Established Vol. LIV No. 38 1878 PHILLIPS ACADEMY, ANDOVER, MASS., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 1933 Ten Cents DR. C., H. FORBE0JCvS DIES SUDDENLY, AT HOME; WAS ACTING HEADMASTER OF PHILLIPS ACADEMY FUNERAL SERVICES WERE HELD TUESDAY SERVED ON FACULTY FOR FORTY-ONE YEARS Rev. Markham W. Stackpole, Former School Minister, Officiates Received '" /From SCHOOL ATTENDS Honoraryr Degrees Amherst, Yale, And Brown PROMINENT CLASSICIST Ptos. Barbour Of Brown, Principal Lewis Perry Of Exeter Among Honorary Bearers Author Of Classical Works; Gave Library Forbes Collection * The funeral services for Dr. Forbes were held yesterday afternoon. at two o'clock in the Academysic Chapel - before the entire studentsic body and a large number of friends. The Rev. MXarkham NV. Stackpole of Mlilton, former school minister -it Andover and a close personal friend of Dr. Forbes, conducted the181ascnetohecighad s~ervice. Classes wvere suspended atmatrhp noon in tribute to Dr. Forbes.matrhpferteilssoD. Leading the honorary pall bearers at the funeral were President Clarence A. Barbour of Brown University, Principal Le-wis Perryrein of P~hillips Exeter Academy, Alfred L. Ripley, ex-president of thle Andover Board of Trustees and James C. Sawyer, treasurer of the \kcademy. The following members 'if the school faculty also served in this capacity: Charles E. Stone, IProf. Allan R. Benner, Archibald Freeman, John L. Phillips, Lester 1F. Lynde,' Horace M%. Poynter, Charles A. Parmelee, and Dr.DrFobsw Claude MI. Fuess. E. B. Bishop of thie school trustees was also an lionorary bearer.Dulp Active pall bearers were the members of the Senior Council, Mlurvyn WV. NTye, Daniel G. Lewis, Iharold XV. Sears, Daniel B. Badger, William Boyd, Ray A. Gra- Dr. Charles Henry Forbes, actinlg headmaster of Phillips Academy Noebr191ded ud Noebr19,ded udnylt udyatrona i home here. 'He was 66 years old. torth academywh teachfingstaffmin 19.acne to the actdm ecing headi OfVriin ham. and Richard L. 'Linkroum. W\illiam V. Platt, president of the Upper MINiddle class, was also a hearer. The ushers, chosen fromt the Senior Class, were under the direction of Mr. Guy Eaton. They were: 'Fr. IE.. Barhour, ferheilssoD. Alfred T. Stearns, now recuperating at Nice, France. H-e continued ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~to hold the post when Dr. Stearns nJauyofts ar Shlr dtro h lsis andauholr, editr. Forbtes hladsireceivd athoree honrar degreeshadrom cie he ooaydgesfo Eastern colleges in the last sevente 'as i he vcto ~a wood earvingHin whieach tihewasa exper can his- fahoite pasime wasa golf. n i fvrtepsim a gl.Dr~4--oesw brinPvoninPvi (lence. R. T.. on M1arch 27. 1866, ;on of Kenneth David and Jane ore Heatndth Dno obs eatne h Grammar School and P rown University in that city,. graduating from thle latter in 1890, n ae tde h lsisa h anivlaersityofd Bherclsicnand other ~ - .7niversity D.CHIARLES H. FORBES \t~.~ .WLE \ A SKT' YXILI. h~~In .W LE ________________________of_____Berlin_________and______other_____ Professor Bloomfield4 Hills,___________Fo European universities. After three years as an instructor of Latin at Andover. he was made apoesri htsbeti 84 aopofessr in tharte subetuin 1894 ovraqrtrcnuyh served as head of the Latin DepartIdell I olmes Library is wvell known ment. resigning this last year in inl classical circles. He edited both order to have more timec for his adCaesar's Gallic Iears and Cicero's ministrative ditutie H-e wvas elected rtnsadpbihd n197oth :\fe L.RlyFudhm .rqn ts 'listLtn io Carin SatApansAantLtnto hi n12.Oc eoe admr eetyIraTas n11-3 efle h oiino vuzersa bookh aofuseti cosw ordei-atg ad s puezesa wh ichaosemie ofpbia ion- actin Foreswnastwelrkow lr.Fre(uinthfoy-d am g asclsudtfrte Forbes W4as Outstanding Both At Brown And In After Life As Classical Scholar And Author Mrich.: \,V. B1. Burnet, M.%innecapolis, Minn. : 1-1. 1i. Cleveland. Andover. D~r. Chlarles I lenrv F-orbes. wvho I health. The following year he was Mass. : T. '.M. Crosby. Minneapolis. wa horn inl 1'rovidence. RI. I., onl appointed instructor of Latin at Mlinn.: XV. 1). Emibree. Tenafly, NT. MIarch 20,, 1866, spent mbost of his Ph'lillii~s A\cademniv and three years I.. C. R.Ho. Jr., Middletown. early, life inl that city. Ilec attended later, ill 1894, hie was made a prohi:F. A\. Macomnber. Rochester, the t'niversity (Grammlar School fe,,( ir, a lbos;t lie cmtitinutid to hold N. Y.: F. J. M.\agee. Sewickley, there and gradluatedl front Brown tipl to the tinie ',f his (leath. On Pa.: .1.. Reigeluth, New Haven. t'niversity with the class of 1890. JIll 2.5. 1814. )I-r. Forbes 'married Conn.: andl 1). 'M. Whitney. Grosse lin tun(frgradluate life at Ilrown ( ;eorgiatinia 5;no\%' of Aildover, who Pointe Farms. M\ich. Ilie \1y. as (listittmished as inl after died onl Atugust 23. 1907. lie l~ater, The service itself was brief with- life, w%-inning mniani honors, both F1aniary 3. 1914. married her sister, out a eulogy. Dr. Carl F. Pfat-,aCadem~iC anld vxtra-curricular. In Fillm Snmvi. %vlio, now survives teicher, director of thle School mrusic hi,, freshmIIan y'ear lie was elected hint.' IIv is also survived by a years he taught on the H-ill always department. played on the '\1arlha president of his class,-, a pfv~t which brother. \Williamn. of 1Providence. A Specializedl in Vergil and Horace. Cochran 'Memorial Organ. was held iii hlis semuior year by ~i~,er. L illie. dliedl last week. I [is -;enior class in Vergil he made Interment, which - was in the Frederic Ml. Sacketi. nowv .\tnbas\Viter rcceiving hlis professorship one of the most charming indl memchurch cemetery behind Samuel 'adoir to ( ;rmmmnmy~. and at gradua- at \ndover. D~r. Forbes went orablIe of the Andover curriculum. Phillips Hall. -followed immediate- taifm in 1890-hie was conceded to, be abroad to) stuady at the University of\doegruasalysokdsc Iv after the service. The cask-et the premilier' slchidar of thle class. al- 'er-limi inl 18()7'and 1898 and hie also back- onl it wvith pleasure and Anwas carried from the church and though1 lie had bween absent from Studiedc~ at l'aris aiin Rome in 1908- (lover undergraduates always looked slowly borne through thle student oleefor a lbugn periodI becaluse o)f 190') and ,again hil 1922-23. fowr otetmewe hySa body which was drawvn up) in two illness durfimigt that year. Iir Forbes's primary interest lay could take it. When Prof. Forbes single lines onl either sidle of Chap~el .\ftor receiving hlis baceloer of in, lassical subjects;, and more par- became Acting Headmaster iii thle A\venue. The school then followed arts degree it Jul1ie. lie spent a year ticuilarlvN in\egl scletion late fall of 1931. the pressure (It (Continued on Page 6) inl Flor0ida onl account of hlis. ill (f \'crgiliamia iii thle Oliver W~en(Continued on Page 6) - Dr. C. H. Forbes's Collection OfVergiiana Is Citation For Dr. Forbes's orild-F.tined OfVer~~iliana Is Worid~Farned )ne of tile favorite obiS of only itlipipotauit tfmin a \ ergmilia.mn tIhe late D~r. Forbes was thle col- poinit of view. bUt inl add-itin lectiomi of books pertaining to that iuote'l for manay b eanlt ifill exiild' greatest Latin poets of \'ergil. of I duding ad tvyl ,raj 'lix rarv The Forbes Csodlection of \Ver- bookplates. and \ 'aIIIaldI iutr-(f gili,1na is onle of theiis aude his ii.Tl FIobs((I rblo( dectioit (If aiiil interesting possessions, of the( \V'ergiliania has alreadv hcc (mil wkel t liver Wndell Lbrary. I olmnes kown in .iimerica :miul i I egi a Ilesidles more than a thousand v'ol.. mining to aicqtmiir' faime abroad 0notes of V'ergi l's poeiii and nearly TIhe mla iiI bod(f ily hc lia ..ttlliill lthat amontei of pamlphlets, essavys. cons.ists of anl im1posing" arrlia *4 f alid theses concenrning the Great volumlles, fronti thle dIdcst. pri'imt& XI, atituan aii(l his works, thle col- il 1476, dowvn to recent edlition", lection includes a number of price. putblishedl in 1931. IBooink printed] les books of wh-Iich not even the between 1450 and 1.500 are kmio I rts. uew a boast it as :nuaIi 1(. 'ral Ioks . Ie- ,rL. 97.Ocber, Charles 11. Forbes collection of NVergiliana, of over 1200 voltuies. which lie presentcd to the Oliver WnelHle irr ttl \edl -oms1irmva h ol.non th hok. a-of then, on1 classical ;tubjects;, of whlich lie ~ sthe author arc, "The i\rumeitl Againist Latin'. Pae,n Vra ilcl Irars.ad Vrb W(ontiioued on Page 6) Educators Unite In be H. D. Degree RecalledTrbtToD.F ore Arnherst Corile-oDr l'residcnt Peaw. of lege iii bestowing anl honorary L degree omi Dr. Forbes IiiI).I IO read'" thle followii- citation: The I Imdat fI) li..atechr Phillips Exetem A\cademny gal.biiiwrIv. tii nii r.mi"''feels thle deepe"t s\ lipmtlVy fo r u(rahi(. tIl n-i! t, ouath ''(halrles~ 1Henry Forbes. graduate IPhiillip~s A.\cdn~,m vr h ) I ,-\ I IA \-;L L'(Is. I ICeadmla SteCr 11rowni [I'i versitv. at many ins- sudd1(en death of I1)1. i I it. ficcrslmurg vr .cadenmv tittutiomis a seeker of those truths halt ld thle rare c (liii(Ottion (if icalN4 ':\Ni.\ ~~i which hvC bee fo ofldadscholarship anud great ;adl11iiimit r their teacher for well nigh forty live alit. h was mItt ilvlh ' inl1.[v NPlilypatick.(hmrima i years at I'hillips; Academiy. Arm- cere. w~ithi a y-Isrjen -if mtl~ ervi'r (f o tll, lmittOtee oIil A.\cliuii...II at ve ucsful] inl writ ing and \v~liicl .\ i (over a1,4 1i\(II 1ii iarvx .i, ('illege ai(l ili oldi friemitd :dministratiolm. vet most happy in p~orfmormm for the coui~ltri\ IIT, dV;Lh(I i-ii'Frescimimtn'' tile universal affection of yotr ib ani i rreparable loss i-i l(i l on ii l' ithi saildetr a * rt'11 lessv'Iithm irit ~ .'il ptipils, by virtue of shos vested ill mle by thle IDr. Le\\~is 1Perry', II'tlvai. -tcr (i'~imte if \nihlem'st Clgcc amid I hlisEee cmin th ho al of an old pupi foi11qtl'fi)-Cnl-If~ C'iMt c( ' mg1tile a Ine Sl dCl' 'if ml emI1 ito o4rtvl id'Ill '\\ii WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 1933 THE PHIuJP'IAN PAGE TWO' in Peabody House."ri HARVARD) CLUB MEETS TlSFIA IH on EdtrAdSir jReuametnofStc "Cisn A Year In Review THE PILL1IIPIAN Member of Southern New Enqgland Federation of School Newspaper' Member of Columbia Scholastic Press AssociationI Wihtdy Going On Today isete13-3eioilbad retires from control of the of THE: PH.ILLIP'IAN paper. For a year that has seemed unendurably Editor~~~~~~~~~~~~~iui-Ch~~~~~~~~~~~~aI~~~~Club JOHNM. orOClSEY U.we M.WOOISEY, JOHN BusineWss Minir Mw'sqing Editor ROBERT H. DAVENPORT, Is GEORGE T. PECK EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT ,'teAdv34prtad R. SKYDEII.,D.'33oH. W34DAI,.3.\tGley of good his paper has done. A year of exSaturand TnE P~n.LtPiAN is published Wednesdays ratda earby he RILMANboad.perience, hoeehstaught it8 day duingtheschol D. CooK, 3.'3~~~~~ .hwvrhaitagetdal Andover. Mans. ~s. 1933.tainly MARCH MASS., ANDOVER, MRCH NIAS.,5. 133.in ANDOER, a school paper. Early last April we had great ideals, plans for reforms in the best tradimrcnmcrkn.Btmaihl toso ukrkn.Btmawie tin fAeia we have learned that you cannot improve conditio~ns by attacking them, that destructive criticism works mutual harm. We have found -ta a ndo oiyooprto osrcie resbte n copihsmr crtcs feelings; liIkewisc, we' tnink, the press of the country has learned this lesson. For it is cer- more conservative and cooperative than the eventful days of the late eighties and nieisand the turn of the century. nineties We have learned, also, that a school paper has a definite responsibility to uphold, in that it is a part of the school and should reflect credit, not discredit upon it. This does not pre- eir EdorAd Council Member To k ALL ANDOVER STUDENTS TDTOA IVTDT ED 'TN The -Andover Harvard Club, the :00 All-Club Basketball team loa eeaIranztoIfHr flar ~ill meet Exeter All-Classgeraogniton yard students and graduates, will team in the Gym. 3:-00 jayvee Basketball team will hold a meeting 'at Peabody House meet Exeter jayvees in the this Friday evening, March 17th, at eight o'clock. All Andover stuGym. 6:43~) Full Orchestra rehearsal in (tents are invited to attend, particthe Choir Room of the Chapel.uarytoe horeetemain going to Harvard. ~~~displayed: they have proven themselves true Andover men. Circulation Manager. Romr L Kmuz', Jm, '3 To review our administration of THE Pitir.~'4 Rouxtis, W. FaAmr Assistata Business Manager. cutmr StaffLIANwudeth LIIAN woud ]le te custoary thig for te W. BOYD '33 W F. MBLOUNT thing for the F. M. B~own, W. Bom, '33 '33 outgoing hoard. But such a thing is, we think, T. B. CAmpioN. '34 F'. C. Bossan '3 E. J. BAHNZ3, '35 A. B. Bown, '3 unnecessary. It is usually a point of pridc with J. M. Bair, '35 McK. .uwrsa, '33 the editor to retell once again the accomplishJ. P. BoswirLL. '35 W.B. BuImT, '33 ataon sovwa et fhsrgmt J. S. Conty, '34 D. C. Jxr1Ntwr. 'W y th Pmanr~w bard.about uringthe days choolyear TnlE PHILLIVIAri does not necessarily endorse statements expressed in communications. Communications must be itigned by the author. Terms: Subscription, $3.50 the year. 81.00 the term. econ atthe pst o~e at clas asmattr Enterd Andover. Mass., under the act of March 3. 1879. h itiue oshciesa THE HLIINi Commons and is for sale at the Phillips Inn. TO insure change of advertisemenets. copy must bere ceived not later than noon of the day preceding publicstinn. Office of publication: Smith & Coutts Co.. Park Street, eulrmeig fSec in the Basement of theS 3 Art Gatlery.Spa long at some time's and all too short at others 2:00 Basketball squad picture at have guided the policies of THlE PHILLIPIAN. Studio.IN hlisHuntress o n enahr a Thsya 2:00 Numeral Track Meet in the ncfrPilp enahr erhs Ti Cage. Academy. It has seen the deaths of Mr. Ban- r. theresgnaionof Rpes ad D. crof, r oetersgaino r crfwn Assi~swan managing Editor, DAvw C. SSAczHT, '34 'We Dr. Forbes. of Steams, and now the death Photograph Editor, RlcuntD B. MIDEI, '4 have watched with admiration the way in which Remrite Staff asien vr G. J. Pizs, '33thAnoesprtadlyty M.T. G~zAsori', JiL. '33 asrsnoe oat E. R. Mc~W4. E. T. Bmxwu W3 these misfortunes and has kept the Andover Staff traditions alive. WVe admire the student, body L M.C~ucAs, JR., '34 P. M. Wisrrz, jut. '34 for this loyalty to the school which they have '35 R. CUMoAN. W. H. BFoxN'34 BUSINESS DEPARTMENT 1 :00 Meeting of Literary Club i'The IC MI G VE T general topic to be discussedI at the gathering will be Harvard from an undergraduate point of v~iew~. John U. Monro, P. A. '30, FRIDAY, 'MA~RC1 17 Cririsonn a editor ofitheofHahvardva 6:45 ehearsa ofan 6:45 Rehearsal of Full Choir "'wwillsspeakoonttheccurriculumwhhil Peregrine 'White, P. A. '29, will thle Choir Rooni of the Chapel. discuss extra-curricular activities. SATURD.W. MAR~Ctt 18 1 :30 Regular fleeting of the \Vhite is, by the way, the president Sketch Club in the Basement of the of the Phillips Brooks House and a former member of the Student 7:00 Andover-Exeter deb~ate in Council at Harvard. This meeting should prove to be of great value thle Meeting Room, to those preparing to attend Haryard in planning their college 10:30 'Morning Chapel Service courses, and, to those who have not in the Chapel. Thle service will hle decided upon their college, in reach:00 Movies SlUNDAY. MARCII I) conducted bly Rev. john Cummings, tf the Congregational Chtirclh of Tewksbury. Mass. 4 :00 Reading inl 'Tbv Freemian R'nomi of the Library. n evp hw ese 5. tzlw (Cha.pel. R'ev'Mr. Ctiiii,, -ill conduct the service. ing a decision as to where they will go after graduating from Andover. The Harvard Club has always p)layed an active role at Andover fHradFehe TeDa 1oke at the Club's meeting here atNcr n av neteeyi teresting talk. This year's discuis'.ion is intended to give the other iilW of view. -that of the student. FCSnoint Club gives a scholarship every EXTR The v'ear for some boy resident at An'IN DEBATE SATURDAY (lov-er andl also offers a book prize for the Upper Mliddler with the - Austin, Capers TO highest scholastic standing. ~~~~~~~~~~~Emerson, Compose Blue _______ CHESS TEAM QattANDOVER FCSEEE TN MEETING ROOM BE. FORE REGULAR MOVIES FCSEEE Red rudcia OA OA FavchOref I quaintanceship with that mythical standard of good taste and its opposite, bad taste. We have The annual A\ndover-Exeter rle. b el hi atrayee i'iuig at seven o'clock in the meeting T")ol)l (of George WVashington 1-lal' hIz'frire thle rcgular movies. The An'lo)ver teain this y'ear is composed of Em nerson. PBriggzs - Mackay loh~~~in \wutin. an'd Fred \V. Capers. with I )cWitt 11lori-or as the alterate. reasonably within the bounds of the former. And finally we have reached the conclusion that It was Exeter's turn to choose come 'Exeter. as the Exeter Chess; thle subject for debate this winter Club is a very active body, thle -jidl thev' picked the qtlestinn: "'Re- members spending much time in a school newspaper offers the student more cx- That the (United States analyzing their games, and also Recognize play ing a wide number of other Timmediatelv - ;houild ad matches with iea's thyhv dlude at' -criticism of the school and schorol activities but it does require that such criticism be la~sed on sound and careful reflection, not ol half-cocked prejudices and distorted facts. Then. too.durig th-, yar e have gained an ac- during this too. y'ear Winter The AndoverChess Club is t( niect the Exeter chess team at Excter this afternoon in the crucial match of the season. This contest, the final and most important of the v'ear, will furnish some close and Thei toAndover playing. need Toh~ A. interesting wvill bie 'Thomas four Danser. l ExeterH~arold learned to draw a line between the two, wavrdisplay tea~m-will, however, I wavr- ()'Keefe. o vr retpows Abel.al Brent and W'. Stephenson. ing, to be sure, at first, and to keep, we hope, hm inafte lif, moe r ill id hat perince inaftr lfe moe rtht perenc illaidhi realize that school, him make to sponsibility exressthe o No ourwrdcanadeuatey after all, is not entirely play, than any other aequately epress the canofours No word unerrduteatiitticked shock and grief -that Dr. Forbes's untimely d~~~~ndrrauaeaciit.iect Toteeioilbadwihhsc-prtd last Sunday has occasioned among the student .A-verl: oviet Russia". Andover had the choice of upholding either the affirmative or the negative, and- they the former side. The subw~as announced Saturday, givig the team one week for prepara- the freshman chess clubs of several colleges. For the Andover Chess Club. Griffin, wvho has not once been (lefeated in regular matches this year, a.So n vl etenme ville, wvho recently defeated Deming. now standls 'in second place. PHILLAPAS, of the year, to George Peck, who recent years has caused such universal and genuwhier Dlaersgingtae thiEetrd. The has filled his position of Managing Editor with ine sorrow in the school. Whoever knew Dr. on oEeei lyr te . an excellence that has set a new standard, to David r witout, n wheher theclassoom Vorbe, order of present standing, are a.s hweinnthandlweekooutrhastworkedM. notis wheingr Dalrymple, Powellson, follows: u.hswre nadwe h, we Sret aecrIv ta othel bin atrate coud Wilson, Dulmage, DawHat -artmann. noe aobrO 'Managing Editor, we Assistant as well and hard and Wof ndoerSe acoberOf he possessed and wisdom~~~~~~~~vhich Dove, F. Haines, o'y. son. an Stars, Winning His extend our heartf elt-gratitude for their assistance. hinfation oif wit ndwdo whclipsesd. andl J. Haines will be unable to take ~Three Matches Mr. Peters, and the Smith & Coutts, On and behalf of the student And in the matches. 'M.Ptradtepart Adto Sih&Cutto on our own lt)ody a f te sud Oilbehlf bodv. We canl sav' no more than that no event of so willingly in putting together the sixty-odd edno to.wihhst cours~e. w~ithout faculty help. BLUE F'VJCERS DO"N L. T.FEH E dLL~~~Sret behalf we wish to convey to Mrs. Forbes the deepest and most _sincere sympathy nhr ra entire staff, go our' thanks for co-operation that - in her great has made the task of publishing THE PnTTLrTvPxN lo0s twice each week immeasurably easier. _______________________________________________ The 111tc fencer" crushed "reativ interior 'M~l~ 1'. freshillell team 6-3 in the final meet of thle atStra.be sesnh~Ihr ere lshot Satird Macomb (asoan usualti prowessei winning all of lisu, protwess, i whi nening- allof wvon thle Iwo contests ill 'which 1w Toa'scnetmrsteedo the Chess Club activities for this tereatlaninferiorular m1'.ifreshmen etnsw eua tradn held in the spring. However, informal matches with members of e Faculty will probably be arranged during the spring term. Toorb-, of M. I. T. w"as tindlouthibest manl of the Bltie',s lvte t atuit.,igotuist'. and lie accounted for lwo of their three jpnints. A-nmdover woutld tindotulitedly have mail.a larger score hutl -for thle largec um11imher of substitutes; which wvere JEWELERS SILVERsMMIS STATIONERS phit ill. Saturday'q meet wvas the lasti of this ye.r's fencing- season and leaveq thle Blueti with two vicIvTcIIES ANDIWRIST WATCIIES tories aind two defeats. The complete resuilte of the niert -ire as followvs: Macomber (A)' 5-1. defeated Ozol (NM) No~ipATmrw-ioN (\1') 5.4. dlefeated~ MAILINQEinits RECEIVE Schefeman Toorbis C(M) 5-3. Snelfinzs (A)i FIFTIIAVENUE&37mSTREET 'dfetd O-zol (M') 5-3. defeated Schefemnan (M) 5-3. DemirnL (A)~ TiFFA Y & U. -iI U~~~ ~defeated -. -- Courtcsy of Daily Dartmouth lost to Toorbs (MN)3-5. Greene NEwYORK Co. PAGE THREE THE PHIL1LIPIAN WORCESTER TRACKNEN UNBEATEN EXETER FIVE Cum Laude Elections For TURNS BACK ANDOVER Winter Term Are Announced GAI DECISIVE VICTORY THRE RECORDS FALL AS EXETER SWIMMERS EDGE ANDOVER 35-30 of the regular Chapel the colleges. A, charter was granted lit place ~\vriuss onl this F-riday morning, to .\ndlover soon after thei founda- COURT QUINTET 29-20 OVER BLUE IN CAGE Of VIsiting Team, Captains Beckwith, Kellogg Star htKsoStar n ic ftescey ii Kimball Swims 100 In 56 2-5 \liih1.teAdvrCatro For Respective In Shot, Record Breaks established been have Chiapters a itime hold will Society the (timl l~atide Seconds For New Meet Teams Scores 17 Points brief service for thle 'reception of in the leadling lpreparatory schools Record RELAY DECIDES CLOSE MEET new~ E'lections 1m1cullrs. Mason, Heywood, McDuff, Wingate sipri~Tor BATTEN HIGH SCORER BLUE WINNER It is hoped that the service on ~chomdarship inl all subjects F-ridlav morning wVill bring to the for their Upper MIiddle year -and for 'student body a clear appreciation of their Senior v'ear in Phillips tAcad- the ainms of Curn Laude. Also Star For Blue; ]Exeter Teailm Unbeaten ONLY BADMAN of of thle couintry. Seniors at this timec are based on Beatty of Worcester Scores First In Twelve-Year OldSeisNw tad ing At Six Victories For Both Schools In 40 Yard Dash And 300 Yard Run Thie Exeter basketball team, led The Worcester Academy track - Mr. Paradise will give a brief Captain I ob 1Ieckwithi. brother ho, B~lue the defeated decisively team 'nddrecss and diplomas will be awardguardl of Andover's winning, the *of flinal thle in Saturday cinidernien the of members ed to thle following by a 49 to 23 tiaii two \car, ago, broke a two itesaon ab onme senlior 'Class. ~Vre Patil Causey. MacDonald Deming, 'sc~ore. Capt. Anton Kishon of thle year losing streak Saturday hr visitors shattered the Cage shot sendling their .\ndlover guests homfie Gray iwmuers hy a .35-30 -~orc. endl Of aL29-20 scor. eonhesr f.1inm of biestowing that recog- Edwvard Vose Gulick, L~ouis Julius utrcdof5 troftevpmp G rle ousadn ainnual encouniter bietwelfth the at iii with rahain, G Ray by year last Robert Jenney, id Cole Dav I ector. the in scholarship highel iupon nition .\t 4f Kimbhall was :tainl Donl (lover, whoil Itokl two fir~t placc',. pi eparatory s-chools wvhich thle Phi I lenrv` Kriehle. George Terhune heave of 53 ft. flat. Ini addition to twcen the two rivails; 'Filt c.ric, performance Kishon placedl standing is niow six victories for et*IppSoitgvstotinI'c.this making record breaking itime inl thle in the rtmning broad jumj) and each school. 100-vard freestyvle. I~ov thi, victory Bt K paSceygvsoitnPk.first \lthough Captain Kellogg nf tile the 40-yard high hurdles and tied Exeter gained its eighth \%in, in, the second in thle high jump for a hluc pressed B~eckwith for individit~ first since l~)30 and I'lm al honoirs ofthe ;aflernoon. there scolasticKshiot putr a AI-tot ericam1 ARed and ( ira\ meani this year is tin Exeter had the noditta watte ishot shlastints defeated. vis;itinlg five Th-Ie team. better sec. 5 4-5 of time I 11s rear. last F~ILl~~U1j tal to record, other Tl'itItwo f ahrrge vd ae I in thle high nurdiles equals the cage s Itare Oe Cag sOl adae o SvnKy were inl the 200-yard freestyle Iiii lateith till not it was and fense-, '32. Brown Bailer byv held IlydB elCahdSvnCiercr Thie decciding" thle 200-yard rela. that tule .\ndover team idJhny Dionovan. now f Ex gam atSlt evenit Was thle relay an Anoe showed any effvctivreness. flatten. eter. lt led 30-29) at the st art ot it. ExzCs Bcatty.' also of WVorcester, took Exeter center, was high scorer with ONE DATE OPEN emer, howvever, got thle lea'd ait thle LINKROUM IN LEADING ROLE two short distance events when twelve points, wh-itle Kellogg'q start and held it all thle way, turnin i see- eleveni inarker,~ earnced hiom Iibvnte4-ad(ash li Prop Are Teams ing back a sprint by, Tate Mason Feminine Leads Portrayed By F. W. Only Two Of Seven onds; and beat- Izurse to the tape in runner-up berth. School Elevens; Rest, College Rounds And G. T. Peckonl the tinal] lap. to) make the recordl Thle gamec started wvith neither thle 300 in 34 2-5 sec. Freshman Teams Jones Excellent itime of I mnm. 41 2-5 sec. scorting during the first five teamIl onily the w~as Badmnan Captain by mefet Andover opened thle Th'Ie Andover football team w~ill 1 luc entrant to score a first place. tiniiiites, of play. Then aI shont fromt iof the llThe aimitmial p~reseiitationt takintz firs~t andI secoind iln thle first tthe floor lhv Beckwith and two sic inn h ihjm C'aptailn Phillipi \ca'leiiv- I )rainimicit C'mlub play' sev*en games next fall accord- Beie event, thle 50-s ar' dash 5 ft. 8 in., hie placed second iii the cessive ba.sketz by a substitute E-xDonl 1Kimball. foldlowved elo sch~ Iiv Sveni lKe\, To i, aldpate''. the( ing to the temitative schedule recent- broad ijumpl jtist ahead of Badger. *eter guard brought thle scoet this disance di Iason. Tate ~' the s;peedy itime of 25 1-5 -cc. The nieliidramnatic farce In G eorge 'M. IN nmade up by Manager F. AN. Ca- Ini the-shot pttt D~wyer of Andover seven to nothing at thle end of thle nmext three eveilt-; were taken hv Cohen.-1 Wat, plaved bieflore a large p~ers; A.'s in past years the season hurled thle 12-potind weight 48 ft. iniitial p~eriodI. In thle second qtiai'skt ill Open with New 'Hamtn n5in. to place second to.Kishon, andtrthBle(rpeltre ere~ -'tnisi nlinei Exeter The Rd ;iid (;r~~' te~~n nl ft. 8anlhdteii-altowopis 45. of heave a with !'feiffer November close and 30 September Satuirday., scond in he 100-\V;I-luiigtomm 1hall last took and firt to imake the half time score 11-6 in in., was nthrde yard breasts~troke iii I min. 10 ,ec the RedI and GraN's favor. wVas, me1et thle mif stirprise Te xee., hrawllcahdIIwt Prsne I-ii estabC~aitain Iliendrie of Exeter Tilie IBluie retu'ruid ti) the floor 'om freshman teams are listed 1Ftirse-, defeat in thme (M0-yard run. lis-hed a mme\\' \nii (ver iiio reciird am',Id :mplv-eiterh cas;t, the plax time third stanza to be the v'icto for led himi rumnners \\'orcester Two Yale, the wvith Blue, the oppose05 to successful inot time of as omi for thle 200-yard freestyle, while %\;I eveim Pri iductiuing of the, Society giver, Iharvard. Brown, and New Hamp the tape in a rather slow race in linti of a rally which nretted Exeter the~ pisaice in 2hi lcoveuredg -\n1dover 'while pmoinits sixteen Ili thme I000-y'ard -,arlings playing the Andover I mmtl. 19 sec. he intanceill ii reent vir,.-;hr lie coered2min. yece an1d 13 sec.. lour 'se~eind, below n reacente ears.orashire tre scoredarir iefra2- There w'as and 'Mahoney placed (Iarters Richard' 1. 1Linkrounn (f I Tack- eleven onl four successive October run Kingman the set mark liv l1:iimche Err ii no ltiime score. epctively inl aj hr an ~ecn mark Ill set~ hN P.Iluche tile f~~~~~~~~~~r\ ofGray and fast I~cd time illoppinig of Core Bmtickv, against race good in the change nly Th rietoft viakN.I. 1931. eccind to 1 cliii . c'arried oiff the honors, of thit' schedule is the omission of the Bos- \\ orcester. wvho won in 2 mmini.25 fen-ec at this point. I iurlbitt placed4 Thle Andover qumintet cainle back Mloormnan of Exetcr mit thle l(- ('veiling with hi, p~ortrayal (if. the ton University first year men and 4-5 sec. fighting for thle fourth canto, howv'rile 'umnlar\ diciin h-ritrm' varml backstroke wvith \\Vil-on (oi of the 40-\ ard huirdle's: X\Von I~' Kishomil ever, and completely out-plaved thier first eliuf chrate, Wiliaiman-atconeqen Thie Exeter. third. third. tiieir rivais to pick tip eleven poimit(WV ' 'econid. D ean X\ ThI d~ wspe Nrov,itst asdNie( amphiegms ith'm on wa- jimtime ~ Iimimhial liiae(' liv 45 ,- amid cut Exeter's lead iii half. It R~affertv (A'). Timme: asbe slated as yet to ammd simmo'othlmi's Ni ea th iisi .i'tiqv next event, thelt I-'mi fm'csmI was Kellogg's four straight hasI record Cage (Equals; and tU. team B. the( of place t am in 'Ilke \\(II iof it., coai'im. \i r take the -lm c II.% im'. for which he sIt be rea feat which caml long 1 kets. 1.I eatty' In : Won das;h 40-yard open. remains 4 dlate Nov. tii'ill mIIIDa'il \I ceely I \ aC .(i ri 4-5 see. record oif 56 2-5' itstai~i Nonlez (XV ) membhered as t lie mnot ( \V ) :second. N' ''inta u1tside (If tht( ddalvxciarc)ftlae na 'rmne: onild Ic's timami e of thle secason. that were respons; ewi,' third. Bates (XW . Tinie ~~'' ~ ~ ' 19~25. made hrv I. XV_ Brv'ant mml tasli3"ed IIn vemv. Adcditional elections will be reciirik were the eleveth aitonl .\ndovr- l:\. ilnioinicedill inJue. based on the %vinimimlg mleet Saitirdav recoirds for the Senior year only. eter Cltim I.au1de is a national society weilVti ,afternoon. aI mImeNle Wat down before thme sullerior N~ed widi amid( wa, founded in 1906 wvith the 'Ihlr& BLUE GRID SCHDULEfor FOR FALANNU NCED:\IIAmec OFDRAMATISTS COHAN MELODRAMA IS F 'PLAY ____the . - i is Con- 300-yard (lash: \\'om liV I~eattv' lle for thislate 'rally. Meanwhile. hc iiet mmto hvrs'Te1 h 'm l tJi ,'eaie Ill, il Ili, le .\dvrI (XV') : seconld, Furse (. ):third. Exeter tallied ant a1dditional t wo a set of or less lie niorc to f iiir m'ini nine 'art- of -,le pro-' idereil fi rst an I4 -cc 'l im ,il (liv~e liv mak'l.. points to Piit thle core at 29-20 :34 2-5s. .\ ). Croshmv Exgridsters, A\ndover the ti! i for Georv.e liv 'ieil ra port were ion dict the ith m'ii.\ I\c on'- pilace.\lthoumgh Capt. Kellogg's main Oyr un Xoih ~tcolo percenta-e oi 77 46. wi-in h ti IrstI T Peck. 1ramk XVRmnl.\i-ee stm ml eodr Second. NVither..(V) third. `cored twvelv'e points, thfe fornmer Ii'C iiaim T. N~imte. 1Tr. aim'! \X'ailli'nu B. the I Wtit' team's schedule. Efforts )1, i Sec P0oiti' 'it. Whlil'\\,~iel' respoilslile for filie Finme Iir'tIPc i: ~ 'slrgely 9. ii A:Tie us lt e nth ihhle(iot tlme I ereemitagv -if 72 87. Inmmriimt. fr. onri %minim ~~~ f\mlvr dfniewr Gore bv NWon i-mmi: 1000-ya-rd r:', 'T'ivnihili. a miii fellI tlini tigli. 'De'icoe-xt The last two crucial events Andlover e~vtellenmt :m\I, o elil Anoldes ofxt itsclrvdd rivalry~~~~~~Th anil ida' . etalil ;Liid 2I1O-~~~~~ Im't had who t.Pechwith. C ing : 2nm. Time (A). third. 'Mahoney f t teimn(' I im'mirialr"i CII\ CIMISliil Wid (0-\Lrd cnred less, thanf teim prim? s4 iii wimv 254s kind il i the country-, having origIm' ( v41,ilnalnIvet rm'e1,11 f'r'r mim at ae all seasoli. to a Seven poimnt almm A) g mm :X'nh am Netfl' ii im'i \ Icm sfim ri.iniiiitin'imatedil ii 1877. the ter. 1,mcrin'ldmn A) Wn fllsIgmeI imiiip m .ex till h' erimigll '~~~~~~~~~~~m ter. I'tlvw 5 ft. 8 hin. Kishon and D~ean total. Will lbe tIle fi fty'-fouirth in the series. n im-.ime mihtma.] l dei-ilm mm ofn1mm ;title"CC. 41 2-5 xctmr telni Th clanpipomushuP ( ') . tied for q-conml. 5 ft. 6 if folannounced ais The.'chidtticL C Thuo'wis.I shuriw tile to) ticalimmg U 'hll -ii ie\li:( \imdovi'r atlsi inhImhis victorv' cli see! a mces jump: XX'on byKo F'mih wsroadh 1 tie el -em'~~~~' I raitimerdI di'' Nmcii wit it hlis ll( 'ls\ ';i't (Connintietd nn Page 51, (XV'). 20 'ft. 8 in. : second. Padlehit. 30' Newm I lamrpton 'mirint : time( carm't;,1r'r if I a' .i.t 1ConmiemuriI nn Page 41 miiin (A'). 20 ft. 6 1-2 iii. : third. I ihui I :i ii! \~il- t)ct 7- '--I larvard Freshmen I R'i'.u'imt I mmi Time ( mmi ADDRESSES ~~~it FUESS DR. ENGLISH TEACHERS I'i:: V\oices Plea For Satire' Of Our "Ridiculous Civilization'' MR. BLACKMER ALSO ATT'IENDS DINNER r:'i'mainkr. if tim'( c:-,it imem im'ne1a'i the Toili.\'e1tei v~ei we( i Miif, i t'-hirle, liceuirv' Ille' I\ (loriwt Ow ii tciolVii ! imtnrhicr the di"Ie,rhvi''ii"tra -'li ii II of D r PIfatmim'irifi'rei-'ri CHMBR si~eahI'vr befiirm' 200( miinil'ier, (if Iiii' \ -s 'eiffmt i m 'if Englanid 'Ki'mm 3 i-rI l':m~ii mi'--t tintiii' 'If eae Fr"mmi hm'av dimmer of t lit' :t: m m,:m m''Lmt:t thin I Iit'lm iiiiianamilmr, am p1muIget. pubic h is \mahum-~io'. vx a vi'irht I rittion ;niiat ts Ii'.-m iiiif iir', Iif iv\lmj itiitiolsimil wlmichi h~a i1illmii' 13 :'Cm'i.mi t11tu1 that1 Ill (I dui.IVI r lion I[mimi.'' O r viivIi, tIl an .,0 \ 1 ili'a for aI s'Ltiri - m to 1mAV flit!I ci ihit' i ehr ''iehitiheim'Ii i'I'lm( F~ \i Fi'mt vomcem' li\ D r. ( 'ittimi \mm' hover. tIii 1 iliipj ., '\cadiheiv. N,,V -4-- tminw! smimiiirt T dIf.gm' Io.1, - -IImti RCESRk.if IN G. W. HALL RECITAL A) 21h-hlr1~iI~de tovne. 1 r.. plaved tImc gamt,- . ( )pien aillhr 'rsmn~ SPRING COMPETITION ~ t hr.Peifr'4 (niew cage record'). II Exeter at Exeter t in. BEGINS THURSDAY hliin HeesFr"h Helr'hi"hePilii An ''rCoolidge A d Fuess'' Editorial Board Asked To Report WORK DOES NOT START _____ UTYNIL AFTER VACATION ri, m: Tihe follmwi.pig tcmipted. A\s lie has the friendmshipl iii s I1Iii Tlio azp/'arei' illm1'im BOS'rON of mlanyv who knew Mr. Coolidge Thle p,ring! coimlipetit iot for thin' ill 1lci Iuttc'r Part of la1st mmimnlintelv, and( have mmot vet remimit iritmr~ VeaLem all that mmight lie tolmhI we edrit orial b~oard of Til Iooimg a'.v('mi~iimiay' hook- forward wvith assuiramuce wxill hie-im tlis- "TImmrs'1iv oog fCavn ren e'esm'i n ~li"alpiipc ok r h mteanuue hae miI cmii that IProf. C laude .\I. Filess; Enthusiastic Audience Greets iif Xiii! Iver .\ca'le'ny is to write a bliogr-aphy of hini.' '1i~l'('hI('iisclni'.e Playing By "Little" 'l'l'mrt is I pressimug miced for sichi Symphony ti work, anil P ri f. Fuess is ideallyV o it. Thle ('halmber O~rchestra eof Pions- qumaliflied to mb '[he Voilumues which hie has wvritmumebers f~ fif6ftcm'mm o I"mm. tilm cipcciallx' his; Daniel f' The Boston SymlphonyV Orcies- i m'i a irca':ml. a del ightftml ammi interes;t- \\h'elser. tmive aimphle' evinlence of !,i. '-ave i'~4 i8. t ( )n tIme, dhistaff side, toom, P rof.rvuf Fms has a umniqume qlualiflication~ fo ri'm r Mirs. I"Fuess \v thit' biography. Miss Elizabiethm Cumshiing Coodhuil Shte and M.\rs. Coolidge had a coimi liiin ancestor, *Joseph Gloodhimme. I~ lived,. iii 1Iiswicli in lthe imidldle of ult' seventeenth cenittrv and l marieil twice. -Mrs. Coolidge is t dlescendanit if the firt wife aim! MIrs. File.;, of tIme- secmnd. That was, seven or eight generatioii, ago. liut t he- remiote link- has already' brouight Mrs. Fume"', amid( M.\rs. Cool- lTi.1'1 I1T\ofivil ib ' :111m ili i I iv-I. iea.hvr\X;iel imr~i rv inimiiiediateiv afiner ~mmpm'.mvr 1'ii mmetim- \V'ill be umerehm*Iaim ill mm' ihict iiin to tilt' wm'ork, mvhidi'iu rim'mnmlei acat mu ii lafmrtes rmt Thle 5pm inu comlpetitiIiii -will las;t lI' bmmmsiaohgrapmhictal skill. inl the( Fridltt i-t ini'ert last unitil the( begimnimnmg of Tine wxhenr crt'rpulimmii'is regard for Wi \%il, Vei'ctit g, Boom before aIimawmliemnce mxnit, the elect ions, ti thle 1 oar'd wxihl take( facts; andm wxith at thin( hiisto rit':m e10Iwspeople and sItidient;s it' mliae with frni' I wo ton foimr heleehrlacking' oftenl oii is whlichi ram'i oats eetinw. h is '''hI'imt l Oi '',:i ' matimiii i ahiIi er M.\imII nwm'Tmm I ,iiched. lihe istory'. mif itg-ti'Itiits ;Iaiim', whlich major. in T) 3 No. mi'iithn m'iist alld milit 1 ndle-sii t(".1 rem' to repo-rt Mlers es- iemiallv are mm Thle le;'rre's a reader almong wvithi him iilg. together. )Ile (1 f tlh(' gI i~tnii-1 ii i'iCmters is time - i very wehh-kniowii piece. ii- hope that 1Prof, F'uiess;, for the ecoi'uht'iit hiii. 'h'lm' \V' irk i f I ;aimtong" those ~hmi Let'tm I e'Nas asl iiranged froim thim' seec 'r~ Ib~o k iimibhi-lier mmli it si'emumK. canlimupregimated hy the at- etichi beeler will muot himterfere with become will exnivih.mmiimig ilIi tim' if MTozart andm Scuehim trt to the( at teidneml tIme- ('onlimle memorial al inottm'll themt rumh :ifir the Plylimuithi coiumtry, Iiis c~hi l wo'nrk. itit imeverthlun'es of iiloshlhiere last Ifomiim' ale St tin'( 'at vri'scis Slonitnskv' iv\ I afiim Ilimi' imodermn pieces, im igmini', -t v'ide Iht'-5hum ehiminisuhjet eck ainm there is, ito diawer, there- knmowm it in summuer and wimute.ltmute of'.l~\ jI~i~lmn :1:11 "~ibvin'imi. One vi'rv cmitertainning xm mmitimig fiim time hi faciultv a'pvllrovxal III mv-ii te, order iii to 1'llyniomithi fro",i roiad tile walk mlistake' thin' mmale wVill hat he( Ire. t fi Mr. f fomir short nireces in' \* \\'I i0mi'is oVili' time fflowijlom'igt' I' \11V stilatillamise (iif vajqtii, i othuer lioi gra[phiers mdni Ludilouw, hetar the( wiut'er stormis cuter thle ('imilletit ion. isowcll's 'Blti'i iiusk broghtl mimmicim ;I~ hil.'inot its gi ('a.a:LI .LidI iut joiiinialisiii interested mlents omit look and wimidows n1 tile' heat fin 'III the enthusiasti -ii'adience. Thle (oerlo'hok flIme xm'armu hunLmait hiarat'rvad'itmm:iimm imit(Inemiill .11Ilmtiosmu askion are it comule thle cinterimig in trainsa landscape onl imorning sonie Cox uiim'n'mnr m'-(' whim-h it's mt'rist this fi'omu io comiipiisit rite' fakI miat men. mmmvverthecle-s Itii tuu(li' forimied by snoiw. FIoinner iiiogra- .ed to report this; Thutins'la ''mic n, m flue, "AiiomummIPAiile\atz".. emphasizcmh. ItIm hf i' II XlmmN -iI I N PAGE FOUR - * inra ~ ~ m M . PnIE ctV u WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 1933 PHILLIPIAN .THE n Q . 4v40 F M ru-uEMKN~~~~*T'L IL. DF MO A P4 Vt & ~ aar N Cordially invites your inspection of our new British Woolens of Shepherd Checks, Plaids, Pencil Stripes and Shetlands especially selected in London. Represented by, Lester W. Ross, showing March 15, and every Wednesday at Mrs. Burtt's Cupboard. FRENCH CLUB HOLDS PENN OPENS LABS TO YEAR'S FIRST MEMNG Mr. Hagenbuckle Directs The Chemistry Organization Session ervso oFr.nc Hagebuckder theldup ervision Mr. Hagenbu"EN of And MR. GREASON TALKS ON LINE, BRUSH DRAWING AN OVER STWER ' BODY Explains The Fundamentals In Engineering Learning To Draw Depts. Announce Innovation And Sketch Ixetcr f1I-\loorniiiii. hacl<strokc. I .emlpke. breaststroke. .\nderson, frveet v~e I : Aiidover I Ilurlhutt, Three Records Fall As Exeter Swimmers ~~~~~~~~Edge Andover 35.30 (G.111initle iiii, of 33-32. freestyle) Tliie:1I Iin. l,1tiii.solii \nthiver p~icked tipl livte varsit% \ icet. woni s cC. 2MK-s ard rehia of the ci-ght plaices. bolt l'setci . ;t ni thle croike. I 'reston, breaststroke. b~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lack~st m Page 3" hoi It,- "C(dti The sketch clubi. tinder the dii- lays. C ii~hiiiaii q,f A\ndover Call MARCH 25 NAMED INEERS'hDAY"rection of Mlr. ( ireason, resident tu red the first place inl the 200t- Ii. \Von lbv 1E'xeter l l\\\heer NMoorinan: \iidover iMNclh)iff. Tritiui . \\m-liate. NIa S 0nli 4 - e.(e 'ie:Iwn at11Wo* mect Wednesdav afternoon y:rlfes~l i h -artist. its first meeting Tuesday evening ilicet record 1 2 min. 19) 4-5 sec. I laninnirnd. al-ri s-\.LCli The Alo~orc School of Electrical it the A\rt G;allery. Mir. G;reisoii 'of \nulover. won)I first pti'sitioii in at Peabody H-ouse. Over thirty ()' das : \VrII bV 11I Tamniod i1 ngineering and thle Towne Scien- gaIve L talk which, hie illustratcl both tile 50-vard! antI thle I OO-\,ard students attnded the esablishment secolld. Schulrenian (IE) lick t~le iv)11 l liAeI: of this new 6rganization which is tit-c School' of the University of with drawings 6f ~I stuident. wh' freecyes third, J hiiimlliiisi. Time : 27 (e.C connected with the Peabody Union. pi'eIisvlvaiiia have announcted that actedl as a Model. Mir. Greason set. dji er. had thle winninga, percentage raituk Vnb h te Oxar i.4adt;ifiito Though conversation will in fol- their annual IEngincers' Day will he upl two easels and endeavored to secondl. Kanf1~~~IIi-,t it El thi( lI lne inl the I (J-'N irl\\Villian,i I .F held this be held %.Car in ]owing French,meetings third. (aimilhuioi ( A iritil I V lowing le metings held n ~'renc, hcld tis yearon Saturday, March sovthle (lifiereilce hetweeti line Ijaikst rokce. The unimainiaIc (of 'tothi Timei: I mini. 22 -ec. cet,' ac reivenl below. (rawving and Amiush drawing anij niernIullngad Friday's conference was in p-2.Th deinete I larrison Chemical Laloratory order saic Englishin uh e\'nb (11v ~ ret' m.\.u~r ~of the Towne School and the Cl- hwt o otec to \ I second. li~rne'tt (A) \l r. cGre~ison ~,tatecd that inl *everv- SO-varil] ire('stle: VC.)I I\ K111i- fiiia clearly thle plans for the club. plete equipment of the M.\o6re TIimie: 2 min. I i hird. ILitt `) ba;ll AI Second. MhisollI Among other things it was sug- School will be open for inispectionl action there is one. line which tells I') 4-5 cec. F Tinie: 25 third. \\ liceler I Iiestory andi this is thle douinanat in pa-at this tile gested htthslntrse I (X-'artl hack-it roke : \\'on by Ii.th -5 sec. thatinterested those par.1 \' ~ in iiscn.Svg t atsnEe ihe 1-niversity of Il'cnnsl5 laiiia line of 'the picture. Nl r. Greason I (wt)at ticular matters concerning France, i ,F : thliil.i s~tevens ( 1F). Time: II:: sectond. I )cckcr I .enipke schirto l ltu slbow\cl thle mianner ill wvhich t.~ fircu;rltcy h Such as French literature or his-n dentinvited I miiii 14 3-5 sec. belKI: thliird. I louc Ve i'ivn: I adfcty ebrs ndseize this dominant line... \ost tory. should look tup a subject ad let I IX)-vard freestyle : \Won-by [HamIllil:. 1' sec. p~t- gijillers make tlifficultie 5 for tlheiiired C)ueti (liscuss it in French before thLhi miillr :d second. 1-fTeywood \\,.II bv Hlle teun''tYequiptieil t selves bv coincentrat ing( uplon deC- 2 (08-u ;n lfre1 orvedebates on var- ihti ious qluestions pertaining to France. and1Eexhiibits' at first hand. I-'. t: third. Foster I ).Time: tirc I iI: vtwti I. \\nta tails rather than lipon the stateas the rla- giii~'rsI 1)av is especially imd such Fanco-German IAn : thin!. Jamiesotn I miii. I 1-5 sec. of essentials'.ihe ptt Stich - as the T~~la-Franco-German gi1('iit iu'e: \\WII b\ in I ok (A\ !,ec2 min. 13 c I (lte\u DE Ti'ii.' tions, may be held in French. Cor- stuldents interested inl ci\vil. cieinii- thle eyebrows before draiwing" the( 5 iI. tid wc Eil )cs lmitflae ire r rtet respondence with French Students cal. electrical, or mlechianical eln- head \\Vtin In F. II(.\ 1 Fi \\'Iaianimi 'percentageIackstrokce (drawving thec tree strilcttlre it- 1(-\-vamtl ri hiit.fore will also be arranged, and And(Iver gileig students who have been to school Further details of this occasion. sel f. There c'isIts all t'lenoitiii tf MEEE ial I. I :SU(tioltl. II urllhltut (.54 F-.I Time : I f-yarid nmedley relay : Wkon by I : third. \'Wilstn in France will give talks onl their tnqunE w among eastern en-illeerin- Caricatuiiring inll l gotl d (ra winl-, 'tiibcsroe\iIill 9-5ecl\t' experiences. Grotips mnay be ar- schools. ae poted on the bulletinaiiisec(fthchrtrit. -on. breast i roEke. \rnt li!. freeranged to go into Boston' andl see borardi iii ( orei'' \Va.hitton IHall. f':itur's, andi suppreosioni of irre- I -adfireestyle : W\ n lv KimiJ C oloiiVI.. -ilVIC : \iidEover f 6rffn back1,<1I : eEiltl. levanit detail. French moving pictutes. llraillari . breas4tstroke. sI rlke. third. \I clhI)tY Tine : 56 and \ Ir. C reaL(il iiiterspersed hli This club is of great valtie to Time : I miii. '39 2-5 \i ever, 2-; sec I ne\% school alit I mecet anyone studying French with ani u'er-ati' En in Fr-ench with some de- talk with e.xplanatioins of the, c rv rct rd I. aim to speak the language. and of- gree of sulccess;. but mas laving,1 lnetli(Eds E f the old illeiters. Lv fers an opportunity to acquire .i suidiedl Eoiil for a short tinie canl uork (if ;art is actinall\ a 1i trt rait D ive- Won lby I li'w%% CEd ('A I : see-- -2flO-%a: relay : Woln by E~xeter irlual Parker,. IDouble. : thi H. CasEthd W\'todlock fluencv of Speaking. .which can only dlerivec mutch profit and efljovlielt of thea artist a lonmg. leall iianl \rtvr ( e' Sheia paris i I- ). Winiiin- percenitage be gained bv actual conversation, fromn attending thle meetings which tends 1EEcloElgate hlis forlms : wh~ile xv odl. \lieu. (Clicworth. Cush77.-, A large number of the miembers nf uvill take place every. Tulelsda eve- a short, stocky man does the op nian T.iime: I ihiii. 46 4-5 sec. ISO-vaid I nledlev relav : \VoII lv positt'. the cluii are able to carrv oin aIcon- miug. -group. . - - That's the part Turkish ~Tobaccos; play in making Chesterfields Taste Better SMOKERS notice a certain "touch" in Chesterfields that comes from having just enough Turkish tobacco in them ... a spicy, aromatic flavor that's much the same to a cigarette as seationing is to food. For only by blending and cross-blending the right amounts of mild Domestic tobaccos with the right amount of Turkish can we get the flavor and aroma that Chesterfield smokers enjoy. Next time, ask for "The Cigarette that Satisfies". . . you'll get Chesterfields, with Milder, Better Taste. ~i9'3 J~~n AP Iom(r-TTMymxsToDAcCCOCO THEY'RE MILDER- PAGE FIVE THE PnIII1PI4N ~erics of gaines between the mcimCLUJB J. Y.S, ALL"'~'~ of the varsity squdsoftil XETERbers TBASKETMEET SPECIAL OFFER .. iln the major contest. Trhe all-club linc-up will consist Evenly Matched Roma.. And of either thle Roman team or the Greek Teams To Play 6It~i Select any bolt of, our fine miaterials and have it built into asketball tam will fmings of the Greeks arc expected the Exeter all-class squad this fl~~~~~~~~~~~~eet iLfteniooni at 3:00. ,Immediately folbowing this game. the varsity _iecoiil team will meet thle Exeter weconlls in the inauguration Of, a to star. The strength of the Exeter aggregation is unknown, andl The'111-club wvhile Andover will he repiresented by a fairly strong team, no predlic.. tion of the outcome of the gamc can lhe madec. The Exeter all-class (lecsion ove theteam will he Faniell and Kaufman. score onepoin ~~.scred and Gray. deiin- vrteforwards, W~%hite, center, and Dana and Savage, guards. H+oughton, Th whol stray. Abel, and Corbert are substitutes. EXETER- (29) Coach PBillhardt w~ill send into R. G. F. $45 .00 ________________ have it for vacation one TODAY-and tfraain!ed -ndhv Blerkwith, rf, huff fatten. UNTL 8 O'LOCK OPENEVRYEVEING _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __ _____ Apil~n rrom Page 3) (Continued as bewiththe farnlia heymigh teristics of Vernionters. A chapter SC.t.(Jii of 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 Carr. rf G. F. 1 1 1 0 0 r I Ig 1r -- hrouged L plthe It'sfhe Smartest Placeto Stay * $17 A WEEK Breakfast Including Continental n ai ihbf Eeyro Evr ro m w h bt an rdi Innumerable cultural and $3 A DAY reservie he will have a- team made cenyfr-Ettamntrles center, and RingThe sec- Fashionable yetconvonient location Facing Central Park have a tough timle in defeating the Exeter reserves. For reservations telephone CIrcle 7-7000 P. for they boast somec strong mator wrnit for Booklet .1 3 erial. Bilodeati. hockey player, is 3 expected to see action in the Exeter oe 0 lin-tpla7ON.cenerpos. the r centerMpst.ZOoe 1 inse-up atdmnma ILI are Hthse RedSimyorwrd and nsbr forwadse andth gHaruser Toll, Beebe. and Crawford will11Wet5tS..NwYr 'bttie 2 4 UPofIelran 0 wards, Averill, 0inanlarrgards. 2- ond teim should 0 8 4 __________________ oe 1 ,,Is*mreu There are many explanations for this illuqion. One method of performing this illusion requiire. the presence of twco girls in the box. One girl curls up ~r Ciaetadetsntohaittrc. in the left half of the box with her head and hands giving the effect you see illu'.tratcd -protruding, above. The other girl is doubted up in the right half of the box, with only her feet t-howing. Nobody is sawed in half. .' a t rcs detsnto iaet Consider the illusion that "Flavor" can be achicved by sonie kind of magical hocuspocus in manufacturing, EXpLANATION: Just three factors control the flavor of a cigarette. The addition of artificial flavoring. The blending of various tobaccos. And the quality of the tobaccos them- x~~~~~pr IN THEWELDED "UMID;'ItPACK Fits ~~~~~~~~~~~~~tobacco A OMP NO TRICKS ,,JUST COSTLIER n o'KO N slv.Quiyisbfrtemstiptnt otiprat sb a h evs ult Domestic cigarette tobaccos vary in price from S0 a pound up to 400 a pound. Imported tobaccos vary from 5O0 a pound to S1.15. No wonder, then, that cigarettes differ in taste-since distinctive, pleasing flavor de. pends so largely upon the blending of the costtier tobaccos. Is a fact, well known by leaf ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~it % - place to stay At our new low rates I- i EXPLANATION: Tobs.' The Barbizon-Plaza is a grand 'anadGe 0 two- cen the fthel box and asspatentlyw through the IL . um In Kinney and Robinson, guards: AT ANY RATE onarieNlt sas cass isehbtantn witlahe hepa ofkang Oapiimslbt. 12 - 0 ito notch, done with the skill' which large case s exhibite Apaking 0 0 Itil straight victories and ll-,wc, If1 defeaIts. Coach flillhardt's Ani- Beirry' f thle Kellogg. (lover five droppedl six M.;e~lo' Previous encounters. lten 1" tet1i Well. Prof. Fuess has shfown in his ster, would be delightful reading lo Saturday's. gamne Exeter had not t.We oce agai that te ilefeated the Blue since 1930, for Halldind antI inicate Tuotals bth in 1930 and 1931 Andover child is fathcr of the manl. on the early days of Plymnouth a 6 ANDOVER (20i (Continued from Page 3) X-ermont hillsides andl the charac- 0 ig IParker Unbeaten Exeter Five 'Truesdell. rg Step~henson Turns Back Andover al Court Quintet 29-20 Coolidge and Fuess the second teamn gamne a line-uip and C. Kelconsisting of Mcf~ean o logg, forwards, 'Mahar, center' and 0 1) .I UNTIL 8 O'CLOCKun EVERY EVENING OPEN _____ ____ I millmas, and Scott, Abbott, and Cum- Thc all-club basketball team MEASURE O A evenly imitclied, and each will play a portion of the gamne. Bigler'. BILODEAU WILL PLAY ON EXETER SECOND TEAM Johnsonl, aind Austin of the Ro- YOUR TOMADE A SUIT YOUR TO MADE A SUIT MEASURE ~FOR Order Greek team. Bloth fives are almost: Alternately experts, that Camels made from finer, MORE EXPENSIVE' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~are than any oiher popular brand. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~tobaccos Try Camels. Give your taste a chance to sense the subtle difference that lies in costlier tobaccos . . . a difference that means all the world in smoking pleasure ... in pure, un~~~~~~~~alloyed satisfaction. PAGE SIX the collection contains many other Educators Unite In Charles H. Forbes's -Collection .\i'ituiti~ such ais. Mlinor Poems 1)rintel at Venice in 1534 by the famousi htise of.\llti ~'tanttittsthe hia Vrgil Brtolomaus's t ilTl rao Fre lb ay G etch Clil We~ Tribute To Dr. FSbk Of Vergil Is world-Famed notable volumes of later periods' (Continued from Page 1) WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 1933 PHULIPIAN 'THE C L NA COLDONI SkthCu1ensa)ADVR (Cnine from~ Pa gcnial comrade -and a lusty 'comn- Thle next niceting' of AL H A R SATHUEATRE ASCUET Tues., Wed., Thurs., March 14-15.16 the Frederick March INO H ed\e~ vl kthCu inaiat nal illo italic type: .I choice ptit edtionl of 1476, or like the samle vetitor of of~*vitv. Lee Moraii "PICK A WINNER" 130nte ftroi eda Dr. IForbes endeared himself prite'.puliatonof anl Italian Art Gallery. 'Mr. Greason, tile NEWS lzevir pbiedill meniiliof eS of thc Bucolics. ofst trauslathin ietesc rsletaiswl byv his unfailtil '1710: and a beautiful V~ergil of to all who knew himcheerfulness I cliof tear 1-ai1n1o Pehaste and Sat., March 17.18 in (111'aki i eis. ~enttFri. ing good ~humor, his Perhaps 1481. 1111year tile most THE SKY" Spencer Trvr IN "FACE. situation. fatce of everv~ adv~erse rsthe hese ofincuahula is Celnto 1756 f romnth B skevh usual "-GUILTY OR NOT GUILTYPainting.-- Mr. and D~rawing ary b)s adhskeinigtito1t of spiecitien fine a being last this and in1499. Pars i prined Compboi 11 ireavoii will make demonstra~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~( printed in Paris in CMD tiit, (IrawNinigs of a1stdttho awl men. He was a sound and prowritten lhv P'roba Valeria, a1 ~iulS Britishi typography, oe.NEWS wilata The F'orbes Collection of V'ergil- gressive scholar, ani auithor with thle woman of the 4th century. A ccnlto, samd c wl comnpenetrating ilost and clearest rmhosgti aaws'tre is or "1patch-work" composition. dnda hi'tetiglt merinrift on anciefit and modern classpieceBanofotwork, in '~t on iterestin was and successful very prove'd of wealth a possessed ics. and hI hanrof.r iIC; l( utilld of verses anid ercedl~ this ll Poreo SEAT .M fifteen th inor ly atteiided the at freely information Scholarly AcadicriW. Phillips of headmiiaste'r (of v'crses fromt \ergil':. part! J.MSTWRPorer feels Greason .\lr. students;. who teacher and student of disposal polemls, ptit together to tell stories who wa; :i lover of 01(1 books; andssogthscone.H Strictly fire-proof. Connecting that the members of the cvlub It-. hdagnu te.T iedserhro andl incidents froni thle ( )ld an rooms with or without bath, and progress remarkable making~ evs et i redhp nfr nwtemne ntrsigt New Tc~tanIeilt;.- There are S' Da pntrotteya. urgesalsuet.bgneso thle noore r fo'r hiis passing. Iniico'rdall other samplles of this sort of medinapiain em n jiga to otherwise, teacher, delightful comrade. hscletinwsred ;Ie%-aI puzzle in the Library. and itpic _____________________ is- interesting to obs~erve the in- ifer it hand become scattered at gentleman." thle Dr. Claude '.\. Ftless of "enlitilv eniploye illinmaking thes;e' Dr. P'aicroft',~death. Sonic years chool faculty vesterday issued the SPRING PLAY OF] o1 obshpee r cno.inl uISing1 Vergil's own writ- ig DRAMAT AVAILABLE ing-S to tell stories of which Vergil -arecl;,.lv turning thle pages of following statement for'the admnini'. school: thle stratioll(of outside hinuisel f had never heard. Copuies of the Spring platey of the I1-Ternry Forbues was a 'C f onigos proehrasltin 'if the Forbes Collection, no other Successor to lucnbeoandat is\'ergil. 'when hie found on the malr- rpscoaniniigtehrIrn'ic (IProba o ~olnnie this edtion F. CHASE H. beginningQ ILibrarv the in desk the( titlle51Whn"I inl known to be in existence, and this ginl nf thle leaf. Dr. PRaocroft'os and a wise. leader. the of condluct the emergency of handwriting: carefil and wi'iinte in edlititln i6 even - more valuable It isrged that all eig a ntrusted to him. he ad- thi .hsteeadfloigsho tha,-t it is thought to lie thle first '' a those \who wish to trv out read thle Ie tecet lk fmnsee h ook byv a w~onman ever to ble Line of r.Full a'ndhoeterprt. the cnineatdrsctohi there was, a -' Besides; tile incurnabhla. thIIis taete primitel. AND HOCKEY dlatesthe later annlotince %\ill lain's The staff, teaching the on wa'.colleagues Tis ergil. editons 121 of BASKETBALL. startlirit informiation as; these hoonks burd-fen throvwn upon hin, in recent of thet( lry-ount. wvhich will c-ritn P IE tilt recorded in the card cat- wronths was heavy hut lie bore it oielielefreteletiinofS ~~~~~were LE P S himself p~rov'ed had and aloitic. Dr. Forlie- had aI copv' cheerfull\ maeuotll('~1c:tt (lenailnds the all to equal ~ qthimiltedrl anid masde of the lis;t TAXI SERVYICE C.' C. M. SKATES Served On Faculty B. hi. to thle libru-iriansq foir searci Mass. Andover, Park St., Years For Forty-One M.\T.NV\N-\NTVoonn a painstakingZ hunt. Mr.Richard~~~~~ Telephone Printing PDeveloping df C 1 )octor oif learn to shocked amn I founid all hut thirteen of these s~~~on WASI-TING STOR.-\GE EnlargingI at calassate f volumes, and MisFrost eidils- Forbes's devarth.eBUSSES ufte o l puzzles: he also eie fWord tlin ief t ee olg fouind half ;i dO7Cn Of h ~~~~~~~~his Ouftefoal quentlv greatnes;s as a teacher and manl. and GENFRAL.TOBBING and Caesar's corn- IPhillips Academy Teams ieosoain ii V.iaqaittc rii~l m~~rissine in all sorts of Placesciq JOBBING and GENERAL 48 MAIN ST., Wa r. Gallic the on mentaries personal great have to I camte himi TRUCKINGthese books as a bask. Dr. Forlie'~ Imtilt uit his; largcenllection, adding- revardl for h~ini and reliance onl hiz BA-GGAGE TRANSFER ANDOVER, MASS. Dr. Forbes was a, memiber of ITfis death k. high judgmient. it fromt iiine to titne. FpsiKappa Delta of get, los nt only to Andover l)itu Cunt Laude. apan iadoPhBea to all our s('cond~arv schools. -Betty .a- 9Ibt At VIffUp 3nn DlA 1 BI L PO AND BILL - MORRISSEY i w. - L- _______________________________________to is to ordr that Now he tim NEW SPRING SU.IT. Over 200 samples to choose from. HIGHEST QUALITY PRICED $20.00 up to $40.00 CARL E. ELANDEIR 56 MAIN STREET ____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________England____ DR. ADELBERT FERNALD, ORTHODONTIST ____- 'Ye ANDOVER George Vansantvoord, lcadminaster MANSE TaRo (if the( I otchkiss Schoo servedI onl the board of visitors at LUNCHES and DINNERS ll]Hrarsrisrii, rw PR. FVE-; comoae ust ekEn \sihe ir'oni his; profoundi sChldar- He' wta' presidlent 'f th New~ Em culture. Dr. aland Cassical Association il 1Q7- 10 Main St. Tel. 8965 Andover ship mid uaiimti~ h uelero gan a Forbrle, wa, one of teilifismt coor ft aiinble. mlost lovable of mlenl. O,-idwsImme LWR SYI compIIell- Archaeological Institute of .intPaiefore tiyia icpct Idhim to remiunce outdoor sport erica. tile Amnerican Philological Telegraphed Anywhere, Anytime lt vr \ss;ociationl anld thle M.\ediaev-al Ivifrfrarv AY O in:hiilitv .1aiid tisell to eciii"".P ale 1 I Iv als;o A\merica. visiting" with three friends nmvn .\cadeniv of te Tel. 70 er 60 M ain Street N rt-io to of the hIest -olf c',urse, in New bielonge tPI nglai'l. A\s a ost ie wa excellhd. an1d the incennur, of hli. Country (limb,) the H arvard Chili) uif t Ir 'e%-I e I.P A I N W alter E. Billings NncktYct the n ilaug rand good iiauedBlon anSre 3 Club. "Charlie" friends hi, of 'lemlories; the straightening of teeth at 86 Main Street. Telephone An36be \mSsttrtweentoorr astoruglainelih dover 1323 or Boston office, 29 Commonwealth Avenue, Kenasahuet Anoer (loint- trof Id to others, L.H.D, degree onl Dr. Forbes and etijove~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~d more6275. A\t Christm1astirme his; frieiids an)l JEWELER acquaintanices; were sure to receive 1930 antI he received honorarya OMTCIAN from 1Br1own in1915 ~~~~~~~~generous gift,;. Ile wva, a comifort- .M.degrees aei ~~~~~~~~~~ AKER and CHILTON 96 in time of sorrow and( a wise anlfo ~~~~er n12.PENS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~edfotYl cotmns('llor in hours of difficulty. H-e Dr. Forbes leaves his wife. MTrs. was. furtheri'ore. a thoroughi Ellen -Snow~Forb~es. whom lie tmar~~~~Chris;tian itl spri who obeced inl- rierl Andover, Mass. DRUGGISTS inl 1914. and( a brother. WNilI~tinlctivelv s~~~~~~~1 the, spirit of the Goilenl Andover, Mass. Whitman Candies for Agents GteorgiMrs. wife. st Rule. M.\anv' of us, on A\ndover hiam. A fir IH ill feel that we, have lost I loyal' dii tinpirting influence it, anna Snow Forbes. diedh in 1907 andiSADICE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~friend.andl SHEAFFER'S Chp SteasDLuCHES a sister. Lillie. died last week. thle collntmtnltv. SHEAFFER'SPEN AND PENCIL SETS StatwLncesChp '.\. Claude Dr. with stands Beverages Candy Prof. Forbes Was OutBreakfasts Appetizing tBown tnigBt Forhes~ was wvideli know D~~~~~~~~~~~~1octor ~~~~3*75 THE BURTT HOUSE And In After Life ,for hlis schnlarli' writings. Hec deC' SLMTRE minglaed2 the Inhearers all ligrhted Burt's Standard Classics ($1.00 edition) 1)26AEMTRT Page from (Continued arhl-tibilic wisdorm and w~it of his cet nwonly and grenerations of \N1~~~~~~~~dress;es, now cents (lover boys- regardled himtl with ad.. adlmlinistrative (Itties forced him, toi MUSIC SHOP for hlis in transfer these corsesw, into the m1ir'ation a1itd afci will be in Andover Wednesdays where he will specialize in banterfu S. W S. C.ARDEN LL WW W'holesale Meats and Provisions OO PN P N ________________________________________________________________ 175 T EM P LES BOOKSTORE THE A NDOV.-FR spiring r~eachings.. Outfitters to Phillips Academy DO'S HO K M IL K M IL A NEW ENGLAND QUALITY PRODUCT SINCE 1846 _________-- …--- -- BOYS' HEADOUARTERS For PORTABLE PHONOGRAPHS Victor, Columbia and Brunswick A\ straight. think- hanrls of another, er. hater of shams, and a v'igorotts, oud edluca1tional defender of idleals. His loss~ will ble f elt far liey(,Ild thle w~ider range' of \ndover's; ahimni. Dr. Forbes; was well-known anl liked among tile- towuspeolile of Andover. hut lie never took -anr- of-~ ficial inisition other than the chaii'1111li~maship of the town 66 Mai planiiiiigAdo' Sherrard Billinigs, A thurt boardl fromn whichl he retired at thle TRY ~~~~~~~~~~Rev. alumni. ~~~~~~I'eadniaster, Croton School cnrichluifion of isterm several years ii Squbb "Ephed" anlag.Tc(id, oevr officiateBlees ql P ~ nually at the Lincoln Spelling DR. ABBIOTT Thie studdeni deatll of Professor of the public school children each C. I-T. Forbes comes as a grieat spring in the town hall and onl sevb)10w not onily to all his friends; hilt eral occasions he (lelivered Memnormost of aill to Andov'er. Stalwart ial Day addresses, the last time bescholar, -affectionate teacher, loyal ing at the foot of the Memorial master ait Andover. what bietter Towe'r last spring. Before he was incapacitated] biy could lie said of a mian. Lawrencejoins with yon in sorrowv at his illness. Dr. Forbes w~as an ardent ~~~~~~'ille imtimelv-decease-- - His -memor- -golfcr -and- he alwavs-kept-anivnw~ill long remain aniintrst4 teachers. terest in the game. I-e was also an AT. A. Abbott. Headmaster, expert woodcarver. convenient form to use at the first Bi sins of a head cold - TEIATGNPAm He was accus- Law rencevihie School tonied to spend his Summers, on NATIONAL BANK ANDOVER Andover,MassachusetFuneral Andover, Massachusetts RECORDS Siudy LampoRic Funeral___Services WerviesHl __Nantucket usa Island. Larahelttr fromt Concerin Were Held Tuesday ~~~~~~~~~service Violins by Bach. theti tlv' two for 1) Page from (Continued ria. Art Thort W~ith, Mr.e I Go Rrthe body and through swriig~e Bavrias wt jiru'na to Hleaven and 111v lcn'rIa snow saw it laid to rest in a Plot at Rest by Bach. and Clionin's FMm - L E O0 N '~S For good Sandwiches Sodas and Ice Cream - Travelers Checks -- Letters of Credit PHILLIPS ANDOVER R I D I N G S TA B LES