Pond Fish Feeder - Falling Water Designs
Pond Fish Feeder - Falling Water Designs
AutomaticPond Feeder Instruction lnstallation dispensepelletpondfishfood'1 to automatically Automatic PondFeederis designed TheDreamPondrril ensuresregularfeedingfor healthyandlong to 4 timesdaily.A fixedquantityat eachfeedinginterval livedfish, Beforeinstallation: Removethe feederfrom the box and inspectthoroughlyfor any signs of damage,even if the box does not show damage. 2. Attachtop coverto the feederusing4 stainlesssteelscrews(provided) 3. Removethe lid and fill with pelletpond food (NOTE:The DreamPondrM AutomaticPond Feederis designedfor pelletfood, al least 1/16"in I t! diameter). 4. Replace thelid and makesurelid lockstight. (notincluded) andstartto programtheFeeder. 5. OpenTimerCoverandinstalltwo "C"batteries Programming the Feeder ButtonDescriptions ntrODE Fullon: To setclocktimeandfeedingtime. SETButton:Afterpressing the MODEButton, theSETButton allowsthedisplayed timeto be changed. "+" Button:Afterpressing theSETButton, theblinking display canbe setto a highernumberwiththe"+" Button, "M" ManualButton:Feederwillautomatically dispense a singleportion of food,andcanalsobe usedto testtheunitfor properoperation. Manual n Mode 5et S$DreamPond" %"ffff'ffil:ffi?',.rl'i:,',"' \ To Setthe Clock PressMODEandthenpressthe SETButton. by pressingthe SETButton.Next,enter Pressthe"+"Buttonto enterthecorrecthour.Confirmselection by pressing the SETButton.Thetimer thecorreotminuteusingthe "+" Buttonandconfirmselection 5 pm = 17.00hours. time).Example: cycle(military operates on a 24.00-hour To Setthe FeedingTime uponthe numberof fishin your interval dispenses a fixedamountof pelletfood.Depending Eachfeeding pond,eitherSingleFeeding(approximately 15grams)or a DoubleFeeding(approximately 30 grams)can perfeedinginterval. optionis programmed, thereis a 60 Whenthe DoubleFeeding be programmed seconddelaybetweeneach15 gramfeeding. "00:00" "Feeding Time1"willdisplay withthedigit"1" on theupper 1. PresstheMODEButton. sectionof the LCD. 2. PresstheSETButton. Whenthe"Hours" beginto blink,pressthe"+"Buttonto enterthedesired hour. beginto blink,pressthe "+" Buttonto enterthe 3. PresstheSETButton.Whenthe "Minutes" minutes. desired Whenthedigit"1"ontheuppersection 4. PresstheSETButton. of theLCDbeginto blink,press the"+" Buttonto choosebetweenSingle(onearrow)or DoubleFeeding(twoarrows). 1stSingleFeedingTime \ 1stDoubleFeeding Time a*^*\ \ \-**__r Manual .l-'il ,l^t tl Mode ;) \ -l:lE Manual , ..:l :':tl LL,,:, I r,il-l:lx t1 ,l + Set Mode + Set 5. PresstheMODEButtonto proceedto thenext"Feeding Time."Repeataboveprocedure to enter feeding times(upto fourscheduled feedings) or keeppressing MODEto exit. FeederInstallation TheDreamPondrM PondFeederis designed Automatic to be installed in two ways: HangingInstallation pole,treelimb,or woodensupportbeam.The froma hanging 1. TheFeeder canbe suspended mustbe ableto holdapproximately 7 lbs.PlaceFeederwithineasy-reach supporting structure so refilling thefeederis safeandeasv. 2. TheFeederfeaturesfourhangingholeslocatedat thecornerof thetop cover.Attacheithera wireor chainto thehangingholesand hangFeederoverwater'sedge. 3. TestFeederby pressing the "M"buttonon thetimerto makesurethe{ooddropsintolhe waterandnot ontotheground. DreamPond" Manufaelu16r end Dlslflbulor QualityKol Pond Producls PostMountInstallationW Metalstand(soldseparately) 1. Securethemetalstandintothe groundor on thepondedge. 2, SlidetheFeederontothe metalstand.Makesurethefeederis locatedabovethe waterso thalpellet foodwilldropintothewaterand notontotheground. 3. TesttheFeederby pressing the "M"buttonon theTimer. FeedingGuidelines Thenumberof fish,theirsize,the season,andthewatertemperature of yourponddetermine theamount of foodneededto keepyourfishhealthy. Feedingfish versusTemperature . . . . Lessthan50f Do NotFeed 50"F-60T2-4timesweekly 60F-85"F2-4timesdaily Above85F Do Not Feed NOTE:Onlyfeedas muchfoodyourfishareableto finishwithin5 minutes.Removeanyuneatenfood. FeederAmounts A singlefeedingequals+/- 15 grams.The DreamPondrM Automatic Feedercanbe programmed to dispense as littleas 15grams(1 feeding, onceperday)or upto '120grams(double feedings, fourtimes perday). BatteryInstallation OpentheTimerandBatterycoverto installthebatteries (notincluded). Makesurethe batteries are properly. installed Usetwo 'C" 1.5Valkalinebatteries (donotuserechargeable lf the "LO" batteries). symbolappears on the leftsideof thedisplay,it meansthebatteries arealmostexhausted. Thefeeding procedure willstillbe carriedout butthebatteries willneedto be replacedin 2 days. For more information, pleasevisit our web site ThankYoufor ChoosingDreamPondrM Products. SNDreamPond* \ T#1,ff',fli'":ffiBlllfl,':'