August - Marshall First United Methodist Church
August - Marshall First United Methodist Church
702 Plum St., Marshall, IL 62441 e-mail: The Messenger From the Pastor A wild mustang or horse must first be caught, brought to the corral, saddled, broken and ridden. The horse bucks and fights before it finally submits to the rider. But is the spirit broken or the horse destroyed? No! Instead a bond develops between the horse and its master, and the self-centered will is broken. The worth of the horse increased when its spirit is brought in line with its master’s will. The same is true about our lives as a disciple of Jesus Christ. A disciple is one who is in training. God is developing a relationship with us, and our selfcentered will must change to be in tune with God’s will. Being a disciple of Christ means God uses the day-to-day realities of training, discipline, rebuke, correction, and even hardship. God guides us to his will. These are not always pleasant words to us any more than a bit, bridal, and saddle are to a wild horse. Volume 15 Issue 8 In times of testing and hardship, I have heard Christians cry in their discouragement, “How can I believe that God loves me?” The fact is that God loves us to such a degree that He will use every necessary means to help us mature “until we all reach unity in the faith” and “attain the whole measure of the fullness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:13). Jimmy Stewart gave a speech on leadership. This same points are true for disciples as well, in which he said, "They (disciples) are never so big that they can't bend down to help someone else. They are never so wise that they don't remember who taught them. They are never so gifted that they won't share their skills with others. They are never so fearless that they don't play by the rules and live by the law. They are never such big winners that they forget what it feels like to lose." A small church in rural Kentucky prided itself on being a training ground for seminary students ministering in their first pastorate. While interviewing pastoral candidates, a member of the search committee mentioned the former pastors who had gone on to serve in prominent capacities -- one as president of a seminary and pastor of a large city church, another also as a seminary president, and a third as president of two denominational conventions and an international alliance. "How in the world did you find that many potentially great men in this little church?" the astonished candidate asked. "Find them," said the committee member. "We didn't find them. We made Dale and I would like to thank everyone who sent 50th anniversary cards and who told us congratulations. We are blessed with our own wonderful family and our church family. Jan & Dale Ridgway 2 them." A critic may cringe and charge that God is breaking our spirits, and we will be worth nothing as a result. But no! This is not true. What God plans is to bring us into accord with the wisdom and power and holiness that flow eternally from His throne. How good it would be if we could learn that God is easy to live with. He may sometimes chasten us, it is true, but even this He does with a smile, knowing it is for our own good. Dear Glenn & “Crew”, Where do we even begin to thank you for all the work you did for us?! Not only was it a lot of work, but you did it in such hot, humid weather! And then, you got pizza, cake and ice cream for everyone—a ROYAL FEAST! All the guys/gals were just in hog heaven! They really enjoy watching the garden grow. Anyway, we were truly BLESSED by everything you did for us and the genuine love with which you did it. May the good Lord bless you all “full and overflowing”! With much love and appreciation— From all your buddies at the Heritage in Hutsonville GOD BLESS AMERICA (& You!) P.S. – Thank you, too, for the nice clothing, razors and flag pins. Many of the fellas are proudly wearing them! Like us on Facebook! Take a moment and find us on Facebook at Marshall First United Methodist Church, and tell all your friends and family to “like” us. Come join us on September 26th at 5:30 PM for dinner and a performance by the children & youth of our church. They will be presenting the musical “Down by the Creek Bank.” The United Methodist Women will be serving a delicious dinner. All donations will go towards the Stained Glass Windows Restoration Project. We hope that you will come and enjoy an entertaining evening. 3 United Methodist Women News A big “thank you” to all who helped with Celebrate Women and our annual Ice Cream Social. Our speaker was very interesting and the Immanuel Quilt was amazing. We made about $500 with the Ice Cream Social. On July 26, Cunningham Children’s Home celebrated their Homecoming and 120th Anniversary. After an interesting day of tours and get-togethers, a very moving service was held to end the day. Bishop Keaton gave the message, and the Cunningham Gospel choir sang. The current CCH calendar has some beautiful artwork and poems from CCH students. Here is a sample: WHO I (REALLY) AM I keep my paintbrush with me everywhere I go. In case I need to cover up, so the real me doesn’t show. I’m so afraid to show you me, afraid of what you’ll do, I’m afraid you’ll laugh or say mean things, afraid that I might lose you forever! I’d like to remove all the layers, to show you the real true me. But I want you to try to understand, I need for you to like what you see. So if you are patient and close your eyes, I’ll remove the coats real slow. Please understand how much it hurts to let the real me show. Now that the coats are stripped off, now that I feel naked, bare and cold. And if you still find me pleasing you are my friends pure as gold. I need to save the paintbrush though and hold it in my hand just in case someone does understand. So people protect me my dear friends and that’s for loving me true and please let me keep the paintbrush with me until I love me too. These need no explanation. —Sara, 16 years old For the annual meeting in September, we will be collecting towels and washcloths for Cunningham. (Please, no hand towels.) Our final Summer Book Study will be on Thursday, August 6, at 8:30AM at the home of Dianne Rardin. Mary Martha and Sisters in Faith Circles will be hosting. UMW Summer Reading Challenge This is the last month for the Reading Challenge. One team has reached the top level! We are challenging each team to get to the top level. Keep reading!! Please record all books read by Tuesday, September 1. Questions? See Searoba, Paula, Alta, or Karen. 4 August Schedule: August 4: Mary Martha Circle 1:30PM - Hostess/ Program/ Devotions: Vernice Tingley August 6: Summer Book Study 8:30AM - At Dianne Rardin’s August 17: Sisters in Faith 5:30PM August 20: Faith Circle - 9AM Eat Out/Planning Meeting 01 04 04 04 04 05 06 06 06 07 08 08 08 09 09 09 11 13 14 16 16 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 20 Jina Green Charlene Moore Bette Woodard David & Dianne Rardin Richard & Kathy Lewis Evan Sanders Karli Titus Josh & Tara Setzer Ryan & Meghan Arthur Evangeline Hutson Jonathan Green Orpha Goekler Patty McCammon Abby Cannady Alex & Malerie Mason Warren & Ann Strohm Cooper Morey Leanne Orman Chris Bloodworth Emma Arnold Russ & Paula Ross Bill Rhoads, Jr. Taylor Dowers Deb Harper Mike Farrell Brynna Farrell Natasha Meingasner Kalli Stafford David Williamson Colby Claypool 20 21 21 22 23 25 26 26 26 27 28 29 29 29 30 30 31 31 31 Vance & Shannon Snedeker Steve Setzer Rosa McKinney Keianna Kendall David Macke Leif Youngdahl David Bailey Alan Schroeder Kami Titus Gabi Fairchild Terry Strohm Ken Macke Cody Welsh Tyler & Tara Claypool Adam Setzer Jack & Polly Logan Meghan Arthur Nancy Gossmann Dave McKimmy & Darlene Hildebrand 5 L.I.F.E. — A 55+ Seniors Ministry Let’s Eat On Thursday, August 20th join us for lunch at the Marshall Family Restaurant. We will eat at 11:30 AM and be ordering from the menu. Please sign up on the sheet located on the Welcome Center in the church foyer, or call the church office (826-8041) by Monday, August 17th. Come and fellowship with others from our church. AND...invite a friend! Let’s Dance Do you like to dance, or would you like to learn how? In October we will have an evening of dance lessons, finger foods, music and dancing. Watch for more details in upcoming bulletins and next month’s newsletter. Other Things to Do Don’t forget—each Tuesday at 9 AM we have our Holy Grounds Coffee Time in the chapel. Also, Exercise Classes are on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 8:30 AM and Yoga is on Mondays at 4 PM. Friday mornings, if not raining, we have our Walk for LIFE at the high school track at 7:30AM on August 7 & 14 and at 6:45AM August 21 & 28. Soldiers’ Prayer Service Monday, August 3, 2015, at 7:00PM Courthouse Lawn in front of The War Memorial 6 August Sunday Volunteers Liturgist – Gordon Clark Sound System – Glenn Buskirk (8/2, 8/9, 8/16, 8/30); Bill Cook (8/23) Ushers – Dave & Sharon Miller; Meli Martin; Allen Goekler Acolyte – Will Crumrin Greeters - 2nd - Diana Bailey & Betty Rasner 9th - Diana Bailey & Karen Heighton 16th - Joe & Alice Schroeder 23rd - Linda James & Jan Ridgway Nursery Duty - 30th - Lewis & Orpha Goekler 2nd - Aubrey Claypool & Rachel Crumrin 9th - Becky Farrell & Rachel Crumrin 16th - Michelle Graham & Rachel Crumrin 23rd - Dianne Rardin & Patty Macke 30th - Michelle Graham & Rachel Crumrin Children’s Church - 2nd - NONE 9th - Paula Ross 16th - James Southworth 23rd - Sarah Brannan 30th - Mandy Stafford Fellowship Hosts – August - Agape/CSI Counting Committee - David Macke & Garvin Manhart Thank you so much for your services!!! Wayne and Karen are happy to announce that Bill Heighton and Cherl Womack were married on Saturday, June 13th, at Fort Walton Beach in Florida. Their new address is Bill & Cherl Heighton 4148 Bailey Acres Circle, Lot F Meridian, MS 39305 Congratulations! 7 Augus Sunday Monday 8 Wedn 9:00am Morning Worship 10:15am Sunday School Sunday Worship Times: 2 Tuesday 3 4 12:30pm Fellowship Hall in use 4pm Yoga 7pm Military Prayer Service (Courthouse) 9am Holy Grounds Coffee Time 12pm Weight Watchers 1:30pm Mary Martha Circle 5pm Nurture MT 5:30pm Outreach MT 6:30pm Witness MT 5 9 10 11 7am Marshall Co-Op UMM Breakfast (Emmanuel) 6pm UMYF 4pm Yoga 9am Holy Grounds Coffee Time 12pm Weight Watchers 3pm Library Committee 4:15 UMW Board 6pm Finance 7pm Boy Scouts 16 17 18 7:30am FUMC UMM Breakfast 6pm UMYF 4pm Yoga 5:30pm Sisters in Faith 9am Holy Grounds Coffee Time 6pm Church Co 12pm Weight Watchers 6pm SPRC 23 24 25 26 6pm UMYF 4pm Yoga 12pm Weight Watchers 7pm Boy Scouts 9am Chapel in u 30 31 6pm UMYF 4pm Yoga 12 19 st 2015 nesday ouncil Thursday Friday Saturday 1 6 7 8:30 UMW Book Study 8 8am Fellowship Hall in use 13 14 15 20 21 22 28 29 9am Faith Circle 11:30am LIFE Senior’s Luncheon (The Marshall Family Restaurant) 3pm Newsletter Deadline 27 use 9 Our Nursing & Assisted Living Facilities Residents: Bill Dixon Eldeana Lashbrook Harry & Violet Cook Drexel & Edith Howard Mary E. Koutsoumpas Bud Bloodworth Edith Reedy Mary Francis Harper Carol Bennett Bob Stout Dick Parker Richard Ewbank Our Homebound: Wilma Low Prayer Concerns: Kerry Teague Travis Hibschman Joni Graeff Jim Gwyn Rev. David Deal Doris K. Gard Richard Ewbank Cathy Galeener Dale Finkbiner Erika O’Rourke Susan Richardson [Nancy Rhoad’s sister] Eric Hutson [Bennet’s grandson] Chase Brady [Jim & Joyce Gwyn’s great-grandson] Alice Lou Compton [Gale Titus & Carole Henderson’s cousin] Florence Richards [Beth Macke’s mother] Donna Henderson [Carole Henderson’s mother-in-law] Ruthann Knowles [friend of Linda James] Brittany McConchie [Carol Bennett’s granddaughter] Sue Macke Shaw Twila Hall [Carol Bennett’s sister] Max Sutherland [David & Sharon Miller’s grandson] Frank Watters [Pastor’s cousin] Ron Smith [Bill Cook’s co-worker] The Family of Michael Lindgren [David & Gwynn Eadie’s son-in-law] The Family of Emma Gardner Unspoken Requests Natural Disaster Victims, Our Missionaries, Military Personnel, & Our Nation and Its Leaders When you pray, don’t be like those show-offs who love to stand up and pray in the meeting places and on the street corners. They do this just to look good. I can assure you that they already have their reward. When you pray, go into a room alone and close the door. Pray to your Father in private. He knows what is done in private, and he will reward you. When you pray, don’t talk on and on as people do who don’t know God. They think God likes to hear long prayers. Don’t be like them. Your Father knows what you need before you ask. You should pray like this: Our Father in heaven, help us to honor your name. Come and set up your kingdom, so that everyone on earth will obey you, as you are obeyed in heaven. Give us our food for today. Forgive us for doing wrong, as we forgive others. Keep us from being tempted and protect us from evil. 10 If you forgive others for the wrongs they do to you, your Father in heaven will forgive you. But if you don’t forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins. —Matthew 6:5-15 (CEV) “Every Man Shares in Evangelism, Mission, and Spiritual Life” President: Josh Orman Vice President: Russ Ross Treasurer: Steve Setzer Secretary: Glenn Buskirk For our July Men’s Breakfast meeting we once again enjoyed a wonderful buffet breakfast at the Lincoln Trail Restaurant. We had a brief meeting, and James gave us a mission update on his recent trip to Salkehatchie in South Carolina. All had a good time fellowshipping. We had ten men in attendance. Next month we are going to have breakfast again at the church. We hope that you will bring a friend, or someone who hasn’t been at the meetings in a while. Let’s start planning for our fall events. Upcoming Events: August 9: Marshall Co-Op UMM Breakfast at Emmanuel UMC, 7AM. August 16: FUMC UMM Breakfast, 7:30AM Cooks: Steve Setzer & James Southworth Devotions: ? Over the next 100 days you can make a difference in a child’s life. Participate in Operation Christmas Child and fill an empty shoebox with gifts for a boy or girl. Filled boxes are sent worldwide by the Samaritan’s Purse Organization. Information is available at church and from members of the Outreach Committee. You may also visit First United Methodist Church 702 Plum Street ● Marshall, IL 62441 Church Phone #: (217) 826-8041 ● Parsonage Phone #: (217) 826-8371 Richard Lewis, Pastor James Southworth, Youth & Children Director Kelley Ray, Administrative Assistant Office Hours: Monday - Friday ● 8:00 am - 3:00 pm 11 Just for Laughs.* 12 *All jokes and cartoons reprinted with permission from Stained Glass Window Restoration Update! As of the printing of the newsletter, we have collected $33,193.50 for the restoration of the stained glass windows. We have another $8,700.00 pledged for the coming two years. Thanks for all of your contributions. We will continue to keep you updated on the progress. We are looking for a volunteer to serve as Senior Council Coordinator. The coordinator would be responsible for the following activities: 1) Arrange Eat Out every other month. 2) Choose restaurant, make reservation, arrange transportation if needed and attend the event or arrange for someone to supervise event. 3) Arrange Day Trip every other month. 4) Choose location, make reservations (arrangements with location), make-up itinerary for the day, arrange transportation and attend the event or arrange for someone to supervise event. 5) Organize Coffee Time each Tuesday. 6) Help set up and clean up, arrange for volunteers to bring snacks and volunteer at coffee. 7) Organize exercise opportunities: yoga, Walk for LIFE and exercise class. 8) Write newsletter, include pictures (that you have taken or arranged to be taken) from the various activities. 9) Develop new programs. 10) Meet with senior council members as needed. 11) Promote senior activities through various outlets such as newspapers and other church bulletins. If you would be interested in serving in this vital church ministry, please contact the church office. 13 14 All newsletter items should be e-mailed or written down and turned in to the office no later than Thursday, August 20, 2015 at 3PM. Our email address is Please do not phone in your information. Thank you!!!! NEWSLETTER NOTICE If you are presently getting a paper copy of the newsletter, please don’t forget to pick yours up after church on the last Sunday of the month. They will be labeled and in alphabetical order on the back table of the sanctuary. If you have a neighbor or friend who isn’t at church, feel free to pick his or hers up and deliver it. What a wonderful outreach opportunity! We are now posting our newsletter on our website in a PDF file. If you would like to receive your newsletter through the website, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page and place it in the offering plate on Sunday or return it to the church office. An e-mail notice will be sent out around the first of each month to let you know when the newsletter is posted on our website. You can cancel your electronic subscription at any time by letting the church office know. Electronic Newsletter Release Form Name:__________________________________________________ E-mail Address:____________________________________ Signature:_________________________________________ By signing and returning this form, you have agreed to stop receiving the First United Methodist Church’s newsletter through the postal service. You will be notified by e-mail around the first of each month for the new postings. 15 FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 702 PLUM ST MARSHALL, IL 62441 217 826-8041 On the web at: Address Service Requested