The Compass - Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
The Compass - Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
The Compass SAINT NICHOLAS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN JUNE 2012 • VOLUME XXIV • ISSUE X A MESSAGE FROM FR. NICOLAOS H. KOTSIS Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ, June is full of important activities for our parish and I will use the opportunity to highlight several of them. First of all, as you read this online (since that version appears the quickest) our Ya’ssoo Greek Festival is upon us. Please make sure you bring your friends and family to this wonderful event. As well, if you haven’t signed up to help, please speak to one of the section leaders to find out how you can assist the Church in this important event. Congratulations to all of our graduates from the Church and Greek Schools! I know how hard all of the students have worked and we adults should congratulate them for doing so well and learning so much. As well, thank you to all of the teachers, directors, and principal for their leadership and dedication to instructing our youth in our Holy Greek Orthodox Faith and Tradition. Congratulations to all of our High School Seniors who will be embarking on their new plans and schooling. We hope and pray for all of God’s blessings for them. Please remember to enjoy as much time as possible with your families during the beautiful summer months. I pray you are all able to take at least a little time off to spend important time with your family and friends. Please remember as well, the summer does not mean that we should take a break from church; that’s a foolish notion. Staying away from prayer, liturgy, the sacraments, and fellowship with our fellow Greek Orthodox Christians only leads to spiritual slothfulness and an increased ambivalence to that which is Holy. See you all in church. Nativity of John The Forerunner at 9:00 am on their respective days. Chronia Polla to all who will be celebrating. Finally, on June 24th, Presvytera Eva and her family, as well as our entire St. Nicholas community, will remember our beloved Fr. John with a 5-year memorial service following the Divine Liturgy. We hope you are all able to come and pray for each other and our St. Nicholas community as well as remember the great gifts and talents that Fr. John offered unselfishly for our pastoral and spiritual needs for more than three decades. May his memory be eternal. God bless, Fr. Nick Two important feastdays are at the end of June. The feastday of Saints Peter and Paul is on the 29th and the Synaxis of the Holy Apostles is on the 30th. We will celebrate Orthros and Divine Liturgy for each beginning Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church • 3109 Scio Church Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48103 • (734) 332-8200 • A MESSAGE FROM GEORGE KOKALES, PARISH COUNCIL PRESIDENT Congratulations to the class of 2012 seniors. I wish you the best with your future endeavors. Congratulations also to Athena Chapekis. Athena won the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Detroit St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival. This Metropolis of Detroit Festival covers orators from the seven state area of the Metropolis of Detroit. Athena now proceeds to the National Level of the St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival this month in Bethesda, Maryland. Good luck at Nationals, Athena! Stewardship pledges are considerably lower this time than last year. Without your pledges, we are unable to pay our bills. Summer is also a time when we start to relax and as a byproduct, forget that the expenses of our church continue. Please do your share and support St. Nicholas. I wish everyone a safe and enjoyable summer! Yours in Christ, George Kokales Ann Arbor Hospice, a nonprofit organization giving comfort, assurance and care to families and patients who have life-limiting illnesses, will be holding their Moving Through Grief support group class here at St. Nicholas.They will meet in our conference room for four weeks, beginning July 11. If anyone is interested in attending this grief support group, please contact Cathy Hing at Ann Arbor Hospice. The support group is open to members outside of our church. Once again we will celebrate Independence Day with fireworks! We have scheduled our fireworks display for Thursday, June 28 beginning at dusk. Bring your own blanket and goodies! The rain date is Saturday, July 7. GREEK ORThODOX METROPOLIS OF DETROIT AHEPA Chapter #195 Thank you to everyone who enjoyed our semi-annual AHEPA Lamb Luncheon on May 6. Your support of the lamb luncheon helped our chapter award scholarships to the graduating high school seniors of our parish on May 20, AHEPA Day. This year’s AHEPA District #10 Convention will be hosted by our own AHEPA Chapter #195 and Daughters of Penelope Knossos Chapter #174 and will take place here in Ann Arbor. The two day event will begin Friday, June 15 with the 15th Annual AHEPA #195 Scholarship Golf Classic Open at Eagle Crest Golf Club, with a 9:30AM shotgun start. Later that evening, there will be a “Greek Night” with entertainment from our very own St. Nicholas, Ann Arbor GOYA Dancers and music by our own “Kefi” band. The Convention culminates Saturday night with the District #10 Educational Scholarship Awards Banquet, where the Kefi band will, again, provide music for our listening pleasure and, of course, DANCING! Both evening events will take place at the Holiday Inn on Plymouth Road. Please plan on attending one, two, or even all three of these events for what promises to be a fun-filled weekend and show the surrounding AHEPA Chapters that Ann Arbor strongly supports its own Chapters! Celebrity Corner Look what appeared on the billboard in Times Square! Dear Perry, Thanks for adding a photo of your beautiful skin to the Dove® living ad campaign. Here is a snapshot of your appearance on our billboard in New York City. Your photo will also continue to appear in our online gallery and Dove® ads across America. For tickets, contact Costas Boutsikakis (734-604-8737), Craig Theros (313-218-7548), or Perry Katsikas (734-995-4766). "Sounds of Spring" Luncheon On April 21, our Metropolis Philoptochos hosted the Biannual Philanthropic Fundraising Luncheon at Annunciation Cathedral in Detroit in their lovely newly redesigned social hall. About two hundred people joined our Metropolitan Nicholas and other clergy along with members and friends of the Metropolis Philoptochos to celebrate the Paschal Season with song and dance. The enter tainment was provided by the Detroit International Academy and was enjoyed enthusiastically by all. The centerpieces for the tables were made up of beautifully arranged school supplies and books that were distributed to: Kennedy Elementary School, Ferndale, MI; Marquette Elementary School, Detroit, MI; and to Craig K – 12 School for Emotionally Disturbed, Muskegon, MI. The proceeds from the luncheon will be used to continue the philanthropic work of our Metropolis Philoptochos. We are grateful to all who par ticipated in the luncheon. We are especially thankful for the generous donations from our St. Nicholas Ann Arbor Parish contributors who are as follows: St. Nicholas Philoptochos Society – Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor AHEPA Chapter No. 195, Ar temis Leontis, Christos and Panorea Katsikas, 2 June 2012 • Volume XXIV • Issue X Father Nicolaos and Presv. Sandra Kotsis, St. Nicholas Church – Ann Arbor, St. Nicholas Church Choir – Ann Arbor, Bill and Margaret Yates, Daughters of Penelope Ann Arbor Chapter No. 174, GOYA – St. Nicholas Ann Arbor, Presv. Eva Paul, Sam Roumanis, Craig and Hongyun Theros, Angela Evangelinos, St. Nicholas Ann Arbor A.M. Bible Study. We very much appreciate you continued suppor t of our philanthropic mission. The Metropolis of Detroit Philoptochos Board Members from Ann Arbor MILESTONES VOL. III, #6 June 2012 CHRIST HAS RISEN, TRULY HE HAS RISEN! As you view this column, many activities will have or shortly will be taking place, from the Ya’ssoo Festival to the Graduation excercises, from resume writing to the experience of THAT FIRST JOB. Best of luck to all, and to their future endeavors! I have a story which recently touched me, and it is that of Alexander Mitropoulos-Rundus, the son of David and Demetra MitropoulosRundus, who, as a walk-on, played in the recent spring intra-squad University of Michigan Football game. This not so much of pride, which we cannot deny, but more of recognizing that by his own persistence, courage and talent, that one of our own former Acolytes, has been accepted as “being on the Team”. Alex was 1 of 15 walk-ons, who after being deferred several times, and being 1 of 4 final candidates, finally was accepted, and after a conference with his Coach, Brady Hoke, was issued his uniform #91, with his FULL NAME emblazoned on the back of the shirt. Alex’s playing position was that of a tight-end, which I can understand, especially, after standing in the pew behind him in church, and having difficulty seeing the Altar. We also have great news that Athena Chapekis, daughter of Nicholas Jr. and Theresa Chapekis, has won the junior division of the St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival and will represent the ENTIRE Metropolis of Detroit at the national finals in Bethesda, Maryland on June 9th. This story too has its inside tale of come-back courage! Only a mother, especially on Mother’s Day, could express the following, beautiful quote of Sue Ann Savas, “we have blooming flowers in our church family. As a member of the Ann Arbor Boys Choir, Luke Savas recently sang in the Boy Choir’s 25th Anniversary Concert “Sing Boys! Sing On!” Luke and his sister Marisa also sing and dance in this season’s Young People’s Production of “The King and I.” Both, busy sharing God’s gifts with the community.” God Bless them all! AXION Nicholas S Stamos June 2012 • Volume XXIV • Issue X 3 JUNE 2012 CALENDAR OF EVENTS FINANCIALS (9:00 a.m. Orthros • 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy) sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday 1 11:00 a.m. – Midnight Ya’ssoo Greek Festival saturday 2 *8:00 a.m. Saturday of Souls 2012 OPERATING FUND BUDGET VERSUS ACTUAL REVENUE & EXPENSE AS OF 5/6/12 (PRELIMINARY 34.70%) REVENUE Ushers: B 11:00 a.m. – Midnight Ya’ssoo Greek Festival 3 *8:00 a.m. Pentecost 4 5 10:00 a.m. Bible Study 11 All Saints 10:00 a.m. Bible Study Ushers: D; Altar Boys: A Prosforo: Diane Geczi Memorial Service: Mihali & Eleni Apostolou – 69 yrs. Fellowship Hour: OPEN • Greek School Graduation • 4:00 p.m. GOYA Bible Study/Meeting and Potluck Supper 7 9:30 a.m. Bed Pads Ushers: C Altar Boys: D 7:30 p.m. Prosforo: Panagiota Bible Study Philippou •11:00 a.m. – Midnight Ya’ssoo Greek Festival 10 6 8 7:00 p.m. Outreach & Evangelism 12 7:30 p.m. Bible Study 13 14 15 16 7:30 p.m. Philoptochos Dinner Meeting 7:00 p.m. Parish Counctil AHEPA Convention: • 9:30 a.m. Golf Outing •6:30 p.m. Greek Night AHEPA Convention: Dinner Dance BUDGET VARIANCE PERCENT OF ACTUAL TO BUDGET STEWARDSHIP $393,300 $129,823 $263,477 33.01% PANGARE & TRAYS $50,000 $22,528 $27,472 45.06% OTHER $27,300 $8,924 $18,376 32.69% TOTAL REVENUE $470,600 $161,275 $309,325 34.27% SALARIES/FRINGE $144,450 $51,363 $93,087 35.56% OFFICE $21,150 $7,928 $13,222 37.49% CHURCH $10,100 $3,042 $7,058 30.12% 20 21 22 2nd Sunday of Mathew Ushers: A Altar Boys: B Prosforo: Mikhail Family Fellowship Hour: AHEPA Famiy • Church School Graduation 8:30 a.m. – Noon Vacation Bible School 8:30 a.m. – Noon Vacation Bible School 8:30 a.m. – Noon Vacation Bible School 8:30 a.m. – Noon Vacation Bible School 8:30 a.m. – Noon Vacation Bible School 7:30 p.m. Bible Study 4:00 p.m. Senior Taverna 25 10:00 a.m. Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Bible Study 26 23 7:30 p.m. Paraklesis 27 28 Fireworks 29 Holy Apostles Peter and Paul Usher: B Synaxis of the Holy Apostles Ushers: B George Kokales, President George Michos, Vice President Robert J. Ashley, Jr., Secretary Vasilios Pliakas, Controller Patricia R. Douglas, Treasurer Christos Kitromelides, Assistant Treasurer Elizabeth Mitropoulos, Corresponding Secretary 2012 PARISH COUNCIL MEMBERS Christopher A. Bekiares Michael Kasotakis Chris Kerry Costas Kleanthous Lambrini Lagos Nicholas Stamos Evan Arhangelos Chris Bilakos JOY Mary Hays, Advisor HOPE Sophia Grias-Radwanski, Advisor Vasilia Tsilimingras, Advisor YAL Antonios Mihalopoulos YERAC/OUTREACH & EVANGELISM Robert Ashley Jr. GREEK SCHOOL Ioanna Ioannou, Principal & Teacher YOUTH & EDUC. $9,950 $3,744 $6,206 37.62% $46,800 $15,575 $31,225 33.28% UTILITIES $42,500 $10,240 $32,260 24.09% PSALTES ARCH. FAIR SHARE $44,500 $18,527 $25,973 41.63% CLERGY BENEFITS $29,000 $9,173 $19,827 31.63% Zannis Res, Protopsaltis George Smyrnis MORTGAGE $76,500 $25,438 $51,062 33.25% INSURANCE $11,000 $2,839 $8,162 25.80% ALTAR BOYS OTHER OUTLAYS $25,000 $0 $25,000 0.00% Dani Nadra MISCELLANEOUS $9,650 $1,688 $7,962 17.50% OCF (UM CAMPUS MINISTRY) TOTAL EXPENSES $470,600 $149,557 $321,043 31.78% MUSIC MINISTRY Andy Popescu (Tuesday at 8:00 pm in the Michigan Union) $11,718 AHEPA Costas Boutsikakis DAUGHTERS OF PENELOPE Perry Katsikas Dr. Jon Wardner Teresa Stokes STEWARDSHIP REPORT MAY 6, 2012 PLEDGED AMOUNT 30 2012 PARISH COUNCIL OFFICERS REPAIRS & MAIN. NOTE – THIS IS CURRENT YEAR OPERATIONS ONLY – IT DOES NOT REFLECT PRIOR YEARS ENDING BALANCES 19 Ushers: B; Altar Boys: C Prosforo: Presvytera Eva Paul Memorial Service: Fr. John Paul – 5 years, Maria Mellos – 40 days Fellowship Hour: Presbytera Eva Paul • 4:00 p.m. GOYA Bible Study ACTUAL OPERATIONAL SURPLUS 5/6/12 18 Nativity of John the Baptist BUDGET EXPENSES 7:30 p.m. Paraklesis 17 24 9 SPECIAL THANKS TO: 2012 TARGET 2012 ACTUAL 2011 ACTUAL $385,300 $212,474 $295,385 NUMBER OF PLEDGES 360 194 308 AVERAGE PLEDGE AMOUNT $1,070 $1,095 $959 TOTAL PAID $111,946 $282,318 NUMBER OF PLEDGES (FULL PAYMENT) 81 266 NUMBER OF PLEDGES (PARTIAL PAYMENT) 84 32 PLEDGE BALANCE DUE $100,528 $13,067 Your commitment to the Stewardship Program of this parish is critical to our continued operation and ministries. For those who need to complete a 2012 pledge, please do so as soon as possible. You may find information and forms on Stewardship at PHILOPTOCHOS Clevie Daniels, President (Second Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m.) ST. NICHOLAS SENIORS HSA (UM HELLENIC STUDENT ASSOCIATION) Maria Pliakas YOUTH ENRICHMENT COMMITTEE Sam Roumanis Dr. Anthony Kales Diane Geczi “COMPASS” CHURCH SCHOOL Fr. Nick Katherine Phan Photios Ioannou, Assistant BOOKSTORE YOUTH COORDINATOR Demetra Mitropoulos-Rundus Artemis Leontis Joy Melzian Liz Mitropoulos Sophia Roumanis Mara Krause GOYA Christopher Mitropoulos-Rundus, President We appreciate your care and concern. Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church • 3109 Scio Church Road • Ann Arbor, MI 48103 • • (734) 332-8200 = 9:00 a.m. Orthros • 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy June 2012 • Volume XXIV • Issue X 5 HOOL C S H C CHUR Athena lations to tu a r g n o C Division our Junior , is k e p a h C ratorical ysostom O r h C n h Jo Junior St. won the o h w t, lis finals fina an District ig h ic M n io the Divis compete in to n o o g ill and w Festival. Oratorical Metropolis dents in chool stu Church S eir take12 took th mar y – 2 s e d ra g pri in May. The s m a x e e m ho ms is to e Final Exa th f o se o rp pu por tunity ents the op d u st e id v pro ey have er ything th v e te ra g te year. to in the past g n ri u d d and learne re graded e w s m a x The e Nick and d on by Fr. commente . the students returned to GOYA NEWS Sunday, May 20, 2012 was Church School Graduating Seniors Recognition Day. This year we recognized Heather Kiningham, Eleni Michos, Konstantinos Papaefthymiou, Aleksander Petrovic and Nicholas Wardner. We congratulate our graduating seniors on their accomplishments and wish them all the best in their future endeavors. Vacation Bible School is scheduled for June 18 – 23, 2012. Forms are available on the Church School website and in the office. It seems that we are blessed with good fortune and have many enthusiastic GOYA members who have risen to the occasion to help our fellow ministries. Recently we supported Philoptochos with their children’s fashion show on May 5th with serving, bussing, tray passed beverages, and lots of hours in the kitchen from preparation, dishes, to the final clean up. Kudos to Nick, Athina, Jack, Yan, Frank and Gelli. H.O.P.E (HELLENIC ORTHODOX PRIMARY EDUCATION) Our next meeting will be scheduled for the new school year. It has been a pleasure working with your children. We all had great fun, and the children learned a lot. Have a wonderful summer. The year has gone past quickly. We enjoyed every moment teaching all the children about our 6 Orthodox faith. Last meeting, Father taught the children about Pentecost. The children learned that 50 days after Easter, the Holy Spirit came down upon Christ’s disciples as tongues of fire. They began speaking in tongues, spreading the Word of Christ throughout the nations. Father then explained that at our Baptism/Chrismation, the June 2012 • Volume XXIV • Issue X Everyone knows that popular song “Schools out for the Summer” and that’s just about what we will be singing together among ourselves! What is fun though is that GOYA is not out for the summer and has many more activities to continue our mission of fellowship together. Holy Spirit came upon each one of us, and still dwells in each of us today. The children then joined with JOY and had a picnic outside, enjoying each other’s fellowship. For more information contact: Sophia Grias-Radwanski ( ) or Vasilia Tsilimingras ( Farewell and congratulations to our senior members who have graduated from Pioneer, Saline and Huron high schools. We were excited and thrilled to honor them on Sunday, May 20th with a small token gift for their libraries at home or away from home. Mark your calendars for additional adventures and opportunities for GOYA to get involved with our community and fellowship. Sunday, June 10th at 4:00 p.m. is our Bible Study followed by our meeting. The meeting will be held at the Bairactaris home. Address is: 1373 West Textile Road, Saline. Please RSVP and bring a side dish or dessert of your choice. Everyone is welcomed! A surprise is always expected at the Bairactaris house…think fun! What more? Yes, we have been asked to dance on Friday June 15th for the AHEPA District Convention, hosted by our own Ann Arbor Chapter #195 and Daughters of Penelope Knossos chapter #174. The event will be at the Holiday Inn on Plymouth Road. So, if you want to buy tickets contact Costa Boutsikakis or Perry Katsikas. Congratulations to our new officers for the year 2012 – 2013 as elections were held on our last meeting in May. It was beyond amazing to see the eager young “want-to be” officers. The speeches alone were motivating enough to create believers in all of us as the advisors could see we have some outstanding young parishioners that will continue to lead our church today and beyond. President: Christopher Mitropoulos-Rundus Vice President: Nick Kokkales Secretary: Angelo Bairactaris, Treasurer: Margo Apostoleris. For more information, contact any GOYA Advsior or officer: Liz Bairactaris Laura Kokkales Vicki Kiningham Demetra Mitropoulos-Rundus Dani Nadra President Christopher Mitropoulos-Rundus Goya Summer Schedule: (All begin at 4:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted) • Sunday, June 10 Bible Study, Meeting & Fellowship at the home of Liz Bairactaris • Sunday, June 24 Bible Study • Saturday, July 7, 7:00 a.m. St. Andrews Kitchen (sign up ahead of time) • Sunday, July 8 Bible Study, Meeting & Fellowship • Sunday, July 15 Bible Study • Sunday, August 5 Bible study, Meeting & Fellowship Philoptoc hos Child ren's Fashion S how Remember, increasing exposure to the Church early in your child’s life is an important step in the building and strengthening of their Orthodox Faith. June 2012 • Volume XXIV • Issue X 7 SAINT NICHOLAS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 3109 Scio Church Road Ann Arbor, MI 48103 Phone: (734) 332-8200 FAX: (734) 332-8201 CHURCH HOURS Monday-Friday 9am – 3pm PARISH PRIEST FR. NICOLAOS H. KOTSIS Email: For emergencies: (734) 604-3214 CHURCH SECRETARY DEMETRA MITROPOULOSRUNDUS Thank you Lucia Gagalis ! On February 9,2012,following the Divine Liturgy, we had a two year Memorial Service for Lucia Gagalis, who willed her estate to St. Nicholas. Lucia loved her Church, and for that reason she donated her estate to the Church. Attended by her family, St. Nicolas hosted the fellowship hour following the Memorial Service, in her memory. May her memory be eternal! Email: THE COMPASS DESIGN AND PRINTING DONATED BY: UPROAR COMMUNICATIONS If you would like to be part of the editorial content of The Compass and you have something to share please provide it to the Church Secretary at by the 15th of each month. We regret that any article that is received after the 15th of the month will be held to the next issue. St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church reserves the right to edit, change or omit content that is not applicable to its parishioners. 2012 REGISTRY (If there are any mistakes or omissions, we apologize. Please contact the office so that we may correct it. Thank you.) Births 1-29-12 • George Nicolaos Kotsis, son of Fr. Nick and Presbytera Sandra 3-2-12 • Anna Necula, daughter of Gabriel and Mona Necula 3-8-12 • Maria Carole Kussurelis, daughter of Tom and Heidi Kussurelis 3-8-12 • Nicholas George & Alexander Michael, sons of Steve & Alysia Dendrinos Baptisms 3-3-12 • Joseph Colter, son of Brian and Andrea McRae – Nonoi: Joseph and Maria Hochendoner 3-12-12 • John Curtis, son of Ben and Maya Curtis – Nonoi: Michael & Demaris Kasotakis Fallen Asleep in the Lord 1-16-12 • Mary Lou Carras (Funeral: 1-19-12, Bethlehem) 1-27-12 • Christina Christoulias (Funeral: 1-30-12, Bethlehem) 5-3-12 • Maria Mellos (Funeral: 5-8-12, Bethlehem) 5-20-12• Marc Mintzias (Funeral: 5-25-12, Forest Hills) Copyright June 2012 DON’T FORGET TO VISIT US ON THE WEB! 75th Anniversary Commemorative Album he album is a beautifully The 75th Anniversary Commemorative Albums have arrived! T written and historical history of our church from 1935 – 2010. The books are now available at the church bookstore at a cost of $45.00. An additional cost will be added for those who want their books shipped. We also have the Commemorative souvenirs for $20. The Compass is OnLine! Thank you to those who have requested to read the Compass online. You are helping St. Nicholas reduce its postage costs. If you haven’t signed up and are able to view the Compass online, please consider doing so. Contact the office and we will remove you from our mailing list. Otherwise, we will continue to mail the Compass to your home. Remember, going paperless is another way you can help reduce our costs. Our web site address is 8 June 2012 • Volume XXIV • Issue X PHILOPTOCHOS June Activities • “Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” Luke 18:16 Many Philoptochos projects are for the welfare of our precious children. • We had such a glorious time enjoying our beautiful children at our Children Helping Children Fashion Show & Luncheon in May. The money raised went to Mott Children’s Hospital. Thank you, Elaine Karam,The Urban Toddler in Saline, and all who helped with this delightful event. • Remember bed pad sewing for Arbor Hospice on Tuesdays, June 5, July 3, and August 7. • Helen Garris has graciously offered her Portage Lake home (2111 Glen Roy Let) for our final 2011 – 2012 meeting on June 13. Please plan to arrive after 4:00. We will eat dinner at 6:00. A brief meeting will follow. Invitations and directions will be sent. Join us for an afternoon and evening of fun with your Sisters in Christ. • Our Community Care Ministry for June, July, and August is International Orthodox Christian Charities. Please give generously. • We will be busy all summer planning and working. We always need your help and prayers. June 2012 • Volume XXIV • Issue X ADVERTISING IN THE COMPASS If you would like to advertise in The Compass please contact Demetra Mitropoulos-Rundus at the church office 734-332-8200 or send her an email at Business Card Quarter Page Half Page Full Page $25.00/month $35.00/month $55.00/month $100.00/month Athena Papageorgiou • Stefana (crowns) • Lambathes (candles) • Martirika (witness ribbons) • Bonbonierres (favors) • Crosses • Baptism clothing • Programs “Restoring lives back to normal” 24/7/365 800.24-7.6152 “Great Lakes Restorations came twice to clean all of the carpets and floors in our facility as a donation to our church and did an outstanding job each time.” Fr. Nick June 2012 • Volume XXIV • Issue X • Advertising
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The Compass - Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
Vasilios Pliakas, Controller
Patricia R. Douglas, Treasurer
Christos Kitromelides, Assistant Treasurer
Elizabeth Mitropoulos, Corresponding