ST. HENRY CATHOLIC CHURCH 24750 W. Lower Buckeye Rd


ST. HENRY CATHOLIC CHURCH 24750 W. Lower Buckeye Rd
24750 W. Lower Buckeye Rd. Buckeye, AZ 85326
November 01, 2015
Fr. William J. Kosco
Saturday Vigil . . . . . . 5:00p.m.
Sunday . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00a.m.
Domingo (Español) 12:00p.m.
Wednesday 4:00 - 5:00p.m.
3:00 - 4:30p.m.
1:00 - 5:00p.m.
Monday - Friday
9:00a.m. - 5:00p.m.
Flor de liz López, ext. 101
Nancy Vela, ext. 102 /
Parish Office: (623)-386-0175
Office Manager
Dcn. Mark Gribowski, ext. 103
Pastoral Assistant
Dcn. Victor León, ext. 104
Infant Baptism Information: 1st Sunday of the month after 10:00a.m. Mass
Información Bautismos de Infantes: 1er Domingo del mes después de Misa de 12:00p.m.
November 01, 2015
All Saints’ Day
Level I Children’s Sacramental Preparation Classes
October 31
November 01
5:00 pm
8:00 am
10:00 am
12:00 pm
8:30 am
+Frank Valdez
+Kenneth Olsson
November 02
+All Souls
November 03
Wednesday November 04
11:15 am
12:00 pm
12:30 pm
8:30 am
November 08
5:00 pm
8:00 am
10:00 am
12:00 pm
2016 Sunday Missals
Divine Mercy/Rosary
November 05
+Isabel Machado
November 06
+Maria Susana Diaz
November 07
8:30 am
We will begin accepting applications for
Level I Sacrament classes (1st & 2nd graders) November 16 & 17 from 5:00pm—
8:00pm in the hall. Level I begins January
2016 and these students will receive their
First Confession in December 2016. They
will receive Confirmation & First Communion as Level II students
in December 2017. To enroll your child, you must be registered
with the parish. You will need a copy of the child's baptism certificate at the time of application & a $20 fee for texts books! Class
sizes are limited and are on a first-come, first-served basis.
Bill Wright
+Prudencio Veranga
Tadeo A. Quintanilla
uring the month of November, The Book of the Dead
is available for you to include
the names of your deceased
loved ones, so we can pray for
Our chapel Sanctuary
Lamp is burning during
the Thirty-first Week of
memory of:
The pocket "Living with Christ" Sunday Missals will be on sale
after Mass each weekend in November until they are gone.
The cost for each missal is $5.00. The Missals can also be purchased at the parish office during business hours. This is one of
the best ways to prepare for Sunday Mass. It is not a fundraiser
but a service to our St. Henry parishioners for their own use.
Sunday November 8th Holiday House Parish Fundraiser
Next Sunday is our annual “Holiday House” craft & food bazaar.
This is an annual fundraiser hosted by the Ladies of St. Henry in
which we invite parishioners to stay after Mass on Sunday to
browse through the many craft and other items for sale.
Get yourself some fresh homemade food. Enter one of the many
raffles. Spend some time socializing with other parishioners. All
funds are contributed to our parish Building Fund as we continue
looking ahead toward the needs of our parish development which
includes preparing for a formal, traditional church building for our
communal worship and prayer. We’ll see you next Sunday!
+ Richard Sernas +
St. Henry Community
olunteers are needed to
help maintain the beauty of our new chapel by
cleaning floors, pews, and
Our next cleaning day is
Tuesday, November 3rd at
9:00am. For more information,
Wesley Rodermund at
(480) 600-7943.
We extend a blessed anniversary wish to the following couples who
are celebrating their anniversary this month.
November 03
November 09
November 13
November 22
November 22
November 22
John & Louise Lynch
Bill & Mary Holligan
Rogelio & Maria Chairez
Don & Bobbie Hixon
64th Anniversary
47th Anniversary
44th Anniversary
24th Anniversary
22nd Anniversary
52nd Anniversary
If you are a parish couple celebrating your anniversary of the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, contact the office to be listed in our bulletin.
Noviembre 01, 2015
Todos los Santos
Clases Sacramentales Para Niños en 1er Nivel
Estaremos aceptando inscripciones para las clases Sacramentales Nivel I (1ro & 2do grado escolar) el 16 & 17 de noviembre de
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm en el salón. 1er Nivel
comienza en enero 2016 y estos estudiantes harán su 1ra Confesión en
diciembre 2016. Ellos recibirán Confirmación & 1ra Comunión como estudiantes de 2do Nivel en diciembre 2017.
La familia debe estar registrada en la parroquia antes de inscribir
a su hijo/a. Necesita una copia del certificado de bautizo para
inscribirlo/a y $20 para cubrir el costo de los libros. Las clases
serán limitadas y se aceptaran según vayan registrándose.
Alabanza y Predicación
El Grupo de Oración El Buen Pastor los invita
todos los viernes a tener un encuentro en oración
con Dios nuestro Señor.
Tenemos alabanza y predicación a las 7:00pm
en el gimnasio de Sundance Elementary School
23800 W. Hadley St. Buckeye, AZ.
Este viernes 6 de noviembre estarán con
nosotros Los Cadetes de Linares con Alabanza
al Señor.
Para mas información comuníquese con:
Juan Rivera 623-217-94577 & Sergio Vázquez 623-223-6012.
¡Acompáñenos, los esperamos!
Libro de los Difuntos
Durante el mes de noviembre estará disponible El Libro de los Difuntos para que
usted incluya los nombres de sus seres
queridos que han fallecido y orar por ellos.
ecesitamos ayuda de voluntarios para tener
limpia la capilla. Limpieza de pisos, bancas etc.
Nuestro próximo día es este martes, 3 de noviembre a las 9:00 am.
“Dichosos serán ustedes cuando los injurien, los persigan y
digan cosas falsas de ustedes
por causa mía.
Alégrense y salten de contento, porque su premio será
grande en los cielos”.
Mt 5, 11-12
he St. Henry Community is
proud to welcome its newest
members who were baptized in
October 2015.
La comunidad de San Enrique se
orgullece de presentar a los
nuevos miembros bautizados en
octubre 2015
Emmanuel Martínez
Ivette Elise Acosta
Jesús Manuel Ponce Castrejón
Luke Cabral
Please pray for these children and
their parents as they begin their
journey as Disciples of Christ.
Favor de orar por estos niños y
sus padres al comenzar su jornada como discípulos de Cristo.