sacred heart church - Sacred Heart Manoa
sacred heart church - Sacred Heart Manoa
SACRED HEART CHURCH August 10, 2014 19th Sunday of Ordinary Time GOD’S FAMILY IN MANOA served by: Rev. Henry J. McKee, Pastor Rev. George J. Boyle, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Michael G. Speziale, In Residence Deacon John J. Suplee Deacon Bill Williams Deacon Thomas J. Woods Mrs. Celie Magee, School Principal Sister Kathleen McCafferty, S.S.J., Director of Religious Education Sister Bridget McCullough, I.H.M., Parish Service Ministries Miss Mary Ann Allton, Matthew 14:27 105 Wilson Ave. Havertown, PA Phone: 610-449-3000 Fax: 610-449-2364 Parish Office Hours: Monday to Friday: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM (Closed 12-1 PM For Lunch) Evenings & Saturday: by Appointment Sunday: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Sacred Heart School: 610-446-9198 109 N. Manoa Road Religious Education Office: 610-449-3000 *for CCD nights : Resource Room 610-446-7597 C.C.D. Classes are Mondays & Wednesdays (Sept. thru May) 6:45 PM - 8:05 PM Convent: 610-446-3694 Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary 108 Shelbourne Road Music Director Mr. Zachary Moren, Youth Minister MASS SCHEDULE SUNDAYS (Summer) Vigil: 5:00 PM Saturday 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 AM WEEKDAYS Tuesday through Saturday at 8:30 AM Holy Days of Obligation As listed in bulletin and on Parish Website CONFESSIONS Saturday afternoon: 3:30-4:30 PM or anytime by appointment EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Monday – Friday: 8:00am - 9:00pm Saturday: 8:00am - 4:30pm *Adoration Chapel is located at the driveway exit of the Church parking lot to Wilson Ave.* 1 Mass Intentions for the Week Tuesday, August 12 (St. Jane Frances de Chantal) 8:30am Mary McCormick Wednesday, August 13 (SS Pontian & Hippolytus) 8:30am Antoinetta Chiarini Thursday, August 14 8:30am Martin Slegal 7:00pm VIGIL MASS (St. Maximilian Kolbe) Friday, August 15 - Holy Day of Obligation ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Holy Day Masses: 8:30am & 10:30am **no evening Mass** Parish Registration We welcome new members to our Parish Family! Please stop at the Parish Center to register or download form at Baptism ~ Pre Jordan *The next date for PreJordan is: AUGUST 11 ** **Summer schedule through September 28: Baptisms are celebrated on Sundays at 12:45 PM with the exception of the 4th Sunday of each month, when Baptisms are celebrated at the 11:30am Mass. Parents are required to attend a Pre-Jordan Class before setting up a date for Baptism. Pre-Jordan Class is held on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Parish Center, with some exceptions. *Please consult Parish Bulletin or Website to verify* Marriage Couples intending to marry should contact one of the priests for an appointment to set a date. By Archdiocesan policy, this must be done at least six months prior to the date. Anointing of the Sick Saturday, August 16 8:30am Steven Zacco Sunday at Mass or Upon request - contact one of the priests at the rectory in case of serious illness. Reconciliation (Confession) DEVOTIONS MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA: Saturday mornings after the 8:30 AM Mass. ROSARY: Tuesday through Saturday mornings at 8:10 AM before Mass. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Visit our Adoration Chapel Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 9:00pm Saturday: 8:00am - 4:30pm All are welcome! *The Chapel is located at the exit driveway of the church parking lot leading to Wilson Ave. Anytime by appointment. 610-449-3000 Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 PM Visitation of the Sick If you or someone in your family is HOMEBOUND due to illness, disability, or advanced age, please call Sr. Bridget at the Parish Center (610-449-3000) so arrangements can be made to bring Holy Communion. Also, please let us know when someone is in the hospital. Legion of Mary Meets each Monday from 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM in the Rectory. Senior Citizens Sacred Heart Social Club, an Archdiocesan Organization, meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 1:00 PM in the cafeteria. Parish Mission Statement We, the Sacred Heart Parish Community, knowing we are sustained by the Eucharist, dedicate ourselves to: Forming a prayerful and worshiping community Educating all in Christ’s wisdom formed in and through the Gospel + Living our faith in today’s society We strive to: Invite, welcome and serve all through our stewardship Unite our community through acceptance of one another + Comfort through word and deed 2 Dear Sisters and Brothers in the Lord, Welcome! I am grateful for your presence as the Sacred Heart worshiping community gathers to celebrate our Eucharistic Liturgy for the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time. You bless us through your prayerful participation. May the Risen Lord enlighten your mind in the Word proclaimed and nourish your spirit through the Bread of Life we share. Last Saturday, Sr. Julia Ann, I.H.M., celebrated her 50th anniversary as a Sister Servant of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. As is her style, the jubilee was a prayerful celebration in thanks to God for her blessings in religious life with mainly her family and I.H.M. community. Sr. Julia Ann has taught first grade in Sacred Heart School for the past twelve years. She is a “master teacher” who combines teaching, discipline and care in preparing our first graders for their many years in education. Our school and students have been enriched by Sr. Julia Ann’s dedication to the development of her students both academically and spiritually. On behalf of our parish community, I thank Sr. Julia Ann for her twelve years of service and presence in our Parish. As Sr. Julia Ann leaves for her new assignment at St. Martin of Tours, I extend the parish’s gratitude and prayerful best wishes. May the Risen Lord guide and bless you with a peaceful transition. In today’s Gospel, the disciples become fearful as their boat is “tossed about by the waves.” Thinking Jesus is a “ghost” they become “terrified.” Jesus assures them, “take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.” These are words that Jesus speaks to each of us. Imagine Jesus saying these words to you. Imagine Jesus stretching out his hand to catch you as he says, “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.” Remember this scene in your times of fear. Peace be with you! God bless, Fr. McKee COLLECTIONS August 3, 2014 August 4, 2013 Goal: Year to Date: Difference: $ $ $ $ $ 11,428.00 14,164.00 87,500.00 83,946.00 -3,554.00 Thank you for your continued generous support! Please remember us during the Summer months as you travel on vacation. Our target amount for Sunday collection is $17,500 per week to keep us in the black. Is the RCIA for YOU? or for Someone you Know? Are you baptized in another religion or not yet baptized and may be interested in becoming a Christian in the Catholic tradition? Are you a baptized Catholic, but did not receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and/or Eucharist? Now is the time to consider for yourself... or to invite someone to RCIA. Beginning in September, we will gather together one evening each week in the Parish Center to listen to and reflect on God’s Word and deepen our understanding of the teachings of the Church. There is no pressure or obligation: it is merely a time to inquire. Pease contact Sr. Bridget at 610-449-3000 or for more information The main reason people say they did not become Catholic sooner is because no one asked them! NOW IS THE TIME! The Parish Center will be CLOSED on Friday, August 15 - Feast of the Assumption Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a holy day of obligation! HOLY DAY MASSES: Thursday, August 14 7:00p.m Vigil Friday, August 15 8:30am & 10:30am (no evening Mass) 3 PRE-JORDAN CLASS Next PreJordan Session is: THIS Monday, August 11 at 7:00pm in the MKD Room in the Parish Center. *Attendance at the Pre-Jordan Class is mandatory, prior to the celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism. Please call the Parish Center at (610) 449-3000 for further information. **Upcoming PreJordan Classes: September 8 & October 13 REST IN PEACE Please pray for all members of our Sacred Heart Faith Community who have been welcomed to the happiness of eternal life. SICK Please pray for Baby Sean Cutilllo, Baby Olivia Kirmayer, Baby Andrew Sholl, Michelle Meehan, Jeffrey Hunter, Helen Lawville, Genevieve Hosbach, Eleanor Blanch, Thomas Mayo, Christine Ferrante, Sharon Muschamp, Nancy Cunningham, Kyle Boas, Christina Boyd, Jim Sweeney, Rick Kearney, Bud Devlin, Pasquale Dougherty, Mike Wilson, Loretta Malloy Lego, Brigid Sullivan, Jackie Mitchell, John Conway, Jill Carey, Jack Clark, Joe Cutuli, Gina D’Orazio, Dana Kleinschmidt, Cheryl Duca, Will Lawler, Terri Michels, Matt Shaw, Susan Gallagher, Martha Primavera, Mickey McGoldrick, Michael Feerick, Richard Wagner, Marie Debow, Mark Welsh, Rose Mary Haley, Laura Bailey, Rita Hershey, Joanne McManus, Sam Stocker, Maryanne Keller, Louise Savarese, Joanna Small, James Bamber, Christopher Chipman, Amy McBride, Harold Deitz, Joseph News, Joanne Shain, Rose Scaramuzza, Anna McPhee, Celeste Gisondi, Helen Rebardo, Joseph Mulholland, Nicholas Galassi, Andrew Cabrelli, Cathy Aquaro, Rick Reid, and Gregory Benoit. Please remember to pray for all men and women serving in the Armed Forces. May the sacrifices they are making bring peace. May God bring them all home safely and soon. Poor Box Donations for AUGUST are designated for Outreach Ministry at St. Vincent De Paul Parish in Germantown H.O.P.E. H.O.P.E. will take a short break for the summer months - and will resume in September! If you have an urgent need H.O.P.E services, please leave a message for Isabelle Duca at 610-449-3638 Our Parish H.O.P.E. Ministry is in urgent need of drivers! H.O.P.E. provides assistance for doctor appointments, shopping, etc. Call Isabel Duca at 610-449-3638. Please think about it! CYO FALL SPORTS Registration is now open!! Various sports available for grades K through 12. Visit our CYO page at for a complete listing and register at Please see website for info re coaching opportunities! REGISTRATION NOW FOR: Football * Soccer * Flag Football Cheerleading (coaches needed) * Pee Wee Cheerleading * Volleyball (coaches needed), and Cross Country. PRACTICE SCHEDULES SOCCER - Practice has begun! for 5-6-7-8th grade boys & girls For more info, call Joe DeMarco 610-789-4284 (*bring water bottle) JV & VARSITY FOOTBALL MONDAY, AUGUST 18 at 6:00pm at Veterans Field (behind Skatium) for 5-6-7-8th grade boys. Call Coach Bill Wick at (610) 853-0728 for info. Boys Flag Football Gr 3-4. WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 3 at 6:00pm at the Veterans Field (behind Skatium). Any questions please call coach Jim Voigtsberger at 484-614-5430. Important Upcoming Meetings PreJordan - Monday, August 11 at 7:00pm Social Club - Monday, August 18 at 1:00pm Handbells - Monday, August 18 at 7:00pm Knights of Columbus - Thursday, Aug 21 7:30pm Home & School Board - Tuesday, Aug 26 7:00pm Finance Committee - Thursday, Aug 28 at 7:00pm Hospitality Meeting - Tuesday, Sept 2 at 7:00pm Picnic Planning - Wednesday, Sept 3 at 7:00pm *SUMMER SCRIP & FUN MONEY SALES* IN THE PARISH CENTER Sunday Morning: 10:00 - 11:30am Thursday Night: 7:00 - 8:00pm SCRIPTURE READINGS SUNDAY, AUGUST 17, 2014 Reading I: Is 56:1, 6-7 Resp: Ps 67:2-3,5,6,8 Reading II: Rom 11:13-15,29-32 Gospel: Matthew 15:21-28 Sunday & Daily Readings at INSPIRINGTHOUGHTS OF POPE FRANCIS To live by faith means to put our lives in the hands of God, especially in our most difficult moments. @Pontifex 5/23/2014 4 SACRED HEART SCHOOL It’s time to REGISTER for CCD Classes for 2014-2015 Registrations for New Students ARE NOW BEING ACCEPTED! Please call the School Office at 610446-9198 Checkout: SH-SCHOOL.ORG Pre-K & Kindergarten are FULL for thisyear! Tuition Reminder! The first installment 2014 2015 tuition is due August 15. Payments may be mailed or dropped off to the Parish Center. Please make check payable to Sacred Heart School. TUITION FOR 2014 - 2015 Kindergarten through 8th Grade One child: $3000 Two children: $5100 3 or more: $6875 Non-Parishioner: additional $1100 IRS REGULATION “Our parish school admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at our school. Similar policies apply to the school staff. Our school does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admission policies, or in any school-administered program.” ADULT CHOIR & HANDBELL CHOIR Any adult (high school age and older) who would like to join the Adult Choir or Adult Handbell Choir is asked to contact Mary Ann Allton at or leave a message at 610-449-3000. HANDBELL PRACTICES: MONDAYS: August 18 & 25 at 7:00pm (MKD) SOCIAL CLUB Next Meeting: Monday, August 18 at 1:00pm The Glenn Miller Orchestra” trip is CANCELLED** Upcoming trip! RESORTS Casino, Wednesday, August 20 - bus trip to Atlantic City. Cost $25/ Rebate $25 Call Rita at 610-446-6019 Registration information has been mailed to current families of the Religious Education Program. Please call Sister Kate (610-4493000) if you did not receive one! CLASSES BEGIN IN SEPTEMBER! Registration forms can also be downloaded from: **First-time registration for Religious Education (especially for Grade 1) should call Sr. Kate at the Parish Center at 610-449-3000 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!! WE ARE IN NEED OF CATECHISTS, AIDES, AND SUPPORT STAFF! Learn more about your faith as you proclaim the Gospel message. If you are willing and able to be part of this important ministry in our church, please call Sister Kate at 610-449-3000 **ideal opportunity for college & high school students majoring in Education or needing service hours * Casseroles for St. John’s Hospice are due Friday, AUGUST 15 Pans w/lids are available at the doors of church! Each casserole feeds several people! Please deliver FROZEN casserole before 9:30am Friday, AUGUST 15 to Mary Durkin, 300 N. Manoa Rd. or Palma Ricci, 11 Woodbine Rd! For more info, call Mary 610-853-9455. EASY recipe is included OR you can make variety of casseroles using RECIPES found on **IMPORTANT!!! Please mark each casserole with date prepared and type (i.e. 8/7/14 Tuna) **PARENTS: THINK ABOUT MAKING A CASSEROLE WITH YOUR CHILDREN - GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR SUMMER SERVICE! Sunday, September 7 st 7:00 - 9:00pm Come “Kickoff” the new year with our 1 annual Tailgate Party! Open to all High school students (Gr 9-12) This will be an event of Games, Music, FOOD, and many other activities! Questions? Comments? Please contact Zac Moren @ (610) 449-1613 ext. 105 or 5 Red Cross Blood Drive Here at Sacred Heart! TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 1:00 - 7:00pm Everett Hall To benefit Children’s Hospital of Phila Sign-ups will be held Sundays: August 10, 17 & 24 VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED! If you can help with signups after the weekend Masses (after one Mass/for one weekend or as much time as you can give) or if you can volunteer on the day of the Blood Drive, please call Joe Byrnes at 610-506-7629 or Jean Murray at 610-4493000 or This Blood Drive is being held to “give back” to CHOP for the ongoing care of 5year old Claire, who has bone cancer. Summer Mass Schedule continues ... Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00pm Daily Mass: Tuesday - Saturday - 8:30am Mary Mother of Captives - A support group for those coping with a loved one in prison (State, federal, County prison, probation or parole) meets monthly (2nd Thurs) at St. Charles Borromeo Drexel Hill. All are welcome! For more info, contact: Maryann at 610.626.2304 **Next meeting: Thursday, AUG 14 at 7:00pm ** “PRO-LIFE” LINES Crisis Pregnancy hotline: 610-626-4006. Rachel’s Vineyard Post-Abortion healing: 877-HOPE-4-ME A Baby’s Breath 24-hour hotline: 484-580-6436, Delaware County Pregnancy Center: Mother’s Home: 610-583-HOME, . Pro-Life Union of Delaware County: 610-789-LIFE, Sacred Heart Parish RED & WHITE DAY Sunday, September 14 1:30 – 5:00pm At the Well: Singles 35+ Tuesday, September 2 at Barnaby’s, Havertown 7:00pm Topic: Thirsting for Love. For more info: Many parishioners use Electronic Funds Transfer as an alternative method for giving, To enroll or to learn more about Sacred Heart Parish Giving, please go to Corner To love God is the greatest of virtues; to be loved by God is the greatest of blessings. ~ Author Unknown I never knew how to worship until I knew how to love. ~ Henry Ward Beecher Trust the past to God's mercy, the present to God's love and the future to God'sprovidence. ~ St. Augustine + JMJ Sacred Heart School All-Class Reunion Friday, November 28, 2014 SPRINGFIELD COUNTRY CLUB 7:00 - 11:00PM BUFFET DINNER $40. 00 CASH BAR SAVE THE DATE! TELL YOUR FAMILY & FRIENDS! TICKETS WILL BE AVAILABLE AFTER SEPTEMBER 5th 6