Master Plan Revision to be Shared with the Trinity Congregation on
Master Plan Revision to be Shared with the Trinity Congregation on
Volume 85, Number 5 A Monthly Publication of Trinity Lutheran Church May 2016 The Messenger New Member “Curiosity Classes” to Gather after Worship on Sundays in May “Curiosity classes” with lunch and child care provided will be offered on May 1 and 8 after worship services at 12:30 p.m. A special gathering of Prospective Members with Council leaders and members of the Trinity staff will follow worship services on May 15 as Trinity prepares to welcome New Members into our community of faith on Sunday, May 22. Are you interested in exploring membership at Trinity, or curious to learn more about what ELCA-flavored Lutherans believe? Consider attending a couple of “curiosity classes” on May 1 and 8 to meet with the pastors and key Trinity staff. If you are interested in learning more about membership at Trinity, or if you are interested in becoming a member but cannot attend the Sunday sessions in May, contact one of the pastors or Director of Congregational Life Angela Davis for more information. Mark your calendar now for 12:30 p.m. gatherings after worship on Sundays in May and make plans to join us as we share food, fellowship and faith formation together. Master Plan Revision to be Shared with the Trinity Congregation on Sundays, May 1 and 8 The people of Trinity will be invited to stay for a few minutes after worship on May 1 and 8 to view newly developed floor plans and conceptual drawings of a revision to the Master Plan that was completed in the late winter of 2016 by Progressive AE. Conceptual drawings from the Master Plan revision include a view from the exterior above and a fellowship area below. With the challenge to change the scale of the $9 million Master Plan concepts unveiled last fall, the Master Plan Revision profiles a $4.3 to $4.9 million construction project to accompany the $600,000 Cross Tower project that was approved by the congregation last December. Some of the members of the Building Committee feel that the new design is actually a superior concept and worthy of consideration by the Trinity congregation as we seek to improve contemporary worship, fellowship, youth and gathering spaces in our facility while upgrading systems and completing needed maintenance throughout our facilities. Are you ready to take a look? Page 1 Trinity Lutheran Church Join us immediately after the 10 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. worship services on Sunday, May 1 or May 8. We will take a 20 minute tour of the Master Plan Revision and continue to reflect together prayerfully as a congregation on what a building project can accomplish 616-949-2510 to better house our mission and ministry center. What’s Happening at Trinity in May? Weekly at a Glance Sundays Traditional worship service, 8 a.m. Rejoice contemporary worship service, 9 a.m. Rejoice contemporary worship service, 10 a.m. Traditional worship service, 11:15 a.m. Mondays Schubert Male Chorus Rehearsal, 7 p.m. Rejoice Band Rehearsal, 7 p.m. Tuesdays Women’s Bible Study, 9:30 a.m. Al-Anon, 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays Quilting, 10 a.m. Adult Forum with Pastor Bob, 10:30 a.m. Adult Forum with Pastor Bob, 6:30 p.m. Thursdays Men's Breakfast Group, 8 a.m. Art Class for Youth, 3:30 p.m. Resound Bell Choir, 6 p.m. Trinity Choir Practice, 7:30 p.m. Al-Anon, 7:30 p.m. Fridays AA, 8 p.m. Al-Anon, 8 p.m. ACoA, 8 p.m. Daily Calendar Sunday, May 1 Stephen Ministry Peer Support, 9 a.m. High School Bible Study, 10 a.m. Jesus Club & The Club, 10 a.m. Rummage Sale Set Up, 11 a.m. Master Plan Revision Viewing, 11 a.m. Master Plan Revision Viewing, 12:15 p.m. New Member Curiosity Class, 12:30 p.m. Monday, May 2 Rummage Sale Set Up, 9 a.m. Property Committee Meeting, 6 p.m. Oasis Board Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 3 Executive Committee Meeting, 7:15 a.m. Rummage Sale Set Up, 9 a.m. Women’s Bible Study, 9:30 a.m. Health Advisory Committee Meeting, 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 4 Rummage Sale Set Up, 9 a.m. Thursday, May 5 Tuesday, May 17 Rummage Sale Set Up, 9 a.m. Synod Assembly Rummage Sale Pre-Sale, 6 p.m. Sarah Guild, 7 p.m. Girl Scouts - Forest Hill Service Unit, 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 18 Stephen Ministry Peer Support and Continuing Ed, 6 p.m. Youth & Family Open Forum with Pastor Dan, 6:30 p.m. Friday, May 6 Women's Bible Study, 9:30 a.m. Rummage Sale, 4 p.m. Al-Anon Speaker Meeting, 7 p.m. Saturday, May 7 Rummage Sale 1/2 Price Sale, 9 a.m. Sunday, May 8 Mother's Day Master Plan Revision Viewing, 11 a.m. Master Plan Revision Viewing, 12:15 p.m. New Member Curiosity Class, 12:30 p.m. Trinity Prayer Group, 3 p.m. Monday, May 9 Messenger Submissions Due Blood Drive, 12:30 p.m. Congregation Council Meeting, 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 10 Family Promise/IHN Volunteer Training, 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 11 VBS Decorating Event, 5:30 p.m. Thursday, May 12 NARFE (National Active & Retired Federal Employees), 1:30 p.m. Art Class for Youth, 4:15 p.m. Friday, May 13 Friday Morning Women's Book Club, 9:30 a.m. Sunday, May 15 Pentecost Synod Assembly High School Bible Study, 10 a.m. Jesus Club & The Club, 10 a.m. New Member VIP Luncheon, 12:30 p.m. Kids' Food Basket Lunch Packing, 1 p.m. Monday, May 16 Synod Assembly Outreach Committee Meeting, 1 p.m. Oasis Board Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, May 19 Oasis Membership Meeting, 7 p.m. Lutheran World Relief Quilting, 9:30 a.m. Dégagé (Day Team), 6 p.m. Resound Bell Choir (Last Practice of the Season), 6 p.m. Greater Hopes Support Group Meeting, 6:30 p.m. Trinity Choir Practice (Last of the Season), 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 20 Wedding Rehearsal, 5 p.m. Dégagé (Marvin Team), 6 p.m. Saturday, May 21 Forest Hills Service Unity Girl Scouts Volunteer Training, 8:30 a.m. Marriage of Jessie Altizer and Jeff Brakora, 1 p.m. High School Girl Scout Troop Meeting, 4 p.m. Sunday, May 22 Holy Trinity Sunday New Member Sunday Jesus Club & The Club, 10 a.m. Youth & Family Open Forum with Pastor Dan, 12:30 p.m. Prayer Tree Participants Fellowship Meal, 5:30 p.m. Monday, May 23 Human Resources Committee Meeting, 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 24 Spiritual Growth Committee Meeting, 5:45 p.m. Tuesday Evening Book Club, 7 p.m. Monday, May 30 Memorial Day (Office Closed) Tuesday, May 31 Youth & Family Committee Meeting, 7 p.m. visit for event details Page 2 Trinity Lutheran Church 616-949-2510 Message from Pastor Bob Linstrom “Even if God does not bring you the answer you want, he will bring you himself . . .” “Everybody prays whether he thinks of it as praying or not. The odd silence you fall into when something very beautiful is happening or something very good or very bad. The ah-h-h-h! that sometimes floats up out of you as out of a Fourth of July crowd when the sky-rocket bursts over the water. The stammer of pain at somebody else’s pain. The stammer of joy at somebody else’s joy. Whatever words or sounds you use for sighing with over your own life. These are all prayers in their way. These are all spoken not just to yourself but to something even more familiar than yourself and even more strange than the world . . .” Frederick Buechner in Wishful Thinking We were gathering for our weekly Tuesday afternoon Trinity Staff Meeting and the one who was scheduled to offer devotions could not be there. In addition, there were quite a few members and friends of Trinity on our minds and in our hearts that day, folks we would be commending to prayer at the outset of the meeting. As I took a moment to prepare a brief devotion for our gathering, I was drawn to the writings of Frederick Buechner on prayer. “According to Jesus, by far the most important thing about praying is to keep at it,” Buechner continued. He went on to describe Jesus’ teachings about persisting in prayer, with rather comic images of going to borrow bread from a friend at midnight, of persisting in pressing your case before a crooked judge. “Even a stinker, Jesus says, won’t give his own child a black eye when he asks for peanut butter and jelly, so how all the more will God when his children . . .” (see Mathew 7:9-11) Persist in prayer. “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing . . .” Paul writes. Buchner continues, “Believe Somebody is listening, Believe in miracles . . . What about when the boy is not healed? When, listened to or not listened to, the prayer goes unanswered? Who knows? Just keep praying, Jesus says. Remember the sleepy friend, the crooked judge. Even if the boy dies, keep on beating the path to God’s door, because the one thing you can be sure of is that down the path you beat with even your most half-cocked and halting prayer the God you call upon will finally come, and even if he does not bring you the answer you want, he will bring you himself. And maybe at the secret heart of all our prayers that is what we are really praying for.” I am thankful for all of you who join me in ministries of daily prayer, holding fast to those who have been commended to our intercessions, praying even when it seems as if no answer to our prayers as we would have an answer is forthcoming. I give thanks for Trinity’s formal prayer ministry, and for all who take upon themselves the call to pray for others in our life together. In our faithfulness, however feeble, failing and fearful our efforts may be, God is present, bringing hope and light to the brokenness and darkness of our hearts. “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) Friends in Christ, let us pray. Grace to you and peace, Pastor Bob Linstrom Senior Pastor HEAVEN: New Pastor’s Class on Wednesdays in May A new adult forum with Pastor Linstrom will be offered on Wednesdays in May at Trinity. Offered at both 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., the subject is the text Heaven: Our Enduring Fascination with the Afterlife by Lisa Miller. We will encounter the great eastern and western religious traditions, popular culture and everyday beliefs as we seek to better understand the universal desire for a celestial afterlife and how that relates to the biblical and particularly Christian understanding of heaven. Topics for the May Adult Forum are: May 4 What Is Heaven? and The Miracle May 11 The Kingdom Is Near May 18 Resurrection and Salvation May 25 Visionaries and Reunions Morning and evening sessions take place in Fellowship Hall with the exception of May 4 which will be held upstairs in the Adult Forum Classroom (room 213/215). Published in 2010 by HarperCollins Publishers, Heaven is easily available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble websites for those who wish to read along with the Pastor’s Class topics. However, reading the book is not required! Join us as we engage in a new series in May of 2016 on Wednesdays at either 10:30 a.m. or 6:30 p.m. weekly. Page 3 Trinity Lutheran Church 616-949-2510 Council Corner Trinity Congregation Council Members 2015-2016 Standing committees of the Congregation Council coordinate the mission & ministry of Trinity and provide their leadership in developing new programming. Each committee has a council committee person who acts as the liaison between the council and committee. Executive Committee members and Committee contacts are: Congregation Council Executive Committee President: Brad Blair, 616-430-7529, Vice President: Dan Babin, 616-818-9122, Treasurer: John Basher, 616-974-9482, When I was first elected to Trinity’s Congregation Council and started in June of 2013, it surprised me that, though Trinity did have an endowment fund for benevolence causes, it wasn’t “advertised” very much. It surprised me even more that, at that time, we didn’t have a building endowment fund at all. My conservative financial upbringing had me thinking that non-profit enterprises, including churches, need these types of “forever gift” funds available to make sure that the “needy” don’t go needy in challenging times. Such funds also ensure that building repairs can be done when truly needed versus when funds are available which can often delay the repair and increase the cost. So I decided to pray about it. My prayers began to be positively answered some months ago when Trinity formally put an Endowment Fund Committee together. This committee is charged with managing both the existing Mission Endowment Fund as well as the newly created Building Endowment Secretary: Carrie Wygmans, 616-481-2489, Fund which was initiated by a generous anonymous gift of $5,000. Senior Pastor: Rev. Robert Linstrom, 616-949-2492, ext. 15, Congregation Council Members I was concerned that it would take many, many years for the Building Endowment Fund to reach its minimum amount of $100,000 in order to be eligible to make distributions. And I noticed we hadn’t seen substantial growth in the Mission Endowment Fund over the past few years. Children’s Ministries: Kathy Bush, 616-485-0031, So I decided to pray some more. Congregational Life: Neil Sendler, 616-581-1853, Imagine my joy at hearing of the two recent gift announcements Pastor Bob highlighted in his letter in the April Messenger. What incredibly positive answers to prayer! I have been at Trinity a long time and I have always looked at Mary Bowman as one of our “Mother Teresa” type saints. A tireless worker for the good of others, never complaining and always asking what else she could do. Her “estate” gift of $150,000 includes $75,000 to increase our Mission Endowment Fund. So here again, through working in the background from her heavenly home, Mary’s legacy continues to work for others here on earth and will continue to forever. And the anonymous “matching grant” gift of $50,000 to our Building Endowment Fund gives me great belief that we will be able to reach the $100,000 minimum goal much sooner than I would have anticipated. Endowment Fund: Mike Mason, 616-826-8501, Fellowship: Brenda Heacock, 616-915-0717, Finance: John Basher Health Ministries: Jane Renwick, 989-737-5934, Hospitality: Tess Lundgren, 616-889-9503, Human Resources: Dan Babin Outreach: Wendy Johnson, 616- 940-3130, Property: Jim Coates, 616-254-9447, Property: Gene Gunderson, 231-409-0106, What wonderful examples these are of Christian charity. God has truly blessed us with loving, caring members willing to share their time, talents and possessions; all of which are, of course, gifts from above. Your brother in Christ, Brad Blair Congregation Council President Spiritual Growth: Carrie Wygmans Stewardship: John Fox, 616-949-2510, Worship and Music: Rick Radke, 616-682-1198, Youth and Family: Mikaela Bradley, 616-826-5599, mikaelabradley98@gmail Youth and Family: Michael Mulligan, 616-949-2510, Youth and Family: Taylor Sytsma, 616-914-1862, Page 4 Trinity Lutheran Church 616-949-2510 Message from Associate Pastor Dan Schewe I feel like we don’t live in a very grateful culture. The more I watch and listen to, the more I feel this. So often I hear that there are not enough resources to go around (oil, food, money, energy, and so on), and we better hold onto the resources we have to make sure no one else gets them. I also hear that there is not enough space for everyone, so we better not make space around us for them, whoever they are, because they will take what little space we have carved out for ourselves and there will no longer be a space for us. On and on the message goes, that there is just not enough for all, so we better cling with all our might to what we have scraped out for ourselves! I perceive that this mentality of scarcity is deeply ingrained in our culture, and it seeps into us. It changes the way we see the world and how we interact with others. We start to think that there isn’t enough for everyone, and that everything is limited, so we need to stake our claim and make sure we get ours. Even when we don’t want to operate according to this mindset, it is still there, lurking in the recesses of our minds trying to guide and direct us. It’s like a little voice in our head whispering that there won’t be enough for me. I wrestle with these thoughts often, do you? Yet the scriptures point us away from living like this. There is a refrain all throughout scripture of thankfulness, like the rhythm section driving a song. Again and again we read “Give thanks to the Lord ...” because we need to be reminded of this. This scarcity mentality is not a new thing. I think it is something deep within us that has helped us survive as creatures, but is contrary to how we are called to live. It’s just another example of the brokenness of the world we live in. I find that this refrain of thankfulness tries to point us to a different way of living, to being a people of gratitude. We should be thankful for what we have been given, not obsessed with what we think we have earned but remembering that we have been given to graciously, and in turn get to give to others graciously. We are blessed to be a blessing. We are called to be a people of open hands giving away freely, not of closed hands holding onto tightly. So how do we do this, how do we lean into this way of living more and more? I think we start by saying thank you more often. Those two little words don’t seem like much and are often words thrown away, used with no meaning just said to say something. I think we should start using them more and meaning them. We should realize just what we have been given, and be thankful for it. I am thankful for you, the community of Trinity Lutheran Church. I am thankful for how you have received me and my family, how you have wrapped your arms around us and embraced us. I am thankful for the generous gifts of membership at the Meijer Gardens and the Children’s Museum you have given us. We enjoy them often. I am thankful for your witness in the Grand Rapids community, for all of the good work you are a part of trying to help everyone in this area know that they are loved by God and that there is a place for them at the table of grace. I am thankful that you have called me as one of your pastors, and thankful for the work that is ahead of us as we discern the path into the work to which God has called us. For what or whom are you thankful? How can you tell them that today? Shalom, Pastor Dan Schewe Associate Pastor Page 5 Trinity Lutheran Church 616-949-2510 $50,000 Building Endowment Fund Challenge Grant Watch for your Invitation to give with Matching Funds in May of 2016 As noted in the April issue of this newsletter, an anonymous donor has challenged the people of Trinity to give to the newly developed “Building Endowment Fund” and to know that every dollar given up to $50,000 will be matched dollar for dollar. The goal of the gift is to make the Building Endowment Fund active in generating annual distributions to provide for building maintenance and improvements beyond the operating budget of the congregation. After receiving a seed gift of $5000 in 2015, the Endowment Fund Committee agreed that the Building Endowment Fund would need to reach a balance of $100,000 before it becomes active. If the matching gift challenge is met, the fund will have achieved that threshold. Watch for a special mailing in early May outlining the $50,000 Building Endowment Fund Challenge Grant and watch for progress in meeting that goal in the weeks and months ahead! Trinity Lutheran Church Budget vs. Actuals Month of March 2016 Total Income Total Expenses Operating Income (Loss) Budget 90,500 82,123 Actual 88,150 87,251 8,377 899 Variance Favorable/ (Unfavorable) (2,350) (5,128) -2.7% -5.9% (7,478) Giving was about 3% below budget for the month. At the same time, spending was higher than budget for Property (boiler), Utilities were lower than budget (warmer winter than prior year), and Payroll was lower than budget (Parish Nurse was on medical leave for the month). 2016 Fiscal Year to Date February to March 2016 Total Income Total Expenses Operating Income (Loss) Budget 175,500 158,250 Actual 176,927 157,154 Variance Favorable/ (Unfavorable) 1,427 1,096 17,250 19,772 2,522 0.8% 0.7% YTD Giving is up 1% above budget. YTD spending was higher than budget for Property (boiler), Utilities were lower than budget (warmer winter than prior year), and Payroll was lower than budget (Parish Nurse was on vacation/medical leave for the past two months). Page 6 Trinity Lutheran Church 616-949-2510 Open Forums with Pastor Dan Trinity families with school-age children (pre-school through high school) are invited to meet together with Pastor Dan to share with him your dreams, goals and passions for our ministries at Trinity. The question posed to the groups of parents and all others who are passionate about our ministry to children and youth, will be, “When a child ages out of our programs, what do we want them to know, have experienced, believe, and be like?” Please see below for the specific dates and times that work best with your schedules and the ages of your children. Please join us as we vision and dream about what the future of our student ministries can be. Refreshments will be served at each meeting and child care is available. Youth and Family Open Forum: Children’s Ministry Open Forum: Families of students entering or currently in middle school and high school, and all other Trinity members passionate about our youth and family ministries and our students’ faith journeys, are invited to an event on Wednesday, May 18 at 6:30 p.m. or Sunday, May 22 at 12:30 p.m. Pastor Dan wants to hear what your dreams, goals, and passions are for our Youth and Family Ministries. Families of students entering or currently in elementary school, and all other Trinity members passionate about our children’s ministries and our children’s faith journeys, are invited to an event on Wednesday, June 1 at 6:30 p.m. or Sunday, June 5 at 12:30 p.m. Pastor Dan wants to hear what your dreams, goals, and passions are for our Children’s Ministries. Fundraisers for Trinity’s Youth Mission Trip Rummage Sale May 5 - 7 Drop-Off Contributions: Rummage Sale Sunday, May 1, 2 to 5 p.m. Monday through Wednesday, May 2 - 4, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Pre-Sale: Thursday, May 5, 6-9 p.m. ($5 admission) Sale: Friday, May 6, 5-9 p.m. & Saturday, May 7, 8 a.m.- noon Schubert Support for Trinity Youth Mission Trip The Schubert Male Chorus of Grand Rapids - which has been practicing at Trinity this year - will once again be contributing $12 of every $18 concert ticket sold to support our Youth Mission trip this summer. The Chorus is the oldest, continuously performing male chorus in the United States. The concert will be at East Grand Rapids High School's Performing Arts Center on Saturday, May 14 at 7:30 p.m. Contact Trinity choir members Ken Block (616-780-0707) or Doug Haneline (231-679-2668) for tickets. Page 7 Trinity Lutheran Church 616-949-2510 Art and Music Camp for Children Art and Music Camp returns to Trinity this summer June 13 to 18 from 9:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Children who have completed 2nd through 8th grade are welcome to attend this FREE camp. To register for Art & Music Camp go to Contact Tim Van Der Bilt, Diane Biser, or Larry Biser with questions. Art and Music camp this year includes: Tie-dye t-shirt making Pasta stain glass Choir by Diane Biser Bell Choir by Larry Biser Sand bowls Photography by Angela Davis Sand stone art Page 8 Yarn light fixture Organ/Harpsicord presentation by Larry Biser Optional afternoon activities include: Trinity Lutheran Church Tuesday: Art Museum and Public Museum Wednesday: Trip to the beach for sand castle building and practicing new photography skills. 616-949-2510 Youth and Family Job Postings for Spring Interviews During the summer of 2015, a Pastoral Transition Task Force and the Congregation Council acted to create a FTE (full-time equivalent) lay Youth and Family staff position to work handin-hand with pastors and key volunteers to help lead our Youth and Family ministry, from newborns through high school. Replacing the current Children’s Ministry position, it will be filled by one full-time staff person or multiple part-time staff persons working with different age groups. Interviewing for this position/these positions was put on hold when the call process began to move quickly to fill the Associate Pastor staffing at Trinity last fall. With new Associate Pastor Dan Schewe now among us, and giving thanks for his experience in, and passion for Youth and Family ministry, the Council has authorized the posting of this position/these positions again and springtime interviews are underway. Job descriptions have been written and the interviewing committee has begun meeting with candidates. It is anticipated that the lay Youth and Family staff will work closely with our new Associate Pastor. If you have interest in learning more about, or applying for, our Youth and Family staffing at Trinity, please contact Senior Pastor Bob Linstrom at 616-949-2492, extension 15 or High School Youth Group News Kids’ Food Basket Mission Trip Update The High School Youth Group recently went to Kids’ Food Basket and helped pack sack suppers. Our group of ten people was tasked with packing celery sticks and peanut butter in assembly line fashion. We plan to go back and help pack on Sunday, May 15 from 1 to 2 p.m. Please sign up on the clipboard outside of the youth room or on the Facebook page to attend! Our next Mission Trip meeting will be Wednesday, June 22 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. This meeting is mandatory for all Mission Trip participants! We will go over the packing lists, schedule for the week, group covenant, and then enjoy pizza and social time . The High School Youth Group will also be decorating supper sacks during BASIC/High School Bible Study on May 15. Page 9 Trinity Lutheran Church 616-949-2510 Blood Drive at Trinity in May A big shout out to everyone who donated and baked for our Lenten blood drive. Thanks to you, we again exceeded our goal! Michigan Blood will be at Trinity on Monday, May 9 from 12:30 to 6:30 p.m. to again accept your precious donations. Childcare is provided. PLEASE contact Sue Babin to schedule an appointment at or 616-272-3902. Signing up in advance allows Michigan Blood to provide adequate staff. Also, PLEASE be sure to eat an iron-rich diet! Remember, the need is constant, so please give if you are able. Did you know that a person can donate blood every eight weeks, or about six times a year? Plan now to donate blood at Trinity on May 9 and then again when we host a Blood Drive on Monday, July 25! Exploring Housing Options for Seniors Should I Stay or Should I Go? A program for seniors and those who affect their lives will take place on Friday, May 20 from 10 a.m. to noon. Seniors will find answers to questions such as: Can I live in my own home no matter what? Who will care for me if I become injured? What should I look for if I decide to downsize? What are the financial considerations? Speakers for the event include: Larry Yachcik, CEO of Porter Hills Retirement Communities and Services, Laurie Placinski, Interior Project Designer, Progressive AE, Roberta Verva, Research Coordinator, Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital, Wayne Dantuma, Owner, Always Best Care Senior Services, and Kathleen Aguilar, Associate, Miller Johnson. This event will be held at Frederick Meijer Gardens. A light lunch is available. Space is limited. RSVP: or 616-222-7042. Page 10 Trinity Lutheran Church 616-949-2510 Diaper/Undie Collection - Mother’s Day to Father’s Day Shocking, isn’t it?! One child goes through thousands of disposable diapers! Now imagine you are on a limited income and can’t afford to buy them! As a result, you might resort to changing your baby’s diaper only once or twice a day. Soon you have a very unhappy baby with diaper rash! Beginning on Mother’s Day and continuing through Father’s Day, we will gladly welcome your contributions of diapers and underwear. Please consider donating all sizes of NEW unopened packages of children’s, women’s and men’s underwear, undershirts and socks as well as diapers. You may place your donations in the labeled bins located in the narthex, outside Centennial Hall and the church office. Monetary gifts are also appreciated. If you are writing a check, make it payable to Trinity Lutheran Church, and write Diaper/Undie Sunday in the memo line. The underwear will be distributed through local Grand Rapids organizations that serve our community’s most vulnerable families. There is a need, especially, for larger adult size underwear and undershirts such XXXL. Thank you in advance for your generosity. Interfaith Hospitality Volunteer Training Trinity members will have an opportunity to learn more about Family Promise and the program through which Trinity and other area congregations provide shelter and hospitality for homeless families: Interfaith Hospitality Network or IHN. Kate O’Keefe and Lisa Cruden from Family Promise will present an information/volunteer training session at Trinity in the Adult Forum classroom on Tuesday, May 10 at 6:30 p.m. Participants will learn about this amazing organization as well as information about the issue of homelessness and the effects it can have on the adults and children involved. If you have considered helping with IHN at Trinity but would like to know more before volunteering, this session is for you. If you have volunteered with IHN but have never attended a volunteer training, you will find the information very interesting and valuable. All are welcome to join us - if for no other reason than to know what your church is doing! Dégagé Panhandler Vouchers For some time now, it has been possible for Trinity members and friends to purchase Panhandler Vouchers from Dégagé Ministries. For $2 per voucher, these can be distributed to people who are publicly asking for money. Each panhandler voucher, when taken to Dégagé Ministries in downtown Grand Rapids, can be used for the purchase of a simple, nutritious meal, a hair cut, a locker for a week, a pair of warm socks, one load of laundry and much more. Look for the displays like the one pictured to the left outside the main office, in the narthex and at both entrances to Centennial Hall. Vouchers can be purchased using the instructions on the displays. Panhandler vouchers are a wonderful way to genuinely be of help to those who are struggling in a time of crisis. Page 11 Trinity Lutheran Church 616-949-2510 Mother’s Day is May 8 Bring your favorite mother to worship! We will celebrate the gift of family at Trinity on Mother’s Day, May 8. A new ‘reverse offering’ will occur again in 2016 with the presentation of a carnation to all women in worship that day – we will honor mothers and grandmothers and all families – we all have a mother to lift up in thanksgiving! We will also kick off the annual Trinity Diaper Drive on Mother’s Day, an appeal that will conclude on Father’s Day on June 19. Start off your Mother’s Day celebration with the Trinity family gathered in worship and let us be those who intentionally give great thanks to God for the gifts of faith, family and friends. © Can Stock Photo Inc. / Kenishirotie “Clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.” Colossians 3:14 Six Trinity Voting Members at the May 15-17 Synod Assembly Senior Pastor Bob Linstrom, Associate Pastor Dan Schewe and four lay representatives, Jim and Sue Coates and Norm and Jan Palm, will represent Trinity Lutheran Church of Grand Rapids as voting members at the May 15-17 Assembly of the North/West Lower Michigan Synod in Grand Rapids. Please keep these voting members in your prayers as they seek to care well for our ministry together in the wider regional and national expressions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. At the April meeting of the Congregation Council, it was decided that we would "tithe" (up to $2000) of the offering received at Trinity on Sunday, May 8 and would designate that amount for the Synod Assembly offerings. The offerings for 2016 Synod Assembly will be split evenly between the ELCA World Hunger and the North/West Lower Michigan Synod Disaster Fund. Help for the Family of Steve Baribeau Steve Baribeau, the 49-year-old son of Trinity members, Jack and Donna Danielson, tragically died on March 28, 2016 after spending several weeks in the hospital fighting influenza and double pneumonia. Steve leaves behind his wife, Ellen, and five children. Steve was, and his family remains, active members of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Grand Ledge. If you are interested in helping this grieving family financially, donations would be gratefully accepted. Please make your checks payable to Ellen Baribeau and send them in Steve’s memory to: Immanuel Lutheran Church 501 S. Clinton Street Grand Ledge, MI 48837 Page 12 Trinity Lutheran Church 616-949-2510 Start of Summer Celebration Do YOU like to have FUN? Do YOU like to help others have FUN? Director of Congregational Life Angela Davis is looking for volunteers to assist with this year’s Start of Summer Celebration on Wednesday, June 15, 2016. With the help of many people, we are all able to enjoy a summer evening together! Volunteer opportunities for the Start of Summer Celebration include set-up, clean-up, grilling, activity supervision, and more. If you would like to be involved with the planning and implementation of this exciting event, please contact Angela Davis. Highlights of the evening include: • Dinner favorites - pulled pork, hot dogs, fruit salad, chips and more! • Bingo, bounce house, sidewalk chalk, face-painting, and more! • Bring your lawn chair/picnic blanket, and your friends and neighbors! Mark your calendars now for Trinity’s Start of Summer Celebration and let Angela know how you would like to be of help! Trinity’s Start of Summer Celebration Wednesday, June 15 Seeking Bingo Prizes for this Year’s Start of Summer Celebration Director of Congregational Life Angela Davis is looking for donations to be used for Bingo prizes during the Start of Summer Celebration. As you can see in the photo on the right, the winners of Bingo have had an exciting array of items from which to choose in the past! All types of gifts are appreciated and should be appropriate for various age ranges such as 4-10, 11-16 and 17 and up. These prizes do not need to be expensive. Bingo winners enjoy gift cards, meal cards, games, movie passes, accessories, toys, etc. Please drop off Bingo gifts no later than noon on Tuesday, June 14. Page 13 Trinity Lutheran Church 616-949-2510 Save the Date Trinity Connections Form Please use this form to share updates and requests. Our faith family at Trinity supports our daily journeys of faith, shares God’s gifts of love and grace, and responds to people in need. Complete this form and drop in the offering plate or Church Office, or mail to: Trinity Lutheran Church, 2700 Fulton St. E., Grand Rapids, MI 49506. Please check all that apply: Welcome Visitors - Let us get to know you! Have visited Trinity New to the area Seeking a church home Cares/Concerns Would appreciate a visit from a pastor Prayer request (describe below) Would appreciate being connected to a Stephen Minister Health concerns for self or family member (describe below) Please add a member of my family in the military (describe below include position, armed services branch and location) Family Changes We’re expecting or adopting! Anticipated arrival _________ Birth (share details below) Death of family member (share details below) Address/Phone Changes Address Change Phone or email change June 1 – Children’s Ministry Open Forum with Pastor Dan, 6:30 p.m. June 5 – Graduate Sunday June 5-12 – Family Promise/Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) June 5 – Jesus Club Teacher Brunch, 10 a.m. June 5 – Children’s Ministry Open Forum with Pastor Dan, 12:30 p.m. June 5 – Lutheran World Relief Quilting Bee, 1 p.m. June 11 – Dégagé (Stouten Team), 6 p.m. June 12 – Summer Worship Schedule Begins June 12 – Trinity Prayer Group, 3 p.m. June 13 – Messenger Submissions Due June 13-17 – Art & Music Camp, 9:30 a.m. June 13 – Congregation Council Meeting, 6:30 p.m. June 15 – Start of Summer Celebration, 6 p.m. June 15 – Stephen Ministry Peer Support and Continuing Ed, 6 p.m. June 17 – Dégagé (Talsma Team), 6 p.m. June 19 – Father's Day June 21 – Staff 2016-2017 Calendar Planning Meeting, 12:30 p.m. June 23 – Lutheran World Relief Quilting Bee, 9:30 a.m. June 23 – Oasis Membership Meeting, 7:30 p.m. June 25-July 2 – High School Youth Mission Trip June 27-July 1 – SpringHill Day Camp, 9 a.m. JULY Other I’d like more information (describe below): First Name JUNE Last Name Address July 3 – Lutheran World Relief Quilting Bee, 1 p.m. July 4 – Office Closed Independence Day July 10 – Trinity Prayer Group, 3 p.m. July 11 – Messenger Submissions Due July 11 – Congregation Council Meeting, 6:30 p.m. July 15 – Dégagé (Marvin Team), 6 p.m. July 17 – Richmond Park Pool Party, 5:30 p.m. July 18-22 – Camp VBS, 9:15 a.m. July 21 – Dégagé (Day Team), 6 p.m. July 24 – One Worship Service with Picnic, 10 a.m. July 24–29 – Camp at Stony Lake July 25 – Blood Drive, 12:30 p.m. AUGUST City State Zip Home Phone Cell Phone Email Cares/concerns, prayer requests, family changes and ideas: Page 14 Trinity Lutheran Church Aug. 7 – Lutheran World Relief Quilting Bee, 1 p.m. Aug. 8 – Messenger Submissions Due Aug. 8 – Congregation Council Meeting, 6:30 p.m. Aug. 13 – Dégagé (Stouten Team), 6 p.m. Aug. 14 – Trinity Prayer Group, 3 p.m. Aug. 15 – Outreach Committee Meeting, 1 p.m. Aug. 15 – Finance Committee Meeting, 6:30 p.m. Aug. 15 – Oasis Board Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Aug. 18 – Lutheran World Relief Quilting, 9:30 a.m. Aug. 19 – Dégagé (Talsma Team) Aug. 22 - Human Resources Committee Meeting, 6 p.m. Aug. 23 - Spiritual Growth Committee Meeting, 5:45 p.m. 616-949-2510 May Birthday and Anniversary Celebrations! May 1 Kellee Flemming Sheyda Johnson Nancy Mattson Sharon White Gretchen & Drew Flemming Tim & Leigh Ann Hunt Debra & Larry Petrick May 2 Marina Kosiorek Dave Straw Andrew VanderWall Sarah & Michael Bernard Mary & Mark Johnson Jenna & Matt Ludeman Ailee & Andrew VanHagen May 3 Doug Brackmann Maria DeVita-Krug Lindsey Mooney Ainsley Reges Caleb Thamban May 4 Matthew Candela Kris Fox Miles Hagmeyer Julia Kessel Kelsey Krupp Matiss McNally Deb Pollert Cindy Zientarski Laura & Paul Reges May 5 Aaron Knoll Isabelle McKinney Daniel Mukendi Gabriel Mukendi Jane Smith Shirley & Myron Pearson May 6 Connor Kuhlmann Renee & Bill Fisk Jennifer & Jonathan Sommers May 7 Amy Beuker Madison Fisher Michael Lake Kari Ruble Bill Thorsen Gerrit Veltman Mary Minch-Carwell & Bob Carwell Connie & Tim Duitsman May 8 Britten Rodammer Ellery Smith May 9 Logan Coles Anna Griewahn Mitch Haggart Marilyn Leese Mary Leese Bradley Price Doug Start Jennifer VanVliet Becky Westphal Dan Workman May 10 Adam DeVita-Krug Cody Lamprich Michelle Landman Melissa Morin Randy Preston Becky & Doug Bacon Wendy & Bradley Price May 11 James Day Bethany Lee Chris Straw May 12 John Basher Beth Courtney Steven Fox Caitlin Oliver Beth & Jim VanderWall May 13 Roy Black Kristin Bradley Mary Candela Sharon Flink Alaina Steketee Kathy & John Fuger May 14 Shauna Allchin Gabe Larson Patricia Mutch Kari Proux Ashlee Wetherington May 15 Leah Bredwell Ashley Moore Bruce Youngman Alexis & Dan Schewe Diane & Dennis Tanis May 16 Christopher Blair Theresa Lake David VanVliet Cori & David Beckett Linda & Tom Snow May 17 Renee Bennett Dixie Brinks Page 15 Trinity Lutheran Church (May 17 continued) Tim Duitsman Donna McPheron Brian Scalabrino John Teichow May 18 Sandra Alcazar-Kohnke Grayson Bernard Michelle Quinn Sophia Warren May 19 Laurie Brush Tom Demmon Justin Ulrich Joy & Dan Prusak Joyce & Wayne Snyder May 20 Jane Barsema Bonnie Cleveland Scott Dulecki Missi Glass Jenna Grzelak John Johnson Kristy Nikolajuk Zachary Wurl Kirstine & Hal Brocker May 21 Catherine Baker Douglas Lee Jim Reeve Noah Salasky Martha Blandford & Patrick Ladwig Judith & Robert Mallen May 22 James Boyse Brenda Conway Karlene Hantle John Meilner Christopher Schau Heather & Brandon Kimble May 23 Austin Johnson Ginta McNally Emily Volkerding May 24 Bob Carwell Bill Grinstead Ilene Seadal May 25 Andy Cisler Maddison Cross Terry Cross Donovan Estep Max Haggart Susan Knoll Alex Luders 616-949-2510 (May 25 continued) Venta Norris Sheree Smith Brittany & Jeff Fischer Patricia & Craig Mutch May 26 Susan Boyse David DeStefano Ava Ezell Myles Olson Anne & Tom Anderson May 27 Jack Meilner Jim Willman Michelle & Doug Lee Alice & Steve Molloy May 28 Ingrid Brang Alice Molloy Brett Reges Kathleen Sommers Nicol Weiss Collin White Kristen Zarou Kim & Mike Horn Kathleen & Larry Longstreth May 29 Bev Karman Ken Marvin Erma Wilcox Carol & Dan Butler Kristine & David Candela Liz & Jason Coles Linda & Bill Grinstead Susan & Terry Knoll Mary & David Kovac Debbie & Rick Kulas Nikki & Todd Webber May 30 Alex Brock Cliff Hartline Samantha Kuipers Ken VandenBout Jill & Peter McKinney May 31 Ryan Beld Jason Coles Anne Marie Ludeman Taylor Otten Wendy Price Jim Searfoss Stacy Sendler Mary Smoes Allie & Ryan Idema Toni & Norm Petersen Ilze & Jeffrey Schlanderer Lindsey & Nate Skalandis Pizza Party & Ice Cream Social for Prayer Tree Participants Since the fall of 2015, many of our Trinity members have been participating in an intergenerational opportunity through which older members have been praying for our younger church family members. On Sunday, May 22 at 5:30 p.m. in Centennial Hall, we are bringing together the 52 adult Pray-ers and the 71 young people they have been praying for since the fall. We will gather for fellowship, pizza, ice cream and a toppings bar. Invitations were sent out the middle of April. If you did not receive your invitation in the mail, please contact Director of Congregational Life Angela Davis. Trinity Lutheran Church 2700 Fulton Street East Grand Rapids, MI 49506 Main Office: 616-949-2510 Office Hours: 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. (M-F) Mission: T rinity L utheran Church is a dynamic family called by God to nurture each other in our daily journeys of faith and to joyfull y increase our response to all people in need, sharing God’s gifts of love and grace. Staff Direct Dial: 616-949-2492 (then dial extension #) Rev. Robert Linstrom, Senior Pastor (ext. 15) Beth Humphreys, Wedding Coordinator Rev. Dan Schewe, Associate Pastor (ext. 24) Cheryl Reeve, Rejoice Worship Coordinator 616-490-8316, Diane T. Biser, Director of Children’s Choirs (ext. 18) 616-292-8211, Sylvia Stouten, Director of Discipleship/Messenger Editor (ext. 21) Larry G. Biser, Director of Music/Organist/Director of Bell Choirs (ext. 18), 616-304-7259, Tim Van Der Bilt, Director of Children’s Ministry (ext.14) Angela Davis, Director of Congregational Life (ext. 29) Jodi VanGorp, Office Coordinator (ext. 10) Niki Ferguson, Sexton (ext. 17) Dr. Elizabeth West, Associate Organist, 616-212-1584 Linda Heine, Parish Nurse (ext. 19) Ashlee Wetherington, Finance Assistant (ext. 11) Sidney Hoeksema, Trinity Choir Director 616-554-2998, Page 16 Trinity Lutheran Church 616-949-2510
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