November 2015 - Trinity Lutheran Church


November 2015 - Trinity Lutheran Church
Volume 84, Number 11
A Monthly Publication of Trinity Lutheran Church
November 2015
All Saints Day - Remembering the Newly Baptized and Members of Trinity Who Have Died
On All Saints Day, Sunday, November 1, we will remember those members of our congregation and others we have loved who have
died since All Saints Day in 2014. As we commemorate the saints who have gone before us at Trinity, members who have died in the
last year will be remembered in a solemn reading of names, with a candle lit and a bell rung to commemorate each of those we have
commended to the God’s eternal peace. We will give thanks for the saints who now have that peace that surpasses our understanding.
On All Saints Sunday in 2015 we will also remember all who have been baptized in our life together since All Saints Day in 2014.
Their names will be published in the Weekly Connection with the affirmation that we are called in our baptismal promises to live
full lives of faith and commitment, inspired by the blessed saints who have gone before us. As we come to the Lord’s Table, we are
reminded that in Holy Communion God forgives the sins of all the saints.
Be with us in worship as we give thanks for the saints and the journey of faith that we share.
Consecration Sunday, November 15
On Sunday, November 15, members of Trinity will be asked to present their commitment to support our shared ministry in 2015.
An “Estimate of Giving” card will be mailed to Trinity members during the first week of November. Trinity members will be asked
to submit their 2016 intent on “Commitment Cards” that seek to provide an estimate of offering giving for the year ahead. Those
cards will be placed in a basket during morning worship as an offering of our intent to be stewards of this ministry we share.
All are asked to prepare for our November 15 Consecration Sunday by prayerfully considering how you will share your offering gifts
in the 2016 calendar year. In the spirit of deep thanksgiving for all that we have received from a loving and gracious God, let us
respond in loving and generous commitment to the ministry we share. Join us in caring well for the congregation we love and the
ministry we extend to others in Christ’s name as the people of Trinity Lutheran Church.
Worship on Thanksgiving Eve, Wednesday, November 25 at 6:30 p.m.
“You crown the year with your goodness, and your paths overflow with plenty.” (Psalm 65:11)
The tradition of coming together in worship at Thanksgiving was renewed in 2014 at Trinity. For the second year, all are welcome to
begin their Thanksgiving holiday with worship on Wednesday evening at Trinity Lutheran Church. Director of Music and Principal
Organist Larry Biser will lead the congregation in song and Pastor Linstrom will preside at a simple service of traditional hymns and
Holy Communion. Invite your family, friends and neighbors to join with us in celebration as we give thanks for the abundance of
good things in God’s creation.
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Trinity Lutheran Church
What’s Going on at Trinity in November?
Weekly at a Glance:
Traditional worship services, 8 & 11:15 a.m.
Rejoice contemporary worship services,
9 & 10 a.m.
High School BASIC, 10 a.m.
Jesus Club & The Club, 10 a.m.
Friday, November 6
Women's Bible Study with Kris Fox,
9:30 a.m.
Stroller Strides, 10 a.m.
Oasis Training Meeting, 1 p.m.
Al-Anon Speaker Meeting, 7 p.m.
Monday, November 16
Outreach Committee Meeting, 1 p.m.
Stroller Strides, 11 a.m.
Saturday, November 7
Oasis Training Meeting, 9 a.m.
Medicare/Medicaid Enrollment Assistance
with Jo Murphy, by appointment
Wednesday, November 18
India Presentation, 10:30 a.m. & 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday Fellowship Supper, 5:15 p.m.
Rejoice Band Rehearsal, 7 p.m.
Sunday, November 8
Fair Trade Coffee Sales, 9 a.m.
Kids Club Bowling, 1 p.m.
Trinity Prayer Group, 3 p.m.
Confirmation, 3 p.m.
Celebration of Music Concert Series with
Michigan Educator Male Ensemble,
3 p.m.
Thursday, November 19
Messenger Mailing Assembly Group,
9:30 a.m.
Stroller Strides, 11 a.m.
LWR Quilting, 12:30 p.m.
Dégagé (Day Team), 6 p.m.
Women's Bible Study with Karen Unruh,
9:30 a.m.
Stroller Strides, 10 a.m.
Quilting, 10 a.m.
Cantus Choir and Alleluia Ringers Practice,
6 p.m.
Augsburg Choir, 6:30 p.m.
TLC Choir, 7:15 p.m.
Men's Breakfast Group, 8 a.m.
Resound Bell Choir Practice, 6 p.m.
Trinity Choir Practice, 7:30 p.m.
AA, 8 p.m.
Al-Anon, 8 p.m.
ACoA, 8 p.m.
Tuesday, November 17
New Member VIP Night, 6 p.m.
Sarah Guild, 7 p.m.
Monday, November 9
Messenger Submissions Due
Congregation Council Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
Beyond Belief Band Rehearsal, 7 p.m.
Tuesday, November 10
New Member Curiosity Class, 6 p.m.
Wednesday, November 11
Pastor Bob’s Bible Study, 10:30 a.m.
Wednesday Fellowship Supper, 5:15 p.m.
Interfaith Power and Light Workshop,
6:30 p.m.
Daily Calendar
Sunday, November 1
“Daylight Savings - Fall Back”
All Saints Day
LWR Quilting Bee, 1 p.m.
Confirmation, 3 p.m.
Thursday, November 12
Stroller Strides, 11 a.m.
NARFE (National Active & Retired Federal
Employees), 12:30 p.m.
Oasis Meeting, 7 p.m.
Monday, November 2
Blood Drive, 12:30 p.m.
Property Committee Meeting, 6 p.m.
Tuesday, November 3
Executive Committee Meeting, 7:15 a.m.
Youth and Family Committee Meeting,
8 p.m.
New Member Curiosity Class, 6 p.m.
Boy Scout Dinner, 6 p.m.
Worship and Music Committee Meeting,
7 p.m.
Wednesday, November 4
End of Life Series, 10:30 a.m. & 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday Fellowship Supper, 5:15 p.m.
Friday, November 13
The Club Fall Retreat
Friday Morning Women's Book Club,
9:30 a.m.
Babywearing International Meeting, 10 a.m.
Stroller Strides, 10 a.m.
Scrapbooking, 1 p.m.
Saturday, November 14
The Club Fall Retreat
Men's Ministry Breakfast, 8 a.m.
Medicare/Medicaid Enrollment Assistance
with Jo Murphy, by appointment
Scrapbooking, 10 a.m.
Sunday, November 15
Consecration Sunday
Thursday, November 5
The Club Fall Retreat
Stroller Strides, 11 a.m.
Stephen Ministry Peer Support Meeting,
Oasis Training Meeting, 1 p.m.
9 a.m.
Al-Anon Member Banquet, 6 p.m.
12:30 p.m.
Girl Scouts - Forest Hill Service Unit, 7 p.m.
Confirmation, 3 p.m.
visit for event details
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Trinity Lutheran Church
Friday, November 20
Women's Bible Study with Kris Fox,
9:30 a.m.
Stroller Strides, 10 a.m.
Dégagé (Marvin Team), 6 p.m.
Saturday, November 21
Medicare/Medicaid Enrollment Assistance
with Jo Murphy, by appointment
Babywearing International, 10 a.m.
Sunday, November 22
New Member Reception
Fair Trade Coffee Sales, 9 a.m.
Confirmation, 3 p.m.
Monday, November 23
Human Resources Committee Meeting,
6 p.m.
Beyond Belief Band Rehearsal, 7 p.m.
Tuesday, November 24
Council on Aging, 8 a.m.
Spiritual Growth Committee Meeting,
5:45 p.m.
Tuesday Evening Book Club, 7 p.m.
Wednesday, November 25
Thanksgiving Eve Worship Service,
6:30 p.m.
Thursday, November 26
Thanksgiving - Office Closed
Friday, November 27
Office Closed
Saturday, November 28
Medicare/Medicaid Enrollment Assistance
with Jo Murphy, by appointment
Sunday, November 29
First Sunday of Advent
Deck the Halls, 12:30 p.m.
Message from Pastor Bob Linstrom
“If you call the Sabbath a delight . . .”
“If you refrain from trampling the Sabbath,
from pursuing your own interests on my holy day;
If you call the Sabbath a delight and the holy day of the Lord honorable . . .
I will make you ride upon the heights of the earth;
I will feed you with the heritage of your ancestor Jacob . . .”
The ancient people of Israel knew the covenant call to set apart the Lord’s Day of
Sabbath. The people of Christ marked the day of Resurrection and Jesus’ first day
of the week appearance to Thomas, connecting their Sabbath with the memory and
presence of the crucified and risen Jesus. They began to gather on the first day of
the week to encounter the Word of God and to break bread together, a day to lay aside everyday tasks and to “take delight in the holy
day of the Lord.”
Nearly two millennia later, the people of Trinity still gather on the first day of the week to encounter the Word of God, to break bread
together, to lay aside everyday tasks and to take delight in the holy day of the Lord. Many speak of setting aside the Sabbath with
a sense of intentionality and discipleship, noting how the act of worship properly launches the new week and gives foundation to
all that will occupy them until we meet again on the following Sunday morning. We seek to make our worship a priority and our
Sabbath observance a part of our way of living as children of God.
At a recent weekly Trinity Staff Meeting, we discussed an early October Sunday when the narthex following worship felt like a
“marketplace,” with too many funds being raised and too many “commercial messages” filling our gathering space. At Trinity we
struggle with balancing our primary Sunday morning vocation, our worship, with communicating the many opportunities we are
afforded to make a difference in our community and to support our shared ministry. We support many good things, many good
ministries of outreach and faith formation, and our Sunday morning gathering is a time to share some of those opportunities with the
people of Trinity.
Although we did not emerge with a grand solution from that Staff Meeting discussion, we did agree to aspire to a less “cluttered” life
together on Sunday mornings. Perhaps the whole people of God at Trinity could likewise aspire to a less cluttered Sabbath as we seek
to set apart that one day each week for worship and festal celebration. The challenge remains from words of the ancient prophet Isaiah, that we refrain from “trampling the Sabbath” with the pursuit of our own interests, and instead make “the Sabbath a delight,” honoring the “holy day of the Lord,” that we may “ride upon the heights of the earth,” and know the rich blessings of our God. It is a
challenge to retain that ancient commissioning in our 21 st century lives. Nonetheless, let us be those who remember the Sabbath day
and seek to keep it holy.
Grace and peace,
Pastor Bob Linstrom
Senior Pastor
Wednesday Pastor’s Class Takes on Several Topics in November
Pastor Linstrom will be joined by other presenters on Wednesday mornings at 10:30 a.m.
and Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall on the first three Wednesdays in
November. Topics for November are:
November 4
Final session in the “End of Life” conversation with Dr. Walt Wangerin
November 11
Bible study in the morning; “Interfaith Power and Light” Workshop in
the evening
November 18
Dawn Brackmann and her mission immersion in India
November 25
(no class; come to Thanksgiving Eve Worship at 6:30 p.m.!)
A new series will begin in January after a break in December. Join us on Wednesdays for
fellowship and learning!
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Trinity Lutheran Church
Council Corner
Trinity Congregation Council
Members 2015-2016
Standing committees of the Congregation
Council coordinate the mission and ministry
of Trinity and provide leadership in developing
new programming. Each committee has a
council committee person who acts as the
liaison between the council and committee.
Executive Committee members and
Committee contacts are:
Congregation Council Executive
President: Brad Blair, 616-430-7529,
Vice President: Dan Babin, 616-818-9122,
Treasurer: John Basher, 616-974-9482,
Secretary: Carrie Wygmans, 616-481-2489,
Senior Pastor: Rev. Robert Linstrom,
616-949-2492, ext. 15,
Congregation Council Members
As we move into November we will be completing the design
phase of our Master Planning project. We should have some
conceptual drawings with design options to consider. Also, at
this time a number of Trinity members will be contacted
either by phone or in person by a fellow member. You will
be asked if you’re willing to participate in a short, personal
interview with Justin Nienhaus of Walsh and Associates
(our Capital Campaign consulting firm) to provide much needed feedback on
your understanding and potential support of our future building project. These
interviews will take place toward the middle of November at Trinity.
I want to emphasize that these interviews are NOT solicitation requests but we
do want to try and gauge the collective feeling of the congregation’s support for
our building project as we begin to move from the Master Plan design stage into
the financial support stage. Our collective hope is that, if called, you will accept
this opportunity to discuss our future with Justin. Shortly after these interviews,
we will be encouraging all congregation members to take part in an online
survey to gain additional knowledge of our membership’s understanding and
potential support for our building project.
This is an important step as we continue to move forward and will help us
determine how much we might do and how fast we might do it.
Thank you to all of you for your continued support of all our ministries at
Trinity. Please join me in praying that all we do within our building project will
be based on God’s will and will result in glorifying Him through our mission
and ministries.
Your brother in Christ,
Children’s Ministries: Kathy Bush,
Congregational Life: Neil Sendler,
Brad Blair
Endowment Fund: Mike Mason,
Trinity Lutheran Church Budget vs. Actuals
Fellowship: Brenda Heacock, 616-915-0717,
Month of September 2015
Finance: John Basher
Health Ministries: Jane Renwick,
Outreach: Tess Lundgren, 616-889-9503,
Total Income
Total Expenses
Property: Jim Coates, 616-254-9447,
Operating Income (Loss)
Property: Rick Radke, 616-682-1198,
Revenue is catching up after being low all summer. Expenses were $1,700
higher than budget due to the timing of the Christian Education program and
$3,000 for booking additional reserves to help cover the building capital
Spiritual Growth: Carrie Wygmans
campaign project.
Stewardship: John Fox, 616-949-2510,
2015 Fiscal Year to Date (February to September 2015)
Worship and Music: Dan Babin
Youth and Family: Mikaela Bradley,
Youth and Family: Michael Mulligan,
Total Income
Brad Blair
Gene Gunderson and Wendy Johnson were
recently appointed by the members of the
Congregation Council to serve out terms of
two Trinity members that found it necessary
to resign: Nan Treul and Peter McKinney.
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Total Expenses
Operating Income (Loss)
Year to date our income is up about $5,800 from giving. At the same time, overall
expenses were down approximately $13,800 due to the timing of spending on
property and other programs and lower payroll costs. This was offset in September
by $3,000 from booking additional reserves to help cover the building capital
Trinity Lutheran
Building Project Update
Master Plan and Conceptual Design to be Completed in November
A busy month of efforts with our architectural partners at Progressive AE included a
Congregational Workshop attended by 150 Trinity members and a series of “stakeholder
Interviews” in which teams of Trinity members met with the architects to describe challenges
and dreams related to how our church facilities serve our mission.
As this newsletter goes to print, our Progressive AE team is completing a two-day “Charrette”
on site at Trinity, a two-day design immersion which will have included three meetings with our
Master Planning/Building Committee. At the end of the Charrette we will have the framework
of design principles that will be used to complete Master Planning and Conceptual Design by
the second week in November.
That completion will be followed by a feasibility study led by our fundraising consultant with
Walsh and Associates, an important opportunity to gauge the congregation’s willingness to
support the emerging building project. Expect to be asked to participate in this feasibility study
in the weeks ahead, either by interview or congregational survey. The people of Trinity are urged
to “say yes” to the opportunity to weigh in on the Master Plan and Conceptual Design in the last
couple of months of 2015 – watch for more information in the days ahead!
NEST (Nurturing Environmental Stewardship at Trinity)
Environmental Considerations Important for Trinity’s Building Project
“Give me wisdom and knowledge, that I may lead this people, for who is able to govern this
great people of yours?” (2 Chronicles 1:10)
On Sunday, September 27, the congregation met with the architects from Progressive AE to
discuss the proposed renovations to the church building. The meeting was an opportunity to hear
from the architects and, perhaps more importantly, to inform them about the church’s vision and
priorities for the building and its uses.
The architects led the attendees (broken up into small groups by table) through a series of
activities designed to generate and voice ideas, hopes, and concerns. As a member of Trinity’s
NEST committee, which concerns itself with the church’s sustainability practices, it was notable
to me that sustainability, energy efficiency, and environmental stewardship were issues that
seldom received much focus from those attending.
The comments that were made on issues of sustainability and stewardship of natural resources
indicated that there are those in the church who greatly value the wooded areas and wetlands
that are on the church property, and that some make use of these as a space for quiet meditation
and prayer. There are also those who would like to see the church be more conscious of, or at
least have more open discussion around, issues of energy efficiency and sustainable uses of
resources. However, beyond perhaps expanding opportunities to use the woods and wetlands
through continued improvements to the paths and benches, I heard no concrete proposals.
It is possible that many in the church do not know much about some of the natural resources
we enjoy on the church property, or have not paused to consider questions of sustainable
practices and stewardship in our corporate life as a congregation. Future NEST articles will
seek to explore some of these issues and perhaps stimulate further conversation and thinking on
these subjects.
For now, here’s a link to a great article from our neighbors at Calvin College. It contains some
examples from churches of many denominations, including Lutheran, of sustainable practices
incorporated into the life of a church, as well as links to additional resources: http://
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Trinity Lutheran Church
This article was written by
Tim Lundgren, a member of
Trinity’s NEST Committee.
Music Ministry
Introducing Larry Biser, our new Trinity Organist and Music Director
Larry has been on Trinity’s music staff since 2009 as the Director of Handbells and Associate
Organist. His duties have expanded recently as he is now Trinity’s Principal Organist and
Director of Music.
Larry grew up in Woolrich, PA, where he began taking piano lessons at the age of twelve. Within
a year, he had caught up with and surpassed his friends who had been studying piano for years.
He quickly moved on to organ and voice lessons. He became the organist at his home church
when he was fourteen and hasn't stopped since! While in high school, Larry accompanied his
school choirs, studied trombone and cello, played in the marching band and, with three friends,
had a dance band that played all over the region.
As a student at Westminster Choir College, Larry studied voice, conducting, and organ. As a
member of the Symphonic Choir, he performed with many of the great conductors - Bernstein,
Ormandy, and Stokowski, to name a few. In his senior year, having auditioned on a dare, he was
made a member of the famed Westminster Choir which toured for a month each year under the
management of Columbia Artists.
Following college, Larry served a church in Arlington, VA. Two months after he and Diane were
married, he became the organist/director of Epworth Methodist Church in Norfolk, VA. In 1969,
Larry and Diane moved to Grand Rapids to be the organist and ministers of music at East
Congregational United Church of Christ. They held those positions for 40 years, where they had
a graded choir program with nine choirs.
Larry was the Conductor/Music Director of the Chamber Choir of Grand Rapids for 26 years.
During that time, the choir became known internationally, recording several CD's, and touring
extensively in Europe, Russia, and the United States. One highlight of those years came when
Larry was invited to take the Chamber Choir to Salt Lake City where he conducted the Chamber
Choir and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir on one of the MTC's renowned Sunday morning radio
programs, “Music and the Spoken Word.” Larry was the first non-Mormon to conduct on this
internationally broadcast program since 1945, when Dr. John Finley Williamson, founder of
Westminster Choir College, was similarly invited.
Larry has been on the faculty at Aquinas College since 1994 where he has taught music history,
music appreciation, voice, organ, conducting, and the select Aquinas Chamber Choir. Larry was
recently named Associate Professor of Music, the first adjunct faculty member to be given this
Larry's family includes Diane, our Director of Children's Choirs, their daughter, Stacy, and
granddaughters, CeCe and Searlait. Larry and Diane live with their granddaughters in Kentwood.
Rejoice Service Worship Surveys
Way back in June, we distributed surveys to Rejoice service participants to determine congregant
perspectives on the service. Thank you for your responses, which were thought provoking and
insightful. We have reviewed and discussed the results with band personnel and the Worship and
Music Committee. A copy of the survey was submitted to our architects at Progressive AE. We
plan to address key areas that were mentioned often in order to make some improvements in the
Rejoice services.
Again, we very much appreciate your great, thoughtful responses.
Cheryl Reeve, Rejoice Worship Coordinator
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Trinity Lutheran Church
Celebration of Music Series - Sunday, November 8, 3 p.m.
Michigan Educator Male Ensemble
Enjoy this performance in Trinity’s beautiful sanctuary. MEME is made up of
eight Michigan music teachers who come together:
1) to meet the highest standards in both performance and teaching by
exemplifying the connection between them;
2) to stimulate higher interest in male choral singing throughout the state and
beyond; and
3) develop a sense of collegiality among its members.
They have performed at the Michigan Music Conference and as guest artists
with the Battle Creek Symphony. The group’s opening retreat, a recording and
concert session at Albion College in 2013 was sponsored by a grant from the
Hewlett-Mellon Fund for Faculty Development at Albion College.
Following the concert, you are invited to greet the members of the Michigan
Educator Male Ensemble at a reception in the Parlor immediately adjacent to
the sanctuary.
We remember Trinity members who have gone before us since All Saints Day, November 1, 2014.
“If we have died with Christ, we shall also live with him; if we are faithful to the end, we shall reign with him.”
Pastor Emeritus David Alan Paul
Robert Emil Hanson
February 22, 1934 – November 18, 2014
August 17, 1924 – March 22, 2015
Daniel Arthur Waide
Margaret Ann Steel
April 1, 1938 – November 23, 2014
July 2, 1934 – April 5, 2015
Maxine Adelaide Wooster
M. Lee Whittemore
April 15, 1921 – December 4, 2014
September 13, 1937 – June 24, 2015
Jean (Genevieve) Rose Neal
Laurel Jean Billings
March 14, 1917 – December 14, 2014
August 13, 1938 – July 9, 2015
Charlotte Joy Smith
February 19, 1939 – February 8, 2015
Robert Leslie Meyers, Sr.
Eileen Elizabeth Krug
September 26, 1924 – September 11, 2015
January 1, 1944 – February 26, 2015
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Trinity Lutheran Church
Children and Youth
All Are Welcome (including young children!)
at the Table of the Lord . . .
Since the fall of 2013 many of the children of our congregation have been
welcomed to the Lord’s Table at Trinity after a brief communion class with
Pastor Linstrom. With this new offering in our life together, all of the young
children of our congregation are welcome to receive the bread and wine/juice as
the congregation comes to Holy Communion. Proceeding from the promises of
baptism, all are now truly welcome at the Lord’s Table at Trinity with the
invitation to our congregation’s youngest members to receive the sacrament.
In the fall of 2015 seven of our young children completed their Communion
Class and received First Communions at Trinity. Our new communicants are:
Abi Lamprich, Mollie Brandstadt, Tyler Mason, Julia and Hailey Pfeiffle,
Drake Selleck and Arabella Soule. We welcome them to the table of gr ace!
Some families choose to not commune their young children and we honor those
decisions by welcoming those children to receive a blessing at Holy Communion.
For those who to come forward with hands folded, a blessing is offered. For those
who come forward with hands open to receive the sacrament, the gifts of Holy
Communion are shared. All are welcome at the table of the Lord!
Confirmands Celebrated on Reformation Sunday
After completing their years of catechetical instruction and growth in faith
formation, 17 young people were lifted up in festival worship on Reformation
Sunday and, by an Order of Affirmation of Baptism, were confirmed in their
journeys of faith. We lift up in prayer and celebration:
Kelsey Becker
Olivia Black
Samantha Blair
Jackson Brandstadt
Grace Gooch
Chloe Grooters
Teagan Johnson
Ryan Kulas
Caroline Kuntzman
Carl Mielock
Elizabeth Mulligan
Andrea Salasky
Christopher Schau
Lexy Shannon
Owen Thamban
Olivia Ulrich
Phillip Youngman
Additionally, we celebrated the Confirmation in Faith of Lexy’s mother, Kris
Shannon, among the Confirmands on Reformation Sunday. May God bless them
all as they continue to grow in faith, love and service in Christ’s name.
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Trinity Lutheran Church
Health Ministry
Fall Blood Drive at Trinity - Monday, November 2
A big thank you to everyone who participated in our summer blood drive either by donating
or baking. Thanks to you, we again exceeded our goal. Michigan Blood will be at Trinity on
Monday, November 2 from 12:30 to 6:30 p.m. to again accept your precious donations.
Childcare is provided.
PLEASE contact Sue Babin to schedule an appointment at or
272-3902. Signing up in advance eliminates the need for many unnecessary phone calls
and helps Michigan Blood better staff the drive to avoid delays. Be sure to eat an iron-rich
diet and drink plenty of fluids the day of the drive! Remember, the need is constant, so
please give if you are able.
Fall New Members Celebration Being Organized
Are you finding a home at Trinity? Are you back among the people of Trinity
after a time away? Are you curious about these Lutheran-flavored folks and
hoping to learn more, even if you are not sure that you are ready to become a
New Member Curiosity Classes will be offered on Tuesday evenings November 3
and 10 with supper and child care provided. Then on November 17, it’s New
Member VIP Orientation night with supper and child care along with fun,
creative ways to learn more about Trinity.
A New Members Sunday will be celebrated on Sunday, November 22 when new
members are formally welcomed into membership during the worship services.
(You choose the service you would like to attend).
Even if you are not a “joiner,” or if you are unsure that membership with Trinity
is the right thing for you, please consider gathering with folks who have
expressed the desire to become members of Trinity for a delightful series of
Tuesday evenings with Trinity pastors, staff and Council leaders.
All are welcome – contact Director of Congregational Life Angela Davis or
Pastor Linstrom for more information.
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Trinity Lutheran Church
Trinity News Briefs
. . . that a Men’s Breakfast has been scheduled for Saturday, November 14, from 8 to 9:30 a.m.
with North/West Lower Michigan Synod Bishop Craig Satterlee joining us as our guest speaker?
Our first Men’s Breakfast last May included nearly 60 men for breakfast, a brief Bible study and
Mayor George Heartwell as our guest speaker. All men of the Trinity congregation are welcome
to attend the November 14 Men’s Breakfast.
. . . that job descriptions are complete for new Director of Children’s Ministry and Director of
Youth Ministry positions at Tr inity? We will be seeking one Youth and Family candidate
to fill both job descriptions as a full-time employee or two part-time persons to fill the two job
descriptions. If you are interested or know of interested candidates, contact Pastor Linstrom,
Youth and Family Ministry Committee chair Tom Demmon or Children’s Ministry Committee
chair Amy Stephan soon.
. . . that, because of strong sign ups in October, additional spots have been reserved for the
June/July Mission Trip for high school youth in the summer of 2016? We now have 50
spots reserved for youth and adult leaders. Prospective high school youth participants are urged
to get registered soon and be included in a large Trinity delegation to Tennessee next summer.
. . . that Christmas wreaths are on sale, the first fundraiser for the 2016 Mission Trip? These
beautiful fresh wreaths are a wonderful addition to home decorating and a significant percentage
of the proceeds directly benefit our high school youth and their costs for the Mission Trip.
Orders are due by November 1! Contact the chur ch office to or der your wr eath if you have
not already placed your order.
. . . that Trinity will be sending care packages to more than 50 of our college and graduate
school young adults in ear ly November ? If you would like to contr ibute goodies to the car e
packages, please contact the church office as soon as possible.
. . . that a new Airpot coffee system has been donated to Trinity by the Ulrich family? All of
Trinity’s coffee lovers extend their thanks to Jeff and Rebecca Ulrich. Our Fair Trade coffee
has never tasted so good . . .
Interfaith Conference on October 29 at GVSU
October 29 will be the triennial Jewish/Christian/Muslim Dialogue held at the Eberhard Center
at 301 West Fulton Street on Grand Valley State University’s downtown campus. The theme is
“To Repair the World: How Does Religion Help or Hinder?”
Keynote speakers include Rabbi Dr. Donniel Hartman, president of the Shalom Hartman
Institute in Jerusalem; Rev. Dr. Cynthia Campbell, former president of McCormick Theological
Seminary in Chicago; and Dr. Ingrid Mattson, chair and professor of Islamic Studies at the
University of Western Ontario. This all-day dialogue is open to the public without charge.
Further information and required registration can be found at:
Free Energy Efficiency Workshop on November 11
You are invited to attend a free one-hour workshop at Trinity on November 11 from 6:30 to
7:30 p.m. Sponsored by Consumers Energy and Michigan Interfaith Power and Light, you will
have an opportunity to learn about ways to spend less on your energy bills. For more information
and to RSVP, call Robin Kaufman at 248-537-9175 or visit
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Trinity Lutheran Church
Trinity Quilters
Trinity has two very active, separate groups of busy quilters. We are blessed to have such talent among us! Everyone involved puts a
great deal of effort into what they do and the results are absolutely beautiful. The only difference between the two groups of quilters
is their mission and focus. The quilts are given as gifts to the recipients with a great deal of love and care.
Thank you, Trinity Quilters, one and all!
Wednesday Morning Quilters
This small group of ladies have been faithfully meeting each week on Wednesday mornings
to create beautiful quilts at Trinity. Each and every quilt is a detailed work of art.
Many of our Trinity church family members have been the recipients of the quilts made by
this group of quilters. Every child baptized at Trinity receives a baby quilt. Also, Trinity
members who are homebound receive lap quilts. Our pastors or Parish Nurse mention
Trinity members’ names to the Wednesday Morning Quilters who might appreciate
receiving a quilt from them. These can be individuals who are facing health issues and/or
their caregivers. Gifts of quilts are also given to church members and friends who have
recently experienced the loss of a loved one. Something like a soft quilt can supply so
much comfort at these critical times.
Quilts made by this group are also given as gifts to Lutheran Social Services of Michigan
in Grand Rapids, the Home for Veterans and MapleCreek.
If you would like to know more about Trinity’s Wednesday Morning Quilters, please call
Janet Konen at 616-245-6074.
Janet Konen is pictured with samples
of the beautiful baptismal quilts made
by the Wednesday morning quilters.
Lutheran World Relief Quilters
Otherwise known as the LWR Quilters, this group has been getting together regularly
at Trinity for two years now. They meet on the first Sunday afternoons and the third
Thursdays of most months for Quilting Bees. These lovely mission quilts are sent all over
the world whenever and wherever disaster strikes.
A total of 203 LWR Mission Quilts were lovingly created by this Trinity group in the past
year! They were all loaded on a railcar on October 21 in Grand Rapids, later to be loaded
on cargo ships for their trips around the world. In 2014, Lutherans around the country
shipped 408,245 quilts. The largest number of quilts went to Thailand for refugees,
followed by India, and Angola. Most recently, shipments of quilts went to Nepal for
earthquake recovery efforts and to Syria to help with refugees. No matter where they go,
it is a labor of love by the quilters for people they will never see.
If you have questions about the work of Trinity’s LWR Quilters or how you might be of
help, please contact Beth Engstrom at 616-550-9319 or
Quilting Supplies Appreciated
Trinity’s Wednesday Morning Quilters would be grateful for your donations of new, 100%
cotton quilting fabric.
Trinity’s Lutheran World Relief Mission Quilters would also enjoy receiving your fabric
donations. New or clean, gently-used fabrics are appreciated - cotton, cotton blends, twill,
corduroy, fleece and donated upholstery and drapery samples (stretchy fabrics do not seem
to work well). Clean, gently-used bed sheets are also welcome - fitted and flat, full/double
size and larger.
You may drop off your donations in the church office - please label them as to which group
of Trinity Quilters should receive them. Thank you!
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Trinity Lutheran Church
LWR quilts were displayed and an
Order of Blessing took place during
both worship services on October 18.
Advent begins on Sunday, November 29
The “new year” in the life of the church begins with the four-Sunday season
of Advent on Sunday, November 29. A season of hope and expectation,
during Advent we pause in the life of the church to provide a counterweight
to the remarkable busyness of the “holiday season.”
Join us as we light the candles of the Advent Wreath in Sunday worship, as
we gather for Advent by Candlelight fellowship and a Scandinavian
Smorgasbord, as we join in midweek worship singing “Holden Evening
Prayer,” and in ways of serving others in a spirit of Christian charity and love.
Poinsettia Plants Provide Beautiful Worship Setting
Homebound Members
Enjoy Poinsettias
Would you like to deliver a
poinsettia to a homebound
Trinity member? Sign up in the
Narthex or Centennial Hall.
Plants will be ready for
delivery in early December.
If you have questions, contact
Director of Congregational Life
Angela Davis.
Poinsettias Get
Thirsty, Too!
Keeping our delicate Christmas
poinsettias looking beautiful is
a fairly simple, but very
important task! We are seeking
helpers to come in once or
twice in mid-December to
check and water the poinsettias
throughout the church. Our
poinsettias will look beautiful
on Christmas Eve with a little
TLC from you. If you are
interested, please contact
Angela Davis.
Poinsettia Contribution Form
Please use this form to make a poinsettia plant gift in honor or in
memory of a loved one. Forms are due by Sunday, December 6.
Drop in the offering plate or church office, or mail to: Trinity
Lutheran Church, 2700 Fulton St. E, Grand Rapids, MI 49506.
First Name
Last Name
City State Zip
Home Phone
Cell Phone
 Yes! I’d like to make a poinsettia donation in honor or in memory of a loved one
_____ Number of plants ($10 each)
My contribution is given by (list how you would
like your name to appear in the bulletin)
in honor of:
in memory of:
Make checks payable to Trinity Lutheran Church (and write “Poinsettia” in the memo line)
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Trinity Lutheran Church
Looking ahead to Advent
Advent by Candlelight for Women and Teen Girls
Beginning Sunday, November 1, the table sign-up will be outside the main
office for Advent by Candlelight. During the five Sundays of November, the
women and teens of Trinity will have an opportunity to sign up to be table hosts
and guests for this year’s Advent by Candlelight.
On Sunday, December 6, our annual Advent by Candlelight will begin at
5:30 p.m. This is an evening of fellowship, reflection and wonderful desserts
for Trinity’s adult women and girls (ages 13 or older) to start the holiday
season. Join us as we explore "Where's Jesus?" in our lives to kick off the
Advent season. Our guest speaker, Kristi Huseby, will guide us through a
practical look at how to "Put Jesus in the Center." The evening will conclude
with musical entertainment and time for reflection as we prepare for the
Christmas season. We hope to see you there!
If you would like to host a table, sign up to attend, or have questions regarding
this event, please contact Director of Congregational Life Angela Davis.
Deck the Halls of Trinity
On Sunday, November 29 at 12:30 p.m., we will gather in Centennial Hall for
a potluck-style lunch and then we will divide into teams to decorate the church.
We are looking forward to our church family members taking various locations
as their own to help hang garlands and ribbons, decorate trees, put out the
crèches, etc. All are welcome to join in the fun and festivities as we begin the
wondrous season of Advent.
As in years past, Trinity will provide lasagna and garlic bread, plus nursery
care and children’s activities. Please bring: a salad (last name A - L) or a
dessert (last name M - Z).
Advent Devotionals
Plans are underway for the 2015 edition of the Trinity Advent Devotional
Booklet. Written by and for the members of Trinity, it contains daily devotions
for use during each of the days during Advent.
The daily devotional emails will once again be sent to those Trinity members
for whom we have accurate email addresses. Beginning Sunday, November 22,
a limited number of hard copies of the devotional booklet will also be available
for people who prefer to have a copy of the actual booklet or for whom email is
not available.
You may sign up to be a writer by contacting Director of Discipleship Sylvia
Advent Meals and Advent Worship - Mark Your Calendars
Join us for food and fellowship in Centennial Hall as we gather for Advent Meals to be held from 5:15 to 6:15 p.m. on the three
Wednesdays preceding Christmas, December 2, 9 and 16. On those same evenings in Trinity’s sanctuary beginning at 6:30 p.m.,
we will experience Holden Evening Prayer/Advent Vespers. A season of hope and expectation, during Advent we pause in the life
of the church to provide a counterweight to the remarkable busyness of the holiday season.
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Gift Suggestions for Thanksgiving and Christmas
So how can we make Christmas special for others less fortunate?
As we approach the holiday season (yes, it will be here before we know it!), there are many in our community who are trying to
simply make ends meet. Trinity has had a long tradition of providing people in need with special gifts/meals for Thanksgiving and
Christmas. Perhaps you are looking for some different ways to provide a thoughtful and meaningful gift for someone else. Perhaps
you have already enjoyed preparing a shoebox for a child through Operation Christmas Child or you plan on making Fair Trade gift
On this page and the next, you will find a wide variety of additional suggestions from which to choose. By organizing them in this
way, hopefully you can give some thought to the ideal way for you to gift someone outside of your family. Whether you are single,
a couple or a family, there is a way for you to brighten the holidays for someone else. And, remember, no one at Trinity is expected
to participate in all of our outreach projects. These are simply opportunities for your consideration. If you have questions about any
of this information, please contact Director of Discipleship Sylvia Stouten.
Holiday Meals (Holiday Giving Network)
If shopping for and delivering Holiday Meals have become part of your own family tradition, thank you for your support of this
wonderful program. It is often a very meaningful experience for both the giver and the receiver. Through the Holiday Giving
Network at Access of West Michigan, volunteer providers are matched with recipient families who have been screened and qualified
in terms of financial need.
To provide a Thanksgiving and/or Christmas meal, please go to and click on “Holiday Giving Network”
located on the home page. You can simply fill out a form online to signup to provide a meal and to supply Access with the details
of your wishes. You will receive a letter directly from Access or a local pantry about the family that you will be matched with as a
recipient of your Holiday Meal.
Christmas Stores at Dégagé Ministries and at Family Promise
Once again, we have been invited to help with these Christmas Stores. The premise of the stores are similar: through donations,
clients are given the opportunity to purchase items at a very low cost so that they can give gifts to those they love. This allows
clients to be the hero in their loved one’s eyes, and to have pride and dignity about the fact that they purchased gifts on their own.
If either of the Christmas Stores sound like something you might be interested in supporting, please see details below about ways
you can be of help. If dropping off Christmas Store donations at Trinity, be sure to have them here no later than Sunday,
December 6 so that they can be deliver ed in a timely manner .
Wish List for Both Christmas Stores
• children’s toys for all ages
• games & puzzles for all ages
• books for all ages
• small appliances (toasters,
coffee makers)
• hats, scarves, quality gloves
for all ages
• flashlights & batteries
• travel mugs
• water bottles
• mini tool kits
• household items (radios,
alarm clocks)
• pillows, sheets, blankets
• towels & washcloths
• backpacks
• candles & jewelry
• scented lotion & body wash
• thermals, undershirts, socks
• gift cards
• stocking stuffers
• wrapping paper, gift bags
Financial Donations to Christmas Stores
Making financial donations will enable most needed store items
to be purchased.
To donate to the Christmas Store at Dégagé, visit
To donate to the Christmas Store at Family Promise, visit
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Trinity Lutheran Church
Dégagé Christmas Store
Last year, 107 people came through the Christmas store at
Dégagé Ministries!
Gift donations should range in value from $5 to $25 and be
unwrapped. Proceeds from the Christmas Store allow Dégagé
to purchase bus tickets for patrons to travel to and from job
interviews, medical appointments, and other important
If you would like to volunteer at the Christmas Store, there are
opportunities to help sort and organize donations, or to be a
shopping assistant to the patrons.
Family Promise Christmas Store
Family Promise invites past clients/families to a fun-filled
evening on Friday, December 11 at a church in downtown
Grand Rapids.
Families enjoy a homemade meal together and then the children
do a Christmas craft and decorate cookies while parents shop.
Volunteers are most welcome to help with the Family Promise
Store! 616-949-2510
Gift Suggestions for Thanksgiving and Christmas
Help Patrons of our Local Pantry Shop for their own Holiday Meals
As many of you know, we at Trinity collect non-perishable food items for SECOM (South End Community Outreach Ministries) on
a year-round basis. This year, SECOM will be more flexible to both the donor and families as they will stock extra items for the
holidays (Thanksgiving and Christmas) and give every family that visits the pantry a holiday meal/basket. Families will have the
opportunity to shop in the pantry for their own holiday themed meal. Eleanor Moreno, the Director of Client Services at SECOM,
has asked for our help during the holidays in several different ways.
1) Make a financial donation to SECOM. Please make your checks payable to Trinity Lutheran Church with SECOM in the memo
line and simply place it in the offering plate/basket.
Continue to bring you donations of healthy, non-perishable food items to Trinity and drop them off in the shopping carts outside
the narthex and Centennial Hall. SECOM will no longer accept donations of pop or sugar-added beverages, candy, bakery
sweets, ramen noodles or canned pasta.
3) Volunteer at SECOM during the times the families can shop for their meal/basket. (November 23-25 or December 21-23).
Options include stocking the shelves, helping SECOM families take items to their vehicle, shopping with the families, building
boxes, and much more.
If you would like more information about helping during the holidays at SECOM, please contact Eleanor at 616-452-7684 ext. 5 or
Christmas Trees Full of Opportunities
Have you ever selected a gift for someone in need from a Christmas tree in a store or shopping mall? Now you can do the same thing
at Trinity to help support ELCA Good Gifts and/or Hope Network. Beginning in mid-November, you will find Christmas trees in
Centennial Hall and in the narthex with ornaments indicating specific gifting opportunities. Simply remove an ornament off of the
Christmas tree and fulfill the wish listed on the ornament!
Wildwood East Adult Home
This year for the first time, Trinity has “adopted” the residents
of a nearby group home for adults who live with physical and
mental challenges. Wildwood East is located on Lake Drive in
Grand Rapids and our sponsorship is made possible through
Hope Network’s Annual Gift of Hope Drive.
For 10 years, staff and friends of Hope Network have been
making Christmas wishes come true for hundreds of residents
for whom the Christmas season can be particularly bleak and
lonely. This meaningful ministry demonstrates a commitment to
caring for people as Jesus would. Many gift donors confess that
often the tables are turned and they are the ones who receive the
greatest gift: that of seeing excitement reflected on the faces of
ELCA Good Gifts
In addition to the 17 ornaments for the adult residents of
Wildwood East, there will be numerous ornaments on the
Trinity Christmas trees representing ELCA Good Gifts – a
goat, fruit tree or school supplies for example. Simply select
ornaments representing the gifts you would like to give and
take them home as a reminder of their giving. Donations can
be made online or checks made payable to Trinity Lutheran
Church with the gift designation.
Each of the 17 residents of Wildwood East has expressed a
specific wish and each gift should be a maximum of $20. So take
an ornament off of the Christmas trees at Trinity and return your
gift to Trinity for delivery to Wildwood East.
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Outreach Opportunities
Mission Exploration to India
Neerekshe .... means Hope! Please join Dawn Brackmann as she shares information and
stories from her mission exploration trip to India. Hear how Shadrach and Gladys Peter and
their family are bringing “life to the full” at Neerekshe - a home, a school, an orphanage,
and more.
Sunday, November 15 at 12:30 p.m.
Wednesday, November 18 at 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.
Come and learn how lives are being touched, how the Gospel is being shared in a far corner
of the world, and what we can do to provide encouragement and support.
Fair Trade Sales Two Sundays in November
Be sure to stop by Trinity’s Fair Trade table outside the main office on for holiday gifts,
stocking stuffers and items for yourself on Sundays, November 8 and 22. Fair Trade Sales
will be selling and taking orders for Advent Calendars at the cost of $7.00 each, the same
price as last year.
We will have new gift items and Christmas items besides regular coffee, tea and chocolates.
Credit and debit cards can be used for Fair Trade purchases. Special orders can be placed
through Elaine Rongey at 616-245-2588.
By purchasing fair trade products you help break the cycle of poverty and strengthen families
and communities. Proceeds help support the Health Mission trips to Honduras.
Operation Christmas Child Boxes Due November 1
Thank you to all of you who committed to providing a box of goodies to delight an underprivileged child in another country. Please be sure to return your filled box to Trinity by
Sunday, November 1 (include $8 for shipping costs - make checks payable to Samaritan’s
Purse and include “OCC” in the memo line; place the check on top of the gift items in the
box). Or, you can pay for shipping online and print out a tracking label for your child’s box.
Attach the label to your shoebox, and it will be tracked. You will be sent an email about the
country where your box will be delivered. Visit
If you have questions or would like additional information, contact Trinity member,
Suz Schalon at 616-536-6040 or check online for instructions on how to pack your shoebox
with appropriate gifts.
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Trinity Lutheran Church
Outreach Opportunities
Now Accepting New Trinity Volunteers to Serve at Dégagé Ministries
This is your chance to join a team of Trinity volunteers who help serve dinner at Dégagé Ministries in downtown Grand Rapids one
evening every other month. We currently have four teams of volunteer members who rotate serving at this non-profit organization.
A few of the teams would benefit from adding members to their rosters.
Team members enjoy getting to know the other members of their Trinity team while being a huge help to the patrons of this important outreach ministry. If you are not familiar with the work of Dégagé Ministries, please visit:
For more information about joining a Trinity volunteer team, please contact Director of Discipleship Sylvia Stouten.
Help Flood Victims through Lutheran Disaster Response
U.S. Flooding
October, 2015
The Carolinas have endured catastrophic rainfall that has shattered records and left
unprecedented scenes of flooding in its wake. The flooding has led to the death of nine
people, tens of thousands are without power, major highways and interstates have been
closed, and homes have been completely destroyed.
Lutheran Disaster Response will work to bring God’s hope, healing and renewal to those
who have been affected by the flood-waters. In the days, weeks and months ahead we will
continue to work with our partners on the ground, helping to restore communities. Your
gifts will help address the unmet needs of those impacted by the flooding, and together we
stand ready to provide assistance for long-term recovery efforts.
Prayers and support are needed now to help assist those impacted by flooding to rebuild
their homes and lives. Gifts designated for “U.S. Flooding” will be used in full (100 percent)
to assist those directly impacted by the floodwaters. Thank you for your prayers, your
partnership and your gifts.
Make your check out to Lutheran
Disaster Response and send to:
Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America, ELCA Gift Processing
Center, P. O. Box 1809,
Merrifield, VA 22116-8009
The Rev. Daniel Rift
Director, ELCA World Hunger and Disaster Appeal
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Trinity Lutheran Church
Save the Date
Trinity Connections Form
Please use this form to share updates and requests. Our faith
family at Trinity supports our daily journeys of faith, shares
God’s gifts of love and grace, and responds to people in need.
Complete this form and drop in the offering plate or Church
Office, or mail to: Trinity Lutheran Church, 2700 E. Fulton St.,
Grand Rapids, MI 49506.
Please check all that apply:
Welcome Visitors - Let us get to know you!
 Have visited Trinity
 New to the area
 Seeking a church home
Would appreciate a visit from a pastor
Prayer request (describe below)
Would appreciate being connected to a Stephen Minister
Health concerns for self or family member (describe below)
Please add a member of my family in the military (describe below include position, armed services branch and location)
Dec. 2, 9 & 16 – Advent Meals, 5:15 p.m.
Dec. 2, 9 & 16 – Advent Worship Services, 6:30 p.m.
Dec. 6 & 13 – Fair Trade Coffee Sales, 9 a.m.
Dec. 6 – Lessons and Carols Service, 11:15 a.m.
Dec. 6 – LWR Quilting Bee, 1 p.m.
Dec. 6 – Embellish Handball Ensemble & Choral Scholars
Concert, 3 p.m.
Dec. 6 – Advent by Candlelight, 5:30 p.m.
Dec. 9 – JOYful Days Holiday Luncheon, 11:30 a.m.
Dec. 12 – Scandinavian Smörgåsbord, 6 p.m.
Dec. 12 – Dégagé (Stouten Team), 6 p.m.
Dec. 13 – Angels of Advent Tea, 1 p.m.
Dec. 13 – Trinity Prayer Group, 3 p.m.
Dec. 13 – Messiah Sing-A-Long, 7:30 p.m.
Dec. 18 – Deǵagé (Mead Team), 6 p.m.
Dec. 20 – Caroling Party at MapleCreek, 6 p.m.
Dec. 24 – Christmas Eve Worship, 3, 5, 7, 9 & 11 p.m.
Dec. 25 – Christmas Day – Office Closed
Family Changes
 We’re expecting or adopting! Anticipated arrival _________
 Birth (share details below)
 Death of family member (share details below)
Address/Phone Changes
 Address Change
 Phone or email change
 I’d like more information (describe below):
First Name
Last Name
Jan. 3-10 – IHN at Trinity
Jan. 3 – LWR Quilting Bee, 1 p.m.
Jan. 10 & 24 – Fair Trade Coffee Sales, 9 a.m.
Jan. 10 – Trinity Prayer Group, 3 p.m.
Jan. 15 – Dégagé (Marvin Team), 6 p.m.
Jan. 17 – Celebration of Service
Jan. 17 – All Church Potluck, 12:15 p.m.
Jan. 17 – Annual Meeting, 1:15 p.m.
Jan. 21 – Dégagé (Day Team), 6 p.m.
Jan. 22-24 – Dinner Group Weekend
Jan. 24 – Celebration of Music Concert Series with Ralph
Votapeck, Pianist, 3 p.m.
Jan. 26 – Family Experience: Skating Party, 5:30 p.m.
City State Zip
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Cares/concerns, prayer requests, family changes and ideas:
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Trinity Lutheran Church
Feb. 6 – Trivia Night, 5:30 p.m.
Feb. 7 – Souper Bowl of Caring Sunday
Feb. 7 – Kids Against Hunger, 11 a.m.
Feb. 7 – LWR Quilting Bee, 1 p.m.
Feb. 10 – Ash Wednesday worship services, 4 p.m. & 7 p.m.
Feb. 11 – Oasis Meeting, 7 p.m.
Feb. 13 – Dégagé (Stouten Team), 6 p.m.
Feb. 14 – Trinity Prayer Group, 3 p.m.
Feb. 17 & 24 – Lenten Soup Suppers, 5:15 p.m.
Feb. 17 & 24 – Lenten Worship, 6:30 p.m.
Feb. 19 – Dégagé (Mead Team), 6 p.m.
Feb. 21 – The Club Bowling, 1 p.m.
Feb. 21 – Celebration of Music Concert Series with Music for
Harpsichord, 3 p.m.
November Birthday and Anniversary Celebrations!
November 1
Michael Bishop
Sarah Budzyn
Ann Croly
Kyle Flack
Amelia Haywood
Jean Hollebeck
Todd Weber
Regan Weiss
Lisa and Matt Mead
November 2
Colin Beckett
Annika Bekker
Travis Fredericks
Ronda Marvin
Lyndon Turnage
November 3
Beth Engstrom
Stacey Hale
Monique Kalonji
Zachary Lynn
Lindsey and Jeffrey Czerew
November 4
Ken Block
Donald Brouse
Barb Gosch
Stacey and Steve Hale
Becky and Steven Westphal
Emily and Ben White
November 5
Lois Ege
Brandon Marvin
Peter McKinney
Hailey Pfeiffle
November 6
Leah Bryce
Eric Idema
John Klingenmeyer
Sarah Legault
Judith Mallen
Dawn Wilson
Lisa and David Greiner
November 7
Eileen Dechow
Beth Hall
Leslie and Gregg Gallagher
Heidi and Joshua Parker
November 8
Jill McKinney
John VanVliet
Mary and Jack Frick
Stephanie and Andy McLeod
November 9
Lisa Barkema
Anne-Marie Batten
Grace Cairns
Marsha Thomson
Justin Woolworth
Kim and James Bradbury
Brenda and Jim Donahue
Ann and Perry Gooch
Kaori and Tim Schau
November 10
Paul Crist
Chuck Schadler
Nick Wollen
Karlene and Matt Hantle
Dawn and Bill Thorsen
November 11
Hunter Allchin
Parker Allchin
Jeffrey Grooters
Barb Hansen
Kim Horn
Wendy Johnson
Gary Kuhlmann
Chase Palaszek
Nan Treul
Gale Volkerding
November 12
Steve Lewkowski
November 13
J.D. Bacon
Elizabeth Bush
Elisabeth Degener
Laura Fawcett
Joan Lohr
Allison Palm
November 14
Jason Hensel
Dolly Lowe
Heather Merlo
Wendy Mielock
Dawn Thorsen
Page 19
Trinity Lutheran Church
November 15
Jim Miller
Dani Ryan
November 16
Diane Field
Alyce Hoban
Daniel Meeuwsen
Ronnie VanderVen
November 17
Tanya Baker
Rylee Broome
Esperance Kalonji
Hanna Reierson
Amy and Steven Stephan
November 18
Amelia Crist
Andrew Dragoo
Kim Hysell
Tyler Quinn
Cheryl and Bill Ahrens
Ronda and Ken Marvin
November 19
Daniel Ahrens
Mara Parker
Ken Rongey
Sheryl and Mike VanderBaan
November 20
Laura Krug
Amy VanderWoude
Melissa and Nick Wollen
November 21
John Glass
Pete Johnson
Steve Potter
Courtney Steketee
November 22
Jules Brubaker
Brayden Kimble
November 23
Brett Batten
Stacey Curtiss
Katie Nikolajuk
Isaac Oswald
Melissa Zabel
November 24
Beth Humphreys
Tori Keller
Wayne Snyder
Michele and Curt
November 25
Becky Bacon
Griffin Gooch
Jill Hahn
November 26
Erin Breaugh
Steve Heacock
Steve Korb
Nikki Weber
Jodi and Mike Nikolajuk
Susan and Mark Youngren
November 27
Elizabeth Coles
Blake Garvey
John McIntyre
Dakota Morin
James Morin
November 28
Tommy Anderson
Andy Engle
Bob Pfau
Deb Williams
Missi and John Glass
November 29
Ben Linstrom
Christine Malvitz
Jan and Norman Palm
November 30
Holden Fischer
Dave Gutierrez
Jill Hagenbush
David Okkema
Kevin Schaefer
Donna and Jack Danielson
Nanci and Bob Guigue
Estimate of Giving Form for Consecration Sunday, November 15, 2015
Be welcome to clip out the form below to use it on Consecration Sunday as we make our commitments to support Trinity
through our offering giving in the year ahead. Additional copies will be available in worship on Sunday, November 15.
My/Our Estimate of Giving for 2016
So that others may know God’s grace and engage in God’s work, I/we plan to offer $_________ per week
to support Christ’s mission through Trinity Lutheran Church.
 This
amount reflects a commitment to percentage giving.
 This
amount reflects a one percent increase in giving.
 I/we
are unable to make a commitment at this time.
First and Last Name(s)
Street Address
City State Zip
Trinity Lutheran Church
2700 Fulton Street East
Grand Rapids, MI 49506
Main Office: 616-949-2510
Office Hours: 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. (M-F)
Mission: T rinity L utheran Church is a dynamic family called by God to nurture each other in our daily journeys of faith and to joyfull y
increase our response to all people in need, sharing God’s gifts of love and grace.
Direct Dial:
(then dial extension #)
Rev. Robert Linstrom, Senior Pastor (ext. 15)
Sidney Hoeksema, Trinity Choir Director
Rev. Jonathan Reid, Interim Associate Pastor (ext. 24), 269-953-5999
Beth Humphreys, Wedding Coordinator
Diane T. Biser, Director of Children’s Choirs (ext. 18)
Cheryl Reeve, Rejoice Worship Coordinator
Larry G. Biser, Director of Music/Organist/Director of Bell
Choirs (ext. 18), 616-304-7259,
Sylvia Stouten, Director of Discipleship/Messenger Editor
(ext. 21)
Angela Davis, Director of Congregational Life (ext. 29)
Tim Van Der Bilt, Director of Children’s Ministry (ext.14)
Laura DeHaan, Program Director of Trinity Day Care
(ext. 12),
Jodi VanGorp, Office Assistant (ext. 10)
Niki Ferguson, Sexton (ext. 17)
Dr. Elizabeth West, Associate Organist, 616-212-1584
Linda Heine, Parish Nurse (ext. 19)
Ashlee Wetherington, Finance Assistant (ext. 11)
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Trinity Lutheran Church