Christmas 2008 - St. Nicholas Church Brighton


Christmas 2008 - St. Nicholas Church Brighton
Advent, Christmas and Epiphany 2008
£1 (minimum donation)
The magazine of the parish church of St Nicholas, Brighton
Berry Pillot de Chenecey, Year 2, St. Paul’s
Father Robert writes
A time for giving...
The celebration of Christmas offers an opportunity to return to the roots of
our faith in the incarnation – the birth of the baby Jesus being the time when
heaven and earth are in complete harmony and God takes on our humanity.
It is in this action that we are reminded that, by sharing with us, God fully
enters into being part of the human family. God becomes a child with all
that this means. It is a sharing of vulnerability that will lead to the cross and
‘He becomes as we are so that we may become as he is’.
The Christmas period is a time for worship, for sharing and for the giving
of gifts. It offers an opportunity to say ‘thank you’ to God, to family and to
friends for all they mean to us.
It is also a time to remember those for whom loneliness and lack of care is
their day-to-day experience. It offers us an opportunity to reach out to those
who are irregular in their attendance at church to say ‘you are part of a bigger
The gift that is being given in offering a welcome is that of care for individuals
and families who come to share with the community of faith. In reaching out
we are sharing something precious – a gift, which holds no financial value.
We are offering a part of ourselves and reflecting the unconditional love given
to us through the incarnation.
The giving of self in this way is to follow in the way that God leads. By
entering into our humanity in Bethlehem he gave completely of himself. The
call of the disciple is to take this lead and ensure that Christmas is a time of
giving not only to family and friends but also to the stranger who is a child of
God and a member of the Christian family.
May I wish you all a very happy and blessed Christmas and all good wishes
for 2009.
St Nicholas’ is in Covenant with Brighthelm URC, Chapel Royal and Dorset Gardens
Methodist Church and all are member churches of Churches Together in Central Brighton
The Advent wreath appears from Sunday 30 November with
one of its candles alight. We add one light each Sunday as we
look forward to the Saviour’s birth. We think of the darkness
after Adam’s sin, and watch the growing hope and light as the
prophets and Blessed Virgin Mary help us prepare for His saving
birth. Advent helps us to look forward with faith, hope and
Suggested reading – and listening – for Advent
In all Senses
A Prayer a Day from
Advent to Epiphany
Daily meditations and
prayers for Advent
John Cox
David Adam
Sight, hearing, touch,
smell and taste are the five
physical senses, but there
are many more senses we
can use to explore the meaning of Christmas
– a sense of balance, a sense of justice, a
sense of wonder, a sense of mystery, a sense
of purpose, and so on. In all Senses focuses
on these many senses, making connections
through them with the Jesus story and the
Christian journey. For each day of the four
weeks of Advent there is a reading, reflection,
response and prayer. By exploring the story
of Christ’s birth through all our senses we can
come to it afresh, welcome him with renewed
delight and worship him with a deeper sense
of intimacy.
Many people look upon
prayer as a long distance
call when in reality God
is present and waiting
to meet us. David Adam
is celebrated as one of
the world’s finest spiritual writers, and these
prayers are some of the very best – succinct,
full of meaning, attractive and easy to read.
They will help you to celebrate the God who
is with you, and who comes to you. David
was the Vicar of Lindisfarne for thirteen
years where his work involved ministering
to thousands of pilgrims and other visitors.
He is the author of many inspiring books on
spirituality and prayer and his Celtic writings
have rekindled a keen interest in our Christian
Christmas Greetings
A happy and blessed Christmas to
our readers from Fr Robert and the
ministry team at St Nicholas’, with
appreciation for all your support
during the past year.
Bob and Bron Minton send good
wishes for Christmas to all their
Friends at St Nicholas’, with the hope
that 2009 will improve as it goes on.
Wishing you all peace, good
health and much happiness
this Christmas and for 2009.
With love, Marion
Peace and love at
Christmas time to all
at St Nicholas’. From
Louise Crawford
Joyce Marchant wishes
all her dear friends at St
Nicholas’ a happy and
peaceful Christmas followed
by a good New Year.
A very Happy
Christmas & New
Year to all at St
Nicholas’ from Nigel
& David xx
n Friday 17th October 2008 The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, awarded the Cross
of St Augustine to Father Andrew Henderson and twelve other recipients at a ceremony in the
Chapel at Lambeth Palace.
The Cross of St Augustine was founded by Archbishop Michael Ramsey. It was first awarded by him on 19
February 1965. It is a circular medallion bearing a replica of the 8th Century Cross of Canterbury and on the
reverse side is an engraving of the chair of St Augustine at Canterbury. The ribbon is of ‘Canterbury Blue’ and
it is worn around the neck by clergy and on the left breast by lay people.
This award has historically been awarded to clergy and lay people of foreign churches who have contributed
conspicuously to advancing friendly relations with the churches of the Anglican Communion. More recently
it has also been given for outstanding service within the Church of England whether centrally or in the
dioceses, or the Anglican Communion as a whole, and to those who have contributed to advancing relations
between the various Christian communions and churches.
Father Andrew received his award for helping to raise £4.5 million pounds to convert an old school to
become the London Lighthouse which cared for people suffering from HIV/Aids. At its height it was helping
over 1,000 a week and Andrew, who was the Lighthouse’s Chairman for fifteen years, went on to co-found
CARA – ‘Care and Resources for people living with Aids.’ A non-stipendiary priest (he was a Director of
Social Services for Kensington and Chelsea) his ‘secular ministry’ has been a brilliant success.
In celebration of his award Father Andrew generously invited 30 members of St Nicholas’
congregation to join him on a pilgrimage to Canterbury. Here are just some thoughts from the day.
Pilgrimage to Canterbury
Kate Hall
We’re on the list, off on a
pilgrimage with Father Andrew
to give thanks for his award of
the Cross of St. Augustine.
Our transport is a cosy coach.
Not like Chaucer’s pilgrims,
either on a pony or shanks’ pony
with that horrible Wife of Bath
eyeing up all the chaps…
Our first sight of the cathedral massively beautiful, exuding the
mystery and self-possession of a
great ship.
Founded in 602 AD by St
Augustine, who was sent
by Pope Gregory the Great
to re-evangelise the ruffian
Anglo-Saxons in south-eastern
England it stands, through many
additions and changes, as a
monument to his obedience and
Inside, we take the route of our
pilgrim predecessors past the
bible-story-emblazoned stained
glass windows. Walk up steps
they would have ascended on
their knees to the place of the
martyrdom, where Thomas A
Becket was slaughtered by
Henry II’s knights.
We feel the violence. Wonder
where the monks buried his
remains. No-one knows. A
jagged sculpture of four swords
commemorates. It is lit, but the
shadow it casts on the wall is of
three crucifixes, love triumphing
over brutality. The Lord is here.
His Spirit is with us.
A single candle burns in the
place of Becket’s shrine. In front
of it a shallow furrow across
the floor. Stone dented by the
devoted kneeling in prayer. So
love can wear stones away. The
Lord is here. His Spirit is with us.
Then a beautiful interlude. A
simple thanksgiving eucharist in
St.Augustine’s chapel celebrated
by Father Andrew. Just us. The
Lord is here. His Spirit is with us.
Finally, evensong. Angel voices
ever singing… the bliss of
centuries. The Lord is here.
His Spirit is with us. Thank you
Father Andrew.
Ralph Goulding
Two particular highlights of
the day stood out for me.
The first was celebrating with
Andrew and Robert in a chapel
dedicated to St Augustine, first
Archbishop of Canterbury, on
a site believed to be where he
started a school circa 597. There
was something very moving in
a group of St Nicholas pilgrims,
committed and very together,
joining in with the prayer,
included by Andrew, and written
by St Augustine himself:
Breathe in us, Holy Spirit,
that we may think what is holy.
Move in us, Holy Spirit,
that we may do what is holy.
Attract us, Holy Spirit,
that we may live what is holy.
Strengthen us, Holy Spirit,
that we may nourish what is holy.
Guard us, Holy Spirit,
that we may keep what is holy.
The second highlight was
attending choral evensong in
the choir stalls. Evensong has
always been special to me since
schooldays in South Africa.
Contained in the very heart of
the Cathedral, the music was
sublime -- three psalms and the
incomparable Magnificat and
Nunc Dimitis. It was the perfect
service to reflect, be still, pray
and be in the Presence, at the
end of a full day. Bliss!
The November rain did its
best to dampen spirits but
an expectant coach-load set
out early (by my standards
on a Saturday!) to make a
delightful cross-country trip to
Canterbury. The trees looked
fantastic with their leaves in
autumnal glory, the grey skies
and rain somehow making them
look even more colourful.
After a pleasant trip (made
even more so by the fact that
I could see the scenery and
not concentrate on driving) we
descended on an unsuspecting
but sodden city.
The tour of the Cathedral was
conducted by an extremely
agreeable guide who had been
assisting visitors for some
thirty-eight years! Even so, he
made everything come to life
as if we were his first group.
He cited some very interesting
facts – one of the most notable
for me being Cornish by
marriage was that Thomas
A’Beckett came from a poor
background and had no coat
of arms. One was designed
for him and it included three
Cornish choughs. No doubt,
someone will tell me why!
Moving on to where the
Eucharist was to be held proved
more difficult than it ought and
it seemed many happy hours
were spent trudging around
the backstreets of the city in
the pouring rain. It was worth
it, though, and after quickly
downing a mug of steaming
chocolate it was back to the
Cathedral for Evensong.
Terry Potter
Pausing only for some tea and
cake in a fortuitously placed
tea-room, we made our way
back to the coach for the
journey home – this time by
I was privileged to be among
those who were able to
share Andrew’s pilgrimage to
Thanks Father Andrew, for the
day and for sharing it with us –
God bless you for your welldeserved award.
Boiler page
Bob Minton
In the last edition of Directions it seemed as
though we were more or less there with the
boilers installed and only refinements to be
completed. However, it was soon discovered
that the pressure generated in the system by
the new boilers was leading to the discharge
by means of the overflow, of boiling water
into the ‘balance tank’ high up in the tower,
which held a supply of water for topping up
the system. This extraordinary happening
was turning the chamber above the ringing
chamber and below the bells into a sauna (as
one of those who discovered it described it).
However, we now have a system which,
including the work done when the under-floor
heating was installed in 2001, has in effect
been completely renewed and updated within
the last seven years. It is to be hoped that it
will last many years into the future and prove
efficient in operation with minimum trouble to
its ‘minders’.
The contractors agreed that in the interests
of safety, the system should be shut down.
A subsequent inspection by the contractor’s
engineers led them to the conclusion that
the system should be changed from an
‘open’ system where the balance tank
accommodates any shortfall or overflow in the
water content of the system to a ‘pressurised’
system where the whole system is sealed
and operates under a regulated pressure with
occasional monitoring of water consumption.
Richard Hall
We took advice from Mr Barry Goodman,
an independent consulting engineer who is
familiar with the heating systems of a number
of Brighton churches and who had previously
advised us informally on our initial proposals
for the boiler replacement. He supported
the principle of pressurising the system and
strongly advocated adding an automated
control, so that frequent visits to the basement
boiler room will not be required. We adopted
his advice and he has inspected the additional
equipment and its installation. He has made
some minor recommendations, which at the
time of writing are being implemented.
This change in the way the system is
controlled has had an effect on the overall
cost of the work. The original cost of the
boilers was anticipated to be approximately
£11,600, but this has now risen to
approximately £14,600. (Both figures include
VAT.) It is unfortunate that the diagnosis of the
change needed to the system, was not made
at the time the new installation was planned,
so that we would have had a complete picture
of the requirements and their cost. We might
also have been spared several extra weeks in
the cold.
Che Gelida Manina
A Review of A Night at the Opera
1 November
Opera is Italian. This I know, so the strands
of pasta hanging from the trees, the
unmistakable whiff of MS Filtro and the slices
of water melon on the church path were a
giveaway. Opera singers were abroad and
from the restless gabble they were angry.
The moan ‘molto freddo’ and the chattering
of Sicilian teeth sounding not unlike a burst
from a machine gun followed by ‘caldaia per
manutenzione’ confirmed our suspicions.
These were just Boiler Beggars come to sing
some songs and raise a few Euro.
But these were not the operatic motley crew
we’d expected and were in wonderfully vibrant
voice given the chill.
Night at the Opera
Dear Father
I would like to thank each and everyone
of you for all the hard work that made the
opera evening so enjoyable and fantastic.
It was a wonderful evening and the singing
was superb.
Aileen Nidal
Elizabeth Gronow superbly nuanced in the
Letter Duet from the Marriage of Figaro.
Jane Money irrepressibly singing an aria
by Saint-Saens’ Delilah. Yvonne Patrick in
total command and alive with energy. Darren
Jones wonderful singing ‘per me giunto’
from Don Carlos – perhaps the evening’s
highlight. Stephen Caira in fine voice and
wonderfully controlled in the duet from
Boheme. Robert Chavner showing how
Handel and counter tenors go together like
Cava and Cassis.
A member of the audience at the end said to
Stephen Ellis the brilliant accompanist (and soloist
in a piece from Rigoletto) ‘gosh you worked hard’
to which Stephen replied ‘yes I did, didn’t I?’
Honest and direct as the whole evening was. This
wasn’t just an OK evening but a bunch of talented
guys on top of their game and having a great time.
To undergo hypothermia yet still have a
spectacular evening is unusual. But we had a
great time too. Well done singers and pianist and
especially to the divas who move our levers –
Veronica and Hazel for feeding us so well.
There’s a placement for us
Serving time at St Nicholas’
David Weaver
Although I live in Brighton, I did not know
St Nicholas’s that well. I was married at The
Annunciation in Hanover and have been at the
parish next door, St Michael and All Angels,
since 2001. I did not know what to expect
from my placement at the Mother Church
of Brighton, though I had heard good things
from good friends, Peter and Carol Miller, and
from Mike Jackson with whom I worked at the
hospital on a placement.
You have all made me feel so welcome since
my first Sunday in September and for that I
thank you all very much. I have been asked to
dinner many times, though at time of writing
not one has materialised – my fault not theirs!
And what a talented congregation – I laughed
so much at the ‘Boiler Bash’ in October. And
I really like the children and the noise they
But I continually remind myself that I am not
here to enjoy myself – this placement is an
essential part of my formation as a priest!
It has been difficult to blend the placement
in with work commitments, although I have
tried to attend Eucharist every Wednesday
and Morning Prayer when I can. This tension
will be a reality of my priesthood. I do not
want to fit my priesthood around the edges
of my job – it should be the essence of who
I am and what I do. I am lucky to work as a
Management Trainer, so I come into contact
with many people every year – my work will be
an important part of my ministry.
The joy of working with Father Robert has
been how much he has sought to involve me
and give me valuable experience – reading the
Gospel, deaconing the Mass, praying for the
sick, funerals, baptisms and preaching. There
have been a number of ‘first times’ for me and
I am very grateful.
I am training for the priesthood at SEITE,
based at Southwark Cathedral and hope
to be deaconed in June next year. Michael
Barter, at St Nicholas’ on placement from
Mirfield last summer, wrote in Directions that
he was ‘chomping at the bit to get out into
the world beyond the cloisters.’ At SEITE you
never really leave the world and there are no
cloisters. SEITE specialises in training nonstipendiary priests, such as I will be. Some
experienced priests regret that there isn’t
more of the cloistered life on SEITE and I did
at first. Now I appreciate the blend and the
wide experience of those who are seeking
ordination later in life. After all we are in good
company – Paul made tents for a living and
the Disciples were fishermen.
So please pray for me between now and
ordination next June. And I am sure, living
locally, that I am making some enduring
friendships here at St Nicholas’.
The conservation work so far
A report by Stig Evans and Gregory
Howarth, art conservators
The scaffold went up in the East end of the
Nave in late August and we started the first
phase of the conservation and restoration
of the decoration. This includes the painted
wood ceiling, the wall above the Chancel arch,
and the crucifixion sculptures. The screen will
be done between New Year and Easter.
The first job in September was to document
everything with before treatment photographs.
These will go into our report and allow
historians and conservators in the future to
see what we altered. Then we cleaned the
painted wood ceiling panels and the ribs;
these were covered with a greasy sooty
layer of grime. For one week we were joined
by Gwendoline Lemee, a student in the art
conservation program in Avignon. She rolled
countless small swabs to clean the intricately
carved gilded bosses. Some of the bosses
were split and loosely attached. These were
repaired with wood adhesive, dowels and
stainless steel screws. The panels and ribs
were varnished.
Next we worked on the painted wall that has
a vine motif and three shields bearing the
instruments of the passion; two angels with
gold leaf haloes support each shield. Fifteen
cast and painted plaster Tudor roses are
attached to the wall. The whole surface was
covered with two layers of yellowed varnish
with grime on and between the layers. To
clean, we went over the whole surface twice
because the different varnish layers needed
different solvents to remove them. We had
to be careful not to disturb the original paint
surface. In the past, water had come into the
wall from above causing plaster and paint
losses. Some paint around the losses was
flaking. Someone in previous decades had
made an attempt to restore the damage
by painting over an area in a manner so as
to roughly match the discoloured original.
It looked bad before we started but after
cleaning it really stood out so we removed the
Revealling the splendour
overpaint to reveal the areas of loss and large
tracts of original paint. Adjacent flaking paint
was reattached and laid flat with an adhesive
and a hot spatula. Shallow losses in the
plaster were filled to make them flush with the
surrounding surface. We replaced the paint
losses with matching colours. Some of the
gilding in the haloes and shields was abraded
so we patched these with gold leaf. Before
treatment the plaster roses looked evenly
brown but cleaning revealed their colours.
Some of the leaves of the roses were missing
or broken so these were replaced or mended.
On November 11 we varnished the whole
surface. The varnish was made up to saturate
the colours without making the surface too
glossy; it will also be a protective layer so
future accumulations of grime can be more
easily removed.
We had not planned to do the four large
candlesticks that sit on the screen but they are
obviously from the same era so they had to be
done. A volunteer, Trisha Shannon, spent two
days patiently removing layers of grime and
wax from the painted and gilded wood. We
still have to do some small repairs to paint and
gilding losses.
Presently we are working on the sculptures
of the crucifixion and the flanking Mary and
John. These are wood with paint and gilding.
Generally, we are cleaning off dirt from all
the surfaces. On the figures we are removing
a thick layer of bronze paint, applied in the
1960s, which has turned a dull brown. Under
this is the original gilding which is in poor
condition. Our intent is to re-gild the figures
and decide on the level of distressing (artificial
ageing or patination), after doing some test
areas and consulting the parish. Most gilding
you see on sculpture and architecture is
distressed to some level because a pure gold
surface hides much of the carving’s detail. The
red and other colours on the cross and base
will be cleaned and possibly lightly varnished.
The scaffold will be down and the East end
clear by the end of Friday December 12. If you
have any other questions please just grab us
and ask.
Finally, we want to thank everyone in the
Parish for being so friendly; coming to work is
a pleasure.
Green Spaces
Bob Young
For one day only this year (so far, at least) our
St Nicholas Green Spaces were transformed
into white spaces. Snow fell heavily all
morning and then lay deep and crisp and
even. It was a scene straight from a Christmas
card – though the date in fact was 16 April!
Throughout the summer and autumn the City
Council, encouraged and cajoled by SNCGSA,
has continued to undertaken improvements
and repairs around the site. A length of the
path which circles the Rest Garden has been
repaired and at the same time the whole of
the badly degraded terrace above the burial
vaults was resurfaced. More recently the
partially collapsed fencing at the far end of the
Rest Garden was cleared away and untamed
greenery pruned back. The very ugly notice
attached to one of the entrance gates of the
Rest Garden has been removed.
The Council recently reorganised and
strengthened its team of Park Rangers and
one of the new appointees, Dominic Franklin,
has the three St Nicholas green spaces as
part of his ‘patch’. On 26 October Dominic and
some of his colleagues were here to launch
‘Autumnwatch’, a week long celebration of
local wildlife. In fact it was far more than that:
there were demonstrations of pumpkin carving
to make Halloween lanterns, bird feeder
construction sessions run by the RSPB, and
a tour of the areas around St Nicholas’ led by
local historian Geoffrey Mead. It rained a lot
alas, but this dampened the enthusiasm of
those taking part only very slightly!
Jess Green and her band of volunteers have
continued with gardening work in all three of
the spaces. On Autumnwatch day the Rangers
helped with further planting of bulbs in the
Churchyard and a greengage tree was put in
next to the children’s playground. Since then
ornamental foliage shrubs have been planted
by Jess in the enclosed area north of the
Church with the intention of providing material
for the flower arrangers.
Finally – for one night only this time – the area
around the Church was again transformed,
this time as part of Brighton’s first ever ‘White
Night’ celebration marking the end of British
Summer Time on 25/26 October. St Nicholas’s
was one of a dozen or so stopping points on
the so-called ‘Lit Lit’ trail around the City: the
windows of the Church blazed with light, the
edges of the paths in the Churchyard glowed
in blue, and the grave of Phoebe Hessel was
festooned with scores of tiny light bulbs. All
this created a beguiling spectacle that lasted
throughout the night.
The Royals
in Paris
Margaret Tuccori
This has been a wonderful year of pilgrimage
for me. Though undertaken in modern comfort
rather than on foot, knees, or horseback
something of the sense of awe, discovery
and renewal felt by earlier pilgrims still shines
through together with a sense of community,
of belonging to that early Christendom that
stretched across Europe and Asia Minor.
In October, between the northern saints in
Northumberland and Saints Augustine and
Thomas a Beckett in Canterbury, I made
another pilgrimage to the Basilica of Saint
Denis in Paris.
Saint Denis, the first bishop of Paris, was
beheaded in 250 A.D. on what became
known as the hill of martyrs, Montmartre.
He picked up his head and walked with it to
the Gallo-Roman cemetery where he wanted
to be buried. Legends grew up around him,
a basilica was built on the site and became
a place of pilgrimage. Early kings, from
Dagobert on, became benefactors and were
buried or crowned there. Under the great
12th century Abbot Suger, a new church
arose, drawing on the developing technical
advances of gothic, flooding the interior with
a wall of light and in the statuary and stained
glass windows depicting the links between
the Old and New Testaments set out by Saint
I arrived just before midday, to find, as
happens in shrines that are also working
churches, that it was closed to visitors for
two hours for religious ceremonies. It was
raining outside, so acknowledging that Paris
is well worth a mass, I decided to stay for
the service. A hundred or so were seated in
the nave, two with large sombre bouquets.
Perhaps a requiem mass – and this was
confirmed by the readings on death and
resurrection. Surprisingly it was in Latin,
taken by a splendidly robed priest; one less
flamboyant with a strange hat sat to one side.
Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette in the Basilica
of Saint Denis
The splendid one moved to the pulpit for the
address. ‘Monseigneur’, so what was the rank
of the other priest? ‘Monsieur le Duc’ – really
elevated company. ‘My brothers’ (no sisters
in France). ‘On this day, at four thirty in the
morning, by the light of a solitary flickering
candle in the Conciergerie, Marie-Antoinette
wrote her last letter of farewell.’ Followed
an impassioned defence of the queen,
demolishing one by one the accusations
levelled against her at her trial. She was the
innocent and blameless victim of godless
revolutionaries, freemasons and other
At the end of the service the Absolution was to
be in the crypt, but before that from the pulpit
Marie-Antoinette’s letter to her sister in-law
was read in full, commending her children
to her, asking for forgiveness for all her sins
though she had no access to the consolation
of the Church. It was restrained and dignified
and could not fail to move.
Sadly no-one beheaded in what is today
the Place de la Concorde picked up their
head and walked to where they wanted to be
buried. But when the monarchy was briefly
restored, Louis XVIII had the remains of Louis
XVI and Marie-Antoinette dug out of the
common ditch and re-interred in the crypt of
Saint Denis. And there on the black marble
slab marking her tomb, I later found the
sombre flowers.
Wychcroft reflections
The Parish Weekend at Wychcroft 2008
Dear Father Robert and Parish Weekenders
Greetings from what seems to be a very busy St Peter, Pembury, as I write to thank you so
much for the lovely gift and card given to me following our weekend at Wychcroft at the end of
October. The beautiful stained glass roundel depicting Noah’s Ark now takes pride of place in a
conservatory window, where there is the most light to shine through its lovely colours.
Light shining through lovely colours – that phrase seems to sum up that weekend for me. The
lovely colours are obviously your wonderfully diverse selves through which the light of God’s
grace shone as we struggled with some really tough issues, including trying to put ourselves into
the mind of God! Light too in the shape of some of the inspired thoughts, different ideas and
interesting questions that blossomed over the two days. (I have selected a few from our feedback
sheets and only wish there were space to include them all!)
I thank you for your openness and willingness in taking part in the weekend so fully. I know that I
have ‘moved on’ as a consequence of our time spent together – I hope you feel that you have too!
Every blessing and good wish for the future,
Heather Hughes
The Parish Weekend in 2009 will be 20–22 November. Please make a note in your dairy now!
A Translation of the Japanese Version of the 23rd Psalm
The Lord is my pace-setter, I shall not rush;
He makes me stop and rest for quiet intervals.
He provides me with images of stillness, which restore my serenity;
He leads me in ways of efficiency through calmness of mind, and His guidance is peace.
Even though I have a great many things to accomplish each day,
I will not fret, for His presence is here.
His timelessness, His all importance, will keep me in balance.
He prepares refreshment and renewal in the midst of my activity
By anointing my mind with His oils of tranquillity.
My cup of joyous energy overflows.
Surely harmony and effectiveness shall be the fruits of my hours,
For I shall walk in the pace of my Lord, and dwell in His house forever.
Dates for your diary
Come and spend Christmas with us!
Services and activities
30 6.30pm Advent Carol Service by
1 8.00pm World Aids Day
Service at St Mary’s Kemp
CMPCA Christmas Party
6 Saint Nicholas’ Day
Almighty Father, lover of
souls, who chose your servant
Nicholas to be a bishop in the
Church, that he might give
freely out of the treasures of
your grace: make your people
mindful of the needs of others,
and as they have themselves
received, so teach them also to
give; through Jesus Christ our
11.30am Patronal Festival Eucharist
Preacher: The Right Reverend
Michael Turnbull, formerly,
Bishop of Durham. Lunch party
follows; children’s activities. All
9 8-9.30pmSacred Circle Dance
Led by Jan Mulreany
Advent Retreat Alton Abbey
13 7.30pm Christmas Spice! A festive
evening of Harps, recorders,
viol, percussion,songs,
flamenco dance and story
telling. See panel on page 14
17 6.30pm The annual Brighton
Festival Friends Christmas
ORGANISERS Please remember to
enter all events in the Parish Diary,
including contact details. Thank you.
celebrations. See panel on
page 15
9 19.45pm Authentic Handel Messiah
See page 14
20 5.00pm A walk carol singing with our
Covenant Friends. Walking
from St Nicholas’, calling in at
Brighthelm and Chapel Royal
en route with a stop in Churchill
Square before moving on to
Dorset Gardens. Refreshments
will be served afterwards All
21 8.00am Holy Eucharist
10.30am Parish Eucharist
6.30pm Carol Service by Candlelight
Festival of Lessons and Carols.
In the presence of the Mayor
and Mayoress of the City of
Brighton and Hove
Christmas Eve
4.00pm Crib Services for parents
and 6.00pm and children
11.00pm Vigil in preparation for …
11.30pm Midnight Mass
Christmas Day
10.30am Family Eucharist
28 8.00am Holy Eucharist
10.30am Parish Eucharist
3.00pm Service for Stepping Stones
at Chapel Royal
24 11.00am
Feast of the Epiphany
Holy Eucharist
Parish Eucharist
Brighton Affirming
Catholicism Mass
Speaker: Kevin Carey, General
18 – 25
18 10.30am Covenant United Worship at St
25 6.30pm CTIB United Worship at Dorset
Gardens Methodist Church
Speaker: Canon Paul
Week of prayer for Christian Unity
Reconcile your people God spoke to
the Prophet Ezekiel and said ‘they shall be
one in my hand...They will be my people
and I shall be their God’.
Each year the theme for the Week of
Prayer for Christian Unity is developed
by one country which produces outline
material that is adapted for use in other
parts of the world. Korea is the selected
country for 2009 and they have chosen
Ezekiel 37.15-28 and have prepared
material to be adapted for use. The Week
of Prayer offers opportunities to meet and
pray with fellow Christians of different
denominations in your locality.
From the registers
Welcome into the family of the Church…
2 Nov
Thomas Matthew Porteous
George Porteous Wilkins
Unite them evermore in your love…
27 Sept Christina and Nigel Pamplin
3 Oct
Gemma Lousie Chrystyn and
Oliver Frederick Griffies
Entrusted to God’s merciful keeping...
22 Sept Kathleen Joyce Riley
Music at the heart of the city
Every Wednesday at 12.30pm-1pm.
Admission free! Refreshments will be
served, but bring your own sandwiches
3 Dorothy Maxwell & David Elwin Piano
10 Sophie Liu Piano
17 Lorna Kelly Soprano
There will not be a recital on 24 & 31
December 2008
7 Nicole Ginart and Adam Leclercq
Flute & Piano
14 Roberta Cannas with Nicola Grunberg
Violin & Piano
21 Susan Hill Oboe
28 Ambrose Page Piano
Affirming Catholicism
Inspiration and hope in the Anglican
Communion, Chichester Diocese.
All Welcome
24 January 11am Mass at St Nicholas’
Speaker: Kevin Carey, General Synod
21 February 11am Mass at St Nicholas’
Speaker: Canon Peter Kefford, Chichester
Cathedral ‘The Anglican Way’
The beautiful ancient setting of St
Nicholas’ Church with its flexible space
is an ideal venue for all occasions. If
you would like to be considered for an
evening concert at St Nicholas, please
contact Julie Watson on 07790 578251.
If you would like to be considered for
a lunchtime recital please contact the
parish office: 07746198026 or
25 April Diocesan Day Conference at
George Bell House, Chichester Cathedral
23 May11am Mass at St Nicholas’
Speaker: The Very Rev’d Victor Stock,
Dean of Guildford.
20 June The Feast of St Alban St Alban’s
Cathedral – National Pilgrimage
13 December
A festive
of Harps,
recorders, viol, percussion, songs,
flamenco dance and story telling! Eclipse
return to Brighton with Christmas songs
from the Hispanic tradition, exhilarating
dances, lyrical ensemble pieces and the
swirling passionate tarantella! Tickets:
premium £20 (£16conc) A £15 (£12) B
£12 (£9) C (restricted view) £6 available at from mid November.
With the support of the Brighton
Early music Festival.
Good stewardship
Please consider placing your monetary
gift in the yellow envelope in your seat and
completing the details. We can then reclaim
the tax. Thank you. Also if you feel called
to help with the running of St Nicholas’,
which includes such things as flower
arranging, serving, reading in church, leading
intercessions, leading a discussion group,
providing a welcome at the church door as a
steward, teas/coffees, etc, please do speak
with Fr Robert, in the first instance, and he will
point you in the right direction.
Give-as-you-go- scheme
Please support the charities you have chosen.
On the third Sunday of the month there is
plate at the door for your donations. Thank
Donations board at the back of the
Letters of thanks from charities are posted on
this board for members of the congregation
to read and to remind you their work. Your
continued prayers are asked for the charities
we support.
Amy Moore, soprano;
Alexandra Gibson,
mezzo soprano;
Thomas Hobbs, tenor;
George Humphreys, bass /baritone; Paul
Brough, conductor. The Hanover Band
Chorus, The Hanover Band.
Tickets: £22.50, £20, £16, £10
Full time students & under-22s: £5
Box Office 01273 736222 10am-5pm
The Old Market, Upper Market Street,
Hove. Or book online at
Christmas cards
Order your Christmas cards through St
Nicholas Parish Office! Matthew Andrews’
photograph of the Nativity of Christ window in
St Nicholas’ Church is now on sale. Contact:
Lynn Rashid (Administrator) on 0774 619 8026
Advent House Groups
We are very, very sorry that there will be no
advent house groups this year. It was decided
between the group leaders and hosts not to
have them due to very few people being able
to attend the groups. We will look forward to
having our lent house groups. Father Robert,
house group leaders, hosts and Joan.
Organist and Director of Music
To train and lead the choir in traditional and
modern music. Sunday Eucharist, Occasional
Offices, Evening and Festival Services.
Weekly choir practice. An exciting post for a
creative and committed musician who will
become involved in shaping and developing
all aspects of music in the church. The choir
is affiliated to the RSCM, whose rates of pay
will apply to the successful applicant. CRB
Enhanced Disclosure required. For further
details contact Father Robert Chavner 01273
709045, email
17 December
The annual Brighton Festival Friends Christmas celebrations
The Friends Christmas celebrations have always been a great success. Last year’s guests
arrived to mulled wine and mince pies followed by a fantastic performance from Brighton Goes
Gospel, once again, we can promise you a festive evening filled with entertainment. This years
concert will include a performance from a local choir, readings and carols. Further programme
details will be available on the Brighton Festival website nearer the time. Tickets are £3.50
in advance and £5.00 on the door, please call Kelly Davies on 01273 260827 or email kelly. to reserve your place as they do book very quickly. http://www.
Don’t miss...
Sean Pillot de Chenecey
Just in case you’re asked to suggest a few
things to do over the coming month, you
might like to consider the following…
Reading this summer’s favourite book of the political class ‘Nudge’ by Richard Thaler
(which deals with behavioural economics) or rushing out to catch the latest Coen Brothers
film ‘Burn After Reading’ before it goes off general release. On the other hand (and in a
suitably seething rage) you could hammer your way through ‘Who runs Britain – and who’s
to blame for the economic mess we’re in?’ by the slightly strange Robert Peston; before
cheering yourself up by reading ‘The Audacity of Hope’ by man of the decade Barack
On a lighter note, consider yourself amongst old friends when we all meet up at the NME
Rock & Roll Riot Tour in December for the Primal Scream gig, before seeing a slightly
different bunch at the Zutons, Stereophonics and Fratellis concerts.
When relaxing back at home, but perhaps in need of a fresh perspective on what’s making
the news around the world, you might like to checkout the website (which,
every hour, scans the top stories & images that matter most on a global scale), before
seeing what the next President is up to as he gets set to take over the White House – by
clicking on
Reminding yourself that we need to think of – and actively support – our servicemen and
women in these troubled times, you might look at the site for ideas
on helping those injured in the line of duty.
On a completely different note, and in bid to take a break from
pre-Christmas consumerist madness, make sure you visit the
Rothko exhibition at the Tate Modern, along with the current
superb show (a series of photographs shot in Liberia and Sierra
Leone) from the young French artist ‘JR’ at the Lazarides gallery
in Soho.
And finally, let none of us forget to be screaming at Simon Cowell
to pick the world’s finest Abba tribute band (who recently
played a sold out gig at St Nicholas’) so that they can rightfully
go on to win X-Factor when it comes to Brighton in March ‘09...
Face to Faith Parish Profile: interviews to encourage the pilgrimage of faith
Michael Fisher
1 What brought you to St Nicholas’ Church?
I bought my first house in St Nicholas Road
in 1974. Fr Richard Eckersley knocked on
my door one day on his parish rounds and
invited me to a service as a newcomer to the
2 What is your earliest memory?
Being rescued from a second floor windowsill
at my aunt’s café in Kent, which was on a
busy main road. I’d just turned three and
already enjoyed a mischievous reputation!
3 When were you happiest?
I can honestly say I am happier now than in
previous decades of my life.
4 What is your greatest fear?
Having once lived for a very short time in
a hostile environment, I would dread ever
having to return to something similar.
5 What do you consider to be your greatest
Getting to where I am today.
6 What do you think is the best thing about
your local community?
It is difficult to isolate just one thing but
living in the parish has a village feel about it
even though it is in the city centre. There is
a definite sense of belonging and an on-tap
support network. Residents can be of service
– and are!
7 Who has been the biggest influence on
your life?
Melville Gillam, late managing director of
the Theatre Royal, was my close friend and
mentor for nearly 10 years in the 1970s.
He broadened my outlook on life, gave me
confidence to take risks, to remain optimistic
even in the most difficult of circumstances
and to laugh at myself.
8 Have you always been a Christian and
how important is your faith to you?
I was sent to a Wesleyan Reform Sunday
School in early childhood and later found
myself actively involved in the Methodist
Church during my teens. Christian worship
has always been strongly featured in
my life, although I admit to having had
lapses (sometimes prolonged) in church
attendance and to questioning its
relevance. What I do know is my life feels
dismembered if I am unable to utilize my
faith and its values, not just for myself but
for others too.
9 What was your most embarrassing
Whilst doing a student holiday job in a
department store, my art training was to
be put to good use putting out a display
of glassware ready for the sales. Yes, the
display looked good but I got the balance
wrong, as an hour later, the whole thing
crashed to the floor. It was Waterford
Crystal – and I hadn’t learnt to laugh at
10To whom would you like to say sorry and
When I was 10, I let a friend down very
badly. I now know it was a betrayal but at
the time I thought I could redeem myself
by offering him my pocket money, plus a
toy. Both were thrown in my face. There
are occasions when it still haunts me
but it also served to keep me in check
throughout my life.
11 What is the best job you’ve ever done?
I enjoyed my career in lecturing,
particularly during the 70s and 80s, but
after taking early retirement I found a
happy niche at Brighton Museum and
Royal Pavilion taking on various roles in the
Education Department. It was wonderful
being surrounded by such splendid
resources and making them available
for others through different learning
12 What do you like most about St
Nicholas’ Church?
Yes, of course, the whole community and
the form the worship takes. But, for me, I
get deep spiritual warmth when I arrive just
after 7.15 to open up for the 8.00 service
and have 15 minutes on my own wallowing
in the silence and energy from the walls
that speak of past worshippers. It is a
gratifying experience.
THANK YOU to St Nicholas’
bellringers, who have bought new
ropes for the bells in the tower. This
amounts to £850 which is a huge gift
to us as well as the gift of hearing
the bells rung on every occasion for
our benefit and the benefit of the city
reminding everyone that the Gospel
is ‘Good News’ and that we are to
proclaim that message to everyone.
Thank you to our Tower Captain, to
Sara and Marion and all the ringers for
their valuable contribution to our life
and worship.
Letters received
Thanks from a visitor
On Sunday 5th October we attended morning worship at your church. We were visiting
Brighton for the weekend on the trail of our great great great grandfather, Henry Smithers.
Henry was Mayor of Brighton in 1861 and is buried in your west garden, with a plaque in
the church dedicated to him. The visit was made even more special by the fact that we
were staying in Montpellier Hall, which was built for Henry Smithers, and is now a bed and
breakfast. The current owner, Roger, was also most helpful in our search.
I would just like to say a big thank you for the very warm welcome we received from several
of your members, and from Father Robert. Everyone was very kind and interested to hear
our story. A special thanks is due to Brian Brookes who was kind enough to show us around
and had taken the time to find out some family information.
Brighton may have been very wet and windy for the whole time we were there but the
genuine welcome from everyone we met more than made up for that!
With greetings from Clackmannan Parish Church of Scotland (
and all best wishes.
Joyce Morrison & Anne Paterson
Give As You Go
Médecins Sans Frontières
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an
independent international medical humanitarian
organization that delivers emergency aid in
more than 60 countries to people affected by
armed conflict, epidemics, natural or man-made
disasters or exclusion from healthcare.
Founded by doctors and journalists in 1971,
MSF is now a worldwide movement with
sections in 19 countries and an international
coordination office in Geneva, Switzerland.
MSF’s actions are guided by medical ethics and
the principles of neutrality and impartiality. This
means that MSF offers assistance to people
based only on need and irrespective of race,
religion, gender or political affiliation. MSF does
not take sides in armed conflict and insists on
unhindered access to patients.
The work of MSF is carried out by over
25,000 health professionals, logistics experts
and administrative staff who run projects in
approximately 65 countries around the world.
Terry Potter
Coming up…
The PCC has decided that the organisations
for 2009 will be the same as those in 2008.
This means that coming up we have:
Lorica St Patrick’s Night Shelter
The work of Lorica St Patrick’s encompasses:
• A Nightshelter – providing emergency beds
and initial contact for up to twenty-two men
without homes and living on the streets
• A twenty-nine bed hostel – providing a
home, help and support for men and women
wanting to face their difficulties and gain
further life-skills
• Supported accommodation – in the form of
move-on houses throughout the city
• A learning and resource centre – providing
a range of education, training and work
• An all night cafe – providing additional
emergency shelter when the Nightshelter is full
It is currently working on a revolutionary
night shelter accommodation based on the
Japanese pod hotels
The Clock Tower Sanctuary
The Clock Tower Sanctuary has been
operating since November 1997. In this time it
has been able to help over 1200 young people
who have made thousands of contact visits
over this period.
It is a voluntary organisation registered as
a charity, and is Christian in inspiration and
supported both spiritually and financially by
Churches in Brighton and Hove.
The Clock Tower Sanctuary is committed to
the empowerment of socially disadvantaged
A recent report on malaria by MSF
and often excluded young people and to
Equal opportunities for all its service users.
It respects the uniqueness of an individual
and believes that warmth and support from
one person to another can achieve positive
Through its commitment to self
empowerment, it believes that given support
and encouragement to take responsibility for
themselves and their actions, it can help its
service users overcome their problems and
live fulfilled and fruitful lives.
Brighthelm Drop-In Centre
Brighthelm brings together a number of
Brighton Free Church congregations, with
Gift several centuries of local involvement. In 1987,
Brighthelm was relaunched with a special
concern for partnership with the community.
The welcome it is able to offer from day to
day depends on the valued contribution of a
number of volunteers. Its projects include a
pre-school, the cafe, and Drop-In on Sunday
When the PCC meets to decide its overall
giving for the year, it will take into account
what has been given during the year and may
decide to make further donations. The PCC
thanks everyone for their support for these
organisations over the past year. A retiring
collection for these will be made on the Third
Sunday of each month but you may donate at
any time by giving directly to Julian Laing, the
PCC treasurer.
Barbara Whatley
Of greatest value
No pretty packaging or tinsel.
Ever given.
No glitter on the matted hay,
Thank you He has been offered to us,
Yet the most beautiful star overhead.
We put out our arms to receive Him
With no competition from fairy lights
Embrace Him
Or Regent Street illuminations.
With just a shadow of His love for us.
Thankyou, God,
That love brought Him from Heaven
For your priceless present
To be humbled in birth,
Which needed no gift wrapping.
Life and death.
Thank you for Jesus
The perfect plan for us to be
Who never disappoints us.
Reunited to God...
Thank you that He was
If we take that present
The best thought-out present
And open it.
Junior Church
Junior Forum –
the votes are in
Anne Cross, Junior Church Co-ordinator
It was very exciting, the young people of the
church in key stage 2, (that’s Juniors in old money)
aged from 7 to 11 each received a voting paper. It
contained the names of all the very brave people
who had been nominated to stand for the positions
of Chair/Facilitator and Ordinary Members of the new
Junior Church Forum. A deadline for the return of the
forms was made clear and off they went.
Voting returns were pretty good, not as good as in
the recent US election but still an enviable 60%+
turnout by UK standards and so many children had
their say. The person who the children voted in to be
their main facilitator for this year is Kwame Owusu.
The team who will be working with him are Amy
Morrell, Chad Anderson Grout, Eloise Ockenden,
Oliver Jones and Harry Woodhouse. I would like
to say thank you to them all for putting themselves
forward. I will be writing to them shortly with details
of their first meeting.
The Forum came about as a result of a major piece
of work undertaken by Maddy Morton Smyth. Our
church was looking at itself very closely both where
it is now and its future direction. Maddy worked with
the children to see what they wanted from church
and one of the things that came out was that they
wanted a voice that could be heard. This Forum will
therefore be their official voice, we hope they will
use their new responsibilities wisely, we hope they
will encourage ideas and participation from all the
children, we hope they will be sensible role models
for our younger children, we hope that they will grow
to appreciate all that is done by the adults in the
church to support the junior section. Most of all we
hope they will continue to come to church and enjoy
being part of the St Nicholas family of worshippers.
Before I sign off I have already thanked the new
Forum members, but I would also like to say
thank you to Maddy for starting the ball rolling
in the first place and also to Felix Leyland who
had the excellent idea in the first place and who
has supported its development throughout, I look
forward to some more brilliant ideas from you in
the future.
St Paul’s School
Linda Dupret, head teacher
We came back to school in September to a
beautiful new office and new doors and windows
throughout the school. We’ve also had a new state
of the art fire alarm and CCTV installed, so we can
keep a close eye on everyone! New signs and a
pencil shaped fence and gates have given the front
of school a transformation.
The children came back rested after the summer
and soon settled into their new classes. The focus
for the school development plan this year is the
numeracy framework, Christian symbols around the
school, the beginning of the Deep Learning Project
to encourage creative topics in Key Stage One and
we are reviewing our behaviour policy.
A new and exciting project for the school is the
Seagulls Youth Project. We have made a link with
Brighton and Hove Albion Football Club whereby
they supply us with our own footballer to coach
the children and we promote the club through the
school. We had a fantastic afternoon on Friday 24th
October when Andy Pearson our own footballer,
Gully the clubs mascot and Paul Watson, project
manager and Sally Ann Hayes came to help us
launch the scheme. We decorated the hall with
huge Seagulls, football balloons and blue and
white paper chains, the hall looked fantastic. All the
children came dressed in blue and white and those
in Seagull strip had their names put into a raffle and
11 children became Andy’s football team for the
afternoon. It was a great event and we were in the
Other events have included the Bike it Breakfast,
which had a Spanish theme. The children decorated
their bikes in red and yellow and received a free
breakfast – this was a brilliant event.
The walking bus is still thriving! This year, to
encourage healthy lifestyles the reception children
are involved in the Golden Flip Flop walking
initiative with lots of incentives to encourage them
to walk to school.
At the end of September I came to St Nicholas
Church and gave a sermon about my wonderful
school. I am so proud of our achievements and it
was lovely to be able to share our success with you
and we thank the congregation of St. Nicholas’ for
their generous support.
With Christmas just around the corner lots of other
exciting events will happen at St Paul’s School!
Children’s corner
By Felix Leyland - pictures chosen/
drawn by Grace Leyland
Do you know these things about the
12 days of Christmas?
• In the Church, they are the twelve days after Christmas.
• It took the 3 kings twelve days to find Jesus, their arrival led to
the creation of the Feast of Epiphany, on the twelve day.
• 364 gifts are handed out in the Twelve Days of Christmas
song, as every gift is repeated in each verse.
• The four calling birds in the song are thought to be colley
birds (black birds).
3 French Hens
Can you find all the words in this wordseach?
The Three Kings
Cooking with kids
Christmas Food
Ros Addison
Christmas tree
star biscuits
makes 14
Sunflower oil for greasing
175g plain flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp ground ginger
50g golden caster sugar
Zest of 1 orange
100g cold butter, cut into pieces
1 tbsp milk
For the icing
1/2 x 500g pack of instant
royal icing
Coloured balls and
Heat oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4. Grease
2 large non-stick baking sheets with oil.
Whizz the flour, ginger, zest and butter with
1 tsp salt to fine crumbs in a food processor.
Pulse in the sugar and milk, then turn out
and knead briefly on a floured surface until
smooth. Wrap in cling film, and then chill for
about 30 mins.
Roll out the dough on a floured surface to
5mm. Use a 7cm star cutter to cut out star
shapes. Make a hole just below the top
of each biscuit, then carefully lift onto the
baking sheets.
Bake for 20 mins or until the biscuits are
golden brown. When cooked transfer to cool
on a wire rack.
Make up the icing as per packet instructions
so that you can pour it from a teaspoon.
Ice the cold biscuits using a teaspoon and
scatter with coloured balls. Thread ribbon
through the holes once icing has set.
Cheesecake mince pies
makes 12
225g plain flour
140g butter cut into small pieces
50g golden caster sugar
grated zest of 1 orange
1 egg yolk
For the filling:
125g pack of full fat cheese
2 tsp golden caster sugar
Finely grated zest of 1 lemon
200g good quality mince meat
To finish:
1 egg white, lightly whisked
golden granulated sugar for
Preheat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Put
flour, butter, orange zest and caster sugar in
a food processor and whizz to form crumbs.
Add egg yolk and tbsp of cold water and pulse
to form a dough. Wrap in cling film and leave
to rest in fridge for 30 mins.
Make the filling. Beat the cheese until soft then
mix in the sugar and lemon zest and set aside.
Roll out just over half the dough and stamp
out twelve 7.5cm rounds with a fluted cutter.
Use to line a 12-hole bun tin.
Put a heaped teaspoon of mincemeat in each
pastry case and top with a teaspoon of the
sweetened cream cheese. Roll out remaining
dough and stamp out twelve 6cm rounds.
Place lids on the pies and press the edges to
seal. Use left over pastry to make 12 small star
Brush the lids with egg white and stick the
stars on top. Brush with egg white and
sprinkle with granulated sugar. Bake for 12-15
minutes, then remove and cool on a wire rack.
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The Regency Restaurant
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Extensive wine list, superb views of the West
Pier and seating for 140.
For reservations call Emilio or Roberto on
01273 325014.
131 Kings Road
Brighton BN1 2HH
Please support our advertisers and encourage others to take space
Subscribe to Directions
The annual subscription for Directions remains only £6.00. Please
consider reserving your copy by completing the form below and sending
it to: Directions, 11 St Nicholas Road, Brighton, BN1 3LP
I should like to subscribe to Directions for one year (six issues) and
enclose payment of £6.00. (cheque made out to ‘St Nicholas’ Church’)
Those who can are asked to collect their copies from the church. Copies will be posted without
extra charge to subscribers who are unable to attend St Nicholas. Please tick your choice:
I am happy to collect my copy from the Church
Please post my copy to the address above
St Nicholas’ Parish Church, Dyke Road, Brighton
The Ancient Mother Church of Brighton
Sunday worship
8.00am Holy Eucharist
10.30am Parish Eucharist
with Junior Church and Creche
6.00pm Evening Worship as announced
Weekday worship
Wednesday 10.30am Holy Eucharist
Saints and Holy Days as announced
Morning Prayer is said every weekday in church at
8.30am (Saturday 9am)
The laying on of hands for healing is offered at
the Parish Eucharist on the first Sunday of each
month and at the Eucharist on the first Wednesday
of each month
Holy Baptism, Banns of Marriage, Weddings
and Funeral Services should be arranged with the
Parish Priest
Sacrament of Reconciliation and Counselling –
confessions can be heard after any Eucharist or by
arrangement with the clergy
Parish Priest
Fr Robert Chavner TSSF
St Nicholas’ Vicarage
8 Prestonville Road,
Brighton, BN1 3TL
01273 709045
Fr Robert Chavner is available for
help at all times. He is happy to
visit parishioners at their hospital
beds or at home, and will be
grateful to be advised of any need.
Please note that whenever possible
he will keep Friday as his ‘free’ day.
Hon assistant priests
Revd Canon Richard Buck 01273 710155
Fr Andrew Henderson
01273 327829
Fr Robert Easton (Chaplain,
Brighton College) 07793 417431
Joan Rayment 01273 672526
Veronica Thomason 01273 205004
Matthew Suter 07878 928684
Deputy churchwardens
Michael Fisher 01273 729139
Robert Minton 01273 592105
The Parish Administrator
Lynn Rashid
Monday, Thursday, Friday
9.00 am – 12 noon
0774 619 8026
Director of Music
Gregory Moore 07971 684990
Church bookings
Julie Watson 07790 578251
Churches Together in Central
Brighton and Kemp Town
Chairman: Fr Robert Chavner
St Nicholas’ Representatives:
Tina Kimmitt, Helen Rose,
Lindsay Ladbrook
Sacristy Team co-ordinators
Colin Somerville 01273 721104
Jean Player 01273 820285
Marion Huang 01273 728343
Practice night Mon 7.45–9.15 pm
2nd and 4th at St Nicholas’
1st, 3rd and 5th at St Peter’s
Church flowers
Gaye Harris 01273 203418
Junior church
Peggy Guggenheim 01273 841723
Anne Cross 01273 737652
Joanne Morrell 01273 242836
Stnickers Youth Group
Jax Thynne 01273 327466
St Nicholas’ Nippers
Joan Rayment 01273 672526
Children’s officer
Nigel Nash 01273 689765
Friends of St Nicholas
Martin Auton-Lloyd 01273 300576
Electoral Roll officer
Sharon Baxter 01273 778750
Matthew Burrows, Angi Drew,
Hazel Finnis, Lucy Grout , Andrew
Lamb, Maddy Morton-Smyth,
Pauline Rennison, Stephen Tucker,
Julie Watson, Kevin Westgate
PCC Secretary
Anna Golawski 01273 738534
PCC Treasurer
Julian Laing 01273 731969
PCC Sub-Committee Chairs
Fabric: Robert Minton
Finance: Richard Hall
Social: Hazel Finnis
Home and Overseas Giving:
Terry Potter
Deanery Synod representatives
Cheryl Brown
Michael Fisher
Nigel Nash
Gift Aid Secretary
Jennifer Westwood 01273 723015
Karim Hyatt 07985 991199
Directions (parish newsletter)
Editor: Ros Addison
01273 778152
Articles for the next edition
of Directions to reach the
editor by Sunday 11 Jan for
publication on 25 Jan
Church choir This choir is suitable for all voices and all standards. New members always needed –
soprano, alto, tenor and bass. Rehearsals held on Thursday evenings at 7.45pm. The choir has a repertoire
which includes music from all periods. Being a member of the choir demands commitment and the
members work hard for the Glory of God. Contact Greg Moore 07971 684990.