DN Iceboat brochure - North Sails


DN Iceboat brochure - North Sails
North DN Iceboat sails have been designed with an
eye for speed. All extra windage and weight have been
shed, including the headboard, batten boxes, and
batten ends. For ease of use in cold weather, the three
full-length battens are adjusted using RBS rocket
adjusters. These adjusters allow the batten tension to
be eased at the end of the day and then re-tensioned
by the same amount the next day. The single leech
batten is removable without requiring tools. Another
advantage of North DN sails is a flex-cord luff rope
that allows the sail to slide easily through the mast
track. In addition, the sails have two large windows for
excellent visibility both off the starting line and sailing
upwind. These windows also enable greater visibility
when running and lying down.
North DN sails come standard with E-glass battens.
Carbon battens that further reduces weight are
available as an option/upgrade.
Designs available from North:
MP Max Power
Recommended for: Light wind (0-5 knots), or snow over the ice,
or heavier sailors
APP All-Purpose Power
Wide range of conditions
AS All-Speed
Heavy air and clean ice.
You spent a great deal of time this winter
working with North Sails to design a set of DN
sails for the North Americans. What was that
experience like?
It was interesting, that’s for sure. Starting
from scratch there is a lot that goes into trying
to break into a well developed class of a fringe
sport. I liked that none of us had designed DN sails
before so any ideas moving forward were open for
experimentation. Even before the boat was set up
in the loft and measured to put in the program, we
went over the details of the sails that most of us
were using and what the goal was for these designs.
The first goal was to reduce weight and windage
from any external reinforcement and unneeded
extra cloth. We got rid of the aluminum headboard,
came up with a way to bury the inboard batten
pocket caps and flushed out the outboard ends with
internal RBS rocket adjusters. The second was to try
and have more twist with a similar amount of power
at the bottom end. We incorporated a bolt rope that
slides in the mast easier and could possibly stretch
some as the sail loads up.
It was great that the team over in Sweden
shared files so we could use their basic triangle and
window layout. The team in San Diego got sails to
me on deadlines that would lineup over all the fall
and winter holidays. The Rhode Island loft made
this happen with modifications and re-cuts. Much
appreciated, Thanks!
Read the full interview on onedesign.com
The North Sails One Design experts are
enthusiastic about providing unparalleled service to
the DN class. We pride ourselves on being available
to support our customers at as many regattas as
possible, delivering clinics and dock talks, as well
as personalized attention at customers’ boats. Our
one-design experts regularly update tuning guides
and write articles for the class with tips on how to
improve your sailing, and are always available via
phone or e-mail to answer any questions and help
however possible. It is our mission to make it easy
for members of the DN Class to improve their level
of sailing, have fun and GO BEYOND.
Skip Dieball
Mike Marshall
DN Expert
(419) 392-4411
DN Sail Designer
(401) 955-0057