Here`s - Trinity United Methodist Church


Here`s - Trinity United Methodist Church
Trinity United Methodist Church
October, 2015
Trunk or Treat
Prayer Meeting
Clean-up Day
Thursday, October 29th, 4-6pm
We are looking for candy
donations and volunteers to bring
a decorated car and/or hand out
candy, popcorn and drinks to the
children. This is a family friendly
event, so please, no scary
decorations. We also hope
families will come enjoy the fun.
Please join us and help us reach
out to the children of our
community! Thanks!
Friday, October 2 at noon
Meet in the prayer room at
Trinity (off of the overflow
room of the sanctuary).
See Pastor Dana’s Three Little
Words article in this newsletter
for details about the focus of
this event. We hope you will
join us for this special time of
prayer as we “Pray on our Path
to Portland.”
Saturday, October 17 at 9am
Join us for a church clean-up
day from 9am until work is
finished. We will work on
cleaning projects inside and
outside of the church. We
would appreciate whatever
amount of time you could
give. If you think you will be
here for lunch that day, please
sign up on the sheet in the
sanctuary. Please take this
opportunity to help us care for
our place of worship!
Trinity United Methodist Church
200 N. Summit St.
Bowling Green, OH 43402
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Or current resident
The Mission Committee will once
again be providing 65 food
baskets at Christmas time for
those in need. We are beginning
to collect items this month. Here’s
a list of items we routinely collect:
Paper products (TP, tissues)
Pasta & pasta sauces
Cleaning supplies (not bleach)
Peanut butter/jellies
Canned fruits and vegetables
Canned meats and soups
Boxed meals and Cereal
Baking supplies (ex: flour & sugar)
Personal items (deodorant, soap,
toothbrushes, toothpaste)
If you prefer to give a monetary
donation, place it in the offering
plate in an envelope marked
“Missions.” Thank you!
Deadline for
November Tell:
Tuesday, October 20th
Send your information to Missy
at or in
the education box across from
the church office.
Thank you for your help!
If you are looking for something to do on Monday nights this
winter, why not try playing darts for Trinity? The Trinity dartball team is looking for some new players for the 2015-16 season.
Games are every Monday night at 7:30 (usually ending at about
9:30) starting October 5th and running through March.
We will hopefully be having a practice Monday night September
28th at 7, so stop by the dart-ball room in the basement and give
it a try. Maybe even stop down after church sometime.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask Andrew Janes
(419-575-3656) or Dave Avery (419-494-3784).
Bowling Green State University will host its fourth
annual 5K at 10am on Saturday, October 24, to raise
money for human trafficking prevention efforts. The
event’s registration begins at 9am on the University Lawn
near the Student Union.
The race is sponsored by CRU, a Christian student
group at BGSU. The event will support the Aruna Project, a
nonprofit in Mumbai, India, that helps sex trafficking
victims rebuild their lives and gain meaningful
employment. The race engages students and community
members in meeting global needs. More than 250 runners
participated in last year’s event.
Registration costs $20 and can be paid online
or on race day. Participants will receive a t-shirt and goody
bag. For more information, please contact Nick Gillispie at
Coffee Hour Volunteers
Join our Choirs!
Thursday nights
Bell Choir – 6pm
Children of God – 6pm
Chancel Choir – 7pm
Everyone is welcome.
Come worship with us!
We are calling on members of the congregation to
contribute treats, drinks and a little time to coffee hour a
few times a year. Over the years, the adult Sunday
School classes have taken care of it, but it is becoming
more of a chore as some of the members age. Please
contact the office at 419-353-9031 or Beverly Miner at
419-352-3014 or for more
information and/or to volunteer. Thank you!
Esther Circle
The Esther Circle will meet at
8:45am on Wednesday,
October 14th at the E. Wooster
Big Boy Restaurant.
All members and guests are
urged to attend and enjoy a
potpourri program.
This interesting meeting includes
the sharing, by those who wish
to, of fond memories...meaningful
articles….inspirational thoughts.
October Worship
Jim & Wanda Augsberger
Terri Rishel
Ken Robie
Billie Milnor
1 Anita & Dennis Donley
4 Sandy & Alan Stoots
5 Heather & Greg Shepherd
13 Bev & John Rutter
15 Joy & Jim Collins
18 Beth & Chris Rutter
10-4 Pat Brenneman
10-11 John Laird
10-18 Beverly Miner
10-25 Gaynelle Predmore
Coffee Hour
Men’s Group
The next meeting is
Saturday, October 17, at
8am at the Big Boy on
Wooster. Then we will be
going to work at our church
clean-up day at 9am.
Loyal Hearts
Thank you for your
service !
Christmas Child
Can You Help?
Scrapbooking has become a fun
craft over the past few years. The
church needs people who would
like to place our many
newspapers clippings in
scrapbooks. It does not have to
be decorative, just organize and
paste them in books. Please
contact the church or Beverly
Miner at 419-352-3014
or for
more information and/or to
volunteer. Thanks!
We are continuing to
collect funds and items for
Operation Christmas Child.
Please have all donations
turned in by the end of
October. A list of
suggested gifts is on the
table in the sanctuary with
the OCC display. There is a
box for item donations
and a donation can for
monetary gifts. If you
would like to help pack
the boxes, please join us
at the church on
November 7th at 9am.
1 Ken Bauman, Kevin Lartique
2 Twila Myles, Sam Bell
6 Debbie Huyghe
9 Chip Myles
13 Clayton Gorsi, Marvin Dunn
14 Heather Janes, Lela Fox
16 Larry Shaner, Jr.
17 Shelby Zulch
19 George DeMuth, Lori Archer
21 Ruth Hahn, Logan Beardsley
22 Maroe Decker
23 Steve Avery
24 Alan Potter
25 Louisa Pullins
26 Shirley Smith, Dick Converse
Andy Drumm
28 Dan Saygers, Jason
29 Marilyn White
31 Samuel Ward
Christmas Greetings
We will print a booklet of
Christmas Greetings in
December. If you would like to
write a greeting for your Trinity
UMC family, submit it on the
table in the sanctuary by
November 15th with a donation
to Missions for the amount you
would have normally spent on
cards and postage. Thank you!
Three Little Words… “Prayer is Powerful”
Pastor Dana Ward
We know that “Prayer is powerful” because we read in Scripture that God says, “call on me, and
come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.” (Jeremiah 29: 12)
I’ve been thinking about this because last month, the film "War Room," starring Priscilla Shirer,
T.C. Stallings and Karen Abercrombie, became the #1 film in America. Its plot follows a couple
fighting to keep their marriage together, and how prayer is a powerful weapon in that fight.
First, this is impressive because since such rankings have been kept (starting in 1976), “War Room”
is just the fifth Christian-themed film to reach #1. “The Passion of The Christ” spent several weeks
there back in 2004. And all three parts of “The Chronicles of Narnia” trilogy, released between 2005
and 2010, debuted at #1.
But, the success of this film, produced by Alex and Stephen Kendrick of “Fireproof” fame, has been
interesting because of its low budget and orthodox message.
Secondly, this is impressive because it comes out at a time when the need for prayer is so great. As we
lift up prayers for racial harmony and natural disaster relief on a national level, and prayers for family
members or friends who are ill or hurting on a personal level, we show our faith and trust in God.
Here at Trinity this reminder about prayer is timely because we are Praying on the Path to Portland, as
we look toward the 2016 General Conference, being held in Portland, Oregon in May.
As you know, our church has a prayer room, and on Friday, October 2nd we will be holding a time
of “Fasting and Prayer" there, and our focus will be on "The Mission of the Church." We will have
prayers and read scriptures that remind us of the mission of The United Methodist Church, which is
to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
So, whether it is at the movie theater, or in the church, or at home, I hope we will be reminded that
because of the One to whom we pray, “Prayer is powerful.”
In Christ,
Pastor Dana
Serving our community at Trinity…
The Fellowship Hall was full of treasures
for our annual fall Rummage Sale in
September. The Missions team is
grateful to everyone who donated,
volunteered and purchased items from
the sale.
Many of the unsold items were donated
to several community organizations that
help people in need. Trinity is able to
serve the BG community in a myriad of
ways through the Rummage Sales.
Thanks for your support!
The second annual Trinity Trunk or Treat is
coming up on Thursday, October 29 from
4-6pm in our parking lot. We hope you will
join us for this fun and family-friendly
event. Whether you bring a decorated car,
donate candy, help give candy, popcorn
and drinks to our visitors, show up in
costume to contribute to the festive spirit
of the event or bring your children to enjoy
the treats, we hope you will be a part of it.
This is at the same time as the Downtown
BG Trick or Treat, so we expect a large
number of people. Come join the fun!
In October, the children are collecting items and accepting monetary donations for Operation
Christmas Child so we can give boxes of gifts to children in need and the Missions team is
collecting items and accepting donations for the 65 Christmas baskets we give to families in need
each year. We appreciate your support of these great causes. The trustees will be having a
church clean-up day on Saturday, October 17, which will help us better serve our community. We
have many individuals and groups that use our church building throughout the year beyond our
Sunday services and we have many activities for our community, so this day of cleaning will help
us create a great environment, not just for our services, but for the community we welcome.
Remember, we also have an active nursing home ministry on Tuesdays. If you are available to
help, we can always use new volunteers. Please contact the church office for more details.
Financial Report for August, 2015
Last month I read an article in the Toledo Blade written by Terri Yablonky Stat
of the Chicago Tribune titled “Be Generous: It’s a simple way to stay healthier”.
The author made a lot of sense to me. You see, I’m old, I want to stay healthier
and I like things simple.
Ms. Stat indicated that countless studies have found that generosity, both
volunteering and charitable donations, benefits young and old physically
and psychologically. The benefits of giving are significant, according to those
studies: lower blood pressure, lower risk of dementia, less anxiety and depression,
reduced cardiovascular risk and overall greater happiness. Helping others doles
out happiness chemicals including dopamine and endorphins that block pain
signals. Even just the thought of giving money to a specific charity has this effect
on the brain, research shows.
Intuition tells us that giving more to oneself is the best way to be happy. But that’s
not the case, according to Dan Ariely, professor of behavioral economics and
psychology at Duke University. “If you are a recipient of a good deed, you may
have momentary happiness, but your long-term happiness is higher if you are the
giver. People are happier when they give. They take credit for the giving and
therefore are happier at the end of the day.”
The way we give is important, too, Ariely said. Taxes are a form of giving that
typically does not make Americans happy. “If you give directly from a paycheck,
we don’t pay attention to it,” he said. “It’s the way we give and how we give
that makes us happy. The key is to give deliberately and thoughtfully, so that
other people benefit from it.”
Your gifts to Trinity Church do a myriad of things. They pay the staff and keep the
lights and heat on, but they also go a long way to benefit others, in our community,
around the world and even our own congregants. That’s why your gifts—your
regular giving—given deliberately and thoughtfully are so important.
By the way, we ended August in the black. $19,533.73 in and $18,706.83 out.
Be happy! Be healthy!
Trinity UMC October 2015 Calendar
~ October 2015 ~
◄ September 2015
Nov 2015 ►
12p Prayer Meeting
6p Bell Choir Practice
6p COG Practice
2:30p-11:00p CRU
7p Chancel Choir
8:30a Eucharist
9:15a Sunday school
& Confirmation class
10:30a Trad Worship
3p Heritage Corner
12 Columbus Day
8:30a Eucharist
9:15a Sunday school
& Confirmation class
10:30a Trad Worship 7p Finance Meeting
7:30p Dartball
8:30a Eucharist
9:15a Sunday school
& Confirmation class
10:30a Trad Worship
7:30p Dartball
8a Men’s Group at
Big Boy
9a Church Clean-up
8:45a Esther Circle at
Big Boy
3p Sterling House
6p Bell Choir Practice
6p COG Practice
7p Chancel Choir
8:30a Eucharist
9:15a Sunday school
& Confirmation class 6:45p Committee Mtg 3p BG Manor
10:30a Trad Worship 7:30p Dartball
6p MWD District Conf 8:15p Ad Council Mtg
at Trinity
6p Bell Choir Practice
6p COG Practice
7p Chancel Choir
7:30p Dartball
31 Halloween
6p Bell Choir Practice
6p COG Practice
7p Chancel Choir
3p Blakely Care
3p Wood Haven
6:30p Habitat Mtg
4p Trunk or Treat
6p Bell Choir Practice
6p COG Practice
7p Chancel Choir
More Calendars with US Holidays: 2016, 2017, PDF Calendar