Court visits scene of shooting
Court visits scene of shooting
Courtvisitssceneof shooting Witness showsofficialswhere he spotbedbody in crashedcar Site visit: Judge Latifah (left), deputy public prosecutors, defence c o u n s e l sa n d court officials at nearby Jalan Makyongin Shah Alam yesterday.They were briefed by Zafrullah (right) on what he saw on the day of the incident. By ONGHAN SEAN $n&s"*swtxsi 8!lt$r*$tss"ss$$, $t'$v Courtherevisited SHAHALAM:A Sessions whereteenager thescene Aminulrasyid Amzah wasallegedlykilledby policebulletsin April. WitnessZafrullahAhmadZainalAbidin showedthe courtvariousspotsconnected to theincident, including theplacewherehesaw a bodyin a crashed ProtonIswaraAeroback on thedayof the incident. Healsoled the courtto the backyardof his house,on a hill overlookingthe crashsite, whereheclaimedto haveseena manrunning awayfrompursuingpolicemen. Thesitevisityesterday markedthestartof the fourth day proceedings of the trial of policecorporalJenainSubi,who is charged with causingthe deathof Aminulrasyid, 15, at JalanTarian11/2 in the early hoursof April26. .|udgeLatifahMohd Tahararrivedwith a convoyof policeescorts,deputypublicprosecutors, defence counsels andcourtoflicialsat nearby Jalan Makyong 1112 at around 9.30am. I-atifahhadorderedthevisitonThursday to clarifuZafrullahAhmad'stestimonythat he wasat his home.nearthe sceneof the incident,when he heardfirecracker-like explosions,policesirensanda loudcrashingsound. Whenthe cross-examining resumedat the in the car when it crashedand had tried to courthouse at 11am,ZafrullahAhmad testified contactShariman. thathewasAminulrasyid's brotherShariman's Thewitnessanswered that he onlywanted friend. to tell Sharimanthat an incidenthad hapHe claimedthat althoughhe had beento penednearhis house,which wasabout10m Aminulrasyid's houseseveraltimes,he had away. never seeR the white Iswara Aeroback ZafrullahAhmadsaidSharimancalledhim before. at 8am to sayhis youngerbrotherhadgone CounselM.M. Athimulan argued that missingalongwith hissister'scar. "l recountedwhat I saw to Shariman. ZafrullahAhmadknewthatAminulrasvid was He was dumbstruck" said ZafrullahAhmad,addingthat hemadea police reporttwo to threedayslater. DPPsAdilla Ahmadand Siti RohaidaChe Hamidalsoappeared fortheprosecution while' Athimulan,SalimBashir,HalimAshgarandK. Rajoorepresented KplJenain. Watchingbrief for Aminulrasyid'sfamily wasSangeet KaurDeo. I Thehearingcontinues today. J