October/November 2011 - Saint Anthony Greek Orthodox Church
October/November 2011 - Saint Anthony Greek Orthodox Church
October/November 2011 Volume 6, Number 6 Beloved Parishioners: I would like to convey my gratitude and sincere thanks to all our dedicated parishioners who have worked truly countless hours toward the construction of our new Parish Center. When I gaze upon the building from one of the Altar windows, my mind immediately begins to consider all of the new great things we will accomplish as a community once we are in this well-planned and modern facility. For us, this building will be a state of the art facility for teaching and learning. It will be a beautiful place where we will host inspiring, uplifting and celebratory events and activities. It will be our gathering place as we continue to grow in our Orthodox Faith. Each day the joy of anticipation grows as our building progresses. There are still, however, numerous details to be completed before we reach our final goal of 6 GOYA 10 Youth Directors 12 Pasadena Greek Fest our completed Parish Center. The area between and surrounding our Parish Center and the Church must be completed, and the area in front of the Church requires upgrading and reconfiguration. In order to accomplish all of this work, we will have to implement some necessary changes. I am reminded of Christ's lesson that there will be times, as His Followers, when life will not always be easy or go according to plan. In those times, we must pray and be flexible and open to change. We will experience some of the changes which will affect our Sunday worship. But I, as your Proistamenos, will do everything I can to make this period of transition as smooth and painless as possible. Beginning in November, the trailers on the North side of the Church will have to be removed and we will be without classrooms. So our Sunday School Lessons, as they are currently taught and structured, will be modified. The education of our children is of paramount importance and must continue in some form each and every Sunday. Christ said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them, for such is the kingdom of heaven.” In order to maximize our time for teaching toward the end of the Liturgy, as of November 6th, the Orthros (the Matins Service) will begin at 8:30 AM. Any Memorial Services scheduled will be chanted at the end of the Orthros at 9:45 AM and just before the Great Doxology. The Divine Liturgy will begin at 10AM. These minor adjustments will allow us more time for the Sermon. The Sermon will be our teaching opportunity for all family members. Parents and children will remain together in Church, and at the conclusion of Divine Liturgy, your priests will now gear the traditional sermon to the entire congregation. We will speak to our people young and old alike. A message to be heard and experienced by all. ...Continued on page 3 ST. ANTHONY GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 778 S. ROSEMEAD BLVD. PASADENA, CA 91107 – 5613 (626) 449-6943 Fax (626) 449-6974 www.saint-anthonys.org CLERGY Rev. Fr. Peter Stratos Rev. Fr. Christos Kanakis ADMINISTRATION Alma Vorgias, Secretary Vicki Kades, Communications Sunday Services Orthos 9:00 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 am Church office hours: Monday–Thursday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Friday 9:00 am to 12:00 Noon Closed on Saturday & Sunday PARISH COUNCIL Ted Vavoulis – President John Buzas – Vice-President Eleni Vagenas - Secretary John Patzakis – Co-Treasurer Peter Stavropoulos – Co-Treasurer Tashia Vagenas – Assistant Treasurer Sophia Angelos, Chris Bicos, Tom Grafos, Jim Hronas, Yvonne Riley, Christos Siatras, Constantine Trigonis, John Vidalakis, Perry Vidalakis PAST PRESIDENTS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Andrew Demopoulos, Chairman LADIES OF PHILOPTOCHOS Fontaine Malisos CHOIR Jim Hronas SUNDAY SCHOOL Irene Albeck GOYA Esther Vavoulis JR. GOYA Presbytera Aida Stratos GREEK SCHOOL Anastasia McClain, Director Publication Reminder: The Voice of Saint Anthony deadline is the 10th of the preceding month. Please submit announcements electronically to Vicki Kades at VKades@gmail.com. St. Anthony's reserves the right to edit, alter or reject any content. Thank you to Stephanie Soewers for editing the monthly bulletin. Thank you to all that contribute photos to the monthly newsletter: Judie Christopoulos, Vicki Kades, Maria Karras, Steve Pappas and Esther Vavoulis, Tanya Christodoulelis 2 GREEK DANCE Esther Vavoulis, President MOMS N’ TOTS Sophia Syrengelas VIPs Pantele Xanthos To email any of our church groups, please go to our website www.saint-anthonys.org, and you will be able to contact us! Father Peter’s Message Continued From Page 1 So many times, through the years when I have spoken to gatherings of children, one or more of the adults present has approached me and said something like, “I have never heard that before Father,” or “Is that really what we believe?" All that means is that there is so much more that we all can learn about our faith, no matter how far along we may be in our journey. Therefore, these new instructional messages will be beneficial for all of us. These changes and new arrangements are only temporary, but they are necessary. We all need to be in our Holy Father's House each week, to worship Him together, to hear His Holy Word in the Gospel reading, to receive Holy Communion and begin our week spiritually fortified. I pray we will all embrace this change as a unique adventure in the life of our parish, with open minds and loving hearts. We will all learn and grow together. In Christ, Fr Peter We wish to welcome the newest member of the Saint Anthony family, Garifalia (Grace) Eudoxia Kanakis, born Monday, October 10, 2011 at 5:38pm, weighing 8lbs 11oz. 21 inches. Congratulations Fr. Christos and Presvytera Jessica. Na sas zisi! Γαρυφαλιά Ευδοξία "Grace" Special thanks to ALL the 2011 Pasadena Greek Fest volunteers and sponsors! See pages 12 & 13 for more post-festival photos and information! 3 Moms N’ Tots Since the start of Moms n' Tots 15 years ago, this ministry is still going strong. Mommies and their little ones are having so much fun as we come together to learn about our church through music, stories, and crafts. This is a perfect way for kiddos and mommies alike make new friends in our community and introduce children to our church at a very young age. building. Regardless of the temporary displacement this year, we expect Moms n' Tots to have another successful year and be a fun time for mommies, daddies, yiayias, caregivers, and kiddos alike. Come November, we won't have access to the trailers. We will be meeting every other Tuesday form 10:30-12:00 for playdates at parks, field trips, and homes. The schedule through December is as follows: November 1st, 15th, 29th. Our Christmas Party will be on December 13th. Locations TBA. It is important that we keep our program going strong, even during the transition into our new Please contact Eleni Bicos elenibicos@yahoo.com or Sophia Syrengelas sophiajammie@gmail.com to be put on our mailing list. Information and locations will be emailed on a weekly basis. Jr. GOYA All the JR Goyan’s had a great time working and participating in this year's Pasadena Greek Fest! Our fall schedule is quite busy with lots of opportunities for fellowship and fun. We plan to take several teams to Bible Bowl in December, so we will have a couple of Bible Jeopardy Game Meetings to prepare. Please contact the church office for more information or if you would like to participate. We are meeting on Saturday, November 19th at the Kamar's home in La Canada for game and movie night. All Jr. Goyan’s are invited to join in 4 on the fun! On December 3rd we will go to Bible Bowl in Upland. Finally, we will have our Jr. GOYA Christmas Party on Saturday, December 10 at the Caire's home in La Canada. Special thank you's to all the families who have offered their homes for our meetings and events. Save the Date Jr. GOYA Christmas Party Saturday, December 10 Sunday School 2011/2012 Sunday School Staff Room 1-Preschool-Staff-9-25-Niki Milward and Aliki Kivitne Room 2-Kindergarten/First Grade-Mary Udria, Penny Wojicik Room 3-Second/Third Grade-Mrs. Stavros Room 4-Fourth/Fifth Grade-Jenny Tsouvalas, Janet Vagenas Room 5-Sixth Grade-Irene Albeck Room 6-Seventh/Eighth Grades-Staff-Judie Christopoulos will assistRoom 7-High School-Maria Grover *Parents of children preschool to second grade are encouraged to escort child to their classes, then return to church for the conclusion. If anyone would like to participate by teaching or assisting, please contact Father Peter or Mrs. Albeck. The curriculum is established and materials plentiful. OCTOBER 30th Godparent/godchild Sunday will be October 30. Please invite your godparent or godchildren to church to receive Holy Communion together, recite the Creed together, and to fulfill the promise of being their spiritual sponsor. 5 Sr. GOYA ding (for bride) day the On September 10th the Goyans put on a luncheon for the VIPs at the Vavoulis’s home. For the luncheon the Goyans prepared and baked muffins and cakes at the Dupas's house the night before, and the next morning they met at the Vavoulis's house to set up and prepare the meals. It was a beautiful day, and the VIPs sat outside and were served lunch by the Goyans. The Goyans and VIPs mingled, and the Goyans asked the VIPs a few questions for them to answer. Here are a few of the questions and the answers the VIPs offered: With the wisdom you have today, what advice would you give to our youth today? go to church every Sunday ”Father Peter” stay in school always listen to your parents be yourself stay close to your family don’t have sex before marriage Secret to a good marriage? the person you choose will make up 99% of your happiness work together never go to bed angry at your spouse quailites: kindness, partner takes you first, considers your feelings before his/her own, patience, forgiveness, love, respect, and honesty 6 What are your happiest moments? Having our baby/kids having grandkids getting married or the wed- The Greek Orthodox Youth of America, or GOYA, is a national youth program of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, headquartered in Garrison, New York. Its main activities are fellowship, service, and social activities. The orientation and implementation of the program reflects the Orthodox Christian Faith, Tradition and Life. Its mission is to minister to youth workers, young people and their families, enabling them to fully experience the Orthodox Faith, and to live a vital Orthodox Christian life. GOYA is open to junior high and high school grade Orthodox Christian teenagers. Teenagers should be in seventh through twelfth grades to participate. The mission and goal of GOYA ministry is to lead young people into experiencing the Holy Orthodox Faith. Members of GOYA are colloquially known as "Goyans". If you or someone you know is interested in joining St. Anthonys GOYA, please send an email to the GOYA email at st.anthony GOYA Upcoming St. Anthony’s GOYA Events: Saturday, November 5 Bowling @ LAlive 2:00pm-4:00pm Fr. Christo talk & dinner 5:00pm-7:00pm @ the Pappas home Friday-Sunday November 11th-13th Big Bear Goya trip Saturday, December 17 GOYA Christmas Pary Saturday, January 7 Movie night and discussion 6:00 pm-9:00pm Philoptochos Philoptochos is off to a good start! Our September meeting was held at the lovely home of Marietta and Steve Bicos. Forty- five members gathered together for fellowship and a delicious potluck dinner. We thank Marietta and Steve for their gracious hospitality. Maria Kypreos and Fontaine Malisos attended a fall conference for the Philoptochos Metropolis recently that was held at Saint Nicholas Ranch in Dunlap, California. Over sixty women throughout the western states gathered at the Ranch for a most inspirational and informative weekend. The keynote speaker was Presvytera Pat Tsagalakis who spoke about “Balance: The Art of Giving and Receiving,” reflections of Saints Mary and Martha, challenging Orthodox Christian women to find balance in their lives. In addition, Paulette Geanacopoulos, LMSW, from the National Philoptochos Department of Social Work gave an invaluable presentation about how to assist individuals and families in need. Philoptochos continues to sponsor serving dinner to the homeless at Union Station, Pasadena on the first Wednesday of every month. If you are interested in participating in this worthwhile project, please contact Irene Albeck. Save the date! Preparations are underway for Saint Anthony Philoptochos’ 43rd annual Christmas Benefit Luncheon on Saturday, December 3, 2011, at the Langham Huntington Hotel. Invite family and friends to attend this festive event which is a Pasadena tradition. All Philoptochos general meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month. The October general meeting will be held at the home of Helen Lambros on October 26. We hope to see you there! Save The Date Saint Anthony Philoptochos’ rd 43 Annual Christmas Benefit Luncheon Saturday, December 3, 2011 Langham Huntington Hotel 7 Greek School Τα νέα του Ελληνικού Σχολείου: δυναμική αρχή και πολλές επιτυχίες Ξεκινήσαμε τη νέας σχολική μας χρονιάς δυναμικά και σε ατμόσφαιρα γιορτής Για πρώτη φορά φέτος συμμετείχαμε με τη δική μας γιορταστική εκδήλωση στο ετήσιο φεστιβάλ της κοινότητάς μας το Σεπτέμβριο. Μαθητές και απόφοιτοι. παιδιά και ενήλικες, παρουσίασαν ένα ευχάριστο γλωσσικό – πολιτισμικό πρόγραμμα στο κτίριο του Ιπποδρόμου Santa Anita το Σαββατόβραδο του φεστιβάλ. Πολλοί επισκέπτες ήρθαν να ακούσουν για τη γλώσσα και την παιδεία μας και χειροκρότησαν τους εύγλωττους μαθητές μας επί σκηνής. Ιδιαίτερα τιμητική ήταν η παρουσία της Γενικής Προξένου της Ελλάδας στο Λος Αντζελες, κας Ελισάβετ Φωτιάδου, η οποία μίλησε στο κοινό για την ελληνική γλώσσα και τη διεθνή της σημασία. Η κυρία πρόξενος ανακοίνωσε τα ονόματα των επιτυχόντων μαθητών μας στις φετινές εξετάσεις Ελληνομάθειας του Κέντρου Ελληνικής Γλώσσας. Πιστοποίηση Επάρκειας της Ελληνομάθειας: Οι φετινοί κάτοχοι των διπλωμάτων ελληνομάθειας είναι οι: Νικολίτσα Βαγενά, Αναστάσιος Γιαννούλης, Όλγα Μαστροδήμου, Αναστασία Μενεμενλή και Ανδρέας Rauch. Θερμά συγχαρητήρια σε όλους για την προσπάθεια και την επιτυχία τους. Το σχολείο μας διακρίνεται για σειρά ετών τώρα στο σημαντικό αυτό διαγωνισμό γλωσσικής επάρκειας ο οποίος τελεί υπό την αιγίδα της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και του ελληνικού Υπουργείου Παιδείας. Προσφέρουμε και φέτος πλήρες πρόγραμμα προπαρασκευαστικών μαθημάτων για τις εξετάσεις Ελληνομάθειας (επίπεδα Α1-Γ2). Το δίπλωμα ελληνομάθειας εξασφαλίζει αναγνώριση ξένης γλώσσας σε πανεπιστήμια των Η.Π.Α. και, στις ανώτερες βαθμίδες του, αποτελεί γλωσσικό τεκμήριο για φοίτηση σε ελληνικό πανεπιστήμιο και για την ανεύρεση εργασίας στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες παρακαλούμε επικοινωνήστε με τη διεύθυνση του Ελληνικού Σχολείου η συμβουλευθείτε την ιστοσελίδα: http://www.greek-language.gr/greekLang/ certification/14.html Θερμά συγχαρητήρια και στη δασκάλα του σχολείου μας Δήμητρα Κάσδαγλη, η οποία αρίστευσε στις εξετάσεις του επιμορφωτικού προγράμματος εξ αποστάσεως “Διαδρομές για τη διδασκαλία της νέας ελληνικής ως ξένης γλώσσας” –επίπεδο Ελληνομάθειας Γ2+ για διδάσκοντες. Πρόκειται για ένα πρόγραμμα κατάρτισης υψηλών αξιώσεων, το οποίο καλύπτει την ανάγκη να διδάσκονται τα ελληνικά στο εξωτερικό από δασκάλους με τα απαραίτητα εφόδια. Η Δήμητρα, με την αφοσίωση και τη λαμπρή επίδοσή της στο πρωτοποριακό αυτό πρόγραμμα, προσφέρει το καλύτερο παράδειγμα προς μίμηση σε όλους τους μαθητές, εντός και πέρα από το Ελληνικό Σχολείο. Χαιρόμαστε μαζί της και την καμαρώνουμε! Τα νέα της προσόντα έχουν ήδη αξιοποιηθεί στο φετινό πρόγραμμα μαθημάτων. Το φετινό πρόσωπο του Ελληνικού Σχολείου. Φοιτούν 65 παιδιά και νέοι, ηλικίας προσχολικής έως λυκείου. Προσφέρουμε πλήρη σειρά τάξεων, από προνηπιακό έως προχωρημένο επίπεδο και προπαρασκευή ελληνομάθειας. Μία πρόσθετη τάξη για παιδιά Δημοτικού στεγάζεται στο Hill Harbison House, San Marino. Λειτουργούν επίσης 4 τάξεις ενηλίκων (Αρχάριοι I έως Προχωρημένοι ΙΙΙ), με σύνολο 16 μαθητές. Από τις 4 Νοεμβρίου και για το υπόλοιπο της σχολικής χρονιάς οι τάξεις μας θα στεγάζονται στην παρακάτω διεύθυνση: New Hope Church (PCUSA), 700 S. Rosemead Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91107 Greek School Program, Pasadena Greek Fest 2011 Presentation 8 Students & teachers celebrate with the Consul General of Greece, the honorable Elizabeth Fotiadou (center, with microphone) Greek School News: dynamic start and many accomplishments. The new school year 2011-12 kicked off dynamically and in a celebratory mood. Greek Fest 2011. This year, for the first time, the Greek School held its own festive program at the Pasadena Greek Fest, in the Santa Anita Race Track Building on Saturday, 9/17. A talented group of our students, children, youth and adults, shared their experience of Greek language and culture to an appreciative audience, and was warmly applauded. Our distinguished guest was the honorable Elisabeth Fotiadou, Consul General of Greece in Los Angeles. Mrs Fotiadou eloquently spoke about the importance of Greek in a global world. She then introduced the students of our school who succeeded in this year’s examinations for the Certificate of Attainment in Greek (May 10-12, UC Irvine): Anastasios Giannoulis, Olga Mastrodemos, Anastasia Menemenlis, Andreas Rauch, and Nikolitsa Vagenas. Certificate of Attainment in Greek: Our warmest congratulations to the above students, for their efforts and excellent results. The St Anthony Greek School has been participating with distinction for a sequence of years in this important program of language certification which is implemented by the Centre for Greek language, Greek Ministry of Education, under the auspices of the European Union. We offer fullyear preparatory courses for the Certificate, covering all 6 levels of language proficiency (A1-C2). The Certificate gives foreign languages credits at U.S.A. schools and universities, and serves as proof of attainment in Greek in the European ed- ucational institutions and work market. For more information please contact the Greek School or visit the website http://www.greek-language.gr/ greekLang/certification/14.html It is our great joy this year to congratulate our teacher, Dimitra Kasdagli, who received a certificate of excellence for her completion of the course “Routes in Teaching Modern Greek as a Foreign Language ” – Certification of Attainment in Greek for Teachers, Level C2+. “Routes” is a univerDimitra Kasdagli sity-level, distance training course that addresses the crucial need for teaching Greek as a second language by properly qualified instructors, expatriates and foreigners, at all levels and all age-groups. Dimitra’s participation and excellent performance in this innovative course offers a valuable role model for all students, within and beyond the Greek School. Her new skills have already been placed in use in this year’s curriculum. Greek School profile, 2011-12. We have currently 65 registered children and youths, ages pre-school to high school, attending the full range of classes from Pre-K to Advanced and Preparatory for Certification. An additional extramural class for elementary school children is held at the Hill Harbison House in San Marino. Our adult program includes four classes, Beginners I to Advanced III, totaling 15 students. Relocation schedule: Starting November 4 and for the rest of the school year classes will be relocated at New Hope Church (PCUSA), 700 S. Rosemead Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91107. Eleni Tsaggouri (left) & Georgia Tripodis (right) make Greek playful & enjoyable for our youngest students every Monday afternoon. 9 “Season Finale” by Rev. Deacon Niko Bekris There are few things worse than the torture of waiting the whole summer to find out what happens after your favorite TV show’s season finale! You watch a show the entire season (typically September to May), only to see a dramatic conclusion to all of that year’s stories in a two-hour episode that ends in a cliffhanger, and makes you wait three months to find out what happens next. Torture! I think the first time I ever saw a season finale, it was the “Who Shot Mr. Burns” episode of the Simpsons. As you can guess from the name, typically something “shocking” happens in the episode to grab your attention- a glee-club member has her baby, a character’s parent in Gossip Girl dies, someone gets married, and on and on and on. And, as is almost always the case, ratings go up in the process. We here in the Metropolis Youth Office are going through our own “season finale,” if you will. Last August 15, after being a deacon for almost three years, by God’s grace I was ordained a priest at the Annunciation Cathedral in San Francisco by His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos. As of the first of this month, I am being assigned to the Cathedral on a full-time basis, and another youth director will be stepping into my position at the Metropolis. His name is Mr. Paul Gikas, and I am convinced he will do a great job serving you. He’s originally from San Diego, and has spent a lot of time in Chicago, and serving the Mother Church in Constantinople, as well. He has a wife and a three year-old son, and I know he’s going to be great in San Francisco. As the next “season premiere” begins for the Metropolis Youth Office and for me, I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you. Thank you to God, first and foremost, and to Metropolitan Gerasimos for giving me this assignment three years ago. Thank you to all who have helped in any way, shape or form (and there have been many of you) in the Metropolis youth events that we have put together, also. Each of you have helped the Lord reach a young person’s life in doing so. Finally, thank you for welcoming me with open arms each time I visited your church, camp or retreat center. It has been an absolute blessing and joy for me to make such beautiful friendships up and down the west coast. Please do keep in touch (I’m still on Facebook, but sorry, I haven’t put texting back on my phone plan yet…)! The beauty of this season finale is that you won’t have to wait three months to find out what happens next. On the contrary, nothing will skip a beat. God willing, every Metropolis youth ministry will continue in 2011-2012 bigger and better than before, and you’ll become friends with your new Metropolis Youth Director in the process. And, hopefully, I will still see you at FDF, summer camp, the young adult winter retreat in Tahoe and any other event we may attend together. Let’s continue to try our best to follow our Lord as best we can by praying for each other, loving one another, and “committing ourselves, and one another, and our whole life to Christ our God.” God bless. Fr. Peter's Sunday sermons are now posted online. www.saint-anthonys.org/sermons Thanks to Nick Kleissas for digitizing and converting the audio to MP3 format. *This does not replace church. Fr. Peter stresses the importance of church attendance and being at church on time. 10 Message from the Paul Gikas, New Metropolis Youth Director “Greetings from the Metropolis Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries” By Paul Gikas Bartholomew, and the Ecumenical Patriarchate for these years and I will always be deeply grateful to our Lord God for this experience. At the same time, I feel equally blessed to finally be back home in the Metropolis of San Francisco and to have the opportunity to serve it under the guidance of His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos. During my first couple of weeks in the office I have realized the great challenge that exists in creating Metropolis programs for you, our young people, in all seven states because of the great distances that exist between many of our parishes. But where there is a will there is a way. And if God’s will is involved then anything is possible. Right? Therefore, as I am now trying to make plans for future events I would love to hear from you, our young people, about any ideas you may have for events, or anything else you might like to see from the Metropolis Youth Office. So I invite you, and anyone else who may be reading this, like our reverend clergy, young adults, parents or youth workers, to e-mail me with any suggestions or thoughts you would like to share with me about how I might be able improve our Metropolis youth programs. I know that many of our youth participated in a very important survey this past year but for those of you who didn’t, this is another opportunity for you to express yourselves. I would like to take this opportunity to wholeheartedly greet all of you as your new Metropolis Youth Director. If you haven’t heard yet, Fr. Niko was recently ordained to the Holy Priesthood on the Feast Day of the Dormition (Falling Asleep) of the Theotokos on August 15 and is now serving as the second priest at the Annunciation Cathedral here in San Francisco. I know that many of you will miss Fr. Niko but you should still see him at many youth events throughout the year! As this is the first Bulletin that I am writing, I thought you might like to know a little about me. I am originally from San Diego, CA and grew up at St. Spyridon’s Greek Orthodox Church there. I graduated from our Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in the year 2000 and then moved to Athens, Greece to continue my studies in Modern Greek. After about one year our Archdiocese asked me if I would like to work at our Patriarchate, the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, in Istanbul, Turkey, assisting with the English language needs there. I accepted and ended up staying at the Patriarchate for over eight years. During this time I met my wife, Sophia Gikas, who also gave birth to our son, Styllianos Theodoros Gikas, whose picture from his baptism you might have seen in the April 2010 edition of National Geographic magazine. Words cannot express what an honor and blessing it was for me to serve our Patriarch, His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch I look forward to hearing from you and meeting as many of you as possible during the course of this year and to seeing the presence of Christ our Lord in your young hearts and lives! September 2011 Online Sermons 09-25-2011 1st Sunday of Luke Fr. Spencer Kezios teaches us about the similarities between the present day suffering of the women of Somalia and the Theotokos. (9:21) 09-18-2011 Sunday after Holy Cross Fr. Chris teaches us the Cross is the symbol of our faith. (4:59) • 09-11-2011 Sunday Before Holy Cross Fr. Peter relates his early priesthood assignment to provide spiritual assistance for a young, pregnant, and newly widowed parishioner as a result of the 9/11 tragedy. (18:44) • 09-04-2011 12th Sunday of Matthew Fr. Chris teaches about Salvation (3:39) 11 We would like to thank everyone who helped put on this year’s festival. The festival would not have been as successful as it was if it were not for the countless volunteers that committed their time and talents. Thank you to everyone! We had a record year on many accounts, and we hope to have a detailed report finalized in time for the next newsletter. There are still a couple of large invoices that have not been finalized, such as Santa Anita and Dolphin Rentals, so we don’t have a final number on our profits, but we are near the $110,000 - $120,000 range. We are also planning on having our own Fest Section in the Newsletter to provide better communication year round. In the meantime, here are the initial numbers reported comparing 2010-2011: TOTAL TOTAL 2010-2011 2010 2011 Variance $ 20,844.00 $ 21,378.00 $ $ - $ 7,959.00 $ 7,959.00 Smoothies $ 3,311.00 $ 5,325.00 $ 2,014.00 61% Calamari $ 5,698.00 $ 7,542.00 $ 1,844.00 32% Dinner $ 33,191.00 $ 41,600.00 $ 8,409.00 25% Gate $ 10,112.00 $ 18,773.00 $ 8,661.00 86% Greek Coffee $ $ 3,911.00 $ 1,552.00 66% Souvlaki $ 12,807.00 $ 16,510.00 $ 3,703.00 29% Gyros $ 23,389.00 $ 27,519.00 $ 4,130.00 18% Kids Games $ 1,864.00 $ 4,285.00 $ 2,421.00 -5% Kids Food $ 817.00 $ - $ Kids Rides $ 1,839.00 $ Bar Bar Annex 2,359.00 534.00 Var % 41% (817.00) - $ (1,839.00) Lamb Chops $ 13,388.00 $ 14,414.00 $ 1,026.00 8% Loukoumades $ 6,972.00 $ $ (338.00) -5% Mezethes $ 9,537.00 $ 18,533.00 $11,561.00 88% $ 3,200.00 $ - $ (3,200.00) Feta Fries 6,634.00 Pastries $ 13,233.00 $ 24,574.50 $11,341.50 86% Raffle $ $ 5,062.00 $ (1,968.00) -28% Wine Bar $ 12,265.00 $ 18,756.00 $ 6,491.00 53% $181,856.00 $242,265.50 $60,409.50 33% 12 7,030.00 13 Stewardship (as of September 30, 2011) Burkard, Penelope & Frank J. Buzas, Danielle & Nicholas Buzas, Pamela & John Caire, Terese & John Chames, Jim Christodoulelis, Helen Christodoulelis, Tanya & Jimmy Christodoulou, Christine/Christakis Rev. Peter & Pres. Aida Stratos Christodulelis, Eva & Charles Rev. Christos & Pres. Jessica Kanakis Christopoulos, Lynette & Anthony Pres. Maria Mylonas Christopoulos, Judie & Gus Abrams, Jennifer & Robert Christy, Angene Adamopoulos, Virginia & Peter Coccia, Tina & Ginseppe Akopiantz, Aphie Cocores, Christine & Ted Akrotirianakis, Barbara & Nicholas Cokias, Jason & Karen Akrotirianakis, Sherese & Joseph Courlas, Angelos & Marianna Albeck, Irene Courlas, Georgia & George Albeck, Mark Gregory Dallas, Athena & Saterios Alex, Helen & Angelo Paravantis Damilatis, Dimitrios & Eleni Alexopoulos, Sophoclis P. Darlas, Paula Anastasiadou, Vasileia Darlas, Tom Andrianopoulos, Christyann & Alex Darlas, Kim & Bill Angelos, Sophia & James Darlas, Laura & Taso Anonymous Darras, Mary Ann Anton, Helen & Gus Demetriades, Demetrios& Elizabeth Arapostathis, Mary Demopulos, Elizabeth & Andrew Arviso, Angie & Allen Demopulos, Michael Aspiotes, Georgia Demopulos, Nicholas Athans, Tina & Dean P. Demos, Anna Attalla, Philip "Ted" Demos, Nick & Maria Balas, Argiro Julie & Dino Dewar, Mary & Andrew Baliotis, Tina & Demetre Diamond, Anastasia Bannoura, Michale & Renee Gharib Dimitrakopoulos, Efterpi/Panagiotis Becker, Connie & Brian L. Dousis, Athanasios D. Becronis, Christina Driscoll, Tiffany & Sean Beleos, Athena Drulias, Rosann & Bill Betinis, Harriet Dupas, Katherine & George Bicos, Allison & John Dupas, Evangeline & Theodore Bicos, Eleni & Chris Duran, Carrie & Chuy Bicos, Kalli & Dino Economu, Aphrodite & Adam Bicos, Marietta & Steve Efstathiou, Theodora & Dean Bicos, Mary Fletcher, Wendy, Emanuel Johson Bissias, Peter N. Floutsis, Penny & Ted Blaszcak, Georgia & Frank Fryer II, Kay H. & Norman L. Bogosyan, Margarita Fuerst, Nicolette & Jay M. Boltinghouse, Helen Gaeta, Maddy & Anthony Bonorris, Bill Gallagher, Eleni & Matthew Bonorris, Donna & Pete Gallanis, Pete & Danila Bonorris, Helen Gatsoulis, Dorothea & Philip Bottcher, Kelly & Bob Gavalas, George & Cleola Bougdanos, Elizabeth & Eugene Gelt, Brian & Pana Boulgarides, Athena Genkos, Mary & Thimios Bouras, Tom Athanasios Georgakopoulos, Eleni & George Bowers, Connie & Terree Giannoulias, Eftehia & Andrea Bozikis, Demetra Gittings, Maria & Bryan Broussinos, Angeliki & Chris Grafos, Tania & Tom Brown, Joseph M. Grover, Maria & James Brown, Niki Haralambos, Aliki 14 2011 STEWARDSHIP SUMMARY September 30, 2011 293 PLEDGES TOTALING $277,941 $225,006 COLLECTED AS OF 09/30/2011 AVERAGE PLEDGE $949 Haralambos, Kathleen & Anthony Haralambos, Page & Tom Harper, Chris & Stella Anguiano Harper, Christina C. Harper, George Housos, Gus & Dena Hronas, Maria & James W. Jacovides, Helen Johnsen, Eleni & Robert Kades, Christine Kades, Vicki & Louis Kalambakas, Vivian & Nick P. Kalivas, Anastasia Kalivas, Elene & George Kalivas, Pota & George N. Kallas, Mark & Debra Kamar, April Kamp, Harry Kaparos, Lily & Stefanos Kaplanis, Joan & Peter Kappos, Anthia Marie Karagias, Helen & Tasos Karaioannoglou, Jeanne & Phaedon Karamaras, Andriana & John Karatzas, Chris Karatzas, Mersina & John Karvelas, Marina & Kosta Kasdagli, Dimitra & Mark Nastri Katem, Basil N. Katsafados, Theoni & Pete Katsas, Asimina & Andreas Kazaltzes, Gina & Nickolas Kechris, Sotirios A. Kefalas, Evelyn & John Kefalas, Mike Kefalas, Nina & Modestos Kiotas, Stavrula & Alex Kirimis, George D. Kirimis, Nitsa & John Kitridou, Rodanthi C. Kleissas, Athena & Nick Kokoris, Maria & Nicholas Kolokotrones, Carolyn & James Koudanis, Helen & George Koulos, Jenny & John Koulos, Joanna&Konstantinos Koutis, Steve Koutras, Alexander E. Koutsoukos, Lin & George Kundanis, Christine Kypreos, Maria & James Lakon, Valerie & Peter P. Lappas, Dino & Virginia Ledis, Stella & Rene Levandis, Melissa & George Livanos, Parri Loutsos/Grajeda, Anna,Georgia Lucas, Anthia & John S. Lucas, Katherine Macris, Catherine & George Makris, Maria & Ted Malahatis, Sofia & Mike Malina, Dorothea Malisos, Fontaine Manousadjian, Sonia Marshall, Robert Martin, Debbie & Sam Mathioulakis, Claudia & Stan Mavredakis, Vivian & George Mavridis, Angela & Peter McClain, Anastasia Sarantopoulos McNulty, Jennie & Chris Mechalas, Bess Messerotes, Greg Messerotes, Vera Millward, Niki M. & Steve Mobayen, Chrissa & Syrus Moreno, Eva Elizabeth Moutzouridis, Vasiliki & Pete Mowrey, Anthony &Tina Mowrey, Robert D. Murad, Mark & Evangeline G. Nichols, Joyce & James Nicolaidis, Nicolas Nikolaidou, Maria Nunez, Alyssa & Angel Ochoa, Alexa Palamiotis, Thetis Panagiot, Harry & Anastasia Panagiotacopulos, Aliki & Nick Pantazis, Aleka & George Papaioanou, Athanasia Papaioanou, Sara & Nathaniel Pappas, Cathy & Peter Pappas, Christine & Steven N Pappas, Dean C. Pappas, Hope & Constantine Pappas, James P. Pappas, Parry Pappas, Peter A. Pastis, Leah & Arry Pastis, Patricia Pastis, Vivian & Gust S. Patzakis, Andrea & John Pavlis, Mary & Eleftherios Paziouros, Konstantina & Nick Pegadiotes, Georgia & Sam Pegadiotes, Ioanna & Stelios Pegadiotes, Maria & George S. Pegadiotes, Stan S. Perris, Georgia Petropoulos Anastasios & Eleni Tsaggouri Pla, Thena & Fernando Plumtree, Maria & Ken Stephen Plumtree, Martha & Wayne Polychronis, Eleftheria/Theodore Polykandriotis, John & Ira Lu Poulos, Yiota Rellos, John Riley, Evangelia & Thomas Roumbos, Popi Sahpazis, Georgia Saigh/Suchy, Mark & Mara R. Scolinos, Mary Serban, Athena & Mihai Serras, Nika & Dennis Shankwiler, James & Alexandria Darras Siatras, Christiann &Christos+ Skandale, Elizabeth Skandale, Helen Skandale, Katherine Soewers, Stephanie & Randy Stavropoulos, Demetra (Litsa) Stavropoulos, Peter T. & Theodora Suchy, Gregoria & Raymond W. Svitak, Mike & Sophia Syrengelas, Sophia & Christos Tarazi, Ellie & John Theoharatos, W.Jeannie & Christos Tirado, Elizabeth Tobia, Gary Tousley, Tricia & Arthur Treantafelles, George P. Treantafelles, Georgia & Andrew Treantafelles, Helen & George Treantafelles, Ioannis K. Treantafelles, Vivian & Stan Trigonis, Fotene & Constantine Tripodes, Dean S. Tripodes, Dena & Nikitas Tripodes, Koula J. Tripodes, Steven G. Tsagalakis, Joanie & Sam Tsevdos, Alice Tsianos, Nick P. & Elena Tsianos, Pandora & Peter Tsouvalas, Jenny & John Udria, Mary & Juan Uduji, Simona & Robert Vagenas, Eleni & Peter K. Vagenas, Georgia & John Vagenas, Janet & Peter Vagenas, Margaret & Spiros Vagenas, Nicolicha & Vasilios Vagenas, Polly & George Vagenas, Tashia & Alex Vartvitsiotis, Nikole Vavoulis, Esther & Ted Vayos, Charlene & Nick Vidalakis, John & Diane Vidalakis, Zoe & Perry N. Vlahos, Tasia, Effie & Tommy Vorgias, Alma & Zacharias Vorgias, Teresa Walker, Elizabeth & Damion Webster, Jennifer & John Whisler Nicolaidis, Maria Alicia Williams, Cleo & Peter Wood, Cindy C. & Grant Wooten, Rhea & Mike Xanthos, Lisa Xanthos, Pantele J. Yagjian, Anita & Michael Zarifes, Tina & Peter Parish Pay To sign up, please visit www.ParishPay.com and enter our zip code, 91107 on the left-hand side of the home page and select St. Anthony. Alternatively, the direct link to the St. Anthony sign up page is : www.parishpay.com/ customer/donation.asp? id=34290 Or you can call Parish Pay directly at (866) 727 4741 (1 866 PARISH 1), and have a customer service representative enroll you over the phone. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this stewardship list. Please forgive us if there are any errors or omissions. The printed list is from the date above. Any steward-ship additions or changes that were made after the above date will not be add-ed or corrected in this issue. 15 Saint Anthony’s Greek Orthodox Church 778 South Rosemead Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91107 Non-Profit US Postage PAID Arcadia, CA Permit No 390 Return Service Requested More Pasadena Greek Fest on pages 12 & 13