The Compass - Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
The Compass - Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
The Compass SAINT NICHOLAS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SEPTEMBER 2011 • VOLUME XXIV • ISSUE I A MESSAGE FROM FR. NICOLAOS H. KOTSIS Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As we begin the new Ecclesiastical Year on September 1st, we have dedicated this issue of the Compass to a review of the highlights from the previous year. For me, there are five areas that I think are worth mentioning: The Nativity of Our Most Holy Lady, the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary Church School • This past year, we had 145 students enrolled in our Church School program, and 50% are in the second grade or below. The vibrancy of the program through student participation should continue for many years to come at this rate. Philoptochos • As you probably read in the June issue of the Compass, our St. Nicholas Philoptochos donated over $30,000 of financial assistance to those in need over the course of the past year. We do not say this for boasting. Rather, it is mentioned again for us to understand the depth of love our Philoptochos has for those in need and the strength of their commitment to assisting those needs through financial aid. Everyone has helped in this effort, but it was lead by the Ladies of Philoptochos. • We need to work on the number of students working towards an Honor Award. Only 61% of our students participated in fulfilling the requirements, found online and distributed in class, for an Honor Reward. Worse, only 18% of our students earned an attendance pin. We have to do better getting our children to class. This opportunity to participate in Church School is a privilege and imperative for their spiritual growth. On the bright side, those who took the exam earned an average mark of 89%. • Vacation Bible School (VBS) was a great success. 37 children participated this year and they had a great opportunity to learn about the Holy Spirit and the Sacraments in detail. One set of dedicated and faithful grandparents were so impressed by the program, they donated The Beginner’s Bible to every student participating in the VBS (to be given out this September). We have great teachers and great leadership in the Church School. It is up to us parents to make the most use of the many resources we have available here at St. Nicholas. Greek School • 63 students were enrolled in the Greek School program this past year. Over the past 3-4 years we have maintained an enrollment of 45 students or above with last years enrollment the largest in several years. Attendance is generally excellent and the students are progressing well thanks to attentive parents and the teaching and leadership of the Greek School program. Music Ministry • Our Choir has steadily increased membership over the past 5 years. They have a beautiful and vibrant sound and are composed of a very diverse group of singers (many choirs would love to have the diversity our choir has: from the senior veterans of choir, to the many youth that participate). Through excellent leadership and profound commitment from all the members, our choir also hosted the MEFGOX Convention this past July very successfully. The participants were thrilled with the way in which our host committee prepared and executed the event, and the Divine Liturgy was magnificent. I only wish more of our people were on hand to experience it. Parish Council • As with the other ministries, through hard and diligent work, our parish council continues to lead us in the reduction of our mortgage. As of August 13th, our mortgage is less than $615,000. If we maintain the current pace, by this time next year we should realistically be under $500,000 on the mortgage. The faster we retire the mortgage, the faster we can begin working on exciting new projects. With Love in Christ, Fr. Nick Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church • 3109 Scio Church Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48103 • (734) 332-8200 • A MESSAGE FROM GEORGE KOKALES, PARISH COUNCIL PRESIDENT ST. NICHOLAS SENIORS Welcome back St Nicholas Parish! Join us at Church at 1 p.m. on Thursday, September 8, 2011 for fellowship and dessert. This will be our usual “Kick-Off ” September meeting. We will have information regarding events that we have placed on the “Senior’s Calendar”; We would also love for you to share an idea, or suggestion – with information, as to what we can add to the calendar. We begin a new Ecclesiastic and school year with our annual church picnic on Sunday, September 11, immediately following the Divine Liturgy. Come and enjoy food and fellowship with the St. Nicholas community. Bring a friend and your favorite dish to share. Before I go too much further, I would like to reflect back to last year’s events. We started the 75th anniversary celebration with our annual St. Nicholas Dance at the beautiful Kensington Court. We enjoyed great food and great music with our St. Nicholas friends, those we knew and those we met. We enjoyed even more great food at the AHEPA lamb luncheons and the GOYA brunch. We met “Falling in Love with Sophia” author Robert Krantz at the Philoptochos sponsored book signing right here in our own social hall, we danced the night away at the Greek School Mardi Gras fundraiser, and we proudly watched our own GOYA and Greek School dance at our annual Ya’ssoo Festival. October issue of The Compass. Mark your calendars for the 2012 Ya’ssoo Greek Festival June 1, 2, 3. I would also like to thank Nikki and Jon Wardner, and all the committee chair people for doing an outstanding job hosting the MEFGOX Convention at St Nicholas. Choir members from parishes as far away as Pennsylvania and New York came to Ann Arbor. When I think about all these events, I understand how much this parish cares about our beloved church and I am so blessed to be a part of it. We could not have accomplished all these activities without the selfless love of you, the St. Nicholas community. It is because we have a parish that cares so much about their church that we were able to accomplish so many activities so well, this past year. Thank you St. Nicholas! I look forward to the upcoming Ecclesiastic New Year filled with anticipation and confidence. Unfortunately, we have seen a decline in not only the pledges to St. Nicholas, but the payments as well. Please take the time to send in I can say unequivocally the 2010 Ya’ssoo Greek Festival was a success. your pledge and payment. Our expenses do not stop when the weather Although it was very hot on Saturday, it was the first time in 5 years we gets warmer. did not have any threatening weather. Thank you to all the volunteers! Ending on a positive note, I am pleased to report that our new mortgage A big thank you to Christina Vlahopoulos and Maria Smyrnis for donating balance is at $616,165.00.The past 5 years, we have seen a reduction from to St. Nicholas all the proceeds from the sale of their beautiful handmade a $1.2 million balance to $616,165.00. Let’s keep up the good work! jewelry. Nearly $3000 of jewelry was sold! Yours in Christ, We do not have the final report of the net income, but what I have seen George Kokales so far indicates the festival did well. I will report the final numbers in the DAUGHTERS OF PENELOPE The Daughters of Penelope wish everyone a productive new ecclesiastical year. We had a successful year last year which included the following events: We began last year with a clothing drive for the Ypsilanti Public Schools which was very successful and allowed families to have appropriate clothing for the winter free of charge. In November we had a Founder’s Day Artoclasia and coffee fellowship which was attended by our District Governor Dorothea Williams. In December we sponsored with AHEPA the District Mid Year Conference that was attended by various representatives of chapters from around the state. At the conference we offered exclusively designed and hand-made jewelry created by Christine Vlahopoulos and Maria Smyrnis. We are very grateful for their generous donation. The sale was so well received that we continued the sale on a Sunday following the conference. We also did our annual turkey raffle. Three turkeys were generously donated by Dimitri and Pauline Tzavaras from the Harvest Moon Café. We are grateful to our parishioners for your support of these events. At Christmastime we did a joint party with AHEPA at the Quarter Bistro. At Easter time we did our annual tsoureki sale. We plan to continue these activities this coming year. Watch our announcements for the clothing drive for the Ypsilanti Public Schools which will be chaired by Carol Papanastopoulos. In November we will do our annual artoclasia and fellowship hour and our turkey raffle. In December we will cosponsor the Christmas party with AHEPA. 2 September 2011 • Volume XXIV • Issue I We plan our annual tsoureki sale for Pascha as well. We hope to sponsor a godparents brunch during the year. We hope also to honor our graduating senior high school student with AHEPA in the spring. Your participation in the DOP is welcome. The Daughters of Penelope is an organization of Christian women dedicated to the personal growth and development of each member. We support the Hellenic culture and encourage Hellenic education. Philanthropy is very important to our mission as well. For information please call Perry Katsikas at 734.995.4766. ICNIC P S A L O H ST. NIC mber 11 , Sept. 11, ld on Sunday Sunday, Septe e h e b ill w icnic joy great me and en nual Parish P o n C A s y. la o rg h u it ic L ine vorite side The St. N ing the Div ring your fa B w ! llo rs e fo n io ly h te is amburgers, r par immedia ). Grilled h ip with othe w sh lo e w b llo s fe n d io est ris Bilakos food an share (sugg Contact Ch . to d e rt d e vi ss ro e p d ts. dish or er will be or commen da and wat y questions an e av h hot dogs, so u if yo (cbilakos@gm s and dip relishes • A-B chip getables and ve d e ic sl • C-E dishes • F-K side s • L-P salad erts ss e d • Q-Z th There will also be the usual “Interest Sign-Up Sheets” for everyone to review. These do help to guide us through the year. We will try to have a variety of possibilities for you to explore! There also will be a “visual” presentation of the Michigan State University Extension Service field trip to South Africa that the Raphael family attended. Try to come, and sign up no later than Sunday, September 4th. Again, call if you need a ride. Again, we Seniors are entering the new Ecclesiastical year and reflect on the past “full” year posting 14 events! We followed the “2010 September Kick-off” with two events in October. We enjoyed the excellent presentation at the UM Kelsey Museum “Vaults of Heaven: Visions of Byzantium” and shared lunch following. Then, a group of our “Seniors” returned to Las Vegas (2nd trip) visiting exhibits, shows and the Grand Canyon. Spectacular! In November we attended a concert at the Michigan Theatre by the Ann Arbor Concert Band. We also in November PHILOPTOCHOS So, please do attend the September 8th meeting. This helps us so in planning and implementing events for us all to enjoy! We gratefully thank you for your help and support and encouragement that made these 14 events possible! AHEPA CHAPTER #195 September Activities • “Well done, thou good and faithful servant”Matthew 25:21 Have you prayed for our Church, Father Nick, those members of our congregation with health problems, our nation or our world? Have you visited our Forget-MeNots or given encouragement to struggling friends? Have you shared your time, talents, or resources with those in need? Have you participated in Philoptochos activities such as Easter Baskets for Tots, Backpacks for Kids, the Spanakopita and Baklava Bake Sale, our other fund-raising projects? Have you made our college students welcome at our fall and spring dinners for them? Have you been willing to serve on our Philoptochos Board of Directors, chaired a committee, or participated in our Golf Outing? Did you welcome Philoptochos members from our Metropolis at our Robert Krantz Luncheon? visited the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn. Merry Christmas – with a delightful luncheon gathering at church in December. January 2011 featured another concert at the Michigan Theatre followed by Dinner. In February, we had a great time at our “Valentine Dessert” trying to identify the people in the “baby pictures” presented by participants that gathered that afternoon! Eleni Banos proved to be the expert at this! The Lenten Season Luncheon in March featured Father Nick presenting an extremely interesting program with visual aids on St. Ambrose. We are so grateful for his depth of knowledge that he shares with us. Along came April, with the outstanding “Rebetiki Istoria Concert” we enjoyed at the UM Stamps Auditorium. Wonderful. May had a scheduled visit to the Bentley Museum on UM North Campus – and in June – the “7th Annual Taverna”! July featured a bus trip to the Woolen Mill in Frankenmuth, Michigan with a most interesting tour. And, culminating all this fun and fellowship – Ice Cream! In August we had a “tasty” Ice-Cream Afternoon. Did you set the tables before or clean the Church Hall after our activities? Have you been kind and loving? Well done, thou good and faithful servant! • Please join us for our first meeting on Wednesday, September 14 to celebrate all of our wonderful members— women and men—who give so much. We will have refreshments from 7:00-7:30 when the Business meeting will begin. • Bed pad sewing for Arbor Hospice will take place on Tuesday, Sept. 6 at 9:30 a.m. • On Sunday, Sept. 11 we will have a Special Collection to benefit Holy Cross Seminary. • Sign up now to participate in the Yassou Golf outing or send in your Hole Sponsor Donation. All monies raised will go to Habitat for Humanity. Ann Arbor AHEPA Chapter #195 had a very busy year and we are looking forward to an even more productive 2011-2012 year. Here is a list of our major activities over last year: • Golf Outing Fund Raiser for Chapter Educational Scholarships to High School graduates. • Setup, support and sponsored the St. Nicholas Parish Picnic • Ceremonies at Statue of Ypsilanti with Ann Arbor St. Nicholas Greek School to commemorate OXI Day and Greek Independence Day • Fall Lamb Luncheon – proceeds to High School Graduates scholarships and Ann Arbor St. Nicholas operations. • Hosted AHEPA District 10 mid-year convention • Hosted New Year’s Dance • Awarded more than $7,000 to High School seniors from our community • Donated $7,000 to the fund for the purchase of new fellowship hall chairs • Raffle fundraisers • Our plans for this year include our New Year’s Dance, Fall and Spring Lamb Luncheons, Ceremonies at the Statue of Ypsilanti to commemorate Greek National Days, Golf outing and other fundraising activities, hosting of the 2012 AHEPA District #10 Convention, and, of course, Scholarship awards to High School seniors from our community. A big thank you to the community for your support during the last year! Ann Arbor AHEPA Chapter #195 2011 Officers: Costas Boutsikakis, President Avraam Piniatoglou, Vice-President Christos Philippou, Secretary Craig Theros, Treasurer September 2011 • Volume XXIV • Issue I 3 SEPTEMBER 2011 CALENDAR OF EVENTS FINANCIALS (9:00 a.m. Orthros • 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy) sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday 1 friday 2 saturday 3 7:00 p.m. YERAC SPECIAL THANKS TO: 2011 OPERATING FUND BUDGET VERSUS ACTUAL REVENUE & EXPENSE AS OF 8/7/11 (PRELIMINARY 60.00%) REVENUE BUDGET 4 5 12th Sunday Labor Day of Mathew Office Closed Ushers: D Altar Boys: D Prosforo: Demetra Athanasiou Fellowship Hour: OPEN 11 12 Sunday before Holy Cross 10:00 a.m. Bible Study Ushers: A; Altar Boys: A Prosforo: MitropoulosRundus family Memorial Service: Fran Fry – 10 years; Glykeria Mitropoulos – 10 years • Registration for Church School, GOYA, HOPE, and JOY • Parish Picnic following the Divine Liturgy 6 7 8 9 9:30 a.m. Bed Pad Sewing 10:30 a.m. Senior Exercise Class Nativity of the Theotokos Ushers: D • 1:00 p.m. Senior Planning Meeting, followed by slide presentation on South Africa • 7:00 p.m. Parish Council 10:30 a.m. Senior Exercise Class 14 15 16 Exaltation of the Holy Cross Ushers: A • 7:30 p.m. Philoptochos Meeting 7:00 p.m. 10:30 a.m. Men’s Choir Rehearsal Senior Exercise Class 6:00 p.m. Church School Meeting 13 7:30 p.m. Bible Study 10 ACTUAL BUDGET VARIANCE PERCENT OF ACTUAL TO BUDGET STEWARDSHIP $399,665 $186,619 $213,046 46.69% PANGARE & TRAYS $42,000 $23,888 $18,112 56.88% OTHER $30,600 $27,767 $2,833 90.74% TOTAL REVENUE $472,265 $238,274 $233,991 50.45% EXPENSES 7:30 p.m. Paraklesis 17 SALARIES/FRINGE $139,615 $74,293 $65,322 53.21% OFFICE $20,400 $13,553 $6,847 66.44% CHURCH $9,000 $5,540 $3,460 61.56% 19 Sunday after Holy Cross Ushers: B Altar Boys: B Prosforo:Vicky Masters Fellowship Hour: OPEN • 1:00 p.m. Philoptochos Golf Outing 10:00 a.m. Bible Study 20 22 23 10:30 a.m. Senior Exercise Class 7:00 p.m. Physical Plant Meeting 10:30 a.m. Senior Exercise Class 7:00 p.m. Men’s Choir Rehearsal 7:30 p.m. Paraklesis 7:30 p.m. Bible Study 25 26 1st Sunday of Luke Ushers: C Altar Boys: C Prosforo: Pliakas Family • 4:00 p.m. GOYA Bible Study, Meeting and Fellowship 10:00 a.m. Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Bible Study 27 28 29 30 10:30 a.m. Senior Exercise Class Clergy/Laity Conference 10:30 a.m. Senior Exercise Class Clergy/Laity Conference 24 Clergy/Laity Conference 2011 PARISH COUNCIL MEMBERS Christopher A. Bekiares Chris Kerry Christos Kitromelides Costas Kleanthous Lambrini Lagos Nicholas Stamos Elizabeth Mitropoulos Evan Arhangelos Chris Bilakos Irene Kitromelides, President JOY Mary Hays, Advisor HOPE Sophia Grias-Radwanski Vasilia Tsilimingras, Advisor YAL Antonios Mihalopoulos YERAC/OUTREACH & EVANGELISM Robert Ashley GREEK SCHOOL YOUTH & EDUC. $9,650 $7,858 $1,792 81.43% $52,100 $29,088 $23,012 55.83% UTILITIES $45,500 $24,109 $21,391 52.99% PSALTES Ioanna Ioannou, Principal & Teacher ARCH. FAIR SHARE $46,000 $22,884 $23,116 49.75% CLERGY BENEFITS $28,800 $15,845 $12,955 55.02% Zannis Res, Protopsaltis George Smyrnis AHEPA MORTGAGE $76,500 $44,517 $31,983 58.19% INSURANCE $11,000 $5,589 $5,411 50.81% OTHER OUTLAYS $25,000 $0 $25,000 0.00% MISCELLANEOUS $8,700 $4,705 $3,995 54.08% TOTAL EXPENSES $472,265 $247,982 $224,283 52.51% OPERATIONAL DEFICIT 8/7/11 21 George Kokales, President George Michos, Vice President Robert J. Ashley, Jr., Secretary Vasilios Pliakas, Controller Patricia R. Douglas, Treasurer Christos Kitromelides, Assistant Treasurer Helen Garris, Corresponding Secretary GOYA REPAIRS & MAIN. 2011 STEWARDSHIP REPORT JUNE 5, 2011 PLEDGED AMOUNT Costas Boutsikakis ALTAR BOYS DAUGHTERS OF PENELOPE Dani Nadra Perry Katsikas MUSIC MINISTRY OCF (UM CAMPUS MINISTRY) Dr. Jon Wardner Teresa Stokes -$9,708 NOTE – THIS IS CURRENT YEAR OPERATIONS ONLY – IT DOES NOT REFLECT PRIOR YEARS ENDING BALANCES 18 2011 PARISH COUNCIL OFFICERS PHILOPTOCHOS Clevie Daniels, President (Second Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m.) 2011 TARGET 2011 ACTUAL 2010 ACTUAL $383,815 $245,233 $292,921 Ana Kotsogiannis YOUTH ENRICHMENT COMMITTEE NUMBER OF PLEDGES 360 236 321 $1,066 $1,039 $913 TOTAL PAID $146,255 $279,798 NUMBER OF PLEDGES (FULL PAYMENT) 110 274 Penny Bekiares Diane Geczi Joan Raphael (First Tuesday of the month to plan at 12:30pm) NUMBER OF PLEDGES (PARTIAL PAYMENT) 96 32 CHURCH SCHOOL $98,978 $13,123 Your commitment to the Stewardship Program of this parish is critical to our continued operation and ministries. For those who need to complete a 2010 pledge, please do so as soon as possible. You may find information and forms on Stewardship at HSA (UM HELLENIC STUDENT ASSOCIATION) ST. NICHOLAS SENIORS AVERAGE PLEDGE AMOUNT PLEDGE BALANCE DUE Andy Popescu (Tuesday at 8:00 pm in the Michigan Union) Katherine Phan Photios Ioannou, Assistant YOUTH COORDINATOR Demetra Mitropoulos-Rundus Sam Roumanis Dr. Anthony Kales “COMPASS” Fr. Nick BOOKSTORE Artemis Leontis Joy Melzian Liz Mitropoulos Sophia Roumanis Mara Krause We appreciate your care and concern. Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church • 3109 Scio Church Road • Ann Arbor, MI 48103 • • (734) 332-8200 = 9:00 a.m. Orthros • 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy September 2011 • Volume XXIV • Issue I 5 A MESSAGE FROM THE GOYA The Greek Orthodox Youth of America, or GOYA, is the ministry to teenagers of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Since GOYA is a ministry, the orientation and implementation of our program reflects the Orthodox Christian Faith, Tradition and Life. The mission and goal of GOYA is to lead our teenagers into experiencing the Holy Orthodox Faith. By developing a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and becoming active sacramental members of the living Church, our teenagers will be equipped with the tools necessary to assist them in their journey toward salvation. apple picking, Bell-ringing for the Salvation Army, cutting and decorating the Parish Christmas tree, visiting and singing Christmas carols to St. Nicholas shut-ins, the annual GOYA brunch, helping AHEPA with theirfundraising efforts, Greek dancing in Greektown at the Greek Independence Day Parade that honored those before us who fought with their lives for the independence of Greece, dancing at our own annual Ya’ssoo Greek Festival and selling luminary bags that adorned the church’s Commemorative Walkway during the Good Friday service, which honored the memory of our departed loved ones. GOYA meets twice a month for Bible Studies with Father Nick. We are also reading the book, Contemporary Moral Issues Facing the Orthodox Christian by Stanley Harakas. And, once a month, we gather for a fellowship meal and hold our monthly business meeting where we discuss and plan social and philanthropic activities that will nurture our spiritual lives and ultimately, bring us closer to God. Last spring, on March 5, 2011, we also hosted the Metropolis of Detroit Annual Lenten Retreat where GOYAns from area parishes came together to learn how to navigate through the tough issues that all teenagers face; peer pressure, drinking and drugs, and sexual purity. Several area priests also attended and offered confession. Nearly 150 GOYAns and chaperones were present, making this the largest retreat at St. Nicholas! Many of the activities we pursued last year included all day retreats, We plan to continue in this tradition by hosting our very own retreat C H OOLS .O GR EEKSC H OOL .S January 14, 2012, again inviting area GOYAns from the metro Detroit area and Ohio. Plans are also underway to volunteer several Saturday mornings, October 8 and November 19, at the St. Andrews Soup Kitchen, distributing food to those less fortunate, and to join forces with our parish this fall in building a home in Ypsilanti with Habitat for Humanity. Lifelong friendships and social and philanthropic activities that reflect the Orthodox Christian Faith, Tradition and Life are what GOYA is all about. Thank you to all the parents who helped us with all these activities during the past year. We could not have done any of them without your help. FFIC ELIV E .COM 4:00 pm with Bible Study, followed by a fellowship meal and our monthly business meeting. We encourage your teenager to join us! You can get more information about GOYA by contacting any of the GOYA advisors below or our current President Christopher Mitropoulos-Rundus at chrismr6@ GOYA Advisors: Vicki Kiningham Laura Kokkales Demetra Mitropoulos-Rundus Dani Nadra Please consider bringing your child to GOYA. Registration is on Sunday, September 11, immediately following the Divine Liturgy. Our first meeting of the Ecclesiastical New Year is on Sunday, September 25, beginning at JUNIOR ORTHODOX YOUTH (J.O.Y.) AT WORK AND PLAY (2010 -2011) Junior Orthodox Youth, or JOY, is the ministry to 3rd through 6th grade children of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. The mission and goal of the JOY ministry is to continue to lead our young people into experiencing the Holy Orthodox Faith. By laying a foundation of faith at this age, our children will have something that will guide and strengthen them as they progress into junior high and high school. At the same time, we want the kids to have fun and enjoy time 6 September 2011 • Volume XXIV • Issue I spent with each other, with Father Nick and the adults that volunteer. We had very strong attendance last year with the “hits” of the year being the Mosaic Project with Mike Kapetan, bird seed pine cones and our Minute to Win It games. Our J.O.Y. program will continue to meet monthly on the second Sunday beginning on Sunday, October 9th, 2011. Our meetings will include a light lunch, lesson with Father Nick, bible study and activities. Please consider enrolling your son/ daughter. JOY registration will be on Sunday, September 11, following the Divine Liturgy. Forms can be found on the church website at Please call or e-mail me with any questions. Best, Mary Hays (734) 429-3465 September 2011 • Volume XXIV • Issue I 7 H.O.P.E (HELLENIC ORTHODOX PRIMARY EDUCATION) HOPE (Hellenic Orthodox Primary Education) is an excellent part of our St. Nicholas youth program. HOPE allows the youngest members of our parish, ages 4 to those in 2nd grade to experience different aspects of our Holy Orthodox Faith, at their own level. Through religious stories/topics, church hymns, and religious crafts/games, HOPE helps equip our younger children with the tools necessary to develop a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The earlier they learn to love God, the better! The children generally meet on the second Sunday of the month, unless there is a holiday or feast day, after the Divine Liturgy, from 12:30pm to 2:00pm. We begin with a prayer, followed by lunch, which is graciously provided by one of the parents. The children then listen attentively to Father Nick as he teaches them about the Bible or a specific topic of our Orthodox Faith. Last year our topics focused on the life of Jesus and the New Testament. This year we will be discussing major feast days of the Orthodox Church. The children love having Father’s full attention all for themselves. We end our time together by having fun with a craft or an activity, which may be messy or may be outside, so we recommend bringing appropriate play clothes. The children have a great time playing together as they build new friendships with other Orthodox children. ST. NICHOLAS CHOIR MEFGOX CONVENTION AD ALBUM Below is a tentativ e schedu le. Please join us ! The A nnunciatio n 11/13/11 The N ativity 12/11/11 The P resentatio n of Jesus 01/15/12 to the Tem Theo ple phany 02/12/12 The T ransfigura tion 03/11/12 The R esurrectio n 04/01/12 The A scension 05/20/12 Pente cost 10/09/11 Registration for HOPE is Sunday, September 11 immediately following the Divine Liturgy. Please sign up your children. Starting them out early is an important step in the nurturing of their Orthodox Faith. For any questions, feel free to get in touch with: Sophia Grias-Radwanski or Vasilia Tsilimingras Anna, Silvana, Petros Papagerakis; The Baldwin Family; Tony and Clevie Daniels; Anne and Gus Feles and Family; Drs. Anthony and Joyce Kales; Harry, Maria and MaryAnna Kokkinakis; Dr. Harry and Katherine Kotsis; Chris Opple; Panos and Lynn Papalambros; Dave and Mary Price; Joan Raphael; Pearl Kastran Ahnen; Chris Bilakos, Daughters of Penelope; Gus and Mary Fernimos; Patrick Gibson and Helen Kales and Family; Christos and Panorea Katsikas; Dr. Costa and Sylvia Kleanthous; Helen Koulouras; Peter and Zorene Kussurelis; John and Fofie Pappas; Presvytera Eva Paul; Dorothea Williams; Anonmymous; Demetra Anastasiou; The Chapekis Family of Ann Arbor; Penelope A. Bekiares; Nicholas Contaxes; Dave and Sandy Engelke; Helen Evangelides; Renaud and Nellie Guibert; Abe and Elaine Karam; Christos and Gehan Kitromelides; Ted and Karen Kolias; Harry Kovanis; Nakos and Pat Kovanis; Nativity of the Virgin Mary Church; Daniel, Mara and Julia Krause; Nick and Betty Lardas; Jean Mcreedy; Dan and Anne Patterson; Fr. Teodor and Presvytera Roxana Petrutiu; The Pliakas Family; Joanne T. Savas; Angie Letsos; The Stamatopoulos Family. Special thanks to Kolossos Printing for their generosity and professionalism. Perry Katsikas, Ad Chair must be 3 years old by September 1st to be eligible for enrollment in the preschool. The registration fee is $20 per student and payable on September 11th. The registration fee helps cover the cost of supplies and books. for needy families. December and early January the students will be participating in the St. Basil Vasilopita Coin Collection and in the spring the OCMC (Orthodox Christian Mission Center) Lenten Coin Box Program. As in past years our students will be participating in the St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival and in three philanthropic events. During October and early November they will be collecting non perishable food items for SOS in Ypsilanti. The food items collected by our students will go to SOS’s Thanksgiving food program The only changes in this year’s teaching staff is in the preschool. Stacy Ballios is returning and will be joined by Mary Nickson and Honyun Theros in running the preschool program. 8 September 2011 • Volume XXIV • Issue I The St. Nicholas Ann Arbor Parish Council and Community; Metropolis of Detroit Philoptochos Board; Sts. Constantine and Helen Parish Council and Community; Great Lakes Renovations, LLC; George Rapitis; The Modern Greek Program of the University of Michigan; Michael R. Kapetan, Sculptor; Dean Koulouras, Attorney; David MitropoulosRundus; Gus and Maria Stavropoulos; Fr. Nicholas H., Presvytera Sandra, Harry and Vasiliki Kotsis; Ted Apostoleris; St. George Church, Southgate; The Michos Family; The Tavaras Family of the Harvest Moon Café; Jack Fry; Carlyle Grill; Helen Panos of the Village Kitchen; Parthenon Restaurant; Donnelly W. Hadden, Attorney; Muehlig Funeral Chapel; Mainstreet Ventures; Bill and Connie Ziegler; Peter Ballios, Jim Prokos, Alex and Teddy Kales, Nicholas Stamos; Demi Ratliff-Hammer, The Thompson Family, The Ratliff Family; St. Nicholas Philoptochos; The Tom and Sophia Roumanis Family; Uptown Coney Island; Simon, Stella and Zingas, P.C.; The Arthur Wardner Family; Chelsea Flower Shop LLC; Laky Michaelides of Laky’s Salon; Leo’s Coney Island; Evy Commings; Garris, Garris, Garris and Garris, PC; Uptown Parthenon; Sophia Grias-Radwanski, MD; Sam Roumanis; Zoe Kokenakes, George Papadopoulos, CPA; Toula Georgakas of Expressions Design Center; Special thanks to Jeff Stokes for his skilled and enthusiastic design of the ad album. Many thanks to Chris Kerry for her organizational support of the ad album. Congratulations to Niki and Jon Wardner and all of the committee for a convention well done. We did it with love, we did it for St. Nicholas, we did it for the glory of God. I was blessed to be a small part of this convention. I am so grateful for the experience. CHURCH SCHOOL The Church School staff would like to welcome new and returning families to our St. Nicholas Church School Program. The 201112 program begins on Sunday Sept. 11th after Communion. On the Church School’s website, http://church.schools.officelive. com one can access the 2011-12 Church School Registration Form, Emergency Card Form (a separate Emergency Card is required for each student), the 2011-12 Church School Calendar and the Curriculum page containing the Church School Curriculum requirements by grade. Children Our ad album was a wonderful success due to the generosity of so many people in our Parish Community. During these difficult times, with sacrifice, and with love, our community generously supported our fundraising efforts. We thank you from our hearts for your gracious support. We acknowledge the following individuals with much gratitude: On entering the classroom area one will see many changes. All classrooms, office and hallway have 75TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATIVE ALBUM been brightly painted and we are in the process of framing icons which will be permanently displayed in each classroom. The icons which are an image showing God and his work in a visual language will be a valuable teaching aid for the teachers. Throughout the year one can access the Church School website for information and resources about our Greek Orthodox faith and news pertaining to the Church School. The 75th Anniversary Commemorative Album will be available early September. After several months of preparation and editing, it has gone to print. The album is a nostalgic 750-page pictorial and written history of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, featuring the evolution of our various ministries and activities over the past 75 years. The highlight of the book is a section featuring photos from the 75th Anniversary activities and events during 2010, our anniversary year. The cost of the book is $45.00 and you can use the order form to the right. Please return the form, with your check, to St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, 3109 Scio Church, Ann Arbor, MI 48103, Attention: 75th Anniversary Commemorative Album. The album will be available for distribution mid-September. For more information, please contact Penny Bekiares or Helen Garris at 734-663-0270. St. Nicholas 75th Commemorative Album Order Form Name Address City State Zip Code Phone Number A special thanks to all our advertisers and to Christos Philippou for his technical assistance and many hours in the preparation of the book for publication. September 2011 • Volume XXIV • Issue I 9 MILESTONES VOL II, #4 September 2011 My dear fellow parishioners! Welcome to the new Ecclesiastic and school year and may we all be blessed with good health and peace amongst us. Our St. Nicholas Parish had a great year; we have reduced our mortgage substantially and the involvement of our parishioners in varying ministries and community affairs, the Metropolis Summer Camp, the 75th anniversary of the parish, the MEFGOX convention, a successful Festival, our youth groups, and forgive me if I omitted anyone, all were very successful and a joy to witness. During our festival, I was engaged in a conversation with parishioner Artemis Alex, an offspring of immigrant parents and originally from Ypsilanti, whose father was a founder of our original church on 414 N. Main Street. Artemis was kind enough to write me a synopsis of the beginning of our Main Street Church: FAITH 7 F OOD UP As of Augu st 18 “The architect of our church was Ralph S. Gerganoff, a Bulgarian Orthodox, whose baptismal name was “Christos”. He is in the picture of the original founders that hangs in the hallway. He and my father, Constantine Alex, were good friends, and Mr. Gerganoff designed my father’s restaurant in 1930, numerous buildings in Washtenaw County and St. Clement Orthodox Church in Dearborn. My father introduced Mr. Gerganoff to our Greek community during the planning stage of their new church at 414 N. Main. The beautiful wood ikonostasio was brought from a Greek Orthodox Church in South Bend, with Mr. Gerganoff’s assistance. The founders had the support of the non-Greek local Ann Arbor community, including the large German population who, like the Greeks, were, and still are, a strong nationalist group. They appreciated the Greeks’ need to worship.” NOTE: Please make out your check for $45.00 to St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and on the memo line indicate 75th Anniversary Commemorative Album. Send your check and form as soon as possible to: St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church 3109 Scio Church Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48103 Attention: 75th Anniversary Commemorative Album 10 September 2011 • Volume XXIV • Issue I Cherr y Tom atoes: 231 Tomatoes: Cucumbers : Green Pep at 4.5 lbs 250 at 76 lb s. 13 at 9 lbs. pers: 64 at 11 lb Zucchini: s 16 at 26.5 ash: 36 at 97 lb Acorn Squ Butternut S Total: DATE: ADVERTISING IN THE COMPASS lbs s. quash: 7 a t 21 lbs. 244 lbs. Thank you Artemis for the wonderful story of our beginnings. I always welcome any contribution that you, our parishioners, can make to our Milestone column. Send your suggestions and contributions to Yours in Christ, Nicholas S. Stamos If you would like to advertise in The Compass please contact Fr. Nick at the church office 734-332-8200 or send him an email at Business Card Quarter Page Half Page Full Page $25.00/month $35.00/month $55.00/month $100.00/month September 2011 • Volume XXIV • Issue I 11 SAINT NICHOLAS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 3109 Scio Church Road Ann Arbor, MI 48103 Phone: (734) 332-8200 FAX: (734) 332-8201 CHURCH HOURS Monday-Friday 9am – 1pm PARISH PRIEST FR. NICOLAOS H. KOTSIS Email: For emergencies: (734) 604-3214 THE COMPASS DESIGN AND PRINTING DONATED BY: UPROAR COMMUNICATIONS If you would like to be part of the editorial content of The Compass and you have something to share please provide it to the Church Secretary at by the 15th of each month. We regret that any article that is received after the 15th of the month will be held to the next issue. St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church reserves the right to edit, change or omit content that is not applicable to its parishioners. Copyright September 2011 DON’T FORGET TO VISIT US ON THE WEB! 2011 REGISTRY Births 1-17-11 2-1-11 3-26-11 6-4-11 7-21-11 • Evelyn, daughter of Todd & Anastasia Yocum • Alexander & Audrianna, twins of Tom & Catherine Goffas • Ioannis, son of Nikos & Stergiani Stamatopoulos • Zacharias, son of Michael & Cindy Rouman • Olivia, daughter of Katherine Raphael and Adam Scheidt Baptisms 2-5-11 • John Michael, son of Michael & Jennifer Petrou – Nonoi: Michael & Christine Petrou 2-19-11 • Malynda Marie, daughter of Christopher Lambros & Pat Murphy – Nona: Panagiota Zitros 3-6-11 • George Stavros, son of Steve and Lynn Perakis – Nonoi: Philip & Katerina Tsapatoris 3-20-11 • Melina Nicoletta, daughter of Christopher A. and Margarita Bekiares – Nonoi: Dr. Michael & Demaris Kasotakis 5-7-11 • Kelly Nichole, daughter of Dmitry & Nichole Brodsky – Nonoi: Alethea and Hailey Chaconas 5-15-11 • Vasiliki Alexandra, daughter of Fr. Nick & Pres. Sandra – Nonoi: Vasilios & Kyriaki Pliakas 5-15-11 • Thomas Philip, son of Philip & Ann Kotsis – Nonoi: John & Mary Tangalos 6-11-11 • Bailey Thomas, son of Robert Foster & Kelly Pishney – Nona: Magdaline Macchione 6-11-11 • George, son of Robert Foster & Erica Haratsaris – Nonoi: Steve & Lynn Perakis 7-12-11 • Kurt Peter, son of Thomas & Heidi Kusserelis – Nonos: George Petropoulos 7-12-11 • Joseph Otto, son of Thomas & Heidi Kusserelis – Nonos: Lee Petropoulos 7-23-11 • Andrianna, daughter of Tom & Catherine Goffas – Nonoi: Peter & Joanna Kalantzis 7-23-11 • Alexander, son of Tom & Catherine Goffas – Nonos: Athanasios (Tom) Goffas 8-13-11 • Alexander, son of David Lombard & Ramona Uritescu – Nonoi: Andreea & Cristian Dersidian 8-14-11 • Emma, daughter of Thomas DeMurry and Chantell Valade – Nonoi: Mira & Conrade Valade 8-21-11 • Katerina, daughter of Paraskevas and Vasilia Tsilimingras – Nonoi: Nicholas & Panagiota Portokalis Weddings 5-1-11 • Robert Ashley, Jr. & Andrea Rendziperis – Koumbaroi: Antonios & Cleopatra Mihalopoulos 7-2-11 • James Courtney & Nicole Raphael – Koumbara: Katherine Raphael 7-9-11 • Andrew Strodtman & Rachel Nemcik – Koumbari: Daniel & Eleni Opperwall Fallen Asleep in the Lord 1-13-11 • Theodore (Ted) Tangalakis (Funeral: 1-17-11, Bethlehem) 3-9-11 • Matina Tangalakis (Funeral: 3-12-11, Bethlehem) 3-22-11 • Constantine (Connie) Vintzel (Funeral: 3-25-11, Fairview Cemetery, Brighton, MI) 4-12-11 • Stavroula (Lula) Maheras (Funeral: 4-15-11, Bethlehem) 4-18-11 • Cristinel Dima (Oak Grove Cemetery, Manistee, MI) 4-19-11 • Anastasia Leontis (Funeral: 4-23-11, Union Cemetery, Columbus, OH) 6-9-11 • Renetta Roubanis (Funeral: 6-16-11, Bethlehem) 7-3-11 • Suzanne (Bezirium) Baker (Burial: 7-9-11, Bethlehem) 8-10-11 • George Venious (Burial: 8-16-11, Sault Ste. Marie, MI) If there are any mistakes or omissions, we apologize. Please contact the office so that we may correct it. Thank you.) 12 September 2011 • Volume XXIV • Issue I
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