San Bernardino Priests` Retirement Fund
San Bernardino Priests` Retirement Fund
St. Catherine of Alexandria Catholic Church Roman Catholic Tradition 41875 “C” Street, Temecula, CA 92592 Office 676-4403 Fax 695-6659 The Most Holy Trinity June 19th 2011 Fathers Day San Bernardino Priests’ Retirement Fund Each year in December a collection is taken to assist the retirement of many religious communities in the United States. This includes both men and women religious who have served us in the Church. Over the past 17 years you have been very generous and supportive of this Retirement Collection. At present there is a special need that we wish to bring to your attention. It is the need of our local diocesan retired priests. At present, the Diocese of San Bernardino has 43 retired priests; 17 of them are over 80 years of age and of these 9 are more than 85. Another 8 will join the ranks of the retired within 3 years. All of these priests have served in our parishes. Many are known to you and some still help by celebrating mass on the weekends. Present day needs such as, ongoing health care, aging needs, housing, and inflationary costs have stretched our Diocesan Priest Relief Fund to its limits. The purpose and outcome of this special Father’s Day Appeal will be to directly assist diocesan priests in need and to continue building an endowment fund to provide for future needs of the retired. God bless you for your generosity in responding to this appeal. Parish Information Sacramental Life Ministries Pastoral Council Don Hitzeman 676-4403 Finance Council Jeff Irwin 676-4403 Pastoral Care Admin. Ann Lawlor 695-6657 Emmy Lontoc 695-6658 Sharla Ortiz 676-4403 Business Administrator Parish Secretary Bulletin & Web Editor John Lawson 870-9990 Terry Antuzzi 676-7318 Parish Librarian Ministerios En Espanol DIRECTORA DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA, FORMACION DE FE Y LITURGIA Maria Barth 587-0023 Eucharestia Eduardo Baltodano 699-2801 Bautizos Maria Barth 587-0023 Amando Garcia Lectores 696-2706 Movimiento Familiar Armando Y Yolanda 201-8348 Caritas Intake Desk 909-763-4970 #449 Uncion De Los Enfermos Maria Barth 587-0023 Grupo De Jovenes Maria Barth 587-0023 Faith Formation Little Church (Pre-School) Mary Ann Zamastil 699-9852 Grades 1-5 Coordinator Letha Heylmun 695-6656 Grades 6-12 Ministry of Youth Team Co Leaders Diane Axline 693-2146 Mary Hitzeman Adult Faith Formation Dennis Malkowski R.C.I.A Infant Baptisms Julie Sprengelmeyer 970-8050 Confirmation-Adults Anthony Karganilla 506-6653 Holy Communion/Sick Homebound Frank Dagonese 676-9766 Resurrection Ministry Donna Mann 699-9162 Marriage Convalidations Father Manny 676-4403 Retrouvaile Program Deacon Bob & Fran Philips 695-6653 Vocations Director Frank Dagonese 676-9766 Marriage Encounter Sergio & Beth Romero 699-2457 Funerals Ann Lawlor 695-6657 Deacons John Barth 587-0023 José Ibarra 587-0023 Jim Kincaid 265-1517 Bob Phillips 695-6653 Dennis Malkowski 506-0430 Christian Life Ministries Chamorro Ministry Andy Santos 894-7295 Filipino Ministry John Espino 775-1571 Knights of Columbus Ritch Ritchie 816-9178 Cancer Support Group Merci 506-5858 Military Ministry Reyna Reyna 235-2770 Pro Life Ministry Gloria Jacobsen 225-2569 Women’s Guild Regina Applegate 587-0982 Outreach Programs 506-0430 Remembering Church Dcn. Jim Kincaid 676-2348 Journey of Faith Frank Dagonese 676-9766 Small Faith Communities Leng Gonzales 676-1219 Fellowship CCW Anna Graciano 461-1399 Liturgical Ministries Altar Servers Mary Hitzeman 693-2146 Holy Communion Ed Beaudet 834-7310 Greeters Fran Phillips 699-4453 Lectors Tito Alvarez 619-325-9812 Ushers Joe Cherpin 676-6183 Music 5:00pm Sat (English) 7:00pm Sat 2:00pm Sun Span Rudy Vergara, Jr 775-1969 8:00am Sunday (English) 10:00am Sunday (English) 12:00 Noon (English) 6:00pm Sunday (English) Nancy Marshall Rita McCarthy Andy & J.R. Santos Lori Ascani 285-5233 676-4891 894-7295 698-3288 Birth Choice Crisis Pregnancy Help 699-9808 Boy Scouts Ken Radosevich 302-6070 Cub Scouts Brie Johanson 240-7012 St. Vincent De Paul Help/Food Pantry 587-6752 695-1535 Alcoholics Anonymous Spanish AA Calixto Arroyo 308-1652 Catholic Charities 909-763-4970 Ext 449 Gamblers Anonymous 866-239-2911 Narcotics Anonymous Jeff 652-5326 Women's Emotional Serenity Support Group Nancy 676-9192 Overeaters Anonymous Linda 461-1013 WELCOME We extend our hands and hearts to you in Christian hospitality, and thank God that you are with us, whether you are long-time, or newly arrived parishioners. PARISH MEMBERSHIP: Registration and regular use of envelopes are essential to the proper administration of a Parish and are necessary in order to become a properly identified member of a Parish Family. New Parishioner Orientation will be on Wednesday July 16th at 10:00 am in Front of Social Hall ANOINTING OF THE SICK If you have a serious illness, are facing hospitalization and/or surgery, you should arrange to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. You may remember “Last Rites” but the correct name is Anointing of the Sick, which is not limited to the dying and which should be celebrated before the sick person is unconscious, comatose or in the last stages of death. The Anointing is offered each weekday morning upon request, during the 7:25 AM Mass. If you or your family members are unable to attend Mass, Father will come to your home. Arrangements must be made by the prior Monday afternoon to allow time for proper preparation. Please call the Parish Office: 676-4403 THE SACRAMENT OF PENANCE “The Sacrament of Penance”, is celebrated during our monthly Reconciliation Prayer Service which is at 7:00 pm on the first Wednesday of each month. It is imperative to be present for the entire service for the participation in the service is your penance. The next service will be held at 7:00 pm on the 6th of July This Sacrament is also offered by appointment. Please contact the Parish Office at 676-4403 SACRIFICIAL GIVING Welcome to St. Catherine's A normal Sacrificial Giving program is a 10% contribution to a charitable organization or Please refrain from church. St. Catherine’s program asks for 4% bringing of your income, 2% for our general parish support and 1% for maintenance and repairs, inappropriate items; both through the use of our weekly Offertory envelopes. Another 1% goes to our ongoing (i.e.: chewing gum, faith formation programs through the food and drink, cell Diocesan Development Fund Drive (envelopes phones, etc) into and statements sent by the Diocese). For Liturgy. Thank you example, if you make $500.00 a week, your for your cooperation. total contribution at 4 % would be $20.00 a week. Another way to give back to God a part of the blessings He has given to each of us is to mention St. Catherine’s in your will. Please give prayerful thought to supporting St. Catherine’s in this way. MARRIAGE PREPRATION PROCESS Canon Law stipulates that weddings are to take place in the Parish where either the bride, the groom, or their parents reside. In order to begin the Marriage Preparation Process, you must pick up A Guideline and Policy Booklet for Weddings from our Parish Office and read it thoroughly. Please understand that the marriage preparation in the Diocese of San Bernardino takes a minimum of 6 months and that a wedding date may not be set until specified criteria are met. ABC News Nightline will be airing an hour-long documentary exploring the history, theology and unparalleled importance of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the role she has played in the faith of the Church and others. The program will cover a pilgrimage which includes visits to Rome, Israel and Medjugorje. It is expected to air on Sunday, June 22, 2011. Please check local listing for time. Training: "Healing the Trauma of Death Due to Homicide" The Diocesan Office of Restorative Justice is offering a two day training on Sunday, August 14th and Sunday, August 21st for those interested in beginning a ministry to families that have had a loved one murdered. Pastoral Associates, parish bereavement volunteers, youth and young adult ministers, spiritual directors, deacons/deacon candidates and their wives are encouraged to attend the training. Training will be held at the Diocesan Pastoral Center and offered in English and Spanish. For more information, please contact Sister Sue Reif at 909-475-5474. We rejoice with, we welcome into full initiation and we congratulate the following Adults who celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation on June 4th: Bobbie-Jeane Aros Juan Barba Armando Coss Harold Dustin Rigoberto Hernandez Zandra Hernandez Elibar Hurtado Juan Lopez Joshua Marquez Jonathan Muro Juan Miguel Oliveros Enrique Olmos Trinidad Saenz Crystal Salazar Delia Sanchez Rafael Torres Saul Torres Karen Vizcarra and Susan Wallace Saint Jeanne de Lestonnac Catholic School in Temecula is currently enrolling students for the 2011 -2012 school year. Saint Jeanne de Lestonnac School continues over 400 years of spiritual and educational formation that began in France in 1607. Our dedication educating the entire child, spiritually, intellectually, emotionally and physically, is the hallmark of our school and the passion of our faculty and staff. Saint Jeanne’s School provides a comprehensive education from preschool through the 8th grade with a full athletic and fine arts program. We invite you to come and see for yourself why choosing a Catholic education at Saint Jeanne de Lestonnac School will be the best decision for your child’s future. We are also offering a variety of summer programs for students from pre-school to 8th grade including a summer swimming program and study skills camp for incoming freshmen. Visit our school online at or contact the school The Knights of Columbus will be having an upcoming membership drive next weekend. If you at 951-587-2505 or Principal Kristen Mora at have any questions or if you are interested in for more information or to support becoming a Knight please don't hesitate and stop our mission. Saint Jeanne de Lestonnac School: A by one of the Knights for more information. This School with HEART! is a great opportunity to become active and involved with your parish and your faith. God Bless Please Pray for the ill and hospitalized members of our Parish, their families & caregivers. Tom Farrell Gladys Brown Manuel Rodriguez Fran Phillips Crystal Dunham Maria Orona Avery Garcia Julie Reese Francisca Soto Irene Bevell Fred Peri Lenita Barrett Abby Radke Alyssa Espiritu Stella Nazareno Kathye Aniol Luke Di Bernardo Renato Saquing Scott Carlson Josh Gutierrez Jeanne Bienvenue Louisa De Rosa H.D. Trietsch Anthony Camarda Kim O’Brien Shirley Venzor Diane Munday Rico Toscano Carol Gonzales Angelina Held Ernest Herrera Saeeda K. Mansoor Tifany Vargas Stephen Dalton Julian Ruiz Jacqueline Marie June 20th through June 26th ( + Symbolizes Mass for the Deceased ) Date Hour Alberto Mejia June 20th Monday Jillian Oberiano Elias Garcia Father’s 9:00 am Josephine Mendibles Cesario C Valencia Nicholas Mendez June 21st Tuesday Manuel Pena Charles Meikle Ofrlia Molina Welsh Family Diane Baldwin Margie Margis Father’s 7:25 am Ezekiel Vasquez Gil Aguilar James Ayers June 22nd Wednesday Jean Ugarte Herminia Balanza Father’s 7:25 am Linda Sheldon Josephine Mendibles Joshua Certeza Jeannette Aboud Colleen Cherpin Jauier Marquez June 23rd Thursday Art & Jo Beese Steven Valladolid Mary J Gonzales Father’s 7:25 am Rosendo Ramirez Antonia Bout Guy De Rosa June 24th Friday Javier A Rodriguez Matthew Travers Trish Miklas Carla Reid Gloria Jacobson Jake Robinson Father’s 7:25 am Diane Baldwin Kenneth Harpham Lauren Kelly Lee June 25th Saturday Art Sanchez Neal Sykora Merci Hilliker Camille Rohsler 5:00 pm Vicky Surez Irene Puello Sean McGinnis Frank Mays Susana McGinnis Terry Sanchez Soledad Perez + 7:00 pm Christine Liberino Pat Geist Techie Bitanga Cecilia Marquez Frank & Mary Merola Gabriel Marquez June 26th Sunday Robert Debski Don Marino Erick Ortiz Christine Bergen Michele Di Ganci Frank Fuentes IV Richard O’Brien + 8:00 am Paicince Reqicerm Madison Gray Rich Cameron Connie Flores Juan Fernandez Paul Rademacher Special Intentions of Parishioners 10:00 am Babs Margoni Aimee Stetter Polly Ugland Arcangelo Cantafio Victoria Ibañez Logan Becklehimer Stolar Family 12:00 pm Etelvina Angulo + 2:00 pm Peter Kozak + 6:00 pm Norberto Cacpal “Please remember our Elderly and Homebound as well” Call Irene Roney at 304-2474 Prayer Chain Coordinator Please call the parish office when you have recovered. 5 s ST. CATHERINE OF ALEXANDRIA Small Faith Communities Ministry The “Small Faith Communities” Ministry invites all parishioners to participate in a faith sharing process and to join their meetings on the week of The Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ starting June 19, 2011 through June 26, 2011. The goal of this process is to assist us to deepen our relationship with Christ and have a living, vibrant relationship with him by reflecting, sharing on and responding to the Sunday readings. The Scripture message for this week is: “I am the living bread that came down from heaven; who ever eats this bread will live forever.” At the time of Jesus, bread and wine were basic nourishment and refreshment . Through the years we came to understand that the bread and wine of the celebration of the liturgy was the body and blood of Christ. This profound memorial is not only a recollection of the events of the past, but a celebration of enduring present events that blesses those who participated in this celebration. By participating in the Eucharist, we participate in Christ; Christ dwells in us. Incorporated in him, we are to become good bread for others. Participating in him, we are called to reach out to others so that they too will know and be nourished by the sacrificial gift of love and forgiveness given to us by Jesus. Please call the facilitator of the group that best suits your schedule in the list below: 1. Precious Blood Group - 3rd Mondays - 4:30 p.m. – Art & Jo Beese - 699-0962 2. Grupo de San Antonio -Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m. Antonio Medina – 225--8418 3. The Bread of Life Group - Wednesdays, 9:30 a.m. – Elsa Rubino -699-3762 4. St. Catherine Group – 2nd & 4th Wednesdays 7:00 p.m. – Bernice Reda -212-1740 5. Divine Mercy – Thursdays after 7:25 a.m. mass - Regina Applegate-587-0982 6. Angels in Action Group –Thursdays, 7:00 p.m. Betty McDermott - 698-5896 7. Catechists Group – As Announced – 6:30 p.m. Nick Ventrone – 302-5917 8. Vivamos El Evangelio - Fridays, 7:00 p.m. Maria Aviles -392-9391 9. St. Anne Group – 1st & 3rd Fridays, 7:00 p.m. – Angie Lagman – 699-8362 10. Movimiento Familiar – The Good Shepherd Group – 7:00 p.m. – Every other Friday – Jesus & Vicky Hernandez – (951) 553-5923 11. Movimiento Familiar – St. Joseph Group – 7:30 p.m. - Every other Friday Jose & Gladys Margarito - (619) 203-3907 12. Movimiento Familiar- La Sagrada Familia – 7:30 p.m. – Every other Friday – Armando & Yolanda Servin – (951) 201-8348 13. Movimiento Familiar – Our Lady of Lourdes Group – 7:30 p.m. – Every other Friday – Wilfrido & Lourdes Martinez – (951) 303-3859 14. Movimiento Familiar – St. Martin Group – 7:30 p.m. – every other Friday – Martin & Kena Carillo - (951) 672-2109 15. St. Peter Group - 2nd & 4th Fridays - 7:00 p.m. Manny & Leng Gonzales - 676-1219 16. Our Lady of the Rosary Group – 1st Saturdays of each month – 3:00 p.m. Joe & Dulce Estrella – (951) 203-9199 Faith Formation Corner Kinder – 5th Grade REGISTRATION Faith Formation We are currently enrolling children for Faith Formation. Faith Formation is held on Sunday’s. We offer 3 sessions to choose from. 7:30 a.m. ends after Mass at 9: a.m. 9:30 a.m. ends after Mass at 11: a.m. 11:30 a.m. ends after Mass at 1: p.m. The fee is $85.00 per child. 6-12 Faith Formation Weekly Corner JOIN US THIS SUMMER FOR THESE ACTIVITES HERE AT ST CATHERINE'S: JR HIGH THROUGH SENIORS IN HIGH SCHOOL: Open Youth Center Nights: every Thursday 6-8PM from June 4 to July 28 AND Summer fun nights: Sunday, June 12 and July 10 following the 6:00 Mass. HIGH SCHOOLERS AND YOUNG ADULTS: Youth Vocation Conference: Friday, June 17, from 2-9 PM at Aquinas High School in San Bernardino. Cost is $25. Our own Father Manny will be the speaker! E-mail Diane at if you are interested. The fourth child and on are $10.00 each from the same family. Payment can be: check’s, cash, or Parish Pay. (Parish Pay information on line, & in this bulletin it allows you to divide the full amount over 6 St Catherine’s Youth Council: interested in helping to months) You may download the registration form from our Web site. Or you may come by the parish office during normal business hours to pick up forms and to return them. All forms must be complete, PARISH registration number is necessary to enroll. If you are not registered in our parish, you must be in order to register your child in our Faith Formation Program. The next parish registration meeting will be held: July 16th at 10:00 am in Di Leo Hall. New Family Orientation will be: August 7th, at 9: a.m. in Di Leo Hall. Sacrament Orientation will be: August 14th, at 9: a.m. in Di Leo Hall. CLASS LISTS WILL BE POSTED ON OUR INFORMATION BOARD IN JULY. shape the program for next year? Join us Tuesday, July 5 from 6-7 Pm in the Youth Center to find out how. AGE 16 AND UP: Find out what our Young Adult program is all about! Join us Tuesday, July 12 at 7:00 in the Youth Center! Contact Diane at for more info. St Vincent de Paul training for ministry with the homeless and hungry: June 11 from 9:30-2:30 in the back of the Social Hall. Lunch will be provided. E -mail Diane at if interested. Virtual World Youth Day: If you are interested in attending Virtual World Youth Day on Saturday, August 20, please contact Diane. Liturgy of the Week & Special Observances TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — The LORD, merciful and gracious, rich in kindness and faithfulness (Ex 34:4b-6, 8-9). Psalm — Glory and praise for ever! (Daniel 3). Second Reading — Brothers and sisters, rejoice. Live with one another in peace, and the God of peace will be with you (2 Corinthians 13:11-13). Gospel — God did not send the Son to condemn the world, but to give it abundant life (John 3:16-18). READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Gn 12:1-9; Mt 7:1-5 Tuesday: Gn 13:2, 5-18; Mt 7:6, 12-14 Wednesday: Gn 15:1-12, 17-18; Mt 7:15-20 Thursday Gn 16:1-12, 15-16 [6b-12, 15-16]; Mt 7:21-29 Is 49:1-6; Acts 13:22-26; Lk 1:57-66, 80 Gn 18:1-15; Mt 8:5-17 Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Dt 8:2-3, 14b-16a; Ps 147; 1 Cor 10:16-17; Jn 6:51-58 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: The Most Holy Trinity; Father’s Day Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time Friday: St. Aloysius Gonzaga; Summer begins St. Paulinus of Nola; Ss. John Fisher and Thomas More The Nativity of St. John the Baptist Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary Wednesday: The Most Holy Trinity June 19, 2011 God so loved the world that he gave his only Son. — John 3:16a FEAST OF FAITH Liturgy and the Holy Trinity The Trinity is the central mystery of our faith. We believe that God is one, yet three: total unity and rich diversity. God is not a monolith, but a dynamic community of persons, a perfect, loving harmony of three. And the liturgy is the work of the Trinity. We begin all our liturgical celebrations with the sign of the cross, a reminder of our Trinitarian baptism, and the simplest of all professions of our faith. We believe that God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and we gather in the name of this triune God. Throughout the Mass, we address our prayers to God the Father, through Christ our Lord, in the Spirit’s power. And the Father hears our prayer, transforming bread and wine into the Body and Blood of his Son by the Holy Spirit. The Church is “the sacrament of trinitarian communion” (Sacramentum Caritatis, 16). It is the Trinity who holds us together as well. In the words of Saint Cyprian, we are “a people made one by the unity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit” (quoted in Sacramentum Caritatis, 16). June 5th Offerings Envelopes Offertory Collection Offertory Plate DDF Blessed Teresa of Calcutta TOTAL 670 9,202.00 4,102.00 2,322.50 33.00 $15,659.50 PRAYER FOR DEPLOYED MILITARY As a faith community let us pray for all who serve our country in these troubled times. We pray especially for those connected to our parish who have been deployed: Title Name Service Location CPL Mathew Noriega USMC Unknown Assessment for 2011 - 78,800.00 CPL Derek Rodriguez USMC Unknown As of 06 - 05 - 11 Capt. John Peter Toman USAF Okinawa CWO2 James A. Martin USMC Iraq USMC Afghanistan DIOCESAN DEVELOPMENT FUND Received - $129,466.87 (April)Parish Pay $805.00 The only way we can generate funds which are not assessed by the Diocese is through the Diocesan Development Fund Drive. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH: The first Sunday of each month, a second collection is taken up for the Diocesan Development Fund (DDF) Stewardship BLESSED TERESA OF CALCUTTA Pledge for 6 years - 5/2007 - 5/2013 As of 06 - 05 - 11 Goal - $400,000.00 Received - $268,176.21 (April) Parish Pay $227 On the third Sunday of each month, a second collection will be taken for this new parish in French Valley. God our Father, We give you thanks and praise for fathers PARISH PAY OFFERINGS young and old. MONTH AMOUNT # DONORS AVERAGE We pray for young fathers, newly embracing their vocation; $2,836.00 35to balance work, $81.02 MARCH May they find courage and perseverance family and faith in joy and sacrifice. $2,871.00 35 $82.00 APRIL $1,963.00 SEPTEMBER We pray for our own Fathers around the world whose children are lost or suffering; May they know that the God of compassion walks with them in their sorrow. 28 $70.11 We pray for men who are not fathers but still mentor and guide us with fatherly love and advice. We remember fathers, grandfather, and great grandfathers who are no longer with us but who live forever in our memory and nourish us with their love. Amen MGySgt Jose A. Reyna PO2 Johnathon D. Buckles USN Iraq LCPL Dane Davis USMC Afghanistan Major Damian Bess USArmy Iraq PFC Andrew Soria USArmy Afghanistan CPO Wilfredo C. Panis US Iraq 1st Sgt Edward Gonzales USMC Iraq Sgt. Juan C. Ramos-Torrelio USMC Afghanistan Sgt. Anthony Zabala USMC Afghanistan LCTL David S. Parrett USMC Iraq PFC Clayton Gore USArmy Iraq LCPL Dane Davis USMC Afghanistan SSGT Shane Lipetzky USMC Afghanistan LCPL Richard M. Charron USMC Afghanistan CPO Adam Rideau USN Afghanistan IT2 Rene Yosinao USN Kuwait CPL Paul A Borrero USMC Afghanistan AFC Alec S. Montano USAF Saudi Arabia CMC Gerard Chiu USN Afghanistan 1LT Joseph Wasek III USArmy Afghanistan Sgt Andrew J. Saxton USArmy Iraq AS1 Constantino Ramos USN Afghanistan PFC Joshua Shanahan US Army Afghanistan SSGT Rick Wiggins USMC Afghanistan CPL Jake Parrett USMC Afghanistan SGT Damian Michael Root USMC Afghanistan SGT Antonio Aranda USMC Afghanistan Almighty God, be their constant companion and strength in every adversity. May they experience your presence, love and comfort. 9 BIENVENIDA Extendemos nuestras manos y el corazón, al ofrecerles hospitalidad en nuestra parroquia. Le damos gracias a Dios por su presencia, sea que han estado con nosotros por mucho tiempo o sean nuevos. Les invitamos a registrase como miembros nuevos de nuestra comunidad católica. QUERIDOS MIEMBROS No olviden usar sus sobres, los cuales los identifica como parte activa de esta familia. BAUTIZOS Padres de Familia: Para bautizar a su hijo/a, debe vivir en Temecula, ser miembro activo de la Iglesia de Santa Catalina y llenar la forma de membrecía. Como el cupo es limitado, es necesario reservar la fecha con tres meses de anticipación. Llame al (951) 587-0023. PROCESO PARA PREPARACIÓN MATRIMONIAL La Ley Canónica, requiere que la boda se celebre en la Parroquia donde reside la novia o el novio, o sus padres. Solamente la pareja puede hacer los arreglos necesarios, no la familia. La Diócesis de San Bernardino requiere un mínimo de seis meses de preparación para el proceso de los documentos. La fecha de la boda será fijada al cumplir los requisitos. Para mas información puede recoger un manual que contiene la guía y la póliza de las bodas. Sacramento de la Reconciliación Este sacramento es celebrado durante nuestro servicio mensual de reconciliación el cual se efectúa a las 7:00 de la tarde en el primer Miércoles de cada mes. Este Sacramento también lo ofrecemos por cita solamente: Llame al 676-4430 Nuestro próximo servicios de Reconciliación será el próximo miércoles 6 de Julio. UNCION PARA LOS ENFERMOS Si tiene una enfermedad seria, va ser hospitalizado/a o se va someterse a una cirugía, usted debe de recibir el Sacramento de la unción de los enfermos, se ofrece todos los días de la semana en la misa de las 7:25 am. Llame para hacer una cita. Si por alguna razón no puede venir a la Iglesia, a recibir la unción podemos ir a su casa. Y también le podemos llevar la comunión. (951) 587-0023. 10 GRUPO DE ORACIÓN VIVAMOS EL EVANGELIO LES INVITA A SUS NOCHES DE ORACIÓN Y ALABANZA TODOS LOS VIERNES A LAS 7:00 p.m. EN LA IGLESIA . PARA MAS INFORMACION LLAME A María Avilés (951) 691-2831 o Venustiano Araujo (858)602-7937 Cada año en diciembre, hay una colecta para asistir los jubilados de varias comunidades religiosas en los Estados Unidos. Esto incluye hombres y mujeres religiosos, quienes nos han servido en la Iglesia. En los últimos 17 años, ustedes han sido muy generosos en apoyar esta Colecta de Jubilación. Actualmente, nos encontramos con una necesidad especial que nos gustaría darles a conocer: la necesidad de nuestros sacerdotes diocesanos jubilados locales. Hoy, la Diócesis de San Bernardino tiene 43 sacerdotes jubilados; 17 de los cuales tienen más de 80 años y 9 de ellos más de 85 años. Ocho sacerdotes más se sumaran al grupo de los jubilados dentro de 3 años. Todos estos sacerdotes han servido en nuestras parroquias. Ustedes conocen a muchos de ellos y algunos aun ayudan celebrar la Santa Misa los fines de semana. Las necesidades del presente, como atención médica continua, necesidades del envejecimiento, vivienda y costos de inflación, ha utilizado el Fondo Diocesano de Asistencia a Sacerdotes a su máximo rendimiento. El propósito y el fruto de esta colecta especial del Día del Padre serán para ayudar directamente a los sacerdotes diocesanos con necesidades y continuar incrementando un fondo para costear las necesidades futuras de los sacerdotes diocesanos jubilados. JOVENES ¡Atención a todos los jóvenes de nuestra Comunidad! El Señor Jesús, esta buscando jóvenes como tú, tanto hombres como mujeres. Ven a conocerle mejor, a convivir con él y a conocer otros jóvenes con las mismas inquietudes que tú tienes. Las reuniones se llevan acabo los jueves de 6:00 - 7:30 p. m. para mas información llama a María, 587-0023. La Santísima Trinidad 19 de junio de 2011 Tanto amó Dios al mundo, que le entregó a su Hijo único. — Juan 3:16a LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Moisés subió al Monte Sinaí y luego el Señor pasó delante de él (Éx 34:4b-6, 8-9). Salmo — ¡Gloria y alabanza por siempre! (Daniel 3) Segunda lectura — Trabajen para ser perfectos, anímense, tengan un mismo sentir y vivan en paz. Y el Dios del amor y de la paz estará con ustedes (2 Corintios 13:11-13). Evangelio — Dios mandó a su Hijo único al mundo para salvar el mundo por él. (Juan 3:16-18). LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS OBSERVANCIAS Domingo: Lunes: LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Martes: Lunes: Gn 12:1-9; Mt 7:1-5 Miércoles: Martes: Gn 13:2, 5-18; Mt 7:6, 12-14 Viernes: Sábado: Miércoles: Gn 15:1-12, 17-18; Mt 7:15-20 Jueves Gn 16:1-12, 15-16 [6b-12, 15-16]; Mt 7:21-29 Vigilia: Jer 1:4-10; 1 Pt 1:8-12; Lc 1:5-17 Día: Is 49:1-6; Hch 13:22-26; Lc 1:57-66, Viernes: La Santísima Trinidad; Día de los Padres Decimosegunda semana del tiempo ordinario San Luis Gonzaga; Verano San Paulino de Nola; San Juan Fisher y Santo Tomás Moro La Natividad de San Juan Bautista Santa María Virgen FIESTA DE LA FE Pan y vino Presentamos pan y vino como ofrenda porque son elementos que encierran la vida en sí mismos. No son un producto único, sino el resultado de un proceso. Domingo: Dt 8:2-3, 14b-16a; Sal 147 (146); En sí mismos, son simbólicos del misterio pascual que 1 Cor 10:16-17; Jn 6:51-58 celebra la Eucaristía; hay un proceso de muerte y vida. El grano de trigo ha muerto, ha dado fruto, se ha triturado y ahora es pan para que todos coman. El vino ha salido de las parras generosas, trae en sí la espera DECLARACION DE LA MISION del tiempo, la madurez de la uva, la extracción del jugo, la fermentación… hay un proceso de vida para Nosotros como Comunidad Cristiana de fe de Sta. llegar no sólo al vino, sino a un buen vino; a un vino que es la sangre misma de la vida, que dentro de sí Catalina de Alejandría, nos comprometemos a lleva ya el aspecto festivo de algo que se celebra y se llevar la esperanza y la palabra del Evangelio a comparte. Es más que una bebida relajante o sabrosa, nuestras familias, amistades, y a toda la es la bebida sagrada porque en ella se acompaña una comunidad que nos rodea. Como la familia de promesa, se marca un momento, se vive un juramento. Comer y beber siempre han sido un gesto de solidariDios, procuramos apoyar a nuestros jóvenes, dad entre hombres y mujeres; se come y bebe con celebrar nuestra diversidad esforzarnos por quien se tiene confianza, con quien se es familia, con alcanzar a nuestros vecinos con amor, bondad y quien se espera re-crear la propia vida a partir de algo entendimiento, promoviendo de tal modo las que va más allá de nosotros mismos 80 Sábado: Gn 18:1-15; Mt 8:5-17 enseñanzas de nuestro Señor, 11 AD PAGES Page 12 AD PAGES Page 13 AD PAGES Page 14 AD PAGES Page 15 Sunday, June 19th, 2011 Rev. John Wagner, Pastor The Most Holy Trinity Fathers Day Rev. Manuel Cardoza, Parochial Vicar MONDAY, June 20th Rosary Prayer Group – 3:00 pm – Church 2nd & 4th Mondays (Come pray the Rosary weekly) Spanish AA - 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm - L– 3 Assistant Clergy TUESDAY, June 21st Gam-Anon - 7:30 - 9:00 pm - L - 3 English Second Language classes - 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm - Rm - 103 WEDNESDAY, June 22nd Cancer Support Group 10:00 am L—1 Nar-Anon-Library -10:00 am -11:00 am Spanish Al-Anon 7:00 - 9:00 L-3 Spanish AA - 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm - L– 3 THURSDAY, June 23rd Gamblers Anonymous - 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm - Rm L– 1 English Second Language classes - 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm - Rm - 103 FRIDAY, June 24th Al-Anon 9:00 am - 10:00 am - L– 4 Alcoholics Anonymous – 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm - Library Spanish AA - 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm - L– 3 SATURDAY, June 25th Gamblers Anonymous—9:00 am - 11:00 am - L - 1 SUNDAY, June 26th Rev. Anthony Di Leo, Pastor Emeritus Msgr. Don Webber Deacons John Barth - José Ibarra Jim Kincaid - Dennis Malkowski Robert Phillips PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We, as a Christian Faith Community of St. Catherine of Alexandria, are committed to bringing the hope and Word of the Gospel to our family, friends and the surrounding community. As the family of God, we strive to nurture our youth, celebrate our diversity and reach out to our neighbors through love, kindness and understanding, thereby promoting the teachings of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Church Office Hours 7:00 am to 1:00 pm Monday Thru Friday Tel. 951-676-4403 Fax. 951-695-6659 Mass Schedule Day of the Week Mass Times Monday Thru Friday 7:25AM (Eng) Saturday Vigil 5:00PM (Eng) 7:00PM (Span) Sunday 8:00AM (Eng) 10:00AM (Eng) 12:00 NOON (Eng) 2:00PM (Span) 6:00PM (Eng)