Philoxenia - Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
Philoxenia - Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
1 Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church – Clearwater, Florida Philoxenia Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Clearwater, Florida September 2015 - Volume 2 The Nativity of the Most Holy Birth-Giver of God (The Theotokos) The First Great Feast of the Orthodox Christian Ecclesiastical Year September 8 Our Orthodox Christian Church is indeed wise and instructive. It recognizes the sanctity, beauty, and glory of God’s creation and its due appreciation and reverence. In His Infinite Wisdom and out of His Infinite Love, God created all that exists, every living and animate thing, and even time and space. Moreover, He did not just create and consecrate it, He voluntarily became A part of His creation, and furthermore, He entered time and space to ordain, guide, and direct it for His Divine Purpose--the reconciliation, consummation, and salvation of the world in Him and through Him. Out of reverence for His Divine Wisdom and of respect for His Infinite Love, we treat His world and each other with respect, honor, and love, for this is His Will for us. To teach us this in the most perfect way, however, He became Man, so that we may see, hear, touch, and know Him--not just intellectually--but really, experientially, which is real knowledge, not mere speculation. This is why God became real, incarnate, in the flesh, for you and me. Theology may be the “Queen of Philosophy,” but the Christian Philosophy is “The Philosophy” for it is indeed real, not nebulous, or amorphous, or mere theory. Borrowing from the Latin meaning of the word, the Incarnation is the meat, flesh, or reality of Christian Dogma that cannot be denied by the True Believer, for according to the ancient Patristic Formula, that which God does not assume, He does not redeem. God became Man to save man. God became Man so man can become God. As God created man the “Crown of His Creation,” and as creation fell through man, so God redeemed His beloved creation through the “Crown of His Creation,” by becoming completely and perfectly man in order to completely and perfectly save man, and through him, His creation. This is Divine Reason, the eternal Logos, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity Who became Man. Through the Love of the God the Father and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit, the Son, out His Infinite Grace, voluntarily emptied Himself of All His Glory, and became Man. Such is the nature of this Infinite, Ecstatic, and Giving Love. It cannot sit back passively, far away, detached, cold, apathetic, and aloof. Love bridges the gap, spans the divide, overcomes all obstacles, reconciles all divisions, and gives new life. God is Love, and God has come in the very real, historical Person, Emmanuel (“God with us”)--That is Jesus Christ. However, before Christ came to save us, there had to be a preparation as part of the Divine Economy. This preparation took place in time and space, in this world, through our human lineage. After the Fall of the First Man and Fist Woman, Adam and Eve, God prepared humanity through this now fallen lineage to be redeemed by a New Adam and New Eve--Namely, Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary. As Adam fell through a Tree in Paradise and its Gates were closed to us, so redemption would come through a New Tree (the Cross of Christ), and the New Adam would open the Gates of Paradise once closed through The Tree. As Eve was born from the side of the Old Adam as he slept, so the Church, the New Bride of Christ, was born from His Side on the Cross as He slept. As we fell, through Adam because of the curse on the tree, so we were redeemed by the New Adam Who became for us the Curse on the Tree (the Cross). Thus, God’s Plan was to redeem us perfectly and completely, and so He prepared for the day of our salvation. Since the Fall, man and creation suffered from the breaking of fellowship with God. So that this suffering should not last forever, God allowed death to give us rest. Breaking from the Infinite and Eternal, we became finite and transitory. We became infertile and barren. We became the dry bones. But Wisdom built Her House on Seven Pillars. Through the lineage and promises made to Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, What’s Inside Message from Fr Jim.......................1 Service Schedule.............................3 September Birthdays.......................5 Parish Ministries........................ 6-11 Activities Calendar........................ 12 Save the Date............................... 16 2 Philoxenia —September 2015- Volume 2 Solomon, and Ioachim and Anna, Wisdom prepared a New Ark, and New Covenant, a New Deliverer, a New King, a New Temple, and a New Eve. As the infertility of Abraham and Sarah in the Old Testament was overcome by God’s Love, and, through His Love, life, hope, and a new beginning were granted to the Old, so, too, the sterility of Ioachim and Anna was miraculously overcome and a new creation granted in the New. As the stigma of infertility was overcome, the sting of death was overcome. Whereas once the stain of shame mercilessly reigned; now glory would joyfully abide and thrive. Marginalization, alienation, and ostracism, were overcome by the reconciliation, embracement, and welcoming of Love. As prophesied, new life would be breathed into the Old House of Israel. What was once sterile was now pregnant with infinite possibilities. Sinew, muscle, flesh, and skin grew over and animated the “dry bones,” baked, bleached, and made brittle by the unrelenting and merciless laws of nature, now overcome by the Gift of God’s Grace. This new life was foreshadowed and would be come true. As Abraham offered his only son, Isaac, in gratitude and faith for the gift of a child and a promise of immortality below, God delivered Isaac from death, and through this faith of the Patriarch, we have the promise of the Deliverance from Death below and the Resurrection to eternal life above, through the Only Begotten Son of the Father. Likewise, in the New Testament, recalling the infertility of Abraham and Sarah, the gift of the child Mary to Ioachim and Anna, prefigured life from sterility, and immortality through progeny below and eternal life as children of the Kingdom above. Sterility, symbolizing the consequences of sin, corruption, decay, and death, and the once ineffaceable stain of the curse, are now overcome. The Creator of the laws of nature, Who is not limited by His own laws, works through, beyond, and around His own laws, in order to overcome all things for His beloved humanity. All these events were prepared, therefore, down to Ioachim and Anna. God overcomes their sterility and gives them life in the child of the child Mary. This Nativity of Mary, chosen to be the Mother of God, is the Feast we celebrate on September 8th. This Great Feast proclaims the preparation for the salvation of the world. This Great Nativity announces the Womb that will be the New Ark, New Tabernacle, and New Living Temple of Holy Wisdom. Behold, as Sacred Scripture proclaims: “Wisdom has built Her House.” And unlike in the Old Testament, in the New Testament, this House is not build by human hands for a specified location, limited time, or a certain people; but rather it is built to hold the Eternal and Unlimited God Who will come for all peoples, in all places, for all times. This is the universal, transcendent, and eternal nature of Wisdom Which invites all peoples to the bliss and fellowship of the Lamb of God at the Heavenly Banquet. What was commemorated and honored in the Old, is given Life in the New, and immortality in the Age inaugurated in and to come in Christ--The Consummation of the Ages and the Fulfillment of All. The Ineffable beauty of it all is that this happens through the Womb of pure and simple Maiden. Unlike the First Eve, this New Eve will be obedient and humble, and simply accept God’s Word without question, hesitation, reservation, or qualification. No bargaining or arguing, discord or unnecessary noise occurred. She simply listened and accepted the Word of God and God’s Will for her, and the Word dwelt within Her Womb and dwelt amongst us. Thus, this little child and her Womb were prepared for the salvation of the Universe. This little, humble, simple child would become “The One Who is Wider than the Heavnens” for she would one day contain in her Womb He created the Heavens. This little child would one day become, through Her Son, the Queen of the Universe, for one day, through Her Son, She would be assumed into Heaven and seated at the Right Hand of the Ruler of All. Moreover, through Her Son’s Words, as He suffered on the Cross on behalf of humanity, She would become the Mother of Humanity. Thus, due to Her unique relationship, that only a Mother can have with Her Son, and this Divine Gift, we have a perpetual and fervent intercessor as well as a Mother, and, therefore, no matter what, we will always have a Mother, and we will never be abandoned or orphaned, for through Her Son Who assumed all of our humanity, we will always have a Mother. This was all prepared and ordained. Thus, the Great Feast of the Nativity proclaims assurance, hope, promise, resurrection and a new eternal beginning and life to a world that is hurting, suffering, alienated, decaying, and moribund. This is why it is the first Great Feast of the Liturgical Year to give us this momentum and joy to begin anew as we being a new year. As the Greatest of the Saints, the Theotokos is commemorated first and last. We start with her birth on September 8th and end the Liturgical Cycle with her Falling Asleep on August 15th. So we end as we begin, closing the circle, emblematic of completion, perfection, and eternity from God’s created laws of geometry and time that He became a part of to guide us for our instruction and our salvation in Him. Rejoice and be glad, for Wisdom has built Her House. Salvation is assured; and God dwells amongst us, for He is our God, and we are His People. Yours in our Incarnate Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Father Jim Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church – Clearwater, Florida Liturgical Services for September Sunday, September 6th- Sunday of Matthew 6 Σεπτεμβριου, Κυριακη- Κυριακη του Ματθαιου Orthros (Matins)/Ορθρος 8:45 a.m. Divine Liturgy/θεια Λειτουργια 10:00 a.m. Ushers & Acolytes: Team 2 Monday, September 7th-Forefeast of the Nativity of the Theotokos 7 Σεπτεμβριου, Δευτερα-Προεορτια Γεννησεως της Θεοτοκου Great Vespers/Μεγα Εσπερινο 7:00 p.m. Chapel Usher: Michael Kastrenakes Tuesday, September 8th-Nativity of the Theotokos 8 Σεπτεμβριου, Τριτη-Γενεθλιον της Θεοτοκου Orthros (Matins)/Ορθρος 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy/θεια Λειτουργια 10:00 a.m. Chapel Ushers: Dan Kaster & Sam Buclous Sunday, September 13th-Sunday before Holy Cross 13 Σεπτεμβριου, Κυριακη-Προεορτια Υψωσεως Orthros (Matins)/Ορθρος 8:45 a.m. Chapel 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy/θεια Λειτουργια 10:00 a.m. Ushers & Acolytes: Team 1 Great Vespers/Μεγα Εσπερινο 7:00 p.m. at St. Nicholas in Tarpon Springs Monday, September 14th-Exaltation of the Holy Cross 14 Σεπτεμβριου, Δευτερα-Η Υψωσις του Τιμιου Σταυρου Orthros (Matins)/Ορθρος 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy/θεια Λειτουργια 10:00 a.m. Chapel Ushers: Dan Kaster & Sam Buclous Sunday, September 20th-Eustathios and Companions 20 Σεπτεμβριου, Κυριακη-Ευσταθιος και οι συν αυτω Orthros (Matins)/Ορθρος 8:45 a.m. Chapel 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy/θεια Λειτουργια 10:00 a.m. Ushers & Acolytes: Team 2 Saturday, September 26th-Falling asleep of St. John the Theologian 26 Σεπτεμβριου, Σαββατο-Η Μεταστασις του Ιωαννου του Θεολογου Divine Liturgy/θεια Λειτουργια 10:00 a.m. Chapel Ushers & Acolytes: Steve Tsetsekas Sunday, September 27th-1st Sunday of Luke 27 Σεπτεμβριου, Κυριακη-1 Κυριακη του Λουκας Orthros (Matins)/Ορθρος 8:45 a.m. Chapel 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy/θεια Λειτουργια 10:00 a.m. Ushers & Acolytes: Team 1 3 4 Philoxenia —September 2015- Volume 2 Feast of the Universal Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross In the twentieth year of his reign (326), the Emperor Constantine sent his mother Saint Helen to Jerusalem to venerate the holy places and to find the site of the Holy Sepulchre and of the Cross. Relying upon the oral tradition of the faithful, Saint Helen found the precious Cross together with the crosses of the two thieves crucified with our Lord. However, Helen had no way of determining which was the Cross of Christ. With the healing of a dying woman who touched one of the crosses, Patriarch Macarius of Jerusalem identified the True Cross of Christ. Saint Helen and her court venerated the Precious and Life-Giving Cross along with many others who came to see this great instrument of Redemption. The Patriarch mounted the ambo (pulpit) and lifted the Cross with both hands so that all of the people gathered could see it. The crowd responded with “Lord have mercy”. This became the occasion of the institution in all of the Churches of the Exaltation of the Precious Cross, not only in memory of the event of the finding of the Cross, but also to celebrate how an instrument of shame was used to overcome death and bring salvation and eternal life. CONSIDER THE CHURCH IN YOUR WILL: There are many good and worthy charities, but have you ever considered one where you will always be remembered, your children and grand children will benefit, and your posterity will be assured? Consider remembering your Church in your will. Your good deeds and generosity will live on forever. Thank you. REMINDER FROM THE CHURCH OFFICE: In our on-going efforts to better serve and inform you, we need your assistance. Please update our Church Office with any changes in your e-mails, phone numbers, addresses, or other pertinent contact information. Also, please make us aware of any additions to your family such as new births or adoptions, so we may reflect this good news in our data base for future schools, programs, and ministries and, most of all pray, rejoice with you. Thank you, and God bless you. Your Holy Trinity family. Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church – Clearwater, Florida September Birthdays Happy Birthday and Chronia Polla to all of our Brothers and Sisters in Christ who celebrate their birthdays during this month. We wish them many, many years of health, happiness, and prosperity in the Lord shared with all those whom they love, cherish and hold dear. God bless you one and all. Sophia Abril Spyridon Alexandratos Nicholas Andreopoulos Steven Annas Elizabeth Aretis Mrs. Kathy Bakkalapulo Kosmia Bassil Sofia Baxivanakis Christina Carassas Stefanie Caros Mrs. Julia Cherouvis Christos Koulouvardis Dr. Dean Koutroumanis Anthony Koutroumanis Efthemios Kratimenos Mr. Lucas Krillies Zhaklin Lappas Mr. Michael Long Mr. Peter Loukataris Stella Makris Mrs. Helen Maltezos Mrs. Paula Mannossos Ellen Pazos Mrs. Mary Petikas Evangelos Politis Mrs. Harriet Provatas Rev.Fr. James Rousakis Presv. Vasiliki Rousakis Mr. Spiro Sarantakos Ana Selky Kaylee Shinksy Jaydon Slezak Costa Spyridakos Sophia Cilmi Mr. Peter Drulias Constantine Fotopoulos Mrs. Carole Foundoulis Elefteria Garos Victoria Garos Konstsntinos Grigoras Demetrios Helidonas Anna Hios Andrew Holcombe George Houvardas James Hughes Laura Kaye Jackson Mr. John Kamkutis Mr. Frank Karakostas Mr. Sam Karamountzos Mr. Elias Kolettis Mr. Demetrios Kolovos Vasiliki Koufogazos Mrs. Antigone Koulouvardis Mr. Michael Mannossos Presv. Katherine Marcantoni Mr. Andrew McAdams Mrs. Georgia Melandinos Paulina Melissas Katerina Meyers Mrs. Anita Moshonas Alyssa Mulder Christos Mylonas Mr. Christos Mylonas Elizabeth Pallas Mr. James Pallas Mrs. Rosalie Pallas Mrs. Sandra Papadakis Mr. Michael Papamichael Kalliope Papas Mrs. Irene Pappas Mr. Sam Patterson Mr. Alexander Stratigos Logan Tickner Andrea Tripodis Nicole Tripodis Mrs. Katherine Tsacrios Elias Tsavoussis Paul Tsavoussis Mr. Christopher Tsavoussis Elianna Tuite Miss Valerie Vasil Yanni Vasiliadis Mr. George Vricos Maggie Vricos Justin Wyatt Ms. Dorothy Xanos Mrs. Sia Zaharis Emmanuel Zervos 5 Bible Study “The Bread for Life” “Two Wednesday evening Bible Studies to nourish your soul and mind.” Join us for good Christian fellowship and to grow and prosper in the Knowledge that is our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We will study Sacred Scripture under the transfiguring Light of Christ within the mind of the Orthodox Christian Church. An earlier Bible Study is now additionally offered to better serve you . WHERE Papadi Room Wednesday 5:00 pm & 7:00 pm Resumes September 23rd The approach will be interdisciplinary, weaving in history, philosophy, culture, and Sacred Tradition to get the full picture, the complete context, and a more mature understanding of God’s Word and how it is central to worship and transformative and empowering for our lives. If you do not already have your Orthodox Study Bibles, please contact our Bookstore for this invaluable resource and spiritual investment that will return infinite dividends for eternity. If your name does not appear on this list in your birthday month then, we do not have all the information we need in our system. Please contact the office to update your profile ORTHODOX RESOURCES ON THE INTERNET Award-winning website of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Visit this page for your daily bible readings, lives of the Saints, and other pertinent topics and resources on the Greek Orthodox Faith. You can also download all of the daily Scriptural readings and Saints of the day to your smartphone calendar, or, you can also sign up to have the readings e-mailed to you every day. Website of the Holy Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Atlanta. Holy Trinity is proud to be a sponsoring partner with Orthodox Christian News, so please avail yourselves of this valuable resource. Check out our new Facebook page! Check out our new website: Philoxenia —September 2015- Volume 2 6 Parish Ministries Blood Drive Blood Drive Donors... Thank you to those who donated at our summer drive. We made the summer minimum stated by OneBlood Services, thanks to you. Currently, we are trying to coordinate with OneBlood Services to allow for donors to credit the Bank when donating around the time of our drives and when not able to be at Holy Trinity. Thanks again. Look forward to seeing you all on Sunday the 27th of September. Joanne Sackedis Coordinator Thank you for participating in the blood drive at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church - AHEPA on Sunday, July NIKI COUMBIS HALI DRIZIS STEPHANIE GIALLOURAKIS NICHOLAS HOUMIS SUSAN KYPRIOTAKIS GEORGIOS LAGOS NIKOLAOS LEKKAS FLORENTINA MIRICA JOHN PANTELIS JOANNE SACKEDIS JEAN TSAGARIS Little Angels Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church – Clearwater, Florida clearwater $3 admission GREEK FESTIVAL October 9-11, 2015 Friday 11am-12 AM • Saturday 11am - 12 AM • Sunday Noon - 9 pM AUTHENTIC GREEK FOOD • DELICIOUS PASTRIES • LIVE MUSIC COOKING DEMONSTRATIONS • GREEK BEER AND WINE CHURCH TOURS • GREEK DANCING • GREEK ARTIFACTS SILENT AUCTION • WIN A NEW CAR! • ATM KIDS’ GAMES • FREE PARKING • VISA / MASTERCARD Sponsored By: Info: 727-799-4605 409 S. Old Coachman Raod Clearwater, Fl Scan this QR code for valuable coupons during the fesival 7 Philoxenia —September 2015- Volume 2 8 GOD’S LITTLE CORNER Many books and icons are available from the religious booth in the narthex of Matheos Hall. Several new books have recently arrived and one, “Following Egeria” by Father Lawrence R. Farley, is an interesting read especially if you have been or always wanted to go to the Holy Land. Egeria was a female monastic who made a tour of the Holy Land between 381 and 384 AD. In his travelogue, one feels present both in 381 and the present day. In addition to this book, we have marked down to $10.00 from $16.00 “Gladsome Rose; a bereaved mother’s journey into faith”. While this book is especially helpful for those who have lost a child, it is also helpful for anyone who has lost a loved one. Come and see our many icons as well. If we don’t have what you are looking for we can probably order it for you. Call Fran Mastorides at 727-443-0666 or Liz Haeussler at 727-937-0777 for questions or to volunteer. Community Prayer Corner “Is any among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms. Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the Church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the Name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith shall save the sick. And the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, they will be forgiven him.” --James 5: 13-15, From the Book of Saint James the Just and Righteous and the Brother of the Lord: If you would like your name submitted for inclusion in our monthly bulletin for prayers, please contact Mrs Esther Tsikos at 727 736-3409 or e-mail before the 10th of each of month. We will print first names only. Thank you, and God bless you. Mary Ann requests prayers. Involves surgery. Chris,Evangelo, Sophia and Eleni request prayers. Philoptochos Philoptochos News for September SUNSHINE COMMITTEE: this is a busy ministry of Philoptochos that sends Get Well, Thinking of You, and Sympathy cards to our members and parishioners. If you know someone who could use a note of cheer, please contact Despina Catsikopoulos at 727-784-3318, or the Church office at (727)779-4605. FOOD BANK: dry goods and monetary donations will continue to be collected on the last Sunday of every month. Thank you to all those parishioners who support this worthy cause. OUTREACH: volunteers are needed for the visitation program. Regular monthly meetings will resume on September 3rd. Please contact Georgia Mitsis at (727) 733-5158 for more information or to volunteer. COLLEGE NETWORK/NEW METROPOLIS INITIATIVE: The threat of losing our young people when they go “off to college” is a very big problem. The Metropolis Philoptochos has implemented a “College Ministry” committee to try to reach out to those young people. If you are interested in chairing or helping with this ministry, please contact Jeannie Demas at (727) 786-4929 for more information. SAVE THE DATES: • Potluck Dinner, Tues, Sept. 15, 2015, at 6:00pm dinner & meeting. All existing & new members and spouses are welcomed. Contact Despina Catsikopoulos for more information at (727)784-3318. • Fanouropita, Sunday, Sept. 20th, 2015: please support our Chapter as we join the others in the Metropolis of Atlanta in support of Metropolitan Alexios’ appeal. We will be baking Fanouropites and asking for donations on Sunday, Sept. 20th. All proceeds will help underwrite Metropolis youth activities such as HDF, Oratorical Festivals, the Orthodox Christian Fellowship, St. Stephen’s Summer Camp, Winter Youth Rally and GOYA & YAL activities as well as Acolyte retreats. Thank you in advance for your support! • October 19, 2015 – General Meeting 6:00pm fellowship with Orthodox Men’s Club followed by 7:00pm meeting UPCOMING…..October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church – Clearwater, Florida Daughters of Penelope Join us for our chapter meeting and installation of officers on September 8th, 7pm at Matheos Hall. The newly elected Grand President, Connie Pilallis from our own District, will be our guest. Please come and welcome her!! Do you need a gift for someone special? We are happy to offer the book, A Guide to Greek Traditions and Customs in America. This lovely book shares our Hellenic and Orthodox heritage. Call Joanne Sackedis 727-785-2358 We are excited for the upcoming Festival. Stop by our table to drop off those items you’ve saved for us: tabs from cans, eyeglasses, Boxtops for Education, Soup labels, small toiletries, school supplies, and plastic caps up to 4 inches. For more information on our chapter, please email us at or call sister LeeAnn Lamby 727-785-5470. 9 Holy Trinity Hosts its fourth “Preparing for the Journey of Marriage” for Metropolis of Atlanta On Saturday, August 29th, Holy Trinity hosted a one day workshop for couples preparing to marry in the Orthodox Christian Church. This was the fourth workshop/seminar hosted at Holy Trinity in the past 3 years, and we are so blessed to have three trained leaders from our parish. They are Jeanette and Mitch Aydlette, who between them have 5 Masters Degrees and many years of professional experience in education, counseling, and the military, and Pete Caffentzis who has a Ph.D. and a most impressive professional resume and life experience. Most important of all, they are faithful Orthodox Christians and fellow parishioners. We give thanks to them, and Father Gregory Georgiou, of the Metropolis of Atlanta Family Life Ministry, who has trained them and comes down to lead, instruct, and guide our young couples. We had an overwhelming turnout of young couples (over 50 people) who learned, grew, and had fellowship together. We wish them all the best, and pray fervently that God will guide them and keep them as they begin their new journey together. Would You Like to Donate an Icon to Your Church? Clearwater AHEPA and Daughters of Penelope Award Holy Trinity Members with Scholarships. If you would like to donate an Icon to the Church, please contact Father Jim. The price is a modest $100.00 per Icon, but as It adorns Christ’s Church, the spiritual benefit to countless faithful worshippers over the many years will be infinite. Thank you for consideration and help. AHEPA Family, The attached photo and information regarding our recent Scholarship Awards banquet at the Island Way Grill on Clearwater Beach, was posted in today’s edition of the Tampa Bay Times. Once again, congratulations to the nine (9) outstanding students who each received a $1000.00 scholarship, to help further their education. Fraternally, Brother Gus Pantelides President Pinellas Chapter 356 Clearwater, FL 10 Philoxenia —September 2015- Volume 2 Confessions and Paraklesis with Father Christodoulos Many Blessings Abide at Holy Trinity MINISTRY MEETING DATES We were very blessed to have Archimandrite Father Christodoulos once again with us during the Lenten Period for the Dormition of the Holy Mother of God. During those 15 days in preparation for the last Great Feast of the Orthodox Christian Ecclesiastical Year, Father Christodoulos heard our confessions in our Saint Constantine and Helen Chapel and gave us spiritual guidance with his talks and loving presence. Father Christodoulos and Father Jim chanted a Paraklesis Service together, and Father Jim was most grateful to Father Christodoulos for taking the time from his busy schedule, as the Metropolis of Atlanta Preacher/Herald, to be with us during these holy days. Parish Council 6:30 p.m. Third Monday of the Month Philoptochos 7:00 p.m. Third Tuesday of the Month P.T.O. 5:15 p.m. First Monday of the Month O.M.C. 7:00 p.m. Third Tuesday of the Month GOYA After Liturgy First Sunday of the Month We pray that Father Christodoulos will continue to come to our community during the Lenten Periods leading to Christmas, Pascha, and the Dormition. We are so blessed, and we give thanks to our Spiritual Shepherd, Metropolitan Alexios, for sending Father Christodoulos to us. Choir 7:00 p.m. Every Thursday Bible Study 5:00 and 7:00 p.m. Wednesdays Sewing Group 10:00 a.m. Second Wednesday Leisure Timers 1:00 p.m. First and Third Wednesdays Outreach 6:00 p.m. Fourth Wednesday AHEPA 7:00 p.m. Second Tuesday Hellas Dancers 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Sunday and Tuesday Altar Boys After Liturgy Second Sunday SAVE THE DATES 1 September, HOPE AND JOY EVENT 13 September, GREEK SCHOOL REGISTRATION 14 September, PTO MEETING 15 September, PHILOPTOCHOS POT LUCK 16 September, GREEK SCHOOL AGIASMOS 17 September, LECTURE ON HELLENIC GENOCIDE 20 September, PHILOPTOCHOS PHANOUROPITA Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church – Clearwater, Florida 11 "The Great Catastrophe: Forgotten Genocide Greek School Upcoming Events - Preserving the Memory of the Anatolian and HOLY TRINITY GREEK SCHOOL OF Pontian Greeks 1913-1923" CLEARWATER, 2015-16 CALENDAR After the Lausanne treaty and the forced expulsion of the remaining Greeks, Armenians, and Assyrians from Asia Minor in 1923, Turkey continued its policy of Turkification, ignoring its obligation to protect its citizens, and continues to deny its genocidal actions today. Sadly the saga continues to this day with Turkey repeating its actions against the Christians and Kurds in northern Syria and Iraq. Presented by Mr. George Mavropoulos, Founder of The Asia Minor and Pontos Hellenic Research Center Thursday, Sept. 17, 2015 7:00pm Holy Trinity Matheos Hall 409 Old Coachman Road Clearwater, Florida 33765 COSPONSORED BY PanHellenic Federation of Florida Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church of Clearwater Archons of Tampa Bay The Asia Minor and Pontos Hellenic Research Center (AMPHRC) is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization. Its mission is to research, preserve, and disseminate information concerning the Greek communities of *Εορτασμός 28ης Οκτωβρίου 28 Οκτωβρίου 5:30pm (Celebration of “OXI” Day) Wednesday, October 28, 2015 ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟ ΑΠΟΓΕΥΜΑΤΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ «ΑΓΙΑ ΤΡΙΑΣ» ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑ ΣΧΟΛΙΚΗΣ ΧΡΟΝΙΑΣ, 2015-2016 Greek School Class time will always be Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:00pm-6:30 pm; Events below begin for parents/families at the noted time. 1. **Registration Fair Sunday Sunday, August 30, 2015 2. *First Day of Greek School Αγιασμός Wednesday, 16 Σεπτεμβρίου 5:15 μ.μ. (Blessing of the Water) chapel September 16, 2015 at 5:15 p.m. 3. *Open House Monday, October 5, 2015 6:00 p.m. in classes 4. *Εορτασμός 28ης Οκτωβρίου Wednesday, Oct. 28, 2015 in Chapel (Celebration of “OXI” Day) • GOYA Board • Blood Drive • Church Services • Souvlaki • Philoptochos Phanouropita • Church Services • Church Services Church School Agiasmos • Church Services • Youth Events • Church Events • Adult Events • Community Events = Fish Allowed = Strict Fast = Wine/Oil Allowed Legend Sunday 27 20 13 6 Monday • Parish Council 6:30 pm • PTO February 2014 28 21 14 • Philoptochos Pot Luck 6:00 pm 7 • Dolmades Tuesday 29 22 15 8 1 16 9 2 •Finikia baking 30 23 • Greek School Agiasmos 5:15 pm • GOYA • Leisure Timers 1:00 pm • Pastitsio • Dolmades Sewing 10:00 am • PMC 5:00 pm • Leisure Timers 1:00 pm Wednesday 3 17 10 24 • Religious Freedom Lecture 7:00 pm • Pastitsio • Outreach Meeting 3:30 pm Thursday • Hope & Joy Friday 25 18 11 4 • Souvlaki making Saturday September 2015 Community Calendar 26 19 12 5 12 Philoxenia —September 2015- Volume 2 Philoxenia 10 Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church – Clearwater, Florida RESTORE YOUR DISCOVER BODY’ S Commercial Brokerage • Management • Development • Consulting Anthony Saravanos, CCIM • Flexible mortgage Trifon Houvardas T Director D THE THINNER, NATURAL HEALTHIER & HAPPIER YOU BALANCE options, including low Principal ce: 727-784-1007 down paymentOffi loans Cell: 727-643-8922 • Simply Free Checking 13 B E S T O F TA M P A B AY 2 0 0 9, 2 0 1 0 , 2 0 1 2 , 2 0 1 3 & 2 0 1 4 Meet our Greek speaking Directors Locally Owned and Operated August 2013 - Volume 2 “I understand the complex nature of obesity and hormones. Christos Politis, M.D. C Director D That’s why my scientifically based programs are designed • Mobile account Florida’s Only Authentic Greek Cemetery to give the individual the best solutions for their specific needs in order to achieve a healthy weight and a balanced Commercial Real Estate Specialist access For Your Individual Needs Our special Hellenic Cemetery ‘Morpheus’ about our •● Ask Retail, Office, Industrial and Land Sales is dedicated to the cultural & religious Trendsetters Clubtraditional for healthy way to age” leasing for property owners beliefs ●ofVacant the space Greek heritage. These beautiful grounds ● Representation for professionals and business owners seeking Saravanos were blessed by Rev. Father James AAnthony Rousakis of Director D to lease new office, retail or industrial locations 727.394.2265 The Metropolis of Atlanta Vicar of Tampa Bay. ● representation for portfolio expansion, specializing in 1031 tax-deferred exchange and triple net lease properties Premium spaces & private family estates are still available - Dr. Lara 7 2 7- 4 4 6 - 3 0 2 1 BESTMEDICINEFORWEIGHTLOSS.COM Board Certified in Obesity Medicine & Advanced Certification in Bioidentical 1-800-WEIGHT-LOSS | BESTMEDICINEFORWEIGHTLOSS.COM Hormone Replacement Therapy Specialty Therapies Of fered: BHRT, HCG, Hypnosis CLEARWATER PALM HARBOR ST. PETERSBURG Anthony speaks Greek fluently and is conversational in Spanish % μ+$% ( $!"+ ##$!"+ "&%% $ #,&! Florida’s Only Authentic Greek Cemetery % !!"+ ##$!"+ "&%% %&' $! Our special Hellenic Cemetery ‘Morpheus’ !&*μ$% !' -&%!"', -%#!!!"' "! is dedicated to the traditional cultural & religious &"(!"' --%! !' 'These ##$!"' "#&%$%μ!'. beliefs of the Greek heritage. beautiful grounds were blessed by Rev. Father James Rousakis of %$ ( +μ%& #+! (#% "$ -+ The Metropolis of Atlanta Vicar of Tampa Bay. !!μ+% -& μ&!% %(" "! Premium spaces & private family estates' #$' &)!&!"+ -&%-% ' &+-%#' are still available $ -&!%) %( +#-%( ' μ-. Curlew Hills % μ+$% $!"+ ##$!"+ "&%% $! "+μ !(!μ%! -$!%! ),&%!, !!*!"% $ #,&! "! %!"%$!"%. % !!"+ ##$!"+ "&%% %&' $! !&*μ$% !' -&%!"', -%#!!!"' "! &"(!"' --%! !' ' ##$!"' "#&%$%μ!'. ( +μ%& #+! (#% "$ -+ %$ !!μ+% -& μ&!% %(" "! &)!&!"+ -&%-% ' &+-%#' ' #$' $ -&!%) %( +#-%( ' μ-. $! "+μ ! !μ%! -$!%! ),&%!, !!*!"% "! %!"%$!"%. 727.789.2000 • PETER MAKRIS Certified Public Accountant J D CPA PA JERRY MAKRIS Certified Public Accountant STELLA MAKRIS Masters of Taxation HELEN MAKRIS Juris Doctor 2110 Drew St. 7 N. Pinellas Ave. Clearwater, FL 33765 Tarpon Springs, FL 34689 Tel: (727) 446-0000 Fax: (727) 442-0404 For all your Personal, Business, Accounting, and Tax needs, Financial Statements, Corporate and Personal Tax Returns, Monthly Bookkeeping, Computerized Payroll Always Free Consultations. P ro ud T o Se rv e O ur Co m m unity ! 9 Philoxenia —September 2015- Volume 2 14 Philoxenia August 2013 - Volume 2 Theodore P. Vlahos, M.D. Certified, American Board of Orthopaedic Surgeons Specializing in Auto Injuries Sports Injuries Slip/Trip & Fall Arthritis Work Injuries NEW! Balance Testing & Pain Management Injections MOST MAJOR INSURANCE ACCEPTED Offering same & next day appointments 727.772.0819 CALL TO SCHEDULE TODAY! Offices in Palm Harbor & Tampa Florida’s Only Authentic Greek Cemetery OBJECTIVE ADVICE FROM TRUSTED ADVISORS Anastasia Anne Drake McMullen Executive Vice President Business Development Curlew Hills Our special Hellenic Cemetery ‘Morpheus’ is dedicated to the traditional cultural & religious beliefs of the Greek heritage. These beautiful grounds were blessed by Rev. Father James Rousakis of The Metropolis of Atlanta Vicar of Tampa Bay. Premium spaces & private family estates are still available 727.789.2000 • A trusted partner providing comprehensive wealth management services to individuals, families, endowments, and institutions 333 3rd Avenue North, Suite 300 • St. Petersburg, FL 33701 727-898-3063 • 800-932-8505 fax: 727-898-3073 Doyle Wealth Management’s services are best suited for those with $500,000 or more to invest. Philoxenia 6 Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church – Clearwater, Florida August 2013 - Volume 2 15 16 PETER MARKOS WE SHOP, YOU SAVE. Independent insurance agents can quote multiple insurance companies to make sure you are getting a great rate. Dr. Marni L. Mentis, D.O. 401 Corbett Street, Suite 310 Clearwater, FL 33756 Phone: 727-474-0205 Specializing in Cosmetic Surgery of the Face, Breast and Body And with great rates, excellent claims service, and 24/7 policy service, Progressive is an easy choice. Louis J. Michaelos, M.D. John L. Michaelos, M.D. (727) To get exp585-2200 ert advice and a free Corneal & Cataract Specialist (727) quote584-9239 today, stop infax or call TER MARKFL OS.33770 1030 W Bay Drive •PELargo, PETER MARKOS Complimentary Consults WE SHOP, YOU SAVE. 1 Corinthians 13 the 2-8 “When the angels went away from them into heaven, shepherds one another, ushave go over Bethlehem “....if I have a faith that cansaid moveto mountains, but“Let do not love,toI am nothing. and see thispoor thing that happened, the that LordI may has 3 If I give all I possess to the and givehas over my body towhich hardship made known to us.”And they went with haste and found boast,[b] but baby do notlying have in love, I gain nothing. Mary and Joseph, and the a manger. ” Luke 2:15-16 4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with thetruth. May we all remember what this time is truly about. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, aways perseveres. May you7all have a Blessed and joyous New Year. 8 Love never fails...” PETER MARKOS WE SHOP, YOU SAVE. Independent insurance agents can quote multiple insurance companies to make sure you are getting a great rate. Independent insurance agents can quote multiple insurance companies to make sure you are getting a great rate. PETEclaims R Mservice, ARKandO24/7 S policy service, Progressive is an And with great rates, excellent claims service, and 24/7 policy service, Progressive is an easy choice. 727-qP7EuTo3EtRe8tMo-Ad0aRyK7,Os7Sto. p7in or call To get expert advice and a free quote today, stop in or call PETER MARKOS. The Drizis Family And with great rates, excellent 1454 M AIchoice. N STREET easy DUNED IN, FL 34698 To get expert advice and a free Progressive Casualty Ins. Co. & affiliates, Mayfield Village, OH. 11P00927.BQ (08/12) PETER MARKOS 1454 MAIN STREET DUNEDIN, FL 34698 PETER MARKOS 1454 MAIN STREET DUNEDIN, FL 34698 727-738-0777 Vicki’s Wedding & Christening Necessities 727-738-0777 BLUE TELENDOS, LLC Progressive Casualty Ins. Co. & affiliates, Mayfield Village, OH. 11P00927.BQ (08/12) John C. Tsacrios, Pres. Progressive Casualty Ins. Co. & affiliates, Mayfield Village, OH. 11P00927.BQ (08/12) Private Banquet Room Available Baptism & Wedding Receptions, Dances, Anniversaries, Memorial Dinners 1230 CLEVELAND ST • 727-447-7800 (727) 797-8223 727.741.9710 1749 Thomas Dr, Clearwater ΕΙΔΗ ΓΑΜΟΥ & ΒΑΠΤΙΣΗΣ DR. JOHN SAVIDAKIS, JR. Podiatry & Wound Care; Diabetic Foot Care Complete Foot & Ankle Care; Wound Specialist (727) 796-1490 2701 Park Drive & S.R. 580 (West of Countryside Mall / US 19) Clearwater, FL 33763 Philoxenia —September 2015- Volume 2 16 Save the Date Events for October 10/03 St Stefanos Volleyball Tournament 10/04-10/08 Festival Setup 10/09-10/11 Festival 10/23-1025 Post Marriage Conference 10/27 Constantinople Lecture 10/30 Fall Festival Contact Us Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church 409 South Old Coachman Road Clearwater, FL 33765 Clergy Website: Email: Church Office: 727-799-4605 Fax: 727-799-9173 Administrative Proistamenos Rev. Fr. James T. Paris, Protopresbyter Assistant Priest Rev. Fr. Michael Marcantoni 2015 Parish Council President: Mike Kastrenakes Vice President: Michael Boutzoukas Second Vice President: John Pantelis Treasurer: Steve Tsetsekas Assistant Treasurer: Trifon Houvardas Comptroller: George Mantzaris Secretary: Anne Drake McMullen Parish Executive Director Michelle Day Parish Office Administrator Nina Pazos Members: Sam Buclous, Shareef Doumet, Joseph Kokolakis, Deno Krillies, Paul Houvardas, Peter Markos, Keith Mastorides, Mike Mastorides, Christos Politis, Bill Mazas, and Chris Tsavoussis, Theodore Vlahos. Philoxenia is the monthly newsletter of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church made possible by the gracious contributions of our sponsors. The deadline is the 10th of each month. Thank you, sponsors. ΧΡΟΝΙΑ ΠΟΛΛΑ! Baptisms / Chrismations / 40 Day Blessings XRONIA POLLA/MANY YEARS Chronia Polla to all of our of our beloved brothers and sisters in Christ whose feast days we celebrate during the month of September. BAPTISMS 08/01 Gavin James Gonatos 08/01 Stephania Bolanos 08/17 Austin David Alfred 08/23 Daniel Joshua Bennett 08/30 Katalina Monroe Kelmetis “All who have been been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.” 40 DAY BLESSINGS 08/16 Niko James Krillies 08/16 Dalton Theodore Brown 08/20 Vula Sassman Weddings Deaths & Burials “Among the spirits of the righteous made perfect.” Funerals 08/05 Deno Cardulias 08/05 Steve Demas 08/16 Athanasios Korbos “May their memory be eternal.”