12.18.15 redhawk 3 - Saint Rose of Lima Catholic Church
12.18.15 redhawk 3 - Saint Rose of Lima Catholic Church
Saint Rose of Lima Catholic School 2072 N. Hamline Avenue Roseville, MN 55113 651.646.3832 Fax: 651.647.6437 www.mysaintrose.net Upcoming Events Sunday, 12/20 Monday, 12/21 Tuesday, 12/22 Youth Ministry Ugly Christmas Sweater Party, 3-5PM in Youth Rm. Red & Green Non-Uniform Dress Day! Get Your Merry On! Advent Mass (Uniform Required!), 8 AM, PPE preparing; Last Day of School Before Break Wednesday, 12/23 Christmas Break! Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! Monday, 1/4 Classes Resume ~ Welcome back! Tuesday, 1/5 Davanni’s Night, 4-7PM Wednesday, 1/6 Epiphany Mass followed by Honor Roll Ceremony, 8AM, Grade 8 Preparing Thursday, 1/7—10 Saint Rose/K of C 8th Grade Girls & Boys Basketball Tournament Friday, 1/8 Last Day to Send in Box Tops or Labels for Education for Contest Thursday, 1/14 Home & School Meeting, 7PM, Teachers’ Lounge Friday, 1/15 Catholic United Financial Raffle Monday, 1/18 School Closed for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Tuesday, 1/19 SAC Meeting, 7PM in the Teachers’ Lounge Wednesday 1/20 All School Mass, 8AM, Grade 2 Preparing Friday, 1/22 Mid-trimester Sunday, 1/31 Opening Catholic Schools Week Mass, 10AM, followed by Open House & Science Fair Tuesday, 2/2 Davanni’s Night from 4-7PM Wednesday, 2/3 All School Mass, 8AM, Grade 4 Preparing Thursday, 2/4 PreK-8 Open House, 6:30PM Friday, 2/5 Talent Show; Science Fair Awards From the Principal’s Desk ~ Mr. Blomgren Dear Families, Merry Christmas! I continue to thank God for allowing me to be a part of such a wonderful school. As I write this article, we are in the middle of Concert Week. These music programs were a very special way for us to celebrate Christ's birth as a school community. The children shined brightly in every performance and made us all so very proud of their efforts. Thank you for joining us this week! We have a lot to be thankful for, and even more to look forward to as we enter 2016. The new year will bring us a variety of opportunities as we continue to develop and advance our programs, and explore how, working with each of you, we can continue to make a difference in the lives of our children. We remain grateful to God for His presence in our lives and His many blessings bestowed on Saint Rose. For now, my message to all of you is simple: have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! May your holidays be blessed, and may you be safe in all of your travels. We will see you in January! Mr. B School News Don we now our red and green apparel… RED AND GREEN FREE DRESS DAY Monday, December 21 Have a cool Yule—get your merry on! PLEASE NOTE: Tuesday, December 22 is our Advent Mass Day. Uniforms are Required! Saint Rose ROCKED at the Catholic School Quiz Bowl On Wednesday, December 16, four of our eighth graders, accompanied by Ms. Twohy, participated in the Catholic School Quiz Bowl at the University of Saint Thomas. Our students made it to the Championship Round for the first time in Redhawk history, and ended the bowl with a ranking of 19 out of 20 in the Championship Round—19 out of 44 overall! #awesomeisasawesomedoes (Left to Right): Sebastian, Michael, Molly, and Auggie are deep in thought… #nailedthemathquestion From Our Family to Yours ~ The Administration, Faculty, and Staff of Saint Rose of Lima Catholic School wishes you the wonders of a Christmas blessed with the Christ Child’s gifts of Peace, Joy, and Love. A very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you! God bless us, every one! YOU COULD BE HERE! (and what a great place to be!) GUEST TEACHERS are needed at Saint Rose. We are looking for adults with Essential 3 Clearances who would like to fill in for our teachers on an as needed basis. A bachelor’s degree is required; classroom experience is preferred, but training will be provided. Please send resume and cover letter to: Mr. Mark Blomgren, Principal Saint Rose of Lima Catholic School 2072 Hamline Avenue N. Roseville, MN 55113 School News LAST CHRISTMAS FOR THE RED CARD! Use your Target REDcard to save 5% on all your purchases and Target will donate 1% of each purchase to Saint Rose of Lima School! Enter our School ID# 9085 in your Target REDcard account and give a gift that gives back! Since Target launched Take Charge of Education, over 200 REDcard holders have raised over $87,500 for Saint Rose of Lima School! Login into your REDcard account, enter our School ID #9085, and Target will donate 1% of your purchase to Saint Rose of Lima School each time you shop with your Target REDcard. Take Charge of Education ends on 5/14/2016. Click http:// www.target.com/redcard/main to learn more. CATHOLIC UNITED RAFFLE On January 15, Saint Rose will join many Catholic schools across Minnesota and begin our participation in the 2016 Annual Catholic United Financial (CUF) Raffle. CUF works to promote Catholic Schools and spearheads this fundraiser wherein every dollar that is raised goes back to the participating school. No administrative funds are taken from your donations. We have exciting news to share with you about our 4-Year-Old Prekindergarten Program! Beginning next September, our traditional M/W/F option will continue, but we will offer expanded PreK 4 and Extended Day opportunities. Our new “Five Day a Week” PreK program will include extra enrichment activities, including additional time in computer, gym, music, and Spanish classes. We will continue to provide a quality educational experience within a caring and loving environment. When you enroll your child in our 4-Year-Old Prekindergarten Program, you will be able to combine the following options to create a full day schedule from Monday through Friday: PreK Extended Day Care – 7AM-8:30AM 5 Day a Week Prekindergarten – 8:30AM-11AM PreK Extended Day Care – 11AM – 5:30PM (with the option to purchase Hot Lunch) Total costs for the combined program, which would cover care from 7AM-5:30PM, Monday through Friday, would be approximately $250/week. Extended Day opportunities can also be combined After Christmas break, we will send home with our traditional M/W/F program, and can be information on the raffle prizes that can be won by scheduled in three hour increments if a full day is schools and students. not required. Our goal is to create a program that can fit the needs of your family. Saint Rose of Lima Catholic School would like to thank Catholic United Financial for this wonderful opportunity! As always, we extend our thanks to YOU—our families and friends—for your continued support of the mission of Catholic education here at Saint Rose of Lima. Sing we Noel! Sing we joyously Noel! On Tuesday, December 15, the Saint Rose of Lima School family was treated to a concert performed by our Kindergarten through Grade 8 students. Led by our own Linn Ahrendt, the children wowed the audience with their beautiful and joyful choral program that really ushered in the Christmas Season. Many thanks to Linn and the children for all of their hard work. The concert was truly a gift of Christmas Spirit to all of us present that evening! Sing a song of Christmas! It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Enjoy the sights of the Season here at Saint Rose! PreK’s Glitter Snow Globes and Christmas Trees and First Grade’s Advent Calendars Second Grade’s Animal Report featuring some frosty friends! Saint Rose folks hard at work — and posing for the occasional photo opp! Enjoying the Gifts of the Spirit with Our Spirit Partners Prekindergarten and Grade 5 enjoying Advent fun, a candy craft, and even some gift giving! Steaming Ahead With STEM Mrs. Rossini’s Grade 8 Science students are utilizing the Scientific Method and putting their skills and hypotheses to the test in preparation for this year’s Science Fair. Come and see the Science Fair on display in the cafeteria on Sunday, January 31, after the 10AM Mass. The Redhawk Reporter bets you’ll learn something from our young scientists’ work! Called to Service Giving. It does a heart & soul good! For an Advent project, Ms. Marshall’s Third Grade donated money, cake mix, and frosting to our Birthday Bank project. The result? A whopping $60 in cash as well as over 25 boxes of cake mix and containers of frosting were collected! #serviceiswhatwedo A Gift From the Heart On December 9, on behalf of Saint Rose of Lima Catholic School, Mr. B accepted a $250 donation from our new fifth grader, Marek. Turn the page to read Marek’s own words. Saint Rose of Lima Catholic School says, “Thank you for your efforts, generous gift, and kind spirit, Marek! ” A Gift From the Heart In His Own Words: Marek Says It Best Saint Rose of Lima Catholic School Building faith, education, and community since 1940 75th Anniversary Diamond Jubilee UPDATE During this holiday season, we would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your financial support of Saint Rose of Lima Catholic School. Our 75th Anniversary Diamond Jubilee fundraising goal is $75,000. We are very pleased to share that we are currently at $71,000! We continue to be blessed by the support of our Saint Rose community and beyond. The purpose for our Jubilee Fund remains steadfast. Monies raised will be used to enhance curriculum, bring additional technology into the classrooms to support and enhance the learning experience, and provide professional development opportunities for our teachers. Thanks to your generosity, we are working on several objectives in these areas, including our recent purchase of a mobile technology charging station and 20 Chromebooks that will be shared by students within the school. Additionally, a new server has been brought in to help us meet the demands of this new equipment. While our technology funding continues to flow from the 75th Jubilee Fund, we have also applied for a grant to help us defray some of the administrative and structural costs that go along with this. We are proud of our achievements, but have yet to attain our goal. If you or someone you know would like to contribute to our efforts, you may donate online at www.mysaintroset.net, mail your donation to the school, or personally deliver it to our school or parish center office. If you have questions or would like to discuss donation opportunities, we also invite you to contact our school principal, Mr. Mark Blomgren, at 651.646.3832. We sincerely appreciate your ongoing support as we work together to continue the wonderful tradition that is Saint Rose of Lima Catholic School. We are Saint Rose Strong! The Next Chapter... Thanks to the efforts of many and the support of the Saint Rose community, we will have many more books on our school library shelves for our students come January. Over 70 books were purchased for our library by book fair guests on Saturday, December 5! Additionally, our school library will receive approximately 20% of the $14,000 in purchases that guests made in honor of Saint Rose. We will use a portion of that to purchase even more books, and keep the remaining monies to help purchase other library supplies as needed throughout the school year. This is truly outstanding! We are grateful to everyone who joined us at the book fair or who participated by purchasing items on-line. We would also like to thank our amazing library volunteers who continue to bless us with their talents, their love of reading, and their incredible support of our school. Saint Rose and Corpus Christi parishioners Diane Simmons, Sherrie Lamb, and Sue Colten will be entering all of our new books into the computer, covering books that have paper-sleeves, and getting the books into the hands of our students by displaying them in our school library. In addition to entering all of the books into our computer, they work many hours each month shelving books, reading to our students, and teaching the library curriculum. We are so thankful for our many library blessings. If you would like to support literacy at Saint Rose by volunteering in our school library, please contact our school office at 651.646.3832. Hours can be flexible and it’s a wonderful way to be a part of the school action. ~ Tammy Thompson Yes, Virginia, we HAD a Book Fair! “‘New books for the shelves—that’s good news to be sure… and money to buy library supplies and more …” Artist Appreciation: Our Own Young Rembrandt! Congratulations to fourth grader Siobhan Wheaton for having been chosen as a Young Rembrandts Star Artist! Her instructor, Tara Tieso, states: “Siobhan has a great sense of color and her work is always both creative … and carefully and thoughtfully done.” You can see Siobhan’s award-winning work on Young Rembrandt’s website: www.youngrembrandts.com/twincities/default.aspx. Click on the Student Showcase box to find the drawing. Siobhan’s work is also featured in the Star Artist album on Young Rembrandt’s Facebook page. Go to: www.facebook.com/pages/Young-Rembrandts-TwinCities/192877743508. Click on Photos, then on Albums, scroll to find the album, and then click on it to open the gallery. Young Rembrandts teaches art classes after school here at Saint Rose. There are new lessons every week. Watch for the next class flyer in the Redhawk! Saint Rose Girl Scouts and the Giving Tree Girl Scout Troop 53633 would like to thank the Saint Rose community for their support of the 2015 Giving Tree. Through your thoughtfulness, we collected over 1000 items, $2205 in various gift cards, and $600 for Holy Hammers. Members of the Union Gospel Mission and the Theresa Living Center were overwhelmed by the generosity of our parish! Our girls are pictured at the Theresa Living Center in East St. Paul after delivering a car load of gifts! (Back Row, L to R): Delvena (board member), Emma Radenbaugh, Nicole Sammon, Jenna Schell, Mary Zanders, Executive Director (Seated): Kalina Fitzgerald, Anna Caspers holding baby Hussan, Genevieve Payne School News The winter cold and snow are finally here! Paul Revere Redhawk says, “The Chromebooks are HERE! The Chromebooks are HERE!” DON’T let THIS happen to your child! Check out the link below for this 21st century teaching/learning tool that will soon be in our students’ hands! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVqe8ieqz10 DO make your sure your child comes to school with warm winter outerwear!! Sign, sign, everywhere a sign! If you have a Saint Rose yard sign, please make sure it’s displayed in your yard for all to see. If you don’t have one, stop by the office for your FREE sign. Let your neighbors know #WeAreSaintRose All the little birdies go “Tweet, Tweet,” and so does the Redhawk! Follow us on Twitter @StRoseRedhawk and “like” us on Facebook! https://twitter.com/StRoseRedhawk https://www.facebook.com/pages/Saint-Rose-of-LimaCatholic-School/1431959933692566 Interested in Volunteering at Saint Rose? Thank you for offering to volunteer at Saint Rose of Lima Catholic School! The Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis has enacted policies that ensure our children are kept safe. All adults who come into contact with minors in a Catholic school need to have completed the following before they can volunteer: Attend a three-hour VIRTUS class on the protection of children and youth. Pass a background screening. Forms are available at school. Sign a Volunteer Code of Conduct form, also available at school. VIRTUS classes are offered regularly in the Archdiocese throughout the year. Online registration for the VIRTUS classes can be found at www.virtus.org. Advance registration is required. Please designate Saint Rose of Lima as the parish in which you are volunteering. Thank you. Home & School Association News PUT THIS ON YOUR CALENDAR: Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, January 14, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the teachers’ lounge, directly across from the school office on the main floor of the school. Everyone is welcome! If you can’t make attend and have suggestions or ideas to share, please feel free to send an email to any Home & School committee member. We will be happy to discuss it at our meeting and get back to you. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! A Christmas Card to Our Saint Rose Family Saint Rose Home & School Association would like to thank all of our families, parishioners, and friends who baked and/or purchased goodies at our Bake Sale last weekend! With your support, Home and School earned $1,019.00, which will be used to support programs at school. A very special thank you is extended to Karen Wheaton for all of her hard work organizing and running the bake sale! We greatly appreciate our many parent and student volunteers for their help wrapping and selling the goodies, and setting up the bake sale space. Thank you! As an expression of the season, We want to extend to you, Our appreciation for all your work, Your time and effort too For we acknowledge your input Is great in our children's lives, So we want you to know we value you And that you're valued by Christ. © M.S. Lowndes We would like to thank Mr. Blomgren and our amazing teachers, staff, and volunteers for all that you bring to our school each day. We wish you a joyous Christmas celebrating faith, hope, and love with your family and friends. ~ Saint Rose Home & School Association For more information about volunteer opportunities, please contact Amy Michel from the Home & School board at ammichel10@gmail.com To sign up to help, please click on this link to get started: www.saintroseoflima.net/ volunteer-opportunities Saint Rose Youth Ministry News Can we build it? YES WE CAN! Our Youth Ministry Room is getting a face lift! Over the next month or so, some fun and fresh changes will be taking place as we turn the room into a contemporary gathering space for our Youth Ministry fellowship. Members will even have the opportunity to “make their mark” on the room with artwork and DIY crafts — it’s all very exciting! We are blessed that Mrs. Tammy Thompson has agreed to consult with us on the process. Thank you, Tammy! To this end, we are looking for donations of two café or bistro sets (tables and chairs) that we can use in the room. We’re happy to do the pick-up! We would also gratefully accept any goodwill monetary donations to be used in refurbishing the space. We also need a birch tree branch—about four feet long (see left) — for which we have special plans. If you can help us with these items, please contact UPCOMING EVENTS Sunday, 12/20 SALT celebrates Christmas with our UGLY CHRISTMAS SWEATER PARTY from 3-5PM in the Youth Room! Sunday, 1/17 JUNIOR HIGH OPEN GYM, 1-2:30PM. Come for Open Gym; stay for SALT from 3-4:30PM! Sunday, 1/24 SALT, 3-4:30PM *SALT gatherings take place in the Youth Room (Door #5 in the school parking lot) Questions? Contact Stefanie Wetzel at swetzel@saintroseoflima.net Merry Christmas, Youth Ministry Families! Thank you for your support in this time of transition in the Youth Ministry. I’ve enjoyed working to program activities that will engage, enlighten, and create social and service learning opportunities for our young people. I’m looking forward to a wonderful new year with them! ~ Stefanie Wetzel ADULTS: Youth Ministry relies on adults with Essential 3 Clearances (Virtus training/ background checks/signed volunteer code of conduct) in order to have our events and meetings. We NEED your presence. If you can spare a few hours here and there for an event or SALT meeting, you will be helping us grow our program and make a lasting impact on the lives of our youth ministry members. Please consider helping us help our kids. No clearances? No problem. I’ll help you get the ball rolling. HIGH SCHOOL TEENS: Youth Ministry is looking for additional Peer Ministers to partner with our 7th & 8th grade members. This is a great opportunity for service hours and looks terrific on college applications! For more info, contact Stefanie Wetzel at swetzel@saintroseoflima.net. Like Saint Rose Youth Ministry! https://www.facebook.com/Saint-Rose-of-Lima-Youth-Ministry-263322563684003/ Community News MOMS’ FELLOWSHIP High School Information for 7th and 8th Grade Families All Saint Rose and Corpus Christi Parish and Saint Rose School moms are invited to join in a circle of warm friendship and warm drinks! We are at-home moms and moms who work outside our homes, and moms with children from babies to grown. We’ll share meals and practical support when you have a new child or a family emergency. We generally meet once a month for an evening out or for morning coffee. Event notices are emailed on a monthly basis, but a general schedule for the year is provided below. This year we will meet in the Roseville Public Library Kids’ Room for Morning Out Fridays. Moms’ Night Out locations may change, so keep an eye out for details. We’re happy to see you whenever you can make it! Our next morning out is Friday, 1/8 and our next night out is Friday, 1/28; mark you calendar now! For information and to be put on our email list, please contact: Jenny Martineau, jltish@hotmail.com; 651-470-1083 Jessica Miller, millers1528@comcast.net; 651-492-9091 Amy Lamb, amy_c_lamb@me.com; 612-325-2671 2015-2016 DATES MORNINGS OUT at 10 AM: 1/8, 2/12, 4/8, 5/13 Visitation School, located at 2455 Visitation Drive in Mendota Heights, will host an Open House for prospective Upper School (grades 912) families on Tuesday, January 5 at 7 p.m. We invite you to spend this time with us to learn more about all that Visitation School has to offer. For more information, visit our website or call 651-683-1700. MOMS’ NIGHT OUT at 7:30 PM: 1/28, 3/31, 5/19 **These events are not sponsored by Saint Rose of Lima Church or Saint Rose of Lima Catholic School.** News You Can Use If you are not a parishioner at Saint Rose of Lima Church, or were not able to join us for Mass last weekend, please use this link to view a copy of the Sunday bulletin for December 12 & 13. You can also sign up to be notified each week when a new bulletin is available. Hot Lunch If you have any questions regarding your child’s lunch account balance, please call Nutrition Services Manager, Stacey Gaetz, between the hours of 9:00 AM-12:30 PM at 651.357.1232 , or you can email her at stacey.gaetz@isd623.org. Saint Rose of Lima School contracts with Roseville Area Schools to provide a K-8 hot lunch program. Monthly menus are sent home in advance and are available on the school website, and MAIN or ALTERNATE meals are available each day. The cost for a hot lunch is $2.80 for K-8. Hot lunch includes milk. If milk is purchased separately, the cost is $0.50 a carton. Checks for hot lunch should be made payable to Roseville Area Schools or RAS. Free and Reduced Lunch Program When the weather outside is frightful, the Redhawk wants you to be prepared! In the event of extreme cold or snow, Saint Rose will follow the lead of Roseville Area School District in closing the school. If ROSEVILLE AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT IS CLOSED, SAINT ROSE WILL BE CLOSED. Ultimately, it’s the parents’ and guardians’ choice whether to send their child to school in inclement weather. We will continue to notify our school families of our decision to close via the news media (the announcement will come under “Roseville Area School District”), Facebook, Twitter, e-mail, and our school website. In case of a school closure, there will be someone at the school to make sure students aren’t mistakenly dropped off. As always, our students’ safety is our top priority. Roseville Area Schools Child Nutrition Program participates in the Federal Free and Reduced Lunch Program. This program serves not only to provide all children in our country a nutritious lunch and/or breakfast, but also is the basis for most federal funding we receive as a school, most importantly our Title One program. The more families who qualify for free and reduced lunch, the more money we receive from the federal government for our educational programs. Even if your child brings a lunch from home, we strongly encourage you to apply if you meet the income guidelines, as our school benefits in many ways from students who qualify for funding. Please click here to see if your family meets the guidelines to apply. If you do meet the financial guidelines, please complete the application on as soon as possible. Please note: All families receiving Tuition Assistance from Saint Rose of Lima must apply for Free and Reduced Lunch if they meet the income guidelines. Pizza. It’s what’s for dinner.