All-American dance party at the West Chester University
All-American dance party at the West Chester University
Thank you so much for your interest in supporting Uptown! Entertainment Alliance. We are the people who are purchasing the National Guard Armory in downtown West Chester and repurposing it as a public theater for film and live performances. We have made great progress in realizing the vision of a theater raising $2.2 million in capital funding to date. This fall we are planning two fundraising events to sustain our operating budget during the capital campaign. We are hoping that you will consider a sponsorship to one or both events. • Saturday, October 17 Mark your calendar - Uptown! Entertainment Alliance is hosting their Annual Fundraiser & Dinner Dance called Footlights and Fun Raising presented by Fulton Bank. This event will be a super fun, All-American dance party at the West Chester University Foundation & Alumnae Building in West Chester. The 10-piece band, The Sofa Kings, will keep us dancing all night. The exciting American-style barbecue we have planned is sure to please everyone’s palate. As in previous years, a sellout crowd is expected with over 300-plus attending. Don’t miss an opportunity to be part of THE fall party of the year! • Saturday November 14 In partnership with West Chester University, Uptown! will present the original Soul Sounds of Philly Concert at Emilie K. Asplundh Hall. Having the talent and high-energy drive that audiences have come to adore, Russell Thompkins, Jr. and the New Stylistics along with William Hart and the Delfonics will bring the Motown of the North to WCU. Celebrating their 12th anniversary, Russell Thompkins Jr. & the New Stylistics have remained dedicated to the mission of providing quality representation of the original recordings of the Stylistics. Keeping real music alive is the mission for them and the Delfonics. With their combined dedicated passion, consider it signed, sealed, and delivered! We anticipate over 800 attendees. Our events have a history of attracting capacity crowds from all around Chester County and Northern Delaware and include every demographic. Please take a moment to review the sponsorship opportunity page attached and decide at which level you would like to participate. Then, complete the form reflecting your commitment and how you would like to make payments. Our Fall events will set the stage for a building an audience for the future as we raise the capital funds needed to repurpose the Armory into a theater in 2016. Your investment in our mission not only helps the West Chester, but also allows for a unique opportunity to promote your own services to an audience as diverse as the region we serve. I welcome the opportunity to speak with you personally to discuss your sponsorship interest. My cell is 484-343-4577. Sincerely, Jeannie McGinn Footlights & Fun Raising Chairwoman and Uptown! Board Member Fulton Bank West Chester Branch Manager 116 W. Market Street, West Chester, Pa 19382 610-918-8810 121 North Walnut Street, Suite 320 West Chester Pa 19380 * 484.639.9004 * www. ANNUAL FUNDRAISER & DINNER DANCE - FOOTLIGHTS & FUN RAISING Sponsorship Opportunities Name /Logo featured on invitation (mailed & electronic) Name /Logo featured on stage as well as on sign at entrance to Footlights & Fun Raising event Name /Logo featured in all event publicity, including social media, website, advertising, press releases and interviews as well as event posters. Profile on UEA’s Facebook page Logo featured in 5 email blasts to promote the event (3,000 impressions) 6 Reserved Tickets - Footlights & Fun Raising Event Name & Logo featured on event posters as well as on website & recognition on social media Logo featured in one email blast to promote the event (3,000 impressions) 2 Tickets - Footlights & Fun Raising Event * An additional $250 will upgrade your sponsorship visibility to cover both Footlights & Fun Raising Event & Philly Soul Concert * An additional $2000 will upgrade your sponsorship visibility to cover both Footlights & Fun Raising Event & Philly Soul Concert 2 Tickets - Footlights & Fun Raising Event * An addi tion al $1 50 w i ll upgra de your spon sorship visi bil ity to cove r bo th Fo otlig hts & Fu n R a ising E vent & P hil ly S oul Conc ert Name /Logo featured on stage as well as on sign at entrance to Footlights & Fun Raising Name and Logo featured in all event publicity, including social media, website, advertising, press releases and interviews as well as event posters. Profile on UEA’s Facebook page Logo featured in 5 email blasts to promote the event (3,000 impressions) 4 Reserved Tickets -Footlights & Fun Raising Event Lasts all Year Long! One-year membership to Uptown! Entertainment Alliance, includes * An addi tion al $1,0 00 wi ll upg rade your spon sorship visi bil ity to cove r both Fo otlig hts & Fu n R a ising E vent & P hil ly S oul C onc ert Name & Logo prominently featured on invitation for both fall fundraising events (mailed & electronic) Name & Logo prominently featured on stage at both Footlights & Fun Raising Event & The Philly Soul Concert at West Chester University Featured in publicity for 2015-16 events including advertising, press releases & interviews as well as website & recognition on social media Sponsor profile on UEA’s Facebook page VIP Concert Tickets for 8 guests and 8 reserve seating tickets to Footlights and Fun Raising Event Name /Logo featured on invitation (Mailed & electronic) Name /Logo featured on event posters as well as/ on website & recognition on social media Logo featured in one email blast to promote the event (3,000 impressions) 2 Reserved Tickets - Footlights & Fun Raising Event * An addi tion al $500 w il l u pgrad e you r spon sorship visi bil ity to cove r bo th Fo otlig hts & Fu n R a ising E vent & P hil ly S oul C onc ert 121 North Walnut Street Suite 320 West Chester Pa 19380 * 484.639.9004 * www. ANNUAL FUNDRAISER & DINNER DANCE FOOTLIGHTS & FUN RAISING SPONSORSHIP REPLY FORM YES, I want to help bring a theater to downtown West Chester by serving as a: $5,000 Red Carpet Sponsor $750 Footlights Sponsor $ $2,500 Box Office Sponsor $1,500 Orchestra Sponsor $500 Patron of the Arts Sponsor I am sorry I cannot attend, please accept my gift of $________ to support bringing a theater to downtown West Chester! NAME: COMPANY NAME: ADDRESS: CITY :______________________________________________________________________________________ STATE :________________________________________________ ZIP :_________________________________________________________________ EMAIL: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _PHONE: Payment (circle one): Check Enclosed Credit Card Please Send Invoice Make checks payable to Uptown! Entertainment Alliance Credit Card: Visa Mastercard American Express Name on Card: __________________________ Card Number: ________________________ Exp Date ____________ Security Code________ Please return this completed form to: Uptown! Entertainment Alliance 121 N. Walnut Street, Suite 320, West Chester, PA 19380 Questions? Call Angela Scully, 484-639-9004 or email 121 North Walnut Street Suite 320 West Chester Pa 19380 * 484.639.9004 * www. SAVE THE DATE! Footlights & Fun Raising ANNUAL FUNDRAISER & DINNER DANCE Saturday, October 17, 2015 | 6:30pm-11:00pm West Chester University Foundation Building presented by HOW CAN YOU HELP? 121 North Walnut Street Suite 320 West Chester, PA 19380 • Sponsorships Available • P urchase Dinner Dance Tickets: $85 single / $160 double • Make a Donation More information at The Uptown! Entertainment Alliance (UEA) is a group with a common vision: to bring a theater to West Chester, Pennsylvania. For three years, we have grown by formalizing our efforts and creating community awareness of this need – while searching for a permanent home. That home is now in hand. We have an agreement from the State of Pennsylvania to purchase the historic Pennsylvania National Guard Armory on North High Street in downtown West Chester and are undertaking a $3.75 Million Capital Campaign transform this grand old building into a multi-‐use theater and educational space. The Armory was built in 1916 and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It housed the National Guard’s Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 111th Infantry and 56th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, which traces its lineage directly to Benjamin Franklin, who formed the unit in 1747 to protect the Colonies in the French and Indian War. The Armory’s 10,900-‐square-‐foot main floor is the near-‐perfect space for a 350 seat theater. Its barrel-‐ vaulted ceiling on the main floor, where audiences will enjoy film and live performances, creates a majestic theatre experience reminiscent of a bygone era. There are also spaces on the second floor and an additional 7,000 square feet of usable space on the lower level of the building. The goal of bringing a theater to West Chester is to create a cultural hub for Chester County individuals and families within walking distance to West Chester's lively restaurant and shopping district. An additional goal is to engage underserved age and income groups in West Chester and the surrounding area through children's programming as well as film and live performance. 121 North Walnut Street Suite 320 West Chester Pa 19380 * 484.639.9004 * www.