Happy Birthday Live and Learn! HIGHLIGHTS OF OUR


Happy Birthday Live and Learn! HIGHLIGHTS OF OUR
Happy Birthday Live and Learn!
Come join us to celebrate
the one-year anniversary of Live and Learn
Tuesday, November 18 at 7:00 pm
in the Fellowship Hall!
Our good friend, Dr. Nelly van Doorn-Harder
will visit us for another fine presentation,
The Caliph and the Pharaoh:
An Update on Current Affairs in the Middle East.
Dr. Nelly van Doorn-Harder is
Professor of Islamic Studies in the
Department of Religion at Wake
Forest University. She specializes in
Islam, Middle East Christianity, and
Islam in Southeast Asia.
Afterwards, we will celebrate our many presentations
over this last year of learning
with champagne and chocolate!
And don’t forget November 6
Dr. Jan Hensley presents
From Blue Sea to Blue Ridge
North Carolina, “The Writingest State”
The Cutting Edge of Medicine
– Dr. Tony Atala
The Cutting Edge of Technology
– Dr. David Carroll
The Cutting Edge of Religion
– Dr. Bill Leonard
The Cutting Edge of Music
– Maestro Robert Moody
The Comedy of Errors
– NCShakes Festival
The History of Wake Forest
– Dr. Ed Wilson
Understanding the Current
Situation in Ukraine
– Dr. Susan Rupp
Romantic Poetry of Yeatts
– Dr. Ed Wilson
Bird Crawl
– Dr. Jeremy Reiskind
Welcome, Newcomers!
Edna Carol Bernasek
1106 Asbury Place
Anna Bland Fisher
730 Arbor View
Kaye Krueger
401 Stockton
Julius “Jule” and Gary Rousseau
203 Stockton
Jean Williams
408 McPherson
Gertrude “Trudy” Wyderski
316 McPherson
Tuesday, November 18
Wednesday, November 19
10:00 am — 2:00 pm
Womble Lobby
Sponsored by the Village Shop
Come shop our unique
collection of small
Christmas trinkets
and decorations!
All proceeds benefit the
Resident Council Assistance Fund
Thanksgiving Meals To Go
Order by 12:00 PM Thursday, November 20
Pick up at Lakeside on Tuesday, November 25
or Wednesday, November 26
9:00-10:00 AM OR 1:30-4:00 PM
Let us take some of the cooking out of your
kitchen this Thanksgiving! Dining Arts is offering
a variety of traditional Thanksgiving entrées,
side items and desserts for you to pick-up and
take home for your family Thanksgiving meal.
From complete menu to à la carte side items,
we will prepare wonderful items that will
compliment your special day. Please call
748-2453 for menu and more details.
November Events
Saturday, November 1
6:45 PM – Leaving Berrier Front Lobby
7:30 PM – Program Start
Winston Salem Symphony Presents
Broadway Tonight! Plugged-In Pops Series
Reynolds Auditorium
Transportation for those who have reserved seats
and tickets.
Sunday, November 2
Fall Back! Daylight Saving Ends
11:00 AM
Morning Worship Service
led by Rev. Bert Sanders
Robinson Hall
Tuesday, November 4 (cont.)
4:00 PM
Senior Class Chorus Concert
Fellowship Hall
50’s and 60’s music at its finest. Senior Class, an
all Seniors singing group from the Roy B. Culler
Senior Center in High Point, is returning to Arbor
Acres with a new lineup of Rock & Roll melodies
and memories. With the 20-plus singers, pianist,
guitar player and drummer, you’re sure to walk
away with a smile on your face. Why don’t you
bring a friend?
7:00 PM
Wellness Talk: Coronary Artery Disease
Guest Speaker: Dr. Frederic R. Kahl, MD
Fellowship Hall
1:30 PM – Leaving Berrier Front Lobby
2:00 PM – Program Start
Madame Butterfly, Piedmont Opera
Stevens Center
Transportation for those who have reserved seats
and tickets.
6:30 PM
Vespers led by Rev. Douglas Suggs
Fellowship Hall
Tuesday, November 4
9:00 AM & 10:00 AM – Leaving Berrier Front Lobby
Transportation to Vote
Hanes Community Center Precinct
Please call the Concierge, Annie, at ext. 1210 to
reserve your seat on the bus for one of these two
trips to the polls.
Frederic R. Kahl, MD is a Professor of Medicine
and Cardiology at Wake Forest University School
of Medicine. His talk will cover how Coronary
Artery Disease presents itself, what symptoms
are experienced, how it is treated, and what
you can do to avoid complications. He will also
discuss Heart Failure in depth including its
causes, symptoms, tests used in diagnosis, and
what you can do to reduce complications.
Wednesday, November 5
7:00 PM
Vespers led by Rev. Jeff Copley
Maple Springs United Methodist Church
Fellowship Hall
Thursday, November 6
10:00 AM
Resident Council
Fellowship Hall
Icon Legend
Thursday, November 6 (cont.)
2:00 – 4:00 PM
Sports Day
Hosted by the Sports Committee
Ball Room, Fitness Center
Stop by and play games such as cornhole,
shuffleboard, ping pong, and much more! Not
sure how to play? Come by and we will be glad to
help you learn a new game, or you can practice.
4:00 PM
Live and Learn
From Blue Sea to Blue Ridge
North Carolina, “The Writingest State”
Fellowship Hall
With author and photographer, D. Jan Hensley.
7:30 PM – Leaving Berrier Front Lobby
8:00 PM – Program Start
A Time to Kill
Twin City Stage
Friday, November 7 (cont.)
3:00 PM
Let’s Talk ... TED
Annie’s Kitchen, Asbury Place
As “Ideas worth sharing,” TED Talks present ideas
in technology, entertainment and design. Join
Chaplain Bert Sanders to view and discuss one
of these thought-provoking, relevant, and quite
often moving and profound talks. The session will
conclude at 4:00 pm (or whenever we finish our
conversation). If there is sufficient interest, this
series will continue. Please join us!
4:00 PM – Part One
6:30 PM –Dinner Break Intermission
7:30 PM – Part Two
Friday Night at the Movies with Jim Shertzer
Fellowship Hall
Transporation for those who made reservations
by October 30.
Friday, November 7
9:00 AM – Leaving Berrier Front Lobby
Trip to Southern Supreme Fruitcake Factory
Bear Creek, NC
This is an all-day trip. Plan on returning at
approximately 5:00 pm. We’ll stop in Siler City
at Best Foods for lunch on the way home. Bring
money for your purchases and for your lunch.
RSVP with the Concierge, Annie, at ext. 1210 for
a seat on the bus by Tuesday, November 4. To
save time, call your order in and have it waiting
when we visit. Call 1-877-815-0922 or go online
to www.southernsupreme.com. Janice has one
brochure available to peruse.
Doctor Zhivago
(1965) (PG). Director David Lean’s epic love story
will be shown in two parts, with part one starting
at 4 pm, break for dinner at 6:30 pm, and part
two at 7:30 pm. The film won five Oscars and 10
nominations, including Best Picture. Adapted
from Nobel Prize winner Boris Pasternak’s novel,
the film stars Omar Sharif as Zhivago and Julie
Christie as Lara, star-crossed lovers caught up in
the turmoil of the Russian Revolution. Rod Steiger,
Geraldine Chaplin, Tom Courtenay, and Alec
Guinness head a supporting of thousands. In High
Definition and Stereo Sound. (200 min).
Sunday, November 9
11:00 AM
Morning Worship Service
led by Rev. Bert Sanders
Robinson Hall
2:30 PM – Leaving Berrier Front Lobby
3:00 PM – Program Start
The Night of January 16th
Stained Glass Playhouse
Ticket cost is $12. Reserve with the Concierge,
Annie, at ext. 1210 by Thursday, November 6.
6:30 PM
Vespers led by Rev. Norman Hubbard
Pine Grove UMC, Kernersville
Fellowship Hall
Monday, November 10
4:00 PM Covenant Village UMC Senior Choir
Fellowship Hall
Hearing the Senior Adult Choir from Covenant
perform will definitely be a joyful noise! The
Senior Adult Choir is led by Rob McFarland,
Director of Music Ministries. The public relations
organizer for the group is Dick Dobrowski who is
also a member. You may know his son, our very
own Dining Arts Director, Rick Dobrowski!
Tuesday, November 11
Veterans Day
10:00 AM Covenant Village UMC Senior Choir
Robinson Hall
See description above.
11:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Veterans Day Lunch Buffet
Lakeside Dining Room
Tuesday, November 11 (cont.)
1:00 – 2:00 PM
Resident Directory Photos with Robert Merritt
Bay Window
Robert Merritt will be taking (and retaking)
resident photos for the January directory. 3:00 PM
Operation CARmed Forces
Meals-on-Wheels 2014 Replay
with Jon Burkhart
Fellowship Hall
Jon says, “This year’s program was a tribute to
veterans and those now serving in the United
States Armed Services. With our nation weary of
war, the subject was challenging from the very
beginning. Our CEO, David Piner, who always
writes the show, rose to the occasion to create a
most unusual evening of theatre. I quickly became
involved when asked to create videos and pictures
of war from the beginning of the United States.”
“As David began casting and rehearsals, I got busy
planning how to present video on the screen at
the same time the actors were working on left,
right and center stage. The resulting program was
a simultaneous presentation of television news
film, musical comedy, and pantomime theatre.
Each resident and employee involved was very
proud to be a part of such an unusual effort while
raising $66,106.13 for Senior Services and their
Meals-on-Wheels program in Winston Salem.”
“Because of the complexity of what was
happening on and above the stage, all the cast
members never had the opportunity to see the
program as our audiences saw it. I can’t wait to
see the cast reactions as they watch the DVD. It
will be great fun.”
“If you missed it or would like to see it again,
come join us. . . on what more appropriate day
could we choose?”
With a special Veterans Day recognition. Menu on
back cover.
Tuesday, November 11 (cont.)
7:00 PM
Giannini Brass
Fellowship Hall
11:30 AM – Leaving Berrier Front Lobby
UMAR Luncheon
Maple Springs UMC
The Giannini Brass will celebrate Veterans
Day at Arbor Acres by performing a variety
of styles, including Sousa Marches, a medley
from the Revolutionary War, the Armed Forces
Salute, Dixieland, Big Band Swing, and other
popular selections. The Giannini Brass delights,
entertains, and amuses audiences with a blend
of musical styles, including patriotic marches,
Big Band Swing, Dixieland, light classical and
Broadway. A favorite of audiences throughout
the Southeast, the Giannini Brass has given
hundreds of concerts since 1989, released several
acclaimed recordings, and made numerous
appearances on radio and television. Members
perform in nearly all of the professional
orchestras in the Carolinas, and have toured and
performed with orchestras and chamber music
ensembles throughout the US and Europe.
This is a free, one-hour lunch & learn event.
Come learn more about UMAR’s three WinstonSalem Group Homes that serve residents with
intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Questions contact Miriam Bumgarner. RSVP to
the Concierge, Annie, at ext. 1210 by 12:00 pm
November 4.
Wednesday, November 12
1:00 – 2:00 PM
Resident Directory Photos with Robert Merritt
Alibi Café in Asbury Place
Robert Merritt will be taking (and retaking)
resident photos for the January directory.
2:00 PM
Winston-Salem Symphony Instrument Petting Zoo
Fellowship Hall
Volunteers needed! No prior musical experience
necessary – all training provided. Make a
difference in our local schools and community.
Come learn more about volunteer opportunities!
4:00 - 5:30 PM
High Tea
Living Room
7:00 PM
Vespers led by Rev. Jim Long
Fellowship Hall
Thursday, November 13
12:00 PM
Men’s Club
Pathways to the Future
Guest Speaker: Dr. Gary M. Green
President, Forsyth Technical Community College
Fellowship Hall
Dr. Green’s leadership in economic and workforce
development efforts include establishing
Forsyth Tech as a leader in technology
education, including advanced manufacturing,
logistics, nanotechnology, and biotechnology.
He established the National Center for the
Biotechnology Workforce at Forsyth Tech. The
National Association of Manufacturing and
the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation chose
Forsyth Tech as one of four community colleges
nationally to pilot manufacturing skills standards.
3:00 PM
UMW Circle 2
Gathering Place
7:00 PM
Pianist, Vincent van Gelder
Fellowship Hall
Dr. van Gelder will play selections from Prokofiev,
Chopin, Rachmanioff, and Ravel. He has won
top prizes in many national and international
piano competitions, including the Liszt-Garrison
International Piano Competition. He has
performed in Europe, and across the US, including
a well-reviewed solo recital at Carnegie Hall.
Friday, November 14
3:00 PM in Robinson Hall
7:00 PM in Fellowship Hall
Suzanne and Jim Present: America the Beautiful
Oh Beautiful for Spacious Skies, For Amber
Waves of Grain ... As part of their continuing
studies into the music of our collective American
consciousness, Suzanne and Jim have assembled
a captivating array of traditional patriotic music.
Hymns, national anthems, military airs, and
popular songs are an intimate part of our national
heritage.Interweaving stories from the past with
awarding-winning performances on a variety of
acoustic instruments, five string banjo, guitar,
flute (and a few surprises), Suzanne and Jim bring
these melodies to life celebrating our nation.
Saturday, November 15
6:45 PM – Leaving Berrier Front Lobby
7:30 PM – Program Start
UNCSA Symphony Orchestra: Britten’s iconic
Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra
Stevens Center
Call the Concierge, Annie, at ext. 1210 to request
tickets and/or make transportation reservations
by Friday, November 7. Tickets are $18.00
Sunday, November 16
11:00 AM
Morning Worship Service
led by Rev. Douglas Suggs
Robinson Hall
2:15 PM – Leaving Berrier Front Lobby
Please note new leave time!
3:00 PM – Program Start
Winston Salem Symphony Classic Series
Stevens Center
We will leave 15 minutes earlier from now on
for Sunday Symphony events. Transportation is
for residents who are ticket holders. Seats are
reserved on a first-come, first-served basis by
calling the Concierge, Annie, at ext. 1210. No
guests please.
Sunday, November 16 (cont.)
6:30 PM
Vespers led by Rev. Sarah Mellis
First UMC, High Point
Fellowship Hall
Monday, November 17
10:00 AM – Leaving Berrier Front Lobby
Trip to Mrs. Hanes Cookies
Clemmons, NC
Take money for your purchases. You can speed
things up if you call your order in beforehand,
and pick it up during our visit. Call 336-764-1402
or visit www.HanesCookies.com. RSVP to the
Concierge, Annie, at ext. 1210 for a seat on the
bus by Thursday, November 13.
6:15 PM – Leaving Berrier Front Lobby
7:30 PM – Program Start
Winston-Salem Youth Orchestra
Stevens Center
Free concert. Call the Concierge, Annie, at ext.
1210 to make transportation reservations by
Monday, November 10.
Tuesday, November 18
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Village Shop: Deck the Hall Sale
Womble Lobby
11:30 AM
Ladies Luncheon
Featuring Kim Sheeks (aka the Hat Lady)
Arbor Room
Kick off the holiday season with good friends and
food! Please join us for our Ladies Luncheon. Cost
of the meal is $10.00 per person. Meal includes
Broccoli, Ham and Cheese quiche served with
mixed greens, fruit and a muffin. Reservations are
required. Please call the Concierge at ext. 1210.
Reservation deadline is Tuesday, November 11.
Tuesday, November 18 (cont.)
4:00 - 5:30 PM
Arbor Afternoons with Ronnie Reeves
Bay Window
7:00 PM
Live and Learn Celebration
Dr. Nelly van Doorn-Harder
Fellowship Hall
See cover for details.
7:00 PM – Leaving Berrier Front Lobby
7:30 PM – Program Start
Winston Salem Symphony Classic Series
Stevens Center
Transportation is for residents who are ticket
holders. Seats are reserved on a first-come, firstserved basis by calling the Concierge, Annie, at
ext. 1210. No guests please.
Wednesday, November 19
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Village Shop: Deck the Hall Sale
Womble Lobby
12:00 – 1:00 PM
Touchdown Celebration for
“Fall into Football” Walking Challenge
Gathering Place
If you have been participating in the Fall Walking
Challenge “Fall into Football,” please come
enjoy a Chili Social for all your hard exercising
efforts. Please RSVP to the Concierge, Annie, by
Wednesday, November 12 by calling ext. 1210.
Prizes will be awarded as well! Come dressed in
your favorite collegiate football team attire. A
prize will be awarded for the person who is the
best dressed (showing their team spirit).
Sarah Hamlin
January 23, 1922 –
September 28, 2014
Wednesday, November 19 (cont.)
3:00 PM
Nature in the City for All to Enjoy;
The Gateway Nature Center
Guest Speaker: Cornelia Barr
Board Chair, Gateway Environmental Initiative
Fellowship Hall
The Gateway Nature Center is a 19-acre site
off Broad Street, adjacent to Washington Park,
protected as a nature preserve. The Gateway
Environmental Initiative (GEI) is a nonprofit group
formed specifically to create this nature preserve.
Cornelia Barr, GEI board chair, will talk about why
the center is important and how the GEI plans to
develop the center for environmental education
and creative play in nature.
7:00 PM
Vespers led Rev. David Calhoun
Retired UMW Minister
Fellowship Hall
Thursday, November 20
10:00 AM
Doll Stuffing
Gathering Place
Come lend a helping hand!
1:00 PM
Book Club
Berrier Conference Room
The book for November is The Factory Man by
Beth Macy.
1:00 PM – Leaving Berrier Front Lobby
Wal-Mart Shopping Trip
Register for a seat on the bus by calling Annie,
the Concierge, at ext. 1210.
Ed Hill
November 1, 1922 –
October 4, 2014
Charles Blake
December 29, 1927 –
October 7, 2014
Thursday, November 20 (cont.)
Sunday, November 23
3:00 PM
Wellness Talk: Heart Disease in Older Adults
Guest Speaker: Susan Butler, RN
Fellowship Hall
1:15 PM – Leaving Berrier Front Lobby
2:00 PM – Program Start
Charlotte’s Web
Kernersville Little Theater
This presentation will focus on the top 10 things
one can do to promote a healthy heart and
reduce cardiac risk factors. Susan is the Women’s
Heart Health Coordinator at Wake Forest Baptist
where she has worked for the last 32 years.
Call the Concierge, Annie, at ext. 1210 to RSVP by
Monday, November 10. Tickets are $12.00
3:00 PM
Short Stories and Southern Humorist Readings
Gathering Place
Chaplain Bert Sanders will continue readings of
short stories and essays by Southern humorists
focusing on current, regional writers and on
topics reflective of our distinctive Southern
culture. Join us for a good laugh (or at least a
wide grin). The readings will last about an hour.
Friday, November 21
7:00 PM
Friday Night at the Movies with Jim Shertzer
Fellowship Hall
(1996) (G). From the producers of Winged
Migration and Oceans, two Arbor Acres favorites,
comes this fascinating peek into the natural
world in our own backyards. Micro cameras peer
into the hidden lives of creatures we seldom
notice – butterflies, beetles, ants, snails, even
mosquitos. In High Definition. (80 min).
Sunday, November 23
11:00 AM
Morning Worship Service
led by Rev. Bert Sanders
Robinson Hall
Marilee Pardue
November 15, 1939 –
October 12, 2014
Franklyn Levin
June 28, 1922 –
October 16, 2014
6:30 PM
Vespers led by Rev. Douglas Suggs
featuring the Sheperd Singers
Fellowship Hall
Tuesday, November 25
7:00 PM
Pianist Vladimir Svoysky
Fellowship Hall
Frederic Chopin in one of the most popular and
loved of the classical composers for the piano.
His compositions have been described as dreamy,
haunting and incredibly romantic. But who
inspired Chopin? When asked how he prepared
for his concerts, he answered: “For two weeks I
shut myself up in a room and play __________.”
To learn the answer to this intriguing question,
join concert pianist Vladimir Svoysky. Then the
secret will be revealed in the most musical way!
Wednesday, November 26
4:00 - 5:30 PM
High Tea
Living Room
7:00 PM
Vespers led by Rev. Jim Long
Fellowship Hall
We Remember
Dr. Miles R. Cooper
October 21, 1933 –
October 24, 2014
Lucy M. Bovet
May 3, 1920 –
October 27, 2014
November Birthdays
Robert Goodwin
Wanda Powers
Sylvia Sanchez
Sue Baldwin
Joyce Riffe
Ann Johnston
Jeannette Plummer
Peggy Moser
Bobbi Cobb
Margaret Nicholson
Arline Brown
Ruth Hanas
Eunice Heilig
John Martin
Kirby Brown
Margaret Keely
Naomi Triplett
Charles Duckett
Jean Robinson
Bill Cofer
Benjie Wagner
Courtney Davis
Carrie McCoy
Brittney S Williams
Meredith Lindel
Zena Lee
Regana Linton
Courtney Stafford
Natasha Brooks
Bert Sanders
Thursday, November 27
Happy Thanksgiving!
11:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Thanksgiving Lunch Buffet
Lakeside Dining Room
Menu on back cover.
1:15 PM – Leaving Berrier Front Lobby
2:00 PM – Program Start
Winston-Salem Symphony Presents
Carolina Christmas Spectacular!
Reynolds Auditorium
Celebrate the holiday season along with special
guest, Lyn Dillies, who thrills audiences with her
own special magic. Sing along with the Symphony
Chorale and other local artists. And yes, Virginia,
there will be a Santa Claus! Call the Concierge,
Annie, at ext. 1210 to RSVP by Monday,
November 10. Tickets are $57.00
Martha Bond Hilburn
Phyllis Newsome
Sarah Sands
Helen Davis
Donald Watts
Elizabeth Sayers
Lillian Thompson
Latramkia Moore
Joyce Wanshiya
Tomar Foster
Tonya Hanes
Latoya Hughes
Tonya Gagne
Saturday, November 29
Anne Arnsdorff
Robert Gibson
Martha Walker
Thomas Miskimen
Beryl Moser
Elizabeth Orr
Jean Hopson
Alice Hinman
Hubert Woodall
Sheena Gray
Tanya Morris
Brittany L Williams
Joy Workman
Shavon Young
Suzanne Danilowicz
Barbara Sapp
Elizabeth Carmichael
Anne Haxton
Hugh Peoples
Betty Runnion
Lucille Thomas
Larria Cunningham
Rachell Hood
Carla Meadows
Shadawn Higgins
Sarah Holmes
Sarah Morgan
Natese Cook
Moses Vincent
Miles Lowe
Jeff Luke
Tiffany Shouse
Sunday, November 30
11:00 AM
Morning Worship Service
led by Rev. Douglas Suggs
Robinson Hall
6:30 PM
Vespers led by Rev. Bert Sanders
featuring the Sheperd Singers
Fellowship Hall
December Look Ahead
Christmas Decorating Schedule
Monday, December 1
Decorations arrive from storage (hallways and
Craft Room, 3rd Floor Corpening).
Tuesday, December 2
9:00 AM–12:00 PM – Sort Decorations
2:00 PM – Womble Hallway Bridge Wreaths
3:00 PM – Memorial Tree, Living Room
Wednesday, December 3
9:00 AM – Front Lobby Tree
2:00 PM – Chrismon Trees in Fellowship Hall
3:00 PM – Salem Village, Womble Lobby
Thursday, December 4
9:30 AM – Lakeside, Arbor & Private Dining Rms
10:30 AM – Arbor Room Wreaths
1:00–3:00 PM – Living Room & Fireplace Mantels
Friday, December 5
Decorate Club House, Guest House, and Clean-up
All Floor Reps – You are responsible for
decorating or getting your hall tree decorated. Let
Janice know if you need help fluffing your tree.
Please check tree lights ASAP and let Janice know
of any issues before fluffing is done! Trees are
generally ready to begin decorating Wednesday.
Womble & McPherson Floor Reps – Speak to
your area residents and decide if you want a tree
this year. Line up your decorators now. Let Janice
know if you want a floor tree by 8:00 am Monday,
December 1.
Stockton Hall Floor Reps – Please talk with each
other and arrange for who will be responsible
for the front lobby tree on 2nd floor main
entrance. Let Janice know the contact person.
The responsibility rotates each year between the
Floor Reps.
Corpening Floor Reps – Your building will be
decorated as last year, with beautiful seasonal
decorations on each floor. There will be no trees.
Swingle Bells, A Jazzy Christmas Concert
Tuesday, December 2
2:15 PM – Leaving Berrier Front Lobby
Old Salem Visitors Center. Celebrate the holidays
with seasonal favorites performed by Martha
Bassett, the Giannini Brass and the Jazzmas Trio.
RSVP deadline November 10. Cost $18.00.
UNCSA Wind Ensemble
Wednesday, December 3
1:15 PM – Leaving Berrier Front Lobby
Crawford Hall, UNCSA. RSVP deadline
November 14. Cost $18.00.
Percussionist, Scott O’Toole
Thursday, December 4
7:00 PM – Fellowship Hall
Scott O’Toole expands the traditions of classical
music with solo and collaborative performances
featuring solo percussion.
Resident Directory Photos
Wednesday, December 10
1:00–2:00 PM – Alibi Café in Asbury Place
Robert Merritt will be taking (and retaking)
resident photos for the January directory.
Pre-New Years Eve Dance
Tuesday, December 30
7:00–9:00 PM – Fellowship Hall
Featuring The Gary Lewis Band.
The Symphony Presents Brubeck Jazz!
Wednesday, December 31
6:45 PM – Leaving Berrier Front Lobby
Reynolds Auditorium. The Brubeck Brothers
Quartet will be performing the music of their jazz
legend father, Dave Brubeck. Tickets are $52.00
and your account will be charged. RSVP deadline
is November 24. Please indicate if you need
transportation only or transportation and a ticket.
No refunds after the deadline.
Dining Events in November
Arbor Room Dinner Specials
Veterans Day Lunch Buffet
Wednesday, November 5
With a Special Veterans Day Recognition
Tuesday, November 11, 11:30 AM — 1:30 PM
Cedar Plank Salmon – $20
Six oz. Salmon Filet grilled and smoked on a Cedar
Plank topped with a Smoked Oyster Cream Sauce,
served with Wild Rice, Grilled Asparagus, Salad
and Dessert.
Wednesday, November 12
Beef Wellington – $29
Angus Beef Filet with a traditional Mushroom
Duxelle wrapped and baked in a Golden Flaky
Pastry, finished with Bordelaise sauce, served with
Yukon Gold Mashed Potatoes, Sautéed Spinach,
Salad and Dessert.
Wednesday, November 19
Cioppino – $24
A Classic Seafood Stew with Jumbo Shrimp,
Scallops, Clams & Mussels simmered in a Tomato
and White Wine Broth, served with White Rice,
Pesto Crostini, Salad and Dessert.
Wednesday, November 26
Closed During Dinner
Open for lunch only this day.
All prices include tax.
Message From Dining Arts
Thanksgiving Reservations
Make your reservation at ext. 1301. Dining Arts will
take reservations until Wednesday, November 26.
The dining rooms will be open our regular lunch
hours of 11:30 am– 1:30 pm. If necessary, we
will extend our lunch hours until 2:00 pm to try
and accommodate everyone. Please make your
reservations as soon as possible as we anticipate a
very large group of residents, families and guests.
Lakeside Dining Room
$12.95 per person,tax not included
Carved Beef Tenderloin w Roasted Turkey
Scalloped Tomatoes w Creamed Corn
Green Beans with Almonds w Mashed Potatoes
Gravy w Cranberry Sauce w Mixed Green Salad
Rolls, Butter, Beverage
Cherry Cobbler with Blueberry Sauce & Ice Creams
Thanksgiving Lunch Buffet
Thursday, November 27
11:30 AM — 1:30 PM
Lakeside Dining Room
$20.00 per adult, $8.50 per child 12 and under,
tax included
Herb Roasted Turkey with Giblet Gravy
Honey Glazed Ham w Salmon with Orange Sauce
Boiled Shrimp with Cocktail Sauce
Candied Yams with Golden Marshmallow Topping
Mashed Potatoes w Cornbread Dressing
Collard Greens w Honey Glazed Carrots
Country-Style Green Beans w Deviled Eggs
Potato Salad w Ambrosia Salad
Tomato Aspic Salad w Mixed Green Salad
Fresh Fruit Salad with Seasonal Berries
Assorted Artisan Rolls
Assorted Homemade Pastries, Pies & Cakes
Lamplighter is published monthly by
Questions? Contact Janice Lutz-Vanhoy,
Arbor Acres United Methodist Retirement Community Recreational Arts Director, at
1240 Arbor Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27104
748-4646 or jlutzvanhoy@arboracres.org
The online version of Lamplighter is available at www.arboracres.org.