The Gardens of Arbor Acres


The Gardens of Arbor Acres
Page 1
Issue 4
April 2012
The Gardens of Arbor Acres
The Gardens of Arbor Acres – The campus has come alive and spring
is in the air! Take a stroll on these beautiful warm days and discover
our lush green grass, and exquisite landscaping. Enjoy the splendid
perennials, and spring bulbs, forsythia, red bud, and cydonia/quince
in bloom, phlox and iris peeping through the pine straw, while
hydrangeas, gardenias, magnolias are getting ready to bud. Arbor
Acres is so fortunate to have so many gardens. Make a point to visit
them all soon. Need directions? Ask Steven Dunn at 724-7921,
ext. 1252.
Hanes ParkSt. Francis Garden
The Garden of Bianca Artom
Hinman Garden
Community Gardens
Hastings Park Garden
Victor’s Garden
Girl with Doves Garden
Enclosed Garden in MemoryCare
Stockton Garden
Council of Elders Sculpture Garden
Rose Garden
Fitzgerald Health Center Garden
Froelich Garden
Residents interested in a garden plot in the community garden are
asked to call Sarah Blizard in the Buildings and Grounds office:
724-7921, ext. 1410.
Inside this Issue
April Birthdays.........................2
April Newcomers.....................2
April Events.............................3
May Look-Ahead.....................7
Spiritual Life News.................. 8
Recreation News....................10
Wellness News................11 - 12
Page 2
April Birthdays and Newcomers
Resident Birthdays
Levia Eads2
Marvin Ferrell
Doris Fowler
Odell Beroth
Gail Lake8
Eloise McLean
Hilda Kiger
Sam Booke
Thomas Crichlow
Irene Pandres
Dorothy Slater
Rufus Rhyne
Estelle Summey
Eugene Linton
Albert Byrum
Jo Ann Burton
John Brandon
Mary Hanley
Herbert Snow
Rachel Smith
Eleanor Rein
Anne Bednarz
Margaret Sandresky
Paul Lawson
Elizabeth Allen
Mary Farr
Employee Birthdays
Beverly Brown 4
April Bowman
Katherine Lohr 7
Jennifer Thomas 7
Jeff Astrop
Gwen Morrison 8
Justin Eaton
Nicole Pinkney 9
Janis Gorlick
Esther Kato
Shirley Milton
Ladacia Stone
Demarcus Ross 13
Barbara Toomer 14
Misty Jarvis
Reggie Caldwell 18
Allie Lara
Latoya Johnson 19
Lejuan Cornelius 20
Linda Glenn
Shelley Lowe
Tymeshia Wilson 21
Michele Jackson 22
Aileen Malimban 25
Erin Collins
Kimberly Snow 26
Geremy Hardy 27
Tyeshia Robinson 30
Welcome Newcomers!
Mrs. Ellen Bethel
415 Fitzgerald Health Center
Mrs. Lucy Hubbard
2202 Asbury Place
Mrs. Wanda Remy
3301 Asbury Place
Mr. Robert Slater
1101 Asbury Place
Dr. Authur Snowhite
301 McPherson
Mrs. Marjorie Turner
315 Fitzgerald Health Center
Mrs. Carolyn Whitler
722 Fitzgerald Health Center
April Events 3
Carte Boutique
10:00 - 2:00 pm, Fellowship Hall
This traveling clothing store has lots
of merchandise in a variety of sizes
and styles. Stop by and see if there
is a new outfit in your future.
Helping Hands Easter Centerpieces
3:00 pm, Gathering Place
Lend a much
needed helping
hand with Misty Jarvis, Recreation and
Wellness Manager
as we create 38
centerpieces for
the dining room tables for Easter
WFU Flute Recital
7:00 pm, Fellowship Hall
The WFU Flute Choir will present
a concert of light classics for the
residents of Arbor Acres.
Instrumentation for the flute choir
includes the piccolo, concert flute,
alto flute and bass flute. The
program will begin with a delightful Gavotte by Handel and will
continue with Edleweiss from the
Sound of Music, a Russian Folk Song
called The Pedlar, a transcription of
My Shepherd
Will Supply
My Need and
a descriptive
Four Moods, by
Graham Powning. In addition, 2 of
the flute choir members will perform the beautiful Barcarolle from
the Tales of Hoffman with piano
accompaniment. The program will
conclude with 2 movements from
a Suite by Benjamin Godard - a
beguiling slow movement and a
dazzling, fast chaser. This will be
performed by 2 mystery musicians,
one of whom is a resident of Arbor
Acres! Hope to see you at the
concert! Kathy Levy, Woodwind
Instructor .
Page 3
Sign Up
Shuttle Service
“March Into A Healthier You”
Walking Program Ceremony
11:00 am, Fellowship Hall
7:00 pm, Fellowship Hall
Holy communion and Tenebrae
See wellness pages 11 for details
See Chaplain’s page 8 for details
Dr. Oz “Hunger in America” DVD
2:00 pm, Fellowship Hall
Centenary MaundyThursday Service
6:30 pm, Centenary UMC
Join guest speaker,
Margaret Elliott,
Executive Director, Crisis Control
Ministries with this
heart-wrenching program which
adds meaning to the fact that our
area of North Carolina is reported
to be “The worst in the United
States” with respect to food hardship. As we kick off April as Hunger
Awareness Month at Arbor Acres
we will learn how Crisis Control
Ministry works to feed many hungry
children. Come and better understand how all of us can help by filling the bins with canned foods for
the hungry!
Spring Social
2:00 – 4:00 pm, Bay Window
Drop by the Bay
Window for a taste
of Spring and an
opportunity to fellowship with others.
At 3:00 pm David
McClintock will play
some of our favorite songs of Spring
in Fellowship Hall.
David McClintock, pianist
3:00 pm,
Fellowship Hall
Join him as he plays
some favorite songs of
Spring for us.
Sign up for a seat on the
bus, we leave from the front
lobby at 6:30 pm.
Decorating Lakeside Dining
3:00 pm, Lakeside Dining
Helping Hands
needed to
decorate the dining
rooms for
Easter weekend.
Tenebrae Service
7:00 pm, Centenary UMC
Sign up for transportation.
We leave from the front
lobby at 7:00 pm
Guitar and Flute Duo; TV and
Movie Songs
7:00 pm, Fellowship Hall
Carolina Flute and Guitar presents
TV and Movie Songs, an exciting
program of the greatest music from
television and the big screen. Featured titles include music from your
favorite movies such as The Wizard
of Oz, Sabrina, Titanic, Charade, The
Sound of Music, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, An American in Paris, Forrest
Gump, as well as many theme songs
from television hits I Love Lucy,
MASH, The Pink Panther, Peanuts,
and many more. Carolina Flute and
Guitar members Peter Shanahan
and Wiley Porter have performed
concerts across the country with
Page 4
April Events 10
some of the biggest acts in classical, jazz, pop, and rock music.
Flutist Peter Shanahan performs
as a freelance musician with the
Winston-Salem, Western Piedmont,
Salisbury, Greensboro, and Southwest Florida Symphonies. He has
performed as a soloist with the Indiana University Orchestra and the
Southwest Florida Symphony and in
numerous recitals. Peter is a faculty
member at Guilford College, the
Music Academy of North Carolina.
Peter received his Master of Music
from Indiana University and his
Bachelor of Music from the North
Carolina School of the Arts. Guitarist Wiley Porter has performed
internationally with singers ranging
from Barbra Streisand to Michael
Jackson, in countless Broadway
shows, and has had the distinct
honor of performing for every
President since Jimmy Carter. Wiley
studied at Berkley College of Music,
American University and Catholic
University. He has served on the
faculties of Prince George’s College
in Maryland, as well as Wake Forest
University and Catawba College
here in North Carolina.
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
10:00 am, St. Paul’s
Ann Rahn, Senior Adult Minister at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
has extended an invitation and
transportation to all Episcopal residents to come to the Wednesday
April 11th Easter Luncheon. Please
indicate your interest in transportation by signing up on the signup
sheet in the Sign up book by noon
on Monday April 9th. Mrs. Rahn
will then be in touch individually to
discuss transportation.
Victory Garden Party Hat
Craft Class
2:00 – 4:00 pm, 3rd floor Corpening
During April we’ll
have 6 opportunities
for you to craft a Garden Party Hat to wear
during our Fill-A-Sack
Victory Garden Party
on Friday, April 27th at 12:30 in Fellowship Hall. The Classes are scheduled
for Wednesday, April 11th, Thursday,
April 12th, Friday, April 13th, Wednesday, April 18, Thursday, April 19th and
Friday, April 20th. Come to one or all
of the crafting sessions. All materials
including a hat will be provided but you
may want to bring along a little something extra to set your creation apart!
Let’s think about that something extra:
maybe this is a good time to do a little
recycling and bring that empty soup
can, yogurt cup or juice box with you to
adorn your hat; Perhaps you’ve always
fancied yourself a Carmen Miranda
style hat, now’s the time to empty
the fruit bowl and , well I think you get
the picture and we hope to see the
results! Not only will we be crafting
our own hats and extras for others that
are all THUMBS! But we’ll also need to
work on our centerpieces for each of
the tables. So don’t forget to come to
at least one if not all of the workshop
dates. Sally Billman a craft instructor
will be leading these classes.
12 Thursday
Men’s Club Luncheon,
Noon, Fellowship Hall
Topic: “Goodwill: Charity Work or Economic Work?”
Join guest speaker,
Art Gibel, CEO of
Goodwill Industries
of Northwest North
Carolina. He is a
graduate of Bowling
Green University. Art
joined Goodwill in
12 Thursday
2006 after a career in business with
companies that include Procter &
Gamble, Ralston Purina, and Sara
Lee. Most recently, he was President and CEO of Hanes Printables, a
division of Sara Lee. He has been an
active member of the community,
previously serving on the Boards of
Goodwill, The Crosby Charity Golf
Tournament and Hospice, and is an
alumnus of Leadership WinstonSalem. Currently, Art serves on
the Board of Trustees of Baptist
Hospital, the Board of Wake Forest
Baptist Medical Center, the Board
of Forsyth Futures, and the Board
of Piedmont Federal Savings Bank.
He is active in his congregation at
Mt. Tabor United Methodist Church,
and is also a member of the Reynolda Rotary. Art and his wife, Kathy,
have two grown children and three
Music program, Voice Recital, WFU
students of Ann Listokin
7:00 pm, Fellowship Hall
A soprano and a
messo-soprano from
Wake forest University, accompanied by
Ann Listokin, will sing
Opera Arias, songs and show tunes
on Thursday evening at 7:00 pm in
the Fellowship Hall.
Scavenger Hunt Hunger Walk for
Crisis Control Ministry
2:00 pm, Bay Window
Guest: Margaret Elliot, Executive
Director of Crisis Control Ministry
See Wellness pages 11 for details.
Shuttle Service
Movie: Wesley: Founder of the
Methodist Movement
7:00 pm, Fellowship Hall
Meet John
(and his brother, Charles)
as we learn
what led him
to start a movement that grew into
one of the largest streams of Christian Belief in the world today. The
movie: “Wesley,” was filmed in Old
Salem as well as Centenary church.
As you view the film watch for local
landmarks. A special thanks to
Jean Steelman for acquiring this
movie to share with us.
Women’s Luncheon
Noon, Arbor Room
Guest Speaker: Corey Miller,
Director of Development with Crisis
Control Ministries
in Arbor Room. See
Wellness pages 11 for
Pianist, Sing along
with Pat Wade
7:00 pm, Fellowship Hall
Join Pat for some toe tapping and
a fun time of singing along to our
favorite tunes.
Crisis Control Ministries
10:00 am and 1:30pm,
Front Lobby
Come and join us for a tour of Crisis
Control Ministry on Wednesday,
April 18. You will have two options;
either the morning or afternoon
tour. This local outreach ministry
has been providing emergency as
Page 5
Sign Up
See page 8 for more details
across the MidAtlantic, Southeast,
Midwest and New England, he is
known for acoustic renditions of
jazz, ragtime and swing. A Fine
Romance - Features tunes (19401956) favored by a generation that
rationed its romance and deferred
its love affairs “for the duration.”
Songs may include: Time After
Time, There! I’ve Said It Again, I’ll
Never Smile Again, Beyond The Sea,
All The Things You Are, Autumn
Leaves, Dream, It’s Been A Long,
Long Time, On Slow Boat To China,
You Belong To Me. Ken will be back
October 9, 2012 at 7:00 pm for Tin
Pan Icons in Fellowship Hall.
sistance to people in financial crisis
for almost 39 years. There is no better way to understand the services
they provide and how they serve
our community with compassion
and good stewardship. If you’ve
given to CCM in the past, it is a way
to see your generosity in action!
Please sign up in the sign-up book
located at the bay window. Deadline to sign up is Monday, April 16.
Presentation: NC Marriage
Amendment Vote
4:00 pm, Fellowship Hall
Town Hall
10:00 am, Fellowship Hall
All residents are invited to this time
of information sharing.
Senior Adult Lunch,
Centenary UMC
Noon, Robinson Hall
Sign up, the Luncheon will be hosted at Arbor Acres in the Robinson
Hall. Contact Centenary UMC at
724-6311 by Monday, April 16th to
confirm you plan to attend. Guest
Speaker - Interim Director, Linda
Davis, Childrens’ Home
Guitarist Ken Lelen,
A Fine Romance
7:00 pm, Robinson Hall
Shuttle available at 6:30 pm
Ken Lelen sings
legendary love
songs & plays
vintage acoustic
guitars. Filled with
clever lyrics, catchy
tunes and amusing anecdotes, his
concerts are popular with diverse
groups & sundry venues. Playing
more than 100 concerts a year
Donna Joyner, BSN, Injury Prevention, Coordinator with Wake Forest
10:30 am, Fellowship Hall
IS IT? See Wellness page 11 for
Movie: TOOTSIE with Jim Shertzer
7:00 pm, Fellowship Hall
TOOTSIE (1982) (PG
– Adult situations). A
temperamental actor
no one will hire becomes an overnight
sensation as an actress on a hot TV show ... and learns
a lot about life in “Tootsie.” Dustin
Hoffman, Teri Garr, Sydney Pollack,
Bill Murray and Jessica Lange (who
won an Oscar for her performance)
head the cast in this hilarious
comedy written by Larry Gelbart,
the creator of TV’s “M*A*S*H.” The
film was nominated in a total of 10
Oscar categories.
Page 6
April Events 24
WFU Piano Students of
Louis Goldstein
7:00 pm, Fellowship Hall
Guest Speaker:
Chris Herman, M.D.
11:00 am, Fellowship Hall
Arbor Acres will host another
concert by Wake Forest University
music students. The school year is
coming to its end at Wake Forest,
and the students who take private
instrumental lessons are preparing
for their end-of-semester juries, or
exams. For this evening’s recital
Dr. Louis Goldstein from the Department of Music will bring piano
students who are just now ready
to perform their pieces in public.
There will be a great variety of classical music on hand, and we hope
you will be there to join us for this
music-making event.
Health & Lifestyle Review: “Results
Day”. See wellness pages 11 for
Salem Flute Choir
3:30 pm, Robinson Hall
The Salem Flute Choir was organized over two decades ago under
the directorship of Dr. Nola Knouse
as a means of giving amateur flute
players the opportunity to perform
and enhance their skills. Through
the years the flute choir has not
only enhanced skills, it has performed before audiences throughout the Triad and introduced those
audiences to the beauty and versatil
ity of the flute. The choir’s repertoire is eclectic and includes varied
musical styles covering Moravian
hymns, classical favorites and familiar show and jazz tunes. Through
rehearsals and performances, the
choir affords its members the opportunity not only to stretch their
musical talents, but also the opportunity to form lasting friendships
and occasions of pure enjoyment.
Meet the shuttle at 3:00 in the
front lobby for a ride over to Asbury Place
Walmart Shopping
1:00 pm, Front Lobby
Sign up to reserve your seat.
Readings with Students from the
Story Hatchery
7:00 pm, Fellowship Hall
Students ages 10-15 from The Story
Hatchery will read their thoughtprovoking stories and poems. The
Story Hatchery is an extracurricular
school in Winston-Salem where
students are nurtured to develop
their ideas into crafted pieces of
literature and art. These four students have learned through experience that their ideas can be made
into finished projects that promote
positive change within themselves
and their community. This reading
will also include a brief introduction
to story-writing. Please join us and
support the courageous voices of
our youth.
Fill - A- Sack Victory
Garden Party
12:30 pm – until, Fellowship Hall
Sign up to attend the Fill-A-Sack Victory Garden Party. Your admission
to this fun filled and fabulously tasty
luncheon is a filled sack of nonperishable food items that will be
donated to Crisis Control Ministries;
Let’s work together to STOP Hunger
in Forsyth County. Drop by the
library to pick up a sack and fill
it to overflowing, see details of possible food items on page 10! Don’t
forget to wear your favorite Garden
Ensemble including your Garden
Hat that you made in the Garden
Hat Crafting classes. Classes are
scheduled for Wednesday, April
11th, Thursday, April 12th, Friday,
April 13th, Wednesday, April 18,
Thursday, April 19th and Friday,
April 20th. Come to one or all of
the crafting sessions. All materials
including a hat will be provided but
you may want to bring along a little
something extra to set your creation apart! To learn more about
crafting a hat of your very own, see
details on page 10) Our menu for
the Fill-A-Sack Victory Garden Party
to support Crisis Control Ministries will include a cold trio plate
of chicken salad, croissant with
asparagus. For dessert each table
will feature a beautiful and yummy
variety of mini éclairs and petit
cream puffs. Beverages include our
own version of Arnold Palmer Tea,
Lemonade, water and coffee. There
may even be a surprise or two during this event. Don’t miss out on
a minute of fun , seating is limited.
Sign up by April 20th.
Movie Night with Jim Shetzer
7:00 pm, Fellowship Hall
since it was cancelled due to illness on March 2nd. THE GENERAL
(1926) (G). Acclaimed as the great
Buster Keaton’s greatest film and
one of the masterpieces of comedy,
“The General” follows the Great
Stone Face as he bumbles his way
to heroism and saves his beloved
train from Yankee spies during
the Civil War. The film has been
recently restored, with new music.
The program will also include “The
Great Train Robbery,” made in 1903
and considered the first film to tell
a story as well as the first western.
Shuttle Service
Raleigh Boychoir
1:00 pm, Fellowship Hall
On Saturday, April 28, at 1:00 pm,
Arbor Acres is happy to present the
Raleigh Boychoir in concert in the
Fellowship Hall of the Retirement
Center. This engaging group of 30
young men will sing a wide variety
of musical selections for our enjoyment. The Raleigh Boychoir was
founded in 1968 by Mr. Thomas
Sibley, then the director of music
education for the Raleigh public
school system, and now a resident
of Arbor Acres. Tom was awarded
the city of Raleigh “Medal of the
Arts” for his decades of contribution
to the excellence of the cultural life
of Raleigh, NC. Tom’s wife Jane was
also continuously involved in the
RBC at Tom’s side. At performances,
she would be with the choir boys
backstage, straightening a tie here,
combing unruly hair there, helping find a missing shoe, calming
jittery nerves. We are proud that
Tom and Jane Sibley now call Arbor
Acres home. The mission of The
Raleigh Boychoir is to educate and
train boys in the art of singing, to
perform the finest music in the
boychoir tradition, and to enhance
North Carolina’s cultural reputation.
The Raleigh Boychoir experience
develops character, leadership, and
a strong commitment to excellence.
Since its establishment in 1968, the
Raleigh Boychoir has educated and
trained over 2,500 boys in the art of
performing the finest music in the
boychoir tradition. As boys progress through the three levels of the
choir, they learn to read music and
master vocal techniques. Through
musical training and performances,
the boys not only develop an
appreciation of a wide range of
choral literature, they also gain
self-confidence and poise, develop
leadership and teamwork skills, and
acquire self-discipline and selfrespect. The choir has performed in
Carnegie Hall, at the White House,
at the Vatican, and in many other
venues in the US and Europe. Alumni
choristers have gone on in life to
succeed in a variety of professional
fields, not just musical professions
but also physicians, attorneys, teachers, engineers and businessmen.
Some have become music directors,
composers, opera singers, even
“American Idol” TV show finalists.
Page 7
Sign Up
Book Talk: Old Salem Brought to
Life, Aurelia Eller and Paula Locklair
7:00 pm, Fellowship Hall
The book was published in 2007.
You’ll enjoy hearing about the life
and seeing the paintings of Pauline
Bahnson Gray. The Authors will also
hold a book signing. Also, they will
be in Asbury Place on Tuesday April
17th at 3pm. You are invited to attend either or both of these events.
The Arbor Acres shuttle service
is up and running and is available Monday through Friday
from 11:30 am – 4:00 pm. The
Shuttle runs every half hour
between Asbury Place and the
Berrier Building. Pick up and drop
off at the Berrier Building front
lobby and at Asbury Place in the
Transportation pick up at the rear
of the Ferree wing. If you need
transportation outside the regular
schedule or need service from or
to another location on campus,
please contact Janis Gorlick at
May Look Ahead
Sharps and Flats Spring Concert
Tuesday, May 1, 7:00 pm
Fellowship Hall
Twin City Stage Presents:
On the Way to the Forum
Thursday, May 3, Leave at
7:00 pm
Cost $10, Sign up deadline is
Monday, April 30.
June Look Ahead
The Arbor Acres Fifth Annual Pool
Tournament will take place on June
13, 14, and 15. More information
will follow in the May Lamplighter.
April 15-21, 2012
Many, many thanks to our volunteers who have made a difference
in the lives of residents at Arbor
Acres over this past year including residents, non-residents and
students. We thank you from the
bottom of our hearts. One person truly can make a difference.
Arbor Afternoons
Wine and Cheese Social
From 4:00 - 5:30 pm each Tuesday and Friday, wine and cheese
social will be in the Arbor Living
Room. Come by and socialize!
Page 8
Spiritual Life News
Holy Week and Easter Services
The Chaplains will be offering opportunities for special worship during the upcoming Holy Week and on Easter Sunday. The
worship schedule will be as follows:
Holy Thursday, April 5
4:00 p.m. – Holy Communion – Asbury
Place, Robinson Hall (2nd floor)
7:00 p.m. – Holy Communion with Tenebrae Service – Berrier Bldg., Fellowship Hall
Chaplains Doug Suggs and
Bert Sanders are available
for pastoral care needs,
visits and information on
Spiritual Life programs at
Arbor Acres. Please contact him at 748-4648, ext.
1382, or Bert Sanders at
816-2271, ext. 1590.
Easter Sunday, April 8
11:00 a.m. – Easter Service – Asbury Place,
Robinson Hall (2nd floor)
6:30 p.m. – Easter Service – Berrier Bldg.,
Fellowship Hall
Obviously, the Sunday services are as
regularly scheduled, but we will specifically
celebrate Easter during those times. We
hope that you will join us as you are able
during this very special time!
Presentation by the North Carolina
Coalition to Protect Families
Topic: The May 8 public vote on the proposed Marriage Amendment
to the North Carolina State Constitution.
Wednesday, April 18 4:00 p.m. – Fellowship Hall
Christian Regan, speaker.
On May 8, the people of North Carolina will have the opportunity
vote “for or against” Amendment One, commonly called “the Marriage
Amendment,”that would ban legal recognition for all unmarried couples.
There are strong advocates on both sides of the issue and those in opposition argue that there are potential unintended harmful consequences
that could affect all citizens of North Carolina. Come and be better
informed about this issue before you vote on May 8. Contact Chaplain
Douglas Suggs with questions at 748-4648.
For more information go to:
Sunday, April 1 (Palm Sunday) –
Asbury Place, Robinson Hall
Speaker: Bert Sanders
Sunday, April 1 (Palm Sunday) –
6:30 pm
Berrier Bldg., Fellowship Hall
Speaker: Doug Suggs
Wednesday, April 4 – 7:00 pm
Berrier Bldg., Fellowship HallSpeaker: Jim Long
Sunday, April 8 (Easter) – 11:00am
Asbury Place, Robinson Hall
Speaker: Bert Sanders
Sunday, April 8 (Easter) – 6:30 pm
Berrier Bldg., Fellowship Hall
Speaker: Doug Suggs
Wednesday, April 11 – 7:00 pm
Asbury Place, Robinson Hall
Speaker: Tom Hunter
First UMC, Pilot Mtn, N.C.
Sunday, April 15 – 11:00am
Asbury Place, Robinson Hall
Speaker: Bert Sanders
Sunday, April 15 – 6:30pm
Berrier Bldg., Fellowship Hall
Speaker: Corey Miller
Crisis Control Ministries
Wednesday, April 18 – 7:00pm
Asbury Place, Robinson Hall
Speaker: Jim Long
Sunday, April 22 – 11:00am
Asbury Place, Robinson Hall
Speaker: Doug Suggs
Sunday, April 22 – 6:30pm
Berrier Bldg., Fellowship Hall
Speaker: Bert Sanders
Wednesday, April 25 – 7:00pm
Asbury Place, Robinson Hall
Concert: Centenary Children’s
Sunday, April 29 – 11:00am
Asbury Place, Robinson Hall
Speaker: Bert Sanders
Sunday, April 29 – 6:30pm
Berrier Bldg., Fellowship Hall
Speaker: Kelley Groce
First UMC, Lexington, N.C.
Page 9
Tuesdays 11:30am Alibi Café
Beginning April 3
We will now offer a brief time for devotion, reflection
and fellowship each Tuesday morning at 11:30 in the
Alibi Café. We invite you to join us on your way to
lunch; you’ll hear devotions and scripture presented
by Bert Sanders together with a brief prayer of blessing. Bert promises to get you to lunch on time, as
this gathering will last approximately 20 minutes.
Come and give your day a boost!!
Wendell Berry and Annie Dillard
Fridays 2:30-4:30
Clubroom 3rd Floor Asbury Place
Beginning April 13
We Remember
Join Chaplain Bert Sanders each Friday as he leads
a group similar to the March Flannery O’Connor Series. Each Friday in April starting April 13th we will
focus on the short stories of Mr. Berry and on essays
from Ms. Dillard’s Pulitzer Prize winning “A Pilgrim
at Tinker’s Creek.” Each of these authors brilliantly
captures and evokes images of the natural world
and human character, focusing on the Appalachian
and Blue Ridge regions. All reading materials will be
provided for participants. The group will meet on
Friday, April 13, 20, 27 and May 4th and 11th from
3:30 until 4:30 in Asbury Place in the Clubroom (3rd
floor). No sign up is necessary, but it would be nice if
you could let Bert know if you are interested. He can
be reached at 816-2271 or at extension 1590. Light
refreshments will be offered.
Mr. William L. Stoelzel
June 28, 1925 - March 2, 2012
Mrs. Louetta T. Davis
September 1, 1910 - March 3, 2012
Mrs. Juanita B. Morris
July 12, 1920 - March 6, 2012
Mr. Robert G. Carroll
February 1, 1908 - March 6, 2012
Miss Catherine M. Myles
June 18, 1918 - March 10, 2012
Mr. Jac T. Saltzgiver
July 12, 1925 - March 10, 2012
Judge Abner Alexander
May 20, 1929 - March 14, 2012
Shuttle Bus available at Berrier Building,
6:30 pm for Wednesday services
at Asbury Place.
We have a new massage table in the Asbury Place
Spa and in the Fitzgerald health
Center Spa. These tables are
electric and allow the massage
therapist to lower the table
making it easy for the massage
client to get on and off the table
as well as easier on the back of the therapist who
can then raise the table to a comfortable height for
the therapist. No more climbing required!! Any
resident can schedule massages in the spa at Asbury
Place or the Fitzgerald Health Center Spa. Great care
has been taken to create a relaxing and restorative
atmosphere in the massage rooms, and the addition
of the beautiful table enhances the experience. All
massage therapists are trained professionals from
Wake Forest Health. To ease the scheduling process
for residents, all massage appointments are to be
made through Davana Miller, the Asbury Place receptionist, at 724-7921, extension 1904. We encourage and invite you to take advantage of this healing
and healthful service. If you have questions contact
Chaplain Bert Sanders at 816-2271.
Recreation News Page 10
A study called “Food Hardship in
America 2010: Households With
and Without Children” reported
that our area of North Carolina is
the “worst in the US”. Last year 1
in 4 children here lived in poverty,
and over 52,000 people per month
received food and nutrition assistance. The month of April 2012 has
been named by the Arbor Acres
Resident Council as Hunger Awareness Month, and there will be a
full schedule of great opportunities
this month for us to work with our
local Crisis Control Ministry (CCM)
to help feed these hungry children.
The major purpose is to collect
canned foods for the CCM Pantry.
Large bins will be near the front
door to the Berrier Building and
in the Library, where individuals
may deposit bags of canned foods
throughout the month. When we
go to the grocery stores, look for
the bargains, and bring extras to
fill these bins. As they are filled,
the food will be transported to
the CCM Pantry. For those who
may not be able to shop, as well
as others who desire, monetary
donations can be made by placing
a check made out to Crisis Control
Ministry in the yellow box in the
cubby area and the green box in
Asbury Place cubby room. Become
involved in the activities and FillA-Sac with food as often as you
can so the bins have to be emptied
The schedule for activities includes:
Wednesday, April 4, 2:00
PM, Fellowship Hall; Dr. Oz DVD
on “Hunger in America”, and guest
speaker, Margaret Elliot, Executive
Director of Crisis Control Ministry.
There will be several opportunities to craft a straw hat in the Craft
room with food items so you can be
the Belle or Gentleman of the Fill
a Sack Victory Garden Luncheon.
Crafting dates are: Tuesday, April
10th, Wednesday, April 11th,
Thursday, April 12th and Tuesday,
April 17th and Wednesday, April
18th and Thursday, April 19th, 2:00
- 4:00 pm each day. This will take
place in the Craft Room, 3rd floor
Friday, April 13, 2:00 PM;
Hunger Walk to be led by Katherine
Lohr and CCM staff.
Sunday, April 15, 6:30 PM,
Fellowship Hall; Sunday Evening
Worship led by the Rev. Dr. Corey
Miller from CCM.
Tuesday, April 17, 12:00 1:00 PM, (Arbor Room); Ladies Luncheon with a program by Dr. Corey
Miller and Katherine Lohr. See page
11 for details sign up for this event.
Wednesday, April 18, 10:00
AM and 1:30 PM; Two group tours of
the Crisis Control Pantry to learn and
see firsthand how this organization
will use our donations. Sign up to
reserve your seat on the bus.
Friday, April 27, 12:30 PM,
(Fellowship Hall ); Fill-A-Sack Victory
Garden Party. Please sign up by Friday April 20th so dining services can
prepare for the number attending,
this event is limited to 104 individuals due to space constraints, your fee
to enter is a filled sack of groceries.
Drop by the Library to pick up a sack.
Questions contact Janice LV 7484646.
The large blue bins will be in
place near the Berrier front door,
the Library and near the front
entrace of Asbury Place throughout the month. Top 6 needed food
items in April:
- Canned Meat (tuna, etc.)
- Jelly
- Peanut Butter
- Pasta
- Pasta Sauce
- Potato Flakes
Keep your eyes and ears open
for more information on bulletin
boards and easels, and in your
cubbies. Help to spread the word
to your friends and neighbors, and
let’s have fun together as we feed
the kids.
Voting in May Primaries
We vote at the Hanes Community Center (Twin City Stage)
To request an absentee ballot:
You must write a letter on a sheet of
paper stating you wish an absentee
Mail the letter to:
The Board of Elections
Forsyth County Government Center
201 North Chestnut Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27101-4120
The application deadline for the May
8th Primary election is May 1st. Questions see Janice LV or
call 748-4646.
Sculpting Class
Tuesdays April 10, 17, May 1, 8, 15, 22
1:30 - 3:30 pm
Sign up for six weeks series for $60.
Sign up deadline is April 6th.
Wellness News
Croquet is for everyone!
Mark your calendars! Fun croquet clinic for
everyone with
Pinehurst croquet
professional,Ronald Lloyd. There
will be demonstration of Golf
Croquet and American Association Rules Six Wicket Croquet,
and refreshments for everyone.
Wednesday afternoon May 23rd
at Arbor Acres Croquet Court
and Clubhouse 1:30 - 5:00 pm.
Plan to spend the afternoon
with us!
Chan Chandler 725-8208
Charles Duckett 722-2295
Ted Blount 724-3072
“March Into A Healthier You”
Walking Program Ceremony
Wednesday, April 4
11:00 am, Fellowship Hall
Calling all walkers! With the
approach of spring, each year at
this time we focus more walking because it’s a great time to
be outdoors. Our first walking
program began on March 5 and
concluded on Sunday, April 1.
This program was implemented
to get everyone warmed up and
back in the habit of walking. The
participants of this program will
celebrate their achievements on
Wednesday, April 4 at 11:00a.m.
in the Fellowship Hall. We will
acknowledge some outstanding achievements in this event.
Everyone who participated will
receive a small token of
So all you walkers, mark your calendars and stop by for a doughnut and a cup of coffee.
Scavenger Hunt Hunger Walk for
Crisis Control Ministry
Guest: Margaret Elliot,
Executive Director of
Crisis Control Ministry
Friday, April 13, 2:00pm
Bay Window
Donna Joyner, BSN,
Injury Prevention Coordinator
Wake Forest Health
Friday, April 20, 10:30 am,
Fellowship Hall
A very special walk is planned this
month. Many of you have already
learned about the work of Crisis
Control Ministry, helping feed the
hungry children right here in our
own community. It is astounding to
know how many children really need
our help. This walk is to bring attention to how easy it is for us to help!
All you need to do to participate is
join us at the Bay Window to pick up
a copy of the route sheet. The walk
will begin at 2:00p.m. SHARP! We
will begin by having a drawing to see
who receives a number. This number will indicate the cards along the
route in which you will bring back
and collect food items for our hungry
children. We will also be accepting
contributions in the form of checks
made out to Crisis Control Ministry
and placed in the yellow box in the
cubby room for those who wish to
make a monrtary donation. For those
of you who wish to purchase food
for this event and need transportation, there will be a trip to Lowes
Foods on Thursday, April 12 leaving
the front lobby at 11:00a.m. These
and any other food items you wish to
donate may be brought to the food
bins located in the front lobby of the
Berrier Building and the library for
those that are unable to participate
in the Scavenger Hunt. For all of
your efforts, may you find much joy
in helping the hungry!
I would like to invite you to participate in a program that can lead to a
healthier life style for you and prevent the risk of suffering from a fall.
Many older adults experience a
fear of falling that can limit their
activities and result in physical weakness making the risk of falling even
greater. A Matter of Balance includes
eight two-hour sessions for a small
group led by a trained facilitator.
During the class you will learn to:
View falls as controllable
Set goals for increasing activity
Make changes to reduce fall risk at home
Exercise to increase strength and balance
Participants will enjoy spending
time together, getting to know each
other, sharing ideas, helping each
other, having “healthy snacks”, and
develop a habit of exercising regularly.
Please plan to join us for more information on April 20th at 10:30am
and to sign up for the class that will
be held later in the summer or early
Women’s Luncheon
Corey Miller, Director of Development with Crisis Control Ministries
Tuesday, April 17, Noon, Arbor Room
Please join Corey Miller, Director of Development with Crisis Control Ministry
at the Women’s Luncheon on Tuesday, April 17 at 12noon in the Arbor Room
to learn more about Crisis Control Ministries. As you may know this is the approved Arbor Acres April fundraiser. We are undertaking a food drive to help
stock the shelves of the pantry at Crisis Control Ministries to help feed the hungry children right here in Winston-Salem.
Page 12
Easter Buffet Menu
11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Carved Ham with mustard glaze
Herb crusted leg of lamb
Salmon with orange sauce
Mashed Potatoes
Fresh steamed asparagus
Fresh steamed Cauliflower and Carrots
Potato Salad
Fresh mixed green salad
Tomato Aspic
Fresh fruit salad
Cheese Platter
Assorted desserts
Rolls and muffins
with tax $19.16
Please contact Erin Collins at ext. 1301 for reservations by
Wednesday, April 4
Box meals are available for pick up from 3:00 - 5:00 pm
1240 Arbor Road Winston-Salem, NC 27104-1197
(336)724-7921 -
Janice Lutz-Vanhoy,
LRT/CTRS, CLL, AD,Director Recreation /Wellness Services - 336-748-4646
Misty Jarvis, Recreation/Wellness Manager - 336-724-7921 ext. 1263
The online version of The Arbor Lamplighter is available at
Health & Lifestyle Review
“Results Day”
Chris Herman, M.D.
Thursday, April 26, 11:00 am
Fellowship Hall
Congratulations to the 120+
residents who participated in the
5th Annual Health and Lifestyle
Review. Your participation speaks
highly of your resolve to be actively involved in retaining your
functional independence and to
maintain your well-being. If you
participated in the past years,
you, then, have your baseline to
compare yourself to. If this year
was your first time participating
then you now have a baseline
to compare with next year. You
will learn what areas you should
focus on to maintain your functional ability. Please join Dr. Chris
Herman and Katherine Lohr in
the Fellowship Hall at 11:00am
on Thursday, April 26 to learn
what all the numbers mean and
receive recommendations on the
steps you can take to help maintain or even better, improve your
well-being. After Dr. Herman’s
presentation, you will have the
opportunity to stop by to schedule a one-on-one consultation
with Katherine.
Please join us next year if you
were unable to schedule an appointment for the 5th Annual
Health & Lifestyle Review Functional Fitness Assessment.