June - Holy Trinity Home.htm


June - Holy Trinity Home.htm
June 2014
Volume 45
Issue 6
The Feast of Pentecost and the Descent
of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles of Christ
Holy Trinity
Greek Orthodox Church
Wilmington, Delaware
The Official Publication of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
808 N. Broom Street, Wilmington, Delaware 19806 / Telephone: (302) 654-4446 Fax: (302) 654-4204
Church Office Email Address: greekorth@holytrinitywilmington.org
Church Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 4:30pm
His Eminence Metropolitan EVANGELOS of New Jersey, Hierarch
Rev. Fr. Christos Christofidis, Proistamenos, fr.christofidis@holytrinitywilmington.org
Rev. Fr. Nick Rafael II, Associate Pastor, fr.nick@holytrinitywilmington.org
For pastoral emergencies - you may call Fr. Christos @ (717) 701-1971 or Fr. Nick @ (609)805-5674
Susan Kelleher, Church Secretary 384-7805 (home)
Anargyros Liparos, Protopsaltis
George Rassias, President - (610) 322-3200
Tom Diamanty, First Vice President - (302) 562-3850
Georgia Halakos, Second Vice President - (302) 379-4335
James Maravelias, Parish Council Treasurer - (302) 388-0873
Tom Karas, Assistant Treasurer - (302) 234-9090
John Koninis II, Parish Council Secretary - (302) 535-1344
Yvonne Tsavalas, Assistant Secretary 540-2891
Constantine Caras
Michael Kirifides
Emmanuel Fournaris
Louis Novakis (610) 358-3544
Tom Hatzis
John Pennias
(856) 678-3169
Vickie Karakasidis
Catherine Stathakis 750-9381
Parish Council Meetings - 2nd Thursday of every month @ 7PM
(609) 805-5674/731-5253/367-8132
(609) 805-5674/998-2949
(609) 805-5674/475-1955
(609) 805-5674
(609) 456-3206
(609) 805-5674
655-2252 / 764-2183
(508) 981-6051
798-3052 / 239-6140
Sunday School
Sunday School
The Young @ Heart Club
Altar Boys
Greek School
St. Elpida
Terpsichorean Dance Troupes
Vacation Bible School
Altar Guild
Editorial Staff
Emmanuel Dining Room East
Holy Trinity Food Pantry
Women’s Bible Study
Adult Bible Study
Georgia Halakos, President
Maroula Haralambidis, Co-Director
Amalea Rassias, Co-Director
Fr. Nick, Foula Karavasilis, Maria Kotanidis
Fr. Nick, Melissa Kontomaris
Fr. Nick, Julie Tsakumis
Anthony Pantelopulos, Director
Peter Xarhoulakos, President
Fr Nick
John Pennias
George Righos
Harry Malapetsas
Fr. Nick
Helen Doukakis, President
Dr. Costas Fountzoulas
Nikkie Tsakataras & Tina Ganiaris King
Steve Nicholas
Fr. Nick & Susie Kelleher
Nia Charalambides
George Righos & John Lazare
George Hantzandreou, President
Daughters of Penelope
Anthoula Anagnostou, President
Hellenic University Club
Stephen Karakasidis, President
Holy Trinity Website Address: www.holytrinitywilmington.org
Father Christos’ Message
Beloved Parishioners,
Let us greet one another one more time with the words, "CHRIST IS RISEN".
In the Book of Genesis after the Lord God completed His final creation, man - male and female He created them
- He blessed them and gave them two commandments a) help one another (in order to) b) "increase and
multiply." Now, the commandment translates as follows; Adam, Eve "Support, help, protect, trust, be of one
mind, look after each other for this purpose; To increase the image of God in you and to multiply in virtues as to
reach my likeness, to become like me". This is exactly what we ought to do as Orthodox Christians every
minute of our daily lives. Our aim ought to be to increase in the spirit of God and come to the knowledge of the
truth i.e. come close to Jesus Christ, become Christ like! Now, we also need to add another very important
commandment of God (directed to Adam and Eve) and to all of us born after them. The Lord God commanded
Adam and Eve to do manual work! He said "work and maintain the beauty, the good order that I the Lord God
have placed in Paradise!" Therefore, even from paradise (and in it) Adam and Eve must work. Let us now bring
this to the present! We, as Orthodox Christians must work to increase and multiply our spiritual world through
the liturgical and sacramental life, the traditions of the Church, all those helping hands' like; sacred music, holy
scripture, religious seminars, Bible studies, fellowship etc but we also are required to work in order to maintain
the physical world where all these "helping hands" take place. i.e. The temple in which we gather to worship
and pray and thank God and ask for His forgiveness and also the other various buildings, facilities, where
Christian fellowship takes place. Whatever we do as to maintain and increase this physical world must be done
in good order, proper and useful order, according to our sacred tradition, and local ordinances and laws! Also
we must look further down the road. We must not do these things just to patch the holes on the wall or place
over them some paneling; rather, to correct them, build them like they could last forever! Whatever changes or
additions we do make, they must be "pleasing to the eye and strong to withstand use by many feet."
The temple, and all the facilities around it, have this purpose; to help all of us grow and multiply spiritually! These
facilities exist for all ages, young or older, for Greeks and non-Greeks, for church school, for Greek school, for Bible
studies and meetings, youth activities etc. If we closely observe the three year ministry of Jesus Christ we'll see that
the Lord did serve ALL without discrimination! He healed young and old, his own people and others, those around
the temple area and those far away! He served all. He preached in the synagogues, in homes, in parks, in all places!
Our facilities must be in good order as to help the process of the "increase and multiply!" commandment - there
should be no ministry in the church that is placed above another ministry. No ministry is better or worse than the
other; each one has its own purpose, but the same goal. To bring all to the well of Jacob where Jesus sits and waits; to
minister even to those who are not of our fold or may not be as spiritual as we may think that is required of them!
Youth ministry is important - in its various manifestations
Hospital ministry is useful
Shut-ins - Nursing home ministry is of great need
Caring for the poor, the needy, lovers of those who are less fortunate is a must
Basketball - Talents - S & S events
Music, Altar servers
Administration, even the work of keeping the kitchen area, hall, floors clean and in good condition is a ministry!
We must learn to work together as brothers and sisters! For we belong to the same family. The fathers, the
mothers, the daughters and the sons of the family, their physical needs may be different but the spiritual
needs are the same! The Father and Mother need to work together in unity and love to help their children
grow as healthy and upright as possible! It is the same in Parish life! All the ministries, (the children), need to
work in harmony for the benefit of the whole family! We must help one another grow! The Father and
Mother, Priests and Parish Council Members ought to work in unity and have one voice - differences-yes,
different voice NO. The parents must keep an eye on the needs of the children. Sometimes, one child
(ministry) may have a special or unique need that must be taken care of, let not the other "siblings" act in a
jealous manner. Different needs, same goal, to increase and multiply as one body! The Lord said: "Bring the
children to ME!" Let us create a good, peaceful and useful environment for them to live in, to love and
Continued next page...
Father Christos’ Message continued...
Let us create events-projects that will uplift our children! Would a child remain in a home where the mother and
father constantly argue, fight, oppose one another, gossip against each other? Even if the child remains in that
dysfunctional home, in his/her heart they will despise the family life, will be angry against the parents, many
may lose their hope; see themselves alone in the desert! Do we understand the parable? Do you follow me? We
are not perfect beings but the Lord has commanded us to work towards perfection. We, all of us here, as a Greek
Orthodox Community have the responsibility to create the proper environment; Parents have the great duty to
bring their children to the Church! And one more thing very important about youth ministry, so important that His All
Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew Archbishop of Constantinople, mentioned it in his speech at the
International Youth Forum on May 2, 2014 at the Phanar, "One of the necessary prerequisites for a constructive
ministry in the Church that we serve, is surely an intense internal, spiritual and liturgical life. By this we mean
"conversing face to face with God" The spiritual life, which is a journey with the buried and Risen Lord, is the
mystical source from which every activity must spring, if we want our youth to experience the resurrection and NOT
be held captive to the passions of the world." In another place he says "this is the sacred challenge that lies before
you", US. "Namely the ministry of teaching young people to trust God." Our work he continues, is to transmit this
experience to young people so that they learn to love and not merely to be loved, to give and not merely to receive!
And here comes the core of youth ministry the Patriarch notes, "of great importance for our young people is the
presence and direction of a spiritual father! This mystery may be experienced with any spiritual father, but it is
especially meaningful when the spiritual father is someone exposed to divine matters and endowed with the necessary
skills to guide the faithful. Spiritual fatherhood is the harmonious synergy between the young believer, who is
establishing the spiritual foundations of his or her life, and the spiritual father, who seeks to educate the freedom and
cultivate the personality of his spiritual child." As you heard, youth ministry especially, but for that matter all the
ministries of the Church have this goal - to increase in the spirit of God i.e. acquire virtues - the gifts of the Holy Spirit
and to come to the knowledge of the Truth Jesus Christ.
Now, let us see what are the things that can damage, even destroy, the ministries of the Church!? Yes, we can mention
so many negative things but I will give you the one dark side that existed in the Parish of Corinth! The Corinthian
Church had many issues - doctrinal speculations, moral failure, pagan religions around her, self centeredness and
spiritual gifts used for individual glory! It also had the following; and for Paul to attack this problem from the onset of
his letter means that he considered it very important and damaging! He devoted 4 chapters to correct Church disunity!
Many Corinthian Christians had broken into several factions based on improper loyalty to particular Christian leaders!
These factions included:
1) Followers of Paul, the founder of the Church of Corinth
2) Followers of Apollos, a master rhetorician and expositor of scripture who preached at Corinth
3) The followers of Peter, the chief of the Apostles
4) Those who simply claimed to be "of Christ"
Here are Paul's' admonitions! I will not do a commentary. I chose just a few verses but I urge you to go home and read
the whole book. If not, just read chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4 that deal with the subject at hand.
Someone, a trust worthy servant of the Church, Chloe, had reported the issues/problems of Corinth to Paul. chap.1:10
"Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there
be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgement! For it
has been declared to me concerning you, my brethren, by those of Chloes' household, that there are contentions among
you! Now, I say this, that each of you that says, I am of Paul or I am of Apollos or I am of Cephas or I am of Christ. "Is
Christ divided?" Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul? I thank God that I baptized
none of you except Crispus and Gaius. Lest anyone should say that I had baptized in my own name. Yes, I also baptized
the house hold of Stephanas. Besides, I do not know whether I baptized any other. For Christ did not send me to baptize
but to preach the gospel not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of no effect" Is Christ
divided or is the Church? The answer to all questions in this passage is NO. One can LEAVE the church, but NOT
DIVIDE HER! Factionalism, however, brings great harm to the Church, for it seeks to give to the Apostle (or any other
leader) a place which ONLY CHRIST should occupy! Many looked upon the Apostles as teachers of philosophy rather
than preachers of the Cross! The factions do not accept true wisdom, which is bestowed by the Spirit. And they
misrepresent the apostles as rivals to each other rather than as fellow workers with Christ! (OSB foot notes)
Continued next page...
Second note: why did Paul mention the fact that he did not baptize many?
1) His primary work is to preach the gospel, teaching those seeking God thru Jesus Christ.
2) The one who performs a baptism or a wedding is God's instrument; the convert's faithful loyalty must be to God
Some people support one apostle over another (one priest over another) because he baptized or married them or
even their children. We forget that the one who baptizes, marries, buries, is Christ the Lord! No family, No Parish,
No Country can survive the assaults of the Evil powers when it is divided; when there are factions; each one
claiming its own headship! No ministry will move forward and it will not increase or multiply when within-it
exists factions, discrimination, personal gains, and back stabbing!
Do we want to increase and Multiply? Let us then work together having as our guide these two Greek words.
Philotimia and Philoxenia, great spiritual concepts! What is philotimia- philotimos, the person who loves honor.
He is the one who places above all good conscientious efforts to meet his/her responsibilities/duties; or to be
distinguished on something with generosity-open handed. Let us explain even more. Philotimia is considered to be
the highest of all Greek virtues which determines and regulates how someone should behave in their family or
social group especially in a Church environment. In its simplest form it means "doing good" and it ensures your
behavior will make you stand out from others. It will tell others what kind of a person you are and about the way
you are raised by your family. Philotimo to a Greek is essentially a way of life. Children are said to have philotimo
when they display unconditional love and respect towards their parents, grandparents, other elders and friends. It
can mean gratitude for a small gift someone might have given you or a small random act of kindness someone may
have shown you. It is an appreciation and admiration for Heritage, Traditions, and Ancestors. Philotimo is the
feeling of not being able to do enough for your family, community, society. At large; it is expressed thru acts of
generosity and sacrifice without expecting anything in return. Listen, Philotimo is to get more satisfaction from
giving than from receiving. Well, did we not just discover what is true stewardship from one Greek word? Yes we
did, but wait. The second most important virtue to a Greek is Philoxenia- friend /lover of foreigners or strangers.
The ancient concept of hospitality: to take care of those outside the family circle; readiness to share your home or
your wealth in order to comfort another human being. If that is not a commandment!!! To the Romans Paul writes,
"practice hospitality". To the Hebrews, "do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers". Saint Peter advices, "be
hospitable to one another, without COMPLAINING". Oh boy how many complaints we receive when we ask from
some one to help others out side their group. I have the strong feeling that we have lost these two virtues Philotimia
and Philoxenia. The tsunami of selfishness, pride, me, mine, my, and I have taken them out in the ocean never to
be returned.
Let us not lose hope. There is also no doubt in my mind that when we again make Philotimia and Philoxenia our
two best friends; when these two virtues enter our lives and become our properties we will see increases and
multiplications in every aspect of our daily lives and in every ministry of the Church. A society, a community that
does not have in practice these two vital virtues will eventually fall, basically cease to exist as a human organism,
even if it still breaths. It will be dead! It is up to us to make things work according to God's will. I believe that we
have plenty of talent among us. We have capable and faithful Christians who are willing to help this Parish grow in
a healthy manner. Let us not place road blocks in front of them. Let us not scandalize them with our behavior. The
Lord Jesus prayed to His Father to keep His disciples united. Let us make unity our prayer also. He also
commanded us to prove to others that we are His when we love one another. Let us love and respect one another.
Then God the Father will look down from heaven and with one voice will say, "the community of Wilmington,
Delaware that bears My name, Holy Trinity, "it is good and proper."
Thank you for listening,
Father Christos
St. Agape Chapter
Our Philoptochos Chapter has its annual traditions and fund raisers such as:
The passing of trays for National and Metropolis Commitments
Support national and local charities with various fundraisers
Annual Community Christmas Card
Baking Christmas Bread (Christopsomo)
Baking Pascha Bread (TSOUREKI)
Collection for the flowers that adorn the Epitaphio for Pascha
We held two specific fund raisers this year:
In October 2013 our Parish welcomed two women from the University of Pennsylvania Medical
School who are working in conjunction with the Convent of the Annunciation in Ormylia,
Greece. The Convent operates a medical facility for indigent and trafficked children. We were
asked to support this worthy charity. Philoptochos and our Parish raised $2,500 for this cause.
In February 2014 we sponsored a luncheon on Godparent Sunday and the proceeds of
approximately $1000 was sent to the Hogar Rafael Orthodox Orphanage in Guatemala.
We would like to thank Fr Chris & Presbytera for their support of our ministry. As of today we have
about 60 paid members. We would like to increase our membership. We are a large Parish and we
would like to have at least 100 members. We welcome Presbytera Ioanna as our newest member.
We, again, baked cookies for the festival May 19, 20, & 21 and will be setting up on June 1 st and
2nd . We thank all the women for spending countless hours to prepare for and for working during
the festival. We ended up with 5,280 Koulourakia & 4,200 Almond Cookies!!
We will, again, help host the luncheon for our Holy Trinity Parish’s Name day on Monday, June 9th.
In a motion that came from the floor of the convention, delegates voted unanimously to once
again support The Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew Fund for Patriarchal Schools.
During the month of June our Philoptochos Chapter will be collecting for these schools. Please
make your donation to Philoptochos and mark the memo of your check “Patriarchal Schools”.
We thank our GOYA for graciously donating $1000 to this worthy cause. We hope your
organization will contribute as well.
On October 18th we will be having a Fund Raiser Dinner/Fashion Show featuring gowns and furs.
We will have more information in the August bulletin, but mark your calendars now so you don’t
miss it!
Respectfully Submitted by
Kollyva for Memorials
Georgia Halakos
Our Philoptochos Society would like to thank one of its members, Vasiliki
Philoptochos President
Kromedas, for her generous offer to prepare the kollyva for any family of our
community and donate the money for our Philoptochos charities. The cost will
be $100 which will include the Prosforon and the wine. Please allow at least a
week and call Alexandra Tsaganos at 302-762-5292 who will contact Vasiliki.
Baking for the Festival….
Sunday School Graduation Sunday, May 18, 2014.
Serving in June ...
Epistle Readers:
June 1 ~ Stephen Constantinou
June 8 ~ Panagiotis Tzinoudis
June 15 ~ Yanni Kaliakin
June 22 ~ Jamie Kostas
June 29 ~Stephen Constantinou
Narthex Duty:
June 1 ~ Group 1
June 8 ~ Group 2
June 15 ~ Group 1
June 22 ~ Group 2
June 29 ~ Group 1
Coffee Hours:
June 1 ~ Greek School Families
June 15~ The Philoptochos will sponsor our
last coffee hour this year in loving memory
of Evelyn Liarakos.
Coffee Hours will resume in September.
If your family would like to sponsor a
coffee hour in September, please call the
church office to arrange it.
If you would like to be
added to the list of
Prosforon Offerers, please
call Loula at the number
listed below, or, if at any
time you wish to offer the
Prosforon without being
added to the list, please
feel free to bring it in on
any Sunday that you wish.
Prosforon Offerers for June
June 1
June 8
June 15
June 22
June 29
Vickie Karakasidis
Sophia Regas
Litsa Anestos
Maria Grigorakakis
Katina Zographos
Niki Karaoglanis
Demi Kollias
Vasiliki Kromedas
Dimitra Lempesis
Sophia Psltis
If you cannot meet your scheduled date
please contact Loula Kapordelis @ 354-5383
Holy Trinity Altar Boys 2013-2014
Rev. Fr. Christos Christofidis, Pastor & Rev. Fr. Nick Rafael II, Associate Pastor
June 1, 15, & 29
Steven Constantinou, Captain
(302) 925-0209
Theodore Fessaras
Constantinos Fournaris
Nicholas Gianelos
Larry Kirifides
Niko Marinis
June 8 & 22
Panagiotis Tzinoudis, Captain
(610) 459-9019
Chris Coulaloglou
Lazarus Kirifides
Constantine Krikelis
Yianni Zerefos
Markos Zerefos
When you are scheduled to serve you should be in the Altar Area ready to serve by 9:45AM.
The latest you can come into the Altar Area is 10:15AM.
Please wear appropriate attire– long pants, shirt, tie, black or brown shoes (NO SHORTS OR GYM SHOES ALLOWED).
Your hair must be combed, teeth brushed, and hands washed.
When you enter the Altar Area, please have your robe blessed by the priest and then put it on.
During the service, please remember that people are watching you. Please do not talk unnecessarily or make unnecessary
movements. Listen directly to your Captain, or the priest. Please follow the service with the book provided in the Altar
area. When you leave, please hang up your robe in the Altar Boy Closet.
If you have any questions, first speak with the Captain. If you need further information, please speak with the Priest.
Financial Stewards of holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church 2014
Adamopoulos, Chris & Nancy
Adamopoulos, Stella
Al-Annouf, Nabil & Rabia Batah
Alexandridis, Thanos & Sharon
Alexopoulos, John & Elena
Amygdalos, Michael & Christine
Anagnostou, Mary
Anagnostou, Anthoula
Anagnostou, AnaMaria
Anastasakos, Georgia
Anastassiades, Andreas & Litsa
Andrianopoulos, Alexis
Andrianopoulos, Faith
Anton, Anthony & Lucille
Apessos, Spyros & Maria
Apostolakis, Nicholas & Irene
Apostolatos, Evaggelos
Archbell, Marianne & Christopher
Atsidis, Kostas & Eutichia
Bachtsevanis, Georgios
Baker, Stephanie & Joseph
Bambacus, Meropi
Boines, Georgia
Burpulis, Costa & Maria
Burpulis, John S. & Mary
Caras, Constantine & Maria
Chahalis, Maria
Chambers, George & Katherine
Chappel, Jane
Chilimidos, Dennis & Effie
Chilimidos, Jerry & Amy
Christou, Vasilios & Alexandra
Ciabattoni, Olga
Colborn, Brian & Nicole
Constantinou, John & Carol
Cooke, Charles
Costalas, Alexandra
Costis, Gus T. & Patsy
Coulaloglou, Michele & Costas
Courtis, Harry & Sophia
Coustenis, Robert & Katherine
Cozamanis, Olympia
Cozamanis, Steve & Annette
Cusanelli, Patrick
Dalianis, John & Vicky
Daskalakis, Evangelos
Demetriou, Spyros K. & Anna
Demourtzidis, Joseph & Erini
Demourtzidis, Steven
Diamanty, Thomas & Sue
Diamond, Anthony & Lauren
Diamond, John A. & Susan
Dickey, Irene
Doukakis, Helen
Drimones, Clara
Drimones, Nicholas
Dunkelberger, Penelope & Keith
Duprey, Maria
Eliades, Sophie
Evangelatos, Speros & Emily
Fafalios, Mary
Fakner, John & Alexis Smith
Faller, James & Catherine
Ferentinos, Spero & Joan
Fikioris, Dimitrios & Margaret
Ford, Melissa
Ford, Chrisopher & Karen
Fotakos, Leonidas A. & Sophia
Fountzoulas, Costas & Audrey
Fournaris, Constantine
Fournaris, Emmanuel & Evanthea
Fournaris, George & Soula
Frangakis, John & Christine
Frangia, Stephen
Galanakis, Ekatarini
Ganiaris, Pres. Ioanna
Ganoudis, Joanna
Gargalas, Thomas
Gatos, Paula
Geanopoulos, Toula
George, Mary
Georgiou, Gus
Geralis, Loula
Gerassimakis, Nick & Connie
Gianelos, James & Stacie
Giannaras, Demetra
Giannaris, Pres. Mary
Giannatos, Gerry & Anna
Gotides, Virginia
Graham, Alton C. & Catherine
Graham, Christine
Grigorakakis, Maria
Grivas, Demetrios & Helen
Guajardo, Evangelina
Guardascione, Lou & Shelly
Hadjipanayis, George & Voula
Halakos, Billy
Halakos, Demetrios & Georgia
Halakos, Evangelos & Donna
Halakos, Joannis & Eftihia
Haldas, Nicholas & Rodie
Haldas, Thomas K. & Prudy
Haldas, Christopher & Melanie
Hann, Eugenia & Gary
Hantzandreou, George & Diane
Hantzandreou, Katerina
Hatzis, Nicholas & Katherine
Hatzis, Thomas & Georgia
Hernjak, Nicholas
Issaris, Katherine
Joannides, Joseph & Alice
Johnson, Margo M.
Joseck, Fred & Xanthy
Joseck, John
Kaliakin, Victor & Elizabeth
Kalmer, Mary
Kamenakis, George & Effie
Kamenakis, Peter
Karablacas, Virginia
Karakasidis, John & Vicki
Karakasidis, Demetrios & Eleni
Karakasidis, Stephanos & Evagelia
Karamihalis, Dean
Karaoglanis, Eleftherios & Niki
Karas, Tom
Karas, Yianny
Karavasilis, Nick & Foula
Katsimbris, Dennis & Angela
Kayiaros, Joanna & Stephen
Keros, Georgia
Kertiles, Marietta
Kirifides, Alexander & Kathy
Kirifides, Elena
Kirifides, Lazarus M. & Helen
Kirifides, Maria
Kirifides, Michael & Kerry
Kirifides, Vasil & Elefteria
Kledaras, Olympia
Kledaras, Peter
Klezaras, Michael & Kathy
Kolionis, Alexander
Kollias, Basil & Demi
Koninis, John A. & Anastasia
Koninis, II, John
Kontis, Gus & Cindy
Kontomaris, Kostas & Melissa
Kostas, John & Gale
Kotanidis, Christos & Maria
Kramedas, Maria
Kramedas, Nina C. & Theodore
Krikelis, Helene
Kromedas, Constantinos & Vasiliki
Kusumi, Jeff & Robin
Kyranakis, John
Laletas/Brockett, Ernest & Barbara
Lawson, Michael & Victoria
Lazare, John & Sandra
Lazopoulos, John & Christina
Lemper, Anthony & Diane
Leounes, Helen
Liarakos, Evelyn M.
Liarakos, George P. & Ann
Little, Mary
Long, Irene
MacKewiz, W. Lee & Irene
Maidanos, Emily
Manolakis, Katina
Manolakis, Mary
Manoloudis, Michael & Kandi
Mantzavinos, Spiros & Megan
Mantzavinos, Chris & Mary
Maravelias, Angelique
Maravelias, James & Diana
Marini, Irene
Markatos, Harry & Susan
Mathews, Erene
Mavridis, Prodromos & Maria
McFarland, Antoinette & Steve
Mentis, Constantia
Michell, Constantine & Elaine
Michell, Valerie
Misogianes, Milt & Carol
Mistras, Antonios & Soula
Moustafa, Steven & Lambrine
Nannas, Theodore & Alexandra
Ney, Bruce & Marina
Nicholas, Steve
Nicholas, William N.
Nicholson, Matina
Novakis, Louis
Oikonomou, Georgios
Pagonis, Carrie
Pandelakis, Denis & Anna
Papachrysanthou, Chris & Penelope
Papanicoolas, Demetrios & Maria
Papantinas, Stephen & Elaine
Pappas, Helen
Pappas, Sandra
Pappas, Nicholas G. & Faye
Pappas, Elizabeth S.
Parker, Joe & Anastasia
Phalangas, Charalambos & Mary
Phillips, Pauline
Pittaoulis, Steve
Pittas, John
Pittas, Michael
Popescu, Chris & Viktorya
Poulos, Marika
Poulos, Vasilios & Eulampia
Psaltis, John
Psaltis, Nickolas & Sophia
Psaltis, Thomas & Cynthia
Raisis, Leonidas & Irene
Raisis, Spiros
Ranalli, Anthony & Marie
Rassias, George & Amalea
Rassias, Dion & Gina
Rayias, Peter
Riggins, Margaret
Righos, George & Elaine
Roberts, Scott & Linda
Roustopoulos, Theodoros & Alexia
Saffos, John & Karla
Saitis, Mary P
Sapunas, Areti
Saridakis, Christopher & Penelope
Sartin, Nimrah & Deborah
Savopoulos, Basil & Despina
Schillinger, Karen & Robert
Semertzidou, Despoina
Shaer, Issa & Nuha
Skiadas, Peter & Stavroula
Soueles, Nicholas & Alexis
Spanos, John P. & Carol
Sparks, Everett & Alexandra
Staikos, Dimitri
Staikos, Nicholas & Eirini
Stathakis, Catherine
Stathopoulos, Georgios
Stavru, Nicholas & Maria
Stavru, Sophia
Stout, Bob & Voula
Tangalidis, Dimitrios & Maria
Tarabicos, James H. & Sophia
Tarabicos, John & Joanne
Tarabicos, Christina
Tawfik, Emad & Soultana
Terris, Costas & Clara
Financial Stewards of holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church 2014 Continued...
Theodorakis, Stamatis
Triantafyllou, Anthanasios & Valentina
Tsaganos, Anthony & Joanne
Tsaganos, Nicholas & Joanna
Tsaganos, Tina
Tsakataras, Nikki
Tsakataras, George
Tsakumis, George Julia
Tsaldaris, Steliany
Tsavalas, George & Yvonne
Tsionas, Efthimios & Anna
Tsionas, Foula
Tsoukalas, Harry & Niki
Tsugranes, George & Penny
Turley, Steve & Akiko
Tzinoudis, Konstantinos & Demetra
Valko, Regina
Valvis, Ioannis & Maria
Vande Poele, David & Anne
Vassilatos, George & Yvonne
Vassiliou, Kleoniki
Vassos Barbara
Velitskakis, George
Velitskakis, Steve & Karen
Vice, Billy L. & Elaine
Voultsis, Petros & Catherine
Wilkinson, Clifford & Suzanne
Wolcott, Josiah & Paraskevi
Xarhoulakos, Peter
Yiannos, Stella
Zaloga, Paul & Joann
Zambetis, Paul & Zoe
Zerefos, Demetri & Tina
Zerefos, Markos & Eugenia
Zinna, Anthony & Nina
Zographos, Nicholas & Katherine
AS OF May 25, 2014
“Let each man do
according as he hath
purposed in his heart:
not grudgingly,
or of necessity:
for God loveth
a cheerful giver.”
2 Corinthians 9:6-8
Stewardship…as of May 25, 2014
Amount Pledged:
Amount Paid:
Total Number of Pledging Families:
Total Number of Eligible Stewards:
Average Pledge:
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
Wilmington, Delaware
2014 stewardship pledge card
I/We glorify God for all the blessings He has
given me/us and as an offering of thanks make
the following financial commitment to the
Stewardship Program of Holy Trinity Church:
($42month or $10/week)
($84month or $20/week)
($125month or $29/week)
($415/month or $96/week)
($___/month or $___/week)
NAME ___________________________________
ADDRESS _______________________________
CITY ___________ STATE ______ZIP _______
TELEPHONE ____________________________
A Stewardship pledge is not a contract. It is a pledge of
intentions. Your confidential pledge aides the church in
setting the annual budget. It is understood that pledges
do, on occasion, change due to necessity. Should that
need occur for you after you have made your pledge,
please contact the Parish Priest in order for your
confidential pledge to be amended accordingly.
(above figures are rounded)
If you have not returned your 2014 pledge card ~ Please do so as soon as possible.
Congratulations~ 2014 Graduates: ~ We are very proud of you!!
High School:
Catherine (Katie) Ann Marinis, daughter of Sotiere Marinis,
granddaughter of Nick and Catherine Marinis, graduated from Archmere
Academy. She will be attending the University of Delaware in the fall.
Christos Charles Sarmousakis, graduated from AI DuPont High School
and was an Honor Roll Student! He will attend the University of Delaware
majoring in Astro Physics, in the fall.
Stephen Constantinou, son of John & Carol Constantinou, graduated
from St. Mark’s and will attend Villa Nova majoring in Civil Engineering
in the fall.
Stefani Karavasilis, daughter of Nick & Foula Karavasilis, graduated
from St. Mark’s High School and will attend the University of Delaware
majoring in Information Systems, in the fall.
Maria Kirifides, daughter of Vasil and Rita Kirifides, graduated from
Unionville High School and will attend the University of Delaware
majoring in Nutritional Science, in the fall.
Adrian Chambers, daughter of George & Kathy Chambers, earned a
Bachelor of Science in Psychology with a minor in Biology from Syracuse
University. Adrian will continue her studies this fall in the Health
Psychology Doctoral Program at the University of Florida.
George Fountzoulas, son of Costas & Audrey Fountzoulas, graduated
from the College of Pharmacy, University of The Sciences Philadelphia
with a B.S. in Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Studies. He will continue
studying in the same college for two more years for his Pharm-Doc
Sophia Nannas, daughter of Ted & Sandy Nannas, graduated from Villa
Nova University with a BA in Communications and a minor in Sociology.
Jacob Valvis, son of John & Maria Valvis, graduated from the University
of Delaware with a Bachelor of Science Medical Science with a Minor in
Biology. His plans are to talk a year off to work and save some money to
apply to Medical School a year later.
George Constantinou, son of John & Carol Constantinou, graduated from
Delaware Valley College with a degree in Horticulture and Floriculture.
The Altar Guild would like to acknowledge and thank the following parishioners for their donations
for flowers:
May 11 – Katherine Issaris: Flowers in remembrance of my mother, Konstantina Issaris, on her
20-year memorial.
May 21 – Virginia Karablacas: Wreath in honor of the Icon of Sts. Constantine and Helen. Best
wishes and Xronia Polla to my mother, Eleni Karablacas, on her nameday; and in memory of my
Uncle Constantino, who passed away five years ago.
Members on Duty in May: Helen Doukakis, Catherine Faller, Steve Nicholas
We will accept donations for wreaths that have to be made up for the period of August 1 through
August 15, the Falling Asleep of the Virgin Mary. Please use the form below for your donation.
Telephone____________________ Please reserve date ___________________________
Special Occasion__________________________________________________________
Amount enclosed: $__________________ Check payable to: Holy Trinity Altar Guild
Mail to: Katherine Coustenis, 62 Springer Court, Hockessin, DE 19707
May we publish in Monthly Bulletin __________Yes
We will meet the following next Tuesdays in the Library at 11am;
May 27th, June 10th, June 17th, and June 24th. Classes will
resume September 16th same time and place. We will begin to
'examine' closely the First letter of Saint Paul to the Corinthians.
Through his intercessions may we come closer to Christ our
Lord. As I mentioned before I would like as of September to
introduce an Monday evening class also; perhaps a commentary
on the Divine Liturgy or the Book of Revelation. We have a
whole summer to think and decide.
Fr. Christos
Δρ. Κώστας Γ. Φούντζουλας
Dr. Costas G. Fountzoulas
Ανατολική Ρωμαϊκή Αυτοκρατορία
Eastern Roman Empire
Το 395 , ο Θεοδόσιος Α κληροδότησε το αυτοκρατορικό
αξίωμα από κοινού κοινού στους γιους του: Αρκάδιο στην
Ανατολή και Ονόριον στη Δύση, διαιρώντας για μία άλλη μια την
διοίκηση της αυτοκρατορίας. Κατά τον 5ον αιώνα το ανατολικό
τμήμα της αυτοκρατορίας είχε σε μεγάλο βαθμό γλιτώσει τις
δυσκολίες που αντιμετωπίζαν στη Δύση - που οφείλεται εν μέρει
σε μια πιο καθιερωμένη αστική κουλτούρα και περισσότερους
οικονομικούς πόρους, που της επέτρεψαν να εξευμενίσει τους
εισβολείς με χρήματα και να πληρώση τους ξένους μισθοφόρους .
Η επιτυχία αυτή επέτρεψε στον Θεοδόσιο Β' να επικεντρωθή στην
κωδικοποίηση του Ρωμαϊκού δικαίου και την περαιτέρω οχύρωση
των τειχών της Κωνσταντινούπολης, καθιστώντας την πόλη
αδιαπέραστη από τις περισσότερες επιθέσεις μέχρι το 1204.
Για να αποκρούση τους Ούννους, ο Θεοδόσιος αναγκάστηκε να
πληρώση ένα τεράστιο ετήσιο φόρο στον Αττίλα. Ο διάδοχός
του , Μαρκιανός , αρνήθηκε να συνεχίση να καταβάλη το φόρο,
αλλά ο Αττίλας είχε ήδη στρέψει την προσοχή του προς τη Δύση.
Μετά το θάνατό του το 453, η αυτοκρατορία των Ούννων
κατέρρευσε, και πολλοί από τους εναπομείναντες Ούννους είχαν
συχνά προσλήφθηκαν ως μισθοφόροι από την Κωνσταντινούπολη.
Απώλεια της Δυτικής Ρωμαϊκής Αυτοκρατορίας
Μετά την πτώση του Αττίλα, η Ανατολική Αυτοκρατορία
απόλαυσε περίοδο ειρήνη, ενώ η Δυτκή Αυτοκρατορία
επιδεινώθηκε λόγω της συνεχιζόμενης μετανάστευσης και την
επέκταση των Γερμανικών Εθνών. Το τέλος της χρονολογείται
συνήθως το 476, όταν ο Γερμανός Ρωμαίος στρατηγός Οντοάσερ
καθαίρεσε τον τιτλούχο Δυτικό Αυτοκράτορα Ρώμυλο
Αυγουστύλο. To 480, ο αυτοκράτορας Ζήνων κατέστησε τον
εαυτό του μοναδικό αυτοκράτορα. Ο Οντάσερ, κυβερνήτης της
Ιταλίας, ήταν ονομαστικά υποδεέστερος του Ζήνωνα, αλλά ήταν
αυτόνομος, και τελικά, υποστήριξε μια εξέγερση εναντίον του
αυτοκράτορα .
Ο Ζήνων διαπραγματέυθηκε με τους εισβάλοντες Οστρογότθους,
οι οποίοι είχαν εγκατασταθεί στην Μοισία, να πείσουν τον Γότθο
βασιλέα Θεοντόρικ να αναχωρήση για την Ιταλία, ως
«αρχιστράτηγος της Ιταλίας», με στόχο την καθαίρεση του
Οντοάσερ. Προτρέποντας τον Θεοδόρικ να κατακτήση την Ιταλία,
ο Ζήνων απήλλαξε την Ανατολική Αυτοκρατορία ένα απείθαρχο
υποδεέστερο (Οντοάσερ) και μετακόμισε το Θεοντόρικ μακρυά
από την καρδιά της αυτοκρατορίας. Μετά την ήττα του Οντοάσερ
το 493, ο Θεοντόρικ κυβέρνησε την Ιταλία μόνος του , παρόλο
που ο ίδιος δεν αναγνωρίσθηκε ποτέ από τις ανατολικούς
αυτοκράτορες ως «βασιλεύς».
Το 491, ο
Ρωμαίος Αναστάσιος Α', ένας ηλικιωμένος
αξιωματούχος, έγινε αυτοκράτορας, αλλά το 497 οι δυνάμεις του
νέου αυτοκράτορα αντιστάθηκαν αποτελεσματικά εναντίον των
Ισαύρων. Ο Αναστάσιος απεδέιχθη ένας δραστήριος
μεταρρυθμιστής και ένας ικανός διαχειριστής. Τελειοποίησε το
νομισματικό σύστημα του Κωνσταντίνου Ι καθορίζοντας
αποτελεσματικα το βάρος των ορειχάλκινου νομίσματος, το
σύνηθες νόμισμα των περισσοτέρων καθημερινών συναλλαγών.
Επίσης μεταρρύθμισε το φορολογικό σύστημα και κατήργησε
μόνιμα την φορολογία του χρυσαργύροου. Το Δημόσιο Ταμείο
περιείχε το τεράστιο ποσό των 320.000 λιβρών ( 150.000 κιλών)
του χρυσού , όταν Αναστάσιος πέθανε το 518 .
In 395, Theodosius I bequeathed the imperial office jointly
to his sons: Arcadius in the East and Honorius in the
West, once again dividing Imperial administration. In the
5th century the Eastern part of the empire was largely
spared the difficulties faced by the West—due in part to a
more established urban culture and greater financial
resources, which allowed it to placate invaders with tribute
and pay foreign mercenaries. This success allowed
Theodosius II to focus on the codification of the Roman
law and the further fortification of walls of Constantinople,
which left the city impervious to most attacks until 1204.
To fend off the Huns, Theodosius had to pay an enormous
annual tribute to Attila. His successor, Marcian, refused to
continue to pay the tribute, but Attila had already diverted
his attention to the West. After his death in 453, the Hunnic
Empire collapsed, and many of the remaining Huns were
often hired as mercenaries by Constantinople.
Loss of the Western Roman Empire
After the fall of Attila, the Eastern Empire enjoyed a period
of peace, while the Western Empire deteriorated due to
continuing migration and expansion by the Germanic
nations. Its end is usually dated in 476 when the Germanic
Roman general Odoacer deposed the titular Western
Emperor Romulus Augustulus. In 480 Emperor Zeno
abolished the division of the Empire, making himself sole
Emperor. Odoacer, now ruler of Italy, was nominally
Zeno's subordinate but acted with complete autonomy,
eventually providing support to a rebellion against the
Zeno negotiated with the invading Ostrogoths, who had
settled in Moeasia, convincing the Gothic king Theodoric
to depart for Italy as magister militum per Italiam
("commander in chief for Italy") with the aim of deposing
Odoacer. By urging Theodoric to conquer Italy, Zeno rid
the Eastern Empire of an unruly subordinate (Odoacer) and
moved another (Theodoric) further from the heart of the
Empire. After Odoacer's defeat in 493, Theodoric ruled
Italy on his own, although he was never recognized by the
eastern emperors as "king" (rex).
In 491, Anastasius I, an aged civil officer of Roman origin,
became Emperor, but it was not until 497 that the forces of
the new emperor effectively took the measure of Isaurian
resistance. Anastasius revealed himself as an energetic
reformer and an able administrator. He perfected
Constantine I's coinage system by definitively setting the
weight of the copper follis, the coin used in most everyday
transactions. He also reformed the tax system and
permanently abolished the chrysargyron tax. The State
Treasury contained the enormous sum of 320,000 lb
(150,000 kg) of gold when Anastasius died in 518.
AHEPA’s 5K Run Raises $10,000 for
Odyssey Charter School
May 25 ~ Penelope Dunkelberger & baby Nicholas. Congratulations to Dad Keith,
grandparents, relatives, and friends.
May 25 ~ Diane Hantzandreou & baby Alexandra. Congratulations to Dad George,
grandparents, relatives, and friends.
Rev. Fr. George Giannaris ~ 40 Day ~ May 4
Paul Kertiles ~ 40 Day ~ May 4
Anastasios “Mr. Tom” Lempesis ~ 1 Year ~ May 4
Evangelia Stathopoulos ~ 1 Year ~ May 4
Aglaia Napoli ~ 1 Year ~ May 4
Helen Gregory ~ 40 Day ~ May 11
Thomas Leounes ~ 1 Year ~ May 11
Lydia Petrosian ~ 1 Year ~ May 11
Rev. Fr. Stamatios Ganiaris ~ 40 Day~ May 18
Stella Tsaldaris ~ 40 Day ~ May 18
Hellenic University Club
Cyprus Night
May 17 2014
May 21, 2014
Gearing up for our
Annual Festival…
Nikoletta Klezaras & Klan
sponsored another
Greek Dance Lesson Day
for the surrounding
community!! They had a
great turn out!
Holy Trinity Food Pantry
As you may know …
Hunger knows no time or season…
As we all start to relax and take summer vacations, please be mindful that there are
many who can not afford to go on vacations as they continue to struggle to make
ends meet and put food on their tables.
Even though we slow down for the summer months and ministries take a break…
we still collect food and make deliveries to the area food closets as often as we can.
Please help us to fill our bins during the summer! These food bins are located in the
Narthex and by the church office. Please continue to fill these bins with any nonperishable food items such as:
Fruit, fish, pastas, cereals, baby food & formula, peanut butter, jelly, sugar, flour,
rice, gravy, jello, soups, coffee, tea, juices - any food that will not spoil.
We thank you for your
continued interest and support.
Have a safe and happy summer!!
John, Nikkie, Steve & Tina
May 12th at the Emmanuel Dining Room East
Through the charitable sponsorship by George Koukedis, 145 men, women and children were
served a warm meal on Monday, May 12th. George has been a very generous and dedicated supporter of this dining room for many, many years and we sincerely thank him for that! Bessie and
Petro Contompasis will once again sponsor and serve the meal on Thursday, June 12th, as they
have also done for many years. All are welcome to join us to help serve from noon to 1 p.m. that
day and on the 12th of every month.
Various groups and individuals generously donate the food and host the luncheon meal on the 12th
of every month throughout the year. New sponsors are needed to fill a few months, so if you
would like to become a part of this worthy service project with your family, friends or church
organization, please contact Nikkie Tsakataras at 655-2252 or Tina Ganiaris at 764-2183 for more
On May 20th the GOYAns met for their last meeting
for the year and elections were held.
The Board for the 2014-15 year are:
Pauline Raisis, President
Anna Fournaris, 1st Vice President
Sophia Kotanidis, 2nd Vice President
Elena Kirifides, Recording Secretary
Despina Kotanidis, Corresponding Secretary
Maria Kontis, Treasurer
Yianna Kalaitzoglou & Effie Panayiotis
Have a safe & happy Summer!!
Come Dance
with us at the
Holy Week &
Great and
Holy Pascha
His Eminence
Holy Friday
with us.
The Biennial Archdiocesan Clergy Laity Congress will convene in the City of Philadelphia from July 6-9, 2014 at
the Marriott Hotel on Market Street. Co-Chairs are Michael Karloutsos, Archon and Anne Michals, President of
the Metropolis of New Jersey, Philoptochos. The theme of the Congress is THE ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN
FAMILY and there will be forums and educational opportunities for the delegates and the registered observers.
Our parish will be represented by Fr. Christos Christofidis, Fr Nicholas Rafael, Parish Council President, George
Rassias, Delegate Demitris Halakos, Gus Caras, Archon, and Philoptochos President, Georgia Halakos.
SUNDAY JULY 6, 2014: Divine Liturgy at St. George Cathedral, Center City Philadelphia. In addition to the
seating at the church, there will be seating in the newly renovated St. George Church Hall with large screens. Our
Philoptochos has volunteered to prepare Loaves of Offering for the Liturgy. Contact Loula Kapordelis (302-3545383) should you want to prepare additional loaves. All Loaves of Offering must be delivered Friday night by
6:00 pm or Saturday morning by 10:00 am. Parish Council Members will join other officers of neighboring
churches to be part of the Hospitality Committee in the Cathedral Narthex and also will circulate the Collection
Plates. This is Synodical Liturgy which will include our eleven Hierarchs of the United States and two Hierarchs
from Constantinople representing the Holy See. Truly a sight to behold! There will be a large tent to host the
congregants for the coffee reception following the Liturgy in the parking lot adjacent to the Church edifice. All
Hierarchs will be present at the Coffee Fellowship.
Also on Sunday, the Exhibits at the Civic Center adjacent to the Marriot on Market Street will open officially.
You are invited to come and visit the over 200 shops and booths that will highlight many items and services.
Besides books, and educational programs, there will be many religious gifts, Greek cultural gifts, exhibits of
interest from every corner of the Orthodox World. The Exhibits will remain open every day—all day from
Sunday to Wednesday. This is a must see exhibit. Bring your family and friends.
Monday, July 7, 2014: Archbishop Demetrios will offer the Key Note address with his vision for the National
Church for the next two years. This is usually a Continental Breakfast with a modest price. Tickets must be prepurchased from the Clergy Laity website: www.clergylaity.org. This presentation, which will last an hour, is
very important and you will find it worth your while. There will be many dignitaries and notables present for this
Also on Monday, The Metropolis of New Jersey will host a Greek Festival using the same theme as the Congress,
THE ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN FAMILY. The Water Works Venue was selected and parking for volunteers is
available. Each of the parishes will take part in the preparation and serving of foods. Our Parish of Holy Trinity
has volunteered to prepare and serve the Pastichio. We are in need of volunteers for the cooking and serving of
food. Please call Tom Diamanty at (302 562-3850). As of recent meetings, it has been determined that there will
be no charge and we are all invited. Dance groups of the neighboring parishes will present Greek Dances in this
iconic family environment on the ideal setting on the Schuylkill River.
Wednesday, July 9, 2014: The Grand Banquet of the Clergy Laity will be held at the Ball Room of the Marriot
Hotel. Tickets are available through the Archdiocese or on line. www.clergylaity.org Many dignitaries will
attend including the Vice President of the United States, The Hon. Joseph Biden.
The Orthodox Christian Family:
A Dwelling of Christ and a Witness of His Gospel
From God every family in heaven and on earth is named (Eph. 3:15)
June 2014
Fathers of the 1st
Ecumenical Council
9am Orthros
10am Divine Liturgy
Greek School
Holy Trinity
9am Orthros
10am Divine
Parish Feastday
7pm Parish
Nativity of
John the
9am Orthros
10am Divine
Synaxis of the
Holy Apostles
9am Orthros
10am Divine
2pm Kolionis/
All Saints Sunday of the
Holy Apostles
9am Orthros
10am Divine Liturgy
GOYA End of
Year Trip
2nd Sunday of
9am Orthros
10am Divine Liturgy
Saturday of
9am Orthros
10am Divine
All Saints
9am Orthros
10am Divine Liturgy
Holy Pentecost
9am Orthros
10am Divine Liturgy
Ιούνιος 2014
Κυριακή των Αγίων
Πατέρων της Α’
9 πμ Όρθρος
10 πμ Θεία
Κυριακή Αγίων
9 πμ Όρθρος
10 πμ Θεία
9 πμ Όρθρος
10 πμ Θεία
9 πμ Όρθρος
10 πμ Θεία
Αποστόλων Πετρου
και Παύλου
9 πμ Όρθρος
10 πμ Θεία
6:30 μμ
Τέλος Έτους
6:30 μμ
2α Κυριακή του
9 πμ Όρθρος
10 πμ Θεία
Κυριακή της
9 πμ Όρθρος
10 πμ Θεία
Σύναξις των
Αγίων 12
9 πμ Όρθρος
10 πμ Θεία
Το γενέθλιον
τον τιμίου
9 πμ Όρθρος
10 πμ Θεία
2μμ Γάμος
4:30μμ Γάμος
& So Much More!
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We Cater Any Size Party
Chandler Funeral Homes
& Crematory
Wilmington  Hockessin
(302) 478-7100
Spiros Mantzavinos
Public Relations
Holy Trinity
Greek Orthodox Church
808 N. Broom Street
Wilmington, DE 19806
Non-Profit Org.
U. S. Postage
Permit No. 283
Wilmington, DE
Current Resident
Mail Date: May 26th