2014 November monthly newsletter - St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox
2014 November monthly newsletter - St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox
Proistamenos: Fr. Douglas Papulis (636) 527-7843 ST. NICHOLAS MONTHLY BULLENTIN Parish Priest: Fr. Michael Arbanas (314)909-6999 Office (314)361-6924 Fax (314)361-3539 Email: stnicholas@swbell.net Website: www.sngoc.org ST. NICHOLAS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 4967 FOREST PARK AVENUE ST. LOUIS, MO 63108-1495 November 2014 Volume 18 - Number 11 Thanks is Expected by God Every part of creation is expected to thank Almighty God for what He has done, does, and will do, as proclaimed in the Old Testament processional song: Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth. Serve the Lord with gladness; come before His presence with exultation. Know that the Lord He is God; He has made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people, and the sheep of His Pasture. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with hymns; give thanks to Him, praise His name. For the Lord is good, His mercy is forever; and His truth endures to generation and generation. -Psalm 99 LXX God expects mankind to acknowledge Him and His good works, and then to offer thanks appropriately for every blessing. In fact, He takes note and is dismayed when He is not thanked: “Then as He entered into a certain village, there met Him ten men who were lepers, who stood afar off. And they lifted up their voices and said, ‘Jesus, master, have mercy on us!’ So when He saw them, He said to them, ‘Go and show yourselves to the priests.’ And so it was that as they went, they were cleansed. And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, returned and with a loud voice glorified God, and fell down on his face at His feet, giving Him thanks. And he was a Samaritan. So Jesus said, ‘Were not ten cleansed? But where are the nine? Were there not any found who returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?” -Luke 17:11-18 On the 4th Thursday of November we will all be gathering together with our family and hopefully we will remember to do more than eat a meal and watch football or make a mad dash for the mall. The Thanksgiving Holiday gives us the perfect opportunity to transform our lives from those of griping and dissatisfaction to lives of joy and gratitude. Thanksgiving is a good holiday for us to turn the corner and become grateful people. God wants nothing more than for us to be people of thanksgiving and gratitude. Alan Perkins says, “A thankful spirit is one of the key distinguishing marks of a Christian. It sets us apart from the world, it makes us different.” Psalm 118:1 says, “give thanks to the Lord for he is good, his love endures forever.” -Fr. Aristotle Damaskos 1 . A Prayer of Thanksgiving We, Your unworthy servants, praise and glorify You, O Lord, for the many blessings we have received from You. We bless You, we thank You, we sing to You, and we rejoice in Your great mercy. In humility and love, we praise You: O Benefactor and Savior, glory to You! St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Monthly Bulletin November 2014 St. Nicholas Servants 2014 Parish Council Announcements Dr. Andrew Galatakos, President Steve Ott, Vice-President Demetrios Tsikalas, Treasurer Michael Ferretti, Secretary Nicky Antoniou George Bude Yemane Habtu Marilynn Jemas Alexandra Kavourinos Mary Ann Mastorakos Dr. William Mastorakos Pete Papadopoulos Saki Salas Peter Takes Peter Vaccaro 314-922-4457 636-230-8066 314-481-6879 636-458-8577 314-878-7720 314-579-9151 636-532-4665 636-532-3484 314-862-2866 636-532-3222 314-966-4117 314-721-6599 636-379-2109 314-862-2866 314-781-7700 Roxana Couternais Peter Lemakis Janet Papageorge Mark Vleisides 314-752-0252 314-965-6137 314-878-3513 314-576-2898 No climbing experience necessary! Come join the fun! Fr. Douglas Papulis Teddy Hart, Chairperson Michael Ferretti John Koch Mary Ann Mastorakos Steve Ott Michael Pappas Michael Tsichlis Demetrios Tsikalas Chris Varvares 314-361-6924 314-997-4826 636-458-8577 636-922-7732 636-532-3222 636-230-8066 636-207-7789 314-849-2309 314-481-6879 314-374-3674 For more information, please contact Presvytera Caroline: carbanas@aol.com Pat Johnson William Karides Irene Schildroth 314-832-0061 636-281-0727 314-845-2434 Roxana Couteranis Lee Hartley Helen Leara Christina Lemakis Tina Paradowski 314-752-0252 618-447-6548 314-849-3707 314-631-1619 314-781-0781 Elaine Coulson Michael Kontominas Michael Tsichlis 314-991-5033 314-997-1299 314-842-1604 Paul Efthim Pat Johnson Leo C. Pashos 314-892-9832 314-832-0061 314-351-0516 Mike Kamburis Robert Meyer Sam Mezines Nick Tharenos 636-227-3649 314-645-2174 314-878-8144 314-576-7011 John Koch, Chairman Voula Francis Sakis Salas Dan Tarlas Peter Vaccaro 636-922-7732 314-822-1176 636-379-2109 314-968-5010 314-781-7700 Barbara Corrigan Tina Fakonas Denise Karras 314-576-1576 636-394-5339 314-368-4205 Georgia Ferretti, President 636-458-8577 Audit Committee Stewardship Committee Cemetery Committee Election Committee Library Committee Physical Facilities Physical Facilities Family Life Center Planned Giving Scholarship Committee Philoptochos St. Irenaeus Orthodox Theological Institute Michael G. Tsichlis, PhD Church School Co-Director 314-361-6924 x330 Bess Fitzmaurice Despina Hartley 636-343-3849 618-447-6548 Rosie Hartley 618-239-9359 314-832-0061 636-458-5173 314-576-2898 636-532-4470 636-458-2133 314-909-6999 Handmaidens Dance Troupe –Georgia Johnson GOYA –Helen Carey -Mark & Renee Vleisides JR. GOYA –Mimi Davis -Debbie Palazzola HOPE –Presvytera Caroline Arbanas OUR LITTLE ANGELS/CHERUBS -Presvytera Caroline Arbanas Junior Goya Fall Gathering 1874 Lackland Hill Parkway, 63146 Saturday, November 22 2:30 to 4:30 pm The book group will meet Monday, November 3 to discuss The Light Between Oceans by R.L. Stedman. In her widely-acclaimed debut novel, Stedman describes the moral dilemma faced by an Australian lighthouse keeper and his wife, heartbroken in their inability to have children, when a “gift from God” arrives to bring an end to their loneliness—possibly at the cost of breaking the heart of someone else. We will meet from 7 to 8:30 pm at the Family Life Center; everyone is welcome. HELLENIC CULTURE CAMP 2014 The 20th Hellenic Culture Camp was held at the St. Nicholas Family Life Center with great success. In attendance were 60 campers from 2nd to 8th grade and 10 counselors from 9th to 12th grades from St. Nicholas and the Assumption churches. The directors were Alex Davis and Emily Spanos. Classes in History, Language, and icon making were presented in a fun and interesting way. The campers made key chains and jewelry with items from Greece, learned to Greek dance, and practiced making trigona, bourekakia and koulourakia. The sports activities included soccer and a water slide. On Thursday the campers and counselors had their annual Greek lunch catered by Michael’s, and on Friday the campers sent to the Vetta Sports facility in Manchester, played on the inflatable equipment and the indoor soccer field and watched a movie about Greece. It was truly a memorable week to work with so many wonderful children of Greek Heritage who bonded together, and we want to give a special “thank you” to all the donors, teachers and volunteers, who helped keep the individual costs per camper to a minimum. Johanna Spanos, Hellenic Culture Camp Coordinator Due to the holidays coming up articles for the December newsletter is due November 6th and articles for the January newsletter is due December 6th. Email: jennifer.engish5674@gmail.com Thank You Jennifer English, Editor 314-909-6999 2 . St. Nicholas Book Group Upper Limits Climbing Gym St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Monthly Bulletin November 2014 PRESIDENT’S NOTES Andrew E Galakatos MD PHONE: 314.922.4457 Galakatos@wudosis.wustl.edu CANDIDATES FOR CHURCH BOARD & STANDING COMMITTEES: As discussed in the September Bulletin about a call for nominees in the 23 November election, the ELECTION COMMITTEE has worked vigorously to solicit worthy candidates before the application deadline of 24 October. However a member of this Committee expressed concern if candidates were truly aware of the duties & responsibilities of the office being pursued. In the future, an attempt will be made to inform applicants beforehand about the specific Board or Standing Committee position being sought. None the less, it is an honor to serve the Church in these elected and in voluntary positions. ΥΠΟΨΗΦΙΟΙ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑ Δ.Σ. & ΜΟΝΙΜΩΝ ΕΠΙΤΡΟΠΩΝ: Όπως αναφέρθηκε στο Δελτίο Σεπτέμβριος σχετικά με πρόσκληση υποβολής υποψηφιοτήτων στην εκλογές της 23ης Νοεμβρίου, η εφορευτική επιτροπή έχει εργαστεί σθεναρά να ζητήσει άξιοι υποψήφιοι πριν από τη λήξη της προθεσμίας εφαρμογής της 24ης Οκτωβρίου. Ωστόσο, ένα μέλος της επιτροπής εξέφρασαν την ανησυχία αν οι υποψήφιοι ήταν πραγματικά γνωρίζουν τα καθήκοντα και τις αρμοδιότητες του γραφείου που επιδιώκονται. Στο μέλλον, η προσπάθεια θα πρέπει να γίνει για να ενημερώνουν τους αιτούντες εκ των προτέρων για το συγκεκριμένο Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο ή τη θέση της μόνιμης επιτροπής που ζητούνται. Κανένας λιγότερο, είναι τιμή μου να υπηρετήσει την Εκκλησία σε αυτά εκλέγονται και σε εθελοντικές θέσεις. CHURCH PLASTER REPAIRS & CONTRIBUTERS: Major plaster work was needed in our primary Church building and estimate bids ran as high as $14,000. Church Board Member GEORGE BUDE took it upon himself to contact the primary contractor that the Facility’s Committee had selected and was able to renegotiate a reduction of repair cost down to $11,000. In addition, Mr. Bude personally initiated a fund raising effort for this work and raised $15,000, the balance of which will now be used for the necessary artistic paintwork by RIP KASTARIS over the repair in the Church Sanctuary. We wish to not only thank Mr. Bude but also the following parishioners who donated to this fund raiser. The following contributed $1,000: Andrew Efthim Steve Chalmers Paul & Helen Leara George & Pat Leontsinis Demos & Mary Argyros Dean & Michelle Millonas Katherine Rutter Steve & Diana Ott Janet Papageorge Elizabeth Krekorian Riethmann Peter & Kim Spanos Dr William & Fotina Shisko Gus & Angela Demos George Bude The following contributed $500: Anna Siromas John & Mary Anne Koch ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑ ΓΥΨΙΝΕΣ ΕΠΙΣΚΕΥΕΣ & συνεισφέροντες: Σημαντικές εργασίες γύψο ήταν απαραίτητες για την πρωτοβάθμια Εκκλησία κτιρίου και εκτίμηση προσφορές μας έτρεξε τόσο υψηλό όπως $ 14.000. Εκκλησία Μέλος Δ.Σ. ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ BUDE πήρε την ευθύνη να επικοινωνήσετε με το κύριο ανάδοχο που είχε επιλεγεί επιτροπή της Διευκόλυνσης και ήταν σε θέση να επαναδιαπραγματευθούν τη μείωση του κόστους επισκευής κάτω σε $ 11.000. Επιπλέον, ο Bude ξεκίνησε προσωπικά μια προσπάθεια συλλογής χρημάτων για το έργο αυτό και εγείρει $ 15.000, το υπόλοιπο των οποίων θα πρέπει τώρα να χρησιμοποιηθεί για την αναγκαία καλλιτεχνική βαφή από RIP KASTARIS για την επισκευή της εκκλησίας Ιερό. Θέλουμε όχι μόνο να ευχαριστήσω τον κ Bude, αλλά επίσης τα ακόλουθα ενορίτες που δώρισε σε αυτόν τον έρανο (... εισηγμένη στο αγγλικό τμήμα). ΦΕΣΤΙΒΑΛ FRIDAYS: Τα γεύματα ΦΕΣΤΙΒΑΛ Παρασκευή (γεύματα σερβίρονται 11-2 μ.μ. κάθε Παρασκευή) προχωρούν πολύ καλά κάτω από το κύριο ηγεσία του Πα Doug και τη διαχείριση των 5 Επιτροπών ως περιστροφική ομάδες. Όποιος επιθυμεί να συμμετάσχει με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο ή θέλουν συγκεκριμένες λεπτομέρειες σχετικά με τις Γεύματα, παρακαλούμε επικοινωνήστε με οποιοδήποτε μέλος του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου ή καλέστε το Γραφείο Εκκλησίας @ (314) 361-6924. FESTIVAL FRIDAYS: The FESTIVAL FRIDAY LUNCHEONS (meals served from 11 to 2 PM every Friday) are proceeding very well under the primary leadership of Fr Doug and the management of 5 Committees as rotational teams. Anyone who wishes to participate in any way or want specific details about the Luncheons, please contact any member of the Board or call the Church Office @ (314) 361-6924. Κυριακή Greeters ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑ: ROXANA COUTERANIS έχει ευγενικά συμφώνησε να αναλάβει την ευθύνη της ανάθεσης της Κυριακής Εκκλησία Greeters. Επιπλέον, μπορεί να έχετε παρατηρήσει ότι το STAND ΕΠΙΣΚΕΠΤΩΝ greeter έχει μεταφερθεί στην περιοχή της εισόδου γυάλινη πόρτα ακριβώς μπροστά από το Γραφείο Εκκλησίας, που θα στελεχώνεται κυρίως από «έμπειρος» (παλαιότερα) ενορίτες. Καταβάλλεται κάθε δυνατή προσπάθεια για να αναγνωρίσουν και να αγκαλιάσουν τους ανθρώπους που μπορεί να είναι πιθανά νέα μέλη ή απλά "one-time" επισκέπτες στην Εκκλησία μας. Ιερείς μας λαμβάνουν τα ονόματα και τις σημειώσεις τους από τις Greeters και στη συνέχεια να ανακοινώσει την παρουσία του επισκέπτη πριν από κηρύγματα τους. Επομένως, σας παρακαλώ να βοηθήσει κάνουν αυτοί οι άνθρωποι να αισθάνονται καλοδεχούμενοι από αυτούς που τους πλησιάζουν και να μιλάμε με τους κατά τη διάρκεια της ώρας καφέ. SUNDAY CHURCH GREETERS: ROXANA COUTERANIS has kindly agreed to take charge in the assignment of Sunday Church Greeters. In addition, you may have noticed that the VISITOR GREETER STAND has been relocated to the glass door entrance area just in front of the Church Office that will be primarily staffed by “seasoned” (older) parishioners. Every effort is made to recognize and embrace people who may be potential new members or just “one-time” visitors to our Church. Our Priests receive their names & notes from the GREETERS and then announce the visitor’s presence before their Sermons. So please help make these people feel welcomed by approaching them and talking with them during Coffee hour. 3 . St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Monthly Bulletin November 2014 Planning Your Legacy: TERMINOLOGY - PART 2 By Voula S. Francis, CFP® This is a continuation of last month’s article, which began listing some terminology, in simpler language, that is often heard with regards to legacy planning. This is in hopes to dispel the myth that legacy planning has to be more complicated or intimidating than it really has to be. Below are the remaining terms in simple language: Bequest. A gift of personal property under the terms of a Will. A bequest can be of specific assets or the "residue" (what is left after specific gifts have been made) of an estate. Beneficiary. Any person or entity (like a charity) that receives assets or profits from an estate, a trust, retirement account, or insurance policy. Durable Power of Attorney. Your authorization for someone to act as your Attorney-in-Fact to handle your financial matters when you cannot. You can grant very broad or limited powers to the Attorney-in-Fact. Living Will. Sometimes called a "Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care" or "Health Care Power of Attorney" or “Advance Medical Directive.” You name a Health Care Agent and indicate what kind of medical care you want when you cannot make those decisions for yourself. This document also authorizes your doctors to disclose your confidential medical information to your Health Care Agent. Revocable Trust (or Living Trust). A trust created by you for your benefit during your lifetime with distribution to beneficiaries taking place according to the terms of the trust after your death. A Revocable Trust is often used to keep an Estate's affairs more private and to reduce or eliminate probate expenses. For most people, the greatest financial gift we are able to give is what we leave behind when we fall asleep in the Lord. Please consider remembering your Church through planned giving. Αυτό είναι μια συνέχεια του άρθρου περασμένο μήνα, η οποία ξεκίνησε λίστα κάποια ορολογία, σε απλή γλώσσα, που ακούγεται συχνά σε σχέση με την κληρονομιά του σχεδιασμού. Αυτή είναι η ελπίδα για να διαλύσει τον μύθο ότι η κληρονομιά του σχεδιασμού θα πρέπει να είναι πιο περίπλοκη ή εκφοβισμό από ό, τι πραγματικά είναι. Παρακάτω είναι οι υπόλοιποι όροι σε απλή γλώσσα: • Κληροδότημα. Ένα δώρο της προσωπικής περιουσίας σύμφωνα με τους όρους της διαθήκης. Ένα κληροδότημα μπορεί να είναι συγκεκριμένων περιουσιακών στοιχείων ή την «κατάλοιπο» (ό, τι έχει απομείνει μετά την ειδική δώρα έχουν γίνει) ενός κτήματος. • Δικαιούχος. Κάθε φυσικό ή νομικό πρόσωπο (όπως μια φιλανθρωπική οργάνωση) που δέχεται τα περιουσιακά στοιχεία ή τα κέρδη από ένα κτήμα, μια εμπιστοσύνη, λογαριασμό συνταξιοδότησης, ή ασφαλιστήριο συμβόλαιο. • Ανθεκτική Πληρεξούσιο. Άδεια για κάποιον να ενεργεί ως Εισαγγελέας-in-Fact σας να χειριστεί οικονομικά θέματα σας, όταν δεν μπορείτε. Μπορείτε να χορηγήσει πολύ ευρεία ή περιορισμένη εξουσία στην Εισαγγελέα-in-Fact. • Living Will. Μερικές φορές ονομάζεται «ανθεκτική δύναμη του πληρεξούσιου για τη Φροντίδα Υγείας" ή "Power Health για Φροντίδα Εισαγγελέα» ή «Advance Medical οδηγία." Θα αναφέρουμε Agent Υγείας και δείχνουν τι είδους ιατρική περίθαλψη που θέλετε, όταν δεν μπορείτε να κάνετε αυτές τις αποφάσεις για τον εαυτό σας . Το έγγραφο αυτό εξουσιοδοτεί επίσης τους γιατρούς σας να αποκαλύπτει εμπιστευτικές ιατρικές πληροφορίες σας με τον συνεργάτη σας Health Care. • Revocable Trust (ή Living Trust). Μια εμπιστοσύνη που δημιουργήθηκε από σας προς όφελός σας κατά τη διάρκεια της ζωής σας με τη διανομή στους δικαιούχους που λαμβάνουν χώρα σύμφωνα με τους όρους της εμπιστοσύνης μετά το θάνατό σας. Μια ανακλητή εμπιστοσύνη είναι συχνά χρησιμοποιείται για να κρατήσει τις υποθέσεις μιας Κτήματος πιο ιδιωτική και να μειώσουν ή να εξαλείψουν τα έξοδα διαθήκης Για τους περισσότερους ανθρώπους, το μεγαλύτερο οικονομικό δώρο είμαστε σε θέση να δώσουμε είναι αυτό που αφήνουμε πίσω μας όταν είμαστε κοιμισμένοι στον Κύριο πτώση. Παρακαλούμε να εξετάσει την θυμόμαστε Εκκλησία σας μέσω των προγραμματισμένων δόσιμο. GOYA Float Trip The GOYA KICKED OFF THE SCHOOL YEAR WITH A FLOAT ON THE Meramec River.. The weather was beautiful, the kids practically had the river to themselves, and the cabins at Meramec State Park were really nice. A great time was had by all! 4 . St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Monthly Bulletin November 2014 Philoptochos Corner November 2014 The Elevation of the Cross & Stavrou Luncheon – September 14 This year Stavrou fell on a Sunday and was well attended with over 100. This is one of the Great Feasts of the Holy Church and is also a strict fast day as we recall the events of Great Friday when our Lord went to the Cross for our salvation. We thank Mary Argyros, Katia Shasserre, FoFo Shisko and Cleo Kekeris for underwriting this beautiful luncheon and preparing the meal. We also thank LaDonna Gordon for her help, Aliki Bibas and Antigoni Dafnides for the delicious bread. A special thank you to Mrs. Dubis and Maria Kamburis for the home made Lenten cake. All proceeds benefit Holy Cross Seminary. Save-the-Date Sunday, November 16 & 23 Grecian Kitchen Harvest Bake Sale Luncheons The Ladies of Philoptochos will be hosting their Annual Grecian Kitchen Harvest Bake Sale Luncheon. We need “home-made” items: breads, cakes, pies, etc. for the Harvest Bake Sale. If you are interested in baking an item please contact Georgia Ferretti 636 675-0329 or georgiaferretti1215@gmail.com. For advance orders please contact Dianne Zotos at 636 530-6988. Calendar of Events: 11/02 – Philoptochos Sunday, presentation of Woman of the Year, Kick off Holiday Ministries/Pass Tray for Families in Need 11/18 – General Meeting to approve the budget 12/05 – St. Nicholas Vesper’s Reception 12/06 – St. Nicholas Brunch Reception 12/07 – Children’s Holiday Breakfast/St. Nicholas Day Celebration 12/13 – Philoptochos Holiday Luncheon Hunger for Greece and Cyprus special coffee hour – October 5 Thank you to Helen Carey and Chrysoula Tomaras for putting together this special coffee. This was hosted by Philoptochos and sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Leon Spanos. A special thank you to Leon and Johanna for wanting to bring awareness to this very worthy cause. Over $700 was collected. Congratulations Marilynn Jemas! Philoptochos Sunday November 2 Presentation of Woman of the Year, Pass the tray for the Needy, and kick-off our holiday ministries, Seats and Feet to benefit The Little Bit Foundation She has been reappointed to the National Philoptochos Board. Not only is she on the National Board, but she is also on the Metropolis Philoptochos Board. Congratulations again, Marilynn! Save-the-Date Grecian Kitchen Holiday Open House Saturday, November 8 Family Life Center 10:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Please bring your family and friends for lunch and place your home-made “Grecian Specialties” order for the holidays. Once again we will have several boutiques for your holiday shopping! Our Prayer Shawl Ministry will display their beautiful baby clothing, blankets and shawls for your holiday gifts. Our Philoptochos Booth will feature: Hellenic Cuisine Cookbook, “OPA” Salad Dressing, Jr. Philoptochos Merchandise and our children’s book “I’m So Little, How Can I Help?” We have many vendors that are coming back again this year plus a few first timers – Silpada, Paper Dolls, Cleo’s jewelry, Presently Personalized Gifts, Angelina Accoutrements, and Sweet Boutique. Anyone wanting to place advance orders for Grecian Kitchen items please contact Dianne Zotos at 636-530-6988. Sunday Greeters Roxana Couternais is Chairperson for the Sunday Greeters. She is looking for volunteers for greeting parishioners and visitors to our church. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Roxana at 314-752-0252 The Best Trunk or Treat Ever Thank you Stephanie Glioumas and your lovely committee for, (quoting my Grandsons’) “THE BEST TRUNK OR TREAT EVER.” Everything from the bonfire to the spooky witches, skeletons, goblins, and spider web decorations… the marvelous homemade chili and desserts...the hot cocoa and Carmel corn on every table...the crafts and glow sticks that turned every boy and girl into swashbucklers all added up to the “The Best Trunk or Treat Ever.” thank you from all the little ghosts, goblins, ghouls, their parents, yia-yias’ and papous’. “Na herese ta heria sou,” ET (Eftihia Tompras) 5 . St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Monthly Bulletin November 2014 On the Bible: “There is nothing that can take the place of a faithful friend, and there is no way to measure his worth.” -Wisdom of Sirach 6:15 DAILY BIBLE READING GUIDE November 2014 Christmas Lent November 15th – December 24th Sun The Church has set aside four fasts during the year: two forty day fasts, one before the Nativity of Christ and other before the Resurrection of Christ; and two shorter fasts, one before the feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul and the other before the Dormition of the Mother of God (a fast 14 days before the feast). The fasts are periods of spiritual preparation, and we understand that the fast is not just about food and drink but rather us from fulfilling the righteousness of god and his Kingdom. The fasts of the Church are times for us to focus on the basics of Christian life, to ponder the commandments and do them and live lives that are consistent with what the Church is praying. On December 25th the Church celebrates the Nativity of Christ and a forty-day fast is given to us that begins on November 15. This fast is a gift given to us that we might enter the feast with clear minds and clean hearts, with a correct understanding of what it is that are actually celebrating and prayer that is bold and focused. We will not celebrate the feast with maximal joy if our behavior and our prayer are conflicted. The fast reminds us that those who truly live a Christian life have made the Kingdom of God their number one priority. We make the following recommendations: 1. Spend less time on TV, computer and other electronic entertainments. There should be more quiet time, or if the family does not have much time for interaction there should be a time for talking about things that really matter, more time working together as a family on projects that build up the family morale. This could be activity that is pf practical and spiritual value to the family. The reading aloud of spiritual books and the lives of saints and the Sacred Scriptures is a good and very traditional practice. There should be prayer together as a family at least once a day. 2. Keep the fasts of the Church as closely as possible. If we cannot curb our appetites even in these small ways, how could we ever stand up to the time of trial, whether it is a time of martyrdom or simply the natural process of death and passing from this life to the next. 3. Organize the family activities around the Liturgical calendar of the Church and not vice versa. 4. Practice mutual forgiveness before Confession and Holy Communion. Ask forgiveness any time that there is strife among family members. 5. Practice works of mercy. Although we should not wait for a fasting season to do good, the fasting seasons remind us that we cannot expect mercy from God if we show no mercy. 6. Come to the services of the Church, and above all be present on Sundays and the Great Feasts. Sun Sun Sun Sun It is never easy to be an Orthodox Christian but the best time to put our faith into action is today. We pray that the upcoming holy days find us at least as active in our spiritual preparation as we are in our preparation of gifts, meals and festivities. May god give you good health and that “Peace which passes all understanding.” -excerpted from The Talaton magazine . 6 1 S 1 Cor 12:27-31;13:1-8 Mt 10:1,5-8 2 3 4 Gal 2:16-20 M Col 2:13-20 T Col 2:20-23;3:1-3 Lk 16:19-31 Lk 11:29-33 Lk 11:34-41 5 6 W Col 3:17-25;4:1 T Col 4:2-9 Lk 11:42-46 Lk 12:8-12 7 8 9 10 11 F Col 4:10-18 S Heb 2:2-10 Gal 6:11-18 M Rom 16:17-24 T 1 Thes 1:6-10 Lk 12:2-12 Lk 10:16-21 Lk 8:41-56 Lk 12:13-15,22-31 Lk 12:42-48 12 W 2 Cor 9:6-11 Lk 12:48-59 13 14 15 16 17 T Heb 7:26-8:2 F 1 Cor 4:9-16 S 2 Cor 8:1-5 Rom 10:11-21;11:1-2 M 1 Cor 12:7-11 Jn 10:9-16 Jn 1:43-51 Lk 9:37-43 Mt 9:9-13 Lk 14:1,12-15 18 T 1 Thes 3:8-13 Lk 14:25-35 19 20 W 1 Thes 4:1-12 T 1 Thes 4:18-5:10 Lk 15:1-10 Lk 16:1-9 21 22 23 F Heb 9:1-7 S Philemon 1:1-25 Eph 2:14-22 Lk 10:38-42;11:27-28 Lk 9:57-62 Lk 12:16-21 24 25 M Phil 3:20-21;4:1-3 T Gal 3:23-4:5 Lk 17:20-25 Mk 5:24-34 26 27 28 29 W T F S 2 Thes 2;1-12 2 Thes 2:13-17;3:1-5 2 Thes 3:6-18 Gal 1:3-10 Lk 18:15-17,26-30 Lk 18:31-34 Lk 19:12-28 Lk 10:19-21 1 Cor 4:9-16 Jn 1:35-42 30 St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Monthly Bulletin November 2014 Intercessor and Defender Since his glorification in August 1970, the Venerable Elder Herman of Alaska has become known and revered around the globe. He is celebrated in Russia, in Greece, on the Holy Mountain, and across the U.S. In hymns he is praised as a traditional ascetic whose pious and prayerful life transformed him from a solitary wilderness hermit into a prophetic wonderworker. Father Herman testified to his own conversation with angels. The Aleuts of the region recall the miraculous deliverances he prophesied in an encounter with a tidal wave on one occasion and a forest fire on another. But the Elder Herman was to initially honored for his sanctity. To be sure, after his repose in 1837, miracles multiplied at his grave, and the elder became famous posthumously as a miracle-worker. But the Aleuts were visiting his burial site much earlier, not because they expected healings, but because they loved their “Ap’a.” This love derived from his devotion to them, a devotion that put him into conflict with the civil authorities of his time. Arriving at Kodiak in September 1794, Elder Herman discovered that conditions in the Kodiak colony were nothing like what he had been led to expect. There was no church. There was no rectory. There was no food, no church supplies, and only a few rotten and ruined service books. Not only did Herman and the other monks have to move into the common laborers’ barracks, but they had to witness the laborers’ immoral and even disgraceful treatment of the local women and girls. They also witnessed the abuse to which the Natives were subjected by cruel foremen. They saw Aleuts being forced out to sea to hunt sea otters, not in order to trade their catch for goods or cash, but to avoid being beaten, murdered, or robbed. The conflict between the chief manager, Alexander Baranov, and the monks intensified over the next several years, until the monks’ leader jumped aboard a ship and returned to Russia to report to the governing authorities in person. Archimandrite Ioasaph’s complaints and appeals were well received in Siberia, and he was consecrated Bishop of Kodiak, with authority to put the Alaskan house in order, even to arrest Baranov if necessary. Tragically, the ship bringing the first Orthodox bishop appointed to the New World sank on its voyage back, and Baranov’s regime lasted another twenty years. Left to their own resources, other monks returned home or died. Before long, the Elder Herman was left alone. After surviving The Man Who Won’t Fit in a Bag three attempts to assassinate him, he moved to quieter and safer ground, four miles from Kodiak to Spruce Island, which he named New Valaam. From there he continued to report on the injustices and abuses the company leaders continued to inflict upon his people. When at last, in 1818, Baranov was retired and returned to Russia, his successor came directly to Spruce Island to interview Father Herman. Courageously the elder wrote, “Our people cry not tears but blood!” and begged, “Help us to know what consolation is!” The new governor asked how the Native people had fared during the past 24 years. Father Herman explained that the population of Kodiak had been much reduced by disease, by cruelty, and by the forced removal of many hunters from their homes and families. Could the elder substantiate these claims? Were there records of births, deaths, marriages, or burials? No, the humble monastic replied. The clergy were never provided with sufficient writing materials to keep such records. Only Father Herman’s regular appeals on behalf of the Kodiak Aleut people provide the recovered of Baranov’s oppressive policies. The company turned a handsome profit every year of Baranov’s rule, but the Native people paid the real price. Two centuries later, this tragic chapter in the history of Alaska would be completely undocumented and unknown were it not for the bold and heroic stance assumed by St. Herman. Only one brief mention of this aspect of his Christian witness appears in the liturgical texts. He is called “intercessor and defender of the oppressed.” When the hymn to the newly glorified monastic was translated into other Native Alaskan languages, however, it was this troparion that became the popular favorite. The Aleuts knew that the Elder Herman was their “Ap’a” long before the rest of the world noticed, not because of his silence or prayer life, not because of his fasting and ascetic labors, but because of his courage in defending them, even at great personal risk. They know that he continues to pray for them now and forever in the Kingdom of God, where he now converses and worships the Lord with the angels. May God grant us, who venerate the holy memory of the Venerable Herman of Alaska, the courage also to speak out as he did, whenever and wherever a helpless and oppressed people require a courageous voice! By Fr. Michael Oleksa From Up Here …. In Alaska 7 . On November 21st we celebrate the feast of the Entry of the Most-Holy Theotokos into the Temple. The coming of Jesus Christ into the world is so important that everything surrounding it, including the vent this feast commemorates, is also important. For years before Jesus’ birth, His Mother was prepared for her role. While she was still very young, her parents and neighbors took her to the Temple, singing holy songs and carrying candles. She walked up the steps of the Temple and was met by the high priest. She entered the Holy of Holies with him as a sign of her special destiny. Normally nobody entered that place except the high priest, once a year. Then Mary grew up and matured spiritually among holy people, until God was ready to send His Son to us and to have her give Him birth. We celebrate and revere the people and events surrounding the Incarnation because we believe it alone tells the truth about God. Only Christians teach that God’s Divine Son came among us to offer us life through His death and resurrection. That is why we can’t go along with those who say that every religion is basically the same, and leads to God. Among those who say this is Rick Steves, the wellknown travel writer and TV personality. Though Steves is a committed and community-serving Lutheran, he apparently shares the idea that all religions are equal and the same. He describes with admiration of a man he met in a remote Turkish village. The man had an embroidered bag hanging in a place of honor on a wall of his small house. The bag, he told Steves, contained a copy of the Qu’ran as well as a Bible and a copy of the Talmud. Though a devout Muslim himself, the man felt that he honored all three faiths by keeping their holy Scriptures together in one bag. This man is an example, Steves writes, of the way we should all be. How appropriate, how good a symbol of unity it would be if we could all have bags with the various holy Scriptures in them. But this day’s feast reminds us that Christians cannot settle for such a tidy solution to the problem of spiritual disunity among human beings. We are not “people of the Book” because we worship a God who did infinitely more than give us a sacred Scripture. He was born from the long-prepared Mary as a Man, and when grown He Burst the walls of hades asunder. If hades could not contain Him, certainly a bag can’t do it. Our own Scriptures tell us that Jesus Christ came to save everyone, not just those who call themselves His followers. We must love and respect those of other faiths, and need to work at finding common ground with them. But we also have to show them the Man who died on the cross them – the Man who just won’t fit in that bag. -taken from: http://dce.oca.org/page/bulletins St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Monthly Bulletin November 2014 2014 Sunday School News Hello fellow parishioners. Sorry for this long letter but I didn’t write one last month. As our newsletters are written a month before they are printed, it is the beginning of October that I’m writing and Sunday School has been in session for only a few weeks. I’m happy to report that we’re off to a great start! Prior to our first day, a great deal of behind the scenes effort was put forth to ensure a smooth opening. Codirector Despina Hartley and I spent a great deal of time preparing rosters and lists from registration forms (and continue to update as we have still not received all student registrations); planning; organizing, assembling; strategizing; filing; updating; and so on. The Sunday School was thoroughly cleaned and organized and ready for our teachers to set up their classrooms and prepare their lessons. Our teachers also enjoyed a working lunch (prepared by my sweet mother, Voula Natsis) while participating in a teacher’s meeting and training session. Our Sunday School halls were then cheerfully decorated by a devoted crew of volunteers which included Claire Martin, Candice Hoffman, Julia Wickes, and Kimberly Anno who created a welcoming atmosphere for our returning students. Our first day filled classrooms and halls with children and parents buzzing with excitement and enthusiasm. All were welcomed and the younger children quickly set forth on beautiful cross crafts which they lovingly carried in the Elevation of the Cross procession in church. They returned to class to complete their crafts and learn about the significance of this most sacred feast day. Our second week brought parents and teachers together for an informative curriculum day. Parents met teachers and learned about what students will be doing and learning this year. They also were able to volunteer in class and bring snacks. Afterwards, our parish enjoyed a tasty Ice Cream Social sponsored by Tutti Fruitti located on Laclede and Euclid. The owners of this establishment are Orthodox Christians and wanted to help our parish. Let’s thank them by patronizing their business. A special thanks to Dorothea Karakas, Pamela Brennan, and Mr. Lemakis for their help in putting together a lovely celebration. Looking ahead, we have much to look forward to. November brings Advent, Thanksgiving and our November Canned Food Drive while December brings St. Nicholas Day and our Christmas Pageant. So I wanted to let you know about a few things going on and how you will be able to help. Our November Canned Food Drive will require a couple of volunteers to assist with keeping counts of items in each class each week, collection of items and assembly of items for pick up by the beneficiary charities. Be sure to send students with non-perishable canned or boxed food items each week. This year our pageant will have a few noticeable changes. In the past, all students up to and including first grade were angels. Beyond that, only a few students participated as narrators and cast members leaving out the rest. This year, we are adding the following: • Pre-K and Kindergarten will be angels • 1st Graders will be barn animals other than sheep • 2nd Graders will be sheep/lambs • 3rd Graders will be town’s people • 4th, 5th & 6th Graders will be the main expanded cast which will include Mary & Joseph, Donkey, Inn Keepers, Gabriel and Angels (who appear to shepherds), Emperor and entourage • 6th, 7th & 8th Grades will be our narrators and choir members. No one will be forced to participate and anyone wishing to sing in the choir instead may do so. Although we will have costumes for all of the main cast and young angels, all other costumes will be the responsibility of parents. They can be ordered through costumes.com or any other costume company or home made. They can be as simple or elaborate as you wish. addition, Christina Hartley-a talented woodworking artisan- has kindly volunteered to create the stable and manger scenes and her brother Jonathan Hartley will be in charge of lighting and sound. Our pageant will take place on Sunday, December 21st in church (after Divine Liturgy) and our rehearsal will take place Sunday, December 14th after church is dismissed. So be prepared to stay an extra hour on those days. Diana Ott may also schedule additional rehearsal times for the choir. We’ll need several parents to help with the pageant and be available on the 14th and the 21st. I’m also happy to inform you about a special exhibit in honor of our beloved patron Saint that will be displayed in our Sunday School from December 6th through the 21st. This remarkable exhibit will include a series of 17 panels explaining the life and meaning of St. Nicholas and his influence throughout the world as well as the origin of Santa Clause. Accompanying this exhibit will be some activities that will be incorporated in our Sunday School curriculum for children up to 5th grade. The highlight of this exhibit will take place on Saturday, December 6th following Divine Liturgy where families will have the opportunity to visit the exhibit and classrooms where special activities will be set up as well as a brief video about this exhibit. There will also be light refreshments. We will also invite families from neighboring Orthodox parishes to participate. In addition, there will be a special St. Nicholas Boutique where you may purchase beautiful icon ornaments and other Advent and Nativity inspired gifts, crafts and home baked goods. Proceeds from this boutique will benefit our Sunday School and in the spirit of St. Nicholas, a portion will go to the local Orthodox Focus Food Pantry. Donations for this special event are welcome but not required. The boutique will also be up on December 7th and possibly 14th. We kindly ask that families RSVP for this event by contacting me at besscatering@charter.net. We want to thank Philoptochos for their generous financial donation towards the cost of this enriching exhibit which is coming from the St. Nicholas Center in Michigan. We will need 10 volunteers for this event on Saturday, December 6th to help as hosts and activity coordinators in the classrooms as well as helpers with our boutique. We also need donations of baked goods and Nativity/Advent inspired crafts and handiwork to sell. We also need volunteers to help with St. Nicholas Day goodie bags that are placed in children’s shoes during Sunday school on December 7th. The volunteers will assemble these bags Sunday, November 23rd. In the past, we’ve had generous donations towards the cost of these goodie bags. If you are able to contribute towards the cost of the chocolate gold coins or other items, please let me know. Keep in mind, we will not have Sunday School Thanksgiving weekend (November 30th). Finally, we want to thank Gus Catsavis and Stephani McPherron for helping clean out a storeroom and move items to the Family Life Center. We now have room to store Sunday School supplies. We also wish to thank Angie Sevastianos and her family for generously donating the beautiful cross notecards and coordinating ink pens for our teachers. We appreciate her thoughtfulness. Despina and I wish you a most blessed Advent season and a Happy Thanksgiving. Your Co-Directors Bess Fitzmaurice Despina Hartley 8 . St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Monthly Bulletin November 2014 MEMORIAL DONATIONS September 10th thru October 10th CHURCH FUND In Memory of George Hassapopoulos Hays Mary K. Hays In Memory of Helen Julia Nisiankas Everhart Barbara Everhart Shelton In Memory of Vasiliki Georges Telemachos & Kyriaki Tarabanis Nicholas & Paraskevi Paliaros In Memory of Erik Glen Rogers Konstandina Zias & Family In Memory of Peter Tomaras James & Audrey Guarino In Memory of Theodore “Ted” Tripolitis L. E. Earhart, Inc. Elaine Tripolitis In Memory of Irene Davis Stacy & Dave Rolfe In Memory of Athena Rejos Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Voss In Memory of Kyriaki Patakas Penny Aegerter Bessie Stratos Tom & Helen Karagiannis Mr. & Mrs. John Koulouriotis The Psara Family Greek Ladies Rhodos Society Maria C. Dubis Edward Ferretti Valasia Aslan RESTORATION OF ST. NICHOLAS In Memory of Nick Piskos Mary Volas FAMILY LIFE CENTER In Memory of Athena Rejos George & Kim Tarlas & Family Katherine Ellis Tom & Patti Elwood George & Diane Ellis Helen & Ted Demos Jim & Terry Demos Mr. & Mrs. Gus Demos Christina Anastas Tim & Aliki Bibas Cleo F. Tarlas Nikki Pappadakis Jeanne Pappas Monica McAmish-Bahr & Family Ann Fortune Melba Pathenos Lew Hages Sharon Hages Noblitt Jeri Hages Marrone Paul & Helen Leara Cynthia Milonas Jean P. Wolf Frank & Shirley Brydels Bess Millonas In Memory of Kyriaki Patakas Mary C. Mastorakos Katherine Ellis Vasiliki Nicozisin Tim & Jeanne Pappas Cleo F. Tarlas Paul & Helen Leara Bill & Connie Kallaos Alexandra Kamakas Maria Zouglas CAPITAL CAMPAIGN In Memory of Helen Whaley Achilles & Dorothea Karakas In Memory of Peter Tomaras Achilles & Dorothea Karakas In Memory of Athena Rejos Ann & Kay Zotos In Memory of Kyriaki Patakas John & Mary Anne Koch Dennis & Helen Carey Jeff, Polly, Paige & Parker Hartman Christina Anastas Chris & Ann Dafnides Ben & Betsy Murphy The Neighbors of Bedford Falls Ct. Michael & Georgia Ferretti Matt & Ellen Conoyer Louis & Catherine Anastasios PHILOPTOCHOS SOCIETY In Memory of Athena Rejos Leonora Taratsas Barbara Schoemehl In Memory of Kyriaki Patakas Byron & Stacy Smyrniotis Mike & Jenny Pappas Panagiota Christakis Rena Potsos Sandra & Spiro Tomazos Angels’ Arms Parish Life BAPTISMS “All you who have been baptized in Christ” SAVANNAH GRACE Daughter of Nicholas & Kristen Degerinis Godparent: Gregory Degerinis JACOB NICHOLAS Son of Nicholas & Kristen Degerinis Godparent: Gregory Degerinis ALEXANDER CONSTANTINE Son of Andrew Anthon & Maria Vainalis Godparent: Vasiliki Vainalis MEMORIALS November 2nd 40 Day Theodore Chronopoulos 1 Year Nicholas Yiatras Memorial Service for the Departed Brothers of the Hellenic American Progressive League November 9th 40 Day Kyriaki Patakas 5 Year Penelope Ferretti SPENCER FRANKLIN Son of R. Andrew & Sophia Hinely Godparent: Christina Ginos 9 . WEDDINGS “Crown them with Honor and Glory” Kalie Heitgerd and Deric Kalamitsiotis Lauren O’Brien and Robert Muckler St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Monthly Bulletin November 2014 10 . St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Monthly Bulletin November 2014 11 . St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Monthly Bulletin November 2014 FESTIVAL FRIDAYS! WEEKLY LUNCHEONS 11AM TO 2PM St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church 4967 Forest Park Avenue St. Louis, MO 63108 12 . St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Monthly Bulletin November 2014 St. Nicholas Philoptochos Society Grecian Kitchen/Harvest Bake Sale Treat your Family & Friends to Home-made Grecian Specialties for the Holidays! To Place Your Order… Mail the completed order form below with check payable to: St. Nicholas Philoptochos c/o Dianne Zotos, 1238 Hillcrest Field Dr, Chesterfield, MO 63005 or call 636.530.6988 Pick-up Dates… Saturday, November 8, 2014 10:30 am – 3:00 pm Grecian Kitchen Holiday Open House St. Nicholas Family Life Center 12550 South Forty Dr Town & Country, MO 63141 Sunday, November 16 and 23, 2014 After Divine Liturgy St. Nicholas Church 4967 Forest Park Ave St. Louis, MO 63108 Menu… Galaktoboureko ……..$20 (Half Pan) Spanakopita………..…….….........$20 (half pan) Custard Filled Pastry (ready to bake) Savory spinach & cheese Pie (ready to bake) Koulouria………….…………..$7 per dozen Tiropita…………………………………$20 (half pan) Braided Butter Cookies Savory Cheese Pie (ready to bake) Paximathia……………..…… $10 per dozen Pastitsio…………………………….…$45 (Half Pan) Baklava…………………….. $25 (half pan) “OPA” Salad dressing………………..$4 Classic Chocolate Dipped Greek Biscotti ground beef, pasta, & bechamel Casserole (ready to bake) Greek Favorite (Ready to Bake) “Hellenic Cuisine” cookbook…..…..…$25 Vasilopita Bread**……………………..$20 Traditional New Year’s Day Bread with hidden “good luck” coin **Orders must be placed by 11/23 for pick up on 12/21 after Divine Liturgy at Church ………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Mail completed form & check payable to: St. Nicholas Philoptochos c/o Dianne Zotos, 1238 Hillcrest Field Dr, Chesterfield, MO 63005 To ensure holiday delivery, please order by: November 1, 2014 _______________________________________ Name _______________________________________ Address _______________________________________ City state zip _______________________________________ Phone _______________________________________ Email Item Galaktoboureko (half pan) Koulouria (dozen) Paximathia (dozen) Baklava (half pan) Spanakopita (half pan) Tiropita (half pan) Pastitsio (half pan) Cookbook OPA Salad Dressing Vasilopita Bread TOTAL Unit price $20 Quantity $7 $10 $25 $20 $20 $45 $25 $4 $20 Please circle one of the following pick-up dates: 11/8 11/16 11/23 13 . Total$ $ St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Monthly Bulletin November 2014 St. Nicholas Philoptochos Society Invites you to join us for our... Grecian Kitchen Holiday Open House Saturday, November 8, 2014 10:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. St. Nicholas Family Life Center Lunch, Greek Pastries, & Boutique Shopping Open to the Public! Grecian Kitchen Harvest Bake Sale Luncheon Sunday, November 23, 2014 After Divine Liturgy St. Nicholas Church Auditorium Lunch, Greek Pastries, Home-Made Baked Goods, & Specialty Items Please come and place your orders for home-made “Grecian Specialties” for the holidays For advanced orders, please contact Dianne Zotos 636.530.6988 Proceeds will help fund the work of local & national charities supported by St. Nicholas Philoptochos 14 . St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Monthly Bulletin IOCC November 2014 Helping Others Help Themselves ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ INTERNATIONAL ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN CHARITIES The Metropolitan St. Louis Committee for IOCC Annual Fundraiser Banquet Sunday, November 9, 2014 Vespers 5pm – Dinner 6pm Metropolitan Nikitas, Director St. Thomas the Apostle Romanian Orthodox Church 6501 Nottingham Ave St. Louis, MO 63109 Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox Institute Born in Tampa, Florida, Metropolitan Nikitas holds a Master of Divinity, with honors, from Holy Cross School of Theology. After pursuing graduate studies at the University of Thessaloniki, Greece, he later became the Chancellor of the Greek Orthodox Diocese of Chicago. In 1994, he was appointed Director of Development for International Orthodox Christian Charities. After serving as Pastor of St. Demetrios Orthodox Church in Chicago, his Eminence was consecrated a Hierarch and named Metropolitan of Hong Kong and South East Asia. This exciting event took place in the Patriarchal Cathedral of St. George the Martyr, Phanar, Istanbul. Currently he is the Director of the Patriarch Athenagoras Institute in Berkeley, California. His Eminence is fluent in English, Greek, Russian, and has a working knowledge of Latin, Church Slovonic, and Spanish. $35 Reservations Please mail your check payable to IOCC to: Mrs. Teddy Hart 1715 Featherwood Dr. St. Louis, MO 63146 International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) is a non-profit 501 © (3) organization eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions 15 . St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Monthly Bulletin November 2014 Please join us for a special holiday movie premier of… With special guest Robert Krantz – writer, producer, & actor of the award winning “Do You Wanna Dance?” and the new “Christmas with the Karountzoses” Thursday, November 20th Doors Open: 6pm Movie Premier: 7pm St. Nicholas Family Life Center 12550 South Forty Drive, St. Louis, MO 63141 $30 per person Includes movie theater style food & drinks For advanced reservations, please contact: Carol Kamburis kamburisgirls@hotmail.com or 314.803.245 16 . St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Monthly Bulletin November 2014 Adopt a Child This Christmas The St. Nicholas Prison Ministry would like to ask parishioners to adopt 50 children this year for the holiday season. You will be given the children’s wish lists, and asked to make their holiday a little happier by purchasing a child’s requested item. In consideration of everyone’s budget, we are asking that the total purchase price should not exceed $25. All items must be new and unwrapped. For more information on the Christmas adoption program, please contact Clark Porter (314) 518-6747 Adopt a Child This Christmas 17 . 18 . 2 8:00am-Orthos 9:30am-Divine Liturgy Greeter: Sue Katsoulis Market Day 4:30pm Greek Conversation Night @ FLC 30 8:00am-Orthos 9:30am-Divine Liturgy Greeter: Kathryn Forsting Parish Elections Harvest Bake Sale 4:30pm Greek Conversation Night @ FLC 23 8:00am-Orthos 9:30am-Divine Liturgy Greeter: Paul & Tina Efthim Grecian Kitchen Bake Sale & Luncheon 4:30pm Greek Conversation Night @ FLC 16 8:00am-Orthos 9:30am-Divine Liturgy Greeter: Cindy & Lee Konczak 4:30pm Greek Conversation Night @ FLC 5pm IOCC Liturgy & Banquet @ St. Thomas 9 8:00am-Orthos 9:30am-Divine Liturgy Greeter: Leo & Dessie Pashos Woman of the Year 4:30pm Family Night @ FLC SUNDAY 3 24 17 10 7pm St. Nicholas Book Group FLC MONDAY 18 10am Divine Liturgy @ Family Life Center 11a Fifty-Something Luncheon @ FLC Katherine the Great 25 6:30pm Conversation Greek Night @ FLC 10am Women’s Faith Group 4 11 6:30pm Intermediate & Conversational Greek Class @ FLC TUESDAY 6 10am Mom’s & Tots @ Church 7am Men’s Fellowship Family Life Center HAPPY THANKSGIVING 27 6pm Grief Support 10am Mom’s & Tots @ Church 26 Καφενείοv 9-12 Family Life Center 7am Men’s Fellowship Family Life Center 20 10am Divine Liturgy @ Ahepa Apt 10am Mom’s & Tots @ Church 19 Καφενείοv 9-12 Family Life Center 13 Καφενείοv 9-12 Family Life Center THURSDAY 7am Men’s Fellowship Family Life Center 12 10am Mom’s & Tots @ Church 7am Men’s Fellowship Family Life Center 5 WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 2014 7 21 No Festival Friday Luncheon Today 28 11am-2pm Festival Friday Luncheon @ Church 10am Divine Liturgy @ Church – Entrance of the Theotokos Entrance of the Theotokos 11am-2pm Festival Friday Luncheon @ Church 14 11am-2pm Festival Friday Luncheon @ Church FRIDAY 8 1 2:30pm Jr. Goya Rock Climbing Nativity Lent Begins 29 22 15 9:30 am Divine Liturgy @ Church – Synaxis of the Archangels 10:30am-3pm Grecian Kitchen Open House @ Family Life Center Synaxis of the Archangels SATURDAY NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID ST. LOUIS, MO PERMIT NO. 1029 St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church 4967 Forest Park Avenue St. Louis, MO 63108 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Please visit us at www.sngoc.org Philoptochos Philanthropy PHILANTHROPY REPORT November 2014 FOOD BAGS for the HUNGRY NOVEMBER Chicken and Dumplins Lima Beans Cranberry Sauce Instant Pudding Powdered Milk (optional) Dishpan Detergent (optional) December Chopped Ham Yams Crushed Pineapple Jello Cornbread Mix Powdered Milk (optional) Toothbrush (optional) A very special Thank You to Mary Mezines, our Food Bag Chairperson We were Blessed to hear the new and very beautiful spiritual music presented by the Metropolis Choir on Sunday, October 12 as they thrilled us with their beautiful voices singing the Liturgy to the Congregation. What a lovely way to start our month of Philanthropy.. We continue to look for gently used children's books and toys -- also clothing from infant to 7 years. We are very grateful to those parishioners who continue to fill the FOOD BAGS. Thank you -- they are needed and are appreciated by our Food Kitchens and by people who come to the church asking for help. We need men's clothing, shoes and boots and women's clothing all sizes and gently used boots & shoes. We have a request for a washer & dryer (electric), an apartment size refrigerator, and a twin bed.. We will pick up any items too large to bring to church. Please contact Johanna or Jeanne and we will arrange to pick them up.. Thank you for thinking of us and the many people who need our help. May we take a moment to thank the St. Nicholas parishioners for always supporting our Philoptochos events. This is how we are able to help those in need and we are very grateful. . Please call Johanna Spanos (314) 966-5176 or Jeanne Tompras (314) 994-7667 if you have questions. 20 .