source - Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral
source - Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral
THE SOURCE January 201 2015 Issue # 1-15 HOL HOLY TRINITY RINITY GREEK REEK ORTHODOX RTHODOX CATHEDRA CATHEDRAL THEDRAL CAMP HILL, ILL, PA Agiasmo & The Sanctification of The Family: Not For Brick & Mortar Alone By Fr. Kosta Petrogeorge One of the many wonderful and profound and wonderful traditions of our Orthodox Church is the house blessing, or “Agiasmo”, associated with the January great feast of Epiphany. It is hoped that as many family members as possible be present when the priest comes to visit the homes of the faithful. This grants the priest the opportunity to see the family members in their usual and very personal atmosphere; and it let’s the family members realize themselves as a family of God by receiving the traditional blessing of the “Papa”. I want to reflect deeper on the vital importance of this family gathering, and what parents can do to stimulate this, even in the face of disintegration. During the agiasmo prayers the priest reads the names of each family member, and the family is thus further united to each other, to the priest, and to God. For me personally, perhaps one of the most important moments of the event is the slight moment of quiet that I usually offer before the words of the prayer. Truly, this is a blessing of persons and hearts, as the prayer clearly imply, “Bless us all, as in the bowing of our heads we make the sign of servitude”. Nowhere in the service is there actually a mention of the blessing of the “house”, or “brick & mortar” (although that is surely assumed as well considering the dramatic action of sprinkling that is a key element of the agiasmo). The family agiasmo should thus be a sacred task that is intentionally communicated and planned ahead of time by parents to their family members, in each household. Otherwise, family members can easily get distracted with other events and tasks that preempt the time that the priest comes to visit the family for the house-blessing. I remember once visiting a family mid-day when I was told that the teenage member of the family was too tired to get up to join in the prayers because he had stayed up late the previous night (and this seemed to be acceptable!). Another time I was instructed where I could find the hidden key which would allow me to enter into a house for an agiasmo, because it was doubtful that any family members could commit to being present at the time of visitation. These are rather extreme examples of the failure to gather as a family. But the challenge of having as many family members present as reasonably possible applies to many of us. This pull towards physical fragmentation can be understood through a consideration of how our contemporary culture promotes isolation [For references of the below, please see me]. +++++++++++ THE SOURCE JANUARY 2015 Page 2 Across the industrialized world, watching screen media is the main pastime of children. Over the course of childhood, children spend more time watching TV than they spend in school. When including computer games, Internet and DVDs, by the age of seven years, a child born today will have spent one full year of 24hr days watching screen media. What is one dynamic way that parents can deal with this? By explaining to their children the potential value of the fruit that can be gained by investing rather, in creative or educational endeavors; as well as by encouraging, in turn, their children to be instrumental voices in culture. Arlen Pellicane shares this: “I have a 5th grader, all of his friends have tablets & play video games, & they tease him, ‘how can you do it, how can you not watch TV and not know these shows & video games (saying this as if they feel sorry for him). He turns it around by saying to his friends, “I feel sorry for you! You don’t read these books, and you don’t’ read these great historical figures…(and he lists his favorite resources).” In sharp contrast to this experience, I heard about a senior in high school who had his graduation party at his house, and everyone was there, his friends & his family. And after 10-minutes he went upstairs in his room to play video games, and they couldn’t coax him down. And this is a senior, and this is his graduation party, and he lasted 10-minutes and went up to his room. And everyone ended up going home, and that was that. And as a parent, you hear that, and think, “I don’t want my senior in high-school to have that. And that’s why we want to put these things in place when they’re younger. But what can parents do if they see that they have already failed to prepare their children for appropriate launching? What about the mom and dad who have that 16-17 year old that is spending an inordinate amount of time playing video games, it’s where they got their adrenaline rush, for many years perhaps; it just went unnoticed or not dealt with? The child that spends a lot of time on the screen during those teenage years, when they get to be about twenty: they’re still going to be playing video game, they don’t want to go to work, they want to be doing something they enjoy, something exciting. Here they are, twenty-five, and they still are not responsible. And so, adolescence is prolonged. What can you do now? I appreciate the insight of Dr. Gary Smalley: “I think one thing you can do is to apologize to the child. Because if a child is going to learn to be social, they have got to learn to apologize for their failures. Well, here’s a place, where the parents can apologize to that 16 year old, and say: ‘Ya know, I have been giving a lot of thought to this, and mom and I have talked a lot about it. And we feel like we’ve failed you, in this area. That we have just had no guidelines for you in terms of the time you spend on the Internet (and the screen, or whatever). And we realize we’ve done you a dis-service. And we’re weeping about it; we’re sad about it. And I want to ask you if you’ll forgive us for this; and if we can talk about where we go from here”. I imagine that most 16 year olds will wake up and listen to a parent who’s apologizing for an area in which they failed the child. Many times this will lead to an opening of new dialogue. The important thing then is to establish reasonable and healthy boundaries that include specific time-management & goal-oriented parameters. For example, “when your daily two hour study is completed then you can use 30 minutes of your free time for what you think will be helpful”. This shows the way to place first things first, and yet offers some balance as well. Within the multitude of events and tasks that you will promote for your household unity in the New Year, I hope that you will begin with the traditional Agiasmo house blessing! +Fr. Kosta Petrogeorge THE SOURCE JANUARY 2015 Page 3 (A Parish under the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, and the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Pittsburgh) The Source is a monthly publication issued 11 times annually (June/July is a combined issue) SUNDAY MORNING LITURGIES ORTHROS 8:45 a.m. DIVINE LITURGY 10:00 a.m. WEEKDAY MORNING SERVICES WHEN SCHEDULED ORTHROS 8:30 a.m. DIVINE LITURGY 9:30 a.m. Church Office Main Office: 717-763-7441 Fax: (717) 763-7458 Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday – Friday Dana Fleisher-Silen, Church Secretary email: Priests Fr. Kosta Petrogeorge, Cathedral Dean Cell: 717-919-0840 email: Fr.Kosta@HolyTrinityHBG.Org Fr. Mark Lichtenstein, Assistant Priest Cell: 717-919-3382 email: Fr.Mark@HolyTrinityHBG.Org A priest is generally present at the church for unscheduled appointments Monday-Friday from 9:00am12:00pm. For scheduled appointments you may contact the priests at the Church office or by calling them directly on their cell phones. Please see monthly Source for additional community opportunities. Mary Wallenmeyer Tom Paparoidamis Tim Leland Meade “Buff” Buffington, Jr. OTHER STAFF Financial Assistant to the Treasurer Protopsalti (Cantor) Maintenance Custodian (717) 763-7441 (717) 737-5647 (717) 763-7441 (717) 763-7441 THE SOURCE JANUARY 2015 Page 4 PARISH MINISTRIES & OTHER ORGANIZATIONS Parish Council William Kotsalos Home (717) 566-6148 Cell (717) 574-3014 Philoptochos Constance Dina Keriazes (717) 632-5179 Sunday School Thana Ward (717) 249-8892 Despina Aftosmes (717) 838-7293 Sunday School PTO Michael Ward (717) 243-6204 YAL George Peslis (717) 774-7246 GOYA (Co-Presidents) Dean Pandelaras (717) 774-5035 Nicholas Pandelaras (717) 774-5035 HOPE & JOY Thana Ward (717) 249-8892 Greek School PTO Mantha Hershey (717) 566-7603 Olympic Flame Dancers Ann Ariano Co-Director (717) 564-6955 Olympic Flame Dancers Mantha Demopoulos, Co-Director (717) 832-1367 Greek School Dimitra Curley, Director (717) 975-5172 Kathy Doulgeris (717) 243-3750 Choir Director Choir Assistant Robert Moeller (717) 657-0897 Sts. Joachim & Anna Christ Zervanos (717) 652-5665 Ahepa Dimitri Zozos (717) 648-6720 Blood Bank Christ Megoulas (717) 838-3132 Dean Kokos (717) 486-0045 Neohoriton Society William Kotsalos (717) 566-6148 Hellenic Heritage Assoc. Alexander Vgontzas (717) 533-1768 Evrytanian Assoc. Velouchi, Jim Lloyd Chapter 18- Agios Taxiarhis (717) 737-0952 GOYA Basketball Directors David Graham (717)541-1121 and Alexis Kierce (717) 545-4737 PARISH ETIQUETTE Additional Pious Customs *Touching the priest’s vestments - It is a tradition in some parishes to touch the hem of the priest’s vestment or phelonion as he passes by in the Great Entrance with the Holy Gifts. This customer imitates the woman who was healed by touching the hem of Christ’s robe. Since the priest has a unique role as an icon of Christ, touching his robe is symbolic of reaching out to Christ for healing and asking that our personal petitions be carried to the altar. When touching the hem of the priest’s phelonion, one should be careful not to step in front of the procession, to pull or tug on the garment, or to push anyone away. THE SOURCE JANUARY 2015 Page 5 A NOTE FROM THE PARISH COUNCIL Dear Parishioners I hope you had a Merry Christmas and a restful holiday with your families. The New Year always brings with it a time of reflection and a chance to re-evaluate life’s journey. Are we the type of person we want to be? Are we meeting our goals? Are we healthy? What are our relationships like? After reflecting, it’s common for us to then declare some form of New Year’s Resolutions to set us on a new path for the upcoming year. I hope your reflection will include your spiritual life and that in your New Year’s Resolutions, you’ll consider the following: • To regularly attend Divine Liturgy, on time • To fully immerse yourself in the liturgy, using all of your senses • To make time for prayer • To participate in the organizations and missions of our Church • To actively encourage the spiritual life of your (extended) family • To set an example and be an inspiration to others THROUGH your presence and your attitude. Show how given all of our busy lives, that you can still time find to be present in the life of our church. • To enjoy Church life and be happy in Church work I wish all of you a Happy New Year, filled with prosperity, peace, good health and continued spiritual growth. George J. Spanos JANUARY COFFEE HOUR JANUARY EPISTLE READERS To be announced DECEMBER EARLY USHERS 7 14 21 28 Georgia Lucas & George Keriazes Kostas Pappas George Mallios & Nick C. Mallios Bill Kotsalos & Gus Giannaris 4 Sunday before Theophany II Timothy 4:5-8 Reader: Peter A. Aftosmes 11 Synaxis of John the Baptist Ephesians 4:7-13 Reader: Ed Ward 18 12th Sunday of Luke & St. Athanasios Colossians 3:4-11 Reader: Dean Kokos 25 15th Sunday of Luke & St. Athanasios THE SOURCE JANUARY I Timothy 4:9-15 Reader: Ann Ariano FEBRUARY EPISTLE READERS 1 16th Sunday of Luke Romans 8:28-39 Reader: Robert Moeller 8 17th Sunday of Luke I Corinthians 6:12-20 Reader: Peter E. Aftosmes 15 Judgement Sunday (Meatfare) I Corinthians 8:8-13; 9:1-2 Reader: George Spanos 22 Forgiveness Sunday (Cheesefare) Romans 13:11-14; 14:1-4 Reader: Dimitri Zozos MEMORIALS/TRISAGIA ALTAR FLOWERS COFFEE HOUR • John Tambasis – January 11 – 3-yr Trisagion, Altar Flowers and Coffee Hour YOUTH MINISTRIES HOPE AND JOY Ages 4-years to/and including 6th grade Bowling Outing – Trindle Bowling Alley Friday, January 30th in the evening Flyers will be sent home with the children on January 4th and 11th so that you may sign-up and preparation can be made. SUNDAY SCHOOL Thank you children/youth and Sunday school teachers for the Christmas Program presented to the congregation on Sunday, Dec. 21st. The food donations collected November and December were distributed on Dec. 16th. Eight turkeys were given to needy families, five were donated to New Hope Life ministries for the needy. 2015 Page 6 The foods and dry good were donated to the CARES Homeless Shelter. THANK YOU and GOD BLESS to everyone who helped with this project. ORATORICAL FESTIVAL Parents: have you spoken to or encouraged your children to participate in this nationwide project in the Greek Orthodox Community of America? Your students will be bringing more information concerning topics and dates. GOYA The teen group/GOYA of our parish will have a general meeting in the GOYA room the first Sunday of each month after church for the 20142015 season. Please plan to attend. PARISH MINISTRIES ST. CATHERINE PHILOPTOCHOS SOCIETY We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas holiday enjoying their family. Our prayers are that our community enjoys a healthy Happy New Year, 2015! We will be celebrating the cutting of the Vasilopita on VASILOPITA SUNDAY, with a COMMUNITY POT LUCK DINNER, JANUARY 4, 2015. JOIN THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY AND ENJOY THE FELLOWSHIP. BRING YOUR FAVORITE DISH TO SHARE: MEAT, PASTA, VEGGIE, SALAD OR DESSERT. WE WILL PROVIDE COFFEE, TEA, SOFT DRINKS AND THE VASILOPITA. PLEASE COME AND LET’S CELEBRATE OUR COMMUNITY. Our next meeting will be Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at noon. Let’s begin the New Year 2015 with full attendance. Planning for Godparent/Godchild Sunday, February 8, 2015, will begin, save the date. THE SOURCE JANUARY STS. JOACHIM AND ANNA SOCIETY The annual Christmas gathering of senior citizens' organizations from the parishes of Bethlehem, Camp Hill, Lancaster, Reading, and York took place on Monday, December 8, 2014, at St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in Bethlehem. A bus with about 20 of our Society members aboard departed from Holy Trinity Cathedral at 9:00 am for the trip to Bethlehem. A Paraklesis Service was held at about 11:00 am, followed by a luncheon and the singing of Christmas carols in English and Greek by a chorus of students from Liberty High School of Bethlehem. The next regular meeting of the Society is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, February 3, 2015, in the Philoptochos Room Membership in the Saints Joachim and Anna Society is open to all parishioners age 55 and over. For more information about membership, contact Mary Touloumes at 763-7896 or Christ Zervanos at 652-5665. ST. ELIZABETH’S WOMAN’S STUDY GROUP The St. Elizabeth Women’s Study Group meets on the 2nd and 4th Wed. of every month at 5:30pm in the Church Library. New members are always welcome, please contact Ann Ariano at 564-6955 or for more information. CHURCH LENDING LIBRARY The church library contains information about Orthodoxy and Greece for you and your children. If you would like to borrow a book, sign the blue notebook, fill in name, date and name of book and when you return it, be sure to list the date you are returning it by your original sign in. Also, some of the books haven't been returned to our library; please check your books and return Holy Trinity's books for the use of your fellow parishioners. Thank you. 2015 Page 7 PARISH NEWS KOLIVA Please note that Koliva can be prepared for a cost of $120.00 by either: • Sofia Kaldes (717) 766-4031 • Peggy Orosz (717) 258-3498 Both ladies are always ready to assist. Please don’t hesitate to call them or the church office to request koliva for a memorial service. WALKWAY OF THE FAITHFUL If you want to include your family and loved ones in our unique WALKWAY of the FAITHFUL, you may purchase a brick in memory or in honor of a loved one. Simply obtain and complete a form in the office. Please contact Dimitri Zozos with any questions. (717) 648-6720. REMEMBER THE SICK, THE SUFFERING, THE AFFLICTED “The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective” (James 5.16) If you know of someone in a hospital who would like a visit, please call the clergy, or Georgia Lucas. Also, we hope to post names in the future of persons who have been particularly sick or who struggle with something or another so that the community can keep them in prayer. If you know of persons you are certain would like to have their names posted, then please forward their names to the Church secretary. THE SOURCE JANUARY 2015 Page 8 HOLY TRINITY BOOKS & GIFTS Hours: *Sunday, immediately following the Divine Liturgy *Tuesday, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm The bookstore has a large collection of books, icons, religious items and gifts. Come in and browse around. It doesn’t cost anything to look around. You might find something you like for yourself or as a gift for family or friends. We can also meet your wedding and baptismal needs through a partnership with Occasions. If you don’t find something you need, we will order it. For more information, contact Jim and Angeliki Lloyd (email: or call 717-737-0952. We accept VISA, MasterCard and Discover Card. Please note our new hours of operation in the New Year. Over the last year, we were open on Wednesday evenings, but did not have any customers during that time. So, we will be discontinuing those hours. Jim and Angeliki Lloyd will be on vacation during February and early March. During that time, the bookstore will be operated by several of our volunteers, but the bookstore may not be open during all the times listed above. There will not be any credit card sales during that time. More information will be provided in the January weekly bulletins. BLOOD DRIVE AHEPA CHAPTER #64 Thanks to the following individuals who donated the “Gift of Life’ on Sunday, September 7. Robert Bowersox David Graham Charles Hall John Harbilas Thanos Kanellakos Sam Kolokithas John Kotsalos Shannon Koutsokostas Tim Leland Katerina Ntzanis Sotirios Ntzanis Albert Orosz Bill Paterekas Jennifer Sgagias George Spanos Nicholas Spanos Mary Vovakes Michael Vovakes Mary Wallenmeyer Otto Wallenmeyer Bill Wallenmeyer THE SOURCE JANUARY 2015 Page 9 HOPE & JOY GATHERING Friday, January 30, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. Join us for an evening of Bowling at the Trindle Road Bowling Alley 4695 East Trindle Road, Mechanicsburg PA Pizza – Drink – Bowling – and Fun! Cost $5.00 per child/shoes included If you plan on attending, please contact Thana Ward 717-249-8892 or no later than Monday, January 26th so that we may reserve enough bowling lanes and pizza! THE SOURCE JANUARY 2015 Page 10 THE SOURCE JANUARY 2015 Page 11 Godparents/Godchildren Sunday February 8, 2015 “For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ” …Gal. 3:27 Luncheon following Liturgy Sponsored by Philoptochos Society *Tickets will be on sale Sundays January 4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th or you may call: Maria Peslis (717-774-7246) Anna Thompson (717-697-6456) or Paulie Zozos (717-648-8820 cell – You may call or text) (Deadline – February 3, 2015) All tickets will be sold in advance and all seats reserved Your ticket is your reservation. COST Adults $10.00 Children ages 4-12 $5.00 Children under 3 free Celebrate the Day with your Godparents and Godchildren! THE SOURCE JANUARY 2015 Page 12 JANUARY LITURGICAL LIFE & REFLECTIONS EACH SUNDAY ORTHROS 8:45am DIVINE LITURGY 10:00am -Thursday 1st Circumcision of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; Basil the Great: *8:30am Orthros, 9:30am Divine Liturgy -Sunday 4th Divine Liturgy (Sunday Before Epiphany) 8:45am Orthros, 10:00am Divine Liturgy. Philoptochos Presents Community Vasilopita Cutting (To Benefit St. Basil’s Academy) On this Sunday at the end of Liturgy The history of the tradition of Vasilopita stems back to the fourth century when St. Basil, Bishop of Cappadocia, desired to distribute money to the poor. Not wanting to seem partial to any one family, St. Basil sought out some women to bake sweet bread into which the money was baked. The bread was then cut, and the money was found and kept by the needy. Today, finding the coin has come to signify a blessing. This custom is especially inviting to the children who love to find the money in the "Vasilopita." We can all participate in this age old custom; keeping in mind that customs such as this help the people of God keep their faith alive and real; and their sense of "Church" vibrant and important! -Monday 5th Eve of the Theophany of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ *8:30am Great Hours *9:30am Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil & Blessing of Waters -Tuesday 6th Divine Liturgy of St. Basil: Great Feast of The Theophany of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ *8:45am Orthros, 10:00am Divine Liturgy & second Blessing of Waters. -Monday 7th Synaxis of John the Baptist *8:30am Orthros, 9:30am Divine Liturgy -Saturday 10th: Chambersburg: 9:00 Divine Liturgy THE SOURCE JANUARY 2015 Page 13 -Sunday 11th Divine Liturgy (Sunday After Epiphany) *8:45am Orthros, 10:00am Divine Liturgy. *3:00 Baptism -Saturday 17th St. Anthony the Great *8:30am Orthros, 9:30am Divine Liturgy -Sunday 18th Divine Liturgy (12th Sunday of Luke & St. Athanasios) *8:45am Orthros, 10:00am Divine Liturgy. *1:00 Baptism Additional Special Note for This Sunday Afternoon: Pan-Orthodox Blessing of the Susquehanna River! 2:00pm at City Island Park -Sunday 25th Divine Liturgy (15th Sunday of Luke & St. Athanasios) 10:00am Divine Liturgy. 8:45am Orthros, -Friday 30th Synaxis of The Three Hierarchs: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, & John Chrysostom *8:30am Orthros, 9:30am Divine Liturgy 2014 CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS We wish to thank the following parishioners who made donations to the Cathedral for the beautification of the sanctuary with poinsettias during the Christmas Holidays: • • • • • • • In loving memory of husband Ron J. Nye, and my parents Katherine & Samuel Touloumes, by Mrs. Joann S. Nye In loving memory of our beloved Yiayia, Evangelia Mazias, by Michael-Gabriel and Thomas Mazias In loving memory of John & Sherrie Nicholas and George J. Boutselis, by Steve, Pat, and Christina Nicholas In loving memory of Harry Touloumes, by Mary Touloumes and family For the health of Evgenia by Nick Karagiannis For the health of family, by Pelagia Sideras In loving memory of my papou Paul Kokos, by Sophia Alexis Kokos THE SOURCE JANUARY 2015 Page 14 SATURDAY OF SOULS - February 14, 21, 28 The Orthodox Church has designated certain days of the year for special prayer services for the dead: The Saturday before Meat Fare Week and Cheese Fare Week and the Saturday before the first Sunday in Lent, February 14, 21, 28. The Saturday prior to Pentecost, May 30, is also a Saturday of Souls. On these days, the Church remembers all the saints and our deceased loved ones. Our Church prays for all the dead to express their faith that all who have fallen asleep in the Lord live in the Lord. Whether on earth or in heaven, the Church is a single family, one body in Christ. Death changes the location, but it cannot sever the bond of love. On Memorial Saturdays, the liturgical hymns pray universally for all of the departed. "With the saints, give rest Oh Lord to the souls of your servants, where there is no pain or suffering, but life everlasting." May their memory be eternal! Prepare a tray of koliva and/or complete and cut out the section below and return it to the church office In Memory of (List first names only) Υπέρ αναπαύσεως των δούλων του Θεού) __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ THE SOURCE JANUARY 2015 Page 15 H ΠΗΓΗ ΙΑΝΟΥΑΡΙΟΣ 2015 ΚΑΦΕΣ ΕΠΙΤΡΟΠΟΙ ΙΑΝΟΥΑΡΙΟΥ 4η 11η 18η 25η Γεωργια Λουκα & Γιωργος Κυριαζης Κωστας Παππας Γιωργος Μαλλιος & Νικος Μαλλιος Βασιλειος Κοτσαλος & Κωστας Γιανναρης ΑΝΑΓΝΩΣΤΕΣ ΕΠΙΣΤΟΛΩΝ ΙΑΝΟΥΑΡΙΟΥ 4η 11η 18η 25η 5η Κυριακη του Λουκα Πητερ Ε. Αφτοσµης 7η Κυριακη του Λουκα Εντ Γουορντ Αποστολου Ματθαιου Ντην Κοκος 9η Κυριακη του Λουκα Αννα Αριανο ΑΝΑΓΝΩΣΤΕΣ ΕΠΙΣΤΟΛΩΝ ΦΕΒΡΟΥΑΡΙΟΥ 1η 8η 15η 22η 16η Κυριακη του Λουκα Ροβερτ Μολλερ 17η Κυριακη του Λουκα Πητερ Ε. Αφτοσµης Κυριακη της Κρισεως Γιωργος Σπανος Κυριακη της Συγχωρησεως ∆ηµητρης Ζοζος ΜΝΗΜΟΣΥΝΑ/ ΤΡΙΣΑΓΙΑ ΛΟΥΛΟΥ∆ΙΑ ΙΕΡΟΥ/ΚΑΦΕΣ 11 Ιανουαριου – Τρασαγιο 3 ετων καφε και λουλουδια Ιερου εις µνηµην Ιωαννη Ταµπαση. ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΑ ΝΕΟΛΑΙΑΣ Χοπ & Τζοι Ταπαιδια ηλικιας 4 ετων µεχρι την εκτη ταξη θα πανε για µπωλλιν την Παρασκευη 30 Ιανουαριου.Περισσοτερες πληροφοριες θα φερουν τα παιδια στις 4 και 11 Ιανουαριου για να γραψετε τα παιδια που θα ελθουν για να γινουν και οι αναλογες προετοιµασιες. ΚΑΤΗΧΗΤΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ Ευχαριστουµε τα παιδια και τους δασκαλους για το Χριστουγεννιατικο Προγραµµα.Η συγκεντρωση φαγητων που εγινε τον Νοεµβριο και ∆εκεµβριο διανοµηθηκε στις 16 ∆εκεµβριου. Ρητορικο φεστιβαλ Γονεις: Σας παρακαλουµε να ενθαρρυνετε τα παιδια σας να παρουν µερος στο Ρητορικο Φεστιβαλ. Τα παιδια θα φερουν στο σπιτι πληροφοριες για τα θεµατα και τις ηµεροµηνιες. ΓΚΟΓΙΑ Οι συγκεντρωσεις θα γινονται την πρωτη Κυριακη του µηνα µετα την Θεια Λειτουργια. ΚΟΙΝΟΤΙΚΗ ΖΩΗ ΦΙΛΟΠΤΩΧΟΣ Κυριακη 4 Ιανουριου Κυριακη της Βασιλοπιτας Ολα τα µελη της κοινοτητας ειναι προσκαλεσµενα στο κοψιµο της βασιλοπιτας και σε γευµα οπου µπορειτε να φερετε το αγαπηµενο σας φαγητο η γλυκο ,θα προσφερουµε τον καφε και τα αναψυκτικα. Η εποµενη συγκεντρωση του συλλογου θα γινει την Τριτη 20 Ιανουαριου. Κυριακη των και αναδοχων εχει προγραµµατιστει για την Κυριακη 8 Φεβρουαριου. ΣΥΛΛΟΓΟΣ ΙΩΑΚΕΙΜ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΝΑ Στην ετησια χριστουγεννιατικη συγκεντρωση των ηλικιωµενων εγινε την ∆ευτερα 8 ∆εκεµβριου στην εκκλησια του Αγιου Νικολαου στη Βηθλεεµ παραβρεθηκαν 20 µελη απο το συλλογο µας. Η εποµενη συγκεντρωση του συλλογου εχει προγραµµατιστει για την Τριτη 3 Φεβρουαριου. Ολοι οι ενοριτες ηλικιας 55 ετων και ανω µπορουν να γινουν µελη του συλλογου επικοινωνειστε µε την Μαιρη Τουλουµη 763 -7896 η τον Χρηστο Ζερβανο 652 – 5665. ΣΥΛΛΟΓΟΣ ΝΕΑΡΩΝ ΓΥΝΑΙΚΩΝ ΑΓΙΑ ΕΛΙΣΑΒΕΤ Ο συλλογος εχει συναντησεις την 2η και 4η Τεταρτη του µηνα στις 5:30 µ.µ. στην βιβλιοθηκη.Για περισσοτερες πληροφοριες για το συλλογο και να THE SOURCE JANUARY γινετε µελη τηλεφωνειστε στην Αννα Αριανο 564 6955. ΒΙΒΒΛΙΟΘΗΚΗ ΤΗΣ ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑΣ Η βιβλιοθηκη της εκκλησιας µας περιεχει πολλα βιβλια σχετικα µε την Ορθοδοξια και την Ελλαδα.Εαν θελετε να δανειστειτε βιβλια απο την βιβλιοθηκη µπορειτε να υπογραψετε το ονοµα σας στο µπλε βιβλιο. ΣΥΛΛΟΓΟΣ ΝΕΑΡΩΝ ΓΥΝΑΙΚΩΝ ΑΓΙΑ ΕΛΙΣΑΒΕΤ Ο συλλογος εχει συναντησεις την 2η και 4η Τεταρτη του µηνα στις 5:30 µ.µ. στην βιβλιοθηκη.Για περισσοτερες πληροφοριες για το συλλογο και να γινετε µελη τηλεφωνειστε στην Αννα Αριανο 564 6955. ΒΙΒΒΛΙΟΘΗΚΗ ΤΗΣ ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑΣ Η βιβλιοθηκη της εκκλησιας µας περιεχει πολλα βιβλια σχετικα µε την Ορθοδοξια και την Ελλαδα.Εαν θελετε να δανειστειτε βιβλια απο την βιβλιοθηκη µπορειτε να υπογραψετε το ονοµα σας στο µπλε βιβλιο. ΘΥΜΗΘΕΙΤΕ ΤΟΥΣ ΑΡΡΩΣΤΟΥΣ Εαν ξερετε καποιον που ειναι στο νοσοκοµειο και επιθυµει να τον επισκεφτει ενας απο τους ιερεις επικοινωνειστε µε το γραφειο της εκκλησιας η την Γεωργια Λουκα. Ευχοµαστε να εχουµε καταλογο µε τα ονοµατα για να τους εχουµε στις προσευχες µας.Εαν γνωριζετε καποιον που θα ηθελε το ονοµα του στον καταλογο επικοινωνειστε µε την γραµµατεα της εκκλησιας. Ο ∆ΙΑ∆ΡΟΜΟΣ ΤΩΝ ΠΙΣΤΩΝ Μπορειτε να αγορασετε τουβλα ειτε εις µνηµην η προς τιµην αγαπηµενου σας προσωπου ζητωντας αιτηση απο το γραφειο της εκκλησιας.Μπορειτε να απευθυνθειτε στον ∆ηµητρη Ζοζο αν εχετε ερωτησεις 648- 6720. ΚΟΛΥΒΑ Μια υπευνθυµιση για τα κολυβα τα οποια κοστιζουν 120.00 και µπορουν να τα ετοιµασουν για σας η Σοφια Καλδη 766 -4031 και η Παναγιωτα Οροζ 258 -3498. 2015 Page 16 ΛΕΙΤΟΥΡΓΙΕΣ ΙΑΝΟΥΑΡΙΟΥ ∆ευτερα 5 Ιανουαριου – Παραµονη των Θεοφανειων Ορθρος : 8 : 30 π.µ. Θεια Λειτουργια 9:30 π.µ. Τριτη 6 Ιανουαριου – Τα Αγια Θεοφανεια Ορθρος : 8 : 30 π.µ. Θεια Λειτουργια 9:30 π.µ. Αγιασµος των Υδατων Σαββατο 10 Ιανουαριου- 9:00 π.µ. Θεια Λειτουργια στο Τσεµπερσµπουργκ Κυριακη 11 Ιανουαριου – Κυριακη µετα των Θεοφανειων Ορθρος : 8 :45 π.µ. Θεια Λειτουργια : 10:00 π.µ. Σαββατο 17 Ιανουαριου – Του Αγιου Αντωνιου Ορθρος : 8 : 30 π.µ. Θεια Λειτουργια 9:30 π.µ. Κυριακη 18 Ιανουαριου – 12η Κυριακη του Λουκα -Του Αγιου Αθανασιου Ορθρος : 8 :45 π.µ. Θεια Λειτουργια : 10:00 π.µ. 1:00 µ.µ. Βαπτιση Πανορθοδοξος Αγιασµος των Υδατων στο ποταµο Σασκουαχανα. Κυριακη 25 Ιανουαριου – 15η Κυριακη του Λουκα - Αγιου Γρηγοριου Ορθρος : 8 :45 π.µ. Θεια Λειτουργια : 10:00 π.µ. Παρασκευη 30 Ιανουαριου – Των Τριων Ιεραρχων Ορθρος : 8 : 30 π.µ. Θεια Λειτουργια 9:30 π.µ. ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΗΡΙΑ Ευχαριστουµε τα παρακατω ατοµα για την δωρεα για τον στολισµο του ναου µας Εις µνηµην του συζυγου της Ρον Ναη και των γονεων της Αικατερινης και Σαµουηλ Τουλουµη απο Κα Ιωαννα Ναη. Εις µνηµην της αγαπηµενης µας γιαγιας Ευαγγελιας Μαζια απο Μιχαλη – Γαβριηλ και Θωµα Μαζια. Εις µνηµην Ιωαννη Ιωαννη και Σερρυς Νικολα και Γεωργιο Μπουτσελη απο Στηβ, Πατ και Χριστινα Νικολα. Εις µνηµην Χαραλαµπου Τουλουµη απο Μαιρη Τουλουµη και την οικογενεια της. Υπερ υγειας της Ευγενιας απο Νικο Καραγιαννη. Υπερ υγειας της οικογενειας τ ης απο Πελαγια Σιδερα. Εις µνηµην του παππου της απο Σοφια –Αλεξια Κοκου. THE SOURCE JANUARY 2015 Page 17 ROBERT H. HARNER SUPERVISOR MYERS-HARNER FUNERAL HOME, INC. 1903 Market Street Camp Hill, Pennsylvania 17011 717-737-9961 Camp Hill’s only Locally Owned and Operated Funeral Home Space available for your ad Space available for your ad Space available for your ad Space available for your ad (717) 233-6789 2260 Herr Street Harrisburg New Greek Orthodox Section 1.5 acres of beautiful park like setting under construction Pre-Planning * Burial * Memorialization* Vaults * Caskets * Family Estates *$250 off pre-planning merchandise with this coupon* THE SOURCE JANUARY HOLY TRINITY GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 1000 Yverdon Drive Camp Hill, PA 17011 2015 Page 18 NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Harrisburg, PA Permit No. 112 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVERTISING IN THE SOURCE In an effort to contain printing costs for monthly newsletters, many churches have turned to paid advertisements in their publications. Parish Council has agreed to adopt this funding source for our monthly publication. Doing this would help lessen and possibly erase the expense of publishing the Source. We now have availability for two pages of paid ads in our monthly Source. The ad price will represent a year of advertising or 11 issues as we combine the June and July Source into one issue. Ads are sold by the block. There will be room for 24 ads or blocks per page. You may purchase more than one block for increased space and presentation. The cost of one ad block is $125 per year, and subsequent blocks would be an additional $100 per block. For example, a business card ad would equal two blocks and would cost $225. Camera ready ads are appreciated but not required. Please help us promote this program. If you own or work for a business that may be interested in advertising in our Source which is sent out to over 600 families, please contact Mary in the church office. If you know of a business that may be a potential advertiser, please pass on a contact and phone number. Examples of businesses that may be interested in advertising could be Greek bands, importers, baptismal supplies/clothing stores, and jewelers specializing in crosses. Other possibilities could be lawyers, accountants, real estate agents, etc. The only ads we cannot accept are ones pertaining to credit cards, travel, or insurance. Please contact the church office as soon as possible if interested in this program.
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