December 6, 2015


December 6, 2015
Second Sunday of Advent—December 6th, 2015
Dear Parish family,
With this second weekend in the new liturgical year we are already half way into our
watchful and prayerful journey of Advent. We are continually reminded through the liturgy that
Advent is a time to slow down, meditate and reflect on the meaning of Jesus Christ in our lives.
It is a time not only to look back on the first coming of Christ in Bethlehem but also to look
(watch!) forward to Christ coming again.
I remember on one occasion I came across an article written by Page Zyromski in the Catholic Update
publication, it was titled “The God-Shaped Hole.” In the article she states “We’re born with a God-shaped hole in our hearts, one
of the saints tells us. It’s a space for God alone. Until we recognize what it is, we try to fill it up by stuffing earthly things into it; - possessions,
people, activities, self-importance. It is like trying to force the wrong piece of a jigsaw puzzle into a space not meant for it. We don’t know why
we’re not satisfied, so we search for novelty in the things we can cram into the hole. It doesn’t work. Nothing but God will fit the God-shaped
hole.” Advent is a time to unclog that hole, to clear out all the litter. What obstructions are blocking the space we give to
God in our lives? Are we offering him a temporary parking place until Christmas, or a permanent dwelling in our hearts?
This Advent season I would like to invite each of you to ponder the above questions daily as we prepare not only for
Christmas but also for Christ’s Second Coming. Will He find us watchful and alert with the hole in our heart filled with
God or will He find us sleeping with lots of self-importance, possessions and activities taking priority in our life? Advent is
a time for change, a time to allow Christ’s light to shine into the darkness of our heart and to clear the litter!
Mary the Mother of Jesus and Our Mother is a great guide and inspiration during this Advent journey. I would like to remind you of the invitation for all of you to come and honor Our Lady during this week. Tuesday, December 8, is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is the patronal feast of the United States and a
holy day of obligation, as well as the beginning of the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy. As a sign of God’s mercy, and
in view of the great devotion many of our people have for Our Lady of Guadalupe, Bishop Joseph Tyson is dispensing the
obligation to attend Mass December 8 for those who will attend a Guadalupe Mass December 12. As is already the case,
Catholics who are unable to attend Mass on a holy day of obligation may seek a dispensation from a priest or deacon of
the diocese, who can either excuse the person from the obligation completely, or commute it to another pious work, such
as praying the Rosary. Here at Holy Family we are having the regular holy day of obligation Masses; 5:30pm Vigil Mass,
7am, 12:15pm & 7pm the day of the Solemnity. The Mass for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe will be at 8:15am on
December 12.
Please take the Advent booklets located in the bins. They can help you make Advent a mini retreat and also to take inventory of your spiritual journey heading toward Christmas. Remember the Christ as Givi g Tree on your shopping list
and let us brighten these Holy Days for those who have less. Let us continue to make Holy Family Parish a home and a
holy place which will help all of us fill the God-shaped hole in our hearts.
Advent Greetings and Blessings,
Rev. César Vega M.
As we have shared with you before, the Thomaskutty family, parishioners here at Holy Family were involved in a very
bad car accident while visiting Canada in November. Their oldest son Joseph, who is in our youth group, has suffered a
fractured back and has been transported to Harborview in Seattle. Joseph has undergone multiple medical treatments
and therapy. He will continue to be under the care of his physicians for the next couple of months. The family has had
numerous medical costs due to this event.
Many people have asked how they can help; we are offering on option for those who choose to help financially. There
has been a GoFundMe account established for the family. Please visit to donate.
Please continue to pray for this family. Thank you to all who have contributed and prayed.
Second Sunday of Advent—December 6th, 2015
Reflection for First Reading
Jeremiah 33:14-16
Perhaps you noticed right away that the author of this reading is a poet. He is filled
with hope and joy as he assures the Israelites in exile that God will bring them back to the
holy city of Jerusalem. They are suffering very much because they are far from their homeland. But their return will be such a joyful event that even the mountains, the valleys, and
the forests will do what they can to make the journey easier! In this beautiful vision of the
future, the people have God’s “mercy and justice for company.”
Advent is a time for making progress on our faith journey. Take time to give thanks for
God’s mercy and justice in your life.
Reflection for Second Reading
1 Thessalonians 3:12-4:4
In his letter to the Christians at Philippi, a city in Macedonia, Paul makes two things clear.
The first is his great love and affection for the Philippians, who have helped him in his
ministry. The second is his hope that they will continue to become more and more like
Christ. Paul is looking forward to the second coming of Christ. And he wants to make sure
that all Christ's followers will be ready to receive him when he comes. What will you do
during this second week of Advent to show that you, too, are becoming more like Christ?
Reflection for Gospel
Luke 21:25-28, 34-36
Why do you suppose Luke makes such an effort to pin down the historical timing of the
preaching of John the Baptist? He gives us a complete rundown of Roman and Jewish leaders who were in power. Luke wants us to realize that John, a "common man" chosen by
God, is much more important than any worldly ruler, because he is the herald who announces the Lord's coming. John urges the people to be baptized as a sign of their repentance for their sins. When they do this, they will make the path clear for Christ to come into
their lives. Then all people "shall see the salvation of God."
Bishop Tyson has
encouraged us to
pray for vocations
to the priesthood
and religious life.
Edgar Rene
Estrada is
studying English
at C.W.U. Please
keep him and those
who are considering vocations in
your prayers.
Mass of
Anointing &
Thursday, December 17th beginning with Mass in
the Chapel then in
the Father Murtagh Gathering
Hall. Please plan
on joining us.
Holy Day of Obliga on
Vigil Mass on Monday,
December 7th at 5:30 PM
Tuesday, December 8th
7:00 AM & 12:15 PM and 7:00 PM
Mass for Our Lady of Guadalupe-December 12th 8:15 AM
Third Sunday of Advent
December 13th, 2015
1st Reading: Zephaniah 3:14-18a
2nd Reading: Philippians 4:4-7
Gospel: Luke 3:10-18
February 20th
Bible Study – Gospel of Luke
Rev. Miguel González
Thursday mornings, we have began
our Scripture Study on the Gospel of
Luke at 10:15-11:45 a.m. in Room 10,
Parish Activity Center.
To register, please call Amy at 9665344 or email
If childcare is needed please
call as soon as possible.
Fee: $5 Walk-ins are always welcome!
Formation School of
Faith, Leadership
and Lay Ministry
Bishop Joseph Tyson
Stephanie Bafus
9:00 am—1:00 pm
Pastoral Center in
5301-A Tieton Drive
Discussion Questions-Reading 1
For the people of Israel, coming
home from exile was a joyful occasion. The word Advent means
"coming." Usually we think of Advent as a time to prepare for the coming of Jesus. But we could also think
of it as a time for us to "come
home"—to what? To our faith, hope,
or love? To our basic values? To our
family life? How can you "come
home" to something deeper this Advent? How can you reclaim something you had lost or left behind?
How can you return from exile?
Discussion Questions-Reading 2
Advent is a time of beginnings. Saint
Paul is confident that God's work
begun in the people of Philippi will
continue through to the end. What
work have you begun this Advent?
Have you asked God's help to continue and to complete it? (Hint: Share
ideas on what this "work" might be:
for example, being kind when people
interrupt you, really listening to family and friends, refusing to listen to
gossip, speaking well of others instead of tearing them down in words,
and so on).
Discussion Questions Gospel
Have you ever cleared a path with a
shovel or even your bare hands—
perhaps through snow, or through a
dense undergrowth of vines or
weeds? It's hard work! This is what
John is asking us to do—to clear a
path in our lives to welcome Christ.
Is there a path in your life that might
take some heavy lifting or some cutting back of things that "catch you
up"? How will you clear your path to
Maybe, because of help from family,
teachers, parish, and friends, you
have a smooth path toward Christ
ahead of you. If so, how will you
thank God? How can you help others
clear their paths?
How can the Sacrament of Reconciliation help you in your work of pathclearing? Advent is a beautiful time
to celebrate this sacrament.
Copyright© by William H. Sadlier, Inc.
All rights reserved. Used with permission.
Discovering hope and joy in the Catholic faith.
December 2015
Holy Family Catholic Church
Rev. César Vega M., Pastor
Unwrap the gifts from your Father
St. Thomas Becket
Thomas enjoyed
power and riches as
a close friend of
King Henry
II, who
him chancellor of
England. In 1162, King Henry
had Thomas named
Archbishop of Canterbury. The
King tried to pressure Thomas
and the other bishops into
agreeing to laws allowing the
state to regulate Church
matters, but Thomas refused.
The King exiled Thomas, who
fled to France for safety. To
protect the Church, Thomas
returned to England and was
martyred soon after.
God loves to give his children gifts,
especially at Christmas. “Thanks be to
God for his inexpressible
gift” (2 Corinthians
9:15). This year,
unwrap your
heavenly gifts …
Joy – “Shout,
and sing for joy, O
inhabitant of
Zion, for great in
your midst is the
Holy One of
Israel” (Isaiah 12:6).
We are joyful
because God gave
us the gift of
himself. Celebrate
by talking about
God with others.
For example, tell how he has blessed
you in the last year.
Peace - "Be not afraid; for behold, I
bring you good news of a great joy which
will come to all the people” (Luke 2:10).
Is it possible to live in the world and
not be afraid? Yet peace is what the
angel advised Zechariah, Mary,
and the shepherds at the
Incarnation. Take
the angel’s advice
and “be not
afraid.” Accept the
gift of peace; avoid
worry and doubt.
Love – When
God sent his Son
to our rescue, he
gave us an
gift of love. This gift
calls for a response,
as he invites us to share in his love.
“Beloved, let us love one another; for
love is of God, and he who loves is born
of God and knows God” (1 John 4:7).
Share love at Christmas by spending
time, not money, on those you love.
Gratitude and
Gratitude and generosity
often go hand in hand. God is
generous in his blessings to us,
and often gives us more than
we need. Our gratitude
inspires us to “give back” to
God. Gratitude is the attitude
of a generous heart.
“Do not let your left hand
know what your right is doing, so
that your almsgiving may
be secret. And your
Father who sees in
secret will repay you”
© Copyright 2015 Success Publishing & Media, LLC
Why does the priest wear
purple during Advent?
The colors of the priest’s
vestments highlight a season
of the liturgical year or a
mystery of the faith. Purple
(violet) represents a time
of penance and
preparation. During
three weeks of Advent,
the priest wears violet
vestments to remind us to
prepare penitentially for
Christ’s coming. On the
third Sunday of
Advent (Gaudete
Sunday), he wears rose
vestments to signal the
halfway point of Advent.
This is a happy time when
we anticipate the joy in
Christ’s coming.
December 2015 Page 2
The peacemakers are children of God
This is the season during which we become our
better selves. Peace reigns in our hearts while we
exchange gifts and pleasant thoughts. The best
gift we can offer the King of Peace, however, is to
be peacemakers throughout the year.
Bring harmony. It isn’t enough to avoid conflict.
Peacemaking means admitting wrongdoing and
accepting responsibility immediately. Peacemakers
give up ground even if they are entitled to it.
Allow small things to remain small. It can be easy to
find opportunities to take offense or find others in the
wrong. Peacemakers don’t accept every opportunity
they are offered for a fight.
Catch others at their best. Gratitude and graciousness
are the best remedies for conflict and anxiety. Share
respect freely. Bring goodwill to every situation.
Watch for opportunities to spread peace. Daily you
will face situations in which you will have to make a
choice, take a stand, defend a position, or seek a
peaceful resolution. Be prepared to be a
peacemaker even when it won’t be popular,
pleasant or easy.
Luke 2:41-52,
Living in the world
In this reading, the Holy Family went
to Jerusalem during the year Jesus was
twelve. In those days, a
Hebrew boy became a man
around the age of twelve
and was recognized in a
ceremony we know as a
Bar Mitzvah. At this point
a Jewish boy would
begin formal education
in the Torah and Hebrew
This was an important time in Jesus’
life. This reading said that Jesus stayed
behind to talk with the scholars and
teachers, and told his parents he was
doing his Father’s work. He had
become aware of his duties to his
Father in Heaven, yet he remained
mindful of his responsibilities to
his parents on Earth
and obediently left
with them.
Christians live in
the world, in
schools, and
workplaces. Jesus
demonstrated his
respect for his ties to his family, yet
he continued to pursue his place in
God’s plan of salvation.
The lesson for us is we don’t have
to retire from the world to be holy.
Instead, we have to find ways to live
a holy life in the world.
Dec. 8 – The Immaculate
Conception of Mary. On this day we
commemorate that Mary was conceived
in St. Anne’s womb without original
sin. In addition to attending Mass,
praying the rosary is a wonderful way to
Dec. 9 – St. Juan Diego (1548). A
humble Native American and faithful
Christian, Juan Diego was visited by the
Blessed Virgin at Tepeyac Hill in
Mexico. She asked that a chapel be built
for her, and sent him to the bishop with
roses as a sign. When the roses were
emptied before the bishop, Juan’s cape
retained the image of the Blessed
Dec. 21 – St. Peter Canisius (1597).
Born in Holland, Peter joined the
Jesuits in 1546, and worked to
safeguard the faith through his
writings and teachings. His work, The
Catechism of the Catholic Church, is
still used today.
Dec. 28-The Holy Innocents: On
this day, we remember the
infants massacred by
King Herod’s
2:16-18). We
also pray for
the safety of
unborn children.
Where did we get
the Nativity Scene?
The tradition of the nativity scene
started in Greccio, Italy. St. Francis of
Assisi was amazed that God, out of love
for us, would allow himself to be born
in a lowly stable. He
wanted to illustrate
the humility of the
Bethlehem scene
for those around
him. Three years
before his death,
he had the chance
to do just that. The
chapel his order usually used was too
crowded to celebrate Midnight Mass
indoors, so St. Francis set up an altar in
a nearby cave and celebrated Mass
With the permission of the Holy
Father, St. Francis also set up a manger
in the cave and brought in an ox and a
donkey. The nativity scene was
powerful in rekindling the faith of the
people of Greccio. A former soldier
even reported seeing the wax figure of
the baby Jesus come to life! Whether
the figure came to life or not remains a
mystery. Today, it reminds us God “was
made flesh, and dwelt among us” (John
To provide practical ideas that promote
faithful Catholic living.
Success Publishing & Media, LLC
Publishers of Growing in Faith™ and Partners in Faith™
(540)662-7844 (540)662-7847 fax
(Unless noted Bible quotes and references are from
the Revised Standard Version and the New American Bible)
© Copyright 2015 Success Publishing & Media, LLC
Descubriendo esperanza y gozo en la fe católica.
Diciembre de 2015
Holy Family Catholic Church
Rev. César Vega M., Pastor
Desenvuelvan los dones del Padre
Santo Tomás Becket
Tomás disfrutaba de
poder y riquezas en
su calidad de
amigo del rey
de Inglaterra
Enrique II,
que lo había
canciller de Inglaterra.
En 1162 el rey nombró a Tomás
arzobispo de Canterbury. El rey
intentó forzar a Tomás y a los
otros obispos para que apoyaran
las leyes que permitían al estado
entrometerse en los asuntos de
la Iglesia, pero Tomás se negó. El
rey envió a exilio a Tomás que
escapó a Francia para ponerse a
salvo. Tomás regresó a Inglaterra
a fin de proteger a la Iglesia y
poco después fue martirizado.
Gratitud y generosidad
A Dios le gusta dar regalos a sus hijos,
especialmente en Navidad. “¡Gracias sean
dadas a Dios por su don
inefable!” (2 Corintios
9:15). Desenvuelvan este
años sus dones
Alegría – “¡Grita
de contento y de
alegría, oh Sión,
porque grande es,
en medio de ti, el
Santo de Israel!”.
(Isaías 12:6).
Estamos alegres
porque Dios se
dio a sí mismo
como regalo.
Celébrelo hablando
de Dios con otras
personas. Por
ejemplo, dígales
cómo ha sido bendecido este año pasado.
Paz – “No teman, porque les traigo una
buena noticia, una gran alegría para todo el
La gratitud y la generosidad
suelen ir juntas. Dios es generoso
en las bendiciones que nos
otorga y a menudo nos da más
de lo que necesitamos. Nuestra
gratitud nos inspira a “devolver”
a Dios. La gratitud es la actitud
de un corazón generoso.
“Tú, cuando ayudes a un
necesitado, ni siquiera tu mano
izquierda debe saber lo que hace
la derecha: tu limosna
quedará en secreto.
Y tu Padre, que
ve en lo secreto,
te premiará”
(Mateo 6:3-4).
© Copyright 2015 Success Publishing & Media, LLC
pueblo” (Lucas 2:10). ¿Es posible vivir en el
mundo y no tener miedo? La paz es lo
que el ángel aconsejó a Zacarías, María y
los pastores en la Encarnación. Sigan el
consejo del ángel y “no teman”.
Acepten el don de la
paz; eviten la
preocupación y la
Amor – Cuando
Dios envió a Dios
a rescatarnos, nos
dio un
don de amor.
Este don requiere
una respuesta a la
invitación de Dios
de compartir su amor.
“Queridos míos,
amémonos unos a otros, porque el amor viene
de Dios. Todo el que ama ha nacido de Dios y
conoce a Dios” (1 Juan 4:7). Compartan
amor en Navidad dedicando tiempo, no
dinero, a las personas que usted aman.
¿Por qué se viste el sacerdote
de morado en Adviento?
Los colores de las vestiduras
del sacerdote representan un
tiempo del año litúrgico o un
misterio de la fe. El morado
simboliza penitencia y
preparación. Durante las
tres semanas de
Adviento el sacerdote se
viste con vestiduras
moradas para
recordarnos que nos
preparemos penitencialmente
para la llegada de Cristo.
El tercer domingo de
Adviento (domingo
Gaudete), se viste con
vestiduras rosas para
indicar que se ha llegado a
la mitad del Adviento. Es
un tiempo feliz en el que
adelantamos el gozo por la
llegada de Cristo.
Diciembre de 2015 Página 2
Los pacificadores son hijos de Dios
Ésta es la época del año en la que intentamos sacar lo
mejor de nosotros mismos. La paz reina en nuestros
corazones mientras intercambiamos regalos y
pensamientos placenteros. Sin embargo el mejor
regalo que podemos ofrecerle al Rey de la Paz es ser
pacificadores a lo largo del año.
Lleven harmonía. No es suficiente evitar el conflicto.
Hacer la paz implica ser capaz de admitir lo que se hace
mal y aceptar inmediatamente la responsabilidad. Los
pacificadores ceden terreno aunque tengan derecho a él.
Procuren que las cosas pequeñas sigan siendo
pequeñas. Es fácil encontrar ocasiones de aprender o de
descubrir los errores de los demás. Los pacificadores no
aceptan cada ocasión de lucha que les sale al paso.
Vean a los demás en sus mejores momentos. La
gratitud y la cortesía son los mejores remedios para el
conflicto y la ansiedad. Compartan el respeto sin reservas.
Aporten buena voluntad en todo tipo de situaciones.
Busquen oportunidades de distribuir la paz. A diario
se encontrarán con situaciones en las que habrán de
elegir, tomar partido, defender una postura o buscar
una resolución pacífica. Estén listos para ser
pacificadores aunque ello no sea popular,
agradable o fácil.
Lucas 2:41-52,
Vivir en el mundo
En esta lectura la Sagrada Familia fue a
Jerusalén durante el año en que Jesús tenía
doce años. En esos días un niño
hebreo se convertía en hombre
a la edad de doce años y se le
reconocía en una ceremonia
que conocemos como Bar
Mitzvah. En este momento
un niño judío podía
empezar su educación
formal en la Tora y en las
Escrituras hebreas.
Fue un momento
importante en la vida de Jesús. La lectura
dice que Jesús se quedó atrás para hablar
con los estudiosos y maestros y les dijo a
sus padres que estaba haciendo la obra de
su Padre. Fue consciente de sus deberes con
su padre celestial, pero no se olvidó de sus
responsabilidades con sus padres en la
Tierra y se marchó obedientemente con
Los cristianos viven
en el mundo, en los
barrios, en las escuelas
y los lugares de
trabajo. Jesús
demostró el respeto
que sentía por sus
vínculos con su
familia, pero
continuó buscando su lugar en el plan
divino de salvación.
La lección para nosotros es que no
tenemos que retirarnos del mundo para
ser santos. Debemos, en cambio,
encontrar la manera de vivir con
santidad en el mundo.
8 de diciembre – Inmaculada
Concepción de María. En este día
conmemoramos que María fue concebida
en las entrañas de santa Ana sin pecado
original. Además de asistir a misa, una
forma maravillosa de celebrar la fiesta es
rezar el Rosario.
9 de diciembre – San Juan Diego
(1548). Humilde nativo americano y fiel
cristiano, Juan Diego fue visitado por la
Bienaventurada Virgen en Tepeyac en
México. La Virgen le pidió que construyera
una capilla en su honor y le envió al
obispó llevando rosas como señal. Al
depositar las rosas frente al obispo, la capa
de Juan conservó la imagen de la
Bienaventurada Madre.
21 de diciembre – San Pedro Canisius
(1597). Nacido en Holanda, Pedro
ingresó en los jesuitas en 1546 y se
esforzó por proteger la fe con sus escritos
y enseñanzas. Su obra, el Catecismo de la
Iglesia Católica, sigue usándose hoy.
28 de diciembre – Los santos
inocentes. En este día
recordamos a los niños
masacrados por los
soldados del rey
Herodes (Mateo
2:16-18). También
rezamos por la
protección de los
niños que aún no
han nacido.
¿Cuál es el origen
del belén navideño?
La tradición del belén tiene su origen en
Greccio, Italia. A san Francisco de Asís le
maravillaba que Dios, por amor a nosotros,
hubiera nacido en un
ilustrar la
humildad de
la escena de
Belén para
los que
junto a él.
Tres años
antes de su muerte tuvo la ocasión de
lograrlo. En la capilla de su orden donde se
celebraba la Misa del Gallo no cabían
todos los asistentes, así que san Francisco
colocó un altar en una cueva cercana y allí
celebró la misa.
Con el permiso del Santo Padre, san
Francisco también puso un pesebre en la
cueva y llevó un buey y una mula. La
escena de la natividad reforzó la fe de los
habitantes de Greccio. ¡Un antiguo
soldado dijo que había visto que la figura
de cera del Niño Jesús cobraba vida! Saber
si esto sucedió sigue siendo un misterio.
Hoy, nos recuerda que “la Palabra se hizo
carne y habitó entre nosotros” (Juan 1:14).
Proporcionar ideas prácticas que fomenten
la vida en la fe católica
Success Publishing & Media, LLC
Publishers of Growing in Faith™ and Partners in Faith™
(540)662-7844 (540)662-7847 fax
(Salvo advertencia, las citas y referencias bíblicas son de la Biblia de la
Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos o de la Nueva Biblia de Jerusalén.)
© Copyright 2015 Success Publishing & Media, LLC
Second Sunday of Advent—December 6th, 2015
If this is your first time at Holy Family, welcome and be sure to pick up a registration card at the Welcoming Desk or call the Parish
Office at 966-0830 and we will be glad to assist you. If you are looking for a church home, we invite you to become a member of
Holy Family.
Special Announcements
Rosary in Honor
of the Unborn
On the 5th Sunday
of the month the
KC’s will lead the
Rosary in honor of
the unborn at 6:30
am before the 7:00
am mass. Please
plan to join
us on those
4 Sundays
of the year.
Catholics Returning Home
Holy Family Parish Welcomes You!
Were you, or someone you know, raised a Catholic but do
not come or seldom come to Church anymore? Are you a
Catholic who feels separated from the Church? Would
you like to feel at home in the Catholic Church again?
The Catholics Returning Home (CRH) Team is here for you
to answer your questions and to offer information and
materials to help you with your decision.
If you would like to schedule a One to One visit with one of
our team members, please call Cathy Schlieman at 833-9456.
CRH Team Members: Jeff and Cathy Schlieman, Mary
Hamelin, Jack Greif, and Claudia Bouchey.
Our bilingual Mass time changed
from 11:45 am to 11:00 am.
Women’s Bible Study:
Monday’s at 6:30pm, in Room 5
of our Ac vity Center, For more
informa!on contact: Office of
Adult Faith Forma on @
966-5344 or email
Pew Pad Contributions: We would like to begin wor k on finishing the church and Chapel with the Pew Pads.
The cost for the Chapel will be
roughly $16,000.00 and the Church $65,000.00, If you would
like to make a donation, please mark your check for this purpose.
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Holy Family Parish will present a Christmas program called A Shepherd’s Tale, a 45 minute deligh:ul musical for all who love the story of Christmas and
the experience of a whole Parish family involvement from
Religious Educa on to Choirs and a few surprises too. Bring
the family and enjoy the true spirit of Christmas for FREE. There will
be two performances in the main Church: Friday, December 18th,
6:30 PM with refreshments following; and Sunday, December 20th
at 4:00 PM with Santa and tamale dinner. Call Mary Smith 966-0830
if you wish to par cipate and have not had a chance to sign on with
Choirs or Religious Ed ministries.
Christmas Youth Orchestra:
Our Christmas Youth Band/Orchestra
for the Christmas Eve 4:00 PM family
liturgy will be held in the church on
Saturdays, December 12th from 1:00–2:00PM,
December 19th, from 11:00 AM to noon and
Tuesday, December 23rd from 11:00 AM to noon. Anyone who has
had two or more years of band or orchestra experience is welcome to join us. This is a special and rewarding Christmas gi7 we
can give to our parish family. Call Mary Smith, 966-0830 or
965-8682 for further informa on.
December 12th,
Santa will join kids of all ages for a
special Christmas Breakfast. Bring
your camera to take priceless pictures
of your child with Santa. Join in raffles & shop the Country Store. A fun
morning for all! Children 3-12 $4, 13
& over $7. Sponsored by the Catholic
Daughters of the Americas at Holy
Family Church, 5315 Tieton Drive.
No reservations
Second Sunday of Advent—December 6th, 2015
By: Brian Kissinger
Ever y year m y fam ily has a W hite Elephant gift exchange on Christmas Eve. W hat started out as a
fun way to enjoy each other’s company has turned
into a competition to find the m ost ridiculous present.
1. Daily Prayer. Don’t just give Him the leftovers
of your tim e. Make a commitment to spend time
communicating with Him every day (5-10 m inutes
to start)
2. Fasting. To remember that He is the one that
our souls really hunger for, allow yourself to be
hungr y by giving up something that you lik e.
In Advent, w e are supposed to focus and prepare Maybe it’s a snack, a meal once a week , or som e
other good thing that you enjoy.
for Jesus. We’ r e n o t j u s t g et t i n g r ead y f o r
Christmas, the Church’s liturgies and readings in3. Almsgiving. Find a way to serve others. If
vite us to prepare for when w e will meet Him at
you can give m oney to your church or to an orHis second coming.
ganization that serves the poor, then do that. If
Sadly, that’s one of the biggest things weighing on
m y m ind right now as I think about Christmas.
you can give your tim e to help others in need
(whether through volunteering or going out of
your wa y to help som eone that you k now), then
make an extra effort to serve.
Given the two options of think ing about Christmas
(wish lists and presents galore) and think ing about
the end of our lives (heaven, hell, purgatory, and
the final judgment), I’m not surprised that we focus
on the Christmas sales. Could you im agine ABC
Fam ily airing non-stop 25 Days of Judgment?
Dec. 9th- Christmas Caroling at the Highgate
But no matter how much stuff w e have to distract us from the reality of death, w e will one
day meet Jesus face to face. Jesus Himself reminds us that w e should be w atchful, since w e
know “neither the day nor the hour” when we’ll
meet Him (Matthew 25:13).
Dec. 16th- No Class-Penance Service
No Class on Dec. 23rd- Merry Christmas
No Class on Dec. 30th-Happy New Year
Classes resume on Jan. the 6th.
Am I looking forward to that day, or am I terrified of meeting Him?
Is my relationship w ith Jesus the number one
priority in my life, o r am I m o r e w o r r i ed ab o u t
m y relationship with the hundreds of people, bots,
and companies that follow m e on Twitter?
This Advent we are given an opportunity to refocus
our lives and redirect our hearts back to Jesus. Don’t miss out on this season of grace.
Take time to honestly evaluate where you stand
with the Lord. No m atter where you are, no matter
how close or far you feel, Jesus is inviting you to
draw closer to Him.
As we learned from the first Christmas, Jesus is
willing to enter into whatever space w e’ve got
for Him. A r e w e w i l l i n g t o o p en o u r l i v es t o Hi m ,
to let Him dwell in even those areas where we’d
least expect Him to make His hom e?
Here are three suggestions to help mak e this Advent a real time of working on our relationship with
Jan. 15th – 17th, 2016
Sunday, Jan. 17th, 2016
@ 11AM in Chapel
How will you
stay focused
on Jesus this
"All High School students in grades 9 - 12 and
Incoming Freshmen are welcome, 6:30-8:30"
Dec.9th– Regular Group
Dec. 16th—Penance Service—All H.S. groups meet
in Church @ 6:45pm
Dec. 23rd & Dec. 30th— No Group, Christmas Break
Second Sunday of Advent—December 6th, 2015
Sacraments/Faith Formation
Children’s Ministries: PRESCHOOL THRU GRADE 5
Middle School Ministries: GRADES 6, 7 & 8 - Middle School
In today’s gospel we are introduced to a most interesting character, John the Baptist. In the
wilderness John hears the word of God. With boldness and determination he urges people to
repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of sins.
The Haven: Yakima’s Catholic
Young Adult Group: The Haven
at 810 S. 16th Ave. Faith study
at 7 pm on Thursday’s all people
John the Baptist understands that he has important work to do. He wants people to be ready for ages 18-35 are invited! Like
the coming of Jesus. John announces the coming of the Lord, and those who hear him look
“The Haven” on Facebook to
forward with great anticipation. John the Baptist prepares the way for Jesus. During the season
keep up to date on all ac vi es .
of Advent we listen to the message of John the Baptist, and we prepare for the coming of the
For more informa on Contact
Steven Easterby at
Family Questions: or
• During Advent how do we prepare for the coming of Jesus?
Who points the way to Jesus for us?
How can we announce the coming of Jesus to others?
Baptism Preparation: Infant Baptisms take place on the 1st, 3rd & 5th weekends during Mass; and on the 2nd & 4th weekends in the chapel at 10:30. Par ents r equesting baptism for children are expected to attend two preparation sessions prior to your
child's baptism. Godparents are also encouraged to attend. Please register ahead of
time, and if you need childcare you must call the office, 509-966-5344.
Next Classes: January 11th & 25th 6:00pm
RCIA: The RCIA is a process of conversion that involves personal prayer, support of the
parish community, and learning about the Catholic faith. It prepares one to embark on a journey of faith that leads to a lifelong commitment as a Catholic. All Catholics are called to daily
conversion and renewal – to be on the faith journey.
Please pray for those entering the RCIA and embarking on their journey of faith. We meet
every Tuesday evening in the Parish Activity Center.
If you or someone you know is interested in joining the RCIA process, or to request childcare,
please call the office of Adult Faith Formation at 966-5344, email or call the Parish Office at 966-0830.
Special Announcements
Annual Catholic Appeal
Update so far we have had 247 families who have so generously turned in
their pledge to the ACA. We are a
parish with about 1200 Families. Our
goal is to have 100% participation so
far we have 20.58% of our families
participating. If you would like to
participate please take an envelope
and mail it in to our office or simply
place it in the collection basket.
1200 Households
November Collec
Opera!ng Funds
1. $13585.50
2. $15394.50
3. $17238.00
4. $11784.25
5. $11442.26
Total: $69444.51
on 2015
KC Breakfast
Sunday, December, 13th.
Breakfast will be served NEXT
Sunday from 7:30 to 11:00
am. Dona ons at the door.
Proceeds go for KC Projects
Adver ser of the Week
H y Fa i y
We thank Felix & Rosie Rifa and all of
our Adver sers who make this bullen possible. THANK YOU!
See their ad on the back of this bulle n.
Monthly Collec on
Average Needed Weekly $16,000
of Yakima Valley
We send boxes of items FREE to
our troops and vets. We need
names and addresses so we can
send these items. You can call
Dixie Boyce at 575-7832 or email
her at:
Next weekend you will have an opportunity to do some holiday shopping
as George Alwayteen will be selling Olive wood products after all Masses.
Saturday December 19th Decorating the church for
Christmas. Help is needed– Please come
whatever time you can!
Beginning @ 9:00 am
Lunch will be provided
Second Sunday of Advent—December 6th, 2015
Ministries & Groups
Chaplet of Divine Mercy is sung on the 1st
Tuesday of the month at 3:00 pm.
Adoration: Tuesdays from 8:00 to 5:45
ending with Benediction.
Ages 4 and Under The Childcare Center
at Holy Family church is available during
the Saturday 5:00 pm Mass and Sunday
9:00 am & 11:45 am Masses. We invite
all other children to attend Mass with
their families.
“Basketball -a decade of the Rosary- and
reflection” Join us on Tuesdays from 6:00
to 7:00 a.m. Call Tom Kelleher for more
information at 494-3738. All adults (22
and older) are welcome!!!!!
Sister Janet Strong -Tel: 576-0931;
email:, our
Diocesan religious Hermit, would like us
to know that she is very happy to pray,
before the Blessed Sacrament, for any
intentions that might be referred to her.
For any prayer requests call Barb
McKinney at 945-0477 or email:
If you’d like to become a member of
the prayer hotline please call Barb.
We have low Gluten hosts available if
you need them. Check with the Parish
If you are interested in sharing ideas, talking about your children, connecting with
other Catholic Moms or just hanging out,
join our group. On the 1st and 3rd
Wednesday of the month from 9:30 to
11:30 at the Holy Family Activity Center
Room 14. Childcare is available. If you
have any questions please call Rose Meyer
at 966-0788.
If you have wondered about how to
plan a vigil and funeral liturgy contact
Deacon Jim at 945-5432 after 4pm
“Holy Grounds”
after Mass Fellowship
Coffee and donuts every weekend. Coffee hours will follow
the 7:00, 9:00 am Masses.
Come visit and have a latte or coffee.
Elizabeth Ministry
is a wonderful ministry in
our parish that congratulates
new parents and welcomes
your new little one into our faith community. Do you know someone who is pregnant,
or someone with a new baby? Please call
Kathleen Silvernail at 901-1104 so that we
can ‘gift’ them with some goodies and helpful information. We offer support for women who have suffered the loss of a baby to
miscarriage. In this time of grief and questions please call Christine Levitan at 9014995.
Knitting & Crocheting
for Jesus: A pr ayer shawl
ministry: Caring, Comfort
and Celebration is what Knitting & Crocheting for Jesus does. Knitters & those
who Crochet, knit & crochet at home and
during our Prayer shawl gatherings twice a
month (2nd and 4th Tuesdays from 9:3011:00am). If you know someone who
needs Caring or Comfort or has an event to
Celebrate please call Mary Patrick 9521974 or the parish office. More knitters &
those who crochet are also needed. Come
and Knit or Crochet for Jesus.
Union Gospel Mission together
with St. Vincent De Paul presents a FREE
Medical Clinic. Dr. Crafts, MD & Alondra
Garibay RN, will be seeing patients on
Thursdays from 5:00 to 8:00 pm in the Parish Activity Center, Rm 2. 5502 West
Chestnut. All are welcome.
For questions you may contact:
or call 509-853-4327.
Help Stop Abortion!
Please join Greg Sherman and Nathan
Stone in representing Holy Family's crusade against abortion. Tuesday mornings
from 9-11:00 and Wednesday mornings
from 9-11:00, people committed to ending abortion walk with signs in front of
the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic
on 11th Ave & Tieton Dr. Please contact
Nathan at 966-3216 for more information.
Praise and Exercise to get strong for God
Have fun getting faith fit and body fit!
Out of shape, in shape, or over-shaped?
Ladies...You are invited!
1:15-2:45pm-Mondays & Wednesdays
Right after the 12:15 Mass
Bring a mat, sneakers & a friend!
Where? In the Gym. Questions?
Call Cathy Schlieman at 833-9456
Holy Family Men’s Ministry
Please join the other men in the parish for
one of our Men’s Ministry Programs.
The Journey – Mondays at 7:00pm
The Journey is an opportunity to grow
closer to Christ and in the process become
in influencer to those in your life
That Man is You! – Thursdays -7:00pm.
That Man is You! – Fridays - 6:00am.
That Man is You!
explores the true dignity of fatherhood and becoming a man
after God’s own heart.
Please call the Parish Office for more information 509-966-0830.
The Yakima Diocese has a sexual abuse hotline for those who wish to report some incident
concerning that issue as regards to a bishop,
priest, deacon or diocesan employee or volunteer. Please call (888) 276-4490.
Walter & Charlotte Markusiewicz: In
loving memory of mothers and sister
deceased in December: Michalina
Markusiewicz, Magdalena Cichon,
Stella Topoll and Marilyn Dryzmala.
Bob & Cecile Schneider: In loving
memory of Rosemary Benoit & both
of their fathers Dr. Louis Benoit and
Casper Schneider.
Dwain & MaryAnn Schrank: In loving memory of our son, Cleatis on the
anniversary of his death, Dec. 6th.
Juanita Jean and Shanda & Casey,
Amanda, Claudia & great grandchildren: In loving memory of Pedro &
Esther Ybarra on the anniver sar y
of their passing.
Marty & Bob Eschbach: In loving
memory of our son Craig, on the anniversary of his death, December
Veronica Ziegler and Family: In loving memory of my husband, Nick and
their father on the anniversary of his
death, December 9th.
Jean Garrison, wife and sons Craig,
Steve, Mike and Dale and their
wives: In loving honor of Jerry Garrison on the anniver sar y of his
death, December 12, 2008.
Sharing the Light Gift Shop
Normal hours are Saturday
4:45-6:15 (closed for Mass)
& Sunday, 8:00 am –11:45am.
Gift Shop Closed for The Gala Open again:
Dec. 6 @ 8am.
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