November 2014 - Congregation Beth Torah


November 2014 - Congregation Beth Torah
Rabbi Elana
Rabbi Elana Zelony | 972.234.1542 x285 Comedian Jeanne Robertson was 6’2” by the time she was 13 years old. As you can imagine, trick‐or‐treating became difficult for her because everyone assumed she was older than she was, and gave her dirty looks. One year, her mother made her a ghost costume by putting two different sheets over her, one on her top half and one on her bottom half. Her mother told her to crouch down as she walked to look child‐sized, provided her with a pillow case to collect her candy and sent her on her way. After a little while Jeanne forgot to crouch down, and knocked on a door standing up straight. The woman who opened the door ran to fetch her husband and show him what she believed to be two kids in one ghost costume, standing one on top of the other. Jeanne was so tickled she ran home before going to the next house to tell her mother about her success. Her mother responded, “Jeanne we’ve been going about this all wrong.” She went to the hall closet and fetched a second pillowcase. Jeanne said trick
‐or‐treat twice at every house after that, holding one pillow case up high and the other down low to claim “the second kid’s” portion. The way she tells it, she trick‐or‐treated this way until she was 23! Halloween at the Zelony house brings a challenge of a different kind. On the one hand, trick‐or‐treating is good, old American fun, but on the other hand, it’s rooted in Pagan and Catholic traditions. Whether or not to let our children participate is an annual debate. I’m guessing most families in our congregation don’t share this particular conflict between their American and Jewish identities, but I’m also guessing that all of us at some point have been challenged with finding our balance between these two cultures. Do I take off work for Rosh haShannah and Yom Kippur? What do I tell my children to do if their friends invite them to go out for a pizza...and then order it with pepperoni? Recently, some of my students in the Learning Center talked to me about the challenges of growing up Jewish in a Christian culture. I understand the tension of being “other” even as an adult who has committed her life to the perpetuation of Judaism. When I walk home from services on Friday night, I cut through II Creeks Plaza and see The Marcus Café, Frankie’s, and Shady’s filled with people out enjoying a meal. It feels strange that what is Shabbat for me (a day set aside from commerce) is Friday night for almost everyone else. I grew up with T.G.I.F. and I miss Friday night being a time to go out to dinner. Like Jeanne Robertson I feel like a gangly teenager who sticks out from the people around her. I think it’s important to note that Jeanne found a way to use her unusual height to her advantage and fill two pillowcases with Halloween candy. Sometimes being a Jewish American (or American Jew, if you prefer) holds double the sweetness. Not blending in with my neighbors creates a feeling of pride on my part and fascination on theirs. It certainly makes me memorable as I meet new friends at my daughter’s school or living down the block. The starts of our new friendships involve conversations about our Jewish traditions. It makes me feel special. As a Jewish American I can grace our driveway with a sukkah to celebrate one fall harvest and celebrate another one a few months later at Thanksgiving. I bless all of us to enjoy all the sweetness that comes of being a person of two cultures. May we always be able to appreciate who In the event of an emergency… we are in every capacity. Rabbi
Elana Zelony
Ruth Schor President
Alan Hoffman ExecutiveVP
Cheryl Drazin
Vikki Silvis EducationVP
Jessica Winter Congregation Beth Torah | Page 2 FinancialVP
David Engelberg
Debbie Wills RitualVP
Neil Burnstein Treasurer
David Rosen
Marty Fried ChuckSmith
Past President For illness, death, or other family life cycle emergency after‐hours, please contact Rabbi Zelony at 310.409.6532. Synagogue offices are open Sundays, 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM Mondays—Thursdays, 9AM to 5:30 PM Fridays, 9AM to 5PM FromthePresident
Alan Hoffman, President Welcome to 5775! I want to start my article this month with a Toda Raba to all the amazing volunteers who helped make our High Holidays such a meaningful event. Thank you to our High Holiday committee, our service leaders, all the Men’s Club ushers, and all the parents who led our wonderful youth programs. We also had inspiring Holiday services and programming for Sukkot and Simchat Torah. Again, thanks go out to our many service leaders, volunteers, Sisterhood, Men’s Club construction team and our Holiday chairs Cristal Kesner and Carlie Ross. Youare
Rabbi Zelony was engaging and inspirational at High Holiday services and every event in the Sukkah as well as leading both the Young Family and Congregation Simchat Torah services. The ruach was everywhere in the building! From our High Holiday appeal, we received over $100,000 in pledges for our Shield of David campaign. There were many congregants who did not pick up their cards. They were sent in the mail last week. Please plan to participate with a contribution that is meaningful to you and your family. Our second appeal was my engagement proposal to all of you. You are the strength of Beth Torah. Your willingness to try something new, and help with an event or committee is greatly appreciated! We had 124 congregants who returned cards indicating interest in a wide range of activities with the following numbers of fold‐down responses (it’s not too late to sign up!). Please contact Carol Rosen for more information. 40th Birthday (12) Adult Ed (13) CBT Cares (31) CBT History Project (12) Chai Lights (19) Families (Kids age 9+) (5) Holiday (19) Israel Action (23) Jews by Choice Chavurah (4) Learning Center (9) Men's Club (21) Sisterhood (21) Social Action (29) The Middle (17) Young Families (4) Young Professionals (8) Youth (6) Our CBT 40 and Beyond Mortgage Campaign will be resuming shortly. There are currently 92 families who have pledged a total of $1,052,850 to eliminate our mortgage. The family names are listed on another page in this Family Record. We are still $200,000 away from our goal and several families have not yet made a pledge. Contact Allan Rosen or Mark Kreditor for more information. Forms are available at the shul office. We continue to improve our program and facility offerings to the congregation. Next time you are in shul, please check out the many changes downstairs in our Education wing. Thank you to Jessica Winter and Liz Cox for all their efforts with this project. By the time you read this article, we will have celebrated our 40th Anniversary as a congregation. I want to express an early “thank you” to everyone on the committee for all their hard work in planning this event. Finally, I ask you to mark your calendars for Saturday, November 22. This Shabbat we will be our official installation of Rabbi Zelony as our new rabbi. We are honored to have Rabbi Cheryl Peretz in town to lead the program. Please bring the entire family to this special Shabbat. Photo of President courtesy of DSPN Photos—Photography by David Duchin Congregation Beth Torah | Page 3 FromLearningCenter
Ruth Schor, Director of Learning Center | 972.234.1542 x232 LC‐ The High Holidays are behind us, leaving us with the obligation to fulfill the promises we made to improve our own lives and the lives of those who surround us. The month ahead of us will determine if we were sincere about our intentions to make Teshuvah (to return to the right path and to improve ourselves), as it takes more than the High Holiday period for it to become a real, practical Jewish value. TherearenoLearning
Sunday, November 2 Wednesday, November 26 Sunday, November 30 Wednesday,November5
4:45 PM—Classes At the Learning Center we began the month of October with performing mitzvot that brought us closer to God and to each other as well as to Israel Sunday,November9
as Sukkot is one of three festivals with the central theme of going up to 9:00 AM—Classes Jerusalem. During our visits in the Sukkah we learned that the four species are connected to the History of the Jewish people’s settlement in Eretz Wednesday,November12
Israel and its Israel agriculture. They represent the different periods in the 4:45 PM—Classes Jewish people’s journey from Egypt to the land of Israel. Sunday,November16
The fact that we say a special prayer for rain on Shemini Atzeret, the eighth 9:00 AM—Classes and Music day of Sukkot, shows that Jews who live outside of Israel celebrate the holidays according to seasons in Israel. We live on Israel’s standard time Wednesday,November19
and there is nothing better than the Sukkah to remind us of that. The 4:45 PM—Classes and Cooking beautiful Sukkah Men’s Club built for us brought us closer to nature and provided the much needed break from the computer and phones. Sunday,November23
Albert Einstein said, “Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our 9:00 AM—Classes, Library Visits, circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of and (9:10) Monthly Program nature and its beauty.” This is only one of many more inspiring messages that gave birth to the Blessing of the Animals program. On the special morning of October 12—and in honor of the Torah potion of Noah—we showed our respect and love to God by sharing how we express our love and compassion for the creatures he created. There must be a good reason for creating animals before humans. God expected us to take care of them. A morning of laughter, giving our pets Hebrew names, assigning Bark Mitzvah dates, and distributing special treats to our four‐legged friends was an uplifting Jewish experience that brought families of the Learning Center and congregants together in good spirit. “Grandparents, like heroes, are as necessary to a child’s growth as vitamins.” While President Jimmy Carter decided that Grandparents Day would be celebrated on the first Sunday after Labor Day, the Learning Center decided to celebrate it on the Sunday before Thanksgiving. We chose this date as a reminder to us all that Grandparents are a blessing—something we should be thankful for. Joyce Allston said “Grandparents, like heroes, are as necessary to a child’s growth as vitamins.” We hope to have many vitamins of all flavors with us on Sunday, November 23, as a day like this provides physical and emotional nourishment that helps us to grow smarter and stronger. In the spirit of the upcoming holiday, let us all add spirituality to our daily routine by reciting more Hebrew blessings and prayers of thanks for the daily wonders that too often are being taken for granted. May the spirit of Thanksgiving fill your home with happiness, hope, and peace. Congregation Beth Torah | Page 4 FamilyNews
Bar Mitzvah Share your news! Go to and click on the ‘Congregant News’ link (don’t forget to upload a photo if you have one!) or contact Carren, office administrator, at 972.234.1542 x221. Anniversaries... Joshua Roberts was called to the bimah to become a Bar Mitzvah on October 25, 2014. Joshua is the son of Michelle & Jeff Roberts, brother of Jackie, and grandson of Dvora & Izzy Zebaida and Jesse & Sherry Roberts. Joshua is a student at Vanedventer Middle school in Frisco. Mazel Tov! Marian and Stuart Jacobs are happy to announce the engagement of their son Phillip to Joanna Kirschbaum, daughter of Linda and Howard Kirschbaum. Bo & Susie Avnery Larry & Wendy Darrow Debbie & Craig Sukenic Arbe & Michelle Cohen Rusty & Leslie Dworkin Andrew & Abbey Rosenbaum Sarah & Michael Fisher Clifford & Cyd Friedman Cristal & Marc Kesner Joseph & Risa Liken Jay & Jamie Eisenberg Brian & Mindi Sue Rubenstein Chuck & Linda Smith Carl & Gilda Daniel Richard & Francine Simpson Herbert & Arlene Tanzer Hunter & Robyn Rose Jean & Leonard Jacobs Joshua & Tera Diamond Marty & Janet Greenblatt Larry & Leslie Farin Herbert & Joy Weinstein Paul & Catherine Lake Walter & Barbara Orr 1‐Nov 1‐Nov 2‐Nov 3‐Nov 4‐Nov 4‐Nov 6‐Nov 6‐Nov 8‐Nov 8‐Nov 9‐Nov 11‐Nov 11‐Nov 14‐Nov 16‐Nov 16‐Nov 18‐Nov 22‐Nov 23‐Nov 26‐Nov 27‐Nov 28‐Nov 29‐Nov 30‐Nov 33 yrs 22 yrs 17 yrs 13 yrs 30 yrs 14 yrs 9 yrs 3 yrs 11 yrs 27 yrs 18 yrs 7 yrs 14 yrs 33 yrs 18 yrs 51 yrs 14 yrs 62 yrs 12 yrs 47 yrs 26 yrs 39 yrs 16 yrs 34 yrs Are we missing your anniversary or have the wrong date? Contact Cissie at 972.234.1542 x227 or submit the correction at‐information‐update/ A September 2015 wedding is planned in Chicago, IL.
Condolences... Cecilia and Jeremy Shorr on the passing of their son, Benjamin. Nancy Wurzman on the passing of her brother, Jay David Wanger. Mindy Grossman on the passing of her mother, Shirley Rosen. The Nevelow Family on the passing of Baby Emma Grace Nevelow. Congregation Beth Torah | Page 5 ThankYou
Ellen & Gary Ackerman David Adler Nancy & Marty Barenblat Celia & Earl Bills Lori & Ron Blumka Beverly & Larry Broman Liz & Michael Brothman Vicki & Neil Burnstein Julie Chapman & Craig Paul Stacey & Henry Clark Esther & Nat Cohen Liz & Corby Cox Miriam & Al Creemer Susan & Michael Daneman Gilda & Carl Daniel Jeanette & Sanford Dorf Cheryl & Aaron Drazin Rhonda & David Duchin Leslie & Rusty Dworkin Eleanor & Leon Eidels Leah & David Engleberg Dan Fabricant Valerie & Arny Felner Patti & Howie Fields Janet & Marty Fried Cyd & Cliff Friedman Melissa & Casey Gendason Kathleen & Robert Glosser Sonny Goffman Orna Goldwater Harriet & Fred (z'l) Gross Ethel Gruen Congregation Beth Torah | Page 6 Grace Bascope & Daniel Gruen Marilyn & Larry Guzick Laura & David Halper Karen & Alan Hoffman Jill & Lou Kaiser Cristal & Marc Kesner Rona Kesselman Eileen & Howard Kessner Raye & Paul Koch Deanna & Alan Koenigsberg Alisone & Jeffrey Kopita Carol & Mark Kreditor Roberta & Robert Lazarus Rachel & Isaac Leventon Naomi & Robert Levinson Dianna & Michael Levy Risa & Joe Liken Lori & Marc Machbitz Michelle & David Mandell Lynda & Jeffrey Markowitz Abigail & Grant Mindle Arlene & Lou Navias Shari & Ira Nevelow Magdi & Laslo Olah Pam & Steve Parham Susan Chizeck & Bill Pervin Ruth & Michael Precker Sandy & Phil Raskin Debbie & Bob Rifkin Robyn & Hunter Rose Carol & Allan Rosen Aleksandra & Barry Rosen Barbara & David Rosen Carlie & Justin Ross Irwin Roth Felicia & Robert Rubin Mindi Sue & Brian Rubenstein Elaine & Robert Scharf Shari Rosen‐Schmidt & Allan Schmidt Anna & Irwin Segal Nancy Siegel Allison & Jeff Silver Vikki & Scott Silvis Leah & Jay Singleton Susan & Barry Slotnick Linda & Chuck Smith Gloria & Phil Stayman Elizabeth & David Stein Shirley & Larry Strauss Laurie & Stanley Sutkin Adrianne Svidlow Carol & Gene Taper Debbie & Tony Tello Sheri & Allen Udisky Jackie & Michael Wald Joy & Herb Weinstein Terri & Myron Weiss Debbie & John Wills Jessica & Doug Winter Barbara & Barry Wolfe Donna & Stanton Zeff Jo & Jerry Zeffren Rabbi Elana & Adiv Zelony FromMembership
Debbie Wills, Membership VP Membership‐ For new member contact information, please call Cissie Forrest at 972.234.1542 x227, Monday to Friday, 9AM to 5PM. Please welcome our new members! Janine & Jonathan Bergknoff Nancy & Bill Lynd, friends of Chick Sham. Rachel Daneman, daughter of Susan & Mike Daneman. Mona Lener, mother of Tony Tello. Lev Gelb Vardit Gesund, friend of Caren Tate. Katie Rifkin, daughter of Debra & Bob Rifkin. Anne West Beth & Jeff Zucker Francie Goldberg, returning member. Michael Gross, stepson of Harriet Gross (son of Fred Gross z’l). Sara & Maury Jacobs, daughter‐in‐law and son of Lyn & Ron Jacobs. Maury is the regional USY director. Dinah Waranch Janice Mayo & Charles Surasky Michelle & Eric Kreitman, daughter‐in‐law and son of Marsha Kreitman. FromMen’sClub
Thank you to all Men's Club members who served as High Holiday Ushers—as always, we got the job done! Also, thank you to all who participated in the construction and "tear‐down" of Beth Torah's Sukkah—the Learning Center students and all shul members enjoyed the Sukkah. Here are some of our upcoming events between now and year‐end: 9 November, Sunday, 8:30 AM—Minyan and Lox and Bagels Breakfast. Our speaker will be Richard Golden, Director of Jewish and Israel Studies, University of North Texas 23 November, Sunday, 6:00 PM—Four Seasons, Dallas Cowboys Watching Party. It's time to come cheer on the Cowboys as they face‐off with the Giants. Come hang out with the guys and watch the game on the big TV. Snacks will be provided. BYOB. Thank you to the Chilton Family for hosting. David Mandell, Men’s Club President 28 November, Friday—Prince of Wales Thanksgiving Dinner. Plan on joining for this annual event when we serve a delicious turkey dinner to Prince of Wales residents. 7 December, Sunday, 8:30 AM—Minyan and Lox and Bagels Breakfast. Our speaker will be Doug Swanson, author of Benny Binyon’s biography. Other events planned for 2015 include:  Pancake Breakfast with Learning Center (January)  Dallas Kosher BBQ Championship (October 2015)  Dallas Jewish Community World‐Wide Wrap (February)  Shred‐A‐Thon (April)  Men's Club Shabbat (March)  Reading of the Names (April)  Four Seasons, Dallas Stars Hockey Game,  And much more! Congregation Beth Torah | Page 7 FromRitual
Neil Burnstein, Ritual VP | Ritual‐ Marty Barenblat & Garry Kahalnik (Co‐Chairs) | On behalf of the congregation, the Ritual Committee wishes a hearty Yasher Koach and Thank You to the following congregants, friends and family who led a service, read from the Torah, or chanted a Haftarah on Shabbat and Passover during the months of (August) and September 2014: Friday Night Leaders (Rabbi Elana Zelony, Garry Kahalnik, Maxwell Levy, Joyful Noise, Jerry Zeffren, Earl Bills); Rabbi Elana Zelony, Elizabeth Stein, Joyful Noise, Hope Decker, Jerry Zeffren, Leslie Morgan Psukei D’Zimra: (Arny Felner, Earl Bills, Tony Tello); Rabbi Elana Zelony, Arny Felner, Earl Bills Shacharit: (Gary Booth, Jerry Zeffren, Lilly Kopita, Ron Blumka, Arny Felner); Arny Felner, Joe Liken, Jerry Zeffren, Arny Felner Torah Service: (Orna Goldwater, Maxwell Levy, Jonathan Rosen, Chuck Smith, Liz Cox); Elizabeth Stein, Hope Decker, Garry Kahalnik, Phil Stayman Gabbai: (Lou Kaiser, Garry Kahalnik, Chuck Smith, Phil Stayman); Chuck Smith, Phil Stayman Torah Readers: (Phil Stayman, Ruth Schor, Gary Booth, Arny Felner, Barak Levy, Paul Utay, Jerry Zeffren, Raphael Levy, Eleanor Eidels, Elizabeth Stein, Maxwell Levy, Rabbi Elana Zelony, Bennett Robinson, Marilyn Guzick, Myrna Silver, Laura Halper, Ronnie Mindle); Paul Utay, Eleanor Eidels, Myrna Silver, Jerry Zeffren, Cecilia Shorr, Joe Liken, Jasmin Sidisin, Susan Cooper, Elizabeth Stein, Hope Decker, Casey Gendason, Bennett Robinson, Karen Prager‐Eaves, John Wills Haftarah: (Eleanor Eidels, Maxwell Levy, Michael Coren, Chuck Smith, Ronnie Mindle); Jessica Winter, Hope Decker, Chuck Smith, Stanley Sutkin Sermons and Sermonettes: (Rabbi Elana Zelony, Maxwell Levy, David Gruber); Rabbi Elana Zelony, Hope Decker, Leslie Morgan, Phil Stayman Musaf: (Francine Simpson, Maxwell Levy, Paul Utay, Joe Liken, Jerry Zeffren); Jerry Zeffren, Hope Decker, Alisone Kopita, Ron Blumka While we generally do not schedule service leaders and Torah readers in advance for the daily minyanim, we would also like to thank everyone who steps forward and helps our daily services be just as enjoyable and participatory as during Shabbat and the Chagim (Holidays). Torahand
Are you interested in learning to chant Torah or Haftorah or lead part of the Shabbat evening or morning service? If you are, please contact Rusty Dworkin at 972.713.0159 or Saturday Morning Service, November 8—Attention All Veterans! Join us during Shabbat services when we will have a special aliyah to honor your patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good. Questions? Contact Neil Burnstein at Ritual‐ Friday Night Service, November 14—Chai Lights members will participate in service and sponsor an Oneg afterward. Questions? Contact Joy & Herb Weinstein at Candle Lighting Friday Services Shabbat Services Tot Shabbat Junior Congregation Havdalah (60) 9:30 AM, Nov 1 10:30 AM, Nov 1 7:35 PM 5:12 PM 6:30 PM, Nov 7 9:30 AM, Nov 8 11:00 AM, Nov 8 10:30 AM, Nov 8 6:29 PM 5:07 PM 6:30 PM, Nov 14 9:30 AM, Nov 15 10:30 AM, Nov 15 6:25 PM 5:04 PM 6:30 PM, Nov 21 9:30 AM, Nov 22 11:00 AM, Sept 27 10:30 AM, Nov 22 6:21 PM 5:02 PM 6:30 PM, Nov 28 9:30 AM, Nov 29 6:20 PM Congregation Beth Torah | Page 8 10:30 AM, Nov 29 ThankYou
Marty Barenblat Yizkor Book and Service Scheduler Proofreader Earl Bills Overall Planning Sandy Dorf Divider Curtains and Sound System Setup / Prep Cheryl Drazin Security and Babysitting Arny Felner Overall Planning and Yizkor Book Lou Kaiser Tickets and Lulav & Etrog Orders Raphael Levy Yizkor Book Debra Pak Greeter Coordinator Leah Singleton Pre‐K/K Programming Roz Prupes Sukkot and Simchat Torah Kiddushes Scott Silvis Sound System Prep Jessica Winter Babysitting and Pre‐K/K Programming Jo Zeffren Led the group cleaning, polishing, and preparing of Ritual objects Earl Bills Ron Blumka Michael Coren Arny Felner Dan Gruen Gary Kahalnik Mark Kreditor Jessica Liken Joe Liken Bill Pervin Ari Robinson Lindsey Silvis Francine Simpson Chuck Smith Phil Stayman Elizabeth Stein USY Myron Weiss Jerry Zeffren Ushers:
Sandy Dorff David Duchin Rusty Dworkin Larry Guzick Seth Kaplan Ivan Kaufman Marc Kesner Paul Kock Andy Lavigne Dave Mandell Jeff Markowitz Ed Matisoff Alvin Meth Craig Paul Mike Precker Brian Rubenstein Allan Schmidt Steve Simmons Adiv Zelony Eldon Zorinsky Greeters:
Celia Bills Elizabeth Brothman Neil Burnstein Esther Cohen Gilda Daniel Susan Daneman Cheryl Drazin David Duchin David Engleberg Marty Fried Cyd Friedman Ruben Granado Marilyn Guzick Alan Hoffman Debra Pak Mike Precker Merilyn Robbins Robin Rose Allan Rosen Carol Rosen Carlie Ross Susie Shnider Jeff Silver Vikki Silvis Chuck Smith Gloria Stayman Toni Tello Debbie Wills Jessica Winter Congregation Beth Torah | Page 9 FromSisterhood
Esther Cohen & Robyn Rose, Co‐Presidents SisterhoodHanukkah
November 16, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM It’s time for a shopping event! We’ll have venders and the gift shop open. Do you know someone who would like to be a vendor? $36 per vendor participation ($25 for Congregation Beth Torah members) plus a vendor product or gift certificate donation for our prizes. Contact Liz Gluckman at ...includingafreeBBQlunch!
Starting at 11:30 AM After shopping our bazaar, all are welcome to enjoy a free BBQ lunch (vegetarian options will be available). For questions, contact Esther Cohen at LadiesWhoLunch
Tuesday, November 18 Nosh with the ladies at a different location around town each month. Want to join us in November? Contact Carol Taper at or 972.931.0202 for time and location by November 10. Next date is December 16. RoshChodeshWomen’sEvents
Thursday, December 4, 7PM Join us at a tasting class at Oil & Vinegar in Allen. $7 per person, limited to 12. Who needs jelly donuts when you can sample hors d’oeuvres and artisan oil and vinegar pairings? Optional post‐tasting dinner and drinks. RSVP on the Sisterhood Facebook page or contact Rachel Leventon 972.900.0338 or TorahFundPins
The 5775 Torah Fund Pin is here! Show your support for our Conservative Seminaries and their students. Be one of the many women sporting the Tree of Life pin. This year's Torah Fund honoree is Debbie Wills. Contact Elaine Scharf at CollegeConnection
College Connection helps students stay connected to the Beth Torah community while away at school. This is not only for parents to order, but also grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends—you name it—everyone likes to receive a care pack! Don’t worry if you missed the first package, you can still send packages! Contact Melanie Joison at for questions and ordering. ModernLessonsFromBiblicalWomen
Thursdays at 5:45 PM November 13, December 11, January 8, February 12, March 19 Sarah Laughed by Vanessa L. Ochs offers us reflections on the lives of Old Testament matriarchs and you won’t want to miss the lively discussions around them. We will read one chapter a month. The book is available online or in the book store. Our next meeting will be on November 13, starting with a light dinner at 5:45 PM, before going on to discuss Dina (Chapter 7). Reservations must be confirmed one week prior to each dinner / discussion so that we can plan sufficient food and space. Please RSVP to Nancy Siegel at Congregation Beth Torah | Page 10 FromSisterhood(continued)
November 20, 7‐9 pm, CBT Oneg room Be Aware • Be Confident • Be Empowered Easy to Learn • Real World Scenarios • Leave with Results Taught by Teri Gerstner, Urban Safety Training seminars are designed to teach and empower attendees in the most practical ways to defend yourself and your family. The teachings are based on Krav Maga self defense strategies originally developed in Israel and used by the Israeli Defense Forces. They are easy to understand, remember, and perform while maintaining complete effectiveness when needed. All body types and levels of fitness are invited. You will learn in real world scenarios and you will leave with results. Be prepared to work your body and mind while learning serious self defense strategies...and having fun. Teri Gerstner is the founder and lead trainer at Urban Safety Training and is currently the highest ranking female in the DFW Metroplex in Krav Maga, a level 5 instructor or brown belt. Along with training in other styles of self defense, Teri is extremely well‐rounded and employs a direct approach in teaching others how to stay safe in today's ever more dangerous world. Class size is limited. Your check of $18 made out to CBT Sisterhood will reserve your spot. For questions, contact either Sarah Bartfield at or Rachel Leventon at or 972.900.0338 (cell). SisterhoodBookClub
January 21, 7:30 PM Rav Hisda's Daughter, Book I: Apprentice: A Novel of Love, the Talmud, and Sorcery by Maggie Anton Hisdadukh, blessed to be beautiful and learned, is the youngest child of Talmudic sage Rav Hisda. The world around her is full of conflict. Rome, fast becoming Christian, battles Zoroastrian Persia for dominance while Rav Hisda and his colleagues struggle to establish new Jewish traditions after the destruction of Jerusalem's Holy Temple. Against this backdrop Hisdadukh embarks on the tortuous path to become an enchantress in the very land where the word 'magic' originated. For the January discussion, we will be meeting at the home of Trudy Wiseman. Please RSVP to Trudy if you plan to attend so she can plan accordingly. 2014/2015 Reading Schedule The Golem and the Jinni by Helen Wecker (March 18) The Seamstress by Sara Tuvel Bernstein (May 20) The Eight by Katherine Neville (July 15) Questions? Contact Carol at 972.805.3612 or
Congregation Beth Torah | Page 11 NovemberEvents
Sunday, November 16 Multi‐Purpose Room, 8:30 AM to 1PM The first recorded successful blood transfusion took place in England, 1665. 349 years later, you can save a life by donating blood. Go to to sign up online. Enter sponsor code: bethtorah. Contact Social Action Chair, Ruben Granado, at for questions.
Thursday, November 20, 6:30 PM First United Methodist Church in Richardson GareenFallEvent
Calling all Gareen Kids (3rd, 4th, and 5th graders)! Join us immediately following Learning Center for a fun fall event at Beth Torah. We will have games including pumpkin bowling and bobbing for apples, as well as fun crafts. Lunch will be served. For questions, call Stephanie Elad at 858.735.8904. SillyLawNight
Saturday, November 15, 7:30 PM Did you know that in North Carolina, Bingo games cannot last more than 5 hours or that’s it’s illegal to sell a toothbrush and toothpaste to the same customer on a Sunday in Rhode Island? Bring your silly law (from any state) and join The Middle at the home of Robin and Steve Popik for a fun evening of snacking, schmoozing, and trading silly laws. Contact Gloria or Phil Stayman at No RSVP necessary. Congregation Beth Torah | Page 12 Along with a few of our third and fifth grade students, members of Joyful Noise will be participating in this year’s Richardson Interfaith Alliance service of thanksgiving in word and song offered in the Baha’I, Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, and Muslim faith traditions. This service is open to the entire community and all are encouraged to attend. The purpose of the Richardson Interfaith Alliance is to increase respect of all faiths through education and increased awareness and to coordinate and enhance faith‐based services for the betterment of the Richardson Community. For questions, contact Got News?
photos and news, births, graduations, weddings, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, engagements, obituaries...share it all! Go to CBT’s website at http://‐news/.
Congregation Beth Torah | Page 13 FromAdultEducation
Rusty Dworkin, Adult Ed Chair | Jessica Winter, Education VP | Education‐ 24thAnnualMarkA.Siegel
Weekend of March 20, 2015 Don’t miss this year’s scholar, Vanessa L. Ochs, Department of Religious Studies and Jewish Studies Program at the University of Virginia where she teaches courses in Judaism, anthropology of religion, Jewish feminism, and spiritual writing. Ochs earned her B.A. in Drama and French from Tufts University, an M.F.A. in Theater from Sarah Lawrence College, and Ph.D. in Anthropology of Religion from Drew University.
Dr. Ochs is a dynamic and vibrant speaker. Her topics include speaking on… Women of the Wall, an organization based in Israel, whose goal is to secure the rights of women to pray at the Western Wall, read aloud from the Torah, and wearing religious garments. How new rituals have emerged, which new rituals might be called for in the coming years, and what skills and wisdom do ritual inventors need to develop? Jewish Ethics, ways of thinking about what it means to be human, Jewish, and ways that guide and orient a person’s actions and choices She is an award winning author. Her writing includes many books and blogs, such as "Inventing Jewish Ritual,” "Sarah Laughed,” “The Jewish Dream Book," and "Safe and Sound: Protecting Your Child In An Unpredictable World." FaithsinConversation
11 November, Tuesday, 7PM (Oneg) Imam Zia Sheikh, Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger, and Rev. Dr. Douglas Skinner will be discussing "Internal Schism: What Divides Our Communities from Within?" Each panel member will explain his tradition's perspective on this important topic. The panel will take questions afterward. Dr. Robert Hunt of SMU Perkins School of Theology will moderate. Part of a series of panel discussions. Contact Earl Bills for questions at Congregation Beth Torah | Page 14 ATalk‘nTaste
15 November, Saturday, 12:30 PM (Oneg) Israel Action invites you for an Israeli‐style luncheon and a great discussion featuring Gil Elan, President/CEO of the Southwest Jewish Congress. For questions, contact Magdi Olah at Israel‐ Congregation Beth Torah | Page 15 WeGratefullyAcknowledgetheFollowingContributions...
In Memory of Loved Ones Andrew & Marie Levine Bob & Roberta Lazarus Brian & Mindi Sue Rubenstein Cyd & Cliff Friedman Esther Rae & Jay Weinstein James Webb Lisa & Lance Rosemore Marcia Hoppenstein Mark & Carol Kreditor Merilyn Robbins Myrna Silver Robbie Siben Robert & Caren Tate Robert & Kathleen Glosser Robert Linker Rona Kesselman Sarah & Ira Korman Sarah & Steve Bartfield Scott & Jill Chilton BurntheMortgageFund
In Memory of Fred Gross Irwin Roth Marsha & Alan Weiss Nancy & Marty Barenblat Sandi & Joe Black Mindy Grossman's mother Vikki & Scott Silvis My Sisters Irwin Roth Nathan Potolsky Rita Holzsweig Ruth Eaves Greg & Karen Eaves Shirley Rosen Jo & Jerry Zeffren BurntheMortgageFund
In Honor of Caron & Bennett Robinson's 50th Birthdays Vikki & Scott Silvis Jo & Jerry Zeffren Susie & Bo Avnery In Memory of Alexander Kesselman and Ronald Lee Rona Kesselman Harry Zeffren Jo & Jerry Zeffren CampScholarship
In Honor of Hope Decker’s Bat Mitzvah Jo & Jerry Zeffren CBTCares
~Debbie & John Wills In Memory of Fred Gross Jean & Bob Weinfeld CemeteryFund
In Memory of Sally Prince Barbara & Walter Orr DeeDeeFields‐
A Speedy Recovery For Howie Fields Roberta & Robert Lazarus Gerry&BethHochYouth
In Honor of Heidi Cooper’s Marriage Ellen & Gary Ackerman HighHolidays
In Appreciation of Aliyah Honor Arny & Valerie Felner Congregation Beth Torah | Page 16 HighHolidays
In Appreciation of Aliyah Honor Bob & Kathleen Glosser Bob & Roberta Lazarus Bob Rifkin Carl & Gilda Daniel Carol & Gene Taper Daewon & Debra Pak David & Leah Engelberg David & Michele Mandell David Stein Debbie & John Wills Dianna & Michael Levy Esther & Nat Cohen Herb & Joy Weinstein Jeffrey Silver Jo & Jerry Zeffren Laurie & Stan Sutkin Michael & Sara Coren Miriam Creemer Nancy Siegel Philip & Gloria Stayman Robert & Elaine Scharf Robert Linker Rona Kesselman Ruben & Nydia Granado Scott & Jill Chilton LearningCenter
~Jake Wolfson In Memory of Benjamin Schorr Jay Wanger Susan Chizeck & Bill Pervin MarkA.SiegelAdult
In Memory of Fred Gross Nancy Siegel Roberta & Robert Lazarus Operations
~Gilda & Carl Daniel ~Chick Sham Contributions(continued)
In Honor of Al Creemer’s 80th Birthday Gene & Louise Yoss Mira Kochurovsky Carol & Mark Kreditor Marlene & Larry Kreditor Pam Leon’s Sister Linda & Robert Chozick In Memory of Benjamin Shorr Barbara & David Steinberg David Chozick Linda & Robert Chozick Fred Gross Barbara & David Steinberg Dallas Jewish Historical Society Elizabeth Bergeson Goldin, Peiser & Peiser Martha & Arnold Schecter Mervyn & Rosalind Benjet Natalie Lewis Roslyn Winston Thomas & Mary Arnold Rabbi’sDiscretionary
Fund ~Fern & David Gerstein ~Jeanette & Sandy Dorf ~Mindy Grossman ~Esther & Nat Cohen A Speedy Recovery For David Gerstein Esther & Nat Cohen In Appreciation of Rabbi Elana Zelony Adrianne Svidlow Fortuna & Isaac Antebi In Honor of Al Creemer’s 80th Birthday Esther & Nat Cohen Mike & Brenda Levine Sue & Barry Slotnick’s 50th Wedding Anniversary Esther & Nat Cohen Rabbi’sDiscretionary
Fund In Memory of Benjamin Shorr Esther & Nat Cohen Eveyln & Paul Utay Fredric Rosemore Lisa & Lance Rosemore Harriet Tisser Cheryl & Alan Tisser Jay Wanger Esther & Nat Cohen Joseph Cohen Cheryl & Alan Tisser Mindy Grossman’s mother Esther & Nat Cohen My Parents Robert Glosser Sam Zorinsky Sherry & Eldon Zorinsky RitualFund(Kiddush)
In Honor of Aunt Shirley Evelyn & Paul Utay RitualFund(Liquor)
~Garry Kahalnik ~Helene Morris ~Jo & Jerry Zeffren ~Marc Machbitz In Honor of Lynda & Jeffrey Markowitz Sharon & Grady Price In Memory of Dora Watkins & Izzy Cohn Judy Glazer YoungFamilies
In Memory of Anne Cohen Chick Sham Questions
or concerns about listed (or not listed) donations? Interested
in marking a special occasion, remembering someone dear, celebrating a birthday or anniversary, rejoicing in the arrival of a child, mourning the passing of a loved one, or recognizing an Aliyah honor by making a donation to Congregation Beth Torah? Contact
Cissie Forrest in the synagogue office Monday—Friday, 9AM to 5PM at 972.234.1542 x227 or Regular donations have an $18 minimum or you can purchase a pack of 10 note cards with envelopes ($130). Congregation Beth Torah | Page 17 November2014Calendar
For questions about the calendar—Marty Fried Board‐ 11.1.2014 9:30 AM (Service) Shabbat 11.1.2014 8:00 PM 40 & Fabulous Birthday Bash 11.1.2014 7:35 PM Havdalah (60 min) 11.2.2014 11:00 AM (Young Families) Celebrates CBT's Birthday 11.2.2014 8:30 AM Minyan 11.2.2014 No Learning Center Classes 11.3.2014 6:45 AM Minyan 11.5.2014 4:45 PM (LC) Classes 11.5.2014 7:30 PM Israeli Dance Class (See bottom of next page for details) 11.7.2014 6:30 PM (Service) Kabbalat Shabbat 11.8.2014 9:30 AM (Service) Shabbat 11.8.2014 9:30 AM A Special Aliyah Honoring our Veterans 11.8.2014 9:00 AM Adult Hebrew Class (Library) 11.8.2014 6:29 PM Havdalah (60 min) 11.8.2014 11:00 AM Tot Shabbat (offsite with Young Families) 11.9.2014 7:30 PM (Class) The Book of Daniel 11.9.2014 9:00 AM (LC) Classes 11.9.2014 9:00 AM (Men's Club) Monthly Breakfast Program 11.9.2014 8:30 AM Minyan 11.10.2014 6:45 AM Minyan 11.10.2014 7:30 PM Ritual Committee Meeting 11.11.2014 7:00 PM (Series) Faiths in Conversation (See page 14 for details) 11.11.2014 7:30 PM Exec Board Meeting 11.12.2014 4:45 PM (LC) Classes 11.12.2014 7:30 PM Israeli Dance Class (See bottom of next page for details) 11.13.2014 7:00 PM (Sisterhood) Committee Meetings 11.13.2014 5:45 PM (Sisterhood) Torah Discussion 11.14.2014 6:30 PM (Chai Lights) Friday Night Shabbat 11.14.2014 6:30 PM (Service) Kabbalat Shabbat 11.15.2014 12:30 PM (Israel Action) A Talk & Taste of Israel (See page 14 for details) 11.15.2014 9:30 AM (Service) Shabbat 11.15.2014 6:25 PM Havdalah (60 min) 11.15.2014 7:30 PM The Middle Get‐Together (See page 12 for details) 11.16.2014 9:00 AM (LC) Classes 11.16.2014 9:00 AM (LC) Music 11.16.2014 9:00 AM (Sisterhood) Hannukah Bazaar (See pages 10‐11) 11.16.2014 9:00 AM (Sisterhood) Mahjong 11.16.2014 9:00 AM (Social Action) Annual Rose Oruch Blood Drive (See page 12 for details) 11.16.2014 9:15 AM LDU 101 11.16.2014 8:30 AM Minyan 11.17.2014 6:45 AM Minyan 11.18.2014 12:30 PM (Sisterhood) Ladies Who Lunch (See pages 10‐11) 11.18.2014 7:00 PM Texas Hold'em Poker (See bottom of next page for details) 11.19.2014 4:45 PM (LC) Classes 11.19.2014 4:30 PM (LC) Cooking Class Congregation Beth Torah | Page 18 November2014Calendar
11.19.2014 7:30 PM Israeli Dance Class (See bottom of page for details) 11.20.2014 7:00 PM 'Fight Like a Girl' Urban Safety Training (See pages 10‐11) 11.21.2014 6:30 PM (Service) Kabbalat Shabbat 11.21.2014 (Youth) SWUSY Fall Kallah & Kamp Kadima 11.21.2014 (Correction: 11/22 Only) Rabbi Zelony Installation 11.22.2014 9:30 AM (Service) Shabbat 11.22.2014 (Youth) SWUSY Fall Kallah & Kamp Kadima 11.22.2014 9:00 AM Adult Hebrew Class 11.22.2014 6:21 PM Havdalah (60 min) 11.22.2014 Rabbi Zelony Installation 11.22.2014 11:00 AM Tot Shabbat (See bottom of page for details) 11.23.2014 9:00 AM (LC) Classes 11.23.2014 9:00 AM (LC) Grandparents Day 11.23.2014 9:00 AM (LC) Library Visits 11.23.2014 9:10 AM (LC) Monthly Program 11.23.2014 7:00 PM (Men's Club) Four Seasons ‐ Cowboys Watching Party 11.23.2014 (Youth) SWUSY Fall Kallah & Kamp Kadima 11.23.2014 8:30 AM Minyan (Rosh Chodesh Kislev) 11.24.2014 2:00 PM (Sisterhood) Rosh Chodesh Physical Activity 11.24.2014 7:30 PM Board Meeting 11.24.2014 6:45 AM Minyan 11.26.2014 7:30 PM Israeli Dance Class (See bottom of page for details) 11.26.2014 No Learning Center Classes 11.27.2014 Offices Closed (Thanksgiving Day) 11.28.2014 9:00 AM (Men's Club) Prince of Wales 11.28.2014 6:30 PM (Service) Kabbalat Shabbat 11.28.2014 10:00 AM (Social Action) Feeding the Needy 11.29.2014 9:30 AM (Service) Shabbat 11.29.2014 6:20 PM Havdalah (60 min) 11.30.2014 8:30 AM Minyan 11.30.2014 No Learning Center Classes TexasHold’em
Come for a night of fun and Wednesdays (MP Room) 7:30 PM Beginner / 8:30 PM Advanced $5 for non‐members Contact Linda Kahalnik for questions— friendship each month. $20 members and $25 non‐
members. Contact Neil Burnstein for questions— TotShabbat 2nd and 4th Saturdays, 11AM (MPR) An hour of Shabbat songs and prayers, a little dancing, a Torah parade, snack time and stories for "tots" (children ages 6 and younger). Contact Jessica Winter for questions— Congregation Beth Torah | Page 19 Congregation
720 W. Lookout Drive Richardson, TX 75080 972.234.1542 Service Times Friday Evenings 6:30 PM Saturday Mornings 9:30 AM Junior Congregation (K—5, Sept‐May) Saturday Mornings 10:30—Noon Tot Shabbat 11:00 AM nd
2 and 4 Saturdays of each month Minyans Sundays—8:30 AM Mondays—6:45 AM