August 23, 2015 - St. Dominic Savio Church
S T. D O M I N I C S AV I O Catholic Community TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME August 23, 2015 PARISH EVENTS Mark your calendars 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday, August 23 (Normal Sunday Mass Schedule) Mass in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Help of Christians Monday, August 24 (7:00 p.m.) 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday, August 30 (Normal Sunday Mass Schedule) Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life; you have the words of everlasting life. (John 6:63c, 68c ) We are a parish that evangelizes, a school that prepares for life, a home that welcomes, a playground for recreation, and a place where friends can come together. Estamos una parroquia que evangeliza, una escuela que prepara para la vida, una casa que acoge, un patio de recreo, y un lugar donde amigos se pueden reunir. 13400 Bellflower Boulevard, Bellflower, CA 90706 · (562) 920-7796 · August 23, 2015 PARISH INFORMATION ST. DOMINIC SAVIO CHURCH 13400 Bellflower Blvd. Bellflower, CA 90706 (562) 920-7796 (562) 920-0149 (FAX) ADMINISTRATOR Fr. Chinh Nguyen, SDB Ext. 201 ASSOCIATE PASTORS Fr. Avelino Lorenzo, SDB Fr. Francisco Muñoz, SDB Fr. Kristian Laygo, SDB PERMANENT DEACONS Dn. Joe Lumsdaine Dn. Willy Arban PASTORAL ASSOCIATE Dianne Lumsdaine Coordinator of Youth Ministry Juan Carlos Montenegro Business Manager Myriam Rodriguez Secretary Ana Garcia PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday through Friday 9:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. with a 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. break Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with a 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. break Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5:30 p.m. English (Piano/Cantor) 7:00 p.m. Spanish (Mariachi) Sunday 6:30 a.m. English (Piano/Cantor) 8:00 a.m. Spanish (Children’s Choir) 10:00 a.m. English (Children’s Choir) 11:30 a.m. English (Adult Choir) 1:00 p.m. Spanish (Adult Choir) 5:30 p.m. English (Young Adult Choir) 2 Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time Vigésimo Primer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario In the musical Fiddler on the Roof, the husband, Tevye, whose marriage was arranged years and years before, wants to know if his wife really loves him. Was their marriage just an arrangement, a deal? Did his wife, after all these years, ever love him? Does she still? We need to know if our loving commitments stick. We need to be reminded and reaffirmed. In the first reading, Joshua, Moses’ successor, needed to know if the people would remain faithful to their covenant with the Lord. Joshua was going to lead them to a new life—a settled life. Would they be faithful? Jesus, who identified himself as the very life of his disciples’ life, needed to know: Will you also go away or will you stay? We do not often see Jesus this vulnerable. Peter and the apostles chose to stay. What will we do? GUARDANDO NUESTROS COMPROMISOS En la obra musical El violinista en el tejado, el esposo, Tevye, cuyo matrimonio había sido planificado por otros muchos años atrás, quiere saber si su esposa de veras lo ama. ¿Fue su matrimonio solamente un arreglo, un contrato? Después de tantos años, ¿llegó su mujer a quererlo? ¿Lo quiere todavía? Necesitamos saber si nuestros compromisos son duraderos. Necesitamos que nos lo recuerden y reafirmen. En la primera lectura, Josué, el sucesor de Moisés, necesitaba saber si el pueblo iba a mantenerse fiel a su alianza con el Señor. Josué iba a llevarlos a una nueva vida –una vida estable. ¿Serían fieles? Jesús, habiéndose identificado como la fuente de vida de sus discípulos, necesitaba saber. ¿Ustedes van a irse también o van a quedarse? Pocas veces vemos a Jesús tan vulnerable. Pedro y los apóstoles escogieron quedarse. ¿Qué vamos a hacer nosotros? KEEPING OUR COMMITMENTS Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading - Joshua challenges the Israelites to serve either the Lord or other gods. They choose the Lord (Joshua 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b). Psalm - Taste and see the goodness of the Lord (Psalm 34). Second Reading - Paul reflects on how husbands and wives should reverence and love each other (Ephesians 5:21-32 [2a, 2532]). Gospel - Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life (John 6:60-69). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Stewardship News August 16, 2015 Envelopes: $ 7,637.95 Loose: 4,933.00 Total: $ 12,570.95 Thank you very much. Please pray for our brothers and sisters in their time of suffering and need: Linda A balos, Belia Polanco, Marcelino de Anda, Jeremiah Succar, Salvador Fletes, Moises Felix, Juan Ponce, and those who live alone. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura - Josué urge a los israelitas a que sirvan a Dios o a los otros dioses (Josué 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b). Salmo - Haz la prueba y verás qué bueno es el Señor (Salmo 34 [33]). Segunda lectura - Pablo reflexiona cómo los esposos y esposas deberán darse amor y reverencia mutua (Efesios 5:21-32 [2a, 2532]). Evangelio - Después de hablar de dar su carne a comer, muchos de los discípulos de Jesús se alejaron. Los Doce escogieron permanecer con él: “Maestro, ¿a quién acudiremos?” (Juan 6:60-69). St. Dominic Savio He is the patron saint of our Parish. He is a saint at nearly fifteen years of age. He was educated by St. John Bosco at the Oratory of St. Francis de Sales. For Dominic, holiness consists of always being cheerful and of doing one’s ordinary duties, extraordinarily well. His Feast Day is on May 6. Parish Office · (562) 920-7796 PARISH LIFE RENEWING OUR WITNESS ~ THE NEW EVANGELIZATION September 19 - Join Rev. Edward Benioff, Director of the Archdiocesan Office of New Evangeliza on and Marc Leon, Youth Director or St. Joseph Church, Long Beach, for a day of renewal and deeper forma on of our witness of Our Lord. Schedule - (op onal) 8:00 am Holy Mass. Conference is 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. Con nental breakfast and lunch will be provided. Loca on - St. Cornelius Church, 5500 E. Wardlow Rd., Long Beach. Please RSVP the office of the San Pedro Pastoral Region at (562) 634-0456, if you will be a ending. FIELD RENOVATION PROJECT “$10 PER FAMILY FOR AUGUST CAMPAIGN” Let’s make August “Field Renova on Month”, we ask each family to contribute $10/Family in the month of August Please use the green envelopes in the back of church or ask the ushers and hand it in during the regular collec on. Please go see our GREEN Field, it has been seeded. RENOVACION DEL CAMPO JUVENIL DE LA PARROQUIA $10 POR FAMILIA EN EL MES DE AGOSTO Vamos a hacer el mes de agosto el mes de renovación del campo juvenil; pedimos a cada familia que donen $10 en este mes para el campo. Por favor usen los sobres verdes que están al frente de la iglesia y deposítenlo en la colecta regular. Vayan a ver a nuestro campo VERDE ya le echamos la semilla. RES REGISTRATION - REGISTER YOUR CHILDREN NOW! Good day! This is a very important no ce to all parents and grandparents. This month of August is the last month to register your child or grandchild for Communion or Confirma on classes. In September, you may also register; but it will be with a $25 late fee. Please go to the Religious Educa on Office as soon as possible. Children to be bap zed from ages 6 to 18 are welcome to come and get ready. The fee for enrolling one child in the Religious Educa on program is $150. We have a family rate available. Please ask at the RES Office. RES - INSCRIBA A SU NIÑO O NIÑA HOY! Buenos días! Este es un anuncio muy importante para los papas y abuelos. Este mes de agosto es el ul mo mes para registrar a su hijo/a o nieto/a para la Primera Comunión o Confirmación. En sep embre también puede registrar pero le costara una cuota de $25 por estar tarde. Por favor, vaya a la Oficina de la Educación Religiosa lo mas pronto posible. Los niños de 6 a 18 años de edad que no están bau zados pueden venir a prepararse para el Sacramento. La cuota para registrar a un niño/a es $150. También tenemos precio por familia. Por favor pregunte en la Oficina RES. PARISH INFORMATION DAILY MASS SCHEDULE Monday through Friday 6:30 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 12:00 noon Saturday 7:15 a.m. Civil Holidays 7:15 a.m. only HOLY DAYS 6:30 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 12:00 noon, 7:00 p.m. Bilingual MARY, HELP OF CHRISTIANS Mass every 24th of the month at 7:00 p.m. CONFESSIONS Monday through Friday 7:45 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. Saturdays 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. MARRIAGES, QUINCEAÑERAS AND BAPTISMS Six-month registration is required before making any arrangements BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS Please send submissions to or deliver to the Parish Office. Please submit information by the Tuesday before the publication date; printed as space allows. Please reserve flier space at least three weeks prior. Have a great week! Favor de inscribirse en la parroquia. Registrarse es la forma de demonstrar que ustedes pertenecen a nuestra parroquia de Santo Domingo Savio. Be a registered member of the parish. By registering, you show that you belong to the Saint Dominic Savio Catholic Community. Jesus and Mary will be my best friends… Death rather than sin. - Dominic Savio 3 August 23, 2015 MASS INTENTIONS MEET FR. KRISTIAN LAYGO, SDB by Pat Aspiras Week of August 23, 2015 He had thoughts of his younger days, of family and friends, and a place of worship filled to capacity… all being aglow at his upcoming ordination. He thought of his soon-to-be brother priests, dozens of them, welcoming him, hugging him, and wishing him the best of luck. His youthful dream of being an engineer… even a professional basketball player gripped him too! He was anxious, unsure about how everything would turn out. Everything seemed to be happening so fast. His mind was on his big event. Additionally, though, time was like a magic stream rushing with torrential speed but making ever richer the banks along its course. And for good measure. “On the day I was ordained, July 25, 2015, here at Savio,” Fr. Kristian began, “I was at peace with myself. My ordination was a climax of all the anxious moments I felt weeks and weeks before. At age 32, it was the realization of my hopes and dreams to serve God for life as a priest.” Fr. Kristian said, the glow of his ordination has not worn off. His responsibilities as a priest taking root by the day. His joining the Salesians, he said, stemmed from years of working with young people early on… getting involved in the Salesian Youth Center. He loves to work closely with those in need of spiritual and parental guidance and direction. He made his First Vows on May 5, 2005, at the Don Bosco Seminary College in Canlubang, Laguna, Philippines. From 2007-2008, he taught Religion at Don Bosco Makat, in Makati City, Philippines. He arrived in 2008 at St. Joseph Renewal Center in Rosemead, CA, where he helped in giving retreats for 8th Grade kids and below. From 2009-2011, he served at Oakland Salesian High School in Richmond, CA. Here, he taught Religious Studies and PE to freshmen and sophomores. He subscribes to Don Bosco’s passion for the young. “I met Fr. Ted Montemayor, Provincial of the Salesian Western Province of the U.S., during his 2015 trip to Jerusalem. It was in Jerusalem where he gave me my first priestly assignment here at St. Dominic Savio Parish. At that time, I was finishing my studies in Theology in Ratisbonne, one of the 40 Salesian students from 30 countries. I could not be happier.” Fr. Kristian, nicknamed Itchan, traces his family roots to Mandaluyong, Metro Manila, Philippines. His paternal grandparents were from the Province of Ilocos Sur, Philippines, while his maternal grandparents were from Mandaluyong, Metro Manila. Like most people, Fr. Kristian is given to wise saying. He derives inspiration from this Latin line, “Nemo dat quod not habet.” Translation: You cannot give what you do not have. How true! He is the second in the family of two boys and two girls. His mother, brother and sister live in Anaheim, CA. Any hobbies? He loves to read and play basketball. Fr. Itchan does his “homework” well. But he prepares no script. Asked whether he can deliver his homilies like many speakers do, he chuckled and said, “I’m not on that level yet.” Our guess is that he will be. Sunday, August 23, 2015 6:30 AM Otilia Miramontes & Roseldo Campos 8:00 AM Por todos los feligreses de Santo Domingo Savio 10:00 AM Maxima Jalmaani 11:30 AM Giovanni Fernandez, B/day 1:00 PM Trino Maldonado y Familia 5:30 PM Wilma Barbero, Thanksgiving Monday, August 24, 2015 6:30 AM Carmen Bravo 8:00 AM Bartolome Flores, B/day 12:00 AM Francesca Balding, S.I. 7:00 PM Isabel Moreno, Acción de Gracias a María Auxiliadora Tuesday, August 25, 2015 6:30 AM Angel L. Cruz 8:00 AM Oscar Puentes 12:00 PM Lilia Castillo, 98th B/day Wednesday, August 26, 2015 6:30 AM Christian Salazar & Nicolas Brunet 8:00 AM Joseph Anthony De Jesus, B/day 12:00 PM Adolfo & Teodora Lucas Thursday, August 27, 2015 6:30 AM Maria Elena Jaimes & Silvia Velardes 8:00 AM Rupert Castillo 12:00 PM Oscar Puentes Friday, August 28, 2015 6:30 AM R.M. Lucas, Thanksgiving 8:00 AM Familia Trujillo 12:00 PM Luis Fernando Montoya Saturday, August 29, 2015 7:15 AM Intenciones Damas Salesianas 5:30 PM Ana Navoa 7:00 PM Roman Gonzalez Sunday, August 30, 2015 6:30 AM James Paz 8:00 AM UDomingo Musquiz, 5th Death Anniversary 10:00 AM For all the people of Saint Dominic Savio 11:30 AM Juan Serrano 1:00 PM Daniela Escobar, B/day 5:30 PM Jesus Lopez Rodriguez Lord, hear our prayer 4 August 24, 2015 7:00 P.M. Mass in honor of Our Blessed Virgin Mary, Help of Christians "Our Lady wishes us now to honor Her especially under the title of 'Help of Christians'. In these evil days we need Her help." - Don Bosco Parish Office · (562) 920-7796 For more information on the Youth Programs at Saint Dominic Savio Church, visit our new website at THE ALTAR SERVER MINISTRY Join the Altar Server Ministry We are accepting applications to join the altar servers’ ministry. Qualifications for service in this ministry are that the young person, (boy or girl) must have received the Sacrament of Baptism, Reconciliation and Eucharist. The child must be in at least the fifth grade to join this ministry. We meet once a month, and attendance is a mandatory requirement. Candidates must complete the server’s training, and be tested before being inducted as an Altar server. Children interested in becoming an altar server can pick up an application form in the church office. Complete the application, sign it, have a parent or guardian sign it, and return the form to the church office, or bring it to our first meeting. Our first meeting of the year will be Thursday September 3, at 7:00 PM, in room 7 at St Dominic Savio School. Address your questions about this ministry to Bobby and Linda Ramirez, thru the church office. Únete al Ministerio de Monaguillos Estamos aceptando aplicaciones para inscribirse al ministerio de Monaguillos. Requisitos para servir en éste ministerio son que el joven, (niño o niña) hayan recibido los Sacramentos del Bautizo, Confesión y Comunión. El joven debe de estar al menos en el 5to. Grado para unirse a éste ministerio. Nos reunimos una vez al mes, y participación es un requisito mandatorio. Candidatos deberán de completar el entrenamiento para servidores, y ser probados antes de presentarse como monaguillos. Los jóvenes interesados en ser monaguillos pueden recoger una aplicación en la oficina parroquial. Completar la aplicación, firmarla, que un papa o tutor la firme, y regresar la forma a la oficina parroquial, o traerla a nuestra primer reunión. Nuestra primer reunión del año será el Jueves, 3 de Septiembre, a las 7:00 PM, en el salón 7 de la Escuela Sto. Domingo Savio. Dirija sus preguntas acerca de éste ministerio a Bobby y Linda Ramirez, a través de la oficina parroquial. DAY-TO-DAY ACTIVITIES AT SAVIO MONDAY Catholic Men’s Fellowship meet every 2nd and 4th Monday at 7:00 p.m. in Science Room. TUESDAY Grupo de Oración a la 7:00 p.m. en el Salón Parroquial. Join us for the praying of the Holy Rosary at 6:30 p.m. in the church. Bible Study 7:30 ’til 9:00 p.m. in the Formation Room. Starts September 1. Prayer and Life Workshop 7:00 ’til 9:00 p.m. in the Choir Room. WEDNESDAY Seniors meet at 8:30 till 11:30 am in the Hall. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena at 7:00 p.m. in church. RCIA meets from 7:00 ’til 9:00 p.m. in the Formation Room. Starts September 16. THURSDAY Food Pantry distributes food to those who need from 8:00 ’til 10:00 a.m. English Prayer Group meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in Faculty Lounge Join us for Bingo in the Hall. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. Games begin at 6:00 p.m. SATURDAY Oratory from 2:00 p.m. ’til 5:00 p.m. in the school grounds SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Bartholomew St. Louis; St. Joseph Calasanz St. Monica St. Augustine The Passion of St. John the Baptist READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Rv 21:9b-14; Ps 145:10-13, 1718; Jn 1:45-51 Tuesday: 1 Thes 2:1-8; Ps 139:1-6; Mt 23:23-26 Wednesday: 1 Thes 2:9-13; Ps 139:7-12ab; Mt 23:27-32 Thursday: 1 Thes 3:7-13; Ps 90:3-5a, 1214, 17; Mt 24:42-51 Friday: 1 Thes 4:1-8; Ps 97:1, 2b, 5-6, 10-12; Mt 25:1-13 Saturday: 1 Thes 4:9-11; Ps 98:1, 7-9; Mk 6:17-29 Sunday: Dt 4:1-2, 6-8; Ps 15:2-5; Jas 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27; Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 5 August 23, 2015 PROTECTING OUR CHILDREN Did You Know? Pool safety is about more than swimming Swimming is a fun way to have some fun and beat the heat during the summer. Parents should teach their children about swimming safety, including how to iden fy and handle uncomfortable situa ons. Although you may be watching closely to make sure your kids are safe in the water, don’t forget about when they’re walking around, si ng out by the pool, using the restrooms or out of sight. Teach your children what to do when they feel uncomfortable at the pool, and let them know it is okay to walk away and find a parent or trusted adult at any me. For more informa on and a copy of the ar cle called “Know the Rules…Summer Safety Tips to Teach Children” from the Na onal Center for Missing and Exploited, email: La seguridad en la piscina implica más que saber nadar La natación es una manera diver da de comba r el calor durante el verano. Los padres deben enseñar a sus hijos sobre la seguridad acuá ca, incluso cómo iden ficar situaciones incómodas y cómo reaccionar en estos casos. Aunque usted los está vigilando atentamente para asegurar que los niños están a salvo en el agua, no se olvide de poner atención cuando los niños caminan o se sientan alrededor de la piscina, usan el baño o cuando están fuera de la vista. Enseñe a sus hijos qué hacer si se sienten incómodos en la piscina y que al cualquier momento está bien huir y buscar un adulto de confianza. Para más información y para obtener una copia del ar culo completo del Na onal Center for Missing and Exploited Children, escriba a: CONTACT DIRECTORY & RESOURCES Call the Parish Office for specific meetings dates, times, locations and for more information. PASTOR/ADMINISTRATOR Fr. Chinh Nguyen, SDB, Administrator, ext 201 ASSOCIATE PASTORS Fr. Avelino Lorenzo, SDB Fr. Juan Francisco Muñoz, SDB Fr. Kristian Laygo, SDB DEACON COUPLES Dn. Willy and Carmen Arban Dn. Joe and Dianne Lumsdaine OFFICE STAFF Dianne Lumsdaine, Pastoral Associate, Myriam Rodriguez, Business Manager, ext 247 Ana Garcia, Secretary, ext 200 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SCHOOL (RES) Sr. Carmen Palacios, FMA, Director of Religious Educatioon, ext 317 YOUTH MINISTRY Juan Carlos Montenegro, Coordinator of Youth Ministry, ext 316 DIRECTOR OF MUSIC MINISTRIES Dn. Willy Arban ST. DOMINIC SAVIO SCHOOL (562) 866-3617 Sr. Marie Gannon, FMA, Principal 6 PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL Cathy Domondon-Hirshey, Chairperson PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Chairperson BEREAVEMENT TEAM - Penny Menendez (English), Miguel Aguirre (Spanish) FILIPINO MINISTRY - Minda Pamuspusan BOY SCOUTS - Bob Rodriguez GIRL SCOUTS - Cynthia DonDiego CUB SCOUTS - Erik Zandvliet LITURGY COMMITTEE - Bettyrae Reyes EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY - Norma Merino, Francisco & Teresa Padilla LECTORS - Bob & Linda Ramirez, Minnie Garza USHERS - Aracely Martinez, Juan Figueroa WEDDING FACILITATORS - Pam Parnell, Norma Merino MUSIC MINISTERS - Alfredo Ramirez, Angie Robillos, Francisco Violago, Arturo Mesa, Maria Trujillo ALTAR SERVERS - Bob & Linda Ramirez SALESIAN SISTERS - Sr. Sandra Neaves, FMA PTO PRESIDENT - Antonio Ocampo RCIA: ADULT CHRISTIAN INITIATION - Maureen Sandoval SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN COMMITTEE Jeff Caudill MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER - George & Virginia Hazboun, Maria Trujillo ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY AND FOOD PANTRY - Carlos Barillas, Mary Bourland HEALTH MINISTRY - Carmen Arban, Vickie Rapadas WELCOME COMMITTEE - Angela Manriquez CARE MINISTRY - Ron Manriquez SAVIO SENIORS - Carol Herr OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP - Minda Pamuspusan RESTORATIVE JUSTICE OUTREACH - Carlos Porras BIBLE STUDY - Victor Osugi (English), Louie Velazquez (Spanish) GRUPO DE ORACION - Arturo and Bertha Ponce ASSOCIATION OF MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS (ADMA) DAMAS SALESIANAS - Lucina Solis DBPAANA (BOSCONIANS) - Aurelio Alvero, Jr. EXALUMNOS SALESIANOS - Moises Diaz SALESIAN COOPERATORS - Mike Alvarez (English), Elena La Rosa (Spanish) PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ................... ? QUESTION : Does Bulletin Advertising Really Work? 24/7 HELP ANSWER : It Must! You’re Reading This Ad. ................... (562) 861-1234 $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH Why not fill this space with your Ad instead of ours? Call or write us for information. 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Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner YOU CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. SEX AND VIOLENCE ON TELEVISION AND Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. for information on what you can do write: Mission is different today . . . . . . check us out with FREE VIDEO LOAN ABOUT THE TRAFFIC IN PORNOGRAPHY Morality in Media, Inc. 1100 G Street NW, Suite 1030, Washington, DC 20005 (202) 393-7245 Write: Columban Fathers Box 10 St. Columbans, NE 68056 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 196350 St Dominic Savio Church (B) 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Zamora Plumbing Rooter Residencial - Comercial Sanchez Professional Services TAXES • IMMIGRATION Servicio De Plomería • Copper Piping • Toilets • Heaters • Drain Cleaning • Gas Lines • FREE Estimates • Emergency Services REAL ESTATE (562) 372-1382 Veronica Sanchez BRE Lic# 01944310 CIUDADANIA $250, incluye application para que no pague NADA a immigracion si califica. CONSULTANTE DE IMMIGRACION Registrada con California CA781664 Cell: (213) 706-3246 Lic: 768847 7300 Alondra Blvd., Suite 201A, Paramount, CA 90723 Voted Best Breakfast in Town Served All Day Your ad Try Our New CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH MENU Served from Sat. 6am-4pm and Sun. 7am-4pm. Best Bloody Marys West of New Orleans! 9518 E. 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