s first prom
Around Town
Welcome, Grundy folks!
Barkery makes the news
Golf outing photos
Playground funding drive
Don’t miss...
The true measure of Trinity’s success
Moving through 2014, Trinity is continuing a number of program building initiatives it started in 2013. The Landings on Villa are nearing completion. Renovations are
wrapping up at the Adult Learning programs on Gougar Road in Joliet, and Buchanan
Street in Wilmington. The Trinity Well-Being and Enrichment Center in New Lenox
just completed renovations. An open house will take place in the near future.
We recognize that the true measure of success in human services, though, lies in
how well quality of life is improving for the person receiving services, not in how many
programs Trinity has or how many people participate.
To accurately describe and measure the quality of life of our program participants,
the Council on Quality and Leadership has designed the Personal Outcome Measures®. Trinity is committed to using these mesaures. A few examples are: People perform different social roles. People choose services. People realize personal goals. People
have friends. People are respected.
The Personal Outcome Measures mandate that quality of life be viewed from
the perspective of the person receiving services, not someone else’s perspective. So,
we measure by listening and observing, and by having a dialogue with the person
served. How did the person’s background, life experiences and decisions shape the
(continued on pg. 2)
Register now! July 18 is the date
for the next Trivia Night fundraiser. See page 2 for details and
registration information.
To be a leader in providing the
highest quality, socially responsible
and cost-effective services and
supports to persons with disabilities,
so that they might achieve their full
potential and have the opportunity to
live full and abundant lives.
A new tradition begins
Trinity School hosted its first prom ever on May 23 at the Roxy, Trinity’s
nightclub. See photos of the prom queen, prom king and more on page 4.
Message from the Director (continued)
person he/she is today? What are the unique characteristics, needs and desires that inform the person’s decisions
about, for example, when he will share personal information and with whom he will live?
The choices and actions that flow from the Personal
Outcome Measures are so important that Trinity wants everyone to become familiar with them. At the new corporate
office building on Veterans Parkway, I invite you to visit the
Community Room. It is used regularly for staff activities,
such as orientations, trainings and meetings. And, it is open
to community groups and families for events and gatherings.
An attractive border around the Community Room sets
a tone that is unmistakable. It lists the Personal Outcome
Measures. I invite you to read them when you visit, and consider their quiet but profound impact on our world.
My best wishes for an enjoyable summer.
Above: The Community Room, with the Council on Quality
and Leadership’s 21 Outcome Measures stenciled around
the room. Top: A closeup of one of the statements.
Art Dykstra
In Brief
Good news on dental, other benefits
your team, or to learn more, contact Kris Pasquini in the
Development office at kpasquini@trinity-services.org or
In June, the Illinois legislature voted to restore or lift
restrictions on several Medicaid benefits. Senate Bill 741
and House Amendment 1 restore dental care for adults,
which had been eliminated by the SMART Act of 2012.
The law also restores podiatry services for adults and
eliminates, under certain circumstances, prior authorization for anti-psychotic drugs and for a care coordination
entity (CCE) for children with complex medical needs.
It also eliminates the cap of 20 visits for speech, hearing, language, occupational, and physical therapy, and
instead requires prior approval for these services.
Autism doesn’t limit this beauty queen
Taylor, a lovely young lady who is 19 and is served by
Trinity, entered The Miss Amazing Pageant-Illinois in
April. The pageant for special needs girls has a teen division, perfect for the Lockport Township High School
teen. Since Taylor is not
able to speak, she used an
assistive tech device to tell
the judges about her passion for basketball and bike
riding. She also enjoyed the
stage walk, featuring her elegant gown, as part of the
evening wear portion of the
pageant. “She was all smiles
throughout the day and
evening,” her mother Alice told the Joliet Bugle news.
Taylor was crowned a Princess and received a trophy.
Battle heats up for the next trivia title
The next Trivia Night fundraiser will be held at 6 p.m. July
18 at Beggars Pizza in New Lenox, IL. Don’t miss the fun
as teams compete for cash prizes. Check-in begins at 5:15
and the game begins at 6:30. The trivia game is played in
teams of 8 per table, and seating is limited to 20 tables.
The cost is $200 per team, or $25 per person. That includes pizza, pop, beer and wine from 6 to 9 p.m., and
multiple raffles. All proceeds benefit the STRIDES therapeutic horseback riding program. To register yourself or
Trinity Services, Inc.
100 N. Gougar Rd.
Joliet, IL 60432
(815) 485-6197
FAX (815) 485-5975
Trinity Family Newsletter
Board of Directors
Raymond McShane,
Jan Agazzi
Scott Creech
Barbara Hall
Bob Libman
Barbara McGoldrick
Ken Stromsland
Rolf Troha
Art Dykstra, Executive Director
Spring 2014
New spaces open up
new possibilities
Adult Learning makeover follows HQ relocation
A more spacious and colorful atmosphere greets visitors who enter Trinity’s
former main office building at 100 N.
Gougar Road in Joliet.
A few walls were removed and rooms
were redesigned to create improved program space. Office spaces that had color
themes in gray, white and pale blue have
been transformed with more lively colors.
Auredia (staff, at left) and LaShawn
(right) work in a remodeled classroom
at Joliet Adult Learning.
The Joliet Adult Learning program
has operated at the site for most of Trinity’s history. The revised program can
serve 75 persons. Enrollment is now at
65, up from 45 last year.
With 20 additional participants, a
flurry of changes are underway. The curriculum has been expanded, with greater
community involvement, a greater number of ways of communicating, and of
course, new relationships to enjoy.
The building improvements are providing a number of advantages. For example, several classrooms have computer
stations. These offer the computer user a
quiet space to work, away from busy central areas.
The entryway offers more space for
coming and going, and to store coats
and boots. Cabinetry and other furnishings will support exciting changes to the
program’s culinary arts and wellness activities. And, the artwork display area has
been improved. For example, members of
the Shutterbugs group now have a showcase area to display their photos.
The staff lunchroom is much improved, and a new clinic features an examination room, waiting area and storage area.
The day program continues to meet
from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and the evening
program meets from 2 to 8 p.m. A $5,000
grant from Grainger Foundation helped
fund the new computers.
Ruben (above) works on a craft
project at Joliet Adult Learning
where he is now participating.
He also likes to dance and exercise with the program’s new XBox
game. Below: a drywaller finishes the ceiling.
PNA rise approved for persons living in CILA, ICFDD
In June, Gov. Patrick Quinn took
final action on the state’s budget for fiscal year 2015. The good news is that it
includes an increase to $60 a month in
the Personal Needs Allowance (PNA)
for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
In addition, there are no changes
to community services funding as a
whole. This unchanged funding does
not allow community service providTrinity Family Newsletter
ers to keep up with inflation or to deal
with the state’s late payments.
For community service providers
and families, the increase in the PNA
was a top priority. In the last days of the
legislative session, an effort to limit the
PNA increase to only those persons who
live in an ICFDD was blocked.
Advocates and several of our partnering legislators made compelling arguments to make sure the change also
covers persons living in a CILA. As a result, the $60 PNA is now approved for
persons in both CILAs and ICFDDs.
Unfortunately, the governor’s efforts to get a wage increase of $1 an
hour for direct service workers was
blocked by lawmakers. This ongoing effort is not over. In addition, we will continue working to get the state to restore
funding that was cut over the past few
years for persons with a mental illness.
Spring 2014
we roll!
Left: Justin shows his
fifth place ribbon. Right:
Donald S. won gold.
On Saturday, June 7, Trinity
Northwest had nine bowlers competing at the Special Olympics local
bowling competition in Elk Grove
Village. Each athlete bowled three
games and had a great day competing
against other friends during the event.
Congratulations to all of our athletes. Crystal earned a 3rd place bronze
and Justin earned a 5th place ribbon.
Darryl won a 3rd place bronze, while
Michael F. won a 5th place ribbon.
Robert G. nabbed a 4th place ribbon,
and so did Jack and John S., while
Lester earned a 2nd place silver.
Donald S. received a gold medal
and will go on to compete in ramp
bowling in October.
Glam, glitter, music spice up first prom
“Some Enchanted Evening” was the
theme at Trinity School’s first prom. The
fun-filled evening featured friends, food
and dancing at the Roxy in Lockport.
Top left, and bottom left (dancing): Kyle
was the prom king.
Right: Maria was the prom queen.
Above: The event also featured candy
customized to mark the occasion.
Trinity Family Newsletter
Spring 2014
Numbers Tell Stories
Dollars spent on snow removal
July 1 - 31
Petals & Twigs school supply drive
July 18
Trivia Night at Beggars in N. Lenox
Aug. 16
Annual Family and Friends Picnic
Sept. 13
Annual Trinity dinner dance
Holiday closings
In case you haven’t heard enough
astounding news this year related to
the weather, consider this. The total snow removal cost for Trinity
in 2013 (January, February
and March) was $31,388.
In 2014, the services cost
For a community service provider, that sudden
expense can pose a fairly significant budgeting challenge.
Unusually heavy snowfall can also
increase costs, such as staff overtime
since some employees become snowed
in and cannot make it in to work.
And, damage or deterioration
to vehicles and other property
can result from the excessive
snow and ice or from the
heavy use of salt.
Trinity salutes all of
its staff and participants for
their attention to safety. No significant injuries ocurred during the
long, challenging winter.
Welcoming Grundy to the family
Sept. 1
Labor Day
25% off!
1.25 lb. bag only $5.95
Orders: 866-288-6146
Trinity Family Newsletter
Trinity is now providing serThey concluded that a partnervices to individuals living in Grundy ship would be more effective than opCounty who have developmental erating programs themselves. So, the
group approached Trinity to explore
Starting in June of 2013, Trinity that option.
began a partnership with Special
Connections of Grundy County
to provide services in the area. It
started with supported employment, and later respite services
were added.
Trinity calls the Grundybased program Network 10. It is
headquartered at 1539 W. Route
6 in Morris, IL.
Jennifer Price, whose son Trinity staff welcome visitors to a recent
has disabilities, is the program’s open house at the Grundy-based program.
first director. “I am beyond excited and hopeful for the future of our
Trinity responded by learning
special needs population in and around more about the needs of persons with
Grundy County,” she said.
disabilities in the region, and by takJennifer is also the board president ing special care to ensure that any new
of Special Connections. The group services it created would not duplicate
serves individuals with developmen- existing services.
tal disabilities, with a primary focus
Currently, the program is seekon providing social and recreational ing Grundy-area businesses to partner
opportunities. Recently, it began re- with for supported employment opsearching ways to address these indi- portunities. To suggest a business, or
viduals’ needs for residential and em- for program information, call Jennifer
ployment options.
Price at 815-941-1503.
Spring 2014
Department Contacts
Network I
Holly Janczak 815-485-4781
Network II
Trudy Curtis 815-476-5405
Network III
Mickey Gossen 815-462-3643
Barkery success makes news
Network IV / Behavioral Health
Thane Dykstra, PhD
Network V & VI
Lisa Dillon
Network VII / Trinity Northwest
Jennifer Hodges 847-299-2200
Network VIII / Southwest Illinois
Mike Lowry 618-566-4200
Network IX / Staff Development
Trina Sieling 815-485-6197
Network X / Grundy County
Jennifer Price 815-941-1503
Adult Learning Programs
Lori Hausherr
Financial Operations
Mike Sieling 815-485-6197
Administrative Operations
Ray Carmody 815-485-6197
Health Services
Sharon Parker 815-485-6197
Sherry Ladislas 815-717-3750
Above: ABC 7 Chicago’s news reporter Karen Meyer, far left, pauses
to take a picture with Barkery workers Ruth, Kathy, Michelle and
Mary (foreground). They are joined by two staffers (background),
Barkery director Shirley and Crystal, who is an ILC. Below: Reporter Karen Meyer interviews Michelle as Ruth continues food
preparation as the camera is rolling.
Information Technology
Sally Ritchey 815-722-0166
Electronic News Delivery
If you have computer access
and would like to help Trinity
cut costs by receiving the
newsletter via email, please
contact Sherry Ladislas in
Fund Development at:
In good company
Did you know that many
corporations prefer to donate
funds to a charity of their
employee’s choice? Trinity encourages you to inquire about
these opportunities at your
company or workplace. And,
please pass the word along to
your friends and relatives.
Trinity Family Newsletter
Wedding, new baby or anniversary?
Oh Fudge! adds elegance,
fun and custom messaging
to your celebration. Many
yummy flavors, sizes, and
packaging options.
Ph: 815-722-3923
Spring 2014
You are a valued member of our team!
Trinity’s Development team does everything it can to maintain a solid donor base. The staff and the volunteer helpers work to keep the Trinity mission—helping people with disabilities live full and abundant
lives—in the hearts and minds of supporters. Please let us know how you will help.
Corporate donations
Many employers support the causes of their employees. If asked, they will provide a matching gift,
purchase a sponsorship, or donate an item for a live or silent auction. The Development team would be
happy to send your employer a sponsorship request, or details about fundraising events they can support.
Person to contact:
Company address:
Special events planning
We invite you to join in the fun of planning special events. There are many ways you can help. Please
check below any ways you are interested in helping out.
q Serve as a member of a special events committee:
q Golf outing (held on the third Thursday in May)
q Dinner dance (held in September)
q Trinity Triumph 5K Run/Walk (held in June)
(Time is a precious commodity. We offer committee members the option to participate by conference call.
Meetings are scheduled to run one hour or less, once a month, for the four months before the event.)
Special events purchase or donation
You can support Trinity with these easy methods. Please indicate how you’d like to help.
Purchase raffle tickets and sell them to your friends and family.
Purchase tickets to a special event.
Buy an ad in a special event program book. Ask your employer, friends and family to buy one.
Donate and/or obtain a new item for a live or silent auction.
Email communication
Trinity periodically contacts its supporters via email about legislative and budgetary issues that impact
funding from the State of Illinois. You can help by providing your email address here:
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your opinions, and your support, are very
valuable to the Development team. Please return this sheet in the enclosed envelope or mail to:
Sherry Ladislas
Director of Development
Trinity Services, Inc.
301 Veterans Parkway
Chilly day, but a fun event
Petals & Twigs
A gift shop in a Victorian home offering
home décor, candles, Oh Fudge! and
much more. 815-485-5976
Oh Fudge!
Delicious, homemade fudge in many
flavors for holidays, gift giving, fundraising, employee gifts, business thankyous, and more. 815-722-3923
The Barkery
Home of Fritters for Critters, yummy, all
natural dog treats. 815-476-5104
Human safe, earth friendly, purposedriven cleaning products for all your
household needs. 815-723-0898
Cherry Hill Bookstore
Resources for leadership and best practices in the workplace. 815-723-0898
High Tide Press
Publications, training materials and
resources for disability and nonprofit
professionals. 815-717-3780
All Area Custom Designs
Custom designs for corporate, school,
sports and all other related apparel.
Gift shop in downtown Wilmington offering gift baskets, hand crefts, jewelry and
Fritters for Critters. 815-476-5352
Please sign on today!
Your shopping will automatically
benefit persons who have disabilities.
Trinity Family Newsletter
Above: this year’s winning threesome
are, left to right, Scott Nei!, Steve
Wilmot and Lukek Schumann.
In May, 135 golfers showed great
enthusiasm despite wet and chilly
weather at the 21st Annual Tom O’Reilly
Golf Classic. Trinity is grateful to them, as
well as the business sponsors and individual supporters who made the event a great
success. You can view a list of the sponsors
and supporters on Trinity’s Facebook page:
Top photo: Birdhouses with a golf theme were specially designed and handcrafted
for the event by participants in the New Lenox Wood Works program. Right: Trinity
volunteers dress in Grease costumes as “Thunderbirds” and “Pink Ladies”.
Playground campaign in full swing
Trinity has launched an online
campaign to purchase playground
equipment at The Trinity School and
Trinity Autism Center.
In 2007, Trinity founded the Autism and Family Resource Center on
Route 30 in New Lenox. In 2012, Trinity School relocated to the site. Having
a shared building, which is owned
by Trinity, helps to lower costs and
increase program effectiveness.
The beautiful, grassy lot at the
back of the building is in need of
equipment. Trinity recognizes the
critical role of playing in a child’s
development. Recent research has
linked play that involves motor
movement to improved learning,
communication and social skills.
Trinity is using two strategies to
develop the funds needed to purchase
the equipment. It is requesting grants
from private foundations and it is asking for individual donations with help
from Indiegogo.
To join the effort today, please go
to www.trinitykidsplay.com.
Spring 2014
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Permit No. 251
301 Veterans Parkway, New Lenox, IL 60451
Like Trinity
on Facebook!
Summer beauty
indoors and out
Experience our new Margarita
table. And, choose from a wide
variety of Americana, whimsical
ceramics and beach theme décor.
9 to 6 Mon – Fri
9 to 5 Saturday
11 to 4 Sunday
Trinity Family Newsletter
427 W. Francis Road, New Lenox, IL
Spring 2014