Chit Chat Fall 2013 - Geauga Park District
Chit Chat Fall 2013 - Geauga Park District
A publication of Geauga Park District Youth volunteer Scott Brown completed his Eagle Scout project at Orchard Hills Park. Youth volunteerism is one of the biggest growth areas for Geauga Park District’s vounteer corps. Many local schools expect their graduates to spend time in the community, giving back. These students not only get the chance to connect to the county as a whole, but often discover that what started as a ‘requirement’ can actually be enjoyable! Youth Volunteer Zack Geizer shared, “I originally decided to volunteer with Geauga Park District because I needed service hours for my school. But after a few sessions volunteering at the observatory, I found that I enjoyed volunteering at the park. I’m going to continue because it’s something I enjoy doing. I learn from the naturalists and I help visitors learn things as well, so it’s fun and informative whenever I volunteer.” Your Park District has also hosted many Eagle Scouts as they work on their projects. Scott Brown recently completed his Eagle Scout project at Orchard Hills, then decided to become a volunteer. He shared, “Volunteering is important to me because service is one of the main ideals of scouting and because I like to help the organizations that I love. I have been enlightened continued on page 4 FA L L 2013 PARK COMMISSIONERS Nicholas E. Fischbach Jim Patterson Michael J. Petruziello EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Thomas G. Curtin VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR Holly Sauder Volunteer Trainings special projects & programs Winter Solstice Training Wednesday, December 11, 6:30 PM The West Woods, Nature Center Volunteers will review the various positions, costumes and event details of this popular winter program. Scripts will be provided for volunteers in the important station roles so they have time to review before the program. Dress for an outdoor walk. Volunteers interested in acting at one of the stations please contact Holly Sauder at hsauder@ ding one Geocaching Day Volunteers are needed for the Fall Geocache Day on October 26 to hide cache containers with a deck of cards in these southwest parks: Frohring Meadows, Beartown Lakes, The Rookery and The West 270 0890 or jbarnhart@ jb h @ Woods. Contact Judy, 440-270-0890, for park assignment or more information. Nancy Speck, lea ups of the Solstice gro Cookie bakers are also needed... if you can share 4-6 dozen cookies, we’d be very grateful! Cookies can be dropped off at the Meyer Center until noon on 12/20, or at The West Woods until the time of the event. Scout Programs Junior Girl Scouts Geocacher Badge Saturday, October 26, 9-10:30 AM The West Woods, Nature Center Two volunteers knowledgable in use of handheld GPS units are needed to assist girls with usage. Webelos Geologist Achievement Saturday, November 16, 9:30-11:30 AM The West Woods, Nature Center Two volunteers needed to discuss rock types and uses of rocks & minerals. Includes a hike to Ansel’s Cave. For information about these scout programs, contact Judy Barnhart, jbarnhart@ or 440-270-0890. Astronomy Opportunities! The shorter days of fall brings darker skies at an earlier hour...a great time to view the night sky. Volunteers are needed at Observatory Park each Friday and Saturday evening and Sunday afternoons. Can you help someone discover the night sky? Full Moon Programs: 10/18, 11/17, 12/17 Themed Friday Night Programs: 10/4, 10/25, 11/8, 11/22, 12/13, 12/27 Night Sky Viewing: on remaining Fridays Night Sky Viewing: each Saturday evening Planetarium Shows: each Sunday at 2PM Sign up online or by contacting Holly, 440-279-0802 or Halloween Wagon Rides The annual Halloween Wagon Rides will be held October 13 & 20 at Swine Creek Reservation. It’s a great way to celebrate the fall season in all its splendor! We are in need of volunteers to assist at themed stations, as wagon ride guides and as ticket hosts. This is always a fun-filled program! To volunteer, please contact Holly at; Linda Gilbert at; WHO will you meet on the or visit the volunteer website. Halloween Wagon Rides? 2 chit chat • olunteer opportunities October 10/2 Walktober Hike 6:30 PM Swine Creek Reservation 10/3 EZ Go Cart Tour 10 AM Eldon Russell Park 10/4 Extreme Storms 7 PM Observatory Park 10/5 Geauga’s Cemeteries 1 PM South Newbury Cemetery 10/5 Campfire & Night Hike 7:30 PM Swine Creek Reservation 10/6 Planetarium Show 2 PM Observatory Park 10/9 Walktober Hike 6:30 PM Headwaters Park 10/11 Timbertots 10 AM & 1 PM The Rookery 10/12 Fall Color Kayak 1 PM Headwaters Park 10/13 Halloween Wagon Rides 1 PM Swine Creek Reservation 10/13 Planetarium Show 2 PM Observatory Park 10/16 EZ Go Cart Tour 1 PM The Rookery 10/16 Walktober Hike 6:30 PM Beartown Lakes Reservation 10/18 Nature Explorers 10 AM The Rookery 10/18 Full Moon Program 6:30 PM Observatory Park 10/19 Timbertots 10 AM Headwaters Park 10/19 Fall Color Canoe Float 1 PM Bass Lake Preserve 10/19 Nature 101: Autumn 3 PM The West Woods M 10/19 Horseback Moonlight Ride 6 PM Headwaters Park 10/20 Reservoir Horse Ride 10 AM Headwaters Park 10/20 Halloween Wagon Rides 1 PM Swine Creek Reservation 10/20 Planetarium Show 2 PM Observatory Park 10/23 Walktober Hike 6:30 PM Orchard Hills Park 10/25 Extreme Storms 7 PM Observatory Park 10/26 Junior Girl Scout Badge Day 9 AM The West Woods 10/26 Fall Geocache Day 9 AM The West Woods 10/26 Hound Hike 10 AM Sunnybrook Preserve 10/27 Planetarium Show 2 PM Observatory Park Reminder: Program start times are listed below. Volunteers should plan to arrive 15 to 30 minutes earlier. November December 11/3 Planetarium Show 2 PM Observatory Park 11/3 Backcountry Heron Hike 3:30 PM The Rookery 11/8 Comets 7 PM The Rookery 11/9 Backcountry Ravine Hike 1 PM Big Creek Park 11/10 Planetarium Show 2 PM Observatory Park 11/10 Timbertots 3 PM Big Creek Park 11/12 Timbertots 10 AM & 1 PM Sunnybrook Preserve 11/14 Food & Farms 6:30 PM The West Woods 11/15 Nature in Music 7:30 PM Observatory Park 11/16 Cub Scout Geologist Program 9:30 AM The West Woods 11/17 Planetarium Show 2 PM Observatory Park 11/17 Full Moon Program 5 PM Observatory Park 11/22 Comets 7 PM Observatory Park 11/23 Youth Hunt 8 AM The Rookery 11/24 Youth Hunt 8 AM The Rookery 11/24 Planetarium Show 2 PM Observatory Park October Programs, Continued 10/27 Meet the Artists 2 PM The West Woods 10/28 EZ Go Cart Tour 10 AM Orchard Hills Park 10/30 Walktober Hike 6:30 PM Frohring Meadows 12/1 Planetarium Show 2 PM Observatory Park 12/7 Greens Workshop 9 AM & 1 PM Swine Creek Reservation 12/8 Timbertots 2 PM Swine Creek Reservation 12/9 Timbertots 10 AM & 1 PM Swine Creek Reservation 12/12 Art Takes a Bough 6 PM The West Woods 12/13 Homeschool Day 2 PM The West Woods 12/13 Winter Sky Stories 7 PM Observatory Park 12/14 Ferns, Fronds, Fiddleheads 2 PM The West Woods 12/15 Planetarium Show 2 PM Observatory Park 12/17 Full Moon Program 5:30 PM Observatory Park 12/21 Winter Solstice Hike 7:30 PM The West Woods 12/22 Planetarium Show 2 PM Observatory Park 12/27 Nature Explorers 10 AM The West Woods 12/27 Winter Sky Stories 7 PM Observatory Park 12/28 Creature Adventure 1 PM The West Woods 12/29 Planetarium Show 2 PM Observatory Park 12/31 Grandparents Program 11 AM The West Woods Exhib opens November 1 e We Wds! • chit chat 3 Citizen Science & Natural Resources Updates Stream Team The Natural Resource Management Department is seeking volunteers to help with a stream sampling project. Stream Team volunteers will help sample macro-invertebrates and water quality at designated sites within Geauga Park District. These sites will be in the Chagrin, Cuyahoga and Grand River watersheds. Such sampling will help record water quality changes over time. The ‘team’ will meet in winter, and projects will begin soon after. For more information, contact Joel Firem, 440-279-0822 or kdi t i t, or Linda Gilbert, 440-279-0886 or Youth Volunteers, continued from cover on everything from botany to astronomy to my community. I volunteer with Geauga Park District because it is local and the parks are fantastic.” Maddie Fisher is a third generation volunteer, and often works with her mother and grandparents. She has helped with Saps-a-Risin’, Caveman Crawl, Winter Solstice, Halloween Wagon Rides, family fun day, art shows, hound hikes, night hikes and campfires, just to name a few! Maddie said, “It helps me to learn different things. It’s important to do because my family does it, too. It’s fun!” Geauga Park District also gives high school students a chance to work in the field as part of our mentorship program. Each spring, Geauga high school seniors spend two weeks working alongside the Naturalist and Natural Resource Management departments. This helps students gain practical, handson experience before heading off to college. As one of the 2013 mentorship students said, “This has made me more sure I wanted to study biology and environmental sciences at college. I could definitely see myself doing this (job) after college!” Often, youth volunteers come in groups to perform community service projects. Members of Kenston’s National Honor Society recently pulled garlic gustard; the Riders Express 4-H club tended to the prairie garden at Frohring Meadows; and Cub Scout Pack 92 helped clean along The Maple Highlands Trail and built Screech Owl nesting boxes. These service groups take an active role in maintaining their parks for future generations to come! And of course, youth volunteers have an energy and excitement about their surroundings that is a good testament to the future of our Park District. Youth of all ages are welcome to volunteer, but those who are age 13 and younger must volunteer with an adult, while those 14 and older can work alone. If you would like more information about the youth volunteer opportunities available, please contact me. See you in the parks! Holly • chit chat 4 thank you! Allen, Bill Allen, Kathy Allenson, Stephen Andreas, Marie Armbruster, Debbie Aveni, Paula Bambic, Christopher Banzer, Charlotte Banzer, Joseph Bellitto, Rita Benedict, Henry Bennett, Bruce Bennett, Susan Berger, Sue Berger, William Berman, Ted Blake, Lorena Bloch, Barbara Boehnlein, Sister Julie Bowman, Debbie Brady, Madison Brady, Tory Bratnick, Anna Brown, Scott Brozovic, Nicholas Bryant, Gary Callahan, Joyce Collier, Kari Combs, Rita Connolly, Katie Cook, Patti Cooper, Ian Cupp, Elizabeth Cverna, Fran Czuchnicki, Kim Dahlhausen, Joe Desantis, Alan Dively, Fred Dively, Jean Dombrowski, Mark Doudican, Mike Fath, Joan Volunteer hours for May, June and July are 2,798! Fath, Mike Fedor, Jo Ferreri, Fabian Fischbach, Nicholas Fish, Bonnie Fisher, Annie Fisher, Maddie Fletcher, Charles Francis, Joan Fraser, William Frenchie, Richard Galdun, Dan Galiardi, Jamie Gazley, Cindy Gehring, Kelly Geizer, Zachary Gentile, Don Giles, Jay Gwirtz, Frank Hann, Connor Hardman, Cynthia Hartz, Kathy Hayes, Lois Heckler, Jerry Henry, Adam Henry, Jeanne Herold, Deborah Hickox, Jeffrey Hickox, Julie Hodakievic, Jan Holm, Ruth Hosmer, Pat Hunt, Neil Hunt-Deweese, Jacqueline Hyde, Jeff Janoch, John Jones, Doreen Keco, Joy Keichel, Clifford Kennedy, Naomi Kievets, Clara Kovacevic, John Kovanes, Sandra Koza, Cheryl Kriynovich, Wayne Ku, Olivia Lanese, Gus Leffler, Gail Leffler, Kelly Lewanski, Joyce Lewis, Cristine Lieser, Ed Mathiott, Dottie Mathiott, Rachael Mcguire, Mike Mcguire, Tina Mckinney, Rachel Meer, Kelli Merryman, Alice Miller, Marlene Mitchell, Patricia Morgan, Karen Morgan, Kevin Moster, Sandie Nemeth, Jane Hall Nemeth, William Nestor, John Newton, Michele Nista, Joseph Noble, Kathleen Noland, Robert Norton, Richard O’Donnell, John Owens, Carol Patterson, James Petruziello, Michael J. Podojil, Genie Podojil, Roy Porcello, Dawn Rabb, Sheldon Rainsong, Lisa Ramsey, Lisa Rasmussen, Barbara Rauch, Stacey Richter, Raymond Robbins, Thomas Sauder, Brad Sauder, Ryan Schiemann, Lee Schrader, Marilyn Sedivy, Mary Ann Senderak, John Sickling, Kathryn Sifritt, Susan Simon, Marsha Skinner, Carol Skinner, David Skinner, Iola Smith, Brian Spear, Linda Speck, Nancy Stanton, Nora Steigerwald, Georgie Sterlekar, Tom Strojan, Jean Surgeon, Ron Sweeney, Dawn Szego, Ron Szuter, Keith Tretera, Don Tretera, Fran Turpin, Steve Tvergyak, Jerry Ullman, Catherine Wagner, Michael Weaver, Abe White, Alaine Wiebusch, Sandy Wieland, Don Winton, Don Wohlken, Shane Wolfe, Timothy Woolf, Sandy Zack, Al Zeitz, James Zrinyi, Gene Thank you to all the volunteers! Geauga Park District truly appreciates your time and hard work. 2013 Twilight Soiree On a starlit summer night, Geauga Park District Foundation and friends hosted a series of dinner parties to raise more than $24,000 so far for the Annual Campaign! Special thanks to party hosts and dessert sponsors: Paula & Anthony Aveni, Jon & Cindy Denney, Jan & John Fitts, Richard & Christine Frenchie, Bill & Kathy Franz, Adam & Ashley Henry, Jeff & Suzanne Hyde, John & Kelly Janoch, Kathy Leavenworth, John & Pat Leech, Ed & Fran Meyers, Christine & Barry Lewis, Mary Beth & Jim O’Neill, Bob Page, Jacqueline & Frank Samuel, Diane Schneider-DS Cakes LLC, Jeff & Cindi Suszynski, Jane Wallace & Dan Ruminski, Trevor & Gail Wilson, and Gary & Kate Witosky. • chit chat 5 Geauga Park District 9160 Robinson Road Chardon, OH 44024-9148 Fall Volunteer Gathering Please join for a sneak pk the new hib, Somethi’s Aft: Nure Jt Can’t Sy P. Surday, Oober 26 9-10 AM e We Wds Nure Ceer For a detailed list of volunteer opportunities, visit or check the current issue of Geauga Park District’s public newsletter, Voices of Nature. The volunteer logo appears by programs requiring volunteers. Or call Holly Sauder, volunteer coordinator, at 440-286-9516 or 440-279-0802 (direct).
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