Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church


Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
March 2015
Volume 46
Issue 3
The Annunciation of the Theotokos,
the Ever-Virgin Mary, and the Mother of God
(Feast Day: March 25)
Holy Trinity
Greek Orthodox Church
Wilmington, Delaware
The Official Publication of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
808 N. Broom Street, Wilmington, Delaware 19806 / Telephone: (302) 654-4446 Fax: (302) 654-4204
Church Office Email Address: greekorth@holytrinitywilmington.org
Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 4:30pm
His Eminence Metropolitan EVANGELOS of New Jersey, Hierarch
Rev. Fr. Christos Christofidis, Proistamenos, fr.christofidis@holytrinitywilmington.org
For pastoral emergencies - you may call Fr. Christos @ (717) 701-1971
Susan Kelleher, Church Secretary 384-7805 (home)
Anargyros Liparos, Protopsaltis 654-4446
George Rassias, President - (610) 322-3200
Georgia Halakos, First Vice President - (302) 379-4335
Tom Hatzis, Second Vice President - (302) 764-2223
Tom Karas, Parish Council Treasurer - (302) 234-9090
John Pennias, Recording Secretary - (302) 530-1517
Yvonne Tsavalas, Corresponding Secretary - (302) 540-2891
593-6433 Constantine Caras
Michael Kirifides 897-9429
562-3850 Tom Diamanty
John Koninis II
478-2322 Leon Fotakos
Louis Novakis (610 ) 358-3544
475-5035 Emmanuel Fournaris Peter Xarhoulakos 562-5151
(856) 678-3169 Vickie Karakasidis
Parish Council Meetings - 2nd Thursday of every month @ 7PM
(609) 456-3206
655-2252 / 764-2183
798-3052 / 239-6140
Sunday School
Sunday School
The Young @ Heart Club
Greek School
St. Elpida
Terpsichorean Dance Troupes
Altar Guild
Editorial Staff
Emmanuel Dining Room East
Holy Trinity Food Pantry
Adult Bible Study
Georgia Halakos, President
Maroula Haralambidis, Co-Director
Amalea Rassias, Co-Director
Pauline Raisis, President
Julie Tsakumis
Hillary Raptis
Anthony Pantelopulos, Director
Peter Xarhoulakos, President
John Pennias, Director
George Righos
Harry Malapetsas
Helen Doukakis, President
Dr. Costas Fountzoulas
Nikkie Tsakataras & Tina Ganiaris King
Steve Nicholas
George Righos & John Lazare
George Hantzandreou, President
Daughters of Penelope
Gale Kostas, President
Hellenic University Club
Stephen Karakasidis, President
Holy Trinity Website Address: www.holytrinitywilmington.org
From the desk of Father Christos
The Lenten Prayer of St Ephrem the Syrian
By Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann
Of all Lenten hymns and prayers, one short prayer can be termed the Lenten prayer. Tradition ascribes it to one of
the great teachers of spiritual life - St. Ephrem the Syrian. Here is its text:
O Lord and Master of my life! Take from me the spirit of sloth, faint-heartedness, lust of power,
and idle talk. But give rather the spirit of chastity, humility, patience, and love to Thy servant.
Yea, O Lord and King! Grant me to see my own errors and not to judge my brother; For Thou art
blessed unto ages of ages. Amen
This prayer is read twice at the end of each Lenten service Monday through Friday (not on Saturdays and Sundays
for, as we shall see later, the services of these days do not follow the Lenten pattern). At the first reading, a
prostration follows each petition. Then we all bow twelve times saying: "O God, cleanse me a sinner." The entire
prayer is repeated with one final prostration at the end.
Why does this short and simple prayer occupy such an important position in the entire Lenten worship? Because it
enumerates in a unique way all the "negative" and "positive" elements of repentance and constitutes, so to speak,
a "check list" for our individual Lenten effort. This effort is aimed first at our liberation from some fundamental
spiritual diseases which shape our life and make it virtually impossible for us even to start turning ourselves to
The basic disease is sloth. It is that strange laziness and passivity of our entire being which always pushes us
"down" rather than "up" -- which constantly convinces us that no change is possible and therefore desirable. It is
in fact a deeply rooted cynicism which to every spiritual challenge responds "what for?" and makes our life one
tremendous spiritual waste. It is the root of all sin because it poisons the spiritual energy at its very source.
The result of sloth is faint-heartedness. It is the state of despondency which all spiritual Fathers considered the
greatest danger for the soul. Despondency is the impossibility for man to see anything good or positive; it is the
reduction of everything to negativism and pessimism. It is truly a demonic power in us because the Devil is
fundamentally a liar. He lies to man about God and about the world; he fills life with darkness and negation.
Despondency is the suicide of the soul because when man is possessed by it he is absolutely unable to see the
light and to desire it.
Lust of power! Strange as it may seem, it is precisely sloth and despondency that fill our life with lust of power.
By vitiating the entire attitude toward life and making it meaningless and empty, they force us to seek
compensation in, a radically wrong attitude toward other persons. If my life is not oriented toward God, not aimed
at eternal values, it will inevitably become selfish and self-centered and this means that all other beings will
become means of my own self-satisfaction. If God is not the Lord and Master of my life, then I become my own
lord and master -- the absolute center of my own world, and I begin to evaluate everything in terms of my needs,
my ideas, my desires, and my judgments. The lust of power is thus a fundamental depravity in my relationship to
other beings, a search for their subordination to me. It is not necessarily expressed in the actual urge to command
and to dominate "others." It may result as well in indifference, contempt, lack of interest, consideration, and
respect. It is indeed sloth and despondency directed this time at others; it completes spiritual suicide with spiritual
Finally, idle talk. Of all created beings, man alone has been endowed with the gift of speech. All Fathers see in it
the very "seal" of the Divine Image in man because God Himself is revealed as Word (John, 1:1). But being the
supreme gift, it is by the same token the supreme danger. Being the very expression of man, the means of his selffulfillment, it is for this very reason the means of his fall and self-destruction, of betrayal and sin. The word saves
and the word kills; the word inspires and the word poisons. The word is the means of Truth and it is the means of
demonic Lie. Having an ultimate positive power, it has therefore a tremendous negative power. It truly creates
positively or negatively. When deviated from its divine origin and purpose, the word becomes idle. It "enforces"
sloth, despondency, and lust of power, and transforms life into hell. It becomes the very power of sin.
Continued next page...
From the desk of Father Christos
These four are thus the negative "objects" of repentance. They are the obstacles to be removed. But God
alone can remove them. Hence, the first part of the Lenten prayer; this cry from the bottom of human
helplessness. Then the prayer moves to the positive aims of repentance which also are four.
Chastity! If one does not reduce this term, as is so often and erroneously done, only to its sexual
connotations, it is understood as the positive counterpart of sloth. The exact and full translation of the
Greek sofrosini and the Russian tselomudryie ought to be whole-mindedness. Sloth is, first of all,
dissipation, the brokenness of our vision and energy, the inability to see the whole. It’s opposite then is
precisely wholeness. If we usually mean by chastity the virtue opposed to sexual depravity, it is because
the broken character of our existence is nowhere better manifested than in sexual lust -- the alienation of
the body from the life and control of the spirit. Christ restores wholeness in us and He does so by
restoring in us the true scale of values by leading us back to God.
The first and wonderful fruit of this wholeness or chastity is humility. We already spoke of it. It is above
everything else the victory of truth in us, the elimination of all lies in which we usually live. Humility
alone is capable of truth, of seeing and accepting things as they are and therefore of seeing God's majesty
and goodness and love in everything. This is why we are told that God gives grace to the humble and
resists the proud.
Chastity and humility are naturally followed by patience. The "natural" or "fallen" man is impatient, for
being blind to himself he is quick to judge and to condemn others. Having but a broken, incomplete, and
distorted knowledge of everything, he measures all things by his tastes and his ideas. Being indifferent to
everyone except himself, he wants life to be successful right here and now. Patience, however, is truly a
divine virtue. God is patient not because He is "indulgent," but because He sees the depth of all that
exists, because the inner reality of things, which in our blindness we do not see, is open to Him. The
closer we come to God, the more patient we grow and the more we reflect that infinite respect for all
beings which is the proper quality of God.
Finally, the crown and fruit of all virtues, of all growth and effort, is love -- that love which, as we have
already said, can be given by God alone-the gift which is the goal of all spiritual preparation and practice.
All this is summarized and brought together in the concluding petition of the Lenten prayer in which we
ask "to see my own errors and not to judge my brother." For ultimately there is but one danger: pride.
Pride is the source of evil, and all evil is pride. Yet it is not enough for me to see my own errors, for even
this apparent virtue can be turned into pride. Spiritual writings are full of warnings against the subtle
forms of pseudo-piety which, in reality, under the cover of humility and self-accusation can lead to a truly
demonic pride. But when we "see our own errors" and "do not judge our brothers," when, in other terms,
chastity, humility, patience, and love are but one in us, then and only then the ultimate enemy--pride--will
be destroyed in us.
After each petition of the prayer we make a prostration. Prostrations are not limited to the Prayer of St.
Ephrem but constitute one of the distinctive characteristics of the entire Lenten worship. Here, however,
their meaning is disclosed best of all. In the long and difficult effort of spiritual recovery, the Church does
not separate the soul from the body. The whole man has fallen away from God; the whole man is to be
restored, the whole man is to return. The catastrophe of sin lies precisely in the victory of the flesh -- the
animal, the irrational, the lust in us -- over the spiritual and the divine. But the body is glorious; the body
is holy, so holy that God Himself "became flesh." Salvation and repentance then are not contempt for the
body or neglect of it, but restoration of the body to its real function as the expression and the life of spirit,
as the temple of the priceless human soul. Christian asceticism is a fight, not against but for the body. For
this reason, the whole man - soul and body - repents. The body participates in the prayer of the soul just
as the soul prays through and in the body. Prostrations, the "psycho-somatic" sign of repentance and
humility, of adoration and obedience, are thus the Lenten rite par excellence.
Parish Council President’s Message
Dear Parishioners,
Αγαπητοί Ενορίτες,
I hope this letter finds you happy and healthy as we enter
Great Lent. In recent weeks, we celebrated a very well
attended Godparents’ Sunday with Godparents reciting
reconfirmation prayers followed by a luncheon sponsored by
our Philoptochos. I want to thank all those who made this day
a success and especially all of you for reaffirming that special
commitment to your Godchildren.
We also enjoyed a wonderful Community Dance sponsored
by our Greek School. The dance was well received by many
parishioners who attended and made this event a resounding
success. Finally, the Community once again shined hosting
the annual basketball tournament. For nearly 40 years this
tournament has distinguished itself as among the best and this
year was no different. We need to thank to the GOYA parents
and all the sponsors from the Community for all the hard
work in preparing and presenting this event. Congratulations
to the GOYAns for hosting a terrific weekend of
sportsmanship and fellowship for nearly 350 GOYAns from
thirteen parishes. The tournament was, once again, among the
largest ever held by Wilmington.
Our Festival preparations have commenced in the kitchen. A
Festival Committee has been assembled to chair the event and
we are moving forward with many new initiatives to further
streamline and enhance the Festival experience for our guests
as well as our volunteers. Please call the office for
information and make it a point to lend a hand in this critical
The restoration work on the exterior masonry will begin later
this month or early in April. Keep an eye out for updates in
the Sunday bulletin or special mailings as the work
commences/progresses. In the meantime, other improvements
and repairs remain ongoing including the rebuilding of a
sewer drain in the north parking lot that collapsed (in the
vicinity of where the band is situated in the parking lot during
the Festival). There is one more similar drain in the rear of the
Hall that will be addressed as well as a preventative measure.
Finally, the floors to both the walk-in refrigerator and walk-in
freezer were replaced to ensure compliance with Code and
Board of Health issues.
Over the next several weeks, our youth will begin
preparations for participation in the Sights and Sounds
Festival (March 28th in Egg Harbor, New Jersey) for junior
high school and high school age participants. Please
encourage your children to be a part of this unique program.
Additionally, our Community will be hosting the District
Oratorical Festival competition on Saturday, April 18, 2015 in
our Church. Seventh through Twelfth Grade students from
throughout the Delaware Valley will gather to make
presentations for the right to compete at the Metropolis level
and beyond. Please make it point to attend either of these
events and see the talents of our young people on display.
George Rassias
Parish Council President
Καθώς μπαίνουμε στην Μεγάλη Τεσσαρακοστή, ελπίζω αυτή η
επιστολή να σας βρή ευτυχισμένους και υγείς,. Τις τελευταίες
εβδομάδες, εορτάσαμε με μεγάλη προσέλευση την Κυριακή των
Αναδόχων με τους νονούς/ές να απαγγέλλουν προσευχές
επαναβεβαίωσης, ακολουθούμενη από ένα γεύμα προσφορά της
Φιλοπτώχου μας. Θέλω να ευχαριστήσω όλους όσοι που έκαναν την
ημέρα αυτή μία επιτυχία και ιδιαίτερα όλους σας για την επιβεβαίωση
για την ειδική δέσμευση για τα βαπτιστήρια τους.
Απολαύσαμε επίσης μία θαυμάσια χοροεσπερίδα, χορηγός το
Ελληνικό Σχολείο μας, για όλη την κοινότητα. Η χοροεσπερίδα έγινε
αποδεκτή με ενθουσιαμό από πολλούς ενορίτες που παρευρέθηκαν
και συνέβαλαν στην μεγάλη επιτυχία της. Τέλος, η Κοινότητα έλαμψε
για άλλη μια φορά διοργανώνοντας το ετήσιο τουρνουά μπάσκετ. Για
σχεδόν 40 χρόνια αυτό το τουρνουά έχει χαρακτηρισθεί ως ένα από
τα καλύτερα και φέτος δεν ήταν διαφορετικό. Πρέπει να ευχαριστήσω
τους γονείς της GOYA και όλους τους χορηγούς της Κοινότητας για
την σπουδαία
συνεισφορά τους στην προετοιμασία και την
παρουσίαση της εκδηλώσεως. Συγχαρητήρια στους GOYΑ μας για
την διοργάνωση για σχεδόν 350 GOYA από δεκατρείς ενορίες., το
φίλαθλο πνεύμα και εκδήλωση φιλίας προς όλους, ενός
καταπληκτικού Σαββατοκύριακου Το τουρνουά ήταν, για άλλη μια
φορά, από τα μεγαλύτερα που έγιναν ποτέ στο Wilmington.
Η προετοιμασία του Φεστιβάλ μας έχει ξεκινήσει στην κουζίνα.
Συστάθηκε η επιτροπή του Φεστιβάλ για την διοργάνωση της
εκδήλωσης και προβαίνουμε σε πολλές νέες πρωτοβουλίες για τον
περαιτέρω εξορθολογισμό και την βελτίωση της εμπειρίας των
επισκεπτών του Φεστιβάλ, καθώς και τους εθελοντές μας. Παρακαλώ
τηλεφωνήστε στο γραφείο για πληροφορίες και προγραματήστε την
βοηθείας σας σε αυτή την κρίσιμη προσπάθεια. Οι εργασίες
αποκαταταστάσεως της εξωτερικής τοιχοποιίας θα ξεκινήσουν
αργότερα αυτόν τον μήνα ή στις αρχές του Απριλίου. Για την
ενημερωσή σας για την έναρξη εργασιών και προόδου των έργων θα
υπάρχουν σχετικές πληροφορίες στο ενημερωτικό δελτίο της
Κυριακής ή ειδικό ταχυσδρομείο. Άλλες βελτιώσεις και επισκευές
είναι σε εξέλιξη όπως η επισκευή της αποχέτευσης στο βόρειο
πάρκινγκ που κατέρρευσε (στην περιοχή όπου βρίσκεται το
συγκρότημα κατά τη διάρκεια του Φεστιβάλ). Υπάρχει ακόμη
αννάγκη σε μία παρόμοια αποστράγγιση στο πίσω μέρος της
αίθουσας, που θα πρέπει να αντιμετωπισθή, για προληπτικούς λόγους.
Τέλος, τα πατώματα, τόσο του μεγάλου ψυγείο όσο και του
καταψύκτη αντικαταστάθηκαν σύμφωνα με τον Κώδικα και τις
υποδείξεις του Συμβουλίου Υγείας.
Κατά τη διάρκεια των επόμενων εβδομάδων, η νεολαία μας θα
αρχίση τις προετοιμασίες για τη συμμετοχή στο Φεστιβάλ Εικόνων
και Ήχου (28 Μαρτίου στο Egg Harbor, Νέα Ιερσέη) για τους
μαθητές του γυμνασίου. Παρακαλούμε να ενθαρρύνετε τα παιδιά σας
να πάρουν μέρος σε αυτό το μοναδικό προγράμμα.. Επιπλέον, η
Κοινότητά μας θα φιλοξενήσει τον Διαγωνισμό Ρητορικού Φεστιβάλ
το Σάββατο, 18 Απριλίου, 2015, στην Εκκλησία μας. Μαθητές/ιες
από την εβδόμη μέσω την δωδέκατην τάξη από όλη την περιοχή του
Delaware θα διαγωνισθούν για το δικαίωμα συμμετοχής σε επίπεδο
Μητροπόλεως και πέρα. Παρακαλώ προσπαθείστε να
παρακολουθήσετε και τις δύο εκδηλώσεις και να απολάσευτε τα
ταλέντα της νεολαία μας.
Γιώργος Ρασσιάς
Πρόεδρος Κοινοτικού Συμβουλίου
St. Agape Chapter
Dear Beloved Philoptochos Members and Parishioners,
As we journey through Great Lent and prepare for the Holy Days of Pascha please consider joining or helping
Philoptochos in support of our Philanthropic Charities.
During this Lenten Season our next general meeting will be held Wednesday, March 4 th following the Presanctified
Liturgy and it will be a Lenten Covered Dish Dinner in the Community Center. Please plan to attend and bring a fellow
parishioner. Also we will be hosting a Marriage Wellness Seminar on March 21st which is open to the entire community
and surrounding parishes. Please make an effort to attend and hear Fr Joanides’ seminar as this is a very important and
relevant topic. This is a seminar for married couples of all ages, for those who are preparing/planning to marry, and for
single people who want to learn the theology of marriage as the Orthodox Church teaches. (see flyers in this bulletin)
As we enter into Holy Week we will again collect donations for the flowers which will adorn the Epitaphio. We will pass
a tray on Palm Sunday or you may send a donation to the church office.
We will be hosting the Palm Sunday luncheon in the Community Center on Sunday, April 5th. More details will follow.
We will also continue to collect funds for St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Shrine at Ground Zero. On Sunday, March 8 we
will host Coffee Hour and will sell frozen Spanakopita and Tyropita and Greek Lenten desserts of which proceeds will
benefit St. Nicholas.
Looking forward to Spring we will be hosting a bus trip to Agia Skepi Monastery and St. George Orthodox Catholic
Church in Taylor, PA on Saturday, May 2nd. Please respond if you plan to join us so that we can book the appropriate
size bus. More details will follow.
In Christ,
Georgia Halakos
Kollyva for Memorials
Our Philoptochos Society would like to thank two of its members, Vasiliki Kromedas, for her generous offer
to prepare the kollyva for any family of our community and donate the money for our Philoptochos charities,
and Loula Kapordelis for helping her. The cost will be $100 which will include the Prosforon and the wine.
Please allow at least a week and call Alexandra Tsaganos at 302-762-5292 who will contact Vasiliki.
When you pray…
Prayers for Health...
We ask that you give baptismal names only.
Sunday School Newsletter
On February 1, 2015, we celebrated Godparents’ Sunday with a reaffirmation
service and a special fundraising luncheon. Godparents also attended class
with their godchildren. It was a wonderful celebration of the special bond
between godparents and godchildren! We would like to thank the Ladies of
Philoptochos, Demitris Halakos & Kostas Atsidis, and the teachers & parents
for their support. We were able to raise $500 for Child Inc. – a local charity
that supports children and families in crisis.
As Lent begins, the Holy Trinity Sunday School is preparing to celebrate Our
Lord’s resurrection. We will be participating in two processions. The first takes
place on Sunday March 1st, the Sunday of Orthodoxy. Please remember to
send in an icon for your child to hold during the procession. The second will
take place on March 15th, the Veneration of the Cross. Children will be making
crosses to carry during the procession.
Also during the month of March are two events for our students to participate
on a Delaware Valley/Metropolis level. On March 14, the Bible Bowl will be
held at St. Thomas Greek Orthodox Church in Cherry Hill, NJ. And on March
29, the Sights and Sounds will be held at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
in Egg Harbor Township, NJ.
On Sunday, March 29, we will hold our Junior Oratorical Program in our
Community Center after the Divine Liturgy. Sunday School students from the
preschool though sixth-grade will participate. Also on March 29th, Markos
Zerefos will present his narrative from last year that was recognized on the
Metropolis level of the St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival. We hope you
can all join us!
We will again be hosting the Palm Folding on Saturday of Lazarus. After
Liturgy, a Lenten fare will be served. Come and join us as we prepare palm
crosses for Palm Sunday!
There will be no Sunday School on April 5, Palm Sunday, and April 12, Easter
Sunday. We will resume classed on April 19.
Kali Anastasi,
Maroula Haralambidis
Amalea Rassias
GOYA hosted our annual basketball tournament on President’s Day Weekend. We hosted twelve
churches and over 400 people. The GOYAns competed in the games on Saturday, socialized at the
dance Saturday night, and joined together in worship on Sunday at our church. Our tournament is
always a fun way to bring together the youth from the other Greek churches in the area and create
memories. I want to thank all of those people in our community that contributed to make our
tournament a huge success and to all those who were generous enough to place ads in our ad
book. Another thank you goes to all of those who donated to our blanket drive for the homeless
during our tournament. This weekend was a joy for everyone involved and GOYA thanks all of
those people who made its events possible.
Another major youth event is approaching with the Sights and Sounds coming up on March 28 th
at Holy Trinity, Egg Harbor. Sights and Sounds is another outlet for the youth in our community to
display their many talents and anyone that would like to celebrate in this event is encouraged to
join in the festivities on March 28th. GOYA also has the St. Demetrios, Baltimore tournament
coming up on April 25th/26th. We will be meeting soon to discuss the rest
of the year’s activities.
Many Blessings
Pauline Raisis
Goya President
Over the next few weeks our
GOYAns will be collecting blankets
for the homeless. If you have a new
or slightly used blanket that would
benefit a less fortunate person,
please bring it in and give it to any
GOYAn during the coffee hour.
We appreciate your generosity and
your willingness to give!
Fr. Christos
February 12th at the Emmanuel Dining Room East
We sincerely thank the Staikos family who sponsored and served the
meal on Thursday, February 12th, in honor of their father, Dr. Dimitri
Staikos. 116 men, women and children enjoyed a warm meal with Mary
Staikos Zesimopoulos, Nick and Eleni Staikos, and Cathy Ziccarelli
hosting and working in the kitchen. Cathy and family will be at the dining
room again in March as they sponsor and serve the meal on Thursday
the 12th. All are welcome to join them that day. Again, we welcome the
Staikos family as sponsors, as we greatly appreciate all who generously
serve and give to this charitable cause!
Various groups and individuals generously donate the food and host the
luncheon meal on the 12th of every month throughout the year. New
sponsors are needed to fill a few months, so if you would like to
become a part of this worthy service project with your family, friends
or church organization, please contact Nikkie Tsakataras at 655-2252 or
Tina Ganiaris at 764-2183 for more information.
Three Hierarchs
Greek Letters Day
@ St. Thomas,
Cherry Hill, NJ
January 31
Savannah Nagle, daughter of Brandon & Stephanie Nagle, was baptized in our Church on February 7th. The sponsor
was Jacqueline Rochonchou. We congratulate her and her parents and welcome Savannah into the Orthodox Faith.
Peter Andrianopoulos fell asleep in the Lord on January 30th. His funeral was held at Holy Trinity on February
4 . Peter is survived by his daughter Alexis and son-in-law Dave Gross, son Anthony and daughter-in-law
Debra, and his granddaughter Ella. May his memory be eternal.
Mary Kalmer fell asleep in the Lord on February 19th and her funeral was held at Holy Trinity on February 25.
Mary is survived by her two daughters, Niki & her husband Robert Paladino and Michelle & her husband Klaus
Stoltz; a brother, Gus Orphanos; a sister, Olga Pappas; four grandchildren, Alexis, Derek , Archie (Agnieszka)
and Bernie (Melissa); and two great-grandchildren, Asher and Jude. May her memory be eternal.
Dimitri Staikos ~ February 8 ~ 40 Day
Demetrios Kimbiris ~ February 15 ~ 3 Years
JOIN US at the site of
and then visit the
afterwards, be inspired by a
Byzantine Choir and a
Byzantine Art Exhibit
at the
WHEN: Saturday, March 14th
HOW: KRAPF'S Coach - (54 seater) - Hurry spaces limited!
COST: $85
including round trip coach plus tip, admission to Ground Zero Museum
and the Byzantine Choir at the Met!!
BOARDING will start at 10:30am.
The bus will LEAVE the Church @ 808 N. Broom Street at 11:00am
RSVP to: Yvonne Tsavalas, 24 Withers Way, Hockessin, Delaware 19707 - 302-540-2891
with a check for $85 per person made out to the HELLENIC UNIVERSITY CLUB
On or BEFORE February 18th- first come, first serve!
NAME(S) ______________________ ___________________________
Number in the party __________
Amount of check(s) enclosed (NO cash accepted)
!! First Paid, First Served !! See you on the BUS !!
A final update on HOPE/JOY
Souper Bowl of Caring campaign
We raised $328, which will be donated to the International Orthodox
Christian Charities (IOCC) in an effort to help needy children and
families around the world.
In addition, we collected three boxes full of canned goods and other
food items which (with the help of Holy Trinity's Food Pantry) will be
distributed to food banks around the Wilmington area.
Thank you for all of your support and participation!!
Julie and Hilary
The Altar Guild would like to acknowledge and thank the following for their donation:
Frangia Family – Flowers on February 8: Remembering our beloved grandfather, George Manolakis. He is
still missed every day.
Members on Duty in February:
Helen Doukakis, Catherine Faller, Catherine Graham, Stacy Koninis,
Mary Mantzavinos Steve Nicholas. Barbara Vassos
Our Lenten season will begin on Monday, February 23. As we enter into this season of self-denial and renewal, we also
think about the Lily—the flower that we most associate with Easter. By the Saturday evening, Resurrection Service, lilies
are beautifying our entire Church with their royal display and fragrance.
Flowers are seen in wreaths for special services: the icon of the Theotokos is adorned for five Friday evening services
of the Salutations, beginning February 27. On April 5, Palm Sunday evening, a wreath will surround the icon of our
Lord (wreath of the Nymphios). Along with flowers on Holy Thursday evening, a wreath will adorn the Holy Cross.
The lilies will be placed for the Resurrection Service on April 11 and for Holy Pascha on April 12, as well as the
arrangements at the Altar Doors.
If interested, please make a selection from the following:
Wreaths for the Theotokos at the Service of Salutations: ($40 each):
March 6, March 13, March 20, (March 27 ~ taken)
Daffodils for Veneration of the Cross ($100): March 15 (taken)
Wreath for Annunciation of the Theotokos ($40) March 25 (taken)
Wreath for Lazarus Saturday ($40) : April 4
Wreath for Palm Sunday Evening ($40): April 5
Wreath for mystical Supper ($40): April 8
Wreath for Holy Cross ($50): Holy Thursday, April 9 (taken)
Purple mums at base of Cross ($30): Holy Thursday, April 9
Wreath for the Icon of Extreme Humility ($40): April 9
Wreath for Icon of Crucifixion ($40): April 9
Wreath for Apolathelosis ($40): April 10
Wreath for Icon of Myrrhbearers ($40): April 11
Wreath for the Lavaro (Resurrection Standard) ($50): April 11
Arrangements (2) at Altar Doors ($100): Holy Saturday Resurrection Service, April 11 and Holy Pascha, April 12
Lilies ($20 each
Our efforts are supported totally by donations from parishioners. If you wish to share your memorable events with
our Church Community by donating for the purchase of flowers on your special day, please advise the president
(Helen Doukakis, 475-7672), any member of the Altar Guild or use the form below.
Telephone_____________________ Please reserve date___________________________
This special occasion is ____________________________________________________
Enclosed is check in the amount of $__________made out to Holy Trinity Altar Guild
Mail to: Katherine Coustenis, 62 Springer Court, Hockessin, DE 19707
May we publish this in our monthly bulletin? Yes__________ No__________
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ICON BOOTH
For the convenience of the parishioners, the Icon Booth will be open on March 8 and March 22. Available for sale are icons,
cookbooks, the Orthodox Study Bible, “A Guide to Greek Traditions and Customs in America” and many other interesting items.
We also have available beautiful children’s books.
The next
Independence Day
Parade is
March 22
We will be taking a
bus into Philadelphia.
If you want to join us
please call the
church office
to reserve your seat
on the bus!
Please call by
March 16th
so we know whether
we need 2 buses!!
Come support
Holy Trinity
Please join us at
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
808 N Broom Street, Wilmington, DE 19806
With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Evangelos
we are hosting
A Couples’ Day Out Workshop
About the presenter
Father Charles Joanides, Ph.D., LMFT is a married Orthodox priest. He and his wife have been married for 38
years. They have two adult children and four grandchildren. He has a Ph.D. in Family Studies, is a Licensed
Marriage & Family Therapist and an approved AAMFT
Supervisor. He teaches marriage and family therapy at
Nyack College.
Fr. Charles has been published in a number of journals,
periodicals and newspapers. He is author of five books.
His recent books are entitled: Attending to Your Marriage; The Journey of Marriage in the Orthodox Church;
Pastoral Perspectives: Divorce and Remarriage. He has
been a commentator on the Come Receive the Light Radio Program and Ancient Faith Radio Program. He lectures on marital and family issues across the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.
Why marriages succeed or fail
Effective communication techniques
What’s my arguing style
Myths about divorce
Attributes of a Christ-centered marriage
How our Christian faith helps our marriage
Balancing strategies that work
Intermarried challenges
Why Participate?
Here’s what some couples have said:
“It was a blessed, fun day out.”
“I’m really glad I came.”
“Can we do this again one day soon?”
(Walk-ins are welcomed the day of the workshop)
Date: March 21, 2015 Time: 9am - 3pm
Place: Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
808 N Broom Street, Wilmington, DE 19806
302-654-4446 ~~ greekorth@holytrinitywilmington,org
Address: ______________________________________
Please RSVP by March 16th
to reserve your seat!
City: ___________________State: ____ Zip: _______
Phone: (
) ______ - ________________
A free will offering will be taken
Greek Orthodox Metropolis of New Jersey
Church of Holy Trinity, Wilmington, DE
“For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his
wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” Matthew 19:5
Protecting Oneness
Rev. Fr. Charles Joanides, Ph.D., LMFT
9:00 – 9:30 AM
Coffee and Registration
9:30 AM
Opening Prayers
9:40 – 10:30 AM
Why Marriages Succeed or Fail
10:30 – 11:00 AM
Group Work/Q & As
11:10 – 12:30 AM
Staying Connected: Enhancing Oneness
12:30 – 1:00 PM
Group Exercise/Q & As
1:00 – 1:40 PM
1:45 – 2:30 PM
How Your Christian Faith Background Can
Make a Difference in Your Marriage
2:30 – 3:00 PM
Final Exercise/Closing Prayers
Thank you for attending this seminar
Serving in March
Narthex Duty:
March 1 ~ Group 1
March 8 ~ Group 2
March 15 ~ Group 1
March 22 ~ Group 2
March 29 ~ Group 1
Coffee Hours:
March .1 ~ Hellenic University Club
March 8 ~ Philoptochos
March 15 ~ AHEPA
March 22 ~ Young @ Heart
March 29 ~ Greek School (GK IND Program)
Prosforon Offerers
March 1
Maria Papanicholas
March 8
Sophia Regas
March 15
Litsa Anestos
March 22
Niki Karaoglanis
March 29
Eugenia Zerefos
If you cannot meet your scheduled date for Prosfora
please contact Loula Kapordelis @ 354-5383
Holy Trinity Altar Servers
Coordinator: To Be Announced
Matthew Christofidis & Panagiotis Tzinoudis
Chris Coulaloglou
Theodore Fessaras
Constantinos Fournaris
Nicholas Gianelos
Larry Kirifides
Constantine Krikelis
Niko Marinis
Markos Zerefos
Yianni Zerefos
Thanks to the leadership of
Demitris Halakos and to the
many parishioners who have
come out and given their time
and talents in the preparation
of the Dolmades for the Greek
Festival, we have completed
this task. We prepared over
20,000 dolmades. We will start
Mousaka & Pastichio next so
if you have a few hours to
spare come on in and help us
out! We work usually Monday
-Friday from 9am to early
afternoon, and we plan to add
some Saturdays in our work
sch edule to facilitate
parishioners who are unable
to participate during the
week’s work days. Work days
vary so please call the church
office to find out what days we
will be working.
No experience necessary -
we will teach you all you
need to know!!
Special thanks to the Dolmades Prep Crew:
Our Gals…
Vickie Karakasides
Eleni Aslaouridis
Aleka Christou
Anna Giannatos
Maria Grigorakakis
Helen Grivas
Georgia Halakos
Loula Kapordelis
Maria Kramedas
Mary Kountourzis
Voula Manis
Pam Panalopoulos
Sophia Psaltis
Stavroula Pettaris
Sophia Regas
Marika Sarmousakis
Joanna Tsaganos
Yvonne Tsavalas
Foula Tsionas
Yvonne Vassialatos
Evie Volou
Yanoula Zotos
Our Guys…
Demitris Halakos
Tom Diamanty
George Tsavalas
Kostas Atsidis
Yiannis Halakos
George Pettaris
John Karakasidis
John Koninis
Peter Xarhoulakos
Please forgive us if we left your name out!!!
If your children plan to attend ~ please contact Julie Tsakumis
(jtsakumis@yahoo.com) or by phone @ 302-367-8518 to let her know!
Under current higher education requirements for most college major fields, college
students must complete two years of a foreign language course. Usually, for most this is
not a favorable subject. Disinterest in struggling to complete the foreign language course
while trying to concentrate on the major field of study is considered a heavy burden, and
in far too many cases the results are limited and quite often at the expense of the major
field of study.
Now, there is a better way for Greek Americans to fulfill the college two-year,
approximately 54-week, foreign language requirement, and with positive attitude and
vigor in only 12 weeks, over two summers.
At the initiative of the Hellenic Link, Inc., the Greek American since 1974 organization
concentrating mainly on Greek language opportunities for Greek Americans, the
University of Patra in Greece has developed a unique two-year Summer Study Modern
Greek Program for American students. That is, Greek American students can attend the
University of Patra for two six-week summer sessions, thus fulfilling the two-year
requirement of their home university.
There are several significant advantages to this opportunity
First, because ‘credits’ but not grades transfer from one educational institution to
another, students completing the course will receive the academic credits without
affecting their scholastic average. This in itself is of major importance.
Since instruction of the language will be in its natural setting, learning will be much
more advantageous than the sporadic classes over 54 weeks in a two-year homeinstitution span.
Instruction will be on a 4-hour daily plan, with an extra hour of practice by working in
a local store for one hour in conversing directly with the local population – a great
learning tool.
In gaining this “study abroad” experience – an additional advantage advocated by
colleges and universities, the students will be immersed into the Greek society and
culture, will make new friends while also enjoying two wonderful summers in beautiful
Greece, and will ‘sense’ their Greek identity and heritage.
In addition to the academic instruction, the University of Patra will conduct excursions
to several nearby historical sites, all included in the tuition cost of 600 Euros –
approximately $700 for the six weeks. Of course room and board expenses will be
additional, but such costs are much lower in Greece, especially in comparison to the
United States.
This year’s first summer course will commence on June 15, 2015 and complete on July
24, 2015. However, in order for the program to start it must have the minimum of 20
students for the first summer.
There are no intermediaries, therefore there are no extra costs. Interested students and
parents are to contact the University of Patra directly to request and to submit
application forms, in the very similar manner that students do when interested in
studying at a specific university abroad.
For complete information and details, students and parents should contact:
Department of Philology, University of Patra, 26504, Rion, Greece
Telephone: +302610996234; fax: +302610996197
web site: http://www.philology.upatras.gr
email: mgpatras@gmail.com Deadline for registration is May 1, 2015
The 25th of March, 1821--Greek Independence Day
Dr. Costas G. Fountzoulas
The struggle of the enslaved Greeks against their ruthless
rulers, the Ottoman Turks, officially started on the 25th of
March 1821 in the monastery of Hagia Lavra, Kalavryta.
Germanos, the bishop of Paleon Patron, raised the banner of
the revolution and blessed the arms of the captains of the
revolting Greeks. The beginning of the revolution coincided
with one of the holiest days for Orthodox Christians, the
Annunciation of the Theotokos. Unofficially though, the
revolution of the Hellenes against the Ottoman Turks started
one day after the fall of Constantinople on the 29th of May
1453, and continues until today. However, about 20 actual
unsuccessful uprisings took place before the 1821 revolution
that managed to liberate about 25% of the Hellenes residing
in the Ottoman empire.
The culturally superior Hellenic world, as represented by the
Byzantine Empire in 1453, fell to the nomadic Asian Turk,
and further failed to civilize and assimilate this new
conqueror as it had previously done with the Romans. The
Moslem Turk adopted the material part of the Byzantines but
not its Hellenic intellectual and cultural heritage. Under
penalty of death, no Turk could be Christianized but many
Christians, for their survival, converted to Islam. Thus, the
probability that many of today’s Turks are descended from
the Greeks is high.
During the 400 years of Ottoman occupation
 complete lack of schooling resulted in illiterate,
superstitious and ignorant Hellenes (especially in their
culture, history and language). Interestingly, the same
Turkish policy continues today with the Kurds!
 systematic abduction of Christian children forming the
infamous and cruel Jenisaries, faithful only to Sultan
 moderate religious freedom was granted to those
minorities who accepted the Sultan as their despotic
leader and paid their taxes
 churches were turned into mosques and icons were
destroyed (usually by poking out the eyes of the depicted
saints, as it is happening in the conquered north part of
Cyprus today, at the end of the 20th century).
However, the Hellenes living in the occupied Hellas reacted
to the oppression, lack of education and freedom by
 continuous uprisings against their Ottoman overlords
(kleftes and armatoloi were a continuous headache for
the Turks)
 obtaining elementary education in the Hidden Schools
(for reading and writing only), formed and covertly
operated by the church (at the same time the Europeans,
through the discovery of Hellenic classics, began the
renaissance, after many centuries of darkness)
 always being reminded of their glorious past and the
contribution of their ancestors to the world by the
surrounding ruins of ancient temples, theaters and
stadia; thus keeping their historical identity alive
becoming successful international ship owners and
merchants (Turks were not very successful as sea merchants,
thus bringing the European ideas of democracy and freedom
back to the enslaved Hellenes and at the same time
informing the Europeans of their struggle (AGON) for
independence and human dignity--the contributions of the
fleet of Spetses, Hydra and Chios were of extreme
importance to the success of the revolution.
The struggle of the Hellenes for independence was
coordinated from abroad. The Hellenes of Diaspora
were the strategic and financial brains behind the
revolution (Secret Society of Friends [Filiki Etaeria],
Sacred Band [Ieros Lohos], Ypsilandis, Koraes,
Kapodistrias and many others raised the interest of the
European and American intellectuals and Phil-Hellenes
(Lord Byron, Dr. Samuel Gridly Howe, and Daniel
Webster to name a few)
The Hellenes of mainland Hellas formed military groups
and carried out most of the burden of the fighting against
the Ottoman Turks in Hellas; Kolokotronis, Karaiskakis,
Papaflessas, Androutsos, Botsaris, Bouboulina, and
Miaoulis were some of the heroes and military leaders
suffered most of the consequences of their revolution
against the Turks (burning of Chios and Psara) proved to
the enslaved peoples of the Balkans (Aemos peninsula)
that the Ottoman army was not invincible through their
determination and self-sacrifice (Souli, Alamana,
Messologi, Maniaki) they achieved significant victories
over the Turks, thus liberating within 2 years Attica,
Peloponnese and Sterea Ellas, which comprised in 1823
the first free Hellenic State forced the allied victory at the
battle of Navarino, 1828, thus accelerating the demise of
the Ottoman Empire
The Holy Alliance, comprised of Austria, Russia,
England, France, and Germany, tried to put an end to the
revolution. The revolting Hellenes had been
characterized, mainly by the Austrians, as agitators or
terrorists using today’s language. However, their fight
for independence inspired many Europeans Phil-Hellenes,
who gave their life for their righteous struggle. It is
worth mentioning that there were Phil-Hellenes from
every European nation except Austria and Czarist Russia
( however, the Ieros Lohos was formed in Russia) .
The struggle of the Hellenes for Independence eventually
resulted in the demise of the Ottoman Empire and the
liberation of the enslaved Balkans from the Ottoman yoke
--it is also worth mentioning that the only people in the
Balkans who fought against the Ottoman Turks were the
Hellenes, something never forgotten by the contemporary
Turks, and the creation of the contemporary Hellas State,
an oasis of peace, democracy and stability, not only in the
Balkans but in the Eastern Mediterranean as well.
25η Μαρτίου 1821
Δρ. Κώστας Γ. Φούντζουλας
Ο αγώνας των σκλαβωμένων Ελλήνων εναντίον των σκληρών
και ανελέητων Οθωμανών Τούρκων, άρχισε επίσημα την 25η
Μαρίου στήν Μονή της Αγίας Λαύρας στα Καλάβρυτα. Ο
επίσκοπος Παλαιών Πατρών Γερμανός ύψωσε το λάβαρο της
επαναστάσεως και ευλόγησε τα όπλα των καπεταναίων των
επαναστατημένων Ελλήνων. Η έναρξη της επαναστάσεως
συνέπεσε με τον Ευαγγελισμό της Θεοτόκου, μία από τις
ιερώτερες ημέρες της Ορθοδοχίας. Όμως η επανάσταση των
Ελλήνων ή ο ξεσηκωμός του Γένους, όπως αλλοιώς είναι
γνωστή, είχε αρχίσει την επόμενη ημέρα από της πτώσεως της
Κωνσταντινουπόλεως, 29 Μαϊου 1453, και συνεχίζεται μέχρι τις
ημέρες μας.
Συγκεκριμμένα περίπου 20 αποτυχημένες
προσπάθειες προηγήθηκαν της επαναστάσεως της 25η Μαρίου
του 1821.
Μέσα στα επόμενα 7 χρόνια το 25% των
σκλαβωμένων Ελλήνων είχε απελευθερωθεί.
Η πτώση της Κωνσταντινουπόλεως το 1453 εσήμανε το τέλος
της Βυζαντινής αυτοκρατορίας και την αντικατάστασή της υπό
της βαρβάρου και απολιτίστου Οθωμανικής αυτοκρατορίας.
Πολλοί Χριστιανοί για να σώσουν το κεφάλι τους και να
προστατέουν της οικογένειες τους εξισλαμίσθηκαν (όπως συνέβη
με τους Μουσουλμάνους της Βοσνίας).
Ευρωπαίους—η συνεισφορά των εμπορικών στόλων των
Σπετσών, Ύδρας και Χίου ήταν αποφασιστικής
σπουδαιότητας στην επιτυχή έκβαση της επαναστάσεως
Ο αγώνας των Ελλήνων για ανεξαρτησία συντονίζετο από το
εξωτερικό. Οι Έλληνες της Διασποράς
 ήταν οι στρατηγικοί σχεδιαστές και οικονομικοί
παράγοντες της επαναστάσεως (Φιλική Εταιρεία, Ιερός
Λόχος, Υψηλάντης, Κοραής, Καποδίστριας και πολλοί
 προκάλεσαν το ενδιαφέρον των Ευρωπαίων και
Αμερικανών Διανοουμένων και Φιλελλήνων (Λόρδος
Βύρων, Δρ. Σαμουήλ Χάουη και Δανιήλ Γουέπστερ κ.α.)
Κατά την διάρκεια των 400 χρόνων Οθωμανικής κατοχής
η παντελής έλλειψις εκπαιδεύσεως εδημιούργησε Έλληνες
προληπτικούς και αμόρφωτους, επιλήσμονες της γλώσσας
των και της ιστορίας των. Η ίδια πολιτική εφαρμόζεται
σήμερα στους Κούρδους!
 συστηματική απαγωγή των αρσενικών παιδιών των
Χριστιανικών πληθυσμών (παιδομάζωμα), τα οποία
εχρησιμοποιήθηκαν δια τον σχηματισμό των απανθρώπων
Γενιτσάρων, πιστών μόνο στον Σουλτάνο
 περιορισμένη θρησκευτική ελευθερία είχε δοθεί μόνο στις
μειονότητες που είχαν αποδεχθεί τον Σουλτάνο σαν αρχηγό
τους και επλήρωναν τους φόρος τους
 εκκλησίες
μετετράπηκαν σε μουσουλμανικά τεμένη
(τζαμιά) και εικόνες κατεστρέφοντο (συνήθως τους
αφαιρούντο τα μάτια, όπως συμβαίνει εξ’ άλλου και σήμερα
στο κατεχόμενο, τμήμα της Κύπρου)
Η αντίσταση των σκλαβωμένων Ελλήνων στην καταπίεση,
έλλειψη εκπαιδεύσεως και ελευθερίας χαρακτηρίζεται
 από τις συνεχείς εξεγέρσεις εναντίοντων Τούρκων
(Κλέφτες και οι Αρματωλοί )
 από την μάθηση στοιχειώδους αναγνώσεως και γραφής
στα Κρυφά Σχολεία (σε αντιδιαστολή οι υπόλοιποι
δημιουργημάτων των αρχαίων Ελλήνων είχαν αρχίσει την
αναγέννησή τους μετα απο έναν πολύχρονο Μεσαίωνα)
 από την υπενθύμιση του ενδόξου παρελθόντος των και της
συνεισφοράς των προγόνων των στον κόσμο μέσω των
ερειπίων των αρχαίων ναών και θεάτρων.διατηρώντας έτσι
την εθνική ταυτότητα τους ζωντανή
 απο την επιτυχία τους ως εφοπλιστών και εμπόρων
(οικονομικοί τομείς όπου οι Τούρκοι δεν είχαν επιτύχει),
μεταφέροντας κατ’ αυτόν τον τρόπο στην Ελλάδα τις
Ευρωπαϊκές ιδέες για δημοκρατία και ελευθερία και
ταυτοχρόνως μεταφέροντας τον αγώνα των Ελλήνων για
ανεξαρτησία και ανθρώπινη αξιοπρέπεια στους
Οι σκλαβωμένοι Έλληνες της κυρίως Ελλάδος
εσχημάτισαν επαναστατικά στρατιωτικά σώματα και
εσήκωσαν το μεγαλύτερο βάρος της εξεγέρσεως εναντίον
των Οθωμανών Τούρκων. Κολοκοτρώνης, Καραϊσκάκης,
Παπφλέσσας, Ανδρούτσος, Μπότσαρης, Μπουμπουλίνα και
Μιαούλης είναι ονόματα μερικών ηρώων και στρατιωτικών
ηγετών του αγώνα
υπέφεραν τις περισσότερες συνέπειες του αγώνα τους
(καταστροφή των Ψαρών και της Χίου)
απέδειξαν στούς σκλαβωμένους κατοίκους των Βαλκανίων
(Αίμος) ότι ο πολυάριθμος Οθωμανικός στρατός δεν ήταν
κατέφεραν με την αυτοθυσία τους και τον ηρωϊσμό τους
(Σούλι, Μανιάκι, Αλαμάνα, Μεσολόγγι) σημαντικές νίκες
κατα των Τούρκων, απελευθερώνοντας έτσι μέσα σε 2
χρόνια την Αττική, Πελοπόνησσο και Στερεά Ελλάδα, τα
οποία απετέλεσαν το 1823 το πρώτο ελεύθερο Ελληνικό
ανάγκασαν τους συμμάχους να νικήσουν τον Τουρκικό
στόλο στο Ναβαρίνο το 1828, επιταχύνοντας έτσι την
πτώση της Οθωμανικής αυτοκρατορίας. Οι Έλληνες είχαν
χαρακτηρισθεί από τους Αυστριακούς ιδιαίτερα σαν
επαναστάτες ή τρομοκράτες με τα σημερινά δεδομένα. Παρ’
όλα ταύτα ο αγώνας τους ενέπνευσε πολλούς Φιλέλληνες, οι
οποίοι έδωσαν την ζωή τους για τον δίκαιο αγώνα τους.
Αξιοσημείωτο είναι ότι υπήρχαν Φιλέλληνες απ΄όλη την
Ευρώπη πλήν της Αυστρίας και της Τσαρικής Ρωσσίας
Ο αγώνας των Ελλήνων δια Ανεξαρτησία τελικώς
την πτώση της Οθωμανικής Αυτοκρατορίας
τη απελευθέρωση των σκλαβωμένων Βαλκανίων απο τον
Οθωμανικό ζυγό—Οι Έλληνες ήταν οι μόνοι που
επολέμησαν τους Οθωμανούς Τούρκους στα Βαλκάνια, κάτι
που οι Τούρκοι δεν ελησμόνησαν ποτέ, και
την δημιουργία του συγχρόνου Ελληνικού Κράτους, το
οποίο είναι μιά όασις ειρήνης, δημοκρατίας και
σταθερότητος, όχι μόνο στα Βαλκάνια αλλά και στην
ευρύτερη περιοχή της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου.
Παραινέσεις Κολοκοτρώνη προς τους νέους
Δρ. Κώστας Γ. Φούντζουλας
«Κολοκοτρώνης πέθανε στο γάμο του Κολίνου το θάνατό γνώρισε, που ‘θελε ν’
αποθάνη και του Γενναίου μίλησε, και του Κολίνου λέγει:
Πού είσαι, Γενναίε στρατηγέ, Κολίνο σπουδασμένε! Ελάτε, πάρτε την ευχή, με
τριγυρίζει ο Χάρος. Σώπα, πατέρα, μην το λες, μη λες πως θα πεθάνης κι
έχουμ’ οχτρούς και χαίρονται και φίλους και λυπάνται. Ελάτε, πάρτε την ευχή,
και να ‘στε μονοιασμένοι»
«Άπαντα Κολοκοτρωναίων, τόμ. Α’ σελ. 74, εκδ. ΙΔΕΒ»
Στις Πέμπτη 4 Φεβρουαρίου του 1843, πεθαίνει στην Αθήνα, ο ήρωας του Εικοσιένα, ο Θεόδωρος Κολοκοτρώνης, ο
Έλληνας ήρωας με την σημαντικότερη προσφορά στην απελευθέρωση του Γένους.
Στο παρόν κείμενο περικλείονται αποσπασματα του Γέρου του Μοριά για την Παιδεία και τα παιδιά.
«Κάλλιο για την πατρίδα κανένας να χαθεί
ή να κρεμάσει φούντα για ξένον στο σπαθί»
έλεγε ο Ρήγας και σημειώνει ο Κολοκοτρώνης στα απομνημονεύματά του, διά χειρός Τερτσέτη.
«Εφύλαξα πίστην εις την παραγγελίαν του Ρήγα. Και ο Θεός με αξίωσε και κρέμασα φούντα εις το Γένος μου ως
στρατιώτης του. Χρυσή φούντα δεν εστόλισε ποτέ το σπαθί μου, όταν έπαιρνα δούλευσιν εις ξένα κράτη».
Το ακόλουθο είναι από τον εξαίσιο λόγο του Κολοκοτρώνη στην Πνύκα, το 1838, ενώπιον όλης της τότε Αθήνας,: «Εγώ,
παιδιά μου, κατά κακή μου τύχη εξ αιτίας των περιστάσεων έμεινα αγράμματος, και διά τούτο σας ζητώ συγχώρησι,
διότι δεν ομιλώ καθώς οι δάσκαλοί σας». Χωρίς να το γνωρίζει ο Γέρος του Μωρηά επαναλαμβάνει λόγια του αγίου
Κοσμά του Αιτωλού:
«Και όχι μόνον δεν είμαι άξιος να σας διδάξω, αλλά μήτε τα ποδάρια σας να φιλήσω. Διότι ο καθένας από λόγου σας
είναι τιμιώτερος απ’ όλον τον κόσμον». (επ. Αυγουστίνου Καντιώτη, «Κοσμάς ο Αιτωλός», σελ. 101).
«Εις εσάς μένει να ισάσετε και να στολίσετε τον τόπο, όπου ημείς ελευθερώσαμεν, και, διά να γίνη τούτο, πρέπει να έχετε
ως θεμέλια της πολιτείας την ομόνοια, την θρησκεία και την φρόνιμον ελευθερία».
«Παιδιά μου να μην έχετε πολυτέλεια, να μην πηγαίνετε εις τους καφενέδες και τα μπιλιάρδα. Να δοθήτε εις τας σπουδάς
σας, και καλλίτερα να κοπιάσετε ολίγον δύο και τρεις χρόνους και να ζήσετε ελεύθεροι εις το επίλοιπο της ζωής σας,
παρά να περάσετε τέσσαρους πέντε χρόνους τη νεότητά σας και να μείνετε αγράμματοι. Να σκλαβωθήτε εις τα
γράμματά σας. Να ακούετε τα συμβουλάς των διδασκάλων και γεροντοτέρων, και, κατά την παροιμία, μύρια ήξευρε και
χίλια μάθανε. Η προκοπή σας και η μάθησή σας να μην γίνη σκεπάρνι μόνο διά το άτομό σας, αλλά να κυττάζη το καλό
της Κοινότητος, και μέσα εις το καλό αυτό ευρίσκεται και το δικό σας. Η μόνη σκλαβιά που μας αρμόζει, είναι στα
Το 1824 βλέποντας ο Κολοκοτρώνης το μεγάλο κακό που γινόταν από την «δολερή διχόνοια»,– αφού σκοτώθηκε ο
σπουδαίος γιός του Πάνος-παραδόθηκε και τον «έκλεισαν» στην Ύδρα. ¨οταν εισέβαλε στην Πελοπόννησο ο Ιμπραϊμ τον
αναζήτησαν. Στο Ναύπλιο που επέστρεψε είπε: «Πριν έβγω στο Ανάπλι έριξα στη θάλασσα τα πικρά τα περασμένα,
κάνετε κι εσείς το ίδιο! Στο δρόμο που περνούσαμε να ‘ρθουμε στην εκκλησιά, είδα να σκάβουν κάτι άνθρωποι. Ρώτησα
και μου ‘πανε πως για να βρούνε κρυμμένο θησαυρό. Εκεί, στο λάκκο μέσα, ρίχτε κι εσείς τα μίση τα δικά σας. Έτσι θα
βρεθεί κι ο χαμένος θησαυρός!».
Η θρησκεία, η πίστη των πατέρων ημών, η αγία μας Ορθοδοξία, είναι λιθάρι ριζιμιό του Γένους διότι «όταν επιάσαμε τα
άρματα, είπαμε πρώτα υπέρ Πίστεως και έπειτα υπέρ Πατρίδος». Την πατρίδα μας την απελευθέρωσαν ήρωες,
Χριστιανοί Ορθόδοξοι. Όταν του Κολοκοτρώνη του διάβασαν την απόφαση θανάτου στο δικαστήριο των Βαυαρών, είπε:
«Μνήσθητί μου, Κύριε, όταν έλθεις εν τη βασιλεία σου». Το είπε με φωνή άτρεμη και έκαμε το σταυρό του.
Στη μάχη του Σαραβαλίου, το 1821, ο Ανδρέας Ζαΐμης είχε καταφύγει στη μονή Ομπλού. Ο Κολοκοτρώνης τον ονείδιζε με
τις λέξεις: «κυρ Ανδρέα, κυρ Ζαΐμη, τοις ελάφοις όρη τα υψηλά και πέτρα τοις λαγωοίς καταφυγή». Αγράμματος μεν,
αλλά γνώριζε το Ψαλτήρι, γιατί λειτουργούνταν συχνά και όρθρου βαθέος.
Μιλά ο Γέρος του Μοριά για την «φρόνιμον ελευθερίαν», γιατί υπάρχει και η άφρων, η ασυδοσία, η ατιμωρησία.Δεν
γνώριζε ούτε Ευρωπαίους παιδαγωγούς ούτε είχε γνώση των σύγχρονων του κοινωνικών ρευμάτων. Γνώριζε όμως την
Ορθοδοξία και ζούσε από παιδί με τα καθαρά ήθη του Γένους, και την ηθική του Ευαγγελίου.
Ο Πέκιο, ένας Ιταλός περιηγητής, συναντά τον φυλακισμένο Γέρο του Μωρηά στην Ύδρα, στο μοναστήρι του προφήτη
Ηλία. Όταν η συζήτηση έφτασε στις νίκες του Μπραΐμη, του λέει ο στρατηγός: «Ηξεύρεις τι έφερε την νίκη των
Αιγυπτίων; Η ενότης της πολεμικής δυνάμεως, ενώ οι Έλληνες αφανίζονται από την μανίαν του να θέλουν να
καπιτανεύουν, χωρίς την απαιτούμενην εμπειρίαν».
Kolokotronis Admonitions to Youth
Dr. Costas G. Fountzoulas
Kolokotronis died at the wedding of Kolinos. He died the way he wished of dying.
He spoke to Gennaeos (Brave) and he says to Kolinoς:
Where are you general Gennaeos, and educated Kolinos? Come to give you my
blessing, because Charon is hovering around me. Stop father, don’t say that you are
dying, We have enemies who will be happy and friends who feel sorry. Come, and get
my blessing, and always be united.”
“All Publications of Kolokotronis Family, vol. 1, p.74, IDEB Publisher”
On Thursday, February 4, 1843, the hero of the War for Independence of 1821 Theodore
Kolokotronis died. He was the hero with the most significant contribution to the liberation of the
The present article is consisted of quotes of the Old Man (Kolokotronis) of Moria (Peloponnese) about Education (Paedeia) and youth.
Rigas Fereos used to say:
It is better for someone to be wasted for his fatherland
than to decorate his sword with a tassel for a foreigner.
Kolokotronis said "I guarded faithfully Riga’s counsel. And with God’s help to hang a tassel in my Nation as its soldier.
Golden tassel never adorned my sword when I was serving for foreign countries."
The following is a part from the great speech of Kolokotronis at the Pnyx, in 1838, before all the Athenians: "I, my
children, due to my bad luck, due to the circumstances I am illiterate, and for this I ask forgiveness because I do not speak
as well as your teachers”. Without knowing it, the great hero repeated the words of St. Kosmas:
"And neither I am worthy to teach you nor your legs to kiss. Because each of you speech is more honest than from the
whole world. "(Letter Augoustinos Kantiotes, "Kosmas of Aetolia," p. 101).
“It depends on you to correct and decorate the land we liberated, and this to be realized, you must have as the a
foundation of the state concord, religion and prudent freedom.”
"My children do not long for luxury, do not go to the cafes and billiards. Devote yourselves in your studies. It will better
to suffer a little for two or three times and live free for the rest of your life of your life than to waste four to five years of
your youth and remain uneducated. Enslave in your letters. Listen to the counsel of your teachers and elders, and, as the
proverb goes, “even if you know myriad things, still learn thousands. Your progress and learning not to become sax only
for yourself, but to look after for the good of the Community, and in this good is also your own good. The only slavery that
suits us is the education.”
In 1824 Kolokotronis seeing the great catastrophe that was done by the "cunning discord"– after the killing of his brave
son Panos-he surrendered to the authorities and was imprisoned in the island of Hydra. When Ibrahim invaded Peloponnese
they sought for him. When he returned to Nafplion he said: "Before I disembarked to Nafplion I threw to the sea the bitter the
past, you should do the same! On the way to the church, I saw some people digging for something. I asked them why they
are digging and they replied that they are searching for a hidden treasure. I told them to throw your hatred the pit as well.
You will find the Lost Treasure there! "
According to him, the religion, the faith of our Fathers, our Holy Orthodoxy is the stone, the foundation of the Nation
because "when he revolted, we said first for Faith and then for the Fatherland”.
Our country was liberated by Orthodox Christian heroes. When the death sentence was read to Kolokotronis in the
Bavarian court, he said: "Jesus, remember me when you will come into your kingdom." He said it in a fearless voice and then
he crossed himself.
In the battle of Saravali in 1821, Andreas Zaimis had taken refuge in the monastery of Omblos. Kolokotronis reviled him
with the words: "Mr. Andreas, Mr. Zaimis, while the high mountains are the refuge of the deer and stone is the refuge of
the hares." Although he was illiterate, yet he knew the Psalter, because he was often attended the Orthros very early in the
Kolokotronis speaks ofthe “wise liberty”, because there is a fool, promiscuity, impunity.
He knew neither European children educators nor he had knowledge of his contemporary societal trends. However, he
knew the Greek Orthodox tradition, he was experiencing the pure morals of the nation, and the morality of the Gospel since
Peccio, an Italian traveler met Kolokotronis when he was prisoner at the monastery of Prophet Elias in Hydra. When the
discussion came to the successes of Ibrahim’s Egyptian army General Kolokotronis said: "Do you know why Egyptians are
winning? While the Egyptian forces are united, the Greeks perish from mania to want to be the leaders without having the
necessary military experience".
Holy Trinity Food Pantry
There are three drop-off locations for your convenience: one by the
church office, one in the Narthex and one on the balcony in the hall.
During Lent, make it a habit to share with the less fortunate.
Thank you!!!
The Food Pantry Committee
Για την εξυπηρέτησή σας υπάρχουν τρείς θέσεις
αποθέσεως μία στο γραφείο της εκκλησίας, μία στον
Νάρθηκα, και μία στην Κοινοτική Αίθουσα.
Προσπαθήτε πάντοτε να μοιράζεσθε την τύχησ ας
με τους λιγότερο τυχερούς.
Σας ευχαριστούμε !!!
Η Επιτροπή Κελαριού Τροφίμων
Greek School
The next Young @ Heart gathering will be
March 12th @ 1pm.
We meet in the AHEPA Room ~~ Please join us!!
DON’T FORGET...Save the Date!
~ May 9, 2015 ~ Annual Taverna Night!!
6th A N N U A L T AV E R N A N I G H T
Hosted “The Young @ Heart”
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Holy Trinity Community Center
Get-Together/Cash Bar: 5:00 - 6:00PM
Dinner: 6:00 - 7:00PM
Music & Dancing: 7:00-10:00PM
Prize Drawings!
All this for just $30.00 per person
For Reservations (deadline May 3nd) Please call:
Peter Xarhoulakos @ 302-562-5151
Chris Papachrysanthou @ 302-373-6035
Elaine Righos @ 302-798-3052
March 2015
Sunday of Orthodoxy
9am Orthros
10am Divine Liturgy
10am Sunday School
Procession with Icons
Philoptochos Tray for
11am Altar Guild
12:15pm Sunday
School Meeting
Sunday of St Gregory
9am Orthros
10am Divine Liturgy
10am Sunday School
11am Bible
6pm Compline
7pm Commentary
on the Divine
Board Meeting
7pm OCF @
UD Catholic
12:30pm Bible
7pm Commentary
on the Divine
Sunday of the Holy
9am Orthros
10am Divine Liturgy
10am Sunday School
SS Procession
Sunday of St. John
9am Orthros
10am Divine Liturgy
10am Sunday School
Greek Independence
Day Parade,
Philadelphia, PA
7pm Commentary
on the Divine
5th Sunday of Lent
St Mary of Egypt
9am Orthros
10am Divine Liturgy
10am Sunday School
Junior Oratorical
Greek School
Independence Day
St. Elpida Serving
@ Emmanuel
Dining Room
6pm Compline
7pm Commentary
on the Divine
6pm Compline
7pm Commentary
on the Divine
11am Bible Class
6pm Girls BBall
7:15pm Boys
BBall Practice
7pm OCF @ UD
Catholic Chapel
5pm Greek
12:30pm Bible
5pm Greek
7pm Dance
9am Orthros
10am Divine
12:30pm Bible
6pm Choir
Lenten Retreat,
Elkins Park, PA
Salutations to
the Theotokos
12:30pm Bible
5pm Greek
11am Bible Class
Daughters of
6pm Girls BBall
7:15pm Boys
BBall Practice
7pm Vespers at
Elkins Park &
7pm OCF @ UD
Catholic Chapel
7pm OCF @
UD Catholic
7pm Dance
12pm Serving @
Emmanuel Dining
1pm Young @
7pm Dance
7pm Parish
Council Meeting
11am Bible
Covered Dish
after Liturgy
11am Bible
6:30pm AHEPA
7pm OCF @
UD Catholic
6pm Compline
7:30pm DVYC @
Holy Trinity, Egg
Harbor, NJ
7pm Dance
7pm 3rd
Salutation to
the Theotokos
7pm 4th
Salutation to
the Theotokos
5pm Greek
7pm Akathist
Hymn to the
Joy Bible Bowl
@ Cherry Hill,
9am - 3pm
“A Couple’s
Day Out
Sights & Sounds
@ Holy Trinity,
Egg Harbor, NJ
Μάρτιος 2015
Κυριακή της
9 πμ Όρθρος
10 πμ Θεία
10 πμ Κατηχητικό
Περιφορά εικόνων
Δίσκος Φιλοπτώχου
για την Μητρόπολη
12:15μμ Συνάντηση
11 πμ Altar
Κυριακή του
Γρηγορίου Παλαμά
9 πμ Όρθρος
10 πμ Θεία
10 πμ Κατηχητικό
Κυριακή του Τιμίου
9 πμ Όρθρος
10πμ Θεία
10 πμ Κατηχητικό
Κυριακή Του Αγίου
Ιωάννου Κίμακος
9 πμ Όρθρος
10 πμ Θεία
10 πμ Κατηχητικό
Παρέλαση Ημέρας
Philadelphia, PA
29 5ηΚυριακή
Αγίας Μαρίας
9 πμ Όρθρος
10πμ Θεία Λειτουργία
10 πμ Κατηχητικό
Ρητορικών Νέων
Περιφορά Σταυρού
Εορτασμός 25ης
Μαρτίου, από το
Ελληνικό Σχολείο
11 πμ Τάξις
6 μμ Απόδειπνο
7μμ Εσπερινός
Σχολιασμός της
6 μμ Απόδειπνο
7μμ Εσπερινός
Σχολιασμός της
6 μμ Απόδειπνο
7μμ Εσπερινός
Σχολιασμός της
6 μμ Απόδειπνο
7μμ Εσπερινός
Σχολιασμός της
12μμ Αγία
Ελπίδα Σερβίρει
@ Emmanuel
Dining Room
7μμ Εσπερινός
Σχολιασμός της
7 μμ Συνάντηση
7 μμ ΟΠΦ@ UD
Catholic Chapel
Μελέτη Βίβλου
7μμ Πρακτ. Χορού
5μμ Ελληνικό
Lenten Retreat,
Elkins Park, PA
5μμ Ελληνικό
6 μμ
12μμ Αγία Ελπίδα
Σερβίρει @
Emmanuel Dining
1μμ Αειθαλείς Νέοι
7μμ Πρακτ. Χορού
7μμ Συνάντηση
Κοιν. Συμβουλίου
11 πμ Τάξις
6μμ Προπόνηση
Μπ.Μπ. Θηλέων
7:15μμ Προπόνηση
Μπ.Μπ. Αρρένων
7 μμ ΟΠΦ@ UD
Catholic Chapel
Μελέτη Βίβλου
7μμ Πρακτ. Χορού
5μμ Ελληνικό
11 πμ Τάξις Βίβλου
6:30μμ Συνάντηση
Θυγ. Πηνελόπης
6μμ Προπόνηση
Μπ.Μπ. Θηλέων
7:15μμ Προπόνηση
Μπ.Μπ. Αρρένων
7μμ Εσπερινός στον
Ευαγγελισμό, Elkins
Park & Philadelphia
7 μμ ΟΠΦ@ UD
Catholic Chapel
9 πμ Όρθρος
11 πμ Τάξις
7 μμ ΟΠΦ@ UD
Catholic Chapel
Μελέτη Βίβλου
6 μμ
10 πμ Θεία
Μελέτη Βίβλου
6μμ Χορωδία
6 μμ
Κοινό Δείπνο
Φιλοπτώχου με
τά την
11 πμ Τάξις
6:30μμ Συνάντηση
7 μμ ΟΠΦ@ UD
Catholic Chapel
7μμ Πρακτ. Χορού
Joy Bible Bowl
@ Cherry Hill,
7:30μμ DVYC @
Αγία Τριάδα, Egg
Harbor, NJ
5μμ Ελληνικό
7μμ Ακάθιστος
9 π.μ έως 3 π.μ.
Ημέτα Εξόδου
@ Αγία Τριάδα,
Egg Harbor, NJ
316 S Maryland Avenue, Wilmington, DE 19804
& So Much More!
Talleyville Towne Shoppes
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Wilmington, DE 19803
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Spiros Mantzavinos
Public Relations
Holy Trinity
Greek Orthodox Church
808 N. Broom Street
Wilmington, DE 19806
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Permit No. 283
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Current Resident
Mail Date: February 25