GCM PTSA Newsletter E4 ISSU 008 AY 2 M — CH MAR George C. Marshall High School 7731 Leesburg Pike Falls Church, VA 22043 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT—MALOU RENNERT Inside this issue: Dear Marshall Families, not have been able to provide this service to our students. Recognizing the need for safety awareWe have completed three quarters of this school ness, we sponsored a Teen Driving Presentation in year. Our seniors can breathe a little easier after conjunction with the Internet safety presentation by grueling months of college preparation and applicaJennifer Sponheimer, our Marshall SPET 0nFebrution processing. Now, it’s white knuckle time for ary 11.The Teen Driving presentation was given by them waiting for the “envelope” to arrive in the Mike McClanahan, Chairman of the Board and Exmail. Oral presentations and extended essays have ecutive Director of SAFE –D. He is also an At-Large been completed. member of the Fairfax County Juvenile and DomesThe PTSA has also been busy during the past three tic Relations Court Citizen's Advisory Council. There was a good turnout. months. Here is a brief summary of what we have accomplished. In January, the PTSA hospitality The proposed 2009 FCPS budget caused great committee provided drinks for the successful colconcern to GCM HS parents and the school. Spelege funding night. We financially supported Senior cifically, the new budget proposed that IB exam Ethics Day on January 29th. In appreciation of our fees would no longer be paid for by FCPS but would guidance department, the PTSA provided them with be paid by the students instead. In addition, there baskets of homemade desserts and fresh fruit. A would be an increase in class size and a $50/activhealthy soup and salad lunch was also served on ity fee would be assessed. PTSA representatives February 4 in honor of counseling week. We had met with Phil Niedzilski-Eichner, the school board over 100 students take the SAT/ACT practice test member for the Providence district, to express our on February 9. Twenty-six percent of the students concerns. Mr. Eichner has assured us that he did took the ACT practice test. We thank Brooke Mock not support the exam fee changes. and all of the parent volunteers who helped proctor and assist in one way or another in the administra- On March 5th, Kaplan Tests will return the results of (Continued on page 9) tion of these tests. Without their support, we would Principal’s Message 2 Testing and Assessments 2 PTSA Blast 3 Rotary Club Honors 3 Debate Team News 3 Guidance/Career Ctr. News 4 Parent Liaison Corner 5 Band News 5 Landscaping Plan 5 Prom Dress Boutique 6 Hospitality Internships 6 Marketing Dept. News 6 Honor Your Senior w/ Books 6 DECA District Competitions 7 Boosters Mulch Sale 8 Natl Athletic Trainers Month 8 Boys Basketball 8 Girl’s Lacrosse 8 Spring Touching Bases on Wednesday, March 12, 2008. Advice that Makes Cents 9 45th Anniversary Celebration 10 All conferences will be on a first come, first serve basis. Teachers will be in the cafeteria, main gym and the auxiliary gym. Excellence in Civics Diploma Seal 10 Graduation Information 11 Noteworthy Dates 12 The GCM PTSA newsletter is edited by Liane Paulson, 703-698-7747, Newsletter is printed by J & J PRINTING, 5540 Port Royal Rd, Springfield, VA 22151 (703) 764-0088 On Wednesday, March 12, 2008 Marshall High School will open three hours late (10:10 a.m.) so that parents may come to school to meet the teachers. From 7:20 – 9:50 a.m., teachers will be available to meet with parents, one-on-one, for a 5 minute mini-conference. This is a good opportunity for teachers and parents to discuss students' progress. Coffee will be available for staff and parents. GCM PTSA NEWSLETTER (ISSUE 4 of 5) Page 2 A Message from the Principal — Jay Pearson Past, Present, and Future Jay Pearson George C. Marshall H.S. Principal Planning for a complete renovation of George C. Marshall High School will begin this May. I encourage you to ask your student every day, “How did you use Lunch and Learn today?” As I have stated previously, I encourage you to ask your student every day, “How did you use Lunch Looking Back and Learn today?” We know we have students earning less than satisfactory grades who are not This year marks the 45th Anniversary of George C. maximizing their time during Lunch and Learn. We Marshall High School. Marshall opened mid-year are able to generate reports of your student’s on December 6, 1962. While forty-five years may Lunch and Learn use and visits to the library. Connot have the same significance as a 25th or 50th tact your student’s administrator if you would like anniversary, it’s important for us to recognize this milestone as a school community. Our theme for a to see a copy of this report. Our ultimate goal is to build individual responsibility in students for their series of events in April is “Appreciate the Past, Celebrate the Present, and Embrace the Future”. A academic success. team of parents and staff is working with a MarBy now you will have noticed our new digital marshall graduate on a formal dinner event on April 12. quee. It was a long journey since the Class of The event will be held in a transformed cafeteria 2005 left much of the finding to support this sigand will feature Thomas Pickering as the keynote nificant upgrade. Many thanks to our Activities speaker. Mr. Pickering is the former Under SecreBoosters and Mr. Pepper for bringing this project to tary of State for Political Affairs and United States completion. We are fortunate to have this device as Ambassador to the United Nations. In more than a communication tool with our community. Now we four decades of service, Mr. Pickering also served are able to post easily school events and recognize as United States Ambassador to India, Russia, Isour supporters. I appreciate your patience while rael, Nigeria, El Salvador, and Jordan. He currently we waited for this to come to fruition. serves on the Board of Trustees for the Marshall Foundation. On that evening, we will also anLooking Ahead nounce our first Statesmen of the 21st Century You may not believe it, but planning for a complete awards, as well as induct new members to the Marrenovation of George C. Marshall High School will shall Hall of Fame. You do not want to miss this begin this May. I was contacted by the school sysevent catered by our own Chef Devlin and the Martem in early February with this long awaited news. shall Academy. Seats will be limited. Stay tuned Samaha Associates has been selected to be the for more information. architectural consultant for the project. One first In the Present step is to establish a design committee of staff (faculty, support employees, administration), parI am pleased to provide an update of our work as a ents, students, and community members. I am professional learning community. Since the begintruly excited to see this process begin. The renovaning of school we have documented more than tion is expected to be completed during the 201315,000 instances of student use of Lunch and 2014 school year. Learn. Our curriculum teams have administered close to 6000 common assessments and 797 ruAs always, I appreciate your continued support. bric-based assessments. It’s exciting to report that Jay Pearson on February 6, JT Houk became the 20,000th stuPrincipal dent to visit our library. We collect this data to inform our practice to support all students’ success. From MTAC - Marshall Testing and Assessment Center Marshall HS will be administering the English Writing SOL during the first week of March. All students in English 11 or IB English 1 classes (mostly juniors) are required to take this SOL test. The English Writing SOL is divided into two parts - multiple choice and direct writing - and both parts are taken with a paper test book, not online. The multiple choice test is given on Monday and Tuesday, March 3 and 4 and the direct writing is given on March 5. Most students in an English 11 or IB English 1 class on blue days will take the multiple choice test in their class on Monday, March 3. Most students in an English 11 or IB English 1 class on red days will take the multiple choice part of the test in their class Tuesday, March 4. ALL students in an English 11 or IB English 1 class will take the direct writing part of the SOL on Wednesday, March 5 at 7:20am. Please try to avoid scheduling appointments for your student during those days. Since these tests are taken with paper books, the scores will not be available until the end of the school year. Should you have any questions, please call the testing office: Tim Kane 703-714-5542 Mark Fredenburg 703-714-5543 Barbara Carlson 703-714-5462 GCM PTSA NEWSLETTER (ISSUE 4 of 5) Page 3 PTSA Blast Information Effective communication is the key to success. The PTSA at Marshall HS has diligently worked to provide up-to-date information to the Marshall community. We have come a long way. However, there is still room for improvement and we need your help. How? Here are some suggestions: •If you know any individual or group that needs to be recognized, please let us know. •Any group, club, team, or department who would like to send an announcement through the Blast must send the information at least three days before the event. Of course, the earlier you send it, the better. We can only disseminate information if we have it. So, please help us. •Do not send graphics or attachments. •Since there is a marked increase in the volume of information sent out, we request that the articles be short and concise. •The article must be written by the individual or group requesting it to be published. Final formatting and editing, if needed, will be done by Blast committee. •If a group has an important event for which information must be disseminated, the group is responsible for providing that information sufficiently ahead of time. •The frequency with which an article is published in the Blast is solely at the discretion of the committee. Thank you very much for your support. We try our best to send the most accurate information available. However, schedules (sports, music competitions, etc) do change. Please check the GCM website and the PTSA website regularly. The Blast should not be the primary source for urgent information. Sign up for the "Keep in Touch" system operated by Fairfax County Public Schools. It will keep you abreast of various events, notifications, and emergency announcements. To sign up, go to: Feel free to contact us at if you think that we have omitted an event, have sent out incorrect information, or if you want to be added to the Blast list. Vienna Rotary Club Honors Marshall Staff and Students Howard Svigals presented Alanna S. Graboyes, Head Librarian, with a check in honor of the GCM library program. The money will be used for a "Read for Fun" program that the library is starting. Additionally, the high school’s outreach program of popular books will be greatly enhanced by the gift. The Blast should not be your primary source for urgent information. Sign up for the "Keep in Touch" system operated by Fairfax County Public Schools. Matt Brennan presented Jeanene Sims, Assistant Principal, with a check for Ethics Day. Marshall Debate Team News Six Marshall debaters competed in the Lincoln-Douglas debate tournament at Walt Whitman HS in Bethesda on Saturday, February 9th. Junior Paul Connet placed 2nd in the novice division with 100 speaker points and Sophomore Ipsita Salim, in her first tournament ever, placed 1st in the novice division and won a spot in the Junior Varsity Metro-Finals tournament on March 7th and 8th. Congratulations! Page 4 GCM PTSA NEWSLETTER (ISSUE 2 of 5) GUIDANCE AND CAREER CENTER INFORMATION Financial Planning for College: Mark your calendars for next year. The date is December 10, 2008: Marshall HS will again, be hosting a series of miniworkshops for parents who want to gain information on financial planning for college. This year's January 9th seminar series included a class on the basics of financial aid, the FAFSA and a Financial Aid Officer from GMU, a discussion of federal and private student loan programs, and both long and short term financial planning for parents of elementary, middle and high school students. The 529 and Virginia Pre-Paid Tuition plans were discussed as well as savings and investment vehicles. Student Registration for classes for next year will take place now through March 28th. The Career Center will be working with students to help familiarize them with the new FCPS Family Connections college & career website in February and March. If your student has not signed up, please have him / her follow the following instructions to receive e-mails from Marshall HS: Go to the student's "Blackboard Account". Click on "Personal Information", Edit the e-mail account, scroll down and click "submit". Go back to the Blackboard screen page and Click on "Family Connection". Done ! Juniors and seniors may sign up for attending college visits to the Career Center this spring by accessing their Family Connections Site and signing up. Students should print the pass and send Mrs. Malik an e-mail saying that they will be attending. Next step for seniors? Here is the advice from the mouth of your beloved Counselors: Senioritis – 1. We're still your counselors 'till June 13th – it doesn't matter whether you're going to a 4 year college, a community college like NOVA, a career school or the great unknown. it's contagious…don't catch it. 2. If you need money to support your future plans, we can help.. Don't delay with completing the FAFSA form. Stay active in school and with activities. 3. Let us know as you become more clear on your post high school plans. We understand it's a procprocess and you're continually making updated decisions. 4. Semester grades will be sent in February to all the schools to which you've asked us to send a transcript. A re-computed cumulative GPA will also be sent with the grades. This information will be available to the student the week of February 11th. 5. When you are accepted by a college, remember that it's only conditional! conditional In June we'll send your final transcript to the college of your choice and they'll expect you to be the same student you were when they accepted you. 6. You can still apply to college! See your counselor. 7. Senioritis – it's contagious…don't catch it. Stay active in school and with activities. College Night for parents of sophomores and juniors, Monday, March 10, 2008 from 7:00 – 9:00 PM; GCM High School Cafeteria. There will be an Admissions Representative presenting the topics of how students should be looking at colleges and how colleges look at students. That will be followed by a counselor session with juniors and their parents. Junior Focus Day, Tuesday, March 11, 2008: 7:20 AM – 10:45 AM for juniors during the school day; topics include: University Admissions panel, essay and resume writing, SAT / ACT discussion, Gap Year and Volunteerism, Financial Aid and Scholarship Information, Military Options, NOVA, Technical and Vocational Schools, etc. Senior Survey (On-line) April 12 – June 10, 2008. Seniors will be asked to share their future plans and / or their final college decision to enable counselors to send the final transcript to the college they plan to attend. Northern Virginia Regional College Fair: George Mason University, Patriot Center, Thursday, April 17th, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM. For a list of colleges that will be attending: attending.asp Important websites: George C. Marshall High School: MarshallHS (check out Student Services for Guidance and Career Center information) Fairfax County's Central Database for Scholarship Information: scholarshipdb Fairfax County's Central Database for Summer Opportunities: sosalpha.htm Begin Lifelong Career Planning: or, School Access Code: 9448 GCM PTSA NEWSLETTER (ISSUE 4 of 5) Page 5 Parent Liaison Corner ¿Escucha usted a su hijo? Are You Listening to Your Child? Es tan importante que usted simplemente escuche a su hijo. Los hijos que confían en que sus padres les escuchen son más felices y son menos propensos a caer en problemas. A continuación aparece una prueba para averiguar cómo le va a usted. It's so important to just listen to your child. Children who feel secure that their parents are paying attention to them are happier and less likely to get into trouble. Here's a quiz to see how you're doing. Anótese cinco puntos por lo que hace normalmente, cero puntos por lo que no hace nunca, o bien la puntuación intermedia que a su juicio corresponda. ___1. A mi hijo le doy toda mi atención. ___2. Espero hasta que mi hijo termine de hablar, antes de hablar yo. ___3. A mi hijo le miro a los ojos cuando estamos hablando. ___4. Muestro interés por lo que dice mi hijo. ___5. Si mi hijo comienza a hablar en un mal momento, fijo una hora para escucharlo en el futuro próximo. Y cumplo. ¿Cómo le fue en la prueba? Si obtuvo 20 puntos o más, usted sí escucha bien a su hijo. Una calificación de entre 15 y 19 puntos es regular. ¿Menos de 15 puntos? Siga los consejos de la prueba para escucharlo mejor. Give yourself five points for things you usually do, zero points for something you never do—or any score in between that you think you deserve. ___1. I give my child my full attention. ___2. I wait until my child is finished talking before I speak. ___3. I make eye contact with my child when we're talking. ___4. I show interest in what my child is saying. ___5. If my child picks a bad time to talk, I set a time to listen in the near future. And I keep the appointment. Teresa Bennett is Marshall’s Parent Liaison. 703-714-5482 How did you score? Above 20 points means you are truly listening to your child. Fifteen to 19 is average. Below 15? Try some of the ideas in the quiz to improve your listening skills. Band News Congratulations to Reina Andrade, Emma Balek, Rumen Hutchinson and Andrew Robinson, our participants in the GMU Honors Band. Marshall had four students participate in the All-District Band concert this year at Oakton High School. Congratulations to Reina Andrade, Emma Balek, Ginny Lee and Vincent McLeese. The trumpet section will perform the National Anthem at the School Board meeting on Thursday, Feb. 14. Any student who wishes information with regard to auditioning to march with the Bands of America National Honors Marching Band in Pasadena's Rose Bowl Parade, should contact Mr. Baldwin. Above is a landscaping plan for the senior courtyard from Merrifield Garden Center. Read more about it on page 9 in the President’s message. Page 6 GCM PTSA NEWSLETTER (ISSUE 4 of 5) Prom Dress Boutique! Please start setting these items aside as the dates Clean out your closets and save the environment for the drop off are coming soon. Please see that by donating all your unused or “gently used” formal all dresses have been carefully dry cleaned and on attire to our special “PROM PROM DRESS BOUTIQUE” hangers. We are also in need of fancy shopping event. bags, unused tissue paper and ribbons so the items will go out in style. Anyone wishing to help We are hoping to get a broad range of styles and with the Prom Dress Event should email Cindy sizes to suit our rising graduates, particularly the Blakely at or Hillary Vincent very small and larger misses sizes. Elegant shoes, at and handbags, fancy jewelry, unused hair notions and cosmetics samples or perfumes are welcomed. LOVE YOUR SENIOR Honor them with a book Donate a book to the Marshall H.S. Library gift book program and have it inscribed with your student’s name and class. For more information on this program please contact Alanna Graboyes, Head Librarian (703)-714-5323 Hospitality Internships On Wednesday, February 6th, eight Marshall Academy Hospitality Students attended an all-day orientation session at the Ritz-Carlton Tysons Corner. These lucky students will begin their 12-week internship in hospitality with a focus on: loss prevention, culinary, guest recognition, restaurant, and The Spa! The Ritz-Carlton presented a lovely program and a luncheon to the students who will be interning there on Tuesdays and Wednesdays through the beginning of May. We are very proud that our students are professionals and that they can can experience this "once in a lifetime" opportunity. Decisions are currently being made as to which excellent college/university they will attend to continue their studies in Hospitality. Updates on their decisions to follow in the next issue of the PTSA newsletter. :) Marketing Department News DECA's State Leadership Conference will be held in Norfolk, VA on the weekend of March 6th-9th, 2008. We are very excited to be taking 73 students from Marshall H.S. and Marshall Academy to participate in the conference. We look forward to telling you of your son/daughter's success in role-play competition and manual presentations. In addition to the Marketing Department, we are asking Cindy Blakeley, Director of Student Services, and Jeff McFarland, Academy Administrator, to chaperone and assist in prepping our students for competition. If your son/daughter is attending the conference, please send back their permission forms as soon as possible. Parents, we post photos on Snapfish for your enjoyment. Thanks for your continued support of Marshall H.S. Marketing and DECA! GCM PTSA NEWSLETTER (ISSUE 4 of 5) Page 7 GCM DECA Rocks District Competition On Friday, January 25, 2008, over 800 marketing students from Fairfax County gathered to compete at the annual DECA leadership Conference at Lake Braddock Secondary School. Sixty Marshall Marketing Students were selected to represent our DECA chapter at the competition. Marshall students compete in District 11 (including West Springfield, Edison, Lee, and Classroom-on-the Mall & GCM). The Marketing Competition encompassed 13 ComCompetitive Role Play Events in total. Marshall is proud to announce that we had EIGHT First Place Overall Winners,and TEN Second Place Overall Winners. The Third Place Winners Serve as alternates for DECA State Competition: Cameron Holdaway, Samantha Marsengil,, Tommy McCormick, Jason Merlino, and Harold Sweet The students who won 1st and 2nd place will represent Fairfax County at the DECA State Competition in Norfolk on March 68. Student winners at the State Leadership Conference earn The Marshall Student First and Second Place Winners will adadvance to State Competition in March. First Place Winners: Mike Beaman, John Carmichael, Diana Fleeter, Matt Freeman, Caroline MacDonnell, Sarah Noll, Haley Plotner and Josh Rennert. Second Place Winners: Alex Bramet,, Tara Cappiello,, Scott Hoffman, Morgan MacDonnell, Sara Meoni, Alexandra Monge, Tori Montano, Misha Smarzik, Martynas Verbusaitis, and Bryan Whittington. the opportunity to represent Virginia at the DECA International Career Development Conference to be held in April in Atlanta, Georgia. DECA is the International Association of Marketing Students, with over 100,000 student members nationwide. Thirty six Marshall DECA Students were recognized as finalists in one of their three events. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL DECA WINNERS AND FINALISTS! Page 8 GCM PTSA NEWSLETTER (ISSUE 2 of 5) GCM Activities Boosters Mulch Sale It’s that time again–the Annual Spring Mulch Sale. The Activities Boosters will be selling mulch on Saturday, April 5, 2008. 3.0 cubic foot bags of plain hardwood mulch are available for $4.50 per bag. Delivery to your home or business is free for purchases of ten bags or more. We deliver anywhere in the Falls Church/Vienna/Merrifield/ McLean area. We’ll even place them in the yard for you! This is a great deal–save the multiple trips to Home Depot, save the time spent cleaning the car, save the effort lugging those bags around!! Talk to your neighbors–get together on an order. Order your bags now on the Boosters website at or you can send a check to John Blakeley at 2506 Carol Pl., Falls Church, VA 22046. Sales close on Tuesday, April 1st at 11:59PM. No foolin’!! If you can help with delivery: We need all the help we can get! In past years we have delivered as many as 4500 bags of mulch to more than 200 houses. We use all Sports teams and many of our clubs to deliver the mulch, but we need adults to drive the trucks. So, if you can help, please contact John Blakeley or any other Boosters Board member. For more information call John at 703-992-6274, or send an E-mail to “Who’s taking care of your kids?” The National Athletic Trainers’ Association is working to draw attention to the healthcare provided to our nation’s youth and secondary school age athletes. March is National Athletic Training Month! The theme for this year’s event is “Who’s taking care of your kids?” Throughout March and the rest of the year, the National Athletic Trainers’ Association is working to draw attention to the healthcare provided to our nation’s youth and secondary school age athletes. The Fairfax County Public Schools Athletic Training Program (FCPS ATP) employs 50 Certified Athletic Trainers, two at each county high school. Certified Athletic Trainers are nationally certified, state licensed medical professionals. Experts in the evaluation, treatment and rehabilitation of injuries and illnesses, the members of the FCPS ATP strive to provide comprehensive, quality healthcare for the 20,000+ students participating in athletics each year. Marshall’s two Certified Athletic Trainers are John Reynolds MS, VATL, ATC and Dale Hotchkiss MS, VATL, ATC. Mr. Reynolds is in his 11th year as an Athletic Trainer at Marshall while Mr. Hotchkiss is completing his second year at the school. Maintaining a constant presence at Marshall athletic events throughout the year, Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Hotchkiss greatly enjoy working with the students at Marshall, their parents, and the greater Marshall community. Boy’s Basketball Shoot-A-Thon Thank you to all who donated or made pledges for the Marshall Boys' Basketball Shoot-A-Thon held on Saturday, January 26. The basketball team enjoyed a morning of shooting free throws with participants from the Best Buddies program. We are hoping to raise $4000 with 15% of that money being donated to the Best Buddies program at Marshall. A recent article on the Best Buddies program was documented in the latest Vienna Connection. The basketball program hopes to continue its partnership with Best Buddies in the coming years. Girl’s Lacrosse GCM Girls' Lacrosse is happy to announce the addition of 2003 GCM grad Nicholle Harris-Depaz to the coaching staff. Nicholle brings four years of NCAA Division I playing experience to the team, having played three years for former US National Coach Sue Stahl at Old Dominion University, & one at Virginia Tech. The 2008 season begins with open try-outs on Monday, Feb. 25, and the first game at Falls Church HS on March 13. 3/13 TH @ Falls Church 3/27 TH LANGLEY (home) 3/31 M @ Stone Bridge 4/4 F @ WT Woodson 4/8 T SOUTH LAKES (home) 4/10 TH @ Madison 4/11 F South County Invitational (2 games) 4/12 Sat South County Invitational (3 games) 4/14 M WASHINGTON-LEE (home) 4/17 TH MCLEAN (home) 4/24 TH @ Thomas Jefferson Page 9 GCM PTSA NEWSLETTER (ISSUE 4 of 5) (Continued from page 1) the practice SAT/ACT tests conducted on Feb. 9th, 2008. They will also hold a “giveback” seminar for the students and parents. We have obtained a landscaping plan for the senior courtyard from Merrifield Garden Center. The entire work will be done in phases. Thanks to the Activities Boosters for their $2000 contribution toward this project. The plan can be viewed on the PTSA website, Our second beautification day is scheduled for March 29th. We plan to implement Phase I which involves the cleanup of the entire courtyard getting rid of unwanted plant growth and weeds. Everyone is invited to participate in this clean-up effort. A little volunteering goes a long way. This event is also a great community service opportunity. " We have been actively planning for George C Marshall High School’s 45th anniversary celebration in April. The weeklong celebration will be on April 12-19th and will be kicked-off with an elegant dinner gala catered by our very own 5-Star Café Chef Ciaran Devlin on Saturday April 12th. The cost will be at $25/ person. It will be from 6:309:30 PM. Our guest speaker is Thomas Pickering who is the former US Ambassador to the United Nations (from 1989-1992). We invite everyone to participate in this weeklong celebration as we appreci- ate the past, celebrate the present, and embrace the future of Marshall HS. More detailed information about this weeklong celebration will be outlined in a separate article in this newsletter. In appreciation of our administrative professionals, the PTSA will again sponsor Spa Day. It will be scheduled during the week of April 20th. Furthermore, the hospitality committee will host a teacher appreciation luncheon for faculty & staff during the week of May 5th. The teachers and staff are in for a surprise this year. May is going to be a tough month for our students. SOL tests and IB exams are looming on the horizon. As parents, we should discourage procrastination and encourage them to prepare early. The school and the parents need to work hand in hand to assure that our students continue to work hard in the least stressful environment possible. Our final beautification day for this school year is on Saturday, May 17th. Come one , come all! As always, the PTSA strongly encourages you to take an active role in your student’s education. Volunteer at the school and help all of us make a difference. Attend as many of your child’s activities as possible. Advice That Makes Cents Acacia Federal Savings Bank -- a proud business partner of Marshall High School -- contributes articles to many PTSA newsletters. The article, Advice That Makes Cents, will focus on how you can help your Marshall student better handle their finances. Credit Check temptation to use them. Many of you have already seen the credit card offers in your mailbox for your students. You might be shocked that credit card companies are extending offers to kids at such a young age, but current market research shows that the average student secures his/her first credit card at the age of 16. •· Read the fine print carefully, and pay attention to anything Used properly, credit cards can be an ideal way for young adults to build a solid credit report before they complete their education and move into the 'real world.' By exhibiting discipline with a credit card and making payments on time and in-full, students will be in a good position when it comes time to buy their first car or rent their first apartment. •· At the very least, make sure you pay at least the minimum When talking with your student about securing their own credit card -- especially if they are heading to college in the next year or two -emphasize the following points: •· Don't carry more than two (2) credit cards. Choose one to use regularly, and use the other only in an emergency (ie, if the first one is lost/stolen). •· Only apply for cards that you'll use. It certainly is enticing to sign up for a card because you'll receive a free gift or receive a discount on all future purchases at a particular store. But ask yourself, "Am I really going to shop at this store often enough?" Having extra cards in your purse or wallet only increases the that mentions changes to the interest rates. That attractive rate of 2% might change after 6 months to something in the 14% - 15% range. And make sure there is no annual fee just to have the card! monthly payment. However, try to pay the entire balance each month. Regardless of how much you pay, make sure you submit it on time. The most important point to get across to young adults with a credit card is not to buy what they can't afford. A credit card does not mean they can buy something that is out of their budget, as they still have to come up with the money at some point. A few final notes about credit cards and ID theft: If your student has a card that is lost/stolen, be sure they report it to the credit card provider immediately. And be sure they completely destroy those credit card offers that come in that they won't be needing. These simple steps can help your student reduce the risk of ID theft. Page 10 GCM PTSA NEWSLETTER (ISSUE 4 of 5) George C. Marshall High School 45th Anniversary Celebration George C. Marshall High School will commemorate its 45th anniversary with a week-long celebration for students, families and the community - April 12th – April 19th, 2008. The theme for this event will be “A Appreciate the Past, Celebrate the Present, and Embrace the Future”. Our intention is to honor General George C. Marshall and to highlight the many accomplishments of our school and community. We will kick off the festivities on Saturday, April 12th with an evening Gala. Honored guest, former United States Ambassador Thomas R. Pickering (Russia, India, Israel, El Salvador, Nigeria, Jordan and the United Nations) will be our keynote speaker. The evening will include a special dinner prepared by Chef Ciaran Devin of The Five Star Café; a custom- designed cake highlighting our mascot, the Griffin, created by Food Network’s Ace of Cakes; GCM Booster Club’s Hall of Fame inductees; and entertainment provided by the Marshall Strings Quartet and the Vienna Choral Society. It will be an unforgettable evening and should not to be missed. Throughout the week students from our school will participate in activities focused on leadership and honoring General Marshall. There will be essay and art contests, guest speakers, tour of Dodona Manor, and many other fun activities. We will wrap up the week’s activities on Saturday, April 19th with a 5K Run. Look for further details, as we get closer to the event. We are looking for big-ticket items, e.g. airline tickets, hotel accommodations, vacation property, etc to raffle during the evening gala. If you can help support this effort please let us know Mark your calendars for the week of April 12th – April 19th, 2008!! To ensure the success of this event, many volunteers are needed. Please contact Tana Leasure ( or Malou Rennert ( if you are interested. Thank you. Tana Leasure Malou Rennert Diploma Seal for Excellence in Civics Education Students who have earned a B or higher in their U.S. History and Government courses (or their preIB and IB equivalents) and who have engaged in service or community-oriented endeavors are eligible to be recognized with the Civics Diploma Seal as an additional award on their high school diplomas. Activities in the community as well as many here at Marshall can qualify students for the award. Many students will qualify based on activities that they have already undertaken. Examples would include: • volunteering for a charitable or religious organization that provides services to the poor, sick or less fortunate • Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts or similar youth organizations • • JROTC • • Boys State, Girls State school-sponsored extracurricular activities that have a civics focus (e.g., Earth Force, Model UN) enlistment in the United States military prior to graduation Full details of the qualifications are available on the Marshall web page (see http://www.fcps. edu/MarshallHS/studentservices/guidance/). A brief application is necessary, which is available through Government and IB Topics teachers. Please take some time to look at the specific qualifications, and help us ensure that our oustanding student citizens are recognized for the great work they do in our school and our community. If you have questions or need assistance with the application process, please contact Social Studies chair Wanlace Yates at • political campaigns or government internships Printing of the GCM PTSA Newsletter has been generously donated by Aca Acacia Federal Savings Bank. For more information about Acacia, go to Page 11 GCM PTSA NEWSLETTER (ISSUE 4 of 5) FAMILIES OF SENIORS! WATCH YOUR MAIL! Seniors and their families will be receiving an envelope containing important graduation information during the month of February! Class of 2008 Graduation News All you need to know without interrogating your senior! GRADUATION SPEAKER: TBA ORDER GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS: If you still need to order announcements and graduation related items from National Quality Products - Contact Steve Wareham at 703-691-8783. There will be an additional 10% fee charged to late orders. Additional order forms can be picked up in the Academy Office. SENIOR CLASS DUES: DUES The members of every graduating class are assessed dues to cover the costs associated with graduation. Those costs include, but are not limited to: Caps & Gowns Class Trip to Arlington Cemetery Diplomas & Diploma Covers Class Gift to the school DAR Constitution Hall costs Class Picnic or Activity Senior Tee Shirts Transportation for all senior activities and graduation • Deadline for Senior Class Dues, $100 is May 30th! All seniors are required to pay their dues in order to participate in the graduation ceremony. Students that participate in the free and reduced lunch program, please see your counselor. Checks should be made to Marshall High School and should be turned in or mailed to Mrs. Lopez or Mrs. Oishi in the Main Office, at which time your child will be issued a receipt. Please write the name of your child on the memo line. SENIOR DEBTS: Notices will be mailed home during the next following months regarding outstanding financial obligations; these should be resolved by May 30th. If your student has financial obligations for books, uniforms, fines, etc., the items should be returned or the entire amount must be paid to Marshall High School before your student can graduate. If Senior Class Dues are not paid by the deadline of May 30th, it becomes a debt. All debts are payable in cash, money orders or or certified checks only, only, after May 30th. Checks made payable to Marshall High School will be accepted until May 30th and may be turned in to Mrs. Smith in the Main Office. After May 30th, only cash, money orders, or certified checks will be accepted. Any “found” books or uniforms, etc., should also be turned in to Mrs. Smith, in the Main Office. GRADUATION TICKETS: Each graduating student will receive 6 tickets at graduation practice on June 10. Extra tickets may become available once the exact number of graduates is determined. If you need to request extra tickets, please contact Mrs. Murphy at 703-714-5582. TRANSPORTATION TO DAR DAR CONSTITUTION HALL: Please be aware that on-street parking near DAR Constitution Hall is extremely limited. Travel by Metrorail is one option that negates the necessity to find parking. The closest Metro stop is Farragut West (17th Street), approximately six blocks from DAR Constitution Hall. The doors to DAR Constitution Hall will open at 9:00 9:00 am. We will also provide limited school bus transportation from the high school to DAR Constitution Hall. The cost of bus transportation is $10.00 per seat and the bus will leave at 8:30 a.m. Bus passes will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis starting Tuesday, May 27th. Sales of bus passes will end at the close of school on Friday, June 6th. Please see Mrs. Murphy in the Academy Office to purchase bus passes. Students may leave the ceremony with their parents or guardians and are not required to return to Marshall on the bus. GRADUATION PICTURES: PICTURES: Forgot to get your pictures taken? Call Lifetouch 1-800-445-1191 ext 115. CAPS AND GOWNS: Students were measured earlier this school year. These will be distributed during graduation practice on June 10th to all students who have met their senior obligations including financial ones. Class of 2008 Graduation at DAR Constitution Hall on June 13, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. GRADUATION QUESTIONS: Contact Jeff McFarland, Class of 2008 Administrator, at 703 714-5583 or Diane Murphy at 703 714-5582. End of Year Events May 28th – June 9th: Senior Exam Window June 7—Prom June 11—Baccalaureate Service June 13—Graduation June 13—All Night Grad Celebration DATED MATERIAL — PLEASE EXPEDITE! NonNon-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Merrifield, VA Permit No. 1398 George C. Marshall High School 7731 Leesburg Pike Falls Church, VA 22043 Phone: 703-714-5400 Fax: 703-714-5497 Activities Hotline: 703-883-4740 TEAM — Together Everyone Achieves Miracles GCM PTSA Newsletter Issue 4 of 5 March—May 2008 W E’ RE ON THE W EB! HTTP://WWW.FCPS.EDU/MARSHALLHS/ Noteworthy Dates March 3- PTSA Meeting- Principal’s Conference Room- 7:00PM 5- SAT/ACT test results and giveback seminar given by Kaplan Test & Admissions- cafeteria- 7:00-8:00PM 7- Concert Band- VBODA State Festival – Madison HS 8-Wind Ensemble- VBODA State Festival - Madison HS 10- Sophomore/Junior College Night-7:00-9:00 PM- Cafeteria 11- Junior Focus Day-7:20-10:45 AM 12- Touching Bases- 7:20-9:50 AM, Cafeteria/main gym/auxiliary gym. 3 Hour delayed opening Teen Driving Presentation by S.A.F.E. for Juniors- Auditorium12:30 PM 17-21 SPRING BREAK 28- Regional Science Fair- Robinson HS-Registration- 5:00-9:00 PM 29- Beautification Day- 9:00 -12:00 PM Regional Science Fair- Robinson HS-All Day judging – Awards ceremony April 4- Third Grading Period Ends 7- Teacher Work day- STUDENT HOLIDAY 10- “Secrets” Presentation by Kaiser Permanente- AIDS Awareness Program 12- 19- Weeklong GCM 45th Anniversary Celebration 12- Solo and Ensemble Festival- Thoreau Middle School- TBA Dinner Gala- GCM- TBA 13- Trip to Dodona Manor-TBA 14- PTSA Meeting- Principal’s conference room- 7:00 PM 17-19 Band Spring Trip, Myrtle Beach, SC-TBA 18-Deadline for the last Issue of the PTSA Newsletter 19- 5K fun run ( organized by the Track Team) 8:00 AM 20- 26 Administrative Professionals Appreciation Week MAY 5-9 Teacher Appreciation Week 5- PTSA Meeting- Principal’s Conference Room- 7:00 PM 7- Kilmer Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble Concert- Auditorium7:00 PM 17 – Beautification Day#3 -9:00-12:00 Noon 18-22 Educational Bosses Week 22- Percussion Ensemble Concert-7:00 PM – Band Room 26- Memorial Day Holiday – NO SCHOOL ***For additional calendar information please check the PTSA website, The next GCM PTSA Newsletter will be distributed in early May with information about May through summer. Deadline is April 18, 2008. Send completed articles to