E s tablishedt 1878
E s tablishedt 1878
E s tablishedt1878 .LIX No. 54 PHILLIPS ACADEMYANDOVER, MASS.WE ES YMY2,13 For:ThA.sNineEDefeatedm dover Defats Po tt ~ T Worcester Tea~ii By Large liwes Wins Thrilling -Above lkcau~e. of ctiifit( ryusfr jir~~~~~~pwsif,e m~ngnlih thForousro Mil lin. Only One Second. Record te. pon~lon. I otriie Ia .Uig ( Exciting ave been~l post-' ntl I rsav Ninth Inning Rally. Lunceford'P Promr J:une ecds Coe G m_________________ For Freshmen 1.\a 23 itman..t.9 thi%ta all thos. iwho iIi o P. A. FIVE SCORES Si-IUTO CoS P.A.SCRETJE HjT6i cor petet -%ill rea(I thur' ngats, DonnellyefoWatson. Stars..1 ltts nl ingate, Donnelly, Wateen. Sears, ~~~~the. contest. IThPse will :recto WAld Shau~tstandibuu tilir. C-5savs 'at commenculient. All Outse~nding thi t~~~d) 1~*inniers receiving thiry , mPly y::Bost'o~n CollegeJi r~gzta~I~n~ed. TeCnt 0 Popu.laril FINAL SCORE .746: CURTIS-GIVES 8 HITS ss sKin 14 Bandmansh Of Rhythmn drie'lc fIoc ill tile p~i ihl. I thle' Andovvr base-W balI teatii was defeated Saturday byFacnae teIosii ('hege reshmen. JUor' Very 'Popular At Cotton' Club reH Aagmnt Cri etcs Worcester Ac\demy's track tel ~ i~wnv(ilr ~zni noc cnelspro.PO 0BE HELD, IN G'z asno matchi for A-ndover in a t ar lglefrhecn toetieedng by two ruins;. et that went 'hc be Tracy utielPotbut 'in tlie. sixthorfheBlu. and in. the 1-3to~thle'1, C 962-3 to Ln.odBa 190)4 l~v a la-i-es ecrig t ~~d ninthrdlli spelled(I -3last.Saturday.. Th Lufnt iiorto s~~~~inte aBeU ti Recordata, ncluda, Of i n li ra(tur feh( for6 im(. faorAn WhtcHet uldonly take, three firsts while fitl anelnoothr. I . .I tio6ni.fvon idicirse Ad home 'W~li team teti titheS amid I'll' {*SSLi- need 'not be uiflm I I~reslptel)ct however; AniSC'inllatinig and bewvitching'danice, Ieaway with shutouts' in.te trir the th rots henl~ li ra~r~%(lloti(lg rhyth .willtaeteIoso l umer, both thle hurdles, thle llole~ lvrsras n'lgeryhs iltae ie os'f'l ut, and thle broad jnaip. The Prhnen ll.71ue ot tenl hits, as attendzgteSrig'rm we ublc. winners w~ere Wingate. for*. 1Wb rt cotlnIxrt d with eight for their opJil unlod ieyaclie hdover 'and l)ilkes fur liorcesterl te n.n ujtpe ozl p ['nnC hii ad oNl two error,'by radio and theatr etui stsa There was a generil' shifting* irv(-'1 th idiit in nhkth 1eiinmdehe. the ~'Ne Clrd King of Syncoound 'in' fthe dashes..ih ande Stu o nInhs ltm uucr fmntirvation",' introduces his band of limi th. A00 1 with. 4 aie-ated i40 fr both: ninles. . mzTUCrR super-skillful music "mkes tthe nnlyrunning the 220. 'This gave.I te ihhin jt fer1. Grmnas all o prnesent. apcs h qurer utile to. foster. of W'or- Devastating Flames.. C I id nlln igestont)tisacros r.who cam& in ahead of: Kiley ru01nh~m he h ed a dLvn'de in' thle relativly or iln Kellogg, Vieins. I bolt.. and' tlt omtesatmtt.mk vely .. poor this a.Fiskdance that 'will.b long. e f5.8'seconds. l-ie also took eIiter britted... l',tllogg. sarted off From ollege iembered as'oeo h eta n odin the 220 which IDoinnelly ieFrtDsoee ody sriigot.n eesa l~ dover is goingtoetwihscs. ins was hit 'byithe. pitcaler QmI nss Night, SBancroft From teiundr22. Skill-ed'* Musician Is Proficient Isigning. secnds.Kic~aimiie Nigtlro flarlems ne s. ae Hall and trotted dlown to firt 'on the hundredand Kilev~came ~ Around. Eight-Thirty odbilpthd het rae donuth In Playing. Of Fie who has completely captivated New 'rd. The reason for this shifting I. stcuments. ypitchedfalousaCotton: Club'eby his that. the coaches 'felt' IDonnell Itt s~econd. beating the throw.'. hut ''. '.. tnaiigsye n i uiuds ed a 'rest. .0' nfamsfo sonic oveloslid. all(I was taggedI outi . I .,It ~ tntv ragn i~iis\e~iiricfrd~ ts of both the Wingate. Osborn'.. and. Payn 'I unknow II cause,:the' P. IL. S. I ra tl in'k1ptin.agi'nro Irigighsgauduaicfofd ''no' toi dadslsrmldes h on k.all theplcs 2 n's left 'inia statec 01 I p litti) thle stipportesd.te.atr wo~ ire-pace thrie I 0-y~r1idtrlitv:1 Is oAnvrfrth'Spm. er i'eI mittc'e believes that' it has obtained h hurdles when thi oidly. W\ormhysaii'.Ina~ngt.Te'u.bt Reiter cemdkd thle gan-. IYI'i.isantv fl-lo. l thle best -inl musical 'entertainmlent eight thirtyr and 'was first seen by 55i~li Wgingate. soile goodlconllpe'-(Cbntinued onPage') 1a included the inak-ing f reo ter anofrhed-.hs a William Parsons 'of. Bancroft_________o_______dfte on. 'Wingate. , \ilhcln, laid wh itct ayhasha mk.'f:' iland flame ____________ ~~~~~~irngs" for \Victor andI Dlecca enag-sc .a mete'oric rise Iin pubifao ne 'scored tile, shuttoutl in the~ acoseTem ets at mIany. outstanding. eiter as Lunceford's aggregation of'.niusis..TeWinner's tinle- of1 n ro'te iih8o.~it trajiieilt spots in thle Mliddle West Cians. (July' a' short wvhile ago0 Jim. Camlpuis, and qtiickly told NIlr. I 1ha26' seconrls were 'quite good D Haarvard Itld tie: Ias, nemr'bo~css B Deaten-By ii 1-tiniceford arn' obscure Watson' anrl Walke~r took -first ke ishueatr am(d finally- a triumpan enaelelt orchestra leader playingsaltm d.second iii tile 880 ais Childs. was flagenbuckle, 'acc~otipaiiied Game' On Old Campus Results atN'wVr's(.toI Clb. wajvvlt ron Mepi.an ah t edged. out of .thle other place. hiv P.arsons, investigated and 'found In Favor Of Crimson -gu at' an ea-rly .age. IIlis par'ents.; dile, T'ennessee. .At this timne an emile" was again) the high 'spot the flanies already "consumiang pyart ' Score Of 4-2 jamuies and Ida ilunceford.. were botht interested..friend.' imipressed by the tile nneet al'thmouwh I borne was tini of tht ' I. S. house. Thev ttke utond (if music and encouraged the Ll~uicefordianl style of: hot eocompete becausc, of a'sore phoicd. in the al mini fromj I -arnamu enitath cloudi' Skie.s and la fairly boi in all -his early. endeaviors inl this. suVet. nlusu whc ia redered oat 'mall\\hen of \\orcc-ter Iousi ut app)reintlY ti e FI"rIesttong %vind ,tine. I;irse line 'with so much precision and expreSkthe he id at the haIilf fromt II in' pairtiileiti'lt ad benl 'told o~f thle fire play ed a ]oug andI tirin" ga-lie team' only mumegadae fnu thle Fisk Sioni trc imeu h eea and Lena,. 1lawkes kept righit i-etdore- byiiount oiie 'at 25 P1hillips to lose to the I iarvird Jutnior Va~ I. ni er ity wihaB l egree . At direction 7 ot New York by Wvayo his heels anld wvaritd uiitil tlic Stret.t lie engines soon arraiv c itvlt v ai.score of 4 2 on Saturday. F isk hie Avas yen' activ i athlleticS. 'Ihffalo, where he played in engae estrctch 'when lie puit .mIll lit liteid and thit unul at once set' to wiork: to I Ile teaiu playedi a decidedl better 'iiinn tullteroe of w hich.1 ttn \cdaBalo 0iiit into a spuit iwhich. ii dc lii ii spray thcie Wiiidlows \where g'micl th muio it- plai (I igainst. th i nfobal i aoue pr.jiiicsietJn1 t h aaet iiby two yards. 'IHis tine of, 4 coulldl l scen. A large crowd sooi ml1 invard I-reshi eii two ago. fie Ie followed up) his edlucation ijth lheatr intiN\ew York brought hint utes :33.4 -seconds uiilssed thie gathered azid helped break iamto tic -and -it was successful in weeks Ilrotecting post graduate work at theCti o-ase)nac ommu hr'fl one year'old' ~ccod by out iou~m. Ikuniors bad 'been sp~reading" it goal fron i the C.rims~on iuivatlers ]ltje of New Yorka daisisai tetber lo-1 mshort contractatth nd. Lena was third.. that'it Wam'I- L. I.). that wa's burn- fon the first amidr last periods.. the. Kappa A\lphia r: !Socizttv Linicoln Theatre. Philadephia, dunhiammier izi that order against traterniitics kept arriving ait thie dlveri capta~in who tiurned up thrilling'eprec of his- life phctcrd for' his debut. at thle Cotton Stno. oposition. Sears's di'.- s-enie. IThie fire onl the grotildl floor lIotI it rtsttd.'I hdhs was' 163 feet. IDilkes \Voil tlic mud ccllar nas qulick\ 'subxldued hilt first of the."-imne the p)ui Ihe lim osg l fnirasitaC Clu Befoe he .Hadle's finis tir ad; 'teaniumate, Foster. furnmturt imid pantelinig were~rntiiie mmrly.ee tim mu hm.ird. 'and im' goals (It th. Now a very versatile mnu- night spot. lie, was being 'hailed 'by. Cahners f I .-ieunen \tl~ovcradI studeits formd a wbun sit cored; 'In the 'second period sicianm proficiemit -with thle saxophoie, li. critics as the _Ncw'King of Jazz. 'second. Thme high juimip w'ent thou ii nto the cellar, and passed out -tron bon 'oretra hav Shitrretts at 5 fect 8. inches,, chairs and other pieces 'of furnititre. Pg 5 :clfirsuit hli~.ho tromboed am fuiter. lien 'unced hstayd atstrhesCttoa Clvb, lIe Ai~rastuith and' IHall uwitli The 'smoke' was thick' and 'chokilig, no directing his 'Roys 'frenzied adtded' to their pr'sieb 'tim er. of' Worcester 'tied for.s'ec-' an(I nen were ofteti forced to wear '''To' abatn.li is''-'p an tou thogh News England wect Handkerchiefs over their faices-. Students, oGv Nae jrt h oueo h rletaadteMdl etr States, iiiDek'itt arid we~ re sccond By niine-fi ftee'n tile fire was uiuher In Libra'ry Competition n oueo t oe -m rcesr aldnd te Midde \t i.schwl third in the discus whiich Dilkes 'control throughout thile house, and tdnswo hv iae grlI\l his hand -as. his grets x uiowi 'places: ' the Savoy in. Pittsat 118 'feet 3.5 inchies.I Iunlbutt' sootu nmemi were running, 'usarto l'ruaI the muroa Sivhar juip in'esiga daagethee. J i` upl proalibraries in 'the colin- travagance burgh, the Palladium in 'St. Louis, M boady tooumeon and thiird. 'nvstiairs ro aniags i iiT'.s here bal lpeiin. pnoe y hie itniie does not smioke drinks the Greystne .Ballro6m in Detroit, W-Mood andk third. skond stai rs r~dler. we.rA. f-.very' ''t niustahand seldom, speaks Spanish, and and the Greystole Ballroom in' Cin'''all did over twetity-one" feet; fected,. btin thle. floor aiov'e tIm e tilai lpwt h ubr.fbos et chow uiiin at miidnight. And]re' climiati.. Ini addition. 'his' network (Continued on' Page 4) on Page '6) they. have 'collected. along 'with . (Contitiued on Page 6) (Continued on Page 4) thle number f. 'their sdormitory' roomm to MI r. [ilacknmier or another nieuber' of the' committee.,.in chlarge. I'The committee 'will call' .gtumrdto'thuad . Rvg . . SS. House os P.I. Ravage ucfr Fi *'new[stnrthe *' . .''beaigou . ' ' ' ' ' . .,1 " '. 'was, '-NJr. . .By 'and ' .' . .tl'finie, 'f 'i . '. . . '' '- 'it .Flood. . . ' ' . '(Continued ' ' ckChizzini, -Saks, Representative, Comes To Gunk: Late Because Of Accident Week- end Tri Planned For Outing C2lub. doul thle Due T Success Of Mt. Monadnock Trip comitestants, inspect 'their libraries, and hear their reason "ock-ed wiress? Held fotir outside of I-ce,l Massachusetts. The frhvnmaetecltons. E.ach Collectioni should consist of: Riding, in the cars .of three Fa-,c-. terest. wvhich included 'the C2ascadee 's in Massachusetts? Lee, Bent '~~~iii'avileit' was slick, there wasa te n"Say,'Mawhathisethis?".Raes bendt nte'od"w kde ato e books in good condition on imity, members, eleveum men left' Ani- aiid Iiaiokisrckfnains some curiou's rc o tos omie field, such' as science, doo udyat'ieococ u h no is the biggest niounisthe talk. of the Gunk,' that' is 'thre 'wrong. traffic lane and' crashl anly lieauehsoy'borlh I (()titimig Club trip to Moit1 M- am 'in' 'outhiern NwH sie it'al s,statedwheu. 'nd t T~e nxt tingwe knew our brand soa ohrsujc hsm by th c nadnock. Thie Faculty- menibers in all 'slighitl' over thre tosn debotmair, suave gentleman, niew% aggressive" little Ford truckLwrMessGrv ilad ndft.ie.cibro Jffyb t Jack "Chizzini. didn't 'show ttp hiath . literaly' climbeed. the' front' of c.iidt ftrc Isut.tion withi wrMsr. ry Mmad ud et h climb' frm aire einr Nlrsi Blurtt's 'ploce to miake his another car as a resuilt of a. headolite sanctine carsd Themigrutodekin thei aouttwe ithousand. 'The last tuhir atr bookplate' or Teesmth~ inscription' to e rsetv as.Tegopto h ftm tali aercadmc heyoeFidpay not longs habgoi. wa llsihurt, uthorthicars Iatcly om l prv. wiesi eIc 'book Peterborough'M-ounitain Route. - of thle climbing consisted 'of 'scaling . eee'.to' affe N werd. story after aiiother'was the other'one, w-ere deiiolished in sillibittd -.. ad cl i 1 . 'The nmien stopped at'theA'k Te lie_~~jwl ecibdtl onanfo htrmr l rdas the. reasoin %vhy "Jack" ffront. Jack' said that he, could rz, wihu'h ive ~ lnou0( 'limie te'oman rm .imi. after getting' down hot, pu inTis anappcariice. harly beleve tha a For con to thme stiudlelt With the best li- side;. Time men followed .the ta Red from -thelnmo'untaiui, 'and had a lightl latest, most AuthTheticleonothec. and tile m i ti'up h'uig -tile.:yr, Crs ri.~hih ishe one t t slpper. before returning, to 'school. the'ltet,mstauhetic. ndth somnuch'amge. Th axde tdon raem'a.na Time route hotrue was across southconsists of eight ntmmbers of Thew thle top. caiie 'from Jack, 'himself. oird was bezit alimost dotible. A'wCoflve ree ieer e aisie oLwec emedI hat Jck~an 'A if, he -stuatin wer not cad tqarterly. Mn:, Adler, Who is a w-hcn.thev. reached the top.' and thence onl to Andover. mit, Mille. Geoge had justef 'enough the' Saks' representative vl-koibbiphl udte for time d vayws"clad'cer Due t tesceso hsls Hotchkiss where School tlmey- having been onko theb wrong side ofler. te dy scol a o tle ice been dislaying te verylthes therad.betc. the ocuamthe ie hrtg of dtr''fT. oohn.bgm Seemt or. eight" miles> to time- trip. Mr.' Sanborum is, lni am es in young men's w aearst othme.rod automobile happened tofb the t'olehoksivleaunr. northi could' be seen, 'the White other one which will -for CupJ~~oard. "We were hitting- was ver-dgunle at hain the . toi Colnct tookwncourage tnder ta- a- dteBrsie nMsa l~ ti oigStmca h ' '. 'gh. ' . . 'chiumbers ,extend - WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1935 THlE PH1J1flP!N PAGE TWO Estabi1shed 1878 Member of Southern New England Federation of School Newspapers.N Sho esaes Member of Coltumbia Scholastic Press Association. R Member of Daily Princetonian Association of Preparatory Sho . esaes Editor~i-C'hiel Basin=s Mawwger JAMES S. COPLEY U E E C R NO U E N S L "N O -Circulation Manager** Managing Editor Assisumnt Business Managr Assistawu Managing Editor LEONARD F. PAINE EDWIN P. MASBACK, er Alumnni Editor, ELLIS A. BALLARD, 2D Exchange Editor, C. C. CORY In Passing Editor, CHARLES M. WING Photogaph Editor, J. C. CAUSEY ASSOCIATE EDITORS W. D. Hart, Jr., '36 G. E. Dimock, '35 Newell Brown, '35 W. A. Trafton, Jr., '36 F. W. Coker, Jr., '35 IL Cushman, '35 R. B. 'Tweedy, '37 J. T. Shea, '36 A. L. Reed, '35 G. S. Burr, '36 J. B. Spitier, '35 BUSINESS BOARD W. R.Kitchel, '36 A. B. Adams, '35 J. AL Bird, '35 W. A. Wickwire, Jr., '35 S. ihabitrn stigtepc BELTON A. BURROWS FINCH W. P. Carey, '35 .0 EO ICTN J. P. Theurer, P' A. 31, has beep voted the wittiest man in the class of 1935: but strange to say,N hie has also been voted the main w~ho thinks he .is the wittiest. RICHARD M.. WEISSM.AN HENRY L ANNUAL I.. F. Ginsberg, '37 Setngtigaehiestlstrng 69, J. F. Malloy. 1'. A. '32, led the t-Cosa 7I1inceto1n varity golfvear Grades of U aaue MERCHANDISE las F-ri11-dwaovry.0'Crs ls rdy at Re ralbeSavings R m ak Ini the recent elections for officers of the Princeton Yacht Club, A. R.Johnston, P. A. '33. was chosen Rear Comniocore. YALEFi - Tet e ftennt b e Z .. ITBlues TH THE DISCS _______________________________________________________THE__DIRT__ON o,3 t u n fofthe'ninetcmnreTwently tp P. T. Coursien, '37 R. ID.Coursen, '36 G. Witachief, Jr., '35 ertso Q. Mitchell, '37cetyapelfrhe R. T. Thompson, '36 T. S. Curtis, Jr., '35 OPEN EVENINGS cieties were Andover men. R. J. K. H. Capers, '36 C. M. Woolley, Jr, '35 Tuz PBULtru does not necessarily endorse statements expressed in communi. Barr. R. P., Cooke. R. A. Moore, anld 'XI. K. N'A'hitchead went to cations. Communications must be signed by the author. TuE Pnn.wuNw' is published Wednesdays and Saturdays during the school year Skull and Bones: Scroll andl Key (litioni to anyone's collection of the got R. D, Case' aind G. P. O'Neil: better concert jazz. (Decca) by Taz PmzLmusu board. Claude Hopkins swings onto the Tax Pnna.wuNw is distributed to subscribers at the Commons and is for sale at R. 8.. Birge and \\V. N. L~ovell acoo t . the Phillips Inn.etdBrzlu;t Bradlus tomBook and01 lere Is My H-eart" wagon a little Snaetent .Advertising rates on application. oi tardlily with his June /it Janutary. nkewntrrmlvSmt. Terms: Subscription, $35 the year, $1.25 the t combined with sonic tricky stuff onl (Cnntinued in Page 6) Entered as second class matter at the post office at Andover, hMas., under the the reverse labeled C'hasing Tule . act of March 3, 1879. .4-Laav, (IDecca.) Office of publication: Smith & Coutts Co., Park Street, Andover, Mass. PHONE 76 Darklo'wn Strutters' Ball. WVhen lie isn't playing ( ?) the rest of thle or. chiestra definitely has possibilities, (I)ecca) li *Although hehas concocted a qtite good arrangement of both China Boy and Sayeet Sue-lust 1'ou, we believe a good dose of aits would be Islham Jones's ideal Al. Edited by Mu l)ecca's l8ob Howard could take prescrilption to give these well de. a til) froni Victor's "Fats" \Vraller, se(rvin~g tunes their due edlat. Sine lst orpparacea 11111-for in the formner's most recent cona- (I )ecca) IN1 to his comipanv s sizzliniZ iicorlatpeaneaun-tribution WiTthout at the bottonm of thle lisi w ~ I)own 1etoletrw sl-oto ber of interesting records have made sefcontinoll ofa leth emis fAnIveiujI Cptaintheir way into the market. just to aeind cliear i throat te~miisTuftsFreshen. plying n.C tinaid you, we have arranged them for ked whlear cistroatcin coniutaorydoffn Junheand WaynoBackI Eovenin d T1'le Andover baseball ta ispaigTfsFeh IrVng Bark onsoandehi uet whl rwigotordo. Kellogg is at bat? 'The pitcher w~inds up. The ball hurtles toward the this one timne inl little graedgrup, soud epr plate. Crack! The ball sails out betwveen the left and center fielders, the conventional formn of many les' ing out any'thing wvorthwhbileinftewh ea \'ll Cr ommniiiders, wosol I 1it theS1lav Old Oif Love anesdoptg ihfrmtefed and Captain Kellogg reaches third base standing up. The supporters original reviewers. HJere are thcu The rather suggestive title. Iin (Colunibia) PSare'tthy jStel of the team pay tribute to this tinle exhibition of hitting with a lusty respeuctive grdig 'tour preserver of the records. .ldl f. is sntal reIh cheer that canl be heard clear across the diamond, and lproiiptly fall back RRRdRbo;03O snmoothv expect frona DLYOU naight AL-A Letdown; border; into their former stupor. Jan Garher. and the dlisc is moreThis may be a description of one specific incident out onl the ball field, D~ownright lousy'. GET TICKETS NOW ~~~over padlded by 117ith .11l .1ly- hecart I's BERMU1DA TRIPS -The Mills Blue Rhythmn Band has :litil1 Soul, whiich doesn't mecan- an but it dlearly reflects the attitude of the undergraduate body to all the Some Special Rates baseball contests. At almost every gamie the cheering -section con sists made a classic disc which is ale awful lot either. - The last is a ball AIRPLANE TICKETS called onl the New Nlavfair D~ance of perhaps forty or fifty blas6 individuals. That of Saturday was anl A-fricall Lullabl', backed 1)y S-ig rceta (ito)ANDOVER exception for there was a fairly respectable crowd lpresent. T-he fact inl' Ini Ii Flat. Tlhe first number has FRED E. CHEEVER, Migt. OB combinations chord that such a large group of the alumni was visiting Andover for the wonderf ul Phone 775 of RoW I enry Biusse toots his trumpet Ban~k Building in with somec of the old Elweek-end for this phenomenon.mixed accounts ~liiigton dirty trumpet technique, nmediocrely through 'ii'av Dorw::-____ week-end for this accounts phenomenon. -----Is it surprising that the teami has not had a successful season, wvhen and along with the second goes to Y'onder In Ne Orleans. wVithl The it receives such mediocre support?' flow canl the players do their best make a dlisc whose title you should when the school for which they are fighting shows little interest in the Il"ut onl your niemorandum. (ColJ. M. STEWART, Proprietor boecoe Secn d ibiath outcome of the game? Everyone should realize that it is impossible for Little did the founder of this the players to give the best that is in theia under such conditions unless Lexw Stone's WIhat A- Little M'loon- Strictly fire-proof. Connecting realize to what szie it ~~~~~~~~business bath. would develop when he started with or without one o f the room IDo. This is body -does not light-Can If the student the school conies out to cheer theni onl. Andover, Mms., May 22, 1985 The Man A Country TRAVEL BUREAU ________ i~eA k Obili~ps Inn IDEALS oms w do this, it is evident that it has not very much concern for the team. l The reasons for the apparent (lecline of interest in baseball at Andover have always been puzzling. \Vhy is it that the greater majority of the more able-bodied boys in school seem to prefer track to baseball year in and year out ' Anld why is it that more boys wvould rather wvatch y a track meet than America's national p~astimne I,- best all around bands wve've heard Op~en thruout the year. DiaIl~~in ages. A background of ever fine gram and terms on application. quality bracks up thle excellent solos all thle way through. You won't e. YLE M. PHILLIPS go so much for the Ambrose selection onl the back, but check the other ca)STBLES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~anywa. POLO RR RIDING ANDR, "Fats" \V'aller exhibits sonic Whatever the reasons are, however, we feel that baseball here deserves much more support both onl the playing field and in the stands than, it tiore of his newvly acquiredl stil)now receives. - Only a few weeks remain before the all-important -\n dued Sty'le in another recording of ~~~~~~ It'hose Honey Are You.? with ~~~~~~~~~~0 Y dover-Exeter contest. -Not only wvill the team aiced y-our loyal assist- 11'hal's The Reason? as well as ance at thrat game but it wvill also need it at .these lprecedling ones, so that one of Rosetta andl I Ain't Got Noit will be in fine shape for its attempt to trimi our ancient rival. Come on., Andover men! L~et's have at show of enthusiasm and a large crowd at the diamond on every ~Vdcdvand Saturday from nwo! System Of Room Alotment Expained To Student Body Cccor else indicate which entries The same jirocess 'iewill prefer. bodly. D~uring the course of eachl jumpING LfSrmlyrich LOUIS HUNTRESS PHOTOGRAPHER il an his first milk route eighty-eight years ago. His high ideals which required the richest and finest milk -for his patrons are today carried ou wthtRIDIecaeflGn constant supervision. By means of proper selection Ysouni vood'fMlk conro, and may have this delicious milk delivered to your room if you will call H. P. HOOD & SONS face. L-eader \\allter lireseilts him-Mayoyufeow lndet sl hog i in numerous requests to gag him, but more photographs, group pie- now11 that lie is gagged. there is tures you are lacking in these two records a great deal of his personality which gushed lplace with aliplications for so freeh,' from his formner pressings and witich we miss somewhat. duble rooms. takes in, or campus views- Please order nowe. wrne16 Frame it here too. In order that there may be no (\'ictor) One of our favorite modern conm-________________________________ Applications To Be Arranged misunderstanding or doubt over the choosing of rooms for next year, Positions, Gershwin's Rhap'sody /In By Drawing Numbers ________________ In Lottery this explanation of the system has the assignment of rooms by lot all of thle applications are thoroughly shuffled, then they are numnbered consecutively. Corresponding numbers are drawn from a hat andl thle applications arranged in thle As each order of this drawing. -In blank comes before the Committee, the rooms applied for are considered accordling tothe applicant's lpreference. If the first room for which hie applies is not taken, it is assignedl *to him. if, on thle other hland, thle first romis taken, the next in his list is considered, and so on until a vacant roomn is reached. .In this way every boy is given equal opportunity to obtain the room of his liking When it comes to a1 particular bov's turn, if all of the rooms indicated on thle blank are already filled. he is assigned some roomi in 'an entrv, if his choice of entries is listed, (Ytherwise hlis- name is passed over (thereby losing whatever preference lie may have been given in the lottcrv) 'and he is called in to choose wh vr rooms mayv bef left. Tt s Blue. has been operated on in a _______________________________ been written. First the students royal mianner by Britain's Jack are urged to fill in the blanks with ly~ltoni. andl is a wvorthwhile adla large number of ,rooms in order of his preference. to indicate wvhich Calendar of Events entries he w~ill Prefer if none of these roomns are available, and] re11'ediesd~ay, A1ay 22 turn his alplication as soon as pocssible to the Recorder's office.115Bsblsqareot - -___ - ___Baseballs__adreport COMMtNICATION gncZnt 'To thle Editor of 'THE PIIILLII'IAN' It is an unfortunate fact that 2:30 Baseball a-adJ gamec '.t with ClarbielTadwI-ligtMSchool c1~P .C~rP , hCpr Muis Oalrdo T 3 :00 G;olf Piatch -withi Browam naiany theories which look fine onl ttakme hrresh00 Scodtt. paper wvhen put into practice i:, 4wt :00aScnheante trackfee found to be worth little. 6 ithO anchestareearsa-lh.thmevsgafultoadpigf the case with the blill proposing that 6:5Ocetarhasl all teachers and students in our 7 :00 (;oodh tie English pri.-e school be made to swear allegiance Castt7,d-to-Vour extamination. Room 3-4 to the LUnited States and its constiRautcomfort, T rsa.SamnialPhllps tution, a defense of wvlich was re oejcesln .Sih$5an Thu00da. AIai' 23y cently printed in 'TuE Pxrimt.i-ai'AN. 1'.S th*5Wn :0p.i.Lly This bill is opposed by most leading prire e.I-atnination inA -Rr~-oDr educators andl intelligent laymen for more R45andycrican 1-list ory%, Room 21 several reasons. Samucl Phillis. The princilpal claitm made for this Friday-, M1ay 24 bill is that by exposing to the light 7:00oL irde pringae c-Iit'aina radical teachers wvho are,- supRoom 3-4.ue posedly. plotting secretly to over27MI Perki.it throw the government bv teachiin2 - -:0 C/are Eit -Such ob n a 1:30 Polo team report for LNRC Tweeds, Shetlands and Saxony, lend oadaigo hmevagaeul models pleated and with patch pocket designs that combine character with Equally as important, the hesle prpitl evsaprratY jaksledhe searvwitslc. .. oeseuindoble soerngsem blewearvwitslck. NEW SPORT ACCE66ORIES ST T.ANDVOVE.MAS tu tu * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THE PHILLIPIAN ' Governor Dummier Defeaisj, Juniors In Baseal 11-5 Will FirstHl TmenO CoYeare ForFirstie OfaYea E JSt. Pauld's Defeated bt PAGE THREE As letocaeof oerTniTam a custoinrA rayIn Golf 4 1-2 to-i 1-2 very however. did( not hold ustrtine hospitably ail. but Especially intended to interest Dyess, KorudoreOg hn the village inn. \Ve we'rc tucked alumni is thle exhibition which ii is OveriMujail.uybut OeEton Acdm - At Country Club away onl the top floor of this anti- All Mlembers Of Blue Siuad Saturday quauted l0( building in a chiarming. Take Matches Easily prveto bi~ inllittle room that lladhit been swp From Opponents Proving thfet of ul to tile undergraduate body ~ 8lain ic~rgi f12in months and which contained bjedk that even bs of as(showingi whatcosortfof 512 hftrd that evitorvene theAl tearns has its ups and downs, thle Is'eilinjwn htsr ts htee h ooit i Wilians allbaebal tamsuc -almn Pillip A\cademy has' had to 1 1-2. thle AndoVer golf team 1620 ad have objected to them. I. T. F-reshmenct onl May 11, the An~\'illiuuis Hal baseall tea s~ic-and also in demionstrating what omercamie St. Pauil', Saturday, and T]his would was our residence for the dlover tennisg team came through cuimbed toa powerful aggregation kind of a school Andover was and ill doing so showed great improve-wekndadbtenth ron iha9-tiupovrheIiof (jovernor Duininer Juniors last and the cc-ydwirs fotnAaeyta nStra' Wednesday with a creo 1 hat it looked like -in tIe cock-eed watresswhoeton.\caeinyream inSaturayis Errors were made Tilhe great number oif p~ictures ve~she~at Dillworth of St. Paul's uts while slinging tile hash. G;eorge exception of the first doubles, wvas again-and again by both teams, and p~robablyl iiake! ill) the best feature 6 an . InteIme-tops-adIbcm eyfn fIe.I ae yawd agn atya Shownt at thle library this week. It sholdhowver *at losey afthe dexhibiteok antae tioti Kellogg lost to Stillmnan, while I imever have to 'go there again, i~ the Milton team was beaten by a lilayed on both sides. iteydsrb conditions, no The Governor Durnmer group aro wl rten swl ite ~n umbers -three and four respec- will lieto soon! verv- close score. rived at two o'clock in a yellow real pictures. Recalizing this, in tively IKorndorfer beat Richard ande':.\h ! uttthatrcourroomscenes school bus, and drove directly to s-tead Of onlly showing books (IC- (Ogg beat lDickeriman. l)yess an( I wa., the big moment in my- life. and finesse, H-. Thompson, the Wiliam Hal, hee i prceeedscribing conditions of tile past, the Kellogg hialved the best ball, while rih aiid early Monday m number oime Andover man, took his to change costume and then hurry librarians have, as much as possible, lKorndorfer and Ogg wo it. we made our graimd entrance. but tutc-6-2, 63 from Milton's to the field on the Old Cmu.A actual plotor'lh orIrawings o the on~v show of concern on the notcher, Gordon. For a periodtopin Campus. At Pesogll-koni5 ourprdcs Th entire team played exception- 'p'rt ol non beide Iusle the second set Gordon wvith a lighttwo-thirty the game began, wvithi "c'imswl-nw norpe s .mllv wvell, and every' olerslioeel as ciajisytrobygneboctheandi Andover taking the field. Smith sors tillie but forgotten in our (Wo.s Ivon hwdwas a''fl o'e til n ing ricanastogbkhd wasthe hit eg in and allowed to1hese Pictures of the 'Stone Acad- improvenient. Korl-ndorfer mnade a abouit-I .ee who sdlninted at us and almost had Ihomlison. but the latgo to first,'and to stereatnl tooi-back managed totake te-lastthen spat voluminously on the (oznlo Jge) go to fist; o stealto andmanaged emy" r the "atin Comons" orthree holes of his match and there- floor." The judge opene-d the prosecond on a poor throw to l)unlap. aimy' of the other old buildings serve )N*wil MIl the umatches were ceig ~iha niteto ____________________ Ilie stole third and came home on a to show%% how~greatly Andlover has clec otetdec'ettefrto edrivimi with anegignicsastoen- o sacrifice Leavitt. by l~~~~rotress( inafirysot irO lwich I )Yess wonI with a large mar- dmgC'r, the lives and property of Gardner, up for first'\nman of timegill. Kellogg held ouimuntil the tm~eo h iha.Cizii clover, thrown ws ut at firt (ICIliooks wraitten by living alunollli t wenutieth hole- before rehinqnisling sumootli person that he is. arguedl his spite the frantic coachiigs; of Kini- forin another large part of the cx- time imiatch to stillnman I'hle nmatches case like a regtllar Portia and con2 ball, who w~is stationed at that hribit. Manly nien. fromn the class of be(ganl at 2:30. and -,were pilayed at' vinced the judge that he should let position to adlvise the runners. Dun- 1871 ill to those of a more recent thle A\ndover Country Club in, Shaw- himi go with the mininituii fine, liehlap walked and nianagecl to steal tilliC' re represented. A\mong thle ..heen. .secnd.Dunap tolethid, nd ette knwn f teseare Coloinel Th etmth ihteBovicause hie certainly had] no intent oIf secondI. third, l~~~unlap and betterstole knowiu 0Theexttatesew recklessness reatltheestimethofttheof ac-eSUMMERMM Snell was walked. Stiell soon mnan- Stiiiisoii. IP. A. TIrustee and( w~riter F:reshmen, is to -be iheldI on \Vednes- cident. The judge took onlIy the agednd o stel Keler seond, it (i seveal boks oi lirihlels ofn~i-day at P'rov'idenmce. at thle Metacomiet fine b~ecause Mr. Chizzini "had conout a single which brought Dunlap tisflal policy. D r. D~arling. Charle', (;,lb henme n Ja utdhisl sapefc ete home. mt buntKeller tol thSd,%ller came ofil a~ fewtete yearo ( ago-is et young Bobby Jonecs mail." lie (the judge) thlen Roger Kent offers you this exhome, gotand to Keller thii'd, seller of a few atiii~~wh yea 1oe out l'rancis zrtmutedl with satisfaction, got up. cellent opportunity to order the where he was shortlv put out by .S1'Ps. anld WV. M\. l:tllerton, author wh lastl oe -'a of theconceled (f I'rolg',,s of 'owc',. Thee are )uiiiet inteNational \nmateur at tirmiedl around, aLnd wvalked outt clothes you will need this Sumthe familiar ruse rbens(fIme.''lr ar Iftecneldo :rooklyim. :\Ithotglu I rownm has Jack believes thait "the old liov mier. ball. ou. Oeneal andsruck te rall otherswho arealmost quallytwo ouitstanding mmmci, tbeir teani i~, bought fishing licenses for the whole eeaesm ftesat inning ended with thle score 2-1 for -is eilimnet. no wlan i-'iI ftw ihtt-fn. nietl eeaesm ftesat Andover. A\nother section of the display i ,wl-ilnt.ddm i~'ti onwt h ie"Icdnal correct styles and fabrics we are l~ontinud on Pae So deoted to udorodialsr's great inmprov~eient, the the town official whlo had birough~t sponsoring! Icontinued Si on Page hooks and periodicals (1(k1-mlatch should ble closely fought. The abou1t the trial w~as looking more namteci by altinini to the Library. omen w~ill problably drive down ill glum than ever. lie was very (lis- COOL GABARDINE SUITS, These are of many' d~iflerent type-- itine to be at Providence- at 1:30. a1ppointed at the verdict, but hie dlidl interesting new shades, are $35in Greeks And Romafle ~~~~showing the w~ide range of interests The regular six-mian line-up is lie- see thant fumll arrangements, were LUG UT ftebs wvhiclm time alumni have. This part ihug used, with time firs;t fouir posi- made to repair his car before Jack LONGlEs flaneTpai orthalkes of the exhibition should retiinel stu-. tionms thme same a,; they were last ,ot (lilt of town. vry Eersoltha farnealso $linor5hl James, Koch, Beaty, Dearborn dreliis. 'iite( Imo~re. (of the great debt O. un-idav. and Barton aiid ( . C;ins- lac imetoht e ryeet on the~at Jtripes, aeas 3 ScoreDoubleictories wh ch the ..ehol o~~e', t those who erg tilling the iumurber five nid siX from the courthouse to time garage LINEN SUITS, two piece, in In Two Meets tlla~ihhadthi laMte. lmositi(Ius respectively. asked him' how things caine otut. smart Blue, Brown and Peasant, .nn ' : - SHOWING SMART NEW CLOTHESE TOMORROW at the CUPBOARD! ' -ce Win In Club Track ]In the fourth -inter-club track meet of the season, held on In- Polo, Team 14'i Play Tod Harvard J. V. 'S Jack Chiizini From Saks's jack .finallv' made thle Gunk no as well as the traditional white Late Because Of Accident %u'or'etor wear, hut wvas quite con- and natural tan, are $15 and $20 cendaiTtntgtindi ipay SEERSUCKER- featherweight, (Continued from Page 1) there (min itte. Chizzini. w~ho is a championt-in carefully tailored day, M1ay 17, the Ronmans (lefeated thme Saxons 69 2-3 to 47 1-3, and the Greeks were victorious over the Game- Against Crimson At 3:00 u avrtlwt'heGn-gigsin~ " Gauls 64 to 53. The Romans obLast Before The Final c was iinot a nuenbers- of thme Andov'er student gules nddobl eate tained seven out of thirteemi firsts Match With Avon bit Patiemit withlm ack's stor abiouit Ii ,dJ.. hias bieen with Saks for sixsitS.0 and the Greeks nine. ~~~~~~how the lights- onl the car were bad. years and has never- had anything COTITONAIR* SUITS--our own ,TheRomas mot ownther ft tie net t thelas gam ofand iummedliately' escorted them to conu~parahile to that happen to himm exclusive washable fabric, in pitsithe roanes, tonmaost ofar their I~n timemet tlu t as em oo ame of-l time police statiomi with threats of before, Ile (lid get stopped oim dark colors and bold patternspoints theSaxons in th races, star-the sea~oimthe Blue pol teani willeverything front takiig his; driviing Park A\venue one afternoon in tIle $15 ring in the field events. The 70-yard journey to1 M yipia today' to play licens awy-o sixtydy oaSk rc o peigado~O intermedate hurles was vomm byt~me I Inrvardfunmior Varsity. This terim of actual inlprisonlmelut. Abhout creating a commercial vehicle onl that D JACKETS of gabardines, T.Miller inl 10 2-5 seconds, with is the b~ig ,a'lie before the tra- all that happened that night ivas anl street. but he slid out of that ticket 9imported English shetlands and Kennedy' secondI. and Shejiard. dlitirinal game with Avon which is interview with the officer omi night by~presenting the officer wvithm a tweeds, with plain or sport back, third. Dearborn, Rafferty. and 'to be pilayedI Saturday. The game du1ty' wh'o set time followving Mrondlay colule~l of his choice neckties. $22. Linen coats, $10.50 and $14 1-Iaas in tha plaed order inthe wh~m he (rilmion this -afternoon as a day' for a hearing. and] w~ho SLACKS of gabardines, English 100-yard The 440 was wonil begin... at 3 :00. made sonic v'ery' prying imiquiries aSYeA D V R M NE fanlshtnsadtw d, by Baldin, ~vih Roe econdl nd 'rhe I larv'ard Junior V~arsity is a to just whant extent 'Mr. Chizzini -imuimaehms.I - -dcash. Leinsr hiprplace Minlte10yrd loe, an Winhi plce i th 10-and hurdles. Haas Dearborn, a resectivey plced M.\aclntyre, iii tme 220 Hand Mpsgaved respcivl iotwick 2, Burnett in the 880 In the itogteamm. and the gaime will lie bad control (If his faculities. Jack STUDENT'S DINNER, $1.00 Steak and Chicken Week End Guests Accommurodated 109 Main St. Tel. 8965 Adoe lard fou-glit biy thle Andover men. Niew his breathm in his face three ho 'd e IHarvard hm plhayers are all el"~ times in order to prove his inno- for the varsity team so it is cence. 'ible fil little wonder that the I Andover_________________________________________ events Hammond easily' w~on theImle teani m~lha,;])el whippicompeitson.f discus with a throw of 100 feet 4 oheatea thas been ee foriipli itsel second and third. H-ayes won the broad jump, Kerr and WVarden practicing i high itpe of taking second and third places. lugr the season successfully Kirk won the javelin wvith 125 feet (rontinued on Page 4)1 enn S7.50; of crisp linen, $4.50 SHAWL COLLAR DINNER COATS of immaculate white linen, $15, Silk cummerbunds, $4 Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. 1PR________IC__M______IC__F___ -6y~ EAST 45rit ST,. 321 'BROADW. -I 0 WAL S''..iV NW .'miA 108CH!L T, NEW HAyS WHEN CRAYON COLOR WORK IS REQUIRED 6 inches; McCormick and Rock- well placed. S. P. James won the pole vault with Bihinian and Spitzer tyng IF MONEY 15 WORTH4 5.2 FO'UR' YEARS AN V forsecon placeAJame won the high jump with Cornell, Chapin, and McCormick tying for second. The hammer was won by - Hobbs, and Ring Gunnellacing.BOO.-HOW Hobbs an'KingplacigI Gunnll (Continued on Paqe 4) SIGHT DRAFT FOR $8OO O WT MEHINM THA CON PPNE IN HE FURTH RACE YESTIDDYJI FAVOR OF C. TO WHOM A. OWt WULD IT GE Sooo 0 .I2 i'V9ULD YOU ENE 1 ON TH4E eOOKS OF' A..8, 1. - COULD YOU YOU TH4E 0 MRJONKOWN AS CLOSING AN ACCOUNTANT. WERE IS OkNE WAY IT IS DONE - - I0' *.. '00 P .CLO5WD - BILL POLAND Succemor to R. F. CHASE Copy~ihi w Full o ine BASEBALL., TENNIS and LACROSSE SUPPLIES Developing Printing Enlarging Outfitterfoal PhIlllips Academy Te2W=/ W.N* d -110 ea MY WA F CLO5ING THE SOOKS I TO UP A PIPEFUL OF MILD,_ MELO OLD 5~~RET TOBACC M - M -M - M M Isk OA/0 ;4Q0 ,." .= - 4f, -0 IL TobamCco (Opjafl), /7 mAilnstSaknm.N. C. so-~ 'N... A MAN EVER PACKED INTO A PIPE! Atin~ ~eAlbert .i.JItrynold. PACIk. CLr..Ir. ITs MILDR. I IT'SMIOLDER I' OLR!TBCO \.N\pj ,cm' D q -rUAIT TO 0 ~uLT PAGE FOUR THE PH1111PIAN WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1935 Andover Tennis Team Wins by the men. Anyone interested in Greek And Roman Track Team Mlatch With Milton Academy niaking the trip should sce MrI. San- Defeat Gaul And Saxon Scquas born by Friday morning at thc latest, and in ca'se of too inanv ap- tWontiiiued front Page 3) Conltiniued from Page 3) ter. wlio~,e game was a little more' lplicatioins incnbcrs of the Outing III the. Greek-Gaul meet, Koch, p)olished. came through 6-3. Club will have preference. lirooks, and D~unlap p~laced in that Roc'kwvll (lefeated Aitiory with I' polo Game Against Crimsonn orler in the 70-yard hurdles; KaraLrIa d;Ioeae6-,62 CaAt Myopia To Begin At 3:00 sick. McKay, and Franz in thle 100; tram lPeelor. number three manl, (lidail I M notha sch t an easv timne with fo ,oci, aCnine Kae Maguire andI MiddleBolton. The sets went -6-3, 1-6, 6&0. bokith12yard hurdles. The 1-arne., of .Andover scored agains T h regular team will take the 220 w~as won by McKay, Clark, and Witherbv 6-3, 6-2. Maxwell won trip to .\loopia todlay: Captatin \lorrison: the 440 bv Mcl~onald. \Voolley. Manager J. Copley. Tr. Brightwell. and Andrews: and the a-ainist Fuller by thle same counti 880 1w Russ, Krey. and Harris. Th'le sixth singles were captured Poor, R. Poor, audI Robertson. from G~reenough by Conant 6-4. Grant took the discus with SteJimmie Lunceford To PlYphenls and Dunilap i~lacinlg: -Scott, 6-4. Insteadl of last week's team, DaFor Promenade On Jue 14 Morgan, and Worrall took the broad v-is and Rockwell, Coach B~lackmer jun11): Shand, Sharples, and Rizzo sent in 'Thompson and Peelor as the (Conitinued foPaeIthe shot lput w~as B~eaty. MacKenzie. iumber one doubles team, and they broadcasts (luring the past six Avery the lole vault. Thle order in clicked perfectly. Gordon and Bol- mottfo h oubaSu ioste shot-put w~as Hreaty-. Mackenzie, tonl put Upla ver strong opposition. andl from the Cotton Club haewnand D~avis: the high junip wvas won seondgandathe Sambvan tiend forh but thev went down after two hard anl enthusiastic response f sets. Andover scoring 735, 6-4. listnr inalscin ftecu-gent tidfrscnn h ai Rockwell and Maxwell had little try, tinier bv Davis. Hloward, and Grant. ifroiculty ind r the iormtc winnin 6 i-i L efr.asmd Worcester Academy Defeated fromand.\mor ulle 6-2 64.several lpopulair recordings for VicBarne and1)avi dowed 96 2-3 to 29 1-3 By Blue Team Bareand ow~u Withier- tor and lDecca. I-e is famnou for Iva Foster 6-3, 6-2. To coiplellte hise interpretation of While 1Heal (Continued from Page 1) thie clean sweep. G.race aind Mac- which was released by Victor a vear Cracken won an unofficial ex- ago. Hi s recent becca- reco rds Ilite took the shot and -Alelendy hibition match 0-0. 6-2. which spell finesse and perfection, wias secondI. Cates and Capers won seethe with startling, sparkling rhy- the pole vault at 10 ft. 6 in. and Outing Club Week-end 'liP thim. JIncludled -anlonf these are Cochran and Sisson were seconld. Planned For Next Saturday Hiss Otis Regrets, M1ood lndiqo. IEx-eter was swvamped by the I far' (Coninue fro Pag 1. ana. Rose Room. Sophisticated yard Freshmen 100-26. Beltznler. (Continud from age 1) Ladi'. and Unsophisticated Site, however, dlid not compete. east of I lanover. The expedition -ai will begin Saturday noon and end 0.. o'clock. o Grthnoegroaup * ;rotom ov ernih and wilerlcook it nials.Teear eealgo clinibs nearby. andl the region is a nioted sk-i center.- The highest miountrain in the vicinity is 'Mount Carditx-in, %whichis renowvned for curious rock form-ations and a superb view' threois gooeswimmit. atnth canmp there wish goswimmingdob andenjoyed ing. hichwillno (luht e enoyed m ... ____ in all the wanted combinations. E*. 3 ... M IL LLE R 49 Main Street * * -~- .hv sa 11cto hlisAaeya ta~rdi 85 Cliapel wvas held ill) ill the attic, while classes and( other activities went onl in Ithe rest of tili- handsome building. edifice It stood onl thletillpresent site ofit Samaritan ouse. This remained] 1927. when was demolished. .-- . u Haircut 40 Hicu 0 cents~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~B et lmu * DR. VALCOURT by appointment. *96 Podiatrist - Main St. F OF Foot Specialist Phone 778 THTlD1 TU ~a O ING z ~ t _duiremients For go ol q or aps*reim Frequent sailbigs closer to school closing frd~edsrn ale makto Consult Uouc Local Authori3eb Agent or fiamburg-Amedcan flne.-florib FREDERIC L. BROWN. Priiicipal ~~~Endicott 2--894 German MUDyb 252 Boylston Street, Boston LUGGAGE LEATHER GOODS UM4BRELLAS NOVETIS LET US -FILL YOUR TRAVEL NEEDS Ii W.T W., HARRISON COMPANY Established 1876 353 FIFTCH AVENUE at 34th STREET NEW YORK em n Tourist $121.50 up, Rounb Trip $219 up Thlrb Class $87 up, "ounb Trip $153.50 up of particular college or school. Thorough preparafor September school and college entrance examinations. Sodas Cream and Ice ngal first Class $204 up, Rounb Trip $388 up 38 West 69th Street. New York City FOUNDED 1906 OPEN ALL SUMlkMER Sadihstioun nln rln faa No classes,-Qne at a time wvith a teacher. Instruction fitted to re- L E O'''N S . Oooio DoainS oiig iigo fDef eax RIN VILLE BARBER SHOP '"WN SC ' ~ S HOOj~L BROW - WI Step ahead in a pair of Miller' a Sport Oxfords. Aand treat E feetl Buckskins ndEk Elk for leather ethrthe U willstyaa camp its own . * on S~'undav. sonic timle before eight ~ FIVE ~~~~~~~~~~PAGE TIM FRU"PL&N . * , . . the Constitution. Few revolution.s ~take his place behind thle batter. Harvard J. V. Lacrosse Team have been brought about by work 4-2 Of Score By A.. P. Beats as I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kimball 1 )roved effective as far (ait iii the public eye where anyone ~ ~~~~~~~~encouragement to his players was . .. _SPK IP y AT THE BOTTOM STARTING forehand. STARTING the visitors in this inning when period saw a better Andover teani allegiance to the country wvill by no ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~by a low ball went by IKimball and a which scored once but also allowed ini _____________________________________________________________ 111AC(N I'~~~~~M RACKS IN THF -. N I OOIN never-dying a assure a ii s l,'esides thii~ obvious fact that a the sixth Governor lDuminmr last quarter of the gaine and parlike that proposed will do ito law thle minutes few last added three more scores to its list ticuilarly the wheni Smith caine hoime onl a single A'ndover team fought hard to re- good are the facts that it is very Some by Leavitt, and Chase got a home. cover the three to one lead and likely to prove harmful. run. Andover was again scoreless. mnanaged to net the ball for the last reaso]IZ5 fur this belief are cited beGovernlor Dumnmer substituted a tinie. Duriing the last period the low. Freedoim of speech is one of the great many lilayers, land there was hopes rose for the Blue team whenl a shiftiiig of j)ositioiis. D~uring this h1ammond broke through the Ilar- treasured heritages of this country. thne K~imball managed to get out of vard defense, caught thlem napping, It is only too possible, however, ad soeho~vand mnade a clear shot at the goalI that this backbone of our democracy his unformwhich band Gard- with no one to interfere ; the ball, inight be lost with the state controlaim ont caughtrk bcoedd ard-however, was turnedl back b~y tht, ing the choice of teachers. It is an at at. ceedd tostrie goalie. The greater part of thle easy to bee .how that law might be koeptie hic nr htitldea loghomerng f aond tihe, playing throughout thle gamne was in followed byNone giving the state full gong fort bth toutrikelders cenlsorship of what is taught in the but~~~~~an twalostrike-ousesed. n h the Andover defense territory, ~~The home team excelled in its schools. Freedom of speechi would 11-5. game lost was ~~~stickwork all through the gamne. alild certainly be lost with the state cenBoston College Overcomes -aedsoring everythingtagtith P'. A. Nine, By One Run Margin th klfleswihwihi 'schools. was a fine example of lacrosse. Another objection to the bill is There will lie no lacrosse gaI (Continued from Page 1) Saturday. but next WednleslaY tilt that A\cadlemic Research would be George Curtis, wh,)o %ieutth telacrosse teami will play Exeter on, stifled. If any of our institutions, local or national, should be- proven pitched well most Of the the O)lc Campus. The tea111iii ganlie. I is weaknesses iii the first spending a hard week ill prepar;L- to he on a poor basis, the truth _________________________in YA t the opponents to score twice. Iii tile country. onl tliirdl cae in. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iinan -- WIHAT ARC tan hecar. Revolution is usually the (Continued frdm Paie ) ra oei (Iwr ~ Ilarvar(I managed to score twice axlm Only one run was made Andover slwurped a bit. The third .~cicrc. Just making people swvear concerned, and did very well althouh hehad no wirming up be- FL.00iz ______________ ____________ HC ~~~~~~~~HE ~~route. Wr'ATS ~ ~~ ~ 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ___________________________________was - ___________________ __________________ __________________ - 'u'ouve Goy FPAPA sA'('s BEGIN AT THE BO~~~~~~rOM. Mr. over one base on thle Ando,ver side.wilb the I'oston College Freshmenwilb 2bm Eure-niumt Reiter. ef e-im If fl~~~~~urd Gardner. !mCurti.. C7.. p TePrcy L. Crosby. Great Britain rlgiahrLarnd - 'arge 3) third. 1 0 i 0 1 0 0 2 4 1 i 4 4% 4.0 i-folt. 3 14 5 0 4 i1 1 1 I 0 0 0 1 lb 0NEW 1 0 1 1 3 1 2 0 2 0 35 10 27 10 6 2 4 Trotals Andover retaliated when it.s ttirn Governor Dtunmer Overcomes Juniors In Baseball 11I to 5 arrived with lDunlap hitting a -stealing secondl and 'then ~~~~~~single. I) 4 5 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~elog.31, ______________________ 'Continued from 1 2 0 I ~ 3 0 0 '9 Leavitt hit a Sliarke~. t K~eller hit a siiigle wvlicli McFaddeii. lb .1 2 0 2 0 5 0 10 0 1 2 2 Mannix. rf Ga~in, 2h 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 - PHOTOSTAT S Andover, Massachusetts OPTICIAN ~ aaI UR 1 yountm nen's srunt are cut on Oen- croue lines,' easy and sportinoly comnAnd Topcoats that 0i've prestige by - comntheir unassuming digni ly fortblecomaninshatyouhwn'ttirof .Durable, . f ottr ot opnosta fral 5 Tocas$0t 40o$0 $4$5Tooas dfpori and (Rd~dng 0oilies loo to 340 Washington Street, BOSTON toi B~~~~~~~~eauxnfrs may w, Iow ua 123rom i,111111111 . IRA wematess S - CH CS fo omWfe-re Qed *fvsx gase 3 'elw dm. SFA~d71 N PU111111 - so need lo fe fw km nIcd bu&t bW a cwpotsf MOIsoA I11111 we mm on ov 011911110 m m da for $e aee&. Thins wbeaw or WN&GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~REPORTS'Dv you rwmiiiz LEXINGTON PHOTO PRINT CO. ares.- 11M 9736ft nO by .. -' Csumr (Awl"mg 11 MAIN ST FOESTnHatwl 6 0 A*piuterafingfeaftmr LETTLE.RS - ~~~~~~~~~~~Made -~~~~~~~ SAY ITWrI ~ y" ANDOVER, MASS. Telegraphed Anywhere, Anytime n n DjiIdipp rr Iadmm ~cer~ee~ D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~DRAWINGS Siggest in ke Joe,S v e Iounfln 1 0 0 PHOT GRA HSf JOHN Ii. ~GRECOEh¶ E E~~~~XPERT * U JEWELER AND WATCHMAKEIR T. MAN qM.u O u 1 copies otSutso DIPLOMAS -JEWELER YORK ,'N POORPSTrf 36 Main Street '~~~~~~ tog 5 0 TH O C RS-CA W alter E. Billings SHOP FIFTH A1VEN~UE e s 0m t tr e0oa/ Yon Street I336 COAL IROSS 'PHONE_90 S MAY 24th AA N Njp~n CC 4 ab. bim. p'm. a. r. v. ___________________________________ at first, and the score remained 4-2. W o~~f S BOSTON C.OLLEGE FRESI-MNEN - Governor Dummer. ~ HO R 0 i In the beginning of the second b~roughlt DI)unlap home, and manl4 1 1 2 1 0 inning Poor was hit atiid went tothird. Smnith hit a single. bringing HoIirne. 3b frtthnstole secondl. Saunders hit Keller in. but 0detieal struck out C.~.~.. I 0 10 0P 4 1 08 FLarni~. ihte v rir. ashort fly which Dutnlap caught niandtese I sreie.wthteFrrsa.c spite of assistance fromn (;ardier. I (Ire4-4. 2 2 2 2 1 0 landloni. r play as mae whe coe -4 amidadoubl 0 1 0 Steel, thle Visitors' captain. startedl O'liara. p i0 0e 3 0 0 Duntlap threw to second andi Caugtiliofthfurhniglvhtiga Le'l'eh. afortable. tl ioff t-efort-i off Anover m Poor te base. t 7 3 35 I 27, 11 j-,,ia',1 tained the scorelessness of i ile sec- had single which was stoppied by ond inning when Adams. NMiddle- i\lidd~lehbrook. atnd ekinig his way to SANDWICHES brook, and Coxe struck otit con- seconld and third. lie came home secutively, andl thle score remained onl a single by Poor. A bunlt bySis10w5 Home-made Pies and CakeSut Chase lbrotgigh Poor in. butt tile sidle 2-1 in favor of Andover. ICE CREAM and SODA lisego awas sooim put out. tir In ilinig In tile first few momenits of thle gosteal nthentir iannigCaed sing toiasteal fifth inning Coe wivs injured in the THE -BURTT HOUSE then mage sicngl e cand 26 Salem Street by Smith and evened the score for hand, and Kimbanl -was forced to long home-run wvhich served to bring in Smith. but the streak waxs1 emided when Olsen was thrown out P. A. '37 ACK CHIZZIN atheB R HO S IFRIDAY, ANDOVF.J1 - Imnadk. atheB Shark-ey. IlUandoni. and ( oode were prominnent at bat. Lel 'eisha (lid a gooMd( job at relieving ()'Ilara, While lie was pitching only1two hlits were nlade. andI only one walk. Teline-np1 for Saturday's gamuile p MIactctan. rf ___________ study' of present condhitions can intellectuial or political progress be No other Andover batsmami got more than one hit. Curtis's (louhble was the onilv hit for I'0 re AN ARCH i-eC-T WHIN 7 GROW ~ PFor AN' should 'not be dhenied our instituOnly through of learning. otidmil _______________________ -wa., S( OtmtStaiiding. WELL, I THou&H4T should be followed ou ochange it. even the Constitution is not infallible is clearly shown by the iiti11)Cr of amnendiuents which have beena ad~dedI from time to time. Certainly the right to delve into even our most respected customs cntriute ~?tion frthe gamne with its aiicieitt ixt, and hoeve, hi.a sacri- riaThat ntfisa hisd(efeat. ot, eria hi th firstply wank a l~~~~ice, onothIIerror________ watealk, a forle-d. simigle a doble ndon n errorCommunication brotught in three runs. InI the sixth ICotne from Page 2) two runs were imiade (in two d(bulles. an error, and a single. It thle habit of bunching their hits so(unds all right at first, but when that helped' the Freslinmeii oii to thle matter is carefuilly considered ~~~~~it is readily appirarent that any victory. I larry I b1t was thle (tmtstanliding teachers, really intent on destroying" h~~~atter for Andover. In, five trips. the government would not hesitate ~~~to the plate he madle three hits and just to sav that they would support MIacl~ean, with walked twice. two hits in five times at hat, was a]- -' 1-t tha 2 be uns hm wah 5C7*Ifmh forme *wnepmY ,git M -umao 3 mok an et Om m may ha., WEDN~fESDAY, MAY 22, 19$5 THE PHUILIIAN PAGE SIX Devastating Flames Ravage, dued, the roof in back began to give P. L. S. House Monday Night way, near where M1r. Shields was standing onl a ladder arid directing for. 1 L LW Uit AL. ,--"- Ofaculty Ca Pne lu i Cu surine its proper responsibilities? these three lie in the influences of I he third set of introductory- re- tIre frontier, and of the Anglo- inarrks was then carried out at great Saxon, Puritan heritage in Am- lengthr corcerning the school's part AddrCSSCl a -uperations with a flashlight. With (Continued from Paso 1) Ili ielCpilig the United States astire burst through the flanmes a roar there was weak, 'and rouom %-asquite billuke everywhere. The windo%% tiling, and began moving up) tire Subject Of Lecture: "Education !sUrnie its respoirsibilities as the lead,lig World power. A discussion And National Democracy," irr, permitting thle roof. Mlr. Shields held his ground,ii ere broken tur1liwetl concerning thle Soviet rsnedSna smnoke to escape arid leaving til and it was mainly because of his schouls, the German schools, and fashligh'lt tlr't the mren were able to noticemuch clearer, vr. r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lie D~anishr schools, which M Irouse nirucli clearer. III a nreeting (if tire Clay Pillo Leith classes the best school system Groups of students cainle irrto the se trroirgh tire dense smioke to ' - cricarn life. A ,first step, concluded Mr. Leith, can be taken by the schools by attacking this thryeheaded monster: that is, they 'can recognize and promote a vigorous intellectulfl independence whenever and wherever it appears. tlt ucfr i riigJm rcia ftr eas udy a edls hc (rb building agairr, and began carrying dlirect the hose. While At Fisk University lasver sml dy . nd thirrking which it teaches. The t Lithl wh SPwa iel The aloud of water souU had tire large of funiture off thniece which were not badly damiaged. tiasties out, arid ule" clinibed uP th` au"dkience oil tile subjcct of "Educa- Lirited States schoolsi while being from Page 1) dmcatfil(Continued Thle piano was taken out, as wvell as ladder with aŽxe! to chop away thle lion and the National Democracy." rorsveai ind theioratiect toi the radio, the surface of which irad tiled roufiing. l)erlse cl~i(Is ot Ili., talk took in the governments prgive to ostelanetz arid (;len (Gray are his thiratep been badly scorched. The firemen smokele were issuing iroin murder- (of iorigni powe'rs anrd their educa- "te'y o ni began hacking irrto the walls to dis- neath tie tiles, but a hose was utiual] -sytein~s, arid our own couru- aieeresults; arid finally the prr- favorite orchestras. andl his choice cover any smiouldering tlanie, while brought into the roomn fromi thle in'- try' and its education toward criti. vate bchools are as yet failng to of authors is Joseph Conrad. Lunceiw nmsc e a aia .rs threir duty of developing in- fr the hose wvas being turned onl the side, arid the siroke subsided to a ca hikngii u oernnet rellecteith power and leadership.indli ving that jazz is becoming mnore etto cellar. W\hile the incu were riaking great degree. Th iee uis thle dilemmna is faced:-"How tamne, that Anrerican composer.; kind use of their axes, one firenan had work de~terniined to have nio um's- ifMr.o wh(ithfirst satiieonfaethe fmrt ok tile sclrools achieve the goal of shorofrra Iris- finger sImaShed by accidlent, burt hap, tins trime, arid soon tIne cellar Iacamir tand that thle purhlic is swayed jby eaching critical thinking, an t .1( 1wcliaincnra a ht it is riot known whether it will have was being floodedl. \lae to b amutaedThepilowsandout the hole inl the roof, and a pirihlintenainoaSsumie tiesa tl an inie provide future citi- "big namne" attractions rather than ntof orlt w,' responsibilit ~ vathel ~ ~ ~ ~ arid no Thebe pillows amputated. by an appreciation. books which were not ruined'were thorough ijrvcstis'ation was Piaeto 'flu lepnist it ifIwol power. zes with the d'efinrite philosoph verycbiefal iweded for ari attack onl the social of~e 11N0VdSI~in taken to the F. L. D. house next extinguish all possible smudrur dishession ofumunctionan door in addition to sonic chairs; Pipes were hacke iiidtwoiandatheiturtirn lmiClm iuto "Teas oiia Ver-;us' mnerely "decorative" learn- :r ed toandtil n omk r. Lihsaei The secondI wner, with! ing rd schtolarshlri. after more investigation, the firenler hos wsvitral rnig attack on'thle problem by(oniudrmPae2 prepared to leave with their two water. Every onle riot a uieniher ist jr1rL'Ir*tcentral ae2 Cniudfo i topic dealt with the % rr Irnic. wa ocd ortr L. Te crowd roke up and I. I5S. trucks. rJ .DtsadC 'ia~ h ok!Wradtegetting at tile foe whrch does more re. ut ws focedto rturlh he cowdb trucs. esadC .K ilrJ. fteWrdWradteta returned to the respective dornii- adthe crowd broke up grudgin.,%rlit el.,e to paralyze our letaantiii ahti~ I\e'it'.wch TUr'atV Runiker : Wolf's I leadl got \\V. ind iretlyirftiomr s- intellectual lie.Te.o 41f (Vireilve,and TZetr vsr~~v ne ~ltllV tories, with one or two keeping an 'asbr.2d1)I.Notup of outlook cleavage a i.s essentially re(t-r( e-yle soon and thle this tlime, the flamnes to see if eve onl the house ' aI~rcat surge (of ag- inInch rims through most of the .1 .Cts J. d.Cteai tiredl. leaving orre or twvo 1eiet o ,re( wvould start up again. S. \Voolsey: and I . .A. Gardner l ail lie T r(' sivc rratiorralisrwg. I]n a wvorld bganagan ped1 te nghtat ilescee o fic Comotinsighly ceV_ and S. F Sweet wnent to Flinmn. ',nichi as (er ~' 'spt or our d~Y. agin sighty bean spnd te niht a the ceni of ~n'filled( wiith na~tion,r Coniniotin d n l u netvns after eleven o'clock, wnhen it was fire to insure against further out- mairanv, lapianti, l tl.woaeaei i mrinrventreessand ad-th atila~.woaeaei A\t about ten o'clock a stroin-l arined-and rumored that the pillowvs in F. L. D). breaks. rrrinr'sinheeamote \\ ho ,canter to Tlhe following athletic awards p~hysical aIird our ntimidity andl conhad caught onl fire and that that burglar alarm had gone off inn thre er'i-nonthe mental~ or moral were anhrotricedl recently: B~oxinm". oiesffindy it~r nirlstr house was now burning. People Art Gallery, but this wnas (lie L. Franc~is. P. A another way ithtainL~ooked dormitories a mrewrly to tire wind arnd the ratt- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~St'ites t bldout of the Asi nte it numerals-I). 3:mnr""frfucn-.M ob at h in yors froest' de~4(. take itso Iplace'a ash the nt tumbled .NI. adtbeilhyorsinie'3:iiorY"frfcng nioth-i and had thre wnd't(ows. hiug( of second timie, man' Iin pajanras, and rcciit Amnerican who preaches Tompkins. 1'. A. '31. captain; R. rushed down to see that P. L. S. irig to (lo with tIre fire. The frater- ;mtnil ainn'leri cno s lcK dim'nEcrari'y and at tire saurre timne P. Griffing. P'. A'. '31, tnanager: was once more ili flames which were nrit iy house itself was lirsun'ed, but F'ronr a third Y" 'With crossed hockey sticksufil tire recor~ds han'e bceen con- ed bI rhe frremnrr before thley live., snrubhislrly. coniirgfro nainlthegarlc rom thatr faulty wiring had very- anrgle it is said to be the "averaging J. W. Srutnier. P. A\. '33: 1Tocke~y upstairs. Hoses. wnere brought into suilted nothing, definite canl be sa1id leit wa`s,~ play'. burt when the fire in the corner concerning tIre damage or the irs.% 1ikly'~ been thle crmr'se (if tIre entire don urnardl tendencies of ani egaii- rrrirerals-J1. 1.. hnnowles audI 1). utrriani plilosoph%. The roots of M1.Thno'rpson. hioth P'. A. '34. of the game roomi had been sub- stnrance. Thle theory last express- troublek. .o , -for that better taste andfragrant aroma Turkish tobacco leaf is so tiny that each of these bales contains from 70 to' 80 thousand leaves. But there's another and greater difference-Turkish is the most spicy and aromatic tobacco in the N . We have Chesterfield buyers in all the tobacco markets of Turkey ~~~~and Greece, including Xanthi, Cavalla, Smyrna and Samsoun. ~And when you blend and crossblend aromatic Turkish tobacco with mild ripe home-grown tobaccos as we do in Chesterfield' byu ave a milder cigarette, a better-tasting cigarette.