The Compass - Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
The Compass - Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
The Compass SAINT NICHOLAS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN MAY 2012 • VOLUME XXIV • ISSUE IX A MESSAGE FROM FR. NICOLAOS H. KOTSIS Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Christ is Risen! I hope and pray everyone celebrated the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with great joy amongst family and friends. This month, I thought I would discuss the issue of receiving Holy Communion. Most people have an understanding of how and when it is appropriate to receive Holy Communion which they have practiced from their youth. I’m asked frequently about this issue and will offer a few thoughts. To begin, the tradition in the Greek Orthodox Church is for the faithful to be prepared to receive Holy Communion frequently. Growing up, like many of you, we received Holy Communion a handful of times a year: Christmas, Easter, the Dormition, a nameday, etc. Preparation usually included frequent attendance to church services, participation in the life of the parish, and fasting a week prior to receiving Holy Communion. That is the way I and my family understood our participation in Holy Communion. If that is what some of the faithful continue to practice now, fine. However, the truly proper way to understand receiving Holy Communion in the full tradition of the Church is a bit different. Certainly, frequent attendance to Church services is absolutely important. Without the constant impression made by the rhythms of the liturgical cycle, without the hearing of the Gospel proclaimed in the Church, without the responses to the verses of the Liturgy, our minds and souls can easily be led away from a focus on Christ and the salvation He offers to us. Just as importantly, having a proper prayer life at home (for oneself and for one’s family) is crucial to setting the mind aright to receive Holy Communion. Participation on the sacrament of Confession is important. In the Greek tradition, it is not always necessary that one confess every time one wants to receive Holy Communion. But working out a plan for Confession with a spiritual father is important. St. Irene Fasting is important as well. However, fasting is not a means by which we become worthy to receive Holy Communion. Rather, it is a way of disciplining our lives so that we are not as easily tempted by sin and vice. Fasting is meant to strengthen the soul, not weaken the body. As well, proper fasting includes the traditional Orthodox practice of observing Wednesdays and Fridays as fasting days, and the fasting seasons (Great Lent, Holy Week, the Dormition fast, etc.). Further, participation in the life of the parish is also important. Being a good steward – of time, talent and treasure – is a sign that one is trying in earnest to live a life in Christ. Please remember, that all of these issues will vary to a certain degree from person to person. It is always important to discuss these items with your spiritual father or parish priest, despite these general observations, so that an individual’s needs, expectations, and personal history can be taken into proper account. Continues on page 2 Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church • 3109 Scio Church Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48103 • (734) 332-8200 • A MESSAGE FROM FR. NICOLAOS H. KOTSIS A MESSAGE FROM GEORGE KOKALES, PARISH COUNCIL PRESIDENT Finally, one more important matter. Along with frequent attendance to church services, arriving to church on time is very important. If one is not present for the hearing of the Gospel – the good news that through Christ’s death and resurrection salvation is ours by living, thinking, speaking and acting in a Christ-like manner – we are not preparing ourselves properly to receive. I understand being late on occasion. I understand (all too well) people with young families not always being able to get to church on time. However, many of us here at St. Nicholas, are becoming flippant in our arrival time. Arriving just prior to the distribution of Holy Communion on a regular basis is disturbing to others in attendance, does nothing to prepare our Christos Anesti! Continued from page 1 hearts and souls to receive the Body and Blood of Christ for the remission of sins and everlasting life, teaches our children that little or no preparation is necessary to receive Holy Communion and shows disrespect to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and his Holy Greek Orthodox Church. Please, let’s try to help each other get to church at the proper time. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to me! Christos Anesti! Fr. Nick AHEPA day is May 20. On this day, AHEPA recognizes its history and past members. It is also the day that AHEPA #195 scholarships are awarded to the graduating high school seniors of our parish, immediately following Church services. Please join the AHEPA in recognizing and congratulating these well deserving leaders of tomorrow. This year’s AHEPA District #10 Convention will be hosted by our own AHEPA Chapter #195 and Daughters of Penelope Knossos Chapter #174 and will take place here in Ann Arbor.The two day event will begin Friday, June 15 with the 15th Annual AHEPA #195 Scholarship Golf Classic Open at Eagle Crest Golf Club, with a 9:30AM shotgun start. Later that evening, there will be a “Greek Night” with entertainment from our very own St. Nicholas, Ann Arbor GOYA Dancers and music by our own “Kefi” band. The Convention culminates Saturday night with the District #10 Educational Scholarship Awards Banquet, where the Kefi band will, again, provide music for our listening pleasure and, of course, DANCING! Both evening events will take place at the Holiday Inn on Plymouth Road. Please plan on attending one, two, or even all three of these events for what promises to be a fun-filled weekend and show the surrounding AHEPA Chapters that Ann Arbor strongly supports its own Chapters! For tickets, contact Costas Boutsikakis (734-604-8737), Craig Theros (313-218-7548), or Perry Katsikas (734-995-4766). Volunteers Needed! Have you thought about the committee that would best utilize your talent and time? Your participation is needed in Admissions, Agora Marketplace, Children’s Activities, Friends of the Festival, Hellenic Exhibit/Tours, Kafenio, Kouzina, Marketing, Parking, Raffle, Security, and the Taverna. You can sign up via email at or in person beginning April 22 in the social hall. Festival hours are from 11 a.m. – midnight on Friday and Saturday, and 12 – 6 p.m. on Sunday. Admission fee is $3 after 4 p.m. Friday and 1 p.m. Saturday, free for children 12 and under; free admission for everyone on Sunday. Visit “Ya’ssoo!” 2 May 2012 • Volume XXIV • Issue IX March 21 our Church School students participated in the St. John Chrysostom Parish Oratorical Festival. Congratulations to Junior Speaker Athena Chapekis and Senior Speaker Yan Theros. We wish you all the best as you advance to the District level. Thank you to Dr. Vicki Kiningham for chairing the event again this year. Our local AHEPA Chapter #195 recently donated $1200 to St. Nicholas. Thank you very much! YA’SSOO KAFENIO BAKING SCHEDULE All baking begins at 9:30 a.m. unless otherwise noted. Kourambiethes: May 14 and 15. Baklava: May 22, 23, and 24 (May 24 begins at 11:30 a.m. because of Liturgy). The 2012 Ya’ssoo Greek Festival is only a few weeks away, and we need everyone’ s help to ensure a successful event! Contact Pericles Chiatalas or myself, George Kokales, to sign up. We can direct you to a committee leader that suits your interests. The Compass is online. Not many of you have opted to read it electronically. Please, if you are able, consider calling the office (Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.) to have your name removed from the Compass mailing list. Going paperless will save St. Nicholas printing and mailing costs. And as an added benefit, you will be able to view additional St. Nicholas activities. Once again, the church operating expenses are covered through stewardship pledges. Please do the best you can and pledge to St. Nicholas. Yours in Christ, George Kokales PHILOPTOCHOS May Activities • “He has showed you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8 Join St. Nicholas Philoptochos and walk together with us. Ya’ssoo Festival Our 6th annual Greek Festival is less than a month away – June 1, 2, 3 – and this is the time for us, as a St. Nicholas family, to promote this popular community event. Last year we increased our attendance by nearly 1,000 and we hope to exceed that figure this year. Remember that your contacts are just one click away with Facebook! Promotional materials will be available outside the church office beginning April 22. The March 31 spring cleanup helped beautify our church for Easter. Thank you to everyone who gave up a Saturday to come and help clean the inside and outside of St. Nicholas. As the weather gets warmer, the flowers are blooming and so are the weeds. Please take a few minutes, while you are at St. Nicholas, to pull a few weeds. A little bit goes so far in helping beautify our landscape. AHEPA CHAPTER #195 The semi-annual AHEPA Lamb Luncheon will take place, after church, on May 6. It will be delicious as always and best of all will give the cook of the house a well deserved break! So treat yourself and your family. Get your tickets early. They are still only $12.00 each. Contact Costas Boutsikakis or Craig Theros. What a joy to see our beautiful St. Nicholas filled with so many parishioners singing Christos Anesti on Easter. Many of you stayed to enjoy the traditional mageritsa. Thank you to the Tom and John Roumanis family, Bill Stamoulis and the Stamatopoulos family for donating their time, talent and treasure to St. Nicholas Next month, June 15-16, AHEPA will host the district convention right here in Ann Arbor. Many activities are planned, beginning with a golf outing on Friday, the 15th at Eagle Crest golf course, followed by Greek Night later that evening, featuring our own St. Nicholas GOYA dancers and a dinner dance on Saturday, June 16th. Go to the St. Nicholas website, or contact any AHEPA family member for more information. • Philoptochos project, Easter Baskets for Tots, provided Saline Social Services with 137 filled and decorated Easter Baskets and a cash donation to their food bank. The children who received baskets range in age from infants to 12 years.Thank you to these businesses for their support: Dr. Anthony Kahn, Busch’s, Saline Dairy Queen, Benny’s Bakery, Ryde On, and Walmart. Thank you St. Nicholas members who contributed money and goods. Committee members include Kerri Dixon, Andrea Kahn, Athena Papageorgiou, Robin Michos, Teddy Sotiropoulos, Elizabeth Bairactaris, Elaine Karam and Diana Rooks. • Our annual Palm Sunday Luncheon was delightful.Thank you Vicky and Thano Masters. Thanks to all who worked to set up, cook, serve and clean up. • Thank you Dena Petropoulos, Tula Prokos and helpers for the beautiful Easter Eggs. • Remember bed pad sewing for Arbor Hospice on Tuesday, May 1. • On May 5 we will host a Children’s Fashion Show and luncheon to benefit the Family Life Department of Mott Children’s Hospital.We have such wonderful families. Join us on Saturday in celebrating our children as they parade through the Church Hall in the wonderful outfits supplied by The Urban Toddler. We will make memories. • Please join us for our Philoptochos birthday celebration and business meeting at 7:30 on May 9. Yogurt and syrup: May 25. Samali: May 26. Karithopita: May 29. Rizogalo: May 31. May 2012 • Volume XXIV • Issue IX 3 MAY 2012 CALENDAR OF EVENTS FINANCIALS (9:00 a.m. Orthros • 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy) sunday monday tuesday 1 9:30 a.m. Bed Pads wednesday 2 10:30 a.m. Senior Exercise Class 7:00 p.m. YAL thursday 3 7:00 p.m. Outreach & Evangelism friday 4 11:00 a.m. Senior Exercise Class saturday 5 10:00 a.m. Mosaic 6 7 Sunday of the Paralytic Ushers: C; Altar Boys: D Prosforo: Betty Manolakis Memorial Service: Photi Petropoulos – 40 days • AHEPA Lamb Luncheon • 4:00 p.m. GOYA Bible Study, Meeting and Potluck Supper 8 10:00 a.m. Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Festival Meeting 7:30 p.m. Bible Study 9 10:30 a.m. Senior Exercise Class 7:30 p.m. Philoptochos Meeting 13 14 15 16 Sunday of the Samaritan Woman and Mothers Day 9:30 a.m. Kafenio Baking: Kourambiethes 9:30 a.m. Kafenio Baking: Kourambiethes 10:30 a.m. Senior Exercise Class 10:00 a.m. Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Festival Meeting Ushers: D; Altar Boys: A Prosforo: Artemis Alex Memorial Service: Christopher Mitropoulos – 12 years and Nicholas Chaconas – 5 years Fellowship Hour: OPEN 20 Ushers: A 11:30 a.m. Bible Study Fathers of the 1 Ecumenical Council Ushers: B; Altar Boys: C Prosforo: Panagioti Apostolou 9:30 a.m. GOYA Dance Practice 18 19 11:00 a.m. Senior Exercise Class 9:30 a.m. GOYA Dance Practice 7:30 p.m. Paraklesis 10:00 a.m. Mosaic 22 23 24 25 26 9:30 a.m. Kafenio Baking: Baklava 9:30 a.m. Kafenio Baking: Baklava Holy Ascension 9:30 a.m. Kafenio Baking: Yogurt & Syrup 9:30 a.m. Kafenio Baking: Samali 7:00 p.m. Festival Meeting 10:30 a.m. Senior Exercise 11:30 a.m. Kafenio Baking: Baklava 7:30 p.m. Bible Study Ushers: A 11:00 a.m. Senior Exercise Class 7:00 p.m. Physical Plant Meeting 28 st 11:00 a.m. Senior Exercise Class 12 10:00 a.m. Mosaic 17 REVENUE BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET VARIANCE PERCENT OF ACTUAL TO BUDGET STEWARDSHIP $393,300 $101,843 $291,457 25.89% PANGARE & TRAYS $50,000 $13,265 $36,735 26.53% OTHER $27,300 $5,809 $21,491 21.28% TOTAL REVENUE $470,600 $120,917 $349,683 25.69% EXPENSES SALARIES/FRINGE $144,450 $37,788 $106,662 26.16% OFFICE $21,150 $6,497 $14,653 30.72% CHURCH $10,100 $2,416 $7,684 23.92% 29 Office Closed 9:00 a.m. Bethlehem Cemetery 9:30 a.m. Kafenio Baking: Karithopita 5:00 p.m. Noon: Greek School Dance Washtenong Cemetery Practice 1:00 p.m. Forest Hill Cemetery 5:30 p.m. GOYA Dance Practice 30 10:30 a.m. Senior Exercise Class 5:00 p.m. Greek School Dance Practice 31 9:30 a.m. Kafenio Baking: Rizogalo 5:00 p.m. Greek School Dance Practice 7:00 p.m. Festival Meeting 2012 PARISH COUNCIL OFFICERS George Kokales, President George Michos, Vice President Robert J. Ashley, Jr., Secretary Vasilios Pliakas, Controller Patricia R. Douglas, Treasurer Christos Kitromelides, Assistant Treasurer Elizabeth Mitropoulos, Corresponding Secretary 2012 PARISH COUNCIL MEMBERS Christopher A. Bekiares Michael Kasotakis Chris Kerry Costas Kleanthous Lambrini Lagos Nicholas Stamos Evan Arhangelos Chris Bilakos JOY Mary Hays, Advisor HOPE Sophia Grias-Radwanski, Advisor Vasilia Tsilimingras, Advisor YAL Antonios Mihalopoulos YERAC/OUTREACH & EVANGELISM Robert Ashley Jr. GREEK SCHOOL Ioanna Ioannou, Principal & Teacher YOUTH & EDUC. $9,950 $2,667 $7,283 26.81% REPAIRS & MAIN. $46,800 $13,097 $33,703 27.99% UTILITIES $42,500 $10,240 $32,260 24.09% PSALTES ARCH. FAIR SHARE $44,500 $14,821 $29,679 33.31% CLERGY BENEFITS $29,000 $9,173 $19,827 31.63% Zannis Res, Protopsaltis George Smyrnis MORTGAGE $76,500 $19,079 $57,421 24.94% INSURANCE $11,000 $2,839 $8,162 25.80% ALTAR BOYS OTHER OUTLAYS $25,000 $0 $25,000 0.00% Dani Nadra MISCELLANEOUS $9,650 $1,325 $8,325 13.73% OCF (UM CAMPUS MINISTRY) TOTAL EXPENSES $470,600 $119,943 $350,657 25.49% MUSIC MINISTRY Andy Popescu (Tuesday at 8:00 pm in the Michigan Union) OPERATIONAL SURPLUS 2/29/12 $975 STEWARDSHIP REPORT APRIL 8, 2012 PLEDGED AMOUNT AHEPA Costas Boutsikakis DAUGHTERS OF PENELOPE Perry Katsikas Dr. Jon Wardner Teresa Stokes NOTE – THIS IS CURRENT YEAR OPERATIONS ONLY – IT DOES NOT REFLECT PRIOR YEARS ENDING BALANCES Sunday of the Blind Man St. Constantine and Helen 27 7:00 p.m. Parish Council Meeting 11 7:30 p.m. Bible Study 21 Ushers: A; Altar Boys: B Prosforo: OPEN Fellowship Hour: OPEN • AHEPA Sunday: Senior Recognition • GOYA: Senior Recognition • 12:30 p.m. HOPE/JOY • 12:30 p.m. Greek School PTA Meeting • 4:00 p.m. GOYA Bible Study 10 2012 OPERATING FUND BUDGET VERSUS ACTUAL REVENUE & EXPENSE AS OF 4/8/12 (PRELIMINARY 27.05%) 6:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. GOYA Dance Practice YAL – Motor Meals 11:00 a.m. Philoptochos Children’s Fashion Show SPECIAL THANKS TO: 2012 TARGET 2012 ACTUAL 2011 ACTUAL $385,300 $197,264 $295,385 NUMBER OF PLEDGES 360 181 308 AVERAGE PLEDGE AMOUNT $1,070 $1,090 $959 TOTAL PAID $92,428 $282,318 NUMBER OF PLEDGES (FULL PAYMENT) 71 266 NUMBER OF PLEDGES (PARTIAL PAYMENT) 81 32 PLEDGE BALANCE DUE $104,836 $13,067 Your commitment to the Stewardship Program of this parish is critical to our continued operation and ministries. For those who need to complete a 2012 pledge, please do so as soon as possible. You may find information and forms on Stewardship at PHILOPTOCHOS Clevie Daniels, President (Second Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m.) ST. NICHOLAS SENIORS HSA (UM HELLENIC STUDENT ASSOCIATION) Maria Pliakas YOUTH ENRICHMENT COMMITTEE Sam Roumanis Dr. Anthony Kales Diane Geczi “COMPASS” CHURCH SCHOOL Fr. Nick Katherine Phan Photios Ioannou, Assistant BOOKSTORE YOUTH COORDINATOR Demetra Mitropoulos-Rundus Artemis Leontis Joy Melzian Liz Mitropoulos Sophia Roumanis Mara Krause GOYA Christopher Mitropoulos-Rundus, President We appreciate your care and concern. Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church • 3109 Scio Church Road • Ann Arbor, MI 48103 • • (734) 332-8200 = 9:00 a.m. Orthros • 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy May 2012 • Volume XXIV • Issue IX 5 CHURCH SCHOOL Χριστός Ανέστη We congratulate our St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival finalists, Athena Chapekis from the Junior Division and Yan Theros from the Senior Division, who went on to compete in the Michigan District Finals. Our St. Nicholas parishioners had the opportunity to hear Athena and Yan when they presented their speeches in church. On Saturday of Lazarus, as is our custom every year, our Church School students attended the Divine Liturgy and received Holy Communion. Following the service a hot strict fast brunch was served in our Social Hall and we helped make palm crosses for the Divine Liturgy on Palm Sunday. On Holy Wednesday a special Holy Unction Service for all Church School students took place and it was followed by our annual Church School Holy Week Retreat. The students assembled according to their youth group and were instructed on three events which we commemorate during Holy Week. The three events selected for this year’s retreat were The Cursing of the Fig Tree, The Parable of the Ten Virgins and The Washing of Christ’s Feet by the Sinful Woman. Icons, depicting Flowers Donations for Easter 2012 the stories of these events, were used for instructing our Church School students. The students gained a further understanding of the events of Holy Week and about their faith and how it affects them and those around them. We extend a special thank you to the teachers who instructed the three youth groups. GOYA was led by Deno Prokos and Dani Nadra, HOPE was led by Cleopatra Mihalopuoulos and Joanne Gabl and JOY was led by Eva Mikhail and Tony Mihalopoulos. We also extend a special thank you to Fr. Nick for his spiritual guidance and for instructing all three groups on the topic of The Cursing of the Fig Tree and to Tony Mihalopoulos for the wonderful job he did in organizing this year’s retreat. During Great Lent the Church School students participated in the coin box collection for the O.C.M.C. (Orthodox Christian Mission Center). At the beginning of Lent each student was given a box in which to collect coins and the boxes were collected the week following Easter. The funds raised by our Church School students will assist the O.C.M.C. in its philanthropic mission throughout the world. GOYA memory of our loved ones so visibly portrayed on a lighted bag. Thank you, Mrs. Ruth Philippou for chairing this project for our GOYA. Christos Anesti! Thank you to everyone for purchasing a luminary this year. The walkway looked beautiful as we solemnly walked around the church on Good Friday, with the Last month, our GOYANs once again went to St. Andrews to feed the homeless. This will be an ongoing activity throughout the year, so if you’re interested in participating, come to a GOYA meeting to sign up. With the 2012 Ya’ssoo Greek Festival quickly approaching, we will begin dance practices this month. All GOYANs, whether having danced before or not, are invited to join. Dance practices for the festival are: Fri., May 4: 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Sat., May 12 & 19: 9:30 a.m. – Noon, and Tues., May 29 at 5:30 p.m. A reminder that our next GOYA Bible Study, Meeting and potluck supper will be on Sunday, May 6 beginning at 4:00 p.m. We will be holding elections. Liz Bairactaris Laura Kokkales Vicki Kiningham Demetra Mitropoulos-Rundus Dani Nadra President Christopher Mitropoulos-Rundus H.O.P.E (HELLENIC ORTHODOX PRIMARY EDUCATION) We look forward to seeing all the children aged 4 to those in 2nd grade for a lot of fun at our next meeting: Sunday May 20th 2012, 12:30 to 2:00. Last meeting, Father spoke to the children about Christ’s Ascension. They learned that 40 days after 6 Christ’s Resurrection, in the presence of the 11 disciples and the Theotokos, Christ ascended into heaven where he continues to sit at the right hand of the Father. Father Nick then explained to the children that Christ will come back to earth again to raise us May 2012 • Volume XXIV • Issue IX up to heaven with Him forever. The children made a craft project of the Ascension. Next meeting Father will speak to the children about Pentecost. Remember, increasing exposure to the Church early in your child’s life is an important step in the building and strengthening of their Orthodox Faith. For more information contact: Sophia Grias-Radwanski ( ) or Vasilia Tsilimingras ( Thank you to the following who so generously donated flowers for Great Lent and Holy Week: GREAT LENT 1st Salutations Icon: Margaret Yates 2nd Salutations Icon: Sophia Radwanski 3rd Salutations Icon: Maria Marcu 4th Salutations Icon: Gigi Kitromelides Akathist Hymn Icon: Jack Fry (in memory of Francis Fry) Sunday of Holy Cross: Daffodils: Helen Evangelides (in memory of Ann & Frank Krimbacher, Fannie & Louis Kambas, & Mary & James Nezamis). Annunciation: March 25: Katina Presutti Palm Sunday: Palms & Bay Leaves: Anne Hulce Jesus Entry into Jerusalem Icon: Helen Garkinos HOLY WEEK (Palm Sunday Evening and Holy Monday): 1st & 2nd Nymphios: Teddy Kales Holy Tuesday: 3rd Nymphios: Athina Res Holy Thursday: Mystical Supper Icon: Katherine Maheris Crucifixion Icon: Helen Evangelides Crucifix Wreath: Lambrini Lagos Holy Saturday: 1st Resurrection Service: Myrrhbearing Women Icon: Liz Mitropoulos & Demetra Mitropoulos-Rundus Canon & Resurrection Service: Resurrection Icon: Lambrini Lagos Resurrection Wreath: Lambrini Lagos Theotokos Icon: Ioanna Ioannou Royal Doors & Iconostasis: Gordon & Thelma Steers, Donnelly & Helen Hadden, Daniel & Mara Krause, Robert & Vicki Kiningham, Nick & Vassiliki Panagoulias, Demos & Helen Panos, Christopher & Margarita Bekiares, Esther Starnal, Gina & Joshua Ney, Steve Fernimos, Gail Altenburg, Michael & Natalie Challis, Michael Kapetan & Karen Munson Easter Lilies: George & Ellene Tratras Contis HOLY & GREAT FRIDAY Epitaphion: Nicos & Cindy Agathocleous, Pearl Ahnen, Artemis Alex, Perry & Deann Alex, George & Elizabeth Bairactaris, Christopher A. and Margarita Bekiares, Olga Bekiares, Penelope Bekiares, Helen Botchen, Costas & Ioanna Boutsikakis, Michael & Natalie Challis, Marina Christos, Dino Christoulias, John & Juanita Clufetos, Steve & Faye Cotitsas, John & Mary Curtis, Nicholas Dekeon, Richard Dekeon, George & Susan Dendrinos, James & Patricia Douglas, Robert Doumanian, Helen Evangelides, Angela Evangelinos, Gus & Mary Fernimos, Stephen Fernimos, Medina Fugate, Helen Garkinos, Helen Garris, Jacalen Garris, Steven & Stamatia Garris, Diane Geczi, Patrick & Helen Gibson-Kales, Christina Giouroukos, Nellie & Renaud Guibert, Jarnis Gutierrez, Donnelly & Helen Hadden, Anne Hulce, Anthony & Andrea Kahn, Michael Kapetan & Karen Munson, Michael J. & Demaris Kasotakis, Christos & Panorea Katsikas, Christos & Gehan Kitromelides, Costas & Sylvia Kleanthous, Cynthia Kokkales, Nakos & Pay Kovanis, Peter & Zorene Kussurelis, Spyro & Martha Lambros, Nicholas & Betty Lardas, Tom & Angie Letsos, Bessie Madias, Betty Manolakis, Maria Marcu, Thano & Vicky Masters, Brian & Andrea McRae, Stevan & Joy Melzian, Peter & Pat Metsovas, Oleg & Emilie Michajlenko, Mike & Eva Mikhail, George & Barbara Milio, Liz Mitropoulos, Jeff & Panagiota Murphy, Joshua & Gina Ney, Nick & Vassiliki Panagoulias, Lillian Pantos, George & Maria Papadoulis, George & Diane Papandreou, Carl Pardon, Antonia Patrikakos, Terry & Evanthia Patzias, Presvytera Eva Paul, Vasilios & Koula Pliakas, Holly Polopolos, Perry & Georgia Porikos, David & Mary Price, Jim & Tula Prokos, Peter & Elizabeth Roopas, John & Katerina Roumanis, Tom & Sophia Roumanis, Nicholas Roumel & Gail Altenburg, Joseph Stageman & Toula Saratsis, Ekaterini Stamadianos, Nick & Helen Stamos, Anna Stefanopoulou, Eshter Starnal, Gordon & Thelma Steers, Cerene Tangalakis, Craig & Hongyun Theros, Bob Tsarbopoulos, Tom & Doreen Tziahnas, Ramona Uritescu-Lombard, Pat Vangelatos, Emi & Marian Varzoaba, Tommy & Maria Vaughn, John & Cheryl Venious, Becky Vlisides, William Vlisides, Mirko & Georgia Vulicevic, John & Stella Waggoner, Billy & Marguerita Yates, Zakhour & Androulla Youssef, Bill & Connie Ziegler Easter Baskets In April, Philo for Tots ptochos pro vided Saline Easter baske S ocial Service ts, s with 137 families. Child servicing the children of more th ren who re an 70 need ceived the b 0 – 12 year y askets range s old. An ad d in age fro ditional cash support the m donation w Saline Social as also give Services’ foo had a great n to d bank. Com time assemb m ittee membe lin as well as m g the baske rs ts. Several lo any of our cal business parishioners A hear tfelt es, , donated m thank you to oney and go all of the fo support: D ods. llowing busi r. Anthony K nesses for th ahn, Busch’s Bakery, Ryde eir , S al in e Dairy Qu On, and Wal een, Benny’s Mar t. Comm Kerri Dixon ittee memb , Andrea Kah ers included n, Athena Pap Teddy Sotiro : ageorgiou, R poulos, Elizab o bin Michos, eth Bairactar Diana Rooks is, Elaine Kar . am and May 2012 • Volume XXIV • Issue IX 7 SAINT NICHOLAS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH MILESTONES VOL. III, #5 3109 Scio Church Road Ann Arbor, MI 48103 Phone: (734) 332-8200 FAX: (734) 332-8201 CHRIST IS RISEN! TRULY HE HAS RISEN! CHURCH HOURS Monday-Friday 9am – 3pm PARISH PRIEST FR. NICOLAOS H. KOTSIS Email: For emergencies: (734) 604-3214 CHURCH SECRETARY DEMETRA MITROPOULOSRUNDUS May 2012 Now living in western Michigan, former resident and current member of St. Nicholas, parishioner and author of “Legends and Legacies” (on sale at our St. Nicholas book store), Pearl Kastran Ahnen, has written a play, ”Rose’s Passion”. Performed, by the ”Red Barn Players”, the play, about three widows and their children during World War II and the challenges they faced, made its debut at the Red Barn Theatre in Saugatuck, Michigan this past April 20-22. Congratulations Pearl! young parishioners, who were honored at the 89th Honors Convocation at the University of Michigan’s Hill Auditorium on March 18th, 2012. These young people had records of ALL A’s and the number following the names indicates the number of semesters that they achieved this Milestone. • Anastasia Mitropoulos-Rundus – 4 • Maria Pliakas – 2 • Kevin Kiningham – 2 • Konstantinos Papefthymiou has qualified as a Nathional Merit Finalist. Axios to All! Yours in Christ, Nicholas S. Stamos Email: Today we have our own young people making their own marks in the academic community. Listed below are some of our THE COMPASS DESIGN AND PRINTING DONATED BY: UPROAR COMMUNICATIONS 2012 REGISTRY (If there are any mistakes or omissions, we apologize. If you would like to be part of the editorial content of The Compass and you have something to share please provide it to the Church Secretary at by the 15th of each month. We regret that any article that is received after the 15th of the month will be held to the next issue. St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church reserves the right to edit, change or omit content that is not applicable to its parishioners. Please contact the office so that we may correct it. Thank you.) Births 1-29-12 • George Nicolaos Kotsis, son of Fr. Nick and Presbytera Sandra 3-2-12 • Anna Necula, daughter of Gabriel and Mona Necula 3-8-12 • M aria Carole Kussurelis, daughter of Tom and Heidi Kussurelis • Nicholas George & Alexander Michael, sons of Steve & Alysia Dendrinos Baptisms 3-3-12 • Joseph Colter, son of Brian and Andrea McRae – Nonoi: Joseph and Maria Hochendoner Fallen Asleep in the Lord 1-16-12 • Mary Lou Carras (Funeral: 1-19-12, Bethlehem) 1-27-12 • Christina Christoulias (Funeral: 1-30-12, Bethlehem) Copyright May 2012 DON’T FORGET TO VISIT US ON THE WEB! 75th Anniversary Commemorative Album The 75th Anniversary Commemorative Albums have arrived! The album is a beautifully written and historical history of our church from 1935 – 2010.The books are now available at the church at a cost of $45.00. An additional cost will be added for those who want their books shipped. Thank you for your ad placements, book purchases and support during the 75th year celebrations! For any questions, please contact Penny Bekiares at 662-6606 or Helen Garris at 663-0270. The Compass is OnLine! Thank you to those who have requested to read the Compass online. You are helping St. Nicholas reduce its postage costs. If you haven’t signed up and are able to view the Compass online, please consider doing so. Contact the office and we will remove you from our mailing list. Otherwise, we will continue to mail the Compass to your home. Remember, going paperless is another way you can help reduce our costs. Our web site address is 8 May 2012 • Volume XXIV • Issue IX ADVERTISING IN THE COMPASS If you would like to advertise in The Compass please contact Demetra Mitropoulos-Rundus at the church office 734-332-8200 or send her an email at Business Card Quarter Page Half Page Full Page $25.00/month $35.00/month $55.00/month $100.00/month Athena Papageorgiou • Stefana (crowns) • Lambathes (candles) • Martirika (witness ribbons) • Bonbonierres (favors) • Crosses • Baptism clothing • Programs May 2012 • Volume XXIV • Issue IX • Advertising ADVERTISING IN THE COMPASS “Restoring lives back to normal” 24/7/365 800.24-7.6152 “Great Lakes Restorations came twice to clean all of the carpets and floors in our facility as a donation to our church and did an outstanding job each time.” Fr. Nick May 2012 • Volume XXIV • Issue IX • Advertising
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